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Valencia City, Bukidnon



Cognitive and metacognitive factors -Students' learning thinking processes,
additionally as their learning strategies and reflections on their thought processes, are
included in this domain. The Learner-Centered Principles, the training process is handiest
when students intentionally construct meaning from information and knowledge, are given
support and guidance over time to construct coherent representations of data, can link new
knowledge with existing knowledge in meaningful ways, and might use and develop various
learning strategies.
1. Nature of the Learning Process- Learning difficult stuff is most useful when it is a conscious
process of extracting meaning from knowledge and experience.
2. Goals of the learning process- Over time, with assistance and instructional supervision, a
successful learner can construct meaningful, coherent representations of information.
3. Construction of knowledge- A successful learner may make meaningful connections
between new material and former knowledge.
4. Strategic thinking- To attain complicated learning goals, a successful learner can develop
and apply a repertoire of thinking and reasoning skills.
5. Thinking about thinking- Creative and important thinking are aided by higher-order
techniques for choosing and monitoring mental operations.
6. Context of learning- Environmental elements, like culture, technology, and instructional
approaches, have a control on learning Students' effort and involvement while learning,
additionally as emotional states, beliefs, and interests that influence learning, fall into this
Students' motivation to find out is natural after they consider the atmosphere to be
supportive and also the information to be meaningful and relevant, consistent with the
Learner-Cantered Principles. Improving student motivation is critical for learning, because it
influences what and the way much is taught. Furthermore, students' affect influences their
motivation, thus assignments that are unique and demanding, relevant to private interests,
and permit personal choice and control boost students' intrinsic motivation.
1. Motivational and emotional influences on learning- The motivation of the learner has an
effect on what and the way much is learned. Emotional states, attitudes, interests and goals,
and cognitive habits all have a control on learning motivation.
2. Intrinsic motivation to learn- Motivation to check is aided by the learner's inventiveness,
higher-order thinking, and innate curiosity. Tasks that are both unique and demanding,
relevant to private interests, and permit for private choice and control elicit intrinsic drive.
3. Effects of motivation on effort- Extensive learner effort and guided practice are required
for the acquisition of complicated knowledge and skills. The will to exert this effort without
coercion is unlikely without learners' motivation to find out.
C. Developmental and social factors
This domain relates to a student's prior experiences and readiness to be told, in
addition as interpersonal relationships between and among students, teachers, and
facilitators, all of which influence current learning. Students have diverse prior learning
experiences and opportunities, and that they are at varied developmental levels in their
intellectual, emotional, physical, and social development, consistent with the concepts during
this area. More practical activities take into consideration these variances between and
between pupils. Additionally, students' pleasant interactions and private relationships with
other students and important adults have a bearing on their learning.
1. Developmental influence on learning- Individuals confront a spread of learning
opportunities as they mature, still as a spread of learning obstacles. When development is
differentiated within and in between physical, cognitive, emotional, and social domains,
learning is most successful. Social factors influence learning. Social interactions, interpersonal
relationships, and communication with others all have an impression on learning.
D. Individual differences factors.
The distinctions between and within pupils that influence learning are remarked
during this sector. Individual students have varied learning strategies and skills counting on
their backgrounds and prior learning experiences, consistent with the Learner-Centered
Principles. More successful instructional approaches take under consideration these
variances in strategies and skills, moreover as differences in culture and background.
Furthermore, setting suitable high standards and expectations for individual students, also as
monitoring students' progress toward those standards, are critical components of learning.
1. Individual differences in learning - Students have diverse learning tactics, techniques, and
capabilities supported past experiences and genetics.
2. Learning and diversity- When disparities in learners' language, cultural, and social
backgrounds are taken into consideration, learning becomes more efficient.
3. Standards and assessment- The learning process includes establishing appropriate high and
demanding standards, yet as assessing the learner's and learning progress - including
diagnostic, process, and outcome evaluations.

Cognitive and metacognitive would be that it speaks for its own word. This
concentrates on the learners' minds how we gain knowledge on our own, and what
we think about thinking. The first principle in the category of cognitive and metacognitive
is the “nature of the learning process”, and I believe it is fair to think that learning could
really come to us naturally or intentionally without even being forced to learn by anyone,
because being compelled to learn or do something may not be effective for us. In view of
the fact and based on my experience, learning by force does not really help me to
be an active, goal-directed, and self-regulating person because I am deprived of what
I want. I think that as I would-be teacher it is important to know about the Principles, as I
would also be the facilitator of learning and guide learners in order for them to construct
their own knowledge without compromising and spoon feeding all the information to the
learners so that they can discover on their own. As well as utilizing methods to help students
create purpose based on relevant data, experiences, and their own views and opinions.

The second principle, which is the "goal of the learning process," truly helps to the
development of the learners, particularly because we all have different principles,
priorities, and interests in life, and it is necessary that we are given instructional guidance
and support to our goals, which may contribute in meaningful learning for the student,
educator, or an individual. It is also important for me as a future educator to establish and
align my goals with full respect and understanding for the learners' various interests and

The third principle in this category is "construction of knowledge," which provides

me with more information on how someone like me, a future educator, can link information
to my students. It is essential to review the previous lesson before providing students with
new knowledge or information so that we can connect their previous knowledge about the
topic to the new ones. I as well consider the methods mentioned in the article for obtaining
a substantive construction of knowledge, such as concept mapping, organization,
and categorizing, which I have found very useful on my learning journey because I've been
utilizing these methods to interconnect my previous knowledge to new ones.

The fourth principle under the first category is “strategic thinking” which I think we
future educators should focus on higher thinking skills such as applying, assessing,
developing, and evaluating the learners strategic learning skills. Committing to continuous
learning and self-improvement helps us establish strategic thinking skills. I also think that
strategic thinkers do not ignore any potential sources of education, whether it is
learning through our own life experience, the perspectives of others, books lectures,
networks, conventions, or sophomore peers. The fifth principle, which is part of
metacognition, is "thinking about thinking." It took a while for it to sink in that it was just
like gaining knowledge about learning, which is great for us learners and future
educators if we internalize and cultivate this principle within ourselves.
We learner especially during this time of pandemic, need to discover on
our own and fully comprehend what the lesson is all about even though we
can't always direct our concerns and thoughts to the teachers, so we may also need to
learn how to apply these principles to our development. In fact, educators play an
important role in the development of students. We could use methods of instruction that
put emphasis on assisting learners in developing these higher-order strategies in
order to improve learning and personal obligation for learning. The last principle for the
first category is the “context of learning”. This last principle is extremely beneficial
not only to the learning and development of the learners.

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