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Vol.95 - No 32 Pages 92 Rs. 150.00 







GRACE PERIOD TO closing date
Kurunegala corr.

The Education Ministry has ex-

tended the closing date of accept-
ing applications to admit Grade
One students to Government
schools for the year 2023 follow-
ing requests by a large number of
parents. The deadline has been
The Finance Ministry has de- without any legal impediment or to people to deposit any amount not have to disclose how they posit that money into a Resident extended till August 15, 2022. The
cided to give a one-month grace restrictions. of foreign currencies earned came into possession of such for- Foreign Currency (RFC) Account earlier deadline was to end on Au-
period to deposit in licensed Finance Ministry sources through foreign employment, eign currency and there will not or convert them into Sri Lankan gust 1, this year.
commercial banks any amount said this measure was referred to tourism, various other programs be any penalties for not declaring Rupees (LKR) and then deposit in Education Ministry Secretary
of undisclosed foreign currencies President and Finance Minister and overseas training and work- them earlier. a normal Rupee account in any li- M.N. Ranasinghe in a special cir-
including US Dollars and UK Ster- Ranil Wickremesinghe’s approval shops and which they still have The sources said according censed commercial bank. cular has informed Provincial Di-
ling Pounds earned by Sri Lankan on Friday, August 5. in their possession during this to the new measure, an opportu- After the completion of this rectors of Education countrywide
citizens through various channels An opportunity will be given grace period. However, they will nity will be given for them to de- grace period, SEE PAGE 2 on the new deadline.


Candidates should apply
online before August 19
By S.M. Wijayaratne, nation - 2022 should submit their
Kurunegala corr applications online to the Exami-
nations Department on or before
Education Ministry Secretary August 19.
M.N. Ranasinghe has informed School candidates should sub-
school heads countrywide that all mit their applications through
school and private candidates who their school heads while private
intend to sit the GCE (AL) exami- candidates should SEE PAGE 2

Sri Lanka, US pledge to

strengthen cooperation
US Secretary of State Antony J. moment of challenge and crisis;
Blinken and Foreign Minister Ali the United States of America has
Sabry, PC, who met on the side- worked hard to step in to support
lines of the ASEAN Summit in Sri Lanka in this moment. We have
Cambodia, reiterated their com- provided assistance to the value of
A cycle parade traversed in front of Dharmasoka College, Ambalangoda on Friday to promote cycling among students to attend school daily due to
mitment to stronger US-Sri Lanka about US$ 179 million of one kind
the hardships they face on account of the fuel crisis and lack of public transport. The cycle parade organised by the Board of Prefects of the school
ties as the latter seeks solutions to or another, including loans and
commenced at the Galle Road near Dharmasoka College to spread the message to other schools in the Ambalangoda town.
its economic crisis. direct support, since June. But in
Pic: Karandeniya group corr. Anuradha Priyadharshana
Secretary of State Blinken crisis there is also an opportunity,
said, “Obviously, Sri Lanka is in a and SEE PAGE 2


people return home Anti-Govt elements hell-bent

By Chamikara Weerasinghe

Hundreds of people who had

agement Centre (DMC) Assistant
Director Pradeep Kodippili told
the Sunday Observer yesterday.
Meteorology Department, Malith
Fernando said that gusts of strong
winds at 50 to 70 kilometres per
on ruining future of youth
been displaced by the recent
strong winds and heavy rains are
now returning to their homes with
The Meteorology Department,
according to Kodippili, forecasts
that strong winds would last for
hour are expected in the seas but
not on land.
He said that the strong winds
- Sarath Weerasekera
the floods receding, Disaster Man- some time. Duty Officer at the would gradually subside SEE PAGE 2 By S.M. Wijayaratne, The sole responsibility of par-
Kurunegala corr. ents who really love their children

Oil prices slump to its lowest

is to prevent them from joining
SLPP Colombo District Par- such violent demonstrations as
liamentarian and former Public unpatriotic leaders behind these
Global oil prices dropped on rel after touching a mid-session Security Minister Rear Admiral demonstrations provoke youth to
Thursday to their lowest levels – low of $93.20, the lowest since (Retd) Sarath Weerasekera said commit crime by ruining public
prior to Russia’s February invasion February 21. West Texas Interme- that certain anti-Government el- properties and harassing peace-
of Ukraine as traders fretted over diate (WTI) crude futures settled ements are trying to make the loving people, MP Weerasekera
the possibility of an 2.3 percent lower at $88.54 per future of the country’s younger told the Sunday Observer.
economic recession barrel, after touching the lowest generation bleak by demanding The former Minister said,
later this year that since February 3. the youth to come to Colombo on “There will be nobody to save mis-
could torpedo energy Brent crude futures ended the day The fall in oil prices could August 9 to engage in violent dem- guided youngsters when they be-
demand. Benchmark 2.75 percent lower at $94.12 a bar- come as a relief to SEE PAGE 2 onstrations. come helpless SEE PAGE 2
2 Sunday ObServer auguSt 7, 2022


President International business Council Kosala Wickramanayake

a fleet of four electric three wheelers powered by solar energy was deployed for bMICH visitors donated by the Korean energy agency as assistance
met the Indonesian ambassador devi gustina tobing on thursday.
to Sri Lanka through the Sri Lanka Sustainable energy authority. the project was designed to use solar Pv installation at the bMICH to operate an
august 4.
electric vehicle charging station. the four e- trikes will be initially used to provide in- compound transport to visitors.

Commemorating 70 years of the Queen BOC’s special deposit schemes

By Chatura Vidyaratne
from London for a secure tomorrow
There has never been a time unexpected and urgent fund require-
To commemorate 70 outstand- where citizens could come to a com- ments.
ing years of the Queen on the throne, mon understanding that the success Bank of Ceylon Deputy General
there had been various events across of an individual strongly depends on Manager (Branch Operations and De-
from across the country to participate the foreground of the country’s eco- velopment Banking), Priyal Silva said
in a series of exciting events and ac- nomic development projection. And that innovative deposit products are
tivities to celebrate. inadvertently the development of critical to cultivate and promote sav-
London was leading the celebra- any community or country strongly ings among the public in order to ele-
tions. More than the youth, the el- depends on individual contribution vate their own financial well-being as
derly enjoyed the occasion. It was and values upheld by all such indi- well as the country’s future economic
noticeable that many care homes in viduals. outlook.
the country organised various parties. Addressing the pressing need “Bank of Ceylon has always been
The residents, staff and their relatives The Maria Mallaband Country- events with food, music and dancing. to promote thrift and saving habits a pioneer in cultivating and promot-
joined these celebrations. Those who wide Group also organised several Their manager, Natalie St Lewis and among Sri Lankans, the country ‘s ing the habit of saving among the
are over the age of 70 enjoyed it the events. One of their nursing homes, Deputy Manager Cathriona Ni Chi- No.1 Bank, Bank of Ceylon strongly bank of Ceylon, deputy general public through various initiatives
most. The respect and love they have Knight’s Court Nursing Home in Edg- ardha were instrumental in organis- encourages all citizens to engage and programs over the time. Our
Manager (branch Operations and
for the monarch was very noticeable. ware, London organised spectacular ing the party. with the banking stream in whatever main objective has always been on
way possible to build up their indi- development banking), Priyal providing maximum benefits to the
vidual savings along with day-to-day Silva. customer.
Flashback… thrift habits.
While encouraging all Sri Lank- ings that give lower return. Further,
We took steps to introduce a
range of innovative deposit prod-
Monday marks the ans for their contribution to the ini- it also acts as a cushion for the public ucts which includes ‘100 Days Invest-
64th anniversary tiative towards building a financially to protect the real value of their mon- ment scheme’,‘ 200 Days investment
of nationalising the secured future, the Bank extends an ey under the current high inflation- scheme’ and BOC Double Your In-
open invitation to take the advantage ary environment. vestment’ special fixed deposit prod-
Colombo Port by the
of its special deposit schemes that’s Similarly, Bank of Ceylon has ucts in transforming the saving expe-
then government designed to yield a satisfying and a come up with a ‘200 Days Invest- riences of our customers. By placing
led by the Sri Lanka secured return for their hard earned ment scheme’ which can be opened their hard-earned savings in one of
Freedom Party. the money during these volatile times. with a Rs.500, 000 minimum de- these special saving schemes, our
picture shows the Among a number of deposit posit and comes with attractive customers will have the opportunity
Head of State – Prime schemes, Bank of Ceylon ‘100 Days returns and other benefits. The to successfully emerge from the cur-
Minister S.W.r.d. Investment Scheme’ has emerged public can subscribe to ‘200 Days rent economic crisis and continue to
bandaranayaka as one of the unique and popular Investment scheme’ in three invest- calibrate to their life aspirations. At
addressing the savings propositions among its cus- ment plans that includes Rs.500,000 a macro scale, I believe such innova-
historic meeting held tomers and within the banking and to Rs. 1,499,999, Rs.1,500,000 to tive deposit schemes will contribute
financial industry. It offers a compel- Rs.2,499,999 and above Rs.2,500,000 to elevate the economic outlook of
on august 8, 1958.
ling value preposition to earn high in order to enjoy higher short-term the country,” he said.
and secure returns on investments return on their investments with Bank of Ceylon, the premier fi-
within a period of 100 days. The bank guaranteed security for their depos- nancial services organization in Sri
has been continuously improving the its. For the investors who are looking Lanka, was also awarded the coveted
Candidates should apply... From page 1 deposit product with a view to extend to make higher returns over a longer title of “Bank of the Year 2021 – Sri
the benefits of this unique invest- time period,’ BOC Double Your In- Lanka” by “The Banker Magazine
ment opportunity to a larger popu- vestment’ offers to double the invest- UK”. The prestigious award was be- so personally. school candidates under the patronage antha appointed 155 newly qualified lation, while enhancing the benefits ment within just a four year period. stowed in recognition of the bank’s
Details on how to apply for this of resource persons of State Universi- school principals last week. They had of this industry pioneering deposit With a minimum of Rs.1,000, 000 contribution to uplifting the lives of
public examination are now available ties and examination-oriented sup- passed the Limited School Principals’ product to its customers. According- investment, the public can join this all Sri Lankans, while fulfilling its
on the website . The GCE port seminars for school candidates competitive examination of 2018-2019 ly, this has been re-launched under scheme to double their investment at duty as the premier state bank. This
(AL) examination - 2022 is due to be on the 24 main subjects to cover lost conducted by the Examinations De- three investment plans starting from the end of four-year maturity period. award adds yet another title to the
held countrywide from November 28 study sessions due to the Covid-19 pan- partment,” Kurunegala District Senior a minimum deposit of Rs.500,000. Therefore, BOC Double Your Invest- multi-award- winning bank that has
to December 23. The Education Minis- demic during the past several months. Director of Education W.M. Balasoori- The three investment plans in- ment’ in no doubt is the most attrac- been listed in the Top 1,000 Banks in
try will hold free support seminars for “Education Minister Susil Premajay- ya told the Sunday Observer. clude Rs.500,000 to Rs. 1,499,999, tive investment proposition for such the World ranking, with a country
Rs.1,500,000 to Rs.2,499,999 and investors for highest-yielding secure ranking of No. 1, again by “The Bank-
above Rs.2,500,000. The short-term returns. er” magazine, UK. Brand “BOC” is
Floods recede-displaced... From page 1 investment opportunity presents a
rare opportunity for the public to
In addition, these deposit hold-
ers also have the opportunity of bor-
named as the No. 1 Banking Brand in
Sri Lanka by Brand Finance (lk). The
gain the maximum benefit of the rowing up to 90 percent of the depos- bank has been rated at AA- (lka) by
on land next week. “Wind speeds slopes and roads, according to Di- and provided them with food and prevailing high interest rate by sim- ited amount in this scheme, within the Fitch Rating (Lanka), which was
on land are expected to range be- saster Management Centre sources. shelter for a week. They are return- ply placing their idling-money or sav- the maturity period in order to meet reaffirmed in the month of July 2021.
tween 40 and 50 kilometres per Three people died in Am- ing to their homes as the situation
hour.” bagamuwa, Nuwara Eliya, one in improves, Kodippili said.
The rains would also cease, he Pasbagekorale, Kandy and the other According to DMC’s hazard map-
said adding, “You probably got the
last of heavy rains on Friday and Sat-
in Kalthota, Ratnapura.
According to Kodippili, the worst
ping, strong winds and rains dam-
aged over 600 homes and buildings
Oil prices slump to its... From page 1
urday.” affected districts are Nuwara Eliya, since August 1.
The recent strong winds and Ratnapura, Matara and Hamban- Over 140 commercial structures ...large consumer nations such ergy Information Administration Further pressure followed fears
floods caused by heavy rains affect- tota. were completely or partially de- as the United States and countries said. that rising interest rates could slow
ed over 1,940 families. As part of its disaster manage- stroyed. in Europe that have been urging The demand outlook remains economic activity and limit de-
Five people were killed as a re- ment operations, the Disaster Man- Over 13,700 people have been producers to ramp up output to off- clouded by increasing worries mand for fuel. The Bank of England
sult of floods, failures on high cut agement Centre relocated the dis- affected by the weather across the set tight supplies and combat rag- about an economic slump in the (BoE) raised rates on Thursday and
slopes, and cutting failures of hill placed families to 12 safe locations country since August 1. ing inflation. United States and Europe, debt dis- warned about recession risks.
Oil had surged to well over $120 tress in emerging market econo- An OPEC+ agreement on
a barrel earlier in the year after a mies, and a strict zero Covid-19 Wednesday to raise its output tar-
Anti-Govt elements hell-bent... From page 1 sudden rebound in demand from
the darkest days of the Covid-19
policy in China, the world’s largest
oil importer.
get by just 100,000 barrels per day
(bpd) in September, equivalent to
pandemic combined with supply “A break below $90 is now a 0.1 percent of global demand, was
disruptions stemming from sanc- very real possibility which is quite viewed by some analysts as bearish
...before the law by falling prey Government and they want to topple attacking Parliamentarians and tions on major producer Russia remarkable given how tight the for the market.
to criminals. Lawlessness has to be the Government forcibly and cap- burning houses of MPs countrywide over its invasion of Ukraine. market remains and how little OPEC heavyweights Saudi Ara-
done away with immediately to re- ture power by hook or by crook even and assassinating Parliamentarians Thursday’s selling followed scope there is to relieve that,” said bia and the UAE are also ready to
store the democratic rights of the by committing illegal, violent and cannot be considered as peaceful an unexpected surge in US crude Craig Erlam, senior market analyst deliver a “significant increase” in
people of this country.” anti-democratic acts, he said. acts of protesters. Those are heinous inventories last week. Gasoline at Oanda in London. oil output should the world face
Weerasekera said rebels of any He said a youth who becomes a criminal acts according to the laws stocks, the proxy for demand, also “But recession talk is getting a severe supply crisis this winter,
type should be condemned at all criminal before the law will not be of this country. Can those criminal showed a surprise build as demand louder and should it become real- sources familiar with the think-
times. Those who provoke youth able to get a Police report to get a acts be justified as simple acts of slowed under the weight of gaso- ity, it will likely address some of the ing of the top Gulf exporters said.
against the Government today will Government job. Their close family demonstrators? line prices near $5 a gallon, the En- imbalance.” - CnbC
not come to rescue of youth when members too would be unable to get “I call upon the intelligent youth
they fall into trouble before the law a police report as a result of being of this country not be misguided and
after committing.
Local political elements that are
charged before the law.
He said looting, vandalising or
become puppets of leaders of bank-
rupt political parties and ruin their
Sri Lanka, US pledge... From page 1
now politically bankrupt are behind plundering valuable artefacts of an- future in this moment of crisis,” he
these youth provocations against the tique value at the President’s House, added. ...we will certainly support Sri took over. And I have worked very economy out of the woods, which
Lanka in these efforts – there is closely with your Government in we are going through right now,
an opportunity in this moment my previous capacity both as the and we look forward to work with
to create a more inclusive, repre- Finance Minister and the Justice the US administration through-
Grace period to deposit undeclared... From page 1 sentative, democratic, responsive Minister, and we really appreciate out. We are very thankful for all
Government and to use this crisis the role played by the US in try- the support. In the recent past we
to seize that opportunity to make ing to get an IMF bailout as soon have seen a very high-level delega-
...the law which promulgates Siriwardena who attended a Minis- vid-19 pandemic it used to exceed something very positive out of a as possible and the debt being re- tion visiting Sri Lanka, and then
that only US$ 10,000 (or its equiva- ters’ meeting after Monday’s Cabinet US$ 500 million. The collapse of the very difficult situation. It would structured. we have had several roundtable
lent in any other convertible foreign meeting. tourism industry and lower official stand Sri Lanka in very good stead. “We understand the challeng- discussions and we have had a lot
currency) can be kept in one’s pos- The Government recently imple- remittances spelled doom for the “We are also very supportive es, and in this challenge we also of support for our IMF approach
session without declaration will be mented several measures to encour- Sri Lankan economy, as the country of Sri Lanka and the International understand there are opportuni- from the US Treasury and State
re-implemented. Those unlawfully age the legal remittance of foreign could not find enough dollars to im- Monetary Fund (IMF) working out ties. And one good thing about the Department and from the Govern-
keeping bigger amounts of foreign currency to licensed commercial port essentials including fuel. an arrangement that also needs ap- whole thing is the Sri Lankans have ment in general.
currency will then be liable for pros- banks in Sri Lanka and also unveiled The Government is negotiating propriate debt restructuring that been united in all this and largely “And of course, we cannot for-
ecution. incentives and concessions for expa- with the International Monetary has to be done on an equitable ba- they have been peaceful; there are get USAID which has provided a
The decision to grant this grace triate workers, including a permit to Fund (IMF) for a bailout package sis with all creditors doing what’s no incidents. Basically the whole lot of support during these very
period was taken following a request import electric motorcycles and cars while also seeking assistance from necessary to support Sri Lanka at sort of revolution had taken place, difficult times. I hope you will con-
by Transport, Highways and Mass depending on the value of their USD friendly countries. The shortages this time,” he said. but it had taken place very peace- tinue to provide that support, par-
Media Minister Dr. Bandula Gu- remittances. are also being swiftly addressed by Foreign Minister Sabry, in re- fully. So that is the good part of it. ticularly in some areas of very dif-
nawardena from Central Bank Gov- Monthly remittances now hover the new Government, while warning ply said, “Thank you so much, “We see that there is a huge ficult reforms and we look forward
ernor Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe and around the US$ 275 million mark that complete recovery could take Secretary Blinken, for your warm obligation on our part to put the to working with the US administra-
Finance Ministry Secretary Mahinda per month, whereas prior to the Co- several years. congratulatory messages when I country back on track and get its tion,” he added.
Sunday ObServer auguSt 7, 2022 3


ASLCSCC flays Pelosi Taiwan visit

The Association for Sri Lanka- We believe the move is a provoca- peace. Social and economic devel- standing. But there is no doubt that tries without making unnecessary
China Social and Cultural coopera- tion against the Chinese side, which opment is built through a peaceful such unethical activities will be an trouble.
tion (ASLCSCC), a leading people not only gravely violates the UN Char- world. Such unacceptable actions of obstacle for the betterment of China- ASLCSCC firmly supports the po-
to people friendship with China or- ter and related UN agreements as well United States can lead to more crises US relations. sition of the Chinese Government and
ganisation in South Asia, highly op- as the one-China principle widely rec- and disputes. ASLCSCC thinks that the US people in safeguarding national sov-
posed and condemned the visit of ognised and accepted by the interna- We would like to see China-US re- should continuously advance their ereignty and territorial integrity, and
the Speaker of the U.S. House of Rep- tional community, but also under- lations improve in all areas, includ- cooperation to find new opportuni- China’s early reunification.
resentatives, Nancy Pelosi to China’s mines regional peace and stability. ing economy, trade, culture, people to ties for opening up a new diplomatic Indrananda abeysekera
Taiwan region. What the world needs today is people friendship and mutual under- environment between the two coun- President - aSLCSCC

Moragoda meets Karunanidhi Party in power should be bound

to implement manifesto
– Executive Director, IRES, Manjula Gajanayake
TexT and picTure by priyan fill it’s promise” he said.
de SiLVa Gajanayake said that accord-
ing to the present Constitution the
President may by proclamation,
The Executive Director of the summon, prorogue and dissolve
Institute of Democratic Reforms Parliament. Provided that the Presi-
Further strengthening the en- During the cordial discussion that er recalled how he had presented and Electoral Studies (IRES) Man- dent shall not dissolve Parliament
gagement with the State of Tamil followed, the High Commissioner a copy of the same book to her fa- jula Gajanayake suggests that laws until the expiration of a period of
Nadu and as a follow-up to the thanked the people of Tamil Nadu ther, the late M. Karunanidhi, for- should be introduced to ensure not less than four years and six
meeting with its Chief Minister in for the humanitarian assistance mer Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, that the ruling party fullfill the elec- months from the date appointed for
early June, Sri Lanka’s High Com- that they have been extending to in 2006. toral promises given in their mani- its first meeting, unless Parliament
missioner to India Milinda Mora- Sri Lanka to help it manage the cur- A senior member of the Dravi- festo. requests the President to do so by a
goda met Lok Sabha MP for the rent economic situation. da Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) and He said it was a known fact that resolution passed by not less than
Thoothukkudi Constituency, Kani- The High Commissioner and a poet, Kanimozhi Karunanidhi political parties in Sri Lanka for- two-thirds of the whole number of
mozhi Karunanidhi in New Delhi. the Parliamentarian exchanged functions as the chief of the party’s get their pre election promises and Members (including those not pres-
Parliamentarian Kanimozhi views on the very close ethnic, wing for art, literature and ratio- pledges on being elected to office. ent), voting in its favour”.
Karunanidhi is the daughter of religious and cultural affinities nalism. She had worked as a jour- A manifesto is the written state- Reiterating that any Govern-
the former Chief Minister of Tam- between the State of Tamil Nadu nalist before entering politics. ment of the beliefs, aims and poli- ment which fails to act in keeping
il Nadu M. Karunanidhi and sister and Sri Lanka and discussed ways High Commissioner Morago- cies of a political party (or any or- with the aims and policies stated
of the present Chief Minister M.K. and means to further strengthen da was accompanied by Deputy ganisation) which is presented to in their manifesto forfeits the man-
Stalin. She is in New Delhi attend- them. High Commissioner Niluka Kadu- the public for their endorsement date given to them by the people,
ing the monsoon session of the High Commissioner Moragoda rugamuwa and Minister Counsel- Gajanayake said. He said that most and he said that the 145 SLPP MPs
Parliament. also presented a copy of the Tamil lor of the High Commission of Sri people decided for whom to vote Manjula gajanayake in the present Parliament have ethi-
At the outset, the Lok Sabha translation of the book containing Lanka in New Delhi Gamini Sarath after listening to it’s contents being cally lost the people’s mandate as it’s
MP extended a warm welcome to his parliamentary speeches to MP Godakanda to this meeting. reinstated on campaign platforms. decide for themselves if the party of manifesto ‘The Vistas of Prosperity
High Commissioner Moragoda. Kanimozhi. The High Commission- “In addition the people would their choice could be trusted to full- and Splendour’ is defunct now.

Milinda Moragoda meets Equipment for Akuressa Disaster Management Unit

Gautam Adani TexT and picTure by priyan
de SiLVa

The Start Network partnered

CARITAS SED Galle to provided re-
lief equipment valued at two million
rupees to the Disaster Management
Unit of the Akuressa Divisional Sec-
retariat recently.
Flooding is a common occur-
rence in Akuressa and a large num-
ber of people are rendered homeless
and compelled to seek relief from
the Divisional Secretary and Disaster
management unit.
Start Network is an internation-
al non Government organisation
whose vision is to create a proactive,
innovative and locally owned hu-
manitarian system that enables the
delivery of better quality humanitar- divisional Secretary akuressa K. g. d. anoja accepts the gift of relief equipment from rev. Lasantha Sanjeewa
ian aid, maintains the dignity of peo- director CarItaS Sed galle
ple caught up in disasters, and saves
more lives and livelihoods It also bers with the resources to act effec- retary Akuressa K. G. D. Anoja by Chaturanga of the Disaster Manage-
provides financial infrastructure tively and efficiently. Rev. Fr. Lasantha Sanjeewa Director ment Unit in Akuressa and Project
High Commissioner of Sri Lanka Milinda Moragoda met with Shri that offers timely, efficient and pre- CARITAS Sri Lanka is a member of CARITAS SED Galle. Assistant Di- Officers of the Start Network Chan-
gautam adani, Founder and Chairman of adani group, during his first dictable funding to support at-risk of the Start Network. The equipment visional Secretary Akuressa S. G. Y. dima Pereira and Nayanthara Fer-
official visit to gujarat. populations by empowering mem- was handed over to Divisional Sec- Aravinda, U. G. Sampath and M. M. nando were also present.

Public health measures to prevent monkeypox transmission

WHO Sri Lanka handed over Real communication. you can protect others by seeking based on public health risks and
Time Polymerase Chain Reaction The multi-country outbreak of medical advice and isolating from needs.
(PCR) test kits for monkey pox to Min- monkeypox represents a public health others until you have been evaluated First, step up surveillance, with
ister Dr. Keheliya Rambukwella on emergency of international concern, and tested. Anyone who has close con- a focus on sensitising and training
Friday. the highest level of global public tact with someone who is infectious is health workers and ensuring access
The kits may be used for diagno- health alert. From January through at risk. As we learn more, additional to reliable, affordable and accurate
sis of up to 730 monkey pox cases. July 2022, more than 19 000 prob- cases may be identified in the broader diagnostic tests. Health workers
Strengthening surveillance and labo- able and laboratory confirmed cases community. should immediately report suspect-
ratory investigations for monkeypox of monkeypox have been reported to Though the risk of monkeypox ed cases to local or national public
is critical to rapidly identify cases and WHO from at least 78countries across globally and in the Region is moder- health authorities, collect and ship
clusters and ensure timely isolation of all six WHO regions, including the ate, the potential of further interna- specimens for laboratory testing,
cases to prevent further transmission. South-East Asia Region. tional spread is real. All countries of and initiate contact tracing while
WHO shall further support imple- Monkeypox can cause a range of the Region must therefore strengthen protecting the human rights, privacy
mentation of recommended strate- signs and symptoms, including fever, side within a few weeks. However, ary, five deaths from monkey pox have preparedness and response capaci- and dignity of affected individuals
gies for disease prevention and con- rash, and swollen lymph nodes, which in some cases – particularly among been reported to WHO. ties, building on a series of priority and their contacts. National IHR fo-
trol: case finding, contact tracing, can be easily confused with symptoms newborn babies, children and people The World Health Organization actions, while WHO continues to co- cal points should report all probable
infection prevention and control mea- of other illnesses, such as chickenpox, with underlying immune deficiencies Regional Director for South-East Asia ordinate and support global research and confirmed cases to WHO using
sures, reaching the high-risk commu- measles, and bacterial skin infec- – infection can lead to medical com- Dr Poonam Khetrapal SinghIf you and equitable access to key health the minimum data set contained in
nities, clinical management and risk tions. In most cases, symptoms sub- plications and even death. Since Janu- think you might have monkey pox, tools such as vaccines and treatments, the WHO Case Report Form


President’s policy statement, a bipartisan

approach to problems - Nimal Siripala de Silva
Q : Now, the President has
called for an All-Party Gov-
ernment (APG). Do you think the APG, the need of the hour
SLFP and other parties would re-
spond positively to form an APG?
A: All the parties should respond
Collective approach
orts, Shipping and Aviation positively towards this APG. That is
Minister Nimal Siripala de Sil- the need of the hour. People are go-
va said President Ranil Wick-
remesinghe’s policy statement pre-
sented in Parliament on Wednesday
ing through many economic hard-
ships which they have never gone
through before. Our priority should
to problems vital
is a bipartisan approach to present be the welfare of the people rather
The Minister in an interview with
the Sunday Observer said it is a some-
than being in power. To serve the na-
tion and attract foreign investment,
IMF and our friends and neighbours
General Election won’t
what conciliatory policy statement
where the President shows that he
doesn’t want to impose any precon-
in the world, it is necessary that we
all should act together and raise one
voice without being divided.
bring stability
ditions on any political parties but
wants to get them together for a wide
power sharing government structure
and approach the problems on con-
Q : Why do you think political
stability and unity is impor-
tant at this stage?
Unruly characters must
sensus. That is a vital feature which
we see in the President’s policy state-
ment. It also shows his political ma-
A: We are not in a position to pay
our debt. We are not in a position to
find foreign exchange for the energy
be brought to book
turity, approach and broad vision, he sector and many other sectors. So, it
said. is necessary that we should demon- A: First of all, we should try to re- try to hold an election. That can be
Excerpts strate we are on the correct track in solve the economic issue and give re- after six months, one year or one and
approaching this problem. lief to the people. We can’t wait till all a half years. We don’t know the time-

Q : How do you view the Gov-

ernment’s policy
ment presented by President Ranil
Any country or international
lending agency which wants to give
us a loan or helps us, look at our eco-
these political issues are settled. For
example, lending organisations such
as the IMF, World Bank, ADB and the
frame. Once that conducive environ-
ment to hold elections is established,
the elections can be held and there is you think this will adversely affect bribe. Therefore, I resigned from my
Wickremesinghe in Parliament on nomic policies to see whether we are European countries, want Sri Lanka no problem. our chances of getting international portfolio and demanded a fair and
Wednesday? on the right track and we will be able to demonstrate good governance. aid to tide over the present difficul- reasonable inquiry. Then President
A: The President has made a poli-
cy statement which is par excellence.
His policy statement is a bipartisan
to pay whatever the debts that we
have obtained. We have to show them
a roadmap and a clear policy guide-
That is also a part of their conditions.
They always look at whether dem-
ocratic institutions in the country are
Q : Do you think that the APG
should run for the rest of the
Parliamentary term or only for an
A: I don’t think that accusation is
true. Have we arrested any person un-
Gotabaya Rajapaksa agreed to appoint
a committee.
But in view of the situation he
approach to present problems. It is a line without changing it from time to strong, we respect the rule of law and interim period such as six months to der the emergency law? The people faced those days, he couldn’t appoint
somewhat conciliatory policy state- time. It is necessary that we collec- the form of governance is acceptable one year? who break the law should be remand- that committee. When Ranil Wick-
ment where he shows that he doesn’t tively approach the problem rather to their democratic standards. There- A: It depends on the performance. ed and action should be taken against remesinghe was elected President,
want to impose any preconditions on than trying to approach it separately. fore, one cannot forget the fact that If we can settle the issues in the coun- them. If there is no law and order in I wrote a letter to him and said that
political parties but wants to get them these political reforms are also nec- try within six or 12 months, thereaf- the country and people enter pub- this is a false allegation against me. I
together for a wide power sharing
government structure and approach
problems on consensus. That is a vi-
Q : There are critics who say
that it is more important to
resolve the economic issues faced
essary. That is also important locally.
To establish law and order in the
country, you need political reforms,
ter, in terms of the Constitution, we
can hold a General Election for which
either the President should agree to
lic and Government buildings and
forcibly occupy the rooms of private
hotels, should we turn a blind eye
requested him to appoint an impartial
committee of inquiry to inquire into
this matter. Then the President ap-
tal feature which we see in his state- by the people rather than going for new laws and new approaches. You dissolve Parliament after two and a to these things? We tolerate peaceful pointed a Committee chaired by Re-
ment. It shows his political maturity, political reforms such as the 22nd need strong institutions to support half years or the Members of Parlia- protests. We also support them. But tired High Court Judge Kusala Sarojini
approach and broad vision. Amendment and All-Party Govern- democratic values. It is true that peo- ment themselves with a majority will in case those who resort to violence, Weerawardena, PC which also consist-
ment at this stage. Your comments? ple’s first preference should be to en- have to decide whether they want to loot public and private properties and ed of Retired Senior Deputy Inspector-
sure that we provide them with food, dissolve Parliament. set fire to houses, can they get away General (DIG) of Police S.M. Wickre-
petrol and gas. At the same time, we under the guise of “Aragalaya”? They masinghe and Retired Special Grade
FACT-FILE Nimal Siripala de Silva
1944: Born in Badulla, Nimal 2000: Minister of Posts,
should not forget that political re-
forms are also important and those
issues must also be settled.  
Q : There are also accusations
that Pohottuwa politicians
are working behind the scene to con-
are not peaceful protestors. They are
culprits and unruly characters. Those
unruly characters must be brought to
Officer of Sri Lanka Administrative
Service (SLAS) S.M.G.K. Perera.
I was represented by my lawyer
Siripala de Silva had his Telecommunica�on and Uva solidate their power in the guise of book. at the inquiry. Then I was informed
educa�on at Nalanda College,
Wellassa Development
2005: Leader of the Peace
Q : Do you think instead of
forming an APG, it is better
to hold a General Election to get a
an APG. Would you like to comment?
A: That can’t be done in an APG.
The idea of an APG is power sharing. Q : There is a controversy over
the visit of the Chinese re-
that this committee had summoned
witnesses including Taisei. The Taisei
General Manager came to the board
1967: Entered Law College. Delega�on to Geneva and Oslo for fresh mandate from the people? You need to have a National Council search vessel Yuan Wang 5 to Ham- of inquiry and categorically said that
Architect of the Sri Lanka Nidahas talks with the LTTE A: I don’t agree with that idea due which will guide the APG. One or two bantota Port on August 11. Will this neither I nor any other Cabinet Min-
Paksha Nithi Shishya Sangwidhanaya to two reasons. One is that people persons or one party cannot dictate impact our relations with countries ister demanded a bribe from them.
(Sri Lanka Freedom Party Law 2010: Minister of Irriga�on and have elected 225 Members of Parlia- terms in a national government. such as India and the United States They are shocked and disturbed by
Students’ Society) Water Resources Management ment by exercising their franchise. and embroil us in a conflict between this statement. This type of statement
and Leader of the House
1971: Passed out as a lawyer
and went to the United Kingdom to 2015: Minister of Transport
Now, these people are there. It is up
to Parliament to formulate rules and
regulations and economic plans to get
Q : Do you think political sta-
bility will help Sri Lanka to
seek a faster bailout package from
regional powers India and China?
A: There are certain things beyond
our control. We are a Non-Aligned
should not have been made. Then
the committee went into this matter
deeply and forwarded a lengthy re-
pursue higher studies. Prac�sed and Civil Avia�on
over this situation. The other thing is, the IMF and other lending agencies? country. We are not taking any sides. port to the President. The President
as an A�orney-at-Law
2019: Minister of Jus�ce, how it is going to solve the problem A: Certainly. The IMF and other I am sure the President and the Gov- presented that report to the Cabinet
1983: Appointed the SLFP Human Rights and Legal Reforms by conducting a General Election. lending agencies and countries first ernment will diplomatically handle of Ministers and they all were satis-
organiser for Borella What is needed now is to boost want to see whether the Sri Lankan and settle this issue. fied. In terms of the committee re-
August, 2020: Re-elected to exports and get remittances from ex- economy is stable and strong. The port, I have been fully exonerated
1989: Elected to Parliament
from Colombo District under
the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP)
Parliament from Badulla district
having contested under United
patriates and migrant workers who
are working abroad. We have to get
economic and political stability, law
and order situation in the country will Q : You were acquitted of brib-
ery charges levelled against
from the purported charges.  

1994: Minister of Housing and

People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA)
August, 2020: Minister of
more tourists into the country. What
is needed is stability in the country.
At present, there is no stability in the
have a great influence on the interna-
tional lending agencies, IMF, World
Bank, ADB as well as countries such
you by the Opposition Leader dur-
ing a recent parliamentary session.
A three-member committee was ap-
Q : You have sought legal action
against your removal and
Minister Mahinda Amaraweera from
Construc�on in the People’s Labour
Alliance (PA) country. A General Election won’t as India, China and Japan. Before they pointed by the President upon your the SLFP over joining the Govern-
Government May, 2022: Minister of Ports, bring stability to the country. Elec- give us a package, they will see wheth- request to probe the allegations. ment as Cabinet Ministers. Do you
Shipping and Avia�on Services in tions always divide the people. There er we are politically and economically Would you like to elaborate your think this issue could be resolved
the Cabinet of former President is no conducive environment to hold stable and we have a clear roadmap to views? amicably since the SLFP has also in-
Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Resigned from elections now. It is also not practical increase exports, reduce our expens- A: Even the Opposition Leader dicated its desire to join an All-Party
the posi�on following an inves�ga�on with the fuel crisis. People are not es where we will be able to repay the didn’t accuse me personally. What he Government?
into allega�ons of bribery mobilised to go to polling stations. debts. said in Parliament was that a Cabi- A: I went to court and then, the
Even the Election Commission- net Minister had demanded a bribe President and the General Secretary
Aug 2, 2022: Reappointed
Minister of Ports, Shipping, and
Avia�on Services in the Cabinet
er has expressed his view that there
is no conducive environment in the
country to hold a General Election.
Q : There are allegations that
emergency is used to oppress
the people and peaceful protests
from  the Japanese company, Taisei.
Since Taisei was a company which
worked for the airport and aviation
of our party came before court and
said they had not removed me from
any post. On that basis, the case was
of President Ranil Wickremesinghe What is needed at is to ensure that around the country. Several coun- and came under the purview of my settled. I remain as a member of the
we settle these issues and prepare a tries and human rights organisa- ministry, one could think that I am SLFP and hold the post of the Senior
Source: Internet, Graphic: Mahil Wijesinghe
conducive environment in the coun- tions have also condemned this. Do the Minister who demanded that Vice President of the party.

Elementary economics and education mies around the world where Artificial sis of management culture….In other going to go through education, not just of Ministers and the Members of the that it is the parents, teachers, or some
Intelligence (AI) will be a key compo- words, what you had is a detachment the formal education, but the process Parliament do not understand the rel- other adults who are prohibiting them
nent. The utilisation of cloud comput- of people who know the business from of learning in general. The formal evance of economic understanding to from getting their desired choice and
ing, robotics, 3-D printing, block chain people who are running the business.” education process can certainly be their personal lives, then they won’t when they grow bigger, they can have
record keeping, internet of things For people to understand that there is designed to train a child from the pri- even be able to imagine how it could everything they want.
(IoT) and advanced wireless technolo- such a detachment, the average person mary level itself to approach a problem be relevant to the lives of the students Studies show that students can
“The individual freedom cannot gies will become the common practice should, at least, have the ability to rec- with critical thinking and to discuss in grades 1 – 5 who are still trying to learn economic concepts in the pri-
exist without economic security and among industries. ognize the two groups. pros and cons of possible solutions master their reading, writing and mary grades provided their teachers
independence. People who are hungry This has influenced education sys- with peers in a civilised manner. arithmetic. Often parents and teachers are knowledgeable about the sub-
and out of a job are the stuff of which tems around the world to introduce They could also be taught to re- feel that economics is a subject best ject and capable of employing qual-
dictatorships are made.” even the kindergarteners to the digital
Lawmakers spect the opinions of others and to val- taught when the children are in high ity economic education materials in
– Franklin D. Roosevelt world starting with toys and computer- Intellectual discussions, analyti- ue cooperation over competition and school. the classroom. Economics provides a
The formal education process assisted games. Elementary schools cal thinking, and collective action with finally to implement the best solution context for why learning these skills is
around the world has also evolved par- are introducing e-books for the stu- the intention of reaching a common with the intention of achieving com- beneficial. It is an improvement of our
allel to the evolution of the economies dents to download and read and ‘apps’ goal, in this case getting out of crisis, mon good. Teachers would say that the
Humanities human capital.
throughout the history. It may not have for mathematics and science to prac- are key ingredients in formulating sus- time allocated for their classes never Unfortunately, not all students will Human capital refers to the qual-
been always clear whether the results tice. But it is not easy to find an edu- tainable solutions to any problem. Un- seems to be enough to teach every- take high school economics since they ity of labour resources. Through eco-
of the knowledge produced by the for- cation system that gets the kindergar- fortunately, for Sri Lankans, their Law- thing that administrators, policy ad- have to choose their study streams nomics students will be able to analyse
mal education at a given time was the teners, or the first graders involved in makers have no clue about such things vocates, legislators, and parents think such as natural sciences, humanities more complex societal problems. Stu-
leading cause of the economic revolu- talking economics. as intellectual discussions, analytical should be addressed in the elementary and social sciences, and accounting dents should also understand that they
tion or the changes in the economy at Having experienced this latest thinking, and collective action towards classroom. Teachers are also expected and commerce. Even the ones in the live in a market economy and there-
the time forced the formal education meltdown, Sri Lankans will find it common good. Only collective action to stay current in best practices, use economics classes will only go through fore, should know how markets work.
to make the necessary adjustments to easier to understand the importance they would agree on is safeguarding new technology and redesign their the theories and prepare themselves Economics educators, curricu-
fit in as an important wheel of that new of ‘economic literacy’. If a majority their own self-interests, including methods of teaching and assessing. for the examinations but not really lum developers, and teachers work-
economic machine. of people understood what was hap- hanging on to their lucrative positions Since ‘economics’ is the study of see how it applies to daily encounters ing together can improve the quan-
The evolution of the formal educa- pening with excessive borrowing and in the parliament. Therefore, it is up to making decisions to optimise the gain of their lives. For example, they may tity and quality of economics taught
tion has either been the cause or the spending successive governments the citizens in general to put their criti- within an environment of limited re- hear about production possibilities, in the school. It is never too early to
effect of the evolution of the econo- dragged the country through and what cal thinking hats on, engage in intel- sources, teachers themselves can start but never understand how this model teach children the basic concepts of
mies around the world, from agricul- they could have done to steer it away lectual discussions, and come up with with deciding whether to use some of has application to choices they make economics through age-appropriate
tural revolution through all the indus- from disaster, then they would have viable solutions that the law makers, as the limited time available to them to as teenagers or in the future as adults. teaching/learning methods.
trial revolutions to nuclear power and minimized their suffering. As profes- public servants, can formalise through teach economics or not. If the stake- Though young children learn early The writer has served in the higher
the invention of the computer in the sor Henry Mintzberg says: “What we relevant procedures and implement as holders in the adult world from par- that they cannot have everything they education sector as an academic over
recent past. call a financial crisis is really at its soon as possible. ents, teachers, administrators, cur- want, they do not always understand twenty years in the USA and fifteen
The digital revolution will impact core a crisis of management, and not This is where one would start see- riculum designers, all the way to the why this is the case or why each choice years in Sri Lanka and he can be con-
all disciplines, industries, and econo- just a crisis of management, but a cri- ing that all roads to such solutions are Minister of Education, the Cabinet involves a cost. If asked, they will say tacted at

Rule of law is not the rule of lawyers
- Attorney-at-law Manoj Gamage
parts of the country for taking part
in the protests and involved in vari-
ous activities. Please comment.
peaceful protest only because the pro-
testers do not have any weapons in

their hands. Bringing flowers and in-
ere are the excerpts from
an exclusive interview con-
volving in creative activities does not
mean that it is a peaceful protest.
ducted with the President
of the Lawyers for Justice
The law should be implemented
against anyone who protests and vio- LATER VARIOUS OTHERS MAY VIOLATE THE LAW FREELY
Attorney-at-law and Unofficial Magis-
trate Ravindra Manoj Gamage on the
current situation of law and order of
lates the country’s laws such as the
criminal law, common law and oth-
er laws. If the law is not implement
the country. against them, later various others
may violate the law freely taking it as
Q: What is the current situa- an example. Some lawyers who know
the law very well said the law of the LAND WHICH IS THE CONSTITUTION
tion of law and order in Sri Lanka?

A: We can accept the fact that it was

land which is the Constitution should
be torn off and burnt. They indirectly
threatened police officers to bow down
Justice Project appealing to the Attor- cal parties rejected the request.
the ordinary people who were under to them and do what they want and ney General of Singapore to arrest the Only after that the present Presi-
enormous pressure without adequate otherwise they will face repercussions former Sri Lankan President for war dent and the former Prime Minister
gas, fuel, electricity and so on started in future. This is a punishable offence crimes. Ranil Wickramasinghe came forward
the protest (Aragalaya). But after that, according to the existing law. Some The very surprising fact are no and accepted the challenge and the
we saw how some bankrupt political cultivated hatred all over the country charges mentioned against the former premiership in order to save the peo-
elements took it over into their hands. using social media. President in connection with the eco- ple from the hardships. Accepting the
After certain blood thirsty political ele- Because of this, the system has a nomic crisis and all the charges are premiership itself becomes a quali-
ments took over the protest, it turned responsibility to implement the law. Attorney-at-law Ravindra Manoj Gamage connected to the so-called incident of fication to become the President be-
into a violent mob. We saw the peak of We do not see that the law was en- shooting the individuals who arrived cause he accepted a huge challenge
it on last May 9 with the murdering of forced against peaceful protesters who couraging statements made by some mit crimes. It is the social responsibil- with white flags during the humanitar- was rejected by all the others.
people and setting fire to houses and did not violate any law. The law was lawyers and they fell into trouble. They ity of the lawyers. It is a crime if any ian operation. After becoming the Prime Minis-
other valuable properties. enforced only against who involved in committed crimes in the name of the lawyer to encourage people directly The letter says all charges are ter, he followed all relevant rules and
The law enforcement bodies of criminal acts during the protest. protest. They did not understand that or indirectly to commit crimes and based on the statement made by then regulations, all procedures mentioned
the country did not operate properly after committing crimes they had to threaten police officers. The lawyers (2009) Army Commander. in the Constitution.No one can say
to safeguard lives and properties. The
end result was destroying valuable Q: Various lawyers and their
suffer alone such as ending up prison.
They did not understand that there
can lose their job if they violate the
rules of the Supreme Courts. There-
Incredibly it is this same individual
who mentioned the so called `white
that he is not the people’s President.
The people appointed Gotabaya Ra-
lives and properties including the life organisations publicly announced was no one to pay their legal fee. fore, all lawyers should know their flag incident’ calling all Sri Lankans to japaksa. When he stepped down we
of a Member of the Parliament. In ad- that they will stand by the protest- For example, the 36 suspects who professional limits. They cannot in- come to Colombo on August 9 to chase have to accept the person who got ap-
dition on July 9 there was another wave ers and they will provide legal as- were arrested for murdering MP Ama- terpret the Constitution’s `freedom of away the President and the Govern- pointed according to the country’s su-
of violence and they stormed into the sistance free of charge for them. rakeerthi Athukorala are now suffer- expression’ as freedom of encouraging ment. All can see a very clear connec- preme law, the Constitution.
State television station and some pri- What is the present situation? ing alone without any help. Some of people to commit crimes. tion between all the past incidents that As soon as he became President,
vate television stations. They set fire to them were not directly involved in it were unfolded. We suspect that the en- he very successfully established law
the private home of the current Presi-
dent Ranil Wickremesinghe. They oc-
A: Nobody can question the right of
a lawyer that allows him/her to appear
but it takes around ten long years or
so for them to be free from the murder Q: Some say the entire pro-
tire economic crisis and the `protest’
are a part of one serious conspiracy
and order in this country. Democracy
was re-established in the country by
cupied several State buildings and on behalf of a criminal in any country charges. test’ is an international conspiracy. against the former President. him. These are essential to obtain the
damaged those properties. After those in the world. But all lawyers should The people of this country should What do you have to say about this? IMF loan.
events we cannot call this a peaceful
protest any longer.
know their professional limits. We saw
during the recent past how some new
remember one thing. That is no mat-
ter who says that they will protect you, A: The former President Gotabaya Q: What do you think about
If people and politicians genuine-
ly wish to solve the current economic
Certain political parties that can- lawyers acted without understanding help you or anything else, do not com- Rajapaksa did not harm anyone in any the appointment of the new Presi- crisis in the country they all should
not come into power through a demo- their professional limitations. We, all mit any crime. At the end, the person way and he left his position. He did not dent Ranil Wickremesinghe ? support the current President without
cratic election tried to capture power the lawyers are being controlled by the will be forced to suffer alone without let anyone fire even one bullet on be- petty politics and other differences.
using the protest and with that move rules of the Supreme Court. Lawyers anyone. half of him. According to international A: The appointment of the new They all should put aside their politi-
the entire country started to talk about can appear for criminals but they can- Do whatever has to be done peace- law, traditions, democracy we know, President Ranil Wickremesinghe is cal views and support to rescue the
the importance of maintaining law not encourage people to commit any fully without breaking laws. Only the he is eligible to be award the Nobel totally legal, democratic and ethical. country. Protest does not bring gas,
and order. The people were scared and crimes. If they say `’do anything you family members will be there to help Peace Prize. But the very unfortunate The former President made very clear fuel, electricity and so on. `Go Home’
even frightened to speak out. want and come, we will protect you and sometimes even family members thing is that the LTTE Tamil Diaspora requests from all political party lead- will only bring anarchy to the country,
all’ it is encouraging people to commit look away and do not stand by those try to hunt him since he left the coun- ers to form a new Government soon and nothing else.
Q: Now various individuals crime.
In the recent past many were in-
who get arrested.
On the other hand, the lawyers
The best example for this is Yas-
after the former Prime Minister re-
signed from his post and the Cabinet
are being arrested from various volved in crimes believing those en- should not encourage people to com- min Sooka of International Truth and automatically dissolved. But all politi-


Come together for country’s

sake – President
resident Ranil Wick- Parliament.
remesinghe delivering He said, “This stable Gov-
his Policy Statement ernment will continue to oper-
at the ceremonial ate permanently for the next
opening of the two and a half years. After two
third session of the and a half years, elections will
ninth Parliament on Wednes- be held. Because if the state is
day invited all political parties not stable, the economy cannot
to put aside the past and come be built. Now the Government
together for the sake of the is stable so the economy can
country. be built.”
He said that he has already
initiated discussions with po-
litical parties in forming an
Political tensions
All-Party Government. Presi- SLPP General Secretary MP
dent Wickremesinghe said that Sagara Kariyawasam has said
he would take measures to set that if former President Gotaba-
up a People’s Assembly to decide ya Rajapaksa is willing to engage
which social and political reforms in politics with the SLPP after his
should be implemented. return to Sri Lanka, the SLPP will
President Wickremesinghe said gladly accept him.
that a mechanism to seek the views At a recent media briefing in
of all interested parties is being pre- Colombo, Kariyawasam said that
pared through the People’s Assembly Rajapaksa’s return is not some-
through the consultation of political thing out of the ordinary, adding
parties and various organisations. that the latter, as a Sri Lankan, has
He said that he is willing to set the full right to return to the coun-
up a National Assembly consisting try. He also said that, given that Ra-
of political party leaders. “As the
next step, we will be able to arrange IT IS IMPORTANT japaksa is a Sri Lankan citizen and a
former President, the Government
a common minimum program with
the consent of all, through the Na-
tional Assembly.”
TO NEUTRALISE THE has full responsibility to provide him
facilities and security.
When questioned as to whether
Measures are being taken to
set up the Parliamentary Sectoral
UNDEMOCRATIC Rajapaksa will join the SLPP and
engage in political activities af-
Oversight Committees immediately
where all the political parties will
INFLUENCE EXERTED ter returning to Sri Lanka, Kari-
yawasam said, “It is for him to
have the opportunity to work togeth-
er, he said. spread a huge pro- paganda ON THE POLITICAL decide as to whether he would
engage in politics or not, after
The President reiterated the im-
portance of an All-Party Govern-
through social media that I am hunt-
ing down the protesters. But it is not ESTABLISHMENT BY THE coming back to Sri Lanka. If he
wishes to do so, we will be very IT WILL NOT ONLY
ment to be formed with the support
of all the parties. President Wick-
true. I will not allow any kind of prej-
udice to peaceful activists. I will set ‘ARAGALAYA’ happy to receive him. He is a for-
mer President and the Presidential HARM THE PEOPLE’S
remesinghe also said that he would
implement a national policy to com-
bat bribery and corruption. “New
up an office to protect peaceful pro-
testers and support them.”
President Ranil Wickremesing-
candidate of our party. So, we have
no hesitation in receiving him.”
However, President Ranil Wick-
rules and regulations and orders in
this regard are being prepared by the
he’s policy statement, as admirable
as it is, how it would be practically
dent’s Office. It was also taken into
the discussion of the 22nd Amend-
remesinghe in an interview with the
US-based ‘Wall Street Journal’ had
Ministry of Justice. A consensus will
be reached with the International
implemented is actually what mat-
ters, Opposition Leader Sajith Pre-
ment to the Constitution and the in-
terim Budget to be presented to the
said that it was not the right time for
Rajapaksa to return to the country,
Monetary Fund regarding combating madasa told the media following the Parliament soon by the new Govern- as it could inflame political tensions.
corruption.” conclusion of the ceremonial open- ment. “I don’t believe it’s the time for him President has also said that the 22nd
“The expectation of all the citi- ing of the Third Session of the Ninth The New Lanka Freedom Party to return,” Wickremesinghe said in Constitution Amendment Bill has
zens of the country at this juncture Parliament on Wednesday. led by MP Kumara Welgama and an interview with the newspaper. “I been submitted to the Parliament
is for all their representatives in Par- Premadasa said that he genu- MP Ven. Athuraliya Rathana Thera have no indication of him returning this year, and it is best to discuss it
liament to work together to build the inely hopes that the President’s pol- also met the President for a discus- soon.” and reach a common agreement.
country. If we come together, we will icy statement would become a re- sion on Wednesday. The discussions The President said he expects the
be able to invigorate the nation. If we ality. Premadasa also said that the led by the President and held with support of all the parties in Parlia-
are divided, it will not only harm the Opposition also seeks to support the the political parties began on Tues-
Interim Budget ment to form an APG and pass the
people’s representatives but the en- program of rebuilding the country day, August 2 and Wednesday’s dis- President Ranil Wickremesing- 22nd Amendment. Leader of the
tire nation. through an All-Party Government cussions were held as the second he met the Sri Lanka Freedom Par- Sri Lanka Freedom Party, former
“Therefore, I once again request and the setting up of Parliamentary phase which was also attended by ty (SLFP) and a group of Sri Lanka President Maithripala Sirisena had
all parties representing the people in Committees. Prime Minister Dinesh Gunaward- Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) MPs in- thanked President Wickremesinghe
this Parliament to unite in the forma- He said, “Listening to the en- ane. Meanwhile, TNA Leader R. cluding Prof. G.L. Peiris and Dullas for respecting the proposal present-
tion of an All-Party Government. I re- tire speech of the President, it was Sampanthan has said that the TNA Alahapperuma on Thursday after- ed by the SLFP for an APG and said
spectfully extend the hand of friend- a positive speech and the points of is ready to accept the President’s in- noon at the President’s Office to dis- that his party would give full support
ship to all of you. I confidently invite the speech should be practically vitation to form an All-Party Govern- cuss the setting up of an All-Party for an APG. In the discussion held
you to put aside the past and come implemented in the same way.” The ment. Government (APG). with the SLPP group including Prof.
together for the sake of the country. Opposition Leader said that he ap- The TNA Leader told the media During the discussion, the Presi- Peiris and Dullas Alahapperuma, the
I have already initiated discussions preciates the clear cut manner the that the President’s efforts to form an dent has said that he hopes to pres- President has said that in order to
with political parties to form an All- President presented the plan for an All-Party Government will be fully ent an interim budget in the first formulate an economic plan suitable
Party Government,” he said. All-Party Government that would be supported by his party. Sampanthan week of September and through the for 10 years, everyone should lay the
The President said the struggle based on a National Assembly and a said that the only thing that can be interim budget he will provide sev- foundation for it.
that started all over Colombo expect- People’s Assembly. done in the face of the current crisis eral concessions and relief to the
ing a system change was later cen- Premadasa said it seems no is the formation of an All-Party Gov- cluded many ideas he had in his head people. President Wickremesinghe
tralised in Galle Face. This was ex- chance would be given for oppor- ernment. He said that he wished oth- for a long time that he would imple- said that the aim of an All-Party Gov-
Modi congratulates
panded to several major cities in the tunists in the guise of joining an All- er Tamil political parties apart from ment in the event he became Presi- ernment is to turn Parliament into new PM
island. This struggle was conducted Party Government. The Opposition the TNA too will agree to the Presi- dent. However, it is easier said than a Government and make decisions
on a non-violent basis and in a cre- Leader said that he personally be- dent’s proposal. done. for the building of the country. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra
ative manner. These activists did not lieves that the Parliamentary Over- “Therefore, we sincerely hope, as Modi has congratulated newly elect-
commit violence. Therefore, families sight Committees should operate the SLFP, that the President will suc- ed Prime Minister Dinesh Gunewar-
joined the struggle to express their through a strong committee system
Moderate statement ceed in implementing the ideas that dena. The Indian Prime Minister in
protests. Parents were not afraid to that goes beyond the current powers SLFP General Secretary Daya- he has presented through his policy a message to his Sri Lankan coun-
even bring children to the places of granted to it. siri Jayasekara said that the Throne statement.” With regard to the forma- terpart said “You have assumed of-
protest. Speech delivered by President Ranil tion of an All-Party Government, Jay- fice at an important juncture for Sri
“Protesters once digitally illumi- Wickremesinghe was a moderate asekara said that the SLFP believes Lanka. I hope under your leader-
nated the walls of the Presidential
Discussions statement made by a President after that it will happen very soon. “This is ship, Sri Lanka will witness quick
Secretariat, without any harm. Later President Wickremesinghe said a long time. Jayasekara also said that something that we have been saying economic recovery, ensuring the
this non-violence was suppressed the public and religious leaders led he believes that the contents includ- over a long time. As a party, our par- prosperity and well-being of its
and violence emerged, with certain by the Maha Sangha, civil organisa- ed in it will not be limited to mere ty Leader Maithripala Sirisena and people.
politicised groups that became stake- tions and youth groups have strong words. the rest of the party will discuss this I would like to assure you that as
holders. By indulging in violence the confidence and expectation about an He said, “The President’s speech matter and we will take a collective a dependable friend and close neigh-
protests turned towards terrorism. All-Party Government. included the issues faced by the pub- decision on whether or not we could bour India shall continue to support
“I will not allow violence and ter- He was speaking at Tuesday’s lic. I have known President Wick- join the government,” he said. the people of Sri Lanka guided by
rorism. However, I will protect non- discussions with political parties re- remesinghe over a long period and our ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy. I
violence and democracy,” the Presi- garding the formation of an All-Party having been the Prime Minister of look forward to working with you to
dent said adding, “Peaceful struggle Government. Several rounds of talks this country on several occasions, I
Common plan further strengthen and expand our
is a fundamental right. I accept those with political parties were held at the believe that his policy statement in- In a letter to President Ranil exemplary bilateral relations based
rights. Some groups are trying to President’s Office on Tuesday. Party Wickremesinghe, National Freedom on millennia-old civilisational ties.”
leaders representing the Govern- Front Leader MP Wimal Weerawa-
ment and Sri Lanka Podujana Pera- nsa has requested that an All-Party
muna (SLPP) members of the ruling Conference (APC) be convened im-
Demands for justice
party attended the first round of dis- mediately to find solutions to the cri- Claiming that the Catholic
cussions. sis. Church’s demands for justice for
The second round of talks was In the letter the MP request- the Easter Sunday terror attacks of
held with the Ceylon Workers’ Con- ed that an All-Party Conference April 21, 2019 have not yet been ad-
gress. Its leader Senthil Thondaman should be called and a common dressed, Archbishop of Colombo
and its General Secretary MP Jeevan plan to solve the crisis be present- Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith said that
Thondaman participated in the dis- ed to the country with a road map the persons identified as responsible
cussion. for its implementation. It has been for the said terror attacks are still en-
The third discussion was held pointed out in the letter that it is gaged in their political activities and
with the National Congress where its important to neutralise the undem- hold positions in the Police.
leader A.L.M. Athaullah and a del- ocratic influence exerted by those He was speaking at an event in
egation participated. Several discus- engaged in the ‘Aragalaya’ on the po- Colombo recently. He said, “On April
sions were also held on Wednesday litical establishment of the country. 21, 2019, 267 people were killed by
between President Wickremesinghe Weerawansa’s letter addressed to bomb attacks on Catholic churches
and political parties regarding the the President states that it is impor- and hotels. To date, justice has not
formation of an All-Party Govern- tant to win the public’s trust by pre- been served for that. That is the
ment, and many parties including
the Samagi Jana Balawega (SJB), Sri
senting a common consensus to the
country through the All-Party Con- THE POLITICAL STABILITY power of these powerful people. We
should be ashamed. There is no law
Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), Tamil
National Alliance (TNA) and others
ference and viable strategies to over-
come the economic crisis. DEMANDED BY THE WORLD in our country.
There is no room for the law. In-
have expressed their agreement for
further discussions.
The Tamil National Alliance
Political stability HAS BEEN PROVIDED stead, there is lawlessness. It is the
law of the powerful that is being im-
plemented in the country.”
(TNA) conducted discussions on the
formation of an All-Party Govern-
Minister Manusha Nanayakkara
said that the incumbent Government
TODAY THROUGH The Archbishop said that the
Catholic Church has requested the
ment with President Ranil Wick-
remesinghe on Wednesday. The
will continue for the next two and a
half years and another election will
PARLIAMENT relevant authorities on numerous oc-
casions to conduct an independent
discussion was held with participa-
tion of TNA MPs M.A. Sumanthiran,
only be held after that.
He said that the political stabil- – MANUSHA investigation into the Easter Sunday
terror attacks and to prosecute those
Dharmalingam Sithadthan and Sel-
vam Adaikkalanathan at the Presi-
ity demanded by the world has been
provided today through the country’s NANAYAKKARA identified as responsible, but none of
those requests have been fulfilled.
Sunday ObServer auguSt 7, 2022 7


No more gas queues

t is unlikely that anyone vis- nium. The Army bigwig who promised the chaos. Peiris took over on June 15, and com-
iting Pettah has not heard gas was nowhere in sight leaving the When analysing the annual re- menced discussions with Oman Trad-
of the Gas Works Junction, area Police to deal with the chaos. ports of Litro from 2015 to 2020, it was ing and managed to strike a deal with
more commonly known as observed that at the end of the good the supplier.
the Gas Paha Handiya by the governance era, Litro had fixed de- The discussions with the World
Graveyard posits amounting to Rs. 20 billion. Mu- Bank commenced thereafter. It was
The junction was thus Several weeks passed. As I passed ditha Peiris was the chairman of Litro Ratnayake who once again intervened.
called due to the presence the agency selling gas in the area it ap- at that time and Litro was paying divi- While Finance Ministry Secretary Ma-
of a gas lit lamp post. The Gas Works peared empty as a graveyard. It was dends of Rs. 11 billion to the treasury. hinda Siriwardena and Central Bank
Company of the yesteryears was lo- startling to see new and unpacked cyl- Governor Nandalal Weerasinghe also
cated next to the Christian Church inders in the shop. participated, Litro Chairman Muditha
on Bodhiraja Mawatha, near the Gas “Do I need an electricity bill to pur-
Price formula Peiris said that the Exporters’ Associa-
Works Junction. It was later razed to chase a cylinder?” I asked. “No, noth- However, by June 2022 Litro was tion intervened and made a special
the ground. Today it is a massive ve- ing is needed. If you have an empty in trouble. This was caused by Litro intervention to find dollars for gas im-
hicle parking lot. Gas Works Junction cylinder I can give you gas” the agency not increasing its prices on par with ports.
has been popular for three industries owner replied. international prices. Lakmali Sinha- Now the whole country is await-
in the area. First, for filling gas into “But didn’t fights break out here puarachchi, Finance Director of Litro ing help from the World Bank. While
lighters, secondly for cutting keys and just a few days ago over gas needing says that although the gas price in the many parties engage in discussions,
thirdly for sharpening knives. several people to be hospitalised?” I world market increased between Oc- it must be done with utmost care as
During the height of Sri Lanka’s asked once again. tober 2019 and August 2021, the ‘price the World Bank is a strong believer in
economic crisis I decided to grace one “We would have been beaten too. formula’ was not in place to raise the transparency not leaving any room for
of the ‘hotels’ at the Gas Works Junc- But not even a dog comes to purchase price in the local market as the exist- corruption, frauds or bribes.
tion to have a cup of tea. There are two gas now. I am bored to death. While ing Government did not allow for it. The World Bank, analysing if Li-
such ‘hotels’ or rather local eateries the gas fights were happening I was She says that due to this, Litro’s Rs. 10.4 tro had worked in accordance with a
at the junction called ‘Star’ and ‘Elite’.
As I took my seat at one of these ho-
not even able to take a break” he said.
I only realised how much of an
When analysing the annual reports of litro billion cash reserve dropped to minus
Rs. 100 million by the end of 2021. But
proper system, took steps to give USD
70 billion for gas imports. It is histori-
tels, I witnessed the owner of the eat-
ery bringing in something under what
essential item gas has become to our
lives when the country was hit with an
from 2015 to 2020, it Was observed that at the in 2019, Litro’s after-tax profit was Rs.
6 billion.
cally the only project that was success-
ful in the negotiations with the World
seemed like a heavy security detail.
It was a 12.5kg LP gas cylinder. It was
acute shortage of it. Therefore I was
keen to find out what led to this sud- end of the good governance era, litro had fixed During the gas crisis, the majority
of imported gas stocks were released
Bank to secure aid in recent times.
Litro was able to strike this deal
unloaded and Rs. 10 000 was promptly
handed to the delivery man. The total
den shortage due to this crisis.
One was able to trace this dire deposits amounting to rs. 20 billion. muditha to services and factories identified as
essential services while only a hand-
through a tripartite agreement. In
addition to the funds supplied by the
number of gas cylinders unloaded was
three, presumably at a cost of Rs. 30
situation to the month of February.
Though it was reported that the import
agreement of Litro with had ended on
peiris Was the chairman of litro at that time ful of Litro’s nine million customers
received gas cylinders for their needs.
Ranil Wickremesinghe studied this
World Bank, Litro put in US$ 20 mil-
lion to order 100 000 metric tonne of
gas that would last till the end of Octo-
February 28, no one appeared to be
concerned or understand the sever-
and litro Was paying dividends of rs. 11 billion gas crisis in Sri Lanka carefully and
the first thing he did as Prime Minister
ber. This was able to give some relief
for the people who had queued up for
My curiosity piqued, I had to ask
ity of the issue. This was likely due to
the fact despite the end of the agree-
to the treasury was to supply short-term gas through
the Oman Trading Company for four
many days.
Currently there are no gas queues
the waiter about what I had just wit- ment, people continued to receive gas Despite reporting the facts to the than 4.5 million people queued up for months. Next Litro was advised to call due to the 30 000 metric tonnes im-
nessed. “The owner hardly visits the till March 2022. Cabinet, at the end all state and pri- gas. Though the demand was for 35 000 tenders to find a new supplier for the ported recently. Due to this agree-
restaurant. He had to go all over Co- According to information obtained vate banks refused to issue LC’s for the metric tonnes, Litro could only pro- next 12 months. ment with the World Bank, there
lombo in search of gas and even then it appears Litro had called for tenders purpose. The people suffered as the vide less than 7000 metric tonnes. But due to certain allegations of has been a significant growth in the
he only managed to find three. The seeking a new supplier of gas in Jan- cabinet informed Litro it was unable As the gas crisis worsened, res- corruption levelled by Keshara Jayas- country’s foreign reserves. According
previous time we purchased each at uary prior to the end of the previous to intervene to ask banks to issue LC’s taurants were closed. It was the urban inghe the former Chairman of Litro to this agreement, Litro has to settle
Rs. 12 000. If he didn’t find these we agreement. However Litro was not on behalf of the company. and apartment living people that suf- against Oman Trading, suppliers be- the loan taken from the World Bank
would have to close shop. They de- able to grant the tender to the supplier This eventually led to an acute fered the most. During the last stages came reluctant to provide gas to Sri to the Central Bank within 5 months
liver the gas to us for Rs. 10 000 each” chosen as it could not issue the Letter shortage of LP gas in the country as of Mahinda Rajapaksa’s premiership Lanka. Suppliers were of the opinion while the Central Bank must in turn
he said as he placed a frothing cup of of Credit required for the deal. stocks depleted and the people hoard- a bhikkhu residing in America visited that if such an incident has occurred settle it to the World Bank in 15 years.
milk tea on my table. The price? Rs. ed. Around 80 000 to 100 000 consum- to deliver a sermon for the final Poya the correct step would have been to As a solution to Sri Lanka’s dollar cri-
120 as opposed to the previous Rs. 50. ers queued and protested. While they Day program. Many had levelled criti- take legal action rather than engage in sis, the Treasury received an addi-
“It is difficult for us to even sell tea
Foreign exchange blamed the company, many were un- cisms against the bhikkhu. He related mudslinging efforts against the com- tional amount of US$ 22 million due
at Rs. 120 after buying a gas cylinder Meanwhile, on April 8 Sri Lanka aware of the company’s predicament. his experience to a radio station in pany. As a result of this even other gas to this transaction
at Rs. 10 000. Most shops have closed defaulted on its debt for the first time They were of the opinion that since this way. suppliers stopped supplying gas ‘on Now, according to the advice of
down. There is no place to even get a in its history. Due to the intensifying gas was not given out for free, the com- “I was scolded because of the Gov- credit’ leaving immediate gas supply President Ranil Wickremesinghe a gas
cup of water here,” the waiter added. forex crisis by then, Litro was strug- pany is bound to provide gas to the ernment. When distributing gas they brought into the country not sufficient price formula has been put in place.
I passed Gas Works Junction gling to find the necessary foreign ex- people. However Litro was faced with must prioritise those living in urban to meet the public demand. The first step is to reduce the domestic
through People’s Park and arrived change to secure the deal for gas sup- the serious conundrum of converting areas and apartments. But this Gov- Due to the current energy crisis in gas price in parallel with the decrease
where the P.D Sirisena ground is lo- ply. As both State and private banks rupees earned through sales into USD. ernment is distributing gas to houses the world no country would risk los- in world gas prices. This is how the era
cated to witness a large crowd bear- refused to issue Letters of Credit, Sri in rural areas that have access to acres ing its long term gas suppliers. The of gas queues ended in a massive 22-
ing empty gas cylinders. They were Lankan began its slow descent into a and acres of firewood. Those living in Chairman’s actions caused Sri Lanka day operation.
waiting for their turn to purchase gas gas crisis even prior to the Sinhala and
Consumers flats are helpless as they are unable to just that. In the end he resigned and Sagala Ratnayake, Chief of Staff
under heavy Police presence. But not Tamil New Year. To the detriment of In April, Litro from whatever dol- cook their meals,” the thera said. left the people to suffer the aftermath. of the President, shared with us his
a single gas cylinder was delivered as the public, the Chairman of Litro at lars they could muster imported 3500 Meanwhile, a new job opportunity Though an acting Chairman was ap- thoughts about how the gas crisis was
expected. The crowds then decided to the time had made no effort to initiate or 7500 metric tonnes of gas and re- arose due to the gas shortage. That is pointed however he was unable to re- resolved.
block the road while also blocking the discussions with the existing supplier leased it to the market. This was only earning a fee to safeguard gas cylin- solve the crisis as well. We started this program by tak-
entrance to the Gunasinghepura Bus given the difficult circumstances. informed during the third week of ders kept in the queue. Thefts of gas After Wickremesinghe was ap- ing a risk. I even spoke to the parent
Stand. They forcefully prevented bus- On observation it is clear Litro was April but it was not sufficient to meet cylinders also began to rise. Thieves pointed Prime Minister, Sagala Rat- company of the gas supplier. I tried to
es from leaving the terminal and even able to open a LC in the initial stages as the demand. In the end over 100 000 would often create a scene at a queue. nayake was tasked with solving the gas overcome the obstacles by bringing in
stopped traffic on Bastian Mawatha the forex crisis was not as severe and consumers ended up in queues and Then as crowds gathered or engaged crisis. His first step was to re-appoint officials to identify what the obstacles
by lining up their empty gas cylinders the Central Bank also had the mone- caused chaos as they were unaware in the fight themselves the thieves former Managing Director and CEO were. The measures taken by officials
right across the main road. Despite tary ability to facilitate this. of the real situation. In the end more would run off with cylinders during Muditha Peiris to head the company. of the Central Bank and Litro have be-
repeated attempts by the Police, the come successful today. I am pleased
crowds refused to disperse. In minutes about this.
an Army bigwig arrived under heavy Perhaps in a week’s time, the gas
guard. He delivered a speech to calm crisis will end. The World Bank of-
the public. This was a Saturday. ficials supported us immensely and
I have been appointed to this helped us resolve this issue. Despite
area. I will ensure you are provided all the accusations we have been able
with gas on Tuesday. Please disperse to import gas through these efforts.
and unblock these roads.” he told the I coordinated this by giving instruc-
crowds. This message was greeted tions to the officials. It has succeeded
with the sound of whistles and claps. today.
“Jaya Wewa! Jaya Wewa!” the people The gas cylinder need now not be
chanted. left forgotten in the corner of one’s
“You people only could not move kitchen. Neither should it be used as
when your village Police asked of you!” a decorative item. All consumers now
an angered Policeman said as he spat must do is purchase a refill sans the
on the ground next to him. queues and hassle. Instead of people
The next Tuesday tokens were dis- waiting in line to purchase gas, today
tributed to those wanting to purchase there are cylinders lined up waiting to
gas. But again a truck bearing the be purchased by people.
treasured item did not arrive even by the article is an english transla-
nightfall. This led to utter pandemo- tion of vajira Liyanage
8 Sunday ObServer auguSt 7, 2022

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A visionary plan
Democracy and the herd
Statesmen think of the next generation but
politicians think of the next election. This is a
universal truth. Sri Lanka had so far lacked lead- Rajpal Abeynayake
ers who belonged to the former category, but

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has shown to
the world that he is a true statesman in every hen mass hysteria happens
sense of the word with his recent speech to Par- commentators say democ-
liament which was well received even by the Op- racy is at work. Sometimes
position. even the best of us are
President Wickremesinghe spoke in terms of fooled and take mass hysteria to be de-
a 25-year plan titled the National Economic Poli- mocracy, and that is no good way to size
cy (NEP) to rescue and develop Sri Lanka, which things up.
will hopefully survive any changes of Govern- Mass hysteria is when the herd-in-
ment in the meantime. This, he said, was essen- stinct takes over and there is a myth cre-
tial in the light of the “great danger” facing the ated that people want a certain outcome.
island nation at this juncture. Yes, no one should Sometimes it may be even true that the
have any illusion that overnight solutions are majority of the people want a certain out-
available to the multiple woes facing Sri Lank- come.
ans. Rather, it will be a long, hard road to recov- The Covid shut-downs in this country
ery, which could actually take several decades. particularly in 2021 were more of a case
This is indeed the first time that any Sri of mass hysteria than of democratic ex-
Lankan leader has laid out such a comprehen- pression at work. According to an Oxford
sive and visionary plan for the future. Indeed,
some of us might not be among the living by the
university survey, Sri Lanka had the most
stringent shutdowns in the entire world.
never been held. True that technically if
the people of the UK decided that they There was mass would come to a halt if the immigrants
stopped working. It is understandable that
time the plan bears fruit somewhere in 2048,
which is exactly the 100th anniversary of Sri
Lanka’s Independence. But that is the very es-
What do we have to show for it? Maybe
some success containing Covid, but more
importantly, an economy that imploded
needed Brexit, and voted for it at a plebi-
scite, it is a democratic outcome. But the
plebiscite and the verdict of the people
hysTeria when cerTain no country wants its borders swamped,
but these issues often have various rami-
fications. There should be a global push
sence of a multi-generational plan – to think be-
yond the next election cycle and even our own
making us the top news story for econom-
ic meltdown anywhere in the world.
so-called was a result of mass hysteria
for the most part because there were so
communiTies in This for more equitable distribution of wealth
and the north-south divide for instance
lifetimes for the benefit of those who will inherit
the country one day.
The meltdown may have more to do
with domestic economic mismanage-
many rumblings about Brussels running
the country and about immigration and counTry were TargeTed should be far less glaring if there is to be
any realistic hope that there would be less
There is no doubt that this will need broad
consideration and consultation. Academics, in-
tellectuals, professionals, politicians, Diaspora
ment or the Covid related global slump,
but the shutdowns were a large part of
it as well. So why is mass hysteria mis-
all that type of things that was irrational
to begin with.
It is a well known fact that David Cam-
once upon a Time, and iT migrants trying to swamp the borders of
certain nations that are economically bet-
ter off than the rest.
members and ordinary members of the public
should actively contribute their ideas to make
taken to be democracy? The ex-President
Gotabaya Rajapaksa said that the people
eron, the then Prime Minister called for
the referendum because he was sure that
is saluTary ThaT These
this 25-year plan viable. In this regard, the Peo-
ple’s Assembly alluded to by the President in his
wanted the country shut down or words
to that effect. There were other politicians
the Brexit proposition would lose. But he
was wrong as the news industry had built various disparaTe But there are very few rational voic-
speech can play a major role.
We should study the 25-year development
crowing that they were the folk that got
the country shut down when there were
up a story that was now larger than the
sum of its parts. This is not democracy groups have now come es discussing these issues, because mass
hysteria hogs the public discourse in

TogeTher in The face of

models that have been successfully implement- forces that were not willing to do it. because if you whip the people up into a place of rational debate and dialogue that
ed in other countries. We should also learn les- Just imagine that? Politicians, saying frenzy so much could be achieved that’s should be the hallmark of any proper pub-
sons from the current economic debacle to out loud that they just messed things up less than rational. lic discussion in a civilized state.
shape our development trajectory for the next 25
years – for example, instead of the current 2035
badly? The irrational shutdowns were a
disaster and sowed the seeds for the eco-
It’s not democracy by any means. Its
news and commentary lathering people
The economic melTdown. The conventional media so-called is
not any more reliable than social media so
deadline for halting the import and registration
of fossil fuel powered Internal Combustion En-
nomic calamity that was to follow in 2022.
The Treasury officials —Atygalla foremost
up into a frenzy and the quicker the dis-
tinction made between the outcomes of aT leasT There was called, and in fact there is sometimes not
much difference, because it is the conven-
gine (ICE) vehicles, the Government could go for
an “electric vehicle only” policy once the import
ban on vehicle imports is lifted, perhaps next
among them — have already confessed to
the fact that all the projections went hay-
wire due to the Covid-lockdowns of 2021,
such hysteria and democracy as we know
it, the better.
This column is for the most part writ-
someThing good ThaT tional media that for instance began the
trend of passing off opinion as news.
There is nothing wrong with opinion
year. Of course, a grace period will have to be
given for commercial vehicles, as electric com-
which he says were ‘unexpected.’ ten because the damage done by the Co-
vid closures of 2021 needs to be written
came ouT of iT per se, but when the news by itself has no
value and all of it has to pass off as opin-
mercial vehicles are still in short supply world- about. That nod to mass hysteria was very good that came out of it. ion to be believed or to have any traction,
IMMIGRATION damaging, but also the genesis of all that If the level of mass hysteria that’s giv- there is something that’s wrong with the
Moreover, public transport should be given These closures were a result of buck- collective venting needs to be looked into. en an airing in the media was good for the way the ‘people’s voice’ gets an airing.
priority, with permission given hereafter only for ling under the pressure of mass hysteria, people there should have been so many Of course there are genuine people’s
the assembly and import of fully electric buses, and they were certainly not a case of be- good outcomes but what do we have but protests and such, and these movements
along with the possible revival of the Light Rail ing attuned to the voice of the people. In
DISPARATE global economic calamities and recession are different to the voice of the dema-
Transit (LRT) project in Colombo (mentioned short there is a vast difference between Whether it’s Brexit or anything else, scares, and inflation and the like. Nothing gogues. When people speak out of a sense
by the President in his speech) and the electri- democracy and mass hysteria and there mass hysteria today is whipped up by good has come out of the regular venting of desperation it’s always easy to know
fication of railways islandwide. The Government are untold problems in governance that petty demagogues that spill venom taking that takes place in all types of media spac- because they are not racist or xenophobic
should also take a policy decision to implement are caused all over the world because pol- up news space in social media, ostensi- es and its all the more reason there is a when they do so.
only renewable energy projects from now on- icymakers cannot tell the difference. bly peddling news. But most of this ‘news’ proper delineation between ‘democracy’ Genuine economic desperation is one
wards. We would not be facing hours-long power To look for examples abroad would be comes in the form of commentary, and and what passes off as the people’s voice. thing but trying to get a march over the
cuts today if previous Governments implement- edifying, but Brexit may be one of them. the lines between news and opinion have If the people really want to let their others in the job hunt for instance by rais-
ed more solar and wind energy projects on time. It is true that there may have been prob- blurred so much that they are not recog- voices be heard these days they have to ing the immigration bogey is something
All these measures combined can potentially cut lems with the UK ‘being run in Brussels’ nizable any more. When this happens take drastic measures because the media else altogether. That is the voice of mass
our fuel import bill (nearly US$ 500 million per but there was a lot to be gained for UK by there is so much more room for various be it social media or conventional me- hysteria in the west for instance, and it’s
month) by a considerable margin. being part of the European Union. But rants to be peddled in the guise of giving dia is not doing it for them. Certain lob- not very good to have this collective rant-
But in the light of what Sri Lanka is going Brexit, earlier often acknowledged to be voice to the ‘people.’ byists have in fact hijacked the so called ing heard over the genuine voice of the
through, there is no time for debate, discord mass hysteria, soon became a democratic There was mass hysteria when certain ‘people’s voice’ in some democracies that people.
and rancour in taking decisive action. All po- rallying cry. communities in this country were target- it has become easy for politicians to pre- It’s happening everywhere be it in the
litical parties represented in Parliament as well Brexit though technically the voice of ed once upon a time, and it is salutary that tend that democracy is demagoguery. West or closer home in Asia and it is time
as those outside it must now project a united the people was a product of mass venting these various disparate groups have now Anti-immigration sentiment for in- that people learned to recognise bilge for
front to resolve our current problems. This was, and mass irrationality in the main, and come together in the face of the economic stance is sweeping the West, but it’s not what it is, and not lump it together with
in fact, the very crux of the President’s speech that referendum perhaps should have meltdown. At least there was something rational at all because these countries the truth.
where he called for unity among all political par-
ties and other relevant stakeholders to extricate
Sri Lanka from the present quagmire. For far too
long, our political parties and even the people
have been divided along political, ethnic and re-
ligious lines, stifling the nation’s progress. This
status quo cannot remain any longer.
Hence the President’s clarion call for the for-
mation of an All-Party Government (APG) con-
sisting of representatives of all political parties
currently represented in Parliament. We ear-
nestly hope that all political parties will eventu-
ally heed the President’s call, though the Jathika
Jana Balavegaya (NPP) has expressed negative
sentiments regarding the proposal. The Tamil
National Alliance (TNA) has discussed the APG
with the President, who clearly mentioned in
u p p ort
his speech that problems and grievances faced
by the minority communities must be resolved
w o
expeditiously. Some parties, such as the Samagi
We i n APG
Jana Balavegaya (SJB) have said that they will not
j o
accept any Ministerial portfolios, but help the
Government through Parliamentary Commit-
tees and other such initiatives. But all parties
are likely to allow any MP who wishes to accept
a Ministerial portfolio if his/her knowledge and
expertise can be of use to the country at this vital
moment. No disciplinary action should be taken
against such MPs by the relevant parties as the
country’s interests should come first.
It is also advisable to bring in outside profes-
sionals to Parliament and possibly to the Cabinet
via the National List, including a few genuine
representatives from the Aragalaya, whom the
President has vowed to protect. However, Cabi-
net portfolios should not be granted under any
circumstances to certain former Ministers im-
plicated in cases of fraud and corruption.
Unity is the only option available now and
the only way forward. Political unity and stabil-
ity is a sine qua non for seeking urgent short-
term and medium-term assistance from inter-
national lending agencies and donor nations,
for no one will come forward to give us a hand
if political and social volatility is the order of the
day. The President emphasized this aspect too
in his detailed speech. The Government and the
Opposition should thus lose no time in arriving
at a common framework for an APG to take the
country forward with courage and vigour.
Sunday ObServer auguSt 7, 2022 9

Country’s downfall due to public

finance management blunders
–Dr. Bandula Gunawardena
By IndIka Welagedara management to provide services to the public.
Institutions have been set up to carry out these

tasks. Eg- The Central Bank was established in
arliament is responsible for the eco- 1950 by the Monetary Act of 1949. Only the Cen-
nomic crisis. According to the consti- posed a four-pronged proposal beyond will decrease this year with an adverse impact tral Bank has the monopoly of printing money
tution, Parliament is responsible for
the finances of the country. Therefore,
that. Could elaborate? on people’s income. There will be a lot of pres-
sure on the balance of payments. Q: the Opposition leader said that he with the permission of the Parliament. There-
fore, the credit related responsibility rests with
Parliament is responsible for government rev-
enue expenditure, budget gap and borrowing
a: People see only a certain aspect of the
economic crisis by taking into account the fuel Q: activists say that the former Presi- does not accept this government that has a
mandate. What is your take on this?
the State Credit Department of the Central Bank.
This department recruits officers after re-
and debt settlement. and gas scarcity and the restrictions on elec- dent is responsible for the crisis and that’s ceiving a first pass in economics from the univer-
The Parliament prepares related ordi- tricity supply. The crisis is seen only on the why they tried to remove the people who a: Politically, it is an unfavourable state- sity, passing local and foreign exams and receiv-
nances and authorises the establishment of surface. It has to be looked from a deeper and were agitating. What are your views on ment for him. He says that if Dullas Alahappe- ing international training. They are paid huge
relevant institutions for this purpose. If parlia- different perspective to grasp the real situa- this? ruma who was nominated by him, was elected salaries. Most people do not understand this sub-
mentarians do not accept any proposals pre- tion. with the majority of votes, it would be a gov- ject. Therefore, the public loan department of
sented by these higher institutions, if there is a: This is the view of a group of young peo- ernment with a proper mandate. But after los- the Central Bank should take the loan and bear
no space to present their views through parlia-
ment, the current and former officials of the Q: as per your knowledge, what is ple who have no knowledge of the economy
and realities. If you ask a Professor of Econom-
ing, they say that there is no mandate. It is not
possible for the country to move forward in
its responsibility. But today politicians are in-
volved in this. These officials should explain the
Treasury and the Central Bank should also the real economic crisis? ics he would say this is not due to the Gotab- this way. In developed countries parliamentar- reasons for the bankruptcy of the country.
take responsibility for the issue of the country haya Rajapaksa’s regime but rather a series of ians do not behave in this manner. The second institution is the Ministry of
going bankrupt said Public Vehicles Highways a: What we see today is the worst econom- blunders in public financial management. Af- Finance. It is the Treasury that spends for the
and Mass Media Cabinet Minister Dr. Bandu-
la Gunawardena said in an interview with the
ic crisis since independence. The economic
growth rate dropped from 1.7 percent to -3.5
ter independence and 1977 there was no prop-
er precedent for the economy of our country. Q: Why do you say that our parlia-
public. They prepare the budget. There is a large
group of trained officers. The truth should be
Sunday Observer last week. percent in 2001. It is estimated that in 2022 mentarians do not behave in that way? presented to Parliament in the budget docu-
excerpts of the interview. it will be -6 percent. Statistics prove that
2022 will be a year with the highest Q: are you also a part of this accusa- a: As a country with parliamentary re-
ment. The Treasury has misled Parliament and
made huge mistakes. These people are innocent.
Q: Many people
negative economic growth rate.
This means that there is an
tion? publicanism, the answers to all the economic
questions facing Sri Lanka today should be
The majority of MPs who represent Sri Lanka’s
political parties have little understanding of pub-
are trying to find solu- adverse effect on all mac- a: Yes. As a Member of Parliament who has sought from the enlightened parliament. Like lic finance management. Whether in the rul-
tions to the national roeconomic variables represented the parliament for 33 years, we many countries, and the neighbouring coun- ing party or the opposition, every MP in the last
crisis by staging such as total output in- also have a part of this responsibility. But less tries such as India and Pakistan search for an- three to four decades is responsible for this.
demonstrations come, employment, responsibility is assigned to me. swers through the parliamentary system.
and changing gov- price level, balance I printed and published a large number
Q: does that mean you are also re-
you have pro-
but of payments and in-
vestment in the
of books about this, about the impending de-
struction. Wrote documents. Q: does it mean that Parliament sponsible for this?
country. There- No matter how many facts are presented should take responsibility for these is-
fore, the output through debates inside and outside the parlia- sues? a: I have not prepared any budget docu-
ment, the only response received is laughter, ments. Budgets were prepared in the past by
insults and ridicule. a: Of course, yes. Sections 148, 149, 150, former President JR Jayewardene and then Dr.
151 and 152 of the Constitution state that all the N.M. Perera. Others only read what was pre-
Q: Some political parties say that powers of the state finances have been assigned
to Parliament. Therefore, the lack of rupees and
They are arguing about this in the parlia-
if they are given power they will solve dollars in the country means that money has ment. We suggested that if they have dollars,
the problems within six months. do you been moulded and that means that the coun- they should open an LC and bring an electric
agree? try is bankrupt. Public finance is the collection vehicle and pay the foreign exchange first.
of revenue by taxation or other means for the Even if we propose it, it cannot be done if the
a: The former and the current President government. The second is to pay salaries to Central Bank officials do not approve it. They
declared that they are ready to hand over government employees and incur daily, prog- have a separate power. Those who have dollars
reigns to anyone who is capable. ress and recurring expenses. Taking local and in Sri Lanka should be given a market to trade
It was after Ranil Wickremesinghe saying foreign loans to cover the gap between income in dollars. During the time of Warnasena Rasa-
that he would like to take over the premiership and expenses. After independence this task was putra  the then Governor of the Central Bank,
that Sajith Premadasa said that he would like to assigned to the Parliament. Bearer Bond was proposed.
take over the post. They said no as it would be subjected to
Former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa did
not want to give orders to the Army to shoot Q: How does Parliament control pub-
money laundering. Therefore the Central
Bank and Prime Ministerial officials proposed
civilians due to the violence unleashed on May lic finance? a way to do this. Therefore, how can politicians
9. Therefore, he gave into the protesters and be held accountable for the decisions made by
stepped down. a: Parliament passes laws related to financial these officials? Continued page 12

Blood management in the current crisis

and component transfusions? tion. The fuel shortage resulted in referral of these patients to a pre-
a. The therapeutic materials disruption of the mobile blood col- operative assessment clinic man-
used for blood transfusion process- lection campaigns and transport aged by anaesthetists will facilitate
es are live cells and tissues derived restrictions caused reduced walk-in this. Anaesthetists assess the fitness
Hemantha from human blood. These deriva- in-house blood donors. In addition, of the patients and optimise to im-
Kulatunga tives need to be handled with spe- smooth circulation of the blood prove their ability to tolerate surgi-
cial care under special environ- components within the regional cal stress.

mental conditions, which makes and provincial blood centres was in- During surgery, it is important
s there is no alternative the blood component production terrupted. for surgeons to be meticulous in
for human blood, an ad- expensive. Social restlessness, queuing for their technique and to use different
equate supply of blood in Although there is no calculated fuel and essentials, and econom- medications to minimise blood loss.
Sri Lanka can only be as- cost value for a unit of blood com- ic hardships distracted the public The anaesthetist also plays a key
sured through regular donations. It ponent in SL health economics, the from voluntary activities such as role by using various techniques to
is obvious that a sufficient supply data published by NHS, UK reveals blood donation; the priority of the reduce blood loss and he carefully
of safe blood is an essential compo- the approximate cost of standard community shifted towards search- monitors the patient for timely cor-
nent for needy patients. red cell concentrate is GBP 146 (Rs ing for food, medicine, fuel, and dr. trilicia Withanawasam dr nilmini Wijesuriya rection of any deficit using modern
In an interview with the Sun- 62 000). Similarly, a significant ex- other daily essentials. testing methods to minimise com-
day Observer, Dr. Trilicia Withana- penditure is budgeted for the cost of The impending financial down- Consultant Transfusion Physician Senior Consultant Anaesthetist plications.
wasam, Consultant Transfusion the other blood components such as turn is expected to make the situa- After surgery, high-risk patients
Physician at the University Hospital plasma and platelets. The cost cov- tion worse for the blood service in the Sri Lankan health sector. mal. are monitored closely and managed
of Kotelawala Defence University ers the procurement of raw materi- Sri Lanka; there is a probability that Many kinds of literature are sup- If we can treat the iron defi- in the intensive care unit to avoid
and Dr. Nilmini Wijesuriya, Senior als, human labour, transportation, the prevalence of malnutrition and portive of the statement of “blood ciency with iron treatment rather further blood loss.
Consultant Anaesthetist at Colombo storage, and maintenance. anemia in the community will spike product transfusion per se increas- than waiting till it becomes severe
North Teaching Hospital attempt to
introduce a new concept of Patient
There are added costs for the
management of transfusion proce-
further, hence increasing the num-
ber of deferred donations.
es mortality and morbidity in cer-
tain situations like surgeries and
enough to receive a transfusion, we
can conserve blood units. Q: What action have you
Blood Management (PBM) which is dures and their potential complica- critical care”. Good surgical and anesthetic taken to optimise the rational
a timely project. Dr. Withanawasam
is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of
tions. Although the resources are
from voluntary, non-remunerated Q: What is PbM? How can Implementation of PBM can
prevent conditions which might
techniques would minimise the
use of blood and components
without compromising the patient
Medicine, KDU and the incumbent donors, the total process is expen- PbM strategies be used as a later lead to the requirement for Reducing the incidence of trans- outcome?
head of the department of “Trans- sive, making blood product transfu- solution? transfusion. For example, patients fusion can be a cost-effective meth-
fusion Medicine” at the University sion one of the costliest treatments who are going for elective surgeries od which can have a positive impact a. Intuitional agreement is
Hospital-KDU. Dr. Wijesuriya is the among all therapies. a. The World Health Organiza- having nutritional deficiency-relat- on the economy. placed to treat patients with blood
head of the Department of Anaes- Regrettably, the general public tion (WHO) defines patient blood ed anaemia can be treated with diet and components according to in-
thesiology, CNTH, Ragama. does not seem to be taking the bur-
den of the cost seriously because of
management (PBM) as a patient-
focused, evidence-based, and sys-
and supplementation and anaemia
can be corrected before the surgery. Q: If a patient is going for
ternational guidelines and strict
adherence to transfusion thresh-
Q: donors donate blood to
the free health system in Sri Lanka. tematic approach to optimise the
management of patients and the
Hence, it reduces the requirement
for blood transfusions during the
a major surgery how can you
minimize the use the of blood and
olds. Encourage Multidisciplinary
teamwork for the patient who needs
save other people’s lives. Who
are the patients who benefit Q: What is the impact on
transfusion of blood products for
quality and effective patient care.
surgery. Surgical bleeding itself is a
risk factor for anemia.
components? blood and components and patients
who are going for major surgeries.
from blood and component blood and component production It is designed to improve patient There are many other patient a. We apply the principles of the As professional groups, Colleges
transfusions? during an economic crisis? outcomes through the safe and ra- conditions which lead to increased “three pillars” of Patient Blood Man- of Transfusion physicians, Anaes-
a. Because of the ongoing finan- tional use of blood and blood prod- blood loss such as patients on blood agement (PBM) to reduce and opti- thesiologists and Intensivists of Sri
a. Blood and blood components cial crisis, the health budget was ucts and by minimising unneces- thinning drugs, unrecognised ac- mise the use of blood and compo- Lanka have collaborated to work
are a lifesaving therapy for which expected to be minimised. All the sary exposure to blood products. quired/inherited bleeding disor- nents. These principles are applied together with other professional
there is no alternative, even in the required consumables for the col- Further, the strategic points lead to ders, coagulopathy related to ac- before surgery, during and after sur- groups in the future to optimise
developed world. For patients with lection, production, and transfusion helping patients’ bodies to recover quired infections and so on. gery as well. Coordinated work by the rational use of blood and com-
bleeding after traumatic incidents are in the import category except on their own rather than making If we can identify and correct clinicians of different specialties- ponents. We aim to implement the
and after major surgical procedures voluntarily donated human blood, early decisions to transfuse blood such conditions prior to surgery, surgeons, anaesthetists, transfusion WHO recommendation on urgent
involving genetic and acquired making it an extremely costly ex- and products. the demand for blood will be mi- physicians, nutritionists, haema- PBM principles in our country. It
blood cell deficiencies, donor blood pense for the Government. The knowledge, understanding, nimised. Blood sampling for inves- tologists and hospital administra- is challenging to change old prac-
would be a gift of life. Blood services Due to the restrictions of the and perception of the PBM strate- tigations in intensive care patients tors with other involved healthcare tices, but we have taken the first
maintain the supply because of the supply chain, the blood service fac- gies are at a very low level among has proven to lead to anaemia and workers is essential for the success- steps to disseminate knowledge on
noble act of voluntary, non-remu- es a challenge in fulfilling the de- health care authorities and provid- hence red cell transfusions. ful implementation of PBM. PBM principles among healthcare
nerated regular blood donors. mand for blood and components; a ers. The aim of this paper article is Successful PBM can reduce In brief, before surgery as men- professionals through webinars and
shortage of different types of blood to make the public and responsible the use of blood and spare avail- tioned earlier, we identify patients hope to formulate national guide-
Q: How expensive are blood collection bags, test kits, and other
consumables leads to this situa-
specialists aware of the value of the
timely implementation of PBM in
able blood units for needy patients
where the other options are mini-
with anaemia and other risk factors
and correct them if possible. Early
lines and implement them through
the Ministry of Health.
10 Sunday ObServer auguSt 7, 2022


Ceremonial opening of the third President Ranil Wickremesinghe ceremonially declared

open the third session of the Ninth Parliament on Wednesday
(August 3). On his arrival at the Parliament, President Wick-

session of the Ninth Parliament

remesinghe and First Lady Prof. Maithree Wickramasinghe
were received by the Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena and
the Secretary General of Parliament, Dhammika Dassanayake.
In accordance with the instructions of the President, ar-
rangements were made to conduct the ceremony in a very
simple manner without gun salutes or car parades. Instead, the
President was received in front of Parliament with a Tri-Force
Guard of Honour. There was no President’s flag being hoisted,
only the National Flag was hoisted.
The arrival of the Members of Parliament took place prior
to the arrival of the President, followed by the arrival of Speaker
Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena, Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawar-
dena and finally President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Following
the ceremonial opening on Wednesday (August 3) at 10 a.m. the
President presented the Government’s policy statement at 10:30
a.m. in accordance with powers vested in him through Article
33 of the Constitution.
After entering the Chamber, the President presided over
the sittings and the President’s seat was marked with the State
Emblem instead of the President’s official emblem. During the
President’s ‘Throne Speech’, the Speaker sat with the Secretaries
in the lower seat, where the Speaker sits during the committee
stage. The ceremonial opening was followed by a tea party or-
On his arrival at the Parliament, President ranil Wickremesinghe is wel- ganised for the Members of Parliament and invited guests.
comed by Speaker Mahinda yapa abeywardena and Secretary general of
Prime Minister dinesh gunawardena arrives in Parliament
Parliament dhammika dasanayake.

Foreign delegates

the President in conversation with tna Parliamentarian Shanakiyan rasamanickam, while

former President Mahinda rajapaksa looks on.

Parliamentarian dr.Kavinda Jayawardena greets the President. Former Speaker

defence Secretary, Chief of defence Staff, Service Chiefs and the IgP Chamal rajapaksa was also present.

Xi tested as Chinese nationalists

bristle at Pelosi Taiwan visit
he political fallout from the recent public to be patient and pledged the US and people as servers were dealing with ‘some
visit to Taiwan by Nancy Pelosi, the Taiwan would “gradually and persistently issues’… it’s rumoured Weibo was blocked
speaker of the United States House feel the countermeasures”. at that moment just to cool down nationalist
of Representatives, continues to re- “Hu played a big role since he’d suggested sentiments,” she added.
verberate in China. Pelosi’s escort planes could be shot down,” The visit may also have triggered more
Pelosi’s visit to the self-governing democ- Koetse said. invasive forms of monitoring to ensure aca-
racy, which China claims as its own territory, “Nothing like this happened, but some demic conformity with Xi’s official response.
is testing Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s resolve people actually expected something like Nagy said Chinese researchers told him
at a politically sensitive time. that.” in the past week that Party authorities at
Xi is edging closer to securing an unprec- universities requested they install software
edented third term as head of the ruling Chi- on their phones to protect against alleged
nese Communist Party at its upcoming 20th
‘People are still cyberattacks from abroad. The academics
National Congress in November. extremely angry’ suspect the software is to monitor their con-
Yet as China reacts to the Pelosi visit with versations.
a show of military force, Xi is likely weigh- “There was a shift on August 2,” Leo Chu, “This could be partly to ensure tighter
ing the economic costs and diplomatic fall- a research assistant at US-based Foreign Pol- control of the domestic narrative … Beijing
out with the US and its allies against his need icy Research Institute who hails from Chi- does not want to see the same criticism sur-
to act tough on Taiwan as soaring nationalist na’s Anhui province, told Al Jazeera. face about its handling of this crisis as hap-
sentiment within China pushes for him to do “Beforehand, the visit had been about pened with China’s response to Putin’s in-
more. China-US rivalry… but after Pelosi landed vasion of Ukraine earlier in the year,” Nagy
“It’s put him (Xi) in an impossible posi- in Taipei, people began to talk about it as said.
tion,” Stephen Nagy, a Tokyo-based China an- Pro-China supporters step on a picture of uS House Speaker nancy Pelosi during a pro- an issue of reunification. People are still ex- Shortly after Russia’s invasion of
alyst and senior fellow at Canada’s MacDon- test outside the Consulate general of the united States in Hong Kong on august 3. tremely angry at the US, but they now be- Ukraine, five prominent Chinese historians
ald-Laurier Institute, told Al Jazeera. lieve the answer is not shooting down Pelo- published an open letter condemning Putin
“He has to maintain economic growth, even secondary sanctions to increase the “So many millions of people were watch- si’s plane but in reunification,” he said. and calling on China to denounce the war.
which would be severely hampered by any pressure on Taiwan’s friends.” ing it (the flight tracker) together … and Xi remains under pressure to respond, Censors removed the letter within three
kinetic response to the US and the increas- The escalating aggression is partly a re- there was state media propaganda posts and according to China analyst Nagy. hours.
ing international recognition of Taiwan as a sponse to growing calls from the Chinese military jargon flying around and it felt like “China may not be a democracy, but the Xi will also look to stifle dissent within
political entity,” Nagy said. public for more drastic action. a lot of netizens were really preparing for party needs to respond to its citizen’s senti- the party’s ranks too, as his opponents watch
“Yet he is under tremendous pressure On August 2, the evening Pelosi landed, something to happen,” she said. ments about issues critical to the Chinese for signs of weakness in his response to the
from nationalist forces inside China, who ex- Chinese social media blew up with anti- “And then came the moment she arrived people,” Nagy said. Pelosi visit.
pect a strong response to what they under- American vitriol in what many Chinese neti- … and people felt disappointed and angry “People are raised to understand these “The anti-Xi faction see the past 10 years
stand to be a clear violation of the ‘One China zens called a “sleepless night”. that the ‘old witch’, as they call her, had land- issues through a nationalist lens and many of his rule as taking China backwards. Its
Policy’… I’m doubtful he can strike this bal- By the next morning, about a dozen na- ed and China did not prevent it,” she said. will then wonder why Xi is not standing up relations with West have deteriorated, glob-
ance.” tionalistic hashtags about “reunification” – “There was a sense that ‘she got away with it to what they perceive as their ‘core inter- al favourability is at all-time lows and the
some pushed by Chinese state media – had way too easily’,” Koetse said. ests.’” economy, both structurally and geopoliti-
generated several billion views on the micro- China’s censors, which control the on- cally, is in a worse place than it was a decade
‘Not finished yet’ blogging platform Weibo. line discourse in the country, may have been ago,” Nagy said.
China is staging its  largest-ever military “This was a truly international event and
‘Counter measures’ too slow in curbing netizens’ nationalist fer- “Many in this faction see Xi has put Chi-
exercises in waters surrounding Taiwan, in- something that was very much developing in Hu Xijin, the former editor-in-chief of vour, according to Koetse. nese elites in a weaker position internation-
cluding firing missiles over the island. real-time,” Manya Koetse, a veteran analyst the Global Times newspaper, who is known “Topics such as Xinjiang or Taiwan are ally … and will interpret this visit as Pelosi
Chinese authorities have also banned im- of Chinese social media and editor-in-chief for his bellicosity toward Taiwan, expressed usually very sensitive, and discussion of poking Xi in the eye, and causing him to lose
ports of over 2,000 Taiwanese food products of WhatsonWeibo, told Al Jazeera. regret that Beijing did not deliver the muscu- them censored quickly,” Koetse said. face in the build-up to the National Congress
and halted sand exports to Taiwan, while this Koetse likened the response to Pelosi’s lar response the public hoped for. “But the moment they can be framed when he is supposed to cement his legacy
week Taiwan’s government websites were hit visit to the nationalist wave unleashed when Yet another renowned online commenta- within a nationalistic narrative, as hap- alongside Mao,” he added.
by overseas cyberattacks. Chinese netizens tracked the homecom- tor, Ren Yi, slammed Hu for creating unreal- pened this time, you’ll see the censorship re- Despite the internal opposition, Nagy
“It’s not finished yet,” said Nagy. “I expect ing flight of former Huawei executive Meng istic expectations among the people, which lax … you then see hundreds of thousands of does not think the Taiwan issue will endan-
more provocative military activity from Chi- Wanzhou after she was released by Canada would “damage morale” and “exhaust gov- new messages flooding Chinese social me- ger Xi’s chances of securing a third term,
na in the coming months … we can also ex- last year. ernment credibility”. dia,” she said. saying only a devastating new Covid-19 vari-
pect more cyberattacks, restrictions on Tai- “But of course, this time Nancy Pelosi On Wednesday, China’s Foreign Ministry “Yet immediately following Pelosi’s land- ant or natural disaster may pose such a risk
wanese businesses operating in China, and was not welcome,” she added. spokeswoman Hua Chunying requested the ing Weibo became unreachable for a lot of at this stage. - Agencies


The mob attack on MP Mohan

Priyadarshana De Silva’s properties
On May 9, as violence spread across the coun- timated damage is around Rs. 100 million. But struggle took part in it as it was a peaceful the country a better place.” he said.
try De Silva was serving as the Minister of Wa- the damage to the hearts of our family and es- struggle. My belief is that these acts were com- As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “An eye
ter Supply. pecially the children is immeasurable. Every- mitted by persons linked to a political party” he for an eye will leave the whole world blind”.
“On May 9 we gathered at Temple Trees to one in the Galle District knows I toiled hard for said. Therefore, citizens must lend their effort in
respectfully bid farewell to Prime Minister Ma- everything I had. They had nothing to do with Despite losing all he had, De Silva is deter- dousing an already burning country rather
hinda Rajapaksa. As we were informed that a this incident. This was an organised attack by a mined to carry on. than stoke the fires that would result in its de-
Cabinet meeting was also scheduled to be held certain group” he claimed. “This is the first time I faced an incident struction.
that evening I also took part in it. It was dur- According to him, despite the Police in- such as this. I was voted in by the people and I The article is an English translation of Su-
ing this meeting that friends and family from forming him that those involved have been lived on what I earned as a lawyer. I have never rekha Nilmini Illangakoon
Galle informed me about houses being set on arrested, he was not keen to pursue the case. earned through poli-
fire. Even though I was living temporarily in “I will not fault the Police for what took place. tics. Even my wife is
Colombo, everything I owned was back in my There was a serious breakdown of law and or- still employed. I al-
village. I lost everything in those violent inci- der when this incident took place. Not even the ways stood with the
dents” he recalled. Police could control it. I do not believe regular people and I lived a
The house destroyed by violent mobs was folk in villages took part in these acts. regular life. Those
on a mere ten-perch land. The upper storey Neither do I think those engaging in the who voted for me are
was used as a library consisting of books be- well aware of this.
longing to the former Minister. Those involved As a person from
in these incidents also set fire to his ancestral a non-political back-
home and office in Rathgama. ground I built my life
“The ancestral home was built by my par- with great dedica-
ents. My younger brother along with his family tion. Today my fam-
lived there. It was completely destroyed. The ily lives in a Govern-
books of my nieces and nephews ment quarters due to
De Silva in front of his gutted home were reduced to ashes. My house our situation. I am

had three storeys. That too was unsure if I can re-
he incidents on May 9 that led to the fully gutted. The furniture and build our home. Even
destruction of the houses of many everything were lost. Houses if I do, what about the
MPs was frowned upon by the ma- can be built, but the memo- memories that was
jority of the people in Sri Lanka. It ries held within those walls lost.
undoubtedly left a black mark on Sri Lanka’s can never be recovered. The None of them can
name before the world. Among the houses birth certificates of my be restored. At first I
destroyed by violent protesters was the children, our mar- was deeply upset and
residence, office as well the ances- riage certificate, saddened by what
tral home of Galle district MP Mo- photographs of happened but I made
han Priyadarshana De Silva. my children up my mind on the
“It caused my family a lot as babies and very day itself. I only
of pain. They had set fire even degree have one request.
to our home as if it was a certificates. That is to not allow
mere playhouse. No matter We similar incidents of
who carried out this act, it have none violence from hap-
will only lead to the further of those pening again. Do
decline of the country. The left. The es- not be part of such
people are living under dif- incidents. If a per-
ficult circumstances and as Galle District MP, former son desires good rul-
their representatives we too Minister Mohan The house and office destroyed ers, they themselves
are saddened by their plight. Priyadarshana De Silva must be outstanding
by unruly mobs
However some people citizens. Therefore,
have widely spread a notion do your duty as citi-
that Ministers and MPs do not care for the suf- zens of Sri Lanka. Ev-
ferings of the people and they are all corrupt. Full Name - Mohan Priyadarshan De Silva ery citizen has a re-
But this is untrue. Even if we are paid for the Date of Birth - 23.12.1966 sponsibility to make
damage caused through these incidents, again School - St Aloysius College - Galle
public monies are being spent that would have Educational Qualifications - Graduated from Sri Lanka Law College and sworn in as a
benefited the people and utilised for develop- lawyer (1993)
ment purposes. Our property is now gone but
such acts of violence must be prevented going
Milestones in his political career
1996 - Rathgama Electorate Organiser of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party
further,” he said.
De Silva was born the eldest of four chil-
1997 - Hikkaduwa Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman
2009 - Southern Provincial Council Chairman CAUTIONARY NOTICE
dren, in Mahamodara, Galle. His father 2010 - Elected as a Member of Parliament for the first time
A.Karunasena was a Government employee 2019 - Minister of State for Human Rights and Law Reforms Notice is hereby given that our clients, The Capital Maharaja
and his mother K.D Ariyawathie was a house- 2020 - Minister of State for Fertiliser Production and Supply Organisation Limited (formerly known as The Maharaja Organisation
wife. Living in a house called A.K.D Bakery or 2021 - Minister of State for Coastal Conservation and Lowland Development
Bakariye Gedara he lived a simple life. De Silva 2021 - Cabinet Minister for Water Supply Limited) having their registered office at No. 146, Dawson Street,
was first educated at the Ratgama Sirisumana Colombo 02, Sri Lanka are the Owners and Sole Proprietors of the
Vidyalaya and later enrolled at St. Aloysius following Trade Marks.
College in Galle. Entering Sri Lanka Law Col-
lege in 1990, he was admitted to the bar in 1993
and commenced his legal career at the Galle
Courts. De Silva married fellow lawyer Ashika
Munasinghe in 2001. Today they are parents to
two children.
“No one in my family was connected to
politics. Despite being part of various societies
and associations while in Law College I had no
party affiliation at the time. We worked togeth-
er for greater good and I had no intention to
join politics back then” he said.
But becoming a close confidant of senior
politician Richard Soysa, De Silva entered Our Client, operates in the tea industry through its Group Companies i.e.

Qatar Charity
politics in 1996 after being appointed as the Harrisons (Colombo) Limited (one of the oldest tea companies in Sri
Sri Lanka Freedom Party organiser for the
Rathgama electorate. In his first election ever, Lanka) and A. F. Jones Exporters Ceylon (Private) Limited (formerly
the very next year De Silva was elected to the known as ‘A. F. Jones Exporters Ceylon Limited’), which is one of Sri
Pradeshiya Sabha, going on to be elected to the
Parliament in 2010. In 2019 he was appointed
Notice for the Legal Services Lanka’s oldest tea establishments founded back in 1912. Our Clients
have been manufacturing and exporting 100% Quality Ceylon Tea
as the State Minister for Human Rights and Le-
gal Reforms. (Date of publication 07/08/2022) (International Class 30) under the said trademarks as depicted above to
In 2020, De Silva was re-elected to Parlia- many other countries.
ment for the third time after obtaining 111 626
votes and was appointed a Cabinet Minister. Qatar Charity, Doha based International NGO, Our Clients are also the owners of the Copyright in respect of the said
dedicated to carryout humanitarian and development logos.
programs, working in Sri Lanka invites applications The public and the trade are cautioned that there are Counterfeit
/ quotations from legally registered Law Firms for products by third parties, under the above-mentioned marks/brand
names which are confusingly similar to our client’s marks/getup. The
Legal Services in Sri Lanka with following terms and public is hereby cautioned not to get misled and confused by any such
conditions. products.

1. Interested firm may apply in Arabic or English Our clients shall not hold themselves responsible for products purchased
from sources other than its authorized agents and any infringement or
Language with registration documents and CV damage caused due to the use of such products.
of the firm and the Lawyers to the Legal Counsel Trade and public are hereby requested to cooperate by bringing to our
in Doha, Email : notice any misuse or attempt to use identical, deceptively similar
trademarks or imitative artistic works as depicted and described above.
2. A cover letter and legal offer / quotation must be Our abovementioned clients have instructed us and wish to bring to the
signed and/or stamped by the person authorized notice of the trade and the public that they attach singular importance to
Books destroyed in the fire their above-mentioned trademarks and reserve the right to take legal
to sign the agreement and submit via same action against any person or persons who act in infringement of the
email no later than 14:00 hours (Doha time) on rights of our clients.
14/08/2022. Any enquiry relative thereto may be referred to the following

3. The short-listed firms will be called for an online JULIUS & CREASY
meeting to discuss about the services. Attorneys-at-Law & Notaries Public
No. 371, R. A. De Mel Mawatha,
4. Qatar Charity reserves the right to accept or Colombo 03,
reject in part or whole of any quotations without Republic of Sri Lanka.
assigning any reason whatsoever.
12 SUnDAY OBSErvEr AUgUST 7, 2022


Pension scheme for expat workers

from next month- Manusha Nanayakkara
By IndIka Welagedara
Q : The foreign job market has
been adversely affected. What Q : During the Covid-19 period,
our foreign workers returned
many years. However it has not
seen the light of the day yet?

igrant workers provide is the condition of the new market? in large numbers. Did they say that A: Yes, it was discussed on many
for the most foreign ex- A: Not only us, the global epi- they receive less attention? occasions. We are now discussing
change to Sri Lanka. But demic affected the whole world. It A: Yes, it's true; we need to speak with the Social Security Board and
due to the spread of pandemic had an impact on our emigrants. the truth. They cannot be happy with preparing a pension scheme. This
in the last season, the return of But we are currently regaining our the care they received there. During is a contributory pension scheme.
migrant workers to the country market. We also want to say that a the quarantine, not everyone got the
reduced the amount of foreign
exchange flow to the country sig-
nificantly. We even had to find a
new foreign job market has been
In the past, going to an over-
free quarantine facilities provided
by the government. We need to give
good care to migrant workers who
Q :   What are the concessions
offered to foreign workers in
importing vehicles?
new market. Based on this situ- seas country mostly meant going contribute about 700 million dol- A: Yes, if one has spent 3,000 US
ation, the Minister of Labor and for domestic work. However the lars to us. That's when they will feel dollars for six months up to July,
Foreign Employment has been en- situation has changed. Today, the about our country. he or she could import a motorcy-
trusted with the task of creating a number of women traveling abroad cle worth up to 25,000 dollars and if
new job market as well as the wel-
fare of those who go for foreign
jobs. Today, Sunday Observer joins
has dropped to around 30 percent.
About 70 percent of foreign workers
are men. We are trying to increase
Q : The main reason for the cur-
rent economic crisis in our
country is the drop in dollars sent
one has more than 6000 dollars he/
she could import an electric car.

the exclusive interview with Labor

Minister Manusha Nanayakkara to
the ratio. by foreign workers and this situ-
ation was caused by the Undial Q : Apart from that there are
many other privileges grant-
discuss the current situation in the
political arena.
Excerpts of the interview
Q : We have the largest foreign
job market in the Middle
East. Under such circumstances
scheme. What steps have been tak-
en to addres the issue?
A: Due to the increase in the
ed to expatriate workers. Can you
shed more light on them?
A: Yes, we have decided to give
the drop in women going exchange rate of the dollar, the special tax relief to expatriates
abroad will affect our for- amount paid for a dollar has in- in addition to the tax relief given
eign exchange income? creased from 75 to 100 rupees when to Sri Lankans who return to the
IN MEMORIAM A: As I said, a new mar- remitting money through Undial country, according to which, in-
ket is being created. We and Hawala systems. Therefore, stead of the 1,750 dollars given to
AELIAN GAMINI (GAMIT) have the highest demand the workers were motivated to send those who come to this country
from the Middle East, but money through it. from abroad for more than 365
AMERESEKERE we are now focusing more Some politicians have publicly days, he will get another tax relief
on creating job opportu- said that certain rulers are stealing of 600 dollars.
10th August 1942 - nities for professionals as money sent by foreign workers.
1st January 2019 well as artisans. There have
been success stories.
For example, there
Therefore, sending money through
banks was limited.
How could one rob another per-
of money sent. We also decided to
give them a low interest or no inter-
ey through banks?
A: This is the time we need to
Q :  A big problem for those who
go abroad is to find the money
for it, they have to take money at
are many countries where son hard-earned money? est home loan. incentivize migrant workers. Soon high interest. Or houses and land
there is a demand for weld- The government restricted the It was also decided to give loan we will give them a privilege card. are mortgaged. Couldn't find a so-
ers and plumbers. So we import of certain goods including money in proportion to the amount Through that card, products pro- lution to this situation yet?
can direct workers to get vehicles. Due to this construction sent. We submitted a proposal that vided by over 400 companies in Sri A: We are now ready to pro-
higher wages. We have pre- has been hampered. Vehicles could the loan amount should be 5 times Lanka can be obtained from over vide a solution for that too. A loan
pared the background to not be delivered. the amount sent. Now the cen- 4,000 stores with discounts. The de- scheme is being introduced for
reach that goal. tral bank is working on it. Is that pendents of the expatriate will ben- that. Agreed for banks.

Q : Can you state the

countries where new
Q : You said that you will launch
a program to encourage those
who send money through banks.
amount significant? If not, they will
inform in the future about how it
will be done. It was also decided
We are also planning to set up
day care centers for the children of Q :   What are your views on
forming an all-party govern-
jobs have been created? Could you ellaborate? to give loan money in proportion immigrants. ment?
  A: We have a demand, A: By now, a significant number to the amount sent. We submitted Also, we have suggested that a A: This is the best time rebuild
especially from countries of people have moved away from a proposal that the loan amount quota should be given to the chil- the country. We have to put aside
Gone home to the Father, such as England, Canada, Ja- the Undial system. A reason for it is should be 5 times the amount sent. dren of immigrants at school ad- political differences and come to-
our loss, his gain. pan and Korea. Knowledge- the price paid per dollar under the Now the central bank is working missions. The Ministry of Educa- gether to rebuild the country. All
able artisans from these Undial system dropping by 10 to 15 on it. Is that amount significant? If tion has agreed on it. It is being parties should work together.

Fondly remembered on his 80th countries are in demand rupees. not, they will inform in the future considered now. Also, it has been :  Do you think the current po-
birthday by Ranjit, Ruth, Jayalath, and get higher wages. Cur- The other reason is the incen- about the manner in which it will proposed to create several emi- litical set up will succeed?
Heather, Edward, Jennifer, Gehan, rently, we are getting more tive one receives remitting money be done. grant export zones. A: It will. The President has de-
Bimali, Yohan, Shahan, Druvi, markets for nurses from through banks. We have also de- cided to prepare a national plan
Vanessa, Dino, Luca and Lane.
England. We are trying to
get it for other jobs as well.
cided to give gifts of 5,000 to 10,000
rupees depending on the amount Q : Are there any incentives and
facilities when remitting mon- Q : A pension for foreign work-
ers has been in the cards for
for the next 25 years. All parties
should support this.

Country’s downfall due... Continued from page 9

Q: If what the parliament or lion US dollars in the balance of pay-

ments current account.
ister for Civil Affairs. But unfortunate-
ly the officials arbitrarily concealed
relevant personnel say does not the truth and reversed this Act in 2004.
work, who will provide solutions to
this problem? Q: Why don’t you, as an expe-
The result is the bankruptcy of the
country today. Even if the Financial
rienced Minister suggest this to the Management Act of 2003 passed by the
A: There should be an all-party government? Parliament was implemented in the
consensus. Secondly, the general pub- same manner by 2013, the country will
lic should be made to understand that A: Solutions to the current crisis not be bankrupt today.
there are four solutions for this. Rais- were presented to Parliament when I
ing government revenue, increas-
ing revenue to 27% of gross domestic
had the constitutional power to do so.
It is the Public Financial Management Q: When the Act was amend-
product by 2027. Reduce government Accountability Act of 2003. Among its ed why were the subject experts si-
expenditure. Maintain 22% of GDP by primary objectives is to reduce the lent?
2027. Doing so would bring the bud- budget gap to 5% of gross domestic
get gap to 5% in 2027 and continue product by 2006 and maintain it con- A: The views of intellectuals are
to maintain the budget gap below 5% tinuously. not taken seriously by politicians. On
thereafter. The third is to increase ex- Reduce outstanding public debt to the other hand only a few of the intel-
port earnings. Increasing annual ex- 60% of GDP and maintain it. Guaran- lectuals contribute to public and fi-
port earnings of goods and services tee for public debt, not exceeding 4.5% nancial management. In order to over-
to US$ 22 billion and reducing import of gross domestic product. I gave the come the economic crisis intellectuals
expenditure to US$ 20 billion by 2027. most correct answer to this crisis as and businessmen who are not in favor
Then there is a surplus of about 2 bil- the Cabinet and Finance Deputy Min- of political parties should contribute.

Biloela family: asylum seekers allowed

to stay in Australia after outcry
A family who became the public trips nearly a decade ago, and sought allow the family to return to their ad-
face of Australia’s tough asylum-seek- asylum. They said they feared perse- opted hometown in Biloela if elected.
er policies will be allowed to stay in cution in Sri Lanka because of their Immigration Minister Andrew Giles
the country after a four-year battle. Tamil ethnicity - successive ruling on Friday said the government has kept
The Nadesalingam family was governments have long been accused its promise. But he stressed that immi-
detained in 2018 after their claim for of targeting Tamils, who are a minority gration policies have not changed. Aus-
protection was rejected. in the largely Sinhalese country. tralia can hold asylum seekers like the
Their treatment sparked outcry The couple met in outback Biloela, Nadesalingam family in indefinite de-
and a national campaign for their re- married and had two girls - Kopika, sev- tention while it assesses their refugee
turn to the outback Queensland town en, and Tharnicaa, five. claims or takes steps to deport them.
of Biloela. They have now been grant- But the government detained them It also has a policy of not allowing
ed visas due to their “complex and in 2018 after ruling the family had no asylum seekers to arrive by boat, and
specific circumstances”, the govern- legal right to be in Australia. maintains a system of offshore deten-
ment says. Locals in Biloela fought for them to tion. -BBC
Priya Nadaraja says the decision stay, kicking off a campaign
has given her family “peace” at last. that won national support
“Now I know my daughters will and the backing of MPs from
get to grow up safely in Australia. Now across the political spec-
my husband and I can live without trum.
fear,” she said in a statement. Supporters include new
Priya and her husband Nades ar- Prime Minister Anthony Al- JAYASEKERA - ARTHUR RANJIT -
rived in Australia on separate boat banese who had pledged to 3rd Feb. 1935 - 7th August 2012. It’s been
ten years since that sad day, Our lives were
shattered when you went away, To keep
you with us we did our best, It was God’s
will for you to rest. If we could have you
one more day, To say the things we could
not say, how much you meant to all of us,
and how we miss you every day, Our hearts
would break just like before, when that day
ends and it’s time to go. So until the day we
meet again Cherished in our hearts, pre-
cious memories ease our pain. Dearly loved
and gratefully remembered. Your loved ones
here and abroad 044861


Solar power can save Sri Lanka utilise for the full energy require-
ment of the country including trans-
port. Conversion of the transport
sector to being electric centric is
cited as doubly important as about

10 – 25 percent of batteries would be
any ancient civili- used to supply the night time power
sations have had demand. It seems like a fairyland
a heritage of con- story to us Lankans languishing in
necting to the uni- serpentine fuel queues but this is
verse in diverse the price we pay for seven decades
ways and in par- of inertia for which not only politi-
ticular to the sun. Historically the cians but professionals also have to
sun has been worshipped in Lanka share the blame.
and to date the traditional new year The concept of this islandwide
in April (referred to under several rooftop solar project will revolution-
names across South Asia) is the har- arily distribute the income earned
vest festival that revolves around among all the citizens of the coun-
the sun. Without the benevolence try, instead of diverting the entire
of this star that takes centre stage
within the solar system our survival
income to a few foreign and local
tycoons, explains Eng. Suriyarach- ONE OF THE ‘ISSUES’ THAT COME UP WHEN PROPOSALS
on planet earth would end. The en-
ergy of the sun we need within our
body in the form of vitamin D, the
chi who had made a comprehen-
sive presentation and submitted
a comprehensive report to related
deficiency of which weakens our im-
officials. He had presented this to
several officials in diverse capacity
It is known that every second,
the sun’s core fuses about 600 mil-
around three years ago.
He said that the initial cost per
TO SOLAR ENERGY. THIS IS SEEN BY THE RELEVANT Alongside would be the manufac-
turing of batteries, manufacturing
tem inertia and spinning reserve to
control the frequency change.”
lion tons of hydrogen into helium
and converts 4 million tonnes of
house owner is Rs. 400,000 as per
installment on loan by Government/ EXPERTS ON SOLAR ENERGY AS A BASIC REALITY of cables and the creation of jobs
associated with transport, security
In addition to switching, there
will be 1500 mw of major hydro
matter into energy. In many spiri-
tual traditions to date; most promi-
investors and the gradual saving per
household is Rs. 5,500 per month ac- THAT ANY SUCH PROJECT WILL HAVE TO PRACTICALLY and training. The installation would
be targeting 1.5 million households
available to serve as spinning re-
serve and system inertia during the
nently in Hinduism the sun is wor-
shipped and its power hailed by
those who knows multifarious ways
cording to the overall costing done
in 2020.The investment requirement
at a minimum level is not vast as per
ACCOMMODATE per year. For the installing of 1 mil-
lion rooftop systems a year the need
would be overall for 44000 skilled la-
day time. Since the solar generation
is scattered all over the country, sud-
den fluctuations due to cloud cover
of harnessing it. One way is through foreign currency calculation as per verse persons to steer Sri Lanka to- One of the ‘issues’ that come up bourers, 5000 technical supervisors, and climatic conditions will be mini-
diverse mantras routed through global perspectives,” he said. wards renewable energy in the past when proposals of shifting to renew- 200 engineering assistants and 25 mal.”
the binary of sound and resonance years this writer also spoke to those able energy is the difficulty of ad- engineers. NOTE: This article is part of a so-
which is known to impact the ener- such as engineer Kamal Perera who aptation and grid transition to solar Overall 500,00 new employment lar awareness campaign to educate
gy of the universe and influence re-
Solar power is part of the helm at the Renew- energy. This is seen by the relevant for installation is needed and anoth- investors, the public and local policy
ality in mysterious and mystic ways. Suriyarachchi said that the cost- able Energy Development Branch of experts on solar energy as a basic re- er total of 17,500 employees which makers on the need to transfer to
The sun plays a key role in ing was done on a reasonable anal- the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB), ality that any such project will have includes engineers, technicians and renewable energy in Sri Lanka. The
the subject of astrology and an- ysis considering ongoing global Engineer Ajith Alwis who current- to practically accommodate. labourers. author, Frances Bulathsinghala is
cient agrarian technology revolved pricing and that the cost analysis ly heads phase 03 of the Mannar, The job creation by national is- Harsha Suriyarachchi said: “We part of a team of professionals pro-
around the knowledge of the ebb was based on setting up high scale Mullikulam wind power project of landwide solar investment strategy are not talking about a 100 percent moting renewable energy as part of
and flow of the energy of the sun manufacturing plants in Sri Lanka. the CEB and Prof. (Eng.) G. Senara- as proposed by Eng. Suriyarachchi- solar run grid (other renewables), integrated, sustainable and holistic
and the moon. Some of the above To remind the size of scale, setting thne, President of the Graduate In- would be directly related to the in- but, say, a 500 percent solar run sys- economic, social and earth focused
mentioned knowledge would be am- up solar power systems on 5 million stitute of Science and Management stallation of around 1.0 million roof tem as transportation and new in- wellbeing and carrying out an inte-
ply available in our Ola leaf manu- house holds capacity of 3000 - 5000 who had previously taught telecom- top solar systems per year, manu- dustries too, to be running fully sup- grated initiative to introduce solar
scripts. mw per year. munication and electronics related facturing of 3000 - 5000 MW of solar ported by solar energy.” energy to rural schools.
Hence from spirituality to astrol- Mohamed Fahim, who has subjects at the Massey University in PV panels per year and manufactur- “The grid, therefore, will mainly
ogy and agriculture this brightest of worked overseas for over twenty New Zealand. ing 1.5 million inverters per year. depend on switching and not on sys-
stars said to have formed some 4.5 years and thereafter has continued Engineer Kamal Perera of the
billion years ago, has been an active to associate with diverse foreign Renewable Energy Development
participant in the lives of humans principals engaged in finance and Branch of the CEB stated that in
across planet earth and subject to di- infrastructure project development 2020, following several phases of
verse description in folklore. has attempted to promote renew- different evaluations over the past
In modern times we tend to ig- able energy projects in Sri Lanka. years on shifting Sri Lanka to renew-
nore or are ignorant of the cultur- Having worked in housing devel- able energy, a proposal had been
al role the sun played in multiple opment, in Dendro power develop- submitted by the CEB, based on
aspects of the lives of our ances- ment, municipality waste to energy their research, looking at strategic
tors and our civilisation as a whole. development, solar power develop- adaptation to solar, wind and hydro
Strangely we have also ignored how ment, roof top solar power projects based energy.
the sun could be a major asset to us as well as hybrid power develop- The main stumbling block in this
through the use of modern technol- ment, he had given up dejectedly regard had been the Cabinet non-
ogy. although he has had many interna- approval when the tender related
If there was a single natural re- tional investors willing to invest. documents were submitted. Subse-
source that could save our economy “In many of these projects we quently the Covid-19 virus situation
by providing us unlimited energy ended up unsuccessfully because of had thwarted any active follow up on
as compared to what we have been many reasons such as political in- the matter. He called upon all policy
obtaining from other nations in the stability, the long drawn terrorism makers and authorities concerned
form of fossil fuel and thus lead us linked wasted years the nation had to become familiar with Sri Lanka’s
to a whole new economic sphere by to undergo and lengthy approval diverse efforts to prioritise alterna-
transforming our entire country into procedures where new comers were tives to fossil energy and make a de-
a developed nation, it is the sun. treated adversely and discriminat- tailed study of why these plans did
There are many persons and or- ed,” he said, adding that the country not take off.
ganisations, including the Ceylon has been a victim of short sighted Engineer Ajith Alwis said that
Electricity Board (CEB) which had policies that did not allow projects the CEB had undertaken, in the year
studied as far back as twenty years beyond 10MW power generation ca- 1992, among the first local feasibility
ago, the Sri Lankan potential of re- pacity. studies on renewable energy.
newable energy, in particular solar. “Foreign investors were not will- He said the need for Sri Lanka to
ing to invest for small projects. If you introduce a viable national renew-
want to describe these small scale 10 able energy transition policy frame
Macro plan MW power projects, we can say that work that could be put into practice.
Among the many persons who in it is like limiting the national solar He said how a national shift to
their individual capacity had tried to power potential to a ‘tea kiosk’ or solar energy would change the en-
promote solar energy in Sri Lanka ‘petti kade’ parametres. As a coun- tire energy and economic system of
through a macro plan of transform- try we have to learn to handle for- the country, scrapping imported fos-
ing the economy is engineer Harsha eign investment through a far think- sil fuel dependency and transform-
Kumar Suriyarachchi and invest- ing foreign investment policy where ing transport and domestic energy
ment promoter Mohamed Fahim. global investment can be attracted requirements. A solar energy policy
A macro national solar energy in a manner enabling Sri Lanka to coupled with a strategic investment
development plan that could have have a solid hold on national inter- plan would have transformed Sri
completely changed the economic ests”, he said. Lanka and freed the nation from the
status quo of Sri Lanka was drawn He said, “What I tried to assist shackles of poverty decades ago.
up by Eng. Suriyarachchi conceptu- in was not to get an investing com- “Needless to say Sri Lanka would
alised around 2019. Structured upon pany that will exploit our resources have been a certain paradise if we
an integrated vision to launch Sri and take the benefit by having us had such a plan soon after inde-
Lanka on its journey of energy in- buy back the service from them at a pendence but at least seven or eight
dependence by 2025 it was planned high price but where Sri Lanka will years ago if this was done through a
so that from roof top (houses alone) solidly benefit. clear policy decision, with equally
30,000 - 60,000 MW capacity would clear understanding by policy mak-
be available for solar generation. ers concerned, Sri Lanka would not
Among the host of untapped nat-
Fossil fuel be in the current state it is in,” says
ural resources in Sri Lanka is Silica From a foreign investment per- Eng. Alwis.
which is needed for the manufactur- spective it is very easy to get big time A policy is not just about having
ing of the solar cells which are cur- investment for solar for a country a document with elaborate sentenc-
rently imported. Eng. Suriyarachchi such as Sri Lanka. We certainly do es but rather a writ of clarity of what
cites that the local production of the not have to languish the way we are a country wants to achieve and with
initially needed 1.0 million inverters doing now by depending on fossil a clear timeline, plan and knowl-
per year would bring down the cost fuel resources of other countries,” edge of how to reach that goal.
of a 5 kw inverter to around 125,000 he said.
and that the 5 kw rooftop solar sys- The stumbling block is when any
tem costing as per the scale of the country develops a culture of expect-
Economic revolution
production is 1.0 million systems ing commissions or indulging in en- Engineer Alwis is one of the CEB
per year encompassing Cabling, couraging a network of unnecessary officials familiar with the detailed
Switches, Meters, Earthing, Con- red tape. “There are many regions macro document/ presentation of
nections and Structure. The labour in the world where systems have Eng. Harsha Suriyarachchi (an engi-
cost of enabling the 5 kw system is been put in place where it is easy to neer non connected to CEB) linking
around Rs. 250,000 and the target implement such projects and hence job creation, environment protec-
price of 5 kW system is Rs. 400,000. there is high investor competition. I tion, pollution minimisation, indus-
What would have been needed remain positive that Sri Lanka can trialisation and the overall economic
for a national renewable energy move forwards from this point and revolution that would occur through
based economic transition policy make a turnaround in its economic a national plan to use renewable en-
would have been a parallel national sphere especially through the route ergy focusing primarily on solar.
investment policy. of renewable energy. All Sri Lankans Prof. (Eng.) G. Senarathne of the
“The complete transition to should support this. This is the time Graduate Institute of Science and
100% renewable energy that will we should start re-working for the Management who this writer also
revolutionize the transport system country with utmost commitment,” spoke to, said that a key reason Sri
and create new industries will need Fahim said. Lanka has not developed over the
5 years. Despite the changes from He said that renewable energy past decades is because national
2020 to now, the project is feasible needs a separate dedicated Govern- projects are seen as routes to earn
and its necessity directly felt now by ment ministry and a Minister who through commissions.
every citizen,” said Eng. Suriyarach- knows the subject. He said that par- “If Sri Lanka has a mechanism
chi. ticular locations such as Kurunega- where national policy making was
What had been proposed there- la and Jaffna could be special solar linked to the professional sphere
fore is to utilise the solar power fall zones. there are many who would have con-
on each household and collectively In researching the efforts of di- tributed,” he said.


Schoolboys made sandwich

Gomes slams NOC for
attempting to manipulate
boxing selections

pawns in rugby show

Boxing Association of Sri Lanka (BASL)
president Dian Gomes was outraged at Na-
tional Olympic Committee (NOC) president
Suresh Subramaniam’s insinuation that some
deserving athletes were prevented from rep-
resenting the country at the XXII Common-
BY CALLISTUS DAVY wealth Games in Birmingham.
Sri Lanka’s national boxing selection com-
In yet another bout of violence in an mittee headed by Gen. Jagath Jayasuriya (rtd)
ever growing list of mayhem at schools had ranked eight men and three women pugi-
rugby, Isipathana College’s players became lists on their performance at three trial meets
the victims of after-match hooliganism including the Layton Cup.
when they were set upon and manhandled Only five men and three women boxers
by a boisterous crowd at Nittawela last were approved according to the allocation for
week at a game against Vidyartha College. boxing in the Commonwealth Games team
What has become more frightening calculator for Sri Lanka.
is the fact that the so-called keepers of A section of the crowd invasion that poses However, attempts were made by certain
the cradle of rugby, the Sri Lanka Schools the main threat to players after the match people to influence the NOC president Subra-
Rugby Football Association, has done ab- as it happened last week at Nittawela maniam to promote a boxer who was ranked
solutely nothing to deter or stamp out the where Vidyartha hosted Isipathana eighth on the list to gain a back-door entry for
menace other than say it is the responsi- the Games. Subramaniam, who is a member
bility of the host school to provide security of the National Sports Selection Committee,
cover and that action will be taken against THE SUNDAY OBSERVER ON acknowledged that the NOC was keen to take
offending schools.
Last week’s rowdy scenes marked the
NUMEROUS OCCASIONS HIGHLIGHTED all the boxers and accused Gomes of prevent-
ing it.
third time violence broke out in the 2022 THE CONTINUOUS TREND OF VIOLENCE “There is a due process to represent the
season that has made schoolboys abso-
lute pawns in the hands of egoistic school
IN SCHOOLS RUGBY BY DOCUMENTING country. There were five slots for men and the
best five were selected by the selection com-
heads and their coaches, old boys wanting MORE THAN 15 CASES OVER A FIVE mittee. Number 8 who is the last ranked box-
to settle old scores and players sacrificed er is not up to the mark and cannot be sent by
on the altar of pride, even made to play by YEAR PERIOD BUT THE SCOURGE ROSE influencing the NOC. Meritocracy is a must
injecting pain killing drugs to fight off in- TO HIGHER LEVELS IN THE WIN-AT-ANY- at Sri Lanka boxing. We will not bow down to
jury woes. political influence,” said Gomes, furious at at-
Another trend that has also raised eye- COST SYNDROME THAT HAS ENGULFED tempts to manipulate selections and attempts
brows is the sight of mortal heads of Chris- THE PASSION OF SCHOOLBOYS to portray the BASL in poor light.
tian schools allowing schoolboy players to In fact, the boxer concerned Niraj Wi-
fall at their feet in a gesture of worship be- jewardena was not even selected to the na-
fore and after a match. for international recognition. tional pool originally after his pathetic per-
The season was launched in absolute The Sunday Observer on numerous oc- formance in the first selection trial and did
secrecy away from media questioning at casions highlighted the continuous trend not impress at the professional boxing event
a cost of Rs.80 million pumped in by com- of violence in schools rugby by document- in Dubai. Looking more like a bodybuilder
mercial godfathers who cash in for mar- ing more than 15 cases over a five year pe- than a boxer, he did not take part in the Lay-
keting mileage in a school sporting show- riod but the scourge rose to higher levels ton Cup and won the 75kg weight class in the
piece that Sri Lanka Rugby, the parent in the win-at-any-cost syndrome that has final trial but failed to impress the national
body of the sport, once estimated to hold engulfed the passion of schoolboys. selectors.
financial stakes in the region of Rs. 150 to Analysts charge that as long as schools The BASL stayed firm in their commit-
200 million. are dragged in to play in a commercialized ment to select boxers on merits and went
Some of the affluent schools allocate tournament, unchecked violence will very by the decision of their national selectors
budgets as high as Rs. 40 million or more much be a part and parcel of the game comprising eminent personnel. It would
for a season of which a coach is paid as quite in contrast to the period before the have set a bad precedent for any sport if de-
much as Rs.700,000 for a month or more 1980s when schools rugby was savoured cisions made by a national federation are
and most of them use the schoolboy plat- by both player and spectator at what was Vidyartha Number 8 Shirantha Dissanayake attempts to break away from the manipulated to suit the whims and fancies
form to impress Sri Lanka Rugby officials known as ‘traditional friendlies’. Isipathana defence during play of individuals.

Tough ask for junior golfers at revived meet Unheralded Maris Stella cricketers
The cream of junior golf-
bag title for second year running
ers will be seen in action at the Unbeaten Maris Stella College Sent in to bat first Ananda NS 26 not out.
Sri Lanka Junior Match-Play golf Thimbirigaskatuwa emerged cham- Puttalam were bowled out for 78
championship that is back after a pions for the second consecutive runs in 26.4 overs. Prabashana Sil- SCORES:
two year break on August 9 at the year in the U-19 Division III Tier ‘B’ va was the destroyer claiming six Ananda NS Puttalam: 78 (26.4)
Royal Colombo Golf Club (RCGC) limited overs cricket tournament. wickets for just nine runs with his (Imindu Perera 19, Pasindu Diwanka
course. Unbeaten Maris Stella College left arm orthodox bowling. 10, Steewan Ruvintha 10, Silva 6/9,
This championship will be beat Ananda National School Put- Maris Stella scored 79 runs for Savindu Perera 2/29)
sponsored by Perera and Sons talam by nine wickets in the final one wicket in 15.2 overs to win the Maris Stella College: 79/1 (15.2)
Bakers and will be played for the played at St. Joseph’s College ground match as Eshan Fernando scored (Eshan Fernando 29 n.o., Suwahas
Rukmini Kodagoda Challenge Tro- Darley Road last week. 29 not out and Suwahas Yapa made Yapa 26 n.o.) (YK)
Golfers from Colombo, Kandy,
Nuwara Eliya and Anuradhapura
are expected to enter so that they
can display their talents in this years and under. established herself as one of Sri
prestigious event. Overall winner in the boys and Lanka’s talented sportswomen
In this format of play every girls categories will carry away having won national titles and rep-
golfer has to produce their best ef- the Rukmini Kodagoda Challenge resented Sri Lanka in both tennis
fort to earn a win as they will play Trophy. This stage will see the best and golf. In tennis she won the na-
on a knock-out basis and no player eight qualifying scores going on to tional doubles and mixed doubles
can afford to play poorly as the los- play in the knock-out finals. titles and held the prestigious po-
er will be dropped off from going The inaugural tournament sition of Chairman of Sri Lanka
further. was played in 2014 with Prashan Ladies Golf Union in 1990 and
The tournament throws in a Pieris winning the title. The tour- 1991 and was captain of the Ladies
different format for the junior nament was last held in 2019 and Section of the Royal Colombo Golf
golfers where they have a qualify- halted due to the pandemic situa- Club.
ing round, thereafter continue in a tion. The winners that year were “I look forward to the tourna-
match play format like the British Taniya Balasuriya in the girls’ divi- ment that is a fitting tribute to an
Amateur championship. sion and S. Dhuwashan in the boys inspiring lady who has achieved na-
Players will compete in four segment. tional colours in two sports and is The champion Maris Stella College squad comprising Nirmal Rodrigo (captain), Prabhashana Silva, Heshan Per-
age categories comprising Gold The late Rukmini Kodagoda also an inspiring personality,” said era, Sandeesha Perera, Juditha Perera, Sonal Nethmina, Eshan Fernando, Nethula Yapa, Nimsara Appuhamy, Du-
division (15-18 years), Silver (12- was a director in their family com- Niloo Jayatillake a member of Sri lanjana Bandara, Shenal Randunu, Kaushika Sathsara, Sethmina Perera, Nimnada Fernando, Sandew Kumara,
14 years), Bronze (10-11 years) and pany of Perera and Sons Bakers. Lanka Golf and chairperson for the Aloka Silva, Lakshen Liyanage, Nethmina Senarath, Chanod Sansitha, Adithya de Silva, Rev. Br. Anthony Francis
the Copper division for those nine Ruki as she was popularly known, Junior development committee. (master in charge), Mevan Fernando (coach)

Second string Joes shatter Trinity, Peterites lack added motivation

n a week of contrasting action and wins after edging out Science shock lackluster Peterites
outcomes, St. Joseph’s College who a fighting Vidyartha
scored seven tries, five-tries in the College outfit by 25 St. Peter’s College bowed out of
second half, ensured safe passage into points-23 win at Nit- the League as the most disappointing
the super round beating St. Antho- tawela. team managing to win just the open-
ny’s College Kandy by 35points
to 20 at Havelock Park in the Di-
alog Schools Rugby League.
At half time Isipa-
thana was trailing
Vidyartha 13-16 but
Scrumming Down ing match against Dharmaraja and
drawing against Wesley while losing to
Isipathana, Vidyartha and Science Col-
The Joes entered this game with they came out storm- with Indika Welagedara lege 12-10 in their last outing.
four changes, including their skip- ing and finished off The Peterites had plenty of ball to
per while the Antonians made three the host with a challenging scoreline tries were scored by Nithila Rodrigo- beat Science College but lacked motiva-
changes. But the Joes despite being de- in the end. two, Tharusha Jayaweera- two and tion raising many questions that need
pleted proved a point that even with- Skipper Dahan Wickramaarach- Hafeez Thabeeth- one while the con- to be answered.
out the best players a team can win in chi, N. Kavishka and S.Wewalapanditha versions were fired across by Shaveen Against Vidyartha they were slow
the right frame of mind and self mo- scored the tries for Isipathana with M. Jayawardene- two and Shane Hop- and low in moving the ball until time
tivation. Boteju firing across two conversions wood- one. ran out, played well against Isipathana
For the winning St. Joseph’s Col- and two penalties while S. Prema- For the losing Dharmaraja College, but lacked the finishing touch against
lege outfit the seven tries were scored rathne and prop B. Dharmasiri scored tries were scored by Thenuka Wickra- a better motivated side and played as a
by Deshan Tharuka -one, Chamodh one try apiece for losing Vidyartha masinghe and Saumya Wijesiri while lackluster unit against Wesley, a school
Seneviratne- two, Mandara Ama- with Menuka Thilakarathne slotting in Wijesiri slotted in the solitary conver- they use to beat by huge margins in the
rasekara - one, Minidu Pathirana- one, the two conversions and three penal- sion. past.
Jehan Athukorala- one and Sithaja ties. The bottom line was that the Pe-
S.Thomas thrash Kingswood 36-08
Sanjeewa- one, but unfortunately terites never looked like a team who
Wesley thrash Dharmaraja 31-12
even with three different kickers they The Thomians’ made it back to deserved to be in a Super Round after
missed all seven conversions. Wesley College lived up to expec- back wins to end the Dialog Schools another disappointing performance on
Flanker Zaky Jeffrey scored-1 try tations and defeated Dharmaraja Col- Rugby season, seeing off a dogged the field.
and fly half Sahan Keerthisiri fired lege by 31 points to 12 in an important Kingswood outfit in a 36-08 win. For the winning Science College
across the 5 penalties for the losing St. fixture where they moved on to the Su- For S. Thomas’ the six tries were the tries were scored by S. S. Aloka
Anthony’s team. per Round at Nittawela. scored by Akira Perera- two, D. Fer- and H. L. Kaluarachchi with Nadun
This was a do-or-die encounter for nando- one, R. Kurukulasuriya- one, R Kaveesha slotting in one conversion.
Isipathana now the team to beat
Wesley as this was a must-win game De Silva- one and G. Lenagala and Ye- Winger Vishenka Silva scored
Isipathana College moved into the for them to assure qualification. han Bulathsinhalage- two and Mahith both unconverted tries for the losing
St. Joseph’s College centre Tehan Karunanayake makes a break second round with five consecutive For the winning Wesley lads the Perera- one. Peterites.


Sajith Fernando deserved more than he got satisfaction and spurred me on and
I am now where I am because of
inter-school cricket and the encour-
agement it gave me.”
Kumar Dharmasena, member
of 1996 World Cup winning
team, presently ICC Test

ast year’s Observer SLT Mo- umpire said that he must
bitel Most Popular Schoolboy congratulate ANCL and
Cricketer of the Year, Sadisha ers must be motivated and added the Sunday Observer for
Rajapakse produced a superb per- that school cricket has helped him keeping the show going
formance with the bat and ball to a great deal and the much needed for over four decades.
guide Royal to a convincing eight- push ahead was at St. Servatius’ Dharmasena who
wicket win over S. Thomas in their College, Matara. “I must thank the won the contest in 1989
45th Mustangs Trophy encounter at Sunday Observer for giving Matara while playing for Nalan-
the SSC ground last week. schools and school cricketers the da, added that sponsors
Rajapakse (2 for 45) and Damith push”. are vital for the progress
Kappagoda (2 for 19) produced two Thilan Samaraweera, twice of sports in any country
lovely spells as Royal restricted winner of the Observer Schoolboy and ANCL has taken the
their opponents to an unimpressive Cricketer of the Year Award 1994- lead that helps the au-
190 for 8 wickets in 50 overs. Mahith 1995, said he owes his climb to thorities to build up
Perera (52 n.o) and Muizz Naushan the top due to the encour- the youth. De-
(50) scored half centuries but that agement given by the con- velopment of
could not save S. Thomas’. test of this nature. Thilan youth is very
Sri Lanka Under-19 cap Raj- who won the contest in i mp o r t a n t
apakse cracked an unbeaten 69 and 1994 and 1995, also won as the
shared an unfinished 66-run third the Best Batsman and youth are
wicket stand with Uvindu Weer- Best All-rounder on the ones
asekara (35 not out). both occasions. He en- who will
Royal made a convincing 191 Sajith Fernando - Observer School- dorsed this long-stand- take the
for 2 wickets to taste victory in 42.3 boy Cricketer of the Year in 1992 ing contest as the best country
After Sanjeewa Ranatunga, Kumar Dharmasena, Marvan Atapattu and
overs as Rajapakse was adjudged Muttiah Muralidaran marked the second glorious era in the Observer for schoolboy cricketers. forward, he
man of the match. This was follow- in these countries gave him an op- Muttiah Muralidaran said.
Schoolboy Cricketer of the Year series, Sajith Fernando was the next big
ing his fine performance to win the portunity to qualify as a Level One the world’s leading Test
best fielder’s award at the Battle time winner in 1992 coach of Cricket Australia and Lev- wicket taker had this to say:
of the Blues match in the previous es with Sri Lanka ‘A’ teams and Atapattu that took part in the Hong el II coach of the English Cricket “A contest of this nature
week. Board XIs whenever a Test or repre- Kong Sixes and the TNT Worldwide Board. means a lot to young
Meanwhile, selections for the sentative team visited Sri Lanka or Cricket Sixes held in Singapore Meanwhile, it is interesting to cricketers. When I
44th Observer SLT Mobitel School- whenever a Sri Lanka ‘A’ or under-23 where they emerged champions in go down memory lane and find was picked as the
boy Cricketer of the Year will be team toured overseas, he failed to both tournaments in 1995. out what some of the Sri Lanka Observer School-
held shortly. catch the eyes of Test selectors. Also in 1995, he represented cricketers of yesteryear feel about boy Cricketer of
After Sanjeewa Ranatunga The left-hand opening batsman the Central Province in the Inter- the Observer SLT Mobitel Schools the Year in 1991,
(1988), Kumar Dharmasena (1989), scored over 10,000 first class runs Provincial Cricket Tournament Cricketer of the Year contest. ICC it gave me lot of
Marvan Atapattu (1990) and Mut- and also served as the head coach and was judged the most promis- Chief Match Referee and former
tiah Muralitharan (1991) marked of S. Thomas’ College, Mount La- ing player and the player of the Sri Lanka captain Ranjan Madugal-
the second glorious era in Observer vinia too. He was also member of province in this tournament. He le said the Associated Newspapers
Schoolboy Cricketer of the Year se- the Sri Lanka Under-19 team, led by went on to lead the Colts Under-24 of Ceylon Limited and Sunday Ob-
ries, Sajith Fernando won the next Anandian Sachithra Alexander that cricket team and guided them to server should be complimented for
big time winner in 1992. toured England in 1992. victory. Fernando also represented keeping the show going for all these
His willow did the talking, scor- The Lankan Under-19 team in- the Beenleigh Logan CC in Brisbane years. “Sponsors are essential. May
ing nine centuries in two years – cluded players of the calibre of and on his return he was given the the show continue for many years”
five in 1991 and four in 1992. During Chaminda Vaas and Russel Arnold responsibility of leading the Sri he said.
his impressive school career, Fer- and Sajith Fernando was awarded Lanka ‘A’ side against the South Af- He said that in the past most of
nando scored five centuries to fully the most outstanding contributor rican counterparts. the winners of the top awards came
endorse his batting status to win the on the tour. The same year he was He was adjudged the man of from Colombo and its suburbs, but
Observer Schoolboy Cricketer Best a member of the Sri Lanka ‘A’ team the series in the Premier limited now the outstation schools have
batsman award in 1991. which took part in the SAARC crick- over tournament in 1998 when come in a big way and it is a good
But he did even better in the et tournament. He toured South Colts emerged champions and was sign for the game.
following year (1992) scoring 1,000 Africa with the Sri Lanka Under-24 a member of the champion Colts Ex-Sri Lanka captain and for-
runs for the season with four cen- team which was led by Sanath Jaya- team which emerged Premier mer Chairman of Selectors Sanath
turies and captured 100 wickets to suriya in 1993. League champions in the year 2000 Jayasuriya said that it was one of the
win the top award in school cricket This was to be the first ever offi- and 2002. After a stint with Colts CC best things that happened to him
- the Observer Schoolboy Cricketer cial tour made by a Sri Lanka team. and Tamil Union, he was successful in 1988 when he won the Observer
Last year’s Observer SLT Mobitel
of the Year in 1992. Thus, Fernan- He was also the deputy skipper of in guiding his side to become the Schoolboy Cricketer of the Year in
do, born on September 27, 1972, the Under-24 team against South Af- Premier limited over champions of the Outstation section. Jayasuriya Most Popular Schoolboy Crick-
became only the second cricketer rica and later led the team in the fi- the 2009/10 cricket season. said playing for St. Servatius’ Col- eter of the Year, Sadisha Raj-
from the hill capital to win the big nal Test match and two ODI match- Fernando also played for vari- lege, Matara brought him immense apakse won Man of the Match
award after Muralidaran. es. He was a member of the Sri ous clubs overseas in Australia, joy. award at the 45th Mustangs Tro-
Despite his strong performanc- Lanka cricket team led by Marvan England and Bangladesh. His stint He said that school cricket- phy encounter last week

Trinity boy grabs 14 wickets for 15 runs

Daniel the lion-hearted BY HAFIZ MARIKAR St. Anthony’s beat

schoolboy does it the hard way

Sethmika Seneviratne, a me-
dium pacer, came off with flying St Anne’s
colours as he took a match bag of In another match of the
14 wickets for 15 runs to help Trin- same tournament at Katugas-
ity College beat Ibbagamuwa Cen- tota, St. Anthony’s College beat

S QBecause Q
hevon Daniel needs no intro- : What made you to choose : What is the most beautiful tral College by an innings and 39 St. Anne’s College by an innings
duction. He’s been a household sports? thing you’ve ever seen? runs in their under 15 division one and 16 runs.
name for quite some time even cricket has been the My family. match at Gokarella. Scores:
as a schoolboy and his performanc- sport that has been played in my He plucked 8 for 7 in the first in- St. Anne’s College 71 (Nethul
es on the cricket playing field speak family for many years. nings and 6 for 8 in the second in- Chandrasena 32, Kaveesha
volumes about his potential. ning and also did well with the bat Pamuditha 5 for 7, Rayan Grego-
Playing for St. Joseph’s College,
Shevon Dillon Leyon Daniel is now
the vice captain of the Sri Lanka
Q : Thus far what were your
most unforgettable
sporting incident?
to score 41.
Ibbagamuwa CC: 37 (Sethmika
ry 2 for 13 and 81(Nethul Chan-
drasena 19, Rayan Gregory 3 for
12, Okitha Fernando 2 for 20, Sa-
team for the Under-19 Youth tour of Being awarded the Man Seneviratne 8 for 7, Ashwin Herath nuka Kalpana 2 for 20)
England. of the Series in the 2 for 0 and 12 (Sethmika Senevi- St. Anthony’s College168 for
In an interview with the Sunday Bangladesh U19 ratne 6 for 8, Ashwin Herath 3 for 1) 5 declared (Sandew Amarakoon
Observer, Daniel describes himself series in Sri Trinity: 88 for 2 declared (Seth- 41, Minon Kemitha 32, Chanuka
as a “warm-hearted” person and sees mika Seneviratne 41, Chaniru Nethsara 2 for 36, Deshan Udam-
former Sri Lanka player Kumar San- Senaratne 27) ulla 2 for 41)
gakkara as his role model. “My pas-
sion is playing cricket”, he declared.
Excerpts of an interview: QI:what
If you could edit your past,
would you change?

Q: Describe yourself in one word

Focused and warm-hearted.
don’t want to change my past.
Because everything that has hap-
pened up to now makes me want to
Former Isipathana and Police player
: Any words or phrases you
be a better person.
Q . What’s your
best school sport- Juragan Savangam no more
Give Up. QCricket
: What is the most important ing achievement?
thing in your life?
and Family.
Being selected as the cap-
tain in the season 2021/2022.
Juragan Savangam the for-
mer Police and Isipathana rugby

: What is your most marked
hard for success.  most?
: Who has influenced you the
Q : What is your idea of happi-
player passed away on July 31,
2022 after a brief illness at the
age of 74 years. The last rank he
My family. To spend time with my family held while serving the Police was
and friends. DIG.

Q : Are you fashionable?

Q : What is the trait you most de-
plore in others?
He started his schooling
at Trinity College Kandy and
switched to Isipathana College

: If you had access to a time ma-
what would you change?
don’t want to change anything.
Seeing that people who require
help do not receive any.
when the family settled down in
Colombo. After being successful
in the O/L exam he continued to

: What motivates you in your Qmire and why?

: Which person do you most ad- study at Isipathana for his Ad-

Kumar Sangakkara. I like his
lifestyle and how he admires the
vanced Level examination.
While at Isipathana he played
rugby for the first fifteen team Juragan Savangam the police of-
sport of cricket. with distinction. ficer who shone in rugby
: If you could choose any career
right now, what would it be?
: What has been your biggest
Being a popular figure in
rugby the Police Department en-
ticed him to join them.
played rugby for Isipathana and
Havelocks with distinction.
winning the 2022 ICC Un- He joined the Police in 1968 They were both popular fig-

: What forms of music do you der-19 Cricket World Cup.
listen to?
straight away as an Inspec-
tor and had no difficulty
ures in the game of rugby. Unfor-
tunately, Thajone passed away a

Q: What is the most important

lesson life has taught you?
in becoming a regular
member of their rug-
few years ago of kidney failure.
They both made their presence

: What’s the best thing you Believe you can and you are
would like to hear from some- halfway there.
by team and played with
prominence for a long period
of time.
felt with their humorous stories
whenever there was a gathering
with friends and relations.

my best in the sport I love and cher- Qhearted?

Being able to hear that I’ve given : What becomes of the broken He is the elder brother of an- Juragan leaves behind his
Daniel: Another prized product of Shevon Daniel: Taking Sri Lankan co- other prominent rugby player wife, two children and two
St. Joseph’s College ish. Not experienced it before. lours to a higher level as a schoolboy in Thajone Savangam who also grandchildren. (TBR)
16 / Tel: +94 11 2 429 226, / +94 11 2 429 228, / Fax / +94 11 2 429 227

AUGUST 07, 2022

Sri Lankan escapes through washroom,

two ‘elope’ at common syndrome
he number of people vanish- appointment at the disappearance members of the tour contingent
ing from the Games Village of the official. vanishing despite taking all pre-
seems to be outnumbering Then came the news that wres- cautions.
the three medals Sri Lanka has won tler Shanith Chathurange Yoda The British police also can- Coach Renouk Wijemanne (left) speaking to Ashen Silva and
so far at the XXII Commonwealth Pedige who had completed her days not arrest them unless they violate Yasitha de Silva
Games. of isolation after being tested posi- the law of the land since they have
At least four members of Sri
Lanka’s 160-strong contingent have
decamped with the latest being
tive for Covid-19 on arrival walked
out in the guise of getting some
fresh air when she was ready to de-
been issued six-month visas.
Vittalis from Killinochchi is the
only one to abscond from the vil-
Sri Lanka hope to spring a surprise
or two at Asia Oceania Davis Cup
boxer Niklas Vittalis after his bout part from the hotel. The wrestling lage without taking his passport.
on Tuesday night. competition began yesterday. “I am responsible to convey all
The first to make the Houdini Vittalis had not returned af- circumstances, situation and prog-
act was 21-year-old judoka Chami- ter going to the toilet following his ress with regard to the Common- BY TB RAHAMAN
la Dilani Marappu- round of 16 Light Middleweight con- wealth Games. ence in the game having played
By lige who virtually test against a Samoan which he lost. “We need to maintain trans- Sri Lanka’s tennis team is for so long,” added Wijemanne.
Allaam ‘eloped’ with the
manager of the
Despite the best laid plans of
mice and men there is little the
parency whether it is good, bad
or ugly,” said Maj. Gen. Fernan-
pumped up and well prepared
to meet all challenges that will
He said Sri Lanka have not de-
cided on who will play in the two
Ousman team Lt Cdr Asela management can do to prevent do (rtd) at a press conference on arise at the Asia/Oceania group singles and the doubles matches
Duminda de Silva, Thursday. IV Davis Cup by Rakuten tie to be as it will depend on their oppo-
the president of He highlighted the fact that sil- played at the Sri Lanka Tennis As- nents according to Wijemanne.
the Sri Lanka Judo ver medallist Palitha Bandara fol- sociation (SLTA) clay courts from The seven countries that will
Association. lowed a pre-training programme August 8 to 13. appear will be divided into two
Chef-de-Mis- twice in Birmingham University, Only seven teams will visit Sri groups and the top two teams will
sion of the Sri the National Olympic Committee Lanka this time with Oman, Qa- play in the semi-finals and the
Lanka contingent (NOC) had organized training for tar and Macau pulling out due to winners in the final will be pro-
Maj. Gen. Dampath athletes Sarangi Silva in Turkey, reasons best known to them. The moted to group three next year.
Fernando (rtd) ex- wrestlers in Hungary and judoka teams that will be appearing are SLTA will prepare clay courts
pressed dis- Nuwan Gunawardhana Maldives, Brunei, Yemen, Kyr- for this confrontation as it will
in Slovakia. gystan, Bangladesh, Iraq and Sri only give the home team the ad-
In addition when Lanka. vantage.
the Sports Minis- “Sri Lanka got down three In- The Sri Lanka team consist
try funding ceased dian players to spar against the Harshana Godamanna, Tehan Wi-
due to shortage of Sri Lankan players during intense jemanne, Yasitha de Silva, Cha-
funds, the NOC training sessions we had for the thura Nilaweera and Ashen Silva
paid the high past month,” said coach Renouk with Udith Wickramasinghe as
performance Wijemanne. the non playing captain.
While Sri Lankan ath- weightlifters Rs “Our players have participated Sri Lanka was able to obtain
letes and officials were 50,000 a month in two futures ATP events and the the necessary approval to con-
exposing the country and also bought minor league that would have of- duct this tie due to the untiring
to disgrace and ridi- them shoes, he fered them maximum practice in work done by the Iqbal Bin Isaack
cule by decamping,100 added. preparation for this tie. They have the president of Sri Lanka Tennis
metres sprinter Yupun been fine-tuning to reach peak in Association. Otherwise it would
Abeykoon (left) and Dis- time to meet their opponents in not be possible considering the
Banking Partner
this group four event. It is good to crisis situation Sri Lanka is facing
cuss thrower Palitha
have Harshana Godamanna with and many countries being asked
Bandara (right) kept the us as he possesses vital experi- not to visit the country.
flag flying by winning
Bronz and Silver respec-
tively at the Common-
wealth Games in Bir-
Centenary Year kicks-off
September 2022 Boxing coaches residential camp in Kandy
BY HAFIZ MARIKAR a boxer to represent Sri Lanka at the
A two day school boxing coach- Olympics after more than four de-
es residential coaching program cades in Anuruddha Ratnayake at

Sri Lanka prepares for Asia Sarangi qualifies, Gayanthika out

will take place over here in Kandy in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Wasan-
Kundasale. tha Kumara is a 3-star AIBA quali-
According to the secretary of fied coach who followed an Advance

Cup with Invitational T20 ALLAAM OUSMAN REPORTING

the Sri Lanka Schools Boxing Asso-
ciation T.B. Jamitha Gayan Bandara
over 100 will participate.
Management course conducted
by the IOC (International Olympic
Committee) during his tenure as Sri
Following the postponement in action. FROM BIRMINGHAM He said all arrangements have Lanka coach.
of the Lanka Premier League The matches will also prepare Sri Lanka athlete Sarangi Sil- WOMEN’S 1500M been finalized for the event to be The Technical advisor will be
(LPL) Sri Lanka Cricket will host the Sri Lankan players for the up- va qualified to the women’s long First 5 in each heat (Q) and the next 2 held on August 18 and 19. Rukman Wekadapola a 3-star inter-
a four-team T20 showpiece called coming six-nation Asia Cup in the jump final day of the XXII Com- fastest (q) advance to the Final The coaching course advisor national referee and judge who has
T20 Invitational tournament UAE which starts on August 27. monwealth Games at the Alex- Heat 2 will be well known boxing coach officiated at man boxing meets as
from August 9 to 16 at the Prema- The Asia Cup was to be played ander Stadium yesterday. 1 Winnie Nanyando (Uganda) 4:16.04 Q Wasantha Kumara, an Olympic a leading referee while the coach-
dasa Stadium in Colombo. in Sri Lanka but shifted to the Turkey-based athlete Saran- 2 Katie Snowden (England) 4:16.09 Q coach who has coached Seevali ing course coordinators are T.B.
The matches will be con- UAE due to current political de- gi Silva who skipped out of the 3 Winny Chebet (Kenya) 4:16.11 Q MMV, Ratnapura, Jamitha Gayan Bandara and Saman-
tested by teams called the Reds, velopments in the country. World Athletic Championship in 4 Jessica Hull (Australia) 4:16.13 Q He is best known for producing tha Weerasinghe the ex- secretary.
Blues, Greens and Greys and But Sri Lanka will retain the Oregon, USA despite qualifying 5 Lucia Stafford (Canada) 4:16.15 Q
spectators will be welcome to wit- hosting rights and could earn up to focus on the Commonwealth 6 Jemma Reekie (Scotland) 4:16.23 Q

Royal and Isipathana to face off in decider

ness the games free of charge. All to six million US dollars from the Games, achieved her target of 7 Gayanthika Abeyratne (Sri Lanka) 4:16.97
of the island’s top players will be championship. qualifying to the finals of the 8 Claire Uwitonze (Rwanda) 4:24.07
women’s long jump.
She was selected to the final WOMEN’S LONG JUMP Isipathana College and Roy- But before Royal and Isipa-
as one of the 12 best perform- Qualifying performance 6.75 (Q) or al College will feature in what thana line up for the decider
ers after leaping a distance of at least 12 best performers (q) advance to could be the decider of the inter- they play against Wesley and St.
6.42 metres to be placed sixth the Final school League rugby champion- Joseph’s College the other two
in group B. The qualifying mark Group B ship when the two schools meet teams that qualified.
6.75 (Q) or at least 12 best per- 1 Deborah Acquah (Ghana) 6.85 Q in their last match of the tourna- Royal are currently the de-
formers (q) advance to the final. 2 Ese Brume (Nigeria) 6.81 Q ment at Havelock Park on August fending champions and unlike
Gayanthika Abeyratne 3 Jazmin Sawyers (England) 6.80 Q 14. Isipathana will be tested fully
missed out on qualifying for the 4 Filippa Fotopoulou (Cyprus) 6.59 Q Both sides are currently the having met limited opposition
finals of the women’s 1,500m af- 5 Abigail Irozuru (England) 6.59 Q only two teams that have played unlike Isipathana in the five first-
ter finishing seventh in heat two 6 Sarangi Silva (Sri Lanka) 6.42 Q better rugby todate with Isipatha- round matches.
returning a time of four minutes 7 Samantha Dale (Australia) 6.02 na having won their five matches Isipathana in contrast met
16.97 seconds. The first five in 8 Claire Azzopardi (Malta) 5.76 in the group stage and Royal edged and defeated St. Peter’s College
each heat qualify (Q) and the 9 Ashantie Carr (Belize) 5.54 out by traditional rival Trinity Col- and Wesley College to remain un-
next two fastest (q) advance to lege in their only defeat so far. beaten.
the final

Peterite Sunanda Jayasekera’s first ball

scalp marked an unbroken world record
BY INDIKA WELAGEDARA Rohan Wijesinghe Snr. in the very rattled and were bundled out for
The 48th Josephian-Peterite first ball of the game. 118 runs.
limited overs match which is the He also had a fabulous match According to statisticians, Jayas-
longest running 50-over encoun- where he came back to haunt the ekera’s first ball wonder is a world re-
ter in the country and played for Joes by grabbing the scalp of the cord and a great honour for St. Peter’s
the Fr. Peter A. Pillai trophy was last wicket that of run machine and College.
planned to be worked off at the SSC hard hitting batsman Wayne Jansz. Speaking exclusively to the Sun-
ground on August 6. In the first match the Joes were day Observer all the way from Cana-
The Joe-Pete limited over se- captained by Dushan Zosa and Pe- da, Jayasekera said: "Before we went
ries commenced in 1975 under the terites by the affable Bernard Wi- into the ground my late coach Mike
Rectorship of Rev. Fr. Quintus Fer- jetunga. Chanmugam instructed me on how
nando of St. Joseph’s and Rev. Fr. What happened in the very I should bowl to Rohan. So I simply
Claver Perera of St. Peter’s, with first ball by Jayasekera made his- took his advice and exactly made the
the first game of the series played tory which can never be erased or execution spot-on by bowling a ris-
at Darley Road on March 16, 1975. broken, the rising out-swinger that ing out-swinger which Rohan had no
Interestingly in the inaugural took the bat of Wijesinghe who was clue whatsoever and just edged it to
match St. Peter’s College’s famous caught at first slip by Rohan Fer- the first slip.
opening fast bowler Sunanda Jay- nando on the second attempt as “To date this unique record of tak-
asekara created a record by dis- the ball flew like a lightning bolt ing a wicket in the very first bowl at
Sunanda Jayasekera at missing St. Joseph’s prolific scorer and the schools 50-over Vaseline an inaugural limited overs match has
his feat in 1975 and left handed opening batsman Trophy Champions were totally not been equalled or broken.”

AUGUST 7, 2022


The importance of
Intergenerational Solidarity
BY PRAMOD DE SILVA we act) directed towards others or gagement, innovation and entre- admission qualifications cannot
oneself, based on age”. preneurial solutions, this year’s enter universities. The result is

Ageism is an insidious and International Youth Day aims to that a large number of students
o one wants to grow often an unaddressed issue in provide a platform for young peo- end up without getting any sort of
old. We wish that we health, human rights and devel- ple to continue the momentum job-oriented education.
could be young as opment, and has bearings on both from the EYF. This is one problem that our
long as we live. That older and younger populations For International Youth Day educationists and lawmakers have
is the power of youth, around the world. 2022, the UN Department of Eco- to address. Our curricula must be
which some say is the best time In addition, ageism regularly nomic and Social Affairs (DESA) aligned with the needs of the job
of your life. It is the most produc- intersects with other forms of bias will work with the Major Group market, for students to find jobs
tive period of our lives and the (such as racism and sexism) and on Children and Youth (MGCY) to more easily. Unfortunately, several
most energetic. There really is no impacts people in ways that pre- organise a global webinar for its vocational subjects were removed
standard definition of what youth vent them to reach their full poten- official commemoration. The we- from the curricula some time
is, but we generally believe that tial and comprehensively contrib- binar will provide an opportunity back, the repercussions of which
someone aged 15-30 can be con- ute to their community. for stakeholders around the world we still feel today. This should be
sidered as a youth. In politics and to exchange views on the topic of rectified without delay.
some other fields, even 35 is con- intergenerational solidarity, inter- Unemployment and poverty
sidered a youthful age.
Data gaps generational equity, future genera- are two social evils. If youth are
Youth can be a positive force The Global Report on Ageism tions, and ageism. skillful, they will get jobs and be-
for development when provided launched by the United Nations in The young generation must come self-reliant and many prob-
with the knowledge and opportu- March 2021 highlights the many however be economically empow- lems in society will be solved.
nities they need to thrive. Today, data gaps that exist with regard ered to bridge the intergeneration- Gainfully employed youth
there are 1.2 billion young people to ageism against youth. Despite al gap. Rising youth unemploy- will also not turn to drugs, vice
aged 15 to 24 years, accounting for this lack of research, young people ment is one of the most significant and crime. Parents and teachers
16 per cent of the global popula- continue to report age-related bar- problems facing economies and should also encourage students
tion . This is the largest youth pop- riers in various spheres of their societies. At least 475 million new who display a talent for skills and
ulation ever. lives such as employment, politi- jobs need to be created over the subjects other than textbook stud-
But one in 10 of the world’s chil- cal participation, health and jus- next decade to absorb the 73 mil- ies. If a youngster displays knack
dren live in conflict zones and 24 tice. On an individual level, these lion youth currently unemployed for repairing radios, let him or her
million of them are out of school. age-related obstacles can deeply and the 40 million new annual en- continue.
Political instability, labour market impact wellbeing and livelihoods trants to the labour market. The school is the obvious
challenges and limited space for not only during the youth years, place to start job hunting. There
political and civic participation but also in adulthood. THE OBJECTIVE OF THIS YEAR’S INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY Inequalities are three approaches – vocational
have led to increasing isolation of On a societal level, ageism pre- subjects, education fairs and job
youth in many societies. Wars and vents us from thinking and design- THEME, INTERGENERATIONAL SOLIDARITY: CREATING A WORLD In fact, young people are al- fairs. Vocational subjects should
conflicts have decimated the youth ing policies and social services most three times more likely to be taught to all students, irrespec-
population in many countries – we that adopt a life-course approach FOR ALL AGES, IS TO AMPLIFY THE MESSAGE THAT ACTION IS be unemployed than adults and tive of whether they will eventu-
have experienced this ourselves. and are fair for all ages. are continuously exposed to low- ally take to a vocation.
The Global Report on Ageism NEEDED ACROSS ALL GENERATIONS TO ACHIEVE THE SDGS er quality of jobs, greater labour Education fairs obviously focus
identifies intergenerational inter- market inequalities, and longer on higher educational opportuni-
Annual celebration ventions as one of the three key AND LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND. THE 2022 INTERNATIONAL YOUTH and more insecure school-to-work ties here and abroad, other than
Focusing on the youth has be- strategies to address ageism. In- transitions. In addition, young the State universities. By partici-
come so important that the United tergenerational activities can also DAY WILL ALSO RAISE AWARENESS ON CERTAIN BARRIERS women are more likely to be un- pating in these fairs, students gain
Nations has declared a separate lead to a greater sense of social deremployed and under-paid, and an idea of what skills and qualifica-
day to do so - August 12, World connectedness and strengthen in- TO INTERGENERATIONAL SOLIDARITY, NOTABLY AGEISM, to undertake part-time jobs or tions are needed to find a job.
Youth Day. It was first designated tergenerational solidarity. work under temporary contracts.
International Youth Day by the WHICH IMPACTS YOUNG AND OLD PERSONS, WHILE HAVING One reason for youth unem-
Local situation
UN General Assembly in 1999, and ployment, which affects all re-
serves as an annual celebration of
Objectives DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS ON SOCIETY AS A WHOLE. IN COUNTRIES gions around the world, is a mis- In Sri Lanka, it is virtually dif-
the role of young women and men Fostering intergenerational match between the skills workers ficult to find a job that does not re-
as essential partners in change, solidarity between generations is SUCH AS SRI LANKA, WHERE INTER-GENERATIONAL BONDS ARE can offer and the skills which are quire a good knowledge of English.
and an opportunity to raise aware- thus more than ever necessary to in demand. This is indeed why some private
ness of challenges and problems ensure an inclusive and sustain- USUALLY VERY STRONG – GRANDMOTHERS WILLINGLY CARE This is known as structural companies prefer school-leavers
facing the world’s youth. able recovery. As the world navi- unemployment. This is prevalent who can speak good English over
By 2030—the target date for the gates the third year of the Covid-19 FOR THEIR GRANDSONS AND GRANDDAUGHETERS – IT WILL BE in Sri Lanka as well. If you glance university graduates who are not
Sustainable Development Goals pandemic, it is especially impor- through the vacancies sections of very fluent in the language. Eng-
(SDGs) that make up the 2030 tant to recognize and address EASY TO CARRY THIS MESSAGE ACROSS. BUT THIS MAY NOT BE this newspaper, thousands of jobs lish, though not essentially a voca-
Agenda—the number of youth is these age-related barriers to “build are advertised, but some ads are tional subject, must be taught to all
projected to have grown by 7 per- back better” in a manner that le- SO IN SOME OTHER COUNTRIES repeated week after week, appar- aspiring job seekers.
cent, to nearly 1.3 billion. The In- verages all generations’ strengths ently because the employers can- Our policymakers as well as
ternational Youth Day celebrates and knowledge. the need for youth to make in- tions on providing adequate ca- not find suitable job takers. In oth- our youth must also be aware of
the achievements and potential of In this context, the objective of formed decisions on food choices pacity development with respect er words, many people in the job two more challenges – automa-
youth worldwide. this year’s International Youth Day through increasing global educa- to the resilience of food systems, market do not have the skills that tion/robotics and digitilisation.
This year’s theme is Intergen- theme, Intergenerational solidari- tion on the healthiest and most in particular during the ongoing the employers need. Yes, these trends are likely to take
erational Solidarity: Creating a ty: Creating a World for All Ages, is sustainable options for both in- Covid-19 pandemic and in its after- some skilled jobs away. The key is
World for All Ages. to amplify the message that action dividuals and the environment. math. to identify sectors where automa-
To achieve the Sustainable De- is needed across all generations to There were also recommenda- Through youth education, en-
Firm focus needed tion or digitalisation will not make
velopment Goals (SDGs), the world achieve the SDGs and leave no one There should be a firm focus much of a difference even in the
needs to leverage the full potential behind. on skills development among both future.
of all generations. Solidarity across The 2022 International Youth young males and females. The lat- Many skilled and educated
generations is the key for sustain- Day will also raise awareness on ter should be encouraged to ven- youth also think of migrating ei-
able development. We must col- certain barriers to intergenera- ture into the more male dominated ther permanently or temporar-
laborate to foster successful and tional solidarity, notably ageism, sectors such as motor mechanism/ ily to another country in search of
equitable intergenerational rela- which impacts young and old per- car repair, heavy vehicle/earth- greener pastures due to lack of op-
tions and partnerships to ensure sons, while having detrimental moving equipment operations, portunities or low wages. This too
that “no one is left behind.” effects on society as a whole. In welding and air-conditioning. must be addressed as a developing
countries such as Sri Lanka, where Males too should be encouraged country cannot afford to lose most
inter-generational bonds are usu- to take up sewing/tailoring, cook- of its best brains.
Ageism ally very strong – grandmothers ery and other vocations. Sri Lanka The youth must also be veered
While intergenerational soli- willingly care for their grandsons already has a good structure for away from the evils of drugs, alco-
darity and concern for future and granddaugheters – it will be vocational training, with techni- hol and tobacco in order to ensure
generations is being called for in easy to carry this message across. cal colleges around the island and a healthy next generation. They
tackling global issues – with the But this may not be so in some oth- a central Vocational Training Au- should be encouraged to lead ac-
UN Secretary-General recently er countries. thority (VTA). tive lifestyles to prevent the spread
putting forward new recommen- During the 2021 ECOSOC Youth There is a national NVQ (Na- of Non Communicable Diseases
dations on renewed intergenera- Forum (EYF), the issues and pri- tional Vocational Qualification) such as diabetes.
tional solidarity, including in Our orities highlighted by young par- certification system that is accept- The youth, especially first time
Common Agenda – many chal- ticipants included the impact of ed in most countries. voters will be the decisive factor
lenges remain. the Covid-19 pandemic, particu- The problem in Sri Lanka is at coming elections and all politi-
Ageism continues to present a larly related to its effect on human not essentially the lack of voca- cal parties must get their ideas and
significant – yet, not sufficiently health, the environment, and food tional training opportunities. The views on development, reconcilia-
discussed – challenge to fostering systems. main issue is that every student tion and other issues.
collaboration and solidarity across As part of the official outcome tries to enter a State university. Youth marginalisation has led
age groups. recommendations of the EYF, This is impossible given that only to two insurrections in this coun-
The World Health Organization young participants stressed the around 25,000 university openings try, a lesson that should not be for-
defines ageism as “the stereotypes importance of working towards are available annually. gotten. The youth are the future
(how we think), prejudice (how more equitable food systems. This means that almost 100,000 and that factor must be taken into
we feel) and discrimination (how In addition, they highlighted students who do have the required account at all times.


‘Burg Eltz’- the medieval

palace in Germany
eral parts. According to tradition, The construction of the Roman- room has been able to be properly
this type of situation usually occurs esque castle, which is considered heated since the past.
when several families living in the to be the oldest part of the ‘Eltz Due to the War of the Palati-
same area come together to build a House’, was started in the ninth nate Succession in 1688 - 1689,
single house for their residence. century. Originally a walled country most of the palaces on the banks
citadel, by 1157 it had become an of the Rhine were destroyed by the
important stronghold of Frederick French forces, but Hans-Anton Sue
Nobles Barbarossa’s empire as it lay on the Eltz-Attigen was a high-ranking of-
Among the nobles who lived in trade route down the Moselle Valley ficer in the French army at the time,
medieval Europe, only a few had and the Eifel region. but he managed to strategically re-
enough assets to create a single pal- The nobles of Trier, including move the ‘Eltz House’ from the list
ace in their territory. The creation of the Eltzes, declared war against the of buildings to be destroyed.
Garnerbenberg style mansions has Archpriest of Trier between 1331 It has been possible, during the
been popular among local nobles and 1336 due to their attempt to French rule from 1794 to 1815, the
who only had the control of one vil- take over the ‘Eltz House’, which be- Eltzes had to leave the ‘Eltz House’.
lage. It is stated that the members came a Garnerbenberg-style build- It is said that the French forces used
belonging to three branches of the ing in 1268, resulting in a two-year it as a fort. However, in 1815, the
Elts lineage have worked together period of ‘ Eltz’s mansion even be- ‘Eltz House’ was bought back by
to build the ‘Eltz House’. ing raided. Hugo Philippe Suelt.
BY GAYAN NARANDENIYA ily. It is reported that the 33rd gen- ering an area of over 300 hectares The main part of the ‘Eltz House’ At present, two of the Eltz

eration of the Eltz family currently (741 acres), the sparkling green ‘Eltz consists of private apartments House’s three main parts are open
he medieval palace lives there. Another unique feature Forest’, around the ‘Eltz House’, was and bedrooms belonging to family
Gothic architecture for public viewing. The gold and sil-
known as ‘Burg Eltz’, of the Eltz House is that it has never designated as a nature reserve in members. A strong wall can be seen Another building constructed ver ware, ceramics, jewellery, glass
which means ‘Eltz’s been destroyed or damaged in its 2000, and is also considered to be around the ‘Eltz House’ which con- according to Gothic architecture and ivory, coins, ancient weapons
House’ in German, is be- history. an arboretum full of many local and sists of eight towers with a height and beautifully decorated, became and armoury, and the treasury that
tween the cities of Ko- The ‘Eltz House’ is surrounded foreign plant species. between 30 - 40 metres (98 - 131 a part of it in 1472. Between 1490 are placed in it are considered to be
blenz and Trier, Germany, on a on three sides by the Messel River It is not wrong to call the ‘Eltz feet). There are over 100 bedrooms and 1540, the ‘Rodendorff House’, one of the finest collections in Eu-
hill overlooking a river. Since the and the linked Elsbach tributary. House’ as a palace (a Garnerben- in it. A small village where the em- which became a part of the House rope. In the knights’ room of the
12th century, it has been owned Located on a 70 metre (230 feet) berg-style house) that can house ployees and their family members some times after, had a flag room ‘Eltz House’, one can see the ancient
by members of the Eltz family, an mountain, an old Roman trade several families or several genera- lived in the past also existed around with a vault. Another unique fea- armour as well as the masks of the
ancient German aristocratic fam- route has passed through it. Cov- tions at the same time. It has sev- the ‘Eltz House’. ture of the ‘Eltz House’ is that every knights.

Solution for garbage issue Dry rations for needy Annual flag-hoisting ceremony Blood donation campaign

The Eastern Social Development Foundation

Kalutara Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman Sanjeewa Ariyarathne distributed 250 dry ration packs worth Rs. 5,000 each
vested three tractors in the people of Pradeshiya Sabha area among needy families in the Batticaloa district at
as a sustainable solution for the garbage issue in the area Gandhi Park, Batticaloa recently.
Pic: H.L. Sunil Shantha, Kalutara Central Special Cor. Pic: Sivam Packiyanathan, Batticaloa Spl. Cor.
A blood donation campaign organised by the Akkaraipattu
The annual flag-hoisting ceremony of the Amirthakali Base Hospital was held at the Akkaraipattu Sri Vijayaraama
Mamangeswerer temple, Batticaloa was held on Buddhist Temple. Here the Chief Incumbent of Temple,
Tuesday. The chief priest of the temple, Sivasiri Athi Ven. Dewagoda Soratha Thera is being examined by a
Savundararaja Kurukkal officiated at the rituals. Medical Officer before donating his blood.
Pic: Sivam Packiyanathan, Batticaloa Spl. Cor. Pic: M.A. Phakurdeen, Addalaichenai Gr. Cor.

M.J.M. Zarook
The closest to a perfect
gentleman you’d meet
arook the gentleman made set himself up as an example, that
Zarook the journalist some- he was looked upto. In an anti-hero
one special in the congenial type of way he was the life of the
and circumscribed world party. He may have made the least
of English language journalism in noise but if he wasn’t present the
this country. ‘Zoro’ as he has been party had a hollow air of sanctimo-
fondly known and as a plethora of ny about it. He put everyone and ev-
people have reminded me after his erything at ease.
passing, was a person who perhaps He was fond of discussing poli-
epitomized his era of easy, slow tics, events and vignettes that made
charm. the news but also had a special way
Zoro grew up in Kensington of articulating things his own way
Gardens in Colombo 4, an area without being sanctimonious or too
of the city that was known for its involved in the topic under discus-
pretty urban charm and its urbane, sion. His understated ways were
charming residents. Zoro in his perfect. His profuse praise for me
schooldays and beyond was one of was genuine, and in this I strike a
them until he married and began personal note. He wanted to in-
living at Grero Place, Colombo 5. spire me to achieve more — and
He was to the manor born in whatever his intentions were I was
terms of style and approach to life. inspired by his genuine graceful
He did not aim for anything earth- papers and had a stint in the old comments that stood apart from
shattering but was a responsible Times in that totemic building in easy blandishments of some others
family man and a much sought af- the Fort. He subsequently worked who excelled in artifice.
ter friend. He moved in all circles, for the Associated Newspapers, and What could be said in sum is
and was certainly not afanatical finally for Wijeya Newspapers from that Zarook was a gentleman who
Muslim if that could be mentioned where he retired. His working life receded to the background, and
ever so gently in this piece in me- straddled different eras, but he was was a good husband to his wife and
moriam. equally comfortable in spacious or excellent father to his two children,
In his day he is supposed to busy times. and a third who unfortunately died
have been a head-turner — being a You could say, therefore, that young in a tragic road accident.
handsome young ‘rake’ who would his entire working life he had his That Zoro was so pleasant that his
draw-in the ladies at dances. Danc- fingers dipped in ink. He was a pleasantness was contagious, is
ing and socialising was his youthful raconteur and of course a Courts more than one can ask for of any in-
pastime. He never took life too se- journalist of great repute and integ- dividual in these intensely crowded
riously in any event, and one could rity, the latter not being something and competitive times.
say he sailed and danced through that can be said of all his Court re- Zoro’s 3rd death anniversary
life anyway, but did yeoman service porter colleagues of that era, sadly. falls this week, and he would have
as a scribe in the meantime. It’s fitting in this context that his been 92 this year. Notably, he was
His innate nature was of that son Rushdi is an upstanding lawyer. honoured with a Lifetime Achieve-
of the fun loving gent, and this was Zarook was not overly religious, ment Award by the Editors’ Guild
so when he was 50 as when he was or a person who imposed rules for his long services to journalism.
80. This pleasantness was conta- and regimens. He minded his own Zoro lived to be 89, but was men-
gious and everybody around him business, and that’s a rare qual- tally agile and was in a manner of
was usually uplifted. What more ity too in any kind of working en- speaking always in his forties. His
can a fraternity of professionals ask vironment today. Most employees son, daughter, wife, his daughter-
for from a colleague in this era of mind other people’s business more in-law, son-in-law, grandchildren
cut-throat ambition and not so nice than their own because they want and his other extended family must
one-upmanship? to get ahead, but getting ahead was all miss him dearly.
None of that for Zoro, who de- meaningless to Zoro who didn’t as- After all, everyone else who
lighted in organising the evening pire to anything other than a good knew him can’t get over the fact
roast and repast for his colleagues, life. But a great life he had, in abun- that he is no more.
whether he was in the Daily Mirror dance. Jannah tul firdausto my unfor-
or any other newspaper. That’s why he was an exemplary gettable friend, M.J.M. Zarook.
He started life as a courts re- character. It was precisely because
porter in the Independent news- he didn’t mean to be one and didn’t - Rajpal Abeynayake

AUGUST 7, 2022



Livestock sector in dire straits
HUMAN NUTRITION LEVEL Lanka-Malaysia bilateral
trade discussion

TO DROP DRASTICALLY The National Chamber of

Commerce of Sri Lanka is

-VETERINARY SURGEONS’ ASSOCIATION organising bilateral trade dis-

cussion between Sri Lanka and
Malaysia on Tuesday August 16
Animal feed scarcity threatens industry survival from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon at
the National Chamber Audito-
BY LALIN FERNANDOPULLE ities to take speedy measures to solve the power The Association officials warned of adverse
rium, D.R. Wijewardena Mawa-
and foreign exchange crisis and avert a major repercussions on child nutrition levels which
An acute shortage of milk, eggs and dairy tha, Colombo 10.
crisis in the livestock industry had fallen on deaf could drop drastically if malnutrition of animal
products vital for human nutrition will be inevi- High Commissioner of
ears. due to scarcity of feed hits the industry.
table within the next six months if the current Malaysia to Sri Lanka, Dato’ Tan
“We have been telling the authorities ump- The livestock industry comprising the dairy
power, transportation and forex shortage is not Yang Thai will be the guest
teen times of the dire consequences of the cur- and poultry sector have been badly hit by the
addressed immediately, the State Veterinary Sur- Speaker at the session.
rent affairs in the country on the livestock sector shortage of feed due to the shortage of dollars
geons Association stated. The participants will get an
but to no avail,” Secretary to the State Veterinary that had forced the authorities to restrict
Officials said repeated appeals to the author- opportunity to have a close dia-
Surgeons Association, Nuwan Hewagamage said. imports. SEE PAGE 22
logue with the High Commis-
sioner of Malaysia. The Sri Lan-
kan High Commission in Kuala
Getting over crisis Lumpur, Malaysia is also
expected to connect virtually
Going beyond IMF with home- during the event.
The overall purpose of this
based program, the key - Economist meeting is to discuss on the cur-
rent trade environment, invest-
Driving exports with a timeline to pro- ment opportunities/ services,
mote niche products, enhancing employee policies and other important
skills and boosting efficiency of state owned information with the view to
enterprises should be a top priority of the promote and strengthen bilat-
policy makers in addition to the IMF program eral trade and investment
which mostly looks into fiscal policy related between Sri Lanka and Malay-
reforms and exchange rate management said sia. Natural rubber, articles of
an economist of the University of Colombo. apparel and clothing accesso-
Senior Lecturer Department of Econom- ries (including gloves), precious
ics University of Colombo, Dr. Priyanga stones, semi-precious stones,
Dunusinghe said a well-articulated home- tea, apparel, wheat or meslin
based program should go hand in hand with flour, fuel oil, optical, photo-
the IMF supported program if the country is to graphic, instruments, other
come out from the economic crisis. SEE PAGE 22 vegetable textile fibres, resi-
dues and waste from the food
industries, prepared animal
IMF program fodder are some of the major
export items from Sri Lanka.
Assurance of restoring debt
sustainability vital - IMF Sustainable fisheries: WTO
Staff level arrangement different from calls for more support
approval by the Executive Board
The International Monetary Fund
(IMF) is ready for policy discussions with
the new administration towards reaching
a staff-level agreement (SLA) on the EFF
arrangement, Senior Mission Chief for Rambuttan, a delicious fruit grown in the wet zone in Sri Lanka, has a great demand locally and globally for its
Sri Lanka Peter Breuer and Mission Chief juicy sweetness. Grown in large stretches in Malwana, the season for the nutritious fruit spans from June to August. Financial assistance must
for Sri Lanka Nozaki Masahiro told Sun- Here a seller of the hairy fruit at a street in the suburbs of Colombo. be expanded to help developing
day Observer Business last week. SEE PAGE 22 and least-developed country
(LDC) members establish sus-
tainable fisheries in light of an

Record food prices will drive millions into extreme poverty - World Bank historic WTO agreement to
curb harmful fishing subsidies,
Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-
Record high food prices have trig- middle-income countries, since they remains high around the world. Infor- According to the World Bank’s April Iweala said at an Aid for Trade
gered a global crisis that will drive mil- spend a larger share of their income on mation from between March and June 2022 Commodity Markets Outlook, the Global Review event recently,
lions more into extreme poverty, mag- food than people in high-income coun- 2022 shows high inflation in almost all war in Ukraine has altered global pat- where a new report by the Sec-
nifying hunger and malnutrition, while tries. This brief looks at rising food low- and middle-income countries; terns of trade, production, and con- retariat was launched. The
threatening to erase hard-won gains in insecurity and World Bank responses to 93.8% of low-income countries, 89.1% sumption of commodities in ways that event also featured high-level
development. date.   of lower-middle-income countries, and will keep prices at historically high lev- officials from coastal econo-
The war in Ukraine, supply chain As of July 29, 2022, the Agricultural 89% of upper-middle-income countries els through the end of 2024 exacerbat- mies and donor partners who
disruptions, and the continued eco- Price Index is 19% higher compared to have seen inflation levels above 5%, ing food insecurity and inflation. expressed support for channel-
nomic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic January 2021. Maize and wheat prices with many experiencing double-digit Food prices were already high ling more resources towards
are reversing years of development are 16% and 22% higher, compared to inflation. The share of high-income before, and the war is driving food sustainable fisheries.
gains and pushing food prices to all- January 2021, while rice prices are countries with high inflation has also prices even higher. Commodities that
time highs. Rising food prices have a about 14% lower.  increased sharply, with about 78.6% have been most affected are wheat,
greater impact on people in low- and Domestic food price inflation experiencing high food price inflation. maize, edible oils, and fertiliser. SEE PAGE 22 OPEC+ to boost
production target by
‘Sri Lanka missing FDIs Airbnb bookings hit record high as travel recovers 100,000 Bpd
for oil and gas’ Airbnb says its business will be resil- Nearly 104 million nights and experi-
The long delayed Man- tember 25, 2015. While they ient, even in the event of economic down- ences were booked on the platform in the
nar Basin M2 block were not commercially turn. April through June period, a record high
(exploration and produc- viable when oil and gas Airbnb said travel demand remains for the lodging website.
tion) tender and the com- prices collapsed in 2014, strong, despite concerns about economic Long-term stays continued to be the
mencement of explora- there is a strong possibility slowdown and rising prices hitting house- fastest growing type of travel, a shift driv-
tion work by the selected they will be at today’s pric- holds. en by the rise of remote work. SEE PAGE 22
bidder for the M1 and C1 es. There are technologies The OPEC+ group gave the
July 2019 tender could cost that have reduced capital go-ahead to lift their oil produc-
Sri Lanka over a billion
dollars in foreign direct
expenditure such as gas-
to-wire power generation
‘Charts suggest now is the perfect time to buy gold’ tion targets for September by
100,000 bpd as recommended by
investment. Moreover, that help make the eco- CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Wednesday weekly action of gold going back to the Joint Ministerial Monitoring
delays in conducting a nomic case for production told investors that gold is poised to 2014, paired with the Commodity Committee (JMMC) which met
marketing campaign to of these gas finds. rally, making now an optimal time for Futures Trading Commission’s Com- earlier today, Amena Bakr, Chief
attract further investment Cairn India has invest- investors to pounce. mitments of Traders report data. Opec Correspondent and Depu-
while oil and gas prices ed nearly $200 million in Sri “The charts, as interpreted by the The CFTC tracks futures positions ty Bureau Chief at Energy Intel-
have been at historically high levels Lanka, according to Dr. Sunil Bhara- legendary Larry Williams, suggest that of small speculators, large speculators ligence,  reported  just as the
could be foregoing billions more. ti, Cairn India’s head of corporate the general public’s giving up on gold like money managers and commercial ministerial meeting of OPEC+
Cairn India drilled three completed affairs and communication at the time. en masse and he thinks that that ments on inflation the day before took hedgers that include companies that began on Wednesday.
exploratory wells between 2011 and Bharati was quoted by a news agency makes it the perfect entry time to do metals lower. work with the commodity. Today›s OPEC+ meeting is
2013. Two of the wells, Barracuda and on January 31, 2013 stating “Cairn has some buying,” the “Mad Money” host Gold is considered a safe invest- When small speculators get too the first meeting since the group
Dorado contain gas estimated to be spent $150 million for the first phase, said. ment and often attracts investors dur- bullish on gold, it’s often a sign that it’s decided to roll back by the end
1.8TCF and 300 BCF respectively as pre- more than the estimated $112 million, Gold futures fell on Wednesday, ing periods of economic and geopoliti- about to peak, according to Williams. of August all the cuts from May
sented by the Petroleum Resources Bharati said, adding that investment in facing pressure from a stronger U.S. cal turmoil. Conversely, gold tends to be near a bot- 2020, when the current agree-
Development Secretariat (PRDS) at the the second phase could be greater than dollar and Treasury yields after Fed- Cramer began his explanation of tom when small speculators get too ment started.
PUCSL Stakeholders Meeting on Sep- the first.” SEE PAGE 22 eral Reserve leaders’ hawkish com- Williams’ analysis by examining the bearish. SEE PAGE 22


Cash is king in a business downturn

poor cash flow mismanagement is the Especially during a recession, a Remember that you do not have to
main reason why many SMEs eventu- business’s very survival may depend extend credit to anyone. If a customer
ally have to shut down. Being prudent on having cash on hand to maneuver has a history of slow payment, chang-
may help save a business during through shortfalls. Best practice usu- ing the credit terms or even eliminat-
tough economic times such as now. In ally means having enough cash ing credit entirely may be required. If
a recession, cash flow management reserves to last a 3-6-month period it does become necessary to refuse
becomes even more important, as the but under the prevailing tough condi- credit to a customer, make sure this is
saying goes “Cash is king!” Accurate tion with more frequent dramatic done as tactfully as possible. After all,
or least near accurate cash flow pre- changes, at least 3 months is a must you do want to have them as a cus-
diction serves as an alarm system for but could vary on the industries you tomer in the future.
potential future problems, which are are in. Landlords, lenders, and contrac-
rife in an economic downturn. tors are not impervious to changing
BIZ TALK with In periods of economic downturn,
it is common for customers to take
Easing off the burden
One way of mitigating shortfalls
economic conditions so trying to
renegotiate is worth a shot – don’t
Kishu Gomes longer to settle their accounts, and for would be to extend accounts payable leave alone the bankers. If you are big
suppliers to tighten their terms. for as long as possible. This means you have bargaining powers.
Appropriate forecasting by a business paying suppliers on the longest pos- Remember, the outflow part of

ne of the key factors in weath- can help reduce shocks to cash flow sible terms without paying late fees. cash flow is never a problem; money
ering any storm is knowing such as those mentioned above. Boost sales with creative promotions will always run out of your business
that it’s coming and in what This means expecting the worst especially in a high interest rate envi- and incentives on a self-liquidating easily. Keeping the money coming in
direction it’s moving. Keep an eye on and hoping for the best. Proper fore- ronment. Understanding industry Determine your breakeven basis. on a regular, sustained basis is the
the leading indicators for your busi- casting for a recession can be treated dynamics and determining the value point. Knowing when your Coming up with exciting ways to tricky part of cash-flow manage-
ness and be aware of changing eco- similarly to seasonal forecasting, where chain may help a business find areas business will become profit- drive sales during a recession can not ment. One of the key factors in
nomic conditions. businesses predict slower sales in cer- that can be optimised to improve cash able gives you an early goal to only increase profit through greater weathering any storm is knowing
During times of recession such as tain months (such as coat sales plum- flow. Using these techniques, busi- strive towards, even if it is not sales volume but may also improve that it’s coming and what direction
now, cash flow management becomes meting in the hot summer months). In nesses are better equipped to make directly linked to cash-flow reputation and customer relations if it’s moving. Keep an eye on the lead-
more difficult than ever before while the current economic climate, busi- reasonable predictions about future management using fixed and done correctly. Cost cutting thru elimi- ing indicators for your business and
it is the biggest determinant as to nesses should forecast for slower sales, cash flow and funding. moving costs. Focus less on nation of unnecessary spending could be aware of changing economic con-
whether a company would bounce meaning holding less stock, and driv- Determine your breakeven point. profit and more on cash flow help too. Some discretionary expenses ditions.
back or fail. Cash is the lifeblood of an ing sales through clever marketing Knowing when your business will management should be critically questioned. Just as having a healthy lifestyle
organisation, and cash flow manage- techniques to try and counteract con- become profitable gives you an early Managing your customers’ credit and regular medical checkups can
ment provides a barometer for how sumer’s unwillingness to spend. goal to strive towards, even if it is not known, you can focus on accounts is an important part of cash flow man- help you prevent, detect and manage
likely a business is to survive. directly linked to cash-flow manage- receivable, accounts payable and agement. Weed out unprofitable cus- health problems - such as heart dis-
Inadequate cash reserves and Focus less on profit ment using fixed and moving costs. your shortfalls. If cash flow is getting tomers, those that cost more to main- ease - early, paying close attention to
realistic forecasting are often a rea- How much ever it’s difficult under Focus less on profit and more on cash tight, asking for tighter payment tain than they add to the bottom line. cash flow – your business’s life blood
son why a larger percentage of start- the present circumstances, forecast- flow management. terms from customers may improve Flag those who have a history of slow – can help you keep your business
ups and SMEs do not succeed. Often, ing cash-flow is critically important When your breakeven point is your position. Maintain cash reserves. payment. free of financial problems.

IFC funds Dialog Axiata to boost Dialog Club

Vision hosts
broadband infrastructure wellness
Connectivity provider, Dialog Axiata PLC Weerasinghe of Dialog Axiata PLC said,
(Dialog),plans to expand and improve broad- “Dialog’s association with IFC goes back to
band connectivity across the country with 2004, and we’re grateful for their continued
International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) confidence placed in Dialog and Sri Lanka as
support. a nation. Today, we’re at a crucial juncture as
IFC’s loan of up to $150 million will help a country, as well as an organisation. With the
Dialog expand and improve its network support of IFC and Axiata, we are able to initi-
capacity through the upgrading of existing ate this next phase of connectivity infrastruc-
sites and the construction of new 4G sites. ture development in the country and contin-
Dialog also seeks to increase its fibre optic ue our commitment to delivering uninter-
network footprint and implement upgrades rupted services and world-class technology to
to increase both capacities and efficiencies in all Sri Lankans and Enterprises.”
core network operations. IFC will also ensure that Dialog adopts an
As the leading telecommunication ser- enhanced environmental and social manage- Dialog Club Vision, Sri Lanka’s premier
vices provider in Sri Lanka, Dialog represents ment system (ESMS) according to IFC Perfor- loyalty programme, in collaboration with AFI
over 50 percent of both the mobile and fixed mance Standards for their mobile network Corp-iWill Sri Lanka, recently hosted a well-
broadband market in the country and is well deployment, in line with Dialog’s endeavors ness webinar exclusively for its valuable mem-
equipped to effectively expand quality con- of pursuing green connectivity, supporting bers and their loved ones covering topics such
nectivity options to underserved areas in Sri global climate action goals and achieving net- as maintaining your mental health during chal-
Lanka. zero CO2 emission by 2050. lenging times, a deep-dive into staying happy,
With over 32 million mobile subscribers, “The need to strengthen connectivity and and finding ways to create and sustain a more
Sri Lanka has made substantial progress in accelerate growth is critical for Sri Lanka now meaningful and balanced lifestyle.
terms of penetration of mobile services, with more than ever. With this latest investment, Conducted by Amanda Piyaratne, a Psy-
From left: Group General Counsel/Vice President, Group Legal and Regulatory, Dialog
149 percent mobile penetration versus an IFC-Dialog Axiata synergy marks yet another chologist at AFI Corp-iWill Sri Lanka, the webi-
Axiata, Trinesh Fernando, Group Chief Financial Officer, Dialog Axiata, Wong Hong Zhou,
average 85 percent of its South Asian peers. significant milestone in the partnership to nar enabled participants with an engaging and
Country Officer, IFC Sri Lanka and the Maldives, Victor Antonypillai, Director/Group
WhileSri Lanka ranks amongst the top 20 improve the quality of connectivity for people interactive experience to better understand
Chief Executive, Dialog Axiata, Supun Weerasinghe, Chairman, Dialog Axiata, David Nai
countries for Broadband affordability,the and businesses across the country,” said IFC’s their personal mental health journeys and how
Pek Lau and Head, Corporate Finance, Dialog Axiata, Ahmed Riza.
internet quality and speed has been weak Regional Industry Director for Infrastructure to sustain a balanced lifestyle amidst these tur-
with SriLanka ranking 125thglobally (among Asia and the Pacific, Isabel Chatterton, add- bulent times.
141 countries) in download speed.This sig- vate sector, even amid current uncertain- nesses flourish during these challenging ing “Continuing to harness the power of tech- This webinar was the latest of many com-
nificant quality gap in the market is mainly ties.” times.” nology can help drive innovation and create plementary and exclusive virtual events hosted
due to heavy reliance on mobile services for Chairman of Dialog Axiata PLC, David Dialog, part of a leading regional telecom better opportunities for more Sri Lankans.” by Club Vision, aimed at delivering exceptional
data usage and use of older technologies such Nai Pek Lau said, “It is heartening to note the service provider Axiata Group Berhad, has As the sector rapidly grows and advances experiences to its valued members and their
as 3G. continuing collaboration between IFC, Axia- been a longstanding client of IFC. Apart from technologically, IFC continues to be one of loved ones.
“Quality and reliable telecommunication ta and Dialog. We are grateful to IFC for their previous debt and equity investments in 2004 the leading development financiers in digital Dialog Club Vision aims to continuously
infrastructure has a multiplier effect on a faith in Dialog and Sri Lanka over the years, and 2007, IFC also helped strengthen the infrastructure across emerging markets, sup- deliver a world of exclusivity and privileges to
country’s economic growth. It provides the and their steadfast support to help address business skills of Dialog’s retail distributors porting all aspects of the ecosystem.Over the its valued members and their families, such as
opportunity to unlock new and innovative some of the biggest challenges we are cur- in Sri Lanka, benefitting more than 3,000 past decade, IFC committed and mobilised personalised discounts and offers, lifestyle and
sources of growth and jobs — spurring digital rently facing in our journey of advancing the small business owners from rural and post over $6.5 billion in digital infrastructure and entertainment events and more. To explore the
economy, trade, and entrepreneurship — country’s connectivity infrastructure in line conflict regions of the country. Axiata Group services, and more than $2 billion over the range of exclusive offerings available for Dialog
while bringing communities closer,” said with our mission of empowering and enrich- has been a key partner for IFC in Asia — past two years alone. In addition to enhanc- Club Vision members, and to learn more about
IFC’s Regional Director for South Asia, Hec- ing Sri Lankan lives and enterprises. IFC’s including in Bangladesh — promoting the ing and enabling digital infrastructure, IFC is joining Sri Lanka’s premier loyalty programme,
tor Gomez Ang, adding “IFC’s investment in funding will be critical in meeting Sri Lanka’s development of digital infrastructure and helping its portfolio companies to align their customers can visit the MyDialog App ordialog.
this partnership shows our commitment to future digital connectivity needs, which is digital economy in markets where it operates. environmental and social practices with IFC’s lk/loyalty
support the development of Sri Lanka’s pri- fundamental in helping people and busi- Director/Group Chief Executive, Supun performance standards.

“EVERYONE KNOWS HR” Byte-sized learning - We should anticipate challenging times ahead Ceylon Chamber
Everyone knows HR with tax reforms, restructuring of organisations, job cuts, fuel price

hosts SME Forum 2022

adjustments and privatisation.

The Ceylon Chamber of Com- challenges in sourcing production

merce held the National SME Forum inputs, and maintaining sustaina-
Ma'am we need Don't take it easy. There 2022 recently as a virtual event, on ble operations amid continual pow-
not worry as IMF could be difficult the theme ‘Way Forward for SMEs to er interruptions and fuel shortages,
support will come conditions for us as a Navigate Through the Crisis’. the Forum addressed these and
to our country. With the SME sector among the other issues, while exploring strate-
hardest hit by the current crisis, the gies to facilitate SMEs to transform
Forum will provide a crucial and from survival to growth and expan-
timely opportunity to engage high- sion.
level public sector officials, industry The three-day event focused on
experts, organisations engaged in three themes addressing critical
SME development, and other players challenges specific to SMEs and also
in the SME ecosystem, in mapping provide insights into the current
an urgent course of survival and macro-environment.
recovery. Day one of the event focussed on
Widely acknowledged as a key the ‘Current economic situation and
driver of change for inclusive eco- the way forward for SMEs’. Days two
nomic growth, regional develop- and three were based on the themes
ment, employment generation and on ‘Managing your finances’ and
poverty reduction, the sustainabili- ‘Dealing with challenges in the sup-
ty of the SME sector will play a vital ply chain’, exploring strategies to
role in national economic recovery. navigate increasing inflation, inter-
Ready to be adaptable Currently mired under multiple est rates and costs of production,
operational, logistical and policy and strategically navigating export
challenges, including skyrocketing market opportunities, regulations
By Janaka Kumarasinghe
By Janaka Kumarasinghe costs of production, falling demand, and challenges.


Memories of mentoring:
celebrating two special lives
such as technology. Both forms of a life-long learner in management, it He was a natural team leader.
mentoring are needed to personal was indeed “reverse mentoring” in There had been many instances
and professional developments. I was action. Me from Generation X (born where he played a key role in organis-
so fortunate to have both for at least approx. between 1960-1980), was ing class parties, trips, and other
for several years. being mentored by a young boy from events. The way others rallied around
Prof. Uditha Liyanage as my Generation Z (born approx. 2000 him was amazing.
revered mentor onwards). I learnt how to be cheerful He knew how to gather friends for
I first met late Prof. Liyanage as from him. He was always with a a worthy cause. Whilst I was teaching
my marketing teacher at the Post- smile. This was repeatedly mentioned teamwork, he really demonstrated it
graduate Institute of Management by his friends who came to pay their in his own way.
(PIM). As an engineer who had never last respect. When I was stressful and Nadeepa was often creative in
done marketing, I developed a flavor tired, his warmth and cheerfulness many fronts. He was writing poetry
for marketing during my MBA stud- was a relief for me. From early child- and composing songs. He was handy
ies, thanks to him. The way he gener- hood, he was a “hugging” boy. He with the camera I bought from USA
ated interest in us not only for the used to request from me and his and taking many uncommon shots.
concepts but also for the applications mom, “give me a big hug.” A flying He won many creative writing com-
was indeed remarkable. He often kiss was a regular feature when he petitions. What I insist on being crea-
advocated us to “be brilliant in remember how he insisted us of was half sleep when I had to leave tive, I saw clearly in my son. I saw the
basics.” ‘Mentoring is to using more practical examples in dis- early morning. He was the cheer gen- curiosity in him the way he asked
The way he delivered a session support and encourage cussing a theory than being overly erator at home front. The popular many intelligent questions, especially
was much interactive and informa- theoretical in neglecting the practice. prescriptions of positive thinkers when we were travelling together. He
tive, as he firmly believed in “chalk people to manage their He showed us through his innovative were very much evident in little wanted to think deeply and to probe.
and talk.” This was the case with
numerous topics in Strategic Market-
own learning in order teaching approaches as to how we
should maintain depth and breadth.
He was a guardian to his elder
No wonder, how he found science his
favorite subject. At times, I felt he
ing, Marketing Communication, Con- that they may Prof. Liyanage compared PIM to a sister Navodi. He was conscious of wanted to challenge the assumptions
sumer Behaviour, Research, Business temple and often suggested that the the fact that she was struggling with and have a fresh way. What I was
Strategy and Policy. Of course, he had maximise their work we do have a high spiritual val- the pressures of GCE AL. He had to teaching as “out of the box thinking,”
PowerPoint slides but not with just potential, develop their ue. He encouraged us to “give more sacrifice many excursions because of I saw in his own original approach.

points but with powerful points. He than get” regarding rewards. Having Navodi’s AL encounters. His care was Nadeepa wanted to be a scientist
ime has flown so rapidly. It always challenged us in asking “what skills, improve their left a lucrative multinational career in aptly experienced by my parents as and a priest. That may sound as a rare
has been seven years since
the demise of my “revered
is the point? We had to be clear about
the central theme or the main argu-
performance and becoming an academic, this lesson
was much soothing for me.
well as Ruklanthi’s parents. The way
he was showing his genuine love for
and unique combination. He was
spiritual by nature. I saw a young
mentor” and six years since ment. become the person He cautioned me to strike the me, Ruklanthi and Navodi was a clas- pure heart brimming with genuine-
the demise of by “reverse mentor”. Prof. Liyanage insisted on under- needed balance between knowledge sic case of caring. He showed us how ness in him. He was having asthma
Prof. Uditha Liyanage was a sage standing and application of manage- they want to be’ creation and knowledge sharing we should care for each other through but have got quite used to an inhaler.
of our age, in touching many minds as rial topics. He gave us a challenge. Be when I was having an over-demand timely action. Strangely, he experienced an acute
a marketing maestro, left us on confident in sharing a key learning in one’s exposure to education must be for training and consultancy. The way school teachers appreci- asthmatic attack resulted in a strug-
August 10, 2015 at the age of 61. your own words with your teenage continuous. There is so much more to Research role, though not financially ated Nadeepa was such a delight for gle at the Medical Intensive Care Unit
Nadeepa Dharmasiri was a pre- son or daughter, in a manner that be known, and that which you know rewarding is of extreme use for a us as parents. He was one whom the (MICU)of Lady Ridgeway Hospital for
cious prodigy, in touching many they understand. That requires clari- may no longer be valid.” This had management academic. I learnt how teachers could have confidence in three days.I still recall watching
hearts as a loving son, left us on ty and commitment. been Prof. Liyanage’s advice. He to be a multiple role player with bal- assigning a task. Being a primary pre- through the glass door of the MICU
August 8, 2016, at the age of 13. As He suggested us to have “switch shared with us articles, web-links and ance and brilliance, thanks to him. fect and a junior prefect, this was last time, whilst Ruklanthi was inside
Seneka (the younger) said, “time dis- on” and “switch off” approach. Switch books that are of high relevance to My respect towards him, in fact, further demonstrated by him. The sitting close to Nadeepa. She con-
covers truth; time heals what reason on is when you are in complete focus sharpening the managerial skills. grows day by day with gratitude fundamental elements of commit- soled me saying, “he is too precious
cannot.” with attentive concentration. Switch I still remember how he shared towards a “revered mentor.” ment we encounter in management for this world.”
Today’s column is a heart-felt off means to relax and unwind. A the article on “Nishkam Karma I was so glad to collectively initi- could be seen in him.Nadeepa was a Nadeepa Dharmasiri Memorial
reflection of the mentoring insights healthy blend of both is necessary in (detached involvement) written by ate the creation of “Prof. Uditha member of the “Inspirational Choir” Prize for Science (his favourite sub-
involving a superior and a son, in effectively grasping knowledge. Prof. Chakraborty of Indian Institute Liyanage Memorial Library” at PIM, who sang the welcome song at the ject) awarded to grade 9 students at
celebrating two special lives. Developing teaching models was of Management, Bangalore. Prof. and jointly launching the Biennial airport when Pope Francis visited Sri Royal College will be a way to remem-
one of his key initiatives. A simple Liyanage was much interested in Memorial Oration together with Sri Lanka last year. He had made many ber his name for the aspiring scien-
Overview Google search would amply justify knowing my reflections on it, and it Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM) speeches in front of large audiences tists.
Mentoring is typically associated the popularity of those models in took time for me to realise the value and Chartered Institute of Marketing and sang many a times in variety of We are pleased to have created
with an enriching relationship relation to marketing and strategy. of such gestures. Moreover, I see the (CIM). The inaugural oration was entertainment events. He fell in a the Nadeepa Dharmasiri Memorial
between two individuals. Eric Parsloe, Liyanage Value Pyramid, Liyanage 10 immense value of detached involve- held in 2019 delivered by Dr. Mahesh pool and broke his ankle one year Trust Fund (www.nadeepdharmasiri.
a veteran mentor, and an acclaimed S Strategic Marketing Planning ment as a leader, thanks to him. Amalean and the second one was on before his departure. Subsequently, info) to help the needy children of his
author describes it as follows: “Men- Framework and Liyanage Strategy I saw the blossoming of transfor- August 10, 2021, delivered by Dr. Hans he was on clutches for two months. age, and despite challenges, several
toring is to support and encourage Quadrant are some such models that mational leadership at PIM with Prof. Wijayasuriya. Yet, he never lost his spirit. All these charity projects have been done with
people to manage their own learning became very useful for management Liyanage. He influenced all of us to were signs of his confidence. I hum- the generous contributions of rela-
raise the quality and relevance of all My son as my reverse mentor bly admire his ways, compared to tives and friends.
in order that they may maximise their learners. These authentic models
potential, develop their skills, made his sessions immensely enrich- modules we deliver. “Our business is My son was my hero in many where I was at his age.
Moving ahead
improve their performance and ing and showcased the power of Sri mastery,” he often uttered. “PIM fronts. He was an all-rounder with My son never skipped playing. He
become the person they want to be.” Lankan thinking that is second to brings the reward of outstanding flare for music and favor for technol- enjoyed playing cricket and soccer “In the end it’s not the years in
It goes beyond coaching which is none. results to those professional manag- ogy. He was loved by everyone who with his friends. He also enjoyed play- your life that count; it’s the life in your
more directive. Mentors inspire and Prof. Liyanage inspired me on ers who strive towards mastery.” had an encounter with him. This was ing computer games. Though I did years,” so said Abraham Lincoln.
influence the proteges (mentees) by many fronts. He was standing tall in That’s how he influenced the aspiring evident in the way students, teachers, not understand what it really meant, Both my revered mentor and my
sharing experiences in truly “walking front of all of us. As a sought-after learners of PIM. Converting practi- relations, and friends alike emotion- he told me that he is a clan leader in reverse mentor proved it in different
the talk.” marketing scholar, a strategic man- tioners to professionals with charac- ally responded upon hearing his sud- virtually playing the “clash of the ways. Prof. Uditha Liyanage left a
In the conventional form, it hap- agement thinker, an exceptional aca- ter and competence has been our den demise. Being a junior prefect clans.” He often told me and Ruklan- legacy as a legendary scholar.
pens with a youngster being nurtured demic, a thought-provoking teacher endeavour. and a chorister at Royal College, he thi not to be too serious. We in fact Nadeepa Dharmasiri in his small way
by a veteran senior who is admired as and a visionary leader, he was a guid- He influenced us to change for was in the limelight as a bright and an were worried at times, whether he is showed the value of a loving son.
a revered mentor. In a creative form, ing light for us. I saw him rendering the better. Through his famous “mod- obedient student. neglecting his studies. Yet, he proved Goodbye my beloved Sir. Goodbye my
it happens with a senior being nur- yeoman service in multiple ways in tradi consumer model” , he encour- I learnt a lot by being with him. otherwise in passing exams with fly- darling son. I collectively celebrate
tured by a junior, who becomes the raising the PIM flag higher. aged us to strike a balance between My association with him gave me ing colours. I learnt how to be relaxed both these special lives with peace
reverse mentor, on a specific aspect “The process of learning and the traditions and technology. I still many an exposure to discover him. As yet stay in focus, from him. and solace.

‘Fairplay’ by stakeholders to Trade deficit narrows during

overcome crisis vital – CBSL first six months
The Government and the Central holders under difficult and extraordi- The export trading community is The merchandise trade balance US dollars 4,316 million recorded over improved mainly due to the increase
Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) have been nary circumstances. urged to continue to repatriate all recorded a surplus in June 2022 for the the same period in 2021.  in average export prices of both avia-
implementing several measures to Against this backdrop, and in the export proceeds within the stipulated first time since August 2002, reflecting Terms of trade, i.e., the ratio of the tion and bunker fuel exports. Mean-
ease the burden of the current eco- best interest of the nation, the CBSL timeframe and surrender the residual the impact of historically high monthly price of exports to the price of imports, while, a decline in earnings was
nomic hardships on the people. wishes to reiterate to all stakeholders earnings in accordance with the regu- export earnings and the continued deteriorated by 5.4 per cent in June reported in base metals and articles
One major factor that is contribut- of the economy, that, going forward, lations. The banking community is decline in import expenditure. Earn- 2022, compared to June 2021, as the (mainly, aluminium, iron and steel
ing to the current crisis and the result- all efforts would be taken to strictly requested to ensure strict adherence ings from tourism recorded an increase increase in import prices surpassed and articles), transport equipment
ant hardships is the lack of foreign monitor and ensure compliance with to all regulations in relation to foreign in June 2022 (year-on-year) from the the increase in export prices. (mainly, bicycles), plastics and plastic
exchange liquidity in the banking sys- all regulations on foreign exchange exchange transactions. low base, despite the negative senti- Earnings from merchandise articles thereof (mainly, plastic sacks
tem. Such shortage of forex liquidity transactions, including repatriation The Government and the CBSL are ments associated with travel advisories exports in June 2022 increased by 23.9 and bags) and chemical products
has affected the provision of essential requirements of export proceeds, con- relentlessly pursuing efforts to secure and the ongoing shortage of fuel and per cent over the corresponding (mainly, cosmetic or toilet prepara-
imports, including fuel. versions, and mandatory sales to the bridging finance to reduce and allevi- resultant transportation difficulties.  month in 2021, recording US dollars tions and pharmaceutical products).
To ensure adequate foreign CBSL. ate economic stresses in the near Workers’ remittances moderated 1,248 million, which is the highest ever Agricultural exports: Total earn-
exchange liquidity in the banking sys- Any instances of non-compliance term. A notable progress has been in June 2022, compared to May 2022, monthly export earnings recorded. An ings from the exports of agricultural
tem, the CBSL had to impose surren- will be dealt with stern action within made in the ongoing negotiations for reflecting an increase of grey market increase in earnings of both industrial goods in June 2022 increased by 9.2
der requirements on export earnings. the provisions of all applicable laws. an economic adjustment programme activity of foreign exchange transac- and agricultural exports contributed per cent, compared to June 2021, with
Measures were taken by the Gov- The CBSL has strengthened its with the International Monetary tions. Foreign investment in the gov- to this favourable outcome, while min- a substantial share of the increase
ernment and the CBSL to discourage capacity in relation to monitoring of Fund. ernment securities market recorded a eral exports, which constitute a mea- being contributed by seafood (pri-
foreign exchange outflow, such as foreign exchange transactions through The debt restructuring process is marginal net inflow, while that in the gre share of export earnings, recorded marily, fresh and frozen fish) and
imposing restrictions on certain the implementation of the Export Pro- also underway, capably assisted with Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) record- a decline. Cumulative export earnings minor agricultural products (primar-
imports and payment terms and intro- ceeds Monitoring System (EPMS) and the Legal and  Financial Advisers. The ed a marginal net outflow during June from January to June 2022 also ily, areca nuts). Export earnings from
ducing margin requirements, while the International Transactions Report- Government and the CBSL remain 2022.  increased by 14.3 per cent over the coconut kernel products, vegetables
encouraging foreign inflows through ing System (ITRS), which is a compre- committed to implementing much- The Central Bank continued to pro- same period in the last year, amount- and natural rubber also increased to
the banking system, rather than those hensive monitoring system of cross- needed reforms to overcome long- vide forex liquidity to finance essential ing to US dollars 6,514 million. some extent. 
being channelled through the grey border transactions and domestic for- standing structural issues in the econ- imports, exhausting the usable level of Industrial exports: Earnings from Export earnings from tea and
market. The success of these regula- eign currency transactions. omy. gross official reserves. the export of industrial goods spices declined by 6.0 per cent and
tory measures and the ability to These systems facilitate regular The Central Bank reiterates that The weighted average spot increased in June 2022 by 28.4 per 10.6 per cent (year-on-year),  due to
achieve the intended outcomes monitoring of foreign exchange overcoming current economic woes exchange rate in the interbank market cent, compared to June 2021. Higher the decline in volume exported.
depend on the support and coopera- inflows and outflows. Assistance from and distresses requires substantial remained around Rs. 360 per US dollar export earnings from garments con- Mineral exports: Earnings from
tion from the trading community and independent professional bodies, and concerted efforts from all stake- during the month. tributed to a major share of this out- mineral exports in June 2022 declined
the banking system.  including audit firms, is also being holders of the economy. Foul play on The balance in the merchandise come. Export of garments to all major by 34.8 per cent, compared to June
However, it has been brought to sought for the timely identification of the part of any group of stakeholders trade account in June 2022 recorded a markets (the United States, the Euro- 2021, mainly due to a decline in export
the notice of the CBSL that certain any malpractices. would inevitably result in the worsen- surplus of US dollars 21 million, com- pean Union, and the United Kingdom) earnings from titanium ores catego-
market players are not being fully Licensed Banks and the trading ing of the crisis, thereby having wide- pared to the deficit of US dollars 652 improved. Meanwhile, most of the rised under ores, slag, and ash.
compliant with these regulations. community are urged to comply with spread detrimental effects. It is the million recorded in June 2021, and for other industrial export categories The export volume index
Such practice, if continued, would the existing regulations and comple- duty of everybody to act conscien- the first time since August 2002, where also showed an improved perfor- increased notably by 23.5 per cent,
deprive the people of the support ment the efforts of the Government tiously and responsibly, and extend a trade surplus of US dollars 110 mil- mance, particularly, gems, diamonds while unit value index improved mar-
expected from the Government in dif- and the CBSL to provide much-needed their unhindered support during this lion was recorded.  and jewellery; petroleum products; ginally by 0.3 per cent (year-on-year),
ficult times, while undermining the assistance to all stakeholders of the hour of need, for the nation to recover The cumulative deficit in the trade animal fodder; and food, beverages in June 2022. Thus, the increase in
moral obligation of ‘equal burden economy under these extremely chal- rapidly and emerge stronger from this account during January-June 2022 nar- and tobacco. Earnings from the export earnings could be attributed
sharing’ that is expected of all stake- lenging circumstances. crisis. rowed to US dollars 3,514 million from export of petroleum products mainly to higher export volumes.
22 Sunday ObServer auguSt 7, 2022


Circular Leaf Spot Disease

More technically competent people needed for research
By LALIN I. DE SILVA daytime, daylight duration and even
soils seem to have an impact on the
Although it was suspected to be the breeding of the pathogens. The data
Pestalotiopsis leaf disease at the begin- must be captured at situ and analysed
ning it has now been positively identi- using modern software such as MS
fied as the Circular Leaf Spot Disease Power BI that’s available for free to
(CLSD) by the Rubber Research Insti- identify relationships that can be pro-
tute of Sri Lanka (RRISL). actively used to minimise possible
Therefore, the damage it can do to damages from leaf diseases.
the industry is not to the extent it hap- The strains must be made stronger
pened in Malaysia, India, Thailand, wherever bio fertilisers are used to
Cameroon and Papua New Guinea. The improve plant immunity and tree
delay in identifying the leaf disease at health. The RRISL has already recom-
RRISL could be due to the acute short- mended methods to avoid high humid-
age of scientists. It is reported that ity that helps breeding of pathogens
there are about 25% vacancies in addi- fast. Considering the looming threat of
tion to not having a Director to RRISL climatic change specially identified to
although the RRISL was the first rubber be affecting Sri Lanka, improved agro-
research institute to be set up in the nomic actions are urgent to retain soil
world. The GDP contribution from the justified without real time data. The moisture, to protect biodiversity by
rubber industry was 0.2 in 2021. rubber prices are reaching all time moving away from mono cropping that
This has led to poor or impossibility high levels and more than 20,000 hect- encourages high cost on weeding as
of undertaking succession planning ares that has been abandoned previ- well.
which is a greater threat to the entire ously due to poor prices have been With the rapid changes of environ-
rubber industry, which is growing rap- harvested since last season. It is diffi- mental factors the country is in need of
idly, and the rubber-based industries cult to ascertain if there is an actual new agriculture maps and it is ideally
are heavily dependent on natural rub- crop loss due to CLSD and the extra suitable for those who are growing rub-
ber latex produced locally. Especially at crop that was harvested from the aban- ber in large scale to move towards areas
a time when the country is short of doned areas have covered the deficit such as Monaragala and Ampara that
forex. that may have been due to CLSD. have very less impacts on leaf diseases.
The rate of spread of the CLSD has The absence of a permanent sam-
gdP contributions
not been well established. This is seri- pling method of the leaf fallen on the
ous as no one could rule out a probabil- ground due to CLSD on a daily basis is Host Rupees have been paid to the contrac- of them turning towards alternate The ultimate aim should be to pro-
ity of reaching the levels of economic another shortcoming in the system as tor already, arrangements have to be short-term crops will not be able to duce 200,000 MT of natural rubber latex
threshold without real time data on the reality and the scope of the problem It has been recorded in Indonesia made to get them to complete the job stop. It is interesting to note that the from our cultivations which is a jump
factorial effects. The impact on differ- is not identifiable by default. that the RRIC 100 is somewhat resistant soon. organic fungicides are being tested by of about 119,000 MT from the current
ent clones, rainfall, relative humidity, The disease triangle (host, patho- to a similar leaf disease called Pestalo- smallholders successfully already. production of 81,000 MT per year. The
health of the tree, soil nutritional lev- gen, and the environment) tiopsis or commonly known as Pesta the pathogen Since the private labs may not disclose Ceylon Planters are always ready to
els, production statistics at regional Scientists have been doing their leaf disease. Similar studies have been Two pathogens have been identi- their herbal formulas it is important for shoulder the wheel. Let us put our best
level and the details of other threaten- best even with limited resources, man- undertaken in Sri Lanka as well, but fied as the disease-causing fungi and the Ministry to interfere and do the foot forward to regain Sri Lanka.
ing diseases such as white root disease power and due motivation to control conclusive decisions are yet to be made. inorganic fungicides to control the justice without further delay as organic
have to be maintained using technical- the leaf disease last season. The scien- The national production of natural pathogen are in use. The large-scale inputs don’t cost us forex at this crucial
ly competent employees of different tists of the RRISL deserve a bouquet of rubber latex is on a downward spiral as rubber plantations use drones to juncture.
the writer is a
departments supporting the rubber flowers for that. But the needs must be shown in the chart below. This can undertake the aerial spraying effective-
environment senior planter
development of Sri Lanka. closely monitored, identified and fixed decline further without a real time digi- ly to control CLSD. The smallholders
and consultant
The claims such as a 30% crop loss at the earliest to thwart a national disas- tal platform to detect factorial effects. who are the majority stake holders of Number of climatic factors starting
and advisor on
from the national production due to ter in the rubber industry that can hap- If arrangements have been made to natural rubber farming in Sri Lanka from rainfall patterns, relative humid-
CLSD in the previous season cannot be pen if there is a short supply of latex. install a digital platform and millions of need help as otherwise the possibility ity, wind speed, colder nights, warmer

Sri Lanka missing ... Continued from page 19 Charts suggest now ... Continued from page 19
It would require an investment of estimate nine TCF of gas and five bil- Production Sharing Agreements with The Commitments of Traders data, tion in four years during gold’s recent “That would be too glib, but he
over $1 billion to build production lion barrels of oil in the Mannar Basin- investors who take 100% of the risk. at the bottom of the chart, reveals that peak in March. points out that in the last 9 years, when-
infrastructure. Therefore, it is vital to according to the 2015 PRDS presenta- The industry holds the potential to small speculators are in their smallest While this doesn’t mean investors ever their net long position in gold has
urgently attract as many investors as tion to the PUCSL. contribute crucial foreign exchange, in long position since May 2019 – right should always do the opposite of what been this low, the actual metal has ral-
possible for exploration and produc- This could fulfill several decades of terms of investment and possible before there was a major gold rally. small speculators are doing, this is a lied. And the best-selling points all
tion in the remaining 873 blocks to the country’s energy needs while poten- future revenue from production. It is Also worth noting is that small specula- sign that gold could gain soon, accord- came at moments when they had large
maximise benefits to Sri Lanka - espe- tiallysaving $6-7 billion p.a. in expendi- imperative that Sri Lanka does not miss tors were in their largest net long posi- ing to Cramer. long positions,” Cramer said. -CNBC
cially in light of the global energy crisis ture on energy. This is based on Power the small window of opportunity avail-
and the concomitant energy price and Energy Minister’s statement in Par- able with high prices and supply pres-
increases which have enhanced inves-
tor appetite. While one must drill to
liament in May: “For June 2022, Sri
Lanka needs USD 530 million for fuel
sures, fast disappearing internal com-
bustion engines, as well as the displace-
Assurance of restoring ... Continued from page 19
ascertain the actual existence and imports”.It also opens opportunities ment of fossil fuels with the advent of Declaring a decade for export pro- to enhance efficiency and profession- private (both foreign and local) sector
quantity of resources, Seismic studies for Sri Lanka to earn revenue through “Net Zero”. motion with a greater focus on promot- alism should be prioritised. It is impor- should play a key role in filling the
ing goods and services exports where tant to examine whether the public savings-investment gap in that period. 
the public and private sectors, the polit- sector services are in line with the Introduce strategies to improve
Going beyond IMF ... Continued from page 19 ical leadership and all stakeholder
institutions should focus largely to
requirements of the people/investors.
In particular, it is important that, at
household savings. At present domes-
tic savings is 15 per cent of the GDP. The
drive exports by identifying products least for new recruits, abolish perma- investment requirement is around 30
Along the same lines the two senior financial stability, and stepping up ity (EFF) arrangement. The staff team and supporting entrepreneurs to enter nent positions in the public sector and per cent of GDP. In East Asian countries
officials noted that the IMF is closely structural reforms to address corrup- and the authorities made significant into foreign markets. Giving export grant a fixed tenure initially for a peri- the savings rate is around 40 per cent.
monitoring the ongoing developments tion vulnerabilities and unlock Sri Lan- progress on defining a macroeconomic earning targets for potential entities are od of three years which could be Hence, it is vital to encourage savings
in Sri Lanka and is continuing technical ka’s growth potential. and structural policy package. The dis- essential to get the economy back on extended, he said. through appropriate policy measures. 
discussions with its counterparts in the An International Monetary Fund cussions will continue virtually with a track, he said. Establish an independent entity, Creating a level playing field for the
Ministry of Finance and Central Bank (IMF) mission team led by Peter Breuer view to reaching a staff-level agree- Attracting foreign students to local similar to NITI (National Institution for market to operate in fair manner is vital
of Sri Lanka. and Masahiro Nozaki visited Colombo ment on the EFF arrangement in the universities, getting research funds are Transforming India) which is run by for which new laws or upgrading the
However, they said it is important from June 20 to 30 to discuss IMF sup- near term. Because public debt is vital Dr. Dunusinghe said while stress- experts and political leaderships to existing regulations and implementing
to remember that an SLA is different port for Sri Lanka and the authorities’ assessed as unsustainable, Executive ing the need for a well-established safe- draft national policies on identified them is essential, Dr. Dunusighe said
from approval of an IMF-supported comprehensive economic reform pro- Board approval would require adequate ty net covering short-term consump- sectors and provide independent adding that communication of the real
program by the Executive Board. gram. The post visit media statement financing assurances from Sri Lanka’s tion needs of the needy and developing observations and recommendation on economic problems and its gravity to
Because Sri Lanka’s debt is assessed as stated ‘Significant progress was made, creditors that debt sustainability will be livelihoods in the medium term. policies/project of national interests. people by the authorities is paramount.
unsustainable, the Executive Board and discussions will continue virtually restored. He said identifying such groups, This entity could bar politicians’ Tax concessions and special privi-
approval of an IMF-supported program towards reaching a staff-level agree- “In this context, discussions developing programs, mobilising local attempt in carrying out projects/poli- leges to public officials, security forces
would require adequate assurances ment on the EFF arrangement in the focused on designing a comprehensive and foreign financial resources and cies/agreements without proper analy- and politicians should be done away
that debt sustainability will be restored, near term. Sri Lanka is going through a economic program to correct the mac- implementation of such a program sis of the impact on the economy. with immediately to ensure equal treat-
the two officials said. severe economic crisis. The economy is roeconomic imbalances, restore public with the attendance of public officials He said focus should be on develop- ment to all citizens, he said adding that
Issuing a statement on the political expected to contract significantly in debt sustainability, and realise Sri Lan- and experts is crucial. ing the Hambantota and port-city spe- steps should be taken to promote
and economic developments in Sri 2022, while inflation is high and rising. ka’s growth potential. Discussions Identify key public sector reforms, cial economic zones to boost business- healthy relations with all countries and
Lanka a couple of moons ago the global The critically low level of foreign advanced substantially during the mis- in addition to State Owned enterprises es. It would take 7 to 8 years to obtain in particular with the donor communi-
lender said that it hoped to see a speedy reserves has hampered the import of sion, including on the need to reduce which will be part of the IMF program loans for development projects. Hence, ty .
solution to the current situation in the essential goods. During the in-person the elevated fiscal deficit while ensur-
country to proceed with the discus- visit, the team witnessed some of the ing adequate protection for the poor
sions for a program. hardships currently faced by the Sri and vulnerable.
In the statement the IMF said it was Lankan people, especially the poor and Given the low level of revenues, far- Record food prices ... Continued from page 19
deeply concerned about the impact of vulnerable who are affected dispropor- reaching tax reforms are urgently
the ongoing economic crisis on the tionately by the crisis. We reaffirm our needed to achieve these objectives. Global commodity markets face World Bank Group, International Mon- tries with a goal of increasing domestic
people, particularly the poor and vul- commitment to support Sri Lanka at Other challenges that need addressing upside risks through the following etary Fund, United Nations World Food supply and reducing prices. As of July
nerable groups, and reaffirmed it com- this difficult time in line with the IMF’s include containing rising levels of infla- channels: reduction in grain supplies, Program, and World Trade Organiza- 15, 18 countries have implemented 27
mitment to support Sri Lanka at this policies.’ tion, addressing the severe balance of higher energy prices, higher fertiliser tion released a  joint statement  calling food export bans, and seven have
difficult time, in line with the IMF’s “The authorities’ monetary, fiscal payments pressures, reducing corrup- prices, and trade disruption due to on the international community for implemented 11 export-limiting mea-
policies. policy and other actions since early tion vulnerabilities and embarking on shutting down of major ports.  urgent action to address food insecuri- sures.
Concluding a visit to Sri Lanka in April were important first steps to growth-enhancing reforms. Over the coming months, a major ty, to keep trade open and support vul- Globally, hunger levels remain
June the global lender said aim of the address the crisis. The team had con- The authorities have made consid- challenge will be access to fertiliser nerable countries, including by provid- alarmingly high. According to the 2022
new IMF-supported program would be structive and productive discussions erable progress in formulating their which may impact food production ing financing to meet the most urgent State of Food Insecurity in the World
to restore macroeconomic stability and with the Sri Lankan authorities on eco- economic reform program and we are across many crops in different regions. needs. Following the start of the war in (SOFI) report, the number of people
debt sustainability, while protecting nomic policies and reforms to be sup- looking forward to continuing the dia- Russia and Belarus are major fertiliser Ukraine, trade-related policies imposed affected by hunger rose in 2021 to 828
the poor and vulnerable, safeguarding ported by an IMF Extended Fund Facil- logue with them, the lender noted. exporters, accounting for 38% of potas- by countries have surged. The global million, an increase of about 46 million
sic fertiliser, 17% of compound fertilis- food crisis has been partially made since 2020 and 150 million since 2019,
er, and 15% of nitrogenous fertiliser. worse by the growing number of food before the outbreak of the COVID-19
Airbnb bookings ... Continued from page 19 On April 13, 2022, the heads of the trade restrictions put in place by coun- pandemic. - World Bank

But international and city travel, Overall, bookings in the April-June said demand remained below pre-pan-
which had lagged, have also recovered.
The company said it was now in the
period rose 25% from last year to 103.7
million and up 24% from 2019.
demic levels in the Asia Pacific region,
as Covid restrictions keep Chinese
Human nutrition ... Continued from page 19
middle of its strongest peak summer Higher prices helped lift the com- tourists at home. “Our Association has been observ- polish and soyabean, which account Sri Lanka.  Discussed between the
travel season yet, and it assured inves- pany’s revenue, which surged 58% from Despite the removal of China list- ing the developments in the country for a major part of the nutrition of ani- authorities and the Association on
tors that it was well poised for whatever last year to $2.1bn. ings in July, Airbnb still has more than and its impact on the livestock sector mals have been in short supply since increasing milk production and the
may hit the economy. Nearly half of the company’s reser- 6 million active listings on the plat- and have been briefing the authorities end last year. many practical issues to boost dairy
In fact, a slowdown may actually vations are for a week or longer, the form. Mr Chesky said the company had on the need to protect the industry The SVSA was founded on 1989 and production has not borne fruit yet, an
help the company, executives said. company said. now achieved “growth and profitability which would if not collapse in the near since then it has evolved as a potent official of the association said.
“Airbnb was founded during the Travel demand remains strongest at scale” and said the firm would both future, Hewagamage said. force, with a membership exceeding He said it has been revealed here
recession,” chief executive Brian in North America, where bookings are continue to invest in the business, and The veterinary association has 750 and a network comprised of more that two liters of liquid milk is cur-
Chesky said in a conference call with up 37% compared to 2019. spend $2bn on buying its own shares, been requesting for subsidies to sup- than 10 branch unions. The SVSA has rently obtained from one milk cow. We
analysts to discuss the company’s Growth in Europe - while travel has which have fallen this year. port the livestock sector but has so far acted as a watchdog to prevent irregu- discussed the plan to increase that to 5
results. recovered from the pandemic - is lag- Executives said the buyback pro- has not received a positive response to larities in appointments, transfers and litres. The Association said Sri Lanka
In the event of another slowdown, ging that recovery, hurt by factors such gramme was a sign of their confidence the appeal due to the government fac- the awarding of scholarships for fur- has reached self sufficiency in poultry
he said, “we think a lot of people may as the weaker pound. in the company’s future. The company ing financial constraints, the Associa- ther training, by the Administration. meat and eggs and the excess produc-
turn to hosting once again, so this is a The company, which announced in reported a profit of $379m, compared tion noted. The SVSA has also played a mediatory tion is exported bridging in the much
big opportunity for us”. May that it was pulling out of China, to a loss of $68m last year. - BBC There are shortages of maize, rice role in developing livestock sector in needed forex to the country.


Telephone interviews in recruitment

Advantages and disadvantages Convenient way might be challenging to determine a
A greater proportion of organisa- Telephone interviews are not without candidate’s level of focus during a
tions now use telephone interviews to
assess potential employees’ general
disadvantages. Insufficient body language, which phone interview. If the candidate disa-
grees with a statement the interviewer
Hemantha aptitudes, telephone manners, and can be immensely useful to fathom the suitability may have made, he cannot notice them
Kulatunga other abilities as a result of the rise in smiling or frowning. Also, you cannot
call centres and other telephone-based of a candidate, is a significant setback see their precise body or facial expres-

industries. Telephone interviews are a frequently used during the employ- is a far better approach for the inter- sions. Hence, the employer has no
t this time of crisis, particu- quick and convenient way to find the ment process before limiting their viewer to screen potential applicants, alternative other than to fly blind.
larly with transport limita- top candidates and weed out undesir- options and choosing candidates for make sure they are the right person to
speak with, and give them more time Advantages
tions, employers have lim- able prospects, but they should never further, more in-depth interviews in
ited chances of conducting take the place of the final in-person the following round. Hiring managers to focus on any special interests the Many organisations have switched
in-person interviews at interview. should utilise this form of intern respondent may have expressed. to telephone interviewing, specifically
their offices. Many of them have Employers who regularly hire a lot review as an initial screening. In addition to providing more thor- for preliminary screening, to save
already switched to telephone inter- of people, especially graduate employ- However, since there may be fewer ough responses than you would likely costs and time. However, it is impor-
viewing in their recruitment drives due ers like huge accountancy firms and opportunities to establish a personal get from an online survey and a greater tant to mention that video interviews
to the shortage of fuel in the market. large banks, frequently conduct tele- connection during phone interviews response rate, it allows the respondent conducted using tools like Zoom may
However, even in normal times, con- phone interviews. Visit our guide on than during in-person ones, job seek- the option to ask any questions they offer more advantages over phone
ducting telephone interviews has doing effective phone interviews if you ers may find them a little more diffi- may have. interviews as the ability to visually
many advantages. want to learn more. cult. Telephone interviews also provide transmit information is more effective.
On the eve of World Water Day last Phone interviews have many ben- A phone conversation is far less a wider geographic reach for employ- Telephone interviews can save
week, the U.N. offered a sobering sta- efits, including being quicker and expensive than a face-to-face inter- ers. Possible recruits who are working money by reducing the cost of the
tistic: according to its recent  study, more convenient for both you and the view, especially if the respondent is not outside workplaces, such as salesmen, interview location, travel expenses,
more people on earth have access to interviewee than setting up an in-per- nearby. Telephone interviews not only engineers, and technicians, are notori- and sustenance expenses. The inter-
cell phones than toilets. It was revealed son meeting. Meeting in person is save money on transportation costs ously difficult to find because they viewer can choose possible applicants
that out of the world’s estimated 7 bil- important as qualifications and experi- but also save travel time, which can be travel and do not find time for personal from the CVs that have been submit-
lion people, 6 billion have access to ence, but such meetings depend on used more effectively and profitably interviews. This means that individu- ted, chat with them multiple times, if
mobile phones. This is obviously good and demand personality, telephone elsewhere. A decrease in costs can als are less likely to reply to a job offer. required, on the phone, and further
information for market researchers skills, and demeanour. However, due make it possible to conduct more inter- However, telephone interviews can reduce the pool to a manageable num-
and for telephone interviewers. In fact, to the fact that neither participant can Telephone interviews frequently views, increasing the validity and reli- quickly reach a large number of people ber.
being able to reach 85% of the world’s see the other during a phone interview, serve the employer’s interests more ability of the results and allowing for with little effort on the part of both the They have a better opportunity to
population via mobile phones is amaz- the customary visual cues are missing. than those of the candidate. However, the elimination of any abnormal interviewer and the respondent. analyse the applicant’s suitability and
ingly positive news for marketers and a telephone interview is preferable to results, resulting in richer and higher- However, with many of the above- determine whether it is worthwhile to
recruiters. Preliminary screening no interview at all for a job seeker. Tel- quality data. mentioned benefits, telephone inter- set up a subsequent interview. Also,
For many decades, the traditional For marketing companies and for ephone interviews have advantages views are not without disadvantages. employers can use telephone inter-
occupations in sales, particularly for and downsides, just like all practice Flexibility Insufficient body language, which can views to screen potential candidates
form of interview has been face-to-
face interviews or group interviews. telephone selling, verbal communica- techniques. Questioning flexibility when con- be immensely useful to fathom the before scheduling an important in-
However,  technology has served as a tion skills are crucial. Hence, in such How do phone interviews work? A ducting a telephone interview is enor- suitability of a candidate, is a signifi- person interview. The most important
boon to the corporate world. Thus, situations, telephone interviews are telephone interview, also known as a mous. It is advantageous for the inter- cant setback. This is common to the factor is that face-to-face interviews
various other modes or types of inter- particularly common. However, other phone screening, is a job interview viewer and the respondent to speak interviewer and the candidate. can be done after the screening pro-
views also came into existence, such as firms utilise them to conduct a pre- that is conducted over the phone but with an interviewer over the phone If the interviewees are visible, the cess is over, which can enormously
telephone and video interviews. liminary screening of applicants for a typically only uses audio and without since it allows for a great degree of flex- employer can identify whether or not reduce the time and stress for the
wide range of positions. video presence. Phone interviews are ibility in the questioning process. This they are interested in the position. It employer.

extends 4G router
Alumex expands fabricators network CHEC Port City Colombo showcases
potential at World Cities Summit
home delivery Alumex, a fully integrated alu-
minium profiles manufacturer and
domestic industry. In the process, we
have also established a thriving,
industry growth opportunities and
will organise similar events in the
service member of the Hayleys Group,
recently expanded its network of
vibrant lumin community.
“Having experienced increasing
months to come to ensure uninter-
rupted service quality to customers
home-grown aluminium fabricators demand for qualified aluminium fab- and support newcomers to enter and
to over 15,000 with the addition of ricators, we are expanding this com- serve the market. To ensure service
2,000 Lumin experts. munity and onboarding others quality standards are at an interna-
Launching the initiative over two inspired by the industry by creating tional level, Alumex will continuously
decades ago, Alumex established a awareness and offering access to evaluate Lumin aluminium fabrica-
fully equipped training centre to qualifications. We appreciate the tors and has organised capacity-
equip local aluminium fabricators community of Lumin fabricators and building seminars to improve man-
with the latest technology. In addition reward their continuous support in agement skills, global best practices,
to improving the knowledge base of catering to evolving demands with and advanced techniques introduced
fabricators in Sri Lanka, the company exceptional service,” Alumex Manag- to the industry.
continues to train technical college ing Director Pramuk Dadiwela said. “Aluminium fabricators under-
leavers and military fabrication units The company trains over 2,000 take construction projects of varying
SLT-MOBITEL is further extending under the initiative. fabricators annually, making them scales and are important stakehold-
its services with 4G Router Home Deliv- “Alumex has always ensured cus- up-to-date with global trends and ers in the construction industry. Over
ery, providing free of charge delivery tomers have access to the best possi- enhancing their practical skills to the years, this community has worked
service for the purchase of 4G routers. ble products. Towards achieving this carry out a commercially sustainable tirelessly to provide the domestic
The home delivery service enables cus- goal, we have enhanced the skills of business. market with high-quality services for
tomers to purchase devices at the con- aluminium fabricators across the Recently, Alumex brought togeth- which we are truly grateful. It is this
venience of their homes, eliminating island, providing them with the er registered Lumin experts, trained innovative and creative drive we wish A model of the Port City Colombo
the need to physically visit a store to knowledge and certifications to help and certificated fabricators from to foster within the industry through
obtain connectivity. ensure quality across the entire across the island for a seminar on our initiative,” Dadiwela said. CHEC Port City Colombo (Pvt) tions about the future and forge new
In addition, the 4G Router Home Ltd represented Sri Lanka at the partnerships.
Delivery service is part of SLT-MOBI- World Cities Summit 2022 at the The three-day Summit is attend-
TEL’s broader vision in further enhanc- Marina Bay Sands, Singapore from ed by Thulci Aluwihare the Deputy
ing customer centricity and offering a July 31 to August 3. This biennial Managing Director at the CHEC Port
timely solution to customers at a time global event unites city leaders and City Colombo, where he will speak
when the country is facing national associates from across 90 countries at the WCS track session on the
level challenges that are deterring the under this year’s theme, “Liveable topic, “How Can Partnerships
day-to-day commutes. The SLT-MOBI- and Sustainable Cities: Emerging Transform the Development of Cit-
TEL 4G router delivery service ensures Stronger.” ies?”.
the product is brought to the doorstep Port City Colombo envisions As Sri Lanka battles several eco-
through an mAgent. Customers can itself as the most livable city in nomic and political challenges, the
simply call 1717 or visit www.sltmobi- South Asia imbuing technology and project company focuses on crucial and place an order along with sustainability with its Smart City recovery efforts, pushing Sri Lanka
their details. SLT-MOBITEL will deliver concept to enhance living conveni- towards the future by involving it in
a Home 4G Router along with the con- ence. important discussions among glob-
nection to customers’ doorstep. The As the Platinum Sponsor of the al leaders and industry specialists.
delivery charge will be completely event, the project company show- Port City Colombo I will continue to
waived off. SLT-MOBITEL is increas- cases the potential of Port City work towards becoming an exem-
ingly innovating ways that make it eas- Colombo as a special economic plary city providing the highest
ier and more convenient for customer zone and a future investment hub to quality commercial, entertain-
to have access to what they need and representatives from Governments, ment, medical, education and life-
not miss out. Further, as an added ser- thought leaders, experts and corpo- style opportunities, putting Sri Lan-
vice of the doorstep delivery, custom- rates from diverse industry sectors, ka on the map not only in South
ers can also request new mobile con- who have converged at the World Asia, but as a global leader in sus-
nections and SIM replacements. Lumin fabricators at a capacity building program Cities Summit to inspire conversa- tainability.

CA Sri Lanka national confab from October 12-14 Exporters’ Association

commits to ensuring
Amid the unprecedented eco- the inspiring theme ‘Transform’
nomic crisis engulfing the country, and the three-day event expected repatriation of export
which has impacted businesses
and citizens alike, the Institute of
to attract over 2000 delegates, with
over 20 speakers expected to share
Chartered Accountants of Sri Lan- their insights on the unprecedent- The Exporters’ Association of Sri Lanka
ka (CA Sri Lanka) in its standing as ed, complex, and the ever-evolving (EASL) welcomes the measures taken by the
the National Body of Accountants social and economic situation in CBSL, as outlined in their communication of July
will take the lead to influence Sri Lanka, while exploring possi- 29 titled “Importance of Fair Play by all Stake-
Chartered Accountants to push for bilities to transform for a better The head table at the media briefing (from left): Alternate Chair of the Technical Committee Ms. Priyoshini holders of the Economy in countering the cur-
transformation to help the country self, society, corporate and coun- Fernando, Chairman of the Technical Committee Anura Perera, CA Sri Lanka Vice President Heshana Kurup- rent unprecedented economic crisis”.
As a responsible association, the EASL sup-
successfully navigate through its try.  pu, CA Sri Lanka President Sanjaya Bandara, Chairperson of the National Conference Committee Ms. Anoji
ports the CBSL in its measures to “strictly moni-
ongoing predicament.     President, CA Sri Lanka, San- de Silva and CEO Ms. Dulani Fernando
tor and measure ensure compliance with all
The National Conference of jaya Bandara said that today, Sri
regulations on foreign exchange transactions,
Chartered Accountants, organised Lanka is at crossroads, and the fact thing unique to us all, as it has fore, this time, instead of only Sri Lankans believe. We are ready
including repatriation requirements of export
for the 43rd consecutive year by CA of the matter is, that the light at the affected everyone, both rich and being a co-pilot for our company, for real transformation, a transfor- proceeds, conversions and mandatory sales to
Sri Lanka and dubbed as one of the end of the tunnel is far from visible poor, as well as big and small,” he we need to take one step further mation that will change the coun- the CBSL” The EASL is committed to ensuring
country’s biggest business sum- because the economic crisis the said.   and help fly Sri Lanka out of this try for the better.”  that its members abide by the requirements of
mits will help delegates including country is facing at present is     He said Chartered Account- crisis,” Bandara said.  Chairperson Staying true to its theme ‘Trans- the law in respect of the repatriation of export
business leaders, entrepreneurs something vastly different from ants are no longer restricted to of the National Conference Com- form’ the conference will also proceeds and the surrender of residual earnings.
and c-suite executives effect what Sri Lanka has faced in the traditional number crunching mittee Ms. Anoji de Silva said that change the format this year, mov- We have communicated this to our membership
change which will benefit not just past. roles. Instead, today, they are iden- for many decades CA Sri Lanka has ing away from the traditional panel and willing to support the CBSL in any way pos-
the country and the corporate, but “Many of us in Sri Lanka have tified as co-pilots of a business always strived to promote thought discussions by incorporating more sible at this time. It’s important that exporters
also individuals and society. The faced our fair share of crises rang- because they bring a multitude of leadership amongst the business speakers who will bring different abiding by the regulations are recognised by the
43rd National Conference will be ing from a war to a tsunami to the critical skills to the table ranging community. “This year’s confer- and diverse perspectives apart CBSL and agree that offending companies should
held from October 12-14 at the Easter Sunday Attack. But the from technical to leadership as ence is even more significant as we from concluding the event with a be dealt with under the provisions of the law.
Monarch Imperial, Colombo on ongoing economic crisis is some- well as strategic thinking. “There- feel we are in sync with what we as highly inspiring fireside chat.
24 Sunday ObServer auguSt 7, 2022


IPS proposals for Interim budget

ahead of the presentation of the Inter- allocations and improper recruitment that sufficient funds are available transaction costs involved when
im budget, the Institute of Policy Stud- of teachers have deteriorated the qual- for financing such essential needs. sending money through formal
ies of Sri Lanka (IPS) has recommend- ity of education. Recent news items A system to limit recruitments to channels. The government can sub-
ed policy proposals for inclusion in have highlighted difficulties faced by the health sector to maximise sidise this cost so that banks can
the forthcoming budget. Some key schools due to shortages of paper and spending efficiency is also needed. offer a better exchange rate to the
policy issues and recommendations:. other materials necessary for the func- 2. Design fiscal policies to increase remitters.
tioning of schools. Further, deteriora- government revenue and lower
trade policy health-related costs: Taxes aimed at Social protection policy
tion of school facilities has affected the
Despite strict import controls, Sri effective functioning of schools. Inter- curbing NCD risk factors can both Rising food and non-food prices
Lanka’s trade deficit in merchandise ruptions to school-based relief meas- help to increase government reve- and fuel shortages have serious conse-
goods widened in 2021. The slight ures such as the school meal programs nue and decrease health expendi- quences, particularly for low and low-
increase was mainly due to the sharp can also increase school dropouts and ture. Even though an inflation- er-middle-income households with
price movements in the world market, malnutrition. Data from the Ministry of adjusted tax system is the best declining household earnings affecting
with the import reduction patterns Finance reveals that public investment option in the long run, for the inter- consumption pattern.
across categories being consistent with in education has remained just above im budget, an increase of LKR 20 for Given the extent of the present cri-
the post-pandemic controls. As con- 1%. Of this minuscule allocation, a all types of cigarettes is recom- sis, the existing social protection
sumer goods imports are prioritised, large share is spent on teacher salaries. mended. Such an increase is esti- schemes will not be sufficient to cover
including food imports, it generates Frequent absorptions to the teaching mated to increase government rev- those falling below the poverty line due
two key undesirable impacts. First, it cadre to provide jobs to unemployed enue by LKR 5 billion. Expanding to the economic downturn. Hence rap-
impacts food security and nutrition graduates has worsened this situation and increasing the tax on sugar- id assessments are needed to identify
there are certain products in which Sri Lanka enjoys a comparative
needs. Second, high food prices will crowding out funds from other neces- sweetened beverages (SSB) can also the poor and those affected by the crisis
advantage in global markets, requiring low imported raw materials in
incentivise a further resource shift – sary education inputs. help to increase revenue and using village-level administrators/com-
production such as tea, spices and mineral products like graphite
such as labour – to agriculture, raise The government has recommend- decrease health costs. Emerging mittees.
wage costs for sectors like manufactur- ed online lessons as a solution to diffi- systems. On the global front, the COV- neighbours can share the harvest in findings from an IPS study show This can be done efficiently by
ing and impact their competitiveness. culties in conducting on-site school ID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine exchange for labour. Some exam- that the tax imposed in 2017 had using the existing lists compiled during
In this context, two key recommenda- classes. But IPS research shows that the conflict are generating a global reces- ples of community gardens include contributed to decreasing the the pandemic as a basis but improving
tions are: access to online lessons is not equitable sion with high world market prices of Virginia Avenue Community Gar- demand for SSBs. them to rectify any targeting errors.
due to poor access to the internet, lack food, oil, and fertiliser. At the local lev- den, Washington, D.C., and Com- Given the level of targeting errors in the
Labour migration policy Samurdhi program, beneficiaries
1. Prioritise imports for industrial of necessary devices and high cost of el, crop failures have resulted from munity Gardens Australia.
expansion and food security needs: data. In this context, two key recom- poor government policies such as the In the first half of 2022, total depar- should not necessarily include Samur-
chemical fertiliser import ban. Infla- Health policy tures for foreign employment were
IPS research shows that about 88% mendations are: dhi recipients (families) if they are nei-
of food imports are now subject to tionary pressures arising from a com- Sri Lanka’s health system is recog- 138,789 which records a 351% growth ther poor nor their earnings affected by
quantitative or price restrictions. 1. Increase public investment in edu- bination of factors including excessive nised as an efficient, low-cost model. relative to the first half of 2021. Despite the crisis. In this context, two key rec-
The Special Commodity Levy (SCL) cation: Public investment in educa- money printing and the sudden free However, changing demographic and the high departure statistics, the below- ommendations are:
on items such as canned fish, green/ tion should be increased and an float of the exchange rate have also disease patterns along with domestic par performance of worker remittanc-
black gram, cowpea, palm oil, and adequate share of such investments taken a toll on domestic food prices and finance issues threaten the sustainabil- es is a concern. IPS research indicates
black gram flour should be removed should be dedicated to increasing food supply. All these have resulted in ity of the health sector. Inadequate ser- that a major component of remittances 1. Provide a monthly cash allowance
to ensure that food security and the quality of education delivery low farm incomes, high food prices, vice provision in the public sector and to Sri Lanka are sent through informal to poor households: An allowance
caloric needs are met. Licensing such as the maintenance of school food shortages and hunger and malnu- shortages of medicine and equipment channels. of LKR 5,000 per family/ household
restriction on maize imports which facilities, paper, and maintenance trition. In this context, two key recom- are driving people towards the private Many migrants avoid using formal should be provided for three con-
feeds poultry production costs must of school-centred relief programs mendations are: sector causing inequities in access to channels due to their cumbersome secutive months to well-identified
also be revisited. Sri Lanka must (e.g. school meals). This can be healthcare, as not all can afford private rules and regulations. In recent times, groups. This should be on top of any
prioritise fertiliser imports and done by putting a cap on the share 1. Introduce a targeted food ration sector healthcare. some have boycotted using formal other cash assistance they receive
reintroduce fertiliser subsidies to of government spending on salaries scheme for the poor and strengthen Over half of the budget is allocated channels to show their dissatisfaction from the government. The program
paddy and vegetable farmers to and wages of total expenditure in nutritional assistance: As an imme- for wages leaving very little resources with the government’s ad hoc policies should aim to include poor/deserv-
raise productivity and prevent a education. Given the lower enrol- diate measure to help the poor and for all other health inputs. As a result, and related economic mismanagement ing families including those who
resource shift that will impact over- ment rates for A-Levels, the govern- marginalised who are the most vul- investments in this vital sector have that led to a foreign exchange crisis. In are currently not beneficiaries of
all economic efficiency. ment should consider introducing nerable, introduce a targeted food been curtailed over the past few years. this context, two key recommendations the Samurdhi program but deemed
2. Focus on increasing exports in sec- targeted financial assistance pro- ration scheme covering essentials Further, changing lifestyles have exac- are: eligible and any other families in
tors that use minimum foreign raw grams for deserving children from like rice, wheat flour and dhal. erbated the risk factors for non-com- the informal sector whose income
materials: There are certain prod- poorer families to continue their Strengthen nutritional assistance municable diseases (NCDs). Four major 1. Increase departures to increase has been heavily affected by the
ucts in which Sri Lanka enjoys a studies. programmes such as the School behavioural risk factors directly con- remittances: Loans can be offered economic crisis.
comparative advantage in global 2. Minimise school closures due to Meals programme, ‘Thriposha’ and tribute to the escalating NCDs in the to migrants to bear the cost of 2. Extend the coverage of the elderly
markets, requiring low imported transport issues: Increase the exist- ‘Poshana Malla’. Support from the country: tobacco use, physical inactiv- migration with the promise to repay assistance program: The coverage
raw materials in production such as ing fleet of school buses and pro- World Food Programme (WFP), ity, alcohol misuse, and unhealthy die- the loan via remittances. The budg- of the elderly assistance program
tea, spices and mineral products vide adequate fuel for school buses Food and Agriculture Organization tary patterns. In this context, two key et can allocate a sum of money for should be extended to all eligible
like graphite. To meet immediate to limit school closures due to trans- (FAO) and regional (SAARC) and recommendations are: this purpose to give banks credit people above 70 years from low-
needs, bottlenecks such as fertiliser port issues. Measures should also bilateral sources can be sought for guarantees to provide loans to income households to ensure their
shortages should be addressed to be taken to ensure that children do this purpose. 1. Introduce a system to ensure prop- potential migrants. The migrants financial security. This is particu-
raise productivity and export earn- not travel long distances to attend 2. Promote community gardens in the er financial planning for the health can be encouraged to pay back such larly important to ensure the finan-
ings while mineral resources can be schools so that schools can function short term: Promote community sector: This includes rationalising loans with remittances. This will cial security of senior citizens at
auctioned to increase revenues. uninterrupted even in times of cri- gardens that include neighbour- expenditure on the health sector, facilitate migration and also this time given the rising prices of
sis. hood community gardens and increasing efficiency of health increase formal remittances. food, medicine, and difficulty in
education Policy school gardens. The way a commu- expenditure, and introducing 2. Attract remittances through formal obtaining medicine free from gov-
Food security and nutrition policy nity garden is set up and main- mechanisms for mobilising private channels. Allow remitters to negoti-
The Covid-19 pandemic and the ernment hospitals. This will first
economic crisis have severely affected IPS research shows that long-term tained can vary greatly from one to sector resources for the health sec- ate higher exchange rates (on par require a systematic assessment of
the education sector. Health concerns, environmental, social, and economic the other. These can be established tor. Rationalising health expendi- with informal remittance channels) their eligibility based on the defined
union action, social unrest and trans- trends heightened by domestic and in an empty land and the neigh- ture involves prioritising public for remittances sent via formal set of eligibility criteria for the pro-
port issues have resulted in frequent international challenges have eroded bours can look after it. It can be health spending to focus on essen- channels. Part of the reason for the gram (which can be done at the
school closures. Inadequate budget the resilience of Sri Lanka’s agri-food even in private land where the tial health services and ensuring lower exchange rate is the higher divisional level).

Vivo releases third 6G White Paper Expolanka Holdings records

sustained growth in Q1 FY23
6G Services, Capabilities and Enabling Technologies Expolanka Holdings The customer expansion
PLC, a listed entity with strategy has been well thought
beIJIng – The Vivo Communications This means that every performance interests in logistics, leisure out, resulting in the company
Research Institute released its third 6G indicator, such as data rate, including peak and Investments, having a servicing several leading brands
white paper, “Building a Freely Connected data rate and user experienced data rate, global presence in 34 coun- across key industry verticals,
Physical and Digital Integrated World: 6G communication delay, and area traffic tries and over 70 cities Yoosuf said.
Services, Capabilities and Enabling Tech- capacity, will need to be improved several recorded their financial per- The Air Freight product saw
nologies” last week. The report explores the folds or more compared with 5G. formance for the quarter volumes tailing off during the
6G framework and enabling technologies 6G service capability definition requires ending June 30, 2022 pre- quarter, a result of lower demand
that Vivo experts believe will shape people’s careful consideration of demand, technolo- senting strong results main- witnessed across its key mar-
lives beyond 2030. gy and cost, balancing performance metrics taining its growth momen- kets. Whereas the Ocean Freight
“As one of the world’s leading smart- and efficiency indicators. tum over the last several product continued to gain trac-
phone vendors, we are dedicated to empow- New network functions need to be intro- years. tion and delivered satisfactory
ering consumers by making cutting-edge 5G duced to support the new 6G services and Backed by strong strate- growth during the quarter under
smartphones affordable and accessible. At achieve integration of sensing and commu- gy execution and focus on CeO Hanif yusoof review. This steady growth is a
the same time, we have set our sights on the nication. 6G will converge mobile network fundamentals, Expolanka result of the increased emphasis
future - 6G,” said President of Vivo Commu- and computing, cross-domain data interac- Holdings PLC was able to post a Revenue of placed on this segment. A vibrant partner
nications Research Institute, Qin Fei add- tion, and native AI network. Therefore, it Rs. 235.1 bn (YoY +146%), a Gross Profit of 36.9 network, increased customer penetration,
ing, “At the forefront of R&D, we continue to requires a brand-new system architecture bn (YoY +156%) and a Profit after tax of Rs. enhanced competencies helped the ocean
explore what a 6G world might look like and design. 20.1 bn (YoY +220%) for the quarter. freight product maintain its strong momen-
what technologies we need to develop to get Integrating sensing and communication Group CEO, Expolanka Holdings, Hanif tum.
there.” taps into a new area of opportunity in cel- Yusoof said, “Our asset lite business model, While focusing primarily on its interna-
Over the past two years, the industry has lular wireless networks – 6G native AI would international network, balance sheet tional freight forwarding business, EFL has
been gradually forming a consensus on the improve network and air interface efficien- strength, our unified approach to business been able to enhance its capabilities across its
services that may be provided by 6G and the cy, enhance system flexibility and reduce and our strong leadership team makes Expo- domestic logistics portfolio in key locations
key capability indicators that need to be cost. The introduction of an end-to-end lanka Holdings PLC a unique value proposi- particularly in the North America market.
achieved. The research and development of cross-layer data plane is essential to support tion to all our stakeholders. The proactive procurement strategy
related key enabling technologies is also intelligent and basic information services. “The group continued to generate strong implemented by the group built capacity and
gaining momentum. The Vivo Communica- Extremely low-power communication returns, delivering an ROE of 96.16% on a stabilised margins. Strengthening existing
tions Research Institute has been actively that hundreds of billions of devices will be reduces the barrier to terminal access, ena- trailing twelve month (TTM) basis, reflecting relationships and building on new carrier
contributing to shaping the future of 6G connected by 2030. bling truly ubiquitous connectivity. Current- the enhanced operating leverage and the effi- relationships took priority for the procure-
with in-depth analysis and evaluation of 6G “6G will allow us to bring the next gen- ly, the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output cient asset utilisation strategies adopted by ment function.
business models and drivers, application eration of connectivity into every aspect of (MIMO) evolution, Reconfigurable Intelli- the group. The Leisure Sector delivered a strong per-
scenarios, system architecture, and ena- people’s lives. It will integrate more access gent Surface (RIS) technology and new “The depreciation of the Sri Lankan rupee formance for the quarter despite the chal-
bling technologies. technologies, cover a larger physical space, waveforms are some of the exciting research resulted in an exchange gain of Rs. 6.9 bn lenges experienced in the local market.
Vivo’s latest white paper on 6G builds on and provide better core capabilities, sup- areas, paving the way towards a more effi- whilst increasing the Net Asset Value of the The results reflect the efforts undertaken
two earlier works released in 2020, includ- porting more services,” said 5G Standard cient and more flexible network that can company by Rs. 25 bn for the quarter. This is by the business to reorganise its portfolio,
ing ‘Digital Life 2030+’, which provides Expert at Vivo, Rakesh Tamrakar adding, support more application scenarios, and further evidence of the group’s business pro- adopting a lean and efficient operating model
insights into some of the many potential 6G “By seamlessly connecting industries, trans- offer more advanced sensing functions. file and its balance sheet which has been built and leveraging its capabilities as the leading
digital scenarios for the next decade, and portation, workspace, and homes, 6G will The research and development of 6G over the last several years. travel brand in Sri Lanka.
‘6G Vision, Requirements and Challenges’, contribute greatly to society – from the technology standards is still in the early “In spite of the global market conditions The Sector delivered a Revenue of Rs. 727
which outlines Vivo’s vision for 6G, namely democratization of professional talent to stage. The Vivo Communications Research and traditional off peak demand patterns, the mn (YoY + 379%) and a Profit after Tax of Rs.
that 6G will enable convergence of the digi- the enhancement of emergency and disas- Institute is dedicated to continuing to refine Logistics sector was able to exhibit the poten- 233 mn (YoY +736%). Historically, this is the
tal and physical worlds. ter response.” 6G scenario use cases and technical indica- tial of its operations, with focused execution best performance by the sector, with the Cor-
The white paper proposes that 6G will 6G will expand basic telecom services to tors, carry out in-depth research and experi- of strategy enabling the sector to deliver con- porate Travel portfolio driving the results.
provide super communication, informa- support completely new experiences, such mental verification of potential 6G technol- sistent growth during the quarter under The Investment Sector remained stead-
tion, and converged computing services, as immersive mixed reality and holographic ogies, and contribute to the development of review, resulting in a revenue of Rs. 233.0 bn fast recording a revenue of Rs. 1.4 bn (YoY
becoming a base for an interconnected and and multi-sensory communication. a globally unified 6G technology standard. (YoY+146%), a gross profit of Rs. 36.2 bn (YoY +100%) and a Profit after Tax of Rs. 17.3 bn
converged physical and digital world. 6G mobile data connectivity services Set up in 2016, the Vivo Communications +154% YoY) and a PAT of Rs. 18.8 bn (YoY (YoY +608%) with the main contribution from
According to the analysis, 6G will converge will continue to improve in capacity, data Research Institute focuses on 5G technology +183%). the export operations. The sector profits
communication, computation, and sensing rate, latency, reliability, and many other research and standardization. To date, the “The multi-pronged approach to our busi- include group dividends of Rs. 16.0 bn.
in a single system. An integrated 6G network aspects. This will broaden the range of cus- Institute has submitted over 8,000 5G pro- ness has been centred on generating volumes Expolanka continued to place emphasis
will not only connect humans to humans, tomers and increase the value of services, posals to the Third Generation Partnership through customer centric approach, building on Environmental, Social, and Governance
but it will also connect humans to machines with more end-to-end flexibility and adapt- Project (3GPP), leading to 15 technical fea- capacity through sound procurement prac- initiatives (E.S.G), the Group has adopted sev-
and machines to machines, helping create a ability to meet the needs of individuals and tures and three technical projects being tices and supporting business through effi- eral proactive practices which are aligned
whole new digital world. It can be expected industries. approved. cient operational excellence,” he said. with its overall strategic objectives.


Old Royalists win

Premier League players
to limit knee bow
Premier League players will ers, also stopped taking a knee
stop the pre-match anti-racism ges- around that time.
ture of taking the knee before every Swansea City and Bristol City

triple crown in UK
match. also recently announced they
Top-flight clubs started taking would be stopping the action as
a knee to support the Black Lives well.
Matter movement, which rose to “We met with the captains last
prominence following the death of week, they’re still totally commit-
George Floyd in the United States ted to the issue” Premier League
in May 2020. chief executive Richard Masters
Premier League captains took told BBC Sport on Tuesday.
the decision after consulting with “For two years now the taking Old Royalists representing the
players. the knee has become part of the UK Alumni association (ORAUK)
The gesture will instead be seen pre match ritual. The players fear went on to win the Royal-Thomi-
before certain rounds of games, in- its losing power and momentum an game, Royal Thomian over-40
cluding the Boxing Day fixtures and and we will see it take place in a dif- game and the Festival of Cricket
Cup finals. ferent format. (the main cricket event among Sri
Players and staff will also take “It’s up to the players to decide Lanka schools in the UK), thereby
the knee before the first and last themselves and we support them in winning the triple once again.
matches of the 2022-23 campaign whatever decision they make as do The Royal-Thomian game was
as well as dedicated No Room for the clubs.” held at Richmond Cricket Club on
racism match rounds in October Prior to the decision to scale July 17. The event was once again
and March. back the taking of the knee, anti- organized with the usual fanfare
The gesture took place before racism charity Kick It Out’s chair- this year, hosted by ORAUK, how-
the Community Shield between man Sanjay Bhandari said he would ever with the usual cordial sup-
Liverpool and Manchester City last support the players in whatever de- port from Old Thomians Associa-
Saturday. cision they made. tion, UK (OTAUK). The day turned
Captains and players are said to “We should be spending more out to be a massive success with
believe that ‘less is more’ - hoping time on why players take a knee large number of Thomians, Roy-
when the knee is taken it will have rather than whether they take a alists and their friends enjoying a
greater impact. knee or not,” said Bhandari on great day.
“We have decided to select sig- Tuesday. The success of the event was
nificant moments to take the knee “The reason they take a knee largely due to the brotherly rela-
during the season to highlight is because we are not living in an tionship both associations have
our unity against all forms of rac- equal society. There is discrimina- been enjoying and continuing
ism and in so doing we continue tion. There is a huge amount of on- under the current leadership of Old Royalists celebrate with their flags
to show solidarity for a common line abuse. Dimuthu Ratnayake (President
cause,” said a joint statement from “It is using their platform to OTAUK) and Sujith Wijesena
the Premier League captains. raise awareness and says to the (President ORAUK).
“We remain resolutely commit- people in power you need to act. The games were keenly con-
ted to eradicate racial prejudice, Whatever they do, I will support tested in the true Royal Thomian
and to bring about an inclusive so- any kind of peaceful gesture. spirit.
ciety with respect and equal oppor- “The point is we still need to The Thomians won the toss
tunities for all.” be doing something to raise aware- and scored 188 in 40 overs. The
The gesture was inspired by ness and to keep things like the on- Thomian score was propped up
NFL player Colin Kaepernick, line safety bill on the agenda.” by Nirru (former Thomian skip-
who decided on the silent protest Cristiano Ronaldo & Harry Ma- per Nirrushan Raveenthiraraja)
against racial oppression by kneel- guire most abused players on Twit- and coloursman Yohan Mendis
ing during the US national anthem. ter - report who went on to score 68 runs.
However, Crystal Palace for- He added: “We are talking about Last year’s Royal paceman
ward Wilfried Zaha stopped in Feb- how we tackle discrimination and Sonal Amerasekera grabbed the
ruary 2021, saying at the time that how we create greater inclusion in bowling honours, well supported
“at the moment it doesn’t matter football and around football with by the spinners Malinda Thoti- The winning Old Royalists and their supporters
whether we kneel or stand, some of governing bodies and clubs. wilage, Heshan Morawake and
us still continue to receive abuse”. “There seems to be this great skipper Pasindu (Chamikara) Jay- to Ranjan Madugalle in the 99th Week before the Royal Thomi- erasekera and Malinda Thoti-
Several Championship clubs, intent in wanting to do more. We asekera. Roy-Thomian) taking part in the an, the Festival of Cricket was wilage. In return Royal openers
including Derby, Brentford, Bour- have to tap into that.” In return, Malinda Thoti- game. held in London on July 10. On Malinda Thotiwilage and Hashen
nemouth and Queens Park Rang- (BBC Sport) wilage once more steadied the The Thomians won the toss their way to the finals, the Roy- Ramanayake easily finished the
Royal innings, after few initial and batted again, scoring 108 runs alists got the better of the strong game in three overs. Sonal was
scares well supported by Sa- off 15 overs, with Michael Arnold Nalanda side, St. Thomas, Ma- awarded the Man of the Match
meera Perera and the skipper in top scoring for them. For Royal, tale and St. Aloysius, Galle. In the trophy for his bowling effort.
the end, who put on an unbeaten Dr. Krishantha Jayasinghearach- second round, they went on to
partnership to win the game. For chi took the bowling honours tak- beat Dharmashoka and Prince of SCORES:
Thomians, 15 year old school boy, ing three wickets. In return, Royal Wales and qualified for the final STC 188 all out (Nirrushan
Chrishen Warnasuriya bowled had a solid opening stand between against St Joseph’s. Raveenthiraraja 45, Yohan Men-
a fantastic spell of left arm spin, Dr Hemantha Abeywickrema (27 Over the last five FOC events, dis 68, Sonal Amerasekera 3/22,
taking 3/28, impressing everyone runs) and Hemantha Edirisooriya Royal reached the final on two Heshan Morawake 2/13, Pasindu
present at the game. Malinda was (50 not out), well supported in the occasions, losing out narrowly Jayasekera 2/31, Malinda Thoti-
awarded the Man of the Match end by a quickfire 25 runs from to St Peter’s and St Joseph’s. Sur- wilage 2/39)
trophy for his all-round effort. Dr. Krishantha Jayasinghearach- prisingly this time, the final was RC 192/6 (Malinda Thoti-
The over-40 game was well chi, who had a memorable game a lop-sided affair with Royal com- wilage 63, Roanaka Ahangamage
contested too. It was good to see with both bat and ball. Heman- pletely dominating the Joes. Bat- 17, Sameera Perera 25 no, Pasin-
Johann Peiris (Thomian skipper tha Edirisooriya was awarded the ting first the strong SJC side only du Jayasekera 29 no, Nirrushan
of the Centenary Royal Thomi- Man of the Match trophy for his 34 runs and the bowling honours Raveenthiraraja 2/55, Chrishen
an) and Romesh de Silva (deputy batting effort. for Royal shared by Sonal Am- Warnasuriya 3/28)

Sri Lanka’s Best from the Past

Joseph Charles:
‘The Rock of Gibraltar’
to 1968, where Colombo were
During the golden era of the joint champions in 1966 and
Old Bens HA, Joseph Charles as 1967, while captaining the team
the left back was like the ‘Rock that was runners-up in 1968.
of Gibraltar’ which paved the V. KUNASINGHAM
way for their half line to relent- (born 1941)
lessly attack. Position: Goalkeeper
He represented the Colom- Clubs: Tamil Union and Co-
bo HA at the National Champi- lombo HA
onships from 1964 to 1967 and 1969 Tout of South and
1970; captaining in 1971. In North India
1967 and 1971, they were joint 1972 Tour of North India
champions. and vs West Germany in Delhi
JOSEPH CHARLES 1974 Tour of South and
Position: Left back North India (captain)
Clubs: Old Bens SC, Colom- AM Ansar
bo HA Though short in stature AM
1968 Tour of Lahore, Paki- Ansar was a fearsome left ex-
stan (pre-Olympic Internation- treme who could mesmerise
al Festival) the defence both with speed
Emirates cabin crew and World Rugby match officials Hollie Davidson and Luke Pearce Rex Sebastian and deft stick work. He had the
Rex Sebastian played for knack of slipping through the

Emirates and World Rugby work the

Mercantile HA at the National tightest of defences and score
Championships in 1963. many a goal.
Position: Forward AM ANSAR (born 1948)
Clubs: Old Bens SC, Colom- Position: Left extreme
bo HA and Mercantile HA Clubs: Old Zahirians, Ma-

line for two more World Cups

1968 Tour of Lahore, Paki- tale, Havelock SC, Grasshop-
stan (pre-Olympic Internation- pers, Matale, Mercantile and
al Festival) Nationalised Services HA
Farouk Mohothar 1970 Asian Games, Bangkok
World Rugby and Emirates have In joining the global family expertise in customer experience for our sport will be key in our ef- A crafty and speedy left in- 1971 Tour of South and
announced an extension of the of Worldwide Partners for Rugby to help deliver a truly world-class forts to make rugby truly global side, Farouk Mohothar was a North India and Malaysia in
Dubai-based airline’s long-standing World Cup 2023 in France, Emir- tournament for fans travelling to and their proven excellence in cus- stalwart of the Malay CC. Delhi
relationship as a Rugby World Cup ates will return to where the hugely the host nations. tomer experience will be an asset He represented the Colom- 1972 Tour of North India
Worldwide Partner. successful relationship between the Fans will also be able to watch to take our fan services to the next bo HA at the National Champi- and vs West Germany in Delhi
Under the agreement, the lead- airline and the international fed- every moment from two unforget- level.” onships in 1968, 1970 and 1971, 1973 vs Mysore HA
ing airline will continue as World- eration began in 2007. Since then, table Rugby World Cups live and Emirates Airline President, Sir when they were joint champi- 1973 Tour of South and
wide Partner of Rugby World Cup the airline has become one of the on-demand from their flight seats, Tim Clark, said: “Rugby is a sport ons. North India
2023 in France and Rugby World sport’s most prominent and active making the sport more accessible. with great values and a proud heri- FAROUK MOHOTHAR 1974 vs Malaysia
Cup 2027 in Australia. supporters as a committed partner World Rugby Chairman Sir Bill tage in many countries. It is also a (born 1946) 1974 vs Tamil Nadu HA
Underscoring its commitment of every men’s Rugby World Cup Beaumont said: “We are delighted sport that’s attracting more partici- Clubs: Malay CC, Colombo 1974 Asian Games, Teheran
to the sport, Emirates is also ex- since 2007 and proud sponsor of the to announce the extension of our pation and interest across commu- HA and Mercantile HA 1974 Tour of South and
tending its official sponsorship of Dubai and Cape Town rounds of the long-term and successful collabo- nities each year as we are seeing 1968 vs Singapore North India (Vice Captain)
the Emirates World Rugby Match HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series. ration with Emirates for the next in the UAE where rugby just made V Kunasingham 1975 Tour of South India
Officials through to 2027, a relation- As the Official Airline of Rugby two men’s Rugby World Cups and in it into school programmes nation- V Kunasingham represent- (Vice Captain) (August)
ship that has proven pivotal in the World Cup France 2023 and Austra- support of our men’s and women’s wide. We see rugby as a great plat- ed the Colombo HA at the Na- 1975 Tour of North India
development and performance of lia 2027, Emirates will fly rugby to match officials programme. Emir- form to bring people together un- tional Championships in 1966 (vice captain) (December)
elite match officials since 2013. new frontiers and bring its leading ates’ global network and passion der a shared passion for the sport.”


Norway’s Grete Waitz:

First world champion of women’s marathon
during the World Cup final, while in yards, was dangerous for women’s just starting to be recognized as a se-
1979 she was number 2. Her personal health. rious event.”
best achievements of 1500 and 3000 The governing body for athletics, At a time when many still felt that
Rear Admiral metres of 4:00.55 and 8:31.75, set in the IAAF, announced that it would be women didn’t belong in long-distance
Dr. Shemal 1978 and 1979 respectively, are still added to the programme for the in- running, Waitz proved them wrong
Fernando, PhD Norwegian records. augural World Championships Hel- with her outstanding performances.
Although Waitz was reluctant to sinki 1983, making it the first global “It was Grete who proved that it was
Norway’s Grete Waitz was best attempt her first New York City Mara- championships to feature a women’s possible for women to compete in
known as a marathon runner for thon in 1978, she won the event in a marathon. the longer distances,” said Svein Arne
winning the inaugural Helsinki 1983 time of 2:32:30, more than two min- The inaugural women’s marathon Hansen, President of the Norwegian
World Championships’ women mar- utes under the previous best finish. took place in Helsinki, Finland on Athletics Federation.
athon gold and the 1984 Summer In Glasgow 1978, she captured August 7, 1983, starting and finishing When she finished fourth in New
Olympic Games inaugural marathon her first of five titles in the IAAF, now at the Helsinki Olympic Stadium. The York in 1990, at 37, no runner got
silver medal in Los Angeles. Her ef- World Athletics, women’s cross-coun- race started at 1505 local time, the more cheers from the crowd than
forts as a pioneering female long- try world championships. She also opening day of the Championships, Waitz, easily spotted by her graceful
distance runner have had a major im- won gold medals at Lumerick 1979, in clear, dry conditions, with temper- running style and blonde hair. She re-
pact on the development of women’s Paris 1980, Madrid 1981, Gateshead atures of around 21°C. tired from competition after that but
sports. 1983 and secured bronze medals at Rumiko Kaneko of Japan and returned to the New York City Mara-
Waitz, a Norwegian track and Rome 1982 and East Rutherford 1984. Carey May of Ireland led in the ear- thon in 1992, crossing the finish line
field athlete, long-distance runner Waitz won 33 Norwegian champi- ly stages. Ireland’s Regina Joyce took next to legendary race director Fred
and marathon runner dominated onships, six in 800 metres (1971, 1973 the lead by the 12-mile point and Lebow, who had been suffering from
women’s long distance running for - 1977), eight in 1500 metres (1971 opened a gap of around 30 sec ahead cancer and died two years later. Waitz
more than a decade, recording nine and 1973 - 1979) and five in 3000 me- of the chasing group. After 19 miles, said that run with Lebow was her
victories in the prestigious New York ters (1973 and 1978 - 1981). She won she was caught by a group led by most memorable New York City Mar-
City Marathon between 1978 and fourteen Norwegian championships Waitz, who was increasing the pace athon next to her first win in 1978.
1988. She was the first non-American in cross- country running (1.5 km of the race. Gradually those running “She will be remembered as one
inducted (2000) into the National Dis- cross-country races from 1972 - 1975; with her dropped back, leaving Waitz of the best marathon runners of her
tance Running Hall of Fame. 4 km cross-country races from 1976 - to win the race. time,” International Olympic Com-
Los Angeles 1984 Summer Olym- 1981 and 1983; 10 km cross-country Waitz who was running her first mittee President Jacques Rogge said.
pic Games was a landmark for female races in 1976, 1977 and 1982. She also female-only marathon, said that the In a Twitter posting, marathon world
participation. The Olympic Games won four silver medals at Norwegian makeup of the race changed her tac- record-holder Paula Radcliffe of Brit-
changed the way women are per- championships (800 meters - 1970, tics significantly, as the idea was to ain remembered Waitz as “an amaz-
ceived in sport, with the realization 1972; 1500 meters – 1972; 6 km cross- win the Championship. The race was ing champion and more amazing
that they can achieve the same lev- country race – 1984). won by Waitz in 2:28:09, ahead of the person.”
els of excellence as men by includ- silver medallist Marianne Dickerson In 2007, Waitz and Aanesen es-
ing marathon for women for the first of the United States and the bronze tablished the Active Against Cancer
time. Waitz was the first Norwegian
The Marathon Runner medallist Soviet Union’s Raisa Sme- foundation in Norway. “Her aim was
to be inducted to the International Marathon, commemorates the khnova. Waitz’s 3-minute gap en- to inspire other cancer patients to be
Association of Athletic Federations legendary feat of a Greek soldier abled her to complete a victory lap physically active, and she worked to
(IAAF) “Hall of Fame” in 2013. who, in 490 BC, is supposed to have before other medallists entered the establish training centres at cancer
The inaugural women’s Olympic run from Marathon to Athens, about stadium. hospitals,” Aanesen said. “She didn’t
marathon was a breakthrough mo- 40 km (25 miles), to bring news of the wish to put too much focus on herself
ment for female distance running, Athenian victory over the Persians and her disease but hoped she could
serving as a springboard to elevate and then expired.
Los Angeles 1984 Olympic contribute in some way to help oth-
the sport. It led to the development The story of this messenger from Games ers.”
of a new industry in women’s run- the Battle of Marathon was later con- Born in Oslo, she trained and
ning apparel and female-only run- flated with the story of another Greek It was the first time a women’s raced in her youth at Oslo’s Bislett sta-
ning events. The increased emphasis soldier, Pheidippides, who ran from marathon had been held at the Olym- dium, which raised a bronze statue in
on women’s participation led to a re- Athens to Sparta in advance of the pic Games and the event took place her honour in 1984. “If Bislett was her
cord 23% of female participation at fighting. Appropriately, in 1896 the on August 5, 1984. cradle, then New York City was her
1984 Olympic Games. first modern marathon winner was a There were 50 competitors from Broadway stage,” Mary Wittenberg,
Greek, Spyridon Louis. 28 countries. The world record pri- the President of the New York Road
In 1924, the Olympic marathon or to the 1984 Olympic Games was Runners Club, said at an event hon-
Birth and Career distance was standardized at 42,195 to the credit of Joan Benoit of the ouring Waitz in Oslo in 2008.
Grete Waitz was born as Grete An- metres (26 miles 385 yards). This United States for her 2:22:43 in Bos- Wittenberg said: “When Grete
dersen on October 1, 1953, in Oslo. was based on a decision of the Brit- ton, United States on April 18, 1983. stepped into the marathon, she
She grew up in Keyserlokka and went ish Olympic Committee to start the Joan Benoit won the gold clocking changed the game. She made it a seri-
to Hasle school. Waitz began as a 1908 Olympic marathon from Wind- 2:24:52, with 1983 World champion ous sport for women. The road run-
middle-distance runner and at age sor Castle and finish it in front of the Grete Waitz of Norway winning the ners were sad to lose a dear friend
17, setting a 1500-metre European ju- royal box in the stadium at London. silver, and Rosa Mota of Portugal, the and our most decorated champi-
nior record (4:17.0). She also has two The first New York City Mara- bronze. on.” Wittenberg also praised Waitz’s
bronze medals from the European thon was held in 1970, and the route Strategically, the race was nota- strength and grace: “When so many
Championships, in the 1500 meters consisted of a series of laps through ble for Benoit making a bold move people would have crumbled, she
in Rome 1974, and in the 3000 meters Manhattan’s Central Park. The course in only the third mile of the race, de- stood strong and positive.”
in Prague 1978. took on its current shape, which be- spite the August heat. The rest of the
She married Jack Henry Nilsen gins on Staten Island and ends in field did not try to keep pace with her,
on June 27, 1975, and they then both Manhattan, in 1976. Norway’s Grete and Benoit maintained her lead all
took the surname ‘Waitz.’ Grete’s Waitz won the women’s New York Waitz on her way to Gold at 1983 World Championships the way to finish. Waitz was the Nor- She is the record holder for World
husband, Jack became her coach. In City Marathon a record nine times, wegian flag bearer at the Seoul 1988 Major Marathons. In Norway, she is a
addition, Johan Kaggestad was also and American Bill Rogers holds the Norwegian middle-distance runner, In 1979, she became the first Summer Olympics. sporting legend, with an annual race
dominant as a coach throughout men’s record with four wins. who had set two world-records in the woman to finish the New York City named after her in her honour. The
her career. Until the early 1980s, she New York City Marathon, 26.2- 3000 meters, was invited to the race as Marathon under 2.5 hours (2:27:33) New York Road Runners club annu-
worked as a teacher whilst develop- mile footrace held every November a “rabbit,” someone brought in to set and broke that time by almost two
Death and Tributes ally sponsors “Grete’s Great Gallop,”
ing her running. through the five boroughs of New York a fast early pace for the favourite run- minutes in 1980 (2:25:41). Waitz also Waitz died on April 19, 2011, at 57 formerly a half-marathon and now a
At the beginning of her career, City. The New York City Marathon of- ners. raced in the London Marathon, win- in a hospital in her native Oslo after a 10km, in her honour. This is in con-
she was a middle-distance runner, ten draws the largest number of par- Two-thirds through that first mar- ning in 1983 and 1986; her person- six-year battle with cancer. Her hus- nection with the annual “Norwegian
participating in the 1500 meters. At ticipants of all annual marathons, and athon, she suffered so hard that she al best race was at the latter event band Jack was by her side. There was Festival” at the beginning of October,
the Munich 1972 Olympics, she was it is along with the Berlin, Boston, Chi- cursed her husband, Jack Waitz, for (2:24:54). no word on what type of cancer felled which promotes Norwegian food, cul-
sixth in Heat 2, clocking 4:16.0. At cago, London, and Tokyo marathons, talking her into it. “I was hurting. the marathon legend, who remained ture, and design.
the Montreal 1976 Olympics, running one of the world’s six major mara- I was mad. I was angry. I told Jack: silent about her condition after being There is a statue of her in the Nor-
in Heat 2, clocking 4:07.2, she pro- thons. “Never again!” she recalled, after 30
Helsinki 1983 World diagnosed in 2005. Waitz is survived way pavilion in EPCOT at the Walt Dis-
gressed to Semi Finals. Despite her Towards the end of the 1970s, she years in 2008. Championships by her husband and two brothers, Jan ney World Resort in Florida. There is
improved performance of 4:04.8, she chose to invest in increasingly longer But in all that rage she found and Arild. She was accorded a private also a statue of her outside outside the
didn’t qualify for the Finals. distances. In addition to the annual strength. Not only did she win the The women’s marathon was not funeral. “Maratonporten” (entrance 3 in the
She missed the Moscow 1980 New York City Marathon triumphs race, but she also set three world re- an established event at an interna- Rob de Castella, a world champi- south) to Bislett Stadium in Oslo. In
Olympic Games because of the Amer- (which she won in 1978–80, 1982–86 cords – 1978, 1979 and 1980. And tional level. It had not featured in the on marathon runner from Australia 2016, the space outside the gate was
ican-led boycott. She twice set new and 1988), Waitz had never run a mar- “Never again” turned into eight more World Championships or Olympic who had trained with Waitz said: “She named Grete Waitz’ plass.
world records for the 3000 metres on athon before the New York City race wins in the New York City Marathon, a Games and had only become popu- was the first lady of the marathon. She has been featured on a set of
June 24, 1975 (8:46.6) and again on in 1978. world championships gold, an Olym- lar during the 1970s. Historically, She was such a wonderful lady, such stamps. In addition, her portrait is
June 21, 1976 (8:45.4) in Oslo. After it, her name and New York pic silver, and a place among the some experts claimed that running a wonderful ambassador for women’s featured on the tail of a Norwegian
In 1977, she won the 3000 meters would be forever linked. The lean greatest marathon runners of all time. the marathon distance, 26 miles 385 marathon running back when it was Air Shuttle 787 Dreamliner aircraft (a
plane, coincidentally, manufactured
in North Charleston, South Carolina, a
market where she won the Charleston-
area 10km race in 1989). In November
2008, Waitz was appointed a Knight 1st
Class of the Royal Norwegian Order of
St. Olav, bestowed by King Harald V of
Norway at a ceremony in Oslo “for her
importance as a role model.” Waitz re-
ceived the St. Olav’s Medal in 1981 and
Medal of St. Hallvard in 1989.
No one has received the Sports
Journalists’ statuette for “Sports Name
of the Year” more times than Waitz.
She received her four statuettes in
1975, 1977, 1979 and after the World
Championships gold in 1983. Grete
Waitz was modeled by Nils Aas in 1992
and is part of the collection Nils Aas
Kunstverksted at Inderoy.
In 1984, Waitz was the first athlete
to receive Fearnley’s Olympic Honor-
ary Award without winning the Olym-
pics but based on her silver from 1984
Olympics. In 2010, she received the
International Olympic Committee’s
Women and Sport Award for Europe.
In 2011, Google marked what
would have been her 58th birthday by
replacing the usual logo on the search
engine with a search for “Grete Waitz.”
This is also known as Google Doodle.
In 2021, Waitz was honoured as part
of the mural “Romsas Wall of Fame” at
Romsas centre, together with 12 other
well-known local heroes.
(The author is an Associate Pro-
fessor, International Scholar, winner
of Presidential Awards and multiple
National Accolades for Academic pur-
suits. He possesses a PhD, MPhil and
double MSc. His email is shemal1216@
Waitz on winning Gold at 1983 World Championships First Olympic Marathon progressing with Waitz (289) leading the pack
SuNDAy OBSERVER AuGuST 7, 2022 27


In England a new breed of football is raging

Their average league gate last story.” Last season, the Swans part-
season was 296 - yet they have more nered with Manchester-based com-
followers on TikTok than six Premier pany Classic Football Shirts to dis-
League clubs and their owners are tribute their kits worldwide.
younger than most of the players The partnership resulted in the
they sign. Swans selling replica kits to more
Andy Murray Welcome to Walton & Hersham, than 30 countries in six continents,
“home of the world’s youngest foot- including the Atlantic island of St
ball club owners”. Pierre and Miquelon, inhabited by
Andy Murray beaten in first School friends Jack Newton,
Calogero Scannella, Sartej Tucker,
just 6,000 people.
“For a non-league club to be able
round ahead of US Open Thomas Bradbury, Ben Madelin,
Stephan Karidi and Reme Edetanlen
to sell kits into every continent of the
globe is crazy,” adds Tucker.
Andy Murray’s preparation for were 19 years old when they scraped “People are really interested in
this month’s US Open began with a together their student loans to buy our story and what we are trying to
first-round defeat at the Washington the Surrey non-league club in 2019. do. At our current rate, we should hit
Open. Three years and two promo- one million TikTok followers by the
The 35-year-old lost 7-6 (10-8) 4-6 tions later, the Swans are cashing end of October.”
6-1 to Sweden’s 115th-ranked Mikael in on a rapidly growing social me- The past three years has not
Ymer. Of his chances of being seeded dia presence, which has resulted in all been smooth, but the young
for the US Open, the former world shirt sales “to places you have never co-owners are learning as they go
number one and current number 50 heard of”. along.
said: “It’s still possible, but I’ll need to As Walton & Hersham get ready “As soon as we took over, we
certainly play better than I did.” to launch their 2022-23 season at made changes to the club badge but
There were wins for Kyle Edmund home to Kennington in the extra didn’t really consult the fans about
and Jack Draper, but Katie Boulter preliminary round of the FA Cup on it,” says Tucker. “They are proud of
was defeated in the Silicon Valley Saturday, the young co-owners tell the club’s traditions.
Classic. BBC Sport of their plans to shake up “Early on, we needed to commu-
Boulter shocked eight seed Kar- the non-league scene. nicate with them and since then we
olina Pliskova by storming to the “At first, we all thought buying a have gained that experience and put
first set, only for the Czech to come club was an absolutely crazy idea,” it to good use.”
through 1-6 7-6 6-3. says Tucker, Walton & Hersham’s Walton and Hersham play in the eighth tier English football The arrival of the young co-own-
Edmund beat Japan’s Yosuke director of operations and media. ers has been the talk of boardrooms
Watanuki 6-4 7-6 (10-8) on his return “How could anyone think this would Clough in the 1973-74 FA Cup, once ment to present to Smith, outlining impressive online following many in the Combined Counties League,
to the ATP singles after a 20-month work?” had Ballon d’Or winner Sir Stanley their plans for the club. Premier League clubs would be where Walton & Hersham have en-
layoff to set up a meeting with com- Swans chairman Newton adds: Matthews as president, while striker “We even put down what GCSE proud of. joyed back-to-back promotions.
patriot Dan Evans. Edmund has had “It’s much easier running a club with Nathan Ellington played for them grades each of us had got,” adds Walton & Hersham have a fol- They start 2022-23 in the Isthmian
three left knee surgeries and was your mates because you know you before going on to appear for West Newton. lowing of 753,700 on the video host- League South Central Division.
playing in his first tour-level singles can ultimately speak what’s on your Brom in the Premier League. “We barely had any money going ing service TikTok - more than Not- “We were at a neutral ground for
match since October 2020. mind, which you wouldn’t be able to In 1973, they played at Wembley into this. We were 19-year-old stu- tingham Forest (210,200), Fulham a the league cup final in May and
He said: “I didn’t find it easy. I do in a professional capacity.” in front of 41,000 fans in the penulti- dents who scraped together student (272,100), Brighton & Hove Albion the dress code was suit and tie but it
hung in there and I got my reward in Having won promotion to the mate FA Amateur Cup final, defeat- loans to finance the whole thing. (344,500), Southampton (440,700), must have been 25C,” says Newton.
the end.” Draper beat American Ste- eighth tier of English football after ing Slough Town 1-0. That’s why there were seven of us. Crystal Palace (459,100) and Bour- “We turned up in replica shirts
fan Kozlov 7-5 6-2 to progress and will amassing 91 points from 38 games By 2019, the Swans were about It was like a couple of thousand of nemouth (585,700). and shorts. We didn’t get offered
now face Russia’s Andrey Rublev. last season, Walton & Hersham can- to be relegated to the 10th tier and pounds each.” A 32-second clip posted towards any complimentary drinks. In op-
Harriet Dart also lost in Washing- not be accused of being a pub team. long-term owner Alan Smith was It is not only on the pitch where the end of last season has been position boardrooms or whenever
ton, with China’s Zhu Lin winning 6-4 Yet in 2019, The Mill pub in looking to sell. the Swans have enjoyed success viewed 3.5m times. a team comes to us, they are quite
6-3, while Emma Raducanu’s profes- Kingston upon Thames became the “The whole idea stemmed since the ‘Class of 2018’ - the year “We posted short matchday vlogs surprised how young we are.
sional doubles debut - alongside Den- regular meeting place for the seven through Calogero,” says Newton. they all left school - swept through throughout last season - a one min- “But there has been an influx
mark’s Clara Tauson - ended in a 6-4 to discuss buying the 77-year-old “He had been going to games and the gates at the Elmbridge Sports ute highlights reel of every single of younger people running clubs
6-1 loss to Romanian Monica Nicules- club. got speaking to the owner. He got the Hub, where the club play. game,” says Tucker. and we do have chats with them
cu and Czech Lucie Hradecka. Walton & Hersham defeated a idea they were trying to move on.” The young owners have used “That enabled people from because you can learn quite a bit
(BBC Sport) Brighton team managed by Brian The seven put together a docu- their social media skills to build an around the world to buy into our from these guys.”

Swiatek's clay court run ends

World number one Iga who is ranked 45th in the
Swiatek's winning streak world.
on clay came to an end Garcia will now face
as she suffered a quarter- Italy's Jasmine Paolini in
final upset at her home the semi-finals.
tournament on Friday. Paolini, ranked 58, re-
The 21-year-old Pole covered from a poor start
was 18-0 on clay this sea- to defeat Switzerland's
son, only dropping two Viktorija Golubic 1-6 6-2
sets while winning titles 6-2.
at Stuttgart and Rome, as Ukraine's Kateryna
well as the French Open. Baindl will play Ana Bog-
But at the Poland Open dan of Romania in the oth-
she lost 6-1 1-6 6-4 to Car- er semi-final in Warsaw.
oline Garcia of France, (BBC Sport)

Observer-Mobitel Most Popular School Cricketer

Wellalage continues to lead as
Princess girl grabs top slot
St. Joseph’s College allrounder Dunith Wellalage con-
tinues to lead in the 19th week’s count of the Sunday Ob-
server Mobitel Most Popular School Cricketer vote while
in the girls’ segment an upset has taken place where Man-
udi Nanayakkara of Prince of Wales College has grabbed
Iga Swiatek the top slot.
Manudi has dislodged Chaushadi Kaushalya from
Dharmapala who held the lead for many weeks.
Most Popular Schoolboy Cricketer 2022
Readers’ Coupon No. 19th Vote Count
1. Dunith Wellalage (St. Joseph’s) 34,122
2. Rusanda Gamage (St. Peter’s) 33,892
3. Pasan Suwahas (St. Benedict’s) 25,711
4. Vishara Fernando (Richmond) 22,714
5. Caniston Karunaratne (S. Thomas’) 15,234
6. Raveen de Silva (Nalanda) 11,899
7. Sadisha Rajapaksa (Royal) 11,124
8. Ramesh Madhubasana (Mahinda) 9,224
9. Pasindu Ratnayake (Thurstan) 8,561
10. Ruveen Fonseka (De Mazenod) 7,503
11. Theeraka Ranatunga (Trinity College 6,702
12. Malintha Malith (Maris Stella) 5,997
13. Shevon Daniel (St. Joseph’s) 5,004
14. Dinuka Kalupahana (Mahinda College) 4,504
15. Sudesh Jayawardena (St. Joseph’s) 4.301
16. Kavindu Amantha (Isipatana) 3,701
17. Iruth Gimhana (Ananda) 2,999
18. Shanujan Shanmuganathan (St. Benedict’s) 2,834
19. Savindu Perera (Maris Stella, T’katuwa) 2,722

Most Popular Schoolgirl Cricketer 2022

1. Manudi Nanayakkara (Princess of Wales) 28,207
2. Chushadi Kaushalya (Dharmapala) 27,899
3. Kaushini Nuthyanga (Anula) 20,137
4. Navodya Nethmini (Wadduwa MMV) 12,501
5. Tharushi Rajakaruna (Nugawela Central) 9,487
Royal College skipper Gishan Balasooriya receiving the Mus- 6. Imesha Dulani (Devapathiraja Ratgama) 7,108
tangs Trophy from Hemaka Balasuriya the General Manager, 7. Hirushi Nimanthi (Jayasiripura KV, Bakamuna) 6,078
Retail Operations, Dialog Axiata PLC and Sanath Jayalath the 8. Vismi Guneratne (Rathnavali BV, Gampaha) 5,880
principal of Royal College after his team beat S. Thomas’ College 9. Nimsara Dissanayake (Sri Siddhartha Central) 5,015
in their 45th limited overs cricket encounter 10. Hashini Liyanage (Anula Vidyalaya) 4,809
11. Chadali Isurika (Jayasiripura KV, Bakamuna) 3,832
28 / Tel: +94 11 2 429 226, / +94 11 2 429 228, / Fax / +94 11 2 429 227

August 7, 2022

Olivia Breen
hunts down
English rival
Wales’ Olivia Breen hunted
down English rival Sophie Hahn in
a spectacular T37/38 100m heist at
the Commonwealth Games in Bir-
Breen, 26, took her biggest
sprint win yet, beating defending

England gymnast makes most

champion Hahn in a personal best
12.83 seconds.
Paralympic gold medallist
Hahn, who finished in 13.09 sec-
onds, slumped to the track as Breen
shrieked in delight.

successful four-gold debut

Breen’s win secures the first
track and field medal of the Games
and Wales’ third gold of Birming-
ham 2022. It is also the first medal
by a Welsh woman in track athlet-
ics at the Commonwealth Games
Jake Jarman completed a superb before celebrating with a delighted and burst appendix suffered in the She first competed in the wom- since Kay Morley won the 100m
Commonwealths debut with a Birmingham crowd. weeks before the competition. en’s beam final as defending cham- hurdles in 1990 in Auckland.
fourth gold medal to become the Regini-Moran, on his 24th He brushed aside his parallel pion and wobbled again, but showed “I am absolutely over the moon.
most successful English male gym- birthday, put in an assured perfor- bars opponents with his 6.5 dif- grit to regain her balance and nail Ten years’ hard work and I’ve never
nast at a single Games. mance and was rewarded for his ficulty routine, scoring 15.000 as the dismount. run this fast. I am really happy,”
Birmingham-born Joe Fraser efforts as fans sang Happy Birth- Regini-Moran finished second with Kinsella sat in third place as fi- Breen said.
had a chance to match the haul, day after he completed his second 14.733. Cypriot Marios Georgiou’s nal gymnast Emma Spence began “I just can’t believe it and I want
but fell in the horizontal bar final vault. Jarman was the only gym- 14.533 was enough for bronze. her routine, but was pushed out by to thank my team for believing in
after winning parallel bars gold. nast to attempt a vault with a 6.0 But he could not emulate Jar- the Canadian to finish fourth as Aus- me. “Obviously this year I’ve had a
Jarman took the vault title on degree of difficulty and it paid divi- man’s four-gold success on the tralia’s Kate McDonald and Georgia really good season and Sophie has
the final day of artistic gymnastics. dends as he twisted through the air horizontal bar. Godwin took gold and silver respec- been a really good rival for years
Alice Kinsella recovered from deftly to pull it off. With history bearing down on tively. and I knew that it would come, and
disappointment in earlier events He finished with a total score him in his hometown and the Duke But the 21-year-old would not it did come!”
to take gold in the floor event. of 14.916, with Regini-Moran scor- and Duchess of Cambridge in the give in, showing exception resil- Breen’s victory over Hahn
England finish the Games with ing 14.633 and Australia’s James crowd, Fraser slipped during his ience in an accomplished floor rou- marks a remarkable reversal in the
16 gymnastics medals, 10 of which Bacueti taking bronze with 14.283. routine and fell to the floor. tine and, afterwards, waved grate- pair’s form and fortunes from last
are gold. Jarman said he would find The smile never left his face as fully at the fans who had supported summer’s Tokyo Games. In Japan,
Giarnni Regini-Moran added somewhere in his house to store the crowd willed him on when he her warmly all day. Hahn defended her T38 title in im-
two silvers for England, finishing his haul, adding: “Maybe a nice returned to the bar and completed Her 13.366 brought an individual perious style, with Breen a distant
behind Jarman in the vault and glass cabinet if there is space. I’m a routine that left him seventh. gold to add to the team title she won seventh.
Fraser on the parallel bars, with over the moon.” “Being in this arena has filled with England, as Achampong fin- Hahn drove out of the blocks
Ondine Achampong winning floor The 20-year-old took up gym- me with so much joy,” Fraser said. ished second with 13.033 and Aus- and led at 30m, but Breen built
silver. nastics because he “was a very hy- “This one has hit me so differ- tralian Emily Whitehead’s 13.000 speed to dismantle the gap and
Jarman - at his first major se- peractive kid”. ent, being in my hometown with was enough for bronze. Wales’ Pop- power away to victory.
nior championships - matched the “When I was seven or eight, I a home crowd... performing out py-Grace Stickler finished sixth. In 2017, Breen’s father ques-
number of golds won by Claudia was in the park in Peterborough,” here has been one of my proudest In the beam final, England’s tioned Hahn’s classification, sug-
Fragapane in 2014 and surpassed he explained. moments to date.” Georgia-Mae Fenton was fifth, with gesting her victories came against
the three claimed by Max Whitlock “My mum told me a gymnastics Fraser then enthusiastically Jake Jarman Wales’ Jea Maracha sixth and Sofia more impaired rivals. Hahn re-
in 2014. coach was in the park at the same supported his team-mate James Scotland’s Hamish Carter was Micallef seventh. sponded by accusing Breen’s father
The 20-year-old also won team, time and told her, ‘you should Hall, who was initially in the sixth and compatriot Frank Baines Northern Ireland’s Ewan McA- of “constant intimidation”.
all-around and floor gold in Bir- bring your kid to one of the local bronze medal position but later eighth. teer finished sixth in the men’s vault, On an evening where Para-
mingham. clubs.’” slipped down to fifth as Cyprus’ Il- Earlier in the Games, a fall cost with Wales’ Emil Barber eighth, athletics took the lead, seven-time
He was as composed as ever Birmingham-born Fraser has ias Georgiou won gold, Australia’s Kinsella an all-around medal and while compatriot Brinn Bevan was Paralympic champion Hannah
with two neat vaults and looked re- also won pommel and team gold at Tyson Bull silver and Cypriot Mari- she sought redemption on the final seventh on the parallel bars. Cockroft and England team-mates
lieved after a difficult final effort, these Games despite a broken foot os Georgiou bronze. day at Arena Birmingham. (BBC Sport) Kare Adenegan and Fabienne An-
dre completed a clean sweep of the
T33/34 100m. (BBC Sport)

Tiger Woods turns down US 700 million ‘offer’ Tiger Woods turned down in the region of
$700m to $800m to join the new Saudi-backed LIV
Golf Series, says chief executive Greg Norman.
A host of top players have joined the break-
away tour, which Woods said at last month’s Open
he disagreed with.
In an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson,
Norman confirmed the 15-time major champion
was offered about £575m to £650m to join LIV.
“That number was out there before I became
CEO,” said Norman.
“Tiger is a needle-mover, right? So of course
you’re got to look at the best of the best. That num-
ber is somewhere in that neighbourhood.
“They had originally approached Tiger before
I became CEO.”
American Woods, who maintained his alle-
giance to the PGA Tour, said at St Andrews he does
not “see how that move is positive in the long term
for a lot of these players”.
He also defended the R&A’s decision to rescind
former winner Norman’s invitation to festivities
celebrating the 150th Open Championship.
“Greg has done some things that I don’t think is
in the best interest of our game,” said Woods.
Tiger Woods (BBC sport)

Olivia Breen

Aussie women, South African men win Commonwealth Sevens

Australia’s women won Com- Fiji’s men have now been beaten England’s women beat Scotland
monwealth Games rugby sevens in the Commonwealth Games rugby 29-5 in their fifth place play-off.
gold, beating Fiji 22-12, while South sevens final on four occasions. Ear- Scotland’s men were pipped to
Africa took gold in the men’s compe- lier, New Zealand took bronze in fifth by Samoa, losing 24-19.
tition with a 31-7 victory, also over both the men’s and women’s compe-
Fiji. titions.

The Australian women’s rugby Sevens team react after winning the gold The South African men’s Sevens team celebrate winning the Commonwealth Games gold
29 / Tel: 011 2 429 429, 011 2 429 228 / Fax: 0112 429 227

AUGUST 7, 2022

Nikini Full Moon Poya day falls on August 11

Meditate with kindness, with gentleness and most importantly with patience

The PRESENT moment

is important
If any person gives someone planation is this. If a Bodisatta is go- to get into the ‘best university’ which
enerable Ajahn Brah- money or promises them free medi- ing to take rebirth to become a Bud- was in the time of the Buddha! When
mavamso Maha Thera cal care or similar incentives to con- dha and to spread the Sasana once you have the best teacher and the
(known to most as Ajahn vert them to some other religion that more, he would choose a country, a best facilities you get the best stu-
Brahm) is the Abbot of is unethical and that is a sin. race, a caste and a gender which is dents. The reason is not the situation
the Bodhinyana monastery, West- the best for his purpose. of the current society.
ern Australia and the spiritual di- That is why when Gautama In fact in the time of the Buddha
rector of the Buddhist Society of Q: But some are forced to Bodisatta came into the world, he the society there was very prosper-
Western Australia. Reproduced convert to other religions because chose India as the country, he chose ous. But it too had many social and
below is an interview the writer of cross-religious marriages. Does Kshatriya as the caste and also chose political problems.
had with the internationally ac- the converter commit a sin even the form of man. He did not choose I think it is a wonderful time for
claimed Buddhist bhikkhu during though no monetary incentives are Brahmin caste or Vaishya caste, but Buddhism now, because we have
his visits to Sri Lanka. involved in such conversions? Kshatriya because that was the best prosperity in many countries. But
vehicle for his purpose - for spread- people have realised that just mate-
A: It is unethical. If you get mar- ing the Dhamma. India at that time rial prosperity does not give them
BY SAMANGIE WETTIMUNY ried, you are marrying a person for was a patriarchal society as Sri Lanka much happiness. You have money
who he is. So if a Buddhist marries is now. So he chose to be a man. in most homes, but most of the time
a Christian, the Buddhist has to ac- But there have been matriarchal people will say. ‘Is this all?’ Is this all
cept that his/her partner as a Chris- societies in history where females we need?”.
Q: What would be the most tian and love that person for who have been the dominant gender. In Recently there was an article
appropriate type of meditation for she/he is. And the Christian has to such a society if a person is going to about an English woman who bought
a beginner? love the Buddhist in turn on the same become a Buddha, that person would a huge mansion after winning a lot-
A: R-E-L-A-X. Relaxation medi- grounds. take on the female form as she would tery. (Nearly 42 million pounds.) The
tation- any method which makes If anyone is getting married and get more authority and power to mansion was so huge with many
your body relax and mind less tense. if your partner insists that you be spread the Dhamma. rooms that she found it really diffi-
Method of meditation is not as im- converted you should call off the In fact it does not really depend cult to find where her children were!
portant as how you meditate. marriage as it shows that the partner upon your gender. It is actually how So she sold the mansion and bought
Whether you are watching the does not love you! a Buddha is going to use the gender, a very small house. It was because
breath, whether you are taking the Buddhists are sometimes very use the rights, use the social position she realised that in a small house
breath, or whether you are focusing weak. Sometimes they would say for the purposes of spreading the she’ll be with her children and her
on the Buddha, or whether you are “No, I have to convert because he/ Dhamma. husband, but in the mansion she’ll
focusing on a method, the most im- she wants me to”. No, this should not So a female can be a Buddha if be alone.
portant thing is not what you medi- be. A Buddhist would never insist there is a feminine society (matri- Even in Sri Lanka, (though peo-
tate on, but how you are meditating. anybody else to convert and people archal society) where the female is ple think that this is a poor country)
So when you are meditating, of other religions should not insist a respected more than the man. Then there are much better houses now.
please do not try to attain things, but Buddhist to convert! when a Buddha is going to take birth You can travel around the world and
try to simplify things. in that society he would choose the have a lot of pleasures. But most of
Do not control things, but try to female form. the people feel that there is some-
make peace with things. Meditate Q: The Buddha was said to thing missing - what is missing is in-
with kindness, with gentleness and have imposed eight major condi- ner happiness or inner peace. In or-
most importantly with patience. tions on Bhikkhunis before giving Q: In Buddhism we are often der to seek inner peace people have
When you meditate remember permission to establish the Order told to forget the past and live in turned to Buddhism and there is a
these five things. Let things go, let of Nuns (Bhikkuni Sasana). Under Venerable Ajahn Brahmavamso Maha Thera the present. But if the past is not revival of Buddhism in the modern
in peace, be kind, gentle and be such conditions can we really say to bind us where can duty lie? For world.
patient. that the Buddha has given women A: Eight major conditions are in mals caught under the wheels of the example, we are bound by duty to
full freedom to participate in a reli- the Bhikkhuni Vagga of the Chulla car. Whatever you do in life is at the look after our parents because they
gious life? Vagga. It is also mentioned individu- expense of others. So you cannot be brought us up in the past? Q: There is a viewpoint that
Q: Is it a must to go to a mon- ally in the Bhikkhuni Patimokkha. It strict. All you can do is to avoid get- it is medically advisable to con-
astery to practise this? A: First of all, I have to mention could be justified and there can be a ting involved in any sort of killing, try A: The PRESENT moment is im- sume a little bit of liquor. Is not this
that other religions do not allow reason for that. The reason actually to lessen the destruction you cause portant. Your parents are right here contradictory with the words of the
A: No, go to a ‘nice’ room in your women even that much of freedom. is to assist your practice - to achieve on others. in front of you. They are not your par- Buddha who was of the opinion that
house. Keep a cushion or two and sit But Buddhism, more than 2550 years Nibbana. It is very much better if you can ents only in the past. They’ll be your consuming intoxicants is obnox-
down and meditate.In a monastery ago, was allowing women to become That is actually bad news for the be a vegetarian. But also remember parents even in the future. Buddhism ious?
there are so many rituals. In your nuns and practise it faithfully in a bhikkhus (laughs), because it is more to pay attention to what comes out says, let go of your past. Otherwise
house you can practise the above religious atmosphere. Those condi- likely to make a bhikkhu proud. It is from the mouth (your utterances) your parents might have said some- A: That particular scientific evi-
mentioned simple meditation. Stay tions were not supposed to hinder wonderful for the Bhikkhuni for she more than what you put inside the thing to you which you are not hap- dence was disapproved about two or
in your room... relax and meditate a female’s practising a religious life. has a higher chance of lessening her mouth! py with, but that does not mean you three years ago. It is now known as a
and have a wonderful time! Remember, in a monastic life we are defilements and becoming enlight- Back to the topic, Some people should not care for them right now. myth. In fact the idea that consum-
supposed to be lessening our conceit ened. It is a higher practice. can live long , very well being veg- So what we do in Buddhism, al- ing liquor was good for one’s health
and ego. If you are a bhikkhu or a nun the etarians. Other human beings can’t. ways, is to let go of the past, so that came from a research project which
Q: Is it a sin to convert a per- This is one of those practices, sole purpose of it is to achieve Nibba- It is actually bad for their health. So we can actually forgive. The past of was done in California.
son to some other religion? when instead of wanting to be on top, na. Shedding pride and ego, in fact, one’s job should be to limit the de- many people is a place of anger, guilt They found in a big survey that
to be proud, we are trying to lessen assists you to attain Nibbana. struction. and remorse. It is because of this many people who took a moderate
A: It really depends on what your our pride, to lessen our ego. And I But if you are responsible for kill- that many people have psychological amount of alcohol seem to have less
intention is and how you do that. Af- feel Bhikkunis too are very advanced ing an animal yourself, the conse- problems. cardiovascular diseases and so the
ter listening to my teachings, many in religious practices. They look Q: Should a Buddhist stick to quences are heavy as your intention Buddhism is the only religion statistics implied that if you take al-
Christians had converted to Bud- upon their state as something which a vegetarian diet? If killing animals and proximity for killing is far closer. which says that you can forgive your- cohol, your heart condition is much
dhism. That is not with coercion, or helps them achieve Nibbana. is a sin, can we justify Buddhists So if a person is a butcher who kills self and you should forgive yourself. better. But two or three years ago this
with any unethical means. Status should be the last reason consuming meat? animals day in and day out he would It is the only religion which does not evidence was reexamined.
Such conversions which are just you become a nun or a bhikkhu. Un- fear lots of consequences for what he practise punishment. They found that lots of people
done on reasons, on encourage- fortunately in countries like Sri Lan- A: I’ll give you an example. A few does. He cannot avoid it. who drank wine, especially red wine,
ment, without any force are ethical. ka, Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand days ago, while travelling in the up- were the ones who had a high in-
But if you are converting someone many monks are attached to the sta- country in Sri Lanka, I saw people Q: Though there were thou- come. In this particular income level
by prophesying them with monetary tus. ploughing in the fields. As they were Q: A woman can become an sands of Arahants during the peri- those who take red wine and those
awards, or with things which would ploughing there were lots of birds Arhat, but not a Buddha? od of the Buddha, today we scarcely who do not were examined. It was
not happen, that is unethical. following the plough and picking hear of them. What could be the found that those who do not take
Sometimes people are forced to Q: So could imposing eight out insects and worms which have A: That is what it is said. reason? Is this due to complex so- wine had better health.
convert because they are given mon- major conditions be justified? been either killed by the plough, or cial developments that have taken Today ask any scientist in the
etary incentives. It also shows that There is one condition which says injured by the plough or brought up place in the modern world? field, he’ll tell you that alcohol is one
such a religion is sort of a product, to that even a Bhikkuni who has been to the surface by the plough. So even Q: Is it because of their of the greatest poisons. It is the one
keep popularising the product they ordained even for a century must eating rice is at the expense of many physical vulnerability? A: If one has a lot of high quali- which causes the most number of
entice them with free gifts to discov- respectfully rise up from her seat animals’ lives. ties and merit, he/she is more likely social problems. It is far worse than
er the product. Similarly there are ,salute with joined palms, and do Whatever you do, wherever you A: No, I have gone on record in to be born in the time of the Buddha. heroin or cocaine. It is not a good
countries where people are bought proper homage to a monk ordained go, you may come across similar in- many instances where I have said The best students study in Colombo thing to take. Give some whisky to a
by politicians. Politicians give people that day. In which discourse do we cidents. Even if you are just driving that a woman can become a Buddha. or the top students manage to go to dog, not even the dog would drink it!
money to join their parties. That is come across those conditions? your car, you may find an insect on In other words a person in a female Oxford, Cambridge or Harvard. Simi- Science has proved what the Bud-
unethical. your windscreen or even some ani- body can become a Buddha. The ex- larly the very top students managed dha said so many years ago.

Lack of adequate outdoor activities, overloaded school bags,
neglected sports injuries cause early health problems

Parents’ role vital to reduce health

risks children face as schools reopen

Q: Can obesity adversely impact

on children who wish to excel in the

sports field? How?
he government’s decision to
re-open schools last week after A. Obesity can cause limitations of
a prolonged closure has been the cardiopulmonary and the metabol-
greeted with mixed reactions ic systems, resulting in exertional dys-
by parents, who, while welcoming the pnea (shortness of breath or difficulty
decision to resume physical classes, in breathing), contributing to the limi-
have also raised concerns over possible tations in the functional capacity. In ad-
health risks children could face once dition, the sedentary lifestyle often ad-
they go back to school. opted by these children contributes to
As most students have spent inac- impaired exercise tolerance and poor
tive lives within the confines of their sports performance.
homes during the prolonged holidays,
many parents are worried over injuries
they could get from taking part in out- Q: What exercise do you
door field activities, including the inter able to developing early noncommuni- tion of proper technique and move- recommend for obese children to get
school rugby and cricket matches cur- cable diseases ( NCDS). ment. A. Holding the bag in one hand by down their excess fat?
rently taking place. They want to know its straps or carrying the bag over one
what kind of sports are safe for their Excerpts shoulder can affect their posture per- A. Obesity in children often is the
children to play. Others worry that their Q: What is your advice about the manently. An incorrectly packed back- result of a sedentary lifestyle. Exercis-
children will once more be expected to risk of injuries from these sports? pack or an incorrectly fitted backpack ing to reduce weight is very important
carry heavy school bags. Q: The Covid pandemic lockdowns can also harm the child’s health. but needs to be carefully monitored.
They seek professional advice on followed by the current transport A. We need to take into consider- Asking children to elevate their heart
how school bags should be packed and issues has compelled children to ation the risk of injury in returning rates to a heightened aerobic exercise
carried given the risks of slouching and spend more time indoors watching to sport after long lockdowns, the ex- Q: So what’s your advice to rate for 30 minutes or longer may be
spinal deformities. Still others are anx- T.V. or playing computer games. This tended periods of online activities and the parents on selecting proper dangerous. Start with an exercise pace
ious over adverse mental and physical lack of adequate outdoor activity reduced physical activity. Students school bags, packing and carrying that resembles a brisk walk, rather than
health impacts on their children who exacerbated by unhealthy food has should adopt a phased and gradual ap- techniques? a jog. Warm up slowly for the first few
will now spend three days doing on- already left its mark in the rise of proach to get back to their sports and al- minutes, let children take breaks as
line studying under the new phased off obesity in children leading to early ways follow the advice of their coaches. A. My advice is that they should needed and make sure they drink water
study program plus two days of learn- diabetes, hypertension and cardiac Jumping, maximal accelerations and always be aware of their child’s spinal whenever they become thirsty. Obese
ing at school till the fuel shortages ease. problems. So tell us, how important decelerations, rapid changes of direc- Dr. Gopi Kitnasamy health when purchasing a school bag. children may develop joint or back pain
To allay their fears, The Sunday are outdoor activities for children? tion, and expressions of maximal speed in good posture in the classrooms and Purchase backpacks with wide, pad- if they perform repetitive, high-impact
Observer sought the advice of Head of as the players try to outmaneuver each during online activities are always im- ded shoulder straps and a pelvic strap. exercises like running, aerobic danc-
Rehabilitation Services, MJF Charitable A. Outdoor activities form an im- other may account for the rise in injury portant. Classroom furniture are ‘One This will help distribute the weight to ing, jumping or skipping. Low impact
Foundation, Dr. Gopi Kitnasamy. He of- portant part of their life and have long rates during sports. size fit all’ types and not adjustable the hips and take weight off the back. exercises like cycling and Water jogging
fers parents and students simple Do’s term benefits on their health. Adequate which is not always ideal, but children Encourage children to wear their back- and aerobics are very good choices.
and Don’ts that could prevent / reduce outdoor activity increases health and can sit well by bringing their chair close packs over both shoulders. Pack the
the above mentioned risks , emphasis- physical development by improving Q: How can their adverse impacts to the table, sitting back in the seat with heaviest items so they are closest to the
ing the fact that active participation by sensory development, reducing obesi- be reduced or avoided? their back upright. They should avoid child’s back. If the heaviest items are Q: Advice to parents to help
parents along- ty and stimulating blood cells. It helps hunching over textbooks and be given packed further away, this throws out prevent development of early health
side their kids stay fit and active which will ben- A. Fortunately, most sports injuries the opportunity to move about during the child’s centre of gravity and causes issues in school children?
children in efit them in the long run. They can in children can be prevented. Some long lessons. unnecessary back strain. Make sure
such activi- ward off health problems like obesity of the more effective ways to prevent that items can’t move around during A. Get children active after school,
ties, will help and heart ailments later in life. Par- these injuries include age-specific transit, as this could upset your child’s at weekends and during holidays. Re-
them stay fit, ticipation in sports activities improves coaching, appropriate physical condi- Q: Heavy backpacks have also centre of gravity, use the backpack’s member, an active parent equals an ac-
and less vulner- physical fitness, coordination, and self- tioning, and proper use of equipment. been cited as a cause for many compartments. tive child. So while encouraging your
discipline, and gives children valuable You can also prevent injuries by en- health-related problems to children. children to go outside and play, partici-
opportunities to learn teamwork. couraging children to train for their What effect will this extra strain pating alongside them in such activi-
sport, rather than rely on the sport to on their back cause on the growing Q: Obesity in children is an ties will motivate and encourage them
whip them into shape. Proper physical bodies of these children? emerging problem in Sri Lanka as further. Like a weekly family walk, or
Q: What outdoor sports conditioning can go a long way toward it leads to early diabetes and other cycling which is becoming a popular
should children play keeping players off the injured list and A. When undue strain falls on the non-communicable diseases. Is this trend due to transport problems. Teach
to get the maximum on top of their game. back, it can lead to poor chest expan- due to lack of exercise? Diet? your child to ride a bike and cycle to-
benefits? The other important strategies to sion, decreased lung capacity and poor gether.
prevent sports injuries are being in stamina. The backpack should never A. Childhood obesity is a complex Go for a swim together. Don’t just
A. I would say, al- proper physical condition (strength & weigh more than 10% of the child’s health issue. Lack of physical exercise use the park or beach for a picnic, do
ways consider age- flexibility), wearing appropriate pro- body weight. The heavy load causes in children is the main culprit in the something active too like kicking the
appropriate activities tective gear, making warm-ups and them to lean forward to battle the pain startling rise of childhood obesity, heart ball around or running a race. Enter
with children. Your cool-downs part of the child’s routine in their shoulders. This in turn leads to disease, diabetes, and all other types of your family in events like a fun-run or
child is likely to show before and after sports participation, postural and other problems. preventable medical conditions. Other bike ride. Take the stairs, rather than
natural preferences for staying hydrated and stopping the activ- behaviours that influence excess weight the lift or escalator, and ask your chil-
certain sports or activi- ity when there is pain. Coaches should gain include eating high-calorie, low- dren for a little help with carrying the
ties. Start there, keeping assess the physical activities students Q: Such as? nutrient foods and beverages, seden- shopping bags. During the wet weather,
your child’s age, maturity were able to do during the lockdown as tary activities such as watching televi- find ways of being active indoors as a
and abilities in mind. For a starting point for the reintroduction A. The wrong or heavy backpacks sion or other screen devices and sleep family.
children of ages 6 – 9, organ- of formalized training. can lead to several problems. It can
ised activities like running, cause bad posture, tired muscles, spi-
gymnastics, swimming and nal problems, Scoliosis (“S”curvature
tennis are good choices. And Q: Sitting at their desks while of spine) and, if unchecked, severe ail-
children above 10, are typically writing in the classroom or during ments like a compressed spinal nerve.
ready to take on complex skill sports, online activities can also lead to The weight of larger backpacks can af-
such as football, basketball, hockey and wrong posture habits that could fect a growing child’s posture and spinal
volleyball. Keep in mind, however, that cause health issues. What is health. Other joints besides the child’s
growth spurts caused by puberty can your advice on posture and its spine can be affected because a heavy
temporarily affect a child’s coordina- importance? weight can throw the neck, shoulders,
tion and balance. and pelvis off balance.
Before allowing your child to par- A. Good Posture is very important
ticipate in a contact sport, consider his to avoid spinal and other related prob-
or her age, maturity, and physical size. lems in the future. Encourage children Q: What about the way children
Whatever sports your child participates to stand like a soldier, with head up, carry their bags, some slinging it on
in, ensure that he or she has a founda- shoulders back and tummy in. Sitting one shoulder only?

Eat strawberries to protect your brain

Compound found in the fruity treat can reduce inflammation of the brain and stop the development of Alzheimer’s

ating strawberries could help pro- brain’s of 575 deceased patients with an av- Cytokines are proteins produced by cells cans. By 2050, this figure is expected to more
tect the brain from Alzheimer’s by erage age of 91 years. None had Alzheimer’s. which can trigger an inflammatory response. than double. Early signs include difficulties
reducing inflammation, scientists For more than two decades before their Inflammation in the brain may be caused remembering recent events or conversa-
said. deaths each had filled in a survey annually by many factors including a lack of sleep, in- tions or where something was left.
A team of researchers led by Rush Uni- on their diet allowing researchers to keep fections and extreme stress. These are also But in the later stages patients may
versity in Chicago, Illinois found adults over track. risk factors for developing Alzheimer’s dis- repeat themselves or questions over and
65 years old who regularly ate the fruits had They also had their cognitive ability ease. over, get lost in familiar places and have
fewer tau proteins in their brains, which can tested annually. Results from post-mortem Dr Puja Agarwal, a nutritional epidemiol- trouble finding the right words to iden-
lead to the debilitating disease at higher con- showed that among the group that ate the ogist who was also involved in the research, tify objects. -daily
centrations. most strawberries, the lowest concentration said it was a ‘simple change’ that anyone
Strawberries are one of the top sources of tau proteins was observed. could make to their diet.
of pelangonidin, which is thought to be an The study authors also said they found But he also warned the study was obser-
anti-inflammatory. Others are raspberries, no association between tau protein levels vational, meaning it was not clear whether
kidney beans, plums and radishes. and those who had the APOE-4 gene, which the strawberries reduced the risk.
Scientists warned, however, that the is thought to raise the risk of the disease. ‘Further research is needed to under-
study was observational meaning it could Explaining the results Dr Julie Schnei- stand the role of nutrition in Alzheimer’s
not prove whether it was actually the straw- der, the neuropathologist who led the pa- disease,’ he said, ‘but this study gives us hope
berries that were protecting against the dis- per, said: ‘We suspect the anti-inflammatory on how specific dietary components such as
ease or another factor. properties of pelargonidin may decreaes berries may help brain health’.
Published last week in the Journal of Al- overall neuroinflammation, which may re- Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating con-
zheimer’s Disease, the study looked at the duce cytokine production.’ dition affecting more than 6.5 million Ameri-


The important role of

indigenous women

The Committee of the Convention their languages would be lost forever.

on the Elimination of all Forms of Dis- Some languages are spoken by just two
crimination Against Women (CEDAW) or three people.
highlighted some of the major issues They will also take to the grave a
encountered by indigenous women, vast treasure trove of knowledge about
particularly noting the high levels everything from native cures to native
of poverty; low levels of education art. This is the common heritage of
and illiteracy; limitations in access mankind.
to health, basic sanitation, credit and Another valuable lesson that we

employment; limited participation in can learn from indigenous commu-
hey were the First People. They their problems and strive to preserve political life; and the prevalence of do- nities is their commitment to Nature.
had usually been in a certain their values, languages and traditions. mestic and sexual violence. They are close to Nature – it is from
region for centuries, or even Once an indigenous community be- such communities that we have de-
thousands of years, before the comes extinct, humanity as a whole rived the concept of a “Mother Earth”.
‘Others’ arrived. However, all over the loses a part of its soul.
Focus As far as I know they live a plastic free
world, the ‘Others’ trampled on their It is with this aim in mind that the Many indigenous peoples are be- existence and most indigenous com-
rights, their lands and even their very United Nations proclaimed the Inter- ing pushed out of their territories as munities are car-free as well. They
lives. And some of them do face extinc- national Day of the World’s Indigenous industries, settlements and roads en- consume less and waste less and al-
tion in just a few decades, if not years. People to be celebrated on August 9 croach on their traditional lands and though they may not even know the
This is the story of the world’s 370 mil- every year. It was first proclaimed by in some cases, hunting grounds. Many word, they practice recycling all the
lion indigenous people living across the UN General Assembly in Decem- governments force indigenous com- time. They hunt just enough to get by
90 countries (sometimes literally so, ber 1994, to be celebrated every year munities to ‘integrate’ with the rest of and respect all plants and animals.
as they go in and out of porous bor- during the first International Decade the society, which essentially means Resilience in the face of adversity
ders between some countries). They of the World’s Indigenous People (1995 giving up on their traditional way of is another lesson to be learnt from in-
speak an overwhelming majority of – 2004). noted by the Special Rapporteur on In- takers, knowledge keepers, leaders life. digenous communities. They live in
the world’s estimated 7,000 languages Since the event is marked accord- digenous Peoples, the term “scientific and human rights defenders, they of- There is also defection from within some of the most hostile environments
and represent 5,000 different cultures. ing to a defined theme every year, the knowledge” is also used to underscore ten suffer from discrimination on the – some of the younger indigenous per- on Earth, from the Arctic Circle to the
focus of this year’s International Day is that traditional knowledge is contem- basis of gender, class, ethnicity and sons opt for integration. This can, over most arid deserts often with limited re-
“the Role of Indigenous Women in the porary and dynamic, and of equal val- socioeconomic status. Their right to the years, have a detrimental effect on sources. The one thing that helps them
Challenges Preservation and Transmission of Tra- ue to other kinds of knowledge. self-determination, self-governance the community concerned, with men to face such adversity is the very strong
From the Inuits in Canada to the ditional Knowledge”. Indigenous wom- and control of resources and ancestral and women of child-bearing age leav- bond that exists among the communi-
Aborigines in Australia, indigenous en are the backbone of indigenous lands have been violated over centu- ing in search of a more modern life- ty. It is a close-knit community where
communities face challenging times peoples’ communities and play a cru-
Traditional knowledge ries. style. everyone knows everyone else and
and issues. Indigenous peoples have cial role in the preservation and trans- International consultations jointly Small but significant progress has There still are a few ‘uncontacted’ comes to the help of each other in dif-
sought recognition of their identities, mission of traditional ancestral knowl- facilitated by UNESCO and the Internal been made by indigenous women in tribes around the world, especially in ficult times.
way of life and their right to traditional edge. They have an integral collective Council of Science (ICSU) states that decision-making processes in some dense jungles. Although various at- We have virtually given up on such
lands, territories and natural resourc- and community role as carers of natu- “Traditional knowledge is a cumulative communities. They are leaders at lo- tempts are made to ‘contact’ these bonds partly due to our money-centric
es for years, yet throughout history ral resources and keepers of scientific body of knowledge, know-how, prac- cal and national levels, and stand at tribes, the greatest danger is that they lifestyle. Some isolated tribal commu-
their rights have always been violated. knowledge. Many indigenous women tices and representations maintained the frontlines of defending their lands, can be wiped out even if they get a flu nities have little or no idea what mon-
Indigenous peoples today are argu- are also taking the lead in the defence and developed by peoples with extend- their cultures, and their communities. attack. ey is, but they seem to be happy with
ably among the most disadvantaged of lands and territories and advocat- ed histories of interaction with the nat- The reality, however, remains that in- They have no immunity to many what they have got.
and vulnerable groups of people in the ing for indigenous peoples’ collective ural environment. These sophisticated digenous women are widely under- diseases which we take for granted and That is perhaps the biggest lesson
world. rights worldwide. sets of understanding, interpretations represented, disproportionately nega- should they come into contact with an that indigenous communities teach
The plight of indigenous people The significance of indigenous and meanings are part and parcel of tively affected by decisions made on infected person from the so-called ‘ci- us as most of the world’s problems are
has received worldwide attention. peoples’ traditional knowledge is wide- a cultural complex that encompasses their behalf, and are too frequently the vilised world’ they could be in great due to our greed for money and mate-
Here in Sri Lanka, we are familiar with ly acknowledged. Long before the de- language, naming and classification victims of multiple expressions of dis- danger. At the same time, we need rial things. Tribal communities have
the tribulations of our own ‘Wanniyela velopment of modern science, which systems, resource use practices, ritual, crimination and violence. to study their lifestyles and customs. always been in tune with this ancient
Aththo’, who are struggling to maintain is quite young, indigenous people- spirituality and worldviews.” The Pope recently apologised on Thus, it is a tightrope walk. wisdom, which has helped them sur-
their identity and traditional way of have developed their ways of knowing However, despite the crucial role behalf of the Church for the violence Contacted or uncontacted, many vive very turbulent times. Only time
life amidst a rapidly developing, com- how to survive and also of ideas about that indigenous women play in their perpetrated against indigenous wom- indigenous communities face extinc- will tell whether they can thrive in the
mercialised society. It is vital to look at meanings, purposes and values. As communities as breadwinners, care- en and children in Canada. tion, which, of course, means that centuries hence.

Europe’s last pandas were giant weaklings

They couldn’t even eat bamboo - and were wiped out by climate change 6 million years ago

cientists have discovered the most re- Natural History think they may have some an- consumed a largely vegetarian diet.
cent known example of the long-van- swers. However, the researchers said the panda’s
ished European panda. Fossils of the staple grass that sustains the teeth nonetheless provided ample defense
The species lived six million years modern panda are rare in the European – and, against predators.
ago in the wetland forests of Bulgaria but is especially, in the Bulgarian late Miocene – fos- In addition, the canines are comparable
thought to have been wiped out by climate sil record and the cusps of the teeth do not ap- in size to those of the modern panda, suggest-
change. pear strong enough to crush the woody stems. ing that they belonged to a similarly sized or
The animal, called Agriarctos nikolovi, Instead, scientists believe it likely fed on only slightly smaller animal.
was identified from a couple of teeth gather- softer plant materials — aligning with the gen- The authors believe A. nikolovi likely be-
ing dust in a museum. eral trend toward increased reliance on plants came extinct as a result of climate change,
Prof. Nikolai Spassov, from the Bulgarian in this group’s evolutionary history. probably because of the ‘Messinian salinity
Museum of Natural History, became intrigued Sharing their environment with other crisis’ — an event in which the Mediterranean
after finding the teeth in the archives. large predators likely drove the giant panda basin dried up, significantly altering the sur-
‘They had only one label written vaguely lineage toward vegetarianism. rounding terrestrial environments.
by hand,’ he said. ‘It took me many years to The experts think that European pandas ‘Giant pandas are a very specialised group
figure out what the locality was and what its found themselves outcompeted on meat and of bears,’ Prof. Spassov added.
age was. were left with plants as their most convenient ‘Even if A. niklovi was not as specialised
‘Then it also took me a long time to realise evolutionary niche. in habitats and food as the modern giant pan-
that this was an unknown fossil giant panda.’ ‘The likely competition with other species, da, fossil pandas were specialised enough and
Spassov and his colleagues explain that especially carnivores and presumably other even today.’ of the country. their evolution was related to humid, wooded
pandas are a ‘group of peculiar bears’ because bears, explains the closer food specialisation The two fossils of teeth analysed were This new species is named Agriarctos habitats.
they present one of the more intriguing evolu- of giant pandas to vegetable food in humid originally found in Bulgaria in the late 1970s. nikolovi in his honour. ‘It is likely that climate change at the end
tionary problems. forest conditions,’ said Spassov. The upper carnassial tooth, and an upper The coal deposits in which the teeth were of the Miocene in southern Europe, leading to
Scientists have been left bemused as to He added that the find ‘shows how little canine, were originally cataloged by paleon- found – which have imbued them with a aridification, had an adverse effect on the exis-
why, out of such a carnivorous family, pandas we still know about ancient nature and dem- tologist Ivan Nikolov, who added them to the blackened hue – suggest that this ancient pan- tence of the last European panda.’
evolved to only eat bamboo. onstrates also that historic discoveries in pa- museum’s trove of fossilised treasures when da inhabited forested, swampy regions. The research has been published in the
Now, experts at the Bulgarian Museum of laeontology can lead to unexpected results, they were unearthed in the northwestern part There, during the Miocene epoch, it likely Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. -Daily Mail
32 Sunday ObServer auguSt 7, 2022

in keeping with the tripitaka

A model for a production economy

By Dr. Mallika karunaratne is addressing a problem in a holistic way; cov-
ering both material and emotional aspects.
Relishing on the liberal electoral process The indicators listed in the Kūtadanta sutta viv-
and propaganda machinery, political parties idly elucidate several Key Performance Indica-
of the country over the years have been paint- tors (KPIs) which are currently being accepted
ing a promising picture of the prosperity to by project evaluation specialists. The indica-
the voter to capture their vote. Once secured tors mentioned in this discourse are unique.
power, the promises were easily forgotten. They are people focused, expressed in terms
Decades of experience with different regimes of family response and societal harmony.
have more than demonstrated the appalling The Pali phrases with their content
gap between promise and performance- un- read as follows: khematthitā janapadā –
fortunately never as at present. non-agitating and peaceful community
The widespread excruciating misery be- akantakā, anuppīlā manussā – a community
fore our very eyes bears witness. Had a people- not distressful, and not harassing themselves
centred development program been effective- or others modamānā (manussā ) ureputte
ly implemented, the country would have been naccantā - contented family where the parents
spared the humility being thrust on her even enjoying company of children apāruta gharā –
with a minimum essentials becoming so hard living with no fear and suspicion in the neigh-
to come by. While a struggle by some frustrat- bourhood manne viharissanti – living at peace
ed youth has been going on for some time, the free of both mental and physical distress
county is being pushed into a state of severe The overall benefits of implementing a
economic hardship. strategy focused on production economy can
A well-articulated development program be enumerated as follows:
with a clear national vision is a sine quo non,
to qualify for bi-lateral and international fi- 1. Production process strengthened
nancial support to address pressing needs on 2. Economic prosperity restored
financial, and economic fronts. 3. People’s livelihood secured
4. Food shortage mitigated
5. Mental fear and suspicion removed
People-centred governance 6. Happy family environment assured
In this backdrop, it is opportune to exam- 7. Contented society envisioned
ine wisdom contained in the Tripitaka, where-
in a similar situation is reported, which points the irritated masses). The Chief Minister while potential in foreign exchange earnings. What can we learn from this analysis?
a formulae for people centred governance. praising the concept of a sacrificial ceremony 7. No recognition of area-wise spread of Kūtadanta sutta adopts a people-friendly
Kūtadanta sutta in the Digha Nikaya illustrates proposed that it would be most productive if it development benefits, streamed in the development approach where people of the
a past story where the life of the masses was be carried out as a means of appeasing the agi- national strategic plans. land are the direct beneficiaries. The devel-
strained due to economic hardships. tating masses in the frontier region. The chief 8. Allocation of funds for priority projects opment benefits spilled over to the rest of the
The ruler of the land being unaware minister suggested an alternative, a clearly does not correlate with the national pri- areas, thriving trade and self-employment
of the people’s difficulty, used to carry on spelt out vision and plan of action, which cov- ority sectors. opportunities for people. · State officials are
with the affairs of the state unperturbed, ers three areas: made accountable by giving them a freehand
later changed the course, adopting a peo- 1. Food production the state official. They are accountable for the Sri Lanka has missed the opportunity to to see to the success and the delivery of the ex-
ple friendly vision and a development strat- This strategy aims at increased food pro- final outcome of the production process while bring prosperity to her people over the past pected output. Overall development impact is
egy that found to be beneficial to society. duction by making available the inputs such personally attending to see to the success. several decades, where her neighbours in the measured by using the criterion of “contented
The incident referred to in this discourse is a as seed, planting material, tools and imple- Their role entails supervision, review/evalua- South Asian region have bypassed her in leaps society”.
birth story where the Bodhisattva was born as ments for those who engaged in farming tion and adjustment as necessary, as it is put and bounds. We can take a leaf from their ex-
the Chief Minister of King Mahavijitha. For those engaged in animal farming to be but- in the modern planning jargon. The services perience where the strategy of medium to long
It happened that once in a frontier region tressed by providing basic inputs like gracing of the state official are so crucial that they are term plans are adopted to guide their national
Happiness of all
of the kingdom, there erupted a mass agita- fields and captive areas for animal breeding. to be paid additional allowance to meet the ex- development planning process over several Historical evidence can be traced to the
tion. The cause was hunger due to shortage Both these groups of farmers must also be penses to be incurred visiting outstation. Pali decades. fact that the formulae cited in Kūtadanta sut-
of basic necessities. The masses lost all forms given support until such time that their activi- phrase used in the text read as the bhattaveta- The learning experience to be drawn from ta had been adopted by Emperor Asoka who
of livelihood - their crops failed, animals fam- ties are accomplished and yield is ready for nam anuppadetu. the Kūtadanta sutta is crucial in several fronts: ruled India 250 years after the passing away of
ished, those engaged in self occupations had harvesting. The farmers must be ensured that first and foremost, it emphasises clear as- the Buddha.
no access to raw materials. they get their daily bread until they reap their sessment of the problem at hand, like what, The rock edicts XV and XVI state that the
The masses were idling with no productive harvest. The Pali phrase used to stress the im-
Glaring drawbacks where, how while clearly articulating the root intention of King Asoka was to see to that his
work, so that they resorted to stealing, robbing portance of this aspect is “bijabhattam anup- Sri Lanka has over the past four decades causes. When the basic characteristics of the efforts are meant for the happiness of all peo-
from those who have excess food and supplies. padetu”. resorted to the adoption of numerous devel- causes are known, the solutions become evi- ple. These rock edits point to the vision of the
Those traders passing through their territory 2. Market place for produce opment strategies and programs. However, dent. It is a matter of their ranking based on King Asoka that his intention is to see that all
with loads of food were looted and harassed. The next important action in the program when evaluating and analysing the outcomes the implementation feasibility and availability the subjects are prospered. Save munisa mama
This caused fear, anxiety among the people deals with the yield. Here, the “role of the of these planning efforts, many glaring draw- resources: committing the local resources be- paja, “ all subjects must be treated as his own
and that led to a breakdown of peace and har- buyer/purchaser” is crucial. It is the respon- backs are visible and a few critical ones can be fore searching for the avenues for foreign or children”. Similarly, it has become customary
mony in the society. sibility of the state to facilitate with funds/ listed as follows: otherwise. in our society that people in turn shower their
This state of affairs is named dassu resources. The harvest goes through a se- humble wishes on the ruler of the land. The
khīla, a piercing peg, which caused dis- ries of stages involving post-harvest prepa- 1. Lack of a clear and well-articulated na- Buddhist dictum says, rājā bhavatu dhammiko
ruption of peaceful living in the region. ration/processing/preserving, facilitating a tional vision for social and economic
Home grown solution (May the ruler be just).
The king and the council of ministers were variety of labour intensive activities where development for the country. Sri Lanka’s success in adopting a home It is the responsibility of the ruler and the
unaware of the struggle. Their priority was women, children and elderly could be en- 2. Lack of carefully selected strategies to grown solution for a production economy, in state officials to ensure that efficient systems
conducting the annual event – a sacrificial cer- gaged as part time occupation. This activity is correspond with the national vision. the construction of Gal Oya Irrigation Devel- are put in place to ensure the delivery of due
emony involving hundreds of animals and a mentioned in the discourse by the Pali term 3. No consensus on the criteria to be ap- opment Scheme is a case in point. This kind services to enable people to have smooth ac-
variety of rich food items for the occasion. The sakamma pasutā which means avenues of op- plied in the screening of projects to be of development strategies should be seriously cess to the means of production and liveli-
king was praised by the ministers of the likely portunities for self-employed. Those engaged carried out to contribute to the national studied by the Sri Lankan professionals and hood. For this, it is crucial that the national
gains from the sacrificial ceremony - fame and in trading plays a central role in moving the goals and objectives. guide our political masters. planning process of the country be strength-
prosperity to the kingdom, in particular. stuff from the sweatshop to the market place. 4. Development performance is measured The masses of the Kingdom of Mahavijitha ened with staff capacity to shoulder this lofty
The Pali phrase used in the text is pābhatam on individual project basis. faced a similar hardship. They overcame the task, which has been eroded over the past sev-
anuppadetu, which means the traders be given 5. Expenditure is used as a measurement issues as a result of the well-articulated ac- eral years. The Kūtadanta sutta offers legitima-
alternative choice to take action at will, so that no hurdles of performance evaluation. tion plan of the Chief Minister. This kind of ap- cy for a timely intervention.
The Chief Minister, who is the Bodhisat- will be there to sell the produce. 6. No emphasis given to prioritise value ad- proach goes well along with the current popu- The writer is a Member of the Sri Lanka
tva, took a different view. He drew the king’s 3. role of the state official dition options, especially in agriculture lar jargon “an inclusive development strategy”. Planning Service and Retired Ministry Secre-
attention to the Dassu khīla, (an agitation by The third most important area is the role of and plantation sectors having a greater The outcome of implementing such a plan tary.

SEDR project completes phase 1 of Active Citizens program

The Supporting Effective Dispute
Resolution (SEDR) project is a four-
year access to justice project imple-
mented by the British Council and
funded by the European Union as part
of its Strengthening Transformation,
Reconciliation and Inclusive Demo-
cratic Engagement (STRIDE) Program
in Sri Lanka.
At the heart of SEDR is the desire
for peaceful co-existence and a fair
and just Sri Lanka. During December
2021-June 2022, SEDR initiated the de-
sign and delivery of three tailor-made
SEDR Active Citizens programs which
had a strong local dispute resolution
and social inclusion focus to address
community issues and improve the and building trust within and between tive Citizens program worked with problem solving, promoting social co-
resolution of community disputes. communities. The methodology plays participants who went through a five- hesion and dispute management and
These programs were conducted in an important role in SEDR’s approach day training where each day they fo- leadership.
each of SEDR’s three target provinces to supporting alternative dispute reso- cused on different aspects of working The SEDR Active Citizens engaged
(North, East and Uva), and the first lution  mechanisms in resolving com- with a community. with persons of diverse interests and
phase was recently concluded. munity level disputes. The skills delivered through the skills in a community. They then put
Active Citizens is a social leader- training included those on self-aware- these skills into practice through a
ship training methodology that has ness of their identity and culture, dedicated community intervention
been delivered by the British Coun-
Five-day training building confidence and interperson- (Social Action Projects), which were
cil around the world for over 10 years Together with the support and al relationships, exploring tools and designed, managed and implemented
promoting intercultural  dialogue and guidance of CSO partner organisa- techniques to encourage and facili- within their community with the sup-
community-led social  development tions in each province, the SEDR Ac- tate dialogue, problem identification, port of their community from youth
volunteers to state and non-state
stakeholders. From March – June, the
SEDR Active Citizens delivered 15 So-
cial Action Projects which focused on
issues and disputes their communities
faced, reaching 1,724 beneficiaries.
munity but applies to all irrespective Active Citizens model has proven to
of which religion or ethnicity they be- be a very good fit for SEDR’s ambition
Camaraderie long to. When I was about to leave the to strengthen community level dis-
One of the youth participants from venue, I made it a point to invite my pute resolution efforts in Sri Lanka.
Badalkumbura, of the Moneragala Tamil roommates to visit our village. It is encouraging to see how women
District said, “During the process of I was equally taken up when these and youth volunteers have grown and
my SEDR AC journey, some of the les- friends wanted me and other Sinhala benefited from the Active Citizens
sons I learned during the workshop friends to be their guests at their es- approach and used their new-found
was that particularly the conflict tree, tates.” knowledge and skills to address some
forum theatre, as well the role plays SEDR Team leader Jacques of the root causes of conflict that af-
are not confined to one single com- Carstens said, “The British Council’s fect their local communities.”   


Stinging nettle curry, one

of the staples of Nepalis

Honey lemon stinging nettle tea

Stinging nettle plant

nettle has a vast array of health bene- past, village elders and teachers are re- too. It is only during eating that sting- and salt. Then, add a sufficient amount en the curry. Then add Gundruk and
fits. In Nepali ethnomedicine, stinging ported to have punished mischievous ing nettle can be brought into contact of water. Cook for 3-4 whistles, and re- cook for another five minutes.
nettle is used for making medications children with Kahambiliya as the un- with the human skin. move the cooker from the heat. Let the Remove from heat and serve hot.
for rheumatism, muscular paralysis ceasing feel of itching and smarting Shreshta said that tender leaves pressure cooker get completely cooled Mostly Sisno curry is served with
and muscle pain. Some research in- is said to be unbearable when brought of stinging nettle should be picked before opening the lid. Dhindo (Kurakkan Thalapa/ Thalapa
dicates that consumption of stinging into contact with the skin. The practice for cooking. “Prior to cooking sting- Heat a pan. Add ground nut oil. made of ground corn)
From Nepal
nettle can reduce the risk of cancers. of punishing imps with Kahambiliya ing nettle, the leaves should be beaten When the oil is heated, add cumin Honey-lemon stinging nettle tea

It is also said to lower the blood sug- can still be found in some remote ar- with a broom (Nepali broom). You can seeds. When they are blackened, Ingredients
s the name suggests, stinging ar level. Hence, food prepared using eas of Sri Lanka. also use a weighty cloth to beat the add dried red chilli. Then add the re- Stinging nettle - a few leaves
nettle is a plant that causes stinging nettle are recommended for Although Kahambiliya is associ- leaves so that the stinging hairs will be maining garlic paste, green chilli and Honey - 2 teaspoons
irritation and a smarting those with diabetes. ated with punishment and ethnomedi- broken,” she said. chopped spring onions. Suaté for a Lemon - a half
sensation when it gets into cine, the herb is hardly consumed as Once the leaves are beaten, they couple of minutes. Method
contact with human skin. The plant a food in Sri Lanka. Known as Sisno, are washed with cold water. (Some add Then add the remaining chilli pow- Wash stinging nettle leaves using
is densely covered with stinging hairs
Nutritious food stinging nettle is widely eaten in the corn flour to stinging nettle leaves) der, Masala powder and ground corn a pincer. Put them in a steel cup and
and releases pain-causing toxic chemi- Studies show that stinging nettle is form of a curry or porridge across Ne- Here too, a pincer, fork, or a stick can and mix well. Try to break the ground pour boiling water. Close and leave for
cals. Due to this nature of the plant, rich in vitamins, fibre, calcium, iron, pal. Sisno is a widely eaten wild plant be used for turning the leaves. The corn lumps with the ladle. Then add 3-4 minutes.
stinging nettle is hardly eaten by ani- minerals, and fatty acids. The leaves in Nepal since ancient times. This stinging nature of the leaves can be cooked black lentils and stinging nettle Remove the leaves. The water
mals. release a little amount of oil when plant largely assures food security for mitigated by pouring boiling water curry into the oil. If the corn powder would turn into golden brown. Then
It is a species of nettle which is crushed. As per studies, the leaves con- rural impoverished people. Sisno re- onto the stinging nettle leaves. Then lumps are still remaining, try dissolv- add honey. Squeeze lemon. Mix well
scientifically known as Urticadoica L. tain caffeic acid and flavonoids along quires no human intervention in culti- the water turns into brown. ing them. Powdered corn helps thick- and serve warm.
The stinging nettle species found in Sri with anti-oxidants. vating. They grow on their own and are The leaves are now ready to be
Lanka is known as Kahambiliya. As per Kahambiliya in Sri Lanka is associ- ubiquitous in this landlocked country. cooked.
ethnomedical practitioners, stinging ated with an unpleasant activity. In the Sisno does not contain traces of toxins Ingredients required for stinging
or chemicals and are organic. nettle curry
“Sisno plays a double role as a Stinging nettle - 250g
medicine and a food for Nepalis. When Split black lentils - 100g
we were small, we were punished with Ground nut oil - 3 tablespoons
Sisno whenever we committed any Cuming seeds - 1 teaspoon
mischief at school”, said Thike Shresh- Garlic - 6 large cloves
ta who shared the Sisno curry recipe Spring onions - 5
with me. “Although it gives an unpleas- Green chilli - 2
ant experience if you touch the plant Dried red chilli - 2
by mistake, it is one of the most de- Chilli powder - 2 teaspoons
lectable vegetables when cooked,” she Turmeric powder - a quarter of a tea-
said. spoon
Masala powder - 2 teaspoons
Gundruk (fermented leafy green) a
Burning sensation handful
Since the plant stings and causes Ground corn - 3 tablespoons
a burning sensation, it is always ad- Salt
visable not to use bare hands to pluck Method of preparation
them. Gloves come in handy when Soak split black lentils for a half an
plucking stinging nettle. Some use hour. In a pressure cooker, add soaked
scissors to cut and then collect them in black lentils, stinging nettle leaves,
a bag. Pincers can also be used. turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon of chilli
A ladle or a pincer is advisable to powder, one teaspoon of Masala pow-
Stinging nettle curry Pix- Luxman Shreshta be used during the cooking process der, half the amount of crushed garlic,

A grand novel
read Edmund Jayas- Novel - Piyavi Aesa march. This ideal proj- three types. categories being modernistic, social and op-
inghe’s Piyavi Aesa Author – Edmund Jayasingha ect is a social gift to One family is very traditional, familial, ulent. The son of the family (Ranith) who is
with great interest. Published by – Sarasavi Publishers the present day po- humane, social, and prosperity wise exten- well educated and working in a bank marries
It is a stunningly Reviewed by - Dr. Namel Weeramuni litical ambiance. sive with serfdoms. This family reminds of from the first category of the families.
powerful novel. I find it Political arena the Kandyan hierarchal families. With the Yet he is extra ordinarily outgoing with
dogmatically sociological. Ed- It’s unfortunate as the changes of times, serfdom patterns dwindle. his friends and playful as he used to be. He
mund presents it as a love story, plus the con- novelist demonstratively hints that our Cultivable lands in small proportions pass on is the same even after marriage, not paying
temporary features of political, economic, country’s political arena is sullied by corrup- to the serfs. much attention to his wife. This is a dilemma
and social repercussions of the present day tion, defraud, and selfishness. There is no Serfs gain emancipation and become in- for the wife.
society. These facts are demonstrated strong- care for the commoner. Looking after their dividualistic. Yet they maintain the typical Finally, at the very end, the novel be-
ly. welfare is a must. Author draws examples of psychologically embedded restraint and re- comes highly symbolic through Hewa. He
Experience floods effortlessly in his writ- the world that escalate societal welfare. For spect for the elders. spends a long period in remand for an of-
ing. It transcribes to the text convincingly. this, he likens the Nordic countries. Self-centeredness fence he had not committed, but for a well
It becomes superbly crafted and prodigious, He takes them as ideal nations that uplift The second type had been very poor and wished beneficial cause he had initiated,
though appears simple. Subject matter is well social, economic and political betterment of had hard times. Through hard work, they supported, and carried on for societal ad-
balanced. It affects the reader positively spell- the people. People of such nations live hap- become rich, are exhibitive, in control of vancement until it fruits to the fullest in so-
bound, and enthusiastically undisturbed. pily and prosperously without taking sides or labour in their industrial enterprises. They ciety.
The theme of the novel is for an idealistic being rebellious. These exampled countries’ are mostly self-centered with much of self- Secondly, it is symbolic because of the
drive. It is to create for the wellbeing of the Governments and societies he glorifies. Such ish outlooks, less humane, pride in social be- two types of marriages that take place with
people. It is a very well planned and anchored Governments are benevolent, patriotic, and havioural patterns, quite pompous and indi- the first type of family affiliates and the part-
project, namely Piyavi Aesa. Principally, two serve the societal beings equally. They are vidualistic, except Nirmali. She is profound, ners of the second and third family types.
University students, Hewa and Nirmali, char- economically rich and societally strong and disciplined, meticulous, non-bombastic, One is wonderfully stable and with psyches’
ismatically and spiritually coupled in love are contented. and determinedly working for social justice love. This occurs only by registration with-
the originators of the project. Contrastingly, the author negatively and and advancement originated by her fiancé, out grandiose parties.
They are dedicated, consecrated, and de- realistically validates the Asian nations, par- Hewa. Her brother is a lawyer but emptily The other marriage is standard and tradi-
termined finally to achieve the outcome of ticularly Sri Lanka. The last is in dynamic di- very showy and characteristically insensitive tionally ostentatious, but seems to be on the
their goal with no selfishness but to reap it for lemmas. No care and consideration for the The most salient feature of the novel is the and shallow. He is typically selfish and aw- brink.
the collective good of the society for its pros- perfection of the down trodden souls’ status. mode, the author utilises to establish the di- fully craving distancing his sister (Nirmali) I recommend Piyavi Aesa to the public,
perity and dynamic activity fulfilling con- They are only tools for the use of the wealthy, versity of the families and their subjects. Fam- from the wealth of the family. particularly to the politicians and their sup-
tentment and cheerfulness. It’s a self-soul especially the political goons. ily wise, they are different. Mainly there are The third type is a combination of both porters.


The main Devala at Kataragama The dagaba of Kirivehera

Kataragama Deviyo

A God for all seasons ourselves. Often, the water is only knee
deep or even less. Following the bath,
beautiful daughter of a Veddha chief
and used to watch her father’s crops.
we changed into white clothes, which One day, the Kataragama Deviyo hap-
is considered a sign of purity. pened to see her and was enamoured
Shops outside the Devale premises by her.
offer a range of Pooja Bhanda (articles

for offerings), in particular, an assort-
ageantry, ceremony and ritu- ment of fruits commonly used for the
Frightening trick
al are part of everyday life in purpose. Prices differ according to the He at once wooed her, but all his
Sri Lanka. No matter where size of the basket of offerings selected. entreaties could not melt her heart. So
you travel to in any part of A common item seen on all was a gar- he sought the assistance of his brother The main image of the Kataragama Deviyo
the country or when, you are land of red flowers made out of poly- Ganesha, the God of Wisdom, to win
bound to be caught up in some form of thene. Thus, carrying the offerings, we her. The two brothers decided to play
national festival. crossed the river through the narrow a frightening trick on her.
However, if you travel down South bridge and walked to the Maha Devale, Accordingly, one day, the Kataraga-
in August, you will be fortunate to wit- the main shrine. ma Deviyo began to woo her when she
ness the country’s most spectacular Chanting Haro Hara, Haro Hara, was watching her father’s plantation.
pageant: the Kataragama Esala festi- Hindu devotees in their hundreds Assuming the guise of an elephant,
val which began on July 29. This pays throng the precincts of the Kataraga- Ganesha appeared on the scene and
homage to God Skanda and the Esala ma Devale, an abode dedicated to trumpeted aloud. The trick worked like
Full Moon Poya. God Skanda, also known as Murugan magic.
Kataragama is a uniquely holy city. among the Hindu devotees and Kata- The unapproachable Valliamma at
When I was a schoolboy in the late ragama Deviyo among the Buddhists A hermit at the Devalaya once clung to the Kataragama Deviyo
70s, my uncle had a van, which was in the deep South. Buddhist pilgrims for protection and promised to yield
actually a Bedford car bearing an ‘EN’ flock to the sacred site where a Bo Beside the Maha Devale, dedicated herself to him if he would save her
number converted into a van with a tree and a temple exist alongside the to the Kataragama Deviyo, there are from the elephant.
wooden structure in the rear. He used Devale. Muslims too have a mosque at- other devales dedicated to Valliamma, According to the plan of the two
to take us all on an annual pilgrimage tracting devotees. Thevaniamma, God Ganesha and oth- brothers, the Kataragama Deviyo was
to Kataragama in his van. The sanctuary nestles on the bank er minor deities. Close to the Devale to will that Ganesha’s elephant guise
of the Menik Ganga, (River of Gems), lies the majestic Buddhist dagoba should vanish the moment Valliamma
the holy river of thousands and thou- named Kirivehera built by King Mah- was won. But the Kataragama Deviyo
Journey to Kataragama sands of devotees in Sri Lanka. Around anaga in 104 B.C. forgot all about his part of the arrange-
We took the most adventurous four kilometres South of the holy The Kataragama Deviyo, whose ment owing to the ecstasy of the mo-
coastal route along Galle Road (there shrine rise the seven hills of Kataraga- blessings Hindus, Buddhists and oth- ment and Ganesha is supposed to car-
was no expressway then). Our first stop ma known as Vedihiti Kanda. The holy ers invoke for success in worldly af- ry an elephant’s head on his shoulders A devotee takes offerings to God Skanda
was at the Kalutara Bodhi tree where peak of Kataragama is believed to be fairs, in relieving distress and healing to this day. Legend says that King Du-
an offering and a plea would be made the adobe of the Kataragama Deviyo diseases, has several names. The most tugemunu, the national hero who uni- of the devotee. A part of the offering is driven through the bare flesh of their
for our safe return. Some pilgrims also (Deity). popular is Kataragama Deviyo. The fied the country was the first patron of kept back and the balance returned in shoulders. The most amazing feat is
stop at prominent religious places, Until recently, Kataragama was a Tamils call him Kandaswamy. Others Kataragama. He is said to have made a the form of holy food. the walking on live red-hot embers on
such as Mulkirigala, Devinuwara and jungle village with a dirty track leading call him Skanda. Dr. Ananda Cooma- vow to construct a shrine in honour of bare feet. Strangely, these fire-walkers
Tissamaharama. Here too we would from the town of Tissamaharama, 19 raswamy identified him with Kartika- Skanda if he was victorious in the war come out of their feat unscathed.
appeal for a safe journey to and from kilometres away. Kataragama’s meta- ya, the God of War in Hindu mytholo- against the invaders from South India.
Symbol of gratitude The centuries-old annual pilgrim
Kataragama. We took two days to reach morphosis came with the construction gy. He is also known as Kanda Kumara. The shrine thus dates back to the 2nd Dashing coconut is a common walk Pada Yatra from the Northern Jaff-
Kataragama. of a motorable road and the introduc- He is depicted as having six heads and Century BC. happening at Kataragama and is con- na peninsula, down the East coast and
Today, travel times have been re- tion of electricity and a steady supply 12 hands and feet, and is believed to be Today, leaving aside their religious sidered an act of homage to the gods through the jungles of the Kumana Yala
duced. The trip to Kataragama takes of water to the area to coincide with riding on a peacock. differences, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim or a symbol of gratitude. It is also one East National Park to Kataragama takes
only a few hours from Colombo. Those a Gam Udawa (Village Reawakening) Tradition has it that he married and Christian devotees linger freely of the simplest ways of settling a vow. place with Hindu devotees gathering at
taking the Southern Expressway would project launched in the area during Devasena, a daughter of God Indra in the Kataragama Devale premises, Vows are made at Kataragama to fulfil the Murugan Devale at Okanda.
take a very short time. the reign of the late President Ranas- who, according to Hindu mythology, showing much camaraderie. a longing or need in life, to seek re- Thousands of devotees are expected
As soon as we arrived at the Kata- inghe Premadasa in the late 80s. It is rules over three hundred and thirty They carry the Pooja-vatti to God dress from a problem or cure for an to take part in this spiritual walk, which
ragama sacred city, we looked for a now a bustling town, teeming with pil- million lesser gods. Another tradition Skanda which are handed over to a Ka- illness. starts at the beginning of June and lasts
resting place to stay overnight. There grims and hordes of vendors with their says, he has two other wives, Thevania- purala coming through a long queue Some devotees in the way of pen- about 45 days.
were plenty of rest halls around Kata- colourful wares. There are a number mma and Valliamma. The story of how around the Devale premises. The Ka- ance resort to extreme physical pain to The trek through the Kumana and
ragama. Our next task was a dip in the of luxurious star class hotels and rest he wooed and won the heart of the lat- purala who accepts the offerings would invoke the god’s favour. Some devotees Yala National Park for pilgrims will be
Menik Ganga, the Holy River to cleanse houses for the weary travellers. ter is interesting. Valliamma was the place a little holy ash on the forehead have quite a large number of hooks open for one week.

Third Virtual Music I n Sri Lanka, as we bid

Adieu to yet another
eventful July, and walk
into the warmth of Au-
little hearts and minds during
these times of uncertainty and
turmoil, that the concept of the
third Virtual Music Summer
to express their talents, form
new friendships and learn
from each other.
This event commenced on

Summer Camp 2022

gust, it is safe to say Camp 2022 was born. August 5 and is open to those
that so many of us have been The event is being organ- between 7 and 21. Participants
through a roller-coaster like ised by the Academy’s Virtual were given the opportunity to
series of events. With the pre- Events Team, whom under pick and choose their topics
vailing economic conditions the leadership and guidance from a broad variety of ses-
in our country coupled with of Soundarie David Rodrigo a sions according to their areas
disease, fuel shortages, infla- well-known name in the Sri of preference.
tion, power outages and un- Lankan music industry, have This year we have joining
certainty, the idea of a blissful been introducing and promot- us special guests who have pre-
summer vacation seems but a ing the innovative concept of pared to host some of the most
distant dream, with many still virtual events such as the Virtu- interesting sessions we’ve ever
unable to afford basic necessi- al Symposium for Music Teach- seen or heard of!
ties. ers, The 1st Virtual Music Sum- Some of these include
Although both adults and mer Camp, The Second Virtual Zumba with a twist, Storyteller,
children alike are affected by Music Summer Camp, and The Appreciation of Greek Music
these drastic changes, children Virtual Christmas Festival 2020 and Folk Songs, Vocal Health,
remain the most affected, due and 2021, prompted by the The power of Puppetry and an
to persistent disruption in the many challenges faced during introduction to Digital Music
education system with schools the early days of the Covid-19 composition.
having been shut down on and pandemic. Some international tutors
off with no warning, and ex- The Third Virtual Mu- include Prof. Thomas Caplin
ams being postponed until fur- sic Summer Camp, is organ- (Norway), Prof. Maria Meligop-
ther notice or cancelled due to ised in collaboration with the oulou (Greece), Prof. Glenda
paper shortages. Young Choral Academy head- Mohr (USA), Katie Teage (UK),
Though adults are capable ed by Susanna Saw (Malay- Chi Hoe Mak (Malaysia) and
of understanding and cop- sia) and the Bandung Choral Dr. Maria Roldan (Philippines)
ing better with these changes, Society under the leadership while our local tutors include
from a child’s perspective, con- of Tommyant Kandisiputra Bathiya Jayakody (BnS), Jerome
stant change instills anxiety, (Indonesia) who are both re- De-Silva, Kevin Cruze and Sulo-
stress, and fear as they are un- nowned figures in the South chana Dissanayake.
able to navigate forwards aca- East Asian music industry, The event will conclude to-
demically and socially. to bring together likemind- day (7) with a closing ceremony
It was to strengthen the ed persons from across the where all participants and tu-
spirit and cheer of Summer in globe, giving them a platform tors will join in.
35 / Tel: 011 2 429 429, 011 2 429 228 / Fax: 0112 429 227

AUGUST 7, 2022

Come again
Jackson Anthony
BY ISURU THAMBAWITA 1958 and studied at Hapugoda Junior did we hear his name
School, St. Mary's College in Banda- from unprofessional
rawela and Galahitiyawa Central col- programs. That is the
" If you love the lege in Ganemulla. unique identity that
butterfly , don't hate He specialised in Sinhala lan-
guage and Literature at the univer-
he has established in
our film and teledrama
the caterpillar." sity of Colombo and completed his fields.
Master's degree in journalism at the
These lines would awaken your university of Jayewardenepura. As a director
memory of a teleplay in which re-
nowned actor Jackson Anthony His cinema Not only as an actor , we have
played the title role Appachchi - a seen this multifaceted artiste as a
man with a well built body ,clad in Encyclopaedic, multi-talented, director too. His maiden teledrama
sleeveless shirts who always teaches Jackson Anthony has proved his cre- direction came through Esala Kalu-
her daughters to live according to ative spirit through whatever he did wara in 1992 and cinematic direc-
the conscience and moral values. For where he underwent a seven-hour- and does. No doubt that in the past it tion through Julietge Bhumukawa
better or worse, he forgets that the surgery. was so, in the future it will be so. which went on to win the awards for
reality in the society is weird , bizarre According to hospital sources , Jackson whose wide range of por- the Most Promising Director at the
and far different from his sane soci- two bones of his neck has been dis- traying characters has reached un- Critic's Awards Ceremony.
ety, which leads to the conflict. located and its membranes and both attainable heights , always gives his Later, he began to rule supreme
Significantly, acting and back- lungs have been damaged. Today's best for both small screen and silver in film and teledrama directions
ground music which had come in article is about this colossus Jack- screen. He entered the film industry for years. Daskon telecast in 2014 is
unison made the teleplay worth- son Anthony who stamped his indel- in 1993 through his first film Guru one good example for his versatility
watching. It is significant to mention ible icon in the silver screen and the Gedara which opened many paths for in teledrama direction. Aba revolv-
that veteran actor Jackson Anthony small screen by winning the Best Ac- him. It would be correct to say that ing around prince Pandukabhaya
won the award for the Best Actor for tor Award more than twenty times at Jackson is a character actor who por- can be viewed as an eye-opener for
his role Appachchi at the Raigam Tele awards ceremonies such as Presiden- trayed characters belonging to differ- our movie buffs who were search-
Awards. tial Awards, OCIC Awards and Sarasa- ent dimensions and ranges. ing for a better cinema. His role of
Recently, as if through an error vi Awards. What makes him stand out from Nasi Watte Hitler in his cinematic
of destiny, our much loved actor met He was born Conganige Josheph others is that audiences do not see creations titled 'Address Na' enabled
with an accident. He was transferred Malsi Jackson Anthony in Podiwee Jackson himself in any movies. The him to win the award for the Best Ac-
to the Colombo National Hospital Kumbura village , Ragama , on July 8 , hunter (Sediris) whom we saw in tor at the Derana Film Awards.
Sooriya Arana is not seen in Dhar-
mayuddaya where we can see a busi- As a lyricist
nessman (Harischarndra). Uday-
akantha in Gini Avi Saha Gini Keli "Read books not for examina-
cast Jackson as a notorious mob who tions but for your life." Taking the
is a different version of Lionel from veteran artiste Premakeerthi's pre-
Randiya Dahara. cious advice to his heart, Jackson
Significantly, we could see his earned the encomium "Walking Li-
performances in many landmark brary" for his extensive knowledge
creations such as Pathiraja's Kadulla, which he gained by researching into
Bandaranayake's Bawa duka, Bawa multiple subject areas.
karma and so on. In Kadulla which Undoubtedly, already he has
is a depiction of social changes tak- planted himself as a character-actor,
en place in mid 20th in old Ceylon, announcer, television host, lyricist,
Jackson plays the role of Kurutheris- film and teledrama director, newspa-
a man who has nothing to lose and perman and historian.
nothing to gain. Audiences could see Significantly, he is a visiting lec-
many faces through Jackson, thanks turer at the University of Kelaniya.
to the directors who have discerned Better known under his num de plum
his boundless thespian skills. of Pana Puththra Kuhubu Peni , he
We have seen his performanc- made a name for himself as a news-
es in stage plays such as Marasad, paperman. On the other hand, it is
Madhura Jawanika, Loma Hansa, Premakeerthi de Alvis who gave Jack-
Dhawala Beeshana, Ath, Mora and son this pen name. Apart from that,
Tharavo Igilethi. He cut his teeth at songs penned by Jackson including
the University of Colombo as an ac- 'Sithe Susum Niwena Gayana', 'Desa
tor and started to perform in Neville Piya Gath kala Mata Mewenne Obe
Dias Subasinghe's Vaaruwen Yana Ruwa', 'Lade ukula Uda', 'Re Thara-
Minissu, Manavayo as well as E. M. kawo', 'Dewiyo Sithana Dewal', and
D. Upali's Methanin Maruwenu. teledrama theme songs would bear
The most importantly, needless ample testimony to his awakened lyr-
to emphasise that Jackson does not icist. True that he is an instinctive ar-
contribute to every creation. Nor tiste and performer. To be frank and
did Jackson act in Mega Teledramas honest, Jackson whom most veterans
dished out from cheap themes. Nor hail as Jacka is a national treasure.

n 2017, I published my fourth
novel, Exit West, and bought
a small notebook to jot down
ideas for the next one. I thought
it would be about technology. I
tendency for differences to become
utterly intolerable, and that the tran-
sition from one societal epoch to the
next is rarely a series of gently eliding
waves, each a bit higher than the pre-
Exit West machines of De Deo’s simulation as
doing three things increasingly (and
exquisitely) well: identifying differ-
ences that permit sorting into cat-
egories of like-me and not-like-me,
is still a world of automobiles and
not land speeders, rifles and not laser
guns. But a transformation worthy of
science fiction did occur regardless.
We became attached to our screens,
came across an article by Simon De vious one – to the contrary, human- cooperating with those in the merged with the machine culture be-
Deo, an assistant professor at the ity’s trajectory on the way down is of- like-me category, and destroying hind those screens, and changed far
Carnegie Mellon University, discuss- ten far more steep than it was on the those in the not-like-me category. more than some child might in the
ing an experiment he and his col- way up. Our species has, similarly, become process of merely becoming a Jedi.
league John Miller had conducted in These points might be rather ob- incredibly skilled at cooperating
that same year. vious. But they were not always obvi- (thousands of people in dozens Machine world
They simulated cooperation and ous to me, not at an emotional level. I of countries collectively manu- The machine world is a binary
competition by machines over many long believed that things would prob- factured the computer on which I world, and it strikes me that we have
generations, building these machines ably keep getting better for our spe- am writing this). We too have de- learned to apply those zeroes and
as computer models and setting them cies. We humans might mess up dev- veloped the capacity to kill along ones to our thinking, intensifying our
playing a game together. An interest- astatingly, but we were more likely to an entire spectrum from whole- impulse to sort one another into like-
ing pattern emerged. Rather than find a way. A way to avoid nuclear war sale (nuclear, chemical, biological me and not-like-me at what might
constant trading for mutual benefit and mitigate climate change and ex- weapons) to bespoke (quietly dis- well be, historically speaking, the
among equals, or never-ending fights pand equality and diminish poverty. Mohsin Hamid appearing those who trouble us) worst possible moment: a moment
to the death among foes, instead a This had been my mental model’s – which is obviously a pressing, when, as empire recedes, we are al-
particular type of machine became base case, as it were. Now I was won- had spoken, and they had not said monic cooperation, we are finding indeed existential, concern. ready predisposed to sort excessively
dominant, one that recognised and dering whether humanity’s true base what they were supposed to say. No, that our differences are becoming But our ability to kill has not and to fetishise tests of purity.
favoured copies of itself, and enor- case was far more grim, and whether you fools, they had proclaimed, the intolerable. changed as rapidly, in recent years, The result, as we can see all
mous prosperity ensued, built on my own expectations represented in- end is quite possibly nigh. When empires that span diverse as our sorting mechanism appears to around us, is a disastrous confluence
ever-growing levels of cooperation. stead an optimistic but improbable Truthfully, I had been reeling populations disintegrate, history sug- have. It is our impulse to sort, and the of polarisation, militarism, demo-
But eventually the minute differences best case scenario. since September 11, 2001, and my gests the potential for conflict is high. importance that we place on sorting cratic dysfunction, and environmen-
that naturally occurred (or were, in move in 2009 to what seemed to be The British empire in India gave birth that has truly gone haywire. tal disregard. In the same way that
the experiment, designed to occur) Horrifying wars a democratising Pakistan, with ex- to violent sectarianisms; the Ottoman The end of the American empire the most deadly aspect of Covid, be-
in the copying process, as they do in To be clear, I never doubted that panding freedom of expression and and Austro-Hungarian and Soviet em- is coinciding with the age of the cy- fore vaccines and pharmaceutical
organisms when genes are passed on, there would be horrifying wars and rule of law, had not worked out quite pires did much the same. The Ameri- borg. I spent much of the 1970s as treatments became available, was an
became intolerable, and war among mass displacements and econom- as swimmingly as I had hoped, and can empire was far more powerful a child in Silicon Valley. My father overreaction of our immune systems
the machines resulted in near-com- ic dislocations in the years ahead. then in 2016 my former home Britain and wide-ranging than any that came was a graduate student, my mother to the virus – the dreaded cytokine
plete devastation and a new begin- But I somehow imagined that these voted for Brexit, and my former home before. As it diminishes, aggressive had an entry-level job at a technol- storm – destroying healthy lung tissue
ning, after which the cycle repeated, would be downward zags in our spe- America voted for Trump, and I was sectarian impulses are seemingly in ogy company (they made a cutting in an overzealous attempt to fight dis-
over and over. cies’ upward-zigging trendline. I am admittedly in a bit of a funk. It was the ascendant almost everywhere. edge storage medium known as the ease, the challenge we face now is an
I remember being struck by this not sure what exactly my faith rested as if I had been goading the universe: Name a country today, and it likely “audio cassette”), and I ran barefoot overreaction of our societal immune
article. Not because I fully under- upon. My relative youth, maybe. The grant me pessimism, but not yet; and is either run by a strongman who up bleached blond dry foothills and systems to one another. It is ruinous
stood what the simulation was or even overall shifts in human life expectan- the universe had finally slapped me claims to speak for the true people, watched a black and white television for us to be ones rampantly identify-
how it worked. No, I was struck by its cy and per capita income during my across the face and responded now, the folk, or otherwise has a strong- set in which I was convinced I saw co- ing as zeros those with whom we have
similarity to a narrative I had already lifetime, perhaps. But also something child, it is time. man-in-waiting manoeuvring to take lours. any significant level of disagreement.
been feeling drawn to myself: that the else. Something from the realm of The American empire is waning. control. (There are strongwomen too, The science fiction I loved seemed It underestimates the human
rise and fall of human society is not the spirit, of feeling: a sense of tech- This might well be a good thing, for but far fewer of them.) to suggest that the future would con- capacity for messy and unexpected
merely something that has happened no-optimism ungrounded in any pro- Americans and non-Americans alike. Our impulse to sort one another tain people just like us playing around plasticity. Other approaches to seek-
but also something that will continue found understanding of technology. But the early signs are not promising. into like-me and not-like-me comes with transporter beams and hyper- ing a better, more inclusive, and more
to happen, that moments of peak co- And now here was this blast of tech- Like De Deo’s machines in the mo- at the worst possible moment in time drives and photon torpedoes. None equitable future urgently need to be
operation contain within them the no-pessimism. DeDeo’s machines ments immediately after peak hege- I imagine the empire-building of that has really come to pass: ours found.


Celebrating International Youth Day 2022

RAVINDRA WIJEWARDHANE There are millions of children in ficult for young people to contribute the need to leverage the full poten- tions that showcase young people’s It raises awareness about pov-

the world who are starving and most- to the rural economy. Few aspire to tial of all generations. And for that achievements. You’ll feel inspired by erty
outh are often regarded as ly they are teenagers too between the remain in rural areas and make a liv- showing solidarity to each other is a their talent and entertained at the “Many children go to bed hun-
fast, imprudent and short- ages of 13 to 19. In terms of educa- ing out of agriculture. Too often, their key. “It wants the people to be good same time. gry each night, or head to school in
sighted. Yet, youth were tion, half the children between the only option is to migrate, either to ur- with each other especially with those Lend a helping hand the morning without a nutritious
at the forefront during the age of six and 13 lack basic reading ban areas or overseas. who are not of your age and there is The best thing that we can of- breakfast to help them stay focused
recent victorious people’s and math skills. The childhood pov- So it was for tackling these issues a generation gap between them in fer children is education. Look into in class. In the United States alone,
struggle against the Rajapaksa govern- erty is also still a prevalent problem that International Youth Day was cre- that case instead of fighting or ignor- mentorship programs and discover 13.1 million Children live in food in-
ment in Sri Lanka. And youth played globally. ated. It is, in fact, an initiative that ing each other we must collaborate what you can impart to the next gen- secure-homes, which means that they
a major role in bringing Apartheid It’s a fact that almost 88 percent honors the traits of young people and to fight together against such social eration. There are big brother and and their families don’t have access to
down in South Africa which was why of the world’s 1.2 billion youth live in that acknowledges the challenges that evils.” big sister programs, music programs, enough nutritious food to lead healthy
they declared a National Youth Day developing countries. Globally, young today’s fledging youth face. To sup- assisting with speech therapy, and lives. Children in other countries face
of then known as Sowerto Day. The people account for approximately 24 port the elimination of these issues it more. similar hardships, and many can find
young generation is very important for percent of the working poor and this is important that the youth are able to
A new platform Have an intergenerational dis- themselves trapped in a cycle of pov-
shaping our world. The current world’s dynamic is particularly pronounced reach the right resources for educa- According to National Today, In- cussion erty that is difficult to break free from
youth population (the age group be- in Africa, where over 70 percent of tion, wellbeing, medicine and more. ternational Youth Day gives a plat- Get involved and start a round- as they grow into adults. The more
tween 15 and 24 is defined as ‘youth.’) youth subsist on US$2 per day or less. form to the voices of the youth. It table discussion between adults and aware we are of these issues, the fast-
is 1.2 billion, and that number is grow- In general figures, more than 64 mil- engages youngsters and aims to take young people. This can be between er we can work together to help eradi-
ing fastest in the poor countries. lion unemployed youth worldwide
Theme for 2022 initiatives and actions that will in- parents and children or students and cate them.”
Every year the International and 145 million young workers are The theme for this year’s Interna- crease opportunities for them. The teachers. Come up with topics revolv- It encourages creative thinking
Youth Day falls on August 12, and this living in poverty. Although the youth tional Youth Day is “Intergeneration- National Today also says that young ing around the theme of the year and for a better future
year is also same. This year’s youth population is expected to grow, em- al Solidarity: Creating a World for All people living in developed and de- really listen to what the younger gen- “International Youth Day’s list of
day is very important for us because ployment and entrepreneurial op- Ages.” According to www.merazone. veloping countries are more prone to eration has to say. actionable priorities encourages oth-
we are facing unprecedented eco- portunities for young women and com, this theme tries to amplify the facing mental- and social challenges, Finally, they summarise the signif- ers to think about specific things they
nomic and political crisis. So it is ap- men remain limited – particularly for message that action is needed across whereas young people living in un- icance of the International Youth Day: can do to make a tangible difference
propriate to see why such a day was those living in economically stagnant all generations to achieve the Sustain- derdeveloped countries face extreme It focuses on building a better in kids’ lives. In recent writings about
formed, and what sort of significance rural areas of developing countries. able Development Goals of UN and no problems rooted in a lack of more ba- world for our children International Youth Day, the UN has
of it for the world. In this situation, governments one should be left behind. In brief, it sic needs such as education, health, “International Youth Day does put a strong focus on reducing pollu-
This day was created by the Unit- around the world face the challenge tells us the message that the support and employment. more than simply encouraging chil- tion, sustainably using local products
ed Nations when they passed a reso- of providing young people with jobs of all the people from all the different National Today speaks about how dren directly. It also lays out a set of and services so they’ll remain avail-
lution towards creating it in 1999 at and opportunities that safeguard age group is required so that one day this day is celebrated around the priorities to focus on creating tangi- able for the next generation and en-
the United Nations General Assem- their futures. In rural areas, home we can achieve these goals and which world as well. Following are three ble improvements in children’s lives. suring as many communities as pos-
bly. The date August 12 was chosen to 600 million youth, the challenges is create a world without any mis- types of its celebrations they present: The fifteen priorities created by the sible will have access to resources.
by the World Conference of Ministers are particularly complex. Constraints ery and sufferings - The UN plans to Attend an International Youth UN include areas of focus like reduc- Naming such ambitious — but doable
Responsible for Youth, and their rec- on access to land, natural resources, achieve them by 2030. Day event ing cases of HIV/AIDS, fighting child- — goals serve as inspiration for all of
ommendation was declared by the finance, technology, knowledge, in- The Mera Zone website also There are concerts, sporting hood hunger, and providing more ac- us to think hard about efficient steps
UN as the International Youth Day. formation and education make it dif- notes that this theme emphasizes on events, parades, and mobile exhibi- cess to education.” we can take to make them happen.”

Uday Shankar, father of

Pandit Uday Shankar
and his partner

Indian fusion dance

woman and danced as a Rajesthan fe- es for self portrait and as a nocturne. creativity dance based with rich Indian
male dancer. He also performed his fa- Moreover he got a scholarship to Rome culture links and traditional items. .
mous Malwari dance in Paris. No one where he got an opportunity to meet During that period his exceptional tal-
believed that it was a male dancer who Anna Pavlova. Unexpectedly the fate ent was very much influenced by his
danced as a female. Almost at the end brought both of them together. She re- Ananda K. Commaraswamy’s Mirror
of First World War, his father returned quested Uday to choreograph a dance of Gesture English translation of Abi-
to India from London. And their fam- show; he also agreed to choreograph ynaya Darpana of Nandikeswara . That
ily shifted to learn Jhalawar. His father two dances and danced with herself and induced him to create Indian dance
realized his son’s exceptional talent in became a partner in his dance show. which is one of his most famed out-
painting, Indian music and Indian in- By his hard work, he finally cho- standing solo dance product.
strumental music. reographed two items, namely Radha- One lady called Simike, a pianist,
In 1918 he was sent to the J.J school Krishna, and Hindu marriage. Both joined his troupe to help him in the
of arts, Bombay, and in the year 1920, these were produced in London and orchestra and in the dance troupe. In
Uday sailed to London to learn art at gained the international fame. Actu- 1925, he performed at the Exposition
Royal art school, where his exceptional ally it was the starting point for his of International in Paris. It gave an op-
talent was recognised The principle of dance professional dance performing portunity for him to see the dances of
the J.J school of arts asked him to go career. Because of such success was different countries including Africa,
and study magnificent drawing paint- a breakthrough in his dancing career. America, Arabia, Java, and Bali includ-
ings and miniatures in the British Mu- Anna Pavlova invited him to join with ing the Kandyan dance of Sri Lanka.
seum. With the influence of certain in her American tour. But unfortunate- All these influenced his creativity
Udaya Shankar in an Indian stam
Indians he realised the rich culture ly less opportunity was given to him by dance form. Meanwhile, his graceful
of India. His study and discoveries of Anna Pavlova’s troupe in the American creative dances also attracted the local
British museum thrilled him. tour. Due to such disappointment with audience of Paris which provided an deal not only to shape my artistic and
During that time only he was main- them he left Anna Pavlova’ troupe as opportunity to have his show all over creativity personality , but also to form
DR. SUBASHINI PATHMANATHAN paternal grandfather’s house, while ly influenced by aesthetic arts of Indian soon as he returned from the Ameri- from France. me as a total human begin….it was he

his father was away for lecture tours painting, music, musical instruments can tour. Then he returned to Paris Later on his return to his birth taught me to understand and appreci-
rtiste’s life is a struggle. abroad. During his childhood he lived and dance. He was inspired and he was and worked hard work and practised country India and studied the depth ate our ancient tradition and art, and
Normally after a lifelong in different states of India such as Raj- the first Indian to have won two priz- and rehearsed his own imaginative of Indian art and watched the perfor- all our culture and all our culture and
battle their contributions asthan, Uther Pradesh and Bengal. Dif- mances of court dancers, musicians, my apprenticeship under him in stage
get the social recognition. ferent celebrations of numerous festi- and collected the excellent collection craft lighting set design and general
But after their period, their vals influenced young Uday Shankar. Uday Shankar of Indian crafted dance jewellery, re- showmanship was of great value to me
great contributions and sacrifices are With the young boys he had a care- search Indian books and variety of In- in later years’.
very often forgotten. free life: swimming in the river Ganga dian classical and folk Instruments. After the second world war Uday
Uday Shaker was born in the vil- and viewing street dances like Nautan- He was very much taken up by the Shankar involved in producing his own
lage of Udaipur, in a rich Zamindahri ki and Baiji. Mother couldn’t control folk dances and attracted by the asthet- film Kalpana which proved a proved a
Brahmin family on December 8, 1900. son much due to the restricted life of ic essence. He was very much attracted financial flop. Being a dedicated artiste
When he was young he travelled all the female freedom. All these in his in- by Kathakali. He also saw the majestic he took a lot of pain in practices and
over India. He travelled from place to ner subconscious mind influenced and magnified sculptures of God poses and rehearsals before his shows to make
place in different states. Because his molded his own creativity ideas, which temple decorative sculptural poses in them a success. Once his wife Aloma
father was involved in the state ser- helped him develop his own creativity temples and cultural citadels. said “I owe to my husband a new vi-
vice, hence he got the opportunity. dances later in his life. He visited the famous temples sion, of life and art creation and pre-
Ultimately the family settled down in Many orthodox Hindu families such as Chidamparam and Knorak in- sentation.” With the passage of time
Jhalawar. When he was small he got didn’t accept his pranks. Whatever it cluding Ajantha, Ellora, Haliberd. He in 1960s, he moved to Calcutta, and
numerous opportunities to watch a is, one drawing master realised his visited Shanthiniketan where he met there he operated his excellent dance
variety of dances. This was during the inborn talents, and helped him cher- Rabindranath Tagore. troupe, and later his health started de-
Holi festival time. ish to develop his talents. His mother His elder brother Ravi Shankar teriorating. Once he was performing
These dances fascinated and in- had no daughters, so she adorned her once said referred about his younger in Assam, he got a heart attack. Follow-
fluenced the young mind of Uday. In elder son Uday as a female. Just for brother, ‘To me he was a superman ing a performance in USA he passed
his childhood he went and lived in his amusement he dressed himself as a and those years with him did a great away on September 26, 1977.

august 7, 2022

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CA Sri Lanka’s National
Conference to influence
MASTER OF ARTS IN SOCIOLOGY (2 years) 2021/2023
MASTERS IN SOCIOLOGY (1 year) 2021/2022
The University of Colombo calls for applications from qualified candidates
to enroll for the above programmes of study which will commence shortly.


Chartered Accountants
Duration : Two years (Classes will normally be held on Saturdays)
Entry Requirements:
(a) B.A. Special Degree in Sociology from a recognized University with
a second class honours
(b) General Degree in Arts with Sociology as a subject with first class
or second class (upper division)
or (From left) - Alternate Chair of the Technical Committee Priyoshini Fernando, Chair-
(c) B.A. Special Degree in Sociology with a Postgraduate Diploma in a man of the Technical Committee Anura Perera, CA Sri Lanka Vice President Hesha-
relevant field. na Kuruppu, CA Sri Lanka President Sanjaya Bandara, Chairperson of the National
or Conference Committee Anoji de Silva and Chief Executive Officer Dulani Fernando.
(d) M.A.Q in Sociology
(e) Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Sociology with at least a Merit Pass
Medium of Instruction : Sinhala / English
Duration : One year (Classes will be held on Saturdays)
Entry Requirements:
(a) B.A. Special Degree in Sociology from a recognized University or
(b) A General Degree from a recognized University with Sociology as
a subject
(c) A Degree of Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Sociology
(d) Any Degree of Social Science or Humanities from a recognized and harmony are against the
University with a minimum of three year relevant post qualifying will of the people and shall per-
work or research experiences
ish by themselves. By treading
Medium of Instruction : Sinhala / English on that thought the history falls
Vasana onto a kaleidoscope for us to get
How to apply : Abeynayake the reminiscence of the past.
Application forms and course brochures can be obtained from the 71 years ago, the then Presi-
Department Web Site or by sending a self-addressed stamped (Rs. CA Sri Lanka President Sanjaya Bandara launching the website of the 43rd National dent of USA, Harry S. Truman
15/=) envelope to the Senior Asst. Registrar - Academic & Publications Conference in the presence of Heshana Kuruppu, Anoji de Silva, Anura Perera, Pri- The wave of globalisation took a decision. He decided to
Branch, University of Colombo, 94, Cumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha, yoshini Fernando, and Dulani Fernando has been connecting all the use Nuclear Weapons against
Colombo 03. Name of the course should be written on the top left-hand countries into a community Japan with whom they were
comer of the envelope. Amid an unprecedented economic cri- individuals and society. The 43rd National to an unprecedented extent, at war. A decision which an-
Duly completed application forms must be accompanied by the sis engulfing the country, which has impact- Conference will be held from October 12 to which implies how society in nihilated thousands of people,
paying-in-voucher for the application fee of Rs. 2,000/= and should ed businesses and citizens alike, the Insti- 14 at the Monarch Imperial, Colombo on the its true sense is taking shape. In ironically in the name of sav-
be submitted on or before 29th August 2022 to the Senior Asst. tute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka theme ‘Transform’ and the three-day event the meantime, the significance ing thousands of lives from the
Registrar, Academic & Publications Branch, University of (CA Sri Lanka) in its standing as the National expected to attract over 2,000 delegates, with of peace and harmony is being unending war. Hiroshima Day
Colombo, 94, Cumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha, Colombo 03. This Body of Accountants will take the lead to in- over 20 speakers expected to share their in- recognised by more far-sighted commemorates August 6, 1945,
non-refundable application fee should be credited to the "University of fluence Chartered Accountants to push for sights on the unprecedented, complex, and people for important reasons. the day when an atomic bomb
Colombo main collection" account under the Ref No. 304044000007 transformation to help the country success- the ever-evolving social and economic situ- Peace and harmony is a ba- was dropped on the Japanese
for Master of Arts in Sociology and 304044100006 for Masters in fully navigate through its ongoing predica- ation in Sri Lanka, while exploring possi- sic prerequisite. Peace and har- city of Hiroshima, followed by
Sociology Programme at any branch of the People's Bank, ment. bilities to transform for a better self, society, mony can bring a peaceful and another dropped Atomic bomb
Closing Date : 29th August 2022 The National Conference of Chartered corporate and country. stable order to society, and they on the city of Nagasaki.
Accountants, organised for the 43rd con- President of CA Sri Lanka Sanjaya Ban- are a necessary condition for It is the only instance in
For program details, contact the Department of Sociology (Tel. 011-2500452 secutive year by CA Sri Lanka and dubbed as dara told the meadia that today, Sri Lanka the survival and development human history, where a na-
or see one of the country’s biggest business sum- is at crossroads, and the fact of the matter of mankind. A world deprived tion used nuclear weapons
mits will help delegates including business is, that the light at the end of the tunnel is of peace and harmony against another na-
e n ce

leaders, entrepreneurs and c-suite execu- far from visible because the economic crisis will fall apart and re- tion. The bombings

tives effect change which will benefit not the country is facing at present is something turn to the jungle effectively ended
just the country and the corporate, but also vastly different from what Sri Lanka has era in which the World War II by
faced in the past. “Many of us in Sri Lanka
have faced our fair share of crises ranging
strong prey on
the weak.
Lumine bringing about
the surrender
from a war to a tsunami to the Easter Sun- Peace and of Japan, but at
day Attack. But the ongoing economic crisis harmony is an a terrible price
is something unique to us all, as it has af- essential ben- .The two cities
fected everyone, both rich and poor, as well efit. Peace and were destroyed
as big and small,” he said. harmony are en- and casualties,
He said Chartered Accountants are no joyed and possessed mostly civilians,
longer restricted to traditional number jointly by man- were estimated at
crunching roles. Instead, today, they are kind, which is a around 200,000,
identified as co-pilots of a business because base for the full HISTORY SHOWS with many more
people dying later
they bring a multitude of critical skills to the realisation of the
table ranging from technical to leadership creativity poten- THAT ALL THE THOUGHTS from injuries and
as well as strategic thinking. “Therefore, tial of individuals, THAT ARE AGAINST illness. The Bomb
coded little boy
this time, instead of only being a co-pilot for the sustainable
our company, we need to take one step fur- development of PEACE AND destroyed 70 per-
ther and help fly Sri Lanka out of this crisis,” the economy and HARMONY ARE cent of the Build-
ings in Hiroshima
Bandara said. culture of nations,
He also emphasised that the country and a true security AGAINST THE WILL and generations
cannot come out of this crisis without em- for the long last- OF THE PEOPLE AND suffered due to the
effects of radia-
bracing true transformation, some of which ing prosperity of
may be unpopular changes among the society. Peace and SHALL PERISH BY tion. The incident
masses, but without change, Sri Lanka will harmony is an ide- THEMSELVES shook the world
and brought into
continue to remain stagnant as a nation. al path. Peace and
Chairperson of the National Conference harmony means light the terrible
Committee Anoji de Silva said that for many dealing with disputes and re- aftereffects of nuclear warfare.
decades CA Sri Lanka has always strived solving conflicts fairly and Anti-war movements and Nu-
to promote thought leadership among the properly with neutralisation clear disarmament movement
business community. “This year’s confer- and Middle Way principles to strengthened around the world.
ence is even more significant as we feel we further the welfare of each indi- While the debate over the
are in sync with what we as Sri Lankans be- vidual as well as the wellbeing US decision to bomb still con-
lieve. We are ready for real transformation, of mankind as a whole. tinues, Hiroshima Day is now
a transformation that will change the coun- It has a long lasting value. a focus for anti-war and anti-
try for the better.” Ever since the emergence of nuclear discussions and dem-
She noted that the theme and confer- mankind, numerous cultures onstrations. The collective vi-
ence content underscore the importance have been produced, among sion, dedication and hard work
of a multi-faceted transformation, where which most vanished as soon as of Japanese people powered Ja-
everyone must transform themselves, their they appeared and were forgot- pan to rise from rubble and to-
businesses, society, and country. “Without ten in history for being partial day Japan is world’s third largest
such a multi-pronged transformation, Sri to certain aspect or limited to Economy.
Lanka cannot and will not be restored to its certain period. Among those The day reminds all of us
former glory,” de Silva added. thoughts which have been the irony of killing thousands
Staying true to its theme “transform” the handed down to the present to save thousands, war and its
conference will also change the format this and continuing to have impor- terrible destruction and the
year, moving away from the traditional pan- tant influence, peace and har- today's need and impor-
el discussions by incorporating more speak- mony occupy the most domi- tance for universal harmony
ers who will bring different and diverse per- nating position. and peace. Likewise, let’s all
spectives apart from concluding the event All major religions and ma- take a pledge today that we will
with a highly inspiring fireside chat. jor cultural traditions of the always work together towards
Chairman of the Technical Commit- world love peace or pursue har- spreading the message of mutu-
tee Anura Perera said that Sri Lanka has mony. al respect, peace and harmony
plunged into an unprecedented economic History shows that all the and will never endorse any acts
and humanitarian crisis, and while the dy- thoughts that are against peace of violence.
namics are very fluid, the fact of the matter
is that the end to this crisis appears to be
very blurred. “While we engage in dissect-
ing and analysing the root causes of this cri-
sis, the Technical Committee of the National
Conference thought that we should focus
and discuss the way forward in resolving
and coming out of this crisis,” he said.
According to Anura Perera, the magni-
tude of the crisis compels everyone to ‘trans-
form’ and not to merely change, and as such
everyone must start by taking a critical look
at our own perceptions, views, attitudes and
comfort zones.
“Although there are a number of criti-
cal areas that we can look at the country
level transformation, we have selected four
broad areas that have near consensus from
the policymakers, private sector think-tanks
and society in general. The courage to map
out the strategies and convince the stake-
holders for transformation is the biggest
barrier we face,” he added.


Using data effectively

to support businesses
There is an imperative need to
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tion for day-to-day operations or
strategic decision-making when it
comes to businesses. Behind every
successful business is the effective
Information System (MBIS) course-
work program at the School of Infor- SYSTEMS DESIGN, PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, AS WELL AS
mation Technology, Monash Univer-
sity Malaysia, prepares students for KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT
careers in big data analytics, busi-
ness intelligence, systems design, lated issues. Students will focus on demonstrate an understanding
planning and management, as well project management and a choice of business information systems in
as knowledge and information man- of several areas of enterprise IT and a technology-independent manner.

Nine Gateway Griffins receive

agement. information management practice. The degree covers the business
The final part focuses on schol- IT spectrum from supporting busi-
There is a three-part structure to arly work in the broad realm of busi- ness operations to supporting man-

Golden Eagle Awards

the coursework program. The first ness information systems. Students agers’ decision-making. It prepares
part is the foundations for advanced can opt to complete this part by sub- students for roles such as business
business information systems, de- mitting a thesis, which can be a path- analyst, systems analyst, project
signed for students who do not have way to a higher degree by research. leader, IT manager, as well as infor-
prior training in IT. The units intro- Alternatively, they can choose to mation manager, archivist or librar- Four hundred and seventy
duce information systems and busi- complete a program of coursework ian. Graduates can also be involved five girls and boys received merit,
ness concepts, including system involving advanced study and an in- in research related to mobile apps, colours and special awards for
design and analysis as applied in dustry experience studio project. wearable technologies, image pro- their outstanding achievements
professional practice. Students will “The emerging applications of IT cessing, intelligent health, robotics in the field of sports at the annual
learn basic software programming in business management bring up and data science. Colours Nite of the Gateway Group
and development concepts and da- the trends and demands of under- “The quality of education at of Schools held at the Auditorium of
tabase technology. standing business information sys- Monash is of very high standards, the Kotelawala Defence University.
The second part tems (BIS) in a better level of depth. and it has equipped me to perform Consequent to the introduction of
draws on best prac- The MBIS coursework program better at my workplace. Many of the the School’s mascot in 2018, students
tices within busi- allows the students to learn and units contain theoretical and practi- representing Gateway in sports are
ness informa- experience the best of both the cal elements, demonstrating how I referred to as ‘Gateway Griffins’.
tion systems to IT knowledge and the business can apply the lessons learned to re- The event held after a lapse of two
understand worlds that are consistent with al-world situations. years due to the Covid-19 pandemic,
the theories senior professional practice. This has helped me in bridging saw students of Gateway Colleges
and practices Notably, the MBIS coursework the gap between academic and pro- in Colombo, Kandy, Negombo,
relating to program is suitable for students fessional experiences, easily trans- Dehiwala and Ratmalana receive
information with previous qualifications in ferring the knowledge from my awards for Athletics, Badminton,
systems and any discipline, and it brings two classes to the working world,” shared Basketball, Cricket, Football, Karate,
business pro- spheres with just one postgradu- alumni Clement Chin Kah Hin, who Netball, Rowing, Swimming, Tennis,
cess design, IT ate degree – IT and business,” is currently Chief of Staff, Global Squash, Table Tennis, Motor Racing
strategy, IT gov- says course coordinator Dr Lim Digital Marketing & Commercial Ex- and Kayaking.
ernance, IT Chern Hong. MBIS graduates gain cellence (2nd GMAP assignment), Basketballers Iflal Iqbal who
management the expertise to analyse a business United States of America. represented Sri Lanka at the FIBA Footballer Maleeka Amith who former Sri Lanka International in
and re- problem critically, develop IT so- The MBIS course is accredited Under 16 South Asian Basketball represented the country at the Netball and Basketball and the Group
lutions for such issues and by the Australian Computer Soci- Championship 2019 winning a silver Under 19 Women’s South Asian Chief Executive Officer of Hemas
assess their effectiveness. ety (ACS) as meeting the standard medal and Disura Dissanayake Football Championship 2021 as Vice Holdings Plc. was the Chief Guest.
They are able to demon- of knowledge for professional-level who represented Sri Lanka at the Captain of the Sri Lanka team; Kulisa The Guests of Honour included Sri
strate professional so- membership. Graduates can be- FIBA Under 18 3x3 Asian Basketball Nanayakkara who represented Sri Lanka’s one and only Paralympic
cial, ethical and com- come ACS members and access ca- Championship 2019; Netballers Lanka at the Western Asian Youth Gold medalist and record holder,
munication skills in reer support, groundbreaking re- Aneesha Perera and Vishmika and Junior Rapid and Blitz Chess Dinesh Priyantha Herath; and Sri
an industry setting ports and more. Rathnayake who won silver medals Championship 2019; and double Lankan representatives in Karate,
and manage am- A Monash degree can offer you by representing Sri Lanka at the silver medalist Jason Jayawardena Squash, Basketball, Chess, Netball,
biguity and personal enrichment and enhanced Asian Youth Netball Championship who represented Sri Lanka at the Football and Swimming, Yasinda
complexity in career opportunities. Join our Virtu- 2019; Swimmers Amrith Perera and Asian Youth Para Games 2021 shared Samaranayake, Ilham Asmone,
real-world al Open Day on 20 August 2022, from Alvin Arulmaran who represented the Golden Eagle award, the highest Jayaliya Kumari, YasodhaMethmali,
settings. 11am - 4pm (Malaysian time) to ex- Sri Lanka at the Asian Age Group award for sports stars at Gateway. ChathurangiJayasooriya, Sumith
Graduates plore our degree programs. Swimming Championship 2019; Kasthuri Chellaraja Wilson, the Walpola and ReshikaUdugampola.
will also be More details at
able to
40 SuNDay ObServer auguSt 7, 2022


How to write an impactful extended

abstract for your research
he Faculty of Management reputation, website, and original con- and how did the researcher conduct respective conference mentioning
Studies of the Sabaragamuwa tact details as there are ample fake/ the research.He stressed that, even what would make the manuscript spe-
University of Sri Lanka recent- predatory conferences worldwide. In though it is given in the summary cial. However, editors will not reject a
ly concluded an international work- addition to that, the researcher can form, the readers should be able to manuscript only because the cover
shop on “How to write an impactful focus on the published articles from reproduce the research by employ- letter is bad, but a good cover letter
extended abstract”, in affiliation with the previous editions of the confer- ing the same approach. Within this may accelerate the editorial process
SAGE Publishing, India. The program ence when selecting the best confer- section, the researcher should not of your paper.
was conducted as a part of the fourth ence for the manuscript. enlighten on border terms such as re- Prof. Dewasiri concluded the
Management Undergraduates’ Re- Besides, Prof. Dewasiri elaborat- search philosophies like ontology and workshop by highlighting the impor-
search Session (MURS 2022). ed on the necessity of focusing on the epistemology but have to highlight tance of the application of the above-
Prof. Dewasiri N. Jayantha from study’s quality rather than the num- the method followed, the sample size discussed strategies together it is pos-
the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri ber of publications in a year while and technique, the data collection sible to have a ticket for a conference
Lanka was the facilitator of the ses- stressing the following points. procedure, and how the researcher and he highlighted the importance
sion. Addressing the session, Prof. overcame the biases if any. If the re- of maintaining ethics and research
Dewasiridiscussed a winning formula • Authors have to see whether the searcher has a methodological inno- standards for a better scientific com-
for a conference publication empha- manuscripts follow a scientific vation in the study, the researcher can munity.
sizing what to focus on, how to differ- approach instead of a nonsense elaborate more about it emphasising
entiate, and tips for the extended ab- approach. Editors see whether why it is appropriate, what did you do,
stract structure and the cover letter. the manuscripts focus on recent and so on.However, there is a limita-
Speaker’s profile
He stressed that “there is no magic and contextual literature to dif- tion of the word count for this section Dewasiri N. Jayantha is a profes-
and luck in scientific publications. All ferentiate them from other stud- as well, it can be 200-300 words de- sor attached to the Department of Ac-
your hard work would pave the way ies on the same phenomenon. pending on the conference. countancy and Finance, Sabaragamu-
toward top-tier publications.” • Authors have to re-check whether wa University of Sri Lanka.He holds
Initially, Prof. Dewasiri defined the extended abstract follow the a Doctor of Philosophy in Finance
what an extended abstract is and its submission guidelines.
The results and discussion from the University of Colombo, MS.c
components. Accordingly, he stated • Authors must check whether the According to the explanation in Applied Finance and a Postgradu-
that an extended abstract is a short manuscripts have a clear focus of Prof. Dewasiri, the researchers ate Diploma from the University of
version of a manuscript that can be emphasizing originality and im- should only present the representa- Sri Jayewardenepura, BA (Hons) in
considered a mini paper, which does plications to the practice/society. tive result with relevant discussion, Business from the Glyndwr Univer-
not contain a literature review and • If all answers are “yes,” you can and it should be in summary form. sity, UK. He has been awarded for
future direction in most instances submit your extended abstract Moreover, he stressed the importance research excellence several times,
as in a full research paper. He also to a conference; otherwise, you of not hiding resultsto save them for including the University of Michigan
highlighted the necessity of spending have to revise the study further. another paper as it will lose evidence International Mixed Methods Schol-
some valuable time developing the to support the conclusion and it will arship Award, Grand Winner of the
abstract as it is the advertisement of Simultaneously, he stressed the hinder the value and contribution of IIARI Luminary Award (2021) in Asia
the final product that should be sell- importance of focusing on the right the study. He added that the discus- for Research Excellence, Grand Win-
able to the right audience. audience. Identifying the right au- sion is devoted to explaining what the ner of the Deans Award for Research
He explained the strategies to be dience is essential because they are results mean.This is one of the most Excellence at the Faculty of Manage-
followed for writing and submitting the researchers’ customers and read- important sections of the extended ment Studies, the Sabaragamuwa
Prof. Dewasiri N. Jayantha
successful extended abstracts. Ac- ers, and who will cite you. Professor abstract, here the researcher has University of Sri Lanka for 2021, Best
cordingly, the use of Porter’s generic mentioned that there are likely to be the chance to sell the data. Further- Reviewer Award from the FIIB Busi-
strategies such as differentiation and three audiences for the abstract, so the website of an academic soci- more, when writing this section, it is ness Review, and several best pa-
focus, the use of blue ocean strategies the single abstract may have to satisfy ety or publisher that is claimed as required to use subheadings as per per awards at the conferences. He is
through continuous innovations, and multiple audiences, each with their a sponsor the objectives or research questions currently serving as the Co-Editors-
white ocean strategies through com- own purpose for reading the abstract. • Overly broad scope (to attract as or hypotheses to keep results of the in-Chief of the South Asian Journal
petitor collaborations were some of Accordingly, the first group is the con- many attendees as possible) same type together, so then the read- of Marketing published by Emerald
the strategies discussed in the ses- ference organisers. • The organizer organises numer- ers can read it as a clear and easy-to- Publishing, Senior Associate Editor of
sion. Besides, the professor empha- They are interested in reading the ous conferences in many differ- understand story. the FIIB Business Review published
sized that researchers should not sub- abstract to determine, first, whether ent fields held at the same time Moreover, the professor by Sage Publishing, Managing Edi-
mit “Fabstracts”, meaning research the researcher will be accepted into in the same or nearby venues (to highlighted,that in this section the tor of the Asian Journal of Finance,
that has not even started as it is un- the conference, and second, wheth- maximise revenue) researcher has to compare the find- and South Asian Journal of Tourism
ethical particularly if you are request- er the presentation warrants an oral • The conference has never been ings with the previous studies, and and Hospitality published by the Fac-
ing an oral presentation as well as ex- or poster presentation. The second held before if there are disagreements he ad- ulty of Management Studies. He also
tended abstracts or research that has group is the conference-goers. They • Too little time between the sub- vised not to ignore those studies but serves as the Honorary Secretary of
already been submitted elsewhere, it
can be either a journal or a confer-
may see the abstract in the confer-
ence volume or online. This group
mission deadline and the confer-
ence for proper peer review
RESEARCHES & to confront them and convince the
reader that you are correct or better
the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.
Recently, he has been accredited as
ence, and it is unethical. Moreover,
researchers should ensure that they
reads the abstract to determine
whether they are interested in attend- By following the above process,
INNOVATIONS to explain the difference and why it is
since that will help the researcher to
a Fellow Chartered Manager (FCMI
CMgr) by the Chartered Institute of
will have the resources to attend. ing the researcher’s talk. Thus, the ab- researchers can avoid predatory derive some form of originality in the Management, UK.Considering his
Prof. Dewasiri shared his knowl- stract is an advertisement for your re- conferences; the decision to submit research. He stated the word limit for valuable contribution to research and
edge on how to achieve a competitive search. The third group is the online should be based on extensive discus- this section lies between 400 to 500 academia, Emerald Publishing, UK
advantage in the industry. He claimed audience. sions with the co-authors and experts words in most of the conferences. has appointed him as the Brand Am-
that the strategy is to enhance the fo- Many conference abstracts are in the field. bassador for its South Asian region
cus and differentiation together to bound in a volume or posted online In the second phase of the work- for 2022-2023.
increase the decisive competitive ad- for perhaps years after the conference shop, Prof. Dewasiri discussed the
Conclusion and
vantages for a specific research paper. ends. The researchers will receive in- proper structure to be followed when MS iS Striding to witneSS Implications About MURS - 2022
Prof. Dewasiri explained the ways vitations from accredited journals if writing an extended abstract. He con-
and means of using each strategy in they have done a good advertisement. ducted the discussion under seven the MUrS 2022 on Prof. Dewasiri emphasised that Faculty of Management Studies of
publishing at a top-tier conference Balancing these three audiences with headings. He posited that an extend-
under two main headings. a single abstract can be challenging ed abstract consists of the title, au- noveMber 18, 2022 via the conclusion section is to conclude
the findings in a meaningful man-
the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri
Lanka organises the MURS 2022 in
yet it is worthy.
Next, Prof. Dewasiri emphasised
thor details, keywords, and the main
text. The main text includes an intro-
the virtUal Mode. the ner and urged not to repeat the same
thing. In this section, it is required to
collaboration with Young Scientists’
Forum and SAGE Publications India,
How to differentiate what not to focus on. He stated that duction, results and discussion, con- forUM will be graced by mention how the researcher’s work foreseeing the theme “Fostering Agil-
It is possible to differentiate a the researchers should not focus on clusions and implications, and refer- advances the field from the present ity: Confronting the Uncertainty”.
manuscript from the previous studies predatory/fake/clone conferences ences. two renowned keynote state of knowledge and practice. He Individuals, organisations and econ-
to create the originality or contribu- that harm academic integrity and said it is necessary to have a clear sci- omies are grappling with dynamic
tion of the research. For instance, a reputation. He pointed out that the
Developing the title
SpeakerS: profeSSor entific justification for the workand changes in the uncertain micro and
researchers may choose such preda-
researcher can proceed with contex-
tual differentiation and methodologi- tory or fake conferences due to a lack Developing the title is an opportu- ajantha S. dharMaSiri indicate possible applications and ex-
tensions. In addition, the researcher
macro environment. Hence, the key
to confront the uncertainty success-
cal differentiation (innovation) and
the findings from previous studies.
of knowledge and quick publications.
However, Prof. Dewasiri suggest-
nity to gain readers’ attention. Hence,
authors should spend some valuable
and vivek Mehra has to emphasise the implications to
the practitioners, society, or policy-
fully is to ensure and continually level
up agility at all levels.
In addition to that, it is possible to ed a simple plan for researchers to time developing an eye-catching and makers. Professor also stated here, Accordingly, FMS dedicates
gain the first-mover advantage if the steer clear of predatory conferences meaningful title. It is required to that the researcher can highlight the fourth MURS to research and discus-
researcher applies differentiation, that involve “doing your homework” keep the title more informative and value of the research to the other sions on management strategies and
focus, and innovation together in a to ensure the hosting institution’s concise. Further, Prof. Dewasiri ad- ate the study from the previous stud- stakeholders which are complemen- practices associated with fostering
single study which will pave the way credibility in the session as men- vised researchers not to use technical ies. Here, the rationale should be dis- tary. agility at multiple levels in different
towards achieving definitive competi- tioned below. jargon and abbreviations when devel- cussed in comparison to the recently contexts. The conference will provide
tive advantages for a top-tier publica- oping the title. Moreover, researchers conducted studies to derive original- an opportunity for management un-
tion. • Conference invitations sent by were instructed to convert their find- ity. Sharing professor’s experience,
References dergraduates and other young scien-
Moreover, differentiation can be unsolicited email (i.e., spam) ings into layman’s language where he stated that editors hate references As it is stated by Prof. Dewasiri, tists, local and international, to share
made through collaboration, and it • A poorly made website (e.g., everyone can understand what it is irrelevant to the work, or inappro- most of the researchers do mistakes their research experiences with a
can be done with peer researchers for grammar and spelling errors) all about. Further, the researchers priate judgments on the researchers’ in the references section and it can be wider community.
a synergistic effort.Through collabo- • No reliable contact information should discuss with their supervisors, achievements. identified in four major ways. It will encourage undergraduates
rations, the researcher can improve provided and colleagues, and make collabora- In addition, he highlighted some 1. The authors include full refer- to examine global, regional, and local
your study based on different exper- • A no-refund policy for registra- tions if they add value to the research. pitfalls of the introduction. First, ences which are not included as trends in their research fields while
tise; some researchers are quantita- tion fees most of the articles received for the in-text citations in the body of the identifying links among multiple
tive experts, some are qualitative, • The conference is not listed on conferences are with lengthy in- text. disciplines in a highly uncertain en-
some are mixed methods experts,
Keywords troductions, sometimes more than 2. The authors miss full references vironment. The conference will also
and some are experts in their respec- Highlighting the importance of the word limit. Thus, the professor of some of the in-text citations. benefit all other undergraduates and
tive disciplines. If you can collaborate
for a common goal of a top-tier pub-
Many conference keywords, Prof. Dewasiri stated that
it is required to spend more time and
stressed that the introduction should
be limited to 300-400 words based
3. The authors submit the papers
with incomplete references, most
conference participants to sharpen
their research capacity by interact-
lication, that will provide a definitive abStractS are boUnd in a attention on keywords as they are the on the submission guidelines. Sec- of the time we can see references ing and networking with experienced
competitive advantage in achieving labels of the manuscript which in- ond, there are introductions with too without volume numbers, issue researchers, reviewers, industry ex-
the same. volUMe or poSted online crease readability and attract more many subheadings such as problem numbers, or page numbers if it is perts and young researchers around
citations to the abstract. He empha- statement, objectives, research ques- a journal. the globe.
for perhapS yearS after sized that the keywords should be tions, significance, and so on. The 4. Not adhering to the particular ref- FMS is striding to witness the
What to focus on
According to Prof. Dewasiri, a
the conference endS. from the abstract itself, puttingone-
self into the researcher’s shoes, and
researchers should avoid too many
subheadings if there are no special
erencing style preferred by the
MURS 2022 on November 18, 2022
via the virtual mode. The forum will
researcher should focus on several
factors when conducting research
the reSearcherS will avoidingjargon, it is not all about sin-
gle words, researchers can even put
cases. The professor emphasized that
the introduction is not a history les- Prof. Dewasiri further explained
be graced by two renowned keynote
speakers: Professor Ajantha S. Dhar-
and writing an extended abstract. He receive invitationS froM phrases. son; the researcher has to keep read- that authors should avoid excessive masiri and Vivek Mehra. Thus, the
stressed that it is required to focus ers’ interest from the beginning of the self-citations in their articles if there conference will create an excellent
on a suitable conference since there accredited joUrnalS if Introduction research. Another pitfall is that some are no extentions to the provious opportunity for the participants to
are specific and unique guidelines researchers tend to have a mixed bag studies. He requested the audience to enhance their skills and competen-
for each conference and thus, the au- they have done a good This section of the abstract helps of introductions with results, discus- get rid of these mistakes if they really cies from the prominent personali-
thors need to focus on one particular
conference to reduce the time re-
advertiSeMent. balancing the researcher to convince the reader
of the importance of the work and for
sion, and conclusions thrown in for
good measure. Therefore, he stated to
want to publish in a top-tier confer-
ties of management. This workshop
is conducted as a pre-workshop of the
quired for a revision in a later stage.
However, a suitable conference
theSe three aUdienceS that, it is necessary to describe the re-
search gaps emphasizingthe research
keep sections separated to ensure the
manuscript flows logically from one
MURS 2022 in enlightening the young
scholars on “how to write an extend-
for a researcher can be identified by with a Single abStract problem. If there are existing articles section to the next.
Cover letter ed abstract for your research.” The
considering the aims and scope of the addressing the same question, the re- The cover letter can be consid- organising committee invites young
conference. If that suitsthe research- can be challenging yet it searcher has to emphasize its main
The methods section ered a job application letter; this is scientists around the globe to partici-
er’s study, thenthe researcher should limitations, while highlighting what the place where you can “sell” your pate in MURS 2022 and experience
check on the hosting institution and iS worthy the researcher is going to achieve. Professor posited that this section work. Here you have to highlight why an intellectually stimulating research
their collaborative partners, their Even, the researcher can differenti- should be a brief description of what did you submit the manuscript to the culture.


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Engineer and Marine Electro Tech- agement and Social Sciences, Hu- to maintain a hundred percent em- er entry qualifications and students
nical Officer make CINEC unique manities & Education and Health ployability record earning confi- who are not financially affluent
and unchallenged to position itself Graduate and PostGraduate education in the PoPular and in demand fields Sciences,in Malabe and CINEC Met- dence of parents, industry and so- CINEC has introduced an attrac-
as the leading and largest non-state
higher education institute.
of enGineerinG and technoloGy, information technoloGy, manaGement, ro Campus Nugegoda directly col-
laborate in providing these train-
Four consecutive National
tive scholarship scheme to students
with Higher Grades at Advance Lev-
Complementing the vision of humanities and social sciences, loGistics, international transPort, enGlish ing. Awards, Global (World Class) Per- el as well as who perform well at
CINEC to provide Knowledge Skills The unprecedented investment formance Excellence Award and each semester.
and Competence to those who lanGuaGe, law and aviation alonGside hiGhest level of maritime traininG in infrastructure on training facili- Asia Pacific Quality Award for Edu- Easy Payment terms and facili-
seek qualitative but affordable and ties along with experienced and cation and Training, ISO 9001:2015 tation of loan facilities too are in-
flexible human capacity building, at manaGement level of shiP caPtain, chief enGineer and marine electro qualified academic and support Quality Management Certification tended to ease the financial burden
CINEC provide abundance of un- staff and also the opportunities af- and presidential export award for of parents.
dergraduate certificate, diploma technical officer make cinec unique and unchallenGed to Position itself as forded to develop soft skills has pro- education arerare achievements CINEC as the pioneer and the in-
and higher diploma training op-
portunities in the same graduate
the leadinG and larGest non-state hiGher education institute pelled CINEC products to enjoy the
cutting edge in securing employ-
that speaks volumes of the quality
management at CINEC.
dustry leader in maritime training
has ventured offshore to show and
training disciplines as well as in in- ment. WhilE students are at heart of Falling in line with national ob- fly their flag in Fiji and Seychelles
dustrial engineering, underwater nered with government institutions the Ministry of Higher Education everything, we do at CINEC we fo- jectives of preserving valuable for- winning the confidence of the re-
operations and hospitality thereby of Ministry of Education, Minis- and with the affiliation of Univer- cus on their performance standards eign exchange, CINEC today pro- spective governments to manage
offering a wide spectrum of oppor- try of Port & Shipping, University sities in China, Germany,UK and and exit qualifications to be com- vide popular and much desired their National Maritime Training
tunities to the majority of the youth. Grants Commission and Civil Avia- Australiathrough Faculties of Mari- petitive in the industry, nurturing foreign higher education qualifica- Institutions and also to train certain
In accomplishing this noble ser- tion Authority. Conducting train- time Science, Marine Engineering, to produce a “Beyond a Graduate”. tions conducted completely in Sri section of their students at CINEC
vice to the nation CINEC has part- ing course curriculumapproved by Engineering & Technology, Man- This focus has enabled CINEC Lanka utilizing Sri Lankan academ- Malabe.
SUndAy OBSERvER AUgUST 7, 2022 43

Edith Cowan UnivErsity’s CampUs in sri Lanka rEprEsEnts thE fUtUrE of UnivErsity EdUCation

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44 Sunday ObSeRveR auguSt 7, 2022


Buddha-Dharma Centre in Hong Kong gifts

Rs. 70 m for food aid
n unprecedent dona- come. streamlined distribution line, where
tion of nearly 70 mil- Their situation has become even volunteers with lists mark off each
lion rupees has been more dire with the galloping inflation person as she gets her pack. Most re-
made by the Buddha- in the country caused by the econom- cipients go down to the ground and
Dharma Centre in ic crisis set off by the depletion of for- worship the monks and thank them
Hong Kong.The Bud- eign exchange reserves. in gratitude. Several start sobbing in
dha-Dharma Centre was founded Sri Lanka is facing its worst eco- relief. Three hundred people received
in 2012 by Venerable Professor K. nomic crisis since independence in food parcels at this distribution cen-
L. Dhammajotiwith the support ofa 1948. The most underprivileged villag- tre.
group of his postgraduate students of ers have been struggling to consume Throughout the island, similar dis-
the University of Hong Kong’s Centre even two meals a day.Women headed tributions organized by the Buddha
for Buddhist Studies. households (of which there is a large Dharma Centre of Hong Kong have
The Buddha-Dharma Centre, portion in post-war Sri Lanka) and taken place.
a registered charity, aims “to pro- those below the poverty line are the The Director of the Post Graduate
mote the study and research of Bud- most badly affected. Institute of Pali and Buddhist Stud-
dhism through academic courses and A crowd of over several hundreds ies of the University of Kelaniya, Ven.
publications, and to integrate Bud- of people are gathered in the premis- Prof. Medawachchiye Dhammajothi,
dhist study and spiritual praxis.” Its es of the village temple. A a group of shows photos and videos of the distri-
academic courses are affiliated to the volunteers and government adminis- butions he has done in Ratmalana, tar-
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka –– tration officers, together with the Bud- geting the most under privilege urban
postgraduate courses affiliated to the dhist monks, are handing out boxes dwellers on the coastal belt, as well as
Postgraduate Institute of Pāli and Bud- and bags of food items. in low income estates in Wellawatte,
dhist Studies, and the undergraduate- Each package contains seven thou- where people of all ethnic and reli-
diploma course affiliated to the De- sand rupees worth of essential food gious groups, Buddhists, Hindus and
partment of Pāli and Buddhist Studies. Musilms have received the parcels.
The Buddha-Dharma Centrehas Likewise in, Kebithigollewa, Pa-
very close ties to Sri Lankas, not least daviya, Mihinthale, Wadduwa, Po-
because Venerable Prof K. L. Dham- lannaruwa, Rathnapura, Kuruneg-
majoti, who originally hails from Ma- ara, Balapitiya, etc. To date –– and
laysia and its permanent chairman the project is still ongoing –– over
and academic director, had spent de- 4000 households, (that is at least
cades studying and lecturing at the over 16,000 Sri Lankans) have re-
Postgraduate Institute of Pāli and Bud- ceived food packs and some cash
dhist Studies, University of Kelaniya handouts,amounting Rs 7,000 per
for before joining The University of family.Prof. K. L. Dhammajoti, the
Hong Kong in early 2004, where he be- Kong) founder and director of the Buddha-
came the Glorious Sun (endowed) Pro- In April this year, Ven. Prof. K.L.
Its academIc courses are Dharma Center in Hong Kong, due to
fessor of Buddhist Studies. Dhammajoti and the Centre’s stu- affIlIated to the unIversIty his scholarship and time Sri Lanka is
A world renowned Buddhist schol- dents, in response to the present fi- veryfamiliar with the Dhamma and
ar and prolific writer, he also holds nancial crisis impelled by their com- of KelanIya, srI lanKa –– Sri Lanka.
numerous other titles, including Chair
Professor, School of Philosophy, the
passion and feelings of gratitude
towards Sri Lanka, set up a “Sri Lan-
postgraduate courses affIlIated This has given him a deep appre-
ciation for Sri Lanka. As Prof K. L.
Renmin University of China.He is also ka Relief Fund”. The response from to the postgraduate InstItute of Dhammajoti said in his appeal, this
the Rector Emeritus of the Interna- the residents of Hong Kong has been ince of Sri Lanka. This is the heartland items, including ten kilos of rice, one gift from Hong Kong was “also as a
tional Buddhist College in Thailand. unstinting and inspiring. Their dona-
palI and BuddhIst studIes, and the of paddy cultivation in Sri Lanka, a kilo of dhal, a tin of sardines and a way of expressing our gratitude to
Since 2002, he has been editing the tions have made it possible to allevi- undergraduatedIploma course region usually abundant with its rice packet of Nestomalt. the island for preserving and dissem-
Journal of Buddhist Studies for the ate the food insecurity of thousands of harvests. People line up, mostly women car- inating Buddha’s teachings, which
Centre of Buddhist Studies, Sri Lan- Sri Lankans in the last few months. It affIlIated to the department of This year, the harvest has dropped rying small children, some pregnant has benefitted us so greatly”.
ka (presently being jointly published
with The Buddha Dharma of Hong
is midmorning in Medavahchiya, a re-
mote town in the North Central Prov-
palI and BuddhIst studIes. forty percent, leaving people with
severe food shortages and loss of in-
and severalextremely aged and feeble.
They accept the goods from a well- Ramya Chamalie Jirasinghe

Mou signing ceremony between

Lanka Nippon Biztech Institute (Lnbti)
and Sumedha College, Gampaha

It is indeed a historic moment

to witness a partnership between
Lanka Nippon BizTech Institute
(LNBTI) which is known to be the
first & only Ministry of Education
(MoE) & University Grant Com-
mission (UGC) accredited degree
awarding Japanese higher edu-
cation institute in Sri Lanka and
Sumedha College Gampaha which
is built on the premise of produc-
ing patriotic Sri Lankans of inter-
national standard.
A memorandum of under-
standing was signed on 19th July
2022 at Sumedha College Gampaha
premises between the above-men- a rapidly growing ICT industry as development of both Japanese in-
tioned two entities which are built ICT professionals in Japanese com- dustries and Sri Lankan economy,
on a strong foundation to develop panies in Japan and internation- while brightening students’ future.
students of Sumedha College with ally. [LNBTI Website:] It is expected that not only a large
the right skill set and knowledge to Sumedha College is one of the amount of foreign currency flown
become successful IT profession- most reputed English medium out of the country for paying tu-
als in Japan. schools in the island and strives to ition and living expenses abroad
LNBTI is a MoE&UGC accredit- provide a more holistic education for study can be saved within the
ed premier higher education insti- to our students. It has an excellent country, but also this model will
tute in Sri Lanka, offering Japanese academic programme and places be able to bring ample amounts
quality ICT programmes of degree equal importance on personal- of foreign exchange through their
level. ity development through sport and remittance to the families and the
Incorporated by the dynamic extra-curricular activities. loved ones after they go to Japan
collaboration between Metatechno In the current economic envi- for work.
Inc. and hSenid ventures, LNBTI ronment this type to partnership To grace this occasion, Dr. Wil-
is the only institute in South Asia between reputed institutions will fred Wijesinghe (Chairman), Mrs.
to produce world-class ICT pro- provide excellent career opportu- Sayuri Wijesinghe (Director), Mr.
fessionals with Japanese morals/ nities for students while facilitat- Samantha Perera (Principal) with
ethics and business mannerism. ing the in-flow of not only foreign the teaching & administrative staff
By adopting Japanese educational exchange but technological know- were physically present and Dr.
practices, LNBTI always strives to how as well. [Sumedha College Harindu Wijesinghe (Vice Chair-
deliver the benefits of Japanese Website:] man) and Dr. Chamara Wijesing-
management models as well as Through this partnership, an he (Vice Chairman) joined online
technologies to our students. Job excellent opportunity will be cre- representing Sumedha College
matching will be done at the final ated for students to make maxi- and Mr. Ikura Kazuyuki (Director),
year of each program so that the mum use of this opening to grad- Prof. Ananda Kumara (President),
LNBTI graduates will be able to go uate with a world recognized IT Mr. Ravindra Perera (Director), Mr.
to Japan for jobs after the degree degrees in Sri Lanka and join the Dilshan Samarasekera (Director
completion. lucrative Japanese IT industry Marketing) and Ms. Sameera Ma-
LNBTI’s intention is to develop upon successful graduation with lavige (Head of Business Develop-
quality ICT professionals who can a rewarding career. Furthermore, ment & Partnerships) representing
confidently join the lucrative and this will no doubt contribute to the LNBTI were present.

Printed and Published by The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd., at No. 35, D.R.Wijewardene Mawatha, Colombo 10, on Sunday August 7, 2022
Sunday Observer August 7, 2022 45

For all Grades & Subjects. Specially for ICT,
H.Sc., Maths, Science, History & B.Studies.
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Contact: Principal 077 132 41 41

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Priority would be given to candidates

residing in or around Colombo.
46 Sunday Observer August 7, 2022


Recruitment of Project Staff b) Having obtained a certificate of proficiency not below than the National Vocational
Qualification Level-6 issued by a Technical/Vocational Training Institute accepted by the
The Climate Smart Irrigated Agriculture Project (CSIAP) implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission for a post related to the relevant field with
and funded by the World Bank is for a period of 5 years (2019 to 2024). The objective of the Project at least 8 years of post-qualifying experience in the relevant field.
is to improve the agriculture productivity via improving climate resilience agriculture in climatically c) Having obtained a certificate of proficiency not below than the National Vocational
vulnerable hotspot areas identified in six provinces namely North Western, North Central, Eastern, Qualification Level-5 issued by a Technical/Vocational Training Institute accepted by the
Northern, Southern and Uva. The estimated cost of the project is USD 125 Mn. Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission for a post related to the relevant field with
Applications are invited from citizens of Sri Lanka for the following posts in the project on contract at least 13 years of post-qualifying experience in the relevant field.
basis. The applicants should possess the following qualifications and experience given under each
A brief job description for Procurement Officer : Procurement Officer shall be assisting
Procurement of all Works Goods to be carried at Project Management Unit which includes
but not limited to preparation of Procurement Plans, Bidding documents, Contact Documents
01. Deputy Project Director (PS 2) - 01 Position at Uva Province in line with the GOSL Guidelines which conform to World Bank Procurement Guidelines and
Qualification (a) or (b) or (c) below : Project Documents. Assisting Project Procurement Committees, preparation & maintenance
of all registers and files related to Procurement and Contracts, Progress Reporting, Document
a) A successfully completed Bachelor's Degree in the relevant field which is recognized by Controlling.
the University Grants Commission or a qualification recognized by the University Grants
Commission as an equivalent qualification to the degree in the relevant field or an Associate A brief job description for Monitoring & Evaluation Officer : M & E Officer is to facilitate
membership/a similar professional qualification obtained from a recognized professional and support the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist to implement overall project Monitoring
institution in the relevant field with at least 13 years of post-qualifying experience at & Evaluation System to carry out the process, compliance and result monitoring by compiling,
Managerial Level, out of which 06 years should be at Senior Managerial Level. validating, processing and preparation of monthly input, output and outcome information to
prepare progress reports having close coordination with M & E Officers attached to Deputy
b) A successfully completed Bachelor's Degree in the relevant field which is recognized by Project Director's Office (DPDO). He/ She is also responsible to maintain and operate the
the University Grants Commission or a qualification recognized by the University Grants project MIS to keep the system up to date with the support of M & E Officers at Provincial
Commission as an equivalent qualification to the degree in the relevant field and Corporate Offices.
Chartered membership or similar qualification obtained from a recognized institution in the
relevant field or a Postgraduate Degree in the relevant field with 11 years of post-qualifying
experience at Managerial Level, out of which 5 years should be at Senior Managerial Level.
06. Data Entry Operator (Supporting Staff) - 01 Position at
c) A successfully completed Bachelor's Degree in the relevant field which is recognized by
Project Management Unit
the University Grants Commission or a qualification recognized by the University Grants Qualification (a) below :
Commission as an equivalent qualification to the degree in the relevant field with a Post
Graduate Degree in the relevant field and Corporate Chartered membership or a similar a) Having passed all subjects at G. C. E. (A/L) Examination in one sitting (except the general
professional qualification obtained from a recognized professional institution in the relevant paper) and Six (6) passes at G. C. E. (O/L) examination with four (4) Credit passes including
field with 09 years of post-qualifying experience at Managerial Level, out of which 4 years English, Sinhala/Tamil Language and Mathematics in one sitting
should be at Senior Managerial Level. with
A Class I officer of the Government All Island Services or a similar status in the relevant NVQ Level-3 qualification in Computer application and at least 3 years of work experience in
field with at least 5 years of experience in a Class I post. computer literacy (MS packages, internet, e-mail).
A brief job description : Plan, develop, execute and manage the cascade development in A brief job description for Data Entry Operator : The Data Entry Operator should prepare
the hotspot areas of the province while maintaining very close association with all relevant source data for entry, verify current data and obtaining missing data, record data into system
stakeholder agencies of the province. by using computer or other equipment, maintain organization data by keeping information
confidential and working with Microsoft Office Suite
02. Financial Management Specialist (PS 3) - 01 Position at
Added qualifications :
Project Management Unit
• A
bility to design posters, leaflets and edit videos, Practical experience with handling still
03. Climate Smart Agriculture Specialist (PS 3) - 01 Position in Camera and Video Camera, Practical knowledge of Photoshop and Adobe Premier etc,
precise typing skills, verbal and written communication skills, Knowledge of Computer
Southern Province Hardware and Software and keen on working independently.
Qualification (a) or (b) or (c) below :
General Conditions :
a) A successfully completed Bachelor's Degree in the relevant field which is recognized by
the University Grants Commission or a qualification recognized by the University Grants 1. Age Limit - Sixty Four (64) years of age on the closing date of application.
Commission as an equivalent qualification to the degree in the relevant field or an Associate
2. All appointments will be initially for a period of one year and extension of services will be
membership/a similar professional qualification obtained from a recognized professional
based on successful performance.
institution in the relevant field with at least 12 years of post-qualifying experience at
Managerial Level. 3. Employees are required to travel to project sites depending on the need.
b) A successfully completed Bachelor's Degree in the relevant field which is recognized by 4. Working experience in the foreign funded projects in Sri Lanka is preferable.
the University Grants Commission or a qualification recognized by the University Grants
Commission as an equivalent qualification to the degree in the relevant field or an Associate 5. Proficiency in English, Computer Literacy and familiarity with government rules and
membership/a similar professional qualification obtained from a recognized professional regulations.
institution in the relevant field and a Postgraduate Degree in the relevant field with 09 6. Salary for each position will be based on the Management Services Circular No. 01/2019
years of post-qualifying experience at Managerial Level. dated 05th March 2019.
c) A Class I officer of the Government All Island Services or a similar status in the relevant 7. Short-listed applicants based on qualifications and experience will be called for the
field with at least 4 years of experience in a Class I post. interview.
A brief job description for Financial Management Specialist : Finance and accounts related
matters considering CSIAP at the national level and building the financial and expenditure APPLICATIONS :
management system of CSIAP and will strictly follow all the procedures stipulated for World l All applicants are requested to forward their applications together with Curriculum Vitae with
Bank funded projects, while observing the financial rules of the government of Sri Lanka. two non-related referees and copies of all the certificates attached, under registered post to the
A brief job description for Climate Smart Agriculture Specialist : Develop an overall address given below or e-mail to on or before 22nd August 2022.
agriculture development framework & strategies for the hotspot area and to promote climate
smart agriculture (CSA) technologies & practices and related activities in hotspot area. Project Director
Climate Smart Irrigated Agriculture Project
04. Procurement Officer (PS 6 - Category A) 01 Position at Ministry of Agriculture
Project Management Unit 61/1, M.D.H. Jayawardhana Mawatha,
Madinnagoda, Rajagiriya.
05. Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (PS 6 - Category A) 01 Position at
Applicants currently in government/ semi government services should forward their applications
Project Management Unit l
through their respective Heads of Departments.
Qualification (a) or (b) or(c) below : l Post applied for should be clearly stated on the top left - hand corner of the envelope containing
a) A bachelor's degree in the relevant field which is recognized by the University Grants the application.
Commission or a qualification recognized by the University Grants Commission as an
l The decision of the Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture is final and conclusive on the above
equivalent qualification to the degree in the relevant field or an associate membership/a
similar professional qualification obtained from a recognized professional institution in the
relevant field or having obtained a certificate of proficiency not below than the National For more information, please visit -
Vocational Qualification Level - 7 issued by a Technical/Vocational Training Institute
accepted by the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission for a post related to the Secretary
relevant field with at least 3 years post-qualifying experience in the relevant field. Ministry of Agriculture

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Sunday Observer August 7, 2022 47


Immediate vacancies exist for the
undermentioned position

Post of Pre-School Teacher

1. G.C.E. O/L qualified with a minimum of 6 passes
including Credit passes in Sinhala & Maths and GCE
A/L 3 passes.
2. N.V.Q. certificate / Open University or any other relevant
pre-school certificate in preschool or early childhood
education with excellent written and oral English /
Sinhala communication skills from a reputed institution
3. Should have completed the A.M.I. course with a year
or 2 experience with excellent written and oral English/
Sinhala communication skills
4. Minimum of 2 to 3 years work experience in Teaching
in a reputed Nursery / Montessori.
5. Age - Between 25-45 years.

Salary: Negotiable and commensurate with

experience & qualifications.
Apply by post within 10 days via email, with a recent
photograph to: Principal

The Country’s
Breaking largest For
boundaries recruitment jobseekers
48 Sunday Observer August 7, 2022

Promotional Rates for Classified Advertisements (Only 15 Words)

Any Single Newspaper Two Newspapers Three Newspapers

y¥. 500/- y¥. 700/- y¥. 950/-

Post of Headmaster
(Except Thinakaran Varamanjari) (Except Thinakaran Varamanjari)

S. Thomas' College, Gurutalawa COLOMBO DISTRICT

The Board of Governors of S. Thomas' College invites applications for the
post of Headmaster of S. Thomas' College, Gurutalawa, which is an Anglican
government approved private school for boys founded in 1942 and is also a
sister school of S. Thomas' College, Mount Lavinia.

Our candidate would ideally

 O Be at least 40 years of age
 O H
 old undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications from recognized
 O H
 ave a minimum 10 years of teaching experience, with management /
administration experience being of added value
 O B
 e familiar with the National Curriculum and the latest learning systems

and methods
 ave previously demonstrated leadership capabilities with strong
Applications are invited for the Post of General Manager at Lanka Mineral Sands Limited, a
communication, operational and administration skills company fully owned by the government.
 O B
 e an inspirational mentor and guide to the students, faculty and
staff, towards realizing their fullest learning and growth potential, GENERAL MANAGER
academically and in all extracurricular pursuits. (Senior Management Service Category, HM-2-1)

 O M
 aintain and build strong relationships with all stakeholders including Place of Employment: Pulmoddai Plant - 01 Post
but not restricted to parents, old boys and the wider community. (Should serve at the Head Office and Pulmoddai Plant occasionally)
External Applicants:
Emoluments available to the selected candidate will include housing on the 1. (a) Having obtained a Bachelors degree in Human Resources Management / Science /
campus, a car, a driver, and other benefits. Business Administration / Management / Accountancy recognized by University
Grants Commission
Please send us your curriculum vitae (which should also include mailing with
address, contact telephone number, email address, date of birth and religion) A Postgraduate Degree in the field of Human Resources Management / Science /
supported by two non-related referees within TWO WEEKS to the address Business Administration / Management / Accountancy or having associate membership
of a reputed chartered institute in Management
given below.
A minimum of 18 years experience in management level (of which a minimum of 05
Secretary, Board of Governors of S. Thomas' College years should be in Senior Management Level) in a state corporation, statutory board or
368/3A, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7. reputed private sector organisation after graduation
Website : (b) Having obtained a Bachelors Degree in Human Resources Management / Science /
Business Administration / Management / Accountancy recognized by University
Grants Commission
A Doctorate (PhD) in Human Resources Management / Science / Business
Administration / Management / Accountancy.

VACANCY A minimum of 05 years service experience in a state corporation, statutory board or

reputed private sector organisation in senior management level after obtaining the
Bachelors degree.
Health System Enhancement Project Internal Applicants
Having completed a minimum of 05 years satisfactory experience in relevant subject field in a
and post of Senior Management service category in the institute.
Health System Enhancement Project – Specific efficiency in providing leadership for groups engaged in multi-purpose activities and
Promotional Rates for Classified Advertisements
also in the management other resources diligently.
Additional Financing
(Only 15 Words)
Any Single Newspaper Two Newspapers Three Newspapers
Code No. and monthly salary scale relevant to HM-2-1 service category as per Management

y¥. 500/- y¥. 700/- y¥. 950/-

Service Circular No. 02/2016
Ministry of Health
Salary Code No.: HM 2-1, Rs. 91,645/- - 2,700x12 = 124,045/- will be placed on the initial (Except Thinakaran Varamanjari) (Except Thinakaran Varamanjari)

Procurement Specialist
salary step of Rs. 91,645/-.
Age Limit: Not less than 35 years and not more than 55 years. Maximum age limit will not
apply to internal candidates. COLOMBO DISTRICT
Asian Development Bank Funded Health System Enhancement Project and In addition to general allowances paid following allowances for salary segment of HM-2-1 will
Health System Enhancement Project – Additional Financing is proposed also be entitled.
to pilot reforms of the Primary Health Care Services proposed by the Allowances
Primary Health Care Policy in Central, North Central, Sabaragamuwa 01. Transport allowance or provision of a company vehicle for official duties (one of the two
options) as per Circular Nos. PED/1/2015, PED/1/2015 (i) and PED/1/2015(ii).
and Uva Provinces. The total project value is USD 183 Mn and project
02. Settlement of communication bills as per State Business Circular No. 02/2022
implementation is scheduled until November 2025.
03. Professional allowance will be paid based on the active service period relevant to the post
Under the Additional Financing Project, procurement of medical supplies as per Management Service Circular No. 05/2017. p{lv ûƒ¨k¨ áp‰þK [£~ˆlª...{ap 15Y‰ ~qƒ£
for the Ministry of Health and strengthen the Suwasariya Foundation and In the recruitment of internal applicants the salary step to be placed will be decided as per
SLIBTEC have been identified. provisions of chapter VII of the Establishment Code.
In addition to the salary paid following allowances and benefits will also be entitled. * ÜpYyp‰ {£yvp‰cù ƒ¥y * ÜpYyp‰ {£yvp‰cù ƒ¥y
Applications are invited for the Procurement Specialist position on
full time basis in the Project Management Unit (PMU) based in General Allowances
Colombo 08. 01. Rs. 7,800/- Cost of Living Allowance approved by the Treasury.
02. Monthly food allowance will be based on daily attendance. Yû»t¤ýz .........................011 2 767 259
03. Monthly attendance incentive will be based on daily attendance 195,»y¤ƒz r£y, Yû»t¤ýz.
Qualifications and Experience 04. Hardship allowance of Rs. 4,000/- p.m. (Only for workers of Pulmoddai Plant)
A Bachelor’s Degree in the relevant field recognized by the University Benefits r‹z‹xp‰nz ........................ 011 2 609 359
88/1, vƒy[v r£y, v£K»r, r‹z‹xp‰nz.
Grants Commission with minimum 10 years of post-qualifying experience 01. Annual production incentive allowance
at managerial level which includes minimum 5 years at Senior managerial 02. Annual Bonus
03. Insurance coverage for surgery and hospitalization and for outdoor treatments vƒy[v ........................... 011 2 745 895
level 119/A, ý»p¤à R¥H{Mfõ~‹p‰, vƒy[v.
i) Hospitalization insurance coverage of Rs. 200,000/- per year (Including family members)
Or ii) Reimbursement of outdoor treatment bills for Rs. 20,000/- per year (Including
family members) v£z»J ............................ 077 2 017 409
A Bachelor’s Degree in relevant field recognized by the University Grants iii) Reimbursement of Dental Treatment Bills for Rs. 5,000/- per year (Including family rÜy¥ ëN~ˆ Wcp‰~š~ˆ, Rlªy¥[Œùx r£y, v£z»J.

Commission and a Postgraduate Degree or full membership of a recognized members)

professional institution in the relevant field with minimum 8 years of post- 04. Provision of medical expenses up to a standard (specific) limit »[£h[v ..........................011 3 418 649
i) Rs. 5,000/- allowance once a year (For general medical fees) 170, ~šl£{Y W‰cp‰~š~ˆ, »[£h[v.
qualifying experience at managerial level. ii) Rs. 12,000/- allowance once in two years (Specialist medical fees, medical tests fees,
spectacles and hearing aids expenses)
Or »ƒ¤v£[v ....................... 077 7 304 046
iii) Rs. 12,000/- once in two years (For a child birth) 76/2/1, ãKùx»r£z r£y »ƒ¤v£[v.
Class 1 Officer of a Government All Island Services or a similar status in the 05. In addition will be entitled to other benefits for permanent employees.
relevant field with minimum 7 years’ experience in the Class 1 post. 06. Contribution to EPF 10% by the employee and 15% by the company. ETF contribution Uhƒv¨zˆz.........................011 2 810 042
3% by the company. 138, ãKùx»r£… r£y, Uhƒv¨zˆz, p§»[‰»[£h.
Please refer the
vacancies for more information and download the application. 1. All applicants should be Sri Lankan citizens. vl‰»l‰»[£h .................... 071 8 619 448
vl‰»l‰»[£h ëN~ˆ »rˆrM~ˆ, 102/179 ~š, r±o£p þn™x,
Age Limit 2. Should be mentally and physically fit to perform duties assigned diligently and to serve in
any part of the island.
Under 64 years by 17.08.2022. 3. Should be of good moral character. Rlªy¥[Œùx ........................ 071 8 021 724
267, ýl£p»[‰ ~ˆ»f¤M~ˆ, »[£h[v r£y, Rlªy¥[Œùx.
4. Payee Tax (Pay As You Earn) will be levied from the total earnings of selected applicants.
Salary Scale
Applicants employed in Public Service / Corporations / Statutory Boards / State Companies »Y£Gf£{...........................077 5 121 887
Salary scale PS 3 and other benefits in accordance with the Management should forward their applications through respective heads of relevant departments / 72, ƒõ»z{zˆ r£y, »Y£Gf£{.
Circular No. 01/2019 dated 15.03.2019. institutions.
Applications for the above post of General Manager (along with Photocopies of relevant r‹f»Y¤G»G ................... 075 4 009 648
Duly completed application together with detailed curriculum vitae certificates) enclosed in an envelope of which the top left hand corner clearly marked with
435,»r£l‰[ªz »r£l‰ƒz, r‹f»Y¤G»G.

supported by copies of education and professional qualifications, experience the post applied for should be sent to reach the Chairman, Lanka Mineral Sands Ltd, 341/21,
and names of two non-related referees along with their contact telephone/ Sarana Mawatha, Rajagiriya by registered post before 22nd August 2022.
fax/email address should be sent to reach the following address on or Chairman,
before 17.08.2022 in a sealed envelope stating the specific position on Lanka Mineral Sands Limited
the top left of the envelope. Applications sent after closing date and the No. 341/21, Sarana Mawatha,
applications without the duly filled application form will be rejected. Only Rajagiriya.
shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the interview.

Address - Project Director

Health System Enhancement Project/HSEP-AF
3/19, Kynsey Road, Colombo 08.
Email - (for E - Submissions)
Telephone - +94 11 2 697 173/ +94 11 2 056 535
011 2 429 342 | 011 2 429 343
Fax - +94 11 2 697 163 Fax - 011 2 429 375 / 011 2 429 380

p{lv ûƒ¨k¨ áp‰þK [£~ˆlª...{ap 15Y‰ ~qƒ£

* ÜpYyp‰ {£yvp‰cù ƒ¥y * ÜpYyp‰ {£yvp‰cù ƒ¥y

Sunday Observer August 7, 2022 49

Proposals Marriage Proposals
E-mail your advertisements to,
Proposals Best way to fulfil
your Future Dreams
The convenient way to make your payment
For 15 Words
Decades of Trusted Service
BOC - Acc.No.
Ramani - 011 2 429 347 Rs. 1,000/- LAKE HOUSE BRANCH

Green light for

* For each additional word Rs. 25/-
Piyumi - 011 2 429 383 Gayani - 011 2 429 342/343 * Maximum number of words 65 Online Transfer
Academically and pro- Academically and Academically and Academically and Academically quali- Academically / pro- Academically & pro- A highly connected Buddhist Govigama
fessionally qualified professionally quali- fessionally qualified, professional G/B par-
professionally quali- fied, kind son is fessionally qualified respectable family
son from a respect- professionally quali- fied, kind and caring loving son from a established and well ents from Colombo
fied son is sought by retired parents seek
able family sought son is sought by Govi sought by B/G re- respectable family is mannered groom looking for an aca-
Sinhala parents living fied well-mannered Buddhist parents for sought by G/B pro- demically and pro- suitable partner for
by G/B professional tired parents from is sought by Bodu,
parents living in Co- in USA for their pret- their daughter born in fessional, wealthy Govi parents for their fessionally qualified well-accomplished
lombo suburb for 31 ty daughter brought son from a respect- 1993, 5’4”, pleasant, Colombo suburbs for parents for their daughter born and virtuous son below fair attractive Senior
AAA Kandyan Rad- yr. (24.07.1991) 5’3”, fair, slim, educated daughter - UK quali- brought up in Lon- 30 yrs. Only daugh- Manager daughter
up according to Sin- their daughter, born
ala Buddhist parents daughter Attorney-at- able family sought in a leading school in fied Doctor, MBBS & don. Born in Feb., ter age 24, fair /
hala Buddhist val- in 1981/08, 5’5”, fair, MRCP. Visiting Sri 5’4” tall born in 1989.
Law (LL.B), (LL.M), Colombo brought up 1985, about 5’6” tall, slim vivacious 5.2 in
in Colombo, from Kuja 1, Rahu 7. Please
employed in an Inter- ues.5’8” born in July by Bodu Govi profes- with Buddhist Sinha- Lanka in September. pleasant, attractive height employed in a
respectable family, pretty with BSc., MSc.
national Legal firm in 1990, Graduate BSc la values. Holds a BSc, She is fair, pretty, 36 and well mannered. Conglomerate in SL. reply with horoscope
seek a son for their Singapore. Only sister sional parents from MSc and currently and well employed. years, 5’9” with an BSc. (USA) and MSc. Holds 2 Degrees from and family details.
(IT) currently work- reading for a PhD in excellent character.
daughter, 1989 gradu- is a Senior Consultant Divorced as innocent (UK) qualified, at- wellknown UK Uni-
ing as a senior VP Email: abproposal2@
to an International Western Province for UK. Please reply with She is a dual citizen.
tached to NHS with versities done in SL.
ate and MBA holder. family details, con- party without encum- She has substantial OB184619
Software Company. in worldwide Bank. cancer research work. (Kuja 1 horoscope). their daughter born tact No. & horoscope. assets in UK and Sri Send details HC to
Inherits substantial Please reply with brances. Owns assets. She has a house in Buddhist Govi par-
OB184492 Email: dayaprop Lanka. Please reply viranga1968@icloud.
assets in Sri Lanka. full family details o s a l 26 @ g m a giving full details of London. Replies from ents seek a suitable
in 1996, 5’2” stud- mproposals552@gm com OB184494
Reply with family son’s and family with those who live in partner for their only
About a 1970 born, and contactnumbers. OB184390
details, copy of horo- 0112912105. the horoscope. Email: London are preferred. child-daughter 1987
Willing to migrate to ied at leading girls A suitable partner
5’4”, B/G pleasant scope and contact No. Please respond with born, Attorney-at-
OB184375 gunasekara5725@gm sought by a B/G fam-
looking, lady Lecturer to dja.241991@gmail. USA. Email: perali 033-2285032 full family details to Law (Corporate Law-
school, BSc Software ily for their govern-
com / 076-3576901. yer), 5’5” in height,
(private) seeks a suit- OB183952 Academically and Academically and ment IT graduate
slim, pretty and
able partner for a mar- Academically OB184651 Engineer works in a professionally quali- OB184517 OB184361 teacher born in 1991,
and professionally quali- young looking with
fied, kind hearted 5”, kind hearted, reli-
riage. 0112173670. professionally quali- Academically / pro- excellent qualities
Academically and reputed company in and well-mannered fied son (below 63) gious, fair, slim, well
OB184670 fied son is sought by fessionally qualified, and values, inherit-
professionally quali- mannered daugh-
Buddhist Govigama son from a respect- is sought by Bud- well mannered son is ing a modern house,
Colombo. She inher- Academically & pro- ter with assets. Re- car and other assets.
Academically and parents for their at- fied son sought by B/ able family is sought sought by Colombo,
dhist parents for their ply with family de- Respond to proposalsf
by respectable Bud- fessionally qualified
professionally quali- tractive daughter G parents for their its assets. Reply with B/D parents for their tails. marriageprop with
5’4” slim pretty. She dhist parents for pretty, slim and very son is sought by BK youngest daughter,
fied kind hearted NS/ MBBS Doctor daugh- details and horoscope
holds degree in ac- their daughter born young looking daugh- born in 1993 March,
TT son with Buddhist counting and finance ter 30 yrs old 5 feet family details and parents for Gov- 5’5”, slim with BBA
OB184674 copy. For more details
in 1991, 5’4”, well contact 0112802254
values is sought by B/ with CIMA and CPA tall. Kuja 1,2,4,7,8, ter 53 years, 5’2”. Di- ernment employed Colombo Univer- Bodu Govi family
horoscope to: propo mannered, and well / 0776753774.
G retired parents in presently working in 12 preferred. propo sity & MSc abroad, from Kandy looking
brought up with Sin- vorced no children. daughter 1989 Sept., OB184692
Australia as Accoun- working at a global for a suitable groom
Negombo for their hala Buddhist values. Teacher by profession 5’3” holding BSc.
tant. She is also a dual institute, both par- for MSc qualified,
daughter 1988 Sep., citizen she is 37 years OB184567 Studied in a leading working daughter
proposals Engineering and ents retired Govern-
private Buddhist girls overseas
5’7” B.des (University old Email - address m ment officers. Caste (5’3”) born in Oc-
Academically and Buddhist Karawa
of Moratuwa), MBA rproposals2022@yah school in Colombo. are welcome. Only PhD. Kuja 5, Siku- immaterial. Please tober 1990. Please
professionally quali- wealthy business par-
Academically and She holds a BSc. Spe- genuine reply with ru 7 Sandu 8 Deta reply with a copy of
(J’Pura) who owns a 0112816243. fied virtuous son
professionally quali-
reply with family &
horoscope and fam-
OB184355 sought by retired B/G cial Degree from a contact details. Email ents from Moratuwa
design firm (Colombo fied well-mannered Nekatha non-malefic
parents for their only state University and full family details. - proposalsforourdau ily details. proposal seek a suitable part-
suburbs), functions Academically and son preferred in IT
daughter. BSc. Gradu-
or Engineering field currently reading for desilvahema3@gmail HC. Wrushchika and ner for their daugh-
as a Visiting Lecturer, professionally quali- ate, currently works OB184591
sought by Buddhist her MPhil. Please .com OB184575 Sinha Lagna are most
ter born in 1997/07
fied son is sought as a Teacher in Na-
inherits assets. Those Govigama mother (fa- reply with family de- suitable. Reply with Bodu Govi parents eldest in family, 5’3”,
by B/G parents for tional School. 1986, An academically and
who live abroad are their daughter born ther deceased) from tails and horoscope. Academically & pro- from Western Prov-
5’8”. Really pretty family details, horo- professionally quali- fair, pretty brought
respectable family for smproposal21@gmail ince seek a NS/TT
also considered. Non- in 1992 November, and simple in nature. fied son, above 5’10” up with good values
only daughter born .com OB184627 fessionally qualified scope without Kuja is sought by a Sin-
educated partner for
malefic. Reply with 5’4” in height edu- Kindly respond de-
in 1994 profession- their MBBS daughter, currently reading for
cated at Musaeus Col- tails with HC. mrgpr caring son preferably dosha contact num- hala/Buddhist fam-
horoscope family de- ally Canadian quali- Academically pro- works in State Sec- a BSc in teaching (fi-
lege and graduate in ily. Daughter is 5’8”,
tails. mrgprospect@g BB.A in Management fied Engineer 5’4” tall fessionally qualified from Canada / USA bers marriage2289@ tor, born in July 1989,
m OB184714 educated, employed, nal year) and does
fair educated in lead- well-mannered part- 5’7” in height. Please OB184559 (specialized in Ac- sought by Canadian OB184471 well mannered and not hope to work. In-
ing Buddhist School ner is sought by B/ send details with a
counting & Finance) in Colombo living in G parents for their Sinhala Buddhist par- pretty. She was born herits valuable assets,
Academically and presently working as copy of a horoscope.
Canada. She is work- daughter pretty, 31, in ‘86 and lives in only younger brother
ents for their pretty OB184573
professionally quali- an Accountant in an Academically and ing for the Govern- 5’3” holds BSc in the US. Please reply
has attended to Royal
fied NS/TT son Australian company. professionally quali- ment Sector and do- Accounting and em- daughter 5’1” born with family details to Bodu Govi 1990 Dec.
Please reply with full ing higher studies. ployed as a Chartered born 5’7” height slim College and is reading
having PR or dual fied well mannered 1990 well employed
details to : anomawee She inherits valuable Accountant in private OB184662 fair pretty daughter for a degree in Busi-
citizenship overseas son is sought by Bud- family assets. Reply sector. Reply with with postgraduate holds BSc. & MSc. ness. We seek an edu-
is sought by GB par- m OB184516 dhist Govi parents with full family de- family details and An educated well Degrees. At present cated son preferably
ents for their daugh- for their 30 year old tails and horoscope to the horoscope. Email; qualification. Reply mannered son with working as an As-
Academically and proposalsforgood@g amaproposal91@gma with family details to: similar status is below age 32 from a
ter 1990 born, 5’8”, professionally quali- daughter. She is 5’6” sistant Manager in OB184488 OB184449 sought by Bodu Govi a Stockbroking Co. similar business back-
very fair, slim, pretty, fied son is sought in height educated professional parents in Colombo. Studied ground, abroad pro-
simple & pleasant, by Sinhala Buddhist in leading schools in m OB184502 in Gampaha for their at a leading private posals are also consid-
presently working as medical special- Colombo qualified younger daughter school in Colombo. ered, shani Mangala
ist parents for their graduated with Fi- Well brougt up in a
High School Science as an Accountant in Yoga and Kuja 8 horo-
only daughter born nance and Manage- Buddhist background.
Teacher in Canada. in March 1993, 5’2” London with BSc and ment degree from scope. Please respond
Parents seek part-
Done with her De- slim fair and pretty, MSc from Universi- State University, ner with good moral with family details,
gree & Masters in BSc graduate cur- ties in UK. Please MBA (Col. Univer- values. Reply with contact number and
rently employed in a reply with family sity), CIMA quali- horoscope & family
Canada. Reply with horoscope. diliru7@g
government Ministry fied, ACCA partly, details. Email : adk
non-malefic horo- New Zealand. Caste details and a copy of OB184673
fair, pretty, slim,
scope, family details. immaterial. Kindly the horoscope to pro 5’4”, 1992/9 born, OB184660
B/G Buddhist well reply with family de- employed as a Senior
Bodu Govi, Colombo connected business
m OB184349 tails and HC. (abcp OB183789 Executive in a Private
suburbs professional Conglomerate. Owns parents seek a well
substantial assets. parents seek an edu-
Academically and OB183802 Academically and mannered smart, ed-
cated well mannered,
Please reply with full ucated partner only
professionally quali- Academically and professionally quali- caring, handsome
details, contact num-
fied son below 40 professionally quali- fied well-mannered son for our only child from a leading busi-
bers and horoscope.
daughter. 26 years, ness family involv-
years is sought by G/B fied son is sought partner sought by G/ Email : savani9219@
by Sinhala B/G par- 5’6”, fair, graduated
business family from B professional par- OB184706 ing in business for
ents from Colombo, in Designing, em-
Colombo suburbs for for their 1994 born ents living in Colom- ployed in the private their pretty, educated
Australian residents
only daughter born daughter. She’s 5’4” bo suburb for 38 yr., sector. Educated son with an outstanding
(dual citizen) R/
C Sinhalese parents from designing, mar- personality daugh-
1992, 4’10” in height, height, pretty, fair, a 5’2”, slim & pretty
seek an academically keting fields is pre- ter (only child) born
educated at a leading Russian medical grad- daughter (Computer ferred. Other fields
uate, currently get- qualified son for their in 1996 studied at a
Colombo School. She / Electrical Engineer- are also considered.
ting ready for ERPM. daughter an Austra- leading girls’ school
holds a Bachelors De- We are looking for a ing Graduate (NUS), proposedbride123@g
lian qualified Doctor OB184574 in Colombo 7, inher-
gree in Management, handsome, well man- principal Consultant (MBBS) working as a
GP in Australia. She its substantial assets.
presently involved in nered son, 1991 born in a Multinational Bodu / Govi / par-
or after, with a good was born in 1989, ents seek profession- If interested, please
managing the family Company in Singa-
family background, height 5’, fair, slim ally and academically reply with the full
business and reading residing abroad / will- pore. Inherits sub- and pretty. Bears an qualified partner for family details and
for CIMA (Kuja 1 in ing to migrate are also stantial assets in Sri impeccable character. fair 5’2” gradu- contact details. Email
horoscope) send fam- accepted. Reply with Lanka. Reply with Substantial assets in ate daughter with a
Australia and Sri Lan- - marriagead22@gma
ily details / horoscope family & contact de- family details, copy dowry born 1994 em-
tails and a copy of ka. Please reply with ployed in Govt. Sec- OB184474
/ contact to proposals of horoscope and con-
horoscope to prop2 full details, contact tor. Reply with family
fordaughter92@gmai tact No. to djb.2584@ email : cbn2022@yah details and horoscope.
Continued on OB184572 OB184538 OB183948 OB184481 OB184687 page 50

Best way to fulfil your Future Dreams

E-mail your advertisements to, Marriage Proposals
Decades of Trusted Service

Ramani - 011 2 429 347 | Piyumi - 011 2 429 383 | Gayani - 011 2 429 342/343
50 Sunday Observer August 7, 2022

Proposals Marriage Proposals
E-mail your advertisements to,
Proposals Best way to fulfil
your Future Dreams
The convenient way to make your payment
For 15 Words
Decades of Trusted Service
BOC - Acc.No.
Ramani - 011 2 429 347 Rs. 1,000/- LAKE HOUSE BRANCH

Green light for

* For each additional word Rs. 25/-
Piyumi - 011 2 429 383 Gayani - 011 2 429 342/343 * Maximum number of words 65 Online Transfer
Continued from B/G parents seek an B/G retired mother Close Colombo, Bud- Colombo Bodu Colombo B/G respect- Colombo, Buddhist, Gampaha Bodu Govi G/B Canadian citizen Professionally quali-
page 49 educated and profes-
seeks an educated, dhist, Govi, 1994, Govi affluent profes- able parents seek a Govi, respectable fam- senior professional parents are searching fied son with sober
sionally stable son sional parents (father ily background, born
well mannered part- height 5’6”, studied professionally quali- parents seek an edu- for an academically habits willing to settle
from a decent family a medical special- 1987 October, 5’3”,
ner for 45 yrs., 5’6 fied, well-mannered, cated well-mannered and professionally down in UK is sought
background for their leading girls’ school in ist) are seeking an pretty, slim, kind, vir- qualified son, prefer-
1/2”, Teacher (BSc.) NS/TT, son from son with similar sta- by B/K parents of re-
daughter born 1995/ Colombo, educated, academically and tuous, MBBS Doctor ably living in Canada
daughter. She’s slim, tus for their 1991/7 spectable family in
03, 5’6” height, fair, professionally quali- a B/G family for daughter, owns valu- for their daughter.
pretty, charactered, Colombo suburbs,
slim, truly pretty, fair, pretty and of fied well mannered, their daughter born able assets, hoping born, pretty, fair, slim Father works for the
graduate, followed to go to United King- proposed daughter
educated at a leading excellent character kind hearted, hand- in 1996, 5’5”, kind 5’4”, BSc Engineering Government of Cana-
B/G Canadian citi- Masters working as some son below 35 dom, parents seek MBBS qualified Doc-
international school and kind hearted hearted, fair, pretty, Graduate (Moratuwa da, and mother works
zen parents living in from similar family similarly educated, tor currently practic-
well mannered with senior executive offi- University) eldest for a non-profit orga-
Toronto seek a suit- in Colombo. She is background for their professionally quali- kind, son from a re- ing in UK. Born in
nization. The daugh-
able partner for their now an Australian a good personality, cer at a reputed insti- slim fair beautiful fied Gemmologist, spectable family back- daughter with sub- August 1990, 5’4”,
ter is a pretty, kind-
daughter who is very qualified Doctor please reply with de- tution, daughter, pro- 5’2” educated daugh- willing to migrate. ground. Religion im- stantial assets, earn- hearted 29-year-old. pretty, fair. Please
beautiful very fair (MD). Currently em- tails. cerodr2019@gm fessional parents seek ter December 1994 material. Contact for ing six figure salary in She is 5’2”. She has reply with full fam-
Please respond with
and slim 26 (Decem- ployed practicing as OB184570 born studied in lead- details. 0774848695, private sector. Please a Master of Science ily details and horo-
educated, respectable family details and 0112685279.
ber 1995), 5’5” BSc a Doctor in Sydney. ing private Colombo reply with contact Degree. Her educa- scope copy to propos
graduate and em- B/G retired parents virtuous son with schools and overseas horoscope to : propos OB184343
Interested parents numbers and copy of tional background is
ployed Canadian citi- seek an educated suit- sober habits, full de- (including Austra- in Health Sciences.
please send your fam- Doctor parents in horoscope. E mail: OB184641
zen. Brought up with lia) brought up with OB184404 She works in public
ily and son’s details able partner for their tails with horoscope UK seek an academi-
Sinhalese Buddhist Buddhist values cur- policy for the Govern- Professionally / aca-
along with horoscope. daughter 1994, 5’ copy in first letter. rently employed in cally and profession-
values. She is kind Colombo Sinhala m OB184707 ment. She has been demically qualified pretty and well man- a bluechip company. ally qualified partner
hearted and lovely. OB184644 Govigama Roman brought up with Sin- well employed son,
nered studied in a Co- Please email : dayan living in or willing Gampaha Buddhist
Email: binari10@yah OB184531
Catholic educated halese Buddhist val- devoid of vices from to migrate to UK OB184508 lombo leading girls’ Close Colombo, 1991, Vishwa family seeks ues and is interested
B/G parents seek an parents seek educated for their 31 year old a decent family back-
school and higher 5’, pretty, MBBS doc-
OB184529 a suitable partner for in outdoor activities,
B/G parents from partner for their el- daughter. She is a ground is sought by
educated, well man- studies in abroad, their Teacher daugh- music / art / dance,
South residing Co- tor daughter, parents CIMA qualified Ac- retired professional
nered son for only dest daughter, 1990 and travelling. If in-
lombo suburb seek currently working at countant working for ter Vegetarian, 5’2”, parents (Buddhist
daughter born in seek Doctor Engi- Dec., 5’6”, Convent terested, please email
suitable graduate son a Global IT company. a globally acclaimed born in 1981 never Govi/Karawe) from
1996, 5’3”, pretty, neer, graduate son, Colombo Buddhist educated, LLB (Co-
for daughter 1990 Reply with full de- company. Reply with married. Email : rmd Colombo suburbs for
September, 5’ fairish kind hearted, cur- She is expecting to go Salagama retired Cus- lombo Uni.), Attor- family details and
tails, horoscope and harmasena314@gmai their eldest daugh-
rently third year un- to Australia next year. toms Director seeks a ney-at-Law, LLM horoscope. Email: W
complexion MBBS phone numbers in ter, 1988 May born,
dergraduate in Gov- 456NaCh@hotmail.c OB184387
doctor in Govern- first letter. proposals Those employed in kind-hearted groom (Colombo Uni), em- height 5’5”, slim, fair,
ernment University om OB184685
ment service, father ployed UN Office Co- Gampaha G/B retired G/B parents from pretty, bears impecca- or expecting to go to from a respectable
specialist doctor. pro (BSc) and also read- South residing in Co- ble character, educat-
m lombo. 0777251479 Doctor, 1983 born, parents seek a well-
posalglemal@gmail.c ing for Business Man-
OB184504 Australia preferred, family for daughter, lombo suburbs seek
om / 0112889605. nim pretty attractive, 5’5” mannered, academi- ed at leading Buddhist
OB184507 agement degree in a horoscope essential. with enough wealth an educated graduate girls school in Co-
B/G/D respectable ‘77 born, 5’3”, hon- cally, professionally
private University We are nominal Bud- 6 figure income, lux- son for daughter 5’, lombo. Professionally
B/G parents living in parents seek partner est and religious, OB184372 ury house & vehicles. qualified or suitable 1987 June graduate
Canada, seek a pro- (final year). Inherits dhist Rajaka caste. qualified CIMA (UK)
for BA and Masters She’s a divorcee as partner from a re- English teacher, fa-
substantial assets. Re- academically quali- and IBASL (Bank-
fessionally qualified qualified 1993 Janu- Differences imma- Colombo suburbs B/ innocent party with spectable family for ther Specialist Doctor
son with sober habits ply with horoscope. fied Senior Marcom ing) and MBA holder
ary, 5’3”, slim, at- terial. shantha196 K parents of well re- no encumbrances. their youngest daugh- Rahu 1 Kethu 7. pro
from respectable fam- Kuja 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 12 working for a reputed
tractive, government Manager, currently spectable family seek Respectable parents ter born in December
ily for their daughter preferred. Email: geet Bank in Colombo in
born in 1994, 5’2”, employed daughter OB184639 engaged in father’s a professionally quali- from Colombo seeks 1987, 5’4” tall, slim
the managerial cadre. an open minded edu-
fair, pretty, very kind, with dowry. mapro property business. fied son with sober and fair BSc Maths Leading Govi Bud- Substantial inheri-
m OB184511 cated Buddhist part-
professional Environ- Close Gampaha, Bud- (Shani 7th house, Re- habits & willing to ner. Caste immaterial. teacher, having valu- dhist family seeks a tance available. Ma-
mental Scientist. Pref- B/G parents seek OB184629 dhist/Govi, 1994/11, settle down in Austra- Email details with able assets and prop- professionally quali- lefic horoscope also
erence to those who hena Nekatha), inher- fied partner living in
qualified son for lia born in July 1994, horoscope to mrpp erties. Reply with considered. Please
live in Canada, but B/K son is sought height 5’6”, Lawyer its a house in Moratu- Australia for their ed-
their daughter 1997 5’2”, pretty fair post- family details, horo- respond with family
U.S.A., U.K., Austra-
born 5’1” Engineer by Engineer father (Colombo), L.L.B. OB184563 ucated, pretty daugh- details and horoscope
wa and other assets. graduated in Finance scope and contact de-
lia resident also wel- for daughter holding (London), L.L.M. ter, born in 1988,
employed in Austra- to vivaha072@gmail.
come. Please reply to Siblings are married & Accounting in Aus- Educated and re- tails. OB184609 Australian citizen.
lia, prefer Sydney. MBBS Degree, work- (London), we are spectable Sinhala BG com OB184701
rathketiyawa30@gm tralia, currently living Horoscope and family OB184388 Send Kuja 2, 4, 7, 8, ing at a Government an ordinary family, and well settled. Re- parents living in USA Govi Buddhist par- details essential. pro
& employed in Aus- looking for a profes- Professional son is
12 horoscopes. pro Hospital, 1992 Nov., seek educated son. ply with horoscope ents (Lawyer father) sought by Colombo
B/G parents look- tralia. Please reply sionally qualified son
5’, Shani 3, Kuja 9
ing for a mature tall Tel. 0702630490, and family details. with full family de- raised with good fam-
in Colombo suburbs OB184589 suburb parents for
OB184696 Wrushchika Lagna. seek a professionally
partner for pretty 0112907780. mand dilumi55555@gma tails horoscope copy ily values, for their Moor mother seeks
their pretty & well
Reply with family de- 23 year old daughter qualified son with educated daughter,
daughter 30, 5’6”. B/G parents (father 0112610960.
tails, horoscope. Con- to, proposal2020ks@
raised with Buddhist non-malefic
a suitable Moor part-
horo- ner for her youngest 34 yrs, working &
She is qualified, well is a Senior Lawyer)
tact numbers. mprop OB184336 OB184441 OB184642 values, to have a rela-
employed and accom- scope (between the daughter, 27 years, living in Melbourne,
from Colombo seek tionship that will end
plished. Inherits as- ages 27-32) for their height 5’4”, she is a registered & divorced
sets. Partner should professionally quali- OB184469 up in a marriage. She
fair, pretty 1995 born Graduate in Com- shortly due to unsuc-
be willing to support fied, well mannered was graduated in En-
Engineering cessful marriage, send
gineering field with 5’3” daughter with puter
her social service partner for their ‘92 B/K, Ambalangoda, and now working as a a copy of horoscope
work and religious ac- born 5’2”, fair daugh- Masters in USA and IBSL qualified, CIMA
retired father is seek- Senior Test Analyst. and family details.
tivities. Kuja 7, write ter academically qual- is already working in (UK) (Strategic level),
ing a well employed, The partner must lankaproposal889@g
or Email to kpropos ified with LLB (Lon- a world leading com- currently reading for below 35 years. Pro-
educated suitable pany. Those who are OB184690 don). Studied at a MBA. Email - propo fessionally qualified
partner for daughter. doing studies in USA,
OB184631 leading Girls’ School Respectable Catho-
She is 35 yrs. old, 5’2” Canada can contact. and preferably living
lic parents from Co-
B/G parents residing in Colombo. Practis- Reply with family de- m T.P. - 0776780126 in UK. Email : fussil
height and employed lombo seeking a kind,
in Colombo seek a ing as a Lawyer. Re- as Management As- tails to: slusasl@outlo / 0112752727. established son from
well-established son ply with horoscope. OB184583 OB184379 OB184582
a respectable fam-
sistant of Transport
with Shani Mangala Email : proposal50@ Moor parents from ily for their daughter
Authority - Southern Govi / Karawa Bud-
Yoga for their only OB184558 South looking for a 1983 born, 5’2”. She
daughter, currently Province. OB184577 dhist respectable fam-
Educated, well man- Muslim groom for is pretty and fair, cur-
employed in a leading B/G respectable par- ily from Galle seeks their daughter age 28 rently employed as a
Catholic well estab- nered son sought by
multinational com- ents living in Colombo
lished parents seek B/V parents for their an educated profes- academically quali- teacher at a reputed
pany, age 32, height suburbs seek academ- international school
professionally quali- daughter born in sional qualified son fied currently work-
5’8”. Race & caste ically and profession- in Colombo. Prefers
immaterial. Willing fied well mannered
1994, 5’4”. Diploma below 30 years old for ing. Please reply with a son who is of or be-
ally qualified well in Pharmacist (Read- their daughter born in family details. propo low 45 years of age
to migrate with the son age 36 - 38, for
mannered son from ing). Caste immate-
right partner. Please their qualified daugh- 1997, 5’8” currently and a very sociable
rial. Overseas propos-
forward family details a respectable fam-
working and living in and outgoing person-
ter studied in a Co- als are also welcome.
with a copy of horo- ily for only daughter Australia. Reply with Moor professional ality. She is divorced
lombo Catholic Con- Kindly reply with with no encumbranc-
scope to marriagepro born September 1985, family details to: dau parents, both Execu-
vent, kindly respond details and HC. (vhi es. Email: proposal10 height 5’8”, pretty,
with family details ghterproposal97@gm tives from South seek with
m OB184476 young looking with
OB184417 educated partner for
and phone numbers. s OB184500 family details and
compassionate per- 21 year old daughter.
B/G parents residing tchristopher978@gm horoscope. OB184392
sonality, graduated Science Undergradu-
in Kandy seek a son ate in University.
for their fair, pretty, BSc.
MSc. in
up in a
Bride OB184400
slim height 5’ gradu-
ate in marketing cur- foreign
Christian Tamil par-
ents seek an educated This Prominent Mother (retired Retired Catholic par-
rently working for a teacher), seeks a well ents seek a partner for
US company, daugh- ues. Holding Execu- Christian partner for
their daughter just
Space is Available mannered, non smok- daughter, July 1984,
ter born in 1993 Au- tive post in Sri Lanka ing, handsome son of 5’5”, PhD (Chemistry
for Your
* Conditions Apply

gust, preferred a son with attractive salary, 31 years pretty slim height over 5’6” and UK), Senior Manager
living abroad, only inherits valuable as- 5’6” height Graduate age below 38 years, in SL, six figure sal-
sister married and liv-
ing in New Zealand.
sets. Reply with fam- Teacher in a leading Bride ad. for BG, fair, beautiful,
slim doctor daughter
ary, two storey house,
ily details, horoscope school in Colombo. car. nicolene2012@y
Please reply with Box Size - 6cm x 6.3cm of 31 years (066) 205
Please reply with fam- OB184483
family details and and Telephone Num- 0777
horoscope to: propos bers. Email : tamara ily details. Email: godi Contacts - 0777 27 00 67 m OB184681
Continued on
OB184465 OB184645 m OB184649 0777 27 08 45 page 51

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Ramani - 0777 278 948
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Sunday Observer August 7, 2022 51

Proposals Marriage Proposals
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Proposals Best way to fulfil
your Future Dreams
The convenient way to make your payment
For 15 Words
Decades of Trusted Service
BOC - Acc.No.
Ramani - 011 2 429 347 Rs. 1,000/- LAKE HOUSE BRANCH

Green light for

* For each additional word Rs. 25/-
Piyumi - 011 2 429 383 Gayani - 011 2 429 342/343 * Maximum number of words 65 Online Transfer

Continued from Roman Catholic par- Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lankan Buddhist 1992 February B/G 27, BD well respect- Absolutely Academically
quali- Affluent Bodu Govi A kind hearted life
partner is whom I
page 50 ents from Negombo respectable parents parents seek a partner 5’2”, Colombo sub- ed, affluent family in academically quali-
fied daughter sought business family seeks
for their academically Colombo, father the fied well-mannered, am seeking. Humility
seek academically, in Colombo suburbs urb, retired parents for 5’5”, 39, PhD, B/G a bride from an afflu-
and professionally founder and chair- caring, pretty daugh- and matured-thinking
professionally quali- seek a suitable part- qualified (father Principal, man of a successful, ter from a well es- Senior Lecturer. For- ent family for their are qualities I look for
eign proposals consid- only son a Graduate
fied son for daughter ner for fair pretty born in March 1991, mother Doctor), seek reputed and diversi- tablished family is in a partner above for-
decent daughter only a Second Class Upper fied growing group sought by respectable ered. prop4kt@gmail. Engineer with Mas- mal qualifications. B/
born in April 1992, academically and pro- of companies, seek a Sinhala Buddhist par-
child born in August Degree in Business com OG184447 ter’s, aged 29 yrs., 6’ G born 1973, 5’6” me-
height 5’7” (172 cm). fessionally qualified well mannered, edu- ents living in Galle in height truely hand-
Retired parents (B/ 1989 and 5 feet. She Administration from dium built fair com-
BSc./MBA qualified well mannered NS/ cated, handsome, and for their son 35 years,
has Bio Technology a State University and Academically quali- some and smart with plexion Finance pro-
G) seek academically caring son from a 5’11”, fair, handsome
& working as a Se- TT smart son from fied pretty, kind, car- sober habits and ex- fessional employed,
and professionally Degree from a for- holds an MBA Associ- respectable business kind-hearted NS/TT
nior Executive in a eign University and ate Member (ACMA), a respectable fam- family for their beau- son training as a Spe-ing well mannered cellent character. The well educated. Please
qualified, 31 - 36, N/ email only siriward
CIMA (UK) work- ily for their pretty, tiful, educated, well cialist Doctor MD in daughter sought by expected bride should
S, T/T, kind son for leading company in Masters degree from
ing as an Accountant mannered, daughter, a Government Hospi-
their slim, pretty, ‘92 Colombo. Please re- University Kelaniya, in the private sector, fair daughter MBBS height 5’3” a Direc- tal. Reply with familyrespectable KGB lov- be academically quali-
May born, 5’7”, IT spond with details to currently She is read- studied in a leading Doctor employed tor of her family busi- details FB link and ing family Australian fied, beautiful, slim,
ness, proposed daugh- copy of horoscope to :citizens for their aca- fair, virtuous, well A kind hearted,
qualified daughter, marriageprp@gmai ing for MBA and em- Buddhist girls school in a Govt. Hospital,
ter has completed young and honest
employed in Aus- 0312273448. ployed in the private in Colombo, 5’3” in only child, educated demically and profes- mannered lady height
early education at a m OG184624 partner is sought by
tralia, Kuja 1, Shani height fair in com- sionally qualified only not less than 5’4”.
OB184411 sector staff grade. She at a leading School reputable interna- a 65 year old Sinhala
plexion. Reply with tional school in Co- son ( 5’7” Jan 1996) Please respond with
11. Reply with horo- owns a two storied in Colombo. (Kuja businessman who is
family details and a lombo and obtained full family and con-
scope. proposal22@tu Roman Catholic Sin- new house with other
/ Shani / Sikuru 7, Academically and works as an engineer separated from an un-
copy of the horoscope her Masters degree OB184676 halese parents in assets. Caste immate- to professionally quali- in Melbourne. Prefer tact details to 1993 successful marriage.
Visa Nekatha). Re- at a well reputed fied caring daughter
Gampaha District rial and contact with m OB184365 University in Eng- those who are resid- Widows, divorcees
Roman Catholic Gov- ply with horoscope - is sought by Uncle OG184385
land. Please contact and single mothers
igama Western Prov- seek a well educated horoscope. email : Well-mannered tee- (Jaffna Hindu Vella- ing in Australia or
0112569907. kariyaw with the horoscope also can be consid-
son for our daugh- mallikaf480@gmail.c totaller non-smoker lar) for his living in willing to migrate An educated young
ince parents seek a and complete family London, United King- ered. Race, caste and
om OB184459 son sought by Sin- details (prefer horo- to Australia. Please lady sought for UK
professionally and ac- ter well mannered m dom for their 38 year religion immaterial.
hala, Govi, Christian OB184561
scopes with no Kuja reply with family de- resident professional
ademically qualified fair, pretty, slim, 30 Sinhalese, Buddhist (Anglican) parents, old nephew, MSc Eng, Please respond with
Dosa). OB184514
MBA (with other pro- tails. p9422612@gma son in his early for- full details to hmp
son for their daugh- years born in 1991, professional par- living in USA for 1993 B/G decent fami-
their pretty USA fessional qualifica- OG184679 ties. symbio79@gmai
ter born in 1996, 26 5’ studied in leading ents owning over 20 ly studied in Colombo
born, BSc (Nutrition tions) qualified from OG184498 OG184443
years, 5’3” in height Catholic Convent in crores worth proper- Science) leading school, BSc., top UK universities Academically quali-
educated in a lead- and who is 5’8” tall,
Colombo. She holds ties are looking for a 22 years 5’3”. She is MSc. working for an fied, pretty kind A close relative is A pleasant daugh-
ing Catholic convent currently working as very handsome, well looking for a Sri Lank- ter is sought by G/
CIMA, MBA degree partner for their 1991 a Research Assistant International Com- accomplished and hearted daughter is an life partner who
in Colombo. She is a B mother for PhD
in accounting & fi- born, very fair, attrac- looking to pursue pany, fair pretty, kind employed as a Senior sought by respectable is kind-hearted, sup-
qualified healthy son,
CIMA passed Finalist Manager / Civil En-
nance, professionally
tive daughter who her PhD in clinical daughter. Parents B/G parents living in portive, and beautiful. 6ft, tall, born in 1973
and an MBA (UWL) is currently living psychology in the gineer in a reputed Ideally, she should be
qualified, presently seek equal caste or Internal Engineering Sri Lanka for their with sober habits, em-
holder and currently between 42-50 years
in Australia follow- USA. Prefers an aca-
working in a reputed She is working as demically qualified upcountry highly ed- AAA. Sinhala Catho- Consultancy in Lon- son, born in 1987, of age. My cousin is ployed in USA legally
ing the completion professional, Sinhala don. He is a British well-brought up Sin- a Colombo born Sin- separated after very
firm as a Financial an Finance Manager ucated permanently lic professional par-
citizen, Old Thomian,
of her degree in Aus- Christian partner
employee or business ents seek educated at- hala Buddhist values, halese G/B, who was brief marriage with
Analyst. Religion im- in leading company. tralia. Our daughter born and/or raised non smoker and a brought up in Colom- no encumbrances.
material. Only profes- owner virtuous son. tractive daughter for teetotaller, parents re- with sober habits, bo 5 and is well-edu-
If interested please inherits a substantial in the USA aged be- Reply with horo-
sionals are encour- tween 24-27 years tired school teachers. 5’8” in height and cated and established.
call. 0776678790 / amount of property 0362222202 marriag son 37. Entire school- scope details. usapro
and 5’9”+tall. Reply Differences immate- handsome, holding a He is 51 years of age,
aged. Please reply ing abroad in Eng-
2938906. OB184457 in Sri Lanka. We are with details: mangal rial. Please reply with almost 6 feet, good-
with full family de- Master’s degree from OG184327
seeking a kind, car- OB184377 lish. Graduated with full details, to: ranjan looking, and speaks
tails of the proposed Sinhala Buddhist ing, well established prestigious university very fluent English.
OB184602 BSc. Engineering A young smart look-
son to pererapropos mother seeks an aca- 1997, 5’3” Sinhala OG183996 in USA and currently He has been living in
son from a respect- and Economics from ing English speaking or Buddhist parents in working in the USA. Australia for over 20
demically / profes- able family for our years and holds dual lady is sought for very
contact 0770564224 / USA and full time Please respond with citizenship in Aus-
sionally qualified and daughter. A citizen or We are a very united Galle seek well estab- close friend of mine
2580074. OB184334 family with children MBA from INSEAD Academically and family details and a tralia & Sri Lanka. By passed middle age,
well-mannered son a permanent resident all born outside of Sri lished business son or
France. Presently professionally quali- copy of the horoscope nature, my cousin is a working overseas for
Roman Catholic par- for her only daughter in Australia is pre- Lanka. As parents, educated son working fied fair slim kind very kind, generous,
employed London as & contact number to 25 years, divorcees
ents from Colombo born in 1985 Septem- ferred. 0112088697 we have instituted abroad for their pret- hearted daughter be- and broad-minded without encumbranc-
Manager in reputed low 37 yrs. sought by usagroom1987@gmai person. He wishes
suburbs seek a son ber, fair, pretty, 5’3”, / 0779033376. very strong Christian- ty pleasant daughter es considered. Should
centred values along consultancy. Visiting Catholic Govi mother (USA / Canada to find someone who
with good character OB184699
with Sri Lankan who studied Applied be willing to migrate.
academically qualified
SL mid August. Reply for her youngest preferred). OG183582 shares similar values
and moral values, cultural values. Our Science in New Zea- and is ready for a thesilva2022@gma
Senior Assistant Di- Sinhalese, Buddhist, children are great rep- handsome son Cana- 0724576337
preferably a Doctor
rector in a bank with land, she owns mod- giving full details of dian citizen, 5’8”, 42 Academically / pro- committed relation-
Karawa retired par- resentatives of both ship. Self-replies are / 0114263939.
or Engineer for their ern house in Colombo daughter and family. yrs. MBBS Doctor fessionally qualified encouraged. Unmar-
MBBS qualified 26
family assets. Please ents residing in Can- their Sri Lankan-born OG184413
Grandparents. Our and valuable assets. Email : ompp567@g working in NHS UK. daughter working or ried, divorcees, and
years 5’7”, fair, slim reply with family de- ada seek a profession- Pls. reply with full de-
eldest (medical pro- OG184368 studying in Canada/ widows are welcome. BG parents seek pleas-
tails and horoscope to ally qualified, well fessional) daughter Reply with full fam- tails only preferred to
and pretty daugh- Please reply to Email: ant educated daugh-
ily details and horo- migrate, wish2018@y US or willing to mi-
ter. She studied at vchsam1985@gmail.c mannered son for (1998) is 5’7”. As a ter living in Austra-
About MBBS Doctor grate to Canada/US
their eldest daughter, family we are aiming scope. Email - pasan OG184432 OG184445
two leading private om OB184708 lia with PR for their
to meet similar fami- son 5’11” handsome is sought by Sinhala
schools in Colombo born in 1985. She is Academically profes- qualified Aircraft En-
lies across Europe, attractive personality Buddhist parents liv-
(Catholic and Chris- Sinhala Buddhist pro- an MBBS Graduate Australia, and Sri m 091-2223520, 076- sionally qualified slim gineer / Manager son
from a state medi- Lanka to get to know born in 1991 work- fair pretty employed ing in US for their living in Melbourne.
tian) and is currently fessional parents seek 7163328. OB184383 A Govi Buddhist 40
cal faculty Sri Lanka. each other at a family ing residing overseas daughter is sought by 32-year son (5’9”), Currently working
working at a Gov- professionally quali- year old doctor work-
level with the view of for a Major Austra-
ernment Hospital in fied well-mannered Brought up with Sri hospital service Bud- B/K educated parents an Engineer with a
ing in London, UK
potentially introduc- Colombo suburbs for lian Airline. Our son
Lankan Buddhist ing our children to dhist parents based smart son 5’6” 33 Master’s degree from
Western Province. NS/TT son for their looking for a bride. is 5’6” born Decem-
She inherits substan- values. Please re- prospective marriage- a leading Univer- 5ft 10 in height, hand-
pretty slim fair only in Colombo seeking a years NS/TT studied ber 1983 PR Holder.
tial assets including ply with family de- able children with sity in Canada. Cur- some with sober hab-
daughter 26, 5’4” their family’s bless- fair slim kind-hearted in leading Colombo Divorced as innocent
land and a house in tails, horoscope and school, Senior Lectur- rently he is working its and excellent char- party with no encum-
Medical Doctor work- ing. Please do send an life partner for a party
Colombo suburbs, contact numbers to introduction to family er (semi Government as an Engineer in a acter. Never married. brances. Caste imma-
ing in Australia. Re- of a short marriage in University) studying terial. Email : srprop
a vehicle and cash. : marriageproposa blessedmarriage@gm reputed company in From a well educated
ply with horoscope where we will name only horoscope for PhD. Reply with Canada. Please reply
Please reply with family in Colombo.
further communicate. horoscope and family
family details. Email and family details to 034-2236132, 0777- Kuja malefics. (foreig with family details to: Please reply to propos
OB184420 details. weddingprop
: embeemra@gm : Mtknuckles7@gmai 990888 (WhtasApp osal2016we@gmail.c Continued on OB184604 OB184406 available). OB184370 m) OG184455 om OG184363 OG184633 OG184647 page 52
52 Sunday Observer August 7, 2022

Proposals Marriage Proposals
E-mail your advertisements to,
Proposals Best way to fulfil
your Future Dreams
The convenient way to make your payment
For 15 Words
Decades of Trusted Service
BOC - Acc.No.
Ramani - 011 2 429 347 Rs. 1,000/- LAKE HOUSE BRANCH

Green light for

* For each additional word Rs. 25/-
Piyumi - 011 2 429 383 Gayani - 011 2 429 342/343 * Maximum number of words 65 Online Transfer

Continued from Bodu/Govi parents Buddhist Govi par- B/G parents look- B/G well educated Colombo, Buddhist, Kalutara District Parents in Australia Sinhala Buddhist pro- Tamil Christian (non
R/C) parents seeking
page 51 seek a partner for ents from Colombo ing for a fair, slim, parents with high Govi, respectable par- Govi, Buddhist, moth- seek a professionally fessionally qualified for a pleasant edu-
seek a daughter for T/ small-built, down-to- social standing and ents seek a beautiful qualified daughter for
er seeks bride, resid- parents living in Aus-
their 31 years smart T, N/S son, with good their NS/TT hand- cated English speak-
earth daughter with reputation seek an and educated daugh- ing abroad (with P/ tralia seek a pretty,
some 37 years old ing bride for their son
looking son, 5’5” family background, sober habits who is extremely slim, fair, ter born after 1995 R), for her son, born educated daughter
son. Our son is an 6’2” working in an
born 1989 November. well educated, born currently in Austra- beautiful, educated from a respectable willing to settle in
1979, height 5’10”, International I.T. firm
between 1995-2000, lia and is willing to daughter for their family for their only Australian qualified Sydney, Australia.
He is a profession- willing to migrate to employed abroad, Is-
Senior Legal Profes- in Dubai as consul-
settle in Sydney ; lives
son, 40 yrs old, 5’9’’ son, 28 years (12/ Our son is a 33 yo
rael, differences im-
sional in a global prac- tant, born 1987. Bride
ally qualified Char- Australia in future by Buddhist values tall, handsome, well 1993), 5’9”, hand- MBBS Doctor who
BG respectable and material, divorcees
tice, with a rewarding must be willing to
tered Accountant and or already living in and is appreciative of accomplished Char- some, Colombo Roy- graduated from an
professional parents career. Direct your
too considered. prop travel to Dubai. Send
Australia. Son born Sinhalese Buddhist tered Engineer pos- alist, Business Man- Australian Univer-
completed MBA in response to, partner details to email: rpr
seek an academically 1995 July, 5’9” edu- heritage. Our son is agement Graduate, sity and is working
sessing a double de-
and professionally Finance and BSc. in cated from Ananda a dual citizen of SL gree in Engineering
working as an Execu- OG184479 proposal2020@gmail in Sydney. He is 5’11”
tive in a Government .com or 0450724386. tall, handsome, non-
qualified, pretty, fair Accounting as well. College, Colombo & Australia, Decem- and Masters degree Moor family, age 30,
and completed higher Institution, inherits OG184664 smoker, teetotaller,Western country
daughter for their He is a worker Se- ber 1989, 5’7”, NS/ in Engineering from working as an Engi-
studies in Sri Lanka properties and as- with Sri Lankan cul- citizen, S/G, 47,
TT, Manager in IT a renowned interna- neer in a private firm. Parents seek a bride
handsome son born nior Manager Senior and Australia (Mas- sets exceeding a large tural values and has handsome, Buddhist
field. Reply in Sin- tional university, cur- Father is a medical below 34 yrs with un-
in 1988, 5’9”, quali- amount. Father, hold- never married. He is values, teetotaller,
Internal Auditor at ter of Information hala or English with rently a Senior Direc- practitioner and sis- blemished character
fied from a leading ing a higher position an only child and in- divorced, no encum-
Technology, CIMA horoscope and fam- tor in one of the most ter is an Engineer. For for their British Citi-
Ministry of Finance in the Government herits substantial as-
university, and em- qualified). He has a ily details to email brances, well em-
prestigious companies Service and mother, further details, ap- zen sporty, smart Dr sets in Australia and
in Republic of Sey- permanent job as a ployed, looking for
ployed as a Finance mproposal1289@g in Sri Lanka. Please Graduate Teacher. proach with prospec- son, 41yrs, 5’7’’, from Sri Lanka. Email :
chells for salary of Software Engineer in kind, Buddhist, di-
Manager in Canada. WhatsApp respond with details Please send full fam- tive bride’s bio-data the UK, waiting to
a reputed Australian vorced lady, PR or cit-
5 Lks. with luxury +61413149046. Pa- of your daughter, fam- ily details, contact to: lankamarriagepro be a medical special- m
He inherits assets Technology Company
OG184712 izen of Western coun-
per mail is not accept-ily and contact details number to proposa ist, non-smoker, and
in Sri Lanka and apartment given by and plans to settle try only, not residence
ed. OG184710 (telephone and email) OG184467 teetotaller. rosegarde
Canada. Email only. the Government. Fa- down in Australia. in Sri Lanka, 36 - 41,
to: invite929@gmail. OG184486 no kids, minor leg de- ther has his own busi- Reply with copy of B/G parents seek an
com OG183850
Sinhala Govi/Bud- fect is ok. Email: prop
m horoscope. anuprop educated fair and
ness in Matara Town Professionally quali- dhist professional
pretty daughter for B/V, son, Dec. 89, Moor parents from fied brothers and parents living in the OG184541
Bodu Govi profes- and mother is house- OG184386 their MBA quali- 5’10”, citizen of New respectable family
Colombo, fifty years mother (Bodu Govi) UK seek an educat-
sional parents seek wife. He has one elder fied handsome HR Zealand, studied in in Colombo suburbs seek an educated, ed, caring and pretty Western Province GB
Buddhist Sinhalese old owning house,
- Manager son born Colombo (A/L) and seek a suitable reli- pleasant, kind heart- daughter for their 26 wealthy business fam-
an educated (Profes- brother and sister. parents in Colombo motor car, business-
in 1982, 5’11” in NZ (Bachelor’s). gious well-mannered ed Buddhist daugh- year old son (only ily seeking pretty fair
man, seeks pleasant
sionally qualified pre- They are working as a seek a well mannered, height. Draws six worked in NZ and ter for their brother child) raised in the slim educated daugh-
good looking and an partner. Differences educated fair bride for
ferred), pretty daugh- Doctor and Engineer, figure salary, owns currently employed in / son, 42 yr, 5’8”. He UK with Sri Lankan ter above 5’3” tall
educated partner for immaterial, write their professionally
ter for their son (38y, substantial assets and the Mining Industry with Telephone No. is legally separated values. He’s 5’4” and with family assets for
both are married to their second son, 36 qualified son 35 years
5’10”), a medical doc- from a respectable (Western Australia). All responses will be after a short incom- an MBBS Doctor educated professional
a Doctor and an En- years, 5’10”, good family background. Only brother lives in 5’10” fair employed
patible marriage and working in the UK. well-established 33
tor currently under- looking, permanent replied. 0113433348,
gineer. Inherits sub- Please respond with NSW Australia. Par- in private bank serv- no encumbrances, Differences are im- years, 5’10” tall hand-
going specialist train- resident in UK and 0728475332.
horoscope, contact ents retired and live ing in good position. after some years of material. Please reply some son. Email fami-
ing in a reputed UK, stantial assets from well employed, horo- OG184325
numbers and fam- in Colombo. Email : shiblybarrie@gmail.c working in Australia with further details ly details. pinf2222@
hospital. Someone his father, we are scope matching with ily details, marriages Govi Buddhist moth- om OG184425 He has now started to: ukprop7@gmail.c OG184556
Kuja / Shani at 4. Re- er seeks an educated further education, all om
willing to migrate or looking actually pret- OG184452
ply with horoscope, m Please give contact Moor parents seek- We seek a humble
currently residing in OG184579 loving and kind- the immediate fam-
ty educated and well contact number and number. OG184434 daughter for marriage
hearted daughter for ing bride for son ily members are liv-
UK preferred. Please mannered daughter. family details. silvah B/G parents seek a for our 28 years very
Christian Govi par- son, 36 years old, from Colombo no ing in Australia and
reply with family and handsome, Engineer
T. No. 041-2250549. professionally quali-
ents seek Christian 5’11”. He is CIMA demands pretty and father passed away
contact details to: OG184353 fied daughter for their (UK) and MBA (Aus- a few years ago. He Sinhala Roman Cath- cum businessman,
proposalmatara7@g partner for their 34 tall. Below 27 years.
marriagep795@gmail son 5’3”, who is well tralia), qualified and possesses substantial olic parents living 0913151199, nilam
yrs., 5’9” fair Elec- Tel. 0769744773, OG184454 Buddhist, Govi, 1986, educated and born in employed as a Senior assets in Australia as in USA seek an edu- ejayasundara@gma
.com OG184671 Australian dual citi- tronics Engineering 0112360015.
1985. He is a quali- Manager in a Multi- well as in Sri Lanka cated and well-man- 0766359500.
Bodu, Govi profes- zen, Accountant, PhD. qualified em- OG184585 and financially well nered Catholic part- OG184473
Bodu Govi / Salagama sional parents from son, sought graduate fied IT Engineer and national Company in
ployed son in addition the UK. Brought up established. Please ner for their son born
educated respectable the USA, looking for daughter below 30 currently works as conducting own con- Mother seeks a pleas- reply with family de- in 1995, height 5’9”, 35 years old, 5’3”
an IT Director. He with traditional fam-
parents, looking for a suitable partner years, legally sepa- sultancy company. ily values. Divorced ant well-mannered tails. We are looking with sober habits. He tall, tan complexion,
holds an MSc. and a
academically and pro- from a similar back- rated from marriage BSc. Please reply with Kindly respond with after an incompatible employed or un- for a daughter who is primarily educated groom looking for a
fessionally qualified,
ground for their only limited only to signa- full details. Email : brief marriage (no en- employed educated is willing to migrate in a leading Catholic bride partner pref-
son who is a graduate ture. marprop33@gm details. proposalem cumbrances). Propos- daughter for her son to Australia. Kindly school in Colombo. erence expecting a
kind, well mannered, in BSc / Information He possesses a degree bride from a decent 0112-851351. m OG184341 als from families in 37 years, 5’7 1/2” reply with family de-
pretty daughter with Technology (USA), OG184635
the UK are welcome. tails and horoscope in Engineering and Sunnath Waljamath
fair very handsome
good family back- well-employed as an Colombo Buddhist, Please reply with to: chameera80@gma currently employed in family living in Co-
B/G parents (retired IT Consultant. We
ground for their son, IT-Security Opera- B/G Colombo suburbs Govi, born 1994/8, family details and OG184610 a reputed company in lombo or immedi-
Bank Managers)
tional Engineer. He parents seek educated height 5’8”, studied horoscope. Email :
are Buddhist Sinhala USA. Sri Lankans liv- ate suburbs, the girl
born Dec. 1990, 5’8”, looking a daughter
is 26+ (95/11) years, professionally quali- at a leading Colombo ruki.yasmin@gmail.c
Govi family from ing in USA/Canada should be somewhat
living in Colombo, handsome, smart, NS/ fied partner prefer- for their handsome Colombo suburbs. or willing to migrate educated and reli-
School obtained LLB om OG182791
studied at prominent TT, well-mannered ably vegetarian for son living in UK, pur- Law Degree from Daughter should be Respectable Bodu are preferred. Please gious (no Abaya).
school in Colombo, and owns assets in their son 1991 - 05, suing a PhD in Engi- KDU University and G/B mother seeks a below 33 years and Govi family with reply with family de- Partner is preferred
Engineering graduate Colombo suburbs. 5’7” TT/NS pleas- neering at a top-notch
qualified Attorney-at- simple kind hearted height below 5’5”. two sons residing tails. Email: cprop to be whitish/tan
Prefer a professional- ant vegetarian MBA UK University while with a good person-
Moratuwa University, Law, presently in the pretty daughter for Nationality caste reli- in Colombo subur-
ly qualified, fair, pret- (UK), BSC (Colombo) working for a compa- her son 1980, 5’8” ban. Elder son 1989 OG184415 ality around 24 years
with other academic ty daughter, 25 years Army as a Legal Of- gion immaterial. Son and above. If above
BCS (UK) qualified ny, accomplished BSc, ficer, handsome son, handsome looks height 5’8”, NS/TT,
is divorced from very details are compat-
qualifications, decent, or below, with a good employed Associ- MSc in Mechanical retired Teacher par- much younger, en- Bachelors and MBA
ible, email details to
short incompatible
well mannered, hand- personality, brought ate Consultant in IT Engineering with first ents seek educated,
gaged in business Ku- from reputed UK
up to Sinhala Bud- marriage as plaintiff.
some, teetotaller, non Company Colombo. class, born in April pretty, Doctor, Engi-
runegala. swije241@ universities, worked Sri Lankan Moor par-
or Call 0777183682,
dhist values, with an Reply with horoscope 1991 and 5’10” height OG184616 No encumbrances. abroad few years and ents residing overseas
smoker working in excellent character, neer or similar em- 0112677234.
family details. prop worked as a full time Foreign nationals also presently based in looking for educated
managerial position willing to migrate to Senior Design Engi- ployed partner. Also G/B parents seek a Sri Lanka, consult- family-oriented bride
OG184359 considered. Willing to
in private company in USA. Undergraduate expecting to go to pretty and profession- from respectable
OG184331 neer for 4 years in migrate if necessary. ing online, parents
Colombo, earning top students with simi- a well reputed com- Canada or Australia. ally qualified daugh- sought a pleasant family background,
Reply with the horo-
salary owns private
lar backgrounds are B/G Kandyan highly pany, brother is an anularohini62@gm ter, preferably from
scope and full family well mannered edu- for their profession- Marriage
also welcome. Please
vehicle, inherits prop- respond with fam- respectable parents Aerospace Engineer, 0112578228, Canada/USA for En-
details. Email - mpr
cated daughter with ally and academically Broker
seek a fair, pretty, lives and works in 0714463861. gineer son 34, fair Sinhala Buddhist val- qualified son. He is 35 Wanted service of
erties. Divorced after ily details, horoscope and handsome, work- ues, kindly email: r years and 5’7”. Bride
slim, tall, educated UK with his family, OG184345
a respectable and
short marriage (inno- copy and an image or daughter with a good sister is a Microbiolo- ing in Toronto. Reply OG182432 ftproposal@gmail.c should be willing to
experienced marriage
cent party no encum- social media link to: character, not will- gist, lives and works Colombo sub Bud- with family details om with family de- migrate. Please con-
marriage9516@gmail dhist educated well and horoscope to can Our son : Humble & tails and the horo- tact proposal-21@out broker high class
brances). Horoscopes ing to migrate from in USA with her fam- connections
.com in the first reply.
respectable family for ily, prefer those who established busi- well educated, work scope of the daughter. OG184704
immaterial, Kuja 1. ness parents seek- OG184666 as a IT Consultant, 081 240 52 30
our youngest hand- living in UK. Please m Call : 0117091177.
email : proposalk90@
some son 38, 6’0” reply with family de- ing a well mannered, graduated from Uni- OG184552 076 7000 253 OG184587 pretty daughter from G/B, Upcountry, well versity of Colombo
Lawyer in profession, tails and horoscope to established parents
a respectable family Roman Catholic Sin-
practising in Colom- : pathumprop@yahoo born in 1986, who
living in a Colombo
Grab Matrimonial Display Ad Space bo, studied in a lead- .com OG184512
for our younger son.
1995, 5’9”, hand-
suburb seek an edu- is 5’7” tall, new two
hala parents from
Kandy seek a pretty, Grab Matrimonial Display Ad Space
ing private school. Le- cated, slim, fair, pret- storey house, a car
to Promote Your Business.. . gally separated after B/G respectable par- some, non-smoker,
ty, kind, employed & other assets with
educated well brought
up daughter from a
to Promote Your Business.. .
a short incompatible ents seek a daughter teetotaller, educated
daughter below 30 5 lakhs salary. Sin- respectable family
marriage and without from Australia or Sri in a leading school
* Conditions Apply

years for their 1989 hala, Buddhist retired for their handsome,
* Conditions Apply

encumbrances. Owns Lanka for their son in Colombo. Gradu- born, 5’9” tall, smart, Government servant educated son, 1985
a luxury car, family (MSc. qualified En- ated from Uni. of Co- NS/TT, graduate, Se- parents seek a kind born, height 6’3”,
residence and other gineer) who is living lombo, working for a nior Software Engi- well mannered & employed overseas
family assets. Reply in Australia born in reputed Company. He neer son with consid- as a “Senior HR”
Beauty Culture will inherit income educated daughter for Wedding Jewellery
with family details 1986 April, height erable assets. Please Manager in a top fi-

Rs. 7,500/-
their son. Differences

Rs. 7,500/-
and contact details. 5’6”. Please reply with generating 4 storey contact with fam- nancial services com-
Box Ad Rate - Horoscopes will not family details. E-Mail commercial building ily details, horoscope immaterial. Please
pany. Please contact Box Ad Rate -
be considered. marri : sunilpriya154@g a house and more. and FB. Email : pro8 reply to Email : jaya
0812214507. Email : Size - 6cm(H) x 6.3cm(W)
Size - 6cm(H) x 6.3cm(W) ra t n e 4 9 @ g m a i l . c om
ageproposal000@yah T.P. 011- cmproposals@gmail.c
Contact :- Chamara - 0777 270 067 OG184477 2926069. OG184580 m OG184637 OG184688 OG184569 om OG184351
Contact :- Chamara - 0777 270 067
Sunday Observer August 7, 2022 53


Addendum -1 of Invitation of Bids
Project : Supplying and Fixing of Timber
Floor for Rehabilitation of CAD Lab,
Manual Drawing Lab and Plumbing Work
PRESIDENTIAL SECRETARIAT Shop under KOICA Project at College of
Technology - Maradana
Contract No : DTET/09/01/38/R-15/2022/KOICA
This addendum modifies the original Invitation for
Is this you? Bids (IFB) for the procurement of Supplying and
Want to use your skills to tackle some of the country’s biggest problems? Believe
Fixing of Timber Floor for Rehabilitation of
that policies grounded in evidence are the only way forward? Want to engage in CAD Lab, Manual Drawing Lab and Plumbing
the process of developing data-driven solutions and robust policies in a vibrant Workshop under KOICA Project at College of
democracy? Technology - Maradana advertised on 24th July
2022. All requirements of the Addendum - 1 are
About us herein made a part of the Bidding Document.
The Analytics Team of the Presidential Secretariat is comprised of a group of
2. The eligibility for the contract award, the required
young people who, wrestle with challenging, real world problems concerning
CIDA Grade has been amended as C6 & C5 and
the country’s economic development and the public well-being on a daily basis.
SP3 & above.
We are looking for 3. All other terms and conditions of the bidding
Self-driven individuals with, document remain unchanged.
• Bachelor’s degree in Data Science / Statistics / Computer Science /
Economics / Policy Studies or a related field and equivalent academic S.C. Jagath
qualification in a relevant field Director General
• Strong analytical skills with a solid intuition for data. Experience in Department of Technical Education & Invitation for Bids
data collection/mining, econometrics, mathematical modeling, data Training
warehousing and data visualization will be crucial Design, Development and Implementation of
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills Online Industry Registration System for
You will be OFFICE BUILDING the Ministry of Industries
Contract No: MIC/FIN/34/30
• Engaging with a range of Government and non-Government agencies in
identifying issues and mapping out solutions WANTED The Chairman of the Ministry Procurement Committee on
• Identifying and gathering data from multiple sources and developing in- behalf of the Ministry of Industries now invites sealed bids
house databases
A reputed technology services company in from eligible and qualified bidders for design, development
Colombo is on the lookout for a modern office and implementation of online industry registration system for
• Wrangling and analyzing data which will form the analytical core of the the Ministry of Industries. In this circumstances, Ministry of
evidence-based policy making process building for outright purchase/long term lease. Industries has planned to procure a suitable software developer
• Presenting your findings and recommendations and maintenance for agreed time period. Intended project
• M
ulti-storey building with corporate outlook duration is four (04) months for the development of the system.
Benefits with usable space of 17,000 to 20,000 sqft. The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 5 million (GOSL funded).

We offer an attractive remuneration package but we are looking for individuals • L

ocated within Colombo 1-4, Colombo 10, Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive
Bidding (NCB) procedure. Interested eligible bidders may
whose passion and purpose far exceed the purely monetary benefits. The contract Colombo 08 areas only obtain further information from Chief Accountant, Ministry of
initially, would be for a period of one year. Industries by contacting 0112327053/0112347392 or by email to
• M
inimum 30 years of clear titles with and inspect the bidding documents
Interested approved survey plans at the address given below from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. on
working days.
If this interests you and you think you qualify, reach out to us right away • 3
phase electricity, ideally from both grids preferably with two incoming power feeder A complete set of bidding documents in English language may
be purchased by interested bidders on submission of a written
lines for redundancy,central A/C, generator application/letter to the Secretary, Ministry of Industries, No.73/1,
Application Deadline: Within 7 days from the advertisement date back up power option Galle Road, Colombo 03 upon payment of a non-refundable fee
of Rs. 2,000/= on or before 23/08/2022. The payment should
• F
iberoptic and Telecom riser accessibility to
Presidential Secretariat all floors
be made by cash to the Accounts Division between 9.00 a.m. and
2.00 p.m. (during working days).
Galle Face, Colombo 01.
• Ample parking for more than 20 vehicles Bids must be delivered to the address given below at or before
2.30 p.m. on 23/08/2022. Late bids will be rejected. Bidders
• Building line/street line certificates should submit the bids under two separate sealed envelopes
according to the instructions mentioned in Section I of the
• COC and non-vesting certificate bidding document. Bids will be opened in the presence of the
bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person or on-
For more details, please contact line at the address below at 2.30 p.m. on 23/08/2022.

Praveen - 0768470362 All bids must be valid up to 91 days from closing date of bids and
bids must be submitted with a bid security of LKR 50,000/=
issued by any commercial bank operating in Sri Lanka approved
Postgraduate Institute of Medicine by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka in the format given in Section
VIII of the bidding document. Bid security should be valid up to
University of Colombo 119 days from the closing date of bids.

PROCUREMENT NOTICE Pre bid meeting will be held on 15/08/2022 at 10.30 a.m. at the
Conference Hall of the Ministry of Industries.

Provision of Outsourced Drivers Service for the The Chairman,

Ministry Procurement Committee, Ministry of Industries,
Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo No. 73/1, Galle Road,
Colombo 03.
Bid No. PGIM/GA/07/2021/Outsourced Drivers
Tel : 011-2327053
The Chairman, Department Procurement Committee on behalf of the Postgraduate Institute
of Medicine, University of Colombo invites sealed bids for Provision of Outsourced
Drivers Service for the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo up
to 2.30 p.m. on 23.08.2022.

Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedure.

Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the Senior Assistant
Registrar/General Administration of the PGIM, via telephone or e-mail (Mobile No.
0704702867 / e-mail : from 9.00 a.m. on 07.08.2022 to
3.30 p.m. on 22.08.2022.

A complete set of bidding documents in English (PDF ) may be purchased by interested

bidders on submission of a written application with a scanned copy of the payment receipt
to the Senior Assistant Registrar/General Administration, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine
via e-mail ( upon payment of a non–refundable fee of Rs.
1,000/- to PGIM account, Bank of Ceylon, Borella, Super Grade Branch, A/C No. 193413.

All bids should be accompanied by a Bid Security of the value of Rs. 20,000/-. Bid Security
must be deposited to the PGIM Account No. 193413, Bank of Ceylon, Super Grade Branch
Borella and attached to the bidding document.

Duly filled sealed bids in duplicate marked as “Provision of Outsourced Drivers

Service for the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo (PGIM/
GA/07/2021/Outsourced Drivers)” at the top left hand corner of the envelope must be
put into the tender box kept at the General Administration Branch, Postgraduate Institute
of Medicine, No. 160, Prof. Nandadasa Kodagoda Mawatha, Colombo 07 upto 2.30 p.m. on
23.08.2022 (If there is any change in the final date of submission of bids due to COVID – 19
situation in the country, will be notified in the PGIM web site.(

Bids will be opened at 2.30 p.m. on 23.08.2022 at the General Administration Branch
of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine in the presence of bidders or their authorized
representatives who choose to attend the bid opening. Late & incomplete bids will be Widest reach for your
employment advertisement
Chairman Email : Hotline: 1949
Department Procurement Committee
Postgraduate Institute of Medicine For more information
University of Colombo
No. 160, Prof. Nandadasa Kodagoda Mawatha, Colombo – 07. 06.08.2022. 0777270012 / 0112429314
54 Sunday Observer August 7, 2022

Sabaragamuwa University of Sabaragamuwa University of

Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Ministry of Education Ministry of Education
Loan No. and Title: 3698/3699-SRI:Science and Technology Human Resource 3698/3699-SRI : Science and Technology Human Resource
Loan No. and Title:
Development Project Development Project
Contract No. and Title: STHRD/SB-E15/RProcurement of Laboratory equipment for Contract No. and Title: STHRD/SB-F 14 :
chemistry lab – 2nd year (Chemistry-II)of the Faculty of Procurement of Laboratory furniture for Faculty of
Technology, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.. Technology, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
Deadline for Deadline for
01/09/2022, 11:30 hours (local time) 31/08/2022, 11:30 hours (local time)
submission of Bids: submission of Bids:

1. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has received financing from the Asian 1. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has received financing from the Asian
Development Bank (ADB) equivalent to US$ 145 Million towards the cost of Development Bank (ADB) equivalent to US$ 145 Million towards the cost of
implementing the Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project implementing the Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project
(STHRD Project) under the Ministry of Education and intends to apply part of the (STHRD Project) under the Ministry of Education and intends to apply part of the
proceeds of this financing to payments under the Contract named above. Bidding is proceeds of this financing to payments under the Contract named above. Bidding is
open to bidders from eligible source countries of ADB. open to bidders from eligible source countries of ADB.
2. The Chairman, University Procurement Committee on behalf of the Deputy Project 2. The Chairman, University Procurement Committee on behalf of the Deputy Project
Director, Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project, Sabaragamuwa Director, Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project, Sabaragamuwa
University of Sri Lanka (“the Purchaser”) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for University of Sri Lanka (“the Purchaser”) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for
STHRD/SB-E15/R Procurement of Laboratory equipment for chemistry lab - 2nd year STHRD/SB-F14 Procurement of Laboratory furniture for the Faculty of Technology,
(Chemistry-II)of the Faculty of Technology, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (the “Goods”). This procurement comprises of
(the “Goods”). This procurement comprises of Procurement of Laboratory furniture Procurement of Laboratory furniture for the Faculty of Technology, Sabaragamuwa
for the Faculty of Technology, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. The completion University of Sri Lanka. The completion period is 8 weeks from the date of signing the
period is 84 days from the date of signing of Agreement. Agreement.
3. The bidder should have the following key qualifications to participate in this bidding: 3. The bidder should have the following key qualifications to participate in this bidding:
 uccessful completion as main supplier within the last three years, of at least two O Successful completion as main supplier within the last three years, of at least two
contracts each valued mentioned in column 2 of following table with nature, and contracts each valued mentioned in column 2 of the following table with nature,
complexity similar to the scope of supply described in Section 6. and complexity similar to the scope of supply described in Section 6.
O Minimum average annual turnover of column 3 of following table which is  inimum average annual turnover of column 3 of the following table which is
calculated as total payments received by the Bidder for contracts completed or calculated as total payments received by the Bidder for contracts completed or
under execution over the last three years. under execution over the last three years.
Key qualifications to participate in this bidding Key qualifications to participate in this bidding

Column - 1 Column - 2 Column - 3 Column - 1 Column - 2 Column - 3

Value of each Value of average Value of each Value of average

Lot numbers and Description contract (LKR) annual turnover Lot numbers and Description contracts annual turnover
Million (LKR)Million (LKR) Million (LKR) Million

Lot 2 - UV-Visible Spectrophotometer Lot 1 (F9-3) - Safety and technical Furniture for
3.2 8 4.00 10.0
System Biotechnology Lab

Lot 3 - FTIR Spectrometer 4 10 Lot 2 (F9- 5) - Chairs and cupboards for Bioenergy Lab 2.40 6.0
Lot 3 (F9-6) - Safety and technical Furniture for
Lot 4 - Rotary Evaporator 1.8 4.5 0.80 2.0
Bioenergy Lab
Lot 5 - Laboratory Equipment 6.6 16.6 Lot 04 (F3-1) Furniture for Pharmacology Lab 02 1.44 18.0
Lot 6 - Chemicals 2.72 6.8 Lot 5 (F 3-3) - Laboratory Furniture for
0.80 10.0
Pharmacology Lab 3
Lot 7 - Glassware 3.3 8.3
Lot 06 (F3-6) - Safety, Disposal and Other Essentials
0.16 2.0
4. Open competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Procurement for Microbiology Lab
of Goods Single Stage-One Envelope procedure and is open to all bidders from eligible
4. Open competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Procurement
countries as described in the Bidding Document.
of Goods Single Stage - One Envelope procedure and is open to all bidders from eligible
5. To obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents, bidders should contact: countries as described in the Bidding Document.
Senior Procurement Officer 5. To obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents, bidders should contact:
Project Implementation Unit
Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project Senior Procurement Officer
Faculty of Technology Project Implementation Unit
Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
Faculty of Technology
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Belihuloya,
ZIP code : 70140 Sri Lanka
Telephone : 045-2280081 ZIP code : 70140
E-mail : Telephone : 045-2280081
 re-bid meeting will be held at the Board Room, Faculty of Technology E-mail :
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka at 13:30 Hrs on 18/08/2022 and online. O Pre-bid meeting will be held at the Board Room, Faculty of Technology
6. To purchase the Bidding Documents in English, eligible bidders should write to the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka from 13:30 hrs. on 17/08/2022.
address above requesting the Bidding Documents for the “STHRD/SB-E15/ 6. To purchase the Bidding Documents in English, eligible bidders should write/email to
RProcurement of Laboratory equipment for chemistry lab – 2nd year (Chemistry-II)for the address above requesting the Bidding Documents for the “STHRD/SB-F14,
the Faculty of Technology, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.”and deposit a non- Procurement of Laboratory furniture for the Faculty of Technology, Sabaragamuwa
refundable fee of 5000/= (LKR Five Thousand only) to Sabaragamuwa University- University of Sri Lanka” and deposit a non-refundable fee of 5000/= (LKR Five
STHRD Project account, A/C No. 0083695474 maintained at Bank of Ceylon Thousand only) to Sabaragamuwa University-STHRD Project account,A./C
Belihuloya (One document for all lots). The document/s will be sent only after No.0083695474 maintain at Bank of Ceylon Belihuloya (One document for all lots).
producing the bank deposit slip via email from 08.08.2022. No liability will be The document/s will be sent only after producing the bank deposit slip via email from
accepted for loss or late delivery. 08.08.2022. No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery.
7. Deliver your bid to the following address at or before 11:30a.m. of 01/09/2022 together 7. Deliver your bid to the following address at or before 11:30 on 31/08/2022 together
with a Bid Security as described in the Bidding Document. with a Bid Security as described in the Bidding Document.
Deputy Project Director, Deputy Project Director,
Project Implementation Unit, Project Implementation Unit,
STHRD Project, STHRD Project,
Faculty of Technology, Faculty of Technology,
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka,
Belihuloya, Sri Lanka. Belihuloya, Sri Lanka

  ompleted bids should be forwarded in two copies as the ORIGINAL and the
O C  ompleted bids should be forwarded in two copies as the ORIGINAL and the
DUPLICATE. The original and the duplicate should be enclosed separately and DUPLICATE. The original and the duplicate should be enclosed separately and
marked as the ‘original’ and ‘duplicate’ respectively in sealed envelopes. Then both marked as the ‘original’ and ‘duplicate’ respectively in sealed envelopes. Then both
envelopes re-enclosed in one sealed envelope marked the respective contract ID on envelopes re-enclosed in one sealed envelope marked the respective contract ID on
top left-hand corner of the envelope. top left-hand corner of the envelope.
8. Bids will be opened immediately after the deadline for bid submission in the presence
8. Bids will be opened immediately after the deadline for bid submission in the presence
of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
Chairman Chairman
Department Procurement Committee Department Procurement Committee
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
Belihuloya, Sri Lanka Belihuloya, Sri Lanka
ZIP code: 70140 ZIP code: 70140
Date :- 07.08.2022 Date: - 07.08.2022

To Buy Your Dream Vehicle within your Budget

If it is a vehicle you want, TO BUY YOUR
- Auto Focus
011 2 429 369
Magazine Issued with Sunday Observer
Hot Line
011 2 429 368
Sunday Observer August 7, 2022 55

1. The Chairman, Departmental Procurement Committee on behalf of the University of Kelaniya invites sealed bids
from eligible and qualified bidders as described below:

Item Minimum Tender

Amount of the
No. Estimated Cost CIDA Document
Contract Number Contract Name Bid Security
(LKR) Registration Fee
Guarantee (LKR)

Modifications and
SP 3, C6 &
01. UK/GA/GA3/2022/18 Renovations of the 23,000,000.00 230,000.00 5,000.00
Staff Canteen

2. Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding (NCB).

3. To be eligible for contract award, the successful bidder shall not have been blacklisted and the CIDA Registration
shall be as indicated in the above table.
4. Interested bidders may obtain further information from the office of the Works Engineer (Tel: 0112903164), Works
Department, University of Kelaniya and inspect the bidding documents from Assistant Registrar/General
Administration, University of Kelaniya from 9.00 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. - 2.30 p.m. on working days
from 08th August 2022 to 29th August 2022.
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language may be purchased by the interested bidders on the
submission of a written request to the Assistant Registrar, General Administration Branch, University of
Kelaniya, Dalugama, Kelaniya from 08th August 2022 to 29th August 2022 on working days from 9.00 a.m. -
11.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. - 2.30 p.m. upon payment of a non- refundable fees as mentioned in the above table to
the Shroff of the University.
6. Bids shall be deposited in the tender box of the General Administration Division placed near the office of the Chief
Security Officer, University of Kelaniya, Dalugama, Kelaniya, at or before 2.30 p.m. on 30th August 2022.
7. Bids will be opened at 2.30 p.m. on 30th August 2022, in the presence of the bidders or their authorized
representatives who choose to attend the bid opening. Late bids will be rejected.
8. All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Security issued by a Bank operating in Sri Lanka (registered with the Central
Bank of Sri Lanka) or Construction Guarantee Fund using the form of bid security included in Section 09, Standard
Forms or a cash deposit to the Shroff of the University.
Departmental Procurement Committee,
University of Kelaniya,
Dalugama, Kelaniya.



Establishing Calcium Nitrate Treatment Centre

for Coir/Fibre Substrate Industry

Coconut Development Authority has planned to construct and establish a Calcium

Nitrate Treatment Centre, for coir/fibre substrate production raw materials with
the objective of earning a surplus and further income, by adding value to the
Fibre/Coir Substrate Industry, which is a main industry in Coconut Industry
field. It is expected to construct this centre as a public-private sector joint venture
project, in a land area of 25 acres in extent, in the North Western Province and
envisaged to get fulfilled with following objects/aims.

1. Applying the Calcium Nitrate Treatment for the coconut coir pith fibre.
2. Refining the waste water, discharged through this process and release
them to the environment safely and securely.
3. Making facilities providable to obtain the above treatment methods for
the products of the small and medium scale coir substrate producers, of
fibre, spread out throughout the coconut triangle.
4. Establishing a supply division, providing facilities in packing and
packaging suitable for exports

Interested parties, who wish to invest in the above project are kindly requested to
submit their project plans, to the Coconut Development Authority (CDA) or the
following address, or to the following email address to be received on or before

Keerthi Sri Weerasinghe,

Coconut Development Authority

Address: Coconut Development Authority, No. 54, Nawala Road,

Narahenpita, Colombo 5.
Telephone: 011-2502501-2
Sampath Samarawickrame: 071-8072454
P. Edirimanna: 0714-080422

* Trusted Marketplace of Classified Advertisers... Green Light for

Online Transfer
For 15 Words Rs. 500/-
(Additional each word Rs. 20/-)
Call :- Ramani - 077 7 278 948/ 011 2 429 347 | Piyumi - 011 2 429 383 | Gayani - 011 2 429 342/ 343 Lake House Branch
077 7 270 067 E-mail - Acc. No. 000000377
56 Sunday Observer August 7, 2022

Lanka Electricity Company (Private) Limited INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)


KELANIYA BRANCH OFFICE Sabaragamuwa University of

Sri Lanka
Ministry of Education
Wanted a building at Colombo-Kandy road between Kiribathgoda
Loan No. and Title: 3698/3699-SRI : Science and Technology Human Resource
and Peliyagoda with floor area of the building shall be in the range of Development Project
8,000 - 10,000 sq.ft. (elevator facility if storied building) with electricity,
Contract No. and Title: STHRD/SB-E38/R : Procurement of Bio-Technology Laboratory
telephone, water supply, drainage facilities, waste water facilities and Equipment of the Faculty of Technology, Sabaragamuwa
parking space for 8-10 vehicles to be available. University of Sri Lanka.

The period of rent or lease will be 02 Years. Deadline for

01/09/2022, 13:30 hours (local time)
submission of Bids:
Sealed offers are accepted up to 14.00 hours on 24/08/2022. Offers
will be opened soon after the closing of bids. 1. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has received financing from the Asian Breaking
Development Bank (ADB) equivalent to US$ 145 Million towards the cost of boundaries
implementing the Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project
Offers should include full details including (STHRD Project) under the Ministry of Education and intends to apply part of the
 +Contact telephone number, +E-mail address, proceeds of this financing to payments under the Contract named above. Bidding is
open to bidders from eligible source countries of ADB.
 +Expected rent/lease amount, +All other relevant details 2. The Chairman, University Procurement Committee on behalf of the Deputy Project The Country’s
 +Terms and conditions with copies of the Title Deed and the Survey Plan. Director, Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project, Sabaragamuwa largest
University of Sri Lanka (“the Purchaser”) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for recruitment
STHRD/SB-E38/R - Procurement of Bio-Technology Laboratory Equipment of the database
Due to prevailing Covid-19 situation, bid opening will be carried out online Faculty of Technology, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (the “Goods”). This
via Zoom meeting. The owners or their authorized representatives can procurement comprises of Procurement of Bio-Technology Laboratory Equipment of
participate at the bid opening online. To issue the meeting link, bidders the Faculty of Technology, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. The completion
shall send a request email to "" specifying the period is 8 Weeks from the date of signing of Agreement.
title and number of participants at the bid. 3. The bidder should have the following key qualifications to participate in this bidding:
(Please contact 011-2371637 for any clarification) O Successful completion as main supplier within the last three years, of at least two
contracts each valued mentioned in Column 2 of the following table with nature,
Offers can be sent under registered post to the address given below and complexity similar to the scope of supply described in Section 6.
(offers shall be received at Lanka Electricity Company before the date O M
 inimum average annual turnover of Column 3 of the following table which is
and time of closing of bids), or offers can be deposited in the Tender calculated as total payments received by the Bidder for contracts completed or
Box placed at the Company Head Office on or before the time & date under execution over the last three years.
of closing of bids. Key qualifications to participate in this bidding
Only the owners of the premises shall submit their offers. Column - 1 Column - 2 Column - 3
Value of each Value of average
Title of the procurement and bid shall be mentioned on the upper left Lot numbers and Description contract (LKR) annual turnover
hand corner of the envelope. Million (LKR) Million
Lot 1(2) - Vertical and horizontal laminar flow cabinet 2.2 5.4
For any further clarifications, please contact the Additional General
Manager (Human Resources & Administration) via 011-2-371600. Lot 2 (5) - Quantitative Real Time PCR machine 4.2 10.5

Lot 3 (6) - Bead tissue homogenizer machine 1 2.4

General Manager Lot 4 (7) - Laboratory Deep Freezer 1.5 3.6

PROCUREMENT NOTICE Lanka Electricity Company (Pvt) Ltd., Lot 5(9) - CO2 Incubator 1 2.4
E.H. Cooray Building, Lot 6 (10) - Biotechnology Laboratory glassware and 411, Galle Road, Colombo 03. 1 2.4

4. Open competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Procurement

of Goods Single Stage-One Envelope procedure and is open to all bidders from eligible
PROCUREMENT NOTICE countries as described in the Bidding Document.
5. To obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents, bidders should contact:
Project Implementation Unit
Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project
IMP/ADV/2022/14 Faculty of Technology
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
The Chairman, Procurement Committee, The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Belihuloya,
Limited (ANCL), hereby invites sealed Bids from Manufacturers, Representatives Sri Lanka
or their Accredited Agents in Sri Lanka for the supply of First Class Web Offset
Newsprint conforming to the undermentioned basic specifications. ZIP code : 70140
Telephone : 045-2280081
O Pre-bid meeting will be held at the Board Room, Faculty of Technology Sabarag-
amuwa University of Sri Lanka at 14:30 hrs. on 18/08/2022 and via online.
REEL DIAMETER : 1016 - 1066 mm (MAXIMUM) 6. To purchase the Bidding Documents in English, eligible bidders should write to the
REEL WIDTH : 700 mm address above requesting the Bidding Documents for the “STHRD/SB-E38/R: Procure-
ment of Bio-Technology Lab Laboratory Equipment of the Faculty of Technology,
CORE INNER : 76 mm Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka” and deposited a non-refundable fee of
5000/= (LKR Five Thousand only) to the account of STHRD Project,Sabaragamuwa
Expected Time of Arrival (ETA) : From September onwards University of Sri Lanka to A/c No.0083695474 maintained at Bank of Ceylon Belihu-
Packing : Extra Seaworthy Export packing with moisture barrier. loya (One document for all lots). The document/s will be sent only after producing the
bank deposit slip via email from 08.08.2022. No liability will be accepted for loss or
Foreign Offers late delivery.
7. Deliver your bid to the following address at or before 13:30 hrs. on 01/09/2022
Bidders should quote for both FOB and CIF Colombo prices (on at sight as well
together with a Bid Security as described in the Bidding Document.
as 180 days usance). CIF offers should clearly detail Cost, Freight &
Insurance charges separately. ANCL reserves the right to place the order Deputy Project Director,
on FOB or on CIF term. Project Implementation Unit,
STHRD Project,
Offers with samples and specifications should be submitted in a sealed envelope Faculty of Technology,
marked as “Bids for 45 GSM Standard Newsprint" on the top left-hand Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka,
corner. Belihuloya, Sri Lanka

Local Offers O Completed bids should be forwarded in two copies as the ORIGINAL and the
DUPLICATE. The original and the duplicate should be enclosed separately and
Ex-stock price indicating transport charges, VAT and other levies separately with marked as the ‘original’ and ‘duplicate’ respectively in sealed envelopes. Then both
samples should be submitted in a separate cover in the same manner. envelopes re-enclosed in one sealed envelope marked the respective contract ID on
Offers should be sent to the Head of Procurement to reach on or before 19th top left-hand corner of the envelope.
August 2022 at 2.30 p.m. and which will be opened immediately. No separate 8. Bids will be opened immediately after the deadline for bid submission in the presence
documents will be issued. Suppliers may use their own formalities. of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
Probable date of delivery, validity of price, terms of payment etc. to be clearly Chairman
indicated on the offers. Department Procurement Committee
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
Acceptance of new sources / product is subjected to a quality test. Belihuloya, Sri Lanka
The successful bidder should provide a Performance Bond to the value of 05% ZIP code: 70140
with a validity period of 90 days. Date: 07/08/2022
Bidders or their accredited representatives will be allowed to be present at the
opening. However, The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd. reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all offers without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Chairman - Procurement Committee,

The Associated Newspapers of
Ceylon Ltd.,
"Lake House", No 35, D.R. Wijewardene Mw.,
Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
For Details : 2429422, 2429451
Sunday Observer August 7, 2022 57
Clearing of Disputes attended to, DEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN
k Lands k Properties, Businesses
k Financial k Vehicles DEVELOPMENT - TRINCOMALEE
Legally clearances attended to,
0772860286, 0115240794, 0115680286
K 12838, (KGB) Tank Desilting Programme 2022
1. The Chairman, Regional Procurement Committee of Department of Agrarian Development,
Trincomalee invites sealed bids from eligible and qualied registered bidders for the minor
tanks desilting works described in the table below.
2. Interested bidders may obtain further information from District Assistant Commissioner,
Trincomalee (TP No. 026-2222479) and inspect the bidding documents at the same place
on any working day from 09.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs.
3. To be eligible for contract award, the successful bidder shall not have been blacklisted and
shall have been registered as machinery contractors in Trincomalee Kachcheri, Provincial
Council and Ministry of Agriculture. Priority will be given to Local contractors.
4. A complete set of bidding documents in English language shall be purchased by interested
bidders on the submission of a written application to Department of Agrarian Development,
Inner Harbour Road, Trincomalee from 08.08.2022 until 29.08.2022 from 09.00 hrs to
15.00 hrs on working days upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs. 1,000.00. The
method of payment should be by cash.
5. Bids must be delivered to Chairman, Regional Procurement Committee of Department
of Agrarian Development, Inner Habour Road, Trincomalee on or before 1400 hrs on
01.09.2022. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened on the same day at 14.10 hrs in
the presence of the bidders or bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
6. Bid validity period dated will be until 16.11.2022 and Bid Security Validity period dated until
7. All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Security in the form of Bid Security included in
Section 9 of standard forms (Bid security & Bid security declaration). The amount and
validity of bid security shall be as per the information given in the table below.

Contract Bid
Description of Work/ Quantity of
Agrarian Service Period Security
S.N. Contract Name Desilting
Special Notice (Tank Name)
Center Division

An online meeting is organized 01 Veppankulam Pankulam 16,300.00 90 days 65,000.00

for the old girls of Devi Balika 02 Kaluvankulam Pankulam 10,100.00 90 days 40,000.00
Vidyalaya, Colombo to make a 03 Kambakkkottaikulam Pankulam 30,000.00 90 days 125,000.00
special announcement. All are kindly 04 Kuda Thimpiriwewa Pankulam 4,400.00 90 days 18,000.00
requested to register for the meeting 05 Illupaikulam Sampaltivu 8,000.00 120 days 30,000.00
by sending the following details to
06 Velverikulam Uppuveli 24,350.00 90 days 100,000.00
the WhatsApp No. 0773441303 or
Email address info@devibalika. 07 Villankulam Uppuveli 30,000.00 120 days 200,000.00
com of the school on or before 14th 08 Ammankulam Uppuveli 16,100.00 120 days 65,000.00
August 2022. 09 Mangaiyoothukulam Uppuveli 6,300.00 90 days 25,000.00
10 Palankulam Uppuveli 3,000.00 90 days 10,000.00
Name :
11 Kollankulam Eachchilampathu 27,400.00 90 days 115,000.00
Admission No. :
12 Kirankulam Eachchilampathu 21,900.00 120 days 90,000.00
Year of Admission :
13 Pahalagamawewa Gomarangadawela 1,800.00 120 days 7,000.00
Membership No. :
14 Neeraviyawewa Gomarangadawela 6,000.00 90 days 25,000.00
WhatsApp No. :
15 Puliyoothukulam Thampalagamam 12,000.00 90 days 50,000.00
Principal 16 Eachchankulam Mullipothana 6,000.00 90 days 25,000.00
Devi Balika Vidyalaya 17 Inthiwewa Mullipothana 8,000.00 90 days 30,000.00
Colombo 08. 18 Kudagalmetiyawewa Mullipothana 8,000.00 90 days 30,000.00

S. Varuny
Chairman, Regional Procurement Committee
Department of Agrarian Development


Tender for Sale of Green Leaf & Sale of Latex
September/October 2022
â Sealed quotations are invited for the Sale of Green Leaf for a period of two months
(September/October 2022) from the following estates.

Tender Doc. Fee Refundable

} }
Estimated Crop Estimated Crop
Estates (Non Refundable) Deposit
September 2022 October 2022
Rs. Cts Rs. Cts
Bopitiya 24,400 27,900
Deltotta 24,500 25,000
Gallebodda 20,400 23,800
Hantane 42,000 50,500
Kandaloya 16,000 16,000 5,000/= 100,000/=
Mount Jean 19,300 24,500
Nagastenne 30,000 27,100
Rahathungoda 36,800 36,800
Rookwood 47,000 63,000
All Tender documents should be forwarded by registered post, under sealed cover marked "Sale of Green Leaf" on
the top left corner of the envelope, addressed to the Chairman - Tender Committee, Janatha Estates Development
Board, 55/75, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 02 or placed in the Tender Box kept for this purpose at or before 2.00 p.m.
on 26th August, 2022.

â Sealed quotations are invited for the Sale of Latex for a period of two months (September/
October 2022) from the following estates.
Tender Doc. Fee Refundable
Estimated Crop Estimated Crop
Estates (Non Refundable) Deposit
September 2022 October 2022
Rs. Cts Rs. Cts
Kumarawatte 28,860 21,682
Diyaluma 3,850 3,700
} 5,000/= } 100,000/=

All Tender documents should be forwarded by registered post, under sealed cover marked "Sale of Latex" on
the top left corner of the envelope, addressed to the Chairman - Tender Committee, Janatha Estates Development
Board, 55/75, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 02 or placed in the Tender Box kept for this purpose at or before 2.00 p.m.
on 26th August, 2022.
Conditions with Tender documents including Bid forms for submissions of quotations can be obtained from
Janatha Estates Development Board, 55/75, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 02 upto 25th August, 2022 upon payment of
document fee of Rs. 5,000/- (Five Thousand) on any working day.
Refundable deposit of Rs. 100,000/- should be payable by depositing to our Bank Account No.2327555, Bank of
Ceylon, Hyde Park or payment can be done to the cashier, JEDB Head Office in cash and should attach the deposit
slip obtained upon payment with the Tender document.
Tenders will be open on 26th August, 2022 in the presence of the Tender opening committee as soon as the
closing time and the buyer or his representative can be present at the opening time. The JEDB will not bear any
responsibility regarding the delayed quotations and Chairman, Procurement Committee has the rights to cancel
the tender.
(For any information please contact Administrative Assistant - 011 - 5733107)

The Chairman
58 Sunday Observer August 7, 2022
in Several Newspapers
Sabaragamuwa University of at
Sri Lanka affordable Rate
* For 15 Words
Ministry of Education
Loan No. and Title: 3698/3699-SRI : Science and Technology Human Resource
Development Project
& - Rs. 700/-
Contract No. and Title: STHRD/SB-F08Procurement of Laboratory furniture for - Cost of each additional word - Rs. 20/-
Pharmaceutical of the Faculty of Technology, Sabaragamuwa
University of Sri Lanka.
Deadline for submission
31/08/2022, 12:30 hours (local time) & - Rs. 550/-
of Bids:
- Cost of each additional word - Rs. 20/-
1. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has received financing from the
Asian Development Bank (ADB) equivalent to US$ 145 Million towards the cost of
implementing the Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project
(STHRD Project) under the Ministry of Education and intends to apply part of the & - Rs. 550/-
proceeds of this financing to payments under the Contract named above. Bidding is
open to bidders from eligible source countries of ADB. - Cost of each additional word - Rs. 20/-

2. The Chairman, University Procurement Committee on behalf of the Deputy Project

Director, Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project, & - Rs. 700/-
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (“the Purchaser”) invites sealed bids from
eligible bidders for STHRD/SB-F08Procurement of Laboratory furniture for - Cost of each additional word - Rs. 20/-
Pharmaceutical of the Faculty of Technology, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri
Lanka (the “Goods”). This procurement comprises of Procurement of Laboratory
furniture for the Faculty of Technology, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. The
completion period is 8 weeks from the date of signing of Agreement.
& - Rs. 700/-

Consumer 3. The bidder should have the following key qualifications to participate in this bidding:
O Successful completion as main supplier within the last three years, of at least two
contracts each valued mentioned in column 2 of following table with nature, and
- Cost of each additional word - Rs. 20/-

& - Rs. 250/-

Lanka Electricity Company
(Private) Limited
Suggestion complexity similar to the scope of supply described in Section 6.
O Minimum average annual turnover of column 3 of following table which is
calculated as total payments received by the Bidder for contracts completed or
- Cost of each additional word - Rs. 10/-
under execution over the last three years.
Consumer Suggestion for Development of Corporate Plan 2023-2027
Key qualifications to participate in this bidding & - Rs. 250/-
Lanka Electricity Company (Private) Limited (LECO) is an Electricity Distribution
Company established in the year 1983 under Companies Act and it is fully Column - 1 Column - 2 Column - 3
- Cost of each additional word - Rs. 10/-
owned by the Government. Presently we serve around six hundred thousand Value of each Value of average
consumers. The company is under the purview of the Ministry of Power & Lot numbers and Description contract (LKR) annual turnover
Energy & regulated by the Public Utilities Commission. The Distribution is done Million (LKR) Million
under the License provided by the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka.
Lot 01 : Furniture for Pharmaceutical Lab 1 5.7 14.2
Company Vision Company Mission
Lot 02 : Furniture for Pharmaceutical Lab 2 2.4 6
Enjoy being the light of the lives
of people through innovative, eco-
To provide the best energy solution
to the society through continuous Lot 03 : Furniture for Pharmaceutical Lab 3 8 20 Marriage proposal
friendly business. innovation. in Several Newspapers at affordable Rate
Lot 04 : Furniture for Pharmaceutical Lab 4 8 20

4. Open competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Procurement

As a state owned company we have decided to include suggestions by the of Goods Single Stage-One Envelope procedure and is open to all bidders from
eligible countries as described in the Bidding Document.
consumers in our Corporate Plan to develop & upgrade the services we offer
by the company. Your valuable suggestion would one day help LECO to provide 5. To obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents, bidders should contact:
a better service. Please send us your written suggestion through e-mail, Senior Procurement Officer * For 15 Words * For 15 Words

whatsapp, or as a letter on or before 25.08.2022 Project Implementation Unit

Rs. 1000/- Rs. 600/-
Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project - Cost of each additional word - Rs. 25/- - Cost of each additional word - Rs. 25/-

Faculty of Technology
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
Sunday Observer Marriage
Belihuloya, proposal can be Published in +94719715690
General Manager, Sri Lanka Silumina by paying
Lanka Electricity Company (Pvt) Ltd., ZIP code: 70140 additional payment of Rs. 200/-
E.H. Cooray Building, Telephone: 045-2280081
No. 411, Galle Rd., E-mail:
Colombo 03. O Pre-bid meeting will be held at the Board Room, Faculty of Technology Silumina Marriage proposal can
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka at 14:30 Hrs on 17/08/2022 and online. be Published in Tharunee by

* »Y£p‰»nŠ~‹ ~ƒŒlõ
6. To purchase the Bidding Documents in English, eligible bidders should write/email paying
to the address above requesting the Bidding Documents for the “STHRD/
SB-F08Procurement of Laboratory furniture for Pharmaceutical of the Faculty of additional payment of Rs. 300/-
Technology, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka” and deposit a non-refundable
fee of 5000/= (LKR Five Thousand only) to Sabaragamuwa University-STHRD
Project account, A/C No.0083695474 maintained at Bank of Ceylon Belihuloya
(One document for all lots). The document/s will be sent only after producing the Chamara
Please - 0777
E-Mail your270 067
bank deposit slip via email from 08.08.2022. No liability will be accepted for loss or
late delivery. Advertisement / Marriage
7. Deliver your bid to the following address at or before 12:30 hrs. of 31/08/2022
together with a Bid Security as described in the Bidding Document.
Proposal to
Deputy Project Director,
Project Implementation Unit,
STHRD Project,
Faculty of Technology,
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka,
Easiest way to pay your Advertisement payments

Acc.No. 000000377
Belihuloya, Sri Lanka.
O Completed bids should be forwarded in two copies as the ORIGINAL and the
DUPLICATE. The original and the duplicate should be enclosed separately and
Green light for
marked as the ‘original’ and ‘duplicate’ respectively in sealed envelopes. Then
both envelopes re-enclosed in one sealed envelope marked the respective contract LAKE HOUSE BRANCH Online Transfer
ID on top left-hand corner of the envelope.
8. Bids will be opened immediately after the deadline for bid submission in the
presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
Call for more Information -

Chairman Ramani - 077 7 278 948

Department Procurement Committee
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Piyumi - 011 2 429 383
Belihuloya, Sri Lanka
ZIP code: 70140 Gayani - 011 2 429 347
Date: - 07/08/2022 Lakmali - 011 2 429 342

Hand over your Classified

Advertisements to Our nearest
Branch Office
Anuradhapura- TEL : 025 22 22 370 FAX : 025 22 35 411
Kandy - TEL : 081 22 34 200 FAX : 081 22 38 910
Kataragama - TEL : 047 22 35 291 FAX : 047 22 35 291
Maradana - TEL : 011 2 429 336 FAX : 011 2 429 335
Matara - TEL : 041 22 35 412 FAX : 041 22 29 728
Nugegoda - TEL : 011 2 828 114 FAX : 011 4 300 860
Sunday Observer August 7, 2022 59
INVITATION FOR BIDS The State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka, Colombo 05 invites quotations from registered and previous sources
for following items for open market sales and tenders will be closed at 1.15 p.m. on the dates given below. (Email /Fax
offers as well as FOB offers are not acceptable)

FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 400,000 NOS. NEW WOVEN Item Quantity Tender No. Closing on
Item Code No. 170104C16
POLYPROPYLENE (WPP) BAGS (PRINTED) WITH HDPE INNER LINER Esomeprazole Tablets 20mg 25,000 RES/23/08/A/2022 23.8.2022
10 x 10 Tablets (Blister) Packs
Esomeprazole 40mg DR or Esomeprazole 50,000 RES/23/08/B/2022 23.8.2022
1. Chairman, Department Procurement Committee (Major) of Lanka Phosphate Limited Tablets 40mg Packs
10 x 10 Tablets
will receive sealed Bids for the Supply and Delivery of 400,000 Nos. New Woven
Item Code No. 150101O48
Polypropylene (WPP) Bags (Printed) with HDPE Inner Liner and receiving of Bids will
Povidone Iodine Topical Solution USP 10% 15,000 RES/ICL/34/2022 26.8.2022
be closed at 2.00 p.m. on 22 August 2022. Iodine Solution BP 10% w/v Bottles
In 500ml
2. Bid Forms could be collected from the Finance Manager, Lanka Phosphate Limited,
These tenders are administered by the provisions of the “Public Contracts Act No. 3 of 1987” and therefore, in the event
No. 73/1/1, New Kelani Bridge Road, Colombo 14 up to 3.00 p.m. on 19 August 2022, bidder is to retain an Agent, Sub-Agent, Representative, Nominee for and on behalf of tenderer shall register himself
during the normal office hours on working days, on payment of non-refundable fee of and such Public Contract in accordance with Section 10 of the Public Contracts Act and produce such valid certificate of
registration in the course of any transaction relating to the tender or Act at any stage in the duration of the tender.
LKR 2,500.00 in the form of cash or Bank Draft in favour of Lanka Phosphate Limited.
Tenders will be closed at the office of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation at 1.15 p.m. on the dates indicated against
each tender and will be opened immediately thereafter. Tenderers or their authorized Representatives will be permitted to
3. Bids will be opened immediately after the closing time at the Head Office of Lanka be present at the time of opening of Tenders.
Phosphate Limited, No. 73/1/1, New Kelani Bridge Road, Colombo 14. Bidders or their The Chairman - Procurement Committee
authorized representatives are permitted to be present at the opening of Bids. State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka
41, "Mehewara Piyasa",
4. Sealed Bids accompanied by a Bid Security as stated in the Bid Document may be 16th Floor, Kirula Road, Narahenpita
Colombo 05.
dispatched either by registered post or deposited in the Tender Box provided for the Phone : 00 94 11 2471463
purpose at the same address mentioned above, during the office hours (8.30 a.m. to Email :
3.30 p.m.)

5. Bid documents may be inspected free of charge at Lanka Phosphate Limited, No.
73/1/1, New Kelani Bridge Road, Colombo 14 during office hours on working days
from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.

6. Further information could be obtained from the Supplies Manager, Lanka Phosphate PROCUREMENT NOTICE
Limited calling to the following contact numbers.
(Tel : 0112459906/7)
CHAIRMAN The Chairman, Procurement Committee of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka, invites
DEPARTMENT PROCUREMENT COMMITTEE (MAJOR), sealed quotations from registered and previous sources for following items and bids will be closed at the
respective times on the dates given below and will be opened immediately thereafter.
(E.Mail /Fax offers as well as FOB offers are not acceptable)
COLOMBO 14. 07.08.2022 Sealed bids may be sent by post under registered cover or may be personally deposited in the box available for
this purpose at Administration Department in the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation at “Mehewara
Piyasa” 16th Floor, No. 41, Kirula Road, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka.

Bidders or their authorized representatives will be permitted to be present at the time of opening of Bids.

Closing Closing
Tender No. Item Qty
Date Time
DHS/RL/47WAC/22 22.08.2022 2.30 p.m. 03/42802302-Hepatitis B – Anti Hepatitis 2,000 strips
B surface antibody (HBsAb) – ICT
05/42807001-Hepatitis E – Anti HEV IgG 8 kits
antibody – ELISA (96T/kit)


Purchaser : Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka Closing Closing Item
Project : Contingent Emergency Response Component mapped under the Climate Smart Tender No. Quantity
Date Time (Ref SPC Website)
Irrigated Agriculture Project (CSIAP) DHS/RSS/RQ/151/20 31.08.2022 2.00 pm Wire Reinforced Venous Return Refer RQ
Contract title : Procurement of a Service Provider to develop an adoption action plan and arrange for Catheters in various sizes Item List
trainings and develop awareness raising material for
Country : Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka SURGICAL ANNUAL ITEMS
RFB No. : LK-ICTA-303279-NC-RFB Tender No. / Closing Closing
Item Qty.
Issued on : August 8, 2022 Bid Reference Date Time
DHS/RS/RQ/187/20 16.08.2022 2.00 pm 14000203-Hopedermic Syringe with luer 400,000
1. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has received financing from the World Bank towards
the cost of the Contingent Emergency Response Component Project, and intends to apply part of
the proceeds towards payments under the contract for Procurement of a Service Provider to develop DHS/RS/RQ/221/21 16.08.2022 2.00 pm 13301201-Intercostal Drainage Catheter 30
an adoption action plan and arrange for trainings and develop awareness raising material for with Pigtail end DHS/RS/RQ/222/21 16.08.2022 2.00 pm 13401504, 13402102-Aortic Perfusion 30
2. The Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) now invites sealed Cannula & Atrial Vent Catheter
Bids from eligible Bidders for Procurement of a Service Provider to develop an adoption action plan DHS/RS/RQ/223/21 16.08.2022 2.00 pm 21730401-Stapedotomy Measuring Rod 15
and arrange for trainings and develop awareness raising material for DHS/RS/RQ/224/21 16.08.2022 2.00 pm SR NO: 13803606, 13803605, 13803604 2,500
Bidder must meet the following minimum qualification criteria: Endotracheal Tubes
DHS/RS/RQ/225/21 16.08.2022 2.00 pm 12503601-Ureteric Stent double J 12,500
a) General Experience: Bidder should have a minimum of five years (5) experience under the
DHS/RS/RQ/226/21 16.08.2022 2.00 pm 10300718-Non absorbable Synthetic 32,000
categories of event management and adoption strategy development.
Monofilament Suture
b) Specific Experience: Participation as a prime contractor in at-least one project of development DHS/RS/RQ/227/21 16.08.2022 2.00 pm SR NO: 21101304…..(04 items) 60
an adoption strategy, strategy implementation action plan that spans for more than two (2) Orthopaedic Surgery Instruments
years, and design and implementation awareness raising materials in support of the strategy. The
assignment should have been within the five (5) years from the closing date of this bid and the PHARMA ITEMS
value of the contract should not be less than Rs. Ten million (Rupees 10 million).
Tender No./ Closing Closing
c) Average Annual Turnover: Minimum average annual turnover of LKR 25 Million as per the Item Qty
Bid Reference Date Time
audited financial reports within last 3 years.
DHS/RP/136/2022 18.08.2022 2.30 pm Tuberculin for Mantoux test 10,000 vials
3. Bidding will be conducted through open National Competitive Bidding procurement using Request 5TU/0.1ml, 1ml vial
for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” August
DHS/RP/298/2021 18.08.2022 2.30 pm Yellow fever vaccine 0.5ml single dose 8,000 vials
2018 (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement
Bids should be prepared as per particulars given in the Bidding Documents available at the Head Office of
4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from ICTA, Director Procurement on E-mail the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation at “Mehewara Piyasa” 16th Floor, No. 41, Kirula Road, Colombo 5, Tel : 0112 369099 and inspect the bidding document during office hours 0900 to Sri Lanka.
1700 hours at the address given below or from ICTA website
Wherever necessary potential bidder/bidders should get registered in terms of the Public Contracts Act No.
5. The bidding document in English may be purchased by interested eligible Bidders upon the submission 03 of 1987 before collecting the Bid Documents and also should get the contract registered after the award.
of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of LKR
5,000.00. The method of payment will be by Cash. CHAIRMAN - PROCUREMENT COMMITTEE
6. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 1500 hours on August 22, 2022. Electronic STATE PHARMACEUTICALS CORPORATION OF SRI LANKA
Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence “MEHEWARA PIYASA”, 16TH FLOOR,
of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below at NO. 41, KIRULA ROAD, COLOMBO 5, SRI LANKA.
1500 hours on August 22, 2022. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the form of Bank TELEPHONE : 00 94-11-2335008
Guarantee of Sri Lankan Rupees Eighty Six Thousand (LKR 86,000.00).
FAX : 00 94-11-2582495
7. An online pre-bid meeting which potential bidders may attend will be held at 1100 Hrs (Sri Lankan
E-MAIL : /
Time) on August 15, 2022 through the below Zoom link.
8. The address referred to above is: Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka, NO. 41, KIRULA ROAD,
490, R. A. De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 00300.
The Chairman,
Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka
490, R. A. De Mel Mawatha,
Colombo 00300
Date: August 7, 2022
60 Sunday Observer August 7, 2022

Printed and Published by The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd., at No. 35, D.R.Wijewardene Mawatha, Colombo 10, on Sunday August 7, 2022

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