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Name: Yaoki O.

Galaraga Year and Section: BSMT 1 - Irreg

Assessment 1.1 Explain the leg action, arm action, body position, coordination and
breathing of Freestyle. Use the space provided for your answer. You will be scored
based on the following criteria.

Content & Organization - 70%

Timeliness of submission - 10%

Neatness and Legibility - 10%

Free from errors/spelling - 10%

Total- 100%


FREESTYLE The arms execute The legs execute The freestyle The timing To breathe, the
alternating a flutter kick. stroke is swum in between the swimmer turns
movements. While This means that a horizontal movements of his head to the
one arm moves and they perform position with the both arms is very side during the
pulls underwater small, fast body facing precise: While arm recovery
from an extended movements with down. The body one arm dives until his mouth is
forward position to stretched feet rolls from one into the water in above the water
the hip, the other while the hips side to the other, front of the head surface. The
arm recovers above and knees bend always turning to and then swimmer inhales
water from the hip slightly. The the side of the extends forward quickly and then
to the extended flutter kick uses arm that is underwater, the turns his head
forward position. alternating and currently pulling other arm back down. The
Once this is done, opposite in the water. The completes its exhalation
the arms switch movements. head remains in propulsive in begins as soon
roles, such that While one leg a neutral sweep phase. as the mouth is
each arm pulls and moves up, the position, face under the water
recovers once over other moves down, except The timing surface again
the entire stroke down, and vice when breathing. between the arm and continues
cycle. versa. The flutter and leg until the next
 The starting kick is performed To enable movements is breathing arm
position is with continuously breathing, the also very precise. recovery. The
the arm over the entire body rolls a little Whether you use most common
extended stroke cycle. The further to the a two-beat kick breathing
forward flutter kick is a side during the or a six-beat patterns are
underwater at simple yet arm recovery, kick, the down breathing with
the end of the efficient kicking and the head sweep of the every other arm
previous arm technique and also turns to the propulsive arm stroke (always
recovery. complements the side until the and the on the same
 The forearm alternating arm mouth is above downbeat of the side) and
moves down movements of the water leg on the same breathing with
while the elbow the front crawl surface. side always start every third arm
remains high in stroke quite well. at the same stroke (changing
the water. The time. breathing sides
upper arm each time).
moves outward
and backward.
 The forearm
and palm are in
line, vertical
and facing
while the elbow
is still high in
the water. The
upper arm is
outside the
 The arm moves
as a unit, like a
big paddle,
pulling at the
water. The
upper arm
backward and
inward, while
the hand
sweeps from
outside the
shoulder to
below the belly.
 The hand
direction and
moves from
below the belly
toward the hip,
now pushing
against the
water. At the
same time, the
body rolls onto
its side so that
the hip moves
out of the way
of the hand.
 The arm leaves
the water at
the hip, with
the elbow
leading, and
the forearm
and hand
 The arm swings
forward, with
the forearm
relaxed and
 Once the hand
has passed the
head, it dives
back into the
water, and the
arm extends
underwater. At
the same time,
the head and
body roll back
to a neutral

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