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June 18, 2011 Friday 10:32 p.m. Before I begin my story, let me give you a short background. My name is Annabel Morrison. Im 15 years old and I live in the middle of nowhere town of Low Row, England. I was born and raised in the Big Apple, but after my parents got divorced four years ago and my dad won custody over me and my older (and bitchier) sister, Cassidy, we moved here to follow his work. My dad is a secretary for an ambassador of whatever. I attend the International School for Mentally Advanced that is about a kilometer away from my home. Its basically a school for a bunch of rich snobby kids that have nothing better to do with their money. Mentally Advanced? No way. Im probably the smartest girl in my 10th grade class. Why care about grades when daddy can go buy you a brand new Porsche everyday for the rest of your life, right? Anyway, my life sucks. Theres nothing interesting that happens in Low Row. The town should be called Death Row because I seem to be next in line for death by boredom. The weathers nice. And being one of the least rich girls in school, I have the least amount of friends (total: 0). So, when Mr. Weiner (I know, right? Its pronounced whiner, but the guy is a serious dick) assigned us a summer writing assignment (I know Ill be the only one to pass this. Since I will be the only one staying in this suck-ass town), I got the perfect idea. I am going to write about my life from a possibly different dimension. A life where it is totally interesting and I

get the sexy guy in the end. It would be so cool if the life I am about to right about exists! Because in this life, mythical creatures exist, and only few know about them. Then I meet this completely handsome and brooding man who ends up being one of them. Its going to be f***ing brilliant! (OMG! Im turning into one of them! Kill me now!!) So here I go!!

Chapter 1

Miss Morrison,

do you know the answer or not?


Mupcher asked. Thats Mrs. Mupcher, your typical, ancient, shrewd, geometry teacher that might as well be a troll. Sad thing is, Im the only one who believes that. Wouldnt you if your geometry teacher wore nothing but clothes from the fifties, had her nasty white hair tied into a bun, wore half-moon glasses with the chain whatevers on them and secretly snuck around the halls at night (its only a rumorthat I started of coursebut it could still be true! I swear I saw her standing outside my window last year!) My name is Annabel Morrison. Im fifteen years old and I come from a long line of Rare Bloods and Protectors. Youre probably wondering what those are (and I know you are), so Im going to tell you. So listen up cause Im only going to mention this once. Mythical creatures exist. They live all around us (hence the reason why I believe my geometry teacher is a troll). You can only find us if we decide to show ourselves to you. A Rare Blood is a type of person with the rarest, most amazing blood out there. It can cure anything and can extend the life to the person that drinks it. It is also the blood that vampires thirst for. Protectors are people chosen by the Rare Bloods to protect them (duh?) from vampires. Rare Bloods and Protectors are the only people in the world that can kill a vampire, so dont you go believing that Van Helsing (sorry, Hugh Jackman), Buffy the Vampire Slayer or any of the other crap you hear on TV. We look just like you, but we are not. Each Clan of Rare Bloods and Protectors has a rare set of abilities. My Clans ability is reading minds of whoever we touch and we can know the entire story of a book just by touching it (which is why I like to avoid studying). The only way you can tell us apart from the rest of the world is by our mystical tattoos or tatuaj, bestowed onto us at birth and stay on our bodies for the rest of our lives. Our tatuaj prevent a vampire from drinking our blood, but at a terrible price. Our lives. I should know. Im the one who discovered my mother and sisters bodies along with the vampires they took down with them. Its said to be the most painful and painless thing you will ever feel. Once the vampire sinks its teeth into your skin, the tattoos get to work. It starts by the ink activating from the magical spells that bind them and spreading throughout your body, tainting your blood so that it may never be tasted by another vampire. Thats the painful part. In one of my dads books, its described as youre insides being chopped into pieces, then being set on fire and your brain is slowly turning into slush. Then the ink moves towards

the vampire who is unable to part his lips from wherever he has bit you. It enters his body and engulfs him, doing the same thing it has done to you. With the ink, leaves your senses. First goes the less needed ones: your sense of taste, touch, and smell. Then goes your hearing and lastly your sight. The last thing you will ever see is either the ceiling, or the vampire that bit you dying right beside you. Miss Morrison, did you hear me? Do you know the answer or not? Mrs. Mupcher repeated. I looked up from my notebook, filled with my bored doodles. Im sorry, Mrs. Mupcher. Is it 6 square root of 2? Correct. She said and returned to writing on the board. I looked down at the mindless drawings that I had just filled the page of my notebook with. If you were to look at all the pages of every notebook I have ever used since kindergarten, you would never find a single note, or seatwork from the lessons in any subject. I spend my entire day, doodling, a new page for each class, and dreaming. The hardest part about being a Rare Blood is that I can't have a normal relationship with anyone but my own kind. I can't have friends,or boyfriends for that matter. So my life just basically sucks no matter how completely interesting being a Rare Blood sounds like. Honestly, it just sucks. Geometry moved into World Studies. Like always. But you would not believe how totally freaked out we were when the headmaster knocked on our door. The headmaster barely ever leaves his office unless its to escort a new student. In my mind, he could be a possible candidate for an ogre, a fat rich one. But steering away from that topic, we have a new student. That only happens once every three years (or so Ive observed). It has not been three years yet. Im sorry to interrupt you class, Mr. Nator. But it seems you have a new student. The headmaster smiled at us as if he had a big surprise. Tough luck, big man, you already spoiled it. Class, this is Dmitri, Dmitri Adison. His mother is a CEO of a big business or whatnot. He stepped aside. Typical headmaster. I rolled my eyes. The background doesnt count, as long as the big bucks roll in. Everyone gasped (the girls at least) and I couldnt help but look up. I gasped, too. He. Is. H.O.T! I can't believe it. Dmitris hair was dark brown, almost a chestnut color. From where I sat in the back of the room, I could see that he has grayish eyes. His body looked perfectly sculpted underneath the schools tacky uniform. He had loosened his tie as if to make himself look even more sexier. He looked at me and grinned, adding a wink. I felt my face turn as red as tomato. I sunk back into my chair and wished I could

disappear. He couldnt really be looking at me right? There are at least five other girls in the same direction he was looking at. But then again, he couldve seen my dark strawberry blonde head. Im the only girl in this entire institution with this hair color that is somewhere between fire red and strawberry. So, yes, he had to have been looking at me. Welcome, Mr. Adison. Why dont you go ahead and take a seat next to Miss Morrison in the back, maybe you can get her to pay attention in my class. Mr. Nator said with a smile. I gritted my teeth as the entire class laughed. I buried my face in my World History book and attempted to disappear. Ive never been more jealous of the German Clan that can go invisible until now. I would love to be one of them. I wonder if its true that you switch abilities if you switch Clans. I heard his footsteps approach and I peaked underneath my desk. Dmitri wore Italian leather shoes. I was slowly falling in love. Its unbelievable. His desk shifted as he sat down. I could feel his eyes on me. Miss Morrison? Mr. Nator said. Yes? I peaked over my book to look at him. Im putting you in charge of showing our new student around since he came in during my hour. The book I was holding fell onto the floor. He said what? But, sir! Im very busy today. I work in the library during the breaks! I dont think I can. Please! Im begging you. Dont let me do this! Id rather wash the floors of this stupid school than show him around. Nonsense. Ms. Pillsbury will understand. Anyway, where were we? Ah yes, the Incan Civilization! Who can tell me I picked up my book and silenced his voice in my mind. I am so switching schools because of this. Does anyone think public humiliation will stand in court if I decide to sue the school? Hi, Im Dmitri. I ignored him. I dont care how hot he is. I hate him and his sexy American accent. Oh God. It makes me miss home! He cleared his throat. Hello? Would you like me to call you Miss Morrison for the rest of the school year? I flinched. The way he said my name. OMG! My heart is melting. I slowly put my book down and looked at him. He was holding his hand out. After slyly wiping my sweaty hand on the inside of my cardigan, I reached

out and shook his. I know it was a bad idea, but I wouldnt like someone as hot as him thinking Im a bitch for the rest of the year. Annabel. Shes one of them. I can't believe Ive found one. Ill finally be able to get rid of Maria. Old wench can go find another vampire to torment for the rest of eternity. I gasped and pulled my hand away. I faced front. Never once in my life have a met a live vampire. And he said he found one. He found me, a Rare Blood. Im so dead. I can't believe it. Now I know I need to get out of here. I shouldve realized it the moment he walked through the door. But its like my dad said, I always let my feelings get the best of me. Is something wrong? He asked. I raised my hand. Mr. Nator, can I go to the ladies room? Make it quick. He pointed to the door. I nearly tripped over every student in my way as I ran out the door. I locked myself in one of the stalls and searched my skirt for my cell phone. I know my dad always says to never cause suspicion. A new student disappearing the same day he enrolls into a prestigious school is exactly that. I have a stake in my bag.. That I left, in the classroom. This is just so friggin great. My cell is in there, too. Now I know Im dead. Theres a vampire in our classroom, who has access to my bag, and can steal my stake before I can hide it. My dad will so kill me. But then why is my conscience telling me not to tell him? If he finds out that there is a vampire in our school, hell kill it and ship me off somewhere protected by the rest of the Clan. Im one of the only ones left. There are only three of us left actually. And to think our Clan used to be one of the biggest. We are now the weakest. I should be happy though, right? I finally get to be with my own kind and away from this hell hole. Why do I want to know more about this stupid vampire? I thought Id never admit this, but my dad is so right. I do let my feelings get the best of me. After I had calmed down from my freak out, I returned to the classroom and casually took my seat next to it. It stared at me. I really wished it didnt. For the first time, I actually tried to pay attention in class. Mr. Nator is a really boring lecturer. The entire time, I felt its eyes boring a hole in the side of my head. It wouldnt stop staring at me. Its creepy. I swear I heard it lick its lips once. I bet it loved the way my heart raced. The sound of blood pumping through my veins probably excited him. If I die today, please let my iPod go into the music hall of fame or something. Itll be the first iPod found by man to have music sung by sprites

on it. Thats right. Sprites sing, too. And theyre damn good at it. They can beat Madonna any day. The break bell rung and I was the first out the door. My abilities told me that it was following me. I hurried and disappeared into the ladies room for a second time. I tried to text my dad. I needed to be out of the school before I died. But it wouldnt let me. This school probably has the best signal and Wi-Fi connection in the world. It shouldnt be saying that! Then it died in my hands. I was almost in tears. This wasnt happening. It couldnt be happening. I knew exactly what happened though. It touched my cell phone. I finally exited the bathroom a minute before the bell rang. I nearly toppled over when I saw Dmitri standing at the other end of the corridor. I allowed my hair and I hurried back to the classroom. He followed behind me. I walked faster. The bell rang. Almost to the door! Hey, wait. He grabbed my arm. What is wrong with her? Could she know? Maris told me about their abilities. Could this be one of them? Let go of me. I pulled away. I looked around. We were the only ones in the corridor. How could that be? This place was just teeming with students. The door wouldnt budge. I sighed and faced it. Can I help you with something? Did I do something to offend you? I thought you were supposed to show me around. Not avoid me for the entire break time. You have a map. There isnt much to this school, I thought it wouldnt be hard for you to find your own way around. Besides, I have better things to do than show around lost puppies. He laughed. Butterflies that I have never swallowed started to flutter in my stomach. Like hiding in a bathroom? I was texting my friends back in America. I lied. I need to get away from him! (Even if I dont want to. He even smells sexy!) You get signal that far? He asked suspiciously. Its called roaming. She scoffed. Can we go inside now? Mrs. Matienza isnt found of tardiness. I pushed open the door. It worked. Mrs. Matienza, the music teacher was standing at the front of the class. Where have you two been? Class started five minutes ago. She folded her arms. I opened my mouth to speak, but Dmitri cut me off.

My apologies, Mrs. Matienza. Im new here and Annabel was just showing me around school. I had so many questions about this wonderful establishment that we lost track of time. He added a slight chuckle. I gave him my best What-The-Fuck? expression. Very well. Miss Morrison, please return to your seat. I would like our new student to introduce himself. I hate it when teachers call me Miss Morrison. I have a name you know. Its Annabel. Yes, Mrs. Matienza. I said and returned to my desk. Everyone watched as Dmitri stood in the front of the classroom confidently. He cleared his throat and grinned. Every girl, except me, swooned over him. Hello, my name is Dmitri Adison. I just moved here from Chicago after my mother was put in charge of the East Wales branch of her business. Im 16 years old. Sixteen my ass. Im your typical American boy. Theres nothing special about me. Hello? Arent you leaving the part out about you being a vampire? Do you play any instruments? The guitar and piano, maam. He smiled politely. My heart sunk into the pit of my stomach. Mrs. Matienza pairs students that play the same instrument. By default, I have no partner. Could my day get any worse? Not only do I have a vampire sitting next to me, waiting to kill me sometime today, but now I have to share I piano with it? This is so friggin great. Brilliant. Its about time Annabel has a partner. You can start today. Were doing Mozart. Everybody get in line and head for the music room. Vaminos, amigos, amigas! Everyone filed out of the room. I was the first one out, again. I piled my sheet music onto the grand piano and immediately started practicing. If theres anything good that comes out of being a Rare Blood, its our talent for music. I can play every instrument out there, but chose piano because its the only instrument that doesnt have to be lugged around like something out of a Bruno Mars music video. Wow. Thats beautiful. Is that Lacrimosa? Dmitri said and sat down next to me. He forced me to scoot over. Theres something different about this one. You have good ears. I said nervously. What about this? I started playing a new song by memory. Dies Irae. He smiled. You like powerful songs, dont you? No, just songs with meaning.

May I? I hesitantly took my hands away. Dmitri started to play and it was beautiful. I watched his fingers move over the keyboard like it was nothing new. He had some talent to him. Piano Concerto No. 21. I smiled. My favorite. Dmitri smiled back. You owe me, you know. For ditching me and for lying to a teacher for you. I stopped listening to his beautiful music and looked at him shocked. What? He laughed as if I had said some sort of joke. I scowled at him. I dont want to be making nicey-nice with the enemy. I should be grabbing the stake in my bag and shoving it through his heart right now. I think that its only fair that you let me take you out to the local diner, or whatever they have here, after school. It will help me make friends in this new place. He smiled. Trust me, I dont know if youve noticed around here yet, but theres a reason people stay away from me. Ive asked them to. I dont want friends, nor do I need them. Friends are just another thing that brings you down in life. Not need friends? He stopped playing to look at me. His eyes arent grey. Theyre hazel. A deep hazel color that Ive never seen before. Its beautiful, just like the rest of him and everything he does. Are you training to be a hermit? You are luckier than I thought. He laughed. I snapped out of my admiration to scowl again. And why the hell would I be lucky? Because I entered this school. He winked. Again, I asked myself how could I be lucky. I can feel my death in the near future. I dont see myself as lucky. I see myself as cursed. So, after school, Im taking you out, agreed? He smiled. I gritted my teeth. I might as well take this bastard down already. Better die now than never, thats what I always say. Ugh. Fine. Just let me play. I put my fingers on the keyboard. The final period of the class went smoothly. We didnt talk after that, nor did I want to talk. We were busy doing consecutive pieces, so there was no time to talk. After collecting the rest of my things from the classroom, Dmitri followed me to the only pub for miles. It was full of students relaxing after a long day at school. We took a seat at one of the last empty tables and I immediately started to feel everyones eyes on me. I was probably sitting

with the hottest guy in all of Low Row. I must now be the most hated girl in school after being ignored for so long. So, do you mind me asking where you come from, my fellow American? Dmitri asked as we received our plate of fish and chips. New York, Upper East Side. I answered. Cool. So howd you get here? Parent a diplomat? I wish. It would be so much better than being the last surviving daughter of a Protector. We moved here because a Clan members daughter was bitten and killed. No vampire was supposed to find us. God, I am still so dead, although I still can't figure out who will end me. Dmitri, or my father? Family. I said and stuffed a French fry into my mouth. Dmitri nodded. I watched nervously as Dmitri stirred the condiments bowl filled with ketchup with a fry he still hadnt eaten. It made me wonder if he was imagining it to be my blood. One touch and I know. But I wasnt going to reach over and touch his porcelain skin again. You know, most people would be pouring over with questions about me. Well Im not most people. I thought I told you that I wasnt looking for friends. Fine then. Im going to tell you anyway. I listened to his life story. The more he talked, the more I got irritated with him. I honestly dont like it when people lie to me, even if it is my worst nightmare. He grew up in the suburbs? Really? He expects me to buy that? I dont know how old he really is, but I know for sure that they didnt have suburbs back then. By the time he was reaching his end, I was fed up. I wanted to leave. Where are you going? He looked at me shocked. Listen, I stooped over the table, leaning in close. I know what you are. If you think that Im not going down without a fight, you are so wrong. You and the rest of your kind are going to be extinct before the day I die. I sneered and walked away. Howd you know? He called after me. I stopped at the door and laughed. Lets just say that Im good with my hands. I showed him my palms and walked out the door. My dad wasnt home. He was at a Clan meeting. I always wondered what they did at Clan meetings. He never tells me. He never tells me anything actually. So I went on with my normal schedule. I made sure every door in the house was triple bolted (each door in our house had at least five

dead bolts), cleaned up my fathers mess, did homework, made my own dinner, and showered. I feared every last second that went by. I knew it might be my last because the entire time I was home, I knew Dmitri was nearby, if not standing outside my house. I could feel his presence and it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. So, it wouldnt be hard to understand why I wasnt shocked when I saw him standing in my bedroom as I walked out of the bathroom, red hair dripping with water.

June 20, 2011 Monday


9:15 a.m. I absolutely despise Cassidy! Why can't she be dead like she is in my story! She ruins my life and gets away with it. Parents are supposed to love the younger child more. Right? Well this ones doesnt? I told my dad on her after I caught her trying to erase my hard drive and you know what he says? There must be a virus on your laptop doing that. Well get it checked tomorrow. A virus! Hell yeah, its a virus. The worst kind of virus out there, a sister. I am so glad that I stopped her before she erased my story. And I am so glad that I am such a computer geek or else I wouldve never recovered everything she deleted. I swear, the story book version of me has a way better life. What I would give to be someone so interesting (Id give my sister, thats for sure)!If that story were my real life, I wouldve made out with Dmitri a long time ago. Story me seems a little bitchy, though, doesnt she? I just realized that Ive always wanted to be bitchy. Im too kind to be bitchy. Bitchy people dont adopt cute Labrador Retrievers, do they? I hope not, because for the rest of the week, Im going to imitate my sister and be a bitch to people. It will be my summer experiment since I have nothing better to do.

Chapter 2

I asked casually and walked past him, rubbing my towel through my hair. I saw him flinch as I got him wet. I never knew vampires hated water. Its my new learning of the day.

Dmitri, what are you doing here?


I picked up my hair brush and started combing my hair. Dmitri didnt answer. It annoyed me. If he was going to kill me, I wanted him to get it over with. But it also made me wonder how he got pass two dead bolts on my door and barred windows (I know. It sucks, too). You arent afraid of me? You think that Im not afraid of you? I looked at him. If I die tonight, Id at least like to know that I did it humorously. Dmitri shook his head. Im not going to kill you. I can't, even though its in my nature to do it the first second I smelled you. If you arent going to kill me, then what are you doing here? I asked. I was interested in he had to say. A vampire not wanting to kill a Rare Blood should be on the cover of New York Times. I dont know. He said and sat down on my bed. I scowled at him. I didnt give him permission to do that. Im avoiding my mentor. As long as Im here, she thinks Im killing you. Fat chance. I was serious about taking you down with me. You can't kill me without killing yourself. Wait. I paused. Whats a mentor? He laughed. My eyebrows furrowed. Which would you like me to comment on first? He smiled. The mentor. In all my days of being a Rare Blood, I have not once heard of a vampire having a mentor. I wonder if my dad knows about it. If he doesnt, I won't be the one telling him. He hasnt told me shit, so why should I? A mentor is the vampire assigned to us by the councilIll explain it another time. The council gives us a certain mission, and until we complete that mission, were stuck with our mentors. So far, Ive failed three missions and I know Im going to fail this one. He said and buried his face in his hands. I pitied him. I would hate to have someone towering over me for the rest of my life, mentoring me on how to be a Rare Blood. I already know how it feels to have your same kind to be your teacher. I spent my elementary years being taught by Protectors. We had topics like Mythical Creatures 101 and How to Kill a Vampire. Normal subjects werent needed since all we had to do was put our hand on the cover and know it like the back of our hand. Rare Blood school sucks for all you people that dont know. Your mission is to kill a Rare Blood, isnt it? I put my brush down. In a matter of minutes, my hair would be back to its natural curls and


Dmitri would see me with my real hair, not the straightened version I used at school. Its to steal your blood and kill the Protector. But your Protector is your father, isnt it? He looked at me. Yep. Why do you have to go after us? I dont know, okay? We dont ask questions. We just do as were told. Aw, he looks cute when hes scared. Hes not so scary after all. Then why are you here? If youre not going to kill me, you might as well leave. My home isnt your safe house. Dmitri disappeared from my bed and before I could stop him, he had me pinned against the wall. His hand cut off the flow of air entering my lungs. It tried to pull it off but he was way to strong for me. His fangs were showing and he had truly become the monster I saw in pictures as a child. His hazel eyes were now like onyx. I can't do this. Shes different.. Special, even. You dont kill something so precious. How can we kill something so rare? Im trying to decide what to do, okay? You dont get it. Ive run out of chances. If I dont complete this, theyll kill me. He hissed. Dmitri, I can't breath. I gasped for air. He dropped his hand. I didnt move. Neither did he. I was too scared. I watched as his eyes faded back to hazel. My heart raced, not only because I was scared, but because I was falling for him even thought I know I shouldnt. Dmitri is different, not just in the sense that hes a vampire. Ive only known him for a couple of hours, but Ive seen his vulnerable side, and its beautiful. Hes handsome and brooding, all the things I look for in a guy. And he smells really good. His cologne is something expensive, just like his Italian leather shoes. Then I realized that he was still wearing our school uniform, but what should I expect when Ive know that hes been monitoring my house ever since I His lips pressed against mine. So, so soft. Now I know that I can't kill her. I dont care about the consequences. Im not killing her. I can't kill her. Ill protect her from Maria. Maria doesnt want me to fail. Shell kill her if I can't. I didnt know how to respond. His eyes were closed. I listened to his thoughts. They all revolved around me. He was falling for me, and I was feeling the same way. I wrapped my arms around his neck and lost myself in his arms. His lips were so soft, just like he thought mine were. I was able to open his lips and I massaged my tongue with his. He was like a drug. I couldnt stop getting more of him.

Pain seared across my body. I cried out in pain. Dmitri pulled away. What happened? Are you okay? I pushed him away and locked myself in the bathroom. In the mirror, I watched myself slowly lift up my sweatshirt. The tattoos that spread all over my abdomen and disappeared under my shorts and sports bra were pulsing. Ive never seen them do that. It hurt. The magic in them was awakening, and I think that if I hadnt pulled away, they wouldve already started spreading across my body. I guess it doesnt matter if Im bitten or not. I can die just by being near them. I ran my hand over it and winced. It was sore, really sore. I ran my fingers under cold water and gently placed it on top of my tattoos to ease the pain. It didnt work. I waited and watched as the pulses slowed and came to a halt. I dried my skin with a face towel to clear the cold sweat that had broken over my skin. Its weird how Ive been waiting for this moment all day, and when it was finally about to come, I didnt want it to. I wasnt ready to die. I just had my first kiss with a vampire, any mythical creature for that matter,, and I wanted more. I walked out of the bathroom, feeling a little sick. That was probably the most uncomfortable experience Ive ever had. Dmitri was sitting on my bed. He got up the moment I walked out. Are you okay? What happened? I laughed. He flipped the last thing he said to me. Annabel, something happened? Tell me, please. He reached out to put his hand on my cheek. I dodged it. Please, dont. I dont want to hear anymore of your thoughts today. Ive had enough of them. I walked past him and got onto my bed. He sat down in front of me. You hear thoughts by your sense of touch? He asked. It isnt obvious? I freaked out right after I shook your hand. He chuckled. Are you going to be staying longer? I kinda want to go to bed now. My stomach hurts. Okay. I guess Ill see you tomorrow then. I nodded. Dmitri got up and kissed my forehead. I care about you, Annabel. Before I could reply, he was gone. ((((((((((( I dreamt about Dmitri that night. I never had a dream like it before. We were still in my bedroom, talking. He told me about his life. Hes almost

200 years old and hes thought of himself as a failure of a vampire the entire time. His mentor, Maria, thinks hes too human, too attached to human feelings, that he can't be a complete vampire. Hes afraid of her. Shes almost a thousand years old, one of the oldest vampires he knows besides the council. The council consists of the first vampires, the ones that didnt have to be turned. They were born that way. There are others, though, that are born vampires. Only vampires that are born vampires can be members of the council. Theyre the highest ranked vampires out there. He told me about his life as a human. Hes lived all over the world. The last place being Chicago, like he told our class. He was there, as I walked to school, waiting for me. I thought it was strange, but then again, he told me he cared about me. I still didnt know what to say to that, so I didnt bring it up. He was still wearing the school uniform, which made me think that he didnt go home, but he immediately cleared up the air as if he was the one who could read peoples minds. So, have a nice dream? He smiled. Maybe. I blushed. How would you know? I looked at him. Because I gave it to you. I wanted to keep talking. What better way than to do it while we sleep? You sleep? I said curiously. Yes. He laughed. We arent insomniacs. Well, sorry. They dont teach us these kinds of things in Rare Blood school. I laughed. Theres a Rare Blood school? He looked at me. Its a joke. I shook my head. Besides if there was, I wouldnt tell you. I wouldnt carelessly risk the lives of my fellow Rare Bloods that way. What kind of person does he take me for? We walked and talked for the rest of the way to school. People watched us as we went in. For once, it didnt bother me. The only person whose eyes mattered were Dmitris. I loved how much he paid attention to me. It was strange. It felt strange. No ones given me this much attention since my mother died. We sat at our desks and I got ready for the day with my doodling notebook and pencil. We had English first period and I was ready to not pay attention. If only this school didnt use uniforms. Back in New York, Id have my hood up and iPod on all day. Here, I didnt have a hood and iPod only went on before and after school. Dmitri moved his desk closer to mine. Youre going to get in trouble with that. I said without looking at him.


Fine. He said and pushed his desk back. He got up and sat in the desk in front of me. He rested his chin on his arms and it made him look adorable. Why do you straighten your hair? I like it curly. I already have the most unique hair color in school. Do I look like I want to stand out more? I looked at him. He chuckled and traced a smiley face on my hand with his finger. Dont straighten it tomorrow. I promise you won't stand out. And why should I believe you? You wanted to kill me, remember? I folded my arms. Trust me, okay? I can do a lot more than dream hop. He grinned wickedly. Mr. Weiner walked in and the class went silent. Back to your seats please, everyone. Dmitri was the last to return to his seat. We have a busy schedule today. There is an assembly later at 10 and attendance is mandatory. Is that understood? Yes, Mr. Weiner. The class said in unison. Good. Now, who can go to the A/V lab and ask one of the students to bring the telly in here. We are starting Shakespeare today. He smiled. I dont know how Dmitri did it, but he was able to get us out of the schools boring assembly regarding the hooligans in our fine establishment. Please, the only things fine in this school are the tickets the students keep receiving from the police. We hid out in the library. It was completely empty, not even a teacher to guard the books. We sat in the quiet sitting area. I doodled in my notebook, making up for lost time. My knee high socks basked in the sun as Dmitri read poetry of the writers that hes met in his life. What are you drawing in there? I tilted my head back and smiled at him. Nothing. Youve drawn in that notebook all morning. Most people take notes in class. You dont even listen to the teacher. He chuckled. I thought I told you that I wasnt like most people? I flirted. You seriously have a memory problem. Are all vampires like that? Dmitri closed the book and walked over to me. He towered over me. You are different. He grinned. You're the only human that constantly makes me want to kiss you. Then why dont you? I winked. I dont understand why I toy with him. But its fun. I like Dmitri, a lot. But hes a vampire, and we can never be together. So, I might as well get


this fling over with. The faster I get him through my system, the faster Ill get the guts to kill him myself. Dmitri leaned over and kissed me. I smiled. I like you, Annabel. Mmmm.I wish I could say the same. I bit my lip. Lying to him isnt fun. Why not? I enjoy your presence, thats all. You wanted to kill me, remember? How can I like that? I frowned. I changed my mind, didnt I? Marias right. Im too human. Doesnt change what we are. I said and went back to doodling. Dmitri took my notebook. I gasped. He wasnt supposed to look through there! The entire morning, Ive been drawing him, and me, and us together. I drew us in a kiss during English, holding hands during Biology, and cuddling during Home Economics. I was able to draw his handsome face perfectly. And now, hes looking at all of it. Oh yes, I can see that you really dont like me. He grinned wickedly. Give me that. I raced over to him and tried to grab it. He disappeared to the other side of the room. Dmitri, Im serious! A seriously amazing artist. He said while flipping threw the pages. Why arent you drawing these in an actual sketch pad? Because they arent meant to be seen! I said and snatched my notebook. I stuffed it into my bag and started walking away. There werent any words that could describe how mad at Dmitri I was right now. He invaded my personal space. No one invades my personal space and gets away with it. I think Im going to go join that assembly now. Its mandatory. Annabel, wait. He called. Dmitri appeared before me, causing me to bump into him. Dont go. Im not in the mood to Dmitri put his hand under my chin and kissed me. Please dont go, Annabel. Im sorry. Youre just so amazing. It makes me wonder why you dont let your talent shine. Were meant to stay in the shadows, you know, not draw any attention to ourselves. Its so that we dont get caught, just like I foolishly have. I stared at the knot of his tie to avoid looking at him. I dont want to see whats going on in those beautiful hazel eyes. You think this is foolish?

Well, if you think this means that we are suddenly going out, you're wrong. It will never work between us without one of us getting killed. Its best that we not even try. They say you dont know what you havent tried before, you know. Try with me, Annabel. Please. I looked up at him. He was gazing at me. It made my heart melt. This is the most confused Ive ever felt about a boy. Trust me, this school is filled with a bunch of hunks that I may or may not have sketched in my notebook. But since none of them dare pay attention to me since Im the poor girl which Im not, okay? Clans are pretty loaded so that they can keep the Rare Bloods safe. But Dmitri is something else. Hes rare. And I really dont mean in the mythical creature sense. You just dont find boys like him anywhere. But I can't help but wonder if this is all just so that he can kill me. Make me fall for him so that it can be easier. I might be falling into a trap. I dont know. I bit my lip. I dont want to be emotionally hurt by you. Think about it, please. He whispered and kissed me again. Dmitri slid my bag of my shoulder so that it fell onto the floor with a thud. I couldnt help but lose myself to him. His chest felt so muscular underneath my hands. Id love to see whats underneath. I didnt listen to his thoughts, knowing that it would make me fall harder for him. Dmitri ended the kiss, pulling away with a smile on his face. See? Trying isnt so hard, now is it? I shook my head and laughed, the butterflies in my stomach acting up. I dont like the way he makes me feel one bit. I dont like feeling vulnerable around the enemy. The problem is, Im currently debating on whether Dmitri is the enemy or not. The rest of the day was quiet. The assembly went on for all of the morning, intervened for lunch, then continued for half of the afternoon. Dmitri and I stayed in the library doing nothing interesting (or gossip worthy). We played hide and go seek within the stacks in which I always lost. Dmitri cheated. Hed hide in someplace so easy, then right as Im about to catch him, he disappears. Then when I got tired, I strolled in between the shelves, tracing my fingers along the stems of each book, letting them download into my brain, and told Dmitri which books he might like to read if he ever had the time between trying to get me into a relationship with him and hiding from his mentor. That joke made him laugh. He has a seriously sexy laugh by the way. After school, we walked out together, just like we had the day before. Whenever I accidently bumped into people in the hall, I knew they were already gossiping about us. Half the school believes that we


previously dated and he followed me here because he still loves me. I swear that school is filled with a bunch of hopeless romantics. So, will you allow me to have a civilized meal with you? Dmitri smiled at me. No running away or getting mad at me? I can't promise the latter. I smiled. Fine with me. His smiled stretched into a grin. I thought he was going to kiss me again, but we were interrupted. Dmitri, honey! A woman called. Dmitri froze in place. His eyes shot around until they landed on a woman who was hurrying towards us. I immediately knew who it was and reached for the stake in my bag. Mom, what are you doing here? Arent you supposed to be in London? And miss my childs first few days of school? She laughed as if it was something harmless. I slowly backed away from the both of them. I do not want to see what happens when a Rare Blood gets stuck in between two vampires. Now, now, dear. Its smart for you to not run away. It might save your life. And put that stake away. You dont want to create a scene, do you? She grinned. Dmitri looked at me shocked. MaMom, Dmitri said ruefully. Please, dont. Not here, any place but here. Dont worry, Dmitri. I won't hurt her. Its your mission, not mine. If you fail, Ill remember you. Now, come along. You are in a lot of trouble. She said. She glared at me briefly, then walked away, head held high. Im so sorry, Annabel. He whispered and followed after her. I stood there, body trembling. Howd she know that I had a stake in my bag? Its strategically hidden in the seam of my bag so that no one would find it. Its the size of a freaking pencil!! This isnt okay! Im dead. I am so dead. The way Dmitri described Maria made her sound sadistic, not terrifying. I have a feeling that she was serious about letting him die. I stood there for who knows how long until the fear in me subsided. I ran home crying. Im scared. Ive never been more scared. I locked myself in my room. When night came, I half expected Dmitri to come back. He never came. I went to sleep and dreamt about Dmitri. I knew immediately that he was giving it to me. What happened to you? I whispered. He looked tired, really tired. Dmitri leaned against my computer chair, rubbing his forehead. I got out of bed and walked over to him. I put my hands on his chest, but none of his thoughts entered my head. I guess my abilities dont work in the dream


world. His arms circled around me, hanging loosely over my hips. His forehead pressed against mine. He was starting to worry me. Im in a lot of trouble, Annabel. He whispered back. Ive been called by the council. Marias ratted me out. Whats going to happen? I moved my hands up to his cheek. I dont think Ive ever been so worried about someone in my life. I didnt want Dmitri to be in my life, but I didnt want him to be out of it either. I dont know. But I came here to say Im sorry, just in case something does happen. You have nothing to be sorry about, Dmitri. I looked into his eyes. Youve only done what youre supposed to. The weaker species is the first to die away right? I tried to make him feel better. Dont say that. Youre not weak, youre something else. Something that I can't describe. I won't let you die. You havent done anything wrong. You deserve to live your life and I didnt want to hear him talk. I kissed him. His arms tightened around me. For the first time, Dmitri wasnt the vampire boy I liked. He was the boy that I was falling for against all odds. I think its ironic. Were meant to kill each other, but were falling in love instead. By the time the kiss ended, Dmitri was gone and I was left standing there, like a fool. I couldnt help but giggle. I was getting used to the butterflies he gave me. I kept my hair natural, like Dmitri asked, the next day. I even put on lip gloss, for the first time since my initiation ceremony into the Clan. But when I went outside to walk to school, Dmitri wasnt there. I was disappointed. I decided to ride my bike. My hair is dried by my iron, but now that I didnt straighten in, I need to rely on the good ol wind. Dmitri wasnt at school either. He didnt show up for the entire day. But at least he was right. No one gave me any attention, not even the teachers. I found myself missing him, against my better judgment. If this council of theirs killed him, it would be for the better. It didnt stop me from tearing up. I didnt want to lose him. I have to admit it though. This relationship is totally messed up. I, Annabel Mae Morrison, member of the Low Row Rare Blood Clan, am falling in love with a vampire. By lunch, I had forced myself to push Dmitri out of my mind. I stopped drawing him, thinking about him, gazing at his desk. By the end of the day, I accepted the fact that my vampire boy was dead. I would never see him again. I went on with my normal schedule. Like the past two days, my dad wasnt home. It made me curious. He never stays away this long. They mustve discovered the vampires presences. Theyre probably getting ready

to mobilize and hunt them down. Ill be stuck in another Protectors home waiting for them to kill Maria and whatever other vampire she brought with her. I knew he was coming home though. Id have to wash his dirty plates and arrange his messy desk while I would wait for the right time to head to school. I had to admit though that I missed him to. A Rare Bloods connection with her Protector is always something special, especially if your Protector is your father of partner in life. When I came out of the bathroom after finishing my shower, I was more than shocked to see Dmitri there. I was even more embarrassed. All I had on was a sports bra and underwear. I hurried and covered myself with a towel. I seriously need to find out how he gets into my room! It scares me. What the hell are you doing here? I said as I put on a sweatshirt. Im sorry I scared you. I needed to get away from Maria. I dont think Im wanted there anymore. Like in our dream, I walked up to him. What happened to you? I said and put my hands on his cheeks. He tried to pull away, but I was too fast (weird, right?). Images of Dmitri getting whipped entered my mind. Maria had locked him in a dungeon-like room, tied to the walls. She hit him with a pole that had nails pointing out of it. It looked like a mace. She beat him, and cursed him for being such a failure. They never went to the council. It was all just a lie started by Maria. Are you alright? Im fine. My injuries are long healed. He whispered. A ball grew in my throat as I tried to fight back tears. I didnt think hed get hurt. I didnt even think hed be in so much pain because of me. I felt all of it. The mace went in, and brought chunks of his flesh out with it. It hurt. My back hurt. Annabel, He whispered. He caught an escaped tear with his thumb. Im fine. I shook my head. Its nothing. I moved away and sat on my bed, wiping my eyes. You just had me worried. Im sorry, Annabel. He sat down in front of me. I couldnt help it. Out of habit, I took out my doodle notebook and started to draw. I wrote my name in fancy letters. It didnt look right anymore. It felt to long. I erased the bel part of my name. There, thats better. You can call me Anna if you want or Annie if you want. Annabel seems like a mouthful. Okay. He smiled.


He stayed silent as I drew. I couldnt help but wonder what he was thinking. I sneakily straightened my leg, as if changing my position. My foot touched his arm. I can read them. Its strange. Why would she have tattoos? Shes not even old enough. And I really dont think they make tattoos like that. So intricate, almost runes. Fascinating Its what I meant by taking you down with me. They are runes. They prevent our blood from ever being tasted by your kind. They're magical, created by our ancestors and brought to life by witch doctors. Dmitri flinched. He didnt realize that Id been reading his thoughts. I smiled. His ears turned red. I laughed. Its fun to embarrass a vampire. Dmitri cleared his throat and tugged the collar of his shirt. He was wearing a red Ramones shirt, black polo and jeans. He looked sexier without the uniform on. Do you mind if I read them? There seems to be a story. He moved closer. I furrowed my eyebrows. Doing that would mean that I would have to be in my underwear. I am so not ready for that. I still havent lost my v-card and Im not looking to lose it anytime soon. I tightened my arms around myself. You can trust me, Anna. I won't do anything, I promise. I just want to read it. After giving it long thought, I took off my sweatshirt. I foolishly trust Dmitri. I believe him when he says he won't do anything. So, I got on my stomach, because I know the tattoos start on my back. I was interested in what he had to say. I never knew there was a story there. His finger traced the outline of my tattoos. A sleeping maiden is awakened in the dead of night. Air blows through the window, chilling her porcelain skin. She hurries to close it. The creature stalks her in the shadows, watching her every move. He smells her, and knows he has found her. My love, is that you? She calls. I thought you were not to be home until a fortnight? The maiden hurries to light a candle. The creature comes up behind her. The blood he has long searched for fills his lungs. She hears something and gasps. The creature disappears from sight. My love, you know I don not like your games. The maidens heart races, the creature excites. He tunes in on her heartbeat, savoring each lastturn over. Turn over? Oh, right.

I flipped onto my back. Dmitri was lying on his side, he smiled. My heart raced like the maiden in the story. He was so close, and I am half naked. This is a very awkward picture. Since Im a gentleman, Im not going to look at your more hidden tattoos, but from what I gathered, he has come out and faced her. Would you like me to continue? he said in a low voice. I gulped and nodded. He placed the tip of his finger under the garter of my sports bra. Do not fret, young maiden. No harm has fallen upon your highborn kinsmen. And no harm will fall unto you. What is to happen to my love? The maiden gently placed her hands on the creatures chest. The small act made the creature smiled. The maiden had fallen into his trap. The gripped her wrists and brought her closer, filling his arms with the wonder that is her blood. Excitement tore through his body. I am your love. Do you not recognize me, fair maiden? He caressed her cheek. You, my love. Yes. The maiden whispered. Would thy lovely maiden allow me to bestow thee with a kiss? My only wish. She said before kissing him. The creature had the maiden. He carried her back to her bed where the maiden begged the creature toyou can probably guess what they did, can't you, Anna? I can't believe thats tattooed on my body. Dmitri laughed. So, skipping that part, he kills her in the end. He drinks her blood. I guess she doesnt have tattoos like you do. He gets away with it. Then theres something I dont understand. I think its a spell. Or something that promises to never let that happen again. I think its both. Id probably know more, but that would mean looking into more private places. He said uneasily. I sat up and moved my sweatshirt over my chest. Dmitri sat up to. He leaned towards me. My heart raced. He smiled. Why do you hide your beauty, Anna? He whispered. Im not hiding anything. I folded my arms. You hide behind your hair all day long, He said and tucked my red hair behind my ear. You shut the world away, you isolate yourself. That seems like hiding your true self. Do I really have to explain to you the rules about being a Rare Blood one more time? I looked at him.

No. He chuckled. I just want you to know that I think youre beautiful. He smiled. I blushed. The last person that called me beautiful that wasnt part of the Clan was a boy in my 6th grade class. He was also a nerd. I bit back my smile. I dont want Dmitri to think that Im flattered by what he said. I totally am not. *coughs*Yes I am.*cough cough* Dmitri leaned over and kissed me. At first, I pushed him away. I wasnt really in the mood to be making out with a vampire after his hands were just traveling over my body. But as I looked into his hazel eyes, I saw passion. Ive never seen that. I put my hand on his cheek. Have you given any thought to what I asked? After all this, he still wants to date me. This boy will never learn. Whats the saying? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, right? I am way past the shame on me part. I wonder if hes realized that hes fooling himself into thinking this could work. A part of me wants this to work, honestly. I wish I had a normal life, one where mythical creatures didnt exist. Maybe then could I be in a relationship with Dmitri. The handsome, sexy Dmitri that wants me for me, and not my blood, is a hard decision. I still fear that he might try to kill me. Annabel, please. I dont care about the rules. I want to be with you. If theres anything in my life that has sucked before I met you, its my dating history. Im not saying it to make me sound desperate. Im telling you because it takes a lot for me to really care about someone, and you seem to have done that all to well. His lips brushed against mine. My heart pounded out of my chest. The feelings I had were so overwhelming. I didnt know how to respond. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise. Ill be your secret Protector .Think of me as your only secret agent. Ill be a spy if you want. Ill be anything you want actually. I laughed. What the hell? Im tired of the old ways ruling over my life. I want you to be my boyfriend. I grinned and kissed him.


June 24, 2011 Friday 7:12 p.m. My summer bitch project is over. Do you want to know where it got me? It got me grounded for a month. No TV, no iPod, no internet. I am so lucky that I was able to save my laptop. I had to beg on my hands and knees (Im serious) in front of my father to keep it. And Cassidy was standing right

behind him with a huge smirk on her face. Damnit! I know it would have been so satisfying to have bitch-slapped her face from here to Tibetwait, thats too close. Her face wouldve landed in Antarctica! So now, here I am locked in my room with Betsy, our lab. Im surprised she still likes me after I tried to be a bitch to her, too (I seriously did. I really have nothing better to do wit my life).I can't think about what to right next. Dmitri and I are now going out, big whoop. I need something interesting to happen. Why can't this place actually have something interesting to write about? It's plagiarism if I copy something from TV right? I need ideas. Maybe I should try to list the possible things that could happen. It's what my friend Nima back in NYC does when shes in a bunch. Lets see Dmitri and I could: 1. Do it right there, no questions asked. 2. Be Holy and sit there and talk about the weather (ewww I can't imagine Dmitri as a monk. They have to shave their heads right?) 3. Make out for a really long time before I feel pressured and ask Dmitri to stop (yeah right. If that was real, Id choose no.1) 4. Get all romantic and sweet and do whatever new couples do after they declare being a couple (I have no clue, okay? Ive only dated one guy for like six minutes before I dumped him). 5. Again, I should lose my v-card to him!!! I can already imagine it and its making me feel all hot inside. 6. I can skip to the next day, which I have already planned out. Think Im gonna mention it in this journal? Ha-ha, fat chance, sucka. Wait. Erg!!! I hate my dad! Annie do this. Annie do that. Annabel Morrison, you better have not forgotten that you are grounded, you better get that cute ass (hes never said that, but I know its true) downstairs right now! Its annoying. I wonder how my dad will feel when Im the one grounding him (is that legal? Because I would love to do that).

I gotta go. Let this journal entry end peacefully.

Chapter 3

I couldnt take my hands off of Dmitri.

Everything moved so fast. We kissed, that I admit. But it got more and more passionate. I couldnt control myself. Plus, Im half naked. If Dmitris not turned on by this, then this is so over. But it doesnt give me a valid reason on why I pulled him on top of me. The way his hand rubbed my thigh made me moan. Ive never been touched like that. Im only 15; I shouldnt be touched like that. But technically, Dmitris only 16 since thats how old he was when he was turned. There isnt anything wrong with two teenagers making out, right? But then the pain started. It moved faster than before. Instead of crying out in pleasure like Dmitri probably expected, I cried out in pain. I could feel the tattoos moving again. He saw them pulse, too. I pushed him off, scared that his closeness might cause further damage.

I need a wet cloth. I said to him. Dmitri disappeared from my bed. I heard him rummaging around in my bathroom. I sat up and took deep breaths, hoping they would help ease the pain. But my skin was still touching my bed sheets. The pain was stronger where the tattoos touched something. I rolled myself out of bed. Dmitri caught me before I could hit the floor. But our contact caused me to yelp. The pain rumbled throughout my body. I expected to see the ink start to enter my body as punishment for what I was doing, but nothing happened. I wrapped my abdomen in the towel Dmitri had given me. Tears rolled down my cheeks. If this is what dying feels like for a Rare Blood, then I never want to die. Annie? You okay in there? My dad knocked. I cursed under my breath and breathed in deeply. Yeah, Dad. I answered. I dropped my World History book on my toe. Theres no blood. Its just really sore. Want me to come in and take a look? I would if I could reach the door. I can't walk on it. Ill be fine, Dad. I lied. Get back to whatever you were doing. Silence. Dmitri pulled me into his arms. He pulled the towel away and gently started to pat my tattoos with it. I was grateful. My body felt like it was on fire. I needed something to cool the pain. The pulsing freaked him out. I bet all the other girls he dated didnt have pulsing tattoos on their body. When the pulsing stopped along with the pain and my tears, Dmitri picked me up off the floor and carried me into my bed. He gave me his polo to put on which I did. I could barely bend my arms; there was no way that Id get into my sweatshirt. He let me curl up at his side underneath my blanket. What happened to you? He whispered. You nearly gave me a hear attack. What was that? I briefly buried my tear stained face in his chest. I suddenly wished my hand talk was two-way. It means we can never be intimate. Being with you seems to activate my tattoos into thinking youve bitten me. We have to be more careful. Im so sorry, Anna. I shouldve been more careful. I dont want you to think that Im forcing you into anything. Shhhh. I put my finger over his lips. Its not your fault. I knew what was going to happen and I let it. Dont tell me youre already regretting doing that with me. Honesty speaking, that was the best kiss Ive ever received from someone. I smiled.


Dmitri smiled and briefly kissed me. The rest of the night, we spent talking. I fell asleep in his arms. But by morning, Dmitri was gone. He did leave a very sweet note and left a rose that I swear comes from our front yard. But back to the note, he wrote: Good morning, Annabel. I hope you had dreams as sweet as mine. Ill walk with you to school, unless youre planning to ride your bike again, then I would love to walk along beside you. Ill miss you until then. I couldnt help but giggle like a little school girl as I read it. Hes amazing, and I can't believe hes mine. Again, I wore my hair naturally and Dmitri seemed to like it. It was either that or he was staring through my hair ant at my jugular. So, you can probably understand why I believe the former. As we walked, I thought of his polo sitting in the back of my closet. Do boys always leave clothes behind so easily? If I had left something of mine at Dmitris, I wouldnt just let it sit there, Id go get it before someone discovers it (I just realized something. I really want that to happen. Ive never seen his place before. Ill ask him about it later). The school came into view and I suddenly got nervous. I hated the rumors going around. Walking into a school hand in hand with Dmitri would probably confirm all of them. Dmitri, can I ask you a favor? I looked at my boyfriend. I get giggles just by thinking about it. Of course. He smiled. I would do anything for you. Can we keep us being together a secret? At least until the rumors subside. People are saying a bunch of nasty things about usme mostly and I think seeing us together like this will start even more. Besides, if you havent noticedwhich I haveyou havent talked to anyone besides me or the teachers. I thought you wanted to make friends? Or are you trying to join the hermit party bus? Dmitri laughed. So, I finally get you to go out with me, and now you're saying that you want us to become distant so that I can make friends with a bunch of people that might as well be my next meal? He raised an eyebrow. I flinched. His next meal? Basically. I nodded. You arent serious about feeding from them, are you? Anna, He draped his arm over my shoulders. Im not that much of a monster. Ive never killed anyone in the entire time of me being a vampire. Ive chosen to get my blood from the blood bank or at least the closest forest. So now youre saying you're a Cullen? I laughed.

Dmitri laughed. His arms wrapped around me and he spun me around. You really now how to do it, dont you? Do what? I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. Make a mans heart melt. I love it. He kissed me. It would be our last kiss before we entered school territory. We didnt hold hands again. Instead of doing what he did last time, like I expected Dmitri to do. He started to talk with some of the guys. I despised the girls that flirted with him. I was letting my feelings get the best of me and I honestly wanted them to. It would give me a good reason to walk up to Molly Hotchkins and slap her for trying to steal my boyfriend (he-he-he. My boyfriend. God Im such a loser). We had fun that morning. It was laboratory day for Biology and guess what? I was paired with Dmitri. We didnt do an experiment like we usually did. Instead we played a game of Who can guess the Animal Kingdom the fastest? (Its not a real game, just a stupid thing made up by our teacher. I can already imagine it though. Warning: this game is not suitable for children under the age of 12). Dmitri and I won, but it's only because Dmitri knew what it was the second it came out. During break is when the real surprise happened. As I sat doodling at my desk (I didnt dare draw Dmitri again), I was approached by Molly Hotchkins and her posse of sluts (thats what I call them at least). So, you and the new kid seem to be close. She smiled. If you mean by us almost being neighbors, I lied. Then yes, we are pretty close. Cut the bull, Morrison. She hissed. Ive always wondered if Molly could be the reincarnation of Medusa you know. The mythical world is still searching for her. I know you're into him. So this is whats going to happen. You're going to leave him alone so that I can get to him. I dont know how you Americans call it, but Im calling first dibs on him. Is that understood? You. Can't. Have. Him. I couldnt help but laugh as I closed my notebook and shoved it into my bag. Molly and her posse glared at me. I got up. We do call it dibs. But have you ever wondered who Dmitri called dibs on first? I taunted and walked away. Okay, so maybe that did confirm their rumors a bit and I might be called the school whore, but that felt so good. Ive been waiting to tell Molly off since I first got here! Its liberating! Annabel! Molly screeched. I look back and laughed. Hey, Anna. Dmitri said.

I faced front again and ran right into Dmitris sexy lips. I nearly fell over. Fancy meeting you here, like this. He mentally laughed. I pushed him away. That didnt just happen! After he promised me? I turned and looked at the class. They were all silent and staring at us. For the second time, I couldnt help it. I ran away crying, feeling so embarrassed. That did not just happen. Dmitri did not just publicly kiss me like that door the entire classroom to see! He promised hed keep a normal distance and he kisses me! I can't believe him! I ran straight into the guidance office of our school. I wanted to go home. I dont want to be in a classroom filled with people that would just stare and gossip about me and Dmitri all day. I lied to the guidance counselor saying that there were rumors that I had a crush on Dmitri, the new student, so he thought it would be fun to kiss me in front of the whole class. What I feel for Dmitri is more than a crush, you know. Its stuck somewhere between really like, and love. I can't love my enemy (the saying love thy enemy is totally false, BTW). After crying my eyes out from embarrassment, the counselor called my dad and asked him to pick me up. He came, and I knew I would have to face him. What happened? He asked as he followed me into my bedroom. Its nothing. I dont want to talk about it. I said and threw myself onto my bed. You can tell me, Anna. He sat down beside me. I won't judge. I didnt want to tell my dad about Dmitri. Hed ask too many questions. Itll only be a matter of time before he goes looking. I need some herbs. Itll be my only way to protect Dmitri from the Protectors. I put my faith in a jerk of a classmate, okay? I dont want to talk about it. Just leave me alone. I said and buried my face in my pillow. If you want to talk, Ill be here for the rest of the day. My dad said, rubbing my back briefly. Then, he walked out. I spent the rest of my day locked in my room, crying. I couldnt help but feel a bit betrayed by Dmitri. I trusted him. I didnt want to talk to him. And, I dont know how he did it but, he had my number. The entire afternoon, I received his calls and texts, all describing how sorry he was. By the time I had finally decided to emerge from my bedroom to refuel (Im seriously starving), I had accumulated 52 texts and 26 missed calls, 19 of them coming with voice mail. Each one made me feel even more terrible then the last. My dad wasnt home, but he had left a note saying that a Clan meeting had been called. He had left his Clan famous pizza though. If

theres anything I love about my dad, its his cooking, especially the pizza. Everything with my dad is home made, even the ingredients. One of our Clan mates is a farmer and we get farm fresh veggies every other week. I got two slices and a bottle of coke (I need to divulge, okay?) and returned to my room. It was strangely quieter than it was before I had left. There was also something new. Dmitri was close. He really has the nerve, doesnt he? First, he embarrasses me in front of our entire class, then he expects me to welcome him back with open arms. I think it's just plain ridiculous. Right as I started to eat, I realized that I was still in uniform, so I changed into a tank top and pajama pants. When I came out of my closet, Dmitri was there. I ignored him and turned on my TV, getting my food in the process. Annabel, He said in a low voice. It was as he was afraid that if he spoke any louder, the world would hear. How the hell do you keep getting into my house? I said and sat down on my bed. Britains Next Top Model was on. I flipped through the channels. Im getting tired of you breaking and entering. Annabel, He repeated and sat down next to me. Please forgive me. Im so sorry. I wasnt thinking. I swear that I didnt mean to hurt you. Just go away. Im not in the mood to fight. Im not looking to fight, Anna. Please. A ball grew in my throat. I didnt want to face Dmitri. I didnt want anything to do with him right now. All I want to do is eat my pizza and go to sleep. Because after what he did to me, I have the biggest migraine that wasnt provoked by me kissing a vampire and I have a runny nose from crying so much. I bet that I probably look like shit, too. Just leave me alone, Dmitri. Get out of my house before I call my dad. I mumbled while wiping my eyes. I pushed away my plate of pizza. I was suddenly not in the mood to eat. Im not leaving until you listen to my apology. He said. Dmitri was suddenly in front of me, the TV off. He took my hands and gazed into my eyes. I couldnt look back. Annabel, Im sorry. Ive never regretted doing anything more than I regret embarrassing you today. I-I over heard your conversation with Molly and I couldnt help it. I wanted her to know that I chose you because you're the one I care about. I didnt think about how it would make you feel and I really wasnt thinking about the rumors. I dont care about them, or those people, okay? As long as I have you, none of them matter to me. You make me feel more human and I love it. It makesHonestly speaking, I think Im falling hard for you, Annabel. Dont want to hurt you. I dont want to think


about you being mad at me. Please forgive me, Anna . Ill never do anything like that again. I pulled my hands away. Why does he make me feel like this? How does he make me feel like this? I hate guys like that. All they have to do is say one word and all your anger goes away. Guys like that are always a bunch of jerks. I want to be mad at him. Itll save me the humiliation of being talked about in school. I keep my distance and so do the rumors, until oneor bothis gone. But he said he was falling in love with me. I shouldnt believe him. I know I shouldnt. And its been along time since someones been in love with me. I feel the same way about Dmitri, although I would never admit it out loud. I may be falling in love, but it doesnt change what we are. I dont know what Im going to do.

June 26, 2011 Sunday 11:47 a.m. I just had the most amazing dream last night. Im sorry for interrupting mid-chapter, but I just had to tell you about it! It was so amazing, it gave me the perfect idea to add some spice to my story. So, in my dream I was walking along the main road alone. Then, it was kind of like the story on character mes tattoos. In my dream, it looked about midnight (makes you wonder what I was doing alone, right?). Then all of a sudden I stop walking, a smirk slowly growing on my face. Theres a three foot wall beside me and I take a seat. On the other side of the wall is a grassy area that starts at the edge of the walls top. I run my fingers through the grass, leaning back, my porcelain neck being exposed. I smiled (I didnt know


what was going on in the beginning, but it makes me feel like a freak). Then all of a sudden Im on my back, legs in the air, wrapped around someones hips (did I mention that I was wearing a dress?).The person is kissing my neck and making me moan. This is where my dream gets real sexy because I start undressing the person on top of me (then, I think I knew the person beforehand). He looks at me, grinning, and its Dmitri with black eyes. We kiss and its passionate and totally amazing. His lips leave mine and he moves done to my cleavage, pushing up my dress as he does. I dont stop him, strangely enough. Once my dress is off, I noticed that I had no tats. Dmitri kisses me one last time before sinking his fangs into my neck. In my dream, it felt amazing. It didnt feel like I was getting my blood sucked out of me. I dont know how I could describe it so that you can understand it, but was just like someone plainly sucking my skin, thats all. It didnt hurt. You can probably imagine what we did after that. Right there in the field, too. It was uh-mazing! We stayed there naked until the sun came up. And even when the sun came up, we were still naked and doing the nasty in the field. I dont know what was going on (seriously, I have zero expertise on sexual things. Im surprised I could even learn the lingo used for it). Ithe real meprobably has never felt more embarrassed, but dream me didnt seem shy at all. Dmitris body is sexy. Im beginning to believe that hes some sort of sex god rather than a vampire. In my dream, his body was so muscular (not overly like those guys that want mega muscles. It was perfect for his 16 year old body type). He has a six pack! Or at least the dream version of him does. And he has a great package, too. OMG! He is just so sexy. Even now, sitting out on our back porch, sipping a glass of lemonade, I can't stop thinking about him, his great body, and the beautiful dream I had of us. I just realized something. Im in love with a fictional character of my own creation. Does it sound creepy? The more I think of it, the more I think it does. This story is probably going to make me go crazy.

Im still trying to plan out how Im going to fit that into my story. I can always put it as a dream story-me has, right? But then it would be totally weird for Dmitri to give herme a dream like that. I need to make up something where we (ha-ha. Thats how Im going to call me and my story character) lose our v-card to Dmitri. It has to be something romantic but totally spine-tingling, heart-warming, bodywarming (you know what I mean) amazing. Now Im making my character sound like a whore. I myself am starting to sound like a whore. Never once in my life have I ever had such dreams. Theres something wrong with me. Or maybe its because Im so inexperienced that Im over exaggerating everything. Do things like that happen in real life? I have no clue. Damn, I need to find myself a boyfriend.


Dmitri wiped a tear away with his thumb, catching it like a falling diamond. I moved closer to him and he pulled me into his arms. I cried into his chest. Dmitri whispered and thought about how sorry he was. I forgave him. I, honestly, didnt want to be without him. I ran out of tears pretty quickly since I was finally on good terms with Dmitri. I was happy again. Dmitri forced me to eat even if I wasnt hungry. We shared my pizza actually, and my coke. I was shocked to see him regular food. According to him, they can still eat human food. It makes me wonder what else vampires can do besides sleep, dream hop, make people do things, eat normal food, and cause girls to fall in love with them (this is basically for me and the girl in my tattoos). Just like the night before, Dmitri held me the entire night. I woke up earlier than I normally did and found Dmitri still asleep beside me. He looked so adorable when he slept! He looked more at peace then Ive ever seen him. I didnt want to wake him, so I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. It was only a few minutes before six, but it felt a lot earlier than that. I checked my reflection in the mirror after cleaning myself up. I no longer looked like shit. My skin looked a little pasty though., but I fixed that up quick with a little face powder. I dont know why, but I want to look my best in front of Dmitri at all times. Im happy hes still asleep. When I came out, he was still asleep. From where I stood next to the bathroom door, I could see that he was breathing in very deeply. And as I got closer, I could hear him snore, too! He just keeps getting more and more adorable. I got onto my bed and bounced it a little, still nothing. I crawled over to Dmitri and hugged his broad shoulders. I blew in his ears. Go away. He grumbled. I laughed. Stupid Maria. Woman doesnt knowhow to leave me alone. Can't she see that Im sleeping? I was having a nice dream, too. Annabel was in it. Look whos telling who to go away now. If you dont get up soon, my dads going to catch you in here. Then well both be in trouble.


Dmitri was suddenly up. He looked around my room, a little bewildered. I smiled and kissed him. I am so not Maria. I whispered. Dmitri looked at me for a second, blinking a couple of times, then pulled me in for a longer kiss. Sorry. I forgot, I guess. I was having a nice dream though. He smiled. Its okay. I smiled again. But I am serious about you needing to get out of here. My dad should be waking up soon. Right. He said and got up. His clothes were completely wrinkled. It made me laugh. I crawled over to the side he got up on. So, will you still be going to school? He said as he straightened up. I dont think so. Why dont you use some of your superpowers and erase everyones memory? I smiled. We can't erase peoples memories. He chuckled. And I would do something if I could. The most I can do is make people stop thinking about you. Its good enough for me. I said and pulled him down for a kiss. Then thats what Ill do. Ill see you later then? Why are you coming back tonight? I said excitedly. Three nights in a row of being with Dmitri? This is the best relationship Ive ever been in. Maybe. He winked and began to walk away. My question from last night popped back into my head. You never answered my question. How do you keep getting in here? Your windows arent that hard to get through. He grinned and disappeared. I pushed away my curtains that had just been blown up by wind and slid open my window. There is no possible way that Dmitri can get through the bars. They're only about seven inches apart. Dont tell me hes bending it. I am so gonna hurt him if he touches the bars! My dad checks them every month to make sure they're okay and sturdy. If those things start getting weak, hell know somethings up for sure. I looked out the window, hoping to catch any sight of Dmitri. He was gone. I sighed, closed my window and went downstairs. My dad was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I prayed that he didnt feel Dmitris presence in the house. The more Dmitri came here, the less I felt his presence. I wonder if its the same with my dad. My dad smiled at me. How are you feeling?


Better. I smiled back and took a seat at the island. My classmate called last night and apologized. I forgave him. He? he raised an eyebrow. Yes, Dad. He. It happened because of stupid Molly Hotchkins and her minions. Oh. He nodded. Is it okay if I dont go to school today? I dont feel like facing Molly again. Of course, I dont want anything happening again. A long weekend is exactly what you need. He smiled again. And itll probably give your class enough time to forget about what happened. He said it as if he knew exactly what had happened between Dmitri and I yesterday. Thanks. I hadnt really thought about Molly until just now. Its her that I shouldve been mad at yesterday, not Dmitri. She started it. I tried to end it, but it only added fuel to the flame. If she had never come up to me calling dibs on Dmitri, I wouldve never got defensive. What I said probably confirmed everyones rumors besides the kiss. I regret saying that Dmitri was the one calling dibs on me. After breakfast, my dad had to go to work at our Clans Headquarters (which location is a total mystery to me, BTW. Ive never been there). Hes the Clan leader since he came from the biggest family of Rare Bloods. I spent the morning cleaning my room and texting Dmitri who eventually got his cell phone confiscated (you do not know how disappointed and shocked I was when Mr. Matthews, our Home Ec. Teacher texted me the bad news). So I decided to use my laptop and check my different social networking accounts. The first being Facebook. I laughed when I saw a friend request from Dmitri. I didnt think vampires used Facebook. He was already friends with out entire class and most of our school, plus about a thousand more people I didnt know. Then I saw a relationship request in my notifications and I felt my heart race. As if I wasnt expecting Dmitri to have sent it, I freaked out a bit. Ive never had a relationship status besides single before. I accepted it in a heartbeat. Dmitris Facebook page was interesting. His pictures were like any other normal teens Facebook photos. There were different albums depicting the different things and places hes been to. I couldnt help but like every single one of themexcept the ones with Maria in it no matter how old they were. I posted something on his wall, something only him and/or his kind would get: They allow people like you on Facebook? You have really become modern :)). I hope he laughs when he reads it. On my other

accounts, there were things from Dmitri. His Twitter account was flooded with almost a million followers which made me really jealous. Mine hadnt reached 200 yet. I smiled at his About Me and his latest tweet. Both had me in them. Lunch rolled in and I quit the computer. I showered before I went down to cook. I also went searching for the herbs I could use for Dmitri. If he was to come over later, maybe the right way, hed have to start taking the herbs that protect people from people like me. Its name is really hard to pronounce and even harder to spell, so Im not even going to try. Any way, my dad and I both mix this herb with our food that way we will never hear each others thoughts. If I give some of it to Dmitri, plus a drop of my blood, which my dad will never find out (spilling Rare Blood is sort of a taboo. Its the reason why I told my dad that I wasnt bleeding when I lied to him about dropping a book on my foot. If Rare Blood is spilt, there has to be an entire ceremony to protect that spilt piece from ever being discovered or smelled by vampires. The ceremony itself takes 9 hours, so, you can probably understand why I dont want it)I will be the only person able to read his thoughts. It's a win-win situation. I was able to prepare the concoction and make my lunch in under an hour. My toe hurt as I walked up the stairs. It was wear I decided to cut myself. I at least had a good explanation for it if my dad sees it. I stubbed the toe I dropped the book on , on the doorframe/dresser/corner of my bed, whichever is more believable. When I returned to my bedroom, I nearly had a heart attack. Dmitri was leaning casually against my computer chair. I ran into his arms and kissed him. It's nice to see you, too, Anna. I missed you. I pulled away, embarrassed. I hadnt meant to make that such a big deal. I missed you, too. Staring at your Facebook page is no match for the real thing. I grinned. You saw it? He grinned. Of course. I whispered and kissed him. Dmitri lifted me up off the ground, making me laugh. I held on tightly as he threw us onto the bed, still locked in a kiss. He thought about how much he missed me, and showed me all the things he did while I was gone. I wished that I could show him what I was thinking. It would be so much easier than telling him. He pulled away once our kiss passed the one minute mark. He pushed my hair away, smiling. You look beautiful, as always. I blushed.

Why arent you in school? Dont tell me you're cutting. Hell no. He chuckled, And miss some more of Mr. Nators lecturing? Id never. He said and kissed me. I just had to see you. Plus, I bet your house doesnt have any of the schools fine dining, so I bought you a cupcake and cookies from the mess hall. You came all the way here to give me a cupcake? I raised my eyebrow. Of course I think it was a little stupid for him to do it, but, Im more interested in the cupcake than him cutting class (if he is cutting class, I dont pay attention to time when Im not in school). Maybe. He grinned and kissed me one last time before getting off of me. I propped myself onto my elbows and watched as Dmitri pick up one of the schools amazing cupcakes. It was in a plastic box with a bow wrapped around it. Also in his hand was a little brown bag with a plastic window in it revealing three cookies. Youre too kind. I smiled and sat up. I know. He laughed. I did, too. He placed the bag and box beside me and sat down. So, I smiled again. You have to tell how you got so many followers on Twitter. Now thats one secret Ill never tell. He grinned. I pushed him down onto his back and leaned on top of his chest. Ooh, you're so scary. He chuckled. I laughed and kissed his cheek. His arms wrapped around me. I think its impossible for you to be scary. I want you to meet my dad. I blurted out. What? Youve been trying to keep me away and now you want me to meet him? Look whos trying to get who killed. He shook his head. His thoughts mimicked his words. He did not think it was a good idea one bit. All I could do was smile. Well, I have a plan. Im sure theyve already seen my relationship status and by the time my dad gets home, hell be asking who you are. What better way than to have you introduce yourself. All you have to do is drink something and were good. Drink what exactly? He scooted up. Ill show you. You can drink it now. I said and got up. I gave him a quick tour of my house on the way to the kitchen. My concoction was still sitting on the island, where I left it. Here. I pushed it towards him. Dmitri hesitantly picked up the glass and sniffed it. His eyebrows furrowed and I could tell that he didnt like it.

I can't make up my mind on whether this smells good or not. He frowned. It probably smells good because it has my blood in it. Your what? He looked at me shocked. I pointed down at my foot and wiggled my toe. What did you do? If I want it to effect everyone but me, a single drop is whatll take. So, please, drink up. Ill explain things after. Dmitri took one last sniff and downed the full contents. He gagged mid-gulp. The glass went down with a loud clang and Dmitri coughed. What did you do? Cut open a tea bag and pour it into water? He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Its a herb that prevents you from having your mind read. The reason why I added my blood is so that I can still read it. I smiled and took his hand. Can you here me now? Yep, and now my dad, nor any of the Protectors, will be able to read your mind. Dmitris arms slinked around my waist, pulling my close. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Dmitri lifted me onto the island. I blushed. You really like saving me for yourself, dont you? Its a growing habit. I giggled. Dmitri smiled and kissed me. I was getting used to this. I liked it a lot, the way hed kiss me whenever he wanted. No one has ever showed me such love that I felt from him. As we kissed, an alarm went off. I pulled away, confused. Dmitri pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. You got your phone back? Not exactly. He chuckled. But I promise thatll give it back. Its not like hell notice. Anyway, I have to go. I have five minutes before the bell rings. Come over after school, Ill let you meet my dad and Ill give you some more herbs. You won't have to hurt yourself again, will you? He said painfully. I dont have to. I lied. I have to add at least three drops into the packet Im planning on giving him. Itll last about two to three weeks. Ill see you later? I wouldnt miss it for the world. He grinned and kissed me one last time before running back to the school After Dmitri was gone for at least 10 minutes, I grabbed at least a pound of the herbs from my dads surplus stock. I brought it into my room and poured the back into a big bowl. I took off my band-aid and pricked my

toe again. As I prepared the mixture of my blood and the herbs, I suddenly realized how bad this could end if I didnt do this right.

Chapter 4

It was hard to contain my nervousness as my

dad entered the house. I told Dmitri to come over at 4 oclock since my dad said he would get home at three. I could tell my dad knew something was up. He watched my every move. That just made me more nervous. I feared that my dad would be able to feel Dmitri. If he did, I have a feeling that my dad will pull out whichever hidden stake he has closest to him. So, Ed saw your Facebook update earlier. Youre dating someone now? my dad said nervously. I bit my lip and nodded. Theres a new kid in our class. He sits right next to me and hes really into me. And I kinda feel the same way about him since hes such a gentleman and really sweet. Theres a new student in your school? Since when? He said surprised. Monday. I mumbled. Im sorry, did you say Monday? And youre already dating this boy? I hate how my dad isnt open minded. Its very irritating. I really like him, Dad. Can't you at least lighten up? I asked him to come over to bring over the homework I missed. My dads lips pursed. Fine. But I can't assure you that Ill like him. He said and walked out of the living room. Ten agonizing minutes later, Dmitri arrived. It took you long enough. I whispered.

Im sorry. Brenton asked me to join him and the guys for a round of basketball after school. You play basketball? There are a lot of things that I can do that you dont know about. He grinned. My dad cleared him throat. Dmitri and I both looked. Hello, you must be my daughters boyfriend. I am. Dmitri said nervously. Hi, my names Dmitri Adison. I just moved here from Chicago with my mother. He held out his hand for my dad to shake. My dad eyed his hand for a second, then shook it. I closed my eyes. I didnt want to see it if the herbs didnt work. Shawn. My dad said. I peaked out and sighed with relief. No ones dead. That is very good. They looked at me suspiciously. I smiled innocently. I think were just going to go upstairs and do homework. I said and hooked my arm on Dmitris. Door stays open. My dad said sternly. I know. I said and dragged Dmitri up the stairs. He didnt dare think a single thought the entire time. When we were in my room, he chuckled nervously. I wonder if my influence worked. He whispered. You influenced my father? I gasped. Im sorry. I was scared. He said and wrapped his arms around me. Forgive me? I smiled and kissed him. Dmitri and I sort of did homework like I told my dad. When I say sort of, Dmitri did all the homework. He offered to since our only assignment was to make a summary on the story wed been reading in class since the beginning of the school year. While he typed on my laptop to different summaries, I sketched him. I realized that I didnt really get to sketch him in the past day or two. I missed it. Can I ask you something? Dmitri said as he closed my laptop. I watched him get up and pick up two papers from my printer. He put them into his binder. Of course. I smiled. Do you have any musical instruments in your house? Im in the mood to play. We have an entire collection downstairs. We can go see. Id like that. He smiled.


Dmitri and I went downstairs and into our music room. We passed by my dad in his office. His eyes followed us the entire way. I could tell that Dmitri was amazed. All the instruments in our music room came from my ancestors, all the previous Rare Blood and Protectors that have been in my family and Clan. I sat down at our piano while Dmitri looked around the room. I began to play Fr Elise. Looking for anything special? I smiled. Wheres a guitar? Oh, God. I know what hes about to do. Next to the cello. I watched as he found the guitar and put the strap on. The guitar belonged to my late grandfather. He was a bit of a cowboy back then. Dmitri quickly tuned it and came over to me. Stop that. He smiled. I want you to listen. Dont you always? I winced. He chuckled and started to play. I turned and faced him. I recognized the song he was playing immediately as When You Say Nothing at All. I couldnt help but laugh since that was exactly how our relationship was, especially on my side. Dmitri had an amazing voice. I felt his song go straight to my heart. During the interlude, I got up and kissed him. He smiled. I knew youd like it. He whispered. I do. I smiled. I liked Dmitris voice. It was different and still amazingly sexy (kind of like Justin Timberlakes voice). I joined him in singing the final chorus. There was chemistry in our voices, they blended together in perfect harmony, and I loved every second of it. When the song was over, Dmitri pushed the guitar behind him and pulled me into his arms. We kissed. My heart accelerated like it never has before. Dmitri grinned. Theres one more song. One that will show you my true feelings. He whispered. Okay. I nodded. Sit down and let the music flow into your soul. He smiled, took my hand and led me back to the piano bench. He started to play and I freaked. The song he was playing was Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Calliat. Dmitri was trying to tell me he loved me. I didnt move the entire time he sung, although I know he expected me to sing Colbies part. He ended with a smile on his face. Dmitri, I dont know what to say. I shook my head.


You dont have to say a thing. He put the guitar down on it's stand and sat down next to me. I just want you to know how I feel about you. I dont care if you dont feel the same way, exactly. As long as you know how I feel. He said and took my hands. I know Im moving too fast. But I know what I feel for you is real, Annabel. I dont care about what we are, or how it separates us. Youve changed my life and have made an entire eternity worth living for me. I love you. He loves me. I never thought Id hear those words come out from his mouth, especially when four days ago, I thought he was the monster that would end my life. Its amazing how fast things change. Im not ready to say that I love him back though. Im still scared to be around them. I dont want to tell him this, but I still dont trust him. Relationships are built on trust though. And this is just going to get harder and harder for me. I put my hands on Dmitris face and kissed him. He moved closer to me and put his hand on my waist. He thought about how much he loved me. If this is all Im going to hear from him, Id rather not even give him the pound of bloodied herbs, but instead should give him a normal pack. This is all so confusing. Let me play something for you, now. I smiled. Go ahead. He smiled back. His hand caressed my cheek. Hand me the guitar. Since Dmitri played a song about the way he feels the way about me, I plan to do the same. It was the least I could do. I wanted to play Bubbly and Falling for You. They're my favorite Colbie Calliat songs. And they show exactly how I feel when Im with him. Dmitri couldnt stop smiling as I played. I couldnt stop blushing. When I finished, he kissed me. I dont know why I wasnt expecting it. I just wasnt. I put the guitar down on the floor and moved as close as possible to him. He held me by the small of my back and one hand on my cheek. I didnt want to unwrap my arms from his neck because I was so filled with emotion. I know we both were. Our moment was ruined by my dad. He knocked on the door and cleared his throat. I pulled away, embarrassed. Sorry. I said to him. Im giving you guys about thirty more minutes before you have to go home, Dmitri. Yes, sir. Dmitri nodded. My dad walked away. I couldnt help but giggle. I never thought Id ever be caught in something so passionate. Dmitri playfully kissed my face.

Stop it. I laughed. I can't help it. He grinned. You and your music are just so beautiful. I blushed. Then you shall hear more. I smiled and faced the piano. Dmitri and I played with the piano more than we played on it. He challenged me to a showdown and I had to show him that I was the better pianist. We never got to find out though. Dmitri had to leave before we got to find out. While he got his bag, I explained to him what to do with the bloodied herbs. I told him to always mix it with water. If you decide to mix it with your food, make sure its cooked into it. Never eat it raw because it could kill you (Thats how Clan member Jack died). Then, I walked him out. We walked hand-in-hand even if it was only to the front of my front door. Would you allow me to take you out on a date tomorrow? Where would we go? Theres nothing fun to do in this place. Im sure we can find something. He grinned and hugged me. I felt like I fit perfectly in his arms. Do you mind if I see you in your dreams tonight? he whispered in my ear. Not at all. I grinned. Dmitri kissed me goodnight and I watched him walk away. Once he rounded the corner of our street, he disappeared. I walked back inside, already excited for out two upcoming dates. My dad was cooking dinner, so I decided to help him. Very bad choice. You gave him some of our protective herb? He stopped cooking to look at me sternly. I couldnt help it! I said defensively. Our abilities ruin my relationship with every boy Ive ever liked. I really like Dmitri, Dad. I dont want to hear, whats going on in his head. I want us to have a normal relationship. Is that really so bad? You shouldve asked first. You took from the supply of the Clan, not just ours. Well I apologize for not asking first. Do you need help with dinner? No. Ill call you when its finished. Okay. I nodded and walked away. Once I was out of sight, I ran up the stairs and jumped onto my bed, heart racing. I pulled out my cell phone and texted Dmitri. It worked!


He replied a few seconds later. Wat did? My influence or your tea bag? The herbs silly AwwI really wanted it to be my influence. Lol Shut up. I couldnt stop myself from laughing. Dmitri used lol. I never thought Id see a vampire use the lingo lol. Damn that is awesome! Im thnking about g2 bed. U? Rite bhind u nyt :-* Nite. I luv u, Anna. :-* I giggled. Now I have written proof of his feelings for me. I went to sleep without dinner, and woke up in our dream on a beach. I recognized the place as the closest beach to Low Row. The Clan goes there every summer as a sort of reunion. Its been a while since Ive been though. Dmitri came up from behind me and put his arms around my waist. I smiled and hugged his arms. Whyd you take me here? Its the middle of September and its cold. I frowned. Dmitri kissed my cheek. I dont know. Ive always wanted to take you here. Its only and hour or two away from your house. Always? I laughed, mostly because his warm breath tickled my ear. Youve barely known me for more than a week. Ive always wanted to take you since I realized that I cared about you. He grinned. I turned in his arms and curled up against his chest. The cold sea air pinched my skin. Dmitri kissed my hair. Can't we go somewhere warmer? I whispered. Like back to my place? Or maybe yours, I wanna see the place where Dmitri Adison sleeps. I smiled. Anna, I dont think thats a good idea.

Why not? I looked up at him. Its not like anyone will see us. This is our dream isnt it? Yes, but Maria will still be able to feel you. Shes much stronger than I am. She could enter my dream and do something terrible. I didnt think vampires could hop each others dreams. It scared me that she could hurt me in his dreams. What would happen to me if I die there? It didnt stop me from saying please. I wanted to see Dmitris room. Im curious to see what it looks like. Does he have a big bed like I do? What color are his walls? What does he see when he looks out the window? Every question ran through my head. You are impossible. He whispered. Impossible amazing. I grinned and kissed him. I didnt hear his thoughts. I didnt feel any pain. I like our dream dates so much better now. We get to be a normal couple. Fine. Keep your eyes closed and hold on tight. I did. I felt cold air blow by my face. The gravel of the beach turned into something flat. The sound of the sea changed into chirping crickets. I couldnt help but open my eyes. I smelled the flowers outside my house. I opened my eyes. We were outside my house now. Dont tell me you live outside my house. I dont. He chuckled. I wanted to show you the way, that way if you ever needed me, youd no exactly where to find me. He said and kissed my cheek. We walked in blissful silence. He didnt live that far from me, probably only ten minutes away by bike. His house looked like every other English house in the world. There was a small gate separating the sidewalk from the path that lead up to his front door. The plants on each side of the path were well kept. The house was white with blue-green colored shutters and door. It was two stories tall and looked no where out of the ordinary. No one would think vampires lived in it. Are you ready to go in? Dmitri whispered. I nodded. The front door was unlocked. I didnt no what to expect. The inside looked like any other rich-persons home. The furniture was nice and the appliances expensive. There were pictures of him and Maria looking like an actual family. Dmitri stayed silent the entire time as he showed me the places between the front door and the stairs. The wall next to the staircase was covered in small paintings, as was the hallway at the end. Once at the top, Dmitri pressed his finger to his lips and pointed to the door we were passing by. I understood him saying that it was Marias room. At the

end of the hall was Dmitris room. We went in and Dmitri closed the door behind us. His room looked like any other teenagers. The walls were an off-white color and were covered in posters of different bands. I never took Dmitri as being the band-type. His bed was big like I imagined, with a majestic headboard. It was covered with a grey duvet and had accompanying grey and white sheets .Next to it was nightstand. On the wall next to the door was a flat screen TV. On the wall next to the one with the TV was a huge window covered in heavy grey curtains. Next to it was a desk, with Dmitris laptop on top. His school bag hung from the back of the computer chair. Other than the furniture I mentioned, there was nothing else. The room was pretty much empty. I noticed a picture frame on the nightstand. Smiling, I went over and picked it up. It was a picture of me, a picture he took of me in the library a few days ago to be specific. You really have no shame, do you? I showed him the picture. What? He chuckled. I wanted your face to be the last thing I see before I go to sleep and the first thing I see when I wake up. He smiled and put his arms around my waist. Dmitri kissed my shoulder, then my cheek. You shouldve told me first. And ruin the surprise? I shook my head and put the picture back where it came from. I stepped away from Dmitris arms and plunged myself onto his bed. The sound of air escaping his duvet made me laugh. I love your bed. I smiled. I could already imagine myself curling up underneath the covers with Dmitri beside me. Dmitri laid down beside me, laughing. I rolled onto my stomach and crawled up to him. So, what do you think? About your room? Its very. Different. I smiled. Very age appropriate. I snickered. I dont think so. Every single poster is signed by each band member, you know. I like to live in my memories. He smiled. I sat up. Dmitri did, too. If you live in your memories, I moved closer to him. I was on my hands and knees. Then there isnt any room for the present or future. I frowned. Dmitri pulled me onto his lap. I tightened my arms around his neck. My comment was serious; I wanted to know where I fit into his life. I feel like more than just a girlfriend to him. I know our relationship is more than just love.

You have a special place. He whispered. Memories stay back in my mind. You, He smiled, Dont think Im cheesy for saying this, but, I let you go right into my heart. Thats where youll find our present and future. I smiled and kissed him. Dmitris hands moved down to my hips, holding me down. I kissed him more passionately, enjoying every second I had with him. I loved how painless it was for us to make out so passionately. Dmitris hands moved down to my thighs, pulling me closer. I pushed him back. Dmitri made me moan. He made my entire body tremble. I gripped his shirt. I could feel what was going to happen and I didnt know if I wanted it to continue or not. I slowly pulled away. I wasnt ready to lose my virginity, and if I was, I dont think losing it in a dream really counts. I kissed the corner of his mouth, moving to his cheek, then down to his ear. Dmitri was breathing heavily in mine. I nibbled on his ear until I had my breathing under control enough to speak. Im sorry if I led you on. I whispered. Im just not ready, Dmitri. Its okay. He whispered back. Im not pushing you. I fell onto the bed beside Dmitri. My heart raced. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart pound under my ear. The sound made me smile. Dmitri rubbed my back until we decided to go underneath the fluffy blankets. I fell asleep in his bed and woke up fitfullyand alonein my own. I checked my cell phone, like I did every morning. There was a brand new text from Dmitri. I love you and Ill pic u up @ 10 for our date. Dress warmly. I cnt w8 :-* I found a new love in sending Dmitri cyber-kisses. Its fun, yet I dont know why I like to do it. Dmitri replied with a kiss back. It was a little past eight, giving me less than two hours to get permission and get ready. I hurried downstairs to find breakfast on the table and my dad mowing the backyard. I quickly ate breakfast and went outside. Dad? I called over the lawn mower. He turned it off. Yeah? Is it okay if I go out today? Dmitri asked me out on a date. Dmitri. He nodded as if he disapproved. How long will you be? I shrugged.

Ill be home before three. Good. You better be on time because were going to a Clan dinner tonight. I held back my excitement. Kay. I nodded. I ran up to my dad and kissed his cheek. Thanks. I smiled and ran back inside. I was excited for our date, but I didnt know what Dmitri meant by dress warmly. So, I put on skinny jeans, my best sleeved t-shirt and camisole along with my favorite hoodie and sneakers. Dmitri arrived ten on the dot and greeted my dad cordially. He wore a plain t-shirt, fitted jeans, nice shoes and a nice jacket. It amazed me on how sexy he looked no matter what he wore. We went out and I nearly toppled over. Parked in front of my house was a black Mustang with red racing stripes. Ive always wanted a Mustang. They're such beautiful cars. I can't believe Dmitri had one. I wonder if hell teach me how to drive in it. Is something wrong? Dmitri asked. Im in love with your car. You wanna drive? He grinned, holding out the keys. You probably know the directions to where Im taking you. I wish I knew how to drive. Im still 15 remember? I groaned. Ive never hated my age more than I do now. Its easy. Besides, arent you supposed to be amazing at everything? All you have to do is concentrate, right? I looked back at his very fine car. I could probably do itif I was on my own. With Dmitri beside me, I won't even be able to begin concentrating. Ill pass, but maybe you can teach me later. I smiled. Id love to. He kissed my forehead and opened the passenger side. I got in. The car smelled so much like Dmitri. It was intoxicating. I have a feeling that I'm gonna be woozy by the time I step out again. Dmitri got in and he started the car. Before taking off, he looked at me and smiled. I blushed and smiled back. You look beautiful. You say that too much. Because its true. He took my hand. Although, I think you look better without any make-up on. What are you talking about? I always have some sort of make-up on my face. Even after you take a shower? He raised his eyebrow. Face powder, plus a little night cream.

Dmitri shook his head, chuckling. What? He better not be laughing about me. Hes already pulled his hand away so I have no way to find out. Nothing. Lets just go. He said and drove away from my house. The place he took me to was the beach. No wonder he said dress warmly. It wasnt that cold, but I could still feel it underneath my jacket. I watched as Dmitri pulled a picnic basket from the trunk of his car. You made all of this for us? I said appreciatively. For you Id make anything. He grinned and kissed the bridge of my nose. I love you. I blushed. He chuckled and put his arm around me. Lets go. We walked, huddled together, until we found the perfect spot on the beach to have out picnic. I helped Dmitri put down a big wool blanket over the gravel he had another blanket for me to wrap around myself, but instead I shared it with him. It was more romantic that way. With his arms around me and the blanket around us, Dmitri started to unload the picnic basket. So, whats on the menu? I looked at him. I made a chicken caesar salad, a few sandwiches, macaroni, for desert, browniesstore bought. Im sorry, but I can't bakeand to wash it all down, hot chocolate, my real mothers own recipe. He smiled. I laughed a little. The lunch he made was so simple and didnt require much effort, but it sounded like the best meal in the world to me. I also noticed a tiny glow in him as he mentioned his real mother. He hasnt told me much about his family. Hes barely told me about how he was as a human now that I think about it. What was your mother like? She was probably the most optimistic person I know. He smiled again. There was nothing that could bring her down and no one that didnt like her. Ive always thought it was impossible for someone to hate her. I like to think that the reason why Im so human as a vampire is because of her. What was her name? Elise. He said her name lovingly. Did you have any siblings? Four older brothers. He chuckled. They made most of my life a living hell. The eldest was Jonathan, followed by Andrew, then Christopher, and lastly Nicolas.


Why do you have such a unique name? I asked curiously. His brothers names were so common. Dmitri isnt something you heard everyday (besides me now that Im in a relationship with him). Dmitri was the name of the man that saved my mothers life. He was a vampire. I guess something happened to my mom the night I was born and he happened to be there. He promised to save her lifeor maybe our lives as long as he got me in the future. My father, who didnt really care about his sons at the time, made the deal. I was able to live out 16 years with them before he came and got me. I wasnt with him for more than a few hours before he turned me. I could hear pain and grief in his voice. Dmitri was broken up inside over the decision his father made. He wasnt important to his father and never felt like he was. He blamed himself for having to leave them. If something hadnt gone wrong with the labor, the other Dmitri never wouldve come and he would have lived out his life with his family. Listening to him think that made me sad. If the other Dmitri hadnt come, I would never have met him. We would never be falling in love with each other. I could see how this was good for me, but I didnt want to have not met Dmitri. I wanted him in my life so bad that it hurt. Why isnt he your mentor, then? I couldnt help but ask. He had debt to Maria. I was basically a slave for the most part of my early life as a vampire. She even treated me like one until the Council gave me my first mission. Before I ask what it was, do you mind me asking something else? Ask and Ill tell. He smiled and briefly kissed me. What does Maria think of us? I already know she doesnt approve, but I want to know what she really thinks. When she saw us together in school, what did she think? Was I part of the reason why Dmitri got punished? I honestly can't tell you. I havent seen her since Wednesday. She isnt showing herself to me. Shes either been in her room, or out hunting something. But what do you think? I know shes mad. Shes already called me a failure and is threatening to go to the Council for my misbehaviors. But I honestly dont care. All I want is for you to be safe, and happy. You make me very happy. I smiled. And you make me the happiest. He smiled and kissed me. His arms tightened around me.


Dmitri told me about his failed missions while we ate. He was supposed to track down a Vampire-Born person and bring him to the Council within three days. Dmitri found him, but got lost along the way. He didnt make it to the Council until the fifth day. His second mission was to kill a certain Protector that had killed two members of the Council. Dmitri admitted to being to soft and let the Protector live (for this, I was grateful. Hearing about one of my kind dying is painful). His last mission, the one that caused him to leave Chicago. This one was the easiest of them all. He was to locate a Clan and inform the Council on it's whereabouts. Again, Dmitri had gotten to soft and fled Chicago. He never found the Clan anyway, which made me happy. He told me that Maria had led him here to Low Row. She knew of the Clan here and was giving him a free pass to finally be on good terms with the Council He really thought he could do it, only he didnt think hed ever fall in love with the subject of his mission. After we ate, we sat there and enjoyed the view. I didnt do much of it though. I felt so comfortable in Dmitris arms that I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of his heart beating. The sound was so addicting because it sounded so human. It wasnt like the sound I studied when I was younger because when I was younger, the Protectors had captured a vampire and brought it to us to study. I found the vampire very fascinating, but its heartbeat sounded like a cough. Dmitris was human, it sounded exactly like mine. He taught me how to drive in the parking lot. It only took me five minutes before I was driving like a pro. He offered to let me drive home, but I declined. Because as he drove, since I was tired, I curled up next to him, resting my head in the hollow of his neck and took a nap with his arm around me. He got me home five minutes to three. We walked hand in hand, my body still leaning against his since I was still half-asleep. We stood in front of my door, caught in an embrace. I wish neither of us had to go. I want you to come inside and lay with me for a while. I mumbled and yawned. I wish the same. He said and kissed my hair. I looked up at him and he kissed me. If you ever happen to fall asleep again, Ill be there to join you. We can lay in my bed, or your bed, again. Maybe tonight. I whispered. I want at least a little more time where my dreams of you are made by my own subconscious. I smiled. Dmitri chuckled and kissed me again. We said goodbye and I went inside. Later that evening, we went to a Clan members house, who lived out


of town. I was confused though, because the house was basically empty, and covered in lit candles. Dad, whats going on? I thought we were here for dinner. We are. But first comes the Passing Ceremony. You turn sixteen in two weeks, we need to get this over with before it's too late. And with that, 12 robed figures came out of the shadows holding orbs that glowed mystically. They pulsed, like my tattoos and with each wave, burning ripped through my body. I cried out in pain, and for my dad to stop it, but no one came to help. The last thing I remember is hitting my head on the floor hard.


June 28, 2011 Tuesday 8:30 p.m. My summer is almost half way through and I still havent gotten through at least half of what I planned to do with my story. Do you think Mr. Weiner will grant me an extension? I have a feeling though that hes gonna be a dick again. Ugh. My life sucks. I need to get out of the godforbidden town as soon as possible! Why couldnt we live in someplace cool like London? We went out, as a family on a picnic yesterday. It sucked. Its sort of where I got the idea to place the ultraromantic picnic Dmitri and story me had on the beach. Except we went to one of these picnic areas and the picnic was for a party my dads boss was throwing, making it the least child-friendly party ever. I dont think you can even call it a picnic for heavens sake. There werent any games, everyone was dressed semi-formally (I had to wear a dress! A dress! It's summer, you stupid bastards. I shouldve been in shorts!) and everyone drank fancy champagne while I and my sister but this isnt about herwas stuck drinking kool-aid. What the hell do I look like to you? A five year old? A little soda or wine cooler wouldve been nice. Cassidy wasnt her normal bitch to me yesterday. Since daddys friends and co-workers were there, we had to be good little angels. I dont think it's even possible for Cass to act anywhere near holy. Shes some sort of devils advocate, I know it. I doubt were even biological sisters. This has to be

some sort of Vampire Diaries thing where my mom and dad were trying to have a baby, so they adopted, but still ended up having me. Yeah, thats what I think. Its the most rational explanation I can find. Shes jealous because Im the real child. We dont even look alike, you know. Cassidy is supertall, at least 59 and Im stuck at 56. She has a thin cheerleader body and is as stuck up as one. I wonder If my sister gets married, do you think her husband will be able to pull her head out of her ass? I hope so. Maybe then I can get a little respect. Anyway, Im a little chubby. Not super, Im still a size two, but at least I dont look like Im starving myself (which I think she is). She also has the cute kind of strawberry blond, not my freak of nature hair color. And she has blue eyes, while I have a greenish-hazel (even my eye color is a freak!). One last thing, everyone just loves Cassidy. Everyone.

Chapter 5

I woke up in a field. I could hear chanting all around me,

yet there wasnt anyone else but me. The field was at least 10 acres of vast nothingness. As far as I could see, me and that tree over there are the only things standing. I walked over to it, the chanting still ringing in my head. I felt lots of powering emanating from it. I knew what it was immediately. Its the tree thats the source of all our Powers. The tree that connects every Clan together. This is where we make the stakes to kill vampires. It may be a single tree, but it never runs out of wood. What do I do? I called out. My Protector answered. It is time for you to come one with all of us, Anna. Generations before you have come here and accepted our Mother. Now it is your turn. Step forth, my daughter, and embrace Her. I hugged the tree. Its branches wrapped around my body in a tight embrace. I started to cry. It felt so good, like I was being hugged by my real mother. The tree was alive. Hello, my child. A female voiced called out. The tree was speaking to me and it was the most beautiful thing Ive ever heard. I dont know what to do. I sobbed. Being turned away from the Mother is a very bad thing. She knows all, and I know she knows about Dmitri and I. If she turns me away, I die. No Rare Blood can survive without the Mother. Remember the song your mom used to sing you and Cassidy? The Romanian song? Sing it to our Mother. I thought back. My mom sung us lots of Romanian songs. She was born there, as was every other Rare Blood out there. All Rare Bloods are Romanian. Romania is where the Mother Tree lived here on earth. It is there that the Rare Bloods and Protectors began. I dont know which one. Im so sorry. Do you give yourself to me, child? The tree asked. The song hit me like a baseball to the head. There was one song my mom always repeated, one she forced my sister and I to remember. This is what it was for. As accepta tu, mama.

Soarta in care i s-au ales, Mi-a dat la putere i-am fi asteptat, Vreau sa fie una cu tine. Aceasta ma cu cei care au trecut, Adu-mi de lumina m-am fi vrut, Arata-mi, drumul catre destinul meu O Rara Sange pentru totdeauna, In aceasta depunere am sa-mi dau auto la tine, vai mama. Copilul tau fata sa te. Protectori ne bucuram! Eu sint compl. I accept you, Annabel. The Mother Tree replied. I give you your Powers, Powers that have been waiting for you since your birth. Follow me and I shall show you the way. You shall be complete. Thank you, Mother. I sniffled. Something surged through my body. It was so full of energy. It filled my entire being. I knew it was the Power given to me by the Mother Tree. I began to feel physically powerful. I began to wonder what my new Powers would be. The Powers given by the Mother Tree always differ you from the other members of your Clan. Ill finally be my own person. I suddenly remembered my sister. She never got to this point. She was killed at month before her 16th birthday. The Mother Trees branches let go of me. I stepped away. The tree glowed. Accept these gifts from me, Annabel. Your first gift, you must never lose. It is your weapon against those who oppose you, those that have threatened your life. This weapon will never fail you. The stretching cracks of the branches brought something close to me. It was a wooden dagger, its hilt designed intricately in ruins. I recognized my name in Romanian mixed in with it all. The dagger pulsed with Power and energy to be claimed by its new owner. I picked it up and balanced it in the palms of my hand. It looked heavy, but it weighed nothing at all. It felt like I was holding air. You make call it Omel, it is made of my wood and will help you many times in your life. Thank you, Mother. I smiled. Youre next gift, is one you have asked for. Come to me, my children, meet your new sister. The Rare Blood Annabel Morrison.


I turned around. The field was filling with people. But the ones that mattered most were my family. Before me stood my mother, sister and grandparents. I ran into their arms, tears streaming down my face. Oh, my baby. My mother cried out. Im so proud of you. Youve done so well. I miss you so much, mama. I sobbed. I miss all of you. Its not the same without you all in the house. I know, I know. My mom whispered. I looked at all of them and gave them each a hug. My grandparents congratulated me. I looked at my sister and gave her the strongest embrace. You are so lucky, you know. She punched my arm. You better not screw it up. You should've told me that a long time ago. I probably screwed up more times than you did. I laughed. Have you not noticed yet? Im the one who died. I think that makes me the bigger screw up. Besides, how could getting the hottest boyfriend in the world be screwing up? I flinched a little but laughed again. You know what he is, dont you? Oh, thats no secret here. My mom smiled. But as long as your happy, so are we, all of us. She looked back at the other dead Rare Bloods and Protectors. But hes a vampire. Shouldnt you be mad? Anna, baby, My mom smoothed down my wild reddish curls. When youre here, none of that matters, to anyone. Besides, She smiled again. We know hell never hurt you. If Mother knew something would happen, she wouldve never let him happen. Yep. Its all love here. Love, love, love, all the time. Yet I can't find a handsome Protector around here. Cassidy shook her head. We all laughed. I looked around them at the crowds of people. I immediately spotted a boy that looked cute. He looked a few years older than my sister and I, but when your dead, I guess that doesnt matter, He had black hair and wore clothes from a different period completely. He looked like he couldve been born from Dmitris era. But he still was pretty cute. What about him? Mr. Tall, dark and handsome. He may be a bit too old for you though. Centuries old probably. Cassidy turned around, her strawberry blonde hair swirling. She waved high to the boy, who smiled and waved back. You are probably the best sister ever. Cassidy smiled and hugged me. Now, lets see if I can get him in private. And by private, I hope you

know what I mean. Its not fun to be dead and a virgin. She whispered. I laughed. Its just like Cassidy to go boy hunting that way. Ill be waiting for you, sis. Never forget that, and never forget that I love you. She put her hands on my shoulders. See yall later. She grinned and ran off. We watched her grab the boy by the hand and pull him away. They disappeared into thin air. I turned back to my mother and grandparents. Anything you want me to tell dad and the rest of the clan? Tell your dad that I love him. I love both of you. My mom said and kissed my forehead. We love you two, also. My grandma said, smiling. Well all be waiting for you. Tell your papa to lighten up a bit for me. Will ya? My grandpa said. I told you to be careful when it came to choosing a Protector, Beth, and you just had to pick the up-tightest of them all. We all laughed. Thats enough from you, papa. My mom smiled at her father. We have to introduce Anna now. She took my hand. It felt so alive, not like the dead, grey, tainted one I held when I found her. We faced the crowd. My friends, brothers and sisters, may I introduce you to my daughter, Annabel. The spirited one. The spirited one? My thoughts were thrown by the roar of clapping. It seemed to echo all the way to the farthest point of the vast field. It startled me. The applause decrescendoed and silenced. I turned back to my mom and hugged her. I dont know what Im going to do, mama. I whispered. Follow the path the Mother has placed for you. She whispered back. You will find all your answers there. I nodded. One by one everyone disappeared. My mom was the last. I teared up again. I had my family back, and I wanted them to stay. The leaves of The Mother Tree ruffled behind me. Go on, my child, and bring onto the world the greatness I have bestowed you. She said. It was barely above a whisper that I heard blow through the breeze. Thank you, Mother, for everything. I am most unworthy. You are worthy of so much, Annabel. I have made it that way. She said. Then there was utter silence. Not even the sound of chanting to hider my fears.


((((((((((( ((((((((((( I couldnt reach Annabel. It was strange. It was usually so easy for me to enter her dreams. I couldnt even feel her presence. At first, I thought that she hadnt gone to sleep yet, because shed taken a nap. But as I went to there house, there was no one there. It was past eleven oclock. If they went out to dinner, they should be home by now, right? I followed her scent and her fathers. It lead me to a house outside of town. Fear enthralled me as I got closer, but I had to see what my Annabel was doing. I could feel them, the Protectors. There was at least 16. Then the smell of two other Rare Bloods besides Annabel. I could hear them chanting, and Annabels labored breathing. It made me fear that something was going on. Could they have found out, and were punishing her like Maria punished me? Or was this more than just a dinner? I needed to know. I crept up along the sides of the house, against my better judgment. If they caught me, Im a sure goner. Im no match for 16 Protectors. I found a window that had the heavy curtains partially open and peaked in. The big room was covered in candles and robed figures were surrounding a single figure in the center. It was Annabel. She was on a table or something. She looked like she was having a bad dream. Her body trembled and it was covered in cold sweat. She whimpered as if something bad was happening. I wanted to go in and rescue her, but I would only be making things worse. I recognized their chants to be Romanian, but I didnt understand it. This must be some sort of ceremony, with Annabel as the center. They were focusing all their Power onto her. This must be important then. The reason why her father was in a hurry for her to come home. The flames of the candles grew stronger, as if they had just been dosed with gasoline or something. There chants grew stronger and more powerful. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a figure on the couch, a girl. Next to her was another girl, two small boys and one Annas age. She slowly rose from her position, her head moving to face me. I ran before she saw me. I prayed that she didnt see me. ((((((((((( ((((((((((( I woke up in my bedroom. My head no longer throbbed like it did last night. I moved my hand to rub the back of my head and it ran over Omel. I

opened my eyes and looked down at the dagger. It had come back with me to the real world. I smiled. Good dagger. After changing out of my pajamas, I went downstairs. The smell of spaghetti filled my nostrils. It confused me though, spaghetti for breakfast? I entered the kitchen, still holding Omel. My dad smiled at me. Its about time you woke up. I was beginning to get worried. He chuckled. Why? What time is it? Past eight. Youve been asleep the entire day. Its only expected after traveling worlds though. Very tiring business. He smiled again. Is that your gift from The Mother? He looked at the dagger. She said its name is Omel. Interesting. He nodded. Anyway, are you hungry? Im sure that after sleeping half your life away, you must be. He joked. I laughed at his cheesiness. Absolutely. I smiled. While we ate our dinner, I told my dad about what happened when I was in the world of the Mother Tree. I showed him Omel, and he showed me its brother Olric. He told me how Omel originally belonged to my mother, a gift from the Mother Tree during their union and that he was proud that I now had it. He told me the guidelines of using my weapon. I didnt think there would be rules. Its a dagger meant to kill vampires, how could there be rules? Boy was I wrong. I won't bore you with the long list of rules, so Ill continue. After dinner, we sat in the living room together like a real family and watched a movie. I missed doing these things with my dad. Ever since Cassidy died, weve barely seen each other. I must remind him too much of my sister since we basically look alike except for the hair color and height, and we both look like my mother. Everyones just too depressed lately. We talked during the movie and he asked questions about Dmitri, which I answered honestly. There was nothing to hide with the questions he asked, so I found no reason to lie. I took a shower after everything was over, and I couldnt help but go into Cassidys room. Its been a long, long, while since Ive been in here since the door is always locked and it hurts too much to go inside. But after seeing my sister last night, and I saw how happy she was even if she was dead, it feels like the right time to go in. Everything was how it was left, the only difference from how it is now to how it was before is the missing rug on the floor in front of Cassidys bed. Thats where she died, rolled up into, and burned like all dead Rare

Bloods and Protectors. I walked over to the spot where I found her and her killer. I could still feel the psychic Mark she left behind in the world. I walked over to her bed and felt the soft sheets we used to share whenever I had a bad dream. Her drawers and closets were still full of her clothes, the same clothes I remember being jealous of. Everything still smelled like her, and I started to cry because I missed her that much. I hand landed on my shoulder and my mind was filled with incomprehensible thoughts. I recognized them to be Dmitris voice and his recent thoughts whenever we were together, the rest seemed to be talking about situations Ive never seen before. Images flew threw my mind, some of the past, some of the future. At the rate I was being hit, I nearly toppled over from dizziness. Dmitri caught me in his arms. Anna, are you okay? He whispered. Im fine. I steadied myself. The images and thoughts slowed until I was back in the present, recent past, and near future. It must be part of my new Powers, being able to hear more than one time period. Dmitris future thoughts all revolved around me, just like his present and past did. Anna, what just happened? he sat me down on the bed. I just got my new gift. I smiled. I know what youre going to be thinking five seconds from now. I taunted. What? Holy shit? I raised my eyebrow. Dmitris eyebrows furrowed, making me laugh. I leaned against his chest and his arms tightened around me. What happened to you? He whispered in my ear. Ive been trying to reach you all day and all of last night. I saw you in that house, with all those Protectors. What was going on? You followed me? I looked at him. I was trying to reach you last night, in your dream like we agreed, but I couldnt get to you. So I followed your scent and it took me there. I didnt stay for more than two minutes, I promise. I just needed to see if you were okay, but you were in the center, and I had no clue what was going on. His voice trembled a little, proving how scared he was for me. It was a submission ceremony, for me. Im an official Rare Blood now. I smiled. And you werent before? he looked at me. Of course I was. But now, Ive been accepted by our CreatorIll explain it another time and Im now complete. The thought excited me. Ive always wanted to be complete. It feels so vigorous.


Tell me about it. He whispered in my ear. I could hear the smile in his voice. Lets go back into my room. Ive had my fill of memories. But youll have to go your normal way. My dads still up and I dont want you to get caught. Dmitri nodded and kissed me. I smiled and blushed. The last thing I heard of Dmitri in my sisters room was his chuckle. I said goodbye to everything in my sisters room (mostly her Mark), and walked out, teary eyed. I bumped into my dad. You, too? He asked. I nodded. My dad pulled me into his arms. I buried my face in his chest and cried. It felt so hard to say goodbye to everything again. If there was a choice on who dies in our family, I wouldve happily let myself instead of her. At least Id be free. Back then, I probably wouldnt have cared if I died or not, as long as Cass was happy and healthy. I just miss them so much. Why did it have to be them? They never did anything wrong. I know, honey. I miss them, too. I know its not fair. But theres nothing we couldve done. Im sorry you have to go through all this pain. He whispered and kissed my hair. You couldve done something. You were moms Protector, then Cassidys, and now mine. Why didnt you save them? Where were you? If theres anyone I have to blame besides the vampires, its you. Why can the Clan council be like the vampire Council? Youve messed up to many times and I get the dead feeling that Im next. Im just gonna go to bed. I pulled away. Okay. He nodded. If you need me, Ill be in my office for a while. I hurried away from him, fighting the urge to stab him with Omel. I walked into my room and locked every single dead bolt. You are so not paranoid. Dmitri laughed. I looked at him, lips pressed together and eyes watering. I knew he was just trying to cheer me up after what happened outside my door, but I didnt want to be cheered up. I wanted to forget about it completely. Dmitri came over to me in a flash and wiped my eyes. I hugged him and he hugged me back. Hey, its okay. He rubbed my back. I know exactly how you feel. Let me tell you one thing, its not your fault, so theres no use crying about it. I spent my first years after being turned and after their deaths crying myself to sleep. Its no fun.


Yeah, but your father didnt screw up by not being there to protect them like hes supposed to. Just dont think about it. Thank you. Lets sit and you can tell me all about this ceremony. I nodded. We spent almost the entire night talking, Dmitris arms around me the entire time. I wasnt sleepy since I had just awaken from a 16 hour sleep. I knew Dmitri was forcing himself to stay awake, but I was glad he did. I really needed someone to talk to. I told him more than I should have about our culture. I didnt care as much as I did before. I was starting to trust him. When I finally did decide to go to sleep, I did so in Dmitris arms. I woke up with Dmitris arms still around me and his hand holding mine. I smiled and kissed his hand. I felt him kiss the back of my head. Good morning. He whispered. Good morning. I whispered and turned around. Dmitri smiled and kissed the tip of my nose. He laughed when he saw my face scrunched up. You look even more beautiful when youve just waken up. I blushed and kissed him, despite both of us probably having morning breath. His arms tightened around me. Thank you for last night. I whispered. I really needed that. Anything for you, Anna. He smiled and kissed my forehead. Dmitri left shortly after that and I got ready for school. My dad was already gone for the day, which made me happy. I didnt want to have to face him after last night. Dmitri went straight to my door when he came to walk with me to school, and I couldnt have been happier about it. We walked hand in hand all the way to the classroom. I didnt really care anymore. I didnt care about the rumors they started because I knew Dmitri was doing everything in his power to make them not think about us. But I guess it wasnt strong enough for Molly. She glared at us the entire time, even after we took our seats and Dmitri pulled his desk next to mine so that they touched. Again, I didnt care. I liked him being close. I like this. He whispered. Like what? I smiled. You not caring. Its interesting. Im expecting you to beg me any second to stop. He chuckled. Tough luck, cause Im not going to be asking anytime soon. I grinned and leaned in for a kiss. Dmitri grinned back and kissed me briefly. I wasnt as ashamed as before. I didnt care if Molly was watching. The bitch finally needs to be put in her place and Im happy its me. Plus, I


like it when someone is jealous of me. I have the one thing in the world that nobody could ever take from me. Class went on normally. No teacher ever bothered to make Dmitri put his desk back, leaving him free to sit as close as possible to me the entire day. During the breaks, Dmitri stayed with me in the library, also getting permission from the librarian to work in it during breaks like I did. Only, we didnt do much book returning though. Whenever Id put a few books away, Dmitri would find someway to kiss me, then its be a lot of playful, nonpainful kisses. During lunch, he acted like a real boyfriend by buying my lunch. We sat outside, away from everyone else. I almost said I love you to him. But I stopped myself. I was the one feeling like I was rushing things now. Music was my most favorite period of the day. Dmitri and I went into the music room, not a care in the world and started warming up. We were probably the loudest couple in the entire class because I couldnt stop laughing at the wild actions Dmitri made. But our laughter was short lived when Mrs. Matienza quieted the class. We all turned and looked at her (Dmitris hand went on top of mine!). Okay, class, as you know, its the schools music week and each class of juniors will be having their recital. You all are lucky because your recital is planned for this Friday. Im giving you all the rest of the week to choose three songs to play with your partner. Please submit them to me by Thursday. You will also be playing as a class; you will be playing the songs we practiced last week during class. Attire will be posted tomorrow. Um, what else? Thats all for now. Ill let you all know if theres something Ive forgotten. Now, lets make music! She announced and stepped off the stage. I turned to Dmitri and smiled. We have to play Piano Concerto No. 21. I thought youd never ask. He smiled. We were the first to submit our song list. We chose (or basically. I did. Dmitri agreed with everything I thought of) Piano Concerto No.21, Bellas Lullaby from Twilight (I dont know why I chose that one. I just love it so much. Besides, its a cute song for us to play, a vampire and someone whose basically human) and Moonlight Melody by Bach. We practiced the ones we knew, being Piano Concerto No.21 and Moonlight Melody. Dmitri would print the sheet music of Bellas Lullaby at my house later. It was easier than I thought to play with at least 16 other groups of people practicing their songs. Dmitri was able to drown out every other song except

for our own in his head. But I kept messing up since I was confused on which part to listen to. Its hard being able to hear the past, present and future. We walked to my house after school. My dad wasnt home. There was no note or anything, and the house looked like it hadnt been touched since this morning. I texted my dad and his reply was that he was at the Clan Headquarters. Dmitri and I went up to my bedroom with my grandfathers guitar. I played while Dmitri searched the internet. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. He groaned. I got onto my knees and crawled over to Dmitri. I sat on top of his butt. He laughed. Whats a lot harder? Looking for a free copy of the sheet music. Is it okay if I buy it? Is shipping required? I raised my eyebrow. No. But it might take a while for it to print. They have to accept my credit card first. The thought of Dmitri spending his money on a piece of paper worried me. We could always search the net to find a different song with free sheet music. He didnt have to buy it. How much? $4.99. He looked back at me and smiled. I put the guitar down and leaned forward to look at the screen of my laptop. The price wasnt $4.99. It was $9.49. I smacked Dmitris shoulder. He laughed and rolled onto his back, causing my but to fall in between his legs. What? Its not a lot, besides its not like buying it will suddenly deplete my bank account. I have at least a hundred and fifty years worth of ancient money sitting in an off shore bank account. So, please? Let me buy it. I like this song. He smiled. My eyebrows furrowed. I couldnt believe I was going to let him do this to me. Fine. Dmitri sat up and kissed me, taking me by surprise. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. We playfully kissed again. I hated how we couldnt make out normally. I miss the taste of his tongue. After everything was settled, we didnt exactly start practicing. We laid there on my bed, Dmitri on top of me, making out the best we could. For the second time that day, I wanted to tell Dmitri that I loved him, but I couldnt get the words to come out. I didnt know how to get them to come.


Dmitri could say tat he loved me so easily while I felt like I was missing my tongue. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Im jealous of Dmitri. He went home around 6:30. My dad got home before seven and as part of the rules of having a weapon assigned to me, practiced fighting. As being my Protector, its up to him to teach me to properly fight a vampire. To be honest, it was worse than the time we had to run two miles in the burning sun all because one girl (*cough* *cough* Molly *cough*) wouldnt change into her P.E. uniform and do warm-ups with the rest of the class. My entire body felt like a giant noodle by the time we were finished. My muscles ached like theyve never ached before. I swear I have never worked out this much in my life. After a cold shower and dinner, I collapsed into my bed. I had at least 9 texts from Dmitri. I called him. He answered on the first ring, causing me to smile. Hey, where have you been? Ive been trying to reach you. I was deprived of eating dinner and forced, like a slave, to attack a dummy thats supposed to be a vampire. Ouch. You started training? No, Ive been kidnapped by a group of Clan gypsies and am waiting be sold to someone. I said sarcastically. Dmitri laughed. It was that bad? I feel like jell-o. You tell me? Want me to come over? I can make you feel better. Just talking with you on the phone makes me feel better. I smiled. I knew instantly that Dmitri was smiling, too. Then we shall talk. We talked until we were just listening to each others breathing. Hearing his soft breaths was like a lullaby to me. They were so calming that they were the ones that put me to sleep and not really Dmitri. I wasnt visited by Dmitri that night in my dreams. It was like he knew that I needed a long fitful sleep. I would thank him in the morning.

July 4, 2011 Monday


11:11 p.m. Make a wish! Its the Fourth of July in England and were still celebrating it! Snooze. What kind of Fourth of July is it with out partying and fireworks? This is so boring! If my dad thinks Im going civilly sit with him and my sister in the living room and watch movies, he is so wrong. At least Im grounded. I have a reason to get away from them. Grounded people do not sit and watch movies with the enemy no matter what occasion. At least I have Betsy with me. She still seems like she hasnt given up on me. At least I know someone still loves me throughout everything I screw up on. She looks so adorable on top of my bed right now! Shes sleeping on her back like a real person with her legs in the air and her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Her legs keep twitching and I can't help but thinking shes having a dream where shes chasing a bunny or something. What I would give to have a peak into my dogs head (ahem, my sister). I actually tried to imagine my life without Cassidy today. And all I could think about was being the happiest person in the world. A life with out a bitch of a sister? Thats the greatest news Ill ever hear! I dont even think Ill cry. I wonder what it will be like to be an only child. It must be lonely. Maybe losing Cassidy is bad idea. Im already a loner in school, at least when Im at home, I have someone to talk (argue) with all the time.

Chapter 6

I shook my head. I was frozen in my seat. Dmitri sat on top of my desk, also still as a plank. Mr. Weiner had just announced that we would be changing seats. Mr. Weiner never changes our seats. He could place me anywhere and it could

He did not just say that.

be away from Dmitri. I dont want to sit next to Dmitri. I love having him next to me. Yesterday, when a teacher wasnt paying attention, hed kiss me, and I loved every second of it. Even if he still keeps us together, he could sit us in front or in the middle. Then we wouldnt be able to kiss or hold hands. I love our seats in the back. Nobody ever pays attention to the students in the back corner. One by one, everyone got up and stood in the back. I held onto Dmitris hand, scared of the fate that might become of us. He held it tightly. His thoughts revolving ob how he didnt want us t part. He was also trying to influence Mr. Weiner to keep us together, but we both knew it wouldnt work. Dmitris powers left him at making people not think, not think about. My name was called. Back row, aisle seat, right next to my original. I was relieved to be in the back, but I had no clue who would sit next to me. Mr. Weiner moved on to the front, skipping the seat that would be across from me. I didnt want to watch. Dmitri stood behind me, playing nervously with my curls. I looked at the kid sitting next to me. It was Khloe. She wasnt that smart, but shes an amazing violinist. Some people know her as the class whore. Because when shes playing the violin at home, she, herself, is being played by a guy (if you know what I mean). Khloe was currently doing nothing, giving me nothing to look at. Mr. Adison, aisle seat. The two of us sighed in relief. Dmitri picked up his bag off the floor next to my seat and put it down on his new seat. I watched him, trying to hide my smile. He smiled at me and brought his desk about an inch closer to mine once Mr. Weiner wasnt looking. I thought for sure I wasnt going to be able to sit next to you. I whispered. Me, too. He said relieved. During break, Dmitri and I went into the library to make up for lost time. Since there was nothing for us to do, we hid in between the shelves, Dmitris arms around me. It was better than having to sneak it in during class. I couldnt help but feel the sexual tension between us as we kissed. I know we both wanted them to be more than just playful. Again the feeling to say I love you sparked up, and again, I didnt have the guts to say it. That night, when I invited Dmitri to our sleepover, I decided to act like I wasnt sure when hed be coming. When I got out of the shower, I knew hed be there, and I purposefully walked out into my bedroom in a bra and my stupid SpongeBob (very short) pajama shorts. I pretended to be startled by his presence, blushed, wrapped my towel around my body and walked over to him to give him a kiss.

You really need to start knocking. I whispered, smiling. I take the window, remember? Nothing to knock on. He smiled back and pushed my wet hair away from my face. His hands moved down to my hips and he kissed me. I pressed myself against his body and put my arms around him. Give me a second; I need to put a shirt on. I said after a minute or two and stepped away. I hurried into my closet and put a t-shirt on. I also searched for Dmitris shirt so that I could give it back. Dmitri was lying casually on my bed when I came out. I sat down beside him and tossed is shirt onto his abs. Here. Thanks for letting me use it. Keep it. He smiled and sat up. It's just another shirt. I have a lot of those already. I blushed. You really dont care if my dad finds it, do you? He pressed his lips together and looked away. My heart raced at seeing how cute he looked. Hmmmm.. Nope. He grinned and pulled me close by the waist. I was pulled into his lap. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. Dmitri kissed me, his grin still on his face. We kissed for a while. Yep. I really dont mind. I giggled. If Dmitri doesnt sleep over tomorrow, I am so wearing his shirt. If he pulls me into a dream, hell see me wearing it. Im getting hot just thinking about it. Dmitri made out for a while. I loved being so close to him. I loved his arms around me, our hearts beating as one. I loved it all, so why the hell can't I say I love you yet? It's beginning to annoy me. No matter how hard I try, my voice keeps losing itself every time I open my mouth. I laid in his arms after and played with his iPhone. I played Bellas lullaby on it. It sounded like a keyboard, making it tacky. I read his messages, which he didnt mind one bit. Most guys get a little defensive when their girlfriend goes looking through their inbox. Dmitri didnt. There was no reason to. I was the only girl he texted, the rest being some of the guys from school. I giggled and blushed when I saw my name on his phone. I thought it would say plain Annabel Morrison, but he had changed it to say The Most Beautiful Girl in the World. For this, he received a kiss. We went to sleep with our bodies entwined. It was the closest weve ever slept, especially since I barely wore anything. The next day was better than the last. At least half of our teachers that day didnt go to school (I have a strong feeling that it was because of

Dmitri). And when a teacher is absent, free time! The school doesnt use substitutes, or at least, Ive never had a sub in school. Dmitri and I sat next to each other as I listened to him sweet talk me into a date. Of course I would go, but I wanted to see how badly he wanted it. But right as I was about to say yes, Doug McCloud, the schools basketball captain, walked up to us and took a seat. Hey, guys. He smiled. Hey, Doug. Dmitri smiled. I nodded to his existence in my shared bubble with Dmitri. He would pay. What can we do for you? Nothing, really. I just wanted to see if you wanted to shoot some hoops with some of the guys later. Um, I dont know. Dmitri pressed his lips together. I was actually planning on taking An Nonsense. I said in a low voice. Go ahead. I dont mind. We can reschedule it to tonight. I smiled. I dont want you to have to change schedules because of me, Anna. I can always reschedule later. He replied in the same manner. Dmitri, go. You can come over for dinner at my place tonight. Im sure my dad won't mind. I really hop he doesnt mind. You sure? Positive. I smiled again. Okay. He nodded and turned back to Doug. I'm in. He smiled. Great. Ill tell the guys later, but first, I gotta a couple of questions on who you think should be on my team la I shut off their voices. When boys talk sports, a girls brain goes blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I borrowed Dmitris phone and started playing Tap Tap Revenge 4. I love the game, mostly because I can't be beat. I challenged Dmitri last night. He lost, like 19 times. The hour ended fast. The next period, Mr. Fitz, our Language teacher, was there. Mr. Fitz is the most boring teacher in the world. Hes also the tackiest. He wears horn-rimmed glasses and has his hair slicked back in the ugliest way. He always wears the ugliest tie and shirt, and his pants look like they're made of wool. Wool! Just because your German doesnt give you the right to wear wool pants! For Christs sake man, go shopping! To top it all off, I was starving. Usually, if I was tired during class, I would rest my head on Dmitris shoulder and hed put his arm around me and if I was hungry, hed let me eat the chips he had hiding in his bag. But I had already eaten them, and hes across the aisle from me. As if on cue, a note dropped onto my desk. It had my name on it in Dmitris hand writing. I opened it.

Are you okay?

I pulled my pencil out of my notebook. With Khloe beside me, I could barely draw. She is seriously more annoying than I thought. I tried doodling yesterday and was pestered with questions. Girl doesnt know how to mind her own business.

Im hungry :(

I pushed the paper onto the floor and watched Dmitri reach over and pick it up. I peaked in between my curls and watched him read it. Then, to my utter surprise, he raised his hand. Mr. Adison? Do you have a question? Mr. Fitz looked at him, glasses sliding down to his nose. Yes, sir. May I Latin. That is our current language. Yes, sir. Dmitri said in Latin. I was amazed. It was like Latin was his first language. May I go to the restroom? You may go. Mr. Fitz replied in Latin. Dmitri got up and walked around the class. As he passed behind me, he ran his fingers through my hair. I blushed and fixed the area he touched. Your boyfriends pretty hot. Khloe whispered. I looked at her. Keep your hands to yourself, Khloe. I scowled. I was just making an observation. She smiled. Her eyes traveled to Dmitri who was just reaching the door. She gave him a one over. I saw her lick her lip. Very hot indeed. I swear, if you touch him, you will pay gravely. Im being the jealous girlfriend, I know it for sure. But I dont want Khloe Piers getting her whore hands all over my boyfriend. If theres any one that will touch Dmitri, its me. Im sorry, but thats the honest truth and thats how it's going to be until the day we break up. Dmitri was back faster than I expected. I noticed his jacket pocket to be thicker than usual. He had bought me food. I watched him sit down and immediately start writing on the piece of paper we used a few minutes ago. He tossed it onto my desk again.

Give me your bag

I put my bag on the floor and kicked it over to Dmitri. He put it on his desk and put a small bag into it. He placed it back on the floor and slid it over. I picked it up and placed it on my desk. I could see Khloe watching me. I turned my back to her. And opened the small, warm bag he placed


inside. It was freshly baked cookies from the schools caf. I looked at Dmitri, who was grinning and blew him a kiss. Thank you. I mouthed. No problem. I moved my bag into my lap so that I could write him something.

Can you do something about Khloe? She keeps staring at me, and you. Its creeping me out. Consider it done
I was able to eat my cookies in peace and sneak some to Dmitri while Mr. Fitz wasnt looking. The rest of the day went on normally. I was able to have my kissy-alone time with Dmitri during break and after school. I sat in the bleachers and watched him play basketball. Hes amazing by the way. So amazing that he could join the NBA at any moment he wants. I heard him be offered a position on the team, but he declined. When I wiped the sweat off his forehead his handkerchief while they were taking a break, I learned that his reason for declining was because he just got in a new relationship and he wants us to be together for a while before he starts to put other things in his mind. For this, he deserved another kiss. Dmitri walked me home, leaving me alone at the front door so that I could ask permission from my dad to have him over for dinner. Sucks for me, my dad wasnt home. So instead, I started to cook dinner for three, that way he has no choice. My dad came home right on time to find everything ready. And of course, he had no clue what was going on. So, I sat him down and explained. I was hoping that we could cut training short today because I invited Dmitri over for dinner. I said and prepared for the worst news to come. You what? His jaw dropped. I invited him for dinner. I only did it because he was asking me out on a date, but then we were interrupted by stupid Doug McCloud. So I thought it would be nice for us to have dinner together. You can get to know him better. I already invited him and I already made the food. So, please, Dad. Do this for me. My dads lips pursed, then he left out a sigh. I covered my mouth to hide my grin. A sigh means yes! Hurry up and change into your training clothes. You have to learn fast if you're going to cut short. You never cut short your training, remember that. Everything is learned on a certain day. I hugged my dad.

Yep. Ill remember. I squealed and ran off. Training was rougher than usual, leaving me more tired. I only had half an hour to shower and get dressed for dinner. I wore my favorite pink dress and doll shoes. I put the slightest amount of make-up on (mostly since I had no time) and went downstairs right as Dmitri had reached the door. My dad was wearing what he normally wore (being a polo and jeans), while Dmitri wore something similar to his school uniform. I think it made him look sexy. Dinner was awkward. For me, mostly. My dad pounded Dmitri with questions that made me feel nervous. Dmitri looked nervous, too. Then the big question came. The one Ive been dreading this entire time. The big question that every girl doesnt want to hear their fathers ask. Do you plan on hurting my daughter someday? Because if you are, then you better get out of this house right now. Dmitri choked on his water. My fork dropped from my hand. Dad, I want to hear his answer, Annabel. My dad put his fork down and folded his arms. So? Dmitri cleared his throat nervously. Sir, Im sorry, but I cannot predict what will happen between your daughter and I in the future. But as for the present, I can promise you that I have no intentions of ever hurting Annabel. Shes probably the only person that has made living in Low Row worth it. I can honestly say, if it wasnt for her befriending me even though I know she didnt want it, I would have begged my mother to get me out of here a long time ago. And I promise that Ill do whatever I can to protect her the same way you have, as the only man in her life that has never left her. Dmitri said, confidently. I couldnt help but blush. Breaking point. Will my dad accept it? I hope so. I really do. I watched anxiously as he picked up the table napkin and wiped his mouth. Good answer. He said and took a sip of water. But I swear, if you ever do anything to hurt her. Im going to make you regret ever coming to Low Row. Dmitris hand reached under the table and held mine. I regret not coming sooner. I have a feeling that I couldve been in love with you a long time ago if I had come. Im sorry its taken me so long. I smiled and pretended to wipe my mouth. Im just glad you came. I said below a whisper. The rest of dinner went totally smoothly. I walked Dmitri to the door and stood outside with him. He kissed me goodnight in our special way.

Thank you. I whispered. For bearing with my dad mostly. Im sorry he asked you so many things. Its okay. Dmitri smiled. I think he likes me. Dont bet on it. My dad doesnt like anyone that isnt of our kind. Dmitri chuckled and kissed me again. Ill see you at school tomorrow? You betcha. I smiled and kissed him back. I watched Dmitri drive away in his Mustang and went back inside. My dad was already cleaning up in the kitchen. I helped him. So, what do you think of Dmitri, now that you know his life story? He looks and sounds like a good kid, but only time will tell. Trust me, Dad. He is a good kid. The greatest I know. We shared a dream that night, Dmitri had brought me into his bedroom and we laid under the covers, bodies entwined. I breathed in his breaths, and I know he breathed in mine. No words were ever spoken between us besides Dmitri saying I love you. before kissing me for the last time before I fell asleep in his arms. I woke up to find him asleep next to me, arms around me like they were in our dream. I kissed his chin, slowly waking him up. He smiled. How was your sleep? I kissed him. Mine was, too. We both smiled. I was mad at myself for most of the morning. I hated how I couldnt say I love you to Dmitri. I can't tell whether I dont have the guts, or something is stopping me because its not the right moment. Well, my question for you is when the hell is the right moment? I want to tell Dmitri that I love him now! Not next week, not next month, NOW! Thursday was a bore. Mostly because they gave us the entire first half to practice for our recital tomorrow. Dmitri and I practiced for the first twenty minutes or so. We did a single run through of our songs, then went over to the library. We laid on the couch, his hand caressing my back, and waited for the break bell. No one ever bothered us, most likely because of Dmitri. I gave him a kiss for that. Do you think everyone in the music room is calling us boastful? I whispered. Why would they call us boastful? His lips glided over the top of my head.


Well, because they can barely get their songs right and here we are, relaxing in the library after doing a single run through. Dmitri chuckled and kissed my forehead. I smiled. I can assure you, if theres anything they're thinking about, it's not us. I snickered. I should've known Dmitri would be doing everything in his power to make sure I didnt feel bothered. I scooted up and leaned more on top of his body. His arms went around my waist, already knowing what I was going to do. I kissed him. I love you, Annabel. I love you, too. Again, I couldnt say it. And out of my frustration, I accidently bit Dmitris lower lip. Ouch! He pulled away. What was that for? Im so sorry, Dmitri. It was an accident. I put my hands on his cheeks. Wait, let me see. I pushed his lower lip down with my thumb. It wasnt bleeding. Im so sorry, Dmitri. Please forgive me. I sat up. No, its okay. Im fine. I was starting to think that you were trying to be the vampire in the relationship. He chuckled. I smacked his chest. His chuckle turned into a laugh that was hushed by the librarian. Dmitri apologized and pulled me back into his arms. You're terrible. I frowned. I can be. He grinned and kissed me. See? All better. I guess your kiss has healing powers, too. I shook my head, laughing to myself and kissed him. We had the entire next day dedicated to practicing. Again, Dmitri and I didnt practice, for most of it at least. We probably did, like, five runthroughs, then quit. Only this time, we werent allowed to leave. So we stayed in and played whatever songs we knew (Dmitri knew a ton) or borrowed one of the extra guitars and I listened to Dmitri serenade me in front of the entire class. I wasnt ashamed of this since there was no one who bothered to look at us. And by the end of the school day, I still hadnt been able to tell Dmitri that I loved him. He walked me home like he has all week, and left me at the door. With our recital this evening, my dad pushed my training to after school. So there was no time to lose. We finished early and started getting ready. My black dress hugged my figure, and I have a feeling that it made me look muscular. With this fact, I was annoyed. I hate what so much working out does to my body! I dont look good muscular! No woman does! I might look


great with my new abs, but I dont want them visible. Oh, God! By the end of the year, I might look like a, wait for it.BODY BUILDER! My dad drove me to the school. I expected Dmitri to be there already in his coat and bowtie, looking more dashing then ever, but he wasnt there. I called him. There was no answer. His phone was off. Dmitri has never turned his phone off on me. I started to worry. What if Maria took his phone away? What if she won't even let him come? Ill have to play alone. All of our hard work (and his cash) would have been for nothing. Plus, I dont want to play alone. For the first time, I get to have a partner! I dont have to go up there and embarrass myself alone. Why won't he pick up? I texted him the entire time we were in the music room practicing. I couldnt practice. I needed Dmitri here with me before I start crying. This is probably his only way of leaving me. Going without saying a word. Why does he have to be so Edward Cullen-ish? At least I might know where to find him. But I have to convince my dad to let me hop on a plane to Rio de Janero first. Five minutes until the curtains go up. Everyones heading to the auditorium, but I can't get myself to go. There's still no sign or word from Dmitri and everyone is coming to me about it. I can't do this. I can't have so many people asking me the same questions over and over again. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes. A text message from Dmitri. Annabel, Im so sorry I can't be there. Marias taking me to the Council. Weve lost. Im so sorry. Please forgive me. I never meant for this to happen. Never forget how much I love you. I will never stop loving you no matter where I am. I know we were meant to be, if only Maria wasnt in the way. But I can't challenge her to a duel. Im not strong enough. Im leaving everything I own to you. I want you to know the life Ive lived until I met you, the most beautiful girl I know. I also wrote you a letter. Its sitting on my desk and it will explain everything to you. Im so sorry. I love you. -Dmitri The entire world stopped spinning and I felt my heart break. Dmitri.. Dead? It can't be. I won't let it happen. I won't let him leave me like that! I ran out of the music room and darted for the auditorium. I needed to lie to my dad so that I could get to Dmitri before its too late. I pushed past the people in front of me (making sure I pushed Molly and her pose to the

ground. I think I heard a heel break). I didnt care about the flood of thoughts that entered my mind. All I could think about was Dmitri. I found my dad sitting towards the back waiting patiently. All the other parents were on their phones, or had sent in their secretaries instead. I was glad to have my dad, sitting there, camera in hand. Annabel, whats wrong? Dad, I have to go now. I can feel Omel calling me. It's strong, I dont think I can stay here much longer. I lied. It was the easiest lie I have ever told my dad. Go, hurry. Ill make something up to your teacher. He said. I nodded and ran as fast as I could out the exit. I kicked off my heels so that I could run faster. It took me three minutes to get to my house at the speed I was running at. I was able to unlock the door mentally, using the enchanted locks rather than the dead bolts. I ran upstairs and grabbed Omel from in between my mattress, then I went downstairs and into my dads apothecary. If I was going to kill Maria, I was going to make sure she goes down for good. That means using tatuaj ink. The bitch will never know what hit her. But I couldnt find it. I searched frantically. I know my dad keeps a bottle of the stuff in here. Hes the one who tattooed me. Each protector has their own bottle of ink. Then I saw it, in one of the locked glass cabinets. It's where my dad keeps the most sacred stuff. I broke the glass using a book and grabbed the bottle. I dipped Omel into it, and I could feel him awaken. Then I ran as fast as I could out the door, not caring to lock it. I ran all the way to Dmitris house, Omel pounding behind me. I could feel the pressure emanating from him. It was so strong. I was afraid that they might feel him before I get a chance to actually use him. My heart pounded out of my chest. I was so out of breath that you couldnt believe it. I reached Dmitris house in almost double the time it took me to reach my own. I kicked open the gate with my injured bare feet and stormed up to the door. Its ironic how I rang the doorbell like a civilized person, isnt it? Maria answered, to my advantage. It would be easier than searching the house for her. What do you I plunged Omel into her chest. She fell onto the carpet behind her.


July 8, 2011 Friday 2:19 p.m. OMG. You will never believe what happened. I regret ever saying I wished my sister to be gone. I should have never wished that because now, shes sitting in the hospital with a broken leg, her arm fractured in six different places, 32 stitches, a concussion, a few broken fingers and almost very rib fractured. Why you ask? She was


hit by a car. Yep, you heard me. Someone nearly ran over my sister. She was going home from a friends house and like all stupid people, she was listening to her iPod, volume at a deafening level. She didnt hear the car honking at her as she crossed the street. It tried to swerve away, but she just happened to go the same way. I feel so stupid. I blame myself for ever saying anything. If I hadnt wished her to be gone. She might still be okay. She looks terrible, and at the thought of actually almost losing my sister, I cried. I never thought Id admit it. But I actually cried. I didnt want to lose my sister. I didnt want to lose any member of my family. They all mean too much to me. And I hate how Im only realizing this now. My mom flew in all the way from New York to see her and I couldnt be happier to see my entire family back together again. I knew for sure Cass was enjoying all the attention. If only she could make them stop fighting for once. All they did was bicker in front of us. They didnt bother to take it out into the hallway or something. They're so stupid sometimes, seriously. But I can feel that Cassidy isnt as selfish as she once was. Even right now, as Im typing next to her bed, shes running her fingers through my hair, something she hasnt done since I was eight and started getting bossy. I missed being close to her. We used to be such best friends, now weve become mortal enemies ready to start World Was III. I wonder if her near death experience will finally be able to reunite us. Im thinking about telling her about my story. I wonder if shell like it. Of course she won't enjoy the part about her and mom being dead, but who knows? She could really like it. I hope she likes it. Maybe another time, when she can actually sit properly.


July 14, 2011 Thursday 8:25 a.m. So, I was right about her near death experience changing her. On Monday, when our parents werent there, she actually apologized. I did, too. But then it turned into a sobby, gushy, love fest and I dont know what happened next. But anyway, were on good terms again and she promised to be a better older sister than she has been the past couple of years. I let her read the first part of my story yesterday. I wanted her to read it because Im planning on dedicating the book to her. She might as well know I'm making it. Well, she read it, she commented a few times (her comments actually

made me laugh! Can you believe it?), then at the end, she told me that she couldnt wait for the rest. My sister is really starting to be a better person. I think shes lost the bitch side of her attitude and I couldnt be more grateful. Shes sleeping right now. Id let her talk to whoevers reading this if she was awake, but maybe next time. Warning, when my sister talks she doesnt stop. This journal might be pages long, its own chapter even! Ha-Ha. Anyway, since shes sleeping, I should probably get back to writing my story. I have the greatest idea for what happens next in my story and I really can't wait for you all to read it! Its gonna be a show stopper.

Chapter 7

her tan skin turning a sickly grey as the poison raced through her body, killing everything alive inside of her. Her veins visibly burst under her thinning layers of skin. She gasped and writhed on the floor in agony. Omel glowed where I had hit her in her heart. I could see each tiny pulse of power radiating off of its surface as it fulfilled the work it was created to do. Its power entered me, his master. I felt the life force that was Maria slip away from this world and into the tongues of hell where she belongs. Omel stopped glowing and I pulled him out. Thank you. I whispered. Annabel? I looked up. Dmitri was standing in the middle of the foyer, wearing his coat and bowtie messily, somewhat like I had imagined. I ran to him, dropping Omel on the floor, tears dripping off my chin. He pulled me tightly into his arms.

I watched as Maria fell to the ground,


Dont leave me, Dmitri. Please. I dont know if I can live without you in my life. I-I love you! I was finally able to say it and it was the best feeling in the world. I love you too much to let you leave me! Please! Dmitri cupped my face in his hands. He was crying, too. I love you, too, Anna. He smiled. And Im not going anywhere. He whispered and kissed me. Sparks ignited where his lips touched mine. I threw my arms around him. Dmitri pressed me up against the wall and pressed his body against mine. We kissed more passionately than we ever had. It was probably the best kiss we have ever shared. The pain started. I cried out. It was unlike any other pain Ive experienced so far. It was a stronger burning, as if someone had added more fuel to the fire. I collapsed. Make it stop! I cried. It burns! Im so sorry, Anna. Im going to make it feel better. Shhhh. He rocked me, lips pressed against my forehead. Its going to get better. The pain moved..onto my dress? My skin felt like I was literally burning. It was no longer under my skin. Other than the burning feeling coming from my dress, I felt no pain. I looked down at my dress to see it smoking. Could my dress really be on fire? Get it off! I shouted. Get the dress off! Dmitri! I clawed at it. Dmitri saw what I saw and tore my dress of in one swift movement. Right as he did, my recital dress caught on fire. It burned, filling my nose with the smell of.of..burning ink? How can this be? I looked down at my body and gasped. My tattoos were gone. They. Were. Gone. Not a trace. Disappeared. Holy shit! Dmitri, who had put me down to stop the fire looked at me and saw my half naked body. They're gone. I whispered as I ran my hand over my tattoo-less body. I slowly got up, Dmitri coming over to help me. I looked at him, laughing like a crazy person (which is exactly how I feel). They're gone! I shouted and threw my arms around him once again. His arms circled around


my waist and he kissed my shoulder. I looked at him, grinning. He, too, was grinning. I love you. I whispered again. Dmitris grin stretched wider than Id ever seen it and he kissed me, lifting me up as well. My legs wrapped around his hips so that I wouldnt slide down. His body was so close to mine (and he was grabbing my ass) that it made me moan. I kissed him more passionately, slowly unbuttoning his shirt with one hand. He pressed his body harder against mine. I took my lips off of his and tilted my head up. He kissed my neck and collarbone. I knew what was going to happen, but I wasnt sure if I wanted to do it with a dead body in the same house as us. I listened to his thoughts. I found that I was going to lose my virginity to him, but after we had gotten rid of the body. Dmitri, wait. I whispered/moaned. He looked at me, breathing hard. Im sorry. He lessened the pressure he had put on my body. Dont be. I smiled and kissed him. But if we really are going to do this, I have to get Marias body out of your house before my dad comes searching for me. Im going to need some of her clothes, my dad might freak if he catches me in yours. They arent going to fit you. It doesnt matter. I whispered. The faster we get this done, the less time we have to wait know? He smiled and kissed me. We kissed a little bit longer before Dmitri hurried upstairs to get me some of the monsters clothes to wear. I examined Marias body while I waited. She was truly dead and out of our lives for good. I dont think I couldve been happier. Dmitri came downstairs and stood next to me. I can't believe shes actually gone. He said in a low voice. Im finally my own vampire. I could hear the smile on his face. She didnt tell the Council about us, did she? She was planning on taking me, then telling them, that way they didnt have to think on killing me or not. I hugged Dmitri. I was so scared. I thought I was too late. I thought I had already lost you. Well I'm not going anywhere. He said and kissed my hair. Im staying right here with you. I love you. I repeated.

I love you, too, Annabel. The clothes Dmitri had gotten me were huge (mostly in the chest area. I swear, Maria had melons not boobs). The shorts were too, but at least they had something to tie it with. While Dmitri carried his dead mentors body outside behind the bushes, I called my dad, telling him that I had killed one that was trying to get to Dmitri. Then, with Dmitri inside, I went out and waited, my feet feeling sore against the pavement. My dad showed up five minutes later. Where is it? Behind the bushes. Omel led me here, its Dmitris house. He saw me kill it. He told me she was his familys realtor from London. Are you hurt? What happened to your dress? It tore it to pieces. I lied. I used one of the maneuvers you taught me early so that I could get the dagger directly into its heart. You did a good job. Did you dip it in ink? He looked at Omel, who was shivering in my hand. I noticed in my dads hand was Olric. Them being close must do that to them. I wanted to make sure I killed it even if I missed the heart. He smiled proudly. Your smarter than I imagined you could ever be. He smiled and shuffled my red curls. I know somewhere inside the house, Dmitri is laughing. Thanks. We better get going then. I have to tell the rest of the Clan about your victory, then we have to go see if there are others like it in the area. If Dmitri said its from London, then we have to warn the London clan as well. Can I just stay here? Dmitri saw me kill it. I need to make sure hes okay and isnt planning on calling the police on me. I promise Ill be careful. And Ill call you in the morning. My dad paused to think about it. Maybe you should. Ill pick you up around ten. Okay. I nodded. I bit back my smile. Ill bring you new clothes, too, so dont worry. Okay. Could you take any longer? Im planning on losing my virginity sometime this year you know. Ill see you tomorrow. I hugged him goodbye.


You did a really good job tonight, Annabel. I didnt think that youd be able to take on a vampire a few days after you started training. You're really the greatest Rare blood thats ever been in out Clan, next to your mother, of course. What did mom do? I looked at him. Ill tell you tomorrow. He smiled. See you then. He ruffled my hair. Oh, before I forget. Give me Omel, Ill clean him for you. I handed Omel to my dad. He inserted Omel and Olric into his belt loop and threw Marias body over his shoulder. I watched him carry her to the trunk of his car and throw her in with a loud grunt. I winced. It was a weird sight to see. He waved goodbye and drove off. I went back inside. Dmitri was in the living room watching the carpet from their foyer burn. He had already taken off his coat and unbutton his shirt. I came up from behind him and took his hand. I kissed his cheek. Are you sure you want to do this, Annabel? He looked at me. Your still young. I know you probably havent done it before. I dont want to rush you into anything you arent read for. Being a virgin these days is like being a unicorn. Id rather be a Rare Blood than a unicorn. I smiled. Dmitri chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me gently. I love you. He whispered. Youre loving hearing me say I love you, arent you? I giggled. Maybe. Ive never been loved by someone so important to me before. He put his hand on my cheek. Ive never loved anyone as much as I love you. I admitted. Dmitri smiled and kissed me one last time before we went upstairs. Walking through the halls and up the stairs was like walking through his halls for the first time. I was excited and nervous at the same time. We walked into his room. Dmitri locked the door while I took off Marias clothes. We sat down on his bed, our hearts racing. I helped him take off the button down shirt and wife-beater he was wearing underneath. Are you really sure you want to do this, Anna. You can't undo what were about to do. It sounds to me like you dont want us to do this. I frowned. Its not that. He shook his head. I just want to make sure you are ready. Im ready. I whispered and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We kissed and I felt the sparks again. I gently laid down, Dmitri on top of me. I could feel the sexual tension between us again. He kissed me gently yet passionately. I moaned with each of his touches because they really did make me moan. His hand had suddenly become something so sensual and so soft that it was addicting. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled his head down to my neck again. Thats when the brightest idea hit me. Bite me. Dmitris head leveled with mine. Anna, I can't. I might hurt you. You arent the monster on my tattoos, Dmitri. I put my hands on his cheeks. I want you t bite me. I want to know how it feels. But mostly, I want to heal you of all the pain Maria has ever caused you. My blood will do that. I watched his hazel eyes turn black. I kissed him. It felt different to kiss him with fangs. I could feel them. I ended the kiss also. With his lips still parted, I could see the tips of his elongated canines. I ran my fingers over them. Dmitris eyes closed. Do it. I whispered. He kissed me on the lips, then led a trail of kissed down to my neck. I held my breath, waiting for the bite. I didnt even feel it until a felt him sucking instead of kissing. It was a weird pleasure-pain that I enjoyed. With each suck, I felt a pinch. Each pinch made me gasp, followed by the moan that came with his body pressing against mine. I listened to his thoughts. This is more than they described. Its like heaven in my mouth and my heaven under my body. Oh, Annabel. I love you. You dont know how much I love you. You are my savior, my angel. What would I have done without you? I would surely be dead. Thank you God for you, and thank you for giving me this gift that is you. He held on for a minute or two. He hovered over me, his lips stained with blood, his eyes still black. His breath was heavy. I let the blood dripping from his mouth fall onto my chest. Then he sat up, much to my surprise. Whats wrong? I said a little hurt. Hes changed his mind, hasnt he? Nothing. He smiled. Its my turn to heal you. He said as he used his fingernail to cut the skin over his collarbone. He then pulled me up. I eyed the blood dripping from his wound.


((((((((((( I watched Dmitri sleep beside me. I was jealous, actually. Its nearing one oclock in the morning and I still haven't been able to fall asleep. We stayed up talking until around eleven, then he feel asleep and Ive been trying ever since. Sex was something else. I dont know how to explain it. Weve talked about it in Sex-Ed before, but I never understood how sex was actually performed until now. Dmitri knew exactly the right places to touch me and it was more than amazing. My body was sore, but that was only expected. I had just lost my virginity, what else could I have been expecting? I thought back to us talking after we had finished. I dont know why I did it, but I asked how I was? I know it was a stupid question. The stupidest, maybe. But I didnt want to have had sex with him only to later find out that I sucked. It was his answer that shocked me more than the sex. Out of all the partners hes had (I sure hope its not a lot, but when your almost two hundred years old and still unmarried, maybe there were a lot), I was probably the best hes ever had. Yep? Im not lying. I have never been more proud to be a Rare Blood that perfects everything on the first try than I am right now. Im a pro after the first time. It's strange, but awesome (for me mostly and Dmitri). I decided to get out of bed. Maybe a glass of water could help my insomnia, right? I out Dmitris white button down shirt over my bare torso. It felt good to wear his clothes again. I went into the bathroom. I haven't been in here yet. It looked like a normal bathroom, of a rich person. From the outside, it doesnt look like you could have so many big places inside. Whoever their interior decorator is, I want him to give me a call. Dmitri used a black towel and his bathroom seemed to revolve around that theme. Everything was shiny and white or chrome while the simple different objects were black. Even his toothbrush was black! I used his toothbrush to brush my teeth and his towel to wipe my face. It was so strange to use his things. I couldnt help but feel like more than a girlfriend. A leech maybe? Or just a user? I got the drink of water like I had planned and returned to his bed underneath the soft covers. I felt Dmitri turn and put his arm around me. He kissed the back of my head. Go to sleep before Im forced to stay awake with you. He mumbled.


I smiled and took his hand. I immediately fell asleep. In our dream, Dmitri had brought me to the field near his house. He was sitting next to a tree. I sat down next to him and he put his arms around me. What took you so long? He whispered. Ive been waiting for you for an awfully long time. I dont know. I couldnt sleep. Maybe I was too caught up in recent events that I was too happy to go to sleep. And to think that you were the one that had gotten tired first. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. I smiled and kissed him. He pulled me onto of his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck. You look beautiful in my shirt, by the way. He smiled. I looked down at what Dmitri was wearing. He only had on shorts. I giggled as I tried to imagine him wearing my bra or my now in ashes dress. I wish I could say the same, but since I can't, lets leave it you look sexy wearing only shorts. I smiled. I have underwear on too, you know. He chuckled and kissed me. I pushed him down onto the grass. I felt him unbutton his shirt. He leaned on his elbows and kissed my neck and chest. I moaned. We rolled and he was on top of me. I let him kiss the various parts of my body, only because he was whispering I love you to each part. We didnt have sex in our dream, although, part of me wanted us have done it. I woke up with arms still around me a few hours later. Dmitri was still asleep as always. I woke him up by getting on top of him and kissing him. He scared me by throwing me down onto the bed beside him and pinning me to the bed. I laughed as he kissed me. I think I could possibly be getting used to your medium of waking me up. He laughed, too. We kissed. Dmitri picked me up off the bed. I pulled away, terrorized by the thought of being dropped. Dmitri laughed again and threw me over his shoulder. Im not Fiona. I groaned. And Im not Sleeping Beauty. Whats her name? Aurora? I never liked that name. Me neither, but that doesnt give you the right to treat me like a fictional princess. I know. He grinned. I just wanted to see how youd react. He put me down next to the stairs. You are such a killjoy. He chuckled.

Killjoy, my ass. I said and playfully pushed him. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could. I heard Dmitris laughter, but didnt see him. This is probably the best chase of his life. He appeared before me at the last step, catching me in his arms and picking me up. He pushed me up against the wall, laughing. He kissed me. I tighten my arms around his hips. I was actually enjoying this game. He started carrying me to the kitchen. So, He said in between kisses. What do you want for breakfast? I didnt want him to pull away. I wanted him. Our dream left me hanging, to be honest. I let my expectations get the best of me. Good choice. I was thinking eggs, too. He tried to squeeze in. With pancakes? Delicious. Shut up already. I said. We entered the dining room. I forced him up against the wall. We kissed with the same fiery passion we had last night. We rolled until Dmitri pushed me onto the dining table, pushing the objects on top of it to the floor. I unbuttoned his pants while Dmitri unbuttoned his shirt for the second time. Wait. He said and disappeared. I sat up. He seriously did not just leave me on top of his dining table. Youve got to be kidding me. My heart raced and my lungs did their best to take in as much air as possible. A minute passed, still no Dmitri. Two minutes, I was getting annoyed. If the guy didnt want to have sex again, all he had to do was say it. He didnt have to ditch me, in his own house of all places. But as I got ready to get off the table, Dmitris lips crushed mine. Sorry. I couldnt find protection. I laughed and pulled him down back onto the table. My dad came right on time. Dmitri and I had fixed the house to make it look like nothing had ever happened that suggested Maria died in the foyer, or than we had just made love (as Dmitri is now calling it) in the dining room. I had on Marias clothes again (although I wanted to keep wearing Dmitris) and was more or less thankful to get into my own as Dmitri and my dad talked in the living room. Dmitri was playing the part of shaken boyfriend perfectly. For a second, I thought he was actually scared of me, but then again, it just could be because my dad said they were going to hunt down whatever vampires she might have brought with her. I am so fing glad that the concoction I made is blocking him from being distinguished as a vampire.


My dad took me straight to the Headquarters (I know, right?). But it wasnt that much of a big deal. It was just the basement area of the house I had my Submission Ceremony in. But it was totally decked out with the newest gadgets, some that I've never seen before (and being in a school with a bunch of rich kids, thats kind of hard to see. It was very nerve-wrecking though. With my tattoos gone, Im susceptible (by susceptible I mean, I am so gonna ask Dmitri to suck my blood again). If they found out that I lost them, they will seriously go nuts. At first, I thought we were going there for something important (like maybe an award for killing my first vampire). But we were going there because I had earned the right to know where it is and to plan my 16th birthday. A persons sweet sixteen is supposed to be great. I dont really like to think so. Its supposed to be a ceremony for Rare Bloods and Protectors, because it's the age you get assigned your new Protector. I have been dreading this day for a long time because the only Protector that is my age, that is eligible to be a Protector, is Franklin, the boy who has been crushing on me since I was ten. The reason why I dont like him is because in the Rare Blood-Protector world, the person given to you or chosen as your Protector at the age of 16, is going to be the person you marry. I. Do. Not. Want. To. Marry. Him. I. Want. To. Marry. Dmitri. I left the Headquarters. Let them plan my birthday, I want nothing to do with it. I went into the living room and sat down next to Jenny and her little sister. Jenny sat next to Scott, her Protector. Jennys 17 and in love with her Protector. Shes one of the lucky ones. She was already in love with Scott before her birthday. The basement door closed and I knew it was Franklin coming up from the basement. Franklin is Jennys brother. Hes good looking, but Dmitris better. Franklin reminds me of a chopstick, because hes tall and really thin. Dmitri is sexy and has the perfect amount of muscle. Franklin has muscle, but it's not a lot. I can never get past him looking cute since he has Justin Biebers hair. Either than cute, hes stupid (not in the intelligence way). He came into the living room and sat down beside me. I moved away from him. So, I hear they're planning on making me your new Protector. He said in a low voice. Your point is? I hissed. Hes rubbing it in. Nothing. They sent me hear to ask you out. I have a boyfriend.

Anna, theres no use in keeping your boyfriend after they assign me as your Protector. Your dads planning on letting me live with you guys since he might be reassigned. What? No. My dad can't do this to me! Why is he such a jackass?! Im serious. He knows how much Dmitri needs to me! I slapped Franklin as hard as I could. You stay the fuck away from me, Franklin Dink! Jenny, smack your brother again for me! I shouted and stormed away. I went into the basement, slamming the door as I went. Dad! I shouted furiously. They were all standing around a touch-screen table. They all looked at me. How dare you send Franklin downstairs to ask me out! You know how much I care about Dmitri! You know that I dont like him because hes a jerk! And you know I asked you to be my Protector! I was close to tears. I wouldnt forgive them for this. Anna, we were just trying to prepare you. Prepare me! How would you like to know that hes obsessed with me? When I was in the sixth grade, he sent a picture of his dick to me because he thought I would like it! Would you still want him to be my Protector then? Okay, he might not have sent it to me. He had me up in his bedroom once and he showed it. But the way I said it made it sound a lot worse. He did what? My dad said furiously. You heard me! And he did more than once. That part was true. Hes tried to get me to sleep with him for so long that its old news. If you only knew how many times hes tried to make me lose my virginity to him. I hook my head angrily. Franklin! His dad shouted. He was mad, too. They all were. My dad pulled me away from the rest of the Clan council. Why didnt you tell me this before? You really think Im going to go after one of your most favorite people in the world did something so disgusting to me? Ive told Cassidy plenty of times. He bowed his head. Im so sorry, Anna. Ive failed you too many times as a Protector. Just keep Franklin the hell away from me. I scoffed and walked away.


I passed by Franklin on my way to the door. I didnt stop myself when I thought about punching him. He fell to the ground. Damn, Shawn. Your daughter really has an arm. I heard one of them say before I slammed the basement door shut. I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I slid onto the floor against the wall, already in tears. I called Dmitri. I needed to hear his voice. He answered immediately. Anna, whats wrong? I dont want to talk about it. I sniffled. I just wanted us to talk, that way I can forget what just happened. Okay. What do you want to talk about? Anything, as long as we talk. We talked for hours, mostly about nothing. Dmitri had me smiling in no time at all. He made me feel good again. I fell asleep in the bathroom. Dmitri slept also. He took me to my bedroom and we curled up under my blankets. Dmitri held me tightly in his arms. The entire time I was with him, I didnt once think about Franklin. The only things I could think of were the thoughts coming from Dmitris mind. They were so sweet, plus he was singing to me, which made me fall asleep in the dream world. I woke up on a bed. At first, I thought I was in Hannas (the little sister) bedroom. But then I felt someones arms around me. Im back home. I touched the arm around me. It wasnt Dmitris arm. I fell off the bed to find myself in Franklins room. With Franklin on the bed. I screamed. WhaWhats happening? Franklin woke up with a startle. What did you do to me?! I shouted. What did you do?! I didnt do anything! Liar! I cried. I ran out of the room crying. I ran straight into Scott, who was looking more disheveled than ever. What happened? He wiped his eyes. He did something to me! I know it. I woke up in his room! I wasnt in there. I was in the bathroom! Everyone seemed to be coming out of their respective bedrooms. I ran to my dad at the first sight of him. He put his arms around me protectively. What happened? He asked. He did something to me. I woke up in his bedroom. Franklin! His dad shouted. Franklin came out of his bedroom. What did you do? My dad shouted.

I didnt do anything! I was able to unlock the bathroom door and I found her on the floor sleeping. I didnt want to leave her there, so I brought her into my room. You couldve put me on the couch! I cried. You deal with your son, Clive, Im taking Annabel home. My dad said and started to pull me away from them all. I slammed the car door shut. I checked my pockets for my cell phone. It wasnt there. I left my phone. I have it. Thank God for creating passwords.


Chapter 8

Will you help me? I asked Dmitri. If I was going to have a

birthday party on Thursday, it wouldnt be fun if I had it alone with family. It would be more fun though if I got to spend the entire day with Dmitri only. How much do you want me to help you? He raised his eyebrow. I already knew he was going to say yes. Him testing me is no fun. I leaped into his arms. My back pressed against the threshold of my closet. I was wearing his t-shirt. No, we hadnt had sex, but when he got here, I couldnt help it. He let me wear it because I wanted to see him with his shirt off. He kissed me tenderly. I tightened my arms around his neck. So? I whispered in between kisses. Do I have a yes? I smiled. You have a big yes. He grinned and carried me to my bed. We laid down. So, what do you need me to do? I need you to invite some people to my party. You are friends with everyone. If you ask, surely theyll go. Consider it done. He smiled. I kissed him and pulled him closer. I was more than happy to be in bed with Dmitri today. After facing Mrs. Matienza after bailing out on the recital, I was shaken. Ive never seen someone more mad in my life (besides myself of course). She spent the entire hour yelling at the two of us. By the end of the day, I was trembling. Dmitri had held me the entire way home. But know that I have him back in my arms again after an agonizing days training, all that pain and fear went away. I love you. I whispered. I love hearing you say that. He grinned.


I laughed and pushed him off of me. Im bored. Lets play some games. We played whatever games he had on his cell phone for the rest of the night. I fell asleep in Dmitris arms as he sung to me in his head. We didnt share a dream that night, much to my disappointment. But when I woke up, Dmitri was already up. He was the one who kissed me awake actually. And I loved every second of it. I think I like being Aurora. I whispered. Mostly because you are the best Prince Charming in the world. I giggled. Great, because Im getting tired of being the sleeping beauty. He sighed with relief. Youd make a very beautiful Aurora, by the way. I kissed him. Sucks for you, Dmitri. I quit watching Disney a long time ago. He laughed and rolled our bodies so that I was on top. I covered my mouth to silence my squeal. Still laughing, Dmitri sat up and pushed my wild curls back with his fingers. I love you. He kissed my forehead. I love you, too. I smiled. The more I said it the more I felt good. If this mind-reading thing went two-way, Id surely be saying I love you over and over again in my head. I wonder what Id do if he did that to me. If a long period of time pasts, will I be annoyed, or all giggly inside? It would be fun to try though. When we got to school, I was nervous. Dmitri would be asking people to my birthday and I didnt know what their reactions would be. But I have a feeling that it might go something like this: Whos Annabel? Isnt she that weirdo that does everything alone? Will there be booze? Why would I go to a losers party? OMG! She can afford to have a party! I did not expect to get reactions like: Sure, man. Shes your girl, shes cool with us. A birthday party? Why not? I have nothing better to do. Id love to go to her birthday! She seems like such an interesting person. Its about time she steps out of her shell. Will there be a DJ? Because if not, my dad can surely find one for you. Ill bring the drinks. One kid said with a wink.


I never thought the rich snobby kids in my class could possibly be nice. I found most of them interesting though. Sure, rumors spread, but it's nothing like the truth I got from (being forced by Dmitri) receiving their hugs or handshakes. Words could not explain how dizzy I was afterwards though. Their thoughts echoed in my head like some kind of bad joke. I was thankful when Dmitri sat me down for first period. With his help, I was able to fall asleep in class, too. God knows I needed it. With my birthday two days away, we didnt give people much time to plan ahead. A lot of people we asked turned the invite down because we were too late. But that was okay with me. At least we asked, right? And I am so, so glad that Molly and her pose are going to London for a fashion show that night. I do not want her to crash my party. I didnt go to school the net day. I was still drowning in other peoples thoughts that I could barely have my own. I could barely perform in training because of it. Seriously, Im down-put tired today. But at least I have Dmitri to keep me company. After finishing inviting people he knew I might like, he ditched the second half of school to stay with me. Sweet of him right? There was nothing sweet about it, actually. I was in a bad mood by the time he got to my house (all because I received a phone call from Franklin apologizing for what he did). His sweet gestures didnt do much for me. What Dmitri did to get my attention, though, might come off as a bit of a shocker. We were lying on my bed. I was facing away from him because I really just didnt want to talk with anyone. With his arm around me, the only thoughts a heard were his, and I was trying to take comfort from this after recent events. I could feel his face buried in my hair, sniffing it, most likely. But then he pushed my hair away and I felt his lips press against my neck. They move down to my shoulder, then back up to my neck. I could feel the change in him happening before it did. Smells so good. You, not your blood, Anna. I am my blood. I mumbled as I relaxed at the feel of him lips against my skin, You smell much better than tour blood does, to me at least. His kisses transformed into more passionate, longer, suckings. I felt Dmitris tongue go as high as my ear. He whispered I love you in my ear before starting to kiss me some more. I rolled onto my back and wrapped my arms around him. Dmitri got on top of me, still sucking the base of my neck. Bite me again. I moaned.


He did. It was just like the first time. I was amazed by how good, yet painful it felt. Pleasure-pain.. It was my turn to get from him. I never knew something could taste so good until I had tried Dmitris blood. It was mind-blowing. It was heaven in my mouth. We hastened to take of his shirt while kissing passionately. Dmitri cut himself again, and I pressed my lips against his hard skin. The explosion happened again. Fireworks on my lips and in my mouth.Awesome. I sucked long and hard. I could hear Dmitris gasps of pleasure. His hands tugged at my pajamas. I pulled away before I shouldve all because the tension between us was killing me. Our blood blended together around our lips. For the second time ever, I tasted my own blood. And I have to say, it really is something else. It's not like normal blood. It doesnt have the same iron taste as normal blood. Mixed with Dmitris distinct blood, mine tastes like magic. Dmitri kissed my shoulder as he leaned on top of me. He grunted in my ear. What are you doing? He whispered in my ear. His warm breath tickled. Editing photos. I smiled. Lemme see. He pushed me away from my laptop. I was editing photos of us. Most of them came from his cell phone since I only took solo pictures of him. I made them look like they were professionally edited with my mad computer skills. While Dmitri looked through my edited photos, I put on his uniform shirt. I looked cute in it, more than I did in my own uniform. Our uniforms are basically the same except the girls uniform is more fitted. I wonder what it would be like to wear Dmitris shirt instead of my own to school tomorrowif I decide to go to school tomorrow. Its my birthday, I should at least get that day off. You look way better in that than I do. Dmitri grinned. I unbuttoned it, as Dmitri walked up to me. He inserted his arms underneath his open shirt and kissed me. I smiled. Of course I do. I whispered. Dmitri laughed. I took off his shirt and replaced it with my own. My dad could be getting home soon. I wouldnt want him coming home to find me in Dmitris school uniform. Dmitri went back to going through my laptop (in his sexy model-like underwear) while I cleaned up. I couldnt help but admire they way Dmitri looked from afar. Hes more toned than I ever imagined. Dmitri

may be 16, but his body makes him look at least 18-20 years old. His face doesnt show it one bit though. I find it hard to describe his face. Its not a cute baby face like with some boys, but it's not exactly maturelooking. I think he really embodies the definition of young forever. I traced the rest of his body with my eyes. Dmitris lean. He has abs, but isnt totally ripped like some guys want. His entire body screams sexy, every single curve makes my legs go weak. He doesnt have any hair on his body besides on his head and eyebrows, by the way. His legs, arms and armpits are completely hair-free. It makes me wonder where he gets it removed. Have you seen my remote? Nope. I scowled at Dmitri. Whatever he was looking at seemed more important than helping me look for the TV remote. I walked away from my desk and walked up to my laptop. He was creating a collage of pictures of me. It looked amazing. You know, looking at me is probably way better than a picture. Youre probably right. He smiled and closed the laptop. He got up and wrapped his arms around me. I love you. He whispered. I smiled. I love you, too. I whispered back. And I would love you more if you could help me find the remote before my dad gets home, and I would really appreciate it if you got dressed a little, maybe some pants would do. The more I see you in your underwear, the more I dont want you to leave. I frowned. Dmitri chuckled and kissed my frown away. While I continued looking for that stupid remote, Dmitri got dressed in my closet. By the time it was time for him to leave, we still hadnt found it. I decided not to go to school the next day since I had training early in the day, I had the stupid pairing ceremony to attend (my dad would be my protector until I find someone newwhich is never), then I had to help decorate the house good enough for a high school sweet sixteen. The DJ my classmate let me lend arrived around four. He set up in the living room, which we had cleared to make more space for everyone Dmitri had helped me invite. Dmitri arrived soon after that wearing the sexiest outfit Ive ever seen on him. He had on a fitted, white, v-neck shirt with an amazing print on it, grey fitted jeans (better than skinny jeans) and white shoes, that looked exactly like the black Italian leather shoes he wore to school, only white (duh). I had on an outfit jenny bought for me. It was a little, strapless, black dress that made my hair

look redder than ever, and black heels that make my feet hurt. I seriously dont understand how girls wear such high heels (They're only 3 inches, but still! They hurt like hell!). Around my dress was a pink ribbon that Jenny had added herself so that my dress wouldnt be so plain. It tied around in a big bow at the back. She also put a small pink bow in my hair. As for my make-up, she made everything rosy, and Dmitri seemed to love it. He followed me into the kitchen as I placed the roses he bought me in a vase. The grin I saw on his face didnt seem to disappear, it was a bit annoying. We went into my bedroom for a while, so that we could have some privacy before people started arriving in two hours. You keep outdoing yourself, you know. He whispered. Every time I see you, you're more beautiful than the last. I blushed, but I dont think it was noticeable underneath my rosy cheeks. Dmitris arms tightened around my waist as he pulled me in for a kiss. I knew for sure there might be remnants of a lipstick stain on his lips. Why am I so confident about this, you ask? I had just put on a fresh coat a minute before answering the door. I pulled away, and sure enough it was there. You look great with pale pink lips. I laughed. Dmitri shook his head, also laughing, and wiped his lips with his thumb. I helped him, by adding more lipstick. You're terrible. He whispered. But thats the reason why I love you. I love you, too. I grinned and kissed him one last time. We stayed in my room for a few more minutes, teasing each other, before I realized that I forgot to introduce Dmitri to the rest of my family members (a.k.a. the Clan). I took him downstairs (barefoot) and brought him to Jenny, the closest thing I have to a sister at the moment, who was with Scott and Hanna. Its nice to meet you. Dmitri smiled. The pleasures all ours. Youve been creating a lot of ruckus in our family lately, so it's about time we finally got to meet you. Jenny smiled back. I created ruckus? What did I happen to do, anyway. Later. I said under my breath. I introduced him to the elders next. They took him in with great suspicion. Dmitris the first person theyve ever met and couldnt read his/her mind. After, we helped put the final touches on everything.


Balloons that said Happy Sweet Sixteen, Anna covered the floors. Wherever I looked, something had my name on it. As a souvenir, I gave the girls necklaces whose charm said the same as the balloons and for the boys, (it was Dmitris idea, not mine), dog tags that also said the same thing. Other things that were included were chocolates (with the mindblocking herbs in them. The chocolates were wrapped in fake labels that called the chocolate expensive. The other things in it, I didnt know because Jenny was the one who fixed it. Slowly, people in my class and people I passed in the halls at school entered my house and partied. I noticed some of them bringing alcohol. Surely the Protectors would have seen it too, but Im not sure if theyd take it or not. Everyone was partying and happy. I didnt know where I was. Im scared that someone might find a stake hiding somewhere. Im afraid one of the Protectors will find out about Dmitri. Im afraid that this will be a disaster, and my birthday party will turn into the prom scene from Carrie (Im glad this is at my house). But at least through all my fears, I have the love of my life holding my hand and standing beside me. Hes happy and forcing me to mingle. Honestly. Ive never seen anyone try harder to make me make friends than he has. He tells me what to say to make people like me more. I dont get it. I like myourbubble. Its safe and comfortable and I dont need to worry about someone wanting to kill me ever three seconds. I have Dmitri to protect me no matter what. I have him to love me for every second of the rest of my life. Why would I need other people in my life when I have everything I need right here? My grandma used to always tell me this, stick with what you got and do go looking for more, because what you got is all youll ever get. Kudos, grandma. You know exactly what I was thinking. Dmitri danced with me. He wouldnt dance with anyone else but me. Hed gently kiss my cheek or my lips, and I began to slowly forget it was my birthday. That is until Doug McCloud showed up and ruined our little moment. We were sitting on the couch watching the revelers enjoy themselves. Dmitri had his arm around me, and was whispering the funny things he saw and heard in my ear. Doug walked up to us in his fancy clothes and expensive shoes like he would at school, like there was nothing he was interrupting. Happy birthday, Anna. He smiled. Thanks. I did my best to smile back. Hes going to ask you to dance. I looked at Dmitri, stunned.


So, Dmitri, I hope you dont mind, but I was wondering if I could give the birthday girl a dance before the nights over. How the hell did Dmitri know that? And why did Doug have to ask me during a slow song? I dont mind. Dmitri smiled. Go, I really dont mind. Have fun. Great, so, Anna? May I have this dance? I was still looking at Dmitri, absolutely and completely horrified. He kissed my cheek and forced me to stand up. Doug slipped his had into mine. I can't believe Im doing this. I know at least eight people that will kill me for this. Dmitri seems okay with it, but who knows. Annabel just looks so damn beautiful. Nothing like she does in school. If only I had gotten to her before Dmitri did. You owe me. I growled at Dmitri as I let Doug pull me away. I never in a million years wouldve thought that Doug had a crush on me, let alone what might be eight other guys. For my entire time in regular school, not one person has been brave enough to walk up and talk for a while. The people that did became my boyfriends, but it didnt last long, ever. Before Dmitri came along, Dougs only talked to me about school. It never lasts for more than two minutes, never more than a few words, a nod or two, and a thank you. As I listen to his thoughts now, they all talk about me, all revolve around me. Its as if the words are coming straight out of Dmitris mind. He took me to the center, where Dmitri wouldnt be able to see us. Im very suspicious about this position. He better not be trying to put the moves on me. His hands stayed above my hips, while my arms hung loosely from his neck. He was watching my every move, while I was doing my best to look into hisIm just realizing this, I swearbeautiful hazel eyes. His British accent is echoing in my head, his words of love. I need to get away before I do something stupid. I didnt think of you as the party type, you know. Its my sixteenth birthday; I might as well have fun. He smiles at what I say. He has a nice smile, too. Why do you hide behind that notebook of yours? Youre an amazing pianist. Khloe tells me that youre an amazing artist, too. Youre the smartest girl in class. Who are you exactly, Anna? His head cocked to the side. I want to know more. I want to know this beautiful girls entire life story. I bet this means Im in love. Molly will have a fit if she finds out. But


she won't. Its possible to love to people at once, right? The one I have and the one Ill never get. Molly for the sex and Anna for theI dont know. I pulled away accidently. A part of it was just way too much information. Like when he thought about sex with Molly (BTW, I had no clue they were even going out), he thought about his body on top of her, and a picture of her boobs flashed into his mind. I did not need to see that. I need that thought erased from my mind, like NOW. Is everything alright? Doug asked. Im fine. Sorry. I frantically looked behind him to blame. I spotted Jennys dad. My uncle was looking at us. Oh. Slowly, we reunited. We danced, quietly. He didnt ask anymore questions and I did the best I could to block him out of my head. It was a little easy, I could block out the future and the present, leaving the past as history. The song ended and I thanked him. As I turned to leavein the direction of my unclehe grabbed my hand. That was probably the best dance of my life/I have to just do this. One time only. His lips are on me in the future. Its true. Lips as rosy as they look. Like petals. Soft and Fragile. I was too caught up in his future thought to defend myself from his lips coming down on mine. I gasped and pushed him away. I ran as fast as I could away from everyone, not bothering to see the look on his face afterwards. I bump into people as I go. Why is she running? /Wheres she going? /Did something happen to Annabel? I really think this boy likes me. /That bitch spilt punch on my Yves Saint Laurent dress! /I will so kill Annabel Morrison! Ill pay for the dress. I promise I will. I just need to get away. I ran into the bathroom, right as someone else was going in and slammed the door in that persons face. I lock it. I dont want to go back out there. I want to hid myself, especially from Dmitri. Probably his best friend, his girlfriend, caught in a stolen kiss, on her birthday. Shit! This is just as bad as Carrie. People bang on the door as I begin to hyperventilate. I fall against the wall next to the toilet. Im gonna vomit. Thats how disgusted by Doug I am, at myself, too. I knew about it, and I didnt stop it. This entire party is a ruin. I want everyone to leave. If I can ever face Dmitri again, Ill ask him to make everyone leave. I do end up vomiting. I throw up everything Ive ever eaten or drunken during this entire party. My stomach is churning. I know Ive thrown up more than I should. Theres something wrong. I can feel it.

It stops, and I realize that it's quiet outside the door. Then theres three knocks, followed by my name spoken from the lips of the man I love. I need Dmitri to comfort me, so I crawl over to the door and unlock it, then return to my spot next to the toilet. Dmitri cam in slowly and quietly. He locks the door. What happened to you? He sat down in front of me and wipes the tiny trace of vomit on my wrist with tissue paper. I dont feel so good anymore. I shook my head. Dmitri handed me the tissue and moved to my side. I let him pull me into his arms as I use the tissue to wipe my mascara stained cheeks and my vomit-lined lips. Dmitri replays the seen he saw, me running away, leaving a broken heel behind. I didnt even notice that my heel was broken. It wasnt very Cinderella. He whispered in my ear. It made my smile. He smiled back. What happened? Whyd you run? I couldnt get an answer from Doug, hes gone catatonic. You should have never let me dance with him. I mumbled. Why not? Hes crushing on me. Big time. Like no joke kind of crushing. He thinks he can use Molly for sex and me for whatever emotional shit he can find. It was terrible. He thought about being in love with me. I shook my head. I actually laughed at the thought of him loving me. How anyone can say they love me is a mystery. That doesnt sound so bad. It makes me victorious. He grinned. But it is for me, because youre the only one I want to be loved by. I whispered to myself. Despite knowing that I just threw up like theres no tomorrow, Dmitri held my chin between his thumb and forefinger and kissed me. It felt so good for him to be doing it but it felt very, very wrong. His best friend just kissed me because hes in love, and hes kissing me after I just threw up. I pulled away, not really okay with what was happening. Whats wrong? He whispered. He kissed me. Dmitri flinched. He didnt even think about anything but those three words: he kissed me. His eyes bored into my skin, searching for the tiniest sign of lying. I closed my eyes, fighting back a new set of tears, and shook my head. Im so sorry, Dmitri. I heard him think it, but I was too shocked to stop it. It shouldnt have happened. Its why I ran away. Im sorry. Dmitris lips pressed against my forehead and his arms tightened around me.

Its okay, Annabel. Im not mad at you. I still have you and Im still the victorious one. I love you and I will never stop. Doug doesnt matter. Its me and you, right? I wrapped my arms around him and whispered I love you. He hugged me back, kissing my red curls. You and me. I nodded. We returned after Jenny had been called to fix my make-up. We walked around, peoples eyes on me. He helped me apologize to the girl I bumped into. Dmitri said hed pay for the damages, and when I told him not to, he said it was my birthday and I shouldnt need to worry about money. I thought it was sweet of him. We danced slowly, he held me tightly in his arms. I didnt want him to let go, nor the moment to end. He made sure that I was safe and happy. And I was happy. Dmitri helped keep the guilt and the stomach ache away. We danced until it was time for cake. Everyone sung me happy birthday while my dad and my uncle brought out a giant cake. It was so big that surely everyone at my party could get two good sized slices (not those itty-bitty ones parents give so that the cake can fit everyone), Dmitri helped me cut the cake and get a piece for ourselves. We sat back down on the couch and ate while everyone got their slice and said happy birthday on their way back to wherever they were standing or sitting in the house. I didnt see Doug. No one did. Someone had called Molly after seeing what he did and demanded him to leave. Thank God and good riddance, I say. After the cake, was my big gift. The gift every sixteen year old waits for. So what did I get? A shiny new car? Nope. A pony? Yeah right. My own house? I wish. No, I got brand spankin new grand piano and an acceptance letter to the Paris Conservatory even if I didnt apply. And I really didnt. No one did. Not even my stupid school. No, they found me. It turns out that Mrs. Matienza had posted a video of me playing a mix of all the greatest songs, concertos, and symphonies on YouTube and they tracked me down.. Along with the acceptance letter from the Paris Conservatory, I got a letter from Julliard and New York Academy of Fine Arts. The big guns came looking for me. And boy was I shocked. I read and reread the acceptance letter. Everyone was cheering for me. Dmitri was whispering in my ear at how much I deserved it. Im only a junior, and Ive already been accepted into some of the top fine arts academys in the world. This is so totally awesome!!! I dropped the letter and threw my arms around Dmitri. He spun me around laughing. Then I ran over to my dad and gave him a big hug. Then my uncle and Jenny. Im seriously over the moon right now.

So, which one will you choose? Scott asked. I dont know. I really like the Paris Conservatory, but Julliard gives me a reason to go back to New York. But then if I go to the Conservatory, I can still be protected here by you guys. My head is seriously about to explode right now. I dont know. They're all such great schools! I grinned. You have three years to think on it. Jenny laughed. Dont rush yourself, okay? Anna, why dont you give everyone an example of how good you are? My dad called. You can perform the recital you never got to do. Id need Dmitris help then. I smiled at Dmitri. His eyes were full of love and care. They lit up at the mention of his name. Id love to. He smiled back. We took our seat and performed. The keys felt like liquid underneath my fingers. My entire life went into my new piano. With each note, I wrote a different part of my life. I told a story with each, one after another. I told the story of the song, Dmitri telling it beside me. With that story, I added different parts of my own, like we had practiced. While Dmitri followed the main song, I made it sound even better by adding twists. We finished with a standing ovation. Dmitri gave me a quick kiss, accompanied by his dashing grin. I blushed and we stepped away from the grandest piano Ive ever loved. You really deserve that acceptance letter. My dad patted me on the back. Thanks, Dad. I smiled. Where are we going to put the piano? Right here in the living room, of course. Theres no better place to put it. That way everyone can watch you play. He smiled. I hugged him. Thanks. I love you. Love you, too, kiddo. The music picked up again. Dmitri and I danced and kissed, and all my problems were forgotten. That is until.. We were dancing to Dynamite when I saw him. He was talking to his father, my uncle for all purposes necessary. The uncle Im not remotely related to. The only person I never wanted to see again. He had walked in like theres no problem with it. But there was. There was a big problem with his problem with his being here. Franklin. I broke away from Dmitri and the rest of the dancers and walked up to them, steam probably bursting out of my ears. What is he doing here? I asked my uncle.

I oversaw the delivery of your birthday gift. It was the least I could do. You were amazing early, by the way. He smiled. I wasnt talking to you. I hissed. Calm down, Anna. I just asked him to help deliver you piano. Hes leaving. You better. I never want to see you in this house ever again. I never want to see your face again. If I do, I swear, it will be you Im staking, not the next vampire I see. I said and walked away. Anna, wait. I heard Franklin call. What? I turned on my feet and yelled at him. I wonder if my hair looks aflame in this light. I wanted to say happy birthday and I wanted to give you your gift. I dont want your stupid gift. Oh, your going to want it all right. It has to do with your boyfriend and your Protector as well. I know what your boyfriend is. You really think you could hide that fact. I cracked your cell phone code on the first try. Wolfgang, really? he laughed. Anyway, it might have slipped out while I was talking to your dad a minute or two ago, plus your missing tattoos. Howd you do it? His head cocked to the side. I didnt reply. My gift is the truth. Good luck and happy birthday, you heartless bitch. He scoffed and walked away. I was frozen. My world came crashing down. It couldnt be happening. Hes lying. But he knew my password. And I had talked about Dmitri being a vampire in my messages. Ive been careless and now I have to pay the price. I took off, calling Dmitris name. Tears already strolling down my face. Dmitri! Have you seen Dmitri? I asked someone. No. Sorry. I looked frantically. He couldnt be gone. They couldnt have taken him from me. He has to be here somewhere! Dmitri! Dmitri! Whats wrong with you? I turned around. He was standing there sipping a soda. I ran into his arms, sobbing hysterically. Im so sorry. We have to get you out of here. Anna, whats going on? That son of a bitch, Franklin, told my dad what you are! The soda in Dmitris hand fell to the floor. It splashed onto my feet and legs.

Lets go into your room. He couldnt have said something. This is probably just a joke. We hurried up the stairs. I locked every dead bolt on my door. I made sure it was sturdy and the door wouldnt be able to open no matter what. Dmitri held me in his arms while I cried. He was comforting me, although he probably knew the consequence of our actions. Today could be the day I lose him. Its the end of us, and I can't live without Dmitri. Its the end of me as well. The door knob was tried. I squealed and reached for Omel. Dmitri jumped. I wasnt going to use it on him. I would use it against its brother, I told him. The weapon the Mother Tree gives us will never fail us no matter what mission, even if that means killing my Protector, and my father. Click! There using magic to unlock it. I said horrified. Dmitri you have to get out of here. I turned to him. Im not leaving you, Annabel. I won't let you face them alone. We could reason with them. Theyre going to kill you! I shouted at him. Dmitri, please. Get out of here. Im not leaving you, Annabel. They could do all they want to me, but Im not going to let you get hurt for something Ive started. I buried my face in his chest. He kissed my hair, arms tightening around me. I love you, Annabel. Never forget that. I will always love you. You have made this eternity one worth spending. He whispered. I love you, too, Dmitri. I sobbed. I love you so much. He pulled me into a kiss. The most passionate and most love-filled weve ever had. Tears blended in as they gathered around our lips. Dmitri continued to tell me how much he loved me. Enough to last a lifetime if he was to die tonight. They kicked down the door.


July 20, 2011 Wednesday 5:56 p.m. Cassidy and I have never been so close. Not in a long time at least. Shes going to be discharged next week, and she told the doctor that they could keep her for another month, she didnt mind. All because she had me to talk to. None of her best friends visited often. Maybe once every few days. She had no choice to talk to me. And for the first time, she seemed genuinely interested in my life. She asked me questions of all the things shes missed besides my lameness at school. She apologized for being the one to start that (she really was. She started my first day of high school by spreading the rumor that I was a little chubby because I was expecting). I told her about my growing interest in piano, and that Im glad that dad finally got out grandmas piano out of Uncle Eds house (I play at an okay level, not as great as I do in my story). She plays the triangle, by the way, the easiest instrument ever. I read her my story as I wrote it, and she told me where I should change it, like that last part where Dmitri doesnt want to leave, all her idea. This is my original version of what happens after my stupid, real life cousin that does have a crush on me tells my story dad about my relationship with a vampire: We hurried up the stairs and into my room. We locked every dead bolt, hoping that they wouldnt and couldnt get through. Im on the verge of


hysteria over this. I can't lose Dmitri, not after Ive given my heart and soul to him. Tell me what Franklin said. He tells me, grabbing me by the wrists. Theres fury in his eyes, as if he were ready to kill someone. The hazelness was getting darker the longer I stalled my answer. He hacked my phone, after Maria died, and we stayed at their house. I fell asleep in the bathroom, remember. He took me out, my cell phone, too. He read every message and probably did God knows what to me. He knows what you are. And he told my dad, Dmitri. He told him everything, about you, us, and my missing tattoos. Please, you have to get out of here. I sobbed. Dmitri dropped my hands, letting out a long rueful sigh. Everything will be okay. He whispered. Ill hide for a while. Ill call you, I promise. I won't forget a single time. You have to hurry, Dmitri. I shook my head. I can't lose you, too. He kissed me, holding me tight, showing all his love. His lips were harder and harsher than they normally were, but this isnt a time to complain. I love you, Annabel. Never forget that. I love you, too, Dmitri. He kissed me one last time. Then disappeared. I was left to stand alone against the army of Protectors waiting to have his head. Its not that bad, is it? I think its kind of nice. But the version I put in has to be way better though, right? I really have Cassidy to thank for it. Who knew she could be such a good editor? Shes busy getting another x-ray. Id let you talk to her again. Its convenient how shes always busy when I want you, my fabulous readers, to learn about her. I should continue while shes gone. I wouldnt want her to have gone out and me not having accomplished anything. She thinks I can probably get it published. Shes friends with the daughter of our dads boss. With connections like that, I can get anywhere. It makes me think if this simple summer writing project is too extravagant for the likes of our school.


Chapter 9

with a loud crash. The members of our council came rushing through, weapons at the ready. I screamed, yet couldnt help but wonder if everyone downstairs heard the clash. Scott was part of the gang. Hes a Protector. His current job is to make sure Jenny doesnt get hurt, I, or Dmitri dont matter in this equation. He came in as if he were the Clan Leader. My father, so full of anger, the look on his face couldnt be described. I stood in between them, like Mongolias stuck in between Russia and China. Im letting them be China. Only the Chinese would be so stupid to ruin a love such as ours (no offense to the Chinese). He came up in front, Olric pulsing in his hand, shivering as it was so close to it's brother. Omel was pulsing to. Take a step further or Ill kill you. I hissed. We dont want to hurt you, Annabel. My protector said. Just get out of the way and let us do our job. His voice was so calm, yet bloodthirsty. I won't let you hurt him! Can't you see? Hes not like them! Hes too human to be like them. Annabel, Dmitri whispered. Hes still a vampire, Annabel. That doesnt change anything. Hes one of them and deserves to die. The other Protectors grunted in agreement. It scared me by how blood-thirsty they were. Who gives you the right to say who gets to live and who gets to die? You arent God, Dad! Your just another loser thats the biggest failure Ive ever seen! Venom rolled off my tongue. I struck him hard. The Mother Tree gives us the right to demolish this creature! A Protector shouted. It didnt matter to me which one. The Mother Tree accepted our relationship! She accepted me! She knows that Dmitris a vampire, she told me herself! And she approves of it. She herself sent Dmitri to me! Why would you destroy that sort of gift? Lies! another one shouted. Im going to lose. I can't win this battle no matter what I say. Maybe Dmitri is Mongolia, and not me. Hes the state not completely involved but

The door came down

caught in the middle. Caught in the middle of my love for him, and the rules that say we can never be. Why would I lie about something our Mother has told me herself? You dont lie about something so great! Just let us do our job, Annabel. My dad said, finally recovering from my blow below the belt. I won't let you! Hurting him means hurting me. I said through my teeth. Annabel, my dear, sweet Annabel. You truly are my angel. I love you for that. But please, dont do anything youll regret. My dad stepped forward, and the idea hit me. I turned Omel around. Take a step closer or else Ill drive this dagger through my heart, then youll really know how much of a failure youve been. A failure as a father, and as a Protector. You can't do anything right, can you, Dad? I hissed. He staggered back. I pressed the tip of the dagger against my breast, showing how serious I was. I was serious, if they dared try to hurt him, I would hurt myself first, letting my rare blood spew all over the floor and sink onto the level below. Dmitri watched, horrified. Anna, please dont. Its not worth it. Im not worth it. Ive done enough damage in my life, Ive lived long enough. You are so young, you have so much to look forward to. Please dont do this, not to me at least. I can't live on knowing you gave your life because of me. I dont want to live knowing that you were the martyr when it should have been me. Just get out of my house, you son of the devil. My dad said. Get out of my house and never come back. I will not be this merciless next time. Dmitri kissed my cheek and was gone. I had it. I left my spot, making sure I stuff Omel into the abdomen of one of the Protectors as I walk into my closet. I heard him fall to the floor, as I began packing my things. Where do you think youre going? My dad said from behind me. You really thought that Id be able to live in the same house as you? I looked at him. You are the biggest disappointment of my entire life. Dmitri has never hurt anyone, I should know, I can see his entire present and future. Not once has he ever killed, or bitten someone. Youve lost the ability to be able to see the good in people, Protector. I shook my head, ashamed of having him as a father. A gift of our Mother is not something you destroy. I said and slammed the closet doo in his face. I changed into the shirt Dmitri had given me, jeans and sneakers. I had enough clothes to last a few days, plus my school uniform in case I ever

decide to return to that hellhole. Everyplace is a hellhole now. Every place except Dmitris home. I walked out confidently in Dmitris shirt, much to the gasps of the Protectors tending to the wound I had created. I picked the bloody Omel up and put him in my bag. I walked out of the room and back downstairs. No one watched me as I got my grandfathers guitar and walked out of the house. I managed my anger as I walked to Dmitris house. I didnt want him to see me mad. He was waiting for me, sitting on the stoop. He rushed over to me. Whyd you come here, Anna. You know that they're only going to come looking for you. I can't live there anymore. I shook my head. Hes a murderer, my Protector. I can't. I just want to go to sleep, please. Take me away from here. Anywhere but here. Okay. He nodded. We went upstairs and locked ourselves in his bedroom. Omel sat waiting on the nightstand beside me as Dmitri and I fell asleep, bodies entangled. Dmitri really did it when he took me away. He took me to Golden Gate Bridge, halfway across the globe. We sat at the very top, the part where only the bridges caretakers or whatever you call them go. He held me in his arms as we watched the sun rise over the west coast. It was an awe-inspiring sight. It took my mind off of everything, plus the songs Dmitri sung in my ear. But then we woke up, and everything was gone, we were back to reality. I didnt get out of bed. I didnt eat, I couldnt. I had lost whatever appetite I had left with me. Dmitri stayed with me. His arms didnt leave me once. Afternoon went by. The most I could do was drink some water. That was all I was up for. Food was out of my interest. I wanted revenge for what my Protector has done to us. We stayed there, under his covers. There was nothing to talk about. We were both waiting until we could get away again. It wouldnt be long, between being angry, and starving myself, I was sleepy. He took me somewhere new. Rio, the lights were bright and music played. It was better than the night before. It was different than the night before, and not just in terms of destination. We didnt pay attention to the scenery. We stayed facing each other, my body in his lap, making out more passionately than we have ever before. It was the same raw passion that we felt when Dmitri kissed me before they had broken down my bedroom door. With each passing hour, we took off some clothes until we were naked, and making love on the grass we were sitting on. It was the best sex weve ever had together. It was dream sex, so it didnt really count, but it was sex none the least.


We woke up, and continued the sex. All over the place actually. From the bed, it went into the shower, then down the stairs and into the living room, back to the dining room, on top of the table, and into the kitchen. We didnt dare do it in the late Hags bedroom. It was the most passionate sex ever. It was the longest sex weve ever had. If I add the sex we had in the dream world, we probably accumulated at least eight to ten hours of raw passionate sex. We stopped in the kitchen, because I was starving. We both were, but before eating actual food, we shared our blood. While Dmitri got us some clothes upstairs, I started cooking breakfast, naked. Oreo pancakes and sausages, the strangest, yet most delicious combination. Dmitri returned, still naked as well. He came up from behind me, his package pressing against the back and partial inner area of my thighs. I moaned and reached back to wrap my arms around his neck. He led a trail of kisses, starting from my arm, to my chest and neck, and up to my lips. I moaned some more, feeling his erection take place. We kissed passionately. I turned around, and he pressed my body against the marble next to the stove. You're turning me into a fictional character. He mentally whispered. You're becoming my drug, Annabel. My own personally brand of ecstasy. I hate Edward Cullen. I whispered. Who said anything about Edward Cullen? He chuckled and continued to kiss me. He lifted me onto the counter, his hand opening my legs. I pull away. Im trying to cook you know. I whispered. It wouldnt be sanitary if we used body fluids instead of syrup. He laughed. He kissed my neck, then my breasts. I love you, every last bit of you. He whispered. I love you, too. I grinned. The feel of his lips on my breast strangely felt good. I kind of wanted more. And Id get more, later. Right now, my pancakes are burning. We got half-dressed. I had on my underwear and Dmitris shirt from the day before. I left it unbuttoned, so that I would get more of Dmitris lips later. Dmitri only had on his underwear, as if he was ready to rip them off at a moments notice. We ate breakfast in the living room, while watching TV. We sat exactly where we had just made love an hour plus ago. We didnt have sex again afterwards. I had lost all my sexual interests all because of a single text. I was planning on Dmitri and I doing nothing but love making the entire day. But no, my Protector just had to text. He just had to say that I couldnt skip training. You know what? Screw him. I dont care about his dumb-ass, mother fucking training.

I was too pissed to have sex after that. I stayed in Dmitris room with4 my notebook, drawing different situations of my Protector dying. Once I had made an ample amount, I took pictures of them all and sent them to him. He should at least know how I feel, right? I went to sleep afterwards, not interested in anything Dmitri said or did. He didnt take me away again. I slept, fitfully, and uninterrupted. After so much exercise I really needed it. I was still pissed by dinner. He had replied, my Protector. It said that I couldnt skip training again. I was so mad, that I took the photos I drew and sent them to every single last member of the Clan, saying that if you ever try to bother me, I will make one of them come true. I was serious about it. I nearly killed a Protector, I can do some much more than that. Dmitri stroked my back as he laid beside me that night. I hadnt spoken to him unless to yell at him. I regret doing it. I shouldnt have yelled at him like that. I shouldnt have said that it was none of his business, because it was his business. Hes the reason why Im forced to send the email in the first place. I turned and faced him, much to his surprise. Im sorry. I whispered. I forgive you. He said and kissed me. We sat up and I curled into his arms. He kissed me temple. With the way I was sitting, Dmitri had his hand stroking my inner thigh, so close to my vagina. I kissed his chin because it felt good. It felt real good. Why did you bring the guitar? He whispered. I didnt want to leave it. It belonged to my mothers father, not his. May I play it? I want to make you feel better. Having your arms around me makes me feel better. I looked at him. I want you to feel way better. He smiled and kissed me. His hand slid up as he got out of bed, causing me to blush. He came back, guitar in hand and scooted into bed beside me. I rested my head on his shoulder. You like A Rocket to the Moon, right? He said in a low voice. One of my favorite, why? He began to play one of my favorites, Dakota. At least he didnt sing Annabelle That song talks about getting rid of herme. It would be very tragic. I sung along with him with the following songs. He played all my favorites, including one he had written for me. A special song, using Romeo and Juliet instead of our names. He sung about our love being tragic, but the greatest love of all. The end went like this: Oh, Juliet, dont you fret, Well be together, forever, baby, dont you forget. Ill be you Romeo, oh, Juliet A wall that won't come down thats what well be.

They won't take you from me. Oh, Juliet, were a wall that won't come down, thats what well be. I love it, Dmitri. I smiled. I couldnt help but be a little teary-eyed. No one has ever written me a song more beautiful than that. I knew you would. He smiled and kissed me. Sing it again, please. He nodded and started again. Theres a girl I know, my little lamb. In a big, big world thats crumbling down. Ill be her Prince Charming, her Romeo. And Ill save this girl, yeah, My Juliet. Oh, Juliet, dont you fret, Well be together, forever, baby, dont you forget Ill be your Romeo, oh, Juliet. A wall that won't come down thats what well be. Coz they can't take you away from me. Oh, Juliet, Ill be here. So this nightmare of ours, will disappear. Theres no scary monsters, no tragic deaths, Just you and me, girl, and the love weve kept Oh, Juliet, dont you fret, Well be together, forever, baby, dont you forget Ill be your Romeo, oh, Juliet A wall that won't come down thats what well be. Coz they can't take you away from me. My Juliet, Her Romeo, This love weve kept, Its all we know. Were no Montague, No Capet. Just you and me, baby

Dont you forget. Oh, Juliet, dont you fret, Well be together, forever, baby, dont you forget Ill be your Romeo, oh, Juliet A wall that won't come down thats what well be. Coz they can't take you away from me. Oh, Juliet, dont you fret, Well be together, forever, baby, dont you forget. Ill be you Romeo, oh, Juliet A wall that won't come down thats what well be. They won't take you from me. Oh, Juliet, were a wall that won't come down, thats what well be. I really love it, Dmitri. When did you write it? I looked at him. While you were sleeping. I already had the song in my head, I just needed the chords. I knew youd like it. I thought it could help cheer you up after what happened at you birthday. Well, you were very successful. I smiled. Youve given me my hope back, Dmitri. I want to thank you and say I love you. Dmitri put the guitar down against the nightstand. I love you, too. He smiled and kissed me. We laid back down and continued with out plan to make love. The next day, I woke up before himlike, way earlierand I could only think of one thing to do, write my own version of his song. While Dmitri slept, I took my grandfathers guitar, sat at his desk and composed. It was weird to actually try. Ive never composed anything before. All I do is play, never once have I tried to compose, and it shocked me by how easy it was for me. Im so full of emotions. Every single note (I followed Dmitris melody) gave me a new lyric. I wrote everything down. It only took me thirty minutes to write and perfect it. I woke Dmitri up after that. I was too excited to wait. I crawled back into bed with him and kissed his sexy, bare, back. He took a deep breath, and I could see a smile stretch across his face. I tenderly kissed his soft lips. Good morning. I whispered in his ear. He yawned. Good morning, Anna. He whispered back.

I kissed him again. Dmitri rolled onto his back and wrapped his arms around my waist. What time is it? Quarter before seven. What the hell is wrong with you, Annabel? He chuckled. Lets go back to sleep. Cmon. We rolled. Dmitri was now on top of me. Theres something I want to play for you, first. I smiled, kissed him and pushed him off. I got the guitar and sat down in front of him. Please dont laugh if you think it gets a little cheesy. It only took me thirty minutes to make this, okay? You wrote something? Whats it called? Whats yours called? My Juliet. He smiled. I like that name. But then that totally ruins the name I made. Im not good with names, like, at all. The name I was thinking about was called My Romeo. I couldnt think of anything else. Now I have to change it. Great, just great. Ill tell you after, okay? I have to think about a new one because of you. Okay. He nodded and smiled. I started. Ill be your Juliet, baby, And youll be my Romeo. Because I love you, boy Thats all I know. We can runaway, just elope, To get away from this mess Oh, Romeo, take me away, To some far away place That no one knows. I dont need them, Just you and me. Take me away, baby, Please. Tears filled my eyes as I got into the second verse. Its the song. Playing it in front of Dmitri now shows that I really love him. Because I do. I dont think theres ever been anything in this world that Ive loved more than him. Its weird, though. I didnt cry while I wrote this. Dmitri reached over and caught my tear. I smiled.

They can't protect me, They never had. It was all a lie, oh, Romeo. And I need you, More than them, So lets just go. Oh, Romeo, take me away, To some far away place That no one knows. I dont need them, Just you and me. Take me away, baby, Please. My tears came harder, faster. Im sniffling. Ive never thought about how much I loved him until now. The more I think about it, the more I know that I love Dmitri. I know that by saying this, it will be really cheesy, but he has opened my eyes to an entire world thats for just the two of us. One where there arent any Protectors and being a vampire is just being another teenage boy thats in love with a selfish and lonely girl. I dont think I could ever ask for anything more than what Dmitris given me. Is it me? Or all youve done? Youre different, Romeo. Youre my number one Youre my everything, In this love story. I hope you can tell, Or is it just me? I finished the song, still in tears. I put the guitar down and wiped my eyes. Dmitri pulled me into his arms. I hugged him tightly. Please dont leave me, Dmitri. I whispered. I dont honestly know what Id do if you were to suddenly disappear. I love you. I love you, too, Anna, and Id never leave you. I promise. I promise over my mothers grave. Dont cry, please. Im never going to leave you. I looked at him. His eyes were watering. I just love you so much. I smiled. And I love you, my dear, sweet Annabel. He smiled and kissed me. I felt his tears wash over my own.


I love you, Annabel. Now and forever. I can't imagine being without you now that Ive given you my heart. It will be you and me from now on. I dont care what your Clan says. Me and you, okay? Okay. I nodded. He kissed me again. It felt so good to be loved by him, to be loved in general. It wasnt love that I felt from my dad. It was anger, and jealousy. I was the one who survived when his wife, his love, the object he was supposed to give his life for, is dead. Im a dead wait to him, or at least thats how I feel. Then theres Doug, he doesnt love me. Theres nothing emotional about it. He doesnt know me, he doesnt know anything about me except the rumors that go around. Franklin is just plain obsessed, he always has been. Dmitri loves me for who I am and the way I make him feel when were together. Because when were together, were invincible. Last night is an example of that. We were together, there was so much love between us that they couldnt do anything but back down. We recorded our songs after we had gotten past all the emotions and I stopped crying. We recorded them on his phone. It sounded a little weird to hear them, though, afterwards. It sounded good, real good. I didnt expect that. We ate breakfast in the living room again, curled up and warmed by love. Outside, the chilly October air was whisking around, and I was so glad that I had come here. Its better than sleeping at the closest train station which is about four miles away. Dmitris hand gently caressed my leg. I listened to his heartbeat and the movie we were watching. I doubted that he was watching the movie, too. He wasnt even looking at the TV like I was. His lips were pressed against the top of my head and he was humming our songs. In his head, it was obvious that he wasnt watching the movie. He was thinking about us, and our future together (if we had one. I dont know what the Clan is going to do at this point). It was wonderful, the things I saw. He thought of us eloping, running through the streets of Paris, moving into a Paris apartment together that had a view of the Eiffel Tower. He thought about us getting married, in a church, and it would be just the two of us, and the Father that was wedding us. In the pews behind us, there would be no one. It would really just be the two of us, him and me, together, forever. Do you like it? Dmitri whispered once the movie ended. Which one? I looked up and smiled at him. Both. He smiled and gently kissed me. I loved your version of the movie way, way better. The movie sucked compared to what I was seeing. I grinned. He kissed me, longer, and more passionate than the first.

I haven't given you your birthday present yet, you know. I dont need one from you. Its too late, Ive already bought them. He grinned. Let me go get it. I rolled me eyes and nodded. Make it quick. Oh, you know I will. He chuckled. Close your eyes. I scooted over to the opposite end of the couch, folded my arms, and closed my eyes. I hate it when people do this. I have enough trouble keeping them closed. Doesnt it just feel weird to force your eyes close for so long? I counted the seconds he was away from me. It took him twenty seconds before I heard him say Okay, open you eyes. I did. On the armchair was one of those hot pink, clawed, killer teddy bears. In it's hand was a giant stuffed remote and in its lap was a small box, designed as a remote and as small as one. I laughed. Whats with all the remotes? Theres a reason why you couldnt find your remote. Dmitri said, taking a seat on the arm of the couch. I was playing with it, while you were in the shower a few days ago, and I mustve squeezed it too hard because it broke, in pieces kind of broke. No wonder you didnt want to help look for it. I shook my head. I searched everywhere for it. I didnt stop to think about checking his backpack or the trashcan. Im really sorry, Anna. The giant remote is a replacement. It really works. I promise. Try it on my TV, it's universal. He held it out. I can't believe Im actually going to try this. I took it, and turned the TV off. It worked. I played with is a little. Its cute, and looks like a real remote. I put it down. So, whats the smaller remote shaped thing? Dmitri got it and sat down in front of me. He didnt hand it to me though. I got this after my mother had died. It was her favorite piece of jewelry and her most beautiful. She never went anywhere without it on. It was a gift from my father on their wedding day. He used probably the last of his parents money to pay for it. I want you to have it. He said, never looking at me, and opened the box. Inside was the most beautiful necklace Ive ever seen. Even if it was an antique, it didnt look that way. It was still shiny and silver. I followed the chain down to the pendant. The pendant was shaped like a locket, and I think it was a locket. It had the most intricate design on it. There were

different sized spirals and loops. Most people would think that it was too overdone, but I think it was made just right. It was colorful as well. With each spiral or loop, there was a different type of rock in it. I saw diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sapphires. The sides were lined with canary and pink diamonds. Dmitri, I dont know what to say. Say youll where it, and youll love it like my mother loved it. Of course Ill wear it. I smiled. Put it on me? I turned around and lifted my red curls away. He put it on me. The ancient metal was cold against my skin. Dmitri kissed my neck and let my hair drop out of my hand. I touched it and felt that t was a locket. I opened it and felt some things inside. I turned back to Dmitri. Whats in it? On one side, is a picture of me. My mother had it placed there after the other Dmitri had taken me. And on the other, I had someone place I love you. He smiled. I love you, too. I smiled back and kissed him. He pulled me into his lap and I pushed him backwards. The necklace hung out of his shirt that I was wearing and over his chest. Dmitris hand traveled over my body and slowly started to unbutton his shirt. For seconds, his hands cupped my breast, before his arms circled around my waist, pressing my body against his. My cell phone rang, ruining the moment. I dont know why I brought it down with us. I really dont. I ignored it, but it kept ringing. I was already half naked, I didnt want to answer it, but the more it rang, the more I got annoyed. I pulled away, and answered it. Hello? I said, a little out of breath. Dmitri crawled over to me and started to kiss my neck and my chest. You bitch! Im going to kill you the next time I see you! A girl shouted. At first, I thought it was Molly, calling about Doug, but it wasnt. Jenny? What are you talking about? What did I do? Dmitris hand tugged on my underwear. You nearly killed Scott! I dont know why I was ever kind to you! Youre nothing but a stupid bitch! I hope that vampire kills you! I hope he drains you dry because you were stupid enough to give yourself to it! At your funeral, I swear I won't be the only one saying I told ya so! She screamed and hung up. It was Scott that I stabbed. Dmitri stopped kissing me. Anna, what did you do?

I put my phone down, still a little shocked. I was so mad at them. I wanted them to pay. I stabbed the first one that I came close to. I had no clue it was Scott, I swear. They all looked alike to me. They did. They all looked like clones of my dad. Oh God, Im going delusional. Just take a few deep breaths. You probably didnt do serious damage. Hes not dead, right? I am so going to hell for this. I shook my head. Hey, at least you have me to join you on the path there. I laughed. It was short lived, because my cell phone rang. It was my Protector. I couldnt ignore it, so I answered it. What? I hissed. You can't skip training. If you're not back tonight, the Clan and I are going to that vampires house and dragging you out. We can assure you that the vampire won't be walking out of that house again alive if we do. He said and hung up. I threw my phone at the wall. It shattered. Good riddance. I never have to hear it ring ever again. I was blinded by tears. Dmitri rubbed my back. I dont want to go back there! Im so sorry, Anna. He said in a low voice. Why dont they understand?! They never understand! Dmitri pulled me into his arms. Shhhh.. Its okay. Ill come and rescue you after. I promise. You better. I said through my teeth. I took a shower after lunch, then basically seduced Dmitri into sex. It couldnt be consider love making. It was too rough. I changed into his shirt again, showing my rebellion. Later, for training, my dad would see the bite marks in my neck. Dmitri and I would heal it later. I just wanted to get my dad. Im planning on kicking the shit out of him, and not the dummy. Oneon-one combat is always the best, right? The student versus the teacher, match to the death. Dmitri dropped me off in his car, and I stepped into the warzone. With style, at least. I broke down the front door.


July 23, 2011 Friday 11:09 p.m. Our mom left today. Her life in New York seemed to be way more important than making sure her eldest daughter was going to be okay. The woman can be a real bitch sometimes. At least now I know where Cassidys attitude comes from. Shes seeing someone now, our mother. She left her phone in Cass room the other day and we couldnt help but go through it. We found sexts. Seriously! Her boyfriend looks like he could be our age! Cassidy thinks he has a nice package (ew!) after one of his sext messages had a picture attached of the guys dick! Thats like seriously gross. My mom is 42!Forty-fucking-two years old! She should not be sending and receiving shit like that! Its just gross! I know Ive been looking to loose my virginity since I started this story, but still! I dont want to look at probably my future dads dick. Im seriously about to vomit. Here, let my sister talk to you while I go into the bathroom and throw my dinner up. Hi. Cassidy here. First things first. I did not become a bitch because of my mom. The whore has nothing to do with me. I blame people like Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan for being the it girls in Hollywood. Its every girls dream to be in movies and boss people around like its no shit, right? Right. My sister is just bitching because she was jealous. I always was the more popular sister. The guy, Trent, really does have a nice package by the way. It kind of reminds me of my last boyfriends from NY, Michaels package. It was big. This twenty-something guys package looked almost exactly like it! It even had a little mole on it like

Holy shit! Michael was in college! Pleasenopleasenopleasenopleasenopleaseno!! Oh my God!!! My mother is dating my ex! Are you fucking kidding me! This is so ew! Oh God! Where the hell is that stupid bedpan! That is so fucking funny! I come back from trying to vomit my guts out and I find my sister sobbing over a bedpan! Holy shit thats funny! But the fact that out mother is fucking her ex-boyfriend is just nasty though. I wonder if our mom knows! That is nasty. I wonder which Morrison he likes better. The old hag thats our mother? Or my beautiful (IKR!) sister, Cassidy? Ill leave you to ponder with that question, for now On with the Story! (Ill deal with Cassidy later, poor girl)

Chapter 10


He was in the kitchen. Minding his own business. When

the crash came, my Protector came running in, Olric in hand. Holy shit, Annabel! Whats wrong with you! He shouted and fixed the door. I took of my sunglasses and my jacket. What the hell is wrong with you? Im only here for training, so can we get it over with? I said and made my way up the stairs to change into proper attire. There was a bloodstain on the floor from where I had stabbed Scott. They sure did a crappy job of cleaning it up. I got dressed into my sports bra and cycling shorts and tied my hair up, all to show off. I went downstairs and waited for my Protector, Omel rocking in my hand. He came out in jogging pants and a hoodie, the exact opposite of what I was wearing. I could probably catch hypothermia with what I was wearing. Whats happened to you? He said, disgusted by the disgracing sight of me. You happened. You failed as a Protector, this is the result. I said, equally disgusted and got up. Can we start? His eyes landed on the bite mark in my neck. He marched over to me and grabbed me. What have you done?! He yelled. What? You dont like it? Its my version of a hickie. I smiled dastardly. Why are you doing this! Hes a vampire! He deserves to die! No he doesnt! I shouted back. Not everyone deserves to die! Not everyone that goes against the old ways deserves to die! Because then youd have to kill me, too. He let go of me, walking away from me. I gripped Omel tightly. I knew exactly what he was going to. I jumped over the stone bench, and waited for his attack. He charged, jumping over the bench like I had. His battle cry echoed through the cold air. I dodged him, and sliced his arm. Admit it, Protector. Im better than you. Just give up and get on with your life. Never. He said and came at me again. Not once did he hit me. I hit him multiple times. I was too good, too fast. He yelled at me to come at him harder, to hit him correctly. It was like he was waiting for the blow to kill him. Im his embarrassment of a daughter. Hed rather be dead than knowing he game his blood for me to live. It ruined my plan to kill him. Its no use killing him if he wants it. Id


be merciful if I killed him today. I dont want to be anything close to merciful with him. I hit him in sternum with Omels hilt. If I aimed a little more accurately, I wouldve hit him in the heart, delivering the fatal blow. I watched as the Protector fell, the air having just been knocked out of him. I towered over him. You should've forfeited when you had the chance. I spat. He didnt respond. I walked away. I heard the fallen grunt as he tried to get up. There was a whoosh of air, and I ducked as fast as humanly possible. Olric dug into the tree in front of me. I looked at him and laughed. You're going to need a lot more than a dagger if you want to get rid of me. I went inside, fatigue and cold suddenly hitting me. I threw myself into the bathtub as an attempt to warm up. The boiling hot water worked for most of it. I got out two hours later, put Dmitris shirt back on and collapsed into my bed. I passed out. ((((((((((( ((((((((((( Shes changed. Shes not my daughter, Ive never seen Annabel so blood-thirsty. Shes being controlled by that vampire. To think that I ever trusted it with her! She brainwashed me to think he was a normal boy. Hes a creature of the devil. Our Mother Tree sent us to eradicate these monstrosities from her planet, and this is what she does. My daughter has become an embarrassment and a disgrace to me, and to out kind. I should've killed her when I had the chance. I should've killed both of them. No child of mine will be a traitor. And no vampire will ever be in love with one of us. Hes using her and she doesnt see it! What they have isnt love. Shes too young to even know what love is! Hes in love with her blood. Shes let him feed off of her! If theres anything that disgusts me more, its that. How could she let him! She just committed the greatest sin against our Mother Tree! But then she said that our Mother Tree has accepted it. How could she? They should never be together! He will be the end of her. I swear. It's tragic. But it will be better than I being the one to end her, end both of them. But how will it end him? He tatuaj are gone. Completely disappeared. I didnt believe Franklin when he told me, but know Ive seen it with my own eyes. Something they have done managed to destroy the mystical tattoos that I have placed on her body when she was still an infant.

I can talk to her, talk her out of this relationship. I can replace the tattoos. I can set her head straight. She needs to live in order for the next generation of Rare Blood and Protectors to be born. I should have forced her to pair with Franklin despite what hes done with her. They need to wed. Our Clan can become great again because of them. The two of them together. The greatest Rare Blood and her Protector. I can see great potential in it. We will be great once again. I decided to talk to her after I had finished dressing my wounds. Shes stronger than I have ever imagined. I, the strongest Protector in our Clan, was defeated by a sixteen year old girl! I still find it hard to believe. She even dodged my dagger with her back turned. No one can do that. My body ached as I climbed the stairs up to her room. It was unlocked, much to my surprise. Never once have I found her bedroom unlocked. She was asleep, passed out on her bed. Our duel must have really worn her out. She must be freezing, too. I should've forced her to put on a jacket. I pulled her blankets over her, much to my disgust. She was wearing his t-shirt. It makes me wonder what else he has forced her into. He must have taken her innocence. Thats my only explanation. I checked her temperature and something happened. She screamed. It was so loud and deafening. I didnt believe that it came from her mouth. Her body convulsed and thrashed. It was like she was fighting her inner demons. I tried to stop it. She wasnt awake. She clawed at my many wounds. They bled out, getting blood all over the place. Anna was too strong for me, even asleep. I fought with her. She was hurting herself. She cut herself using her fingernails. I couldnt stop it from happening. I didnt know what was happening. I couldnt call for help. I needed to protect my daughter from herself. I didnt want to fail her like I have so many times. I couldnt contact any of the Clan members. If I did, they would kill her surely. I would rather my daughter be killed by a vampire than by our own kind. Then he was there. ((((((((((( ((((((((((( I was back in the field, the one I woke up in during my submission ceremony. Why was I here? The only time you enter the world of the Mother Tree is during certain ceremonies or when you die. Im dead, arent I? My Protector killed me in my sleep. I was stupid. I should've locked the doors! I was just so tired and cold. I wasnt thinking properly.

Come to me, my Child. She called. I wiped my tears and got up off the grass. Her leaves swayed in the breeze. It was a beautiful sight. I walked up to Her like She asked. Why do you cry, my Child? Im dead, arent I? I sniffled. You are very much alive, my Child. In this world and your own. I have called you here to me. You have reached a fork in your life, one that I have not placed myself. I have come to ask you if you are willing to fight for this love that I have granted you. Of course I will. I love Dmitri more than anything, Mama. I would give my life for him. Then you must prove it. I have the power to take away this gift and go along with the decisions of your kinsmen, or I may let you keep it and you must deal with your problems with my aid. I fell to my knees. I would do anything. Please, Mama. Give me the chance to prove it to you that I love Dmitri. You will. You must fight. Behind you are the greatest Protectors ever to walk your world. Show me that you are strong enough to withstand the problems you will face back at home. Defeat them one by one, and I will allow you to keep your love. I turned around. There were five of them. I expected there to be more, but there really are only five that have been the greatest in our history. Only five have been able to be rewarded gifts that our Mother Tree has never given any other Protector, the Power to control her elements: Earth and Air. My body trembled with fear. I have only gone through two weeks of training. Theres no way I can defeat them. Omel was suddenly in my hand, pulsing, ready for the challenge we have confronted. I could give up now, you know. I wouldnt even have to try. But giving up would mean giving up Dmitri. I would never do that. Our love is more important than anything in this world. I took a deep breath and stepped forward. Antonio Brazoria, the first Hero, came charging. I dodged his first blow. He had a sword, shaped out of the wood of our Mother Tree. It was no match for my tiny dagger. But I gave the first cut. I sliced him across his abdomen. He grabbed my shirt and threw me onto the ground. I was frozen. It felt like he had just broken my back. He charged at me, sword over head. I rolled as fast as I could. I stumbled to my feet. Omel was no longer in my hands, he was in Brevorias. He must have taken it while he threw me.


Rule number one, young Rare Blood: Never let your opponent get hold of your weapon. You may not get it back. He spoke in ancient Romanian. I could barely understand him. Im surprised I did. I wouldnt be able to get Omel back. Its a death wish to get him back. Its over. Brevoria charged. I ran like hell. Call to him, baby. He will come to your call. You have a special connection to your weapon like no other Rare Blood. My mothers voice whispered in my head. I froze. It was my mothers voice. Shes watching. I froze for a second too long. I heard his battle cry feet away from me. I dropped onto my stomach and managed to slip between his legs, much to his shock. Omel! I shouted. Omel flew out of his hands and into mine. I laughed. Brevoria turned. You may have some luck in you left, young Rare Blood. He grinned. He charged again. So did I. Like a base runner trying to get to home before he gets striked out, I dropped to the floor and skidded in between his wide legs. I was back up in seconds. I drove Omel into Brevorias back. He cried out in pain and disappeared, leaving Omel in my hand. He appeared again, as an apparition, barely visible in the sun. He smiled. You have earned your place, young Rare Blood. Thank you. I smiled back. The next Hero cam charging. His name was Atarishka Mustova. Im battle ready now. Defeating a Hero, thats something. Heroes are ruthless. They will not stop for anything, in the name of our Mother Tree. I applied the first blow again. My battle strategy was folding out in my head. I easily pointed out their weak points. Like with Mustova, he was weak in the left leg as a result of a battle against a vampire. It took a chunk out of his leg, leaving him forever with a limp, even in the world, the world of our Mother. I tripped him and couldnt help but laugh. This was even more fun than I ever imagined. I was going to win this. I had so much faith in myself. I would get to be with Dmitri forever. After I defeat them all, Dmitri and I will be together and no one will stop us, ever. I wasnt anticipating to be on my back again. He had gotten his feet in between mine while I was laughing and sent me flying. I landed a yard or two away from the tree. I heard him charge through the grass. I got up and did something I never expected Id be able to do, one of those really cool Jackie Chan/ Jet Li off the wall flips. I landed on the grass behind Mustova. Yeah! I shouted.

You are more skilled than we thought, young Rare Blood. He said in Romanian. Rule number two: never underestimate the skills of your opponent. You arent the only great one. He said and his hand raised into the air. I was thrown onto my back once again by uneven ground. The grass I had just been standing on had risen at least three feet into the air. I heard a grunt and suddenly the sun was blacked by Mustovas flying body. I rolled once again and hurried to my feet. I was trapped in an air vortex. Air spun around me, blinding me. I felt my body be lifted into the air by the sheer force of the winds. It didnt stop me from seeing Mustova coming closer. He was only a blur, but that was all I needed. Going with the force of the winds, I used it to my advantage. I threw Omel and the winds stopped. I landed on my feet. He was on the ground, Omel in his chest. He faded, just like the first Hero. I hurried to pick up Omel while I still had the chance. This is just totally awesome! Two down, three to go. Two down and Im still not injured (except for a very sore back). Three to go and I get Dmitri. You will be great, young Rare Blood. You have the potential to be the first Rare Blood Hero. He smiled. Thank you. I smiled back. It was an honor fighting with you. As I with you. He said and disappeared. I turned and faced the remaining three. Whose next? I grinned. The Coroski Twins came running. ((((((((((( ((((((((((( Nikolas hand moved all over my body. I cried out in pleasure and rocked harder. Nikolas is the boy my sister pointed out. Hes the boy I lost my virginity to. Hes my current boyfriend. And hes 500 years older than I am, but who gives a shit. Were dead! We were having sex for the umpteenth time since I lost my virginity to him two weeks ago when I heard the call. It was from my mother, and our Mother. It wasnt like her to call. It wasnt like either of them to call. Everyone knows were an item now and everyone knows were inseparable at the groin. I stopped. I had no choice to. When The Mother calls, you must answer. He tugged at me though, begging me to finish. Boy did I want to, I wanted to so badly. Besides being 18, dead, and extremely handsome, he is a sex god.

I kissed him one last time. I have to go. Please understand. I dont know if you feel it, too, but our Mother is calling. I whispered. I feel it. He replied in Romanian. Im not saying we must ignore her, but they can wait a few more seconds. Im such a whore for doing this. We fucked faster and were out the door to his home in two minutes. Thats what I love the most about living in the world of the Mother Tree. You can have anything you want. We wanted a house to ourselves. So we got one. We ran through the grass, hurrying to get our clothes on properly. We hit a crowd. It was a very big crowd. It looks like the Mother had called all of us. I pushed my way to the front, because thats where my mother was. I froze at the sight of what all of them were watching. It was Annabel, fighting the Heroes. My mother was crying. Fighting the Heroes is a death sentence! What did she do to deserve such a sentence! I ran out, trying to stop her, but Nikolas stopped me, grabbing by the waist and hauling me back to the crowd. What are you doing! She has to get out of there! I have to help her! I cried. Im so sorry, Cassidy. He whispered in my ear. Mom! I sobbed. Blame your father! She sniffled. That thick headed, son of a I told you so. My grandfather said. Papa! She shouted at him. Why? What did she do? Its your dumb father and the rest of the Clan! My old grandfather shouted. And that stupid boy, Franklin. They do not understand a gift from the Mother when they see one. Now they went her excommunicated, Dmitri dead and the boy, Franklin, turned into a Hero for informing them on your sisters so called betrayal. She has to fight for her love and for her life. Another dead person said from beside me. And if she fails? That is an agreement between her and our Mother. But I am sure that our Mother has not chosen death for your sister. Your sister has the greatness to be a Hero! The same person said. Annabel, if your smart, you better not have chosen death all because you can have your precious vampire. I swear, if you did, Im tormenting you for the rest of eternity.

I didnt know whether I should watch or not. I kept my face buried in Nikolas chest and watched him watch. Meanwhile, he was controlling my emotions. Thats the gift of his former Clan back in Romania. They controlled emotions, every single last one of them and it didnt do any of them good. They were all killed one way or another. Nikolas was killed during a war going on between Clans, as was the rest of his family. Theyre gift did nothing good for them. He watched my sister fight them off, one by one. She was good, better than I ever thought. The dead person watching beside us was right. She was good, better than we could imagine. No one has ever defeated a Hero before. Not until her. She should be turned into a Hero after this. Annabel, my sister, our Hero. The sixth Hero in out history and the first Rare Blood. She had trouble with the Coroski Twins. She should. They always fought together, its what they were known for. They were smart, probably the smartest Heroes. They tracked down a lair of vampires and killed them all, just the two of them. It was said to have been amazing. I wish I was there to have seen it. They should make a movie out of it. The new Van Helsings. Awesome. I wonder if theyd let me be one of their Rare Bloods. They were twins, too, and had porcelain skin and strawberry blonde hair. Reminds you of someone, doesnt it? They injured her, slicing her arms. But she won, using their weapons. We all cheered. It left her with Crisostomo Putrelorevia. The greatest Hero of all. I couldnt watch, not even through Nikolas. My mother, too. We hugged each other, not being able to read each others thoughts (we died with the herbs in our system. I guess it stuck). She was broken. There was not a chance in hell, heaven, purgatory, or any place else in the world that would help her defeat Crisostomo Putrelorevia. But then we heard cheering and we looked. My sister, bloody and beaten, stood victorious. She had blood smeared all over her body. The ghost of the Hero appeared before her, and we all quieted to hear what he had to say. I knew in my heart that whatever he would say to her, would be the greatest thing in the world. Young Rare Blood, Annabella, Thats her real, Romanian name. Mines Cassidian, after a great Rare Blood. You can understand why we changed them. You have earned your right to be with us. You are Hero, young one. Rejoice and be free. We give you our gifts. May you use them wisely. We cheered. I hugged my family, then jumped into Nikolas arms. We kissed, so full of excitement over my sisters victory. Shes a Hero now, can


you believe that! We are so going to party tonight! Im talking booze and everything! She looked in our direction, as if she had heard something. We knew she couldnt. You can't see us unless our Mother lets you. She must have felt us then, because I felt her looking straight at me. Congrats, sis! I shouted. She didnt hear it, but at least I tried. My Child, you have heard the Great Hero speak. I must grant his wish. My Child, you are a Hero now. The greatest honor I can give to you. Mother said. Thank you, Mama. She bowed before the tree. You shall return. All Rare Bloods shall rejoice in your victory. As your prize I give you your new Powers, and your beloved Dmitri. Go forth, my Child, and show the Powers I have granted you. We cheered some more. Nikolas arms tightened around my waist and he kissed my ear. Awesome. My girlfriends sister is a Hero. He whispered in my ear. I kissed him. You better be kind to me then or Ill make her kick your sexy ass. I giggled. No problem. He grinned. I love you. I couldnt be a little shocked. We hadnt said that yet, not even during sex. I smiled and kissed him again. I love you, too. ((((((((((( ((((((((((( I was on my way to carry my Annabel away when I heard the scream. Fear washed over me. He could be hurting her. I ran faster, broke apart the bars over her window and burst through the window. He was standing over her, bloody. They were both bloody. What did you do to her! I shouted. I can't stop her, please, help. Shawn cried. She was asleep. It was amazing and terrifying. I pushed him aside and took hold of her. She was thrashing so hard. I watched as a cut magically appeared on her cheek. Whats happening to her? Anna, Anna, can you hear me? I shook her. Anna, wake up, please. Anna, wake up. This has to be her fathers doing. I exposed my fangs to him. What did you do? I hissed.

I did nothing. I came to check on her. It was so cold and she was so exposed. She started thrashing. I dont know whats going on. It was weird to see him cry. His body was covered in gashed. It must be partially because of those. Who did that? She did, during training. Im so sorry, Anna. I should've never tried to hurt you. At that. I grabbed him by his collar and pinned him up against the wall. He had tried to hurt, Anna, my Anna. I would kill him. What did you do? Nothing. I didnt lay one finger on her. I couldnt. Shes too strong. I can't stop her. I dropped him and ran bag to Annabel. I grabbed hold of her arms, but then there were her feet. She cut me, surprisingly. She cut me all over the place, causing me to bleed. She was too strong for me. Her blows hurt. They hurt so much. How can she be doing this? Its impossible for someone to hurt a vampire unless its another vampire. Annabel is just a 112 lbs. girl with little muscle. I fell to the ground. She had stabbed me using her dagger. It stung. I cried out in pain. The more I tried to pull it out, the farther it went in. It came from under her pillow. It had to. Help me, Shawn. Please. I could feel exactly where it was. It was millimeters away from my heart, piercing the closest artery. He looked at me, just looked at me. After all Ive done for his daughter, thats all he does. He looked at Anna and cried out. Oh my god. Anna! No, please, no! No! What happened? Whats wrong with Anna? Then I smelt it. Her blood. Lots of it. It soaked into her blanket and onto the floor. Shawn looked back and forth between us. Then he ran to me and pulled the dagger out. I threw it away from me. I waited for it to begin to heal, then I stumbled over to her bed. She was bleeding in the exact same spot she had stabbed me. I broke open her shirt. There was a hole, the size of her dagger underneath her breast. I covered it with my hand and looked over the rest of our bodies. Wherever she had cut me, she had cut herself. We were connected somehow. And now shes going to die because of me.


Shawn, you have to let me save her. Please. I sobbed. I couldnt lose Annabel. Shes my everything. Shawn, please. Let me help her. Shell die if I dont turn her. He just stared at us. I shouted at him, asking if he heard me. How could he think about this? Annabel will be dead in seconds if I dont do something. I just need to give her a small amount of blood, then shell start the change. Shell become a vampire and shell be okay again. We can really be together forever. Shawn, please. I begged. Do it. Then get her the hell away from this town. I never want to see her in this house or anywhere near me ever again. He said and walked out of the room. I bit my wrist, puncturing a vein, and pressed it up to her lips. Everythings going to be okay, Anna. Were going to be okay. Youre going to get better and were going t be together. I promised you, remember?

July 25, 2011 Sunday 7:23 a.m.


If you haven't guessed it yet, my sister is the one who wrote that little area from her point of view. She wanted it to match her real feelings. Nasty thing is, its based on a real experience. There has been a time when my mom vacationed with us one summer last year. She and my dad of course slept in different rooms. Anyway, one time, she and her then boyfriend, Nikolas, who is Russian Royalty, were having sex in her bedroom while we everyone was downstairs for dinner. I was in my room at the time and heard the entire thing. They were fucking like crazy, then my mom called us down for dinner and there was silence. I waited at the top of the stairs for them to come out. But then the noise (by noise I mean almost screaming. She was crying out Nikolas! Oh, God! Harder! Blech! God it still gives me nightmares) started again. It was back for like a minute longer then silence again. Then my sister and her boyfriend came running out. Bodys covered in sweat and clothes messed up. Yeah it was nasty. I still remember saying You guys are so screwed. I meant that in two ways. They seriously looked like they had just screwed the living daylights out of each other. They were supposed to be dressed nicely for a nice dinner together. They looked nothing close to that. Their hair was a mess and Cass make-up was all messed up and their clothes were wrinkled. The other definition was when, our parents find out that you were just having sex in there, you can kiss each other good bye, and you better wish daddy knows a good mortician (it was meant for Mr. Royalty). Anyway, yeah, thats what it's about. Seriously, I just shivered reliving the memory of having to listen to it. I might as well vomit again. Do you mind talking to Cassidy again. She never got to finish after last time (he he) I need to go wash the baby barf taste off my tongue. Hi, again. Sorry about last time. That was so gross! But I am not going to think about that. Michael is allowed to date whoever he wants, even if it is my mom. We only lasted for an entire summer anyway. Why should I care? I moved away

after that. So here I am, moving on. Yep. Thats what Im doing. My sister makes me sound too whorish. Yes, I accept that there have been moments in my life where I was indeed a whore, like that moment she just described to you with my ex. May I just defend myself by saying that for Russian royalty, he is a monster in bed. Im serious. There probably wasnt a moment while we were together that we werent doing something sexual (even in school. Yeah, you betcha. We fucked in school as well. Sometimes during class. We were seatmates. I gave him handjobs in between reciting every element in the periodic table. I wonder if our desks still have the stains from all the squirts he had). If you haven't guessed it Im that good. Lets move away from the topic of sex for once. I seem to be mentioning that a lot, arent I? Lets move onto my sister, what kind of shit has she been saying about me here? Id take the time and read through her other journal entries, but Im only given such a limited amount of time between popping pills, visiting the doctors and waiting for my sister to hurry up and finish a chapter. Shes good though. Real good. I had no clue my sister was such an artist. For so long Ive told her to stop it with her incessant playing. But sometimes listening to a piano playing all day can be a little annoying, right? Plus her drawings! There amazing, but drawing me electrocuting in a bathtub isnt funny. She needs to put her powers to good use, not annoying me all the time. But I can't change her. No One can change little sisters, it's like trying to make the world flat. Annabels just amazing, though, isnt she? Her hair color is weird, but cool. You never see a color stuck in between voluptuous red to carrot. I wonder how I would look like with her hair color. Theres also her green eyes. Mine are no where to be being that green. Shes just so Im a bit jealous. Annabel is always the perfect sibling while Im the family slut. Why can't I be more like Annabel?


Okay. Dont believe that last part. I stole my laptop back and couldnt help but write that. It would be nice to have her think that. It would be nice for anyone to say such brilliant and good things about moi. But since no one gives a shit. Im stuck with being invisible Annabel. *sighs* On with the show!

Chapter 11

the entire time her body underwent the change into a vampire. I couldnt leave her for a second. I had to make sure nothing failed. Its only on rare occasions that the process of turning someone into a vampire fails. I just wish I didnt have to do this. She still has her entire life ahead of her. Im taking that away from her. She can never be normal (she never was normal, but as a vampire, she can't have children, et cetera, et cetera). It took her days to wake up. It was worth every starving second. To see those green eyes reveal themselves was like we just having our first kiss, it was everything I was expecting and more. I kissed her hand and smiled.

I stayed by her side

Youre awake. I whispered. ((((((((((( ((((((((((( I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling of Dmitris bedroom. He had saved me, just like he promised. I just wished he had woken me up before he did. Its not fun to wake up and not knowing where you are the exact moment you open your eyes. I can't wait tell him about what the Mother Tree said. Im a fucking Hero now. I can control earth and air and probably so much more. I cant wait to try them, and Dmitri will be right next to me, enjoying me enjoyment. I felt him kiss my hand. I looked at him. He smiled. Youre awake. He whispered. I am. I smiled back. He leaned over and kissed me. I ran my fingers through his soft hair. How are you feeling? Just fine. Still a little tired, but other than that, absolutely great. I sat up. Youll never believe what happened. I heard something I wasnt supposed to. His duvet rubbing against another cloth. I looked down. There was a bandage wrapped around my bust. I pulled the blanket off of me. I was only in my underwear. What happened to Dmitris shirt? Why is there a bandage around me? What happened to me? I looked at him, shocked. Im so sorry, Annabel. He whispered. His eyes closed, and he shook his head. I did something. What did you do? I said, then regretted saying it. I dont want to know what he did. I had to save your life. We couldnt let you die. Dmitri, what did you do? I repeated. What did he mean by he couldnt let me die? There was so much blood, mine and yours. We were trying to stop you from hurting yourself. You stabbed me, here. He pointed to a spot right underneath his heart. And it hurt you, there. He pointed to my bandage, right underneath my heart. You punctured my artery, and your own. I hade to save you. His eyes watered. It only made me more scared to find out what he did. I repeated my question. I turned you with your fathers permission. No.

He didnt. He couldnt have. Hes lying. Im not a monster. Im not like him. What did you do to me? I screamed and ran away from him. I grabbed the first shirt I saw. It was his. I put it on as I ran. I ran so fast that it wasnt human anymore. It was truly vampire. It freaked me out. But I still needed to go home. I still needed to see my dad. I dont want to be a vampire. I want to stay and live with him and go on with my life. In the future, if Dmitri ever leaves me, Ill be with Franklin. Thats just the way it was supposed to be. There was a moving truck outside our house and movers were loading things inside. My things. I ran inside, past them and searched for my dad. I found him in his office, like I would any other day. Dad? I said. He looked up from his desk and gasped. Olric was suddenly in his hand. Get out of my house. He said. Dad, please. I sobbed. He got up and walked around the desk. He pointed Olric at me. I said get out of my house! Daddy, please. I fell to my knees. Dont do this. Daddy, You arent my daughter anymore. Im so sorry, Daddy. Please. Dont leave me. You can't do this to me. Im a Hero now. She made me a Hero. Whatever you were, it doesnt matter. Now get out of my house before I kill you myself. You're lucky I haven't called the Clan on you yet. Im dead to him. He hates me. All because of Im a vampire. Why? Why didnt Dmitri just let me die? Why? He kicked my in the chest. Did you hear me? Get out before I kill you. I crawled out of the room, and into the hallway. I managed to get to my feet before I walked out the front door. I stumbled past the movers and ignored they're questions. I probably looked like I had been raped. I tripped and fell away from our househis house, no longer mine. I wanted to die, right then and there. Nothing is worth living for if my dad doesnt love me, if my father himself wants me dead.


The few people that saw me stopped to help me, but I shook them off. I didnt want to be helped until it was to be killed. Im a monster, the exact thing I hated and promised to kill. Its wrong; Im a freak of nature. I took my chance to be rid of myself, when I saw a car coming my way. I purposefully collapsed in the middle of the road onto the gravel, sobbing. People shouted. The car never came. Someone picked me up and dragged me out of the road. It was Dmitri. Let go of me! I screamed and ran away from him. I didnt want to be anywhere near him. Anna, wait. He called after me. Get away from me, Dmitri! I ran towards the field. My feet and legs hurt. They were all cut up from the gravel. I couldnt run as fast as I wanted, inhumanly. But the pain stopped me. I wanted all the pain to disappear, to just stop and let me be at peace. What use was there being a Hero? No one cares. My dad doesnt care. My Clan members hate me. And now they all want me dead. I should've never been born. It shouldve been me that died instead of my sister. I never would have been in this mess. I never wouldve become my worst nightmare. I never wouldve met Dmitri. Yes, I differently would have never met Dmitri. I went flying after tripping over something. I landed in the grass face first, scraping my head on a rock. Dmitri pulled me into his arms. ShhhhIm so sorry, Anna. Im so sorry. He whispered. Why? Why would you do this to me? I couldnt lose you. Im so sorry. Please, Annabel. We didnt want to lose you. Just take me home. I shook my head. I dont want to hear anything you have to say about saving me life. I can't believe hed think that Im okay with being a monster. Dmitri picked me up and carried me back to his car. I stayed as far away from him. I didnt want to hear his thoughts on how sorry he was. I think it was selfish of him. He didnt want me to die, so he made sure that I never did. I dont think that I can ever forgive him for that. He took me to his house, and I saw that it had changed. Everything was in boxes. Everything. What happened? Ill explain it to you once I get you cleaned up. Your wounds will heal faster if you take a hot bath. Mine always do.


Or I can drown myself while yore not looking. Which one sounds better to you, Dmitri? He carried me up the stairs. I didnt object. I didnt have the strength to. I noticed that everything but the furniture was packed. The paintings on the walls were put down and wrapped in paper. His room wasnt touched yet. We went into the bathroom, and he set me down next to the tub. I waited as the water filled, sending steam all around us. Partially, it felt good, then I remember why Im in here in the first place and everything goes downhill. He helped me in, once I was full. The water turned a tad pink because of the blood on my legs. He cleaned my forehead first with a wet towel, the reached into the water and dug my legs out. He carefully wiped them as well. I didnt look at him the entire time. I couldnt look at him without getting mad. So, the day after I took you home, I got a phone call from your dad and we made an agreement. He began. He wouldnt hunt either of us down and he wouldnt tell the rest of your Clan about you if I took you away from Low Row and from any adjacent towns and cities near Low Row. He told me youd be safe that way. Thats the reason why everything is packed. Ive already called up a friend and asked her to get us a place near London. He told me there werent any other Clans in that area, so were safe to live there. Another friend of mine has been packing the important things for me. Well be driving out tomorrow, as agreed with your father. Hes sending all your things to the new house, by the way. So if you saw a moving truck that explains that. Tomorrow. Hes getting rid of me so soon. At least he doesnt really want me dead. That has to be a small sign of good hope. Hes still trying to be a Protector. What happened at home mustve been him protecting me from himself. Because if he didnt, I wouldnt be sitting in this tub right now. How long have I been out? I couldnt help but ask. Four days. Longer that I expected. Thats because I was with the Mother Tree. She called me. And I was forced to fight. Theyve turned me into a Hero. Its not your normal kind of hero, is it? I dont want to talk about it. Because talking about it would mean that Im really not part of the clan anymore. I wonder what Mother thinks. I become the thing She asked Her children to destroy. It must be embarrassing. Shes wasted Her best gifts on me. A stupid sixteen year old. Oh, no

Ill be sixteen forever. Ill never age another day in my life. Its the end of the world for me. Forever at sixteen. At least Dmitris sixteen and doesnt look the part. He looks like he could be seventeen or eighteen, not as baby faced as I do. Why did he have to do this to me? We didnt talk again. Not until his humming had gotten the best of me, at least. It made me so sleepy. I asked him to join me in the water, and he did. He held me, and continued to sing. I fell asleep in his arms. I was alone when I woke up. Dmitri was gone and I couldnt help but rejoice. I can kill myself while I still can. I got out of his bed. I was dressed in my own clothes. I could feel that the bandage was gone. I lifted my shirt up. There was a tiny pink spot where I had stabbed either myself, or Dmitri. I dont understand his story. I walked. My feet no longer hurt because it was all healed. How are you feeling? Dmitri said as he stepped out of the closet. Damn it. Better. Something filled my nostrils. The smell of something delicious. For a second, I thought it was freshly baked brownies. But there was none around. The smell came from Dmitris hand. He was holding a whiskey glass filled with something red. Whats that? Drink it. I dont need it anymore. He held it out. I took it and smelled it's contents. It was addicting and dizzying at the same time. I drank it, and it was the most beautiful thing Ive ever tasted. Almost as good as Dmitris blood. It was thick, and rich in flavor. It was gone in two big gulps. Would you like some more? I nodded. Dmitri smiled. Sit tight. Ill be back in a sec. He kissed my forehead and took the glass from my hand. I sat on his bed as I waited for some more of that delicious elixir. He came back, holding one of those beer mugs. It was filled with the stuff. He gave it to me and I chugged it down. Some of it trickled of my chin and onto my shirt. Dmitri laughed as I gave it back. He wiped my chin with his thumb and popped it into his mouth. So, will you tell me what that was? Its blood, given to me by a friend that works at a blood bank. Blood. No. How could I have been so stupid? He tricked me into drinking it! I never wouldve drunken it if I knew what it was. How could he?

Anna, whats wrong? He stoked my cheek. I ran away from him. I ran down the stairs and locked myself in the bathroom. Sure enough, he was right there knocking. Anna, please, open the door. No! How could you give that to me? How could you even do this to me! I dont want to be a vampire! I dont! Youve turned me into a monster! How could you? I cried. It went silent. Usually, I would think that he was gone, but my vampire senses told me otherwise. Im so sorry, Anna. I never wanted this to happen. You were supposed to live as a human, and eventually live a life without me in it. You werent supposed to become a monster like me.. I didnt hear anything that he said after that. I was stuck on that sentence. eventually live a life without me in it. He was planning on leaving me all along, even after he promised. Im such a fool for believing him. Im such a fool for believing that he really loved me. Because if he did, he never would be planning on leaving me. I dont care for what reason or intentions. He lied to me by saying hed never leave me. I didnt come out. I refused to come out. I dont care about what he says anymore. He can say all he wants, I won't believe a word of it. Because once I get the courage to leave this bathroom, were through. Im sick and tired of being with boys that can't keep a promise as serious as that. I want out. I fell asleep in the bathroom and I woke up back in his bed. How do boys keep dong that to me? Is it that easy to break into a bathroom? Dmitri was asleep beside me. I got out of bed and ran at inhuman speed down the stairs and out the door. But I was thrown back. I had bumped into something big. Not so fast, missy. A big British dude grunted. I can't let you leave the house. Its too dangerous for newborns like you to be out. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back inside. Let go of me. I struggled. Im no match for him. Hes so big, and I may be a Hero, but Im no match for a giant vampire like him. Sorry, missy. I can't let you do that. Oh, Dmitri! He called. Dmitri was down in seconds, sleepy-eyes as ever. His heavy eyelashes made him look oh-so adorable. What happened? I caught her trying to runaway. Your lucky I was here to pick up some boxes, mate. Annabel? He looked at me.

Let go of me! I repeated. The big guy dropped my wrist I rubbed it. Why were you trying to run? Because you were planning on leaving me! I shouted. After I trusted you! And now look what youve done! You're just as big a failure as my dad is! I dont want to be like you! Id rather be dead than be a vampire. Watch what your saying, missy. We all think the same in the beginning, but life goes on. Theres nothing we can do to change that fact. I was trained to kill vampires. I was supposed to kill you! I shouted at Dmitri. I should have when I had the chance. I said and walked out the door. Im seriously up to my ears in anger. I dont want to be anywhere near them anymore. Im going to go find a nice rock to crawl under so that I can kill myself. Everything will be over once Im dead. Hopefully I dont look as screwed up as Maria did. That branch makes a good looking stake. Annabel, wait. Please. I didnt mean that. I didnt think Id fall so madly in love with you. Meant it when I said that Id never leave you. Please. Believe me. Please. He sobbed. I didnt look back. I opened the gate and kept walking. The cold October night air chilled me. I heard Dmitri fall to the ground in tears. You might as well hurry up and kill yourself. At least then Id be dead then , too. Why do boys have to be so dramatic about their girls leaving them? Yes, Im mad. Yes, I want to kill myself. But Im not even thinking clearly now. I was planning on falling asleep a park bench and waiting for the stupid Clan to find out about me. But being as it's, like, three o clock in the morning and the scary people go walking about at this time (I so do not want to get raped.), plus I have no where else to go that accepts me even though Ive become a monster. I turned around and walked past Dmitri, walked back inside, into his room, threw myself back onto his bed and went back to sleep. I know it's very stupid of me to return to him, but Im fucking tired. I dont want to go walking around the streets in the middle of the night while trying to look for a place to stay. I can't just go to the schools dorms or something and ask one of my friends to take me in and let me cry all nigh. I have no friends. I have no one now except Dmitri. Its the truth and I might as well start accepting it, because Im probably stuck with him for however long I survive as a monster. I had a dream. Not the kind of dreams Dmitri gives me, but a weird dream like the ones I used to have before I met him. I was sitting in an empty field drawing it's vastness. There werent any trees to shade me. It

was all just grass. Thats already considered as a plain, right? Im not sure, I suck at geology. Then a voice spoke out and it scared the crap outta me. Do not reject the gift I have given you, my Hero. I have given you what you wanted, have I not? Was it not a life with your vampire, Hero? It was our Mother. I did. But I didnt ask to do it as a vampire. How can I still be your child if Im a creature you hate? You are my child no matter what, Hero. You asked to be able to love your vampire freely. Do you really think that you would be able to do that in your former state? You are still my Rare Blood, Hero. Accept the gift I have given you, for it may be your last. The voice disappeared. I woke up twice that morning. The first time, for the few seconds that I was awake, I forgot that I was mad. Dmitri had his arm around me while he slept, just like old times. I took his hand and pulled his arm closer around me, my security blanket. I felt him kiss the back of my head. Then I was out. The second time, he was gone. I heard him (I hate saying things like that) cooking breakfast downstairs. I didnt go to him immediately. I still had my dream to think about. I know I was in the world of the Mother Tree for those brief minutes I felt myself being there. She had called to me, and told me to accept my new form. Theres the problem right there. I have learned to hate vampires so badly, that I dont know if I can do that. Its easy for me to love Dmitri. I dont see him as a vampire, because he basically isnt. Hes more human than any person Ive ever met in my life. Hes just another teenage boy. But I can feel the changes going on in my body. Im not Annabella Morrison, the Rare Blood Hero, anymore. Im Annabel Morrison, the vampire. I just wish I could have enjoyed being a Hero with my family for a short while. I sat on the shower floor while I thought. The hot water coming down at me like a new form of rain. Like my bath yesterday, it felt good. But then Dmitri came knocking on the bathroom door and my moment was ruined. Annabel? Are you hungry? I made pancakes. Im not in the mood to eat. I replied. Okay. Do you mind at least getting out of the shower? Youve been in there for like two hours. You might be all shriveled up right now. I was. I was a wrinkly raison, not a prune. I turned off the shower and went out in Dmitris black towel, still soaking wet. He was sitting on his bed.


I got some of your clothes brought here. I didnt know what youd want to wear, so I brought the suitcase up. He pulled my old, battered suitcase onto his bed. My entire life, Ive only used that suitcase. I have a million memories with it. The entire thing is falling apart. The front zipper is destroyed with the main one can only be kept closed by a lock. I use a piece of yarn. The red fabric is torn and the entire thing needs to be replaced. Sucks for everyone, Im not getting rid of that thing until the top flap or whatever falls off. Thanks. I said and walked over to it. Dmitri helped me open it and I began looking for something to wear. I really am sorry, Anna. I know that you probably won't forgive me, but can you at least talk to me? I dont want us to go on like this and have you never speak to me again. Youre right. I dont know if I can forgive you. Because of you, my life has ended. My father hates me, Im going to look like Im sixteen for the rest of eternity and I have to live everyday of said eternity wondering if I can live with myself. You won't look sixteen forever. Youll continue aging until your maybe 18 or 19, then you stop growing. That makes everything so much better. I said sarcastically. I picked up the clothes I had chosen and went back into the bathroom. Dmitri was still sitting there when I came out. My suitcase was back on the floor. Can we at least try to talk, even for a minute? And if I say no? You can pretend like your listening. I dont think theres anything I can do to avoid this. Im stuck with him forever, we might as well get this over with. I know Im not going to like what I hear. It won't be the least bit pleasing. But something tells me that hes going to be telling me the truth (the part that isnt mad at him). I leaned against the closet door frame and folded my arms. Talk. I know you're already tired of hearing this, but Im sorry. II panicked. I mean it when I say I love you, Anna, and I really do want to be with you for the rest of my life. I didnt mean it when I said that you might be better off without me. That was part of my original plan, before I fell in love with Can we move on. I dont want to hear it. Ill start crying again if you continue.


Okay. Your dad somewhat gave me right to be your guardian. Hes given me access to your school records so that I can enroll you in a new school whenever it's needed. Ive already gotten you out of the school here. I nodded. At least I dont have to face anyone of them ever again. We can leave whenever youre ready. Everything is packed and ready to go. And if I say I want to leave now? You dont want to eat breakfast first? I told you I wasnt in the mood to eat. Dmitri sighed and nodded Let me just clean up in the kitchen and we can go. I nodded and picked up my suitcase. Allow me. He put his hand on it. I got it. I said without looking at him. I dont know how I'm going to react around Dmitri. How do can you be furious at someone, yet still love them with your whole heart? Do I act mad, or do I run into his arms? Do I need to shout to show that Im mad so that he can get it through that thick head of his? Do I have the will power to stay mad? Cause even though Im mad, I want his arms around me. I want his to be holding me and telling me that it's going to be alright. I want him to hold me while I cry my heart out.. Dmitri sighed again and let me take it. He didnt try to touch me, and I didnt really want to hear his thoughts. The house was empty except for the furniture. All the boxes were gone. His friend did a really good job of getting everything out quietly. I took Dmitris keys off of the coffee table and loaded my suitcase into the backseat of his car since the trunk was full of my other things, the bear he gave me and my other bag, the one I had left the night I died. I waited in the front seat, headphones in and music turned up full blast. Dmitri came a few minutes later and we were off. I didnt watch everything as we drove away from Low Row. It was too painful. Im watching my life disappear. The more I tried to look away, the more I couldnt fight back tears. Dmitri reached over and took my hand. Everythings going to start getting better from this point on, Anna. Theres no place else to go but forward. I hope you're right, Dmitri. I sniffled. I dont know what Im going to do if you arent right. Dmitri pulled me close, hugging my shoulders. I rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed my hair.


Everything will get better, Anna. I wouldnt be telling you this if it wasnt true. I wiped my eyes and settled in. This is as close to comfort as I can get. I fell asleep before I could see where we were going. Dmitri gave me a good dream, one where we were happy. We were back at the beach, on a much warmer day. We laid in the sand in our bathing suits, soaking up the suns rays and acting like we should, in love. We kissed and laughed and I wished we could go back to a time like that. We werent in the car when I woke up. I was on a couch, my head in Dmitris lap and he was stroking my long red curls. Where are we? I mumbled. Our new home. He whispered. I sat up, yawning and blinking. I leaned against Dmitris body while I slowly woke up completely. He kissed my forehead. He was looking at the room we were in, our living room. There was a single couch, a TV and a fireplace. The boxes were lined up against the wall, hiding its color. But a few open areas revealed that the walls were beige. The carpet was brownish as well. How big is it? I whispered. Two stories, three bedrooms. Theres a dining room and a big kitchen, plus a study that Ive turned into your music room. Your grand pianos in there, waiting to be played along with your grandfathers guitar. Theres a shed in the backyard and thats pretty much it. Oh, and our new school is only three blocks away. I hate new schools. So do I. He smiled. I went back to sleep. Ive noticed that a lot since I woke two days ago. All I want to do is sleep because it feels good to sleep. When I sleep, I dont have to worry about being a vampire. I dont have to worry about being a monster, either. All I have to worry about is that I stay sleeping. I woke up at around four in the morning. Dmitri was asleep beside me, are tightly wound to my waist. I turned into him, so that I could curl up against his chest. He kissed my forehead, surprising me. It's weird how he always wakes up whenever I do. I love you, Annabel. I didnt say anything, and just went back to sleep. Our house is kind of like my old one in New York. In New York, we didnt live in the Upper East Side, but in Brooklyn, in a normal house, like you would see in any other neighborhood, anywhere else in the world. We

had a garage and a grassy backyard. The shed was filled with tools for up keeping the small garden the backyard held. The music room was the same size as the one at my old house, but it felt very empty. I asked Dmitri if we could add something else, like letting it have a little sitting area, so that if we were ever to have guests (which I doubt) they could sit there and listen to me play instead of standing around. Our bedroom was big and very high tech. It had all the latest gadgets, as if one of the rich kids at my school had designed the room. The bathroom was filled with mostly my things. I didnt realize how much stuff I had until I saw it all. There were at least three hairdryers in one drawer and an entire drawer dedicated to my make-up. All my products were there, too. We shared the closet. One half for Dmitri, one half for me. Our shoes were in the middle, on an island like set of shelves. Our clothes fought on who got more space. The closet just wasnt big enough for all of our clothes. I think it was stupid for Dmitri to try to fit everything in there. I told him to go buy a dresser or two, because then everything would fit. Dmitri was kind enough to get me a new cell phone. An iPhone, like his. I like my old cell phone better, but since I smashed it into a zillion pieces, I might as well get used to this new one. I was kinder to Dmitri in return. He made sure everything passed my specifications, so it was the least I could do. Plus, he was spending most of his money on me. I wish he didnt though. I dont like it when people spend their money on me. Now, with all of our things at home taken care of, there was only one thing left. School. And we start tomorrow.


July 28, 2011 Tuesday 3:09 a.m. Im running out of days until this is due. I dont think Ill be able to finish in time with my sister coming home from the hospital and me being in charge of making sure shes okay. Its so nice of my dad to not even care, dont you think? He hasnt even asked if shes okay, you know. In between fighting with our mom and work. My sister and I fit no where into the equation. He even forgot to pick us up from the hospital on the day of her discharge. Now thats

what you call good parenting (someone should make him father of the year). Anyway, back to my writing problem. Im so getting writers block!! I dont know what to do with story me and Dmitri! Do they move on and be okay again? Or will she still keep her grudge. I dont know if any of you have noticed this yet, but she hasnt eaten anything since Dmitri gave her blood. Three days have passed since she last put something besides water in her stomach. I can't even go two hours without munching on something (like right now, Im eating a snickers bar that I stole from Cassidy)! This is going to be a failure, I know it. Its going to be a failure, and Im going to get an F and Ill be kicked out of school. Ive gone way past the point of story. Ive made a freaking novel, bitches! (If you would kindly look at the corner of your page, it would tell you that Ive reached 157) 157 pages! Thats freaking nuts! Im going crazy over this book. Enough complaints, the show (Story) must go on! (*heroic voice*)

Chapter 12

in my new uniform, Dmitri walking beside me. My new school uniform is very similar to my old one: navy blue skirt that ends above the knee, light blue blouse with the schools insignia over the left breast, choice of cardigan or blazer, knee high socks in navy blue or gray, and black shoes. Dmitri wore his uniform in style with the first button undone, shirt un-tucked and the jackets sleeves rolled up. I walked with my head facing the ground. I didnt want to watch the people stare at me, the girl with the wild hair color as she makes her way to the headmistress office for a quick briefing. Im nervous as hell. Its probably the one thing I hate about schools in general, you always have to meet whoevers in charge.

I walked into the school


Im starving by the way. And not in the I haven't eaten breakfast kind of way, because I ate. Dmitri forced me, too. He said Id fall asleep in class if I didnt. So I did. But Im hungry for blood. I feel famished and weak, so no wonder I keep sleeping. Im too afraid to drink again though. I dont want to think about drinking that stuff and enjoying every second of it. It sends chills down my spine just thinking about it. You okay? Dmitri asked. Never been better. I said uneasily. Dont worry. Its just a few hours and were out of here. He smiled reassuringly. You try doing that routine for the rest of your life, bub. We walked into the schools main office right as the bell rung and the secretary showed us into the headmistress office. She was in there, sparing me the nervous breakdown of agonizingly waiting for her and then learning that she knows what we are. Pease, take a seat. She smiled kindly. Im Mrs. Mipps, your new headmistress. I smiled politely. You must be Annabella and Dmitri. Do you really think wed be here if we werent. I can imagine myself being in the Bahamas if my name wasnt Annabel Morrison. Its Annabel. I corrected. Okay then. She smiled again. Annabel. The headmistress reminds me of a troll. Shes short and stout (here is her teapot, here is her spout. Ha-ha). She looks like an honestly mad person and she has a unibrow in the making. Theres a mole on the side of her neck that could in fact be a wart. She should get it checked. Shes wearing a puke colored skirt suit that makes her look wider. If only I had a cool thingamabob to tell me shes a troll. Anyway, I see that you two come from the same school, and your files show you at the same address? She said unsurely. Is this correct? She looked at us. Yes, maam. Dmitri answered. Weve both been emancipated. My father disowned me. I mumbled. Dmitri looked at me concerned. Thats terrible. Why haven't you been placed in the system? For one, the system sucks.


Her father and her came to a mutual agreement that she was better off on her own, like an adult. Shes been living with me because Ive been emancipated for a long time now. My mother was abusive. So I sued her, and got more that three-fourths of her million dollar fortune. He lies so easily. I can't even lie that easily. I can barely lie. Barely. I see. Anyway, our school welcomes you with open arms. If you need any help, do not be afraid to come to us. Here are your classroom numbers, locker numbers, map and schedules. Ill write you each an excuse slip so that you arent counted as late in your first period. She smiled while she held out papers. Thank you. Dmitri smiled. I mumbled thanks and we went out again. Dmitri draped his arm over my shoulders as soon as we were out of the spying eye of the teachers. Are you okay? Yep. Im just getting tired again. Want me to go get you something to eat? Im good. I just want to get this day over with. We stopped by the lockers first so I could deposit the things I didnt need. I liked my old school better because there, you stayed in the same classroom all day. Here, its just like high school in America. At least Dmitri and I have every period together. We dont have to be apart and I dont have to be alone throughout anything (except for P.E.). We sat next to each other during every subject, and during every subject, we had to introduce ourselves. The only subject I looked forward to was music, because hopefully, it was like my old school where we were forced to do orchestra instead of singing. I boasted a little by saying that Im so good at the piano that Ive been accepted into three prestigious fine arts academies for college. When the teacher asked what schools, I told her the three, and she was amazed. Lunch. Dmitri and I sat alone at a table, away from everyone else. I suddenly didnt have the guts to eat though, and it annoyed me. I basically forced the sandwich Dmitri bought me down my throat so that he wouldnt pester me about not eating. After, we hid out in their library. Its a big place, a separate building itself. I did my homework in there, so that I wouldnt have to bring anything home. Id do the same later, during last period. Its my P.E. and since Im brand new and the P.E. uniform has to be ordered, I have nothing


else better to do except do my homework. At least I have Dmitri to join me. He doesnt have anything else to do either. He walked me back to my locker afterwards. I hate how far apart they are from each other. My locker is in the center of the wall while his is on the opposite side at the very end. I was excited to go home, because once were there, I get to go to sleep. Im so sluggish, its not even funny anymore. Ive turned into a zombie. I was thinking we could watch a movie tonight. Dmitri said. My friends filled the entertainment system with all of the newest movies. Id love to watch with you, Dmitri. But if you haven't noticed, all I want to do is sleep. I said and yawned. He pushed away a curl that had fallen into my face, brushing my cheek in the process. Dont tell me your going to sleep for the rest of eternity. I wasnt thinking of that, but now that you mention that, it sounds pretty good. Of course not. After today, all I want to do is take a nice long nap so that I can actually survive tomorrow. I said in a low voice and closed my locker. There was a girl standing three lockers away, smiling at us. She nearly gave me a heart attack. Hi, Im Shelby Studders, head girl. You must be Annabel and Dmitri, the new American students. Dont you just hate it when the person thats going to boss you around has the same letters in her initials? Its just plain annoying. Yep. Goodbye. I said and turned around, taking Dmitri with me. Gosh, shes more than a freak than I imagined. I heard her laugh. Her laugh was joined by two other girls. I froze. Im forever the freak. I should just kill myself now, save everyone from wasting the time they use to laugh at me. It would be so much easier then, wouldnt it? I still have Omel in my bag. I wonder if hes willing to kill his master. Anna? Dmitri whispered. I kept walking, faster, as far away from those girls as possible. Once I was free, I ran. I dont want to deal with girls like them. Ive had enough Mollys in my life. I dont need another one. I dont want to hear them talk about me when I shouldnt be able to hear them at all. I dont want to be a vampire!

I threw myself onto my bed, sobbing. Dmitri showed up a minute later. Dont cry, Anna, please. Dont let them get to you. He rubbed my back. I dont want to deal with them! I dont want to go back to that damn school! Anna, Dont Anna me! You heard me! Im dropping out! ((((((((((( ((((((((((( It took her so long to get to sleep. She cried, and I didnt know what to do, what to say. Ive never seen Annabel so broken about something someones said to her. She has so much confidence in herself and thats why I love her. But today, after that Shelby girl called her a freak, that wall of confidence was buried six feet under. She was damaged. I dont regret what I did. I gave Anna the chance to live. I just wish she took it easier. I didnt expect her to have such a bad reaction to it all. I didnt expect her to try to kill herself. When you think of a vampire, deeply in love with a human, wouldnt the only rational way for them to be together is if he turns her? Thats how it is in all the movies. And I just thought that after we promised to never leave each other, we would really be together forever. I thought it was what she wanted. Shes hurting herself unintentionally. All this non-eating and nonfeeding is hurting her. Right now, as Im stroking her cheek, making sure shes having the best dream possible, I can feel how dry and pasty her skin is. She hasnt fed in four days and Ive barely gotten her to eat more than a small bowl of cereal and a sandwich. I dont want her to die again. But this starvation might just lead up to it. I have to do something. I picked up my cell phone and called Shawn. Hes the only thing that can cure this. He has to be there for her, he has to say to her face that he still cares. He wouldnt have made sure that she was her most possible safeness if he didnt. And at least, once they reunite, so will my Annabel and me. I thought I told you not to call me anymore. I wouldnt have if it wasnt an emergency, Shawn. Is everything alright?

Annabels starving herself. She needs you, Shawn. Shes going to die if you dont at least talk with her. I can't. Will you change your mind after this? I said and held my phone up to Annabels mouth. Her breathing scared me. Its so labored and wheezy, I honestly dont know whats going to happen. What was that? Your daughter. Please, Shawn. She needs you. Were both going to lose her if you dont. I can't just welcome her back with open arms. I told the Clan what happened. If I so much as try to talk to her, theyll hunt us down. The three of us. The vampire, the vampire Hero and the failed Protector. I have a job to finish here. With Annabel gone, Ive been given someone else to protect, a newborn, from a different Clan. I can't just abandon her. But you can abandon your daughter, the one that needs you now more than ever. I can't believe him. Hes putting someone elses life over that of his daughters, his own flesh and blood. It really is unbelievable. I just can't, okay? At least think about it. Goodbye, Dmitri. He said and hung up. I put my phone down. If I were in his position, I would put my daughter first. I swear. Nothing could be more important than her survival. Hes still her life-sworn Protector, even if he has someone new to protect. Annabel told me that they were paired for life. He can't undo that. Dmitri. She mumbled. Im here, Anna. I whispered. Go to sleep with me, please. I did. I realized that I wasnt doing a good job at giving her a nice dream. Even though I had picked the perfect spot, she was still balled up on the floor crying. I held her, and for the first time since I turned her, she showed me a sign that could only mean that she still loves me. She drew a heart in the sand with her foot (once I had gotten her to relax) and wrote our names in it. I kissed her cheek, and badly wanted to kiss her lips. She wouldnt let me though. She went to sleep. Neither of us went to school because of her. At the rate she keeps sleeping all day and all night, shes going to sleep away eternity. All this sleep is a bad sign. Shes still about a week old; shes still susceptible to


death. She could easily pass away in her sleep. I fear that every second shes asleep. At least she would only sleep if I was in bed with her. So as much as it pained me, I did my best to stay away. I made myself busy. Then shed be forced to go downstairs, and Id force her to at least eat something. Ive tried inserting blood into her food, but she can smell it. She won't eat anything with blood. After Id forced her to eat another sandwich, her second one in four days of trying to get her to eat, I laid down with her on the couch, and sung her to sleep. Then, I tried Shawn again. What? You need to make your decision fast, Shawn. I dont thinkI dont know how much longer shell be. I think her bodys beginning to reject the change. Please, I know you dont want her to be this way. You wouldnt have allowed me to turn her if you wanted her dead. If you dont at least reach out to her, thats all either of us is going to get. My eyes teared up just thinking about losing Annabel. You dont reconstruct your life around someone just to have that person disappear, and your wall disintegrates. I took my wall of defense down for her. I dont want to lose Annabel. I love her too much, I honestly do. I dont know. It might be the end of me if I do. She coughed, and it scared me. Startled me, really. She coughed some more, waking from her deep sleep. Anna? I rubbed her back. She rolled onto her stomach, coughing. Her coughs turned into gags. I put my phone down and hurried for something for her to throw up in. I grabbed a vase and held it underneath her face right as she vomited. She cried. I held her hair back. Shes been vomiting a lot this past week. Something must be wrong. I dont feel so good, Dmitri. She whimpered. I know. I slid the vase away. Sit tight, Im gonna go get you some water and maybe some Tylenol. I kissed her hair and took the vase and my phone out of the room. Shawn? What happened? Was that Anna? Is she okay? No, shes not. I said angrily. If theres anyone I blame for Annabels condition, its him. Anna was right to say hes a failure in the parent department. Look, if you finally man up and be a father like youre supposed to, Ill see you tomorrow. I can assure you she won't be going to school. Shes given up on that. I said and hung up.


I left the vase in the sink and returned with a glass of water and some pills. Anna was curled up on the couch, wiping away tears. I gave her the glass and sat down next to her. How are you feeling? I whispered. She shook her head and buried her face in my chest, thus filling the circle of my arms. Everything will be okay, Anna. I won't leave you. ((((((((((( ((((((((((( I haven't felt this sick since I was ten, and I got that really bad stomach virus. For four days, the toilet was my best friend. There was nothing that went down my throat and didnt come back up three seconds later. I dont know whats happening to my. My stomach is churning, and I want it to stop. I was thankful to have Dmitri with me. He laid with me in bed, and held me as I fought whatever current was inside of me. None of the medicine we had on stock worked. And I didnt want him to go and get some, and we couldnt just walk into a doctors office or the emergency room about my condition because they might find my other condition frightening. The next morning, I felt slightly better. The churning was minimized to about a steady purr. I stayed with Dmitri downstairs, in the living room where we ate breakfast next to the fireplace. I actually wanted to eat, mostly because my mother always said to eat after you get over a vomiting fit. If I hadnt gotten sick yesterday, I really dont think Id be eating right now. Dmitri laid beside me on the couch this time, even though I didnt ask him to. I like moments like this, because in moments like this, Im not mad anymore. With our foreheads pressed together and his humming, I felt in love again. He hummed me to sleep, and it was ever so calming. He gave me another perfect dream. I was back in a field that he created himself to look like the field of the Mother Tree. I want to take him to the exact replica of the place, but until he teaches me how to do it, Im stuck with his imagination. I wonder what its be like to take him to one of my dreams, so that he can get a taste of my imagination. I know his mind inside and out. Id like it if hed get the chance to see into my mind. If only my ability was two way. Id love it if hes able to hear into my head sometimes. And I strongly emphasize the sometimes part. Dmitri wants me to know everything hes thinking at every moment of the day. I dont feel the same way. Every girl

needs some privacy once in a while, right? Plus, there are some thought that I never in a million years want him to hear. Annabel? Dmitri whispered. Hmm? Someones here to see you, Anna. I opened my eyes, yawning. When I took a deep breath, I recognized the scent of the other person in the room. I sat up and looked at him. Dad? I gasped. Hey, Annabel. How are you? He smiled. This can't be real. This is a dream. Dmitris tricking me. Tears filled my eyes. I shook my head in disbelief. Why dont I get dinner started? Dmitri said. If you need me, Ill be in the kitchen. He kissed my temple and walked out of the room. My dad sat down next to me. Im so sorry, Daddy. I began to sob into the palms of my hands. I felt him move closer and hug me. Shhhh.Its okay. Im sorry. I shouldnt have pushed you away. I dont know how youll ever forgive me. Ive missed you so much, Daddy. I missed you, too, honey. He let me cry for a bit. I could hear him cry to. It felt good to have my dads arms around me in a way that showed that he loved me. I felt that he still loved me. He apologized over and over again. So did I. He told me that he still loved me, and everything felt perfect again, because I still loved him, too. He kissed my forehead and wiped my eyes. I smiled. He always did that when he caught Cass or I crying. He smiled back. So, Dmitri told me youre not eating. Dont you think youre already, too thin to be dieting? He raised an eyebrow. I just haven't been in the mood to eat. I said defensively. I knew where this conversation was going the moment he said so. For one, I didnt even know that they talked to each other. My dad hated Dmitri the last time I checked. Dmitris behind all of this, I know it. I have to give him a nice long kiss for it. Okay. What about drinking blood? Thats a part of your new diet, right? Have you been drinking normally? I dont want to drink blood. But Anna, it's part of your diet. You need to drink or else you won't behow do I say thishealthy. I know you didnt want this, and I blame


myself for that. Ive made you hate vampires too much. Im sorry for that. I want you to drink, okay? Wheres Dmitri? Dmitri! He called. Dmitri came walking into the hallway, a wooden spoon in hand. I saw the tip of the spoon. It was covered in red. That meant spaghetti. I love spaghetti, it's my favorite. I can smell it's addicting aroma coming from our kitchen. Can you get her something to drink? Right away. He smiled and hurried out. He came back a minute later holding the same beer mug filled with blood. The scent of it was more addicting than the spaghetti sauce. I closed my eyes, and let it fill my lungs. Here you go. I didnt know whether I should take it. My dad has accepted me for who I am. He wants me to drink it. Dmitri wants me to drink it. I myself want to drink it. But drinking it means Im accepting myself. I still dont know how I feel about it, being a vampire. I dont want to be a monster. Its okay, Anna. My dad said. Drink. We all know you need it. I do need it. I haven't fed in almost a week. I hesitantly took the mug from Dmitri and took a small sip. The small sip turned into a chug once I tasted it's delicious thickness. Like the first time I drank, I had it down in seconds. I think you should get her some more. My dad chuckled. Please? I said, panting. Dmitri chuckled and took the glass from me. Dinners ready. Why dont we all go into the dining room? Ill bring your refill in there. He smiled. Ill just go with you. Ill help you. Okay. His smile turned into a grin. Ill just wait in the dining room then. Point me in the right direction. Just through those doors. Dmitri said, pointing at the double doors that opened into our dining room. My dad nodded and went in. Dmitri and I traveled in a different direction. He slung his arm over my shoulder, smiling. I put my arm around him, also smiling, I owe you for that. I whispered. Nonsense. You owe me nothing. I dont care. I owe you for bringing my dad back. Howd you do it? I did nothing. I just told him what was happening to you, and it convinced him. You should really be thanking yourself. He is so humble sometimes. Its cute.


You can't stop me. I smiled and stood on my tippy-toes so that I could kiss him. He stopped walking, his arms moving around me. It felt so good to be kissed by him again. I love you. I whispered. I love you, too. He grinned and kissed me again. I locked my arms around his neck. We kissed our way into the kitchen. Then I smelt it, the blood. On the island counter was a big bottle (slightly empty) filled with blood. My arms dropped from Dmitris neck and I walked over to it. I touched the bottle. It was so warm. My jaw started to ache, like really ache. Then for the first time, I felt my fangs. I couldnt help but touch them. They hurt. The best way I can describe it is the way you feel after you get braces removed. Cassidy told me her teeth felt like slush. My canines feel like a super slushy Slurpee. Ouch. I frowned. Its like that in the beginning, but dont worry. Itll get better. How do I make them go away? For the first time, they go away on their own. Just dont think about it, and before you know it, they're gone. He smiled and kissed me gently. His lips pressed the back of mine against my teeth. Ow! I smacked his chest. He chuckled. Take the bottle; itll go away faster that way. He said and kissed my forehead. While Dmitri filled bowls with our food at inhuman speed, I sat ad drank from the bottle like a baby. No, more than a baby. I starving animal. I heard myself grunt as I struggled to make the blood enter my mouth faster. Dmitri laughed while he watched me. I finished with the bottle at the exact moment Dmitri had the spaghetti and the salad prepared, along with a pitcher of iced tea and fresh parmesan cheese. Ive never felt so full. My gut felt like it was about to explode, seriously. I groaned and rested my head on the counter. This is why you dont rush your food. Dmitri laughed. But it was the most delicious thing Ive ever tasted. I frowned. Still. He smiled. Here, you can take the salad and the condiments. I got the main course, plus drinks. I picked up the bowl of caesar salad and the condiments. I realized something. No bread?


Its in the dining room already. Do you really think Id leave your dad there without anything to munch on? He teased. I playfully shoved him. We were laughing as we entered the dining room. Mmmm.That smells delicious. My dad smiled. My mothers recipe. He boasted. Wow, and up till now you still remember it? My dad said surprised. Yep. Dmitri smiled. We each sat on one side of the table. We passed around the food while my dad asked Dmitri questions. Dmitri didnt change most of the answers he used the first time my dad questioned him. The ones he did change were his age and place of birth. The rest was the honest truth. Then, once we were settled in, my dad brought out the big guns or, questions about vampires. Now that shes changed, what does it mean? Well, she will continue the change until she reaches about eighteen to twenty. Thats when she truly becomes a vampire. Until then, shes at her most vulnerable state and still susceptible to human ailments. So, can a person be turned at any moment in they're life, but still continue to age? I haven't met anyone like that yet, but a friend of mine knows a girl that was turned when she was eight. She continued to grow every year, like every other person until she reached that age of adulthood. There are also cases of some people being born vampire, they continue to grow until they're a lot older though, maybe mid-twenties to thirties. You can be born a vampire? My dad said shocked. I dont know how it works, but it just is. Only people who are Born can be members of the Council. Before you ask, the Council is the ruing body in the vampire world. You can probably compare it to the Volturi in Twilight. Nice analogy. I said underneath my breath. Dmitri chuckled. That makes sense. My dad nodded. Do they do anything else? Is it just me, or does my dad seem very suspicious. He knows theres something else. He wants the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If he tells this to the Clan council though, were dead, severely. They supply us with missions. Missions are things we do to show our loyalty to the Council, and that we are worthy enough to live without a mentor. Mentors show a newborn the ropes until they pass their first mission. Since I am Annas Creator, I will be her mentor. My dad and I both nodded. I wouldnt accept anyone else besides Dmitri as my mentor. A mentor with major benefits (he he). What happened to your mentor?

Shes the vampire I killed. I mumbled. You killed his mentor? She was going to get Dmitri killed! I whined. She was an evil bitch and deserved what came for her. They both choked on their food. Anna, I dont think its appropriate to say things like that over dinner. That is so biased of you. I folded my arms. Would you like me to tell you how many times Ive heard you curse someone over dinner? Maybe another time. My dad chuckled. Anyway, Im staying in town. I was wondering if I could give you a ride to your new school. It wouldnt hurt to check if its safe, right? I remembered Shelby Studders. Can you protect me from queen bees and nasty rumors? Probably not. Then you won't need to check the school. Ill be fine. But I wouldnt mind a ride. I smiled. I guess that means Im in, too. Dmitri said. My dad and I laughed. The rest of the night went perfectly. Dinner was fun and after, we all went into my piano room. They listened to me play, while talking amongst themselves as well. I listened to their conversations, and I could tell that they were back to really getting along. Now I really owe Dmitri. Hes made everything perfect. I dont know how Ill ever repay him. My dad left around nine. And immediately after, we shut out the lights and climbed into bed. Im not mad anymore. For the first time since before I was turned, Dmitri spent most of the time kissing. I missed him, like really missed him. I missed telling him how much I love him. I especially missed his touch. His arm around me wasnt enough. I missed the pressure. We didnt go to sleep around midnight (you can probably guess the reason why). Dmitri and I spent the last part of out night talking. He explained the things that he couldnt tell my dad. Everything became clearer to me, then it all became a big haze as I started to fall asleep next to Dmitri. The last thing I remember doing that night, is smiling at Dmitri as he whispered to me Everythings, going to be okay now, Anna. Just like I promised you. Then he kissed me, and I was out.


August 1, 2011 Monday 10:33 a.m. I have until near the end of the month to finish my work. School starts August 29, a Monday. Now Im really starting to doubt this little project of mine. I dont know what

Im going to do! Im seriously freaking out. I have so many things to add! I mean, come on, I still have to finish the damn thing. There are so many things to explain! Im going to have a panic attack right now so Im just going to stop talkingtyping about that topic. New topic. My sister tried to give me The Talk yesterday. With all the sexual things going on in my book, she questioned if I ever experienced anything like that. I was honest with her and told her no. I learn a lot from books and the World Wide Web, okay? Im just copying things from there (not in a plagiarism sort of way, copy the kinds of things they do, liking kissing). So she sat me down (she was already sitting) and talked to me about sex. It was the most uncomfortable experience Ive ever had with my sister. I probably know almost as much about sex as she does. The only thing Im missing is the experience. Ive heard enough of her (and her friends) sex stories to know what goes on. Plus theres sex ed. in school. But the way she described everything made me want to gag. Im serious. It was just way to much information. Then she tried to get me to stick a condom on a cucumber. Seriously. Hello? This isnt an episode of Glee. I dont even know where she got the condom, one minute, where in the living room, watching TV while our dad was at work, the next, shes holding a freaking condom and telling me to go get a cucumber from the fridge! The kids in Holly Holidays class were so right. I will never look at Veggie Tales the same way ever again. Worst part is, she wants to set me up on a date with her exs little brother thats my age to make up for my lack of dating history. I have gone out with plenty of boys. Ive probably had at least three boyfriends here in England and two in NYC. I can blame Cassidy for getting rid of all of them. One look at my sister and they're humping her leg. Damn faggots. I do not want my sister to set me up on a date! Its just weird! If it was a friend (which I lack severely) Id be okay with it. But it's my sisters exs little brother. And shes only doing it so that she can get back with her ex! Ugh! She can

be so frustrating sometimes! Seriously, everything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other. She has stupid bubbles for brains or at least has had too many shots in the face if you're catching my drift. I am so weirded out right now. The only way to make it better is to write. I only have three more weeks so I better get working..

Chapter 13

with more confidence than ever. Its Friday, and I might as well be the luckiest girl in the world. I got my dad back, my boyfriend and I are happy again, and I dont give a damn about Shelby Studders anymore. For all I care, she can go stud herself in the face. But first, she needs to pull her head outta her ass. I know it's mean for me to say this since I barely know her, but ,stupid bitch leave me alone. She approached me again, before classes had begun for the day. She had her followers trailing behind her like she was some sort of goddess. Dmitri and I ignored her. We were busy making plans for tonight. My dad

I returned to the school

would be leaving later, after he joined us on a tour around the city Dmitri had chosen. After hes gone, we really get the place to ourselves. No parents, no guardians, no Protectors. It really is fun to be emancipated. The more we ignored her and the quieter we spoke and laughed, the more Shelby got pissed. Dmitri and I could hear her followers whispering frightened thoughts. And I couldnt help but laugh. The bitch really thinks shes a goddess all because shes head girl. She slammed my locker shut, and I couldnt help but get mad. Can I help you? You should know that you dont ignore the head girl. She said and her little angry voice. It reminds me of moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter. Im sorry. Were you trying to talk to me? You couldve at least said something instead of standing there like a stupid person. She humpffed . Seriously, its the stupidest thing Ive ever heard. You do not want to get on the head girls bad side. I can ruin your life here. Just like I can ruin yours. I smiled. Oh my Lord! I exaggerated my shock. I pointed at the hickie on her neck. Thats just sad. Is that a hickey or did someone give you herpes? I gasped. She covered it with one hand, completely embarrassed and with the other one, she tried to slap me. Thanks to my totally awesome, super cool new vampire reflexes. I caught her hand, mid-swing. Now youre someone that shouldnt get on my bad side. Bitch, dont even try to touch me again. The hallways went silent. Dmitri put his hand on my shoulder. I think thats enough, Anna. You might have gone overboard. I dropped her hand, got my first period book and walked away with Dmitri, his hand holding mine. No one spoke as we walked by. Everyone watched us, either completely in shock or amazed by my confidence. I felt proud of myself. I have never stood up to a bully like that before. Its liberating. When I fought over Dmitri with Molly, the feeling was no where near there, mostly because Dmitri embarrassed me in front of the entire class. I think for the first time in any school Ive been to, I have gained reputation, the stepping stone to success. By the time we reached our classroom, the students started to move back to life. Dmitri and I took a seat in the back of the room, like we were arranged, but before Dmitri could take his seat, a girl with black layered hair and blonde highlights sat in it. She had a grin on her face. Hello, the names Andria, but everyone calls me Andi. I have to say, what you did back there in the hallway was bloody brilliant! No one has ever

stood up to the head girl before. You Americans really do have the blood of fighters in you, dont you? You should've seen the look on Bi-Studders face! She laughed. It was brilliant, mate. Seriously. Best action Ive ever seen in this school! Bi-Studders? I raised an eyebrow. Im still shocked that she approached me. Shes the loudest one in the class, by the way. When she said how much she enjoyed watching me show up Shelby, everyone looked at us. I wanted to disappear, thankfully, Dmitri sat down on my desk surface and everyones heads turned away. No one told you? Ever since we were tykes, theres been rumors thats shes bi. Im dead serious. No one but her zombies know the truth, and the origin of that hickie. She whispered and winked. I couldnt help but laugh. I watched as Andi turned and looked at Dmitri. Im sorry, I haven't seemed to given you my number yet. She smiled and held out her hand. Dmitri laughed and shook it. I elbowed his leg. He nearly fell off my desk. Move on, Andi. Hes taken. So its true then. She mini-gasped. Whats true? I said nervously. Well, Rima told me that Nicole told her that her boyfriend that used to date one of Bi-Studders zombies said that Mrs. Mipps told Bi-Studders that you two are live-in or something. My mind went blank. Im sorry, can you repeat that? I didnt get a single world of that. I dont speak pure Brit, plus I have no clue who you're talking about. Andi rolled her eyes and leaned in closer. You two live together. She whispered. So many words just for that? What has the gossiping world come to these days? I was kicked out of my home and later emancipated. Hes just emancipated. Awesome. Does that mean you guys do whatever you want? I suddenly remembered the past few days. I did what I wanted and Dmitri did what he wanted. The answer basically is yes, but if you turn to the point she means, the answer is not yet. Theres no one to stop us. Dmitri shrugged. I elbowed him again. Awesome. I would love it if I could at least snog with my boyfriend without getting ratted out every five minutes. I just realized something. This conversation is going down a really uncomfortable road. I dont want to talk about my private life with Dmitri.

Its the point why they call it private. What happens in bed (or any other place in the house) stays in that area. The bell rang, saving me from further questions. I hid my sigh of relief from Andi. She got up. When Mr. Dunham announces the project later, we are so being partners. Maybe you can join, Dmitri. She batted her eyelashes at him. I thought she had a boyfriend. Move along, mate. I imitated her. We are so working on your accent. She laughed as she walked back to her desk in the center. Dmitri kissed my cheek as he took his seat. I smiled and said I love you. He smiled back. I love you more. I rolled my eyes. Hes such a suck-up. Andi was becoming a fast friend to us. I never thought Id have a friend, but I like her. Shes interesting. She ate with us at lunch then gave us the official Andis tour of the school, making this school suddenly so much more interesting. We only have first and last period together, but at least now I dont have to be alone during P.E. She wanted to come over after school, and I really wanted her to, but when we walked out the front gates, I spotted my dads car and we had to go our separate ways. I nearly ran to him. I wouldve if Dmitri wasnt holding my hand. We got in, me in the front passenger seat and Dmitri in the back. My dad had a smile on his face. How was school? Interesting. I smiled How did school go from not worth going to suddenly interesting to you? He raised his eyebrow. He began driving away from the school. Anna made a friend. Dmitri smiled at me. Right after she ended a big scene with the schools head girl. Ended a scene? He looked at me. Anna, what did you do? She slammed my locker shut and I got mad. I defended myself. Then she went on about ruining my life in that school. I stood my ground and said she had herpes. Then she tried to slap me. Most people are thinking its epic, what she did. Dmitri budded in. Im torn between stupid and reckless. I shot him a look of betrayal. He shrugged. I think Dmitris right, Anna. You shouldnt be getting into fights. And you should learn to control your temper. You never know, one minute,


your fighting with someone, the next that person is running away screaming because you have fangs. I know how to keep my cool. I said and folded my arms. Dmitri, who was secretly holding my hand from the space between the seat and the car doorframe, laughed. Nice. My dad shook his head, chuckling a bit. We randomly drove around the city, slowing down a little when we wanted to lick at a building. It wasnt that big, but at least it's modernized. I didnt see one little cottage or one flock of sheep any where. I think I like this place more than Low Row. If only I was studious enough to remember the name. The tour ended, and my dad dropped us off at home. It was hard to say goodbye, but at least we would stay in touch. I didnt know what we would do. What to people living together do in they're free time, especially since were only in high school. I bet most teens would take the chance of living together with their boyfriend to have sex all day or something. But I dont want to do that. Sure, I still want to have sex with Dmitri, but I dont want to have it so many times that I get tired of it and Dmitri and I are forced to spend nights reading books like old married couples with no sex life (no offense). Dmitri and I sat down on our couch opposite of each other, our feet touching. I put my feet up on his knees. He smiled and pulled off my socks, tossing them onto the floor. Your suck a slob, you know that? I laughed. I beg to differ. Youve been using the bathroom like a normal person for two days and it already looks like a tornado went through it. I need to see where my things are. I said, sticking my nose in the air. Dmitri laughed. He got onto his knees and inserted himself in between my legs. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He kissed me. So what do you want to do? If you get my laptop, I can check my Facebook. He kissed me again and got up. That reminds me, your dad told me to tell you that you might not like some of the things posted on your wall. Jenny posted some nasty things and there are a lot of questions from our old classmates. Hes right. I dont want to tell people what happened to me at my party. I left them all for Dmitri. I dont mind reading the posts from Jenny. I told her Im sorry. She should be grateful that I didnt kill her fianc and move on.

I dont mind. Can you get me something to drink while your up? Im hungry. I rubbed my stomach. Of course. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I watched him slip away. Before, it wouldve looked to me like he had disappeared. It was weird. I wanna learn how to do that. I wanna learn how to do everything he does. Ill ask him to teach me when Im finished. He came back, sipping my cup of blood. Hey! Thats mine! I whined. He laughed and gave me the cup. His lip was stained red, and I couldnt help but pull him down by his tie and kiss it away. Dmitri grinned. I finished the cup in one big gulp and put it down on the table. My turn. Dmitri said and kissed away whatever blood I had on my lips. He slipped my laptop into my lap and sat back down. Thanks. I smiled. While I went through my files, deleting everything that had to do with my old school, Dmitri gave me a foot massage. I dont know why, but once he had sat down, he put my feet in his lap and started to rub them. It felt good. My feet were hurting. I logged onto my Facebook, and Dmitri was right. There were tons of questions from everyone and lots of curses from Jenny. I ignored them all, deleting them from my wall. When I decided to update my status, I made sure it didnt give anything away, by saying Dmitri <3. A chatbox opened. It was a message from Doug. Doug McCloud: wat happened 2 u? I froze. Whats wrong? It's Doug. I whispered. Want me to talk to him? He moved closer. Just pretend your me. I held out my laptop. Dmitri got it and motioned me to scoot over. He sat down next to me, putting his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder. Me: my uncle had a heart attack. he lives alone in London. we had to leave Doug McCloud: and Dmitri? did you know that he left the same day you did? Me: his mother died Doug McCloud: oh, so wer is he now?

Me: London, living w/ his aunt. Doug McCloud: do u still get to c each other? Me: were enrolled in the same skool. he hasnt been going yet tho. Doug McCloud: ok. how r u? Me: fine. I g2g Doug. my dads calling me. we're gonna visit my uncle Doug McCloud: K. TTYL Dmitri made me invisible. Youre an amazing liar. Its chat. No one knows what the truth is and whats not. I just dont want him to pester you. Thank you. I said and kissed his cheek. Dmitri watched me move around Facebook. I changed my display photo since Dmitri had changed his. His was one of me, or at least part of me. The picture was of my neck while I was putting on his mothers necklace. He only took it this morning, while I was getting ready for school. When he took it, I was actually half-naked. I only had on a pair of panties. I didnt want him to take it, but when I saw how beautiful it had come out, I didnt mind. I just wish that hed let me use it. I decided to use a picture of his. I chose a picture I took of him laughing. It was an amazing photo. Now what? Dmitri asked as I closed my laptop. Now we have some fun. I smiled. I want you to teach me how to do all the awesome vampire stuff you do. Like what? The lean and run, the dream-hopping, the mind control. I dont know how to mind control. You know what I mean. Please? Pretty-please? I pouted. Dmitri kissed me. Lets get out of our uniforms first. He said and picked me up. I squealed, laughed and kissed him. We kissed all the way into our bedroom. For a second, I thought we should go straight to our bed, but then I felt myself to excited to learn how to do all of the cool things Dmitri can. I hurried into a pair of shorts and a shirt while Dmitri into a similar outfit. We went downstairs. Lesson number one: the lean and run. Its easy really. Concentrate all of your energy onto your legs. It's just like regular running at inhuman speed. All you have to do is run. But if you want to add the lean, just lean and then break into speed. Watch me


again. He said. I watched him lean, then run to the other side of the living room. Your turn. I took long, deep breaths, thinking about my legs getting stronger. It didnt work. Instead, my fangs popped out and I fell onto my but out of shock. Dmitri laughed and helped me to my feet. Are you okay? That wasnt supposed to happen. Your right. I think you might have overly relaxed your body. I ran my tongue over my canines. They still hurt. Let me see. He put his hand under my chin. Smile. I did. He lifted my head up and kissed me (my teeth mostly). I blushed and pushed him away, embarrassed. Better? He grinned. If by better, you mean that Im irritated, then yes. Its much better. I smiled sarcastically. Dmitri chuckled and kissed my nose. Well deal with your fangs later, try again. I concentrated again, leaned, and took off. I stopped at the doorway. Howd I do? I looked at Dmitri. He appeared in front of me. That was the sexiest lean and run Ive ever seen. He grinned and kissed me. I threw my arms around his neck. Dmitri lifted me up and carried me to the couch. Clothes flew, and you can probably guess what we did next. Dmitri and I decided that he would teach me the dream-hop tonight, before we go to bed and the thought-rerouting to me tomorrow or at school on Monday, whichever works for us better. So instead, we worked on my Powers. Working on his tricks reminded me about the new abilities being a Hero gave me. We sat out in the snow as I tried to make the wind blew around the still flakes. I dont know how to tap into the Powers. These isnt a manual or something? Its supposed to be easy. I dont think so. No matter what I did, it didnt move. Im starting to think that this Hero thing didnt work anymore, now that Im a vampire. I give up. I said and leaned into Dmitri. The frosty air nipped at my skin. Dmitri pulled my beanie down and kissed my forehead. His lips were cold. Dont give up now. You almost had it the last time. That was the wind. Or was it you?

I shook my head. I dont get Dmitri sometimes. I just want us to curl up in bed again and feel his body against mine. One more time, and we go inside. Id like some scorching hot blood with an equally hot bath please. Deal. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I thought about being the air again, moving through the snow, picking it up and throwing it around. I thought about making little snow twisters, then letting them fall back to the earth. I thought about that over and over again. Anna, Dmitri whispered. I opened my eyes. The snow was falling back to the ground, just like I had imagined. I did it? I gasped. I told you. He grinned. I did it again, this time keeping my eyes open. The snow slowly began to lift up, creating a vortex. It grew higher, and wider. I moved it around the backyard. I wonder what the neighbors are thinking if they're watching this. There is zero wind and about an inch of powdered snow. There is no way a mini-tornado of snow can appear out of thin air. I was laughing uncontrollably. I could feel the wind in my hand, flowing through my body. The feeling is seriously amazing. I feel like Im flying even though I know my feet and ass are on the ground. Dmitri was laughing along with me, mostly because I was so ecstatic. Didnt you say that you can do earth, too? Try it. I looked at the tree in our backyard. I imagined the branches bending down due to pressure. It happened. From where we were sitting on the back porch, we could hear the creak of the wood being forced to move. I laughed. This time, I felt more rooted to the earth than ever. It felt like there were roots, tightening around my ankles, climbing up my legs. I felt centered and at peace, serene even. And like the air, it felt amazing. What else can you do? I dunno. The abilities of a Hero are supposed to show themselves in time. Control over air and earth only happen immediately because it's the ruling Power of the Mother Tree. We just have to wait and see. I smiled. Now can we go inside? Im cold and hungry. I frowned. Come on. Dmitri smiled and tightened his arm around me. I failed our second lesson. Dmitris just to powerful for me. His mind to strong to subdue. And it is mui weird to hear that come from someone who can hear the past, present and future thoughts of everyone in the entire


universe. Id have to try someone else, maybe a neighbor. But not tonight. Tonight, Dmitri and I are being romantic with each other. After our shared bubble bath, Dmitri and I had a nice, long, romantic dinner. We made dinner together, and ate it in the dining room to a candle lit dinner and wine heavily mixed with blood that I still haven't figured out where Dmitri harbors. Then after, we watched No Strings Attached since it was the only romantic comedy we could find. We watched for most of it, but then the sex-related scenes got the best of us and we were on the couch heavily (and passionately) making out. I think it was the best night so far since waking up as a vampire. We slept in the next day, and unlike spending my entire day sleeping and still be sleepy after, I woke up feeling completely rejuvenated. And like always, Dmitri was still asleep. I crept out of bed wearing Dmitris shirt. I want to surprise him in a new way. A piece of ice on his sexy chest just might due the trick. Creeeaaakk!! I froze. Damn door! Why dose it decide to creak now? Seriously? I peaked over my shoulder. Dmitri was forcing his body to sit up straight. It was pretty hilarious actually. Anna? I mumbled. Over here. I smiled and ran out. I ran down the stairs, anticipating the chase to come. I heard Dmitri stumble out of bed,, yawn and take off after me. I waited for him at the foot of the stairs, then using the lean and run, ran as fast as I could away from him. I like being faster than him, and stronger (last night is proof of that. I grasped his back and nearly broke his shoulder blade). You do know that Im an old man, dont you? Really? I smiled as I twirled around the island. You dont look a day over sixteen. I giggled. Dmitri jumped on top and tried to grab me that way. I ducked, he missed. I ran into the living room. You can't catch me. I grinned. Watch me. He grabbed me by the waist. Thanks to my training, I was able to throw him onto the floor from that position. I jumped over him, but he grabbed me by the ankle. I fell onto the floor. He pinned me down and kissed me. I pushed him off, and took off again. He pushed me up against the wall and kissed me again. And again I got away. As I was jumping over the couch, he caught me again, pinning me to the soft cushion of our couch. Just give in. I can do this all day.

Then why dont we? I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck. Because this is way more fun. He said and kissed me. Hes right. This is more fun. Dmitris only in his underwear, so am I basically. His shirt isnt even buttoned. Lets go out today. There's something Ive been meaning to do something for a long time. Like what? I smiled. Its a surprise, but I promise youll love it. He smiled and kissed me. We didnt get physical. For the entire morning, we fooled around, acting like a bunch of dorks. It was very entertaining to watching Dmitri act stupid. He made me laugh so hard that I cried. Most of the fun came from playing his Wii in our underwear. I dont think Ive ever had this much fun when playing video games. It was oddly sunny today. Most of the snow had melted, leaving the grass a little mushy, but everything looking greener that ever. Dmitri even said that my eyes looked greener (I dont believe him). We walked to wherever he was taking me. Since it was sunny and warm, I wore long shorts, a tank top, sneakers, and covered myself with my favorite jacket. Dmitri wore jeans and a shirt, looking more relaxed than ever. The city proper was only a few blocks away from our house. I got to see all the stores from up close and I couldnt help but going into a few boutiques and buying some things. Like in this one really cute boutique, I got this really cute cardigan for a good price. I picked out something for Dmitri as well, buying a leather bracelet at this one jewelry store. I got it personalized by having them etch a heart on the top and my initials on the underside. Now he can wear my heart on his sleeve. I loved the look on his face when I put it on him. Thank you. He grinned. I love it. I knew you would. I grinned back. Dmitri kissed my cheek and we continued on our way. So, how much farther? Its just right around the corner. My friend that got the house for us owns a store that has a back room for people like us. Thats where my surprise is hiding. A back room? I said suspiciously. The only thing I know to be in back rooms is illegal stuff. If hes buying drugs or something, Im going home. Just wait.

I pursed my lips briefly. Hes starting to make me nervous. We turned the corned, and the first thing I saw was a giant pet shop window. I couldnt help but stop and look at the puppies in the window sill. They were tiny mini pinscher puppies and the most adorable things in the world. They looked so cute playing with each other and the ball in their pen. They couldnt fit they're mouth around it. Aw. Can we go inside for a bit? We already are. He grinned. Dmitri say wha? Come on. He squeezed my hand and pulled me inside. The pet shop was full of animals in little pens everywhere. In the center were shelves filled with pet supplies. I was surprised. This place doesnt look that big on the outside. Greetings. A parrot squawked. I laughed and ran the back of my finger along it's chest. Hello. I smiled. You're such a pretty birdie. Pretty birdie, pretty birdie. It repeated. There you are, Dmitri! I was starting to think you had backed out. A woman said in a British accent as she walked towards us. She was about as tall as Cassidy. She had long dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. The combination is my favorite. She was wearing a dress paired with sneakers. Brielle, Dmitri smiled and gave her a hug. Long time no see. You, too. She smiled. So, how do you like the house? Okay, Im starting to feel a little out of place here, plus jealous. Youve already hugged each other, now get your hands off my boyfriend before I slap you. Its amazing. He grinned. It was more than what I asked for. You know Id give you anything, Dem. She has a nickname for him. I dont even use a nickname for Dmitri. Dmitri chuckled. Hello, Im still here you know. Your girlfriend, Annabel, remember me? Thanks. Anyway, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Annabel. He turned to me. Thank you! Anna, this is one of my closest friends and exwife of my first mentor, Gabrielle, or just plain Brielle. He smiled at me. Nice to meet you. I forced a smiled. She pulled me in for a hug. So this is the girl that won over his heart. She is more beautiful than you described, Dem. You couldve mentioned the hair color at least. I wouldve known I was looking for a stop sign. What color is this? She picked up a strand. Fiery red, or red apple red?

This is embarrassing. No one has ever called me a stop sign. Its natural. I mumbled. Wow. You really are something. Is it true that you were a Rare Blood? Gossip girl, he has a nice taste in friends. "I still am. "Amazing, truly amazing. Shes her own species, Dem. Can you believe that? And so is what I came here for. Lets move on, shall we? He slung his arm over my shoulders. Are you okay? I nodded. Fine, lets. Brielle said and started towards the back of the shop. Im sorry about her. She doesnt believe in space. "I can tell. I nodded again. There was a girl at the counter. She had the same piercing blue eyes and dark hair as Brielle. Anna, Id like you to meet my daughter, Mona. Mona say hi to your uncles girlfriend. Hello. She smiled. Hi. Watch over the shop, dear, while I show take them inside. If Mr. Roberts comes in with Daisy, tell him Ill be with him shortly. Yes, mother. Good. Brielle smiled at her daughter. This way please. She said and went behind the counter. What did she mean by take us inside? Arent we already inside? By inside, she meant inside of their house that was attached to the shop. We had entered from the side, meaning a street or something must be in front of the house. Their house was big and very old fashioned in some places, modern in others. I didnt get a chance to look at everything though. Brielle led us into a garage, and the first thing I heard was puppy yelps. In a pen in the back of the garage were at least six grey puppies. They were so cute and adorable, maybe more adorable than the dogs in the window. They climbed up against the pen wall and playfully barked at us. Surprise. Dmitri whispered in my ear. I stopped walking. Whatd you say?


"I got one of them for you. That way I know theres someone to protect you if Im not around. Just pick one out, any one you want. He grinned. Its a dog. I said in almost a compliant sort-of way. "I am offended. These arent just any dogs. They are pure bred, vampire, beagle puppies. They cost more than a few thousand Euros a piece. Your Dmitri here is lucky that Im giving him one for half the price. Do you not know how big a commodity vampire dogs are in the vampire world? Huh? Hold on, did you just say vampire dogs? "I did indeed. Vampire dogs are the most reliable animals out there because theyll stay with you for the rest of eternity. How do you get vampire dogs? I looked at Dmitri. This is all too much. How can you expect me to believe that these innocent puppies are vampires? Theres no way that can be true. I dont want to believe it. It started with the original members of the Council. Dmitri said. One of them was a dog lover, and he didnt want to lose any of his breeds, so he turned a male and female of every breed he had available to him. They can still mate so the legacy is passed on, et cetera et cetera. So I can just go out onto the street and turn the first animal I see? Only Council members can turn animals. Only their blood is strong enough to turn them. Brielle said. Vampire animals. Now that really is something. Seriously? I have no clue whether to classify this as totally awesome, or completely freaky. I mean, its vampire animals for Christs sake! There should be no immortality in the first place (I am no getting religious here. Im just trying to prove a point). You dont see vampire dogs every day, let alone vampires. Plus, Brielle mentioned that it cost a couple thousand Euros. Are you kidding me? Thats enough to keep me sufficient for at least ten years (if I have free housing, etc. at least). I dont want Dmitri to spend that much money. We could be putting that money to good use, like our future maybe? I swear, if we run out of money by the time I turn 50, Im blaming him. He doesnt know how to spend money wisely. I dont know, Dmitri. I backed away. Its too late to back out, Anna. Were here arent we? I dont give refunds. Brielle folded her arms. Dmitri kissed my temple. Come on, Anna. Choose one. Youll regret it if you dont. Having a dog might be fun. Ive never had a pet before.

Thats the spirit. Dmitri grinned and kissed my cheek. Now go on. Wait, did you say that you were going to use it for protection? Brielle asked. Yeah, why? Dmitri replied. The dog has to choose her then. Get in the pen and hold your hand out. Whats your native tongue? What do you mean? Whats your ethnicity? Youll have to speak in your native language. Where are you from? This suddenly feels like 20 questions. Romania. I swear, Dem, this girl gets more exotic the longer I know her. Romania? Really? I knew some people from Romania. They were chased out of there village by Rare Bloods. None of them survived. Anyway, do you know how to speak Romanian? "A bit. When you get in the pen and hold your hand out, say protect me in Romanian and the dog that stays in the end will be your guardian. This whole guardian-Protector thing just doesnt die, does it? Does anyone want to protect someone besides me? I can handle myself, Im a Hero now. I can't be defeated, no matter what. I defeated the greatest, strongest, wisest and most skilled/strategic Protectors out there and won, that must mean something, right? I slowly got into the pen and knelt down. The puppies climbed onto my legs, licking my legs and hands. I laughed. They're all so cute. I held out me hand. Each of them fought over who got to lick it. Ma protejeze. I whispered. All six of them stopped. One by one, they're heads sunk low, tails between their legs, and they backed away. It was somewhat an amazing sight. The one that was left was the darkest and the most beautiful. Its grey coat was almost too gray. Then when I held its head in my hand, I saw it had the most beautiful eyes. Theyre blue, but not the normal kind of blue. When you look into its eyes, you can't help but think of water, and the Caribbean. White sand beaches and coral reefs floated into my mind. The color of its eyes reminded me of crystal clear water. Its beautiful. Hello. I smiled and stroked it's head. Its eyes closed, tail wagging. The dog climbed onto my legs and licked my cheek. I smiled. Nice to meet you, too. I said and picked it up. It continued to kiss my cheek as I climbed out. Now all we have to do is name him. I smiled at Dmitri.

Dmitri stroked his head, too. Hey there, bud. What should we name you? He smiled. The dog licked his hand. Dmitri chuckled. I have the strong urge to call him Dracula. We are not naming him Dracula. Draculas a stupid name, isnt it? I baby-talked the dog. Whos your favorite vampire? Dmitri asked me. You. I smiled. He chuckled. Let me rephrase. Who is your favorite TV vampire? Damon Salvatore. Hes hot. What do you think about Damon, bud? I dont like it. Its not a dog name. I have a feeling that were going to be fighting over this for a while. I want to name him something significant, something that means something to Dmitri and I. Playing with names isnt going to help. It will take us forever to find a name for our dog if we play with names. Its like naming a baby. You dont want your child to grow up with a stupid name that will get him laughed at (like Gaylord. No offense to whoever is named that and the owners of the Meet the Fockers franchise. That name just makes me laugh whenever I hear it. Ha-ha. Gaylord). What about Romeo? I looked at Dmitri again. Romeo is a very significant name to us. Dmitri is my Romeo, and it would be cute to name our baby that. And if we need a nickname, we can call him Romy, like the girl from The Unborn. Romy was her name, right? Its been a while since Ive watched that movie. It doesnt stop me from loving it though. Its awesome. Like that part in the Retirement home or something and the grandma had to fight of that dude from the wheelchair. Thats my favorite part. I like it. Dmitri smiled. What do you think? Do you want to be called Romeo? It licked Dmitris hand, then my chin. I laughed. Romeo it is. I smiled. You're so adorable. I hugged him. Romeos tail wagged faster. You two are so adorable together, you know that? Brielle suddenly said. Im serious. There isnt anything about what you do that I dont find cute. You make me want to go out and look for another husband. I might go looking for one. Dmitri laughed. I blushed. No one has ever called us adorable before.


Thats nice to know, Bri. Lets go look for supplies. He put his arm around me and we returned to the shop. While Dmitri searched around for different dog supplies, Romeo and I made his dog tag in one of those machines. I picked out the cute, superman symbol tag. Once we were finished, we picked out collars. I picked out a black one that looked amazing with his coat. I could tell Romeo liked it, too. His tail couldnt stop wagging. When we returned to Dmitri, we saw him carrying a giant bag of puppy chow to the counter. Also at the counter was a big fluffy dog bed, lots of toys and other things. How are we supposed to take all that home? We walked remember? Mona will deliver it later when shes making her other deliveries. Want her to take home your things, too? I nearly forgot about the two bags Dmitri was holding for me. They were sitting on the counter next to everything. Um, sure. Dmitri nodded and fished through everything. He pulled out a black retractable leash with those plastic poop bags attached. Shall we? I smiled and nodded.

August 6, 2011 Saturday 9:56 a.m. Gosh, am I still tired! Youd think that sleeping 10 to 12 hours a day would keep me awake, but no. Its never enough. I have no clue how Im going to go back to school. I dont want to wake up at six when I went to bed around of after midnight. Im staying away from the topic of school, so lets talk about something even worse. My date with the exs brother. It was terrible. He looks like my cousin, Franklin. Thats just terrible. Do you know how hard to be attracted to

someone that look like someone your related to. You can't be attracted to a relative. Its nasty. He took me to the street fair happening outside of town. For most of it was fun. I enjoyed myself, when he wasnt around. His name is Jason by the way. When he first stopped by at our house with his brother, I recognized him from school. He used to date Molly, I think (yeah, she exists, too. And she really is a bitch). He talks way to much, about himself mostly. Not once did he want to ask me about the things I enjoyed. Whenever he talked about something, I was the one who told him that I like to do that, too. FYI, I dont want to date a self-centered guy. Nothing good comes out of the relationship. Im serious. You want proof, watch reality TV. Anyway, at least hes a gentleman. He paid for everything. He let me enter places first. And when we did the paddleboat thing (not romantic, one bit), he helped me in. He does have soft hands though. I wonder what moisturizer he uses. When he took me home, we both had to go inside since his brothers car was still there. We caught them making out on the couch. It seriously was the most embarrassing moment of my life that has happened in front of a date. When I looked at Jason, he was equally embarrassed. When I dropped my purse down onto the table, they looked even more embarrassed than we were. My sister especially. Im surprised that she still had the strength to make-out in three different casts. Oh my God. Hes calling. Speak of the devil, seriously. Why does he have to call me? I dont want a second date. The first one sucked. Ill just answer it, and Ill type everything we say, that way I have evidence on his selfcenteredness. Me(M):Hello? Jason(J):Hey, Anna. Its me, Jason. M:I have caller ID, you know. You dont have to tell me. J:Oh, okay. Youre not busy, are you? I wouldnt want to interrupt something important.


Im trying to finish my summer writing project thank you. Its weird to hear him ask a question. He only asked me like one or two questions on our date, What do you want to eat? My treat. and Do you want to play? He has zero people skills, seriously. M:Nothing seriously important. Im just playing around on my laptop.(I said this a tiny bit annoyed) J:Okay. So, um, I was wondering if your busy tomorrow. I know this party happening and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me. We could stop for dinner first, if you want. I should've known this would happen. Shit. By the tone of his voice, hes either desperate or really wants me to go. I have no clue. Cassidy just rolled in. Great. Cassidy(C):Whos that? M:(puts hand over phone) Jason. C:Really? What does he want? Is he asking you out on a date? You have to say yes, that way I can get the house to myself with his brother. M:And if I dont want to? C:I tell his brother that your in love with him already and you can't wait to go out on more dates with him. The more you won't be able to get rid of him. J:Hello? Anna? Are you still there? M:Yeah, sorry. Cassidy just came into the room.(I gave Cass the evil eye. She threatened me again. I sighed. So, a party tomorrow. Sure, sounds like fun. Ive barely been out of the house this entire summer. J:Its summer! How can you not leave the house? Dont tell me your allergic to sun. I bet if I told you, you wouldnt even care. All you want to do is talk about yourself in the first place, jerk. M:I just haven't found the time between doing that summer writing project and waiting on my sister, hand and foot. J:Well, Im glad I get to be the one that gets you out of that house of yours. (I can hear the smile in his voice) So, Ill um, pick you up at seven, maybe? M:Sounds great. (I say this ruefully)

J:Great. Hey, you dont mind if we talk for a bit, do you? My parents are having a fight downstairs and I would love to be able to concentrate on something besides it. I should just say that I have to go. I dont want to hear him talk about himself more and more. I probably know his life story after our date last Thursday. But then he said that his parents are fighting. I know exactly how it feels to not want to be apart of it anymore. Any escape is the best escape (or the Great Escape I love that song by Boys Like Girls). So again, I sighed. M:I dont mind. Ill tell you how everything goes. I can't type that fast. Ill probably journal again later, once its over. This is Anna, signing off.

Chapter 14

Romeo is so adorable, seriously. Its so fun to hold him

and have him kiss my cheek. I dont want to use the leash. Hes so much cuter to hold. Dmitris just walking beside me with the leash in his hand. Id hold his hand if I could, but then that would be bad for Romeo. We stopped for some snacks at the local caf and ate them in a park. For Romeo, we gave him dog biscuits that Dmitri bought at the pet shop. We played with him. I found a stickactually, the stick found me. All I had to do was ask for itand we played fetch with him. It was so fun to watch him run after the stick and come back, bouncier and happier than ever. Hes just so adorable. I love him so much already. Dmitri and I sat down against a tree once Romeo and I had gotten tired. At my feet, Romeo chewed on one of those mini dog bones. Dmitri had his arms around me, and I rested my head on his shoulder. I played with his bracelet. I need to change my display photo again. I need to take one of you putting it on your wrist. We can take it later, but for now, I think its time we try the dreamhopping again. That baby over there is the perfect target. In his mind, he


was looking at a family sitting at one of the picnic tables. They had a baby with them. So what do I do? Just concentrate on the sleeping baby, and open its mind to you. Itll feel like your uncapping a bottle. Youll be able to see what its dreaming about. Ill be monitoring your progress. I concentrated on the baby. From where we were sitting, I could hear it snore. I concentrated on that snore, and used it to relax me. Then I felt it, the uncapping of the bottle. But to me, it felt more like opening a really old book because you have to do it very slowly and carefully. It was dreaming about faces, the faces of the people around him. Im in. Now what? Now that you see the dream, it means that your in control. Just think about something else, but still keep your focus on the baby. In your mind, watch it's dream transform into the idea you have chosen. I imagined it back home, its mother holding it and singing to it one of my mothers lullabies. Like getting into the infants head, I felt it transform. It was like feeling it slide, or when water and foam bubble. Theres that certain pop. Your amazing, you know that? Dmitri smiled and kissed my cheek. I blushed. What do you say we go home? Were all tired. Its time we take Romy home. I nodded and slowly rose to my feet. Romeo was on his feet instantly, alert to what was happening. I picked him up. The bone he was chewing on was finished. We walked back the way we came, stopping by the pet shop to say goodbye to Brielle. Mona was already out delivering our supplies. We went back out and turned the corner. The first thing I saw was Shelby Studders and two of her zombies, as Andi had put it following behind her. I wanted to turn away, but it was too late. They had seen us. Aw, look. The slut has a new dog. One of them said. I couldnt help but stop. I have the perfect comeback for this. Oh, really? I said surprised. Shelby, where is it? I want to see if it has the same herpes spot as you. The three of them froze. Dmitri and I walked past them, snickering. That was different. He smiled. It felt good. Dmitri chuckled. You look amazing when your confident. I blushed. We hurried home. I didnt want to have to deal with them again. When we got home, Romeo immediately went sniffing around the

house. For a second, I thought he was going to look for a place to go potty, but then Dmitri told us that he was investigating the house and checking for abnormalities. I listened to him run up the stairs, his sniffer still going. While Romeo did that, Dmitri and I laid down on the couch. Thanks for the dog. I smiled. No problem. He smiled and kissed me. We started to kiss more when Romeo jumped onto the couch and licked my leg, as if telling me nothings out of the ordinary. I sat up and pulled him up to us. You want some loving to, Romy? I smiled and nuzzled him. He licked my cheek. Dmitri sat up and rubbed Romys forehead. He really is easy to love, isnt he? All animals are easy to love. Fine then. Hes the easiest animal I know to love. I smiled and kissed Dmitri.


August 6, 2011 Friday 2:47 p.m. I know that I should be writing right now. But I have writers block, and I really want to tell you about my conversation with Jason. He seriously wasnt the same kid I talked to for a good four hours or something a few days ago. The phone changed him. He apologized. I know. It shocked me, too. It was like one of the first things he said once I had stopped typing earlier. He apologized for talking to much on our date. I told him it was okay, when really, Im still a bit pissed about it. So we decided to go back and forth, playing a longer version of 20 questions. When hes not being so self-centered, hes a really funny guy. I learned a lot of interesting, juicy gossip about his brother and in return, I told him things about my sister. It was, like, one of the best phone conversations Ive had with a boy in a long time. We spent three or four hours on the phone talking about the small things we like. We have a lot of similar interests. Like he likes to right to, but poetry. He gets it from his mom, who is a poet. I think it would be very romantic if he wrote one from me because he may be boyfriend material after all.


Anyway, back to the juicy gossip about his brother. His brother, Chad, sings Lady Gaga in the shower. Jason even has video of it. Like with every Lady Gaga, he has an accompanying video. I made him promise to show it to me tomorrow during or second date. He promised willingly. Also, Chad has a secret collection of romance novels. Im seriously starting to think that that boy is gay. There is no other explanation for it. I dont know one guy that has a collection of Romance novels. That screams gay, right there. Poor Cassidy. She has no clue shes making out with a gay guy. Im looking forward to our date tomorrow. I really doubt that I can write with this date on my mind. After our long conversation, I went from get lost to want you. I have no clue what to wear tomorrow. Im thinking jeans and a shirt, but then were going to dinner, too. Who knows where this party could be at and where were going to eat. Ill just write again once Ive gotten our date past us and my head screwed back on. I promise. By then, Ill have though of something new to add to my book. An interesting twist, thats what itll be.


August 8, 2011 Monday 3:19 a.m. I can't sleep. Our date was so perfect. He took me out to dinner at a small restaurant a little bit out of town. Then our conversation got so good that we decided to skip the party. Its a rational decision right. I never thought thatd Id enjoy myself, but here I am, a few hours later, unable to sleep because of the lingering memory of our night. We went back to his place since it would be empty. His parents went to London for the week for some kind of opening or whatnot and Chad was at my place with my sister. I still feel bad for her. She doesnt know, and I dont have the guts to tell her. For a while, we watched his brothers singing, then we switched to a real movie, and by the end of it, we were making out on the couch, movie forgotten. And I mean really make out. The kind my sister does. We were lying on his couch, too. I had let Jason insert himself in between my legs because I was wearing a miniskirt. I have a feeling that we would have had sex if his brother hadnt come home. I hate him for ruining my night. I really think I couldve lost my virginity to Jason. Anyway, heres how it all started. We were on the couch, of course watching the movie. He had let me rest my head on his shoulder and his arm was around me (it's a little romantic, right?). I got bored (the movie was a bore) so I asked him a question, and we went back and forth from there. At one point, we laughed so hard that I fell into his arms out of laughter. When I looked at him, thats when he

kissed me. He has the softest lips you know. It's either that or I just haven't been kissed by a boy in a long time. The longer we kissed, the harder it got to break apart, until another point where I got onto my back for him. I've never been this close to having sex. It's exhilarating. Ive never had a boy on top of me either. I wonder what Id be writing to you now if his brother never came home and we had sex. Im sure Id probably be changing the sex parts of my book into something more realistic. Then in this journal, Id be telling you about how it was even though its probably TMI (for those of you that dont know, TMI means too much information). We might be going out again later, Im not sure. We scheduled another date last night, when he was walking me to my door. But I didnt really reply properly because I was still embarrassed about his brother coming home and almost catching us. What girl wouldnt be embarrassed, right? I hope we have another date. Its weird to say that, but I do, even if he does look like my cousin Franklin.


Romeo was so at home in our house. He walked around like he knew everything and was the boss. This made me laugh because he was so cute when he walked around acting like he owned the place. His crystal blue eyes would be squinting and his muzzle would be closed tightly, as if gritting his teeth or something. Hes the tiniest puppy, you know, probably not even bigger than a real new born baby. According to Dmitri, he still is a new born, three weeks old. I didnt believe that, but then he said that baby vampire anythings age faster than normal babies. I wouldve kept playing with him, but my stomach really hurts. I dont know why. It was fine for most of the day. Now I feel like Im going to vomit. Dmitri doesnt know this though. I dont want him to be freaking out again. God knows Ive already done that to many times during my first days as a vampire. I dont know where my stomachache is coming from and it bothers me. There wasnt anything that I ate that Dmitri didnt eat too and I didnt eat anything else besides that. The blood does seem to be helping though. So while Dmitri is preparing an area for Romeos things, here I am on the couch, ready to throw up. Romeo jumped onto the couch and laid down next my stomach. He put his head on it, which made me laugh. Its like he knew what I was feeling. I rubbed his head. Finally given up, huh, Romy? I smiled. Hell never give up. Dmitri said as he walked around the couch. He leaned over to kiss me before he sat down at my feet. Youre just tired, arent you, Romy? Dmitri said as he reached over to pet him. Romy growled, scaring me. His growl sound like one of a bloodthirsty wolf. Hey, Im not the enemy, Romeo. Dmitri backed off. Whats wrong, Romy? I rubbed his head again. Thats just Dmitri. You were so in love with him earlier. Romeo liked the palm of my hand, as if apologizing. He jumped off the couch and laid down on the floor next to me. When I tried to pick him back up again, he wouldnt let me. Hes try to wiggle his way out of my hands. I sighed and let him sleep on the floor. Dmitri moved up and laid down beside me. I kissed him cheek and rested my head on his chest. What about you? How are you doing? Im tired. I lied. I added a yawn for effect. Lets go take a nap upstairs. At the mention of me being tired, Dmitri flinched. His memory flashed back to last week, when all I wanted to do was sleep.


Dont worry, Dmitri. I whispered and looked at him. This is tired in an I-just-came-home-from-a-fun-day-at-the-park sort of thing. Ive been drinking my blood, remember? Dmitri smiled and kissed my forehead. I know. Lets go. He said. We got up and went upstairs. Romeo followed us and slept right at my feet like a good guard dog. I thought it was cute. Dmitri and I curled up under the nice warm blankets and went to sleep. He took me to his version of the world of the Mother Tree. I didnt bother to change it. Even in the dream world, I still felt queasy. Dmitri caressed my arm as we absorbed the suns heat. Dont you just love moments like these? He whispered in my ear. I love any moment with you. I smiled. Dmitri smiled and kissed my cheek. Youve made me the luckiest man alive, you know. Really? I looked at him. And how did I do that? Youre here, arent you? Just me and you. I get to spend the rest of eternity with someone as amazing as you. I bushed. I guess that makes me the luckiest woman alive. I get to spend the rest of my eternity with Dmitri, and I never want to be with out him. I love you. I whispered. And I you, Annabel. He smiled and kissed me. We stayed like that for a while until I fell asleep in his arms. I woke up in the real world violently though. My stomach was heaving and I nearly through up onto the floor. If it wasnt for my speed, I would have. I almost missed the toilet bowl by an inch though. At least it was only once. I fell back against the wall with my whole body feeling weird. It wasnt painful, just weird. Then my jaw started to ache, and I let my fangs elongate to lessen the pressure. Im hungry, thats the only explanation. Romeo came trotting into the bathroom. He pressed his nose against my thigh. Hey there, Romy. I smiled. Do you want to help me look for some blood? He woofed. "Cmon. I picked him up and carried him out of the bathroom. Dmitri was still asleep. Not wanting to wake him up, I crept out of the room and went downstairs. I have no clue where Dmitri hides the blood. The entire house smells strongly of it, making it impossible for me to sniff it out. He doesnt keep it

in the fridge just in case someone might be over (or break in) and discovers it in there. I dont even think they're in the kitchen, but it doesnt hurt to check. Romeo watched me as I searched through the cabinets and cupboards. The longer I searched, the hungrier I got. I dont know whats happening with me, seriously. Im queasy, Im starving. Maybe this is what happens when you're first turned. This is probably normal, or it's my body making up for all the blood I didnt drink. Yeah, thats about it. What are you looking for? I looked up from the counter to see Dmitri standing in the doorway. Food. I groaned. Why is it so hard to find around here? Because I good mentor makes sure that a newborn vampire takes blood in moderation. I can't let you have 24/7 access to it or else you might go blood crazed. Well Im starving. Go into the living room. Ill get it for you. He came up to me and kissed my forehead. I sighed and nodded. He should know that I wouldnt go blood crazy. What if hes gone and I find myself starving again. The first place Ill probably go is next door if you know what I mean. I dont want to starve. Im not going to deplete our supplies in one day, Im smarter than that. Ding-dong. I got up from the couch, retracted my fangs and walked to the door, more out of curiosity than anything else. The person standing on the other side of the front door was a vampire. Its weird how they have such a distinct scent compared to people. But people still smell better. Anna, Wait! Dmitri shouted. I ignored him and opened the door. The vampire was a woman, dirty blonde hair, tall, and dressed nicely. Hi, you must be Annabel. Im Regine, your new mentor. What? I told you to wait, Anna. Dmitri groaned. He was standing next to me, cup of blood in hand. Mmmmis that for me? Thank you. I was parched. She took the glass as she came inside. Dmitri slammed the door close. Whats she talking about? I looked at him. I thought you were my mentor. This can't be happening. Dmitri is supposed to be my mentor. Hes the one that turned me. Thats how it is, right? The one that turns you is


basically your mentor until the Council gives you a mission and you succeed. Who sent you here? Who else? The bloody tooth fairy? She scoffed. She has a debt to the Council for killing a certain Vampire named Maria Amand. Howd they know about that? How do they even know about me being a vampire now? Im sure Dmitri didnt tell them. Just because Im a vampire, doesnt mean Im not a Rare Blood anymore. They might try to hurt me. Im her mentor. You really dont get it, do you? Because she killed a vampire, she doesnt get the right to keep her mentor. Its a blood debt. You're lucky they didnt fetch for her. Because if, they did, they surely wouldve killed her and taken her blood. So she knows what I am, too. Dmitri put his arm around me protectively. Dont listen to her, Anna. Shell say anything to get me to stay away from you. This place is nice. She smiled. I hope you dont mind, my things will be coming a little later. Now, which room is mine? She looked at Dmitri and me. You won't be getting a room. Get out of our house. You dont really have a choice. Its either I live here, or the Council takes you away. With one phone call of me saying youre a bad influence, theyll take you away, and us, relocated. Dmitri, I looked at him scared. I dont want to be away from Dmitri. It will break my heart if we are. Its okay, Anna. I won't let them take me away from you. Regine sat down on the couch. I heard Romeo yelp and run off the couch. He ran to me, tail in between his legs and body trembling. I picked him up, and tried to comfort him. "Keep that mutt away from me. I hate dogs. Regine said. Dont you dare lay a finger on him. I said. Shed pay for hurting him. I can't make promises. She said. I didnt want to reply. If I replied, Id lose it. I broke free from Dmitri, fighting back tears, and hurried up the stairs. She must really copy her creator, doesnt she? I heard Regine say to Dmitri.


Thats where I had it. How dare she call me a failure? How dare she call Dmitri a failure? I won't have it. I won't. I set Romeo down and hurried back downstairs. Why the hell are you here? I shouted. Is it really that hard to tell that you're not wanted? No one asked for you to be here. You really think I dont know that? She stood up. Do you really think I want to bloody babysit a bratty little Rare Blood turned vampire? I have so many better things to do than be here and waste my time on you. She turned and looked at Dmitri. I dont know why you couldnt kill her. I can think of a million reasons right now. Like what? I screamed. So that I won't kill you? I can kill you right this moment! Is that a challenge? She stepped forward. Romeo barked. Dmitri took my arm. Anna, dont. Come on. He said in a low voice. Romeo was growling. I had a feeling he would attack if I stayed longer. Again, I broke away from Dmitri. I didnt want his thoughts telling me not to push it, because I wanted to push it. I wanted that woman out of our house. Romeo slowly backed away and ran after me. Dmitri followed. We went into our room, Dmitri closing the door and locking it. Why? I looked at him, tears filling my eyes. Im so sorry, Anna. He put his arms around me. I wish I knew. Please dont go. I dont want you to go. Im not going anywhere, Annabel. I promise. She can't do anything to us. I dont want her here, Dmitri. Please make her leave. I want you as my mentor. You and only you. I know, Anna. Ill try. Please dont cry. Shes not going to so anything to us as long as Im here. Im gonna make it better. I hope so. I really do. But I know there are just some things Dmitri can't do. Like make the world a better place, or make sure Im not damaged by everything thats said to me. Because I am damaged. I dont know why he likes me. Im damaged goods. Im sensitive and damaged. I dont know if he can make this better. He can't take on the Council himself. Its a death wish. I cried myself to sleep, despite Dmitri and Romeo begging me to stop. I can't help it. Im just so mad. I want that bitch dead. I want her dead that way she can never bother anyone ever again. I can't wait for the day she dies. Ill be the only one laughing at her funeral while saying Thats what you get, bitch.

The real Dmitri didnt show up in my dream. I wanted him to be there, because at least while were there, there's no Regine to bother us. I have a feeling that he was watching me, protecting me from her while I slept, because he eventually came, and he held me in his arms again, the sun beating down on us in harmless rays. Promise me that youll never challenge her. He whispered. Why? I looked at him. Because a challenge between vampires is a duel to the death. Youre no match for her, Annabel. You wouldnt least a second. I could see the look of worry in his eyes and fear in his expression. I know exactly what it means naturally. He doesnt want to lose me, even if I never want to leave him. I kissed his hands and held it up against my cheek. I promise, Dmitri. Thank you. He said and kissed my hair. I didnt leave our bedroom the next day. I really didnt need to. I had everything except food and blood, which, Dmitri was kind enough to cook and bring upstairs for me. He stayed with me in the bedroom, Romeo at our feet as we watched movies or TV, snuggled when I was tiring of watching, and falling asleep with me. I was glad to have Romeo with us. I felt safer with both of them with me. She was gone the next day. For a second, I thought she was gone for good, out of our lives, all like this was some kind of sick practical joke. But she had left a note saying that she had gone to the Council, to talk (or complain as Id like to think). So Dmitri and I went to school, but we had a problem. Romeo was trying to come with us. You can't come to school with us, Romy. They dont let dogs inside. We won't be gone for the whole day. Well come back at lunch for you, then well go back to school for an hour or two. Romeo whined. Tears were in his eyes and it was making me feel guilty for leaving him home. What if Regine came back, then what would happen? I dont want to leave him alone with her. I turned to Dmitri. What if he just walks with us, then he can make his way back to Brielles She can surely watch him for us. Romeo barked in agreement. Bri isnt the babysitting type, Anna. Dmitri said warily. I stood up and hung my arms around Dmitris neck. Please, Dmitri. I pouted. I dont want to leave him alone in that house all by himself, with her. Mona can watch her if Brielle doesnt want to. Pretty please?


Romeo barked and tried to jump onto Dmitri, as if begging him to say yes. It made me laugh. Dmitri looked down at the puppy, already twice the size of how he was when we first got him, and scratched his head. He has to go straight to Bris after. "Of course. I smiled. Romy wants to see his brothers and sisters, doesnt he? Romeo barked. Dmitri knelt down and scratched him behind his ears. I couldnt hear his thoughts, and I knew he might get a little mad if I suddenly touched him because of that. Let me just put a note on him, just in case someone else gets him, or if Brielle doesnt know what to do. I held back my giggles. Its so easy for me to persuade Dmitri. I love it. I watched as he wrote on a piece of notebook paper and stuck it underneath Romeos collar. Romeo climbed up onto Dmitris knees and licked his face while he did. Yeah, yeah, boy. Youre welcome. He said as he gave Romeo a kiss on the head. Dmitri stood up and I put my arms around his neck, smiling. Dmitri looked at me and I kissed him. His arm tightened around my waist. When we stopped, I bit back my grin. I didnt want to look so happy that I looked stupid. It's just him agreeing to let the dog walk with us. I know, youre welcome, too. Thank you. I said and kissed him again. We walked to school with one arm around each other, Romeo walking in front of us, and sometimes we had to stop to wait for him to finish going pee in other peoples yards (I want to apologize for letting him do that. At least he didnt go poo, right?). When we got to school, we said goodbye to Romeo and watched him run off in the direction of Brielles pet shop. Dmitri told me about how they can never get lost. You can even ask their kind for directions and theyll lead the way, using the quickest and easiest route. We walked into school, still with an arm around each other. I saw Andi waiting by my locker. You get your things. I told Dmitri. Ill be at my locker talking with Andi. Kay. Dmitri kissed my cheek and let me go. I smiled at Andi. Good morning, it took you long enough to get here. Sorry, we had a little trouble with our new puppy. So the rumors are true? She looked at me, dead serious, as I opened my locker.

You keep asking me that you know? I laughed. Do you get all your information on me through rumors? Love, I get all my info through rumors. Its how this school rolls. Im the queen of rumors here, actually, thank you very much. Nice. I nodded. Anyway, are they? What did you hear? Well, that you and Mr. Handsome over there got a pup and then you called Bi-Studders a slut. Yep, I laughed. There true. Tell me more! She said amazed. What is it with girls and rumors? Seriously. I didnt even take Andi as a rumor girl, let alone the self-proclaimed queen of rumors. I mean, what kind of person would take an almost six-foot, slim, emo-inspired looked girl as a gossiper. Its just shocking. Would you like to take notes? Dont need to, love. I got it all in here. She tapped her forehead. I laughed again. What are you girls talking about? Dmitri asked. Why, good morning, Dmitri. Andi said in a sexy way. How are you this fine morn? I gave her my best What-the-Fuck? expression. Im fine. Dmitri said nervously. And you? Absolutely splendid. She smiled. Thats good to hear. He nodded. This has to stop. Seriously, does she have to flirt with my boyfriend, of all people. Can't she go pick on someone elses boy? Id be happy for my new friend to have anyone but Dmitri. Hes mine forever and no one will take him from me. Why dont we talk about this in the classroom. I said while I shut my locker. It might be more comfortable that way. Anywheres find with me. She smiled. But first, can you show me to the closest bathroom, Andi? I still get lost in these halls. Dmitri, why dont you meet us in the classroom? Sure. He nodded. He touched my hand briefly. Is everything all right?/ Whats wrong with you?/ What did she mean by Ill explain it later? Ill explain it all later, Dmitri. I promise. I said in a very low voice, so low that a human wouldnt be able to here.


I kissed Dmitris cheek, then Andi and I went walking. The nearest bathroom was only a few doors down. Im not sure why youre asking me where this is. Its so close to your locker and the classroom. You seriously need to stop flirting with Dmitri. Who said Im flirting? She said, pretending to be offended. Andi, Im not blind. Please, its bothering me since you decide to do it in my face. Fine. She said like a five-year old being told to do something. But I can't help it. Your boyfriend is just so hot. You really dont think I know that? I raised an eyebrow. Dmitri might as well be the hottest boy in school and hes all mine, just the way I like it. Andi laughed. Looks like someones being aroused. She grinned. Come on, love. Lets get back to that hunk of yours. She said and walked out of the bathroom. I stood there, waiting for my face to return to it's normal color, rather than the red of embarrassment it was now, then followed her. We walked back to the classroom (and to Dmitri) side by side. I listened to the gossips everyone whispered as I walked by. Andi was right, there were rumors, and now the entire school probably knows what I said to Shelby last Saturday. Dmitris desk was already glued next to mine when we got there. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. Now do you understand? I said in my inaudible voice. What? That you're jealous? I totally understand. He replied in the same manner. The first thing I did when I sat down was pinch him. It wouldnt be strong enough to break his skin like I can do so easily now (but dont want to. He was right about something having happened between us. Whenever one of us gets hurt, so does the other), but it would just be enough to cause him (us) pain. I saw the red mark of my nails form on both of our arms. I was smart enough to cover mine. Ow! What was that for? He asked as Andi was stealing a chair from some other kid. For calling me jealous, because Im so not jealous. Im the opposite of jealous. Im irritated. Dmitri chuckled and tucked my hair behind my ear. I blushed. I like it when he does that. He leaned in and motioned that he was going to whisper something in my ear.

You are so jealous. I smacked his hand that was creeping towards mine. Am not. Did I miss something? Andi said as she took a seat. Of course not. I smiled. Its nothing. I was just teaching him a lesson. Oooh, whatdya do? She smiled at Dmitri. Someone here just doesnt like my jokes. And that was a joke? I looked at him. I love Dmitri, with all my heart. I really do. But, sometimes, he can just be so irritating. Hes a pest sometimes. No one likes a pest. And I dont not like his jokes, I dont think they're appropriate sometimes, especially if they involve us. Of course it was. He smiled and took my hand. Anna, you know in your heart that its true. Give it up. You are so totally jealous that theres another girl that obviously has a crush on me. Why is it so hard for you to realize that? Plus, that you are the only girl in this entire school that Im going to choose. I kept my cool. Id deal with Dmitri later. Ill deal with him good and make him regret embarrassing me in front of my only friend in the past years of my existence in an all-human school. Before I could reply, a teacher walked into the classroom. It wasnt our biology teacher. It was one from the office. The room went silent. Are Annabel Morrison and Dmitri Adison here yet? Everyone turned to the back of the classroom and looked at us. I gripped Dmitris hand, scared. I dont like it when people look at me. I thought it was the perfect time to make them stop thinking about me, but my fear wouldnt let me even breath. The headmistress is requesting your presence. You are to be in her office within the next five minutes. She said and left. Dmitri, whats going on? I whispered. I dont know, Anna. You two must be in a lot of trouble if the headmistress is requesting your presence. Andi imitated the old office worker. She broke the silence of the classroom. You guys better hurry. It must be something serious. Slowly, Dmitri and I got up and walked out of the classroom. He held my hand tightly as we made our way to the headmistress office. My entire body trembled with fear. Never once in my life have I been called to the principals office. Why does it have to be now, right when I dont have a dad to protect me from the evil witch like headmistress we have here? The office

secretary let us in. The first thing I saw and heard was Shelby, sitting on the big chair in the headmistress office, crying. Oh, you got to be kidding me. I said, walking no further. Miss Morrison, Mr. Adison, please take a seat. Miss Studders, dear, you may go, or if you would like to stay and talk, you may wait outside. Yes, headmistress. She said in a sobby voice. I watched as she got up and turned to us. For a second she stopped crying. She grinned at us, it was a sickly grin that made my stomach churn, and she gave us (me) the evil eye as she walked by, picking up where she left off in the boo hoo walk of shame. Dmitri and I took a seat in front Mrs. Mipps desk. Miss Morrison, you do know about this schools anti-bullying rule, dont you? Every school has one. Do I look that stupid to you? Yes, maam. Then why do you gradually continue to bother your head girl? It is not the first time Miss Studders has come to me about you. Stupid snitch. I didnt even do anything! I hope she gets eaten by harpies for lying. Maam, in my defense, I would like to say that it was Shelby that started harassing me, verbally and physically. On the first day of school, she called me a freak. Last Friday, she thought it would be funny if she took off my hand using my locker door, then she tried to slap me. And how do you explain Saturday, was it? She flipped through her notes. In which you called Shelby a malicious name? Anna did no such thing, maam. Dmitri spoke up. We were walking home from a family friends house when Shelby and her friends came up to us and called Anna a slut. Whatever Shelby told you is a lie, maam. I, and probably the rest of the school, am a witness to all Shelbys done to Anna. If you dont believe me, go ask a kid in the hallway to come in and tell you his side of what happened. You will speak when spoken to, Mr. Adison. Mrs. Mipps said angrily. The damned troll in her is finally coming out. I can't wait to see more warts appear. Miss Morrison, explain yourself. This is impossible. Shes never going to believe us, believe me. Where the hell is my dad when I need him? Dmitri, text my dad. I whispered inaudibly. Why?

Tell him Im being accused of something I didnt do. I want him to smack Mrs. Mipps upside her face. Did you hear me? Explain. She half-shouted. What Dmitri said is true! She called me a stupid slut in public then she and her friends laughed at me. All I did was walk away! Are you that blind? How can you not see a victim when one is put in front of you? Miss Morrison! The headmistress gasped. I turned away from her, tears running down my face. I dont want to talk about it anymore. Its bad enough that Im the slut in the school all because I dont have a home and my boyfriend took me in. If what Andi says is right, one word from Shelby or her friends and the whole school knows Im a slut. They probably already do depending on how fast Shelbys puny fingers can text. Detention! After school! This is so not fair. Seriously, its not. Um, Mrs. Mipps, Annabels dad would like to talk to you. Dmitri said. Hes pretty angry. He just heard you shout at Anna. Fear struck the headmistress right in her big fat ass. Annabels father disowned her. Gee, did you really have to bring that up? Yes, but he still pays for her tuition and cares about her. He really wants to talk to you. Dmitri held out his iPhone. Nervously, Mrs. Mipps took it from him and put it up to her ear. Dmitri sat down on the arm of my chair and rubbed my back. Hello, Mr. Morrison? Is this the headmistress? My dad said immediately. Yes, this is the headmistress. Is my daughter in some sort of trouble? Why is she and Dmitri in your office? No, sir. Of course not, sir. Well, shes not then. Why is she there in the first place? You see, the head girl at our school has been complaining about your daughters unbecoming behavior. Unbecoming behavior? Seriously? I raised my daughter right. If theres anyone with unbecoming behavior, its that head girl of yours. Did you really think my daughter wouldnt tell me about her? What she did to my daughter on her first day of school? I want some disciplinary action done against that girl or Im coming over there and suing you in person.


Yes, sir. I will see to it that something is done. There will be no need to come here. If you would like to check on progress, just ask your daughter. Oh, I will. He said and hung up. The headmistress shakily placed Dmitris phone at the edge of her desk. He snatched it up. It seems to me that there has been some misunderstandings. You two may return to class. I apologize, Miss Morrison. You will no longer have detention. You may go. I got up, Dmitri with his arm still around me, my face still buried in his now wet polo, and we walked out. Shelby saw me crying, and the sickly grin returned. It was easily frozen by the cold chill of the headmistress voice. Shelby! She shouted. Take me home, Dmitri, please. I mumbled. I dont want to go back to class. He kissed my hair and nodded, Well have to get out of this place the hard way though. The doors are already closed. I just want to go home. I dont want to face Andi. I dont want to see Shelby again and have to take her harassment some more. I just want to go home and lie in bed with Dmitri and our puppy. I dont care. I want to get Romy and go home. He nodded again. Ill take you on my back. He said as we snuck around the hall and into an empty classroom. I climbed onto his back. He kissed my arms around his neck. Hold on tight. He whispered and ran.


August 12, 2011 Friday 12:46 p.m. He came over the day after. Thats what he did. His brother did, too. We didnt spend our time with them though. They stayed inside and watched a movie while Jason and I spent some of the morning and the rest of the afternoon outside. It was so nice to be out last Monday. The sun was just the right temperature and there was just the right amount of wind for us. We laid there in the grass and watched the clouds go by. Neither of us talked about the night before. It was just too embarrassing. I, of all people, was embarrassed (I have a really thick face. I shouldnt get embarrassed). We just laid there, his hand gently brushing against mine, and gazed up at the sky. We didnt talk much. He asked me what I was thinking a few times, and I told them. Then it turned into small talk, then silence once again. Im having mixed feelings about Jason. I really like him. Its hard to stop myself from falling hard for him. I have a very short dating history. I dont want to fall head over heals like most girls do, but I dont want to distance myself too far. Im happy when Im with him, but after last night, Im too afraid that something might happen like that again. And maybe next time, we won't be so lucky to be interrupted. Im admitting it now, Im afraid to lose my virginity. I know that in the wee hours of the morn on Monday, I was so excited to have almost lost my virginity. But now I have totally changed my mind. I dont want it to be with someone I dont love. Im not even sure if I love Jason. We haven't been together long enough for that to happen. Im not explaining this well, so Ill use an example from the movie Valentines Day.


Emma Roberts character planned to lose her virginity to her boyfriend (whose name slips my mind) on Valentines Day. They wanted it to be special. Thats exactly what I want. Sunday night wasnt anything anywhere near special. How can a make-out session turned sex be special? She was right to say that losing your virginity is just supposed to happen. But I dont want it to be that kind of happen. (Is it just me, or do you all think that they lost their virginity to each other in the back of his car outside that Indian restaurant?) We haven't seen each other since Monday. Hes been calling and texting me though. Every morning he texts me good morning and every night, hes called me to see how my day was. Sweet right? I dont think so. Firstly, he wakes up before I do, and his text wakes me up. Secondly, hes taking away my precious time to finish my story. Im running out of days. Whenever he calls, my story is forgotten. I hate it. Im just going to continue righting while I still can. Hes stopping by later to pick up his brother, whose car has recently been keyed and is at the shop. Who keyed it is a mystery (it wasnt me, okay?). I have a feeling that once he comes, my mind will be a drift again. Ill write immediately after he goes. I want you to know what happens at every step of this relationship. It shall be my last summer project. The Annabel-Boyfriend Effect.

Chapter 15


Dmitri could sleep. I couldnt. I watched him sleep, mostly because he had decided to use my stomach five minutes ago. So now, here I am, half-sitting like an insomniac, waiting for sleep to come to me. Im so tired. Crying has given me a headache, a runny nose, and a very irritated Annabel. My vision blurred and I was suddenly in open air. Finally, Ive fallen asleep! I turned around, expecting Dmitri to be standing there, a big smile on his face. But he wasnt there. The Mother Tree was. Hello, young Hero. She said. Hello. I bowed respectively. I have a mission for you, Hero. One that I will need you to complete as soon as possible. You will enjoy the reward, young Hero. I will help you rid of your Mentor. Im confused. How is She going to that? I would love nothing more than to accept your mission. But how would you get rid of Regine? The only people that can get rid of her are the members of the vampire Council. We maybe immortal enemies, but we are allies as well. There are many things you are you're to understand, my Child. This is one of them. You shall complete this mission, and your Mentor shall be gone. Do you accept? Of course, Mother. A chance to get rid of Regine? Hell yeah Im taking it! I would love to have her gone ASAP. She has taken something of ours. A locket filled with the souls of the Fallen. She wears it around her neck. I want you to retrieve this, and keep it with you. Do nothing else, is that understood? Yes, Mother. I bowed again. My first real mission. This is awesome! I get to do it for someone I love. That makes it twice as awesome. How hard will it be to get it anyway? All I have to do is ask Dmitri and hell get it for me. This will be a piece of cake. Ding-Dong! I woke up. So did Dmitri. I didnt feel like I had slept. My head still hurt, my nose was still stuffed, Im more irritated than ever now that I haven't slept, now my stomach hurts again. Dmitri kissed away my irritation and gave me a tissue to blow my nose. Here, He smiled. I think you got snot on my upper lip. I smacked him. He laughed and kissed my forehead.

I couldnt sleep.


Im joking. You might want to hurry. Its your dad thats downstairs. At the mention of it being my dad, I ran downstairs, leaving the tissue behind and answered the door. Just like in my dream, it was nothing like what I was expecting. Yes, it was my dad, but he had someone with him, a three year old girl, a Rare Blood. Her unique scent made my taste buds light up. Whos that? Anna, this is Sara, her entire Clan was killed. Im her substitute Protector until Jay recovers from his surgery. Why didnt you tell me? He already has a replacement. A little strawberry blonde headed girl that looks like Cassidy when she was younger. Shes a replacement for the two of us together. I wonder if my mom and Cassidy know. Mom wouldnt be happy about this. She doesnt like it when our dad does something without talking to us first. I didnt think it was a good idea. Dmitri said. I put his hands on my shoulder. Im sorry, Ana. I didnt know what youd do if you found out there was a new Rare Blood around. He whispered in my ear. Uncle Shawn, where are we? She said in her cute little three-year old voice. Sara, He picked her up. Jealousy stung me. This is Annabel, my daughter. Shes a Rare Blood, too. Why doesnt she live with us? Shes grown up now. She doesnt need to live with us anymore. I could hear the guilt in his voice. Is he her Protector? She looked at Dmitri. Dmitri is. Well, you could say that Dmitri is her new Protector. He said and turned to us. May we come in? I have a lot of things to tell you. I just couldnt turn him down. Hes still my dad, even if he has a replacement. I stepped aside. They came in and I watched my dad take of his coat, then help Sara take off her own. She had on a pink dress on underneath. The sight sickened me a little. My dad used to dress me in pink all the time all because it was our moms favorite color. We just came from your school. You could have told me that your headmistress was a terrible woman. She reminds me of a troll. I was thinking the exact same thing. He chuckled.


Anyway, I know you probably dont want me to have, but I made sure they did something to that Shelby girl. I dont want her to get away with this. Whats her punishment? Detention for two weeks. It was the least I could do. He tried to smile. We sat down in the living room. Sara silently sat up against the back of the couch. Shes very silent. I wonder if she knows what I am. Shes probably already started school. I remember starting school around her age. Another reason that Im here is because I got a very unexpected message straight from the Mother. She wants me to help you to continue your training. But since they can't know about it and we live so far apart for safety reasons, I need your help Dmitri. Do you know anything about handto-hand combat? Not really. He said nervously. Anna can teach you the basics. Youre the only one I know that will really be able to train her. I have a major disadvantage against her. Ive made a step by step lesson plan for you to study and practice. Its in my car. Ill give it to you later. I dont know if Ill be able to do it, Shawn. Dmitri said warily. A reason to get physical with Dmitri? I am so taking it. I can't wait to kick his ass! Youre just dont want to admit that Im gonna kick youre abutt. I taunted. Now I never said anything about that. But you know it's true. Fine then. I accept your challenge, Anna. I grinned. Now I really can't wait to kick his ass. This is so gonna feel good. I need something to take my built up anger out on. Hey, dad? You wanna help me show Dmitri and example of the things we do? As long as you take it easy on me. Im not as strong as you anymore. Deal. Let me go change. I ran out of the room (at human speed). I changed into my thickest hoodie and cycling shorts along with my running shoes. I had totally forgotten that I was wearing my uniform. I dont even remember going to sleep in them. Oh well. Another thing to add to the laundry tomorrow. My dad had a new jacket on. He was sitting next to Dmitri, showing him the things in his encyclopedia sized lesson plan. He was right about it

being detailed. There was a defined sketched version of every single position. Sara had her coat back on and was now playing with a stuffed toy that I recognized as my Cowie, a green cow my grandma gave me for my fourth birthday. Ready? How do you do this? Dmitri said as if he were going to die of exhaustion. I laughed and kissed his cheek. Watch and learn. I whispered in his ear. We went out. Using my Powers, I made sure the wind kept all the cold air out. Dmitri and I cleared the snow while my dad made sure Sara was comfortable sitting on the patio chair. I saw my dad holding Olric, and I couldnt help call Omel for myself. In five seconds, he was in my hand. Ready? I asked my dad. Yeah. Dmitri, do you mind sitting with her? Not at all. He smiled. Hey there, Sara. She backed away. Dont worry, Sara. He doesnt bite Rare Bloods anymore. I taught him better. My dad flinched. I quickly shut my mouth. Lets go. My dad said and charged me. It felt good to be training again. But it was hard to attack my dad lightly. I needed to let my strength through. I needed to train with Dmitri instead. They watched us, Dmitri in awe. He hasnt seen me train until now. Hes probably reconsidering the idea that he could beat me. The fact that he thought he could shocked me. Im already faster and stronger than him. Hes defenseless. Of course I would win. My dad gave up after fifteen minutes. He was already sweating. I haven't even broken a sweat. I need a break. Tag, He slapped Dmitris shoulder. You're in. I need water. Dmitri hesitantly got up. I tossed Omel onto the snow. Ill take it easy on you. I smiled. Dont. I want to beat you fair and square. Not a chance. I grinned and threw him onto the ground. Yep, you are so gonna win. I laughed. My dad watched us for a while. I wanted to know what he thought of us training this way. Did he think I was good and lived up to my Hero title, or was he jealous that he couldnt be the one training me anymore? I had fun training with him, but Im having more fun training with Dmitri. Even if I

beat him, my reward was a kiss on the cheek, or when my dad wasnt looking, the lips. My dad left after he got a call from Jennys dad. I still taught Dmitri everything I knew after he left. Except it was more playing than training. There was more laughing than grunting (on Dmitris side only). He wasnt even trying anymore. He just wanted to kiss me, and I was playing hard to get. Ive never been happier to have control over air. It was barely cold in our backyard anymore since I profoundly slowed the flow of cold air. And to make sure none of our neighbors saw us moving at inhuman speed. I sent gusty winds to blow up their yards. Dmitri thinks it was mean of me. I think I was protecting our secret. I let Dmitri throw me down onto the snow. Im gonna let him win once. Just once. His self-confidence has probably dropped significantly after getting beaten over and over by a sixteen year old girl. I let him kiss me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Lets go inside, Anna, please. Weve missed lunch, Im starving. I want to go get warm inside. Please. You just dont want to get beat some more. Maybe. He shrugged. Dont forget Im an old man though, Anna. Im probably three throws from throwing my back out permanently. Well, if that happens, Ill just have to heal you back up again. I smiled and kissed him. He picked me up off the ground. I squealed and tightened my legs around his hips. I hate it when he does this. I dont like being carried around like a koala bear. Id jump down, but Im too locked in a passionate kiss with Dmitri. He carried me inside. I let the wind return to it's natural place. I love you. I love you, too. I smiled. We kissed again, then Dmitri loosened his grip, and I dropped my legs. What do you want for lunch? Ill get you anything. He smiled. Surprise me. I smiled and kissed him. I let go and sat down on the couch. I felt Dmitri turn up the heater and I took my hoodie off. Underneath, all I had was a sports bra. I had a feeling that Dmitri would enjoy my outfit. There was nothing to watch on TV. Theres never anything to watch in the middle of the day when you're supposed to be at school. Dmitri came back five minutes later holding a bid bowl of mac and cheese with to forks and two glasses of blood. I went for the blood first. Youre hungry. Dmitri chuckled.

Parched. I corrected. All that training has me thirsty like hell. He sat down beside me and handed me one of the forks. I thanked him and started to eat from the bowl in his lap. So, I was thinking we do something special for dinner tonight, to help you get your mind off of things. Maybe I could cook a nice dinner? You cook everything. Let me cook dinner. You haven't tasted my cooking yet. You cooked dinner on when you invited me over for dinner once. I am a very good cook, Dmitri. That night was nothing compared to what I can do. I boasted. He laughed. Fine then, you cook dinner. Promise me you won't interfere. The last thing I need is you bugging me when I cook. I like to cook in silence. I promise. He smiled. Anymore rules? You can't help period. I decided. Dmitri dropped his fork. I can't let you do everything by yourself. It hasnt stopped me before. My dad has never helped once with dinner when Im cooking it. And when he cooks dinner, I dont help either. Its the way we learned to cooperate with each other in the kitchen. Fine. You can flip on the lights and wash the dishes. Let me set the table. You can do everything else. I promise. He didnt keep his promise. I started cooking around 5:30. Dmitri kept his distance by taking care of Romeo. Through my earphones, I heard him take him for a nice long walk, play with him in the living room, and give him a bath in the guest bathroom upstairs. While he was watching TV in the living room, I put my mothers recipe of maple syrup chicken in the oven and went upstairs to get ready. I put on a nice dress for Dmitri, because I knew he was wearing fitted black pants and a white button down shirt. Like I do everyday, I put on light make-up, and went downstairs, almost an hour later, to find the chicken cooling down on top of the stove and the dining table set. You promised. I said to him. He looked up from Romeo, who was cutely chewing on his fingers. It wouldnt be gentleman of me to let you do all of the hard work. He smiled. I shook my head. Dmitri showed up in front of me, hands on my hips. You look very beautiful tonight. I blushed. Thanks. You look handsome as well. I smiled. Dmitri kissed my cheek.

Lets eat? Lets. Not only did he set the table, he set the mood. The lights were dimmed and candles were lit. It felt weird, but right. Im happy to be living with Dmitri, but sometimes our situation weirds me out. Were in high school yet we act like a married or adult couple. Isnt that a little weird? I shook the feeling, not wanting to ruin dinner and went along with it. What else would I be expecting when deciding to go out with a 196 year old man. Dinner was just as romantic, just like I thought it would be. He had planned everything out in the short time he had. He had all the right moves that made me more and more attracted to him. And sometime during dessert, he had a dozen white roses delivered just for me. I quickly put it in a vase and put it on our dining table. I kissed Dmitris cheek and sat in his lap. Your too sweet, you know that. I smiled. I know. He grinned and kissed my cheek. And I do it all for you. I kissed him. I love you. I whispered. I love you more. He whispered back and kissed me again. How bout I start cleaning up that way we can continue on with my dinner plan? And what else do you have planned, Mr. Adison? I smiled. Youll have to stick around to find out. He smiled and kissed me one last time. I helped him carry the dishes into the kitchen and left him alone to have my alone time with Romeo. Which wasnt very exciting. He was fast asleep like a little overgrown baby on out couch, stomach up and legs twitching. I was too blinded by his cuteness to wake him up. Instead, I got my iPhone and took pictures of the cute little puppy. Then I transferred my roses into the music room. They would look good against my Straus grand piano. I couldnt help but play a few notes. An idea hit me. That few notes became a song. Dmitri stopped washing dishes to come and listen to me. I finished the song. Leave the dishes, Dmitri. I smiled. I want to dance. Using my control over air, I made the piano stat playing a new song. Rather than an air piano, I had created air fingers to play a real piano. Its cool. Dmitri smiled and took my hand. We walked to the center of the room, and slowly started to dance to the Moonlight Sonata. Youre just making all your own plans, arent you? He whispered in my ear.

Maybe. I smiled. Is it so bad that I have the urge to slow dance with the man I love? The last time we danced was at my birthday. We missed the Halloween dance. I want to dance. No. He chuckled. Id dance with you all night if you wanted to. Then I want to dance. I said and kissed his cheek. I rested my chin on my arm. Dmitri kissed the back of my hand. I love you, too. I smiled. I didnt think hed realize that I said I loved him in a nondescript way. I listened to his thoughts. Dont just love it when a guys thoughts is full of images of you? It always reminds me of that one quote I read on Tumblr. Have I missed you? No. Why would I when you haven't even left my mind? I love that quote no that I have a boyfriend to share it with. We danced three songs before Dmitri said something again. I want to give you something. He whispered. Youve already given me everything, Dmitri. I smiled. One last thing, I promise. He said and let go of my hand. Dmitris good at hiding a thought. Better than I thought. I had no clue he was planning on giving me something until he said it out loud. I heard him fish around his pocket and pull something out. Something cold was slipped onto my ring finger. Before you freak out, its not what you think. Its a promise ring, because I want you to always remember that I promise to love you no matter what, for the rest of forever. I promise that youll never have another sad day ever again. I promise to never leave you. And I promise to be everything youll ever need me to be, just for you. I stopped dancing and looked at the ring he had placed on my finger. It was just a simple silver band. There was nothing extravagant about it, except for Dmitris name engraved on it. No matter how simple it was, it was one of the most beautiful things Ive ever seen. Tears flooded my eyes. I dont know what to say. I whispered. He kissed an escaped tear away. You dont have to say anything. He whispered back. I just want you to know that I love you, and Ill love you like Ive never loved any other person in my life. I love you, too, Dmitri. I grinned and wiped my eyes with the tip of my finger. I love you so much. Dmitris arms held me tight against his body. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. Dmitri repeated over and over again how much he loved me. I dont think Ive felt this full of love since the night I lost my virginity to him. We held each other, locked in the most passionate kiss ever.

Our hearts pounded right out of our chests just so that they could touch. I felt them touch, or at least, I felt something. Anna, let me finish cleaning up before we do this or Ill never get it done. I won't be more than two minutes. Ill just blow out the candles and put the dishes in the washer. You can get ready upstairs. I nodded, our lips still locked. I love you. I whispered. I love you, too. He grinned and kissed me one last time. I slowly walked out of the room, not at all looking excited to get into bed with Dmitri. Once I was out of his sight, I ran upstairs and started to touch up my make-up. I took off my dress and undid the pins I had placed in my wild red curls. I could hear Dmitri coming up the stairs as I slipped under the covers. I would hate to ruin your night. Dmitri said. People only say that right before they ruin someones night. I looked at him. What are you going to do? I need to go grocery shopping. Dmitri, I pouted. Its ten oclock at night. Stay in bed with me. Grocery shopping can wait. Not that kind of grocery, Anna. He kissed my nose. We ran out of blood today. Im so sorry. I would love nothing more than to stay right here with you, but my friend that works at the blood bank just texted me this will be the only night available for another two weeks. No blood for two weeks? Sure I can somewhat survive off of Dmitris blood (Brielle was right about me being my own breed. Im attracted to vampire blood just as much as human blood. According to Dmitri, vampires arent supposed to want each others blood). How long will you be? I frowned as I ran my fingers through his black locks. Not long. I promise. I won't be gone for more than thirty minutes. If Im not here by then. You can take off that promise ring for one broken promise. Im never taking this off. I smiled and kissed him. I love you. I love you, too. He grinned. We both got out of bed. Where are you going? He looked at me. I put on his white shirt and my iPod. While your gone, I might as well take a nice long bath to wait for you in. I smiled.

He walked up to me and closed his shirt. He kissed me. I heard him groan. Your making me not want to leave. You better go before I make sure you stay. I grinned. He kissed me one last time and I went into the bathroom. Right as I heard him pull out of the driveway, the bathtub filled. I got in, put in my earphones and put my favorite sprite song on full blast. The hot water was a good replacement for the heat of Dmitris body. Which, the more I thought about, the more I missed. I should have never let him leave. I want him in this tub with me. I want to share the suds in here. Oh, Dmitri, you better hurry. A dogs loud yelp burst past the sprites singing their enchanting songs. ((((((((((( ((((((((((( I never made it to the blood bank. It was no where important to what was on my mind. I need to get home. Something was wrong. Anna was bleeding. I dont know what happened. I was almost there, when I noticed a bleeding cut on my cheek. Then more cuts on my arms. I felt one form on my neck. Then last, a chunk of my flesh fell of my wrist. The only explanation for that would be that Annabel herself had torn a piece out of her wrist. Why? I dont know. No ones answering the phone at home. Shes not answering her cell phone. What the hell is going on? Regines convertible was parked on the curb. Then I thought the worse. What has she done? The rain that had started some time during the night had picked up. It pounded against my skin as I ran towards the house. I hated having to do it in human speed. Anna might need me now. Anna! I shouted. I wasnt expecting the sight I saw. The living room was a bloody mess. There was blood spatter everywhere and a big, no huge, blood stain on the floor. It didnt smell like Annas, more like Regines, but there were still traces of Annas blood everywhere. Anna! I called out again.


I heard her sobbing coming from outside. I ran as fast as I could. My heart racing, not knowing what to expect. The shed doors were open and water was pouring in. I ran faster. Anna? She was sitting there on the floor, drenched in water and blood. My white shirt was stained red. She was crying over a bloody bundle. It was Romeo. Anna? I repeated, this time,, in more shock than ever. Hes not getting better. She sobbed. My blood isnt working fast enough. I got down on my knees beside her and Romeo. I checked her first, because shes my priority. Her wounds were already healing. I moved to Romeo. His heart rate was so slow. My heart sunk. Slowly, I unwrapped the towel she had placed around him. But it was so tight, Im surprised he could breath. There was a giant gash in his side, pumping blood out of his body. No wonder she had covered him. She was trying to get the blood to stay inside. I recovered it, and gently applied pressure. His body trembled under my hand. I fished out my phone with the other and dialed Bri. Dont worry, Anna. Im gonna make sure he gets better. You arent going to lose him. I gave him my blood. My bloods supposed to heal him. Why isnt he healing? She said and rubbed his head. Her hand was covered in blood. It wasnt sliding off with the rain falling from the roof. What do you want? Do you have any clue what time it is? Brielle battered. I wouldnt be calling you if it wasnt an emergency. I need you to get over here. Romeo was attacked. II dont know if hes going to make it. Please, you have to help. We can't lose him. Ill be right there. She said and hung up. I phone down and took off my coat. Anna was trembling more than Romeo. I tightened my arms around her. What happened? I whispered, trying to fight back the tears in my eyes. I was in the bath when I heard him cry. I ran downstairs and found Regine cleaningcleaning blood out of her nails. Romeo was gone. She said she had gotten rid of him. Wheres Regine? She didnt answer. Theres no way all of that blood could have gotten there by itself. Anna, wheres Regine? I repeated.

She looked at me. Her green eyes were glassy, and looked like they had lost life. They werent so vibrant anymore, and had become swampy. I did something real bad, Dmitri. She whispered. We had waited until Brielle had come and took Romeo away. She didnt want him to be taken away, but Brielle insisted. She knew how to save him, but she didnt want Anna to watch. I cleaned her up, because she was too traumatized to do it herself. I helped her get dressed into what she forced me to let her wear, one of my shirts. I changed into fresh clothes and forced her to show me what she had done. She took me into the garage, and I feared that she had found the false bottom in the freezer there. I kept the blood under that false bottom, and I wasnt so honest when I said that we had run out of blood. There were at least ten bags left, but that would easily be gone by tomorrow at the rate she and Regine are going through blood. Im so sorry. She started to cry again. I didnt mean to, but I needed to. Anna, what did you do? I wiped away here tears. You can tell me. I won't get mad. I promise. She stepped away from me and opened the freezer. The ice in there was deep red at the bottom and pick against the sides. There was so much blood. Maybe she had found the blood stash. She gasped. No. She whispered. No! She was just here! I swear! She was just here! She screamed. Anna, whats going on. I put my hands on her arms. She had started trembling again. And it was more violent than before. Regine. She whispered. She was in here. I killed her. I gasped. I didnt think shed go that far. I should have never left her alone. It could have been Anna in that box, and me, dead in my car. Its okay. I whispered. It is so not okay. Someone said from behind us. Do you know how hard it is to reconnect in there? And talk about uncomfortable! You can't kill your Mentor, stupid girl. We both turned around. Regine.


August 12, 2011 Friday 9:12 p.m. I should have never trusted him, that son of a bitch!!! Fuck him and everything hes worth. Seriously! Hes a lying,

cheating jackass that does not deserve someone as good as me! *Sighs* Youre probably wondering who Im talking about and what happened. Im going to tell you, because you deserve to know the truth. The truth that is Jason Daniels is the worst guy in the world. Anyway, he came over and because his brother wasnt ready to leave my sister, we decided to go for a walk. It was the perfect night for a romantic walk. The sun had set, the summer crickets were chirping. It was just perfect and romantic. He had put his arm around my waist and held my hand. I rested my head on his shoulder and the moment felt perfect. His head gently leaned against mine. Everything about our long walk screamed romantic. (Im saying those words a lot, perfect and romantic, arent I? Well, it's just because it was. It was everything and more of what I expected) We stoppedor at least, he stopped mefor a kiss. It would be the last time hed be able to kiss me for the rest of the night and who knows how long until the next time we saw each other again (thats what he said). So we kissed. I wrapped my arms around his neck since I had no where else to put my arms. He was pressing my body against his with his muscular arms. The kiss felt amazing, it was everything I ever wanted in a kiss, romantic, passionate, full of love. The kiss ended, but we didnt pull apart. His lips still lingered on mine, our foreheads touched. I smiled and gazed into his green eyes. They werent as green as mine, but I still think they look beautiful on him This is what happened next, Ill write it the best way I can: Im sorry. He whispered. For what? I slid my hand down to his cheek. I did something, I dont know if you're going to like it. Thats where I knew something was up. I stepped away from him, my temper rising. Whatd you do? I folded my arms.

Im really sorry, Anna. I didnt mean to, I swear. I wasnt thinking. Fear and anger rose higher. I know I should've gotten out of there before I did something I might regret, but I wanted to know what was going on. What did you do? I said through my teeth. I looked at him with hawk eyes. After I dropped you off, I went straight home. Molly was there. She had just gotten back from her vacation in the Caribbean. At the mention of Molly, I didnt want to hear it. Molly was his ex, they broke up on the last day of school, and she left immediately after. This isnt good. I dont want to hear it. I could already feel my heart aching, not breaking. I hadnt fallen in love. Thank God I didnt. She apologized andI wasnt thinking. She wanted to get back together. I told her no, but I dont want to hear it. I cut him off. I hope you have a nice long life away from me, Jackass. I hissed and went inside, slamming the door in his face. That was the end of that relationship. Stupid son of a bitch. He wasted my time. All the time I spent with him, I could have used it to finish my cook. I have ten days to finish. Ten fucking days!!!! Hey! Cassidy shouted as she rolled in, Chad pushing her wheelchair. Whats your problem? Thanks for setting me up with a stupid, lying cheater. I said venomously. Aw, honey. She said sadly. Maybe its time for you to go. Smack some sense into your brother for me. Tell him Ill be looking for him once my leg gets better. He nodded and kissed her goodbye. Im sorry, Anna. Does it look like I give a fuck? I said spitefully. He flinched and walked out. What the fuck is your problem? Cassidy yelled. Im sorry that your boyfriend cheated on you, but you dont have to take it out on mine!


Im sorry. I didnt even think that you were together with him being gay and all. You should see his bedroom. The guys a fucking faggot. I hissed and walked away. I locked myself in my bedroom after that. I knew I was going to be in trouble, big trouble. I could hear my sister crying. Then that crying turned into hurtful curses. Jason and I were right. His brother is gay. So now here we are, one heartbroken, one heartaching, two very pissed off sisters. What a great way to end the summer. Jason Daniels, if you ever read this, beware. I am so gonna kick your ass one day.

Chapter 16

I really didnt appreciate you chopping me up into little pieces and stuffing me into that freezer, Anna. She hissed. She couldnt be alive. She couldnt. I did a very good job. One thing they teach you in Rare Blood school, how to properly kill your vampire. I even stabbed her stupid heart with Omel. It should've worked! It was a bloody mess, put it should've worked. She shouldnt be standing there; she should be in that freezer, where I placed her pieces. I fell back against the freezer. My body trembling. I didnt know what to do. I tried to kill her the Rare Blood way, yet shes still alive.

It wasnt kind of you.


You really thought you could kill me, didnt you? She laughed. Have you ever wondered why your boyfriend here couldnt and didnt kill his Mentor, Maria? Her body was flawless, just like before. There wasnt a single mark that said I had dismembered her less then thirty minutes ago. You can't be here. I whispered. Oh yes I can. She said and stepped closer/ Dmitri stepped in front of me. You see, Annabel, She said my name with so much spite. You arent the first one that has tried to kill her Mentor. The Council came up with the perfect plan to keep the integrity of their Mentors. Using powerful witch magic, they cast a spell preventing the death of the Mentor by their vampires. It's a wonderful story, if only I had more time to tell it, right now, you have a lot of explaining to do. She walked faster towards me. Stay away from her. Step away from her, or I hit send. She pulled out her cell phone. I didnt recognize the contact, but the way Dmitri reacted scared the crap outta me. What will you do to her? Thats none of your business. Now move. Dmitri reached out behind him and took my hand briefly. Im not going to let anything happen to you, Anna. He stepped away, taking my safety blanket away, too. I feel more vulnerable right now than I have all day. Regine put her cell phone away and came towards me, her clean heals clicking against the cement. She smiled, sending chills down my spine, and smacked me. I fell to the floor, the side of my face throbbing, Hey! Dmitri shouted. Pain echoed from my cheek to the rest of my body. Regine had her phone out again. One step! She threatened. Tears filled Dmitris eyes. His cheek was turning bright red, and I knew that must be what my cheek looks like right now. Good, boy. She smiled at him. She kicked me in the side. I cried out in pain. The feeling was worse than anything Ive ever felt. In that moment alone, it felt like I had gotten my organs pulled out and I was dying. I vomited. Move. To avoid more pain, I started to crawl towards the door that leads into the house. My stomach pounded like it never has before. The cement floor was freezing cold and wet. I hadnt remembered it being this cold a while ago, but I wasnt on all fours then.

Wait! Dmitri shouted. I challenge you for ownership over Annabel. My world stopped spinning. He didnt just say that. He couldnt have just said that. How could he challenge her when he just told me two days ago that a challenge is a fight to the death. I couldnt lose Dmitri this way. Not to her, not to anyone. Dmitri, please, no. Dont do this. Please. I sobbed. Its too late. Im so sorry, Anna. Im not going to leave you, I promise. Challenge accepted. Regine grinned wickedly. Too bad, I would have loved to get a taste of you. Let me take get her inside. Theres no use taking care of damaged goods. Damaged goods? Is that what he thinks of me? Right now, is that what he thinks of me? Like Im some sort of package? He just sentenced himself to death. If theres anything Ive learned from Regine is that shes 726 years old. Dmitri is no match. Go ahead, take you time. You might as well write your will while you're at it. She stepped aside, still smiling. Dmitri picked me up off the ground the heroic way, the way you would carry someone out of a burning building to the applaud of a grateful crowd waiting outside. He carried me inside. Please dont do this, Dmitri. Please. Im gonna be okay, I promise. Im not going to let her take you from me. Im not gonna lose. I forced myself out of his arms. How can you say that?! I screamed. You can barely beat me in a play fight! How do you expect to beat her? Dont do this to me, please! Dmitri put his hands on my cheeks. Tears were streaming down his cheeks faster that I have ever seen before. Please dont be mad. Please. He whispered. How can you expect me not to be mad? My voice shook. I have you as my prize, Anna. Nothing will stop me from winning you back, I promise. Im gonna come back to you. Im gonna come back. I couldnt imagine losing Dmitri. I couldnt. I didnt want to watch him walk away from me and right to hiss death. I didnt want to believe that he wasnt going to make it, but it kept nagging me. Stupid, fucking conscience. You better, Dmitri Adison. Im going to be waiting right here. I said sternly.

I can't wait. He said and kissed me. I threw my arms around his neck. I love you, Annabel. Im not going to break my promise to you. You are going to see me walk out of that garage unharmed. I promise. When I come out, Im not going to let anything else happen to us. Its going to be just you and me. We are going to finish school, then Im going to marry you, because I love you more than anything, Anna. I love you so much it hurts. My heart fluttered. Hope filled my chest. He just said he wanted to marry me, I want to marry him back. I want to be with Dmitri for the rest of my life. I looked at him, smiling through all the pain. I am so holding you up on that. I whispered. I love you. I love you, too. He said and kissed me again. I want a small wedding, nothing extravagant. Done deal. He grinned and continued to kiss me. If Andi and I are still friends, I want her to be my maid of honor. Whatever you want. He laughed. I want to get married in Paris. I said lastly. Its always been my dream to get married there. Ever since I was a little girl and Cassidy would let me watch romance movies with her, I would imagine my wedding, and it would always involve getting married in Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the background. Whether it was at night or in the day, it didnt matter to me. As long as I was with the guy I love more than anything. Youre going to get it. We kissed one last time, then whispered how much we loved each other. I watched him walk back towards the door, it hurt. So I stopped him. Dmitri, wait. He looked at me. Anna, please. He said disapprovingly. Take some of my blood, please. It will make you stronger. It will help you win. I took off the bandage he placed around my wrist and held it out to him. He looked nervous. Please, Dmitri. Do this for me. He came back to me and kissed my forehead. I brought my wrist closer to his lips. He kissed it first, then bit. His wrist started to bleed. While he fed, he lifted his wrist up to my lips. So you will be strong enough to wait for me. I fed. I let him get more blood than he should. I knew he would need it. He needed to win. Dmitri rewrapped the bandage around my wrist. He kissed my forehead again. I love you. He whispered. Come back to me.

You betcha. He said and kissed me for the real one last time. It was taking so long. I paced for so long, I couldnt just sit there and wait for something to happen. I was glad that he wasnt getting hurt. The most he got was simple nicks that were healed instantly. I was right to have given him my blood, but that didnt mean something wouldnt happen. This could go anywhere. I started to clean. I needed to keep my mind busy. I grabbed a sponge from underneath the sink and a bucket filled with soap and water and started scrubbing the walls. With every grunt or bump I heard, I flinched. With every crash, I froze. Tears mixed in with the blood that had gotten on my face. I needed to know that Dmitri would be okay. He had to win. He wasnt going to leave me that easily. I had started working on scrubbing the furniture with the final bang came. I frantically started to check my body in search for any wounds. There were none, and my heart filled with joy. I dropped the sponge and ran for the garage door right as it opened. Dmitri walked out, covered in blood, Regines blood. I didnt care. I through my arms around him and kissed him. I told you Id come back. I looked at him and smiled. I want to get married with the Eiffel Tower in the background and only our top most loved people watching. I want spring flowers, because those are my favorite. I want to get married in the spring, then have our reception in some grand reception area where I get to dance with you all night. I blurted out. Done. He grinned and kissed me. Now lets get cleaned up. He said and picked me up. Dmitri carried me up the stairs and into our bedroom. The bath I had made early was still there. Dmitri drained it and started a new one. While we waited, I sat in his lap and gazed into his eyes. I didnt care how bloody he was, I didnt care that theres a dead body in our garage, I didnt care that half the house was bloody. All I cared about was that I was sitting in my fiancs lap. We sat in our tub, the bubbles pink from the blood, and talked about getting married. Dmitri listened enthusiastically while I told him everything Cassidy and I dreamed our weddings to be. I started to miss Cassidy. She would never get to be married. She would never get to do anything adult. I wonder how she and that boy I pointed out to her are doing. I wonder if they got together, and my sister finally not a virgin anymore.

We had made so many plans together. We were going to be each others maids of honor. Her color scheme was going to be pastel colors, because those were always her favorite, while mine would be spring colors, like bright green and pink. Then she would always laugh at me for being a fall baby in love with spring. She wanted an extravagant wedding. There would be tons of flowers and people. She would have her wedding party dresses and her wedding dress designed specifically to what she wanted to fit the theme. She wanted to get married under an arch made up of white, green and pink roses. The isle would be lined with bouquets that the guests could take home as a souvenir if they wanted. I never wanted any of that. I would leave the big wedding for my sister. I didnt want to get married in a church. People like us rarely are religious, so theres no use. I wanted to get married somewhere open (with the Eiffel Tower in the background, of course). Everyone would sit in nice, soft chairs, not those crappy folding chairs that make your butt hurt after ten minutes. The chairs would have white clothes tied around them, ending in a bow, then in that bow, a souvenir for the guest. I want to give the ladies bracelets with the date of my wedding on it, then for the men, Id leave that to the groom (which is now Dmitri). My dress would be simple, but beautiful. I didnt want one of those big, heavy dresses that are covered in layers. That would be very uncomfortable. Im already going to be standing for a long time, why do I have to be super sweaty underneath, too, right? A simple, white, halter gown would do it for me, or anything that was loose and flow-y. If I couldnt find one good enough for me, thats when I would resort to the big gown, or Id have a dress made, like my sister. My brides maids and my flower girls would be wearing short dresses (knee-length). I didnt want to torture them to. Because no matter how cool it is outside, its still going to be a million degrees underneath a long dress. There isnt any air down there. I want butterflies. I blurted out for the umpteenth time. Why butterflies? Dmitri chuckled. I dunno. People have doves. I want doves and butterflies. Done. He grinned and kissed my cheek. I smiled and reached back to kiss him. Soapy water trickled down my arm, making my arm tingle. I hate that feeling. You know, you haven't told me what you want yet. I dont want to take over this day. Why would you be taking over, its your day anyway. Our day, Dmitri. Our day. I corrected. He laughed and kissed me. Youre not answering my question. I whispered.

I want whatever you want, Anna. As long as its you Im marrying. I dont care about the rest. I still want to know though. I pouted. He kissed away my pout. Okay then. He smiled. I agree with the small wedding. I dont like those big weddings. Theres too much pressure on the groom and too many people watching if hes going to keep his promise or not. Ive never wanted to get married in a church. Its too traditional. And if youve seen a vampire lately, were anything but. So, I agree with the open area idea. As for the place, it would always be up to the bride. Wherever she wants, Id married her there. Youd marry me there. I grinned. Exactly. He grinned and kissed me again. Im more of a reception guy though, just to let you know. At one of Brielles many weddings, they called me the life of the party. He boasted. I rolled my eyes. How many times has Brielle been married? I asked curiously. Twenty-Seven. All disappearing under mysterious circumstances, as the police believe. Or as us vampires that know her personally, she got bored with them and moved onto the next. Was that what happened to the other Dmitri? Maria killed him a month after taking me. Payment for me being a failure of a vampire. You're not a failure. I whispered and put my hand on his cheek. I know that now. He smiled and kissed my nose. I love you. I love you, too. I smiled and kissed him. His arms tightened around my waist. I smiled and hugged his arms. I think maybe its about time we get out; your hands feel all pruny. I held my hand out of the water. It was all wrinkled. I pulled out Dmitris hand. His was worse. Look whose talking. I raised an eyebrow and climbed out of the water. I immediately grabbed Dmitris black towel before he could do anything. That would leave him with my pink towel, and I wanted to see what he looked like. That is so not fair. He chuckled. All is fair in love and war. I winked and walked out of the bathroom.


Dmitri caught up to me, and before I could object, we were on the bed, making love to each other. I had a nightmare about Romeo. The images I had witnessed as I found his body in the shed had crept back into my mind. It was a terrible sight. I had ran out of the bathroom, still soaking wet, bubbles on my skin, struggling to button Dmitris shirt, when I heard the dogs cry. I found Regine washing her hands in the kitchen, the backyard door swinging in the rain. Romeo was no where to be found. Wheres my dog? I kicked him out, ruined my shoe in the process. She smirked. I looked outside. The shed door was open, blood was streaming out from the rain. Romy! I shouted and ran out. I heard Regines wicked laugh as I did. The melted snow had created a muddy mess in our backyard. Mud splashed up onto my thighs and stained Dmitris shirt. Rain batted down on my skin, soaking my already dripping body. I ran into the shed and found him lying there, whimpering. There was a big, bloody gash in his side. I fell to the floor, and applied pressure to his wound. Im so sorry, Romy. I sobbed. I should have protected you. Im so sorry. He weakly lifted his head up and licked my arm, telling me it wasnt my fault. I smoothed back his fur and kissed his head. He licked my cheek. Im gonna make you better, Romy. I promise. Im gonna make you better. I said and tore a chunk out of my wrist. I forced him to drink, even if he didnt want to. My blood would make him better, thats the purpose of a Rare Bloods blood. After I had let him drink as much as I could handle, I found a blanket and wrapped it tightly around his chest so that even if I wasnt there to hold him, there would be pressure. I kissed him for the brief time we would be apart and told Romeo how much I loved him. Then I went back inside and ripped Regine to shreds. Anna, Dmitri shook me. My eyes flew open. My heart was pounding, my body covered in cold sweat. I looked at Dmitri, his eyes full of concerned and fell apart in his arms. I started to sob. I blame myself for Romeos injury, and now hes barely holding on to dear life. I may have only had him for three days, but I love that dog like my own child, and its my fault that he was attacked that way.

I cried until I could no more. Dmitri held me tightly and hummed me Piano Concerto No. 21. I couldnt go back to sleep, even if it was three in the morning. God knows I need sleep. Dmitri didnt sleep because I wasnt. I could feel him try to take over my mind and force me to sleep, but I wouldnt let him take me over. Whenever I closed my eyes, I saw Romeos bloody body. Please go to sleep, Anna. Please. I can't. I heard him sigh. Would it make you feel better if I called Brielle, and she can tell you herself that Romeos going to be okay? I turned to him and nodded. That would make me feel better. Dmitri kissed my forehead, sat up and picked his cell phone off of the nightstand. I sat up, too. Dmitri put his arm around me and called Brielle. Hello? She answered. Hey, Bri. Im sorry to bother you so early, but Anna wants to talk to you. No problem, I was planning on staying awake anyway. Aaron and I are watching over Romeo now. Dmitri handed me his phone. How is he? Hes doing fine, Anna. I promise. Hes not stable yet, but hes going to be fine. When can I see him? Thats all I want to know. I want to know when Im going to get my baby back. Maybe in a day or two. Its just too messy right now, Anna. Im really sorry. Ill call you as soon as you can take him home. Promise? Promise. Can you tell him that well be waiting for him and that we love him? I dont want him to feel alone. Why dont you tell him yourself? Hes awake. Ill just put the phone up to his ear. Hell respond to your voice, they always do. Tears slowly began to fill my eyes. Okay. Hold on. Dmitri kissed my hair. I heard a dogs breathing, and I knew it was done. Hey, buddy. I smiled.

He weakly barked. I felt Dmitri smile against my skin. We miss you already. Dont work yourself too much, okay? Keep it easy. When you get home. Im going to spoil you like theres no tomorrow, okay? Another weak bark. We love you. I heard him lick the receiver. I feel bad for Brielle. Her phone is covered in slobber now. I held the phone back to Dmitri. Say something. I whispered. He smiled and took the phone. I slid back down and rested my head on his abdomen. My nerves felt calmer knowing that he was going to be okay. Dmitri caressed my hair while he talked to Romeo, then to Brielle who pestered him for getting her cell phone slobbered on. I fell asleep before he did. The big British guy that stopped me from running away my second night as a vampire was in our kitchen cooking eggs when I woke up. He nearly scared me half to death, mostly because I was still super sleepy and I bumped into him while he was pulling orange juice out of the fridge. You wouldnt believe my reaction. For a second, I forgot who he was and thought someone broke into the house. But then Dmitri came up from behind me, kissed my cheek and greeted him. His names Hugo, so fitting for his size. You look better than you did before, Anna. He grinned. Howve you been? Been trying to run away lately? I scowled at his joke. That wasnt funny. Dmitri and I were really going through a rough patch then. I turned to Dmitri and frowned. Mentally, he picked that up as, why is this guy in out kitchen? Hugos gonna help me clean up the house. We have a lot to get rid of. Then I have to paint over the walls. I wanna help. You heard the girl. Why do you always have to leave people out, Dem? Is it just me, or does everyone call him Dem except me? You should just go to school, Anna. Youve been missing a lot; I dont want you to take another trip to Mrs. Mipps office. Its just one absence. Youve only gone to school for four days in the three weeks youve been enrolled. Nice. Hugo held up his hand. High five. He grinned. I high fived him. This is the best attendance Ive ever head.


Not nice. Dmitri contradicted. Please, Anna. Go to school, for me. He smoothed down my hair and gazed into my eyes. I got lost in his hazel eyes. My walls fell down. For you. I nodded. I can't believe you fell for that! Hugo said disappointedly. Dmitri kissed me. His one hand flipped Hugo off, making me laugh. Id do anything for Dmitri, even if that meant going to school alone. It would help me take my mind off of everything going on in school. I felt him reach behind me and heard a drawer open and close. He placed something in my ear. I pulled away. Whats this? I touched it. It felt like a mini Bluetooth device. So you dont feel so alone in school. He smiled. Youll have me in your ear all day. I shook my head. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. Oh God if only I believed that day was going to be anywhere near good. ((((((((((( ((((((((((( I had no clue how much work I was in for. Annabel had done her best to clean the walls, but it wouldnt be enough. The walls were turning the color of dried blood because it hadnt been cleaned well enough. The carpet that Hugo and I had removed needed to be more than replaced. Half of all the furniture Brielle and I had bought for the house needed to be burned. Not to mention the blood stain in the floorboards. Annabel might not appreciate it, but Hugo and I are going to have to rip the living room to pieces. Then theres the garage. I had made a mess. I knew from the beginning that I was going to win, and I let the power over-power me. I was angry and I ripped Regine to shreds. Not even those stupid heels of her made it out alive. Thank God Annabel doesnt like to wear those, the click might remind me of Regine too much. Im getting chills just by thinking about it. Annabel was in my mind and in my ear the entire day. That whole marriage thing was a spur of the moment. I wanted her to know how much I loved her. I wanted to show her that I would come back because of her. I was on top of the world when she agreed. Marriages arent one of my strongholds though. One thing I didnt tell Anna was that Im the only person to survive Brielles wrath. While I was still under Dmitris wing at the age of 16, she divorced him and married me for a week. She got rid of

me because I wasnt experienced anywhere. Then she told me to go get some and come back. I never went back until I needed help. Im going to have to tell her. I want to start a life with Annabel, so Im going to have to tell her. How Im going to do that, I have not a clue. How do you tell the woman of your dreams that she isnt going to be your first wife? I didnt push the wedding out of my mind, only the Brielle part. Im marrying Annabel! Im the luckiest man in the world! Im going to spend the rest of forever with her and Im going to do it right. I made a promise to Annabel with that ring, and Im going to keep it for as long as Im still breathing and long after that. Hey, Hugh. I stopped bleaching the floors of the garage. Im about to ask him to be my best man in a wedding thats going to happen two, maybe three years from now. Yeah? He looked at me. You wanna be my best man? Best man where? I didnt say anything. Hes smart enough to figure it out. While I scrubbed the floor, I slowly saw Hugos lips curl into a grin. Whats going on over there? Anna asked. Hold on. I smiled. You sly fox. Hugo laughed. You asked her? Is that what that ring was for? I chuckled. Not exactly. I told her what I wanted to do, and she agreed. Like a boss. He grinned and we guy-hugged. Congrats, man. Id love to be you best man. You asked him to be your best man? Of course I did. Hes my oldest friend. Ive known him since the beginning, Anna. Since the day I was turned. Congrats, Anna. Hugo said into the Bluetooth device in my ear. I knew immediately that Anna was blushing during her third period math class. Thank you. She said calmly. Dmitri? Yeah, babe? She was silent for a second. I froze, not knowing whether I messed up by calling her babe. Its an uncorrectable habit for a guy to do such things. No more telling people, please. Just between the three of us, okay? Oops. Four, I told Brielle last night. I said warily.

You told her? Shes like a mom to me. And shes my ex-wife, so yeah, I told her. No more? Nada. I smiled. Good.

August 14, 2011 Sunday 4:15 p.m. I am so over Jason, its not even funny anymore. I feel really bad for Cassidy though. She really, really liked Chad. She told me yesterday that he was only back with her to try to un-gay himself. Fucking douche. I can't believe he used my sister for that. If they even try to come back to our house, I am so kicking their asses. My dad doesnt even care, the jackass. Wouldnt a good father stop for at least two seconds to ask whats wrong with his two very pissed off daughters? But he didnt, proving that all men are probably jackasses. The Dmitri in my story might not be, but hes not even real. I created him. The men in the real world are a bunch of douches that deserved to be put in their real places, under women (and not in the malicious


way. Women need to rule the world!!! Muwahahahaha. Sorry. Ive just always wanted to do that). I wonder what would happen if I ruled the world. Id want to be a queen. Queens have fabulous lives. Check out Queen Elizabeth and Future queen, Princess Kate. They rule it all here in England. I want people to bow down before me when I walk by because that is so totally awesome. And my first order of duties as Queen of the world, get rid of people like Jason, Chad and my dad (except my dad. Im not killing my daddy. But I am so beheading Jason and Chad. Thats right, you two are first). Let the Reign of Terror begin (once again)! Muwahahahahaha!

Chapter 17

I could make people not think about me. I disappeared from the school. I started it once Dmitri dropped me off in front of the school. It was really sweet of him to have done it. I only wished he didnt have to leave me. No one approached me since the school was basically empty. I skipped breakfast (much to Dmitris dismay) all because I wanted to avoid unwanted contacts by Shelby and/or Andi. Im not avoiding her, she just asks a lot of questions I want to avoid. If only I knew that Im going to need a lot more power if I want to take on Andis mind. It was like I had no power at all. She walked into the classroom and took a seat next to me, the biggest, most comforting smile on her face. What happened to you yesterday? You totally ditched, and trust me, this school is hard to ditch. Howd you do it? Wheres Dmitri? Which one do you want me to answer first? Latter. I shook my head. Hes staying home today to do adult things like run errands and whatnot.

It worked.

Nice. Dmitri chuckled in my ear. Aww, he does that? How sweet! She smiled. She is so thinking about him doing that with her. I should just give up on trying to get her over her crush on my boyfriend/ fianc. I bit back my grin. Just love the thought of being engaged to Dmitri. I get him for the rest of forever. Next question? Howd you ditch and why? "A magician never reveals his secrets and my dad pulled me out after he got Shelby into two weeks detention, and probably removal of her prefect status. Revenge is so, so sweet. No way! Her jaw dropped. Your dad did that? But I thought you huts were all.whatever? Hes paying for my education here, so he might as well know whats going on. He threatened to sue the school and everything. What were you doing? My stomach dropped. Honestly? Were friends, arent we? I smiled. One friend in this damned entire school. My first girl friend ever and my second soon to be best friend since Dmitri. I was crying. Everything Shelby did to me, she said I did to her. I was just so mad. I couldnt control myself. You shouldve smacked that bitch upside her face. And give her more fuel? No thanks. I am so on Shelbys hit list now. She probably already has me in her crosshairs. Im going to be killed socially. Oh, well. I dont have any friends anyway and Andi will be there next to me ready to kick some Studders-ass. Right. Well, if you ever want to kill her, you have me on your team. Kill her? I raised an eyebrow. Im not that desperate for berrevenge. Social-death. I have been planning on Shelby falling to the bottom of the pyramid for so long. Dont do it, Anna. Its only gonna make things worse. What do you have in mind? Anna, I just want to hear what she has to say, Dmitri. Andi told me her plan while we waited for the bell to ring. Her plan starts when Shelby takes her first step to loserdom. I helped her take that

step, or as Andi likes to say, I gave her a nice good shove. She has fallen from the grace of the headmistress, and its only a matter of time before she starts losing her friends. People will start bullying her around. Andi wants to be there to pick up the pieces, then grind them when she thinks she finally fits in somewhere. I do not like the idea. Its too mean. Im generally not a mean person. So, I told Andi to revise her plan and come back to me when she thought of something more humane. It was lonely to be without Dmitri. I didnt have any protection besides the voice in my ear. There was no one to turn to during class or anyone to hold my hand during break. I spent my entire time of being invisible drawing him (once again) and Romeo. I suddenly missed drawing his face. He has a really beautiful face, perfect for sketching. Id start again since I didnt need to pay attention in class anymore. I touched their books. I know everything there is to know about every subject. Dmitri was working hard trying to clean up the house. I heard lots of clattering on his side and more people than just Hugo. I was too afraid to ask Dmitri what was going on. Then the noise quieted and he told me that he and Hugo had moved onto the garage. Hugos friends would take care of the inside of the house. Then Dmitri asked Hugo to be his best man, which came as a big surprise. I can't imagine big, muscular Hugo wearing a tux. Its just not possible. His muscles might rip it at the seams. Thank God Dmitri doesnt have muscles like that. When Dmitri called me babe, I didnt know how to react at first. No one has ever called me babe except my one, most terrible relationship with a guy in New York. He was also my last ex before Dmitri. But when Dmitri said it, I felt special. I dont think hed call anyone babe. Sure, its a bit tacky, but I liked the way it rolled off his lip. I felt all giddy inside after he said it and I knew I was as red as a tomato. I missed Dmitri more after that. I really wanted him back in school with me, but I wasnt going to tell him that. I know I should have, but I didnt want to interrupt him from cleaning up our home. So I sat there feeling lonely, and sick. My constant queasy feeling had returned again. Its probably about time that I tell Dmitri about it. Its just not going away. I always know its there, somewhere, waiting to make me through up during the most inconvenient time. Lunch was uncomfortable. I told Dmitri I ate with Andi when really I was stuck eating crackers and a bag of potato chips while Andi ate a fulfilling lunch of chicken club sandwich. I listened to her new plans on taking down Shelby, meanwhile begging my stomach not to force me to puke.

Ill see you in gym? Andi asked me once we decided it was time to separate. Yep. Kay. Ill have more for you later. Can't wait. I smiled. See ya. She smiled and started to walk in the opposite direction. I headed for the bathroom to wash my mouth. I baby-barfed. Not fun. Not a fun taste to keep. It feels like theres acid in the back of my throat now. Whats your next class? Dmitri asked. History. I said sadly. Is everything okay, Anna? Yep. I said. I quickly rinsed my mouth. It doesnt sound like it. I miss you. I frowned. I miss you, too. I rinsed my mouth for a second time. I heard one of the stall doors open and ignored it. I wasnt in the mood to look stupid to some girl that caught me speaking to myself. But as I dried my hands and face, I saw someone standing in the mirror. I couldnt believe my eyes. It was Dmitri. I turned around and ran into his arms. What are you doing in here? Youre the only girl Id walk into the girls bathroom for. He smiled. Not here. Here in school? Dmitri took out the Bluetooth device out of my ear. He wasnt wearing his anymore. I was wondering if you wanted to skip your next period or so. He smiled again. Hugo put me in charge of getting rid of the furniture, and I was thinking since it will be warmer where Im taking you, youd want to go. Im surprised you had to ask. I smiled. Id love to go with you. Dmitri slipped my bag off of my shoulder and transferred it onto his own. Hop on. I got onto Dmitris back and he ran out of the school until we reached an alleyway where he had parked his car. From there, Dmitri drove me to an open area, with a bid ditch in it filled with out bloody furniture. It was an

odd sight, but it made me understand what he meant by getting rid of the furniture. Its already dosed, you want to do the honor? He held out a lighter. I smiled and took it from him. From ten feet away, I was able to toss in the lighter and we watched it burst to life. The smell of burning blood tickled my nose. It wasnt a smell I enjoyed. Once Dmitri thought it was safe, we sat down a few feet away and cuddled up under a blanket. Warm enough? He asked. Toasted. I smiled. Dmitri kissed my hair. I love you. He whispered in my ear. I love you, too. I looked at him and he kissed me. We sat there in silence for a while. Dmitri hummed in my ear. I got sleepy because of it and the super warmth I was feeling from the fire and Dmitri. Theres something I need to tell you, Anna. He whispered. I opened my eyes. You really are good at hiding things from me, arent you? Maybe, or maybe youre so used to hearing my thoughts that you dont pay attention so much. I pay attention. I smiled and kissed him. I like knowing Dmitris thoughts. I like hearing good things about me. It builds self-confidence, kinda like the starfish earrings Aquamarine wears in Aquamarine. Dmitri smiled. Theres something I haven't told you about me, Anna. About me and Brielle. Uh oh. This isnt good. I always knew something was up. Back when I was sixteen, I was the object of Brielles affection. She had just divorced from Dmitri, whom shed been with for a century, the longest of any of her husbands, and she was looking for something new. So she forced me into marriage. You're one of the twenty-seven? I gasped. I couldnt believe what he was telling me! Dmitri was once married to her? This has to be a sort of joke. I didnt want to be jealous. Dmitri had said they were best friends since she was the ex-wife of his creator. I didnt want to jump to conclusions. I trusted Dmitri, and he kept this tiny major blot in his life. Number sixteen. Number sixteen. He even had a number. Why didnt you tell me?


I didnt know how to. It was a one week marriage. Nothing ever happened. Nothing ever happened? Im overreacting. I am so overreacting. I need to just shut up. Shut up, Anna. Shut up before you blow up. I folded my arms and kept my mouth shutwhich is very, very hard for someone with a loud mouth like mine to do. Anna, please dont be mad. Im sorry I didnt tell you before. It never meant anything to me. I shook my head trying to say that I wasnt mad and nodded to try to say that I didnt care, when really the entire world probably knows how much I care. Can you at least say something? I dont know what your nods are supposed to mean, Anna.. Okay. I nodded. Okay? He said in disbelief. What else do you expect me to say? Youve fucked your best friend, good for you? Im sorry your marriage didnt work out? Seriously, Dmitri. You told me, big whoop. I shouldnt have said that so harshly. Now Im in a bad mood. This is totally fucking great. This is the last thing I need right now. Its one of those times when you think you know someone, and you realize that you were wrong. You dont know anything about their life before you got together. You dont even know about their friends. Your just so caught up in you that you forget to ask about before you became you. I dont know. I neverAnna, I was too young. I didnt know about any of that stuff. I hadnt even had a girlfriend yet. I wasnt in love and neither was she. She let me live because she though I had potential, and I was grateful to her. Thats it, end of story. I heard you the first time, Dmitri. I said spitefully. Then why are you mad? He said desperately. Why do you always have to think Im mad! Im trying to get over it so I won't be mad! Im just Im lost for words. To prevent further frustration. I got up and walked away from Dmitri. I dont want to be mad. Im trying my best not to be mad. The last thing we need to do is get into a fight right after we get engaged. Like my dad always says, I let my feelings get the best of me. If I get mad, I won't think rationally and Ill do something Im going to regret. I dont want to break-up with Dmitri over this tiny piece of information.


He came up from behind me and put his hands on my arms. I didnt shy away from his touch. Im not mad, Dmitri, okay? I find it impossible to be mad at you. I tried, and it caused me to fall in love with you. You were once married to your best friend. You said it yourself that you were forced, so stop implying that Im mad. There is nothing to be mad about. I trusted you, you told me, end of story. Im sorry for thinking that. I forgive you. He kissed my cheek and his arms tightened around my waist. I took deep breaths as an attempt to calm my nerves. I prayed that it would work. Dmitri didnt think a single think about anything except what he processed happening around us. What time is it? 1:24. I should get back to school. Andi will be looking for me during break. He nodded. I felt him slip the Bluetooth device into my pocket. Want me to go with you? Im good. I shook my head. If you still want to talk, Ill be on the other line. I nodded and turned to kiss him goodbye. It was a long, apologetic kiss. I put my hand on his cheek and gazed into his eyes. I love you. I whispered. I love you, too. He whispered back. We kissed on last time and I slipped out of his arms, taking my bag with me. I ran back to school and slipped into an empty bathroom right as the bell rung. I casually walked out and joined the rest of the recessing students. Andi was waiting at my locker. Isnt your last class the other way? She asked. I just came from the nurses office. I lied. You okay, love? Just a little upset stomach. Nothing to worry about. I reassured her with a smile. Good, because we have to run a kilometer in gym and were gonna be running partners. Oh, great. Thats just what I need. :P Running didnt help my queasiness one bit. Thankfully, I didnt vomit. The cold prevented me from vomiting. I ran the kilometer and felt exhausted immediately after. I knew I shouldnt since I have the resistance

and perseverance of a bull, but my stomachache ruined everything. I nearly collapsed onto the bench in the locker room. You okay, love? Are you sure it was just an upset stomach? Need to back to the nurse? Im fine. Its just been a while since I last worked out. I lied. Its last period anyway. No need. Okay, then. Are we still up for buying supplies for a project then? I nearly forgot about our project in Biology. Im partnered with Andi and Dmitri. Dmitri is just and add-on since we have an odd number of students and no one else wants him as their partner. Andi and I talked about it this morning during class. I completely forgot after Dmitri came along. Um, yeah. I nodded. Well, then, we better start getting ready. She smiled. We changed back to our uniforms and left school. I texted Dmitri, telling him what I was doing and asked if the house was finished. Andi wanted to see the house of two emancipated teens and said doing our project there would be the perfect excuse. She said that to my face, by the way. Nice plan. Dmitri said they were putting the new carpet in at the moment and it would be finished by the time we got home. We walked to the shopping center, while Andi somewhat pestered me with questions about my life. I answered the things I could and wanted to. I couldnt help but stop by the pet shop. While Andi looked at the puppies in the front, I headed to the counter. Mona greeted me. Hey, Anna. How are you after last night? She said in a low voice. Mum told me everything. Congrats by the way. She smiled. Thanks. Im fine now. Hows Romeo? Hes healing up nice and quick, or at least thats what my mum said. She might have just said those things. I would let you see her if he was here. Hes not here? That was a shock. I thought they would keep him here. Sorry. Theyre keeping him at Aarons, hes the breeder. He works for the Council. I nodded. Well, please call me if you hear anything. You have my number right? Mum gave it to me. She smiled. I nodded again. Okay. I gotta get going. Ill see you next time? Sure. She nodded.

I walked back to Andi and we left. You know that girl? Shes one of Dmitris old friends. And maybe his ex-step-daughter. Oh, God. I didnt bother on asking that. Mona had to have been born when Brielle was still human, so when Dmitri was married to her for a week, she wouldve been his step-daughter. How long has Dmitri lived in England, anyway? Just recently. But they used to live in the U.S. They knew each other there. Andi nodded. We bought tons of styroballs and stryopaint and went back to my place. Dmitri was watching TV in the living room, which looked exactly the same as it did before. The same couch, the same carpet, the same furniture, the same walls. It was like nothing had happened in here last night. Its a miracle. I greeted him with a kiss, which ended up being something embarrassing because I caught Andi staring at us. I moved away from Dmitri, who stood up. We have wire in the garage, right? The strong kind? I asked. Lemme check. Thank you. I do not want to go in there. Andi and I started to set up in front of the TV. I covered the floor and coffee table with newspapers while she laid everything out. It felt weird because everything smelled so new. There wasnt a trace of Regines scent anywhere. I took off my cardigan and sat down next to Andi. What happened to your wrist? She asked. I looked down at my wrist. The bandage was still wrapped tightly around it. After I gave Dmitri my blood, it slowed down the process of my healing. This morning, it looked like all the layers of muscle I had torn out. I didnt know how it would look now. I burned myself while cooking dinner. You sure? I didnt know cooking burns got that big. You didnt cut yourself, did you? Of course not. I shook my head. I never liked the sight of blood until I became a vampire. Prove it. She folded her arms. I looked at her in disbelief for a second, then started to take off my bandage. The lie I was about to tell folded out in my head. I was cooking dinner for us, and Dmitri distracted me while I was pulling my moms recipe of maple syrup chicken out of the oven. The bottom of the pan stuck to my wrist. I said and showed it to her.

It didnt looked like it had been burned, not really anyway. It was just super-duper red. Ouch, are you okay? Yep. It doesnt hurt anymore. It never hurt. I re-bandaged it. You haven't taken it to the doctor yet? It might be infected. I dont like doctors. I shook my head. Youll regret it. I found it. Dmitri called. He walked into the living room holding bundled up wire. We got to work. We didnt finish it. The most we got to before Andi had to go home was everything being painted. The next problem would be pitting it together. Thank God Dmitri knew how to do it. But I wouldnt let him do it alone. I pulled him away from our project and forced him to cook dinner for us. I sat on the island and watched him do it while I comfortable sipped from a glass of blood. Dmitri had the same bandage around his wrist and I wondered if his looked like mine. What are you looking at? He smiled. You. I smiled back. He put down the wooden spoon he was holding and walked up to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I love you. He whispered. I love you, too. I smiled. He briefly kissed me. Can I have some? I gave him my glass. He took a small sip and gave it back. Can I ask you something, Dmitri? Shoot. Here goes nothing. Was Mona your step-daughter for that one week marriage? She wasnt even born yet then. Huh? But, how? I asked confused. Brielle had to be a human to give birth, right? Could Dmitri be the father? Im trying to believe him when he said that he didnt have sex with Brielle, but the more I hear, the more I stop believing. How many times do I have to tell you that vampires are exactly like people, Anna? He chuckled. Female vampires can get pregnant, too. If Im correct, Mona came along with husband number 19. I sighed with relied. Dmitri looked at me curiously. What?

What were you thinking, Anna? He smiled. Its nothing. I looked away, embarrassed. Dmitri came up to me again. His smile was getting wider with each second. I could feel my face getting redder and hotter. He put his hands on my waist and brought his face closer. Anna? He whispered. Yes? I looked at him. You thought I was the father, didnt you? Of course not. I just wanted to know if you ever became her stepdad. I saw her earlier when Andi and I stopped by the pet shop. You sure? He continued whispering. Very. I nodded. Dmitri kissed me. Okay. He nodded and stepped away. I pulled Dmitri back to me and kissed him passionately. He chuckled and lifted me off of the island counter. Dinner can wait. Andi told me why we haven't seen Shelby yet the next morning. She found out from her sources that Shelby had really been removed as head girl and an election between the prefects would be held to find out who would be the next head girl. Shelby was heartbroken. My dad had devastated her. I had a feeling that Id see her more once she decides to come back to school. Andi and I both agreed that she probably wouldnt have any friends once she comes back. Her zombies would come back to life. Im gone for one day and you two are already planning on destroying someone. Dmitri shook his head, pretending to not know a single thing. Shes planning. Im just here. Like you dont want something to happen to her either. Andi scoffed. Im not mean. I stuck my tongue out at her. Whatever. She rolled her eyes. Dmitri laughed. Im not even going to get in between. Youd like that wouldnt you? Andi said sexily. Dmitri looked suddenly like he was in an uncomfortable position. I laughed and put my arm around him. For the last time, Andi. Stop hitting on my boyfriend.


She stuck her tongue out at me and grabbed her bag. Dmitri and I watched her walk away. Maybe its time we get to class, too. I smiled. We were the first ones in the classroom and with everyone gone, I took advantage of our privacy. I sat down in Dmitris lap and ran my fingers through his hair. He smiled and kissed me. Can I ask you something in confidence, Dmitri? I whispered. Of course. You arent attracted to Andi, are you? With all her flirting, who knows what hes feeling sometimes. I certainly dont. Whenever shes around, our contact is minimized to almost none. I have no clue how he feels around her. Why would I be when I have you? He smiled. Im serious, Dmitri. I frowned. No, Im not, Anna. Im not into black-haired girls. He said and kissed me sweetly. Her natural hair color is blonde. I basically am a weird color combination of strawberry-blonde and red. I like girls with weird, unique hair colors. End of story. I chose you, didnt I? He whispered and continued to kiss me. We kissed passionately until the first sign of our classmates hit us. Andi came over again so that we could finish our project. She had gotten over my comment to stop flirting with Dmitri and was back to her old habit of flirting with Dmitri. It was no use for me trying to stop it. Dmitri was right. He chose me over her, over Molly. Im the one that gets to marry him because we love each other. So, fuck you other people that think you can get in between Dmitri and I. Dmitris song was right all along. Were a wall that cant and won't come down. Shelby was back in school again, and it was obvious to Andi and I that she was ashamed. She looked like she wanted to disappear, so I did her a favor and made everyone not think about her. Her eyes were tinged with red and her face looked bloated. When I accidently bumped into her on my way to class, I read her thoughts and found out that she was in more than enough trouble with her family. I felt really bad for her. I kind of wished that I had never said so many things. Id call my dad later. I want him to apologize. Today would be the last day Andi, Dmitri and I would work on our DNA model. It was supposed to be passed tomorrow. I am just realizing now that I have no clue why we started so late. But Im pretty sure that we arent the only ones. At least all we have to do is make it stand. Dmitri

would do that. Andi and I would sit on the couch, watch TV and eat junk food like theres no tomorrow. Thank God I can't get fat anymore. All the junk food felt weird, but calmed my forever upset stomach. Id tell Dmitri tonight. I want to see someone about this. Its bothering me. Maybe, when I as turned, I had a stomachache, I dunno. But it made me stay this way forever. They just need to vote her off. Poor, love. She herself doesnt know she sucks. Andi said. Agreed. I said and high-fived her. I hope you two are enjoying yourselves. Dmitri said. Oh, we are. Andi smiled. The doorbell rang. Ill get it. Andi, stay away from my boyfriend. I said and got up. I went up to Dmitri first and kissed his cheek. I promise, all this work won't go unpaid. I smiled and winked. I opened the door, saw who it was and slammed the door in his face. I stood there, frozen as a log. I was seeing things. The doorbell didnt even ring. In a few seconds, I would walk back to the couch and Dmitri and Andi would be looking at me like Im crazy. Whos that, Anna? Dmitri asked. Shit. Holy, mofo, shit! Its no one. I said and turned around. The doorbell rang again. Anna, Dmitri was walking towards me. Whos there? Its no one, Dmitri. Lets just ignore it. He took on whiff of the air. I smelled it, too, and I knew that it couldnt be true. Dmitri pushed me aside and opened the door. The guy standing in the doorway was Callan, my ex-boyfriend from New York, my boyfriend before Dmitri. He was standing on our doorstep, five years later, looking handsomer than ever. His piercing blue eyes brought back so many good and bad and pain-stakingly terrible memories. Fear echoed through my entire body. Hi, Im Callan. The Council sent me here to talk to you to. HE said with a smile on his face.


August 16, 2011 Tuesday 10:27 a.m. My head is seriously about to explode. No time for my journal interlude. Need to right to finish story before Monday.


Chapter 18

Callan couldnt have found me. He couldnt possibly be a vampire. And he couldnt be standing here in front of me. This is all big one dream. Dmitri and I probably got busy and Im have my wacky dreams again and when I wake up, Im gonna be half-naked in his arms. Yep, thats how its gonna be. This day hasnt even happened yet. One, big-ass nightmare, thats what this is. It wasnt. Dmitri invited him inside and Andi immediately started hitting on him. Hi, Im Andi. She smiled. Whats your name? Callan. He smiled back and held out his hand for her to shake. Nice to meet you, Andi. The pleasures all mine. She winked. Will you excuse us, Andi? Dmitri asked. Well be right back. This isnt a dream. Oh, God. This isnt a dream!! Dmitri led Callan into the kitchen. Please, take a seat. Can I offer you anything? Im good. Thank you. He said and took a seat. I stood on the opposite side of the island, my body pressed against the counter. I dont want to be near him. I can feel the bruises resurfacing in his presence. So, Callan, you're from the Council. May I ask why you're here?

I still didnt want to believe.


Well, the Council disapproves of Annas inability to control herself. She tried to kill her Mentor, shes already killed vampires. They're thinking that she still keeps the traditions of her people. I do no such thing. I hissed. At the mention of my people and killing my Mentor, I suddenly remembered the mission the Mother Tree gave. The locket. I dont know what to do with it. That was the first thing I remember getting the first time Regine died. Its now currently hiding in my underwear drawer. Dmitri doesnt know about it. I dont want him to know anymore. How do I contact the Mother so I can give it back? I dont think trees have speed dial. Anyway, He ignored my comment. They sent me to be her Keeper. She isnt going rogue. Dmitri said. I could hear irritation in his voice. Thats right. Get irritated. The easier it will bee for you to kick his ass out onto the curb. It's just a precautionary action the Council wants to take. Ill be around, watching her actions and reporting it to them. When they see that she has it under control, Ill leave. How bout you leave now? I said underneath my breath, forgetting that they could hear me. They both looked at me. I looked away, embarrassed. Look, Anna, I apologize for my actions before. I hope you can learn to forgive me. Shock exploded on Dmitris face, anger on mine. How does he expect me to forgive him when he nearly killed me?! Wait, you know each other? Dmitri looked at us. We used to go to middle school together. Callan answered. Back in New York. Oh, um, okay. This is just embarrassing. Why couldnt he disappear for good? Yes, well, then, I should be on my way. I just moved into a flat down in the town center. Ill be enrolling in your school tomorrow. Hes a bastard, a psycho, a vampire, and know hes gonna be my classmate? Why can't I just be a Hero? No vampire anything except for Dmitri. Why can't I be back in Low Row with my dad? You're enrolling? Dmitri asked, surprised. Surveillance. Okay, then. I guess well see you at school. Dmitri smiled. Yep. He smiled back and got up. Bye, Anna. I really am sorry. Ill show myself out. He said and walked out.

I will never accept his apology. Never. What he did to me, you just dont do that to a person. You wouldnt even do that to your pet. Callan is just a psycho. Andi walked into to the kitchen right as I heard the front door slam. She had a smile on her face. He is hot. Do you know his number? I wanna give him a call. Not interested. I said and walked out. I do not want to take my anger out on Andi or Dmitri. Dmitri and I are still recovering from the torching. We may not act like it, but we arent completely okay. At least not on my side. Im wondering what else he hasnt been telling me. Hes not interested? How do you know? She called. Um, Andi? I think she means shes not interested in giving you his number. As far as I know, he did something to her that she hasnt forgiven. Shes just in a bad mood. Shes been like that lately. Oh, well. If you want something, you gotta do it yourself. Ill have it by first period tomorrow. Anyway, I gotta go. Mums calling. See you tomorrow. See ya. Bye, Anna. Andi called. I was in our room by the time the door had closed a second time. Dmitri was in there immediately. Whats wrong? He said. I threw myself onto our bed. Dmitri sat down next to me. I want him gone. What did he do to you that was so bad anyway, Anna? What happened between you two? He tried to kill me, thats what. He ruined me. HeI dont want to talk about it. Just get him gone, please. I looked at Dmitri with puppy-dog eyes. Hes just going to observe, Anna. I bet if you dont think about him, you won't even know hes there. Its not that easy, Dmitri. I shook my head. His face, so full of hated flashed before my eyes, sending chills all over my body. Then help me make it easy. He whispered. He leaned down and kissed my hair. I rolled onto my back, put my arms around his neck and pulled him down next to me. Just be here. I whispered. Dmitri kissed my forehead.

You dont want to change out of your uniform first? He said with a smiled. I smacked him and buried my face in his chest. Nap first. Dmitri snuggled in with me and we took a nice long nap where Callan couldnt bother us. When we woke up, I made Dmitri take a hot bubble bath with me. Usually, he wouldve jumped at the first chance, but today, he didnt. I didnt get it. It didnt make me mad at him, but it did make me wonder what was going on his right mind. In our dream, he couldnt keep his hands off of me. Dinner. I returned to the topic of getting rid of Callan. While Dmitri cooked, I thought of a plan to get him to say yes. Then it hit me. Just say it to him straight. I dont want an observer. I dont want Callan to be around. How is it supposed to be just you and me if someone is watching? I frowned. You know, I haven't thought of Callan until you mentioned him. Good for you. But Im serious, Dmitri. I want him gone. Just give it a shot. If you want him gone, wed have to go to the Council and make a request. Its the Council that wants a tail on you, Anna. They arent going to make him stop. But does it have to be him? I wouldve been finer if it was Regine, but not someone that ruined my life. If it was Regine? He looked at me. I can't believe him. You know what I mean. Whats wrong with you? Why are you siding with the Council? You hate them. Im not siding with anyone. What I dont get is why you are so overreacting. Thats it. You arent siding with anyone? I folded my arms. You know what I mean. Well, I hope you know what I mean when I do this. I flipped him off and walked out of the room. Anna, I lost my appetite. I hissed. I went upstairs, got my iPod and locked myself in the second spare bedroom. I can't believe Dmitri thinks that Im overreacting. I asked him a question. One fucking question, well two. Dmitri wasnt even on my side.

Hes supposed to be on my side, right? Thats what fiancsboyfriends for that matterdo. Any boy that cares would take your side. I dont know whats happening to Dmitri. I really though I knew him. I do, I know him to his core. So really, I thought I knew his attitude towards me, and things I dont like. I told him once that I hated yellow fruits, so he literally got rid of every yellow fruit we had. Why can't he do that with sixteen year old boys, 510 (I think), brown hair, ice cold eyes. Maybe I should just be descriptive. That might work better. I ignored Dmitri by blasting my music as loud as possible. He didnt leave the door and he didnt stop apologizing. I needed to calm down a bit before I could go back out there and face him. Never in a million would I think that Dmitri would someday say Im overreacting. It would be some time before I could forgive him. It was hard not to ignore Dmitri. He sounded desperate. And listening to heavy metal (yeah, I listen to that, too) and playing whatever games I had on my iPod didnt really help. Then the time came where I was in tears and I really needed him. I opened the door and walked into his arms. Im sorry, Anna. I didnt say anything. If you're afraid of Callan, I won't let him do anything to you. He may be working for the Council, but he isnt going to stop me from protecting you. Okay? Just dont talk about it, okay? I dont want to talk about it with you anymore. You won't even help me. I want to help you, Anna. I do. But the most I can do for you is help you get through this. I may dislike the Council, but that doesnt mean Im going to interfere in their decisions. I stepped away feeling stupider than ever. He just keeps surprising me. Im so full of disbelief right now, its unbelievable. I can't believe I thought he would finally be on my side once I started crying. Im seriously wasting my time. I paused to decide what I was going to do. I didnt want to walk away again, but it felt like the only way to control my anger/attitude. I walked away, and went into our bedroom. I picked up my pillow and one of the many blankets. I walked past Dmitri and brought it downstairs. The fire Dmitri had made before we (he) started cooking was already dying. Id restart it myself. What are you doing? He asked. Im not sleeping in a bed with someone that doesnt want to help me.


He opened his mouth to speak, closed it, sighed and walked out. I shook my head and added another log to the fire. I poked at it. Dmitri returned and I heard something flop onto the floor. I turned and looked at him. He was setting an area to sleep next to the couch. What are you doing? Im not just gonna let you sleep here by yourself. I ignored him, although it was obvious he wanted to talk. I sat on the couch and did my homework while he sat on the floor and did his. Usually, wed be laying on our bed together, barely paying attention to our work and itd be back to back flirting between us. It was silent except for the crack of the fire. I went to sleep before he did and I woke up early with Dmitri sleeping next to me. I felt him come to me sometime during the night. I didnt kick him off because I didnt want to. I cuddled up when he came. He whispered I love you, and we went back to sleep. Im not mad anymore. Im over it. If he doesnt want to help, then he doesnt have to. Andi was right. If you want something, you might as well do it yourself. If I want Callan gone, I have to get it done myself. I kissed Dmitri awake lovingly. I guess it came to him as a shock, because his eyes flew open and he didnt kiss me back until he realized what I was doing. Im sorry for getting mad at you. I whispered. Dont be. He whispered back as he pushed my hair out of my face. Please, I didnt mean to get mad. I didnt mean to flip you off. I didnt mean to do anything. Please? Accept my apology? I pouted. Dmitri kissed me. As long as you accept mine. Although, I think I deserved you flipping me off. He smiled. Then I take it back. I dont apologize for that. I smiled back. Dmitri chuckled and kissed me again. I rolled on top of him and sat up. Dmitri propped himself up on his elbows. You know Ill always love you, right? I asked. No matter how mad I am? And Ill always love you. He smiled. No matter what. I leaned forward and kissed him. His arms tightened around my waist, pressing my body against his. It felt good, like normal times before Regine started to tear things apart. Yep, I definitely love you. I grinned. I love you, too, Annabel. With all the fighting, we made up with lots of kissing. Until my alarm rang along with a stupid text message from Andi that always makes me laugh, we spent the entire time locked in a loving kiss. Then we went our

separate ways so that I could get ready for school and Dmitri could start doing breakfast. Then while he got ready for school, Id put the finishing touches on our project. We didnt hold hands, mostly because Dmitri needed to hands to hold our project. We got to school early and immediately passed our project. I didnt want to stay in the corridors. I could feel Callan in the school I didnt want to face him. So, Dmitri and I stayed in the classroom, and continued what we were doing at home. I guess sometimes privacy isnt enough. Andi said. I pulled away from Dmitri, embarrassed. I hadnt anticipated on her coming early. But then again, she was going to try to get Callans number. Good morning to you, too, Anna. She smiled. Hey, Andi. I said embarrassed. Dmitri, Im happy to see that you're getting your daily workout finished early. She smiled at him. Dmitris face turned red. I laughed and rubbed his cheeks. I felt stubble. You need to shave. I mumbled. Nice to see you, too, Andi. He said to her. Ill do it later. He said to me. Ooh, I wanna watch. I smiled. Bloody hell. Im still here you know. It would be more comfortable if you got into your own air spaces again. This isnt America. I kissed Dmitris hair and got up. I sat back at my desk. So, Andi. What are you doing here so early? School doesnt start for another thirty minutes. I told you, I was going to get your friends number. Lost cause. And? Dmitri asked. She held up a paper, a grin on her face. That was fast. I said, honestly surprised. I caught him in the parking lot as I was entering school. We already have a date planned. I offered to show him around town since you want nothing to do with him. Good for me. Ive always wanted an American boy. She winked at Dmitri. As long as its not him. Im completely okay with it. Dmitri, who had moved his desk next to mine, laughed and kissed my cheek, I shied away, laughing. Speaking of later, can we go visit Romeo? It should be time for him to come home. I looked at Dmitri.

Whos Romeo? Our beagle. Where is he? Uh, how do I explain that he was almost killed? He just had surgery. Dmitri said. His doggy appendix burst because he ate something while we werent paying attention. Aw, what did he eat? I have no clue. He was supposed to be watching him. I went along with the charade. And I thought you were watching him. I was taking a shower. Its a little embarrassing to say that you're sixteen and still taking bubble baths, right? I wasnt even home. Thats where it stuck me. I stopped the argument immediately. I dont want to go any further. Any further, and Im uncomfortable. Dmitri saw that in me, and he became quiet, too. Okay. Ill let you two finish that in the bedroom. Andi said. I scowled at her. The door opened and Callan walked in. He couldnt be in our first period class, too! He smiled at us. He looked weird in a school uniform. I was so used to seeing him in skinny jeans and a baggy t-shirt. Hey, classmates. I turned to Dmitri. Im hungry. I frowned. Can we go buy something to eat? He looked at Callan. Um, sure. Come on. He got up. I got up and walked around them. I took Dmitris hand and we walked out of the classroom. You arent hungry, are you? Of course I am. Did you see what I had for breakfast? A cup of orange juice and a single pancake. I didnt feed on anything. So it's that kind of hungry? I nodded. Come on. He said and led me to an empty classroom. I watched as he set his bag down and pulled out a water bottle filled with blood. Here. How can I not smell that? I said, amazed. I had no clue Dmitri brought blood with him to school. I didnt even smell it until he pulled it out just then. Cool. Us, Mentors, have a few tricks up our sleeves. He smiled. I smiled back and took a few gulps. Then I held it out to Dmitri. I know you want some. I taunted.

He put his arm around me and took a sip. I made him sip some more, and then some more. He let me finish the bottle, then we were locked in a passionate kiss. Dmitri had me up against the wall, and his hand under my skirt. I let him kiss my neck. Youre just showing off now, arent you? I smiled. Maybe. He smiled back. Is it so wrong to show off my love for you? Isnt that what you want? I kissed him one last time. I could hear someone coming. Save it for the bedroom, sexy. I grinned and walked away from him. A new plan was forming in my mind. Dmitri smacked my butt, laughing. Look whose talking. He grinned. I blushed and walked out just as someone was going to walk in. We walked back to our first period classroom hand in hand, like it's supposed to be. More of our classmates were already there and they were all gathering around Callan. I ignored him, and Dmitri and I returned to our seats. I saw Andi in Callans new fan club. She might as well get to know her next boyfriend better. Im glad no one did that to us. I whispered to Dmitri. No one did because Shelby prevented it. He whispered back. I rested my head on my arms. Dmitri played with a stray curl. I smacked his hand away, but it didnt stop him from playing. I guess I know why they didnt bother us besides Dmitri using his powers. We have our own little world that no one can penetrate. They wouldnt be able to bother us even if they could. School started and we (I) continued to ignore Callan. If only Andi hadnt invited him to our table. I wouldve had a good day if he had kept his distance like he said he would. I ate my salad in silence while the three of them talked. Dmitri and Andi tried to add me into their conversation, but I pretended not to hear anything. I had my earphones in. How could I hear something? I could tell Dmitri was a little fed up. Whenever he holds my hand underneath the lunch table, hed beg me to stop. I wasnt going to stop until Callan goes buh-bye. I can't believe they like him. I dont see anything in him that I like. I dont understand I how I used to find him attractive. Whenever I see his muscular arms, Id remember the rain I felt. When I see him walk, I remember him walking away once he was finished. That smile brought back memories of his gloating, his superiority over me, and his enjoyment of my pain. Those eyes remind me of how he looked when he


stared lovingly at me in public. There was nothing loving about it. That kleptomaniac was thinking about what hed do next. Anna? Dmitri asked in a low voice as I got my things out of my locker after school. Yes? I replied with a smile. You are never going to be okay with Callan, arent you? He said solemnly. You want me to answer honestly? Yes. I took a deep breath. One of these, Ill have to tell him the truth. No. He was a bully back in our old school. It was the 8th grade. I had just gotten out of Rare Blood School. He pretended to be the kindest guy in the world, and I fell for his entire trap. Then he crushed me, and laughed at me, and then one of us was killed, so we moved here. Its not a coincidence we chose England, Dmitri. I chose the place so I would never be reminded of what happened. And then he found you. He added. And Im being reminded. I could feel a ball growing in my throat. I wasnt going to cry over what happened. I cried enough already. Dmitri ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead. Im sorry you have to be reminded. Let me help you take your mind off of it. You can start by taking me to see Romeo. I shrugged. Romeo would make things better again. Hed protect me. Then lets go. He smiled and took my hand. I love you. I closed my locker and smiled. I love you, too. We took his car. It was getting too cold to walk. Dmitri shouldnt even be driving. One of the school rules is that we, juniors, dont use cars. The school isnt going to stop Dmitri though. He held my hand while he drove and once we got out and rushed inside the shop. Mona was restocking the shelves. Hey, guys. She smiled. Mums in the house feeding the puppies if you want to see her. Is Romeo there? Sorry, Im not sure. I just got here. I sniffed the air. Romeos scent still lingered, but it wasnt really him. Do you mind if we go back? Dmitri asked.

Not at all. She smiled. You two are family. With that sentence, I suddenly remembered that Dmitri and Brielle were once married. We went inside there house. It had changed. Unlike looking like something out of a fairytale, it looked modern, and twenty-first century. Brielle was sitting on a wooden crate, bottle-feeding a very large puppy blood. She smiled at us. Hey. Romeo isnt here, is he? I frowned. Hes with the breeder. I didnt want to tell you this, Anna. But since you're here. Romeos wound got infected. I guess with the rain dripping into his wound from the roof and then the blanket around it, bacteria got trapped in. Hes been running a pup-fever since last night. Is he okay? I said worried. He should be fine in a few more days. Aaron wants to keep him to make sure you get him back in full health with no disappointments. Oh. Dmitri hugged my shoulders. So, Brielle changed the topics. I could use some help feeding these puppies. Would you like to help? I looked at Dmitri. He smiled. We can stay if you want. I took a deep breath, smiled and nodded. Brielle put the bottle and puppy she was holding so that she could make two more bottles. Dmitri and I picked one of Romeos brothers and sisters and sat on the floor. They remembered me, and greeted me with slobbery kisses. It was gross, but it made me laugh. They took my minds off of Romeo and Callan. They were just so cute. They looked like little babies. And by the time you finish, theyd be asleep. It was just so adorable. Dmitri and I will have to feed Romeo this way. When we gave Romeo blood, we put it in a bowl and watched him lap it up. It was so easy to imagine him being bottle-fed. Watching them sleep made me sleepy. Even after we had finished and Brielle returned to her shop, Dmitri and I stayed in the garage. One of the puppies sleeping like a little person in my arms. For that short amount of time, it was my baby. Do you want kids, Dmitri? I whispered. Kids? Thats a random question. He chuckled. Im serious, Dmitri. I said as I played with the puppies ears. If were going to get married, I might as well know if you want to start a family.

Dmitri kissed my hair. Do you want to start a family? Im asking you. Dont you turn this on me. He chuckled. Well, if it's what you want, then I want it to. But isnt it too early to talk about these kinds of things? Can't we wait a few more years and see where it takes us? I dont know if I want to have a kid. They're just so much work sometimes. I like it when it's just me and you. "A few more years, Anna. He said and kissed my hair again. Its getting late. Lets go home. I nodded and gently set the puppy down with her siblings. Dmitri and I walked out with his arms around me. He gave me his blazer before we walked out to protect me from the November snow. I hate seeing snow this early. The house was quiet. Dmitri turned on all the lights as we went along. We went as far as the kitchen. I think Im gonna go take a shower. I smell like puppies. No you dont. Not really anyway. Okay, maybe a bit. But you have to be this close to smell it. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. I laughed and kissed him. You're terrible. I flirted. At least I dont smell as badly as you do. He chuckled. I scowled and smacked his chest. Im going. Dont cook. I think I just want blood tonight. Being around so much of it made me starving. Ill be full with a few cups. You sure? Yes, Dmitri. I smiled and kissed him again. I slipped out of his arms and hurried upstairs. The plan I had thought of this morning was just about to go into effect. I was going to seduce him into saying yes to getting rid of Callan. I know I can do it. Theres no way Dmitri can say no to this while Im wearing my best lacey underwear. I listened to Dmitri the entire time to make sure he wouldnt try to move plans up. He stayed outside for three-fourths of my shower, chopping his own firewood in the shed. Then the last one-fourth, he was starting a fire in the living room and heating blood for the both of us. I blow dried my hair and softened my curls. I put on my favorite black, lace underwear that Dmitri has never seen me in. I think the most Dmitri sees me in is my cute, cotton underwear, and never the serious stuff. I love the fact that our stairs came before the living room and the couch

faces away from the entrance. I slowly walked downstairs and came up behind him. I have an absolute zero in seduction. Dmitri always does all the work. He knows exactly how to make me melt, yet I dont exactly how to make him melt. I thought really hard about the seduction scenes Ive seen in movies and on TV. Hopefully, just thinking about it would help me master it. I can master everything else, right? I rubbed my hands down his chest and kissed his ear, nibbling on it a little. Dmitri smiled. Its hard to kiss someone with a couch separating you, you know. I moved down to his neck and heard Dmitri moan. Slowly, I unbuttoned his uniform (which I thought hed have removed by now). Dmitri tugged on my arms, and begged me to kiss him. I didnt. I kissed the areas around his lips, just to make him beg more. Then I kissed him, and he pulled me into his lap. This is very unexpected. I smiled and pressed my half-naked body against his. I helped Dmitri undress. What a good way to christen our new couch. While he worked on removing his undershirt, I worked on unbuttoning his pants. The shirt came off and I was immediately on my back. Dmitri kissed my neck and my chest. I moaned. Its hard to remember a plan with him touching me so sensually. Dmitri and I were so close to having sex when he pulled away, leaving me breathless. One question. He sat up. Shoot. I smiled. I placed my foot on his thigh, slowly moving towards his crotch. You dont have a plan behind this, do you? This is just so unexpected, I couldnt help but think of you wanting to get rid of Callan. Of course not. I sat up and kissed him. I remembered this morning, in the classroom. This may not be the bedroom, but its still our house. His lips werent compliant until I broke them open with my tongue. Dmitris hands ran up my thighs. He thought about this morning. And again, he pulled away. This isnt about Callan, is it? How can me wanting to have sex with you be about Callan? Is it so bad that I want you right now? I whispered and tried to kiss him. He wouldnt let me. Anna, Im serious, Dmitri. I want you. After all this touchy-touchy, yes, I do want him. I want him so badly. Something is really going on with him. First, it's the bubble bath last night.

Now, he won't even have sex with me. Is there something wrong with my body or something? Has he lost interest? Could he have fallen in love with Andi and now theyve formed a love triangle? You see, thats where Im having trouble believing. Youve been trying to avoid Callan all day. You were begging me to help you get rid of him and you know my soft spot is you. Youre trying to seduce me into helping you, arent you? Ruined. Absolutely ruined. I shouldnt have even tried. I had no clue hed react like that. I got up. Well, Im sorry for even trying to have some fun tonight. I didnt know you werent interested in me anymore. You make me sound like the bad guy. He frowned. Because thats exactly what you are. I hissed. All I want is to have one special night with you. Is that so hard to ask? I said and walked away, taking a mug of warm blood with me. Anna, He got up. Nope. Youve had your chance. Im going to sleep. I went upstairs. Dmitri followed me. I gulped down the contents of my mug and put on my most conservative pajamas. I ignored Dmitris pleas for forgiveness. Id forgive him in the morning. Just not now. I need to think of another plan. One that doesnt involve Dmitri. Maybe the best way to get Callan out is to confront him. Ill try tomorrow. Its a Saturday. I can pretend to be going to Andis. Or, to make it easier, I can go to Andis and ask her to make him come over. It shouldnt be that hard. Hell know Im there. Anna, Im going to sleep, Dmitri. Dont even try. Im sorry. I know. Now if you dont mind, hush. Dmitri sighed and laid down beside me, staying at the far edge of his side of the bed. Usually, wed stay in the middle. This just isnt one of those days. I went to sleep. I made it out of the house before lunch. Dmitri didnt want me to go. I forgave him, so, he wanted to make it up to me. I lied to him by saying that Andi and I made the plan during gym yesterday . To prove that I wasnt mad, I made a deal with him. He could make it up to me tonight, by creating the best at-home date possible. And Ill spend the day with Andi to prevent ruining the surprise. He jumped at this idea and basically forces me out of the house so that he could get started.


I didnt make it to Andis house. Callan found me once I was far enough away from our house. He drove up beside me, nearly giving me a heart attack. That terrible smile was on his face, giving me goose bumps. Need a lift? Im not getting into anything with you. Its me you're looking for, isnt it? Im still not getting into anything with you. Fine, let me park somewhere and we can walk to wherever it is your going. I kept walking. Just because were out of range, doesnt mean he can't still find us. Dmitri has a knack for having heightened senses with me. He could be able to feel my presence and Callans and know somethings up. I headed in the direction of Andis house. So, what made you finally decide to talk to me? I want you out of my life. Its not your decision, Anna. I dont care. Say that theres nothing wrong with me and get the hell away from me. Oh, come on, Anna. This is fun. Its nice to see you after so long. You look better than ever. He grinned. I like what youve done to your hair. He picked up a curl. I snapped. I pushed him into an alley, gripping his throat, fangs exposed. Touch me again and I kill you. This is exactly the kind of thing that will get you in trouble. And by the way, youre the one touching me. I let go. Im begging you. Get out of my life. Beg all you want. I can't go anywhere. He smiled. I walked away from him. You really do look beautiful! He called. Better than ever with all those marks gone. Id love to give you some new ones. I froze. He wasnt joking. Callan has never joked about hurting me. He enjoys it to much. Hes stolen so much from me. Thank God he didnt take my virginity. I took out my cell phone and dialed Dmitri. Theres no way Im walking now. He can just drop me off. I thought we werent supposed to have any contact? He said. I could hear a smile in his voice. Callans harassing me. I need a ride. Hes not harassing you.

Oh yeah? He knows what I look like in my underwear now. He just said it to me himself. Would you like him to repeat it for you? Hes still a block or two away. Where are you? Eagle street. Keep walking. Ill be right there. Thank you. I said and hung up. I could smell Callan being on the move. He was tailing me. Just great. Dmitri, why couldnt you just have given me a ride in the first place? I was supposed to brainstorm at Andis to figure out how Id confront him. Now, Ive confronted him and my spare, last resort plan was an epic failure. Go away. I hissed. Its just a ride. My ride is on my way. And Im right here. Go away. Im not going to repeat it again. I heard him scoff and drive off. Dmitri arrived a few minutes later. I hoped into his Mustang. You okay? He took my hand. Did he do anything else to you? Do you now understand why I dont like him? Ill put some sense into him. Good. Luck.


Chapter 19

Shes fallen hard for Callan. I think shes in love, all because they had one kiss, on the corner of her lips. It wasnt really even her lips, right? Yet shes going crazy for him. She wants me to tell her everything I know about him (someone told her that we used to know each other). So I did. I told her all the good things. The things I remembered that made me fall in love with him. I held back tears the entire time. I couldnt tell her that I was planning on getting rid of him. If I did, shed go berserk. Shed hate me. Shed think Im crazy, and then shell plan on getting rid of me. I really need a plan though. A super plan. Something that will work. I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I need to be alone for just a few minutes to think. Its hard to think with Andi blabbing about all the things she loves about Callan. Its annoying. I want to smack some sense into her. You can't love someone that psycho. You can't love someone that enjoys hurting other people. There was a knock on the front door and I knew it was him. I froze. Andi opened it. My God! Callan, what are you doing here? She said surprised. I couldnt stop thinking about you after last night. I could hear the sick smile in his voice. I just had to see you. Well, I wish we could get out of here, but Annabels over. Annas here? Maybe I should just stay over then. I need to try apologizing to her. What happened between you to anyway?

Andi is no help.

Nothing important. I decided it was time to get out and kick him out. Callan saw me and did something I didnt expect. He slowly slinked his arms around Andis waist. Come here. He whispered and kissed her. She was all for it. She closed the door and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her eyes were closed, and I could feel her heart racing. Callan was nothing like her. He was more sexual. He took her wearing of shorts to his advantage. I watched in horror as his hand moved down and grabbed her ass. His hand moved lower and went in between her legs. Andi moaned. Callan looked at me and grinned. I cleared my throat. Andi pulled away, embarrassed. Callan just continued grinning. He winked at me. I didnt mean to interrupt, but I was getting uncomfortable watching. Would you like something to drink, Callan? Mum just made tea. Im sure youd like to warm up. Sure. Andi left us. I folded my arms. What do you think you're doing? Having fun. You won't let me have any fun with you, so I found a replacement. Is that so bad? Anger and fear for my best friend washed over me. I walked up to him. I swear, if you do anything to her, if you lay a finger on her, if you do anything to her that you did to me, I will kill you. I dont care about the Council. I will tear you to shreds. Im exempted in that whole duel thing; you will not stand a chance against me. I saw fear in his eyes and I smiled. He has every right to be afraid of me. But then the fear disappeared, and he grinned wickedly. I can't make any promises. I froze. You two finally made up? Andi asked. I looked at her and smiled. I was just saying goodbye. Dmitri texted. Hes finished. I should go. Thanks for everything, Andi. Ill text you later. Going so soon? She frowned. I dont want to keep Dmitri waiting. I really screwed up last night. You screwed him? Nice. You must be really experienced by now. He said, inaudible to Andi.

I held back my gasp, creating a hiccup. Okay then, Ill see you on Monday. Yep. I nodded. Bye. I forced a smile. I turned and faced Callan. Im serious. I whispered. One finger. I grabbed my coat and walked out. I probably had a few hours to pass, so I decided to go help out at Brielles pet shop. It was a few blocks away. I could survive the cold for a while. If its three now, could Dmitri be finished by six? Mona gave me something to do. The dogs up for adoption, the normal kind, needed to be taken for walks. They were six big-ass dogs, seriously. Then I helped Brielle feed the puppies in the garage. There was only four now. One had been bought this morning. I fed the other normal puppies next while Mona restocked the shelves. Then it was just playing. Mona and I talked, too. Shes an interesting person. Dont let her piercing blue eyes scare you, because shes an all-around good person. Dmitri was wrong about who her dad is, he was husband number 17. Right after Dmitri. She never knew her father, but Dmitri was a good make-up one for her. He sent her birthday cards every year and has never missed a year. Good for him. She likes everything I like, especially sprite music. She got her hands on it once, and has been listening to it ever since. Now, Im her new supplier of sprite music. Five-thirty came and I texted Dmitri. How much longer? He replied immediately. One more hour. Pls? Well, hurry. Me hungry. 45 min then K. Ill be home then. Cnt wait.


I smiled. I hope what he has planned is good. I need to get away from all my problems, especially Callan. I trust Dmitri to do a good job and keep me occupied. You look happy. Mona said. Whore you texting? Who else? I smiled at her. Where is Dmitri anyway? Youve been here for a while now, yet I haven't heard you mention him until now. At home. Why arent you with him? Mum said you two are basically inseparable. We kind of had a fight last night. I told him this morning to make it up to me by creating the best date ever. You two, fight? Is that possible? I rested my chin in the palm of my hand. I didnt think it was possible either. Hes always so on my side. Weve been fighting a lot lately, haven't we? It all started with Brielle, and his marriage to her. I just wish he never told me. Im sure we couldve been so much better now. He would have gotten rid of Callan by now. If only, if only. I shrugged. Its nothing. Were okay now. You better be. Mum will have a fit if she finds out that you two are having problems. She admires your relationship, which is why shes trying to make her new one work. She wants it to be like yours. Your moms in a relationship? With Aaron, the breeder. How else do you think she got the puppies? Theyve been together for a while now. Two months, I think. One of her longest. You might have a new dad. "Its only expected, She shrugged. I feel bad for her. Shes had so many dads, she must already be depressed. I know I am, and I still have my dad. But at least Brielles trying to make it work. That means shes serious. Maybe this time, she won't be so black widow-ish. I left early so that I could walk home. I know Dmitri said forty-five minutes, but I really am hungry. I didnt get to eat lunch. After all the work we did, Im running on fumes. I just hope Dmitris finished by now. Hes had almost eight hours to work on the house, what could he be doing now except waiting. I could hear music playing in our house the closer we got. The curtains were shut, but I could see light flickering inside. There were also people. Thats the last thing I want. People to be joining us.

The door opened right as I walked up the steps. A man wearing a tux was standing in the doorway. Welcome home, Miss Morrison. He said. May I take your coat? Um, okay? I said and took off my coat. He took it and put it in our coat closet. Wheres Dmitri? Mr. Adison requested I give this to you. He held out a folded envelope. I took it. My name was written in Dmitris fancy handwriting on the top. I opened it. It read: My dearest, most beautiful fianc, Annabel, Im hidden somewhere in this house. Its impossible for you to find me. Ive left you clues all around the house to my position. Find all the clues, find me. If you haven't noticed, your first clue is in the envelope. Discover what it opens, and it will lead you to your next clue. Good luck. I love you. Dmitri I looked in the envelope and sure enough, there was a tiny key, the kind that comes with a diary. Except this wasnt your usual diary key. The base was shaped like a heart, and its grooves were all wacky. It wasnt like any key Ive ever seen before. You wouldnt help me even if I gave you a million Euros, would you? I looked at the waiter guy. Although it would be very good for me, Mr. Adison offered more if you ever offer. I pursed my lips. Fuck. I looked around the foyer. The entire place was covered in candles. Even the stairs. But I noticed something else. A trail of rose petals and roses that lead into the living room. I followed it and gasped. All the furniture was gone. The fireplace was roaring. In front of the fireplace, as if from an episode of The Bachelor, was a single, long-stemmed rose. It laid on top of a wooden box. I walked up to it and picked up the rose. A note was tied to it. Only a beautiful rose for a beautiful woman. I smiled and set the rose down next to the box. I didnt need to smell it. The entire house smelled strongly of roses and lavender. A weird, but good smelling combination. I opened the box, curiosity on high. Inside the

box, on black velvet, was another box, smaller, the size of an engagement ring box. It looked like an engagement ring box, except for the key hole in it. Dmitri has made this too easy. I opened it. Another note fell out. You deserve to be treated like a queen. I smiled again. Inside the small box was a silver bracelet with royal charms on it. There was a crown, a carriage, a scepter, the royal seal. Honestly, it was an all together cute bracelet. But I dont think Ill be using it. I hate bracelets with things hanging off of it. I returned the box and moved on. There was an exiting trail that lead into the dining room. I followed it. The dining room was lit with candles. I dont think there was a single light switch on in the house. Dmitri must have spent hours setting up every single last candle so that it wouldnt burn anything. On the table, was another rose. Next to it, a big wine glass filled with blood and a box of chocolate bon bons, my favorite, along with another note. I know your hungry, take a break. Enjoy. I sat down and started to eat. I dont know if you can hear me, Dmitri. But, thanks. I called. I was a bit full by the time I finished. I continued on, following his trail of roses. Hes making this way to easy for me. Theres no excitement. Well, this is exciting. I can't wait to get back into Dmitris strong arms. At the end of the trail that lead into the kitchen, written in rose petals was Find the Clue. I U. I love you, too. Dmitri. I called out. I started to walk around the kitchen. Where could he hide the clue? The fridge? Nope. Nothing out of the ordinary in there. Cabinets? Still no clue. I moved around, still nothing. It was weird. Now is where I get frustrated. I thought hed make this easy for me. Thats when I realized it. The sink. It was full of bubbles. That is not normal, even when we dont do the dishes. You owe me for this, Dmitri. I frowned and plunged my arm in. I felt rose petals floating around. At the bottom, there was something taped. I pulled my arm out and decided to do this the smart way. I drained the sink. Taped to the bottom of the sink in a plastic bag was another note. I have household names

I know the price Your hearts desire Your hearts delight What the? How the hell is this the clue? I dont get it. I have household names? That could be anything in this house. I sat down. If I give up, and walk out, will you follow me? Mr. Adison wishes that I tell you that he will not follow you. He does not wish that you give up. You are almost finished. The waiter said. I frowned. And if I say that this night is a bust, thanks for boring me, youve done such a good job at making last night up to me, Im outta here, then what will Mr. Adison do? Im starving, and Im like three seconds away from ordering pizza and not sharing it with him. Im not being a good sport. I know it. But I came home for Dmitri and only Dmitri. Mostly, Ive been looking forward to the amazing sex I know were planning on having later. Thats pretty much all I want. The sex and the food. You are so not fun. You asked for this you know. Dmitri said and stepped into the kitchen. I smiled and ran into his arms. Wipe that frown off your face. I can think of a million other ways to turn this night around. Starting with all the candles. It doesnt turn me on one bit. Im more afraid of this house burning to the ground than I am about this night being ruined. And I dont mean anything I just said. I just want you and only you. No delays. I whispered and kissed him. Dmitri gripped me passionately. I pulled away. You dont need all of this to impress me, Dmitri. I wouldve still been the happiest person in the world if you had ordered Chinese and popped open a bottle of wine. You are a very hard person to read. He whispered and smiled. His forehead pressed against my mine. At least let me guide you through the rest of my hunt. Then we eat? Then we eat. He chuckled. He took me upstairs and into our closet. Household names. Now I get it. Fashion designers. Nice. Anyway, the reason why he took me into the closet was because he had bought me a (Anna Suede) dress and Jimmy Choo shoes and other accessories for me to change into. I changed, then he brought me into the shed, which confused me. There was nothing for me

there. He brought me in there, and kissed me. When we were finished kissing, he brought me back into the house and led me into the dining room. The table had been covered with our dinner. Then I got it. The shed was a distraction, to buy time for them to bring the food in. Do they leave now? I asked. They leave now. He smiled and kissed me. Dmitri slipped his arm around my waist and pulled out a chair for me. You first. I smiled. "A million other ways, remember? Dmitri looked at me, and sat down. I sat in his lap, facing him. I sweetly kissed him. We fed each other and from each other. It was sexy and romantic all in one. Just like Dmitri promise he would make, our night was the best at-home date wed ever had. The next morning, I woke up with his arm around me, just like it should be. Well, actually Dmitri woke me up. He made a trail of kisses leading from my lower back, to behind my neck, sending chills all over my body. Youre everything, you know that? Youre beautiful, kind, sexy, beautiful. You said beautiful twice. I smiled. Then that makes you twice as beautiful. I heard the grin in his voice. I turned and faced him. Dmitri immediately kissed me. I love you, Annabel. Mmmm.I love you, too, Dmitri. He kissed me again. Lets stay inside today. The world won't know were here if we hide underneath the covers. Ill hide anywhere with you. I grinned. We stayed in all day. We didnt go anywhere outside our room. Dmitri had our food delivered straight into our bedroom by a different waiter from last night. Hes a human working off his debt to the Council, and with Dmitri being a Mentor, he could easily borrow waiters for his personal use. It was a little embarrassing though. Dmitri and I stayed naked for most of the day. And whenever the waiter would come in, I barely had the blanket covering me. Sunday ended and we were forced to go to school, which we didnt really do. We skipped the first half because we spent too long making out in the nice, hot, steamy shower. Andi was mad at me because I missed the first half. And during gym, she continued to blab about Callan. It was terrible though. She told me that after I had left, so did her parents, and with her

older brother in college, they had the entire house to themselves, and you can probably guess what they did. You didnt lose your virginity to him, did you? Are you kidding me? I lost that in the eighth grade. She laughed. I sighed with relief. The first thing Im doing the next time I see Callan is smacking him. How dare he lead on my best friend. Ill kill him. But then that would leave Andi heart broken. I didnt see him. According to one of Andis sources, he skipped his second half of school. I couldnt confront him. Dmitri and I went home and collapsed onto the couch. Ouch! I smacked his chest and pushed him off me. Dmitri chuckled and slid onto the cushion next to me. I rolled onto my stomach and leaned over his body. Dmitri moved my leg over his. I smiled and kissed him. I love you. I love you more. He grinned. I moved on top of him and kissed him again. What should we do tonight? I asked. What do you want to do? Im asking you, arent I? Lets go out. What do you say? Where to? I said interested. Dmitri and I arent going out in public besides school and the pet shop. It might be fun to actually have some fun outside the house. If only we had Romeo to join us. I bet he would love to go out and have fun. If only we had him. Its scary how easily were forgetting him. We need to get him back in our how as soon as possible. Then things can really start to mend. There won't be anyone going out tonight. Dmitri and I shot up. Callan was standing in the doorway. I gasped. What are you doing in here? I said. The Council sent me. I just came back from a meeting with us. They dont appreciate what youve been saying to me, Anna. Would you like to know why they chose me to be your Watcher? Get out, please. They thought that because of our history as a couple, you wouldnt have minded. But all these threats, Anna. They arent happy. They arent happy one bit. No. no, no, no, no, NO! He didnt. He didnt! Your history as a couple? Dmitri looked at me.


She didnt tell you? We were together for almost six months. Best months of my life. Liar! We were only together for a month when the beatings started. He disappeared two months later. Dont believe him, Dmitri. It isnt true! Dmitri pushed me off and got up. Is that why you want him gone so badly? Because you used to be together and you didnt want me to know? What happened to honesty? I am being honest, Dmitri! I started to cry. You dont know half the things hes done to me. He nearly killed me! Hes left me for dead time after time after time. Please. She didnt want you to know, Dmitri, because we saw each other again last Saturday. She cornered me in an alley and tried to kiss me. Thats not true! Stop lying! I screamed. Dmitri, please. Dont believe him. Hes not who you think he is. He used to beat me. Hed cover my body in bruises. Hed laugh at me, and made me beg to make him stop. The scar on my stomach, thats because of him. He kicked me so hard that my spleen exploded. Dmitri, please. I dont know what to believe, Anna. You lied to me! I have never lied to you! I fell to my knees in front of him. He destroyed me, then disappeared. Hes wanted by the police for what hes done. The police think Im dead! The entire world thinks Im dead. Theres a grave with a body with my name on it. I need some time to think. Dmitri said and walked away. Dont expect me back for a while. Dmitri, please. You have to believe me. Please. I sobbed. How can he not believe me? For two months of my life, I had to endure so much pain. I was sent to the hospital so many times because of him, and he played the hero every time. He had every excuse in the book to make sure he never got caught. My spleen exploding, we were playing soccer in his back yard, and he kicked it too hard, and I couldnt get out of the way fast enough. And whenever I tried to tell someone, he threatened to kill me. Can't he see my pain? I dont know what to believe. He said and walked out the door. Hes gone. Is it that easy for him to walk away from me? What about yesterday? Saturday night? Was that for nothing? I thought he loved me. I thought he would believe me. Callan laughed. It was a booming, powerful laugh that scared the crap outta me.

That was way too easy! You should see the look on your face, Anna. Dmitri, please dont leave me! He imitated me. Callan walked around the couch and stood over me. You should've known that you couldnt hide from me forever, Anna. He said and kicked me hard in the chest. I cried out in pain. Youve always been stupid. You dont even know how to cover yourself. It was so easy to find you. He said and pulled me up by my hair. I cried out in pain again. Pulling me by my hair was always his most favorite part. How do I know? He told me. Because thats how hes stupid. He tells me everything. So while I endure this pain, Im waiting for him to tell me why he did it. Memories of the things hed do next resurfaced. He always liked to do things in order. First the chest, then the hair, the hed punch me in areas my dad wouldnt see. Then hed kick the living shit out of me. Please, stop. I begged. Not gonna happen, sweetheart. You see, you fell for that so easily. I had this whole thing set up. He laughed again. It all started in the eighth grade. The Council found me, and they turned me to get to you. They even were so kind enough to give me a few gifts. It was almost too easy to influence the people around you to fall for me. All so I could get you alone. I hired Regine to pretend to have been sent by the Council to be your Mentor. May God bless her soul. You didnt have to kill her you know. She was my girlfriend. He hissed. Does it look like I care? I spat. Callan bitch-slapped me. I fell to the ground. Get up. I want to see if you live up to your name, Annabel, as a Hero. Were gonna fight this off. I couldnt get up. I had landed on my chest, and it really hurt! It was like I landed on a bed of nails. I am so going to have breast cancer after this. I said get up! He shouted and kicked me in the stomach. That was the worst. My stomach heaved in disagreement. Everything exploded (figuratively) at once. I vomited everything, but mostly my own blood. My entire body was in uproar. I couldnt take the pain. I thought that after enduring days of this, Id be able to take this, but I couldnt. I would rather die than have to take this sort of pain. It was nothing like before. After my forever stomachache, I should have expected this. GET UP! He said and pulled me up by my hair. Blood dripped off of my face. You are going to fight me! Please, I can barely stand. Shut up! He said and punched me. I was knocked unconscious.

((((((((((( ((((((((((( Im stupid. I dont know what to believe right now. I want to believe Anna, butIm just so stupid. If what she said was right, and Callan is the one lying, then I just left her in the hands of her attacker. I feel something, something wrong. I can't put my finger on it. My head is just so foggy, it has been for a while now. But I think Annas hurt. I like Callan. Hes just an all around good guy. We have a lot in common, too. Hearing Anna say that he used to beat her, and that hes the reason for the faint pink scar on her abdomen is hard to believe. How could he have done that? He looks like he can barely hurt a fly. He didnt even want to crush an ant that was on our table during lunch. I turned my car around and headed back home. I was almost out of town. I hope I get there in time. If Annas hurt, Im killing him. Theres no question about it. And then Im gonna spend the rest of my life making it up to Anna. Lets just hope that she forgives me. But after what I did, I doubt it. I got home and burst through the door, right as Callan was taking off his pants. Anna laid on the floor, drowning in her own blood, her face badly beaten, her skirt pushed upward, revealing her underwear. Anna! I shouted. You son of a bitch! I said and charged him. He laughed. You want in? Ill let you go first. How could he? Hes a monster! I punched him. Get away from her! Oh, come on, Dmitri. I thought we were buddies. I challenge you to a duel. I hissed. Theres no way I can lose. I have a hundred and seventy seven years on him. It will be impossible for him. Challenge accepted. He grinned. Lets take this outside. He said and turned around. I ran up behind him and took off his head. Lesson to remember: Never turn your back on your opponent after you accept a duel, you arrogant son of a bitch. I hissed and tossed his head to the side. I turned and ran to Anna. I pulled her into my lap. Anna, can you hear me? Wake up, Anna. I whispered. Her eyes opened and dizzily looked up at me.

Dmitri? She whimpered. Im here, Anna. Im so sorry. I started to cry. I should've believed you. Im so sorry. It hurts, Dem. It hurts so mu Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her body went limp.

August 18, 2011 Thursday 9:27 p.m. I can finally take a break. Even if school starts on Monday, I can finally take a break. You see, Mr. Weiner called our house this morning and asked to meet with me. He told me to bring my story. So I did. We met for lunch in the local pub. It was weird to see our teacher outside of school. I dont even think they have a

life out of school. Theyre like hermits that stay in all day and do nothing but grade papers and whatnot. But there was my twenty-something year old teacher, eating a burger, waiting for me. Heres what happened: I walked into the pub, feeling nervous. I had no clue why Mr. Weiner wanted to see my story. He smiled when he saw me and was all I apologize for starting. I skipped breakfast. I ordered you a burger, too. Then I was all: Thank you, Mr. Weiner. I sat down. Did you bring your story? Er, I should warn you, Mr. Weiner. I kind of went overboard and created an entire book. I said as I pulled my laptop out. "A book? Wow. He said surprised. Well, that might be for the better. I was planning on entering you in the schools best writers competition. Youd be up against six other students. And I really think youre a shoe-in to win. He smiled. I knew it! I knew he had a secret agenda! Mr. Weiner, I dont think thats such a good idea. Let me read some of your story and Ill be the judge of that. I nodded and took out my laptop. I turned it on and opened it to my story. While my teacher read, I ate the burger he ordered me. It was seriously nerve-wreaking. My story is a little too teenager. I know a lot of things I put there could probably never happen. Or shouldnt happen. Mr. Weiner might think I might be too sexually desperate in the things I put there. Oops. Are you finished? No. I dont know how to finish it, so I just decided to keep writing until I think of a good ending. That sounds like a good idea. He nodded. Do you think youll be finished by Monday? I shook my head. Itll be impossible for me to finish this by Monday.

Well, I guess I can hold off the school for a while. Give it to me when you're finished. He smiled. Seriously? Absolutely. Youre my best student, Annabel. I want to see where you take this story. I can't wait to read it. Well, thanks, Mr. Weiner. I grinned. And thanks for the lunch. No problem. He smiled again. Since you're finished eating, why dont you go home and finish writing? Okay. I nodded and put my laptop away. Thanks again, Mr. Weiner. You're very much welcome, Annabel. So thats it. I dont have to rush so much anymore. I can have as long as I need to finish my book. Lets just hope I can finish it right. What Mr. Weiner doesnt know is that Im planning on adding this journal. Itll be awesome, right? You dont see many books with the writers personal journal she kept while writing her book included. The world gets to see the other, real version of me. I hope they like it. Or at least, like me. Imagine how terrible it would be if it turns out that the world thinks Im just as much of a loser as my school thinks I am.


Chapter 20

My world was spinning so fast. I couldnt concentrate on anything. Except Dmitri. I know he was there. He was taking me somewhere to stop the pain, or at least thats what I think hes saying. It just hurts so much. I like it better when Im unconscious. I dont feel the pain then. Where almost there, Anna, dont worry. He whispered. I need to vomit. I whispered. My stomach churned right as I said it. Dmitri stopped running and pun my down. He held me tightly so that I wouldnt topple over. I buried my face in his chest, sobbing heavily. Make it stop, Dmitri. Please. I begged. Were almost there, Anna. A few more minutes. He said and picked me up again. A few more minutes of running and he slowed. I faintly heard the click of his shoes against wood. A door opened. Med! He shouted. Med, get your ass out here! Its an emergency!

I dont know what happened.

His shouting made my eardrums pop. I dont know whats happening to me. Oh, my! A female gasped. Med! She shouted. Why is everyone shouting my name? A man shouted. I guess hes Med. Bloody hell! What happened to her? She needs your help, Med. Her stomach. I dont know what happened. Please. Get her on the table. Sorry, love. I guess well have to finish later. Duty calls. I felt Dmitri put me down, then completely disappear. Along with all of my senses. My vision, which was already blurry as hell, went black. I couldnt hear, what they were saying. I couldnt even smell their presence. Dmitri? I started to panic. Dmitri! I felt his arms around me again. Im here, Anna. Im here. Dont do that again! Dont let go. Please! I sobbed. Shhhh..Im sorry. Im so sorry. He kissed my hair. Its okay, Anna. Everything will be okay. Im not leaving you again. Im so sorry. Please forgive me. Take off her blouse. Med said. If you say its her stomach, then I need an ultrasound. An ultrasound? No, Im not okay with this. Dmitri, I gripped his arm and shook my head. I want to go home. Please. Shhhh.Its okay. Itll be okay. I felt him unbutton my blouse. I wiped my eyes, and tried to get a better look at of where I was. It looked like a hut, or a beach house. We live no where near a beach. It might be a log cabin or something. It smells a lot like wood. I looked like I was in a native hospital room. It was decked out in different hospital machines and other things. I was on a hospital bed. Dmitri sat down beside me and put his arms around me again. Med, he looks like a beach bum. He has long hair, hes skinny, and white. Right now, he only had on a pair of boxers. This is going to be cold. Something pressed against my abdomen and I cried out in pain. Too much pressure. Just way too much. Make it stop! I begged. Dmitri, please.


Im so sorry, Anna. He gripped me tighter. It hurt, but it felt good to have him touching me again. After he walked away from me, to have him back is just phenomenal. Uh oh. Uh oh, what? Dmitri said. Listen. I didnt understand what I was listening to. It sounded too weird. It was coming from me. Thats what I didnt understand the most. How could that sound be coming from me? Dmitri, whats going on? I dont get it. Im so sorry, Anna. This is all my fault. Please forgive me. He started to cry. Its all my fault. Hes scaring me. Whats his fault? He didnt do this to me. Callan did. That son of a bitch did this to me. What are you talking about? Dmitri, Anna, is it? I dont know whether to say congrats or Im sorry, but your carrying twins. Im carrying twins? This is a joke. This is a joke!! Im not carrying shit! I dont want kids! Im not pregnant! NO! Please, no. I can't be pregnant. Im only sixteen. Im still in the tenth grade! Im supposed to graduate, marry Dmitri, then have a long life with him before we ever decide to have kids or do any of that. Please, this can't be happening. It can't be. How could I be pregnant in the first place? Dmitri and I have never had sex without a condom. Not once. This is all just a dream. Im still at home, unconscious, with Callan doing whatever the fuck he wants to do with me. This is all just one big ass misunderstanding. His ultrasound machine must be broken. Leave me alone. Anna, Dmitri whispered. Get the hell away from me! I screamed at him. This is definitely his fault. I wouldnt be pregnant if he hadnt done something. Something mustve happened and he decided no to tell me. This is all of his fucking fault! Why dont you let me talk with her, mate? Med said. I dont want to talk to anyone. I want to be alone. Dmitri left. I ignored Med. Drink this. Its special formulated blood. Itll heal your wounds faster.


The smell of the blood sent my brain on a frenzy. I grabbed the blood and chugged it down. My taste buds were sent on a party and all my pain was forgotten. It stayed that way even after I had finished it all. Thats better. You wanna take a look? He now held out a faced down mirror. I want to see what I look like after being beaten. I know the blurriness was because my eyes were swollen. Ill look terrible, that, Ive already accepted. I took it from him and gasped. How? I looked perfect. More than perfect. I was glowing, except for the blood stains on my skin and in my hair. I told you, love. Its a special formula. You should have seen what you looked like two minutes ago. It looked like you had just lost an underground, no gloves boxing match. Now, tell me how you feel. Tell me who you are first. The names Medman, or Medicine Man if you know my drug history, or just plain Med. Im a registered doctor, and a certified rogue member of the Council. Im also one of Dmitris closest friends. Now, tell me how you feel. The pains gone. Especially the queasy feeling. And how long have you been feeling queasy? Since I was turned. Is this going to be a sort of question and answer portion of my life? I want to be alone so that I can access how Im going to handle being sixteen and pregnant. I should just go on the MTV show! Sixteen and Pregnant: Vampires Get Pregnant Too! Has anyone ever noticed that not all of them are sixteen? When was that? "A month ago? I dunno. Well, I can tell you that thats how long youve been pregnant. In the vampire world, that makes you entering your second trimester. You see, in the vampire world, pregnancies are sped up to about three to four months. Fuck. Shit. Is that just your way of letting me down easy? Why would I be letting you down easy? Because you can't get rid of a baby after the first trimester! I want these things out of me! I ranted. Im too young to be a mother! I apologize. I never thought Dmitri would be careless enough to do something like this. And I apologize again for saying this, but, theres nothing you can do to stop this pregnancy. If you were a man, Id say grow a

pair and be a father, but since youre not, Ill just leave at that you need to accept the fact that youre going to be a mother and be a bloody hell good one for your babies. My jaw dropped. No one has ever said something like that. I dont want this. I can't just accept this right away. I dont know how to. I didnt ask for this! Get out. I want to be alone. Think about it. Med sighed and walked out. I got up from the bed. There was a bigger mirror on the other side of the room. I wanted to see what I looked like. I stood at a side view in front of it and saw something I never noticed before. A tiniest bump. It looked like I was just bloated, or had eaten way too much. If I had noticed this before, I mustve thought just that. I would not think twice about being pregnant. And Im not just pregnant with a baby. I have babies inside of me. Two. Twice the mistake. Two more mouths to feed. Two more problems. I can't be a mother. I dont even like little kids. Theyre just so annoying. Their favorite past time has to annoying the hell outta people. Theyll be my responsibility. Im going to be a mother. This is just too much. Everything, not just this pregnancy. First, its being a vampire. Im a Rare Blood. My goal in life is to hate vampires. Second, I had to be stupid and fall in love with one. Third, I was turned. Im everything Ive ever hated. Fourth, theres Regine. She was never supposed to entire my life. Fifth is Dmitri telling me about his failed marriage with Brielle. Sixth is Callan returning, and taking everything away from me. Seventh is his death. Im stupid to have still loved him after everything hes done to me. Last is this pregnancy. If theres one of those times when I want my life to end, this is definitely one of them. Its all just too much for me to handle. Im only sixteen for Christs sake. I can't carry the world. Knock-knock-knock. I know you said you wanted to be alone, but I thought you would want a change of clothes and a wet towel to clean yourself with. The woman from early said. I watched her from the mirror. She was only wearing her lace underwear and a silk robe. I could tell that she was super sexy underneath. I always wanted a body like that. Im not going to get it now. I watched her put a folded pile of clothes on the hospital bed and a small basin with a cloth draped on the side.

I know this must be hard for you to accept. But you shouldnt push away Dmitri. Im guessing that hes the father of the baby. Youre going to need him now more than ever. I just stared at her. Dmitri did this to me. I have the right to be mad for as long as I need at him. He just needs to be patient. Ill come back someday. She walked out. I waited a few seconds, then walked over to the basin. I dressed down to my underwear and started to clean the blood off my skin and my hair. It was hard to get the blood out of my hair. I need to dip my curls into the water and rub it in between the palms of my hands. The clothes she had given me were exactly my size, as if she knew. It was a pajama set, pajama pants and a matching shirt with jumping sheep printed on top. I tossed my bloody uniform into the fire that was set in one corner of the room and went to sleep. If I was going to accept this, I needed to sleep on it first. I was awaken by something licking me. I immediately knew who it was. The scent, although almost forgotten, was the one Ive been longing for. I woke up and pulled Romeo into my arms. He was just how he was supposed to be only larger. There was nothing wrong with him. He was perfect, just like I had become after drinking Meds specially formulated blood. Oh, Romy! Ive missed you so much! He licked my face in agreement. I know its only been a week, but it feels like a year has gone by since Ive last held my first baby. My eyes flooded with tears, so happy to see my puppy. Dmitri called me last night. He told me what happened. I realized then that you hadnt picked up Romeo yet, so I decided to bring him over. Brielle said with a smile. She doesnt know what happened. Thank you so much. I smiled at her. So, how are you? She sat down next to me. Dmitri told me what happened. He tells you everything, doesnt he? He has a big mouth. He can't control himself when hes crying either. She laughed. I did, too. Although I haven't seen it, I know for sure its true. He really wants to see you, Anna. He stayed true to your wishes and has been doing his best to stay away. Med told me that he slept next to the door last night because he was so worried.

I pressed my lips together. I was right to have slept. I might not have accepted the fact that Im pregnant, but I might as well talk it over with him. I have no choice but to have these babies, so were going to do this right. I need to set down some ground rules or whatever. Were going to go through this together no matter what. And if he tries to run away. Ill have Brielle drag him all the way back. Romeo sniffed my stomach and barked. Youve known all along, haven't you, Romy? I shook my head. No wonder he growled when Dmitri tried to go near my abdomen. He barked again. Can you send Dmitri in? We need to talk. Right on it. Brielle smiled and walked out. Dmitri came in before the door could close. He looked terrible. He was still wearing his uniform. It was covered in dry blood. His eyes looked shrunken in, and he had the biggest eyes bags Ive ever seen on him. His entire face looked solemn to me. Romeo barked with excitement. Come here. I said in a low voice. Dmitri sat down facing me. Romeo jumped out of my arms and licked Dmitris cheeks. He laughed. Then Romeo jumped off the bed, as if knowing that I wanted to speak to Dmitri alone. Come closer, Dmitri. He scooted closer. His arm moved across my lap. I put my hands on his cheeks. Im so sorry, Anna. Im stupid for having let this happen. I wasnt careful. I Shhhh.I dont want to hear it, Dmitri. Its too late for apologies. All we can do is move on. We haveI haveno other choice but to have these babies. Theres nothing I can do to stop it. I have to accept the fact that Im going to be a mother, but Im going to need your help to do it. Ill do anything for you, Anna. He whispered. You can start by cheering up. I thought youd might as well be the tiniest bit happy. Youre the one who wanted kids in the first place. Since we have nothing else to do, lets just call it my gift to you. Dmitri gently kissed me. I love you, Anna. I love you, too, Dmitri. Which leads me to things you can do for me number two: I need you. I need you here with me. I can't do this alone, Dmitri. I can't raise a child, let alone children all by myself. Promise me that you won't leave me.

Im never going to leave you again. I promise. Im so stupid for having walked out on you yesterday. Im never going to do that again. Never in a million years. You have the right to get rid of me if I ever do. It felt so good to hear that. Lord knows Im going to be needing Dmitris help. Dont get to ahead of yourself. I smiled. Our children need a daddy. Dmitri grinned. Well you can count on me to be the best father in the world. Good. I wrapped my arms tightly around Dmitris neck and we kissed. You can count on me for everything, Anna. Im not going to leave you for a second. Ill be there with you for every step of the way. Im going to be the best father youve ever heard of. We are going to raise them right. Were going to raise them any way you want. If youll let me. Im going to spoil them rotten. I get it, Dmitri. I laughed. Youre going to love them no matter what. I might not now, but Ill probably love them just as much. Youll probably love them more than I do. Probably. I nodded. I love you. I love you, too. Were starting a family. It may not be the way we want, but its a family all the same. Dmitri and I are going to be the parents of two of the most beautiful children in the universe. Dmitri is going to be there for me. And I never want him to leave. I need him to be there for every single step. Who else is going to hold my hand and tell me everythings going to be all right? My dad? Oh no. I gasped. Whats wrong? He panicked. My dad. How do I tell my dad? Hell go nuts! Hell disown me all over again! Hell Calm down, Anna. Well find a way to tell him. A way where he won't go bananas on you. So its just me now? I raise my eyebrow. Fear grew in Dmitris face. Us. Sorry. Im just pulling your string. I smiled. I know exactly what you mean. And I hope you know exactly what I mean when I tell you that Im starving and really need something to eat slash use to feed out babies.

The fear was replaced by a grin. Hop on and we can see what kind of food Med has in store. Dmitri carried me on his back while he walked around the house. Romeo walked in front of us like a body guard. I was right/wrong about Meds place being a hut. It was log cabin, smack-dab in the middle of the woods. Which woods, I have not a clue. Im too afraid to look out. His house was designed like the seventies. It was all hippy and covered in bongs. There was an entire room dedicated to holding his illegal drugs. Marijuana plants in one corner, powered drugs in another and pills scattered everywhere. Dmitri carried me into the kitchen, where Brielle and the woman from last night were cooking food. Good morning, Anna. The woman smiled. I see youre doing better. I smiled back. Dmitri set me down on a stool, went behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder and started humming a song. What would you like to eat? We have everything you could ever wish for. Everything? Even Oreo waffles? I raise my eyebrow With Aunt Jemimah chocolate syrup. They dont have those here. I watched as Meds special friend went to the fridge and pulled out the syrup. Ill have to make the waffles. Allow me, Liz. Dmitri said. Anna has a special way of making things. I dont have a special way! Okay, well, maybe adding the syrup into the batter is a special way. But still! Go ahead. Liz stepped aside. Dmitri kissed my cheek and walked away. I picked Romeo up and we watched as Dmitri made breakfast. I watched Liz a little. Shes just so sexy! She seriously has the body of a Victoria Secret Angel! There isnt one thing wrong with her body. She has beautiful, long, wavy golden blonde hair. Her slightly tanned skin is flawless. I want a body like that. She had to have been turned when she was in her twenties. You know what sucks? Ill never get a body like that. Ill probably never be that thin again after I have these babies. Ive watched enough of Sixteen and Pregnant to know that my body will never be the same. And the only way for me to get my body back is to work out like hell. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Dmitri set down a plate with five waffles. Two for me, three for him.

What do you want to drink? He asked. If shes going to drink something, let her drink this. Med called. All eyes turned to the only way into the kitchen. Med walked in holding a bottle filled with blood. To make sure the babies heal properly, Im going to need you to drink at least one bottle of this a day for a week. He set it down next to my plate. Is something wrong with them? Dmitri asked. Meds lips pressed together. I didnt want to tell you last night since you were just finding out, but, He took a deep breath. When she was kicked in the abdomen, one of the fetuses broke some bones and the two of them were significantly jumbled up. Is it going to be okay? Itthey should be fine as long as she drinks the blood. I should be more concerned I know. I am. I just dont know how to say it. Theyre my responsibility as the person carrying them. I shouldve known in the beginning that I was pregnant. I should've been more careful. Its my fault. I should've killed Callan before he could hurt my babies. Ill drink it. I nodded. Good. Dmitri and I ate in silence. Romeo stayed at me feet, never straying any farther than a few inches. Once we were finished, Brielle took us home. Dmitri continued to carry me on his back. I dont know why he did it. Im perfectly capable of walking. But there he was, carrying me up the steps to our home. We went inside to find Hugo cleaning himself up. All of my blood that was on the floor the day before was gone. Welcome home. He smiled. Romeo ran inside and started sniffing the place out. He barked at Hugo a few times before Dmitri told him to stop. Then he continued searching the house for intruders. Howre you feeling, Anna? I feel fine now. I smiled politely at him. Can I get down now? My legs hurt from you carrying me so much. Dmitri chuckled and let me slid down. You replaced the carpet again, didnt you? Dmitri asked. Big blood stain, mate. Dmitri sighed and nodded. I pulled him to the couch and sat down. Hugo sat down on the arm chair. Romeo came running in and sat down in my lap.

So, I hear you two are having twins. Congrats. You really can't keep that big mouth of yours shut, can you? I looked at Dmitri. It was an accident? He said innocently. Ill be right back. I got up. Romeo and I went into the kitchen and I got the big roll of duct tape from under the sink. I cut of a good length and returned to the living room. Thisll show Dmitri to keep his mouth shut. He saw me and started to panic. What are you going to do with that? He gripped the arm of the couch. Teaching you a lesson. I smiled. Hugo laughed. I sat down in front of Dmitri. Hold still. Anna, Romeo barked angrily at him. Hugo was starting to laugh uncontrollably. Dmitri pressed him slips together and closed his eyes. I pressed the duct tape against his mouth and smiled. There. So much better. I said and kissed his duct taped lips. That goes to show ya, Dem! Nice one, Anna! He said and highfived me. Is this really necessary? Yes, it is. Im surprised you managed to keep being a vampire a secret. You dont have a big mouth, you have a huge mouth! How am I supposed to trust you to keep this a secret? What if you tell someone like Andi? She has an even bigger mouth than you do! Dmitri sighed and leaned back. Romeo jumped onto the couch and licked his face. Hugo and I laughed. I think he gets the point, Romy. I pulled him off Dmitri. Dmitri pulled me into his lap. I smiled. So, what are you going to do about school? Hugo asked. I remember when Stella got pregnant. With in a month, she looked huge. How far along are you? A month?! How the hell will I go to school this way? "A month. I said stiffly. Whos Stella? The wife. He showed me his ring finger. A gold band twinkled on it. Id show you a picture, but I dont have one on me. Hugo has a wife? Thats the second most shocking news Ive heard all morning! I didnt think someone as muscular and mean looking could find a wife. I dont need a picture. I held out my hand. Just think about her.


Hugo took my hand. His wife was beautiful. She looked somewhat like Liz. Except Stella has a heart shaped face and hazel eyes like Dmitris. She has a beautiful smile that reminds me of Julia Roberts smile. Shes beautiful. I smiled. Our daughter is even more. Hugo boasted. Her names Dianna, named after Stellas mother. Their daughter looked my age. She has Hugos brunette hair, curls and everything, but her mothers face. She has Hugos brown eyes. Her body is still young like mine. How old is she? Shell be turning eighteen in a few months. I nodded and let go. Was it hard? Was what hard? The pregnancy. Im scared. What if I end up having something like in Twilight? I dont want my babied to rip me from the inside out. Thats just plain nasty. Its just like a normal pregnancy, only sped up for the mothers convenience. He smiled. Nothing to worry about. But since you're still in high school, I guess that gives you something to worry about. Which brings me back to the question, what are you planning on doing with school? If what he says is true, then Ill be bigger soon. I cant be in gym if I want to hide it. I might be taking off my blouse when the entire class looks at me and gasps Annas pregnant! I want to avoid that at all cost. We could leave during Christmas break, but then Ill be huge by then. Ill be nearing my third month then. I dont know. I shrugged. Im sure well figure something out. Well, a bit of advice since youre first time parents. You better figure it out soon. Those babies are coming whether youve figured it out yet or not. I turned to Dmitri. If we leave school, I want to get out of this town. You can't just stop studying, Anna. I never said anything about that. We could find a new place, then I can be home-schooled by a vampire tutor or whatever you have hidden up your sleeve. Then once they're born, a short break, then Ill continue being home-schooled. Lets discuss this a different time, when you let me talk aloud again. Fine. I nodded.

So? Well discuss it later. Hugo left a little while later. Dmitri and I escaped upstairs and decided to take a nice hot bath. I still hadnt removed the tape. Its fun to see him like that. Its even more fun when you try to kiss him like that. Romeo kept trying to climb up into the tub as we got in. I felt bad for him. He really wants to be everywhere with me. Its so hard to ignore him, too. I haven't seen him in a week. Im puppy-sick. You wanna come up, Romy? Anna, dont. Why not? Were taking a bath. Then Ill go put my underwear back on. Or even better, Ill put my bathing suit on. Its not sanitary. We bath him in this tub. Anna, please. What about up here on the marble? He can stay on the marble. Thank you. I smiled and picked Romeo up. I placed him on the marble surface that surrounded our tub. There. I kissed his head. He licked my cheek. Dmitri moved my legs to the side so that he could stretch his legs out, too. I smiled at him and took my feet out of the water. I rested them on his shoulder. Thank you. He shook his head and out my in his lap. When can I take this off? Have you learned your lesson yet? Most definitely. Im gonna miss not hearing him blabber aloud. I motioned him forward. He got onto his knees and crawled over to me. Ready? He nodded. I took a deep breath and pulled the tape off. Ow! He fell back. Did you have to pull so hard? At least now you dont have to worry about shaving your mustache. I smiled innocently. I think I got some of your stubble, too. I examined the tape. Whatever facial hair Dmitri had was now on the adhesive side of this tape. I think theres still some on your face. Lemme see? I have a razor, Anna. I have the tape ready. Its still super sticky.

It hurts. I know. Please? I pouted. Romeo started to whine. He looked at Dmitri with his huge puppy dog eyes. I love how hes backing me up on everything. Its amazing. Dmitri looked back and forth between us, sighed and came forward again. I smacked the tape onto the side of his face. Hey! Sorry. I smiled and pulled the tape off. I repeated the same procedure on the other side. If only I had scissors. Id tape wax your eyebrows. Im not going anywhere near you if you try to remove my eyebrows with that tape. Im not going to remove your eyebrows. Ill try not to at least. I can't make any promises. What about your pits? I know you have a lot of hair there. I lifted his arm up. Men are supposed to have a lot of hair there! I pressed the tape against his armpit hair. Revenge for everything has never been so sweet! I get to give Dmitri a duct tape wax of things he doesnt usually wax. Thats priceless! Anna! I stuck my tongue out at him. Romeo barked. I thought you waxed your armpits? Not with tape! He fell back and examined his arm. The tape was stuck there good. Whats the difference? Come here. Ill remove it. Ill just cut it. I rolled my eyes. Then youll just have one pit with longer hair than the other. Fine with me. He reached over to grab his towel. I took my chance. I reached over as fast as I could and grabbed the tape. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! FUCK! ANNA! I started laughing. Holy Shit! Oh my God! Theres so much hair caught on the tape! OMG! That mustve hurt! I feel so bad for Dmitri now. I just took away part of his manhood. His armpits all patchy now. Ouch. It looks like shit. Anna! What? I grinned. That hurt!

Thats the point! Give me that! He snatched the tape from me. I watched as he examined it and his armpit. He frowned. I am so gonna make you pay for this. Im pregnant, remember? You can't do shit. I stuck my tongue out at him. Come here. Ill make you feel better. I opened my arms. Romeo barked. Dmitri tossed the armpit/facial hair covered duct tape onto the floor and moved into my arms. I kissed him sweetly. I love you. I smiled. I love your craziness. He said and continued to kiss me. I put on a sports bra and shorts once we were finished and examined myself in the mirror. This whole pregnancy thing is going to be a lot to get used to. You can barely see the bump but its super weird to see it there. Another thing Ive noticed, my boobs have gotten the slightest bit bigger. Thats exactly what I dont want to happen. Its so hard to fix boobs once theyve gotten bigger. What are you doing? Dmitri asked. Do you see that? I turned to the side once again. Dmitri knelt down beside me and put his hands on my stomach. I definitely see that. And if you dont mind me saying, I think its beautiful. He kissed my stomach. You are happy then youre letting me on, arent you? Maybe. I rolled my eyes. Leave it to Dmitri to be the only person grateful about my accidental pregnancy. Im gonna take a nap. Care to join me? I cupped his face in my hands. In a sec. Im gonna go get some blood downstairs. Get some for me, too? Dmitri stood up and kissed me. Sure. He smiled. I threw myself onto our bed. Kind of a bad idea. The first thing that hurt was my abdomen. Its weird how much stuff you notice once you know somethings there. I rubbed my stomach as an attempt to make them feel better. Dmitri came back up holding a single glass of blood. I sat up and took it from him. Thank you. I smiled. You're welcome. He smiled back. Can I ask you something, Anna?

I put the now empty glass down. Shoot. Lay down. Theres something I want to see if youll like. I raised my eyebrow. He wants me to do what? In my state? Itll only take a second, I promise. What are you trying to do to me? Something youll like. I promise. He smiled. I hesitantly laid back down. Dmitri got on top of me and kissed my stomach. I love you. I love you, too. I smiled. He smiled again and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck because I was very much liking this. I like this a lot. Except he did something. I will me skin over my armpits be pulled up painfully. I cried out in pain. Dmitri laughed. Looks like you got some hair under your armpits, too. Dmitri! I shouted. I will fucking kill him!! He laughed and ran off, waving the duct tape in his hands. I chased after him. It was so easy to catch him. Even pregnant, Im still faster than Dmitri. I threw him onto the floor. You asshole! I told you Id get revenge. He laughed. Oh it is so on!


August 21, 2011 Sunday 7:22 a.m. So there, now you know my big surprise. I want story Annabel to be pregnant. How else could I explain her vomiting and whatnot? I can never imagine my own self being pregnant though. Its just too hard, especially since Im still a virgin. Its a weird twist, right? I like twists. Theyre just sosotwisty. School starts tomorrow and Im still relaxed as hell. I surprisingly can't wait for it to start. We went school supplies shopping last Friday. I can't stop touching my new things for school. Everythings so new except my bag of course. Ive been using that same ratty old shoulder bag for forever. Im so good to it. It hasnt even ripped once. Except for the inside seam. I got my inspiration from that tear.


All my uniforms are ironed and ready, my shoes shined. I can't wait for tomorrow. Usually, I wouldnt be like this, but Im gonna be a junior! Two more years and I graduate! Then Im out of this stupid town. Im thinking about going to NYU, but my dad wants me to go to Cambridge. Like we can afford that! I can so get an easy scholarship to NYU. Or maybe, if Im lucky, I can audition to Julliard or the Paris Conservatory. Oh, God! If only I can get into one of those schools like story me. I promise to never give up if I get into one of those schools. I should get back to writing. Now my head is going to explode because I figured out how to finish my story.

Chapter 21

We figured it out. How I got pregnant at least. The rest is

still one big jumble of mess that we dont know what to do with. We were talking in our dream. We figured it mustve been right before I was turned when we still lived in Low Row, and we had a lot of sex cause I was being rebellious. We slipped there. Its my fault basically. I wanted the sex. Im out of school officially tomorrow. Dmitri will stay for show. Well be house searching soon. Then once everything is ready, thats when well tell my dad. This whole pregnancy is making my nervous. And to think this is only the beginning. I have other things to worry about now though. Right now, I have to worry about how Im gonna get Dmitri back for the whole armpit thing. I have a plan though. Ive already have an idea. Later, Im gonna but dirt in his hot coco. Of course hes gonna notice it right away, so Im gonna put on my powers of seduction for him. Thisll be a piece of cake. I put my plan into action that night after dinner. Dmitri was out taking Romeo for a walk. He wanted me to join him, but I played queasy pregnant woman. Then he refused to take Romeo out, which I then had to force him to take poor ol Romy out. Then I snuck out side and got a tablespoon or two of dirt. I added a few roly-polies. I made two mugs of hot chocolate and poured the dirt into his mug.

The front door opened and Romy came running in. Hey, Anna? He called. Still kicking, baby. I called back. I heard him chuckle. Hes probably blushing right now, too. Where are you? Wait for me in the living room. I made my moms special recipe of hot chocolate. I want you to try it. Im no sure if I got it right. Okay. I carried both mugs into the living room. Dmitri was sitting on the couch, Romeo next to him. I sat down in his lap and smiled. He kissed me. This is just too easy. I love you. I whispered. I love you, too. He smiled. So, my mothers recipe. Try it and tell me what you think. Be honest okay? I already know it must taste like magic if you made. You know it is. Magic of the earth nymphs. Okay. I grinned and gave it to him. I already blew it for you. Theres stuff floating in it. Thats chocolate. Duh? My moms favorite thing to do was to put real pieces of chocolate in her hot cocoa. He nodded and took a big sip. I bit back my laughter. I can believe he fell for it. Hes such a sap! He nearly spit it back up, but swallowed. Wow, this is really something. He coughed. I know right. I grinned. How does it taste? Like dirt. He put the mug down on the table. I know right. Thats the way we Rare Bloods do it. What better way to be closer to the Mother than by putting dirt in our food. My grinned stretched wider. You put dirt in this? He choked. Yours only. I thought you might like it since youre so into screwing with me today. And those arent chocolate bits. I put bugs in your cocoa. You're fucking kidding me! He gently pushed me off. I watched as he ran into the bathroom. Heres where I laughed. I laughed so hard it hurt. I doubled over with stomach pain. I know its not good for the babies, but I can't help it! He fell for that like Alice down the rabbit hole. He came back out, a huge scowl on his face. That was not funny. It is to me. I grinned. Did it taste good, baby? I sweet-talked him.

Why? Its called revenge. My armpit still hurts. Have you considered mine yet? Unlike yours, I got hair removed. Have you considered that you did it to a pregnant woman? You just love rubbing that in my face, dont you? I know you love hearing it. You're the father of my children. Ill rub it in all I want. He fell onto the couch and into my arms. I give up. You win. I have my limits and drinking dirt is just that. Be a good sport, Dmitri. Im only doing this because I love you. I kissed his hair. He rolled onto his stomach and kissed mine. I giggled. Im ticklish in that area. He of all people should know that. He makes a living out of making me laugh. Why does your mommy have to be such a meanie? He frowned. Now Im the meanie? Hes the one that waxed a layer of my skin off of my armpit. If anyones the meanie, its him. Im just taking my revenge, like I have been since this morning. Will it make you happy if I kiss you and catch a taste of the dirt? It would make me very happy if you drank some of it yourself. And expose our children to the germs there? I gasped. What is wrong with you? Dmitri shook his head and scooted upward. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Youre terrible. You love it. I smiled. It makes me crazy. I make you crazy. Damn right you do. He said and kissed me. That night was fun. We may not have done anything significant. But we stayed up late and talked about starting our family. The way Dmitri described it, it sounded beautiful. It made me unable to wait for them to be born. We decided that we wanted a home like Meds but not in this area. If we were lucky, my dad would let us move out to the tiniest villages in England where it would involve us having to build our own house if one is not available for us to be. I really want a home like Meds. Hes smack-dab in the middle of no where of a forest. I have no clue where that forest even exists. I just no its a really long drive home. Dmitri left early the next morning so that he could go to the head mistresses office and tell her about my unfortunate dropping out of school

because Im being taken by a social worker in which my father wants to renew custody over me. And wherever I go, he will soon follow. Romeo and I decided to wig it out and be bums. We sat on the couch and did nothing but watch TV, order movies off the internet, and eat junk food. Then when we finished that, we went upstairs and took a nap. Such a successful day, isnt it? I felt Dmitris lips press against the back of my neck. His arms wrapped around me in a back hug. I smiled and pulled his arm around me tighter. Wakey-wakey, my dear, sweet Annabel. He whispered. What time is it? I must have a few hours of sleep left in me. Lunch. Really? This day seems to be moving slower than I thought. I turned to face him. What are you doing home? I put my hand on his cheek. I brought you lunch. I figured youd be too lazy to cook it yourself. I am never lazy. Youre asleep, arent you? I smiled and kissed him. I missed you, too. Dmitri chuckled. I really wish he hadnt woken me up. I had the best dream where we were choosing what our children would look like. They were both going to be little girls. I can feel that they will be little girls. Anyway, they both looked like Dmitri and were the most adorable things in the world. If only he could see what I was dreaming of. Come on. I know your starving. Those chips and cookies did nothing good to you. He pulled me to my feet. They were delicious. I smiled. Dmitri shook his head. We went downstairs. He had set out a little picnic sort of thing on the floor in the living room. I smiled. You did all this? I looked at him. Who else wouldve done this just for you? I can name a few. I teased. He laughed. They're gonna have to hear from me when I found out their names. You won't hear a thing. I smiled and kissed him. We sat down and ate lunch. I could feel how much Dmitri was trying to make up for leaving me with Callan. I loved every second of it. I dont think Ive had this much of Dmitris love and laughter in a long time. Once we were finished eating, I moved into his lap and we made out until an

alarm on his iPhone went off telling him to head back to school. I think it was our best make-out session ever. Then Romeo and went back to what we were doing before. Although I was saving the movies I got online for me and Dmitri, impatience struck and I really wanted to watch them myself. We watched one movie before I got bored and started examining myself in the mirror again. I didnt expect anything to change, but there was the slightest difference. After one month of being pregnant and not knowing it, my belly was bigger than before. I looked about three months pregnant, as Med suggested. It was bigger than yesterday by a few centimeters. It was really noticeable too. It's a very good thing that Dmitri pulled me out today. I wouldve stepped into gym class and everyone would be shouting Annas pregnant! I experimented on different ways to hide it, but it just didnt work. No matter what way I turned, or how I chose to cover it, I looked more than bloated. This just sucks a little. I won't be able to back to school. At least I somewhat lasted at least a month. This is just the strangest year of school ever. Rare Blood School is nothing compared to this. Dismissal time came around and I was excited to see Dmitri again. Id jump into his arms the first time I got. When he called me, I was on top of the world..with hormones. Hello? I said sexily. Hey, Anna. We have a problem. Not what I was expecting. Whats wrong? Its Andi. Shes coming over. Shes been in tears for the past hour. She wants to see you. I need you to do me a favor. Anything. Theres one of those big bandages in the bathroom. Put it on Romy and tell him to play sick. Hell know exactly what to do. You taught him how to play sick? I prepare for the worse, babe. Well be there soon. So, you might want to put on something over your bra. Kay. I said and hung up. First of all, there is nothing wrong with me walking around in a sports bra. Most girls do it when theyre so used to wearing just that. We run around town wearing just a sports bra and shorts. Second of all, Andis crying? What happened? Apart from finding out Callans left school at the same time I have. I feel bad for her, but then again, she couldve just been another part of his plan to get me alone. I hope shes okay. Ill be here for her, pregnant or not pregnant (impossible).

I did exactly what Dmitri said and watched Romeo go play sick puppy in his dog bed. He laid there like an actual puppy that just had surgery. It was kind of cool despite the fact that he was badly hurt last week. I changed my outfit completely so that Andi couldnt say a thing if she noticed something. I put on pajama pants (expected from staying home all day) and a loose, but backless shirt. It was one of my many awesome tees. On the front, it has my favorite band, Paramore. And on the back, I cut out most of it and shredded the rest. Awesome, right? I could feel when they were near. I could hear Andis sniffles and it just makes me sad. How can I leave her? Shes my only normal best friend. Shes my first best friend. How can I let go of that? I paced back and forth while I waited for them to walk up the front steps. The door opened and she was the first one to walk in. I gave her a big hug. Andi, are you okay? Whats wrong? She shook her head. I looked her. She looks perfectly fine. Her hair is still the same, her face, although a little bloated from crying, the same, her body, unmarked. What happened? She pulled away from me and started to unbutton her blouse. I dont know what happened. I just found these on my body yesterday morning. And Ive been feeling light headed since then. I dont know what happened, Anna. Im scared. She pulled open her blouse. Her chest and stomach were covered in bite marks. Callan is the only explanation for this. He did this to her. He bit her! Oh my God, Andi! Where did you get these? I pretended not to know. Dmitri came around and gasped. Andi, someone bit you! Not someone! Callan! She half-shouted. Her body trembled. I know for sure he did this to me. I just dont remember how. Lets sit down, honey. I put my arm around her and guided her to the living room. We sat down. Whats the last thing you remember doing with him? We stayed after school for a while on Monday. Remember how I disappeared for a while? He pulled me away and then we were having a quickie in the janitors closet. I remember his eyes turning black and then my mind goes blank from there. She started to cry again. That son of a bitch. If only Dmitri didnt kill him. Unlike him, I wouldve enjoyed killing Callan. I wouldve made him suffer.

Does it hurt? Dmitri and mine always heal at the exactly same time. I dont know anything about pain. She shook her head. I hugged her. Poor, poor Andi. I feel terrible. I shouldve been more careful with her. I shouldve made sure Callan didnt do the same thing he did to me. Thank God he didnt beat her like he did me. I would never be able to live with myself knowing that I let that monster hurt my best friend. I dont know what Im going to do. Ive been skipping gym because I cant let them see me like this. What do I do, Anna? Ill heal it. Wait right here. I know exactly what to give you. Stay with her, please, Dmitri. He nodded. I got up and went into the kitchen. I took out a glass and a knife. If I give her my blood, shell be healed immediately. The only problem is that there will be side effects coming from her. One being the questions. How do I explain that I healed her immediately just by letting her drink something? How will I explain the short taste of immortality shell have. If she dies, in the next week, shell be declared dead for sure, but then shell come back to life like a miracle from God. How will I explain it when people come to me looking for what I did? I know she has a big mouth. Shell tell the world that I gave her the magic elixir that kept her alive. I cut wrist, and let the blood pour into the cup. Will you excuse me for a second? Im sorry. Dmitri said and came into the kitchen. He had his sleeve pulled up. His blood dripping from it. What are you thinking, Anna? Im thinking that I want my only normal friend to be healed. Are you gonna add in your wrist or not? Youre wasting blood. Dmitri shook his head and let his blood flow into the cup. Im leaving you to explain everything. Can't you just make her not think about it for good? It doesnt work that way, Anna. He said in a low voice. Then how does it work? We just let her live with the memory of these bite marks and how we cured it? I have to be in her presence in order for me to do that. It was so easy with you because I was already hooked on your everything. But with her, Ill need to have my eyes on her twenty-four-seven. Then we hire someone to be her watch. You can't just hire a vampire like that, Anna. Especially one you dont know. They turn on you after a while. Theyll be the one doing things to her.

The only other logical thing I can think of is to turn her. But neither of us wants that. This is more confusing than I thought. What if we tell her everything? She won't tell a secret that big. Especially if we lie and say therell be someone watching her at all times, waiting to kill her and whoever shes told. Youre willing to lie to her like that? If well still be safe in the end, then yes. I am. I looked into his eyes. Dmitri gently kissed me. I let him drink from my wrist and me from his. We washed off the blood from our wristsmine was already healed and returned to the living room. I sat down next to Andi and gave her the glass. Here, drink this. Itll make you feel better. What is it? She swiveled the blood in the glass. Well explain everything after. She looked at the blood, took a deep breath and took a sip. Just like my first time to drink blood, that sip became a chug, then huge gulps. I looked at Dmitri. Youre better at explaining this than I am. He sighed and nodded. That tasted weird but good. What is it? It was like an explosion on my tongue. That, Andi, was blood. She choked. What? Youre kidding right? What do you think I am, a vampire? She laughed. Dmitri and I shook our heads. You may not be, but we are, and so was Callan. Again, Andi choked on her own spit. Then she laughed it off. Now you must be kidding. So, youre trying to tell me that the three of you are vampires? Andi, were telling you this in confidence. Please dont laugh like were telling a joke. I said. If you want proof, well show you. Do you have fangs? She folded her arms. Shes going to take a lot more convincing than I thought. I extended my fangs. Dmitri did the same. Easily faked. You couldve put those on when you were out. And our eyes? You can't cover eyes like mine with contacts and not see the green. Andi, youve already tried to put black contacts on my eyes, you know I looked nothing like this. The memory of her putting contacts into

my eyes returned. She did it last Saturday when I was over. Black is the color she wears to cover her violet eyes. They look the same. If one of us cuts ourselves and it heals back immediately. Then will youll believe us? Dmitri asked. Maybe. Ill be right back. He got up and disappeared. He came back a second later holding the knife we used a few minutes ago. Whoa. Howd he do that? Andi gasped. I told you, Andi. Were not human. Dmitri took off his blazer and sat down. He put his wrist in my lap. Ready? She nodded. Dmitri sliced a thin line on his wrist. I heard him wince and put my not bleeding arm around him. I showed Andi my own wrist, and within ten seconds, they were both healed. Enough proof? Theres no way you can fake that. If thats still not enough, take a peak at youre bite marks. I can assure you there gone. I said. You know, I thought Andi would believe us the first second. She loves this sort of stuff. Shes in love with books pertaining to vampire love. You should see her bedroom. Shes in love with the paranormal. If you take a deeper peak into her mind like I have so many times, youll see that she died her hair and went goth because she enjoys the dark. She loves things evil and mischievous. Its who she is basically. She unbuttoned her blouse, and like I said, it was healed. Her white skin was back to its smooth firmness. You know we couldnt have faked that, Andi. Not one of us has touched you long enough or been under you buttoned blouse to have done that. So you two are seriously vampires? We nodded. Thats what weve been trying to tell you. I said, a bit annoyed. Bloody hell. My best friends a vampire. Can you pick up heavy things like its a feather? Yes. Dmitri answered. I wasnt asking you. She hissed. Yes, Andi. I can. Show me. I dont think thats a good idea, Anna. Consider what your ordeal is. He said in a low voice.

How is that not a good idea? I thought you two were vampires. I want to see something heavy picked up. Dmitris right. I could hurt the babies by doing heavy lifting. Who knows what could happen. One of them already has broken bones. I dont want to risk them getting hurt anymore. Why dont I just show you? Youre a guy. Youre already strong enough as is. I really dont think I should be doing that, Andi. Stop being so stubborn and leave me alone! I dont even like heavy lifting! I leave that all to Dmitri! Why not? Because Im pregnant okay? I shouted. Look who has the big mouth now. I covered my mouth, embarrassed. How could I have just told her that? Youre pregnant! She gasped. Why do you think Ive dropped out of school so early? Vampire pregnancies are nothing like human ones. You cant tell anyone, Andi. Is that understood? It works differently in the vampire world. When a vampire tells a human theyre secret, that human gets a tail, someone paid to follow that person around all day to make sure it doesnt slip. And the consequence of telling someone is death. Dmitri said. Now you two are just lying. I tightened my arms around my stomach and shook my head. Dmitri bowed his head and somewhat buried his face in my hair. The way he said it was so strange. Its like he was telling the truth. What if it is the truth? What if starting today, someone will be following Andi around, making sure she doesnt tell a soul? I hope its not. Please, dont be true. You arent lying, are you? No, Andi. Were not. So you can understand why were trying to keep you safe. I wont tell anyone. I swear. Cross my heart and hope to day. I swear over my grandmums grave. We get it, Andi. I said. Silence. I moved closed to Dmitri to feel his comforting arm around me. Lord knows Ill be crying after this. Dont you just hate hormones? I feel like I have PMS. So, youre the father? She said after a while. Dmitri nodded. How far along are you? "A month in a four month pregnancy.

Four months? They grow that quick? Have you seen our dog yet? He isnt even a month old. Dmitri answered. Hes back? In that moment, Romeo came walking along, still playing sick. Its hard not to smile at how adorable he looks. Oh, my! Is he okay? I picked him up and took the bandage off. Its okay now, Romy. You dont have to play anymore. I whispered. He licked my cheek. I thought you said he just had surgery. He did. Hes healed. You healed him too? She said amazedly. You can say that. He nodded. It was like Andi forgot about everything we had just told her. For the next hour, she spent asking about Romeo and playing with him. Then her mom called saying it was time for her to go home. We all got up to walk her out. One last question before I go. She stopped, halfway down the driveway. Wheres, um, Callan? Move on, Andi. Youll never see him again. Fear washed over her. What happened to him? We killed him after he left me for dead in the middle of nowhere. I told you to stay away from him, Andi. Youre just lucky it wasnt you that he enjoyed beating up. I said. I know I might have exaggerated it. If what Ive seen in Dmitri is right, he was still going to rape me before he got rid of me. Saying it that way makes him sound more like the villain. The whole middle of nowhere thing is where Dmitri took me after he had tried to kill me. Andi stood there in horror. Dmitri closed the door on her and we went back into the living room. I laid down in his arms. He kissed my hair and gently caressed my back. His heart beat was so calm that it did nothing but calm the waves that had begun to rage with in me. I hope she knows you did it for the right reason. I whispered. She does. He whispered. She loves you more than she ever did him, Anna. How do you know that? After a while, you begin to know the thoughts of the people the person you love stays around. He smiled.

Look who reads minds now. I smiled back. Dmitri chuckled and kissed my hair again. You haven't drunken the blood yet, have you? Nope. It has totally passed my mind. I dont even know where he put it. Wait here, Ill go get you some. I sat up and let Dmitri get by. He came back holding a bottle of that delicious tasting blood. I really want to know whats in it. We could make our own. But if its made out of a whole bunch of drugs mixed with blood, no thanks. I can get high without it. Dmitri turned on the TV using my big stuffed remote and we watched one of the movies I got early. And like with all romance movies he watches with me, we dont pay attention to the ending. Whats the use of watching a stupid movie when you have your own real life romance right next to you, right? We kissed until we were out of breath. Then we were just smiling, and gazing into each others eyes. Thats my most favorite part. I love losing myself in his eyes. I can always see our future there, and this time, the future involved our two little girls (thats right. Im sticking to my dream theory that theyre girls. A woman just knows sometimes). And the future I see is just amazing. Now we have two flower girls for our wedding. Now we have two bundles of joy to love. Two bundles of joy I have to love with my whole heart, mind and soul. Its funny, just two nights ago I refused the idea of being sixteen and pregnant. Now I dont mind a bit. If Dmitri and I are to have a big family someday, why not that day be today? Its already too late to turn back the clock. I have a feeling that we are going to be making a lot of beautiful babies in the future. I love you. I whispered. I love you, too. He whispered back. I love our children already. I love them, too. He smiled. I love the fact that you're here with me. I wouldnt choose to be anywhere else in the world. Lets find a way to get married sooner. On it. He grinned and kissed me.


August 22, 2011 Monday 5:00 p.m. OMFG! You will not believe what has happened today! Seriously! I bet you can't even guess! It has to do with school and a certain student. If you think I killed Jason, then youre partially correct. He tried to apologize to me at school today but I didnt even give him a second glance. I am so over him. Anyway, that is so not the point! I told you how new students are rare in our school, right? Well we have one! And you will never believe what his name is! Its Dimitri! Dmitri, except with an i after the "d! And he even sits next to me in class! My heart is seriously melting! You won't even believe it! Okay. Deep breath. His full name is Dimitri William Malloy. Hes British royalty! His father is a duke, making his mother (who is Scottish) a duchess and him a future duke of England! Hes living here all by himself because his parents shipped him here for safety reasons (theres like a fight or something going on between his father and someone else. I didnt hear the whole story). He looks nothing like the Dmitri in my book except for the Italian leather shoes. He has brown hair, not the chestnut color my Dmitri has. And instead of hazel eyes, his eyes are blue. I am so close to changing everything about Dmitri in my book! Hes 511, almost seventeen years old and not a


vampire. Hes so handsome. He has the sexiest voice, too! Its so hard to remember the way my Dmitri talks when that Dimitri opens his sexy lips. His voice kind of reminds me of Alex Pettyfers and nothing like Robert Pattinsons. I made small talk with him. I was actually kind of forced to. It was only first period and we were already set up into pairs. You will not believe how much I tried not to freak out. Being so close to him just gives me the chills. He smells as delicious as he looks (and not in the vampire sense). I can almost identify his cologne. I think its Hugo Boss or maybe CK. I make him laugh. He said it himself! Ive never met an American before besides my fathers business associates. You are definitely the only one who has ever made me laugh this much in ten minutes. My heart melted when he said that! I am so crushing on him! And just like that, Molly swooped in and tried to take him from me. All the girls actually. During lunch, after we had just come back from the dining hall (he asked me to have lunch with him! He said I was his first friend thats a girl! Can you believe that?! Switch it around and you get Im his first girlfriend. Its a little sad to hear that, but you get my point). Anyway, once we were back in the classroom, he was attacked by girls (figuratively). Meanwhile, I was stuck with Jason, who kept trying to apologize to me. You can probably guess how annoying that was. The only solution I could think of to get him to shut up was put in my earphones and blast on some Paramore. First song played: Hallelujah. Jason was sent packing instantly. Hallelujah. Heres what happened once the bell rang and the girls were sent packing, too: What were you listening to? Dimitri leaned over to ask. Paramore. Theyre my favorite. Really? Theyre mine, too. He grinned. Score! Whats your favorite song? Mines Playing God. Im terrible with names, but the one that goes All I Wanted Was You. All you wanted was me?

I hid my face in my red curls. Can you believe he said that?! Does that work every time? I played it cool like he just hadnt flirted with me. Most of the time. He grinned. Then the teacher walked in and I was left with butterflies raging in my stomach. He gives me butterflies! Jason could barely do that! Well, he could, but I stopped calling it butterflies when we broke up. He gave me mosquitoes. I can't wait till tomorrow when I get to see him again. I am so not going to stop. I am going to make this Dimitri my boyfriend whether Molly likes it or not. She has Jason to be her boy toy. I will not let her take this guy from me, too. Do you think he likes me? Oh, God I hope he does. It would be so amazing if he has a crush on my back. Well, mine isnt really a crush anymore. Ive fallen head over heels in love all because Ive already fallen in love with a fictional character that has the same name as him. I am so gonna have sweet dreams tonight. I can barely type because the butterflies haven't left me and I hope they never will.


August 23, 2011 Tuesday 4:52 p.m. Today was so much better than yesterday. We were made Chemistry partners. Isnt that just plain brilliant? We already have so much chemistry between us. It was made to be. And as first order of business as chemistry partners, discuss what you might do for the first semesters investigatory project. In it, we have to choose a theory or a principle and attempt to approve it. And we already have one. The principle that like dissolves/pairs/attracts like and vice versa. And youll never believe it, but he chose the topic. How we prove it will be the hardest and easiest thing ever. He came up with that one in the first five minutes so we spent the rest of the hour talking and laughing. He really is the funniest guy ever. Or maybe thats just me unable to control myself. I really think the latter. But anyway, we were both tied in laughter. He told me things about his life that I didnt expect him to tell anyone, which means, they were mostly embarrassing, which is why we were laughing in the first place. And in return, I told him about the embarrassing things that have happened in our class. Im more sure than yesterday that he is crushing on me back. We just have way too much in common. We like a lot of the same things and the things we dont like, we were stuck explaining why we didnt like it. You wouldnt do that with someone you werent crushing on, right? Plus the embarrassing stories about his life, you just dont tell those to anyone. Again, this is where Molly comes in. She really is the jelly type, isnt she? She couldnt (none of the girls actually) stand watching how much fun we were having. Dont you just love it when you have something your number one enemy can't have? During the last break, she came up by herself while all the not so self-confident girls watched in envy. Heres what happened:


So, Dimitri, Im throwing a party after school this Friday in the dorms. Its sort of a welcome back to school, or in youre case, welcome to school party. You wanna come? Party? Um, no thanks. Parties arent really my kind of scene. Id rather grab a good book and stay in my room. Here is where I butt in. Whos your favorite author? James Patterson. I absolutely love his books. Really? I thought youd be more of a Paul Coelho person. Dont get me wrong, hes a good author, but I like more action. Why, whos yours? Youre gonna think Im a romantic if I tell you. Fine with me. He grinned. And this is where Molly starts feeling out of place. Anyway, if you change your mind, heres my number and the room where the partys being held. She slipped a paper to him. Youll be the first to know. He nodded. I could tell how uninterested he was. Molly then turns away, her skirt flying up a little (he wasnt even looking. I was though). And this is where I be a total bitch. If your smart, you won't change your mind. Molly does that to most new students. It really is a party though. Ive heard how fun it must be. If youre into parties in her pants. Dimitri laughed. My heart sores. Youre right. He crumpled up the paper and flicked it to the floor. Im not into those kinds of parties. Score a gazillion for Annabel! And this is where the most amazing, most spectacular and unbelievable thing happens. Less than thirty minutes ago He asked for my number! Heres what happened. We were walking out of the school. I was going home while he was on his way to the dorm. He was going to take a little fuel break before he went to play videogames or whatever he was planning to do with the other boys of our

class. I stopped paying attention when he mentioned doing that. You can understand how uninterested I was. Anyway, we had already parted ways when he called out my name. Hey, Anna! Wait! I stopped and turned to him. My heart racing. Yeah? Im gonna be stupid if I dont ask for this soon. And I know weve only met, but, Oh, I dont know how to say this. Well spit it out. I have to get out of here before my sister finds me. He chuckled. Can I get your number? My racing heart stops beating for a second. A second to long. Anna, did you hear me? Yeah, sorry. I shock off my utter shock. I wanted to continue my sentence by saying. Sorry, you just deposited a massive load of butterflies into my stomach, any more and I explode. But instead, I played it cool and said You gotta pen? He immediately pulls out a pen from his bag and gives it to me. I wrote my number on the back of his hand and ended it with a smiley face and a smile. Want me to give you mine? He said as he took the pen back. Im good. Its not like I have ten unknown numbers texting me everyday. He laughs. Can I call you sometime? And right as Im about to say sure, we hear this: Hey, Anna! There you are! You arent ditching me this time! I need you to roll me home! Moment ruined. I should go before my sister throws a bitch-fit. Ill see you tomorrow, Dimitri. And I run away. Stupid, stupid me. I can't believe I left him hanging like that.


Then comes my sister who totally embarrasses me in front of him. Whos that boy you were with, Anna? She said with a grin. Hes hot. Were my eyes deceiving me or were you giving him your number? Shut up. I hissed. Whats wrong? You so totally like him! She shouts for the entire school to hear. I peek behind my hair to see Dimitri laughing. He catches me looking and waves. And lastly, here is where I send Cassidy flying out of her wheelchair. Or at least I imagine it. My dad would kill me if I did anything of the sort. And then I would never, ever see Dimitri again. And so, for the last thirty minutes, I have been pestered by my sister about Dimitri. Lets hope tomorrow, hell still look at me.

Chapter 22

Theres a way. That was all I needed to hear from Dmitri.

He had found it. A way for us to be married earlier than I am legally allowed. I ran right into his arms. He lifted me up and held me tightly. My belly, now way bigger than it was a few days ago, being the only thing keeping us apart. How? I grinned.

It may not be a real wedding, but its the vampire version. Its a pairing ceremony where we declare our love to the Council and they make us mates for eternity. It doesnt have an age limit. He grinned back. How do we make one happen? All we have to do is show up a week exactly before. But knowing you, youre going to want it like a real wedding arent you? Youll need some time. Give me a week. We can head over there this Sunday. I said and kissed him. He pressed me against the wall. I could feel how horny this all made him. Us kissing passionately, you know how it goes. I didnt stop him when he started to take me upstairs. Weve been doing this for a month now. A couple more hours couldnt hurt. I cant help but think that Dmitri is more in love with my belly than he is with me. Its impossible to hide it now. Its so obvious. Even with a loose shirt, you can tell that its there. I look maybe 3-4 months pregnant. By next week, Ill be bigger. And by the week after that Ill be two months pregnant. Another month of so and well have them. Anyway, back to the whole Dmitri loves my belly more than he loves me theory. Right now, as were sitting in a bubble bath, his arms arent just around me, hes rubbing my belly. And I have to tell you, it feels good. Its like a little massage. I can feel him examining the shape and how much its grown in the past few days. Its a little creepy the way he rubs it like Im a magic lamp (instead of a genie, out comes two babies). But Im, serious, it feels really good. Med wants us to back on Saturday. He wants to get another ultrasound. You didnt give him the chance to do a proper one last time. I tilted my head back and kissed Dmitri. I cant wait. I bit back my grin. Dmitri smiled and kissed me some more. He kissed my neck and my shoulder. His hand continued to rub my growing stomach sweetly and gently. I love you. I whispered. I love you, too. He whispered in my ear. His hot breath tickled. He gently nibbled on my ear, then moved back to my neck. We stayed in this position before getting out. Then it continued out of the water. We laid in bed and watched some TV. Well, I watched Dmitri was


busy listening to the heartbeat of our children. You can see where the creepy comes in. Hes obsessed with them. Literally obsessed. You should try saying something to them. Im sure theyd love to hear you speak to them. Dmitri looked at me shocked, as if he forgot my presence. Thats where the creepy continues. Hes doing this a lot. Say something to them. I repeated. They might react. Its too early for them to react. You never know. I smiled. He took a deep breath. Hey, little people in mommys belly. I laughed. I may have called him daddy, but he has not once called me mommy. It sounds nice. Dmitri kissed my hand. I dont know if you can hear us, but I just want you to know that your mommy and I, your daddy, love you very much. We cant wait to hold you in our arms. Hes more impatient than I am. I teased. Dmitri chuckled and kissed my belly. Then he scooted back up and pulled me into his arms. I love you, Annabel. I love you, too, Dmitri. I said and kissed him. We were waken early by Hugo, Brielle, Mona, and Romeo. Somehow, the ones not living with us made it inside out house and woke us up. Romeo was just there to do the actual waking. He licked my face, Dmitris face, then my abdomen, as if waking up the twins also. We all laughed. What are you guys doing here so early? Dmitri asked. I have come to kidnap you. Hugo smiled at him. And we have come to kidnap you. Brielle smiled at me. Im gonna help you plan your pairing ceremony. While Im gonna show you the house I found. I looked at the clock and frowned. Its only eight. Love, weddings dont wait, especially the vampire kind. Being paired as mates is a very big deal. You can't just mate with anybody. You can only be Mated once in your lifetime. Get up and get dressed. You can have breakfast at the place where going. Sorry, mate. You dont get breakfast. My mind is still asleep, by the way. Brielle and Mona pulled me out of bed (gently, might I add) and pushed me towards the closet. I was

wearing Dmitris shirt. Its so much more comfortable than my shirts. Still half-asleep, I pulled out a pair of pants, a long-sleeved t-shirt and my jacket. Then Dmitri came out and everything changed. He put his arms around me and kissed me. I wish I could go with you. I whispered. And I wish I could go with you. He whispered and kissed me. He helped me get dressed since I was packing the pounds. This is what I hate the most about pregnancies (besides the whole boob thing). When your clothes dont fit anymore, you have to go out and buy new ones. Dmitri carried me downstairs. I was so out of it, it wasnt even funny. I dont think Ive ever been this sleepy (besides my first few days of being a vampire. My body was literally shutting down then). Like I was some five year old, he put my shoes on for me and helped me out to Brielles car. With my thick jacket on, it wasnt obvious how pregnant I was. If anything happens to her, Bri, Im holding you responsible. Nothing will happen to her or your babies. She smiled. Romeo jumped into the car with us. Romeo, no. Dmitri scolded. Let him tag along or else hell end up following us outside. Dmitri sighed and kissed me forehead, Ill see you later, kay? I know. I smiled. I love you. I love you, too. He said and kissed me. He closed the door and we were off. I fell asleep on the way to wherever we were going. Romeo was also asleep for the ride. I have a feeling that it was a long ride because I woke up before we even got there feeling refreshed. Brielle was taking me to a friend of hers. From what I gathered she plans these sorts of things for a living. She also doesnt get many customers. They were so right about pairing ceremonies being rare. With this friend of hers, wed be getting everything: what dress I would where, the cake, the reception. Too bad we wouldnt be needing any of those (except the cake. I really want the cake). I hate dresses. Dmitri and I agreed to where something casual, like what Im wearing now. We wouldnt be needing a reception because I only knew a whopping total of eight people willing to go to the reception. No need for that. We would just be having a party at home or anywhere else available. Grace? she called. Coming! She called. You are going to love Grace. Brielle smiled at me. She organized all of my weddings.

Just then a woman came in holding a vase full of roses. She was wearing a matching floral-printed halter dress. She must have a high tolerance for cold because it is freezing in here. She smiled at us. You must be Anna. Bri told me so much about you. She shook my hand. Congrats on the pairing and the pregnancy! The girl doesnt even look pregnant. How lucky. I wonder how many people know. This is just getting too far. Thanks. I nodded. And you're so young! I hear this is your first time. It took me forever to find my mate. Lets go now. Stella and Dianna are waiting in the other room. Ooh, I get to meet Stella and Dianna. This will be fun. Too bad Im still hungry. Im trying to make this bottle of blood last. Im almost halfway through. Brielle said I could have something to eat here. Why, love, the next room is the cake room. She smiled. I can't wait. We went into the next room which looked like a restaurant. It was bright. In the center, I recognized, was Stella and Dianna. And next to them was a cart decked with different slices of cake. I didnt notice the two women coming towards me until Stella hugged me. So this is her. Finally the girl that has Hugo and Dmitri in a bind. Shes more beautiful than Hugh described her. And those eyes with that hair! My goodness! Reminds me of Christmas at home. I moved away silently. She looked at me curiously. Is everything okay, Anna? Do you feel sick? I thought you already got over the morning sickness. Its nice to know that I remind you of Christmas. I nodded. They all laughed. I forgot to mention that part, didnt I? Brielle said. Shes a Rare Blood vampire. The first of her kind. Brielle put her hands on my shoulders. I apologize for Stella; she has wild thoughts sometimes that arent always too kind. I apologize if she said something else that was rude. She didnt I said in a low voice. Anna reads minds by touch, so be careful what you think around her when you touch her. How unusual. Grace looked at me like I was a science experiment. I avoided her gaze. So, shall we try cakes? Brielle smiled.


We sat down at the center table next to the cake. Romeo sat in my lap, his head resting on the table. Grace passed around the first round of cakes. It was chocolate, with white frosting and candy flowers. It tasted like a normal chocolate cake. Not what I was looking for. So? Grace said. You should know that our cakes are baked by the best in the business. Our customers deserve the best. It tastes a little plain. Ive always wanted a three tiered chocolate and strawberry flavored cake with vanilla flavored frosting. The chocolate and strawberry would have a kinda swirled design, where you can see each individual flavor. Then with the frosting I always imagined there to be like falling flowers. There would be lots at the top then they would fall all around the cake. I was thinking of using green-tipped or maybe lavender-tipped white roses. Then the frosting would also be tinted with the same color. I had the cake envisioned in my mind. Ive drawn it so many times. I could draw it for them now if I had the right materials. Thats specific. Mona said. If you could get me a piece of paper and some colored pencils. Ill show you what I want. Romeo barked. Ill go get my planning book. Grace said and walked away. Anything else you have perfectly planned out in your mind? Brielle asked. No, but I would love to have some more cake. I continued to eat. I finished the cake and moved onto a second before Grace came back. She had with her a pink binder with my last name and Dmitris on it like it really was for a normal wedding rather than for a vampire pairing ceremony. She opened it up to a portion that said cake, handed it to me and gave me a small case filled with colored pencils. Mona pushed away my plate of strawberry cake so that I had room to draw. My hand imitated exactly what I had planned down to the last petal placement. Because Im such a good artist, it didnt take that long for me to finish. I even drew what the inside was supposed to look like. Its beautiful. Mona and Dianna said in unison. It is. Grace agreed. Its so specific. The bakers will have a field day with this. She smiled. Ill get this to them as soon as possible. When is your pairing day, anyway? I counted the days. Its Monday now. We would go to the Council on Sunday. Then the Sunday after that is when we would be Mated. That gives us 13 days. If today is the 14th. We would be paired on the 27th. Thanksgiving is the Thursday before that. Oh, God. Ill be so obvious by

then! I won't be able to step foot in my dads house (if were going to be having Thanksgiving with him. If not, good for us). Is everything okay, Anna? Mona asked. My dad doesnt know yet. Youre fathers still alive? I was serious about her being sixteen, Grace. Brielle said. Oh, my. I thought you meant sixteen years as a vampire. Her father would still be alive if the was 32 years old. Stella said. Well I apologize for the misunderstanding. So your father is a human, and knows your secret. Wow. I wouldnt be able to do that. I killed my father the first chance I got. I did the same. Brielle said. My dad doesnt know Im pregnant. We haven't figured out how to tell him. I said through my teeth. These women are like a knitting club or something. They share everything. I can't do that. I can't be like them or join their little circle. I can't wait for Dmitri and I to get out of here. Then we dont have to worry about any of them. Oh, dear. Well that is a bit of a dilemma. Grace said. Will you excuse me for a second? I have to use the ladies room. Right over there. Grace pointed me in the right direction. Thank God places like these have sitting rooms in their bathrooms. I collapsed into one of them and unzipped my jacket. Romeo laid down at my feet. I took out my cell phone and called Dmitri. He picked up immediately. Hey, Anna. Hows the planning going? We need to figure out how to tell my dad before I get any bigger. I said immediately. Hell want us over for Thanksgiving, or hell come over and Ill be showing so badly then that hell know immediately. Okay. Do you want to call him? Im sure that would spare you the sight of seeing him angry. You dont tell someone you're pregnant over the phone, Dmitri. So what do you think we should do? What do I think we should do? I came to him looking for help, didnt I? Im stressing out over this. My dad will disown me all over again if he finds out Im pregnant. And we can't just ignore him until the twins are born and wait for his reaction. We cant just drop them off unexpectedly and say, here are you grandkids. Im sorry we didnt tell you. Well pick them up around ten. See ya. I dont know, Dmitri. I sniffled.


Oh, dont cry, Anna. Please. Well figure something out soon. We could drive over there tomorrow. Ill be there when you tell him. Ill be the one to tell him if you want. Romeo climbed up onto the chair I was sitting in. He licked the palm of my hand. They won't have a father if you tell them. Youre probably right. Youre dad never has liked me. Hes skeptical with you. I wiped my eyes. He doesnt know your real purpose for doing things. I do things because I love you. I love you, too. So, how is planning going? Are they treating you right? I dont know how to tell them that all I need is the cake and that were set on the rest. Theyre probably listening to us right now. I know they are. Theyre whispering about us right now. Theyre a club of gossipers. Im sorry. What are you apologizing for? Im not talking to you. Im telling them. He chuckled. I apologize, too. We should've told you about our plan along time ago. So, have you seen the house Hugo wanted to show you yet? Were here now actually. And? Its exactly what you wanted. Its in the middle of nowhere. Theres fresh air. It's a big house, made out of wood. Its kind of like a big barn house that was turned into a beautiful home. Youll have to show it to me. I smiled. Its in the direction of Low Row. We can stop by on our way home tomorrow. If we even make it out of my dads house. I have a feeling we won't get any farther than the front door before my dad goes nuts. Hell never let me out of the house again. Dmitri chuckled. You should get back to planning. Ill see you when you get home, kay? Romeo barked. Dont forget Romy. I scratched his head.

You, too, Romy. Ill be here when you get home. Okay. I love you. I love you, too. I hung up, waited a minute to calm my nerves and returned to the women. They didnt look happy to see me come out. Except for Mona and Dianna. They looked almost sorry that I came back out. You only want the cake? Grace raised her eyebrow. Its all we need. You do know this is a vampire pairing ceremony, right? Stella said. Its just like a wedding. People get married in Vegas all the time dressed up in almost nothing. Youre lucky were even deciding to wear clothes. Dmitri and I could easily go nudist. No offense, Annabel, but you are a smart-ass, arent you? Im not hiding it. I shook my head. A smart-ass is something Im proud of. This is your wedding, Anna. I know. People get married in courts wearing what they do everyday. So thats what Dmitri and I have decided to do. I can't wear a dress since theres no way to predict how big Ill be when the day comes. I would love to wear the dress Dmitri bought me again with those Jimmy Choo shoes. Jimmy Choo, its you I choose. Not all dresses are wired, Anna. You could have something loose. Im not wearing a dress until my actual wedding. Dmitri and I are already mates if you haven't noticed. The whole I cut myself he gets cut thing? Thats because were mates in the eyes of Rare Blood-Protector creator. She permanently paired us when Dmitri turned me and I became a Hero. It was her gift to me. And its all only making sense now. I wonder what I wouldve done if I knew this in the beginning. Surely, I would be bragging about it. Its what I do. Im a smart-ass, a bragger and a bitch. Sorry. Youre already Mated? Dianna asked. Yep. I nodded. Then whats all this for? Mona asked. Dmitri and I wanted to get married. I shrugged. Since Im only sixteen, this is the best we could come up with. Whats the cake for? Grace asked. I really like cake.


I said it all. Lets see which one is the first to smack me. The looks on their faces all say the same thing Bitch, why are you wasting our time if youre already Mated. Again, Im really sorry. We both are. You can still throw a party for us if you want. I smiled uneasily. Romeo barked. She wants a party, so lets plan a party. Brielle said. Good for her. Shes the first to understand. We walked into another room. I let them discuss party ideas while Mona, Dianna and I examined my belly. I enjoy looking at it now. I have twins in me. Its brilliant. Meanwhile. I texted Dmitri. He sent pictures of the house to me and I have to say, its beautiful. Its real spacious and its just like Meds house, surrounded by trees. Except this house is on the top of a hill or something. Its real bright, too. Three stories tall, five bedrooms. The master bedroom is on the third floor while the other four bedrooms are on the second floor. Then on the first floor, theres a den, a kitchen, a dining room, an office area, a game room, and a living room. Its all in one. The only thing thats missing is a garage. Sokay. We can live without a garage. Dmitri sent me a picture of himself. I laughed. Now ur just showing off Showing off wat? Ur sexiness :)) Haha :)) How does it feel? Dianna asked. How does what feel? I looked at her. Being pregnant. She said it as if it was some kind of disease. I didnt even think I was pregnant until Med told me I was. I thought that when I was turned, I mustve had a stomachache and it stuck with me. We laughed. I gently patted my abdomen. I almost can't wait for them to start kicking. I can't wait to feel them being there more than I already do. I bet they're gonna be so adorable. You and Dmitri are already beautiful. Mona smiled. I blushed. The only thing I dont want is for them to get my hair. Youre hair is nice though. I shook my head in disapproval.

If they get my sisters hair, or my mothers hair, then Ill be okay. What color is their hair? Dianna asked. Strawberry blonde. Howd you get that hair color? My dad has orange-ish hair. I said, also in disapproval. I wouldve been so much better off if he had blonde hair like my uncle. I feel bad for him though. Hes the only red-head in a family of blondes. He gets the color from my five-times great-grandmother. Shes a red head. Its amazing how long the gene stays in our blood. Oh. They nodded. Girls, were finished. Brielle said. Its time to go. You arent going to let me see what you have planned, are you? I said. She shook her head. We said goodbye to Stella, Grace, and Dianna, got back in the car and headed home. I told Dmitri that we were on our way home. So was he. Since he was a lot closer than we were, hed get there first. Since we were leaving at the same time. I challenged him. He may be closer, but Brielle drives like a crazy person and we will never hit traffic until we get into town. He has to take public roads and interstates. Theres nothing but road and not another living soul in our path. His reply: Its on And just like I said, we got there first. Although it wasnt a smart idea, I stayed out there and waited for him. He lost by seven minutes. But even though, it doesnt mean he doesnt get a reward for his efforts. I kissed away his loss. He picked me up and carried me inside in his arms. We laid down on the couch. I missed you. I smiled and continued to kiss him. I missed all of you. He smiled and kissed me back. Then he moved down, rolled up my shirt and kissed my stomach. I laughed. Then he kissed Romeo who was trying to get up the couch. We need to make a plan. I know. Im not walking into my dads house without a plan. Dmitris lips pursed. I kissed him. He laughed. We better start planning then. Later, Im enjoying kissing you to much. I whispered. He grinned. We will never get anything done. Seriously. If all we do is kiss and be all lovey-dovey (as Andi puts it), Im surprised we can even get by in life.


August 24. 2011 Wednesday 6:12 p.m.


I know for sure that he likes me now. Theres no secret about. The entire class knows that Dimitri William Malloy has the biggest crush on me, Annabel Morrison. He isnt even shy about showing it. OMG. I am so gonna die. He called me last night, and thats kind of where it started. We stayed up for hours talking about stupid things. Ive never had so much fun in my life. It wasnt half as fun as when I talked with Jason on the phone. And you wouldnt believe what he said to me. Heres what happened: (dont you just love it when I do this. I remember things so greatly) Can I ask you something, Anna? Do you really have to ask if you can ask? Im being polite. I think its stupid. He laughed. Your sister said something that struck me earlier. She says a lot of things. Fear grew in my throat. When Cassidy involves herself in something, it never has a good ending. Was she telling the truth when she said you like me? My heart drops here. If I tell you, Id have to kill you. Good luck. He chuckled. Come on, Anna. You can tell me. Why? So that I you can embarrass me tomorrow? No. So that I know if you feel the same way I do about you, My heart stops dropping here. It stops completely. I can't even believe what he said. And how do you feel about me? If I tell you, Id have to kill you. That is so not funny anymore. I already used that one. I said flatly. He laughed again. His laugh is so sexy! Im going to die. I may only have known you for two days, Anna, but I really like you. Youre not like anyone else Ive ever met. You dont even have to try in order to make me happy.


And why not? OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOM G-OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! Because just by being with you, Im already happy. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! This is where I pull the phone away and scream into my pillow. Did you hear that? I am so not exaggerating! He fucking said that! And heres where I take a deep breath and casually return the phone to my ear. Then youre right. I feel the same way about you. He bought me lunch early. And we sat together just like we have since the first day of school. It was so obvious how jealous every girl (and gay) was. Sure, there are a lot of royalty in our school. But I got the hottest of all. And not to mention that he might be a duke when he grows up. I can already imagine it in bright lights: Duchess Annabel Malloy. He even walked me home earlier. And even though my house is only like ten minutes away, it took us at least thirty to forty-five minutes to get there. I can barely call what we were doing walking. We were cruising like snails. My sister can roll faster than we were. We spent the entire time talking. Im surprised we haven't ran out of topics to talk about. All we seem to do is talk. If only we held hands. Thats like the officialness of you being with someone. When you start to hold someones hands, its a public statement that you are so into each other. Im not head over heels anymore. Im buried the whole six feet under.


August 25, 2011 Thursday 8:25 p.m. Im really sorry that I didnt right last night. I was just sosoI dont know how to explain how I was feeling. I tried to type, I really did. But then it just sounded like I was talking about Dimitri and our relationship now. So I deleted that chapter.


Im really close to finishing this. I know by Monday, Ill have it done. I swear. Thats how close I am to the finish line. So, Im sure you wanna hear about the real Dimitri. Im trying to keep my cool and type calmly. I read what I typed for the past three days and nearly jumped out of my skin. Thats how bad I was? I can hardly call what Im feeling love. Not yet at least. Any way, you still won't believe what he did. I was busy getting ready for school this morning. My dad was gone and Cassidy was on her way out. She was being picked up by a friend. Anyway, I was eating breakfast when the doorbell rang. And when I mean eating breakfast, I still had a towel on my head and I was still wearing my big, fluffy slippers. To cut it short, I was a mess. At least I had my make-up on. Cue Dimitri walking in with Cassidy rolling in behind her. Also on cue, I choke on my cereal and Cassidy gets the sickest grin. Then she says: I hope you dont mind me letting him in. I thought it was Nancy. Then Dimitri smiled, holding back his grin of seeing me so in my element and says. Good morning, Anna. Will you excuse me and my sister for a minute? I said and ran out, pushing Cassidy along with me. I rolled her into her temporary bedroom. What the hell is your problem? I was trying to help you. The walls in this house are thin. You dint think I heard your phone conversation last night? You know I look like shit! I hissed. The more hell like you. Trust me. When I guy sees you like that, hell think you look beautiful and so natural, the more hell like you. This is where I groan very loudly. Just stall him! I say and storm out. Words dont even begin to explain how embarrassed I was. I ran up those stairs like a lightning bolt and fixed my hair, took those fluffy slippers off, and put on some real shoes. Anyway, it worked out in the end, because once we were out the door, he took my hand. Then we froze, staring

at our hands, looking so perfect. I looked at Dimitri and he smiled! The most I could do was blush. Stupid me! I shouldve smiled back! Then we just started walking, hand in hand. Its what Ive been waiting for, the moment where he claims me as his. And I swear, it was magic. This makes us a couple in the works. Sure, we haven't gone out on a date yet, but we know exactly how we feel about each other. The date comes later on. While he was walking me home, still hand in hand. I swear, its like neither one of us wanted to let go. We were showing off (or at least I was. No guy would care that hes dating me). The whole day, we were holding hands. Anyway, back to the date situation. We were just walking along the gravel road silently. Then he says: Are you free tomorrow night, Anna? Then I decide to be a flirt and say: Maybe, probably not. I think I have a date with my television set. Dimitri laughed. I love hearing him laugh! Can I take you out to dinner? Some place besides the local pub. Maybe, out of town? I dont mean to take you too far. Im not that kind of person. It was so hard to not say you can take me anywhere you want, sexy. Sure. I smiled at him. Its a date. Relief watched over his face and he never looked so handsome. When should I pick you up? We arrive at my door. Stupid door. Why do you have to be so close to school? Well, if were going out of town, I would say seven. Its the perfect time for me to make it out of the house before my dad gets home. Dimitri chuckled. Its a date. He grinned. Ill see you tomorrow? Does it look like I have anything better to do? I smiled. I wanted to be sweet so I kissed his cheek. Its a very


soft cheek by the way. He must use a good moisturizer. Thanks for walking me home, Dimitri. No problem. He grinned. So there you have it. I have a date with the hottest boy in class. One that I already know has the biggest crush in me. Am I the luckiest girl in the world or what? I already cant wait. I should go. I need to ask Cassidy for her opinion on what Im going to wear tomorrow night. And since Im finally level-headed and an insomniac (kinda), Ill spend the rest of the night typing.

Chapter 23

More beautiful than I ever imagined. Dmitris mind and the pictures combined didnt match up to what I felt about the place. It screamed home. It screamed this is where you want to raise your family. That just gave me the creeps though. I am a very paranoid person sometimes. If a house tells me to raise my children there, Im probably not going to do it. But its just so perfect! And were getting it for free! Heres why: Hugo knows the owner of the house. Hes a vampire (duh?) and hes probably the only bankrupt vampire in the world. Not to mention hes threehundred something years old. Wouldnt that give you enough money to be a billionaire. It sure has worked out great for Dmitri. Hes only two hundred years old and hes already loaded as hell. He probably won't be once the

The house is beautiful.


twins are born. He really means it when he says hes going to spoil them rotten. Thats where it gets scary. Im side-tracking. Sorry. Anyway, since the vampire can't afford to keep this magnificent house (full furnished, might I add), he just handed over the deed to Hugo. And since Hugo doesnt need another house (another house? How many houses does this guy own? By the way, I have no clue how hold he is. He must be ancient to own so many houses, as Dmitri puts it), he gave it to us. As easy as that. And if we end up not liking it, all we have to is hand the deed back and Hugo will find a better use for the house. Like a secret society clubhouse. The kind thats no-women-allowed and you have to wear those stupid hats (do people still wear those? Or maybe they wear cloaks now. Thats what Ive noticed on TV). It would be so awesome if this place becomes one of those. Im serious, I can tot Youre such a scatter brain, you know that. I looked at Dmitri. And how would you know what Im thinking? Your expression changes every time a new idea pops into your head. And so far, Ive noticed at least six different expressions from you in the past five minutes. He smiled. There are a lot of things to think about. Is that a problem? Just dont stress yourself out, okay? He kissed my forehead. I smiled and cuddled up at his side. We were laying in the master bedroom on the ginormous bed. Its a four-poster bed (that vampire has some seriously good taste) with curtains and everything. You could fit an entire high school class in the bed. I feel like a queen laying it. To our right was a beautiful view of the surrounding forest. Hugo told Dmitri that this place looks even more beautiful at sunrise or sunset. The suns rays go directly inside this bedroom since the window is as wide as our bedroom. So, what do you think? He whispered. I can imagine us living here. And if I say I wasnt asking you? I felt Dmitri smile against my hair. I smiled. Both of our hands moved over my stomach in the same moment. Hugo said they won't be kicking until the middle of my second month. I dont think I can wait that long. I have a feeling my girls will be kicking a lot sooner than that. Thats just how good they are to their loving parents. They love whatever I love. I feel better knowing that now.

Why? I looked at him. I know they love me. He grinned. Im sorry, who said anything about me loving you? I teased. You did. He said and kissed me. I love you. I love you, too. I smiled. We laid there in silence for a while. Dmitris hand didnt leave my growing belly. Another example of his obsession. I swear, its like hes so obsessed about me having these babies. I think theres something hes not telling me, which is so easy to pry out of his mind. Hes more than happy about being a father. Hes more than ecstatic. Being a father is his secret dream, the one thing hes been hoping for. Which says a lot. And hes on top of the moon knowing its me thats carrying his children. I fell asleep and I didnt even know it. Dmitri was carrying me, bridal-style. We were already in the living room. You really couldnt wait? I mumbled and buried my face deeper into the hollow of his neck. If you knew what time it was, then you wouldnt be like that. Youre not the only one that fell asleep, Anna. Its almost five. If we still want to go to your dads house and make it home before ten oclock. Then we better be heading out now. I sighed and nodded. Do I at least get to walk? Dmitri put me down. Wheres Romeo? Still examining every corner of the house. I dont think he likes it. At least hes not marking his territory. Dmitri chuckled. I put my jacket on and zipped it up. Romy! Come here, boy! I heard him bark and watched him run in from the kitchen. He jumped up at my feet, begging me to pick him up, which I was more than happy to do. Dmitri kissed my hair. Then we said goodbye to the grand house and were on our way. Its a two hour drive to my dads house from here. So Romeo and I decided to use the time to nap. Dmitri gave me a good dream. He joined my dream with Romeos which was not what I expected. Romeos dream is to run through fields and fields of never ending flowers while he chased a single butterfly. A single, yellow butterfly. Im honestly starting to think my dog is gay, or do all dogs have similar dreams? I watched him. Neither he, nor the butterfly strayed far. So it was just me, laying there in a patch of grass surrounded by the most beautiful flowers ever. Thank goodness the dream world doesnt have aphids.

Dmitri woke me up when we were entering town. It was so weird to be back in town. It didnt feel like home one bit. Actually, I felt like public enemy number one. This town doesnt want me back. It doesnt want me anywhere near it. I feel like such an outcast. Dmitri pulled up in front of my dads house. I was happy to discover that none of the other Clan members were over. If what my dad says is true, then they're over a lot. Its only him and Sara now. Maybe I should do this alone. I told Dmitri. If we both stay there, either one of us doesnt make it out or neither of us do. My dad may be grateful that you saved my life, Dmitri, but he still doesnt like you. And after finding out Im pregnant, he will definitely never like you ever again. I dont want to leave you, Anna. I dont want him to leave either. But Im just trying to think of his safety. Well, its either you face just my dad, or my dad and the rest of the Protectors that never want to see us again. They already think Im dead, Dmitri. Maybe you should just keep driving. That way itll be a quick getaway. Youre just giving me more reasons to stay, you know that? Probably. I leaned over and kissed Dmitri. My dad won't have a clear mind if your there. I can do this alone, baby. He won't be as mad as he would be if both of are there. Ill be okay. Ill have Romeo with me. I whispered. Romeo, who was dying to get out, barked. Dmitri kissed me. Take care okay? Ill be a phone call away. Ill be near, and Ill probably be listening. If I feel like something shouldnt be happening, Im bursting through the door like superman. I can't wait. I smiled. I always imagined what Dmitri would look like in spandex. I already know hed be sexy. He has the body of a sex god. He kissed me again. I love you. I love you, too. Dmitri watched me get out. Romeo went running around the front looking for any signs of danger. I waved Dmitri away. He was waiting for me to get inside. That wouldnt be good. After a few disconcerting looks, he drove off. I rang the doorbell. My dad answered almost immediately, Sara holding onto his leg, like a scared little girl. One hand was behind his back, hiding Olric. Then Sara caught a glimpse of Romeo before he darted inside. Puppy! She screamed and ran after him.

Annabel, what are you doing here? His hand didnt leave his back. I held my hands up in surrender. I come in peace, Dad. I just wanted to come by and see how you were doing. This place is in direct route from where Dmitri and I were coming from. He opened the door wider and dropped his hand. Olric was pounding. The sense of a vampire near him excited it. In my bag, I could feel Omel feeling the same way, except about his brother. You got a dog. Hes a Guardian. A gift from Dmitri, actually. He has the same job as you. Puppy puppy puppy! Sara screamed. Come in. I went inside. I caught a glimpse of Romeo running around like a crazed animal. He darted up the stairs. Puppy! She started to cry. My dad caught her right before she fell on her diapered little tush. Romeo! I called. Get down here. Romeo came running down obediently. Saras tears stopped. Romeo sat in front of me. I knelt down in front of him. Be a good boy. Go play with Sara. Dont leave her. Romeo barked and ran to Sara and my dad. He licked her tears away. If I new what he was saying, hed probably be saying Dont cry, little one. Romeo here. Romeo play with you. He understands you. My dad said in amazement. I got up and nodded. Its his job, too. Huh. My dad nodded. We watched Romeo and Sara run off towards the living room. I could hear one of those baby channels playing on the TV. Um, Dad? I was wondering if we could talk in private. Theres something I have to tell you. Sure. He nodded and headed for his office. Great. The dreaded office. I hate that room. Ill be treated like a business associate. We sat down on the arm chairs that served as his sitting area. So, hows your training? Is Dmitri doing a good job? We postponed on the training actually. Why? I thought I told you not to stop. Its a long list. There were too many problems. People were coming after me, dad. He was putting my safety first.

People were after you. What kind of people? Are you okay? Callan came back. My dad gasped. I knew what he was thinking. He never wanted to hear that name again. He never wanted to hear that he saw me again. My dad wanted him dead as much as I did. He came back? Did he try to hurt you again? He was a vampire, dad. I could feel tears gather in my eyes. I dont want to talk about how he almost killed me and my babies. He turned everyone against me. He forced people to do things. He almost forced himself on me. I wouldnt be sitting here now if it wasnt for Dmitri getting his right mind back and coming to save me. He turned Dmitri on you? Hes horror-stricken. Everyone. Even my best friend. He attacked her, too. It was terrible. I shook the memory off. Hes not point anymore. Hes dead. Dmitri killed him. Did he hurt you? Its too late to try to be the hero, Dad. Hes gone. His ashes were thrown in a garbage can or something. Its not what I came here to tell you. This is harder than I thought. My dad will go berserk. He might even kill me. Why does he still have to holding Olric? I need to talk to him in confidence about this. Hes going to be a grandfather. I need to know if hes going to be in my childrens life or not. Its obvious hes lying about temporarily being Saras Protector. Theres no such thing about being a temporary Protector. Youre either the Protector or not. Hes created a new like without me. Which brings us back to the question, is he in, or out? Then what do you need to tell me? I wiped my eyes. I should've let Dmitri come along. I haven't been feeling well since I was turned. I thought you were drinking. I am. Its not because of that. Are you okay? I took a deep breath. Im pregnant. His face went blank. Absolutely blank. I couldnt read anything from his expression. Not even from his eyes. Thats the easiest way to see into a Protectors mind. Especially when that Protector is still your Protector. ((((((((((( (((((((((((


It was so weird to be back in this town. I didnt feel welcome one bit. Unlike the first time we came along, Maria and I. We were nothing but welcomed. Something has seriously changed. I dont know exactly what it is though. I can't point my finger on it. Maybe its because my Annabel is a vampire now. When this town clearly has been overrun by Rare Bloods and Protectors. But my Annabel is still a Rare Blood. Their Mother Tree or whatever said it herself, to Anna. Its a Tuesday, and around this time, Doug would still be out playing basketball. If theres anything Anna didnt like, its how long we could play basketball. The one time I let her tag along, I pretended like they naturally left early. I begged them to pretend, for Annas sake. She wouldve stayed out there with us if we were going to be playing until ten at night. We couldve gone that long. Theres something different about that basketball team. Most people would be dead tired after the first few hours. They arent. I could still hear her, she hadnt told him yet. But she was getting to it. I wish I was there, holding her in my arms. I hate hearing or seeing her cry. I want to scoop her up and take her away from this place. Then Ill hold her in my arms and tell her its gonna be okay. Were gonna be okay. She has me, she has all of me. She has me for as long as she wants me to stand by her side, which I pray is for the rest of forever. Vampire women, whether Mated or not, have the odd habit of getting rid of their mate as soon as they're the slightest bit bored. If Im lucky, which I really hope I am, Anna will never get bored because I will never let her be bored. Not even for a second. They were still there. Its six oclock and they're still in the gym practicing. I know most of them live in the schools dorm without parents, but there are some that live right here in town, or on the outskirts, or in neighboring towns. Are their parents not wondering where they are? I parked my car in the parking lot next to the outdoor basketball court. They all stopped. Im probably the only one to ever have gone to that school to have an original, 1986 Mustang with red racing stripes in mint condition and a decked out engine. The first one I noticed was Doug McCloud. He was probably my closest friend and now my enemy counting on the fact that I get Annabel and he doesnt (I just love saying that. Im I the luckiest guy in the world or not?). He recognized my car before any of the others did. And he was the first to shout Its Dmitri! Hey, guys. Thats Dmitris car! like a five-year old that hasnt seen his best friend in months. I got casually and fixed my hair. Its probably the first thing I guy does when hes showing off his sweet ride. Im not trying to boast or anything. (Okay, maybe a little. But Im a guy) I flashed them my best 500-


kilowatt smile that would melt any girls heart. It certainly seems to work on Annabel every time. And it seemed to work on them, too. Saps. They all ran up to me like I was Santa Claus. Hey, Dmitri. What are you doing back here? I thought you moved to London. Anthony, the point-guard on the schools team said. Im really sorry to hear about your mother. Doug said. Anna told me. I nodded. You mean I told you, but you dont know that. Anna never wants to speak to any of you guys ever again. Almost all of you treated her as a freak during her entire life here. You should all be lucky that Im keeping my cool by not killing you all for treating her like shit. You must be cowards and idiots to not recognize a beautiful girl when you see one. So what are you doing back? Amazi, the son of an Indian Consulate member said. I came here with Anna and her dad. I half-lied. They went to check out their old house. I hear theres someone already living there. I hear her dad still lives there. Doug said. Oh, crap. He does, somewhat. He still has his business here that he can't afford to take with him to London. So he comes here everyday and goes back every night. Its over a three our drive to London. Oji, son of a general, said. His business is more important than that. Annabel to her father: Im pregnant. Silence. The only thing I could hear was Sara and Romeo, and the television. I gripped my car door lightly. It will be hard not to jump in my car and drive over there r just run all together, I can get there in ten seconds tops. Shes crying harder now that her dad isnt saying anything. I need to be there. Is everything okay, mate? Doug said. Yeah, everything is fine. You wanna play some ball? Im sure we could use another player. Mick, line-guard and son of a member of the British consulate, said. I dunno. I just came to say hello. We were just on our way out. They're probably waiting for me now. Youre pregnant? Shawn said. He said the word pregnant like it was the most terrible thing that could ever happen to her. It was an accident, Dad. I swear. Im so sorry. How can youhow could youyoure pregnant?

Oh, okay. Not even one shot? Doug said. Let us see youre magic hands one last time. He grinned. One shot, then Im outta here. One shot, then I go save my Annabel. I can't stand this. Give me that ball. Ill shoot it from here. Amazi gave me the ball and I took the shot. It didnt even touch the rim. The guys gasped. I was at least eight yards away from the basket. An impossible shot that I made easily. Ill see you guys another time. I saluted them and got back in my car. I made the quickest three-point turn they could ever imagine and went speeding down the road. Daddy, please. How could you be so stupid? I knew I shouldve never trusted you with that boy! Shawn shouted. Dad! Its not his fault! I asked for this! What the hell are you talking about, Anna! He got you pregnant! Because I wasnt being careful! I wanted to start a family! I wanted him to never leave me! Shes lying. Shes lying to him to protect me. It was I that wasnt careful. She never wanted to start a family. She wanted to wait, until we were lonely. I wanted to start a family with her. Its the only thing Ive ever wanted. I want to grow old with Anna. This whole vampire thing was never supposed to happen. I wanted to undo my vampirism so that we could be together, and grow old together and watch our children grow up and have grandchildren and everything a human family should have. I couldnt be happier that I get Anna for the rest of eternity, but its not what she wants. She doesnt want the same things Ive been dreaming so long for. I pulled into her driveway and got out. The door would still be open. Anna doesnt lock doors except the one in our bedroom. Her dad was so eager to get to Sara that he left her at the door. And she didnt lock it. Dmitri, no. She said sternly, yet inaudible for her father to hear. Anna, please. Let me talk with him. No is no, Dmitri. I dont like this. I need to be in there. I need to be with Anna, to comfort her, so that she won't be alone. Dont try to get him out of this, Anna. Romeo started barking. I took a deep breath, trying to find all their positions. Anna and her father were in his office. Romeo must be locked out because hes not in the room with her. Sara shes wailing. I just need to get

in the house. Anna may be keeping me out of the conversation, but she can't keep me out. I went inside. Im not trying to get him out of anything! She shouted. I wanted this. Me! I asked him, and he said yes! Now Im pregnant, with twins! And Im not going to let you be in their lives because youre being such a jackass! Romeo was going crazy outside the door. He was taking his true form, something I dont want Anna to ever see. He grew in size, to the size of greyhound, maybe. His lips were pulled back to show his very sharp, very deadly, very scary teeth. His teeth are needle points, each as long as my pinky probably. Youd think that just his canines would grow, but it was every last one. It was frightening. Sara was whimpering and wailing on the floor. She mustve tried to go after him when he ran off, but only to discover him as her worst nightmare. I couldnt help it, the growing father in me told me to pick her up and comfort her. She buried her face in my chest. Im getting you aborted! Its too late! She screamed. Being aborted is the last thing I know she wants. Its the last thing I want to happen. I heard her jacket unzip. Look at me! Look at me! Its too late! Im having them whether you like it or not! I want my daddy! Sara cried. I want my daddy! It was too late for me to stop myself and say Shhhh.Daddys here. I shouldnt have said that. Shes not my child. She doesnt have a daddy anymore. I want to take her out of here so badly. But then Id be killed by every single last one of those Protectors for kidnapping her. But is it so bad for me to not want this poor child to grow up not knowing where shes come from? Wouldnt it be safer if they never grow up knowing what they are? Wouldnt it? You're too young to be a mother! You dont know how to raise a child! You dont know how to do anything! Youre just as useless and lazy as your sister! Anna went silent. It was like the entire house did. Even Sara stopped crying so loudly. Romeo stopped barking and was slowly turning back to his normal form. He looked at me with big puppy dog eyes and started whimpering. He clawed at the door and begged someone to let him in. Cassidy was to useless! You know she wasnt! You take that back! Take it back! There was a snap, and I knew Olric, her fathers weapon was gone for good.


Cassidy was the more skilled than I have ever been! She was smarter than anyone! How dare you call her useless and lay! I want to go home. Sara mumbled. I want to go home, daddy. Youll go home, sweetheart. Im taking you out of here. Anna and I are going to save you. I dont care if it means another mouth to feed. Were taking you out of here if its the last thing I do. Get out of my house before I call the clan. Shawn said through his teeth. This is my cue to leave. I gently put Sara down. Ill be right back, okay? Im gonna come back for you. Don leave me, daddy. She started to sob. Oh, God. I shouldve never said that. I should've never, ever said that. Im so sorry. I whispered and kissed her little hands. Ill be back soon, okay? Ill be back. Then I ran out, just as the office door opened and Anna came running out. She ran right into my arms, sobbing like Sara. I held her as tightly and as lightly as I possibly could without hurting her. I kissed her hair. ShhhIts gonna be okay, Anna. Everythings gonna be okay. Were taking her with us, Dmitri. Ill show him. Ill show them all. At least shes on my side. You dont have to show them anything, my angel. I whispered. Yes, I do! She hit my chest. It didnt hurtNot that much at least. He says I can't be a mother, Ill show him. You already are a mother, Anna. I held her face in my hands. You dont have anything to prove. Youll be a good mother. Im not leaving her with him, Dmitri. Ill be her mother. Shell be ours, and so will the twins. Please. Shes begging me. I thought this would be the other way around. I thought Id have to beg her. This is going to be hard, but I'm willing to do it. Okay, Anna. We have to think of something first. Okay? We have to plan. I know exactly where we can go where none of them can find us. She nodded. I put her in my car, Romeo, too, and took her to my old house, the one I shared with Maria. It was still unoccupied even though Brielle had already sold it. I parked my car in a shed big enough to house my car that was behind the houses. I dont know who owned it, but they didnt do a good job saying you couldnt put things inside. Half the houses on my block used the shed. I carried Anna to the outside basement entrance and took her inside. I still had copies of all the keys. And after Maria was killed, I got the key to the root cellar. It was my prison, but a pretty one. It was still made of nothing but dirt, but it was fully furnished. It was her sick joke. Her

way of saying Relax all you want, I still haven't decided when Ill let you out again. The actual basement was where she whipped me. I put Anna on the bed. She was clutching her stomach. Are you okay, my angel? I whispered. Im scared, Dmitri. She whispered. Dont be. Im not going to leave you. I said and kissed her forehead. She tilted her head up so that I would kiss her on the lips, which I did gladly. I love you. I love you, too. Romeo couldnt get onto the bed. He was too short. So I picked him up, wiped off his paws and put him next to Anna. He rested his head in her lap. I paced around the room while Anna calmed herself the best way she knew, which was laying down, closing her eyes, and trying to sleep. I knew she wouldnt be able to sleep, so I did it for her. I placed her in the lightest dream I could possibly think of in such short notice. But, at a price. Putting Anna into a trance isnt as easy as it looks. It slowly puts me to sleep too. Which is very dangerous at the moment. Slowly, a plan unrolled out in my head. If we take Sara, theyll go looking for us. As long as were in England or anywhere near any Clan, were targets. The safest place I can think to take us to somewhere halfway around the world. Which is L.A. I know for sure that there arent any Clans there. Los Angeles is infested with vampires. So is New York, but its just way too close, and cold. Well be safe there for a while. As for our things, itll be an emergency. Were kidnapping a child that doesnt exist according to Rare Blood-Protector Law. (Anna doesnt even exist according to her. There are no documents, for her safety) Ill call Hugo as soon as Anna gets a few more minutes of rest and I tell her my plan. He and his family, plus Brielle and her family will gladly pack the important things and as for the rest, Ill have Hugo bring them to the house in the woods (as Im calling it). Protectors can only track by presence, not by scent. Thats where well have the advantage. Or I can take us to Romania. It may be the foundation of Rare BloodProtector society, but its overrun by vampires. Thats where the Grand Council is supposed to be. Clans were smart enough to get out of there along time ago. Shawn will never think to look there. Or, you know, any big city would do. If theres a big city, you can trust there to be tons of vampires. Annabel loves Paris, I can take her there, and shell still be safe. Well all be. If what Ive read from Annas books is correct, English Clans and French Clans haven't gotten along since the French Revolution, all because the English refused to help the French Clans who were slowly dying out. Plus,

Annas the newest Hero. Ever last Rare Blood or Protector knows that. Theyll welcome us. A few minutes were up. I gently eased Anna awake. She always looks so beautiful when she first wakes up. Her green eyes are always the greenest. Anna, my angel, my love, I know how to get Sara out of here. How? She sat up. She yawned and wiped her eyes. The puffiness was gone. We runaway until it's safe to come back. Where do you want to go to more, Los Angeles, New York, Romania, or Paris? Should we stay in Europe? It might not be safe. Oh, it will. Paris is known for its vampires, I promise. There arent any Clans living anywhere near it. From what I remember, most of the Clans live on the outskirts of France. Well be safe. I promise. And if they find us, we can just as easily leave. As for Romania, there are no Clans left. How can there be no Clans left? She gasped. I thought she knew. Oops. My bad. The vampires ran them out along time ago, Anna. They allow them to return when they come to birth, but for no permanent visits. How can we not know this? Thats huge! I thought you knew. Im so sorry, Anna. I bowed my head. She ran her fingers through my hair. Dont be sorry, baby. She whispered. Its not your fault. I looked at her and smiled. I was just scratching an itch. Im not guilty (lie). She giggled and smacked my arm. I laughed and kissed her hand. Ill call Hugo and Brielle and tell them what were doing, okay? You just relax. She nodded. I kissed her forehead and got up. I put the two vampires on conference. Hugo, is usually more concerned about me picked up first. Hello? Hey, Hugh, we have a problem. What? Brielle hissed. I was busy, you know. He has a problem. Hugo told her. I need both of you to listen to me very carefully. Remember the new Rare Blood I told you Annas father has? Yeah. They both said. Anna and I are planning on taking her away from him tonight. You have to be kidding me? Are you bonkers? Youre taking a Rare Blood? Brielle said. We are. Anna got in a fight with her father and weve both agreed that she shouldnt be with him anymore. I dont think she should even be

raised knowing what she is. Were doing this tonight whether you like it or not. This is where I need youre help, okay? Ill help you. I know you have a good head on your shoulders, Dem. If its what you want to do, Ill support you. Hugo said. Thanks, Hugo. How can you help him? Hes thinking about kidnapping a child! One that technically doesnt exist, Bri. They can't report it or anything. The only trouble well get in is with them. Just help him, Bri-Bri. Dont call me that. Bri-Bri? Anna laughed. You have to be kidding me. Tell her to shut up. Romeos chest rumbled. He heard that. I really need your help, because were running away. To I looked at Anna. Paris. She smiled. To Paris. Were here in Low Row right now. So we can't go home and pack our things ourselves. Hugh, do you think you and Stella, and maybe Dianna can pack our clothes, and any other important items. You know exactly where I keep everything. Just pack the things you know where going to need. As for the rest, take it to the house in the woods. Well take it, once its safe to return to England. Brielle, I need you to look online and get us the last tickets out of England to Paris. I dont care how much it costs, okay? Tickets for two adults, one child and a dog. This is where I need Mona to come in because I need her to make us three fake papers. But still keep our real names. With the passports we have now, well never make it out of England in time. Make us both 19 and make Sara my three year old little sister. Our parents are dead, as always. Anna is my live-in girlfriend and you can probably figure out the rest on your own, right? I haven't agreed to help yet, you know. Im a very busy person. Youre helping. Anna, Hugo and I said. Please, Bri. You dont know how much we need you right now. You know how important this is. Silence. I looked at Anna, who looked worried. Fine. But if they come to me They won't come to you. They wouldnt risk it. Anna said. I swear, its like being one speaker. I bet Stella and Dianna are listening, too. Mona, too, if shes present. Are you still with Aaron?


You know I am. Hes here now, actually. You were interrupting something very important. She means sex. Nice. Ask him if he can help Mona forge papers for Romeo. Hes helping as long as I am. Good. You guys know what to do? Yeah. Yep. Call me when everythings ready. Then Anna and I will meet you at whatever airport you put us in with our new daughter. Anna smiled. I smiled back. My body was pumping adrenaline. I couldnt believe what we were about to do, but I was so glad we were doing it. Were starting a family, earlier than planned, but a family. I couldnt help but go up to her and kiss her sweetly. I love you, Annabel. I love you, too, Dmitri. She grinned. Got it. Hugo said and hung up. Brielle just hung up. I crawled into bed with Anna. Since she was still laying down, she pulled me on top of her. I kissed her lovingly. Her body responded to mine. I tasted the sweetness of her tongue. Romeo jumped off the bed and onto the little plush bench that was in front of the bed. Anna laughed and pulled me closer than I knew I should be. It felt like magic to be so close to her. Her fingers ran through my hair. Everything was as it should. ((((((((((( ((((((((((( Dmitri was on the phone again, talking to Med this time. He was trying to convince him to come to Paris with us, just for my pregnancy. He offered Med room and board. Which made me wonder, where would we live with our adopted daughter? I couldnt believe we were going to actually do this. But I agree so much with Dmitri when he said that he wants her to be raised not knowing what she is. Shes just a normal person. And her Power is so easy to hide. Her Clan, which is up north, can speak to animals, which is why she loves Romeo so much already. Everyone talks to animals. Shes just the only one wholl be able to understand them. Ill love her as if she were my own daughter.


The Mother Tree will be on my side. I know it. I can feel it in my heart that she approves of what were doing. Besides, regular Rare Bloods and Protectors can never mess with the wished of Heroes. The last Clan to mess with a Hero was the befriended Clan of the second Hero, Atarishka Mustova. The Mother Tree punished the Clan by giving them a deadly drought and famine that ended the Clan members that were stupid enough to stay around. If they wanna mess with me, they have to face the Mother. Dmitri put the phone down. Now all we had to do was wait for Hugos call. Then we were safe to go get Sara. Our flight would be just before midnight, at the closest airport. It was an hour and a half away from here. Its almost ten now. Hugo better call soon. My dad is asleep by now. And so should be, too. We should get there right on time for the flight. I never knew Mona forged documents. But after Dmitri explained it to me, she was trained by her father, who was a master forger, the best in the business. Its what attracted Brielle to him in the first place and was more than happy to let him live long enough to teach her daughter all his secrets. Now shes the new best. The documents for all of us are finished. The only thing missing Sarahs picture. We would get one on our way there. Everything was finished. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins. Hugos almost finished. Hes going on a blood run for us. Once he gets hold of it, well be in the clear to go. Dmitri said and laid down beside me. I smiled. Speaking of blood, I know for a fact you haven't drunken any since last night. Im fine. Drink from me, Dmitri. I know you want to. Dont make me beg. Then Ill drink from you, and well both be okay. I smiled again. Dmitri smiled and kissed me. I pulled him back on top of me. He kissed my neck, then I felt his fangs sink into my skin. We rarely do it this way, because he gets the same bite mark on his skin. Its like hes biting himself. Then the blood starts welling up. I lick the stuff that comes out since I dont have the leverage to bite yet. Then Dmitri and I will have to sets of bite marks in our necks because my fangs arent as wide as his. My turn. I drank the sweet nectar that is his blood lovingly. I sucked, more than bit. Dmitri liked it this way. I felt him lick the blood on my neck like a cat licking it's fur. He was trying not to let the blood stain my clothes. I didnt really care. Even after I was finished drinking, I didnt let go. Dmitri had already pressed a towel against my neck. I kept licking his neck, the

same way he licked mine, because his precious blood would be a waste if I did what he had done. But my wound had already healed, his was slower. I listened to him moan. It sounded good to my ears. Buuuuuzzzzzz! I let go of Dmitri so that he could check his phone. Its time, Anna. I grinned. We ran out of his old house hand in hand, sticking to the shadows. Romeo kept pace with us. We ran to my backyard and hid behind the shed. The house was silent except for their snores. Snow began to fall. Let me carry you on my back, Anna. Dmitri whispered. Ill get us into the house easily through your old room. I nodded and got onto his back. My heart raced. Romeo, you stand watch. If you hear anything, one yelp, not loud, okay? I whispered to my puppy. He got up, excitedly and sat back down. Dmitri and I silently laughed. Dmitri gave him a high five. Then he was off. I watched in amazement and in terror as Dmitri jumped ten feet into the air and landed silently on the bars of the kitchen window. His hands hung onto the bars of my window. We looked inside. It had been transformed into a nursery. Holy shit, my dad turned my bedroom into a nursery. I shook the tension I knew Dmitri felt surge through my body. Sorry. I mumbled. He chuckled and bent the bars over my windows. He bent them with so much ease. He looked at me and grinned. I rolled my eyes. He chuckled and opened my window. Thats the fault of my dad. He doesnt look the windows and neither did I. He helped me climb in. In my old bed was Sara, fast asleep. Her strawberry blonde hair was strewn out around her. Her cheeks looked rosier than ever. In her arms was a little Cowie. I couldnt help but be mad for a nanosecond. Dmitri came up from behind me. Why dont I work on getting her out of bed? You start getting her things. Then when shes out, Ill collect everything. He whispered. I nodded and moved to the closest. She didnt have many clothes. I had the huge duffel bag Dmitri brought from his car (why he has an empty duffel bag in his car in the first place, I have not a clue) in seconds. Show and finished. I went back into the other room and started to fill it with the few toys I saw lying around. Dmitri already had Sara in his arms. Sara, baby, you want to go to your mommy now? He whispered.


She slightly nodded. I smiled and took her into my arms. She rested her head on my chest. I kissed her hair and started to hum a Rare Blood lullaby my mother taught me and my sister. Dmitri took the bag and continued filling it. Im gonna go downstairs and get her some bottles and stuff. I saw her baby bag there early. I nodded. Im gonna take her out now. Dont take any door. Its wired. Can you take her yourself? Yes, Dmitri. I smiled and kissed him. I love you. I love you, too. He smiled. Careful not to wake Sara. I climbed onto the bars. But then I remembered that I was going to leave a note for my dad, so I went in and wrote one. Then I climbed back onto the bars and slid down using one hand. Once I was hanging like Tarzan, I dropped down and landed on the balls of my feet painlessly, all without even stirring Sara. With the shadows as my friends, I returned to Romeo. He climbed up on me in excitement. I of course, hushed him. Mommy, arwe goin home now? Sara mumbled. I smiled. She called me mommy. Of course, when she wakes up and sees that Im not her mommy, then well have some explaining to do. But Im sure Dmitri and I can think of a good lie before that. We are, sweetheart. I kissed her hand. Dmitri came out my bedroom window a couple minutes later, bars fixed. He smiled and kissed me, the duffel bag, a stroller and the baby bag on his shoulders. We hurried to his car and drove off into the night. We got Sara awake enough to send a picture of her to Mona. And we got to the airport, everything was finished, as promised. Everyone was there to salute us and say goodbye. I hugged them all, trying not to cry. Theyd come to visit us after for our pairing ceremony, so the goodbye would be for a long time. Then Dmitri and I got on the plane with ease. Not a second guess from any of the security. We were on our way to start our new life with our adopted daughter. I couldnt wait.


August 27, 2011 Saturday 5:09 a.m. Im up early, arent I? But thats only because I can't sleep the entire night again. Its all because of our date. It was magical. It was everything and more. Plus, at the end of the night, I got a kiss. Well, more than one kiss actually. Once we got to my door, he kissed me goodnight, then we just couldnt let go of each other. Magic. He took me to a nice restaurant that didnt require you to dress up that fancily. But I still wore a dress. I wore a black cocktail dress. It was so simple, and just like I said in my story, my hair looked on fire with a plain black dress on. I wore it with Cassidys black heels with silver bows on it. And to make my dress look less simple, Cassidy added a big, but beautiful necklace. Meanwhile, Dimitri looked so dashing in all black. I didnt think he could pull it off, but he did. He did so perfectly. He looked so sexy. I wanted to kiss him the first


chance I got, but that would be a little creepy. We arent officially together. He hasnt called me his girlfriend yet. The restaurant was nice. We had a fun dinner. Mostly fun because we were making fun of everyone around us. Not such a good thing to do when your surrounded by people with money. But we did it anyway. Then after, he took me to one of those drive-thru old movies that I always wanted to go to, but never had anyone to take me. He thought Id appreciate it. Which I did. I enjoy old movies very much. We sat on the roof of his car, which isnt like my Dmitris car. But its still nice. Its a black SUV. Anyway, we got onto the roof of his car. He helped me up like a gentleman. It was so sweet. We had two blankets. One two sit on, the other to put around us. I dont think Ive ever been so close to him. He held me close! He put his arm around me for the first time! Then when I got tired of sitting still (I could barely move! How embarrassing! I was so in shock from him putting his arm around me), I rested my head on his shoulder. And he held me tighter! Im serious! OMG! If I die now, Ill die the happiest woman alive. Then after, we went on a little walk, hand in hand. We talked about the movie and other stuff. The ride home was a little awkward, I have to admit. Neither of us wanted the night to end, but he had promised my dad to get me home by ten. I hate him (my dad). He gladly walked me to my door. Heres a play-by-play of what happened next: Can I call you again tomorrow? You haven't stopped if you could call before. I smiled. He smiled. My heart races. I guess this is goodbye. In my mind, I was begging him not to leave. I guess so. I nodded. He nodded, too. Would you mind if I gave you a goodbye kiss? Not at all. I bit back my grin. He has the softest lips by the way. We kissed, and it was everything I was hoping our first kiss would be. It was quick, but it still took my breath away. We looked into each

others eyes. I saw so much in his liquid blue eyes. Then he kissed me again, which really caught me by surprise. I softened to his touch and melted right into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck (for support) and everything. Then we were basically making-out against a wall. His hands werent all over me, per se, put they were on me. One hand was on my cheek, holding my face to his (not like I was going to pull away anytime soon). The other was at my hip holding my body against his. It was magic, I swear. Never in a million years would I think that someone as sexy and as handsome as Dimitri would be standing at my doorstep making-out with me. I should mention that there was a lot of tongue action. It was amazing. We kissed until we ran out of oxygen. I was really, really light headed. But I get that way easily. It wouldnt have been a shock to me if I fainted. Because thats how good the kiss was. Then he was just holding me. Both of us were breathing in deeply. I got my breath back before he did, and I couldnt stop myself from kissing him. He didnt stop me. He kissed me back (no tongue this time). I could feel the smile on his lips, and I hope he could feel mine. Then he said something I never thought he would ever say to someone like me. To anyone in our school for that matter. He doesnt seem the type to say it, plus, were too young to even say things like that and mean it with our whole hearts. But he said it anyway. And if youre thinking that he asked me to marry him, your dead wrong (although I wished he had. I wouldve been better with that). But its not what he said. He said: I think Im in love you, Annabel. He even smiled! No, he grinned! Then everything went silent. How was I supposed to respond to that? Weve been going out officially for two days. Two freaking days. And weve only known each other for five days. It was just like something out of my book! Which makes me fear that this whole Rare Blood thing could be real. I hope its not. Thats just a figment of my wild imagination.


Then he started freaking out. He tried to make me comfortable by saying I didnt have to say it back. But I just smiled, and I said it back. And I meant it. It wasnt the same love I was feeling three days ago. But I knew deep down in my heart that I really loved him. Then he kissed me again, and I let him inside. I knew for sure no one would bother us. My dad wasnt even home and Cassidy wouldnt bother me. She said she wouldnt cause she wanted me to get laid. I can tell you this right now. I did not lose my virginity. I am still a virgin. We just laid there in my bed, staring into each others eyes. Hes still next to me now. He looks so adorable when he sleeps. His eyelashes are so heavy. Im surprised he can even open his eyes. I should be joining him back in dreamland (we do not have connected dreams), but I wanted to tell you, the reader, first. So there, now you know. We love each other. Were in love. Were a couple. Hes asleep in my bed. And for the first time, Im in love. One other thing before I go. He has a sister. Her name is Rebecca. She goes to the grade school at our school. Shes the cutest thing Ive ever seen. She has his hair and eyes. Except her hair is wavy. Its just so adorable. She was introduced in two ways. The first being when she came knocking on our classroom door during class yesterday. She was accompanied by a teacher because she left her lunch money at home. Awww. And sure, he got crap for being the big brother, but he didnt care. Then he introduced me after school, because he promised to take her out for ice cream (which I joined in on). Shes so cute! Ill say more about it another time. Right now, Im going back to sleep with Dimitri.


Chapter 24

It was hours later. The sun was just rising. Dmitri took Sara out of my arms and put her in the stroller because I could barely keep my eyes open. He kept one arm around me, and helped me push while he pushed the cart carrying our luggage. Then we hopped in a taxi and drove to wherever it was that we were staying. It was a house that he, Hugo and Brielle owned. It was big, very, very big. It was an estate. It had seventeen bedrooms, 20 bathrooms, a pool house and pool, everything you would ever expect to be in a big fancy estate that would cost a fortune to keep. But when you have a few vampires that are centuries old, I guess it doesnt matter. He described it to me since I could barely look at it myself and I was to half-asleep to even see into his mind. There were maids and butlers waiting for us. They took our bags away, while Dmitri took Sara and I away. He took us into a bedroom with two beds. Two very big beds. It would be our resting place for the night until Sara and I could pick out our new bedrooms. In one bed, Dmitri and I put Sara. And in the other, we clunked out for the last remaining hours of sleep we could get. Saras crying woke me up. It woke both of us up. Dmitri woke up thinking the house was on fire. Typical boy. I pulled Sara into my arms while he got over his vertigo. I wanna go home! I wanna go home! She screamed. I want my mommy! Oh, Sara. I want my mommy! Let me, Anna. Dmitri said, his arms were open. I transferred Sara into his arms. No! No! No! ShhhhSara, its okay. We have something to tell you. Shhh She continued to kick and scream. I could see how much it pained Dmitri. I felt really out of place. He knew exactly how to handle her. I

We arrived in Paris.


couldnt even make her stop crying. She was already hushing. How am I supposed to handle two kids if I can barely handle one three year old. The most I could do was rub her back and I found out some very useful information. Her mother is a red head. Her mother is a big red head that looks like me. She gets her hair mostly from her father, who is a blondie. I could use that to my advantage. I searched farther. Her mom had a nickname for her. As far as she can remember, which isnt that far, her mother could her Munchie. Munchie because she always gets hungry, and Munchie because shes a little, adorable munchkin. You can do this, Anna. You wanted this. You took her. You took her. You're her mommy now. Munchie, sweetie? She looked at me, her blue eyes glistening. Mommy? Im here, baby. I smiled. Mommy! She threw herself into my arms. Mommy, I miss you! Dmitri looked shocked. I missed you, too, Munchie. Mommy, where are we? She looked at me. I wiped her eyes. Were home, Munchie. I smiled. Where daddy? Heres the hard part. I need to make up a quick lie. Im not good at lying. Thats Dmitris job. Hes a damn good liar. I looked at Dmitri for help. He shrugged. Then it hit me. Time for a little reverse psychology (I think. Or this might just be psychology. Is there such thing? Damn, Im doing it again). You dont recognize your daddy? He had to change his hair color to keep you safe. You recognized it yesterday. I lied. I hate lying to toddlers. She looked at Dmitri, wiping her eyes. She had finally stopped crying. Then she leaned forward and returned to Dmitris arms. I miss you too, daddy. I missed you, too, Sara. He said nervously. Im sweepy, daddy. She closed her eyes. You go back to sleep, Munchie. He kissed her hair. As if nothing had happened, Sara was back to sleep instantly. Dmitri tucked her in. He looked at me. Can you please tell me whats going on? (((((((((((

((((((((((( Sara, honey, are you awake now? I knocked on the door and slowly entered her room. The room was empty and completely ransacked. Shes gone. Her clothes, everything! No! She can't be gone! Gone, all gone! Toys, clothes, books! Her beds unmade. Whats this? I picked up a note. It was written by Anna.

You say I can't be a mother? Now you cant be a father, You terrible, selfish son of a bitch Good luck trying to find her, shes mine now.
Anna took her. Anna took her. My daughter took her! ((((((((((( ((((((((((( Were parents now, Dmitri. Can you believe that? I smiled at him. We were watching little Sara sleep. I dont mind that she has Cowie anymore. If shes gonna be my daughter, then she can have all of my old toys. If only we could get them all before we left. He kissed my cheek. I can't believe it was you're idea that we steal a baby. He chuckled. I only got the idea from you. But Im glad we did it. The last thing I want is for another living being living under my fathers roof. Shes so adorable when she sleeps. Its a little hard though because she smells so good. She smells really good. I can't hurt her. I can't. Promise me something, Dmitri. I whispered. Anything. He kissed my hand. If I ever lose myself You arent going to lose yourself. I won't let you. I took a deep breath and continued. Promise me that youll keep me away from her. Dont even let me be in the same place as her. Just dont leave her.

You arent going to lose yourself, Anna. Its a precautionary action, baby. We both know that she has the tattoos. Its impossible that she doesnt. I know how hard it was for you to not give into temptation, but Im not as strong as you. Just please, promise me. This is useless, Anna. But since its what you want I promise. He whispered in my ear and kissed it. I rested my head on Dmitris chest. He kissed my hair. I love you. I love you, too. I whispered. We sat there and watched Sara sleep. I thought one of the maids or something would come knocking, but none came. I thought I would fall asleep, too. But I didnt. It was so calming to watch Sara sleep and I enjoyed every second of it. Lets go into the city, Dmitri. Ive never experienced Paris during the day, and I was too out of it last night to care. Dmitri chuckled and kissed my hair. Done. The house was emptier than I thought. A lot of the rooms were empty, but Dmitri promised to fill it if it was the room I chose. But we found the perfect room. It had a bed just like the one at the house in the forest (as Dmitri puts it). It was just perfect for us. Plus, it had an adjoining room, one that couldnt be accessed through the hallway. It was perfect for Sara, especially since it was a lighter, more playful version of our room. It had a bed like ours, but smaller. She could be a princess in that room. We had breakfast after that out on patio. It was a beautiful day, even if it was a little chilly, but we were okay with that. Sara loves the house. Dmitri and I were certain that we could turn it into a temporary home easily. Im getting used to being called mommy already. All because whenever Sara says something, she always addresses who shes talking to. Munchie, you wanna join Gil while he takes Romeo for a walk? Dmitri asked. Can I, daddy? She said excitedly. Of course. He grinned. Just be careful, okay? She nodded. Dmitri and I kissed her goodbye and she ran off after Gil, the butler that offered to take Romeo for a walk. Finally, Dmitri and I had some alone time. I sat in his lap and kissed him. How are you feeling? He smiled. Good. I smiled. How are the babies feeling?


Very good. I whispered and kissed him again. I think they got bigger. I feel heavier than yesterday. I bet if I use that scale I found, Ill be heavier than I was when I weighed myself yesterday. Its amazing how fast they're growing. Dmitri rolled up my t-shirt to my objection. His smooth hand ran over my stomach, giving me chills. You dont look that much bigger, but I can obviously see change. He smiled. Youre just teasing me. No, Im serious. Look yesterday, you were still up to here on my pinky. He pointed to the top crease on his pinky finger. Now youre at least here. He moved his finger a millimeter up. I shook my head. He laughed and kissed me. I rolled down my shirt and loosened up in Dmitris lap. I could lay almost flat with the arm chair Dmitri was sitting in. I basked in the suns rays. Dmitri kissed my neck. I smiled. I love you. I smiled at him. I love you, too.


August 27, 2011 Saturday 3:15 p.m. Im sorry I stopped writing. Dimitri woke up. And he caught me writing. But mostly, he caught his name misspelled and the words I love you. So I started to tell him about my story and the huge coincidence that came with it. He asked to read it, but then I promised to let him be the first to read it once Im finished. Which is very embarrassing. I have a vast imagination and that caused me to write about sex between the two main characters, being Annabel and Dmitri. But then the cutest thing happened. Dimitri got a text from his roommate which caused him to see the time. When he woke up, it was past eight and he started to freak out. He asked me the night before to wake him up early so that he could get back to the dorms before his roommate woke up. Obviously, I failed (purposefully and happily). So then I assured him with a kiss that it would be okay. My dad would already be out. All wed have to worry about is my sister, who will be ready with her best sex comments. As for his roommate, I gave him the idea to show up with his sister. His roommate wouldnt be able to laugh at him with a ten-year old present. He thanked me with a kiss. It feels so good to kiss him. Im serious. I feel so much love when Im with him. We stayed in my room for a while, just laying there, sometimes kissing, and sometimes just looking into each others eyes. I told him I loved him again, just to make sure no feelings changed over night. He grinned and told me he loved me back.


Then we finally went downstairs to face my sister. And to our surprise, she was gone. She had left a note saying that our dad took her to the doctor and that he noticed an unidentified car outside. She said I owed her for saying she had her boyfriend over. Our dad wouldnt care if she had a boy over. Shes allowed to have boys over especially in her state. But if my dad found out I had a boy over, wed both be dead. Ill thank her later. We had a very nice breakfast together. I enjoyed it very much. Mostly because we ate it on the couch in my living room. We ate from the same hugantic plate I found. We shared our breakfast. It was a lot of fun. Then he left, and I felt alone. I missed him, almost immediately. At least he promised to call me later tonight. Hed tell me then how my plan worked. I can't wait. I really can't. Im in love, what can I say?

Her tattoos were exactly like mine. Exactly. While Dmitri helped me give her a bubble bath, he was finally able of read the rest of the story. He


was right. The vampire did sleep with her. He brainwashed her, then he slept with her, then he killed her. I put her in a sky blue dress because is matches her eye color, then over it, a white coat. I swear, I couldve spent all day trying clothes on her. A better nickname would be Dolly. Then I let her go play with Romeo in the living room with The Backyardigans on the TV while Dmitri and I took a shower. I was right about them getting bigger. I gained almost two pounds in the last day, practically impossible for me to gain on my own. Dmitri loved every second that I checked. He couldnt take his arms off of me. We went out as a family. Dmitris car magically showed up overnight and we drove into the city. The first thing we needed to do was buy a car seat. Then lots and lots of baby supplies. Im most likely going to give birth in Paris. Theres no way Im going all the way to Romania now that I know that there are no more Clans there. I still can believe it. For thousands of years, Clans made Romania their home, now they're completely wiped off the map. Dmitri parked the car next to a public park and we got out. For the first time, we put a leash on Romeo. He looks so weird with one on. He would never stray, but it's the law. Sara did a very good job of wearing the leash on her wrist and Romeo did a very good job of walking beside her. Im proud of both of them. Paris is just beautiful. Amazingly beautiful. We could see the Eiffel Tower in the distance. We passed by the Louvre. It was just so beautiful. It was hard not to cry because here I was, in Paris, with the man I was going to spend the rest of forever with, and the little girl we were going to raise together just so that shed have a good future outside the world of Rare Bloods and Protectors, and Im pregnant! Its just so overwhelming sometimes. I have to be living in a fairytale. Thats probably the only explanation I can think of. Are you okay, Anna? I looked at Dmitri and smiled. Im more that okay. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I love you. He whispered in my ear. I love you, too. Paris is so full of love. And its not even spring time. Despite being in public, Dmitri kissed me and I enjoyed every second of it. Mommy, can we get some ice cream? Sara asked, pointing to an ice cream vendor in the distance. Damn, she has good eyes. Its too earlier for ice cream, Munchie.

Pwease, mommy? I wan ice cweam. She pouted. I dunno, Munchie. I watched the vendor make a cone for a paying customer. To be honest, it looked real good. I havent eaten ice cream in a long time. A grin stretched across Dmitris face. Oh, come on, Anna. I know you want some, too. Itll be my treat. Pwease, mommy? Okay. I sighed. Its only eleven and we should be eating lunch right now, but, Lets get some ice cream. I smiled. While Dmitri got each of us a cone, I took Sara over to a bench and took her out of her stroller. She looked so adorable in her white coat and doll shoes. With her perfect complexion, she seriously looks like a doll. If only I could change her nickname to Dolly. I like that one so much better than Munchie. But whenever I think Dolly, I think Dolly Parton. Romeo sat next to me on the bench. While we waited for Dmitri return, I watched Sara hang over Romeo. She kissed him and said I love you. He loved every second of it. He even said I love you back. Vampire dogs are very intelligent. They think like people do. Exactly like people do, actually. Here you go, Munchie. Dmitri said, holding out a double-deck serving of vanilla and strawberry ice cream. It was fun-sized, perfect for her. Dmitri only had one other cone left. Wheres yours? Dont need one. He smiled and sat down on my other side. Here. He handed me my cone. It was three scoops of nothing but chocolate ice cream. He really knows me, doesnt he? I just realized that I didnt tell him what I wanted. Thank you, daddy. Sara smiled. Youre welcome, Munchie. He smiled and kissed her forehead. ` Dmitri draped his arm over my shoulders and kissed my cheek. Im not going to be able to eat this alone you know. I looked at him. The cool sun reflected off his Ray-Bans making him look handsomer than ever. With his smile, he looks like a supermodel. And you dont like eating the cone. I can still get the ice cream out. Youre not the mean. He said and kissed my temple. I blushed and continued to lick my ice cream. I bet we look like a family. A real family. I wonder if I look the part. Not many mothers look as young as I do. But then again, there are some, like the girls of ANTM Cycle 13. With all those petite models over the age of 18, yep, I fit right in. If only I could remember which ones were mothers. There were mothers, right?

Mommy, whys your tummy big? A very unexpected question to hear from a three-year old. We shouldve expected it though. Shed have to realize some time or another that Im pregnant. Are you fuwl, mommy? Dmitri and I laughed. No, Munchie. Mommys not full. I smiled. Youre going to have sisters. Sisters? Sisters. I smiled at him. How many sistews, Mommy? Two, Munchie. She turned in my lap. Dmitri took her hand so that she wouldnt fall. While her one hand held her melting ice cream, she placed her other on my stomach. Are they hidin, mommy? Dmitri and I laughed again. They are, Munchie. When they comin out, mommy? Not for a while, Munchie. I smiled. Can you be patient for that long? Uh-huh. She nodded and looked at Dmitri. I have sistews, daddy. She smiled. I know. He smiled at her. Youre gonna be a big sister soon. Her smile stretched into a grin. Dmitri ran his fingers through her strawberry blonde hair. She never finished her ice cream. She finished the scoops, but the parts that went inside the cone and the cone itself, dropped onto the floor and Romeo lapped it all up, followed by a scolding from me for the two of them. We went to the nearest bookstore next, mostly because Sara wanted the book with the shiny fish in the window. While Dmitri did that, I ran my fingers through all the parenting books out there, downloading each into my mind. Im smart enough not to go through this unprepared. Now, I know what all the experts think (which is sometimes contradicting). Looking to buy something? Dmitri asked with a smile. He was pushing the stroller with Sara holding her new book. No need. Ive read them all. I smiled back. He laughed. Cmon. He took my hand. This ones already hungry. He slyly pointed at Sara.

I laughed and let him lead me out. We had our lunch at a quaint little caf then continued our stroll around the city. Followed be a long stop at a store for kids where I spent along time dressing up Sara to see if it looks good on her only to buy it anyway. Dmitri offered to buy all the clothes and whatnot in the store! (much to the surprise of the sales ladies. It was a very expensive store). Then I said he was crazy and ended up buying almost everything in her size. We went to a toy store next, which, by the time we got there, Sara was already fast asleep. We picked her up some new toys anyway and went to the final stop, a baby store where Dmitri was the one who went all out to make sure she gets the safest things out there. I swear, it was the most adorable sight out there. Its so weird to be a mom without actually giving birth (yet). But I have to tell you this, its the best sensation in the world. Besides Dmitri (obviously), its nice to know that theres that one little soul out there that will accept you for your faults and love you no matter what. I hate that were lying to her. She loves us with her whole heart like theres nothing wrong with it. But theres a big wrong with it. We arent her parents! Shes supposed to be my sister! Things cooled down by the time Med came over with my ultrasound. We had all changed numbers. And there was no way possible for anyone to fine us unless they were suddenly able to torture five, centuries old vampires into giving away our location. God I hope they arent strong enough to do that. With Med and my free ultrasound came the location of the Paris Branch of the Council. With today being Friday, Dmitri and I decided to go tomorrow. We just cant wait. Were also planning our real wedding now, all because of Mona. If she hadnt changed our ages and whatnot, we wouldnt be able to go and get a marriage license. Its all so very exciting. Back to the ultrasound. Besides that first night, I have never had one. And on that first night, I barely recognized it over the pain. So, you might be able to understand my slight hesitancy over this. I dont want to hurt them whatsoever. Dmitri held my hand while Med turned on the machine and placed the probe on my abdomen. I didnt look at the monitor though. I was too busy scowling at Dmitri who had pushed me to the back of his mind. That all stopped when I heard there heartbeats. With the three of our hearts beating at the same time, it sounded like a wannabe rapper trying to create a rap sound for his next big hit (like there ever was one). Tears filled my eyes.


Wait a minute. I cant find the hehere it is. The head of baby one. He smiled then moved the probe. And baby two. Congratulations. There perfectly healed. Theyre beautiful. Even if its a blank and white, not so clear image, they're still beautiful. Im speechless, and so is Dmitri. Heres the arm of baby one, and here the foot of baby two. He continued to speak. It was like he was giving us a tour of my womb. I couldnt pay attention though. I was so caught up in just seeing them. Daddy, whats that? Dmitri and I tore our eyes away from the monitor to look at Sara, who was standing there, holding the balloon Med brought with him in one hand, and in the other, she was holding Cowie. One of the many housekeepers was standing in the door. Je suis dsol, monsieur. Elle a exig. Je n'ai pas voulu dire pour m'interrompre. In my mind, that translated to Im sorry, sir. She insisted. I did not mean to interrupt. Thank God The International School For the Mentally Advanced taught us French and Latin. Ne vous proccupez pas. He replied. Dont trouble yourself. Dmitri has a perfect accent by the way. He sounds like hes been living here his whole life. I watched him pick up Sara and put her down on the bed next to me. She was wearing one of the many dresses I had bought for her the other day. Those are your sisters, Munchie. He pointed at the monitor. They're on TV, daddy! We all laughed. You wanna say hi, Sara? Im sure they can hear you. I smiled. I dunno their names, mommy. She pouted. I looked at Dmitri. We hadnt even thought about names yet. I dont think we wouldve thought about it until I was ready to push them out if Sara hadnt mentioned them. He shrugged. Its a surprise, Sara. Med smiled at her. Theyll tell you what their names are when they come out. I mouthed Thank you to him. When do they come outta hidin, Uncle Medman? He looked at us with a What-kinda-things-did-you-tell-this-poorgirl expression. When they want to come out of hiding. He nodded. It was the strangest thing for the three of us to be there watching the monitor. Youd think that I, being the mother of these children, would have

more questions, but no. Those two had more questions about the pregnancy. I couldnt even ask if my premonition about them being girls. Thank God Sara didnt ask us where babies come from. I couldnt even ask my parents that! You shouldve seen how hard it was for me to go into middle school and watch a sex ed. video. It still gives me nightmares. Sara was out of questions (thankfully). Which leaves us with Dmitri. So, this is gonna be a normal birth, right? None of those things that you said could happen will. His hands are shaking. Its sad. Med opened his mouth to speak, but I shushed him. Dmitri looked at me with his cute why-the-hell-did-you-dothat expression. Dmitri, baby, I love you. I really do. I smiled. But can you please stop for just two seconds. Thats all I ask. He bowed his head. Hes cheeks were flushed. Okay. I nodded. Tell me right now, are they girls? He returned the probe. They are indeed both girls. He smiled. Hallelujah. Amen. Thank you, Mother. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you, Buddha. Thank you, Allah. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Whew. Im a girl, mommy! Sara blurted out. We laughed. Yes you are, sweetie. I smiled and ran my fingers through her strawberry blonde hair. Any more inquiries? Med looked at Dmitri. Im good. I changed my mind. I dont need to know any more. He said without looking at anyone. I laughed and kissed his hair. He smiled and squeezed my hand. Why dont I leave you to clean up, Anna? Sara, do you want to get some ice cream? I hear one of the kitchen attendants makes her own ice cream. Med smiled. Can I, mommy? She looked at me. Go ahead. I smiled. Give me some alone time with Dmitri. Med picked her up and carried her out of the room. Dmitri leaned over and kissed me. I have never loved you more than I do right now. He whispered. You say that a lot. I smiled. My love for you grows with every passing second. He smiled back. We wiped the gel off my abdomen and Dmitri laid down next to me on the bed. We were caught in a kiss of pure love.

Were having girls, Dmitri. I whispered. We are. He can't even wipe the grin off his face. Its beautiful. I love you. I love you, too. I smiled. He kissed me for the umpteenth time. We need to think of two names. Well think of something. He kissed my nose. Ill probably have fifty options by dinner. You better. You know Im terrible with names. He chuckled. I doubt youll have any problem with theirs. I smiled and rested my head on his chest. My stomach was already three times the size it was a few days ago. I can't help but feel like Im growing faster than I should. I might not even make it to three months.


August 30, 2011 Tuesday 8:45 p.m. Im just passing the time while I wait for Dimitri to call me. Were in love like you wouldnt believe it. Hes the best boyfriend a girl could ever wish for. Hes a gentleman, there isnt anything he wouldnt do for me, he really cares. Yesterday, after gym, I wasnt feeling so good. It has been so long since Ive worked out. I have barely even left the house the entire vacation! Anyway, gym comes before lunch. Exactly before lunch. And he saw my wariness. So, since the boys and the girls were all the way out there on the edge of the school grounds (its a pretty big school, three different campuses) he carried me on his back for the entire school (mostly Molly) to see. It was so sweet of him. And last but not least, he confessed his love for me in front of the entire class. Heres what happened: I was busy getting my things for next period during lunch. He had just gone out with a couple of the boys (namely Doug McCloud and Jason Daniels. Yep. They exist, too. I wouldnt be surprised if there was a girl named Andi that went to a school near London as I described). I saw him come in, and of coursed I smiled at him. He smiled back. Then he pulled a chair to the front of the class and stood on it. He took one last peak at Doug and Jason and spoke. Excuse me, everyone. Im sorry to interrupt your break, but theres something I really need to let you all know. For those of you that dont know, I am dating the lovely, Miss Annabel Morrison. I dont know how any of you missed this, but she is the most amazing girl Ive ever met. Ive fallen head over heels for her even if I did try not to. But now, I can honestly say that Im in love. I know its so early to say after dating her for less than a week. Im in love, and Im not afraid to say it. So for you people who are sadly like these poor lads, get off my back. Annabel, I love you. He grinned at me.


Sadly, I would rather he kiss me in front of the entire class than have to hear that. I didnt know how embarrassing that would be. In my mind, youd think Id be romantic, but its not. Especially if youre on the receiving end of that short speech. And then he came down and walked up to me. Everyone started to howl and whatever. They told us to kiss (which I did not want to do). But then I saw Molly. She looked like she was ready to kill someone (me). So I did it, to make her even more jealous. Im the one that gets the son of British Royalty. Did I mention his mother his slightly related to the late Princess Dianna. Then there's the whole, I tried not to. Is he trying to say that he was trying not to fall for me? He tried not to be attracted to me. I think I understand how he tried not to fall in love. Everything is just moving so fast. He couldve easily been scared that he might be pushing me away. I wanna think that he was just trying to slow down, but if not. I dont know what to think. Lets ask him now. Hes calling. Me: Hey, you. *smile* Dimitri: Hey, what are you doing now? Me: Nothing. I finished doing everything and now I was just waiting for your clockwork call. Dimitri:*laughs* well, thats good. Me: Can I ask you something, Dimitri? Dimitri: I thought you said it was stupid to ask things politely. Me: I know for sure you might be offended by my question. Dmitri: Oh, okay. Ask away. Me: You said earlier that you tried not to fall head over heels for me. What exactly did you mean by that? My hands are shaking. I dont think I want to know the answer to this question. Im risking my relationship with Dimitri.


Dimitri: I didnt think I was ready for a relationship. Im sorry if I worried you, Anna. Im not so good with girls. Never have been. This is actually my first time in a co-ed school. I didnt want to admit it to anyone, but its true. I have an almost empty dating history. And my last relationship didnt end so well. It didnt end anywhere near well. She dumped me at her school dance. And by dumped I literally mean dumped. She poured her punch on me because her best friend kissed me five minutes before. I tried to defend myself. Her friend kissed me, not the other way around, but she didnt want to hear it. Me: Aww You poor thing. What flavor was it? Dimitri:*laughs* Strawberry. Very Delicious, really. I just wish I didnt have to drink it that way. Silence Dimitri: I hope I didnt scare you in any way, Anna. I dont regret anything weve done. Hes making me smile uncontrollably. Me: Neither do I. I really do mean it when I say I love you. Dimitri: So do I. I love you, Anna. I gotta go. I have to talk with my boyfriend.

Chapter 25

My hands trembled. The Paris Branch of the Council lies

underneath the Eiffel Tower. And right now, thats exactly where Dmitri and I are headed. Im just so excited, and Im a little scared. Its scary to be underground. What ifI dunnothe ground underneath the Eiffel Tower

suddenly breaks and it collapses on top of us? The world doesnt know of this underground buildings existence. Well be trapped under here forever. Dmitri held my hand tight. He was more fascinated than I was. The last time hes been to any Council Branch was when he failed his mission in Chicago. The ornate walls of gold and silver interested him. In the Council Branch in Chicago, the walls were made of bronze and iron. Honestly, I dont care. Ooh, shiny. Whatever. Our guides opened the large double doors. It reminded me of that scene in New Moon, only totally tricked out! Seriously! I feel like Im back in Low Row! This is every geeks fantasy! I dont even recognize half the things in this very large room. What I was more interested in was the halfnaked girls playing pinball. Now thats one scene you dont see every day. I feel like Dmitri and I just stepped into a porno. At the opposite end of the room were seven men, three of which were getting lap dances by more of the half-naked girls, one was making-out with one of the girl, one was whispering and flirting with one of the girls that was sitting in his lap. Then the two in the center were looking pleased, just sitting there in their big, comfy chairs. Behind them was a big, sheer curtained bed, where I saw five of the half-naked girls having a pillow fight. In the corner of my eye, I saw a girl on a pole. There was a man coaxing her down, trying to get her to come with him. His fangs were exposed, and she just smiled at him. She had fangs too. One of our guides spoke in old French. I didnt understand. I turned to Dmitri, who, thankfully, understood. Master, this is youre two oclock. Thank you, One of the center men (the one on my left) said. You may go. You are Annabella and Dmitri? The other center man asked. Annabel. I couldnt help but correct. The Rare Blood everyone is so worried about, brother. The left center man said. Ah, this is Annabel, the Hero! Ladies, brothers, let us applaud her. He started to clap. Everyone stopped what they were doing to clap. I moved closer to Dmitri, holding my stomach protectively. Dmitri held me tighter, also protectively. Welcome, my name is Louis, Louis-Charles. Center man on the right said. My jaw dropped. And this is my brother, Louis-Joseph. Both of you are dead. The men (except Dmitri) started to laugh.

Why, of course. Louis-Charles said. We were born dead. This goes against everything Ive ever learned in school. Against everything Ive ever believed! There is no way, no way that they can still be alive. Louis-Charles dies when he was ten, of poisoning. He died alone, in a tower, after being imprisoned and mistreated. He died!! As for Louis-Joseph, he died, murdered, or something. I can't remember. Its always been LouisCharles that Ive been obsessed with. Yet, here they are, centuries later, looking like adults. Their blue eyes look menacing, rather than playful, like their attitude. But with Louis-Charless eyes, its obvious how much pain hes seen. Do not look so shocked, little Hero. Louis-Joseph said. Pull them some seats, get them some drinks. I love telling this story. Suddenly, the remaining guide suddenly had two chairs, smaller versions of what they were sitting in. Two of their hos (sorry) suddenly had glasses of blood. Dmitri took both and helped me sit down. My knees were knocking, I hope its not obvious. Would you like to tell it, brother? Louis-Joseph asked. Go ahead, you know I like to watch more than relive. He waved his brother off. Lets see, the year of my death, 1760, I remember it as if it was yesterday. The declared me dead, oh, and our poor mother wept over my body. It was terrible. But then I woke up here, in this very room. I hadnt died. I had only been sleeping. He smiled. You see, as you probably have realized, my dear brother and I were born this way. It was the best kept secret our servants have ever kept. They did not dare tell the King and Queen of France that their two sons were blood-drinkers. By day, business as usual, and by night, we would be feeding from whichever servant was available. Now, Louis-Charles has a much more interesting story. He did almost die of poisoning. Poisoned because his secret was discovered. It is not said in history that right after my brothers untimely death, the guards and the family that fed him mysteriously vanished. My dear brother went without blood longer than any of us would dare attempt. It is a good thing the servants were his breath of life. But, oh, after they poisoned him, it only made him more blood crazed. Then I, I, Louis-Joseph, went and rescued him. I nurtured my brother back to health. The end. He smiled. He builds up the momentum just for that? You have to be kidding me. What about your sister, Mari-Elizabeth? Have you not noticed, my young Hero? There are no women Council members. Louis-Charles said. If she were like us, surely she would be

leading us, she always was the bossy type. Takes after mother, dont you think? He looked at his brother. Yes, she always did want to be exactly like our mother, the late, selfish, yet dastardly beautiful, Mari Antoinette. Will you both stop fiddling? We still have a three-thirty. The man who was at the stripper pole said as he walked by, pulling the stripper towards a separate room. Right. Louis-Charles said. Step forward. A ho took our glasses (still untouched) while the guide pulled the chairs away. I didnt see where they went. Dmitri held me tighter than ever before as we approached the late dauphins. Louis-Joseph called for something, and the guide-servant came running carrying a pillow with golden handcuffs on it. Louis-Joseph picked it up and the guide was sent running. Dmitri, please turn around. Louis-Charles said. Youre going to handcuff us? I said. No, where going to use these in bed. Louis-Joseph said sarcastically. He stood up and walked up to us. Dmitri pulled me closer, tension surging through his body. Fear ran through his mid. Fear that the brothers would try to hurt me. Im a Rare Blood. Of course they would want to hurt me. Then Im also a Hero, which makes my blood a hundred times more potent. Thats the first thing Dmitri noticed after I was turned. Did you not hear us, boy? Turn around. Arent we supposed to be facing the same way? I asked. There is no fun in that. There is a much lower success rate this way. Louis-Charles said, smiling at us. Dmitri turned around. Louis-Joseph put the cuffs on us. Where his hand touched my skin, chills were sent shooting up my arm. His hands are like ice. He paused for a second to smile at me. So beautiful. Such a waste. If only you came along sooner and I didnt die. You wouldve made a great queen of France. He whispered. Flattered, but no. Theres no way Im ever going near this place again (except for next Saturday). I do not want to see him ever, ever, ever again. Its just too creepy. I dont even know how to think around them. There supposed to be dead! He stepped away, his smile not wiped from his face. Good luck getting home. Louis-Charles grinned wickedly at us. Goodbye, mon chr. Louis-Joseph bowed before me.


Dmitri waited for me to turn around and face front before starting to walk. I didnt hold his hand until we were out of that huge porno room. I didnt want to see the look on Louis-Josephs face as I walked away. But it was very hard to hold his hand since were facing different directions. Thank God he can at least walk well backwards. How do we get home? I looked at him. Id carry you, but then it might harm the babies. We can't just walk out onto the middle of the street like this, Dmitri. I know. He shook his head. We stopped walking. Maybe if we go like this? He moved behind me. We were now facing the same direction. He tried to pick me up, pulling my chained arm with him. It hurt. Dmitri, stop. Its not going to work. Why can't you just call a car to pick us up? I wouldnt mind sitting in your lap. He sighed. Youre right. This is going to be terribly hard. How are we supposed to survive this way? We can't sleep properly, we can't eat properly, we can't even sit properly! And we have to live this way for a week! Whats Sara going to think when she sees her mommy and daddy handcuffed together. Med is surely going to laugh at us. Hugo will laugh at Dmitri for being the one facing backwards. This just sucks. Dmitri held me in his arms while we waited for a car to come. It was a Phantom, which Dmitri explained belonged to Brielle. I doubt it. A Phantom? Why would Brielle want a Phantom? Its a guys car. He just doesnt want me to know that he himself owns it. It was hard to get it then for me to sit in his lap. Since we were in public now, we can't let the world see that were handcuffed. It was a fun ride though. The driver couldnt see us, or hear us. So, Dmitri spent the time making me laugh with kisses and other things. I wish he didnt though. Ive noticed that being pregnant has raised my emotions by a long slide. In the past few days, Ive been so sad that he walked away for the shortest time that I wanted to cry. When I was having my ultrasound, the real reason why I wasnt able to ask questions is that I couldnt stop myself from crying. Im just a whirlwind of emotions. So, with Dmitri kissing me all over and such, making me laugh, Im trying to fight the arousal Im feeling inside. Does that happen a lot? The whole, getting horny and whatnot? I feel like an alien. I failed terribly. By the time we were minutes away from home, Dmitri and were locked in a passionate kiss. One of the most passionate

weve shared since discovering I was pregnant. I didnt want to pull away and neither did he. The car stopped. We didnt. Dmitri reached over and locked the door before the driver could open it for us. I want you. I whispered. He continued to kiss me. I want you, too, my love. Let us wait a short while so we can buy some privacy. I nodded. We got out, the driver looking at us curiously. Dmitri smiled at him and we went inside. There was a housemaid waiting for us inside. Welcome home, Dmitri, Annabel. She smiled at us. I smiled back politely. Wheres Sara? Taking a nap in her bedroom. Monsieur Medman has left the estate for a while. He mentioned business. Thank you, Sylvia. Dmitri nodded. His hand moved around my waist, bringing my arm with it. I put my hand over his. If there are any problems. Please call us. There are some wedding plans Annabel and I need to go through. Oui, Monsieur. She bowed. Dmitri and I hurried up the stairs. We would have to go into one of the many bedrooms. Once we were out of view from everyone Dmitri started to kiss me again. I had no clue how we were going to do this. Im pregnant, with a rather large belly and were handcuffed together, facing different directions. It would be better if we were facing the same direction. So this should be rather interesting. Mommy, why are you and daddy weawing bwacelets? Sara asked as we watched her favorite show. Your daddy and I are trying to have fun. I smiled. Are you gonna do a magic twick, daddy? Dmitri laughed and ran his fingers through her hair. I wish I knew how to do magic, Munchie. Her lips pursed. I wanna see a magic. Uh-oh. Thats the first time shes not spoken to someone. Did someone say magic? Med said as he walked in. Whereve you been? Dmitri asked.


Business. He grinned. Flowers for milady. He pulled a bouquet out of thin air and gave it to Sara. Dmitri and I laughed because it was almost bigger than she was. Thank you, Uncle Medman. She smiled. Youre very welcome, love. Now, who wants to see some magic tricks? Sara started jumping up and down on the couch in between our legs. Pwease, Uncle Medman! Pwease! She begged. Since you asked for it. He agreed. Hes an amazing magician. I was really grateful for the fact that I have never seen Sara this happy and excited. I wonder how magicians perform their tricks. I know for sure that Im not the only person who has ever asked that. Dmitri knew how he did it, and I realized after the first few tricks that it wasnt exciting anymore, so I asked him to shut up. He did so gladly and with a nice, sentimental kiss. And for my next trick, I will need a pair of handcuffs from the audience. Yes, you two seem to have exactly what Im looking for. May I take a look? Good luck trying to get it off. We tri Click! Click! The handcuffs fell off our wrists. I gasped. How thehow? Dmitri asked. We spent the entire care ride home trying to get those things off. You do not know the trickster brothers as well as I do, my friends. They look impossible if you arent looking at the right place. We can talk more about it later. He smiled. And for my next trick I looked at Dmitri. We couldve waited. I whispered. We could have waited. I shook my head. He chuckled and kissed me. At least we had fun. He smiled. I smiled and kissed him. I had lots of fun. Birdie! Sara screamed and jumped off the couch. Just then, a dove swooped over our heads. Sorry. Ill go catch it. Med said and ran after her and the bird. I sat up and faced Dmitri. He sat up, too, and kissed me. Now I understand why their success rate is low. Why?


Not everyone is smart enough to take off the handcuffs. Were lucky, arent we? I shook my head and smiled. Dmitris eyes furrowed. I laughed. We have never been lucky, Dmitri. Weve just been in love. He chuckled and kissed me. You are just terrible. Absolutely, positively terrible. But thats exactly why I love you. I love you because you make me worry, because you make me nuts, because you make me love you. Ive never made you love me. You do that all by yourself. I smiled. I beg to differ. He grinned and pulled me into his lap.

August 31, 2011 Wednesday 6:09 p.m. Have you ever thought about your future? You know, the entire story, not just the things youll do? Have you ever thought really badly about growing up? Im not asking

because I have a super fabulous story to go along with it. All I had was a thought. And it made me think, if my relationship with Dimitri was to escalade into something more, more than sex and more than having fun, am I willing to keep it that way. There really is that one person that changes things for you. They change everything youve ever thought about and make you think from a new perspective. A better one where everything suddenly makes sense. Im still not saying that Dimitri is that person, but its just a thought. Everything is just so right and it feels incredible. We started talking last night, and it continued throughout the day, all the way until Dimitri left half an hour after arriving at my house. We didnt talk about the future; were too young to be thinking about that. We talked about life. Life in general. What we thought about it, what we expected from it, what we wanted to do with it. And Dimitri really listened and I really listened to him. And I dunno. I think its brought us closer. There you go, I just wanted to share.

Its exciting to plan a wedding. Very exciting. Wed have it on Sunday, just us. Our guest list comprises of Hugo, Stella, Dianna, Brielle, Mona, Aaron, Grace and Med. I already tried to contact Andi. I still haven't changed my being about her being my maid of honor. Then Mona and Diana my brides maids. Then Dmitri has Hugo as his best man and Med and Aaron. Grace is the wedding planner and she and Stella will be the only audience to our wedding. Talk about small, right? The whole dress thing is back on for the wedding. Im trying to design it now. Med guesses I won't be that big on my wedding day, maybe from 1525 inches. I dont know how that will correspond on my dress. I just know to not draw that big. The only part that will be fitted to my body will be the bust, right? What do you think about pink? I asked Dmitri. For what? He looked back at me.


My dress. I smiled. Can I see? He got on his knees. I can't let you see my dress. I pressed my notebook to my chest. You have to wait until Sunday. I smiled. The suspense is killing me, Anna. Why cant I just have a peek? Because Ill handcuff you to this bed if you do. Then well never get married. I poked his nose with the eraser side of my pencil. He chuckled and kissed my knee. Im serious about that terrible thing, you know. He smiled and laid back down. Sara, what are you doing in here? I couldnt sleep, daddy. She wiped her eyes. Dmitri got up and picked her up off the floor. Whats wrong, Munchie? Can a sweep with you and mommy, daddy? Of course you can, Sara. He kissed her hair. She probably had a nightmare. She had one a few nights ago. Its probably happened again. It seems that she has a fear of bats. Shes never seen one in real life, but those cartoon ones she sees on TV scare her. In her last nightmare, she was in a dark room (she isnt afraid of the dark. Then all of a sudden there were bats, flying all around. She woke up screaming. I moved away all the wedding paraphernalia and made space for Sara to lay down. Dmitri tucked her in beside me. She didnt lie down though. She wanted me to hold her, so I did. I closed my notebook and held her. She didnt have a nightmare. She just couldnt sleep after Dmitri and I finished reading her a bedtime story. The story was running like a heard of wild horses through her mind. You want some milk, Munchie? It might help you go to sleep. Dmitri asked, running his fingers through her strawberry blonde locks. Mhmm. She nodded. Ill be right back. Dmitri kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. I got up so that I could gently bounce Sara back to sleep. I sung to her my mothers lullabies. Dmitri came back with a full bottle of warm milk for our little princess which she took gladly. He put his arms around us, and when I ran out of songs, he started singing his own lullabies. Some I recognized, others, I recognized as songs that probably came when he was a boy. She fell asleep still drinking her milk. We laid her down in our bed and started cleaning up. This is going to be different. I smiled at him. Weve never slept with someone else.

He chuckled. If you feel uncomfortable, just wake me up. Okay? He kissed my forehead. Kay. I nodded. I love you. I love you, too. He smiled and kissed me. We usually did this, kiss for a long time before I would fall asleep in his arms. Too bad I couldnt be falling asleep in his arms tonight. We laid down and Dmitri reached over so that his arm went over both Sara and me. He made up for our lost time by coming into my dream. He held me in his arms and told me all his plans he had for our future. It was exuberating. I woke up before they did and I couldnt stop myself from laughing. I didnt expect to see what I did. Sara was on top of Dmitris chest, curled up tightly. His arm was around her and it was just the cutest sight in the world. I got out of bed and took pictures from every angle with the camera we bought. I opened the curtains on our bed to let the light through and it just became an entire photo shoot. It was so sweet to see them like that. I immediately went to upload them, but then I realized that I couldnt upload them to my Facebook page. What would my friends and family think? So I thought of a solution. I created an entirely new email and Facebook and Twitter and any other social networking sites I have. I immediately added the people who matted. I hope they realize its me. My name is Annabel Addison. It shouldnt be that hard to realize. But then, if I put my relationship status as married to Dmitri Addison, everyone would see that. So I thought of another solution. I hacked his profile (sooo easy. His password is myangel05) and deleted the post immediately after it was posted, then I changed his security settings so that anything posted after this hour wouldnt be seen by anyone from our past schools. What are you doing up so early? Dmitri whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek. I smiled and looked at him. He still had sleepy eyes. I looked at the bed and saw little Sara sleeping there alone. He motioned me to stand up so that I could sit in his lap. I kissed him awake. Im securing our social future. I smiled. Look. I showed him his Facebook page. I pointed to the side where it said Engaged to: Annabel Addison. He grinned and kissed my cheek. I turned my head so we could kiss. I love you. He whispered. I love you, too. I smiled. He sleepily watched me continue working on everything as we waited for Sara to wake up. I switched our display pictures. Mine would be the

necklace while he got the laughing photo of him. Once Sara was awake, it was wedding hat on. While we ate breakfast, I continued to sketch my dress. I dont want a long dress. With my belly, it won't look good. I dont care if its cold. I just dont want a long dress. For my bust, I can't decide whether I should use silk, or satin. Or whether I should go for a straight or heart-shaped hem-line. For the dress itself, I dont know if I want to go a super pale lavender, or pink, or maybe a super, super pale green. It would go better with my eyes. Im going towards the green. I think its going to be the theme of our wedding. I should text Stella and tell her to make the colors green for the cake. What I really like with what Ive designed is the layers of chiffon that make up the bodice. It kind of looks like a fairys dress. Then I will not wear heels. I can't possibly be pregnant and walk with heels. I won't stress myself that much. Maybe they can make the shoes Ive designed as well. I hope so. Ill scan it all later and send it to Brielle for her critique. Do you think we can go find a textile shop later? I need to buy fabric. I told Dmitri. You arent going to make your dress yourself, are you? I laughed. Dmitri, I couldnt sew if it was the last skill available for all mankind. Mommy, was ma-mandkine? Mankind, Munchie. Its every single, last breathing person on this planet. I smiled at her. She nodded and took a big bite out of her toast. So whos gonna make your dress? Brielle said someones flying in tomorrow. I shrugged. Shes coming too, to be the eyes and ears of Grace who is working on everything in London. Speaking of dresses, I think I should design the others too. Ill start now. Youre not hungwy, mommy? Sara said with a mouth full toast. I smiled and smoothed down her hair. You really should eat, Anna. Dmitri pointed at me with his fork. I know you want to plan, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Spongeybob said that, daddy! She said excitedly. We laughed. Because its true, Munchie. He smiled.


I couldnt help but roll my eyes. Ive eaten more than half of a totally decked out plate. Its a mans breakfast. Thats how Id call it. Im already full and ready to throw up. Anna? Dmitri raised his eyebrow. Youre making me fat. I said low enough for Sara not to hear. Im not making you fat. Wait till you see my triceps. They're blubber. He laughed. Mommy, youre wastin food. Fine. I smiled at her. Ill eat. I closed my notebook and continued eating. With my foot, I reached over to measure the distance between me, and Dmitris leg. He smiled when I touched it. I, of course, smiled back. Then kicked him hard in the shin. He jumped. Daddy, whas wrong? Sara looked at him. I felt a bug against my leg. Sorry to scare you, Munchie. It was a bug, alright. A very annoyed, very pissed, very pregnant bug.

September 1, 2011 Thursday 1:59 a.m. Youll never believe what we did, what were doing write now. Im whispering in my mind as I type this. I still feel like were gonna get caught. But when I think about getting caught, I can't help but laugh. I probably sound crazy. You may be wondering why. Ill tell you. Were wasted.

So, Dimitri called me, we talked for a while and then he asked me if I wanted to go out. It was past ten (it was). I wouldnt be let out. Then he told me to sneak out, which he and his roommate were doing. So I did. And Ive brought my laptop just in case they discover Ive gone and theyll think Ive run away. Back to being wasted. Were currently at a party. There is a lot of beer and some weed. All the popular kids are here. We definitely are drinking. But were not doing drugs, so were stuck to the second hand smoke in this clam-bake. Currently, that figurine over there looks like a zebra to Dimitri when it obviously is a giraffe (duh?) I dont remember what it looked like when we walked in. Dimitri says hi, by the way. Hes pestering me that Im not telling you. He also wants me to write that he loves me, so Im just gonna let him talk to you while I go get some shots. Heeey. Dimitri here. Has anyone ever called Anna sexy? Cuz when I was watching her walk away, thats all I could think. She really is the most beautiful girl Ive ever met. With that hair color! Its like whoa, bloody hell, then shes just all giggles and its beautiful. I dont think Ive ever heard a cuter laugh. Shes just amazing. Theres always that one girl that really makes your mind go what the fuck just happened? Anna is so that person. My mind is seriously fucked. Shes so amazing that my mind cant handle it. And Id be seriously stupid if I let her go. So Im not going to be a bloody dumbass and Im going to stay with her for forever. Anna, if you read this, I love you. And I'm not just saying that because Im drunk. I love you and I want to spend forever with you. One more thing. That vase is not a giraffe. Its quite obvious that its a zebra. It has the stripes and everything. But then again, it could be a tiger, the face it has is of a monkey. Whats the mix of a monkey and a zebra/tiger? A mobra/zekey? Or a tickey/moger? Thats one question Im leaving you, mates. I need to make room for the woman I


love and the shots shes holding. Not to mention that kiss shes keeping from me.

September 1, 2011 Thursday 7:12 p.m. Do not believe, Dimitri! I read over what he wrote, and Im begging you, DONT BELIEVE HIM!! He was drunk; he couldnt have possibly meant it. I called him right when I saw it and he doesnt even remember typing on my computer. See? He didnt mean it. How could you mean something you dont remember, right? Last night was fun though. I dont regret anything, not even coming home around five oclock with my dad already

up for work. Sure, I was scolded, and grounded, but who gives a fuck? I just had the best night of my life. Why do I get in trouble for coming home at the wee hours of dawn, but when Cassidy comes home around lunch time, she doesnt even get a second look? Its not fair. And half the times when she comes home, shes half naked! She would usually be walking around in her bra and skirt/shorts. Its just not fair! Dmitris not allowed to come over for the rest of the week. But its not going to stop him. Hell be coming over tonight, and the night after that, and the night after that. Fun for me, right? Im thinking Dmitri could be the one. We just have to wait and see.

Chapter 26

Were more in love than ever. Youd think that with

our wedding days away, the pressure would be on. But its not. With our illegal wedding days away, all we feel is excitement and love. And were just on the top of the world. To think, in four more days I will be Annabel Addison. Im already practicing my signature. My dress is beautiful. The dressmaker Brielle hired was quick, yet her quality was so good. And because of my excitement, I didnt notice Dmitri sneaking into Saras room. I saw him and froze. His grin stretched wide across his face. You look beautiful, Anna. You promised. I pouted.


He came up to me and cupped my face in his hands. I continued to pout. He promised he wouldnt see me in my dress until the wedding day, accidental or otherwise. This is bad luck. Everyone walked out ten minutes ago to let you change. I thought you were already finished. If it makes you feel better, Im sorry I broke my promise. I pulled his hands away and moved into his embrace. Im not even mad. I want his approval. I felt him kiss my hair. You can be a pain sometimes. I whispered. Its a habit Im in the process of getting rid of. Dont. I smiled. You arent my pain. He smiled, too, and kissed me, I love you. I love you, too. I smiled again. Now help me out of this. I can't reach the hooks. I turned around. Dmitri chuckled and helped me out of my wedding dress. Then we stood in front of the full-length mirror Brielle had brought in and admired my rather large belly. Im way bigger than last week. Med thinks Ill be feeling them kick soon. One more month. I whispered to Dmitri. Seems like forever. He kissed my cheek. "A forever youll be spending with me. I grinned. Sounds perfect. He smiled and kissed me. Forever with Dmitri. Theres nothing else I would ask for more than that. You know, now that youve seen me, its only fair that I get to see you in the tux you got yesterday. You drive a hard bargain. You do know that the bride isnt supposed to see the groom in his tux before the wedding, right? They say its bad luck. I laughed and smacked his chest. And if I say pretty please? Ill even give you a kiss for your good actions. I smiled. You dont have to say a thing, babe. I was going to show you anyway. Screw superstitions. He smiled and kissed me. I waited patiently on our bed while Dmitri put on his tux. Downstairs, I could hear Brielle on the phone with Grace, who was working on getting my flowers. I tried texting Andi for the umpteenth time. She already didnt answer my calls. Are you okay, Anna? Dmitri peaked out of the closet.

Im fine. I just wish I could get Andi to be my maid of honor. He disappeared back into the closet for a second then came out while fixing his tie. I got up and walked up to him so that I could fix it properly. He smiled. We werent going to tell you, but since I hate seeing you like this, Ill tell you anyway. Tell me what? I said suspiciously. Mona was able to corner Andi. Shes broken over our sudden departure. But when Mona offered a weekend in Paris for our wedding, she took it. Shell be arriving Friday night. He smiled. What? Monas coming? Here? No. Hes just saying that to make me feel better. I dont believe him. He has to be joking. No. I shook my head in disbelief. Yes. She changed her number because your dad contacted her asking where you were. Hes ruthless! Seriously. My best friend. HesI can't even say it. Why didnt you tell me? Im a little hurt. Andis my best friend and Ive been stressing out about getting her here for our wedding. Stress is never good for a pregnant woman. We wanted it to be a surprise, Anna. No one thinks before they surprise, isnt it? Oh, youre gonna surprise Anna? Okay. Lets not think about how one, she hates surprises. Two, shes pregnant. And three, this is her best friend your talking about. Shes gonna wanna know shes coming before she cancels the dress being made. Great. Well now, I have to go search for my sketch in the trash. I moved out of his arms and headed out of the room. Anna, wait. Im sorry we didnt tell you. Andi wanted to surprise you. We only went along with it. You went along with it. "Sokay. Im already stressed. No biggy if all of you add more. Anna, I stopped. Let me talk to her. I said to him. Anna, I Dmitri, I glared at him, giving him my best evil eye. Ive gone from good mood to bad. If theres anyone Ive told my secrets to (besides Dmitri), its Andi. She of all people knows how much I hate surprises. We talked on the phone for a while, on one of the nights before we left and I poured myself out to her. I couldnt stop myself. I told her how much I hate surprises.

Dmitri did not tarry in giving me his cell phone, Andis name already being dialed. I paced around the room while I waited for her to answer, which is always five times. Shes weird that way. She likes to pick up after five rings. Hello? Andi, what the hell were you thinking in not telling me that your not coming? I shouted. I have been freaking out over you not being here and I am just finding out, days away that youll be coming! What the hell were you thinking? You know I dont like surprises. You know I shouldnt be stressing out right now because Im pregnant. But guess what, I am. Because of you. Anna, I dont want to hear it, Andi. Do you know what I did, because I thought you werent going to come because I thought you were mad at me because we left? I told the dressmaker not to make you maid of honor dress. I threw away the design for your dress. I dont even know if your dress will be finished by the Sunday. The dressmaker is gone, shes from London. She might not be able to come back. Anna, maybe you should calm down a little. Dmitri said. Do not tell me to calm down! You are a part of this. You and your ability to keep thoughts from me! What else are you hiding from me Dmitri? What else! Tell me now before I change my mind on everything! I dont want to marry someone who keeps secrets when Ive told you everything, when Ive given you everything Ive ever had just to be with you! My virginity, my humanity, Im carrying your children! Tears started to fill my eyes. I dont know what I was thinking. I dont know if I meant anything I just said. Im too hormonal. Im not thinking. Im so sorry. Dmitri, I He took the phone away from me and pulled me into his arms. I cried into his chest. Andi, Ill call you later. He said and hung up. Shhhh.Its okay, Anna. Dont cry. Please dont cry. Im sorry, Dmitri. I didnt mean to. I didnt.Please dont.I didnt meanIm not I couldnt speak right. I was sobbing harder than I ever have. Im hiccupping, and theres snot running down my nose. I look like shit right now. I know it. I dont know how to say what Im feeling to Dmitri right now. Just once, I want him to be able to read my thoughts. Just this once. Mother, I know you can hear me, please, as one of the Powers you are going

to give me, let me project my thoughts, please. For once, I want Dmitri to hear what Im thinking, please. I know you give our Powers in moderation, and you dont give them on demand, but I need this now, just this once. Im begging you. Give me one good reason why I should. She replied. Because you give your children the ability to understand and be understood. All I want is for Dmitri to understand how Im feeling. I want him to understand. Id never leave him, no matter what. Even if he lies, or hides something, or keeps something because its a surprise. Ill still love him. Ill still be there at his side. And not because hes the father of my children. But because hes the only guy that has ever made everything worth it to me. Because Im not afraid when Im with him. Because I love him like Ive never loved anyone else before. He makes me feel special, like in a world that has more women than men, Im still the only girl he chooses to see. And the fact that he wants to me to be his wife, when no other guy has ever given me a second glance. No other guy has stopped to love me the way Dmitri has. And it is honestly the best feeling in the world. No other guy has ever made me feel this way. And I honestly wouldnt have it any other way.

September 2, 2011 Friday 5:27 p.m. Youre probably wondering why Dimitris sleeping over at my house now. He practically begged me. He said the sweetest things ever. And its not because he wants to get into my past. I kind of recorded what he said on my cell phone with-out him knowing, because I wanted to put it here. So lemme type it for you. You can't just sneak out every night, Dmitri. Youll get caught. And what if your sister comes looking for you in the middle of the night? They go to you first, then youll be caught, and well both be in trouble. Then youll parents will send you and your sister away, then we can't be together. I pout here and pulled him closer. We were talking about this

on my bed, with him partially laying on top of me. Then he kisses me. Its not that I dont care, Annabel. I want to be able to fall asleep next to you. And I know youll think Im corny, a stupid romantic or even queer for saying it, but its true. Youre beautiful, and I want to bask in that beauty for as long as Im allowed to. I want to be the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see at night. I want to spend every second with you. Because I love you, Anna. And I have loved you since day one, which sadly was only last week. But I still love you. And, well, yes, I know were probably too young to love, but you are still my first, and as they say, first loves last forever, even if ours doesnt laugh. I just want to make the most of the forever I get to share with you. I was seriously speechless. If you listen to the tape, theres like a minute or two of silence before Dimitri speaks again. You won't see it, but he sits up and pulls out a necklace from his back pocket (still in the box). I have no clue how he kept that hidden from me so easily. I was feeling around there pretty good when we were making out a short while ago. I bought this for you. Ive been carrying it around since Sunday, when I first saw it with Becky. It just screamed you at me. So I bought it. My mother isnt happy with me, but I still bought it. A token of my love for you. At the mention of his moms disapproval, I freaked out. Please dont tell me that you spent a lot of money on that. Theres only one jewelry store in miles or kilometers or whatever, and that place is expensive! Please, if you bought me something, return it, Id rather get one of those necklaces that come out of the gumball machines. At least that would be more sentimental. You told me yourself that youre allergic to those kinds of things. Anna, please. If it makes you feel better, this was the cheapest piece of jewelry they had. It didnt even reach a hundred Euros yet. At least look at it, will you? Bloody hell, Anna. Im trying to give you a gift because I love you. You can't just decline it like that. Think about how it makes me feel.

For something that didnt even cost a hundred Euros, it was pretty beautiful. It was a simple silver chain with a silver pendant. It wasnt a heart or his initial like youd expect a boy to give you. It was a smiley face. A simple smiley face. Nothing more, nothing less, except for "D & A on the back. It was no bigger than my pinky nail. Because you make me happy, Anna. He whispered. You make me smile. He smiled at me. I smiled, too. Put it on me. Then he put it on me, and he kissed my neck, then he kissed me. And everything is just perfect. Oh, Annabel. I love you, too. And I promise, theres nothing else Im keeping I swear. Ive told you everything. Youre the only person Ive ever told any of these things. And I dont deserve anything youve given me. I dont deserve any of you. But the fact that youve decided to let me keep them makes me love you even more. And I promise, I promise to never do anything you dont want me to do. Ill never leave you, and Ill never stop loving you. No matter what, because you mean the world to me. He heard me. He heard me. Thank you, Mother. Thank you so much. You dont know how much this Power means to me. I dont know how Ill ever repay you. You have given me the best reason, my Hero. The only thing you can do for me is give the little Rare Blood, Sara the necklace you took. It belonged to her mother. Regine was an accessory to her parents death I will. May you bless their souls. I tightened my arms around Dmitris neck and kissed him. I told him how much I loved him, just like he always does to me when we kiss like this. And he loved every second of it. Then he kissed away my tears. Im so sorry about your tux, Dmitri. I forget you were wearing it. I whispered and wiped whatever snot had absorbed into his button-down shirt. Its okay. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I can get it rush dry cleaned. Youre more important than a tux. I smiled. Mommy, mommy! We heard Sara shouting. The door opened and she came running in, Cowie in her arms. Mommy, we found the tweasure! We found the tweasure, mommy! She jumped at our feet. I wiped my eyes and picked her up. What treasure, Munchie?


Me and Uncle Medman went tweasure hunting, and we found it, mommy. Uncle Medman knows whewe the tweasures buried! Just then, Med came strolling into the room, a smile on his face. We found the perfect place. He smiled and held up a card in between his forefingers. I gasped. He found a place for us to get married in! Where? I walked over to him and took the card. It only had a number on it, no name at all. "A small ballroom with a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower in the background, just like you asked. It took some bribing but the bloke running the place budged and let us rent it on Sunday. Youre useful after all, Med. I hugged him and kissed his cheek. Go get dressed, Dmitri. I wanna check this place out myself to make sure hes not lying. Dmitri smiled and returned to the closet. Med smiled at me and walked out as well. Did I do a good job, mommy? She looked at me. You did a very good job, Munchie. I grinned and kissed her nose. Mommy has a gift for you because you did such a good job. I put her down on the bed. She bounced up and down while I went over to my jewelry box and pulled out the necklace I took from Regine. It would take some adjustments, but it would fit her perfectly. It was a white goldchained necklace with a ruby pendant. It would look better on her than it did on me. Whats that, mommy? Her head tilted to the side. Its for you, Sara, one of mommys necklaces. I want you to have it. I smiled. So I can be beautiful like you, mommy? Youre already beautiful, Munchie. Dmitri smiled and kissed her cheek. You dont need a necklace to make you beautiful, but you can sure use it to make you more. He put one arm around me. Is that It is. Mother said it belonged to her mother. Oh. So, Sara. Now that you have your reward, why dont you lead us to the treasure. I smiled. Tweasure, tweasure! She jumped up and down on our bed. We laughed. Dmitri picked her up and carried her out of the room.


((((((((((( ((((((((((( Anna was the first one inside the building. I couldnt help but laugh because she had no clue where to go. But all I had to do was let go of Sara and she led us to the treasure. It wasnt that big, the ballroom. Maybe about the size of the ballroom at the estate. At the opposite end of the entrance was an extremely large glass window that had the most beautiful indoor view of the Eiffel Tower in the not so far distance. And off to the side, in a farther distance, was the Arc d Triumph. This is probably more than what Anna wanted. She stood at the center of the room, hands held up to her chest. Sara was running around. Med was no where to be seen, but heard talking to the guy that owned the ballroom. He wasnt bargaining, he was bribing. There was another person who had rented the ballroom. Med better be bribing 5,000 of his own money. If uses mine, Im kicking his ass out of the wedding. Back to Annabel. Her expression was priceless. She looked the exact same way she did when I told her I wanted to marry her, almost in tears, a wide grin on her face, and everything around her screaming perfect. I couldnt stop myself from smiling as I walked up to her. I put my arms around her, the woman I would give my own life for. I kissed her shoulder. She smiled. Its perfect, Dmitri. She whispered. Is this where you want to get married? Yes. She nodded and looked at me. I want to marry you here. I smiled and kissed her. Then I want to marry you here, too, Annabel. I love you, Dmitri. She whispered. And I, you, my dear, sweet, Annabel. I whispered back. We kissed. Her love poured into me, filling me. It was perfect. We were perfect. Everything was just right. Mommy, we found it! Sara said. Anna smiled at her. You found it, Munchie. We stayed there for a while, planning. Its a good thing Anna brought her notepad because she drew exactly what she wanted this place to look like. I grew up the nerve to pop the big question Ive been waiting to ask. Annas been fidgeting over only having three people as our guests. Sadly,


unlike her, Ive gained a few close friends in the past centuries. They might not know that Im getting married, but I still want them to be here. Sara moved in my arms. Since weve been here for a while, shed fallen asleep, and Anna left it to me to hold her. She looked so serene. I moved her hair out of her face. Anna was watching me. What? Nothing. She smiled. Youre an excellent father. I smiled. She hasnt said that before. She really hasnt mentioned me being Saras father at all. It feels good. Anna? She looked up from her notepad. Yeah? I have some friends that dont know Im getting married, Because you didnt want me to tell more people. But I want them to be here. I want you to meet them. Theyre some of the people that are like siblings to me. How many are we talking about here? Four. Lea, Messer, Zach, and Beth. Theyre siblings, or at least Lea and Messer are, then Zach and Beth are. Then Lea and Zach have been together for the past three centuries and Beth and Messer the same. They arent born vampires. But turned by the same psycho that enjoyed kidnapping children and turning them. Theyve stuck together ever since. Youve never mentioned them before. You didnt want people to know about us getting married except for the people you want to know. Then I got an email from one of them yesterday, and I suddenly remembered all about them. You really want them to be there? I nodded. Okay. She nodded. Okay? I would expect much more than an okay from her. Maybe a Why didnt you tell me about this early? or I thought you said you told me everything. Yes, Dmitri. She smiled. Okay. If you want to invite them, then invite them. Okay. I smiled. ((((((((((( ((((((((((( We left right as the sun set behind the Eiffel Tower. We had spent the entire afternoon there, and I honestly didnt want to leave. The place is just

so beautiful. I can't believe that in four days, were going to be getting married there. When we first got there, it brought tears to my eyes. I didnt want to cry again. Ive cried enough today. Ive planned out what I want the place to look like when I walk down the aisle. Plus, Ive recreated the dress Andis going to wear. All we have to do is send it to the dressmaker, then Mona will bring it when they all come here on Friday. I feel bad for Andi though. She has a track on her. The Protectors are using her to get to me. So in order for her to get to us, she has to make a few wild stops. Her parents think shes going to Barcelona, her school thinks shes going to London with her parents and the Protectors think shes going to Scotland, because thats where her first ticket is headed to. Everything is ready. Everythings perfect. Dmitri and I are perfect. I dont think theres anything that could stop us from getting married. We have a priest, we have everything. Its perfect. The reverend was hard to get. Getting one to wed us was hard. Do you know how hard it is to book a reverend on such short notice? Very. So I made up the perfect excuse. I made a sob story and turned up the waterworks. The story is that it will be impossible for me to survive the pregnancy. We didnt even know that I could get pregnant because my fallopian tubes are all screwed up. But since we want to be married before my untimely demise, this is the only time we thought right. I look at least six or seven moths pregnant if I was having one baby, and thats what we told the pastor. And then he blessed my soul and hoped the Lord would accept me into his kingdom. Its snowing. Everyones asleep except for Dmitri and I. Were in the den together, just enjoying ourselves. I love this mansion, a lot. Its a perfect home. We have everything here. And we even get to live in Paris. Thats my dream. But I still can't help but like the house in the woods better. This place might be secluded, but it doesnt feel safe to me. Its just too big. Ive already gotten lost in here. Imagine what will happen when two little girls go around unsupervised. It gives me chills. Besides, weve already chosen the house in the woods as our home. When do you think itll be safe for us to home? I asked Dmitri. I dont know, Anna. He whispered a few second later. Hes falling asleep. Maybe once Saras older, and they won't be able to recognize her, and theyll have gotten over it all. They won't have to know, I promise. He kissed my hair. So well just live here until then? I looked up at him. Unless you want to live elsewhere. He kissed my forehead. Maybe someplace smaller?

He opened his eyes. You dont want to live here? Of course I do, but its still very big, and its just us and the kids. Im just thinking about them, Dmitri. Dmitri smiled and kissed my hair again. Why dont we figure this all out in the morning? Its late, lets go to bed. I nodded. He helped me up and we returned to our bedroom. But half way there, something happened. I dont know how to explain it. It was painful, coming from my womb. It was like a sharp stabbing pain, then a churning. For a second, I thought it was a contraction, but then I realized Im to early to have contractions, Im not even going into labor. It was a kick, or a punch, then movement.. Anna, are you okay? Whats wrong? I started to laugh. He looked at me confused. I smiled at him. That was a kick, Dmitri. A very strong kick. Or punch. "A kick? He said, surprised. I nodded. "A kick. He chuckled. One of them kicked. Mhm. One of them kicked. I felt one of them kick! Its like theyre reminding me that theyre there. I kept me hand where I felt the kick, hoping it would happen again. But then I realized that they could be telling me to go to sleep. If I stay up later, thats probably when Ill feel more kicks. ((((((((((( Dmitri, were gonna miss her flight! Im coming! Im just making sure Sara has everything. Shes asleep. Shes not going to need everything. Well only be an hour or two anyway. Im just trying to be a good dad. He smiled and came running down the grand staircase. I smiled, too. He already is a good dad. Hes the best dad I know of, better than my dad has ever been. He seems like a natural with children. Its amazing. He does a better job than I do sometimes. Too bad for him, Sara comes to me for everything. You already are. I said and linked my arm with his. He kissed my cheek and we hurried to the awaiting car.


It was snowing harder than earlier. Wind whipped my hair up into the air. Dmitri put his arm around me. The driver shut us inside and hurried in himself. You excited? Dmitri asked. Of course I am. Its seems like forever since I last saw her. We never even said goodbye to each other. Maybe we should kidnap her, too. He chuckled. Maybe. I smiled and kissed him. I wonder what it would be like to have Andi as a sister. It would be wild, thats for sure. One very emotional teen plus a kick-ass girl that doesnt give a rats ass will probably cause the end of the world. We are that evil together. I think its mostly because shes my first best friend. I have a very sad life, I know. In my sixteen years of living, she is my only friend. So, so nice. I couldnt sit still. Dmitri was trying to get me to relax the entire ride, but I couldnt. Seeing Andi isnt a want, it's a need. We arrived there early, and I couldnt help but be annoyed. We waited in the arrival areas. I scanned every single last person coming out (there werent many, it was past ten). Then I saw here, pulling along her leopard print suitcase and trudging around in her very fashionable boots. I broke away from Dmitri and ran after her. Oh my gosh, Anna! Look at you! Youre huge! She gasped. Look at you! You looked like you just stepped off the runway! I laughed. She really did. She had cut her hair into a beautiful asymmetrical bob. And had completely removed the blonde. It was very fashion forward. Then she wore a thin, grey, v-neck shirt with a pocket, over it a black blazer (how she survived the cold, I have no clue. Its a good thing I have an extra coat in the car). Then she had on black skinny jeans and leather Jimmy Choo ankle boots that had chains on them (showing her punk style). For jewelry, she had Ray-Bans, then a bronze-looking, vintage-styled chain necklace with the Eiffel Tower hanging off it, and then a few bangles. Anyway, I could barely recognize her. I wouldnt have recognized her if it hadnt been for those eyes and her scent. Remember how I said my dad comes and goes a lot? Well, he came back, richer than ever. He sold his design on something and hit it big time. She grinned. Most of this is his apology gift for not being around so often. Well, Im happy to see that youre happy. I smiled. Now lets get going. Its cold and its late and these babies are going to give me hell any minute now.

I heard Dmitri chuckle from behind me. Okay. How are you doing anyway? When you said youd be growing fast, I didnt think you meant this fast. She smiled. Theyre growing faster than I even thought. We felt them kick for the first time the other day. Really? I haven't felt something like that since my Aunt Matilda had her little devil. I laughed. Why a little devil? I said uneasily. He is seriously the most mischievous little brat I have ever met. I swear, it would feel so victoriously good if I could get him exorcized. I laughed again. We met up with Dmitri. Its nice to see you again, Andi. He smiled at her. Im sorry, Dmitri. Im interested in French boys for the next two days. We arent in England anymore and Ive moved on. Thank God. No worries. He chuckled. Besides, Ive already found someone. A cute French boy gave me his number on the plane. He really was the kindest person. His name, I think, is Ian, I can't really remember. We werent really talking names. But he did invite me out for a show of Paris while you two do whatever it was you said you were doing. I almost forgot that tomorrow is our Mating Ceremony. Ive been so caught up with our wedding that it nearly blew my mind! Good for you. I smiled. Lets talk about this over breakfast. Im serious about us getting home. Fine. She stuck her nose up in the air. I shook my head. Dmitri chuckled and put his arms around me. Andi was very loud on the way home. It was kind of annoying. I guess she didnt get it when I said over breakfast. Now that we had her, Im slowly falling asleep. Thank God Dmitri could see that. He held me close and let me rest head on his shoulder. Then we arrived at the estate and Andi went all out. This is your home? Bloody hell, Anna. How loaded are you guys? I share this place with four other people. Dmitri told her. Four other people live here? Four other people have their names on the deed. Make her shut up, please! Im so sorry, my Annabel. Ill have one of the housekeepers show her a room and well go up.


I felt a kick. The hell is about to break lose, just great. Theyre going to start kicking some more. Weve already identified who goes where. The one who punches on the left is Cub (because I kind of feel nails), and the kicker on the right is Renaldo (like Cristiano Renaldo). Monsieur, Mademoiselle, welcome home. Elisa. Dmitri greeted her. This is Andi, make sure she settles down in a room of her choice and give her whatever we have available. It even has room service. Its not room service; they run the estate and make sure everything gets done. I mumbled. I still think it as room service. She smiled. I rolled my eyes. Oui, Monsieur. Follow me please. Well see you in the morning, Andi. Dmitri said. Okay. She nodded. Good night. We (Dmitri) watched her walk away, following the house keeper. Then he picked me up and carried me upstairs. Because I was so sleepy, the most I was able to do was get out of my clothes. Dmitri didnt mind. He got into bed with me, in his underwear as well. Then we went to sleep, my body encased in his arms. Wait, youre telling me that besides being preggers, you have another kid? My dad adopted her So shes your sister? We took her from him. YOU TOOK HER FROM HIM! I shook my head. Andi has always had a stubborn mind. This is going to take a lot of explaining. Andi, take a seat, and I will tell you as much as I can in the short time I have, okay? How can you tell me a seat, I might get arrested as an accessory for bloody kidnapping a little girl?! Thats why take a seat. Because you won't be arrested. She technically doesnt exist. Andi finally took a seat, and while Dmitri showered and got ready upstairs, I told her everything. Starting from my family, and the whole Rare Blood-Protector ordeal. She didnt ask any questions (thankfully). Thats where Andis good. She knows how to listen real well. Then I told her about meeting Dmitri, and finding out what he was, and how I killed his Mentor, etcetera, etcetera. Then leading up to where my dad had Dmitri turn me then

completely abandoned me. By that time, Dmitri was already finished getting ready and had joined me, making sure I dont cry. I didnt, thankfully. Then after he finished explaining how Sara fits into all of this, we left to go back to the Council (leaving poor Romeo behind). The last time I will ever see any of them. We brought along Brielle, Mona and Dianna. Hugo and Stella were on babysitting duty with Med. Then Andi has her date. And Grace is out planning our wedding tomorrow. I still can't believe its tomorrow. Im so excited. The Council chamber had completely changed since we were last there. There were no girls, no electronics, no games or beds or stripper poles. It was just an empty gold and marble room, with the seven lavish chairs holding the awaiting Council members. Louis-Joseph had a wide grin on his face. He got up to greet us (or me, really). Mon chr, my queen! It has been to long. He took my hand. Not long enough. I pulled my hand away. Nobody calls me their queen (except for Dmitri maybe) Ah, so thats the way you treat me. Monsieur Dmitri. He nodded to Dmitris existence. Dmitri nodded back. His alpha male mode was on. And he was ready to tear this certain Council members throat out. Brother, they have removed their chains, have you not noticed? Louis-Charles said. Why, yes. They have. May I ask how? Those chains are impenetrable. You need to think about who youre chaining next time. I have friends that specialize in these sorts of things. People like Med, who is your friend as well. He knows all your tricks. I like this one, brother. He grinned. Very feisty. He reached over to touch my cheek. I was suddenly unable to move. His grin stretched wider. Dmitri released a low growl. All eyes went to him. We came here to be Mated, remember? I would really like it if we start. This one, I do not like so much. Louis-Joseph hissed. He is right, Joseph. One of the other Council members said in ancient French. Dmitri translated. I have other business to get to this day. I would like to get this over with. My apologies. He replied. Mon chr, I have a feeling you will taste very delicious. I have never had Rare Blood before. He smiled, fangs exposed.

Ice shot through my veins. Hes gonna feed from me? No. Why? You can't! Dmitri said. AND TELL ME WHY NOT? His voice bellowed. Your blood, the both of you, that is your payment for this ceremony! You can not tell us not to take what is already ours! Shes pregnant, if she loses any blood, she could die. If you even dare mark her, she could die. She doesnt heal the way we do! She doesnt heal. Thats a lie. I heal. I heal because Dmitri heals. If he doesnt heal, then neither will I. Thats the way we were paired. What do you mean she will not heal? Louis-Charles said angrily. It was obvious in all of their faces that they were thirsting for my blood. It scared me. Maybe it was a bad idea for Dmitri and I to get Mated. We already are. Plus, all we need to do is get married. Thats all. Thats probably the only thing Im waiting for. I want us to be married. Shes still a Rare Blood. Dmitri continued. She maybe a vampire, but shes still a Rare Blood. Just take more of my blood, please. No! That will kill him. That will kill me! Dmitri, no! If you even start to bleed, Ill bleed out! I shouted at him. Its fun to go along with this lie. What are you talking about, my queen. This cannot be the truth. Louis-Joseph looked at me with pleading eyes. If either one of us gets hurt, the other suffers. Thats the way Rare Bloods are paired. Annabel, you dont have to go along with this. Just let me handle it. Please. No, Dmitri. No. I won't let you have to deal with this alone. This is quite the problem, brother. We cannot risk their deaths; that would look badly on us. But we cannot continue without their sacrifice. Take our blood. Brielle said. My daughter and I offer our blood. And I may get in trouble with my parents for this, but I offer my blood, too. Dianna said. I looked at them, tears forming in my eyes, pleading them to change their minds. They dont have to do this for us. This is my problem and Dmitris because this is our Mating. They have to change their minds. Its not an option. And you give this willingly. Were offering it, arent we? Brielle folded her arms in the bitchy way that she did. Brothers, Louis-Joseph grinned. You may take your prize.

I cried while we watched the Council members fed from my friends. Dmitri held me tight, and I could feel the pain he felt as he watched his closet friend, his ex-wife, his mother and his sister get fed from by seven different vampires. Once they were finished, Louis-Joseph returned to us. Do not cry, my queen. This was their wish to let you be with your love. He said tenderly. He looked blood crazed (blood literally still dripped from his lips). He spoke of Dmitri as if he was some sort of monster. I suddenly felt protective of him. If Louis-Josephs fascination with me grows, he might kill Dmitri to get to me. Fetch the binds. Louis-Joseph said. Being here in front of us today, you have agreed to be with each other for the rest of eternity, you have agreed to sign the blood contract that binds you together, and you have agreed to be as one, one being, one mind, one soul. A servant came up to him holding a golden tray with golden ropes on it. The binds I guess. What will he do with them? He picked one up. Your wrists please. Dmitri and I held up our wrists. Another servant came up and waited for Louis-Joseph to give him the bind. Then slowly, the servant started to tie our different body parts together. Starting with our wrists, he bound our ankles (the way you do when you have a three-legged race), then our thighs (Thankfully, I was wearing pants), our upper arms and our waists. It was hard to bind our waists though with mine being extremely bigger than his. All the while, Louis-Joseph and the other Council members said this: Bound together for the rest of eternity. With these eyes only each other shall see. A wish for forever, never broken, never fathomed. If ye breaks, ye shall see, the price of blood, ye shall be. I realized then that I really hate old English. Its just annoying. Thank God nobody uses it anymore. I can't imagine everyone in the world talking like that. Id kill myself first. I swear. When it was finished, they untied us. Then I heard the sound of a needle. It has been sort of a tradition we have started to tattoo the word forever onto our subjects. What a better wat to show your forever-ness together than by writing it, right? Louis-Joseph said. "A tattoo? I said. Anywhere you want, my queen. He smiled. I looked at Dmitri. Ive never thought about getting a tattoo since Ive always had them my entire life. This is kind of exciting. It might be fun, Annabel. Dmitri smiled at me.


I dont even know where Id get a tattoo. If I wasnt pregnant, Id probably get it on my abdomen. Im used to seeing my tatuaj on my body. Sometimes, its weird that I dont see them anymore. Okay, then. Right here. I pointed to my left forearm. Right across. Mine, too. Dmitri smiled at me. It's kinda painful, like being pricked thousands of times. But its worth it. The tattoos look awesome on our arms. Its in cursive, and it looks beautiful. Then when we were finished, Louis-Joseph, who was already annoyed, sat down and let his brother take over. Congratulations, you are now mates. He said with a kind smile. I couldnt help but smile, too. Were together forever. We left after that. The bite marks on my friends had already healed but they're still weak. It was obvious on theyre faces. And they were very hungry. You guys should go home. Dmitri said. Straight home. I need to make one more stop. Where are you going? I asked him. Nothing special. He smiled. Well, Im going with you. I took his hand. Okay. He nodded and kissed me. Take them straight home. No stops, no matter what they say. He told the driver. Oui, monsieur. He nodded. We saw them off, then Dmitri and I started walking down the cold Paris streets. He put his arms around me. Where are we going? I asked again. I want to get something before we go home. Like? If youd let me, I want to tattoo your name onto my skin. He smiled uneasily. No boys ever asked my permission for something like that. Its kind of sweet. Um, okay? I nodded. Okay? Yes, Dimitri. Why do you doubt me so much lately? No reason. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I held his hand while he got my name tattooed onto his abdomen. It looked sexy there. I really liked it. Maybe, after I have the twins, Ill get his name, too. Then I already have another idea to get the girls names tattooed. Ill be covered in tattoos once again.


September 4, 2011 Sunday 10:37 a.m. While Dimitri has an outing with his sister, Im here at home, living out my sentence. I would have loved to go out with them. But instead, Im going to finish my story, because Im going to pass it tomorrow morning. Ive already saved a second copy on my laptop for Dmitri to read tonight. I have no clue how hes going to feel about it. Im a very candid and honest person. I know he will laugh, he might get a little grossed out, and worse case scenario, he gets completely disgusted and rethinks everything hes ever thought about me. I hope not. I should get back to writing. I need to finish this today. This is actually really exciting. Im not known to finish shit except homework and mandatory school work. Im excited like SpongeBob is for work everyday.


Chapter 27

I dont think Ill be able to hold my flowers right. Then Cub and Renaldo chose the worse time to act out. Behind the screen stands Dmitri. A thin screen being the only time that separates us. Im so nervous and I dont know why! I haven't felt nervous once this entire time. Yet, right now, before I walk down the aisle, everythings weighing down on me. Mona walked out. One more, then its my turn. I can't help but wish my dad would be kind enough to walk me down the aisle. In all my dreams and fantasies of this day, hes always been apart of them. But we arent even on good terms anymore. The only reason why hed be here would be to take Sara away from me. But I won't let him take her from me. I already think of her as my daughter. She is my daughter. And I love her, with all my heart. How are you doing, love? Andi asked. Ill make it. I nodded. Just take a few deep breaths. Its my turn. Brielle told me to tell you to wait for the music to start. Then the little one will walk out and were good to go. I nodded. I ran over the procedure in my head countless times. Sara was sitting on the floor next to where were supposed to walk out, playing with her basket of flowers. She had green and white rose petals. My flower arrangements were pale green roses. Everything about me today is green. My eyes, my dress, my shoes, my flowers, the theme! Thank god I dont have green hair. That would just be creepy. My hair is really beautiful. We straightened it, so that my curls wouldnt be so wild. Then it was put up in a French twist. It looks pretty good. My only pieces of jewelry are the necklace Dmitri gave me, simple stud, diamond (real!) earrings and my favorite silver bracelet. I look nothing like Im about to get married to the guy I love.

My hands shook.

Grace motioned Sara to start walking right as the wedding march did. I really hope I dont hyperventilate. That would just ruin everything, because when I hyperventilate, it turns into a panic attack. Then things will really go downhill. Its your turn. Grace whispered. I nodded and took a few more deep breaths. The screen opened for the last time and I walked out. The first thing I saw wasnt Dmitri; it was the Eiffel Tower, standing so majestic behind him. It was beautiful. The sun was just beginning to lower behind it. By the time we said our I Dos it would be exactly behind the Eiffel Tower. I can't wait to see the picture of what Ill look like. Then I looked at Dmitri, looking absolutely dashing in the tux I sobbed on days before. He couldnt hide his grin. His eyes glittered. I couldnt help but laugh a little. Dmitri really isnt the type to cry. Ive rarely seen it. But when he does, you know that youve touched his heart. Ive touched his heart. I get to be his wife. I get to be with him for the rest of eternity. This is way better than any book or movie where vampires get married. Fuck Twilight. My vampire wedding is way better that any EdwardBella romance. Theres no third party, theres no anything. Just me, Dmitri, our daughters and the love we will share for the rest of eternity. Hey. He said in a love voice so that the reverend wouldnt hear. Hey. I grinned. Andi took my bouquet, and the ceremony begun. I didnt pay the father any attention. I couldnt keep my eyes off of Dmitri. Hes my reason for being. Hes nothing like what Ive ever looked for in a guy, but Ill take him over Prince Charming everyday. Screw Prince Charming in the first place. Hes never done anything good for anyone. Hes sleeping with all the Disney Princesses! They all want Prince Charming, and thats who they got. That two-timing son of a bitch. Nothing matters anymore. Thats the one thing you realize as you're getting married. Nothing matters anymore. Not your problems, not your wants, not your needs. You get everything from the person youre marrying (if youre marrying the right person). From Dmitri, I get a home, a family, and unconditional love. He is my home. Wherever he is, you can bet your ass Ill be there too. I still dont get how he can accept me. Im not Mrs. Right. Im the exact opposite. Im unsanitary, I talk back, Im a bitch to sum it all up. Im more than a bitch. Im self-centered. Everything should revolve around me because I know how its supposed to be. Ive accepted reality and I honestly dont give a fuck. So why me?

Then theres the question, why have I chosen Dmitri? Hes not my type. The only thing I liked about him in the beginning was his looks. Hes a big jerk sometimes. He doesnt know how to keep his mouth shut. He stresses me out to my wits end. He can seriously annoy the shit out of me sometimes. Why him? Maybe I was wrong when I told him we arent lucky. Because we are. We are the most unlikely couple to have formed in our world. Since the beginning, we have been killing each other. We despise each other. Then all of a sudden they mess up, and Dmitri and I meet. Ive always gone against the traditional ways, and Dmitri doesnt like who he is. Hes like every other vampire you read about in books and see in movies. He kind of reminds me of Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries. Dmitri is kind of arrogant sometimes. He thinks hes a know it all. Thats when he gets annoying. We are lucky. We are very lucky. We have been able to work out through all of our differences and found something great. Maybe, getting married is the right thing. More than right. Well figure everything out along the way since its been doing pretty good for us so far. My heart is racing right now. And everyone can hear it. Dmitris the one annoying me about it. It is very hard to keep it cool in front of the reverend. I feel like were in high school all over again, and Dmitri and I are sitting in class, trying to not go animal on each other. Its weird how I was just a normal high school girl two months ago. Everything changes so fast. Get yourself under control, Anna. You might have a heart attack. Look whos talking. I have control. Unlike you. Really? Then why does it seem like you can never control your mouth? I can control it just fine. Please. I scoffed. Id like to see you try. Fine. Fine? He didnt reply. I looked at him. He smiled. You can give me the silent treatment later. This is our wedding day. I expect you to talk to me. I said and squeezed his hand. Your wish is my command. I got my explanation to why we chose each other. It was a last minute decision to do our own vows, but Im glad we did. I am very glad we did. If only I had a couple of centuries in my bag to have as great poetic skills as Dmitri.

I promise to love you, Annabel, more and more each day. I promise to be the person you can always count on, because youve made me a better person, you are the reason why I gave everything up. I promise to never let you down because I know Ive done it so many times. I promise to be your one and only, to give you everything youve ever wanted and to protect and never leave you, if its the last thing I do. Because you, Annabel, are my reason for living. You and our children. And I promise to be the best father youve ever seen. Ill do it all because youre the only person who has meant this much to me. I half expected his vows to be something new. He promises me these things everyday. But hearing him say them now is like the first time, like Ive never heard them before. Annabel, your vows. Wow, okay. I just realized. I didnt prepare any vows. This is just great. How could I forget to do something like that? This is our wedding! Im sixteen and getting married! This is seriously all crashing down at the worst time possible. Before I even start my vows, because Im stalling. I want to apologize, Dmitri. I know for sure that I dont deserve you. Im a lot of things I shouldnt mention right now. Im a bad person fifty percent of the time. Im still trying to figure out how I was able to score someone like you because I honestly have no clue. I chuckled uneasily. But, Ive finally thought of something and the stalling is over. I promise to live everyday the right way so that you know youve made the right choice. Ill be whatever you need me to be. I promise to forgive you every time you do something that pimakes me mad. I promise to be good to you, every single time, until the day we die. Ill be a good wife and a mother. Ill love you like Ive never loved anyone before because I honestly haven't. Youre nothing and everything Ive ever asked for. And I promise to love you forever, Dmitri; non-stop, even past the die I die. Because you are everything to me, and I mean it when I say that I love you. I had no clue that I was crying. I reached underneath my veil to wipe my eyes and prevent my make up from smudging. When I looked at Dmitri, he was tearing up, too. Brielle was tearing up, too. And Andi. I peaked around Dmitri to see that Hugo was doing his best not to tear up like everyone else. I laughed. Are we that much of a touching sight? The reverend opened his mouth to say our I Dos, but Dmitri cut him off, right in the beginning. I do.


We all laughed. The reverend turned to me. I said I do. before he could even say anything. The reverend himself laughed. So without further ado, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Dmitri, you may kiss your bride. With a victorious grin on his face, Dmitri lifted the veil over my head and kissed me. I threw my arms around his neck. Everyone clapped their hands for us. I love you, Annabel. You dont know how happy youve made me. You dont know how happy youve made me, Dmitri. I love you like the sky is blue. He chuckled. Were married. He whispered. Were married.


September 4, 2011 Sunday 3:09 p.m. So thats it. I can't think of anyway to continue that and still have an ending. Im done. It took me long enough, right? One page an hour. I must seriously suck at writing lately. This is last journal entry youll hear from me. God this is so weird. I dont know what Im going to do now. Sure, I have school, but I didnt know how much I love writing until now. I may have Dimitri, but thats nothing compared to writing. Its interesting. Its fun. I get to escape my suck ass life even for the shortest time. I dont know what Im going to do now. I could try again, or I could start writing something else. Do I feel a sequel coming on? Just know this, this isnt the last time youll hear of Annabel Morrison. Screw being a lawyer. I wanna be a writer. Well, maybe I can still be a lawyer. Theres nothing wrong with screwing other people and being paid to be a bitch. I have no clue where I got the idea to become a lawyer. I dont want to be your typical lawyer, but I definitely want to be a big shot that handles high-profile cases and other shit. Being a lawyer has always been my dream. I have no clue why. I can't imagine the story version of me being a lawyer. Its just impossible. Shes a free spirit. Shes everything I want to be. Were nothing alike. When I become a lawyer, I want to still look beautiful. Im never going to be able to pull off a pants suit, so Im never going to wear something like that. Im going to be a


fashionable lawyer. I might even buy a pair of glasses to look more professional. A lot of lawyers wear glasses, right? I have no clue why Im telling you this. I may reveal my personal life, but never my dreams. The only person Ill tell that to is Dimitri. And Ive already told him everything. Just like hes told me. Speak of the devil, hes calling me right now. I have no clue why I do this but: Me: Hey Dimitri: Hey Me: Need something? Dimitri: No. Im just bored. Me: Okay. So what are you doing? Dimitri: Watching Becky feed a goat. Me: You went to the fields? Dimitri: And if I tell you yes? Me: You're playing me arent you? You know that place is right outside my house. Dimitri: And if I say yes again? Me: Oh, nothing. (smile) but I can be there in two minutes. Dimitri: Ill see you then. Okay, so I have to go. The field may only be two minutes away, but it's unseen by our house, and my dad isnt even home! Theres no way Cassie will tell on me. She loves me (I think) and Dimitri. So Im outta hear. Sayonara, bitches! Im outta here. XOXOXOXOXOXO, Annabel Morrison



October 7, 2011 Friday 4:32 p.m. So heres the dealio. (Strange word, right?) This is my official last entry. School (although dislikes the lewdness of my story) absolutely loves it. I won the competition! I, Annabel Morrison, for the first time in my life, won! And it feels so good. Besides winning a thousand dollars cash prize, my book is being submitted to a world-wide compet-ition for the next big under-aged author. I could be published! Do you know how awesome that is? My second dream could come true! But thats really not the point on why Im here, writing to you in my last entry. I want to tell you about my relationship with Dimitri, because over the past month, weve evolved. More than evolved, weve become unstoppable. From bottom of the food chain, I have sky rocketed to one of the most popular girls in school (with the help of my sister, she is the most popular senior in school, or at least is trying to get back to that spot. Shes working on it.) Ive surpassed Molly because of Dimitri. Girls love him because hes a gentleman, and hes pushing me up. It feels weird to have so many friends now. Since I came to this school freshman year, Ive had maybe three people I could really trust. Two freshman year, then one last year. This year, I have three all in one, they worship my relationship with Dimitri and in no way at all are trying to bring me down. Like Shelby Studders in my book, I have my own pack of zombies. It feels good. They compliment me every minute. No one besides Dimitri has ever attempted that. Back to Dimitri and I (I keep straying, Im sorry). Were more that in love. People are literally thinking of us as one

solid body because youll always catch us together, no matter what. My dad really likes him. Hes happy that I have a good, very excellent boyfriend that treats me nice. And Im not just saying that because Dimitris sitting behind me right now. He may not be watching me, but I have a feeling hes going to read over this later. He absolutely loves my book, and enjoyed every single last journal entry. He told me a secret that Im not going to tell you because it is just that private. He knows that Im still a virgin now, and he promised to never pressure me (like I need pressuring. Im seriously considering that he might be the one I lose it to). And I think weve been working up to it. Because in the past month, hes been coming over (a lot) and we usually do one thing when we finish doing homework. And thats making-out Lots of making out, lots ofwell, not touching, touching is just kept down to the bare minimum requirement. But Ive seriously never been more in love with someone than I am with Dimitri. I love him and Ill shout it out to the world if I needed to. Yes, Dimitri. I would. No Im not joking. Hey, you arent the only one that can publically announce your love for someone. Just wait for school on Monday, I have a few friends that work in the office, I can probably borrow the P.A. system for a couple of minutes. Im not joking! Dimitri, Sto Sorry, Annabel cannot return to her laptop right now, or any longer for the rest of whatever. She is current being kissed, and kissing back her boyfriend, Dimitri, who loves her very, very, much and would give her the world if she asked for it. (It might take a while though. Sorry, Anna. I love you!)


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