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Robles 1

Marisela Robles

Professor Joni Flowers

EDU 214

9 September 2022

Resource Scavenger Hunt



1. List 3 resources that can be found on the CSN Education Resources webpage and provide a

description of each resource.

a. Nevada Pre-K Standards- This resource page provides information on the most

up-to-date guidelines for Pre-K-12 grade. This page will give teachers and

parents a general idea of the curriculum their children will be learning.

b. CSN Degrees- The CSN Degree page offers a full catalog of every degree and

the total amount of credits that must be earned to receive each certain degree. It

also includes more resources in regard to other information like financial aid,

admission information, and plenty of others.

c. CCSD School Location Map- On this resource page they give a complete map

of every Elementary, Middle, High, and Alternative school within Clark County.

They also give the location of all the administrative offices and most importantly

every road/freeway.

2. Locate the CCSD Field Observation link. List the three steps to request an official field

observation placement.
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a. Step 1- You must identify which geographic region you personally live in. To

do so, they divide the Clark County School District into five different shaded

regions and depending on which shaded area you are located is where you will be

placed at a nearby school.

b. Step 2- You will choose a school near you and locate the three-digit code for

that certain school on that page. The code will be used when you fill out your

field observation request form for your placement at that school.

c. Step 3- In the final step you will utilize the information found in steps 1 and 2

along with personal information when filling out the request form.

3. Scroll down the web page and locate the Student section. Locate the CSN Library Resources

link. List the names of three databases that can be used to conduct research on a topic.

a. Mathematics Films

b. Nursing & Allied

c. ProQuest eBook Central

4. Locate the Standards section on the web page. Select the Nevada Computer and Technology

Standards link. Locate page 4. Provide the definition for the Nevada Computer and Technology

Standards. Identify one standard.

a. Nevada Computer and Technology

Standards Definition- “Standards describe what students need to know and be

able to do at each grade level.”

b. Communication and Collaboration

5. Locate the Directions for the Weebly Portfolio link. Select an Education course and list one

artifact that is required for the Portfolio (also called the E-Portfolio)
Robles 3

a. EDU 214 Preparing Teachers to Use Technology: Emerging Technology

Project (1 of 4 artifacts needed for this Portfolio)


1. Locate 3 resources on the website. Provide a description for each resource.

a. Infinite Campus- This resource can be accessed by teachers, students, and

parents. This was created so that teachers can keep a record of each student's

grades on all their assignments, this way students and their parents can be up to

date with their child’s progression.

b. Safe Voice- Allows for anyone to safely make an anonymous report about

bullying or violent acts that can potentially put the school and students in harm.

c. Updated health and safety guidance- This page gives everyone access to remain

aware of possible health risks or any viruses that may affect you in your area.

They also provide the most up-to-date precaution measures that sure be taken to

avoid the flu or sicknesses like Covid-19.

2. At the top of the web page, select the “employees” link.

a. Select employee information

b. Scroll down and select salary information

c. What is the beginning salary located in column one for CCSD teachers (licensed personnel)

for the current fiscal year?

a. Licensed teachers beginning salary for the current 2022 fiscal

year is $43,011.
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3. Return to the Employees link at the top of the menu.

a. Select the 4th heading, employee resources

b. Scroll down and select licensed personnel

c. List three resources that can be found under this heading. Provide a description for each


a. Information for Teachers- This page is for teachers who may be new to CCSD

and need a little extra guidance regarding calling off, requesting a substitute, or

information about their benefits.

b. Curriculum Department of Education- This page provides the contact

information for the Curriculum and Professional Development Center along with

the address and phone number.

c. Wiki-Teacher- This creative page provides videos of how other teachers have

taught different lessons to their classes. This is beneficial when a teacher may be

stuck with presenting a topic and cannot figure out a way to keep the students

interested in the lesson.

4. Go to the top of the menu bar and select the Students link

a. List 3 resources that you can provide to your students. Provide a description of each resource

a. Transcript Request- This resource page describes how to obtain an official

transcript from their school.

b. Say No To Bullying- A page that provides all the policies against bullying and

cyberbullying throughout Clark County. It also shows the resource page to report

any harmful activities.

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c. Protect Our Kids- This page explains the measures and requirements that CSSD

and the state law follow so that a parent or guardian can volunteer at their

children’s school.

5. Select a resource on the CCSD website that as a teacher, you can provide to the parents of the

students in your classroom. Provide a brief explanation

a. Out of all the resources available to the student's parents on the CCSD website,

I believe that as a teacher the most important resource that I would make the

parents aware of is the Campus Portal. It is the easiest way to keep up with your

child’s progress in every class. It also shows them their child’s attendance,

academic planner, and other important information. It is a great application to

make sure their kids are maintaining good grades and know in what areas they are

struggling so they can seek help for them in that subject.

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