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Mid-term examination
Philippine Pop Culture
October 11, 2022

1. Name at least 3 types of trends in Philippine Pop Culture that most people (not just young
individual) mostly do or enjoy. Discuss the relevance and importance of it, also explain the good
and bad effect that it bring to the people. (40pts.)
(100 words up)
TikTok, scrolling memes, and fashion are the three trends that, in my opinion, majority
of people adore and find enjoyable. Despite the fact that TikTok content are usually less than a
minute long, anyone may enjoy them since there is so much to see and learn. TikTok has
everything from cute animal videos to activists supporting their causes. TikTok's uniqueness
stems from its wide range of viewers and contributors. TikTok, like other social media platforms
such as YouTube or Facebook, has devised a unique technique to make the platform addictive.
And therein, I believe, is TikTok's relevance and importance. TikTok has a lot of good benefits
because it is such an excellent platform for entertainment. On the other hand, utilizing TikTok
for a lengthy period of time without employing anti-radiation protection or glasses may cause
eye damage. Furthermore, while TikTok is available to children of all ages as long as you have
data for it, some of its content may be damaging to them since some individuals post
inappropriate videos for children.
The majority of social media users used various social media platforms to share memes.
Jokes about a circumstance, condition, individual, occasion, or other cultural or social elements
are the mainstay of memes. They often spread via internet means, where they are shared on
social media, copied, and transmitted. I believe that memes are important and have good
effect mostly because they make people happy. They may also act as a source of group coping
for individuals, lower stress levels, and lift spirits. The bad effect of memes is that they
occasionally exploit other people to mock; they publish other people's photos and turn them
into memes, which is quite inappropriate because we can never be sure of their current
emotions or feelings.
Most people enjoy fashion; we may never admit it to anyone, but we always want to
appear beautiful, especially when we're going out. Since it contributes to defining human
identity, fashion is significant. By what we wear or how we utilize fashion as a means of
expressing who we are as a person, it fosters a sense of belonging to a certain group.
Additionally, fashion has the ability to influence others in society and bring about societal
change. The majority of people today primarily follow fashion trends to gain a feeling of identity
and belonging. Your clothing choices reveal a lot about your personality. Additionally, dressing
well is a means to visibly express who you are. Along with the positive impacts, the trend has a
lot of negative ones as well. It is said that fashion corrupts young brains, causing them to
continually consider new fashion trends and how to get stylish apparel and accessories.
2. Analyze the text provided on the attached file by applying the appropriate theory/theories.
Support your claim based from the summary provided.

a. New Yorker in Tondo by Marcelino Agana jr.(30pts) 100 or more

The plot is excellent and most people who have been rejected, treated unfairly, or
deceived may relate to it. Anyone who has chosen to give up on catching it or has never tried
should go read it. It draws a lot of attention from everyone, especially Filipinos, because of its
position in Tondo. We may enjoy the company of those who think highly of us and consider us
successful, and we constantly strive to achieve certain life objectives. We must remember the
times we spent with our loved ones since they were the ones who made us full and gave us
confidence. They would take you as you are. I relate this literature to Semiology and Ferdinand
de Saussure's theory of language under Structuralism. The story is analogous to Semiology since
it depicts the reality of how most individuals lose their true identity once they travel overseas. In
semiology, a depiction of a pipe is not regarded to be the pipe itselfIn Kikay's situation, she
poses as a New Yorker in Tondo despite the fact that she isn't one. Furthermore, I can relate this
theory to Theory of language because this theory stresses the systems that function not by
conveying a natural system but by producing a difference, a differentiation within certain
relationships. Like in the story, Kikay, also known as Francesca, changes as a result of her life
experiences, which help her to discover who she is more fully. This theory also highlights the
fact that language has structure; for instance, in order to comprehend the structure of a leaf, we
must first grasp the structure of a tree. I can relate this scenario to Kikay since she learned
through her New York experiences that this is the life she wants, even if she returns to Tondo.
Furthermore, despite the fact that at end she was able to recognize the significance of her place
of origin and culture, we cannot deny the reality that Kikay already had characteristics
influenced by New York.

b. The necklace by Guy De Maupassant (30pts

100 words or more.\

Guy de Maupassant's The Necklace portrays a woman who is dissatisfied with her social
standing and longs to be welcomed by the higher class. The theory of Marxism is best applied to
the analysis of the story because it reveals the struggles between social classes. Furthermore,
Marxism held that the goal of social and political activity was to acquire and maintain economic
power, even though the author dwells on a number of topics, such as the role of gender in
society or psychological conflict. The class system in society is criticized by Maupassant, who
demonstrates how being born poor is a life sentence for many people who, despite their best
efforts, are powerless to alter their lot. The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant serves as an
example of class conflict between the affluent and the poor from the standpoint of Marxist
theory. Due to the social unfairness of being born into a low-income household, Mathilde
developed a longing for luxurious material possessions. She thought that owning jewellery or
clothes would bring her closer to the wealthy lifestyle she wished to associate herself with. The
Loisel family's attempt to assimilate into upper-class society ended tragically, underscoring the
futility and despair of their endeavours.

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