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Hindusthan College of Engineering And Technology

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC

(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
Coimbatore – 641 032

Department of Chemical Engineering

19CH3202- Fluid Mechanics For Chemical Engineers – MCQ Question Bank

Semester: III

19CH3202_FMCE _U1_PART-A

S.No CO Mark BTL

question ans1 ans2 ans3 ans4
1 CO1 1 L2
Which one of the following is
the unit of pressure? N N/m N/m2 N/m3
2 The device used to measure the CO1 1 L1
fluid pressure is _____________ Hygrometer Calorimeter Manometer Thermometer
3 What type of liquids are CO1 1 L2
measured using a manometer? Heavy liquids Medium Liquids Light Liquids Heavy and light liquids
4 Which of the following is a CO1 1 L2
shear-thinning fluid? Bingham plastic Rheopectic Dilatant Pseudoplastic
5 Which of the following is a CO1 1 L2
shear-thickening fluid? Bingham plastic Thixotropic Dilatant Pseudoplastic
6 Differential manometer gives the CO1 1 L1
pressure reading with respect to
atmospheric pressure. TRUE FALSE
7 What happens to viscosity in the CO1 1 L2
case of incompressible fluids as
temperature is increased? It remains constant It increases It decreases None of the mentioned

8 Eddies formed in the turbulent CO1 1 L2
flow are major cause of the
energy loss in the turbulent flow. TRUE FALSE
9 In laminar flow fluid particles CO1 1 L2
flow along a streamline TRUE FALSE
10 In unsteady flow, the flow CO1 1 L2
parameters change with respect
to position. TRUE FALSE
11 CO1 1 L1

the shear stress the shear stress

applied to the fluid applied to the fluid is
is directly inversely
proportional to the proportional to the the shear stress applied to the fluid the shear stress applied to the fluid
Newton's law of viscosity states velocity gradient velocity gradient is directly proportional to the is inversely proportional to the
that (du/dy) (du/dy) specific weight of the fluid specific weight of the fluid
12 CO1 1 L2
The flow of fluid will be laminar Reynold's number is the density of the
when, less than 2000 fluid is low both a. and b. none of the above
13 CO1 1 L1
The specific weight of the fluid gravitational mass density of the
depends upon acceleration fluid both a. and b. none of the above
14 CO1 1 L1
Compressible flow is the type of Changes from one Constant for fluid
flow in which density of fluid point to point flow Constant up to certain point None of the above
15 CO1 1 L2
Flow is laminar Flow is turbulent
inside the boundary inside the boundary
layer and turbulent layer and laminar Flow is laminar both inside and Flow is turbulent both inside and
Which of the following is true? outside outside outside of the boundary layer outside of the boundary layer
16 The distance moved by liquid CO1 1 L1
will be more in which type of Inclined Single Vertical Single Horizontal Single column
manometer? column manometer column manometer manometer None of the mentioned
17 In liquids in order to measure the CO1 1 L2
viscosity of fluid experimentally
we consider the variation of
shear stress with respect to what
property? strain shear strain rate of shear strain none of the mentioned
18 In a steady, ideal flow of an CO1 1 L2
incompressible fluid, total
energy at any point of the fluid is
always constant. This theorem is Navier-stockes
known as Euler's theorem theorem Reynold's theorem Bernoulli's theorem
19 The ratio of absolute viscosity to CO1 1 L1
mass density is known as specific viscosity viscosity index kinematic viscosity coefficient of viscosity

20 CO1 1 L1

the height of
Mercury is often used in barometer will be its vapour pressure is so low that it
barometer because it is the best liquid less may be neglected both (b) and (c)
21 CO1 1 L1
Mass of fluid/ Volume of fluid / Volume of the fluid / weight of the
What is specific volume? volume of fluid mass of fluid fluid None of the above
22 CO1 1 L1

Ratio of increase in Ratio of decrease in

pressure to pressure to Ratio of pressure to volumetric
Define compressibility. volumetric strain volumetric strain strain None of the above
23 CO1 1 L2
Absolute viscosity Newtonian fluid Non-Newtonian fluid Both a & b None of the above
24 The study of force which CO1 1 L2
produces motion in a fluid is
called as fluid statics fluid dynamics fluid kinematics none of the above
25 CO1 1 L2

Viscosity decreases Viscosity increases

How does the viscosity of liquid with increase in with increase in Viscosity constant with increase in
changes with temperature? temperature temperature temperature None of the above

19CH3202_FMCE _U1_PART-B

1 Which one of the following is CO1 2 L2

the dimension of pressure? [MLT2] [MLT-2] [ML-1T2] [ML-1T-2]
2 CO1 2 L2

The relation between shear stress

Z and velocity gradient 𝒅𝒚
of a fluid is given by
where A and n are constants. If n
= 1, what type of fluid will it be? Newtonian fluid Non-Newtonian fluid Pseudoplastic Bingham plastic

3 CO1 2 L1

The graph shows relation

between shear stress Z and
velocity gradient
of a fluid is given by
where A and n are constants.
The graphs are drawn for three
values of n. Which one will be
the correct relationship between
n1, n2 and n3?

n1 > n2 > n3 n1 < n2 < n3 n1 > n3 > n2 n1 < n3 < n2

4 What is the correct formula for Pabs = Pvacuum + Patm CO1 2 L2
Pabs = Patm – Pgauge
absolute pressure? Pabs = Pvacuum – Patm Pabs = Patm+ Pgauge
5 CO1 2 L1

Volume of the fluid Mass of fluid/ Density of fluid/ Density of

Define specific gravity / weight of the fluid volume of fluid standard fluid None of the above
6 In a steady, ideal flow of an CO1 2 L2
incompressible fluid, total
energy at any point of the fluid is
always constant. This theorem is Navier-stockes
known as Euler's theorem theorem Reynold's theorem Bernoulli's theorem
7 CO1 2 L1

The relation between shear stress

Z and velocity gradient
of a fluid is given by

where A and n are constants. If n

< 1, what type of fluid will it be? Newtonian fluid Dilatant Pseudoplastic Bingham plastic

8 CO1 2 L1

Which one of the following Pressure is a scalar quantity only Pressure is a vector quantity only
statements is true regarding Pressure is a scalar Pressure is a vector when the area is infinitesimally when the area is infinitesimally
pressure? quantity quantity small small
9 CO1 2 L2
Flow is laminar Flow is turbulent
inside the boundary inside the boundary
layer and turbulent layer and laminar Flow is laminar both inside and Flow is turbulent both inside and
Which of the following is true? outside outside outside of the boundary layer outside of the boundary layer
10 CO1 2 L1

Ratio of increase in Ratio of decrease in

pressure to pressure to Ratio of pressure to volumetric
Define compressibility. volumetric strain volumetric strain strain None of the above

19CH3202_FMCE _U2_PART-A
1 What happens to the head loss CO2 1 L2
when the flow rate is doubled? Doubles Same Triples Four times
2 According to equation of CO2 1 L1
continuity, w1a1 = w2a2 w1v1 = w2v2 a1v1 = a2v2 a1/v1 = a2/v2
3 CO2 1 L1
One of the assumptions of The flow is
Bernoullis equation is compressible The flow is unsteady The flow is incompressible None of the above
4 CO2 1 L2
When does laminar flow changes Viscosity of fluid is Viscosity of fluid is
to turbulent flow? increased constant Viscosity of fluid is decreased None of the above
5 CO2 1 L1 the major energy losses in Losses due to Bend An obstruction in
pipes? in pipe pipe Losses due to friction None of the above
6 The sum of pressure energy, CO2 1 L2
potential energy and kinetic
energy is constant along a stream
line is… Continuity equation Bernoulli's equation Euler's equation None of the above
7 Which one of the following is a CO2 1 L2
major loss? frictional loss shock loss entry loss exit loss
8 The head loss at the entrance of CO2 1 L1
the pipe is that at it's exit equal to half twice four times
9 CO2 1 L2
What is the unit of shear stress? N/m3 N/mm3 N/m Pascal

10 The main property that affects a CO2 1 L1
boundary layer is__________ Temperature Pressure Viscosity Surface tension
11 Which property of the fluid CO2 1 L2
accounts for the major losses in
pipes? density specific gravity viscosity compressibility
12 What are the reasons for minor CO2 1 L1
head loses in a pipe? Friction Heat Valves and bends Temperature
13 The laminar boundary layer is a CO2 1 L2
_________ Smooth flow Rough flow Uniform flow Random flow
14 CO2 1 L1
How does a turbulent boundary Due to random Collision of
layer produce swirls? motion molecules Due to eddies Due to non-uniform cross section
15 The layer that is influenced by a CO2 1 L2
planetary boundary is Atmospheric
called______ boundary layer Lithosphere Troposphere Hydrosphere
16 CO2 1 L1

the frictional resistance depends the frictional resistance is

the frictional the frictional on the nature of the surface area of independent of the nature of the
resistance depends resistance is contact for laminar flows but is surface area of contact for laminar
on the nature of the independent of the independent of the nature of the flows but depends on the nature of
Which one of the following is surface area of nature of the surface surface area of contact for the surface area of contact for
correct? contact area of contact turbulent flows turbulent flows
17 Which of the following flows CO2 1 L2
have the highest critical Flow between
Reynolds number (lower)? Flow in a pipe parallel plates Flow in an open channel Flow around spherical body
18 If the Velocity profile is CO2 1 L1
parabolic, the flow is Laminar Flow Turbulent flow Both a & b None of the above
19 Directly Inversely CO2 1 L2
Loss of head due to friction is proportional to proportional to Inversely proportional to hydraulic Directly proportional to
__________ hydraulic radius velocity radius gravitational constant

20 CO2 1 L2

The product of
velocity of the flow
and the diameter of The product of density of the fluid,
Ratio of pressures in the pipe, divided by velocity of the flow and the
How is Reynolds number the inlet to the outlet the kinematic diameter of the pipe, divided by Ratio of inertia force to viscous
defined as? of a pipe viscosity of fluid the dynamic viscosity of fluid force
21 CO2 1 L1
Darcy- Weisbach equation gives Pressure and Mass, volume and
relation between__________ temperature pressure Head loss and pressure loss Pressure loss only
22 CO2 1 L2
The continuity equation is viscous/unviscous compressibility of
connected with fluids fluids conservation of mass steady/unsteady flow
23 CO2 1 L1

low velocities and high velocities and

when the fluid is when the fluid is low velocities and when the fluid
Laminar flow is possible at highly viscous highly viscous is low viscous None of the above
24 For a fully-developed pipe flow, CO2 1 L1
how does the pressure vary with
the length of the pipe? Linearly Parabolic Exponential Constant
25 CO2 1 L1
inversely inversely
proportional to the proportional to the
The frictional resistance for square of the surface surface area of proportional to the square of the proportional to the surface area of
fluids in motion is area of contact contact surface area of contact contact

19CH3202_FMCE _U2_PART-B
1 CO2 2 L1

As the Reynold's As the Reynold's

number increases number increases the
What is the effect of change in the friction factor friction factor change in Reynold's number does
Reynold's number on friction increases in decreases in not affect the friction factor in
factor in turbulent flow? turbulent flow turbulent flow turbulent flow unpredictable

2 CO2 2 L2
What is Darcy-Weisbach 2 2 2
hf = (f l V ) / (g d) hf = (f l V ) / (2 g d) hf = (4 f l V ) / (2 g d)
formula for heat loss due to
friction hf = (16 f l V2) / (2 g d)
3 CO2 2 L2
What is Hagen-Poiseuille law? hfs = (32 L V µ) / D2 hfs = D2 / (32 L V µ) hfs = D / (32 L V µ)
None of the above
4 CO2 2 L1

The product of
velocity of the flow
and the diameter of The product of density of the fluid,
Ratio of pressures in the pipe, divided by velocity of the flow and the
How is Reynolds number the inlet to the outlet the kinematic diameter of the pipe, divided by Ratio of inertia force to viscous
defined as? of a pipe viscosity of fluid the dynamic viscosity of fluid force
5 The flow through a circular pipe CO2 2 L2
is laminar. Now, the fluid
through the pipe is replaced with
a more viscous fluid and passed
through the pipe again with the The Reynolds number of the
same velocity. What can we say The flow will The flow will be a earlier flow is required to answer
about the nature of this flow? become turbulent transition flow The flow will remain laminar this question
6 The formula for hydraulic CO2 2 L2
diameter is______ 4A/P 4AP 4AV 4V
7 Which among the following is CO2 2 L1
formula for friction factor of
circular pipes? 16/Re 64/Re Re/16 Re/64
8 CO2 2 L2

formula is generally Chezy’s formula is
used for head loss in generally used for Darcy-Weisbach’s formula is Chezy’s formula is generally used
flow through both head loss in flow generally used for head loss in for head loss in flow through both
Which one of the flowing is pipes and open through both pipes flow through both pipes and pipes and Darcy-Weisbach’s
correct channels and open channels Chezy’s formula for open channels formula for open channels
9 CO2 2 L2
The continuity equation of two-
dimensional steady
incompressible flow is_______ 0
10 CO2 2 L1
What is v /2 in the equation for a Potential energy per Kinetic energy per
control volume in space unit mass unit mass Thermal energy per unit mass Mechanical energy per unit mass

19CH3202_FMCE _U3_PART-A
1 Skin friction acts on the CO3 1 L1
component of _________ Profile drag Surface blade Vane angles Parallel movement
2 Drag coefficient is denotes CO3 1 L1
as_______ Cd Bc Dc Tc
3 The drag coefficient is directly CO3 1 L1
proportional to the ___________ Drag force Mass density Area Flow speed
4 Drag coefficient is a function of CO3 1 L1
_________ Mach number FroudeÕs number Laminar flow Reynolds number
5 With the increase in flow CO3 1 L2
velocity, Reynolds
number_________ Increases Decreases Same Independent
6 CO3 1 L2
Total volume/void Void volume/Total
Sphericity is …. volume volume Surface Area/Volume None of the options are correct
7 CO3 1 L2

superficial velocity superficial velocity is

is higher than the lower than the fluid Superficial velocity is equal to the
Incipient fluidization is …. fluid velocity velocity fluid velocity None of the options are correct
8 At low gas velocities the CO3 1 L2
pressure drop resulting from this
drag will follow ….. Bernoulli's equation Stokes law Ergun equation None of the options are correct
9 The pressure drop through the CO3 1 L2
fixed beds of uniformly sized
solids has been correlated by
________ Ergun equation Poisson equation Laplace equation None of the options are correct
10 Which new term is utilized for CO3 1 L2
measuring non spherical Volume
particles? Sphericity displacement Geometry None of the options are correct
11 In the packed bed, at relatively CO3 1 L2
low flow rates pressure drop is
approximately proportional to
gas velocity, true or false? TRUE FALSE
12 How the gas behave across the CO3 1 L1
fluidized bed, when the velocity
is more than minimum
fluidization? Bubbles formation Slugs formation Smooth flow None of the mentioned
13 What happens if we CO3 1 L2
continuously increase the
velocity after attaining the Pressure drop
constant pressure drop? Remains constant decreases to zero Slight reduction in pressure drop Slight increase in pressure drop

14 What is one of the reason for CO3 1 L2
poor fluidization beds in terms of
pressure drop? Slugging Low velocity Light particles All of the mentioned
15 When a fluid is passed through a CO3 1 L2
bed of solid particles the
pressure drop across the bed of
solid particles is directly Rate of flow of the
proportional to the .... fluid Volume of the fluid Pressure of the fluid None of the options are correct
16 Free surface of a liquid tends to CO3 1 L1
contract to the smallest possible
area due to force of Surface tension Viscosity Friction Cohesion
17 Drag force can exist between CO3 1 L1
two layers of liquid. TRUE FALSE
18 For a streamlined body to CO3 1 L1
achieve low drag coefficient, the Be attached to the
boundary layer must_________ Flow over the body body Move away from the body Move parallel to the body
19 Which factor is considered in CO3 1 L2
Ergun equation when the
Reynolds number is less 20? 150 1.75 2.75 250
20 What is the most important CO3 1 L2
factor to be considered for
designing a fluidized bed
reactor? Diameter of reactor Height of reactor Size distribution of solids Gas flow rate
21 CO3 1 L1

L varies until onset

of fluidization and L is not dependent of L is constant until onset of
then begins to fluidization and then fluidization and then begins to
Bed length for increasing um increase begins to increase increase None of the options are correct
22 CO3 1 L2
Total volume/void Void volume/Total
Void fraction is volume volume Surface area/volume None of the options are correct
23 How the gas behave across the CO3 1 L1
fluidized bed, when the velocity
is more than minimum
fluidization? Bubbles formation Slugs formation Smooth flow None of the mentioned
24 Drag force is directly CO3 1 L1
proportional to ________ Density of fluid Mass density Area Flow speed
25 If the friction is neglected, CO3 1 L1
then_______ Vr1 > Vr2 Vr1 < Vr2 Vr1 = Vr2 Vr1 is a zero

19CH3202_FMCE _U3_PART-B

1 CO3 2 L1

Name the following equation

equation Stokes equation Ergun equation None of the options are correct
2 CO3 2 L1

Name the following equation

equation Stokes equation Burke-plumer equation None of the options are correct
3 CO3 2 L1

Name the following equation

equation Stokes equation Burke-plumer equation None of the options are correct
4 The efficiency of the vane is CO3 2 L1
given by_ 1-V22 / V12 1-(V22 / V12) V22 / V12 1- V12
5 CO3 2 L2
If the friction is neglected, then Vr1 > Vr2 Vr1 < Vr2 Vr1 = Vr2 Vr1 is a zero
6 CO3 2 L2

Bed length for increasing um L varies until onset

of fluidization and L is not dependent of L is constant until onset of
then begins to fluidization and then fluidization and then begins to
increase begins to increase increase None of the options are correct
7 CO3 2 L1
Sphericity=(6(1- Voidage=(6(1-
What is the relationship between Sphericity=(6*voidage)/(a*dp)
voidage))/(a*dp) sphericity))/(a*dp)
sphericity and voidage? Voidage=(6*sphericity)/(a*dp)
8 CO3 2 L1
shear–forces and acts
shear–forces and perpendicular to the
acts parallel to the surface shear–forces and acts vertical to
Drag is … surface the surface None of the options are correct
9 Which factor is considered in CO3 2 L2
Ergun equation when the
Reynolds number is greater than
1000? 150 1.75 2.75 250

10 What is the dimension for drag CO3 2 L2
coefficient? Newton/s m/s kg/N Dimensionless

19CH3202_FMCE _U4_PART-A
1 CO4 1 L1
Why an orifice meter is called as Reduction in cross Increase in cross None of the options are correct
variable head meter? sectional area sectional area No change in area
2 CO4 1 L2
Pressure recovery is very poor in None of the options are correct
…...... Venturi meter Orifice meter Rotameter
3 CO4 1 L1
Minimum area at vena contracta None of the options are correct
in ….... Venturi meter Rotameter Orifice meter
4 CO4 1 L2
Flow meter for clean and dirty None of the options are correct
liquids is Venturi meter Rotameter Orifice meter
5 CO4 1 L1
Fluid velocity Vena contracta None of the options are correct
is…......... Maximum Minimum Equal
6 The pitot tube works based on CO4 1 L1
the principle of conversion of
kinetic energy into potential velocity pressure rotational
7 Bernouli's eqaution works with CO4 1 L2
law of conservation of ..... mass momentum energy work
8 The MoM (Material of CO4 1 L1
Manufacture) of notch is ........ Thermoplastic metals wood fibre
9 ........ is a device used to measure CO4 1 L2
the turbulence of the flowing
liquid directly. weir notch flow meters Pitot tube
10 In case of any orifice, velocity CO4 1 L1
always remains constant and
hence discharge can be
calculated. TRUE FALSE may be true or false All the options are correct
11 CO4 1 L2
It does not give direct visual
reading of the flow vrate. Variable area meter Variable head meter Both None of the options are correct
12 Venturimeter works based on the CO4 1 L1
principle of .... equation. Bernoullis Hagen poiseulle Euler's Ergun eqaution
13 used for Throttling the CO4 1 L1
fluid flow Fan Valve Pump Compressor

14 ... is the cheapest device for CO4 1 L1
measuring flow / discharge rate. Venturi meter Orifice meter Rotameter Pitot tube
15 CO4 1 L2
Why an orifice meter is called as Reduction in cross Increase in cross
variable head meter? sectional area sectional area No change in area None of the options are correct
16 CO4 1 L1
Pressure recovery is very poor in
...... Venturi meter Orifice meter Rotameter None of the options are correct
17 CO4 1 L1
Minimum area at vena contracta
in .... Venturi meter Rotameter Orifice meter None of the options are correct
18 CO4 1 L2

velocity of flow at a velocity of flow at a

particular point is particular point is velocity of flow at a particular
How does pitot tube functions? inceased negative point is reduced to zero None of the options are correct
19 CO4 1 L1
It does not give direct visual
reading of the flow rate. Variable area meter Variable head meter Both None of the options are correct
20 CO4 1 L1
It give direct visual reading of
the flowmeter. Variable area meter Variable head meter Both None of the options are correct
21 Pressure drop remains constant CO4 1 L2
and area through which the fluid
fluid flow varies with flowrate Pitot Tube Orifice meter Venturi meter Rotameter
22 ........... is device that regulates, CO4 1 L1
controls or direct the flow of a
fluid by opening, closing or
partially obstructing fluid flow Fan Valve Pump Compressor
23 used for Throttling the CO4 1 L2
fluid flow Fan Valve Pump Compressor
24 The principle of Orificemeter is CO4 1 L2
same as that of ... Venturi meter manometer Rotameter Pitot tube
25 ...... can only be used for CO4 1 L1
measuring rate of flow in open
pipe like structure. Venturi meter Orifice meter manometer Pitot tube
26 ...... Is a device used for CO4 1 L1
measuring the velocity of flow at
any point in a pipe or channel Venturi meter Orifice meter pitot tube Rotameter
27 CO4 1 L2
It give direct visual reading of
the flowmeter. Variable area meter Variable head meter Both None of the options are correct
28 Pressure drop remains constant CO4 1 L2
and area through which the fluid
fluid flow varies with flowrate Pitot Tube Orifice meter Venturi meter Rotameter

29 …........... is device that CO4 1 L1
regulates, controls or dirct the
flow of a fluid by opening,
closing or partially obstructing
fluid flow Fan Valve Pump Compressor
30 Venturimeter works based on CO4 1 L1
integral form of ... equation. Darcy Hagen poiseulle Euler's Ergun eqaution

19CH3202_FMCE _U4_PART-B

1 An orificemeter with orifice dia CO4 2 L2

10 cm is inserted ia a pipe of 20
cm dia. The pressure gauges
fitted upstream and downstream
of the orificemeters gives
readings of 19.62 N/cm2 and 9.81
N/cm2 respectively. Co-efficient
of discharge for the orificemeters
is given as 0.6. Find the discharge
of water through pipe. 68.21 l/s 54.77 l/s 60.04 l/s 9.81 l/s
2 An orificemeter with orifice dia CO4 2 L2
15 cm is inserted ia a pipe of 30
cm dia. The pressure difference
measured by a mercury oil
differential manometer on the
two sides of the orifice meter
gives a reading of 50 cm mercury.
Find the rate of flow of oil of
specific gravity 0.9 when the
coefficient of discharge of the
orificemeters is given as 0.64. 137.414 l/s 156.44 l/s 132.555 l/s None of the options are correct
3 A pitot-static tube is used to CO4 2 L2
measure the velocity of water in a
pipe. The stagnation pressure
head is 6 m and static presuure 2.78 m2/s 4.34 m/s
head is 5 m. Calculate the
velocity of flow assuming the
efficient of tube equal to 0.98. 9.55 m/s None of the options are correct
4 In bernoulli's equation, the term CO4 2 L1
p/?g is given as velocity head manometric head pressure head kinetic head

5 A horizontal venturimeter with CO4 2 L2
inlet and throat dia 30 cm and 15
cm respectively is used to
measure the flow of water. The
reading of differential manometer 55.34 l/s
connected to the inlet and the
throat is 20 cm of mercury. Find
the rate of flow of flow. Take Cd
= 0.98. 110.68 l/s 25.77 l/s 125.76 l/s
6 A horizontal venturimeter with CO4 2 L2
inlet diameter 20 cm and throat
diameter 10 cm is used to
measure the flow of water. The
pressure at inlet is 17.658 N/cm2
and the vacuum pressure at the
throat is 30 cm of mercury. Find
the discharge of water through
venturimeter. Take Cd=0.98. 45.44 l/s 165.55 l/s 17.65 l/s 120.33 l/s
7 Find the velocity of the flow of an CO4 2 L2
oil through a pipe, when the
difference of mercury level in a
differential U-tube manometer
connected to the two tappings of
the pilot-tube is 100 mm. Take
co-efficient of pitot-tube 0.98 and
specific gravity of oil as 0.8 13.6 m/s 10.98 m/s 1.71 m/s 5.49 m/s
8 The differential area type CO4 2 L1
flowmeter is ….... vortex flowmeter turbine flowmeters rotameters venturimeters
9 A sub-marine moves horizontally CO4 2 L2
in sea and has its axis 15 m below
the surface of water. A pitot-tube
properly placed just in front of the
sub-marine and along its axis is
connected to the two limbs of a
U-tube containing mercury. The
differencce of mercury level is
found to be 170 mm. Find the
speed of the sub-marine knowing
that the specific gravity of
mercury is 13.6 and that of sea-
water is 1.026 with respect of
fresh water. 10 km/hr 10 litre/hr 23 km/hr 23 litre/hr
10 the one in which has the CO4 2 L1
head of fluid from the centre of
large orifice small orifice medium orifice All the options are correct
orifice is more than five times the
depth of orifice
11 the one which has the head CO4 2 L1
is less than five times the depth of large orifice small orifice medium orifice All the options are correct

12 a transducer that measures CO4 2 L2
fluid flow by the voltage induced Venturi meter Orifice meter magnetic flow meter Rotameter
across the liquid by its flow
13 CO4 2 L2
velocity of flow at a velocity of flow at a
velocity of flow at a particular point
How does pitot tube functions? particular point is particular point is None of the options are correct
is reduced to zero
inceased negetive

14 CO4 2 L2
Flow meter for clean and dirty
Venturi meter Rotameter Orifice meter None of the options are correct
liquids is ....

15 CO4 2 L1
Fluid velocity Vena contracta is
Maximum Minimum Equal None of the options are correct

16 CO4 2 L1
conversion of kinetic conversion of
At the lower end of the pitot tube energy into pressure pressure energy into Both the options are correct None of the options are correct
energy kinetic energy

17 CO4 2 L2
Coefficient of Coefficient of
Cv is called as …... Coefficient of velocity None of the options are correct
friction viscosity

18 CO4 2 L2

A transducer that A transducer that

measures fluid flow measures fluid
A transducer that measures fluid
by the voltage viscosity by the
temperature by the voltage induced
A magnetic flow meter is…..... induced across the voltage induced None of the options are correct
across the liquid by its flow through
liquid by its flow across the liquid by
a magnetic field
through a magnetic its flow through a
field magnetic field

19 CO4 2 L1
Requires Requires
Requires heterogeneous fluid,
Demerits of orifice –meter are…. heterogeneous fluid, homogeneous fluid,
single phase liquid
multi phase liquid single phase liquid

20 CO4 2 L2
The parts required to flow the
liquid through pipe in short converging
venturimeter are … part diverging part throat All the options are correct

19CH3202_FMCE _U5_PART-A
1 CO5 1 L1
Motor converts electrical energy
into ….... mechanical energy potential energy kinetic energy All the options are correct
2 The change of pressure will CO5 1 L1
drive the liquid throughout the
system Centrifugal pump rotary pump reciprocating pump positive displacement pump
3 Centrifugal pumps are used to CO5 1 L2
transport fluids by the
conversion of rotational kinetic
energy to the …..... of the fluid
flow. potential energy mechanical energy hydrodynamic energy electrical energy
4 ….... pumps have the advantage CO5 1 L2
of being hermetically sealed
systems making them ideal for
pumping hazardous fluids. Lobe pump vane pump centrifugal Diaphragm
5 To handle higher viscosity CO5 1 L1
fluids, the preferable pump is
….. Lobe pump Submersible pump Fire hydrant pumps positive displacement pump
6 CO5 1 L1
The efficiency of centrifugal
pump is …. lower higher not upto the level All the options are correct
7 The simplest example of a rotary CO5 1 L2
positive displacement pump is
the ….. lobe pump vane pump gear pump piston pump
8 CO5 1 L1
Choose the false statement for metallic surfaces are cavities formed on
effect of cavitation not damaged the surfaces sudden collapse of vapour bubble noise and vibrations are produced
9 CO5 1 L1
The efficiency of turbine
decreases due to ….. priming cavitation vapour pressure None of the options are correct
10 The compressor comes under the CO5 1 L1
category of reciprocating
compressor is ….. Diaphragm sliding vane helical screw scroll
11 Jet engine is an example of …..... CO5 1 L2
Compressor rotary pump sliding vane helical screw Axial
12 CO5 1 L1
net positive suction net potential suction
NPSH stands for … head head pump net positive supply head net pump suction head
13 The similarity exists between CO5 1 L1
model and prototype using
length, breadth is said to be Geometric Kinematic Dynamic All the above

14 The compressor classified as CO5 1 L2
blower is ….. scroll sliding vane centrifugal rotary lobe
15 What is the major disadvantage CO5 1 L1
of submerisble pumps? impeller diffuser coils seals
16 The pump that prevents CO5 1 L2
cavitation is …... Centrifugal pump Submersible pump Rotary pump Reciprocating pump
17 CO5 1 L1
…... are also called as cantilever Horizontal Vertical centrifugal
pumps centrifugal pumps pumps Fire hydrant pumps Lobe pump
18 …...Positive Displacement pump CO5 1 L1
works by the repeated back-and-
forth movement (strokes) of
either a piston, plunger or
diaphragm rotary pump reciprocating pump Lobe pump Vane pump
19 The pumps that uses interlocking CO5 1 L1
systems is ….... lobe pump vane pump gear pump piston pump
20 …. as the operation in which the CO5 1 L2
suction pipe, casing of the pump
and a portion of the delivery pipe
upto the delivery valve is
completely filled up from
outside source. Cavitation Vapour pressure priming None of the options are correct
21 …... is the phenomenon of CO5 1 L1
formation of vapour bubbles of
flowing liquid in a region where
the pressure of the liquid falls
below its vapour pressure. Cavitation Vapour pressure priming None of the options are correct
22 To increase the pressure in a CO5 1 L1
variety of fluids or gases, the
mechanical device commonly
used is ….. condenser expansion valve compressor None of the options are correct
23 The similarity exists between CO5 1 L1
model and prototype using the
ratio of velocity and acceleration
is said to be Geometric Kinematic Dynamic All the above
24 The similarity of forces exists CO5 1 L2
between model and prototype is
said to be Geometric Kinematic Dynamic All the above
25 CO5 1 L1
Unit of surface tension N/m kg/m N/m2 Poise
26 The method used for CO5 1 L1
determining the expression for a
variable which depends upon
maximum three or four variables
is Buckingham Rayleigh Continuity Bernoulli
27 The method used for CO5 1 L2
determining the expression for a
variable which depends upon
maximum no. of variables Buckingham Rayleigh Continuity Bernoulli

(including dependent and
independent) is

28 CO5 1 L1
The term m in rayleigh and
buckingham indicates Independent variable dependent variable fundamental dimensions None of the above
29 CO5 1 L2

1 variable 2 variable geometric

geometric property, property, 3 variable
1 variable flow flow property, 2 1 variable geometric property, 1 1 variable geometric property, 1
The repeating variables should property, 1 variable variable fluid variable flow property, 1 variable variable flow property, 2 variable
be choosen in such a way fluid property property geometric property flow property
30 CO5 1 L2
The repeating
variables together
The repeating must have the same
The choice of repeating variables variables selected number of
is governed by the following should not form a fundamental No two repeating variables should
considerations dimensionless group dimensions have the same dimensions All the above

19CH3202_FMCE _U5_PART-B
1 CO5 2 L1
In centrifugal pump, the pressure
is higher at ….. suction head discharge head impeller None of the options are correct
2 In centrifugal pump, the vacuum CO5 2 L1
and low pressure is created at
….. suction head discharge head impeller None of the options are correct
3 A submersible pump pushes CO5 2 L2
water to the surface by
converting rotary energy into mechanical,
….... energy into …... energy. pressure, kinetic electrical kinetic, pressure energy hydrodynamic, kinetic energy
4 CO5 2 L2

absolute pressure vapour pressure

head - velocity head head + ablsoute absolute pressure head - vapour
+ vapour pressure pressure head + absolute pressure head - vapour pressure head + potential energy
NPSH = head velocity head pressure head + velocity head head

5 A centrifugal pump delivers CO5 2 L2
water against a net head of 14.5
meters and a design a speed of
1000 rpm. The vanes are curved
back to an angle of 30? with
periphery. The impeller diameter
is 300 mm and outlet width is 50
mm. Find the tangential velocity
of impeller at outlet, if
manometric efficiency is 95 %. 10.34 m/s 15.70 m/s 12.50 m/s None of the options are correct
6 The internal and external CO5 2 L2
diameter of an impeller of a
centrifugal pump which is
running at 1000 rpm, are 200
mm and 400 mm respectively.
The diameter through the pipe is
0.04 m3/s and velocity of the
flow is constant and equal to 2
m/s. The diameter of the suction
and delivery pipesare 150 mm
and 100 mm respectively. If the
outlet vane angle is 45o and
power required to drive the
pump is 16.186 kw. Find; (1)
vane angle of the impeller 10 degree 48 11 degree 90 19 degree 56 None of the options are correct
7 The head against which a CO5 2 L1
centrifugal pump has to work is
…... static head manometric head pressure head velocity head
8 The total head required to make CO5 2 L2
the liquid flow through the
suction pipe to the impeller static head manometric head velocity head NPSH
9 The device that produces high CO5 2 L1
volume and low pressure is …... fan compressor impeller pump
10 CO5 2 L2

number of repeating number of repeating

variables are equal variables are greater
to the number of to the number of number of repeating variables are
Among the statements, select the fundamental fundamnetal less than to the number of
correct statements for selecting dimensions of the dimensions of the fundamnetal dimensions of the
repeating variables problem problem problem None of the options are correct
11 Select the variables with the CO5 2 L2
geometry property Viscosity Velocity Height Density
12 Select the variables with the flow CO5 2 L2
property Viscosity Velocity Height Density
13 Select the variables with the CO5 2 L2
fluid property Viscosity Velocity Height Length

14 Select the correct choice of CO5 2 L2
repeating variables in fluid
mechanics problems d,v,µ d,v,d d,v,l v,v,l
15 The surface tension of water in CO5 2 L1
contact with air at 20oC is
0.0725 N/m. The pressure inside
a droplet of water is to be 0.02
N/cm2 greater than the outside
pressure. Calculate the diameter
of the droplet of water. 1.45 mm 2 mm 2.45 mm 3.75 mm
16 Not suitable if the Suitable if the CO5 2 L2
variables are more variables are more
The main drawback of the fundamental the fundamental Suitable only if the variables are
Rayleing's method is…... dimentions dimentions qual to fundamental dimentions None of the options are correct
17 According to Buckingham's CO5 2 L2
theorem the number of πterms
is n-m m-n n+m m
18 According to Buckingham's CO5 2 L1
theorem, the variables and
dimentions are arranged as….. m-n n+m m n-m
19 Rayleing's method used for CO5 2 L1
determining the expressions maximum of 5 minimum of 1
which contains variables variables maximum 3 or 4 variable None of the options are correct
20 The surface tension of water in CO5 2 L2
contact with air at 20oC is
0.0725 N/m. The pressure inside
a droplet of water is to be 0.02
N/cm2 greater than the outside
pressure. Calculate the diameter
of the droplet of water. 1.45 mm 2 mm 2.45 mm 3.75 mm


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