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laboratory Safety

General Rules and Regulations

A rewarding laboratory experience demands 6. Rapid and efficient manipulation of fungal
strict adherence to prescribed rules for personal cultures is required to prevent the dissemi-
and environmental safety. The former reflects nation of their reproductive spores in the
concern for your personal safety in terms of laboratory environment.
avoiding laboratory accidents. The latter requires
To prevent accidental injury and infection
that you maintain a scrupulously clean laboratory
of yourself and others, observe the following
setting to prevent contamination of experimental
procedures by microorganisms from exogenous
sources. 1. Wash your hands with liquid detergent, rinse
Because most microbiological laboratory with 95% ethyl alcohol, and dry them with
procedures require the use of living organisms, paper towels upon entering and prior to
an integral part of all laboratory sessions is the leaving the laboratory.
use of aseptic techniques. Although the virulence
2. Always use the appropriate safety equip-
of microorganisms used in the academic labora-
ment as determined by your instructor:
tory environment has been greatly diminished
because of their long-term maintenance on artifi- a. A laboratory coat or apron may be neces-
cial media, all microorganisms should be treated sary while working in the laboratory. Lab
as potential pathogens (organisms capable of coats protect clothing from contamina-
producing disease). Thus, microbiology students tion or accidental discoloration by stain-
must develop aseptic techniques (free of con- ing solutions.
taminating organisms) in the preparation of pure b. You may be required to wear gloves while
cultures that are essential in the industrial and performing the lab exercises. Gloves
clinical marketplaces. shield your hands from contamination by
The following basic steps should be observed microorganisms. They also prevent the
at all times to reduce the ever-present microbial hands from coming in direct contact with
flora of the laboratory environment. stains and other reagents.
c. Masks and safety goggles may be required
1. Upon entering the laboratory, place coats,
to prevent materials from coming in con-
books, and other paraphernalia in specified
tact with your eyes.
locations—never on bench tops.
3. Wear a paper cap or tie back long hair to
2. Keep doors and windows closed during the
minimize its exposure to open flames.
laboratory session to prevent contamination
from air currents. 4. Wear closed shoes at all times in the labora-
tory setting.
3. At the beginning and termination of each
laboratory session, wipe bench tops with 5. Never apply cosmetics or insert contact
a disinfectant solution provided by the lenses in the laboratory.
6. Do not smoke, eat, or drink in the labo-
4. Do not place contaminated instruments, ratory. These activities are absolutely
such as inoculating loops, needles, and pi- prohibited.
pettes, on bench tops. Loops and needles
7. Carry cultures in a test-tube rack when
should be sterilized by incineration, and
moving around the laboratory. Likewise,
pipettes should be disposed of in designated
keep cultures in a test-tube rack on the
bench tops when not in use. This serves a
5. On completion of the laboratory session, dual purpose: to prevent accidents and to
place all cultures and materials in the dis- avoid contamination of yourself and the
posal area as designated by the instructor. environment.
8. Never remove media, equipment, or espe- The following specific precautions must be
cially, microbial cultures from the labora- observed when handling body fluids of unknown
tory. Doing so is absolutely prohibited. origin due to the possible transmission of human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B
9. Immediately cover spilled cultures or bro-
virus in these test specimens.
ken culture tubes with paper towels and
then saturate them with disinfectant solu- 1. Wear disposable gloves during the manipula-
tion. After 15 minutes of reaction time, tion of test materials such as blood, serum,
remove the towels and dispose of them in a and other body fluids.
manner indicated by the instructor.
2. Immediately wash hands if contact with any
10. Report accidental cuts or burns to the in- of these fluids occurs and also on removal of
structor immediately. the gloves.
11. Never pipette by mouth any broth cultures 3. Wear masks, safety goggles, and laboratory
or chemical reagents. Doing so is strictly coats if an aerosol might be formed or splat-
prohibited. Pipetting is to be carried out tering of these fluids is likely to occur.
with the aid of a mechanical pipetting device
4. Decontaminate spilled body fluids with a
1:10 dilution of household bleach, covered
12. Do not lick labels. Use only self-stick la- with paper toweling, and allowed to react
bels for the identification of experimental for 10 minutes before removal.
cultures. 5. Place test specimens and supplies in contact
13. Speak quietly and avoid unnecessary move- with these fluids into a container of disinfec-
ment around the laboratory to prevent dis- tant prior to autoclaving.
tractions that may cause accidents.

I have read the above laboratory safety rules and regulations and agree to abide by them.

Name: Date:

14 Laboratory Safety: General Rules and Regulations

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