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A brief history of Myself

My name is Evans Oghenevwede Mozart ( E. O. Mozart) born in Nigeria, Delta

State, Patani L.G.A. in 28th May, 1998. Growing up in the art of Music as a Child
prodigy has been a very adventurous one amidst the obstacles installed especially
for a Child who never had the support and encouragement crucial to his growth
and development in the Art. My Passion for Music has brought me this far as a
Composer (exploring diverse styles from Liturgical Music, Classical Music,
Instrumental Music to African Contemporary Music) Instrumentalist, Singer etc.
Developing a good writing skill and acquaintance with poetry over time has made
me a writer, poet, and a Librettist with about ten Librettos for Oratorio written in
a space of one year amongst other poetic works. I aspire for greater achievements
in my fields of expertise through Christ who strengthens me.

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