Unit 2-Student's Book

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Unit 2 o Personality file

PEOPLE AROUND YOU o What is he/she like?
o People’s personalities

1. Overall objective

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to describe people’s personalities.

2. Key language knowledge

Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe personalities
 Calm (adj) /kɑːm/  Organized (adj) /ˈɔː.gən.aɪzd/
 Confident (adj) /'kɔnfidənt/  Disorganized (adj) /dɪˈsɔː.ɡə.naɪzd/
 Dishonest (adj) /dɪˈsɒn.ɪst/  Pessimistic (adj) /ˌpes.ɪˈmɪs.tɪk/
 Fall out /fɔːl aʊt/  Quiet (adj) /ˈkwaɪ.ət/
 Funny (adj) /ˈfʌn.i/  Restless (adj) /ˈrest.ləs/
 Get on well /ɡet ɒn wel/  Romantic (adj) /rəʊˈmæn.tɪk/
 Generous (adj) /´dʒenərəs/  Serious (adj) /ˈsɪə.ri.əs/
 Hardworking (adj) /ˈhɑrdˈwɜr·kɪŋ/  Shy (adj) /ʃaɪ/
 Honest (adj) /ˈɒn.ɪst/  Smart (adj) /smɑːt/
 Kind (adj) /kaind/  Stubborn (adj) /ˈstʌb.ən/
 Laid-back (adj) /'leidbæk/  Talented (adj) /'tælənt/
 Lazy (adj) /ˈleɪ.zi/  Talkative (adj) /ˈtɔː.kə.tɪv/
 Neat (adj) /niːt/  Timid (adj) /ˈtɪm.ɪd/
 Optimistic (adj) /ɔpti´mistik/  Unfriendly (adj) /ʌnˈfrend.li/
 Outgoing (adj) /aʊtˈɡəʊ.ɪŋ/

Language Focus
 Useful expressions to describe people’s personalities

1) Questions:
 What + be + S + like?
 What kind of person + be + S?
 S + be + adj…
What is your new classmate like?
What kind of person is your new classmate?
She is very friendly and smart.
2) Get + Adj ...
Example: She gets angry easily.

3) Have the same + Noun as …

Have a similar + Noun to ...
She has the same hobbies as me, so we enjoy being together a lot.
She has a similar personality to me, and we get on well together.

Find someone/something + Adj

He has a lot of things to talk about. Everyone finds him interesting.

3. Face-to-face class materials

Warm-up: Astrology Chart
Read the Astrology Chart. Then answer the questions below.

 When is your birthday? What is your star sign?
 What are your characteristics?


“My birthday is July 7, so I’m a Cancer. I’m creative, but I don’t think I’m lazy.”
Activity 1: What star sign are you?
Work in groups. Which star sign does these things? Discuss your ideas.

Enjoy working long hours Make people laugh Like to help people

Like to try new things Avoid making mistakes Doesn’t like to work

Talk too much Like to keep things tidy and Like to tell jokes
in order

Have a lot of new ideas Lend other people money Talk to other people in a relaxing

“A Capricorn enjoys working long hours but doesn’t like talking too much because his/her
characteristics are hardworking and quiet.”

Activity 2: Interview
- Work in pairs.
- Student A looks at card A on this page. Student B looks at card B in Activity File page 80.
- Ask and answer the questions about your habits.
Card A

1. How fast do you usually walk?

 fast  average speed  slowly

2. What do you prefer to wear?

 the latest fashion  clothes that are always in style  whatever’s comfortable

3. What do you prefer to do in your free time?

 read a book  watch TV at home  go dancing with friends

4. What kind of special event do you prefer?

 a crowded party  a small gathering  a dinner with one person

5. When do you arrive for an appointment?

 early  on time  late

6. How does your bedroom look?

 very neat  a little messy  very messy

Activity 3: Report the interview

- Work in pairs.
- Look at your partner’s interview answers.
- Use these words to describe your partner’s personalities.
active laid-back neat organized relaxed
disorganized messy nervous outgoing shy


I think you’re laid-back but a I agree that I am a little laid-back

little disorganized. Am I right? but I’m really very organized.

Activity 4: Free talk

Prepare a short talk about your personalities. Present your talk in front of the class.

Warm-up: What are your friends like?

A. Listen to Matt and Diane talking about six of their friends. When you hear a “beep”, write the
missing word you think they say.

B. Listen again and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

1. Alex is always _____ and making people _____.

2. Randy will try anything. He _____ mountains, goes surfing, _____, jumps out of _____ with a
3. Kelly is always _____ and _____ things.
4. Chris is _____, can solve all kinds of _____. He’s a wonderful painter.
5. When Megan decides to do something, she won’t _____.
6. Sam is not very _____, watches too much TV, doesn’t _____.
C. Which adjectives describe your friends? Think of 3 of your friends and describe them using
these adjectives.
Sample: “Quang is funny but he is a little stubborn.”

Activity 1: What does a good friend always do?

- Tick five most important things and add two more ideas below.
- Compare your answer with your partner.
Student A: I think a good friend encourages you. My friend, Mary always does that….
Student B: Sure. I want a good friend to keep all my secrets, too.

Activity 2: What does a good friend never do?

- Tick the things you agree with and add two more ideas below.
- Share the ideas with the class.

Activity 3: Free talk

Work individually. Talk about your best friend.
Suggested questions:
- Who is he/she?
- When or how did you meet?
- What is he/she like?
- What do you learn from him/her?
- Why is he/she your best friend?
5. Students’ self-assessment
Look at the objectives specified at the beginning of the unit and write down what you have (not)
achieved and what you need to do to improve your English.
I can I still cannot I need to

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