Emcees Script

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Rejay: *roll call* In order for us to determine the sequence or arrangement of the presenters.

Let us have a draw lots. *Instruct them to their assigned seats*

Sherilyn: We advise everyone to go and sit to their assigned places for we shall start in a few
Rejay: Oh! I can see familiar faces that can impart us an essential and life-changing
Sherilyn: I can also see the excitement on our presenters’ eyes, seems like everybody is
waiting for this research forum to happen so they can proudly present their labored theses.
Rejay: And because of that, we will start in 2 minutes. Presenters assure that you are in your
assigned seats so we can have a smooth sailing forum.

Roll call
Remind everyone to wear their masks for safety.

Rejay: Research is a tool for expanding one's knowledge and making learning easier. It is a
way to better understand problems and raise public awareness. It aids our business success.
Also, understanding and decision-making are improved through conducting research. It is the
most important instrument for comprehending the nuances of an issue, disapproving lies,
upholding truth, and building on to generate dependable and real information. Human
progress is fueled by research. Curiosity fuels it: we get enthralled, ask questions, and
indulge ourselves in learning everything we can. Learning is on the rise. Without curiosity and
research, progress would come to a halt, and our lives would be significantly different.
Sherilyn: Research touches lives in myriad ways. Conducting it may be a pain in the head, but
its results pay off in the end. Today we make history happen as we conduct our research
forum; it is an avenue wherein we can see the overview of 4 th year students’ research
highlighting current academic debates and social issues.
Rejay: Good morning! Welcome to our Research Forum with the theme, DIG DEEPER: A
Research Forum Featuring the Outgoing Breed of BAPOS Researchers.
Sherilyn: But before we formally start our program, let us first have our opening prayer to be
led by Mr. Ronald Almarez, to be followed by our National Anthem and DMMMSU Hymn
through visual presentations prepared by the Technical Committee of Bachelor of Arts in
Political Science 2-A.
Rejay: You may take your seats. To formally open today’s Research Forum, may we call on
the seed and root or the woman behind this program, Dr. Maria Luisa Arnobit. Let us give her
a warm of applause.
Sherilyn: Thank you for your heartfelt and warm opening message, ma’am. To present us our
juries or panelists, may we call on Mr. Ariz Cervantes and Ms. Jena Guerrero to formally
introduce them.
Ariz and Jena: *Introduction/presentation of Panelist*
Crissha & Hannah: To make this event successful, please be guideD by our Research Forum
Rejay: To complete the members for our boat to sail, may we call on Mr. Jeremy Andrada and
Ms. Gracille Florida to preset to us our researchers.
Sherilyn: All set, brace yourselves and we shall proceed. Earlier we had draw lots to
determine the sequence of our presenters, the group who had picked number 1 will present
first and shall be systematically followed by the others.
Rejay: Thank you, researchers! That was intense!
Sherilyn: I agree, but it is such a relief to see our presenters smiling now.
Rejay: Now the tough decision is in the hands of our juries. Let us wait for a few minutes for
the results.

Ask presenters how they feel
Remind everyone to wear their masks for safety

Rejay: Results are in. To award certificates, may we call on Mr. Draizen Garcia.
Draizen: Allow me to the text, certificate of Participation/Appreciation is given to… (READ
Draizen: To all our researchers, Congratulations! May you continue to work and put your
hearts in conducting research for the betterment of our society. You are our role models in
conducting such. Let us give them around of applause for their hard work and perseverance.
Among the 8 groups, 1 stood out. (AWARD THE BEST THESIS AWARD)
Sherilyn: Congratulations! May we request the best thesis awardee to come forward for a
short word of gratitude. Thank you!
Rejay: To seal this Research Forum, let us call on the Dean of College of Arts and Sciences,
Dr. Harwell Norman M. Mendoza, for his closing remarks.
Sherilyn: Thank you everyone! I am Sherilyn Balanay
Rejay: and I am Rejay Abel.
She/Rejay: Signing off!

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