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27th June 2011

Nearly half way through the first year of school!! Specialist Timetable 1A, 1B & 1C We have had such an exciting term with our Wild Action visit and watching our butterfly chrysalises, Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Performing Japanese P.E. Art Library waiting for them to hatch. Arts Please remember to keep an eye on our website for P.E. P.E. updates in what we are doing in the rooms and also ways you can help at home. An Irresistible visit tinternvale-level1 On Friday the 17th of June two former We hope you all have a safe and happy break. kinder teachers, Donna and Sherry, visThanks, ited the Prep rooms. Donna and Sherry are very highly regarded in the Katherine, Meg and Hayley
Early Years Education community. They run a website and Educational Blog Classroom Teaching Strategies called Irresistible Ideas for Play-based In any of the Prep rooms you may often find some spelling misLearning, they also run workshops for takes!! To teach the children to spell words at this stage we en- teachers on developing play based procourage the children to sound the words out. Obviously this does- grams and speak regularly at conferences and to university students studynt work for all words in our English language, and often some sounds are harder to hear than others in words. Rather than dis- ing to be Early Years Educators. They couraging the children and telling them they are wrong we encour- have started an Educational Directory age all their attempts at spelling words phonetically. At times we for parents and teachers to find schools and Preschools who implement will demonstrate this with the children doing the sounding out, and play based programs. Tinternvale is the teacher writing the sounds they hear on the whiteboard. Oflucky enough to have been included in ten when children are close at spelling the whole word we will tell this Directory and will be featured on them the correct spelling, or include it in their word book. their website. This is such a great honour. Please check it out at http:// The children now each have a set of Golden, tinternvale-primary-school/


Magic Words

Please remember to send your child with Brainfood (cut fruit, vegies, or cheese, but no nuts please) and a bottle of water. We request that you only send bottles with water, as other things such as cordial, are sticky if spilt and also do not offer the same health benefits that water can. Thanks for your assistance.

Red and Blue words. Green words will also be sent home before the holidays. We would really like you to continue practising each set of words at home. If you feel your child is not yet ready to start a new set of words that have been sent home, do not hesitate to put the new set aside until you think it is appropriate to begin learning them. If you are unsure, please see your childs teacher. Also remember if you are looking for some new ways to learn these words please check the website.

Late to School
It is most important that children arrive for the start of school by 9 oclock . The beginning of our day includes all the important tuning in to the learning for the day. This explicit instruction about what will take place throughout the day comforts the children and prepares them for their day. Children who miss out on this part of the day can often feel unsure as to what is expected of them and it generally leads to them feeling uneasy about the whole day. Staff are on duty in the yard from 8:45am to supervise the children. So please ensure your children arrive on time so it is a positive day for all.

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