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DOI Number: 10.5958/0973-9130.2018.00217.

Evaluation of Nurses’ Commitment to

Ethical Codes in Patients Care

Dergham Majeed Hameed1, Sameer Razzaq Oleiwi2, Ali Hussein Ali Aldakheel3
Assistant Professor, 2Instructor, 3Assistant Instructor, University of Al Muthanna, Iraq_Al Muthanna City


Background: Nurses are faced daily with different and difficult issues and dilemmas in clinical practices
which need fast and accurate decision making. Ethics provides a set of standards for behavior that helps us
decide how we ought to act in a range of situations. This study aims to: Evaluate the nurses’ commitment
to codes of ethics. Determine the relationship between Nurses demographic characteristics and their
commitment to codes of ethics. Method: A descriptive design has been carried out to evaluate nurse’s
commitment toward nursing ethics in Al-Hussein Hospital on 100 staff nurses. Self-report questionnaire
was used to collect data from participants. The questionnaire consists of two main parts as follows: part one;
socio-demographic characteristics sheet which is consist of (5) items, Part two; consists of 38 questions to
evaluate nurse’s commitment toward nursing ethics. Results showed that participated nurses had moderate
commitment to codes of ethics. Conclusion: nurses’ needs frequent training to enforce their commitment
and attitudes toward nursing ethics control. Recommendations Create a code of ethics for Iraqian nurses to
suit the Iraqian culture.

Keywords: Ethics, code of ethics, decision making models, nursing practice.

Introduction latin statement “mores. “ (signifying “traditions”)

. Ethics would the planned examination under

Nurses are faced daily with different and difficult principles from claiming beneficial and terrible direct,
issues and dilemmas in clinical practices which need for uprightness and awful habit, and about great Also
fast and accurate decision making. There are many clever Concerning illustration they recognizing for lead
changes in nursing profession overtime which need Also human thriving, those ability to a chance to be
different decisions; some of them are ethical decisions. moral, will decide, What’s more on go about clinched
But despite these changes nurses still have stable alongside a ethically legitimized (3).
expressions, applications, commitments of nursing, and
central ethical values based on codes of ethics (1). Ethics Ethics provides for a strategy about measures
is tied in with making “right” or “great” decisions and should lead that urges us to lift how we ought to act
the reasons that we give for our decisions and activities. On a degree from claiming states. You quit offering on
Morals advances intelligent practice in the conveyance that one might state, we might state that morals need
of human services (1). aid all for admiration to settling looking into choices,
Also around providing for reasons the reason we ought
The term ethics may be gotten from the Greek further bolstering settle on these decisions. Morals
expressions “ethos” (signifying “character”) and the are a part of the occasion when conflated or blended
dependent upon to Different methodologies to settling
for choices, including religion, theory alternately good
Corresponding author:
personal satisfaction. Different religions propel moral
Dr. Dergham Majeed Hameed
key activity yet don’t to the mossycup oak part deliver
Assistant Professor, PHD degree in Nursing science
the full degree of the beneficial decisions that we face. A
AL Muthanna University, Iraq_ Al Muthanna City
respectable strategy for theory ought further bolstering
a chance to be moral, make that Likewise it may, the
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2018, Vol. 12, No. 4 161

theory might bring a troublesomeness occasion when Objectives

orchestrating or sanctioning measures On a few essential
domains. , and Possibly move back to address new 1. Evaluate the nurses’ commitment to codes of
issues. Both law Furthermore ethics manage appeal ethics.
about how we ought to live independently with others, 2. Determine the relationship between Nurses
nonetheless, morals would throughout in such as way demographic characteristics and their commitment to
thought with apply to how people demonstration in spite codes of ethics.
of At others would excluded. (4).
The standard based way to deal with morals joins
components of both utilitarian and deontological A descriptive design has been carried out to evaluate
hypotheses and offers particular activity guides for nurse’s commitment toward nursing ethics in Al-Hussein
training. The Beau-champ and Childless standard Hospital. The study was initiated from January, 2018 to
based way to deal with bioethics recognizes four April, 2018. 100 staff nurses are selected for the present
key standards: self-rule, non-perniciousness, value, study with probability systemic random sampling
and equity. Numerous attendants include devotion, technique. Self-report Questionnaire might have been
veracity, responsibility, security, and classification used to gather information from. participants. The
to this rundown since they assume a focal part in the questionnaire consists of two main parts as follows: part
convention of nursing (and therapeutic) morals and one; socio-demographic characteristics sheet which is
guide the conduct of medicinal services experts toward consist of (5) items, they include age, gender, education
patients and their families (5). level for nurses, and unit\ward. Part two; consists of
38 questions to evaluate nurse’s commitment toward
Medical caretakers focused on excellent care nursing ethics and scored as follow Yes=3, I don’t
construct their training with respect to proficient know=2, No=1.
principles of moral direct. How do medical attendants
take in the guidelines for proficient moral conduct? In The questionnaire validity and reliability was done
any event, medical caretakers ought to distinguish and and necessary modifications done accordingly. The
build up the basic components of moral office, develop validity tested through a committee consists of five of
the ideals of nursing, comprehend moral hypotheses that experts in nursing field. Reliability was done by inter
direct and legitimize proficient lead, and be acquainted rater method, calculation was done by kappa correlation
with bioethical models for proficient nursing conduct (6). formula and the reliability coefficient of the tool was
70% and this consider reliable.
According to the American Nurses Association
(2001), people who progress toward becoming medical Data analysis was done by using descriptive and
caretakers are depended upon not solely to hold quick inferential statistics.
to the moral measures of the calling yet, moreover, to
A pilot study was conducted on (10) staff nurses
clutch them as a component of being a specialist. The
in Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital to ensure the clarity
ethical tradition of nursing is self-astute, persevering,
of the tool; they were from another unit differ from
and unmistakable. A code of morals is an arrangement
sampling units.
of rules that mirror the essential objectives, qualities,
and commitments of the calling (7).
162 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2018, Vol. 12, No. 4


Table (1): Conveyance from claiming nurture agreeing their demographic aspects.

Socio-demographic Groups Freq. Percent

19< 25 27 27

25<30 30 30

30<35 26 26

Age Groups 35<40 7 7

40<45 5 5

45<50 3 3

More than 50 2 2

Mean ± SD 30.8 ± 8.7 yrs.

Female 55 55
Male 45 45

Nursing school 71 71

Level of Education Nursing institute 26 26

university 3 3

Medical unit 23 23

Surgical unit 19 19

Unit of work Burn unit 19 19

ICU 15 15

Operating room 24 24

Table (1) show that (30%) of the study sample are within age group (25-30) years old, regarding of gender the
result of study show that more than half of the study sample (55%) are females. Also the study results show the
majority of study (71.0%) is graduated from nursing school. Less than twentieth of them (18.0%) work in medical

Table (2): Nurses’ Commitment to code of ethics

Low moderate High

Commitment to code of ethics
Overall Mean
No % No % No %

Toward patients 20 20 65 65 15 15 2.51

Toward hospital policy 40 40 50 50 10 10


Table (2) shows that the Mean of scores of the nurses’ commitment toward nursing ethics. It reveals that more
than half of nurses reflect a moderate patients’ care. In addition the same table shows that half of nurses reflect a
moderate commitment to codes of ethics regarding hospital policy.
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2018, Vol. 12, No. 4 163

Table (3): Association between Sample Socio-Demographical Characteristics with their Overall
Commitment to code of ethics

Main Domain Demographic characteristics C.S.(*)

Age Groups 0.77 NS

Gender 0.95 NS
Level of Education 0.29 NS

Setting of Unit 0.08 NS

HS : Highly Significant at P<0.01 ; S : Significant at P<0.05 ; NS : Non Significant at P>0.05;

C.S=correlation significant
result was in accordance with Negarandeh etal (2005)
Discussion as they found in their qualitative study that the medical
attendants distinguished “absence of code of morals” as
Therapeutic attendants are ever-progressively a hindrance to persistent support in Iran (11).
confronted with complex worries Previously, their
preparing. Codes for ethics would the vital heading for As regards for the relationship between the
nursing the same amount. of different callings. Medical demographic characteristics of nurses and their
caretakers are mindful to give their customers/patients commitment to codes of ethics there were no relations
with the fantastic care. They are point of fact went up with any of the characteristics. This may be due to
against various good challenges in their master rehearse, numerous medical caretakers do consider the code of
so they should be OK with ethic understood principles expert morals when looked with moral issues, yet don’t
and the essentials of good fundamental administration follow up on it. Much of the time, they don’t have the
. power and support to respond as per the code, and here
and there they basically don’t recognize what to do.
The results of this study revealed that the mean age
of the studied subjects was 30.8 ± 8.7 yrs. As for the This outcome was as per Bijani etal 2017, as they
overall commitment to ethical codes toward patients found no huge contrasts between the normal scores of
it can be observed that nurses demonstrate moderate nursing understudies and expert medical caretakers with
commitment toward patients as they demonstrate respect to their adherence to moral codes identified with
fairness to the wellbeing and development of all patients clinical administration arrangement and they meaning
when they convey mind, for instance, among the that the nursing understudies clung to these moral codes
patients in the gathering of patients that they are dealing more than the working attendants (12).
with. Care was reasonably, legitimately, and impartially
conveyed among a gathering of patients.
The findings of this study shed light on the
This result was in disagreement with Borhani
commitment of nurses towards codes of ethics. This
(2009) and Hassanpour (2011) as they have demonstrated
study has shown that participated nurses had moderate
attendants’ shortcomings in the information of morals
commitment to codes of ethics.
and its application practically speaking in Iran (9,10).
Regarding the overall commitment to ethical codes
toward hospital policy half of studied nurses have Design training programs for nurses about codes of
moderate commitment toward hospital policy as they ethics to improve nursing profession.
provide concerns to apply the hospital policy regardless
apply balance between patients’ rights and the policy; Create a code of ethics for Iraqi nurses to suit the
this may be results from difficulty in application of some Iraqi culture.
of codes as it inconsistent with the culture of Iraq. This
164 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2018, Vol. 12, No. 4

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