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Building Information

S.N. Particulars Information

1 Name Arbinsgate 2

2 Vacancy -

3 Yearly Rent 8167843.82 NOK

4 No. of Floors 7

5 No. of Parking -

6 Built Date 1897-01-21T18:15:00.000Z

7 Company Arbinsgate 2 AS

8 Insurance Company Gjensidige

9 Acquired Year 2017-12-05

10 GNR 209

11 BNR 2

12 Energy Marking E

13 Bream Status -

14 Last Renovated Date 1990

Top Tenants List

Total Common Common Deposit

S.N. Tenant Price/Year Price/M2
Area Cost Cost/M2 Amount

1 Estlands Ambassade 367 1442171 3930 175000 477 0

2 Styrmand AS 367 1281626 3492 160001 436 170001

U S Norway Fulbright Foundation

3 328 1131600 6900 159998 976 0
For Educational Exchange

4 Spanias Ambassade 308 1016400 3300 160500 521 0

5 221 754666 3415 110000 498 414125

6 Embassy of Peru 203 700466 3451 110000 542 177625

7 Turkish Airlines Inc 203 654588 3225 87649 432 0

American Chamber of Commerce

8 141 482439 3422 74999 532 126900
in Norway

The Swedish Trade and Invest

9 82 309340 3772 52308 638 0

Business Sweden Business

10 82 274501 3348 45000 549 0
Support Office Norway

11 Psykolog Siri Sørlie 26 120048 4617 15000 577 66556

SUM 2328 8167845 42872 1150455 6178 955207

Active Contract List of Tenants

Debit Start Total Common

S.N. Contract Contract Unit Tenant Type End Date Price/Year
Account Date Area Cost

Leie 5. etg, American Chamber of Commerce

1 EY9792 180947 Office 2018-04-01 2023-01-31 141 482 439 0
141 m² leie in Norway

À konto
felleskostnader American Chamber of Commerce
2 EY9792 180947 Office 2018-04-01 2023-01-31 141 74 999 74 999
for Leie 5. etg, in Norway
141 m²

Leie kontor
3 WL6514 Embassy of Peru 181003 Office 2018-02-01 2023-12-31 203 700 466 0
203 m² leie

À konto
4 WL6514 Embassy of Peru 181003 Office 2018-02-01 2023-12-31 203 110 000 110 000
for Leie kontor
203 m²

Leie kontor 1.
5 PQ3587 Psykolog Siri Sørlie 181333 Office 2018-10-01 2023-09-30 26 120 048 0
etg, 26 m² leie

À konto
6 PQ3587 Psykolog Siri Sørlie 181333 Office 2018-10-01 2023-09-30 26 15 000 15 000
for Leie kontor
1. etg, 26 m²

Leie 6. etg,
7 SX6542 Styrmand AS 180931 Office 2020-11-13 2030-11-12 367 1 281 626 0
367 m² leie

À konto
8 SX6542 Styrmand AS 180931 Office 2020-11-13 2030-11-12 367 160 001 160 001
for Leie 6. etg,
367 m²

Office leie
9 OK3230 Estlands Ambassade 183468 Office 2020-10-01 2031-02-28 367 1 442 171 0
367m² leie

À konto
10 OK3230 Estlands Ambassade 183468 Office 2020-10-01 2031-02-28 367 175 000 175 000
for Office leie

Leie 4. etg 82 The Swedish Trade and Invest

11 FG5434 180929 Office 2021-01-01 2023-12-31 82 309 340 0
m² leie Council

À konto
felleskostnader The Swedish Trade and Invest
12 FG5434 180929 Office 2021-01-01 2023-12-31 82 52 308 52 308
for Leie 4. etg Council
82 m²

Office leie 82 Business Sweden Business

13 PR1992 183798 Office 2021-01-01 2023-12-31 82 274 501 0
m² leie Support Office Norway

À konto
felleskostnader Business Sweden Business
14 PR1992 183798 Office 2021-01-01 2023-12-31 82 45 000 45 000
for Office leie Support Office Norway
82 m²

Husleie utenfor
15 WE0330 avg. område 106796 Office 2021-08-01 2023-02-28 221 754 666 0

À konto
16 WE0330 for Husleie 106796 Office 2021-08-01 2023-02-28 221 110 000 110 000
utenfor avg.

Leie 1. etg./U.
17 RQ0606 etg, 308 m², fk Spanias Ambassade 180932 Office 2021-12-01 2026-11-30 308 1 016 400 0
inkludert rent

Common costs
for Leie 1.
18 RQ0606 etg./U. etg, Spanias Ambassade 180932 Office 2021-12-01 2026-11-30 308 160 500 160 500
308 m², fk

Kontor 3. etg
19 EB4017 Turkish Airlines Inc 184365 Office 2022-01-01 2024-12-31 203 654 588 0
Common costs
20 EB4017 for Kontor 3. Turkish Airlines Inc 184365 Office 2022-01-01 2024-12-31 203 87 649 87 649

Discount for
21 EB4017 Kontor 3. etg Turkish Airlines Inc 184365 Office 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 203 -60 001 0

Common costs U S Norway Fulbright Foundation

22 JB2534 180928 Office 2022-04-01 2027-03-31 164 79 999 79 999
for Leie kontor For Educational Exchange

Leie kontor U S Norway Fulbright Foundation

23 JB2534 180928 Office 2022-04-01 2027-03-31 164 565 800 0
rent For Educational Exchange

Common costs U S Norway Fulbright Foundation

24 BM0684 180928 Office 2022-04-01 2027-03-31 164 79 999 79 999
for Leie kontor For Educational Exchange

Leie kontor U S Norway Fulbright Foundation

25 BM0684 180928 Office 2022-04-01 2027-03-31 164 565 800 0
rent For Educational Exchange

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