Exercise 5 (Phylum Mollusca)

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Class: Bivalvia/ Pelecypoda

Scientific name: Perna Viridis
Common name: Asian Green mussel

Class: Cephalopoda
Scientific name: Lollinguncula brevis
Common name: Atlantic brief squid
Class: Gastropoda
Scientific name: Bithynia tentaculata
Common name: Faucet snail

Class: Cephalopoda
Scientific name: Octopus Vulgaris
Common name: common octopus

Give all the characteristics that make this phylum different from the

- These are the following characteristics that may distinguish the

phylum Mollusca: (1) they are bilaterally symmetrical; (2) their bodies
have more than two cell layers, tissues, and organs; (3) absent of
different cavities; (4) body possesses a through the gut with mouth
and anus; (5) and has body monomeric and highly variable in form,
may possess a dorsal or lateral shell of protein and calcareous

Differentiate all the classes comprising the phylum Mollusca.

- Aplacophora or Solenogasters - The body is cylindrical or bilaterally

symmetrical. Monoplacophora - The body is bilaterally symmetrical.
Polyplacophora - Their body is dorsoventrally flattened like a leaf, and
is bilaterally symmetrical. Gastropoda - They are found either on land
or in fresh and marine water. Scaphopoda - The eyes and tentacles
are absent. Pelecypoda - They usually burrow in mud and sand.
Cephalopoda - The shell is either external, internal, or not present at

What are the economic values of the phylum Mollusca?

- Mollusca plays a significant role in ecosystems and food chains in

general. Numerous gastropods, bivalves, and cephalopods are key
components of many nations' fishing businesses since they provide a
source of food for various cultures.
How do you differentiate a squid from an octopus?

- Squids have eight arms and two larger tentacles that they utilize to
catch fish and shrimp in open ocean waters while octopuses have
eight arms wrapped in suckers. Since their arms are more flexible
than squid's, octopuses can walk, handle objects, and control their


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