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For everyone to be well guided as a responsible part of the class, the following
guidelines and policies will be applied in class. This is to ensure that the learning
process will take place with respect and understanding with each other’s roles and
1. Always attend your online class on time. Sync meetings are certain except for
emergencies and holidays.
2. Wear proper attire. Note that this is still a classroom setting. Choose a good
location in attending your class.
3. Mute yourself if the host is speaking or if you experience unavoidable
background noise.
4. During discussion meetings it is recommended that you turn ON your video
camera to validate your attendance.
5. Give your full, focused attention. Take down notes and participate in class
6. When you have a question or comment, use the “Raise your Hand” button that
can be found in the window that pops up when you click on Participants in the
bottom menu. Wait to be acknowledged by the teacher before unmuting yourself
to speak.
7. Do not abuse the chat box. It can be a helpful resource or a major distraction.
8. Keep all your assignments done only in CANVAS. Be aware with the dates of
9. Check your CANVAS home page regularly for new announcements or
notifications of your graded tasks.
10. Be professional by understanding data privacy and information sharing.
11. Notify your professor or the class president by sending an excuse letter, medical
certificate, power failure notifications, internet disconnection notice or any valid
excuse information of your absence. Be responsible to connect with your
classmates on assignments that you missed and make necessary adjustments.
12. Join the class group chat on messenger for your academic concerns. Be
reminded that GC will be used as a venue to inform, clarify, announce, and
update. Use your personal messenger account on other matters that do not
relate to the course subject.
13. If you have important concern channel it to the class beadle who will be
responsible in handling all the concerns of his/her classmates and this will be
relayed to the professor. Therefore, please vote for a responsible, mature,
trustworthy, and consistent beadle who is gifted with self- management skills to
handle others.
14. If in case you decide not to attend the class anymore, please notify your
professor by sending a note of authorized withdrawal of the subject.
15. Feedbacks after each module are welcome.
I Ronuel Kelly L. Lacsina of CE-307 (4638) affixed my signature after reading this social
contract indicating that I fully have understood each part. My affixed signature also
signifies my pledge to responsibly follow each guideline/policy set forth by this contract.

_____Lacsina, Ronuel Kelly L._____

Signature over Printed Name
Date Signed: __January 14, 2022__

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