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Fulvio Taiariol, Patrizia Fea, and Claudio Papuzza

Telecom Italia Lab S.p.a.
274, Via Reiss Romoli - 10148 Torino (Italy)

Albert0 Ramella
Environmental Engineering - Politecnico di Torho
24, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi - Torino (Italy)


The aim of this study is to apply the LCA The Telecom Italia S.p.a. is the most important
methodology to a -TLC service. The automatic telecommunication (TLC) operator in Italy for futed
answering and messages storage service for the network. The action for improve their environmental
fixed network has been chosen as a case study performances are shown in the “Annual
because of its large utilization. Two different Environmental Report” [l]. In order to evaluate the
systems, providing the same service to the users, environmental impact of a TLC service in this job the
have been studied. The environmental impact of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology [2]
the ‘kentralized answering machine” system and [3][4] has been applied.
the “home answering machine” have been LCA analysis is, in fact, a useful tool to evaluate
evaluated and compared. the environmental impact of a product or process and
The environmental impacts of the answering allow to individuate and choose the best
and message storing service are mainly generated environmental friendly ones.
in the production of the apparatus supplying the In order to use LCA methodology for study a
service and their use phases. telecommunication service it is important to divide
In the use of LCA methodology application to and reduce the service in elementary part based on the
this service, several problem, like the functional electronic equipment necessary to provide it [5], and
unit and the boundary cuts, have to be solved. hence apply LCA to these electronicequipment.
TLC system are multi-services provider, the The automatic answering and messages storage
allocation of the energy, materials and waste to service for fvred network has been chosen as a case
one specific service have to be properly managed. study because of its large utilization. Centralized and
The detailed study of components and material home “answering machine” have been evaluated and
balance was done to perform the LCA. The compared from an environmental point of view.
inventory data was obtained from: commercial
data base (where available), specialized literature II CENTRALIZED AND HOME ANSWERING
and data sheet and direct experimental data. MACHINE SYSTEMS
The study allow to quantify the decrease in the
environmental impact for the centralized solution The main goal of the service is to store phone
in ordered of magnitude. messages and allow the users to pIay they later.
It is also shown that after very few years the In Fig. 1 and in Fig. 2 the home answering
use phase of the service become more important in machine system named “ Memovox ” [6] and
the environmental impact than the production centralized answering machine system named ARAM
phase. (Apparato Registrazione Ascolto Messaggi) [7] are
shown respectively. Memovox apparatus are
distributed to the customers by the Telecom Italia

0-7803-6655-7/01/$10.00 02001 IEEE 273
S.p.a. while ARAM systems are located in the main III LCA METHODOLOGY APPLIED TO
Telephonic Exchange Centers in Italy. THE SERVICE

All the TLC services, including the automatic

answering and messages storage, use electronic
equipment and infrastructures; the environmental
impacts are mainly related to their manufacturing and
use phases.
LCA methodology require an appropriate
boundary definition of the analyzed system. It is very
important to define properly the allocations of all the
resources involved to supply a particular service.
Both Memovox and ARAM equipment are
integrated in a pre-existing telephone network
system. The Memovox function is implemented in a
standard home telephone equipment by variations in
the electronic circuits. The ARAM system is
implemented as an electronic equipment located in a
Switching Exchange site and linked to the TLC fixed
I network.
Fig. 1 - The MEMOVOX home answering machine The systems studied were only the parts of the
apparatus. equipment strictly related to the service. The
infrastructures related to the vocal telephone service
are excluded.
It is important to observe that the environmental
impact of these type of service is mainly due to the
service availability for the users, and not to the
number of the use of it. In particular the impact is
due to the fact that is possible to storage messages
and not to the number of messages recorded.
The functional unit useful for LCA analysis is:
“The provision of the service to a single user”.


The two main environmental impacts of the

service are generated in the (a) equipment
manufactory and in their (b) use phases.

equipment. (a) equipment manufactory

In the Memovox, messages are recorded in a LCA analysis has been performed on the materials
Random Access Memory integrated circuit, located utilized to manufacture the equipment throw the their
on a printed wire board (PWB). mass balance.
The ARAM system is formed by several racks The home answering machine, Memovox, is
equipped with PWBs and the messages are stored in based on the most diffused telephone equipment in
Hard Disk units. Italy, Sirio 2000 (Fig. 3), manufactured by Siemens
The ARAM system studied provide services for and Alcatel and distributed by Telecom Italia S.p.a
100000 users. The choose of Memovox is due to its e large
The similarity of the two version of the service, difhsion, compared with several other commercial
about 15 messages of 90 seconds recorded, allow answering machine, and because the service provide
easily to compare quantitatively the environmental is similar to that of the ARAM.
impact of the two systems.

In the hard disc magnets a large quantity of
neodymium (Nd) was also found.

Fig. 3 SIRIO 2000 telephone equipment

Memovox equipment is used as an answering Fig. 4 - Magnetic disc cross section

machine as well as a standard telephone.
It is difficult to identify properly the electronic The mass balance data for Memovox, Sirio 2000
devices supporting the “answering and storing” and AR4M are compared in Tab. 1.
h c t i o n in the Memovox to perform the relative
mass balance. This problem has been overcome (b) the use phase of service
calculating the difference in mass balance between
Memovox and Sirio 2000. The environmental impact in the use phase is
To analyzed PWBs in details all the electronic related to the electrical energy consumption necessary
components have been disassembled completely and to provide the service.
pin, case, packaging etc. were dismounted, separated Direct measurement has been performed on the
and a quali-quantitative analysis was performed. equipment during their normally use phase.
Data sheets, data base, scientific papers (from [8] In Memovox an external 220 Volts electrical
to [151 ) are use to obtain information about material transformer (Output:9.5 V DC - 300 mA - 2.85 W
present in the devices. If data are not available direct Max) supply the energy. In order to guarantee the
analysis were performed (analytical balance, service continuity the transformer in always in the on
metallography, SEM, X-ray microanalysis, IR state and dissipate about 1.92 Watt. This energy
spectroscopy...) in order to get data. consumption is very large compared to that required
For instance data on multi layers ceramic to the electronic circuits, so the energy dissipated in
capacitors S M D (surface mounted devices), present in the transformer is taken as a service phase use energy.
the PWB, are obtained from literature information An alkaline 9 V battery is also present to give the
[8] [12] about their production technology. power supply continuity to the RAM memory. (This
The weight of iron and aluminum in the AR4M battery was also taken into account in the mass
racks was evaluated by geometrical consideration on balance).
technical draws [7]. The continuos power supply energy is also for
For the electronic part in ARAM P W s has been ARAh4 system the mainly consumption of electrical
weighted and literature data [9] [ l l ] about the energy necessary to provide the service in the use
average chemical composition for computer PWBs phase.
was applied. The measured value of this power is 16.85 kWatt
To obtain the mass balance, copper cables was almost completely transformed in heat dissipation.
dismounting in elementary parts and weighted. It is necessary do add an extra energy of 1/3 to
For the hard discs in ARAM no literature data was the previous one in order to taken into account the
found. One of it was completely disassembled and the cooling energy consumption.
X-ray microanalysis was performed. Total energy consumption of the centralized
In Fig. 4 SEM the disc surface photograph of service result in 22.47 kWatt.
the hard disc is shown.

I ~~ ~
Tin (Sn) I 5.21 I 2.6 I 479318 I
Iron (Fe) 173.76 4.06 1191700.86
Lead (Pb) 3.3 1.61 5275.16
Nickel (Ni) 0.25 0.05 2977.85
Zinc (Zn) 4.88 0.9 955.37
Aluminum (Al) 11.91 1.61 180706.82
Silver (Ag) 0.22 0.06 1684.182
Gold (Au) 0.02 0.01 143.242
Platinum (Pt) - - 4.86
Chromium (Cr) 0 0 97.218
Palladium (Pd) 0.07 0.01 23.027
Molybdenum (MO) - -
I 4.05

Cadmium (Cd) - - 0.044

Neodymium (Nd) - - 336.15
Silicon (Si) 0.33 0.16 -
Bromine (Br) 0.05 0.01 -
Ferrite (Fe304) 14.86 - -
Epoxy Resin 25.69 11.77 59190.93
Silica (SiOz) 4.17 1.01 -
Glass 10.28 11.64 -
Glass Fibers 43.89 20.06 126988.96
Sulfuric acid (H2S04) 3.28 0.42 -
Potassium hydroxide (KOH) 0.76 - -
Manganese oxide (MnOz) 14.77 - -
Aluminum oxide (A1203) 1.38 2.13 - ~

Antimony oxide (Sb203) 0.1 1 0.03 -

Tetrabrominebisphenol A (TBBPA) 11.19 5.1 1 183
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) 535.21 428.97 4000
Polyamide (PA) 4.7 - 33576.8
Polybutadiene (PBD) 5.76 0.74 -
Polyethylene (PE)
Polyester (PET)
Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) 0.59 11.29 -
Polystyrene (PS) 9.49 - 4723
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) 17.7 - 79091.82
Polyolefin flexible (POF)
Polyphenilene oxide (PPO)
Silicone 26.5 44.5 -
Carbon 1.37 - -

V DATA ELABORATION in which PA [W] is the electrical power and t [s ] the
lifetime of the equipment, estimated in the range of
In order to compare Memovox and ARAM it is 3 - 5 years.
important to refer data to the same functional unit. The ratio of MemovodARAM energy
Data from ARAM have to be divided by 100000 to consumption related to the electrical power is:
compare with the single user Memovox system. I RE= 25.8
The environmental load due to the materials (in
Mega Joule [MJ1 ) were evaluated using the I
Boustead model [16]. In Tab. 2 the environmental 2.5
load, EM,for Memovox, SIRIO 2000 and ARAM are
T 2
reported. For the home answering machine the 2 1.5
difference between Memovox system (telephone plus
answering machine) and S R I 0 2000 (only
telephone) give the irnpact related to answering and 5 0.5
messages storage service. 0


Fig.6 - Electrical power consumption in the use

phase, referred tofirnctional unit,for the two type G
the answering machine.

The total energy consumption, ET, for Memovox

and ARAM, is:

In Fig. 5 the higher environmental load of the

service provide by Memovox refer to the functional
unit is shown. In witch EM is a constant and EE is function of
The environmental total load ratio RT,between the
two environmental load, ET] for the Memovox and
E n for the ARAM is also a function of the lifetime
for the apparatus as shown in Fig. 7.
The environmental load related to the electricity
used become predominant after only one year of
The ratio RT converge rapidly to %. In fact RT at 3
years is 8.81 and at 5 years is 8.71.
In Tab. 3 are reported the percentage of
MEMOVOX ARAM environmental load related to the material
(production) at different time.
Fig. 5 -Material environmental load referred to
firnctional unitfor the two type of the answering Tab. 3 -Percentage of Environmental load afler 3

Fig.6 allow to compare the electrical power

consumption, referred to the functional unit, for the
two answering machine in the use phase of the Memovox I 4.54 I 2.77
service. AR4M 1.55 0.94
Boustead Model estimate In Italy 3.11 MJ of
energy are required to supply one MJ of an electrical
energy [16], so the total Energy, EE [MJI, is given by:





0 365 730 1095 1460 1825

Fig. 7 Environmental total load ratio of Memovox and ARAMsystem versus the use phase time

VI CONCLUSION [3]UNI/ISO 14040 - Milan, 1998

[4]UNI/ISO I4041 - Milan, 1999
The environmental impact of a [5]PHRAGMEN S. - Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Telecommunication service was evaluated applying of a videoconference versus physical
LCA methodology at the manufactory and use phases transportation - Telia TeleCom, Sweden
of the infrastructures supporting it. This methodology [6]ALCATEL - Apparecchio multtfirnzione
can easily applied to different types of TLC services. ME,UOVOX- “Manuale d’uso”- 1996
As a case study, the home (Memovox) and [7] COMWRSE TECHNOLOGY, Inc. - Apparato
centralized (ARAM) answering machine has been Trilogue Infinity ”ARAM” - manuale descrittivo -
compared referring to a single user. Comverse Network Systems, 1996
The environmental impact of the “home” version [8]CN ONLINE - What is an Multilayer Ceramic
is almost 10 time higher than the “centralized” one. Capacitor ? - 1999 (Internet: www.commodities-
In TLC service the manufactory and the use now .com/cnonline/sept~99/palladium/2.shtml)
phases have to be take into account to evaluate the [9] ERICHSEN H. - LCA of generic personal
total energy consumption. computer - Technical University of Denmark
The electrical energy during the use phase (DTU),1996
became the predominant environmental impact after [lo]LEGARTH J. B. - Recycling of electronic scrap
only a few years of the equipment lifetime. - Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 1993
[ll] PEDERSEN C. S. - Elektronik affald -
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 1993
[ 121 PHILIPS - S u ~ a c emount ceramic multiplayer
We wish to thank C. Cretier of Telecom Italia capacitors - Philips Passive Components, The
S.p.a, L. Gabnelli and V. Bemardini of Telecom Netherlands, 1999 (Internet:
Italia Lab S.p.a. for their assistance in the AR4h4 [13] PHILIPS - Chip resistor - Philips Passive
equipment study and R. Rolfo of of Telecom Italia Components, The Netherlands, 2000 (Internet:
Lab S.p.a. for providing Memovox and Sirio 2000 www
apparatus. [14] PHILIPS - Life cycle assessment of passive
REFERENCE components - Philips Passive Components, The
Netherlands, 1999 (Internet:
[ 11 Telecom Italia S.p.a - Environmental Report 2000 [15] ST MICROELECTRONICS - Chemical content
Milan, of semiconductorpackaging - 1998
[2] Life Cycle Assessment UNEP 1996 [ 161 BOUSTEAD Model and data base, version 4.2


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