Lesson Plan - Teaching Pronunciation

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Teaching day: Tues, March 22nd, 2022

Duration: 30 minutes
Level: Pre-intermediate
Class size: 40

I) Objective:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
A) Knowledge:
1) General knowledge
- Students (Ss) will know how to pronounce two sounds /θ/ and /ð/.
- Ss can distinguish between two sounds /θ/ and /ð/.
2) Language materials
a. Vocabulary
b. Grammar
c. Pronunciation
1 North /nɔːθ/
2 South /saʊθ/
3 Other /ˈʌðə(r)/
4 Thing /θɪŋ/
5 This /ðɪs/
6 That /ðæt/
7 There /ðeə(r)/
8 These /ðiːz/
9 Earth /ɜːθ/
10 Weather /ˈweðə(r)/
11 Think /θɪŋk/
B) Skills
- Integrated skills: Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing
*Focus on: Speaking skills.

II) Method and teaching aids

1. Methods
- Communicative Language Teaching Method (CLT) with PPP
2. Teaching aids
- LCD, laptop, power point file, handouts.
3. Course-book
- Prepare Level 3 (Student’s book), Cambridge.

III) Step of teaching

1. Greeting (1 minutes): Good afternoon, everyone. How is it going?
2. New lesson (24 minutes)
Stage Content
Teacher (T) Students (Ss)
1. Warm-up ⮚ Warm-up - Pay attention to ● Mouth
and lead-in - Starts the class by T’s instructions. ● Teeth
- Play the game. ● Thumb
(5 minutes) playing a game
“Head, shoulders, ● Think
knees” ● Breathe
- Tells students the ● Together
game’s rules:
+ Students will
watch the video
“Mouth, teeth and
thumb” once.
+ There are three
words that students
must describe
following the video.
+ When the video
starts again, both
students and
teacher will sing and
imitate it together.
- Gives students
other words and do
the same above.
⮚ Lead-in:
- Shows all the
game’s words again
related to the new
+ These are some
words containing
two sounds /θ/ and
/ð/ in the previous
+ Could you give me
other words
containing the
sounds /θ/ or /ð/.
2. - Shows the students Listen to T • North
Presentation the new words and Repeat after the T • South
the picture of that Know how to use • Other
(7 minutes)
word the words • Thing
- Explains the • This
meaning of the • That
words • There
- Teaches the students • These
how to say the • Earth
words • Weather
- Invites some • Think
students to repeat
the new words again
3. Practice (5 1. Task 1: Put the Do exercises 1.Listen to the
minutes) words sounds.
- Let the students Put the words in
listen to the sound the box
-Then have students into the correct
fill in the appropriate column.
word in the column
- Corrects the th
mistakes if there is /θ/ /ð/
-Then individually 2. Choose the
and class repeat the word
word whose underlined
2. Task 2: part is
-Delivers hand-outs pronounced
to students. differently
- Have students from the others.
choose the answer 1.
those best fits the a) thief
question b) theme
-Checks students' c) three
answers d) father
- Corrects the 2.
mistakes if there is a) thousand
any b) mother
c) thumb
d) theatre
a) heath
b) anthem
c) method
d) weather
a) that
b) than
c) there
d) wealthy
a) thirsty
b) author

c) together
d) anther
4. Production - Asks Ss to play an - Listen to T Sounds used in
(7 minutes) exercise called - Pay attention to exercise and
“Minimal Pair” the instructions game:
- Ss raise hands /θ/ and /ð/
- Gives instructions to do the exercise
about the exercise - Listen carefully
- Ss will listen to the to the rules
record twice times (2 - Ss practice to
lists of 6 pairs), then read sentences as
recognize 2 sounds fast as possible
/θ/ and /ð/ themself
- Does first as an
- Calls
s random Ss
to give the answer

- Asks individuals to
repeat pairs and the
whole class as well

- Attracts Ss’s
attention to play a
- The game: Tongue
- Gives Ss the rules
about this game

- There are 3
sentences and for
each sentence Ss
are able to listen to
the record 1 time
and practice on their
own for 30 seconds.
Ss have 6-7
seconds to read a
- At the end of the
game, T asks the
whole class to read
all 3 sentences.

- Gives some clues

for Ss to guess the
name of the game
5. - Ask students to read - Read all the
Consolidation loudly all the words words.
(1 minutes) they have just learned
5. Homework
- Practice to pronounce two sounds /θ/ and /ð/.




Date: 22 March 2022

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