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Dialogue 2.

(An operator ask for and give a

clarification abut Nyoman)

Operator          :             Hello, Bali

State Polytechnic here. May I help

Caller                :             Yes please.

Can I talk to Nyoman?


Operator          :             Excuse me.

Can you speak louder, please?

Caller                :             Can I talk to


Operator          :             What

Nyoman is it?
We have three Nyoman here

Caller                :             I am not


Operator          :             What

department does Nyoman belong to?


Caller                :             Can you say

that again?

Operator          :             What

department does Nyoman belong to?

Caller                :             Oh yes. He

belongs to the Tourism Department.

Operator          :             That’s

Nyoman Oka. Okay. Wait a moment
please. I’ll connect
you.  ……….

Caller                :             Thank you

Operator          :             Hello. I am

sorry. He is not in at the moment.

Caller                :             Okay. I’ll call

again later.

1.      Where does the operator work?

2.      How many Nyomans are there

in the office?

3.      Why does the operator want the

caller to repeat his words?

4.      Which Nyoman does the caller

want to talk to?
5.      Is the caller able to talk to
Nyoman that he wants to talk to?

Practice 1. (individual

Fill in the blanks with appropriate

words below!

Repeat                           mean  

catch                                       clarify 

Noisy                             slowly 

pardon                           fast

Mr. Roger is a good teacher, but he

speaks very …………………(1). I
often ask him to
speak ……………………. (2). I also
often ask him to……………. (3) if I
don’t ………….. (4) what he said. So
I say to him “Mr. Roger, I don’t
understand. Can you …………. (5)
that again?”. Or I just say “I beg your
…………… sir. Mr. Roger likes it
when a student ask him to
……………….(7). He says “I want to
make myslf………………(8). So don’t
be afraid to ask me if you don’t know
what I ……………..(9). Another
reason why I often ask him to repeat
his words is that the room is near the
street, so it is  very …………….(10)


Practice 2. (pair work)

X  :  Excuse me. Could you tell me

who the head of the Accounting
Department is, please?
Y  :  Certainly sir. He is  Mr. Suandi

X  :  I beg your pardon ? Mr. Yandi?

Y  :  No. Not Yandi but Suandi.

X  :  Sorry. It is noisy around here.

Hold similar dialogue by using the

clues below. Use different expression
you have learnt above.

1.      Sarjana/Sujana

2.      Yanti/Santi

3.      Marsih/Masih

4.      $ 15/$ 50
5.      19 km/90km

Practice 3. (pair work)

Look at the resume summaries

below. Student Y will take the part of
Bill Wingard, and student X will talk to
him about his business experience.
Then alternate roles using the other
resume summaries. Use this model.

X           :            could you tell me

what kind of business experience
you’ve had?

Y           :            My last position was

at ………………

X           :            And when was that

Y           :    …………………………….

X           :             Where was that?

Y           :      …………………………..

X           :            I see. And what did

you do there?

Y           :      …………………………..


a)      Name: Bill Wingard          


Employer: Texas Instruments          


Location: Houston, Texas

Date: 2005 – 2009

Responsibilities: Supervise staff

training program

b)      Name: Marilyn Price          

Employer: Ollivitti Business


Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Date: 2001- 2004

Responsibilities: prepare sale

c)      Name: Koji Takano         

Employer: RCA Corporation          

Location: Los Angeles, California

Date: 2008 – 2012

Responsibilities: Supervisor in
purchasing Dept.

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