Basic Commands

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Basic Commands

Basic Commands Formation Drills

Since Baden-Powell first introduced the concept in “Scouting for Boys”, Scout Troops have
always used specific formations to bring order and discipline to Troop Meetings. Most
commonly, a Troop “falls in” to the formation at the beginning and end of meetings and on
any occasion where special announcements are made.

However, many Scout Troops have forgotten the full utility of formations. In the past, there
were many different formation shapes, each with a different purpose for different situations.
Scouts were drilled in these formations, and had a lot of fun trying to make each formation
faster and neater than the one before.

There is a lot of benefit to these formation drills, and it would be good to bring them back to
more common use among Scout Troops. For one, drilling for quickness and neatness in
formations helps set the right tone and spirit of the Scout meetings. It’s very important to
establish a good Troop Culture. Formation drills can really help with that.

“Scouts do not like a sloppy formation, a sloppy camp, a sloppy club room, because it all
reflects upon them and a Scout takes pride in belonging to a crowd that has the appearance
and the reputation of being neat, efficient, and orderly.”

Daniel Carter Beard

“Smartness in uniform and correctness in detail seems a small matter to fuss about, but has its
value in the development of self-respect, and means an immense deal to the reputation of the
Movement among outsiders who judge by what they see”

Lord Baden Powell

This is very true. Sharp-looking and tight formations help each Scout to feel proud of the
group they belong to.

These drills also reinforce the chain-of-command. The Patrol Leader’s responsibility is
visually represented by the position he takes relative to the other members of his Patrol. The
same is true of the positions of the Assistant Patrol Leader, the Senior Patrol Leader, and the

Finally, formation drills are just fun to do! Every time I’ve seen one in action, the Scouts take
part enthusiastically. It really is a fun game to try quickly maneuvering between different

Basic Guidelines
Patrol Leaders should have a defined position for each formation. In formations where the
Scouts are arranged in front-to-back lines, the Patrol Leader is usually in the front. In
formations where the Scouts are in left-to-right lines, the P.L. is usually either in the farthest
position to the right, or he is standing out in front of his Patrol. Assistant Patrol Leaders
should always be either next in line by the Patrol Leader or should be the opposite end-cap of
the line.

In the past, the Scoutmaster mainly led the Patrols during the formations. This is a good
practice for formal occasions, but I believe it is important for the Senior Patrol Leader to be
in charge of drilling and training the Scouts in this matter.
Whoever leads the Troop in the formation obviously needs to be in front and visible.
Wherever he calls the formation, he needs to make sure make sure there is enough room to
accommodate the group.

There are several ways to call the formations. The first is by simply announcing them
verbally. If done this way, the commands need to be loud and clear. The second way is to use
a whistle or other audible signal. Make sure each of the signals are different enough to be
easily distinguished. The third way is to use hand signals. This way has been very popular in
the past. The leader usually give a single “alert” call, followed by the hand signals. It is silent
and efficient, and it requires the Scouts to be ready and alert.

Rest Positions
These are performed from a halt at a position of attention. There are four rest positions:
parade rest, at ease, rest, and fall out.

Parade Rest
Command: Parade, REST
On the command REST, the left foot is raised from the hip (knee straight) to barely clear the
ground and moved quickly to the left, so your heels are 12 inches apart on the inside of the
Your legs are straight and heels are in line.
(keep knees slightly bent – do not lock your knees or you will pass out when standing at
attention or parade rest for long periods of time)
At the same time as the left foot moves, the arms are brought to the back of the body while
fully extended.
The hands are uncupped during this movement.
Once the arms are in the back of the body, your fingers are extended and joined, pointing
towards the ground, palms facing outward.
The right hand is in the palm of the left hand. The right thumb is over the left thumb so they
form a letter X.
Remain immobile and silent with head up and eyes straight ahead.
At Ease
Command: AT EASE
On the command AT EASE, you must keep your right foot in place and remain silent and in
position in formation.
You can otherwise relax in a standing position.
Fall Out
Command: FALL OUT
On the command FALL OUT, you can either relax while standing or you can break ranks but
remain in the immediate area.
You can disperse however you wish.
You are allowed to speak moderately.
About Face
Command: About, FACE
On the command FACE, the right foot is lifted from the hip (knee straight) so it barely clears
the ground.
The ball of the right foot is placed half a shoe length behind and slightly to the left of the left
heel, with unbent knees.
You will want to distribute the weight of your body on your left heel and the ball of the right
Your legs should be straight but not stiff and your foot position is unchanged. This completes
count one of the movement.
For count two, you keep your upper body in the position of attention, suspending arm swing,
while pivoting 180 degrees to the right using a twisting motion of the hips, balancing on the
ball of the right foot and heel of the left foot.
When the pivot is complete, your heels should be together and in line and your feet should
form a 45-degree angle. The body remains at attention.
Your weight should be distributed equally on the heels and balls of your feet. When you
come to attention, bring your heels together smartly with your toes forming a 45 degree
Keep your legs straight without locking your knees. Hold your body with your hips level,
your chest lifted, and your shoulders square and even. Your arms should hang straight, but
not stiff, with the backs of your hands outward. Curl your fingers so that the tips of our
thumbs are alongside and touching the first joint of the forefingers. Your thumbs should be
straight and along the seams of your trousers or skirt. The first joint of your forefingers
should touch the trousers or skirt. Keep your head erect, and look straight to the front.

The following are translation into Tagalog / Filipino of English-language drill commands.
A. Katayuan sa pagtindig (Position of Attention)
1. Humanda (Attention)
2. Humanay (Fall in line)
3. Masinsing Pagitan, Humanay (At Close Interval. Fall in line)
4. Magtipon (Assemble)
5. Manumbalik (As you Were)

B. Katayuan sa Paghinga Nakahinto (Rest at Halt)

1. Tikas Pahinga (Parade Rest)
2. Tindig Paluwag (Stand at Ease)
3. Paluwag (at Ease)
4. Pahinga (Rest)
5. Tiwalag (Fall out)
6. Lumansag (Dismissed)

C. Pagharap Kung Nakahinto (Facing at the Halt)

1. Harap sa Kanan, Rap (Right Face)
2. Harap sa Kaliwa, Rap (Left Face)
3. Harap sa Likdod, Rap (About Face)
4. Harap Hating-kaliwa, Rap (Left Half Face)
5. Harap Hating-Kanan, Rap (Right Half Face)

D. Pagpugay (Salute)
1. Pugay Kamay, Na (Hand Salute)
2. Tingin sa Kanan, Na (Eyes Right)

E. Hakbang at Lakad (Steps and Marching)

1. Bilang Hakbang, Na (Count Cadence Count)
2. Isa, Dalawa, Tatlo, Apat (One, Two, Three, Four)
3. Pasulong, Kad (Forward March)
4. Tilap/Palutong, Hinto (Squad/Platoon Halt)
5. Patakda, Kad (Mark Time March)
6. Hating Hakbang, Kad (Half Step March)
7. Takbong-Hakbang, Kad (Double Time March)
8. Sigalng-Hakbang, Kad (Quick Time March)
9. Hakbang Pakanan, Kad (Right/Left Step March)
10. Paurong, Kad (Backward March)
11. Pabalik, Kad (Roar March)
12. Paulit-Hakbang, Kad (Change Step March)
13. Layang Hakbang, Kad (Rout Step March)
14. Paluwag, Kad (at Ease March)
15. Liko sa Kanan/Kaliwa, Kad (Column Right/Left March)
16. Pagawing Kanan/Kaliwa, Kad (Incline to the Right/Left)
17. Kanang/Kaliwang Panig, Kad (Right Left Oblique March)
18. Sa Lunan, Hinto (In Place Halt)
19. Patuloy, Kad (Resume March)


A. Pagtitipon at Paghahanay (Assembly and Alignment of Troops)
1. Tunton-Kanan/Kaliwa, Na (Dress Right/Left Dress)
2. Masinsing Pagitan, Tunton Kanan, Na (At Close Interval, Dress Right Dress)
3. Handa, Rap (Ready Front)
4. Tunton, Na (Cover-Up)
5. Patnubay sa Kanan/Kaliwa/Gitna (Guide Right/Left/Center)
6. Manumbalik (As You Were)

P: Purpose of Movement
C: Number of Counts
W: When the movement may be executed
C: Command that may cause the movement to be executed
P: Basic military position from which most other drill movement are executed.
C: No count
W: This movement is executed when halted, at any position of rest, marching at route step or
at ease
C: Tilap, Pulutong, Balangay; DA

P: To give the troops a rest from the position of attention
C: Parade rest, at ease and rest are one (1) count movement. Fall out is not a precision
movement and it has no count
W: Halted at attention

P: Halt the unit
C: Quick time – 2 counts; double time- 3 counts
W: Quick time, double time, mark time, double time in place, half step, back step, and side
C: Tilap, Pulutong, Balangay; TO

P: Form of courtesy used between members of the AFP and to Colors
C: One count
W: Halted at attention, marching at quick time, or seated in a vehicle
C: Pugay kamay, NA
P: To face the unit to the right or to the left, or to face about
C: two counts
W: Halted at attention
C: Harap sa Kaliwa, Harap sa Kanan, Harap sa likod; NA

P: To march taking 120, 30-inch steps per minute
C: No count
W: Halted at attention, marking time, marching forward at double time and marching at half
C: Pasulong, KAD; Siglang Hakbang, KAD

P: To march taking 180, 36-inch steps per minute
C: No count
W: Halted at attention, marking time, double timing in place, marching forward at quick time
C: Takbong Hakbang,; KAD

P: To mark in place at quick time cadence
C: No count
W: Halted at attention, double timing in place, marching at half step and marching forward at
quick time
C: Lakad Patakda, KAD


P: To march at double time cadence
C: No count
W: Halted at attention, marking time, marching forward at double time
C: Siglang Hakbang, KAD

P: To march at 120, 15-inch step per minute
C: No count
W: Halted at attention, and marching forward at quick time
C: Hating Hakbang, KAD

P: March the unit backward for short distance
C: No count
W: Halted at attention
C: Paurong, KAD

P: To move the unit a short distance to the left or right
C: No count, however there is a cadence of 1-2
W: Halted at attention
C: Hakbang Pakanan, KAD; Hakbang Pakaliwa, KAD


P: To face the unit to the right or left while marching
C: No count
W: Marching at quick time
C: Kanang Paning, NA; Kaliwang Panig, NA

P: Change the cadence count but not the rhythm
C: No count
W: Marking time; double timing in place; marching forward at quick time or double time
C: Palit Hakbang, NA


P: To march to the rear for a short distance
C: No count
W: Marching forward at quick time or double time cadence
C: Pabalik, NA

P: To march at ease or rest (route step)
C: No count
W: March forward at quick time
C: Layang Hakbang, KAD


P: The basic position of the rifle
C: No count
W: Halted
C: Tilap, Pulutong, Balangay, HUMANAY; Baba, TA


P: To form the platoon onto the basic drill formation
C: Platoon in line
W: Forming the platoon

P: Receive accountability of troops
C: Platoon in line
W: Forming unit


P: To dismiss the platoon
C: Platoon in line at normal or close interval
W: Halted or marching at quick time

P: To change the direction of the direction of march of a column
C: Platoon in column
W: Halted or marching at quick time
C: Liko sa kanan, KAD; Liko sa kaliwa, KAD; Liko hating kanan, KAD; Liko hating kaliwa,
P: To designate relative position in ranks
C: Platoon in line or in column
W: Halted at attention
C: Isahang Bilang, NA; Isahang bilang mula sa harap; NA.

P: To align the platoon
C: Platoon in line (or in column during parades)
W: Halted at position of attention
C: Tunton sa kanan, NA; Tunton sa kaliwa, NA.

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