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20, 2017


PUBLISHED BY ELSEVIER https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2017.09.1095



Cardiovascular Complications of
Cancer Therapy
Best Practices in Diagnosis, Prevention, and Management: Part 2

Hui-Ming Chang, MD, MPH,a Tochukwu M. Okwuosa, DO,b Tiziano Scarabelli, MD, PHD,c Rohit Moudgil, MD, PHD,d
Edward T.H. Yeh, MDa


In this second part of a 2-part review, we will review cancer or cancer therapy–associated systemic and pulmonary
hypertension, QT prolongation, arrhythmias, pericardial disease, and radiation-induced cardiotoxicity. This review is
based on a MEDLINE search of published data, published clinical guidelines, and best practices in major cancer
centers. Newly developed targeted therapy can exert off-target effects causing hypertension, thromboembolism,
QT prolongation, and atrial fibrillation. Radiation therapy often accelerates atherosclerosis. Furthermore, radiation can
damage the heart valves, the conduction system, and pericardium, which may take years to manifest clinically.
Management of pericardial disease in cancer patients also posed clinical challenges. This review highlights the unique
opportunity of caring for cancer patients with heart problems caused by cancer or cancer therapy. It is an invitation
to action for cardiologists to become familiar with this emerging subspecialty. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;70:2552–65)
© 2017 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

SYSTEMIC HYPERTENSION their therapeutic efficacy at the expense of increased

blood pressure (4) (Table 1). The incidences of HTN
ypertension (HTN) is the most common reported in different trials range from 4% to 35% for
cardiovascular comorbidity reported in bevacizumab (5–8), 7% to 43% for sorafenib (9–13),
cancer registries, with a prevalence of 37% and 5% to 24% for sunitinib (14–18). Although treat-
(1). Early diagnosis and treatment is essential because ment with antihypertensive medications is usually
HTN is a major risk factor for the development of adequate to allow for continuation of cancer therapy,
chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity (2). In addi- severe HTN requiring hospitalization or discontinua-
tion, suboptimal blood pressure control may lead to tion of therapy occurred in 1.7% of bevacizumab-
premature discontinuation of chemotherapy, thus treated patients (19).
affecting cancer therapy directly (2,3). P r o t e a s o m e i n h i b i t o r s . HTN, including hyperten-
INCIDENCE. V a s c u l a r e n d o t h e l i a l g r o w t h f a c t o r sive crisis or emergency, was observed during
s i g n a l i n g p a t h w a y i n h i b i t o r s . Bevacizumab, sor- treatment with proteasome inhibitors, primarily car-
afenib, and sunitinib target the vascular endothelial filzomib. In the ENDEAVOR (Carfilzomib and Dexa-
growth factor signaling pathway (VSP) to achieve methasone versus Bortezomib and Dexamethasone

Listen to this manuscript’s

audio summary by
JACC Editor-in-Chief From the aCenter for Precision Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri; bDivision of
Dr. Valentin Fuster. Cardiology, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois; cDivision of Cardiology, Virginia Common Wealth University,
Richmond, Virginia; and the dDepartment of Cardiology, University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas.
Dr. Yeh has received support from the National Institutes of Health (HL126916); and is the Frances T. McAndrew Chair in
the University of Missouri, School of Medicine. All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the
contents of this paper to disclose.

Manuscript received August 1, 2017; revised manuscript received September 24, 2017, accepted September 26, 2017.
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 20, 2017 Chang et al. 2553
NOVEMBER 14/21, 2017:2552–65 Best Practices in Cardio-Oncology: Part 2

for Relapsed Multiple Myeloma Patients) and ASPIRE consideration in choosing antihypertensive ABBREVIATIONS

(Carfizomib, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone vs agents is to minimize harmful drug–drug in- AND ACRONYMS

Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone in Subjects with teractions, particularly with sorafenib. Since
AF = atrial fibrillation
Relapsed Multiple Myeloma) studies, the incidence of sorafenib is metabolized via the cytochrome
CAD = coronary artery disease
HTN in patients receiving carfilzomib was 17% and p450 system (mainly CYP3A4), drugs that
CTA = computed tomography
11%, respectively (20,21). Of these events, 3% to 6% inhibit the CYP3A4 isoenzyme, such as diltia-
were reported as grade $3 and <2% were fatal (20). zem and verapamil, should be avoided.
DOAC = direct oral
Hence, blood pressure monitoring should be regularly Although HTN is considered as an undesirable anticoagulant
performed in all patients receiving carfilzomib. If side effect of cancer therapy, the increase in
DVT = deep vein thrombosis
HTN cannot be adequately controlled, carfilzomib blood pressure has been shown to predict ef-
ECG = electrocardiography
should be withheld and possibly discontinued. ficacy of cancer treatment (4).
LMWH = low molecular weight
Rechallenge should be considered only after risk/
benefit assessment (20).
PE = pulmonary embolism
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY. Vascular endothelial growth Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a disease of PH = pulmonary hypertension
factor (VEGF) enhances the production of nitric oxide the pulmonary vasculature classified into 5 QTc = corrected QT
and prostacyclin while decreasing endothelin-1 gen- major etiological groups (34). Drug- and RR = relative risk
eration (22). VSP inhibitors affect normal vascular toxin-induced PH is classified as group 1. TdP = torsades de pointes
homeostasis by interfering with production of nitric Cancer can cause PH through obstruction of TKI = tyrosine kinase inhibitor
oxide (NO) in the arteriolar walls (23). Inhibition of pulmonary artery from organized fibrotic
VSP = vascular endothelial
NO leads to vasoconstriction, increased peripheral thrombi due to hypercoagulability, which is growth factor signaling
vascular resistance, and increased blood pressure classified as group 4 (35,36). Extrinsic pathway
(23). Bevacizumab reduced endothelial nitric oxide compression of the pulmonary vessels from tumors
synthase activity leading to HTN (24). Although VEGF such as pulmonary angiosarcoma or direct intravas-
is believed to affect the renin-angiotensin system cular extension from large B cell lymphoma can also
(25), anti-VEGF therapy did not alter serum cate- lead to group 5 PH (37).
cholamine, renin, and aldosterone levels (26). Tela- Dasatinib was first reported to cause PH in 2009 in a
tinib, a potent inhibitor of VEGFR, induces capillary chronic myeloid leukemia patient (38). A French reg-
rarefaction (27). Carfilzomib reduces the vasodilatory istry reported that 9 patients treated with dasatinib
response of acetylcholine and induces vasospasm, subsequently developed moderate to severe PH; the
which can be treated with nitroglycerin (28–30). Thus, incidence was estimated to be 0.45% (39). A total of 8
peripheral vasoconstriction due to impairment of patients showed functional improvement 4 months
endothelial function is likely to be the mechanism of after cessation of dasatinib therapy. In an American
carfilzomib-induced hypertension. study of 41 patients with dasatinib-induced PH, partial
DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT. HTN is defined as or complete reversal of PH was seen following
blood pressure $140/90 mm Hg, based on an average discontinuation of dasatinib (40). The DASISION
of 2 or more BP readings on 2 or more visits. Clinical (Dasatinib Versus Imatinib Study in Treatment-Naïve
evaluation of HTN should include identification of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients) comparing dasa-
the cause(s) of hypertension and assessment of car- tinib with imatinib showed that 14 (5%) of the 258
diovascular risk factors (31) (Central Illustration). HTN dasatinib patients developed PH, compared with 1
most commonly occurs within the first month of (0.4%) imatinib patient over a follow-up period of at
treatment (32). In cancer patients, the temporal as- least 5 years (41). However, only 1 dasatinib-treated
sociation of blood pressure elevation with new cancer patient received right heart catheterization that did
treatment easily established the diagnosis. not support the diagnosis of PH. Thus, the incidence of
Treatment of cancer therapy-induced HTN 5% PH with dasatinib therapy is most likely an over-
frequently requires more than a single agent. estimation. Inhibition of SRC kinase by dasatinib was
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) are implicated in the development of PH (39). SRC kinase
the preferred first-line therapy due to their beneficial is involved in regulation of smooth muscle prolifera-
effects on plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expres- tion and vasoconstriction so that its inhibition could
sion and proteinuria (24). ACEIs also increase the lead to increased pulmonary vascular resistance (39).
release of endothelial NO and decrease catabolism of Transthoracic echocardiography is the screening
bradykinin (4). ACEIs have been shown to significantly tool of choice for PH. A ventilation–perfusion scan
improve overall survival in metastatic renal cell car- and right heart catheterization are necessary to
cinoma patients treated with sunitinib (33). Another establish the diagnosis of PH. A high index of
2554 Chang et al. JACC VOL. 70, NO. 20, 2017

Best Practices in Cardio-Oncology: Part 2 NOVEMBER 14/21, 2017:2552–65

associated with pericardial effusions are lung cancer,

T A B L E 1 Anticancer Agents Associated With Hypertension
breast cancer, leukemia, and lymphoma (42–44).
Frequency Incidence Pericardial effusion caused by breast cancer or
Chemotherapy Agents of Use (%) Comments
lymphoma had better prognosis compared with
Monoclonal antibody-based tyrosine kinase inhibitors Pre-treatment risk assessment
lung cancer (45). Malignant effusions with negative
Bevacizumab þþþ 4–35
Ado-trastuzumab þ 5.1 cytology in early pericardiocentesis usually become
BP goal <140/90 mm Hg
emtansine positive over time. The pericardial space can be
Monoclonal antibodies Weekly BP monitoring in 1st cycle invaded by direct tumor extension or metastatic
Alemtuzumab þ 14
spread via lymphatics or blood. Pericardial effusion
Ibritumomab NA 7 Every 2–3 weeks BP monitoring
for duration of therapy can also develop as a result of chemotherapy or ra-
Ofatumumab þ 5–8
diation therapy, or from opportunistic infections (46).
Rituximab þþþ 6–12
mTor inhibitors Initiate BP treatment when Chemotherapies associated with pericardial dis-
Everolimus þþþþ 4–13 diastolic BP increases by eases include anthracyclines, cyclophosphamide,
20 mm Hg
Temsirolimus þþ 7 cytarabine, imatinib, dasatinib, interferon-a , arsenic
Small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors More than 1 anti-HTN medication trioxide, and less frequently, docetaxel and
Pazopanib þþþþ 42 may be needed
5-fluorouracil (47). All-trans retinoic acid causes a
Ponatinib þ 68
syndrome characterized by fever, hypotension, acute
Sorafenib þþþþ 7–43 Avoid diltiazem and verapamil
with sorafenib renal failure, and pericardial effusion. High-dose
Sunitinib þþþþ 5–24
Axitinib þþþþ 40
busulfan can cause pericardial and endomyocardial
Cabozantinib NA 33–61 Hold chemotherapy as the last fibrosis 4 to 9 years after treatment (48).
Ibrutinib þþþþ 17 resort Pericardial disease (effusion and/or constriction)
Nilotinib þþþþ 10–11 Hold bevacizumab if systolic can occur in 6% to 30% of patients after radiation
Ramucirumab þ 16 BP >160 mm Hg or diastolic
BP >100 mm Hg
therapy (49–51). It is the most common manifestation
Regorafenib þþþþ 30–59
of radiation-induced heart disease, which usually
Trametinib þþþþ 15
Early consultation with occurs as a result of fibrinous exudates to the
Vandetanib NA 33
cardiologist pericardial surface, as well as fibrotic changes to
Ziv-aflibercept þ 41
Proteasome inhibitors the parietal pericardium. Acute pericarditis can occur
Bortezomib þþ 6 within days to months following radiation therapy;
Carfilzomib þþ 11–17 it is often self-limiting. Chronic pericarditis is often
Antimetabolites characterized as effusive-constrictive.
Decitabine þþ 6 DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT. An electrocardiogram
is useful in the diagnosis of acute pericarditis, usually
Frequency of use was determined using inpatient and outpatient doses dispensed at MD Anderson Cancer Center
during the time period of January 1, 2014, through December 21, 2014. þ ¼ <1,000 doses in the setting of recent radiation therapy. However,
dispensed; þþ ¼ 1,000–5,000 doses dispensed; þþþ ¼ 5,000–10,000 doses dispensed;
and þþþþ ¼ >10,000 doses dispensed (4,55,72).
echocardiography is the imaging modality of choice in
BP ¼ blood pressure; HTN ¼ hypertension. the diagnosis of pericardial effusion and cardiac tam-
ponade. Patients are often asymptomatic with small to
moderate pericardial effusion, but can present with
suspicion and prompt diagnosis are necessary to dyspnea, cough, tachycardia, pulsus paradoxus, and
prevent further deterioration. PH can be managed by hypotension with impending cardiac tamponade.
withholding dasatinib and treating with alternative Echocardiographic features of cardiac tamponade
tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), followed by treat- include increase mitral inflow with expiration, dia-
ment with sildenafil, an endothelial antagonist, or a stolic compression of the right ventricle, late diastolic
calcium-channel blocker (39). Patient should be collapse of the right atrium, plethora of inferior vena
followed monthly with echocardiogram for serial cava, and abnormal ventricular septal motion. Emer-
assessment of pulmonary artery pressure. Cancer gency pericardiocentesis should be carried out
therapy can be continued with alternative TKIs. Thus, promptly when cardiac tamponade is suspected.
dasatinib-induced PH has a relatively good prognosis Pericardiocentesis should be carried out for cardiac
if diagnosed and treated early. tamponade, large pericardial effusions ($2 cm), or for
diagnostic purposes. Factors that carried poorer
PERICARDIAL DISEASES prognosis for 2-year survival after pericardiocentesis
for malignant effusions included age >65 years,
Pericardial effusion, a manifestation of late-stage platelet counts <20,000, lung cancer, presence of
malignancies, develops in 5% to 15% of patients malignant cells in the effusion, and drainage duration
with cancer (42). The most common malignancies (45). Pericardial fluid should be sent to for chemistry,
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 20, 2017 Chang et al. 2555
NOVEMBER 14/21, 2017:2552–65 Best Practices in Cardio-Oncology: Part 2

C ENTR AL I LL U STRA T I O N Management of Cancer Therapy–Induced Cardiovascular Complications

Management of cancer or cancer-therapy associated cardiovascular (CV) complications

Hypertension Radiation sequelae Thromboembolism QT prolongation

Blood pressure (BP) goal Identify, modify VSP and angiogenesis Diagnosis with Tangent
<140/90 mm Hg and treat CV risk factors inhibitors increase risk method & Fridericia
Monitor weekly Deep venous thrombosis
CV Monitoring:
or pulmonary embolism
diagnostics Correct low potassium
ECG, Echo if indicated
Monitor every Anti-coagulate or magnesium
5 years after radiation:
2-3 weeks during therapy as necessary
ECG, Echo
Direct oral anticoagulant
Initiate treatment when 10 years after radiation: Remove QT-prolonging
(limited data)
diastolic BP increases ECG, Echo, stress test, medications
by 20 mm Hg or coronary CT Take bleeding precautions

Chang, H.-M. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017;70(20):2552–65.

Best practices in the management of cancer therapy–induced HTN, thromboembolism, QT prolongation, and radiation-induced complications. BP ¼ blood pressure;
CT ¼ computed tomography; CV ¼ cardiovascular; ECG ¼ electrocardiography; Echo ¼ echocardiography; HTN ¼ hypertension; VSP ¼ vascular endothelial growth
factor signaling pathway.

microbiology, and cytology. If pericardiocentesis there are considerably more data on venous than
is performed, the drain should be left in place for 3 to arterial thromboses (57,58). Thrombosis in cancer
5 days, and a surgical pericardial window should be patients is most likely due to release of prothrombotic
considered if the output drainage is still high 6 to factors, such as tissue factor, mucin, and cysteine
7 days after pericardiocentesis. Effusions are more protease, into the circulation to activate the clotting
likely to recur with percutaneous pericardiocentesis cascade (56). The risk of arterial thromboembolism is
compared with pericardiotomy, even though there higher in the first 6 months after cancer diagnosis and
was no difference in length of stay or intensive care returns to baseline at 1 year (59). The risk of throm-
unit admission with either approach (46). boembolism is higher with certain cancers (lung,
Rarely, pericardial effusions are managed with pancreatic, colon/rectal, kidney, and prostate), with
intrapericardial injection of chemotherapeutic metastatic diseases, and with certain risk factors (use
agents. In a small series of patients treated with of central venous catheters, immobility, heart failure,
intrapericardial cisplatin for malignant pericardial atrial fibrillation, hypovolemia, and chemotherapy)
effusion, 93% and 83% were free of hemodynamically (57,60).
significant recurrent pericardial effusions at 3 and PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND INCIDENCE. VSP inhibitors. VSP
6 months, respectively (52,53). Intrapericardial bev- inhibitors are known to increase the risk of throm-
acizumab was used to achieve sustained remission in boembolism by altering the vascular protective
7 patients (54). However, the preferred management property of the endothelial cells (Table 2) (61). Endo-
for recurrent pericardial effusion is still surgery (55). thelial injury couples with hypercoagulability and
THROMBOEMBOLISM hemodynamic changes followed by thrombosis.
Meta-analyses of major VSP inhibitor trials demon-
It is well established that cancer itself predisposes strated an increased risk of thromboembolic events
patients to thromboembolic events (56). However, (61–63). The incidence of all grade arterial thrombotic
2556 Chang et al. JACC VOL. 70, NO. 20, 2017

Best Practices in Cardio-Oncology: Part 2 NOVEMBER 14/21, 2017:2552–65

treated with cisplatin and radiotherapy for cervical

T A B L E 2 Anticancer Agents Associated With Thromboembolism
cancer. In another study of 271 patients with urothe-
Frequency Incidence lial transitional cell cancer, cisplatin-based chemo-
Chemotherapy Agents of Use (%) Comments
therapy was associated with thromboembolic and
Alkylating agents Risk factors: cancer types, metastatic
disease, central venous catheter, heart vascular events in 12.9% of patients; 8.5% of them
Cisplatin þþþ 8.5–16.7
failure, immobility, AF, previous had DVT or PE. The risk factors include coronary ar-
Angiogenesis inhibitors history of thromboembolism,
Lenalidomide þþþ 3–75 chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, old tery disease (CAD), immobility, prior history of
Thalidomide þþ 1–58 age, female thromboembolic events, and pelvic masses. Cisplatin
Pomalidomide þ 3 causes vascular injury (70) and induces platelet acti-
Histone deacetylase inhibitor vation through a mechanism involving monocyte
Vorinostat þþþþ 4.7–8.0
Diagnosis: compression
procoagulant activity (71).
Monoclonal antibody against VEGF
ultrasonography, spiral CT, MR Angiogenesis i n h i b i t o r s . Lenalidomide and its
Bevacizumab þþþ 6.0–15.1
mTOR inhibitors
parent drug thalidomide increase the risk of throm-
Everolimus þþþþ 1–4 Treatment options: aspirin, warfarin, boembolism when combined with glucocorticoids
Small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors and/or cytotoxic chemotherapy. This risk is 3% to 75%
Axitinib þþþþ 3 for lenalidomide and 1% to 58% for thalidomide (72).
Limited data with DOAC
Dabrafenib þþþþ 7 A systematic review demonstrates that patients
Erlotinib þþþþ 3.9–11.0
with multiple myeloma treated with thalidomide- or
Nilotinib þþþþ 1–10
lenalidomide-based regimens are at higher risk for
Pazopanib þþþþ 1–5
developing venous thromboembolism (73). Newly
Ponatinib þ 5
Sunitinib þþþþ 3 diagnosed patients have higher risk than patients
Trametinib þþþþ 7 who were previously treated. When thalidomide or
Ziv-aflibercept þ 9 lenalidomide was combined with dexamethasone and
doxorubicin, the risk increased. Aspirin, warfarin
See Table 1 for frequency of use description (55,72).
with target international normalized ratio of 2.0 to
AF ¼ atrial fibrillation; CT ¼ computed tomography; DOAC ¼ direct oral anticoagulant; LMWH ¼ low molecular
weight heparin; MR ¼ magnetic resonance. 3.0, or therapeutic doses of low molecular weight
heparin (LMWH) can reduce the risk of venous
thromboembolism. However, rates of major bleeding
events in patients on VSP inhibitors ranges from 1% to complications are unknown; thus, the benefit of
11% (64). A higher risk of arterial thrombotic events prophylaxis is not clear. Thalidomide causes a tran-
was reported in several meta-analyses of VSP inhibi- sient elevation in factor VIII and von Willebrand
tor trials (61–63). In a meta-analysis of 10,255 patients Factor and a reduction in soluble thrombomodulin,
treated with sorafenib or sunitinib, the incidence of which may explain the increase in thromboembolism
arterial thrombotic events was 1.4% with a relative (73,74).
risk of 3.03 when compared with the control group
H i s t o n e d e a c e t y l a s e i n h i b i t o r . Vorinostat, useful
(63). More recently, a meta-analysis of 38,078 pa-
in the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, is
tients from all eligible VSP inhibitor trials observed a
known to increase the risk of thromboembolism in
significantly higher risk of myocardial infarction
cancer patients (72,75). The rates of PE and DVT with
(relative risk [RR]: 3.54) and arterial thrombotic
this agent were reported to be 5% and 8%, respec-
events (RR: 1.80) in the population studied. However,
tively (76).
no significant difference in stroke risk was found
between these 2 groups (61). DIAGNOSIS, PREVENTION, AND MANAGEMENT. DVT
Several meta-analyses failed to establish increased is usually diagnosed by compression ultrasonography
risk in venous thromboembolism in patients treated and PE by spiral computed tomography angiography
with a VSP inhibitor compared with the control group (CTA). Ventilation-perfusion scan is employed less
(65–67). Subsequently, a meta-analysis of all eligible frequently for diagnosis of PE due to lower sensitivity
trials of patients treated with VSP inhibitors showed and specificity compared with CTA, but is still utilized
that the RRs for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and with compression ultrasonography in patients with
pulmonary embolism (PE) were insignificant at 1.14 renal dysfunction. Magnetic resonance pulmonary
and 1.18, respectively (61). Although cancer itself is a angiography is considered in patients who are allergic
risk factor for venous thromboembolism, it is not to iodinate contrast media (72,77).
clear whether VSP inhibitors exaggerate this risk (68). Prevention strategies should be chosen according
C i s p l a t i n . Jacobson et al. (69) found a 16.7% inci- to specific anticancer drug. The goal is to use the
dence of thromboembolic events in 48 patients safest form of prophylaxis that reduces the risk of
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 20, 2017 Chang et al. 2557
NOVEMBER 14/21, 2017:2552–65 Best Practices in Cardio-Oncology: Part 2

thromboembolism to #10%. Prevention should be appropriate prophylaxis in patients receiving lenali-

tailored to the presence of risk factors, such as domide with low-dose dexamethasone, melphalan, or
obesity, prior episodes, central venous catheter use, doxorubicin; the incidence of VTE was reduced
comorbid conditions, surgery, use of erythropoietin to <10% with aspirin (86–88). The addition of high-
and tamoxifen, and concomitant therapy with high- dose dexamethasone carries additional risk and
dose dexamethasone and/or doxorubicin. For pri- likely warrants the use of more aggressive prophy-
mary prevention, all hospitalized patients should laxis, such as LMWH or full-dose warfarin.
receive either LMWH or unfractionated heparin (78). One randomized study compared the use of
The Khorana VTE risk assessment model for cancer aspirin and fixed low-dose warfarin versus LMWH to
patients may be utilized in the ambulatory setting. prevent thromboembolism in 667 previously un-
This model uses site of cancer, blood cell counts, and treated multiple myeloma patients receiving
body mass index to determine a patient’s risk. A score thalidomide-containing regimens with or without
of 3 or higher confers a 7.1% to 41% risk of symp- bortezomib (89). Patients were randomized to aspirin
tomatic VTE, and prophylaxis may be reasonable in (100 mg/day), warfarin (1.25 mg/day), or LMWH
these patients (78,79). (enoxaparin 40 mg/day). There was no difference in
V S P i n h i b i t o r s . Prior to initiation of VSP inhibitor the prevention strategies tested. In the case of single-
therapy, cardiovascular risk factors should be agent thalidomide, low-dose aspirin should be
aggressively managed (80). A history of prior arterial considered (90). LMWH or full-dose warfarin is
thromboembolic event (ATE) is not an absolute recommended in patients receiving angiogenesis
contraindication to VSP inhibitor therapy; however, inhibitors with dexamethasone, doxorubicin, or
VSP inhibitors should be used with caution or avoided multiagent chemotherapy.
in patients with recent cardiovascular events in the Once the diagnosis of VTE is made, the treatment
preceding 6 to 12 months. There are no standard goal should be to relieve symptoms and to prevent
guidelines for management of ATEs in patients taking propagation. Patients should be treated in accordance
VSP inhibitors, so management of such events should with the American College of Chest Physicians guide-
be based on standard medical practice (81). VSP in- lines (81). If a patient develops VTE while on chemo-
hibitor therapy should be discontinued in grade 3 or therapy, the therapy should be held and standard
higher thromboembolic events (4,82). Increased risk anticoagulation, preferably LMWHs, should be initi-
of hemorrhage with VSP inhibitor is not a contrain- ated (91). Thrombolytic therapy should be considered
dication to the use of thrombolytic or anticoagulation if clinically indicated. Cancer therapy can be reinstated
therapy when medically appropriate; however, these after the patient is stable and therapeutic anti-
patients should be closely monitored. Following res- coagulation is achieved. Anticoagulation should be
olution of acute events, restarting VSP inhibitor continued as long as the patient has active malignancy
should be based on individualized risk–benefit and therapy is not otherwise contraindicated (78).
analysis. Anticoagulation should be avoided in the presence of
Data from multiple trials have led to widespread intracranial bleeding, recent surgery, pre-existing
use of aspirin for both primary and secondary pre- bleeding diathesis such as thrombocytopenia,
vention of arterial ischemia (83,84). Although there platelet count <50,000/m l, or coagulopathy (90).
are no controlled studies to determine the benefit of USE OF DIRECT ORAL ANTICOAGULANTS IN CANCER.
aspirin in patients taking VSP inhibitors, it is Although direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), such as
reasonable to start low-dose aspirin prophylactically dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban, are the preferred
in high-risk patients (e.g., patients with previous oral anticoagulant for the treatment of VTE in pa-
ATEs or based on Framingham risk assessment). tients without cancer, there is limited data for DOAC
Furthermore, low-dose aspirin may prevent cardio- in cancer patients (92,93). Most trials that compared
vascular events in patients receiving bevacizumab the safety and efficacy of DOAC with warfarin have
who are age $65 years with a prior history of ATEs (9). excluded cancer patients or included a small number
A n g i o g e n e s i s i n h i b i t o r s . Observational studies of of them. Most of the included cancer patients had
thalidomide- and lenalidomide-based regimens in completed cancer therapy, and active cancer patients
multiple myeloma patients have demonstrated effi- were excluded.
cacy of prophylaxis with aspirin (81 to 325 mg), As already discussed, LMWH is the anticoagulant
warfarin, or LMWH (77,85). Single-agent lenalidomide agent of choice in patients with malignancy.
does not constitute a high risk of VTE, and prophy- Compared with the general population, there are
laxis is not recommended in this setting. Aspirin is an fewer data to support the use of DOACs as first-line
2558 Chang et al. JACC VOL. 70, NO. 20, 2017

Best Practices in Cardio-Oncology: Part 2 NOVEMBER 14/21, 2017:2552–65

INCIDENCE. A r s e n i c t r i o x i d e . Arsenic trioxide is

T A B L E 3 Anticancer Agents Associated With QT Prolongation
used for the treatment of acute promyelocytic leu-
Frequency Incidence kemia. The U.S. Multicenter Study of Arsenic Trioxide
Chemotherapy Agents of Use (%) Comments
reported the incidence of corrected QT (QTc) interval
Histone deacetylase inhibitors Tangent method of QT
measurement >500 ms to be 40% (101); other trials reported in-
Belinostat þ 4–11
Vorinostat þþþþ 3.5–6.0
cidences of QT prolongation with arsenic trioxide
Chemicals Fridericia correction formula ranging from 26% to 93% (72,102). The QT interval
Arsenic trioxide þþ 26–93 became prolonged 1 to 5 weeks after arsenic trioxide
Small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors treatment, and returned to baseline 8 weeks after
Dabrafenib þþþþ 2–13 Correct low K or Mg
cessation of therapy (101).
Dasatinib þþþþ <1–3
Lapatinib þþþþ 10–16 Remove QTc prolonging S m a l l m o l e c u l e T K I i n h i b i t o r s . A total of 4.4% of
medications patients treated with TKIs developed all-grade QTc
Nilotinib þþþþ <1–10
Vandetanib þþþþ 8–14 QTc >500 ms or >60 ms above prolongation, and 0.8% developed serious
baseline associated with TdP
BRAF inhibitor arrhythmia (98). However, the incidence of QT pro-
Vemurafenib þþþþ 3 TdP reported for arsenic longation is not affected by the duration of therapy
trioxide, sunitinib, pazopanib,
vandetanib, vemurafenib (98). The most common drugs that prolongs QTc
when used in conjunction with sunitinib are dom-
See Table 1 for frequency of use description (55,72).
K ¼ potassium; Mg ¼ magnesium; QTc ¼ corrected QT interval; TdP ¼ torsades de pointes.
peridone or loperamide (103); nonetheless, there
were no high-grade arrhythmias or sudden cardiac
deaths associated with sunitinib use. Pazopanib and
axitinib only confer <1% risk of high-grade QTc pro-
agents in patients with malignancy; however, limited
longation in the absence of TdP. Unfortunately, QT
data suggest that warfarin and DOACs are of equal
intervals were not available in studies on sorafenib
efficacy when oral anticoagulants are necessary in
and cediranib (104–106). High-grade QT prolongation
cancer patients. Compared with warfarin, therapeutic
is a significant adverse effect of vandetanib therapy.
efficacy with DOACs occurs within 1 to 4 h after
In a trial for metastatic medullary thyroid cancer, the
ingestion. A subgroup analysis of cancer patients in
incidence of high-grade QTc prolongation is 8% (107).
the ARISTOTLE (Apixaban for Reduction in Stroke
A meta-analysis reported similar incidence of QTc
and Other Thromboembolic Events in Atrial Fibrilla-
prolongation for vandetanib (98). This effect is dose-
tion) trial evaluated DOACs for patients with non-
dependent, with the reported incidence of 3.6% for
valvular atrial fibrillation (94). At baseline, there were
low dose and 12.2% for high dose. The incidence of QT
1,236 (6.8%) patients with a history of cancer and 157
prolongation is 10% for nilotinib to 10% and 16% for
(12.7%) had active cancer or treated within 1 year.
lapatinib, according to package insert.
This study did not show a difference in stroke or
systemic embolization between apixaban and Histone deacetylase inhibitor and BRAF inhibitor. The
warfarin in cancer patients. Another small prospec- incidence of QTc prolongation with vorinostat ranged
tive study suggests that rivaroxaban is safe and from 3.5% to 6% (72). In an open-label study in pa-
effective for treatment of cancer-associated VTE (95). tients with the BRAF (V600) mutation, vemurafenib
lengthened QTc to >500 ms in 3% of patients (108).

QT PROLONGATION DIAGNOSIS. The QT interval varies with heart rate

and has to be adjusted by the RR interval to calculate
QT interval prolongation is caused by abnormality in QTc (109). The Fridericia formula, in which QT is
depolarization/repolarization that can lead to tor- divided by the cubic root of the RR interval, is rec-
sades de pointes (TdP) and sudden death (96). The ommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
hERG potassium channel is the molecular target for for heart rate correction (110). QTc interval is
drugs that prolong the QT interval (2,97–100). Cancer considered normal at <430 ms in male and <450 ms
patients are more prone to develop QT prolongation in female patients. Common Terminology Criteria for
following treatment with arsenic trioxide and TKIs Adverse Events version 4 defines grade 1 QTc pro-
(Table 3). Antiemetics, H2-blockers, proton pump in- longation as 450 to 480 ms, grade 2 as 481 to 500 ms,
hibitors, antimicrobial agents, and antipsychotics and grade 3 as QTc >501 ms. QTc $501 ms or >60 ms
also contribute to prolonging the QT interval (2). In change from baseline and TdP or sudden death are
addition, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea following defined as grade 4. QTc >500 ms or >60 ms above
cancer therapy lead to loss of potassium and magne- baseline have been associated with increased risk for
sium, which also prolongs the QT interval. TdP (111).
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MANAGEMENT. A baseline electrocardiography (ECG) (60). Symptoms associated with bradycardia include
should be obtained in all patients and electrolyte fatigue, dizziness, as well as pre-syncope/syncope.
abnormalities (particularly hypokalemia and hypo- Treatment of heart block depends on the type of
magnesemia) should be corrected prior to starting escape rhythm present. Junctional escape rhythm
treatment (112). It is important to identify drug–drug requires pacemaker only if symptoms are present,
interactions that prolong the QTc interval. Important whereas ventricular escapes are unstable and require
medications to consider are domperidone, ondanse- pacemaker implantation.
tron, palonosetron, granisetron, prochlorperazine, When a clear offending drug is identified, alterna-
olanzapine, escitalopram, venlafaxine, sertraline, and tive therapy should be considered. However, if there
mirtazapine (98). ECG should be repeated at 7 days is no substitution, the patient can be closely moni-
after initiation of therapy, according to drug package tored while undergoing chemotherapy. When brady-
inserts, and following any dosing changes (55). cardia is caused by thalidomide without a treatment
The 2016 Canadian Cardiovascular Society guideline alternative, permanent pacemaker implantation may
supports baseline ECG and periodic monitoring of be necessary to allow for continuation of therapy
the QTc interval in cancer patients receiving (122,123). In some cases, the heart block will resolve
QT-prolonging agents (113). Treatment should be with treatment of the primary malignancy (60,115).
stopped if the QTc is >500 ms on monitoring (112). Pacemaker placement in patients with persistent
TdP should be managed with 2 g of intravenous symptomatic bradycardia and heart block should
(IV) magnesium as the initial drug of choice regard- follow American College of Cardiology/American
less of serum magnesium level. Nonsynchronized Heart Association guidelines (124). In cancer patients
defibrillation may be indicated. Overdrive pacing with ongoing infection, a temporary pacemaker may
(with short-term pacing rates of 90 to 110 ms) may be be placed and left in place for a few days until the
used to shorten QTc; it is useful when TdP is precip- infection is controlled (60,124). The use of isoproter-
itated by bradycardia. IV isoproterenol titrated to enol to maintain higher heart rates can also be
heart rates >90 ms is indicated when temporary considered. The final decision should be made after
pacing is not immediately available. All electrolyte consultation between the cardiologist and oncologist.
abnormalities should be corrected and QT prolonging
medications should be discontinued (114). TACHYARRHYTHMIAS. Tachyarrhythmias, such as
supraventricular arrhythmias, AF, as well as life-
ARRHYTHMIAS threatening and non–life-threatening ventricular ar-
rhythmias, could occur in cancer patients. A recent
Bradyarrhythmias or tachyarrhythmias (including study of patients diagnosed with cancer after
bradycardia or heart block, as well as atrial fibrillation implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation
[AF] and supraventricular or ventricular arrhythmias) found that the frequency of ventricular tachycardia
can be associated with cancer or chemotherapy. and ventricular fibrillation increased significantly af-
BRADYCARDIA AND HEART BLOCK. Infiltration of ter diagnosis, representing a 10-fold increase in
the AV nodes by lymphoma or amyloidosis can arrhythmia burden (125). The incidence of ventricular
cause bradyarrhythmias or heart block (115,116). Vagal arrhythmias is significantly higher in patients with
paraganglioma, a rare tumor of the neuroendocrine stage IV cancer than in those with earlier stages. The
system, can cause significant heart block (117), and most common malignancies associated with ventric-
10% of patients with catecholamine-secreting ular arrhythmias are skin, prostate, and breast can-
tumors have bradycardia and heart block (118,119). cers. Causations of ventricular arrhythmias in cancer
Bradycardia and/or heart block can also be seen in patients include QTc-prolonging chemotherapeutic
patients with neck mass, with involvement of agents, inflammation in advanced cancer (126), direct
the vagus nerves (120). Although uncommon, brady- cardiac involvement by tumor, metabolic de-
cardia and heart block have been linked to cisplatin, rangements relating to nausea/vomiting/diarrhea,
irinotecan, paclitaxel, mitoxantrone (and rarely, decreased oral intake, and electrolyte abnormalities.
doxorubicin), octreotide, thalidomide, methotrexate, A large epidemiological study of 24,125 patients
5-fluorouracil, and arsenic trioxide (60,72). Ethanol, with newly diagnosed cancer found a 2.4% baseline
which is injected percutaneously for treatment of prevalence of AF, with an additional 1.8% increased
hepatocellular carcinoma, can cause sinus brady- incidence after cancer diagnosis (127). Another study
cardia and heart block (121). that examined 28,333 patients with AF compared with
M a n a g e m e n t . The majority of patients with brady- 282,260 patients without AF found the prevalence of
cardia secondary to chemotherapy are asymptomatic colorectal cancer to be 0.59% in patients with AF and
2560 Chang et al. JACC VOL. 70, NO. 20, 2017

Best Practices in Cardio-Oncology: Part 2 NOVEMBER 14/21, 2017:2552–65

only 0.05% in those without AF (128). Another study (138). Furthermore, both chemotherapy and antiar-
found post-operative AF to be more common after rhythmic drugs increase the risk of bradycardias and
breast and colorectal cancer surgery (3.6%) compared QT prolongation. In general, Class 1A, 1C, and III
with noncancer surgery (1.6%) (129). Thus, cancer is antiarrhythmic drugs are more likely to cause drug
associated with a higher risk of AF. In patients who interactions and QT prolongation, whereas class 1B
are post-thoracic surgery for lung cancer, AF was drugs are less likely to do so. Among the beta-blocker
associated with higher post-operative mortality and class of drugs, metoprolol, atenolol, and pindolol are
was associated with 4-fold higher mortality in 5-year less likely to cause drug interactions compared with
survivors after adjustments for other risk factors. carvedilol, propranolol, or nadolol. Recommenda-
AF in cancer patients is associated with advanced tions for managing drug–drug interactions for some
age, hypoxia, increased sympathetic drive caused by targeted therapies were recently published by Asnani
pain as well as physical and emotional stress, and/or et al. (138).
paraneoplastic conditions such as autoimmune re- The decision to anticoagulate in cancer patients
actions against atrial structures (130). In addition, with AF should be individualized after consultation
cancer drugs known to be associated with AF include with the oncologist. The use of CHA 2DS2-VASc
cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, doxorubicin, paclitaxel/ (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age $75
docetaxel, ifosfamide, gemcitabine, and mitoxan- years, diabetes, previous stroke, vascular disease,
trone (131). Interleukin-2, with or without interferon, age 65 to 74, and female sex) and HAS-BLED (Hyper-
has been associated with AF in patients with meta- tension, Abnormal Renal/Liver Function, Stroke,
static renal cell cancer (132). The mechanisms of AF Bleeding History or Predisposition, Labile Interna-
induced by interleukin-2 are unclear, but are likely tional Normalized Ratio, Elderly, Drugs/Alcohol)
related to elevations in plasma cytokine concentra- scores has not been validated in cancer patients
tions with these agents (133). Inflammation appears to (139). Furthermore, cancer generally creates a pro-
be a common denominator leading to AF in most of thrombotic milieu, whereas cancer therapy often
these conditions (131). increase the bleeding risk due to induction of
Ibrutinib, a Bruton kinase inhibitor useful in the thrombocytopenia (56). Thus, a careful balance be-
treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, is tween risk/benefit and involvement of patient and
significantly associated with AF (134). In the RESO- family in decision making is essential.
NATE (Ibrutinib versus Ofatumumab in Patients with
Relapsed or Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leuke- CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE WITH
mia) trial, 3% of patients receiving ibrutinib devel- RADIATION THERAPY
oped AF, whereas the ofatumumab arm had no AF
(135). In another study of 56 patients, AF occurred 3 Radiation therapy affects all cardiac structures
to 8 months after initiation of ibrutinib, and 76% of including the pericardium, epicardial and microvas-
them developed AF within the first year on this drug cular circulation, conduction system, and the
(136). Patients were managed with dose reduction myocardium (140). Patients can present with acute
and/or anticoagulation (137); however, the clinical pericarditis immediately following radiation therapy
experience is still limited to make a general or chronic pericarditis decades after radiation therapy
recommendation. (Table 4). Valvular heart disease and coronary artery
M a n a g e m e n t . Management of tachyarrhythmias in disease usually presents 5 to 10 years after radiation
cancer patients is similar to those for noncancer pa- therapy. We recommend an echocardiogram 5 years
tients. A useful approach is to distinguish dysrhyth- after radiation therapy and a stress test or coronary
mias resulting from chemotherapy and metabolic CTA 10 years after radiation therapy (55).
abnormalities from those associated with structural CAD is a major cardiovascular complication of
cardiac abnormalities. Active intervention is required radiation therapy. Women with left chest radiation
when the arrhythmia results in significant hemody- have increased risk of cardiovascular complications
namic abnormality, or when the rhythm disturbance compared with right-sided radiation (141). Higher
becomes life threatening. The use of antiarrhythmic doses of radiation were associated with increased risk
drugs for management of dysrhythmias during cancer of major coronary events in women treated for breast
therapy poses a particular challenge because of drug– cancer (142). This risk began within the first 5 years
drug interactions. Coadministration of chemotherapy after radiation therapy and continued until the third
and antiarrhythmic drugs may lead to increased drug decade. This study was based on older radiation
levels due to impaired cytochrome p450 metabolism techniques involving external beam radiation therapy
or P-glycoprotein–mediated transport inhibition with higher radiation doses. Newer radiation
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 20, 2017 Chang et al. 2561
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T A B L E 4 Radiation-Induced Heart Disease: Diagnosis and Management

Pericardial Disease

Prevalence 6%–30%
Description Pericarditis (acute or chronic), pericardial effusion, pericardial constriction
Most common manifestation of radiation-induced heart disease, and a diagnosis of exclusion. Due to inflammation and impaired
drainages to the pericardial surface, fibrotic changes to the parietal pericardium. Acute pericarditis is often self-limiting. Chronic
pericarditis is often effusive-constrictive.
Diagnosis Diagnosis of exclusion after other causes of pericardial disease have been ruled out
Echocardiogram, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, cardiac CT
Management Anti-inflammatory drugs for pericarditis
Pericardiocentesis for large effusions or tamponade
Pericardial window for recurrent pericardial effusions
Pericardial stripping for constrictive pericarditis

Coronary Artery Disease

Prevalence Up to 85%
Description Due to epicardial coronary arteries and microcirculatory damage, and sustained inflammation. Usually occurs 10 yrs after radiation
therapy. Involves the LM, ostial LAD, and RCA. Lesions are longer, concentric, and tubular.
Diagnosis Stress echocardiography (could also screen for other causes of RIHD, other than CAD); or stress perfusion imaging; cardiac CTA;
possible role for coronary calcium screening
Management Percutaneous coronary angioplasty or coronary artery bypass graft (challenging surgery due to fibrosis of pericardium and
mediastinum). Aggressive cardiovascular risk factor modification

Valvular Heart Disease

Prevalence 10 yrs: 26% AI, 39% MR, 16% TR, and 7% PR

20 yrs: 60% AI, 16% AS, 52% MR, 26% TR, and 12% PR
Description Mean time interval of 12 yrs after radiation. Diffuse fibrosis of the valvular cusps or leaflets, with or without calcification; no post-
inflammatory changes noted. Left-sided valves > right-sided valves. Initial regurgitation related to valve retraction, later stenosis
related to thickening/calcification
Diagnosis Echocardiogram, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
Management Serial monitoring with timing of surgery as in ACC/AHA guidelines
Valve replacement is preferred over valve repair
Consider TAVR, if mediastinum and cardiac anatomy is not amenable to open heart surgery

Conduction System Abnormalities

Prevalence Up to 5%
Description A-V nodal block (including high-degree block), bundle branch block (right > left), fascicular block
Tachycardia can be persistent, usually a result of autonomic dysfunction, similar to denervated hearts. Persistent tachycardia could
increase risk of tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy.
Diagnosis ECG, telemetry/ambulatory Holter monitor
Management Permanent pacemaker for high-degree A-V block
ICD for life-threatening arrhythmia, sudden death, or secondary prevention
Consider subpectoral approach for device implantation, if subcutaneous involvement of thoracic radiation


Prevalence Up to 10%
Description Diastolic dysfunction > systolic dysfunction; right ventricle > left ventricle
Due to increased fibrosis in all 3 layers of the ventricular walls (epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium). May lead to restrictive
cardiomyopathy, and rarely to systolic dysfunction.
Diagnosis Echocardiogram, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
Management Slow upward titration of ACEI, beta-blockade, and aldosterone inhibitors in patients with reduced left ventricular systolic function;
optimize risk factors for diastolic dysfunction, exercise training
Inotropic support, VAD, heart transplantation

Data from Filopei et al. (49), Jaworski et al. (50), Zamorano et al. (139), Gonzaga et al. (149), Ong et al. (150), and Curigliano et al. (151).
ACC ¼ American College of Cardiology; ACEI ¼ angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; AHA ¼ American Heart Association; AI ¼ aortic insufficiency; AS ¼ aortic stenosis;
CAD ¼ coronary artery disease; CTA ¼ computed tomography angiography; ECG ¼ electrocardiogram; ICD ¼ implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; LAD ¼ left anterior
descending artery; LM ¼ left main artery; PR ¼ pulmonary regurgitation; RCA ¼ right coronary artery; RIHD ¼ radiation-induced heart disease; TAVR ¼ transcatheter aortic
valve replacement; TR ¼ tricuspid regurgitation; VAD ¼ ventricular assist device; other abbreviations as in Table 2.

techniques, including deep inspiration breath-hold purported to offer a great potential to minimize the
gating, accelerated partial breast irradiation, and use risk of cardiovascular events by keeping the mean
of modern 3-dimensional planning, came with less heart dose at #1 Gy (143). A Surveillance, Epidemi-
radiation dosage and may ameliorate dreaded car- ology, and End Results Program database study of
diovascular complications. Proton beam therapy is 29,102 patients diagnosed with breast cancer from
2562 Chang et al. JACC VOL. 70, NO. 20, 2017

Best Practices in Cardio-Oncology: Part 2 NOVEMBER 14/21, 2017:2552–65

2000 to 2009 showed a small increase in percuta- calcium scoring as well as coronary CTA in screening
neous coronary intervention procedures after for radiation-induced CAD has not been defined. In a
radiation therapy: 5.5% versus 4.5% for left- versus study by Hancock et al. (147), a significant proportion
right-sided breast cancer. In those who underwent of patients who experienced a fatal myocardial
percutaneous coronary intervention, left-sided infarction because of radiation-induced CAD had no
breast cancer carried a significantly higher risk of prior symptoms of angina or heart failure. Future
cardiac mortality compared with right-sided breast research efforts should aim to better identify this
cancer (144). subset of patients.
Cardiovascular risk factors, such as HTN, diabetes Autonomic dysfunction is sequelae of radiation
mellitus, dyslipidemia, and obesity, have been shown therapy (148). Elevated resting heart rate and heart
to significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular rate recovery that worsened with time after radiation
disease and the associated complications of radio- were demonstrated in Hodgkin lymphoma survivors
therapy (145). The risks are magnified after chemo- who were referred for stress testing. Abnormal heart
therapy and/or with 2 or more cardiovascular risk rate recovery was associated with an increase in all-
factors. Annual follow-up is recommended by cause mortality (age-adjusted hazard ratio: 4.60)
ordering ECG or echocardiogram as clinically indi- (148). These patients could be managed with beta-
cated. The echocardiography consensus statement blockers, such as atenolol. The diagnosis, preven-
recommends evaluation based on signs and symp- tion, and management for other radiation-induced
toms as stated in the previous text, and functional cardiovascular complications are summarized in
noninvasive stress testing within 5 to 10 years of Table 4.
completion of chest radiation therapy (47). Perfusion
abnormalities on single-photon emission computed ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. Edward T.H.
tomography perfusion imaging does not always Yeh, Department of Medicine, University of Missouri,
correlate with presence of CAD associated with 1 Hospital Drive, MA412, Columbia, Missouri 65212.
radiotherapy (146). The role of coronary artery E-mail: yehet@health.missouri.edu.


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