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Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization

HealthPerception-Health Since the patient is already 80 During hospitalization, health
Management Pattern years old and quite difficult to was still important to her. She
talk to, we are considering was diagnosed with G6P6
also interviewing her (6004) Productive uterus,
daughter or significant other relaxed pelvic outlet. In order
regarding her condition. to become healthy in the
However, the patient hospital, she followed the
verbalized that health is very therapeutic regimen set by the
important to her, but in the healthcare professionals.
year 2016, when the first time Moreover, the patient will
she was admitted to a undergo vaginal
hospital, no matter how much hysterectomy.
she wanted to have the
surgery that the doctor
recommended for her According to the patient’s
betterment, she didn’t accept daughter, she was afraid for
it for financial reasons. her mother and that she
couldn’t handle the procedure
and might die like her father.
According also to her However, when I asked the
daughter she had completed patient regarding her feelings
her COVID-19 vaccine on towards the procedure, she
July 22, 2021, her first dose, bravely said, "Ay haan nak
and August 26, 2021, her mabuteng ma’am, amok mut
second dose. nga aramiden dayta nga
banag tapnu ag biyag nak pay
nga nabayag."
Furthermore, according to the
patient’s daughter, she was
worried about her mother's
health status since she
experienced vaginal bleeding
last September 18, 2022;
therefore, she immediately
brought her to a nearby
hospital for immediate

NutritionalMetabolic The patient stated that she The patient was put on DAT
Pattern usually ate three times a day (diet as tolerated). She ate the
and usually drank eight to ten food given to her in the
glasses of water a day. She hospital, but she feels
ate more vegetables and fish. difficulty in swallowing
She also stated that before, because she already lost all
she loved to drink café, but her teeth.
now she refuses to drink it
because it can trigger her acid

Furthermore, Coca-Cola is
not permitted by the patient's
according to her SO, but the
patient secretly consumed it.

She also mentioned that she

did not have any food
allergies. However, she feels
difficulty in swallowing
foods, especially if they are
made of hard foods, because
she has already lost all of her

Prior to the hospitalization,

her weight was 64 kg. In
relation to her nutrition, the
appearance of her skin was
normal. Her hair was also
brushed and shiny.

Elimination The patient verbalized that The patient still has an

Pattern she urinates often during day irregular elimination pattern,
and night. However, she feels wherein he urinates often and
the urgency of her urine but but contains a small amount
ends up only having a small only. She also defecates 3
amount come out. Regarding times during the 7-3 shift but
her defecation, she said that also contains a small amount.
she is always in the comfort
room even though she’s only
going to have flatulence,
because she can’t feel if she
is going to defecate or not.

Furthermore, on the 18th day

of September, according to
the patient’s SO, her mother
was going to the comfort
room to pee. But because the
patient’s legs were hurt, she
fell on the floor, her butt was
hit, and her vagina was stuck,
wherein it caused bleeding.
Activity-Exercise The patient mentioned that Since the patient was pre-Op,
Pattern walking was the only form of the SO stated that the patient
exercise she is doing. still can able to walk in her
However, according to her room but need assistance.
SO, she does household
chores like washing clothes,
sweeping outside, cleaning
and feeding pigs, which must
not be allowed to her since
she gets tired quickly and her
lower extremities hurt.

Sleep-Rest Pattern Before the hospitalization, the The patient stated that her
patient stated that she had a hours sleep in the hospital
regular sleep schedule, were longer than before
sleeping between 6:00 and hospitalization. Her sleep was
7:00 p.m. and getting up early sometimes interrupted when
in the morning, because the nurses did their rounds
before she goes to Palengke and vital signs monitoring.
to sell vegetables, she needs She didn’t use any sleeping
to first prepare and clean their pills in the hospital.
house and feed their pigs.
And when she sold all the
vegetables, she tried to make
up for her lack of sleep by
sleeping at any time of the
day in their home, as that
would suit her schedule that
day. This made her feel
rested. She didn’t take any
medications for her to be able
to sleep.

SensoryPerceptual Pattern The patient’s cognitive The patient’s cognitive

functions were normal. She functions still were normal.
didn’t wear eyeglasses. She She didn’t wear eyeglasses
also stated that she have no and stated that "Mas malakas
problem with her taste, touch, pa nga ang paningin ko kaysa
smell or hearing. However, sa anak ko."
according to her SO
sometimes she doesn’t hear She claimed to have no
what they are saying unless problems with her taste,
they come near. touch, smell, or hearing, but
when we interviewed her, we
The patient did had to get close enough to
not usually encounter hear what we were asking.
problems in decision-making. The patient was able to
She also stated that answer the questions asked of
sometimes she forgot things her with interest, but
and remembered them after a sometimes we didn’t
while. The patient’s language understand what she was
was partially clear and talking about.
understandable. The patient
had some problems with The patient did
speech because she is now 80 not usually encounter
years old. problems in decision-making.
She also stated that
sometimes she forgot things
and remembered them after a
while. The patient’s language
was partially clear and
understandable. The patient
had some problems with
speech because she is now 80
years old.
Role-Relationship The patient mentioned that During the patient’s stay in
Patter she was close to her family. the hospital, her eldest
But when her husband died, daughter was the one who
she was separated from her took care of her. Her family
other children and now lives and friends were constantly
with her eldest child at Santo monitoring her condition
nino (faire). However, they online and were still
had frequent communication supportive of her during the
through messenger so that she hospitalization and were
did not feel abandoned. Her hoping for her fast recovery.
family and friends were
worried about her illness, but
they were supportive of her
continuing with the surgical
Coping-Stress The patient mentioned that The patient verbalized that
Tolerance Pattern the biggest change in her life during hospitalization, she
this year was her illness. But still managed her stress by
her family and friends were watching television since
just there for her and were there is no radio in the
very supportive of her. Her hospital and it helped her to
illness brought stress to her, feel chilled and relax. She
but she managed it by playing also said that she usually
the radio because she believes listened to music through the
that listening to music can phone of her daughter and
help her relax, calm and cope prayed, especially before her
with her illness. She also surgery. She was dependent
stated that when she plays on her oldest daughter during
with her grandchildren, it her hospitalization due to
helps her not to think about weakness.
her condition.
Value-Belief The patient mentioned that The patient mentioned that
Pattern she was a Roman Catholic. during the hospitalization, she
Her religion was important to cannot able to attend masses
her. She considered herself since she doesn’t come out in
someone who was religious her room. However, she
since she religiously followed continued to pray during her
the teachings of her church. hospitalization, and it became
According to her SO, when one of her ways to cope. She
she goes to church and when believed that God is a true
she has a service at mass, she healer. Her religion didn’t
takes her mother with her. have conflicts with her health
Her religion didn’t have which made her case more
conflicts with her health; it manageable.
even helped her when
difficulties arose, like her
situation today.

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