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Explanation Giải thích

Một GV có năng
A competent academic staff is able to: - Thiết kế và triể
nhất quán;
- Design and deliver a coherent teaching and learning curriculum. - Sử dụng đa dạ
- Apply a range of teaching and learning methods and phương pháp
select the most appropriate assessment methods to bảo việc đạt đ
achieve the expected learning outcomes. - Phát triển và s
- Develop and use a variety of instructional media. trợ giảng dạy;
- Monitor and evaluate their own teaching performance - Giám sát, đán
and evaluate courses that they deliver. đánh giá chất
- Reflect upon their own teaching practices. - Rút kinh nghiệ
- Conduct research and provide services to benefit stakeholders. để cải tiến chấ
- Tham gia nghi
lợi cho các bên
The academic staff is the single most important learning
resource available to most students. It is crucial that those who GV là nguồn tài
teach have full knowledge and understanding of the subject nhất đối với đa s
that they are teaching, have the necessary skills and experience và hiểu biết về
to communicate their knowledge and understanding effectively thời có kinh ngh
to students in a range of teaching contexts, and can access truyền đạt kiến
feedback on their own performance. hiệu quả cho ng
nhau. GV cũng
hoạt động giảng
The quality of a university depends not only on the quality of its Chất lượng đào
programmes but also on the quality of its academic staff. The thuộc vào chất
quality of the academic staff encompass qualification, subject vào chất lượng
matter expertise, experience, teaching skills, and professional quan đến: bằng
ethics. Academic staffing covers full-time and part-time nghiệm, kỹ năng
professors, lecturers, and visiting teaching staff. Besides the Đội ngũ GV bao
quality of the academic staff, the university has to also determine bán thời gian, GV
the quantity of the academic staff required to meet the demands chất lượng GV,
and needs of the students. Oftentimes full-time equivalent (FTE) thiết để đáp ứn
and staff-to-student ratio are used to determine the needed Thông thường, F
number of academic staff. tỷ lệ người học/G
đội ngũ GV cần c
Full-Time Equivalent
Tương đương to
In calculating the FTE of an academic staff, universities should
define what constitutes full-time student loads and faculty Để tính FTE của
teaching loads including part-time students and faculty at their thành tải trọng h
percentage of full-time loads. và tải trọng côn
công việc của GV
There are different ways of calculating FTE and universities trọng toàn thời g
should state the method, parameters, and assumptions used.
One of the methods is based on the investment of time. For Có nhiều cách tí
example, if 1.0 FTE is equal to 40 hours per week (full-time pháp, các thông
employment), then the FTE of an academic staff member with a những cách tính
teaching load of 8 hours per week would be 0.2 (i.e., 8/40). The tư cho chương tr
investment of time method can also be used for calculating FTE giờ làm việc/tuầ
for students. For example, if 1.0 FTE student has to attend 20 một GV dạy 8
hours of lesson a week, then the FTE of a part-time student with pháp tính dựa tr
10 hours of lesson a week would be 0.5 (i.e., 10/20). được sử dụng để
FTE tương đươn
người học bán
giờ/tuần sẽ là 0.5
Another method to calculate FTE is based on teaching load. For
example, if the official full-time teaching load of an academic Ngoài ra, có thể
staff is 4 courses per semester, then each course accounts for của GV. Ví dụ, n
0.25 FTE. If an academic staff member is assigned 2 courses per GV cơ hữu là 4
semester, then the FTE will be 0.5 (i.e., 2 x 0.25 FTE). tương đương 0.
phụ trách 2 học
Similarly, student study load can be used to calculate the FTE of 0.5 (=2x0.25 FTE
students. For example, if 1.0 FTE student has to take 24 credits
load per semester, then the FTE of a student with 18 credits load Tương tự, tải trọ
per semester would be 0.75 (i.e., 18/24). Table 2.2. below is used dụng để tính FT
to specify the number of academic staff and their FTEs in the last tương đương 24
5 academic years for a programme. người học học 18
dụng Bảng 2.2 để
Category M F Total Percentage of ngũ GV trong 5 n
Headcount FTE PhD
Associate/ Phân loại N
Full-time Giáo sư
Phó Giáo sư
GV toàn thời gian
GV bán thời gian
Giáo sư/GV thỉnh
Tổng cộng
Table 2.2. Number of Academic Staff (specify reference date and
method of calculation used for FTE of academic staff) Bảng 2.2–Số lượ
phương pháp tín

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