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The hero we talk about today is Quang Linh. He’s Vietnamese vlogger.

He’s not
only our hero, but he’s the hero of thousands of African with his voluntary projects
in Africa.
First, he brougt the light to all Angola. Before, residents lived in the darkness
without electricity. So when having
electricity, everyone is very happy,
over the moon. After that, their life
had improved a lot.
Second, he and his team built houses
and digged wells which brought fresh
water for residents. Therefore, they
can have stable houses. Fresh water
helped them avoid many diseases.

Third, he guided local people how to plant, crop the grains and expand the
livestock model. This will provide residents with food and nutrients.
In addition, his team built some factories to help people have a good job, better
income and make their life more comfortable.
Especially, he called on people
from all their viewers on
Youtube to support money, food,
clothes, medicine,… for the
people of Angola. Therefore,
may famous people have
collaborated with him to launch
projects that support people’s
lives. For example, Miss Grand
International Nguyen Thuc Thuy
Tien collaborated with him
during the “Clean Water”
project. That inspired young people to follow his step.
Overall, he’s a wonderful person – a hero of my country and a lot of people in
Angola. They admire him and are grateful for his work.

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