Unit 2

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Lesson 8 11.04.2022

Unit 2 - Lesson A

Arrive(v) : varmak  at restaurant, café, cinema(MEKANA)

 In Country, Land, City (AYAK BASMAK)

Get dressed (v) : giyinmek

Wear(v) : giymek  Üzerimde var olması

Have(v) : sahip olmak

: Öğün almak  have breakfast = eat pizza = have pizza

Lunch = eat sushi


Eat + yediğim yemeği

Wake up (v) : uyanmak

Get up(v) : yataktan kalkmak/kalkmak

Tam saatlere için o’clock kullanırım  12 o’clock, 5 o’clock

Çeyrekler için quarter kullanırım  quarter +PAST  5’I çeyrek geçiyo : quarter past 5

8’I çeyrek geçiyor : quarter past 8

quarter+TO  5’e çeyrek var : quarter to 5

8’e çeyrek var : quarter to 8

Yarımlar için half past kullanırım  6’yı yarım geçiyo := saat altı buçuk : half past 6

9’u yarım geçiyor : half past 9

PAST  dakika PAST saat  dokuzu beş geçiyo : five PAST nine

Üçü on geçiyo : ten PAST three

TO   dakika TO saat  dokuza beş var : five TO nine

Üçe on var : ten TO three

Quarter to ten : Q t 10

Half past three : h 3

Quarter past nine : Q p 9

Ten to twelve : 10 t 12 : 11.50

Five past nine: 5 p 9 : 9.05

WHEN  ne zaman : When do you get up on monday?

7:30  When do you get up on Wednesday?

7:30 , at 7:30  I get up at 7:30 on Wednesday

Sabahları saat 11’de okula varıyorum : I arrive at school at 11 o’clock in the morning.

Akşamları saat 5 te akşam yemeği yeriz. :We have dinner at 5 o’clock in the evening.

Öğleden sonra saat 12.15’te arkadaşımla döner yeriz. : we have doner at 12.15 in the afternoon.

Subject : okul dersi : kimya, biyoloji, matematik, ingilizce

Class : ders

Classroom : sınıf

Lesson : ders konusu

You arrive at school at 8 o’clock  on Monday  maths

On Tuesday  science

On Wednesday  maths

On Thursday  Music

On Friday  PE

Schedule : Zaman Planı

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Maths at 8.15 Science 8.15 Maths Music PE
Science 9.00

Run(v) : koşmak , yürütmek, işletmek

Unit 2 - Lesson B

Necessary(adj) : gerekli

Compulsory(adj) : zorunlu

Have to(v) : zorundayım, gerekir

+ I/you/we/they have to+VERB

I have to go to bathroom: tuvalete gitmem gerekiyor.

I have to wear school uniform : okul üniforması giymeliyim

I need to wear school uniform : okul üniformasını giymeye ihtiyacım var

He/she/it has to+VERB

Q&A : question&answer : soru-cevap

Ambition :

Etc: et cetera : vesaire

I go to school to learn new things : okula yeni şeyler öğrenmek için

Do you have to pay to study there? : orada okumak için ödeme yapmana
gerek var mı?

State school : devlet okulu

Özel okul : private school

VIP : very important person : çok önemli insan

We have to wear school uniform

The school doesn’t have to stay open at the weekend.

We have to do all our homework on computer.

1. My sister doesn’t have to walk to school.

2. We have to speak English in class.
3. I don’t have to sing in my music lessons
4. My brother doesn’t have to work at weekends.
5. My brother and I have to share a bedroom.
6. I have to do the ironing at home.
7. My little sister has to go to bed early.
8. My mum doesn’t have to use a computer at work.

Be home : evde olmak

Lesson 9 15.04.2022

Unit 2 - Lesson C

Usual(adj) : Normal = Standard = ordinary

Unusual(adj) : not normal = not standard = extraordinary

Use(v) : kullanmak

1,100 : one thousand one hundred

1250 : one thousand two hundred and fifty

1350 : one thousand three hundred and fifty

20 May : the twentieth of May : UK

May 20 : May the Twentieth : US

14 March : the fourteenth of March

21 June : the twenty-first of June

September 31: September the Thirty-first

2001, 2002, 2003 … arada iki sıfırlı bir tarih ise

2001  two thousand and 1 2009’a kadar

2010  20 – 10 : twenty ten

2014 : twenty fourteen

2020 : twenty twenty

1998 : 19 98 : nineteen ninety-eight

1900 : 19 hundred : nineteen hundred

1500 : fifteen hundred

: okuldaki sınıflar

The chairs on the garden : bahçedeki sandalyeler

The man in the corner : köşedeki adam

The bakkal in the corner : köşedeki bakkal


Unit 2 - Lesson D

: katılmayı planlamak

Join : katılmak

Plan : planlamak

Usually : genellikle = 90%

AOF : adverbs of frequency

AOF + Verb

I always get up at 11 o’clock

Be + AOF

I am always late for school.

Millie usually does sport after school.

Millie often meets her friends in town after school

Millie sometimes does her homework on the bus.

Millie is always hungry at break time.

Millie hardly ever takes the bus to school.

Millie is never late for school.

Millie is sometimes hungry at home.

Millie always has breakfast.

What : ne

Where : nerede/nere :

When : ne zaman

Why : niçin/neden
Who : kim (hu)

What + noun = hangi : Which

What colour is it ?

What music is it ?

What book is it ?

How : nasıl

How + adj : Ne kadar

How old are you? : kaç yaşındasın  How old: ne kadar yaşlısın

I’m 14 years old

How tall is it ? : bu ne kadar uzun?

It’s 140 cm tall.

How + many : kaç tane - countable

How much : ne kadar  uncountable

1. By bus  how do you go to school?

2. Where are you?
3. When
4. Many
5. When
6. Whose

Who’s = who is this person ? : bu kişi kim

Whose = kimin  whose +noun

Curry flovoured noodle

Lesson 10 18.04.2022
Unit 2 - Lesson E

Preposition : ön pozisyon eki 1. Zaman(Time)

2. Yer(Place)

3. Hareket(Movement)

Edat  Prepositions of Time : Zaman Edatları

In On At

IN  Ay, Yıl, Mevsim, Günün Vakitlerinde

In June

In 1996

In Summer

Day  Daytime Nighttime

In the Morning : Sabah

In the Afternoon: Öğleden sonra

In the Evening : Akşam

ON  Tarih, Özel gün, Günler

On 7 June

On 15 February

On Valentine’s Day

On Christmas Day

On Halloween’s Day

On Friday

On Saturday

AT  Saat, Gece, Tek günlük özel günlerden

At night

At 9 o’clock

At 7:30 pm

At New Year  31 December

At Easter

UK at the weekend

US on the weekend

During the day

During summer

During the school time

During the week : haftaiçi

Until = ‘till  e kadar


Private school : özel okul

State school : devlet okulu

Mixed school : karma eğitimli okul

Unit 2 - Lesson F

I think : bence

Maybe : belki

Maybe they enjoy it

Above : üzerinde

Below : altında

Belong to : ait olmak

Get + ADJ  VERB

Wet(adj) : ıslak

Get wet(v) : ıslanmak

Hungry(adj) : aç

Get Hungry : acıkmak

I want you to read this text.

It helps the children to stay safe


I don’t want you to get angry

I don’t want you to get your voice loud :

I don’t want you to speak up

Speak up : yüksek sesle konuşmak

Enough : yeterli

High Volume

Take something out of the bag : Bir şeyi çantadan çıkarmak

Lesson 11 22.04.2022

Unit 2 - Lesson G

Give(v) : vermek

Advice(n) : tavsiye

Ask(v) : sormak

Ask for(phr v): want : istemek

Agree(v): katılmak

Agree with you



If I were her

Bully : Zorba

Don’t be a Bully!
Should : malı meli

You should have a rest : Biraz dinlenmelisin

Modal Verb : kip

Should : [şuud]

You shouldn’t cheat : Kopya çekmemelisin

He shouldn’t say this : Bunu söylememeli

Dobbie: Harry Potter shouldn’t go to Hogwarts

Should I go to hospital? : Hastaneye gitmeli miyim?

Should I stay here? : Burada kalmalı mıyım?

Should you go to school? :


S+MODAL+NOT+V  Negative

S+MODAL+V  Affirmative

Unit 2 - Lesson H

This is a great way to keep money

Raise(v) : meblağ arttırmak, yükseltmek, para biriktirmek

This is a great way to raise money

Greed(n) : aç gözlülük

This is a great way to learn English

Everyone is welcome: herkese kapımız açık

For more details

Emir kipi : Imperatives

Verb + Object !

Open the window!

Verb !



Speak up! : sesini arttır!

DON’T + Verb + Object !

Don’t open the window! : Pencereyi açma!

Lesson 12 25.04.2022

Unit 2 – Culture Lesson 2 & DVD Worksheet 2

Price (n) : fiyat

Prize(n) : ödül

Nobel Prize : Nobel ödülü

Be famous for
It is famous for Oxford Dictionary

Kayseri is famous for Pastırma

Balikesir is famous for olive

Malatya is famous for Apricot

Apricot : kayısı

I can’t wait to go : gitmeye sabırsızlanıyorum

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