ENFP Day 12

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Reality Testing
Reality Testing is defined in EQ terms as
"The capacity to remain objective by seeing
things as they really are. This capacity
includes recognizing when emotions or
personal bias can cause one to be less
objective." (Book & Stein, 2000)

In ENFP terms, this means passing the firm

beliefs of Fi over to the ruthless inspection
of Te - who can help us separate true from
false, fantasy from reality and firm conviction
Problem Solving
from stubborn internal invention. (By all
means, it happens to the best of us.) Problem Solving is defined in EQ terms as
"The ability to find solutions to problems in
situations where emotions are involved. This
Impulse Control includes the ability to understand how
emotions impact decision-making.."
Impulse control is defined in EQ terms as (Book & Stein, 2000)
"The ability to resist or delay an impulse, drive
or temptation to act." In ENFP terms, this means being realistic
about how certain outcomes are likely to
In ENFP terms, this means at least make us feel - and recognizing that we need
considering and managing the collateral to factor those feelings into our decisions,
damage of the rash decisions you're lest our souls die a slow and excruciating
inevitably going to make. The goal is not to death while we pursue what's purely
turn into a Judger It's just to live slightly more practical in lieu of what lights our hearts on
consciously as the big ol' perceiver you are. fire.

Robotic Observations
Write down factual details about what happened, without any interpretation.

Interpretation Tank
Write down any thoughts, emotions, judgments or meanings you assigned to the situation.

Possibilities Projector
Write down a few alternate explanations for why things may have happened the way they did.


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