Oral Communicationin REVIEWER

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Oral Communicationin Context

“Like or Unlike”
I said....1. sit up straight and listen carefully.2. I like the photo.3. something about the photo.4. appreciate the
photo.5. something about interaction.

1.Controlled 2.Expressed my emotions 3.Informed 4.Motivated 5.Interacted

Functions of Communication
- behavior of people
- -regulate the amount of activities people engage in

Social Interaction
- develops bonds,relations,connections,socialrelationships

- express desires, needs,wants, goals, decisions, etc
- encourage people to livebetter
Information Dissemination
- giving and getting information
- comes in the form ofstatements and facts(declaratives)

Emotional Expression
- Emotions are central part of human being.
- There is always a need to expressour emotions.

- Verbal- utterance( words)
- Non-Verbal- gesture, facialexpression, body language, etc.

Communication Models
• graphical representations of the proposedelements
• representations make it easier for us tounderstand the relationships of thedifferent

Aristotle’s Model of Communication

- Aristotle (384-322 B.C) was aGreek philosopher and writerborn in Stagira, NorthernGreece.

- He developed a linear model of communication for oral communication known as Aristotle's

Model Communication.

- It is mainly focused on speaker and speech .

- Primary elements: Speaker, Speech, Occasion,Audience and Effect
- “speaker-centered model”

Lasswell’s Model (1948)

- Harold Dwight Lasswell, a politicalscientist and communicationtheorist who chose to be amultidisciplinary
Shannon and Weaver (1949)
 Proposed by Claude Elwood Shannon, a mathematician and Electronic Engineer, together with
Warren Weaver, an American scientist.

 Originally designed for telephone communication.

 In this model, “noise” was introduced.

Schramm’s Model of Communication

 Made by Wilbur Schramm, who is considered the Father of Mass Communication.

 This explains why communication break down occurs.

• asserted that communication can take place if and only if there is an overlap between the Field of
Experience of the Speaker and the Field of Experience of the Listener

David Berlo’s Model (SMCR Model: Source, Message,Channel, and Receiver)

• David Berlo was a student of Wilbur Schramm.
• postulated Berlo's Sender-Message-Channel-Receiver (SMCR) model of communication from Shannon
Weaver's Model of Communication (1949)
• described factors affecting the individual components in the communication making the communication more

Characteristics of an Effective Communicator

An effective verbal communicator:


Encourages empathically



An effective nonverbal communicator:


Opens up

Leans toward the other person

Establishes eye contact

Shows appropriate facial expressions



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