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J Appl Physiol 121: 1374–1378, 2016.

First published September 22, 2016; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00428.2016.

Case Studies in Physiology: Ventilation and perfusion in a giraffe– does

size matter?
Görel Nyman,1 Bengt Röken,2 Eva-Maria Hedin,3 and Göran Hedenstierna4
Department of Clinical Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden; 2Kolmården Wild Animal
Park, Kolmården, Sweden; 3Department of Medical Sciences, Cardiology-Arrhythmia, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden;
and 4Hedenstierna Laboratory, Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Submitted 6 May 2016; accepted in final form 19 September 2016

Nyman G, Röken B, Hedin E-M, Hedenstierna G. Case Studies perfusion (VA/Q) matching and arterial oxygenation (37).
in Physiology: Ventilation and perfusion in a giraffe – does size When a young giraffe was undergoing surgical repair of a
matter? J Appl Physiol 121: 1374 –1378, 2016. First published Sep- fractured foot, we got an opportunity to conduct gas exchange
tember 22, 2016; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00428.2016.—The trachea measurements during anesthesia, with the giraffe breathing
in the giraffe is long but narrow, and dead space ventilation is
considered to be of approximately the same size as in other mammals.
spontaneously in a partial lateral position. We were also given
Less is known about the matching between ventilation and lung blood time to make a measurement of the VA/Q matching with the
flow. The lungs in the giraffe are large, up to 1 m high and 0.7 m wide, multiple inert gas elimination technique, MIGET (34). We
and this may cause considerable ventilation/perfusion (VA/Q) mis- compared our results with those from previous studies in
match due to the influence of gravitational forces, which could lead to different species, including humans.
hypoxemia. We studied a young giraffe under anesthesia using the
multiple inert gas elimination technique to analyze the VA/Q distri- MATERIALS AND METHODS
bution and arterial oxygenation and compared the results with those A 2-yr-old female giraffe, weight ~400 kg, with a chronic hind leg
obtained in other species of different sizes, including humans. VA/Q lesion (healed epiphyseal fracture) was studied during anesthesia. She
distribution was broad but unimodal, and the shunt of blood flow was born and lived at the Kolmarden Wild Animal Park in Sweden.
through nonventilated lung regions was essentially absent, suggesting The ethical board of the park had approved the study, provided that
no lung collapse. The VA/Q match was as good as in the similarly the clinically indicated anesthesia for correction of the fractured foot
sized horse and was even comparable to that in smaller sized animals, was not prolonged. The study was done in 1990, but the results were
including rabbit and rat. The match was also similar to that in not reported previously.
anesthetized humans. Arterial oxygenation was essentially similar in Anesthesia. Anesthesia was induced with xylazin 100 mg (Rompun
all studied species. The findings suggest that the efficiency of VA/Q vet.) and 0.2 ml Large Animal Immobilon (etorphine HCl 0.5 mg and
matching is independent of lung size in the studied mammals that vary acepromazine 2 mg) injected intramuscularly at the base of neck with
in weight from less than 1 to more than 400 kg. a blow dart. Large Animal Immobilon (0.5 ml) was given intrave-
giraffe; ventilation; gas exchange; ventilation/perfusion nously, and the giraffe was stabilized with the trunk in left lateral
position and neck and head in an upright position, the latter adjusted
by careful positioning of snares around the neck (partial lateral
recumbency). The right hind hoof was trimmed, and a supportive cast
NEW & NOTEWORTHY of Technovit was applied to adjust the hoof’s angle to the ground.
Unique measurement of ventilation-perfusion matching in a Anesthesia was reversed by the opioid antagonist Large Animal
giraffe. Surprisingly, the matching was similar to that in the Revivon (diprenorphine, 2,4 mg) and alpha-2-adrenoceptor antagonist
horse as well as in the rabbit and rat, 1/100 and 1/500 of the atipamezol, 10 mg (Antisedan vet.), both given intravenously. The
weight of the giraffe, and also similar to that seen in humans. giraffe got on its feet without support 150 s after the reversal of the
THE ADULT GIRAFFE REACHES an average height of ~5 m (4, 14) Blood gases and oxygen saturation. A Teflon catheter (80 mm
and heights up to 6.6 m have been reported (16, 35). The Branüle cannula, external diameter 2.1 mm) was introduced into a
shoulder height is ~3 m (4, 14, 16). The neck is thus as long as jugular vein for inert gas infusion (see below). Arterial blood samples
2 m or more. Despite a long trachea, dead space to tidal volume were taken by puncture of the carotid artery.
ratio (VD/VT), as measured by conventional CO2 elimination, Blood was collected in heparinized glass syringes with matched
has been found to be similar in size to that of other mammals barrels, capped, and stored on ice for subsequent blood gas analysis
(equipment: ABL 3, Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark). Oxygen
and has been explained by a narrow trachea and large tidal
saturation and hemoglobin concentration were measured by spectro-
volume (23, 30). photometry (OSM 3, Radiometer).
Less is known about pulmonary gas exchange and arterial Ventilation and cardiac output. The expired minute ventilation was
oxygenation in the giraffe, although a comment has been made collected by a specially designed mask that was fitted onto the nose of
that arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions (PaO2, PaCO2) the animal. It was made airtight by an inflatable cuff, the surface of
were within normal limits despite the use of anesthetics that which was covered by aluminum foil to avoid inert gas absorption in
had been used to enable measurements (3). In a tall lung, a rubber (see below). One-way valves allowed breathing through the
considerable gravitational influence on the distribution of lung mask and passage of expired gas via metal tubing to a mixing box to
blood flow may exist, with a potential impact on ventilation/ ensure the collection of mixed expired gas. Minute ventilation was
measured by collecting the expired gas in Douglas bags and emptying
them through a gasometer. The giraffe breathed ambient air through-
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: G. Hedenstierna, out the study.
Hedenstierna Laboratory, Dept. of Medical Sciences, entr 40:2, 75185 Uppsala Cardiac output was estimated according to the Fick principle, but
University, Uppsala, Sweden (e-mail: because we were not allowed to collect mixed venous blood, we had

1374 8750-7587/16 Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society

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VA/Q in a Giraffe • Nyman G et al. 1375
to use jugular venous blood. Arterial and jugular venous O2 concen- uptake was 890 ml/min (STPD), corresponding to ~3 ml·min⫺1·
trations were measured as described above, and a mixed expired gas kg body wt⫺1, similar to human per kilogram body weight. The
sample was used for measurement of O2 and CO2 concentrations expired CO2 amounted to 751 ml/min, resulting in a respiratory
using the polarographic technique (Beckman OM 14) and an infrared
meter (Leybold-Hereus). The measured oxygen uptake was divided by exchange ratio of 0.84. PaO2 was 70 mmHg during air breath-
the arterial-venous oxygen content difference to yield cardiac output. ing, and PaCO2 was 57 mmHg. Thus PaO2 was in the lower
Replacing mixed venous by jugular venous blood may have caused normal range for the supine position in conscious humans and
some overestimation of cardiac output. PaCO2 was slightly increased, indicating a certain hypoventila-
Ventilation/perfusion matching. MIGET, as described by Wagner tion (10). The VD/VT ratio calculated according to the Enghoff
et al. (33) was used, with necessary modifications to make it appli-
cable to the giraffe. In short, six gases (SF6, ethane, cyclopropane, equation was 0.36, corresponding to 0.97 liters, including
enflurane, ether, and acetone), inert in the sense of being chemically apparatus dead space (8). The latter was measured separately
inactive in blood, were dissolved in saline and infused for 25 min at by water displacement with consideration of the volume of the
a rate of 45 ml/min. The infusion time was shorter than the normal 40 nose of the giraffe and amounted to 0.27 liters. The physio-
min because of the limited duration of anesthesia. However, subse- logical dead space thus corresponded to 0.70 liters and the
quent double blood and expired gas samples were taken 3 to 4 min VD/VT ratio to 0.26.
apart, and no gross differences in the inert gas concentrations were Cardiac output, calculated according to the Fick principle
noticed and the calculated retention and excretion values were similar
in the two sets of samples. The blood samples were collected in glass
with peripheral venous blood instead of mixed venous blood,
syringes with matched barrels and stored on ice until analysis. The was 18.1 l/min. The heart rate was 48 beats/min and the stroke
expired gas was collected in special glass syringes with ceramic volume 377 ml. Thus ventilation and circulation data were
barrels. The syringes were kept at 37–38°C by means of a heating much the same as in humans after correction for body size (19).
blanket to avoid water condensation and to keep them gas tight (they Ventilation-perfusion relationships. Two sets of data were
would leak if cooled). With these precautions taken, the blood and gas obtained and both were of high quality, as shown by the very
samples were brought to the laboratory and analyzed, ~3 h later. The low remaining sum of squares, RSS, 0.83 and 1.8 (34). The
blood samples were tonometered against a gas phase and were, former is shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1. Calculations of the
together with the gas samples, injected into a gas chromatograph
(model 5890, Hewlett-Packard) with an electron capture detector to VA/Q distribution revealed a broad single mode, as indicated
measure SF6 and a flame ionization detector for analysis of the other by a rather high logarithmic standard deviation of the perfusion
gases. The inert gas data, together with the measured minute ventila- distribution (log SDQ). A moderate amount of the perfusion
tion and calculated cardiac output (as described above), were submit- was distributed to VA/Q ratios below 0.1 (“low VA/Q”), and
ted to a computer-based analysis for calculation of the distribution of there was essentially no shunt. There was no ventilation to
VA/Q (33). The solubility coefficients of the inert gases were calcu- regions with VA/Q ratios above 10 except dead space (here
lated using blood samples taken before onset of the infusion (33). defined as ventilation of regions with VA/Q ⬎ 100). Dead
space/tidal volume ratio (VD/VT) was 0.33, similar to the dead
space calculated on the basis of CO2 elimination, according to
Ventilation, blood gases, and cardiac output. The expired the Enghoff equation (8) (Table 1). PaO2 predicted from the
ventilation was 18.9 l/min (BTPS) and the respiratory rate 7 VA/Q distribution was 64 mmHg and thus fairly similar to the
breaths/min and thus tidal volume (VT) was 2.7 l. Oxygen measured PaO2.

Fractional Retention (R) and Excretion (E)

1.0 R
Ventilation and Perfusion





0.0 0.001 0.1 10.0 1000

Blood:Gas partition coefficient, log scale

Fig. 1. MIGET data in the spontaneously breathing, anesthetized giraffe in partial lateral position. A: retention (R) and excretion (E) of the 6 gases plotted against
their blood/gas partition coefficients (indicated by the small circles from low to high coefficient: SF6, ethane, cyclopropane, enflurane, ether, acetone). Solid lines,
curve calculated for an assumed homogeneous lung with similar dead space and shunt as in the studied giraffe. Dashed lines, curve fitted to the measured data.
B: ventilation/perfusion distribution (VA/Q). Compare with rabbit, horse, and humans in Fig. 2.

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1376 VA/Q in a Giraffe • Nyman G et al.

Table 1. PaO2, PaCO2, and VA/Q data in different species. All but conscious humans have been studied during intravenous
anesthesia (in humans, low concentration of anesthetic gas was added to the intravenous drugs)
Species Pos./O2 n PaO2, mmHg PaCO2, mmHg logSDQ logSDV QS/QT, % LowVA/Q, %

Giraffe (present study) lat/0.21 1 70 57 1.07 1.02 1 8

Horse (21, 22) lat/0.21 12 65 ⫾ 10 49 ⫾ 5 0.81 ⫾ 0.44 5⫾3 5⫾7
Sheep (6) lat/0.21 8 76 ⫾ 5 46 ⫾ 6 0.53 ⫾ 0.06 1.29 ⫾ 0.80 2⫾1 1⫾1
Rabbit (17, 18) sup/0.34 23 81 ⫾ 22* 38 ⫾ 12 0.84 ⫾ 0.23 0.77 ⫾ 0.30 2⫾3 1⫹2
Rat (2) lat/0.21 10 87 ⫾ 5 30 ⫾ 3 1.06 ⫾ 0.18 1.06 ⫾ 0.11 4⫾1
Man (15) lat/0.30 15 70 ⫾ 8* 35 ⫾ 1 1.02 ⫾ 0.21 1.46 ⫾ 0.11 4⫾1 7⫾3
Conscious man (27) sup/0.21 7 99 ⫾ 2 39 ⫾ 1 0.38 ⫾ 0.03 0.37 ⫾ 0.04 0⫾0
Values are means ⫾ SD. Giraffe, horse, sheep, and wake humans have been studied during spontaneous breathing. Rabbit, rat, and anesthetized humans have
been studied during mechanical ventilation. Pos., position, lateral or supine; O2, inspired oxygen fraction, 0.21 (air) or higher. *PaO2 recalculated to the expected
value during air breathing.

DISCUSSION the conscious horse and humans have better VA/Q matching
than during anesthesia (26, 32). The concept of fractal distri-
The major findings in this study of an anesthetized, sponta-
bution of ventilation and lung blood flow, independent of
neously breathing giraffe were a small dead space, a broad but
gravity and, possibly, of body size, is another potential mech-
uniform VA/Q distribution, and essentially no shunt.
anism of more homogeneous VA/Q distribution (9).
The small dead space in a giraffe with a VD/VT ratio of 0.26
Another consequence of large lung dimensions, as in the
after subtraction of apparatus dead space (determined using the
giraffe, could be stratified heterogeneity of the air in alveoli, as
inert gas elimination technique) is in agreement with previous
seen in the Varanid lizard with its relatively uncomplicated
studies that have used CO2 elimination technique (23, 30). The
narrow trachea reduces dead space ventilation and contributes lung and large airspaces (13). Stratified heterogeneity will
to “normal” VD/VT but should impose a high respiratory more likely be seen for a heavy gas molecule and cause
resistance during physical exercise. The horse has a shorter and increased retention of the gas enflurane, which was used in the
wider trachea, giving the same dead space volume as in the MIGET in the Varanid lizard study (13). However, we found
giraffe, but with less respiratory resistance (29). no increased retention of enflurane in our giraffe, as can be
The fair match of VA/Q ratios and the minor shunt may inferred from the retention data in Fig. 1A. Moreover, PaO2 can
appear surprising in view of the size of the animal (36). The be predicted from the VA/Q match, assuming complete equil-
lung in an adult giraffe male, body weight 1 200 kg, is ~80 cm ibration of gases across the alveoli-capillary membranes and no
dorsoventrally (isogravitational direction) and 65 cm from one stratified heterogeneity. Because we found no difference be-
side of the diaphragmatic lobes to the other (gravitational tween the measured and the predicted PaO2, this is a further
direction in the lateral recumbency; from measurements on a sign that there was no diffusion impairment in our giraffe,
giraffe in the Wild Animal Park). These dimensions were either over alveolar-capillary membranes [as in pulmonary
smaller in the young giraffe studied, which weighed 400 kg fibrosis (1) or by stratified heterogeneity in alveolar gas (13)].
and had a lung height of ~55– 60 cm and lung width of 45–50 The match of VA/Q in the anesthetized giraffe was as good
cm. This is, however, comparable to horses of similar weight as in a horse of similar weight, which has a vertical lung height
that have been studied with MIGET (see below). of less than 65 cm, and the giraffe has, if anything, a smaller
That shunt was almost absent may suggest that no atelectasis shunt (21, 22) (Table 1). Anesthetized sheep in the lateral
had developed. Large atelectasis is frequently seen in anesthe- position, weight 38 –97 kg, also have a similar degree of VA/Q
tized, supine horses of similar size. However, horses in the mismatch, as inferred from logSDQ and logSDV (6). The
lateral position have less atelectasis than they do in the supine giraffe compares favorably with an anesthetized human, who,
position (25), and the giraffe was studied in the “partial” lateral in lateral position, has a vertical lung height of 20 –30 cm and
position. Moreover, the giraffe was breathing ambient air, still has a broad VA/Q dispersion and a clear shunt (15) (Table
which delays formation of atelectasis. This is because atelec- 1). Even more interesting is the fact that anesthetized rabbits
tasis is caused by absorption of gas behind closed airways and (studied supine) and rats (studied in the lateral position), with
this absorption takes longer during the breathing of air than 1/100 and 1/500 of the weight of the horse and giraffe and a
during the breathing of oxygen (5, 7). A short duration of vertical lung height of 1–5 cm, have similar degrees of VA/Q
anesthesia (here around 25 min) may not have been enough to mismatch (2, 17, 18) (Table 1). Most of these animals have
cause atelectasis when air was breathed. The fair VA/Q match been selected for comparison because they had been investi-
in view of the large lung may also possibly be related to a more gated during anesthesia in the lateral position, similar to the
even distribution of the perfusion of the lung, with no consis- giraffe in our study. However, anesthetized, supine, and me-
tent gravitational gradient, as shown by Hlastala et al. (12) in chanically ventilated pigs and dogs show essentially similar
the conscious upright horse. Alternatively, ventilation is dis- results (28, 31). Thus the sizes of the studied mammals do not
tributed mainly to more dependent lung regions where perfu- seem to matter. It should be mentioned that the giraffe has a
sion should be expected to be the largest. Active control bronchial ramification and lobular division similar to other
mechanisms of ventilation and perfusion distribution to opti- mammals (24), so gross lung anatomy does not differ between
mize VA/Q matching do exist, e.g., hypoxic pulmonary vaso- the studied species.
constriction, but the anesthesia that was provided during the Examples of VA/Q distributions in anesthetized horse, rab-
studies may have interfered with these mechanisms (20). Thus bit, and conscious and anesthetized humans are shown in Fig.

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VA/Q in a Giraffe • Nyman G et al. 1377

l/min l/min
0.05 Rabbit 3.0 Horse

0.04 QS/QT
2.0 8.4%
0.03 53%
QS/QT 1.5%
0.00 0.0
0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 10 100
0 0.01 0.1 1

Ventilation ™ and Perfusion ˜

C l/min
Man awake
7.0 Man anesthetized
31% QS/QT 4.6%

3.0 0.2

QS/QT 0.1
1.0 0.8% VA/Q
0.0 VA/Q 0.0
0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Fig. 2. Ventilation/perfusion distributions (VA/Q) in the anesthetized rabbit and horse (top) and in conscious and anesthetized humans (bottom). QS/QT, shunt
in percent of cardiac output; VD/VT, dead space in percent of tidal volume, including apparatus dead space except in the rabbit where apparatus dead space was
subtracted because of proportionally larger connecting tubes (*). [Top right republished with permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (21); permission conveyed
through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (21). Top left reproduced with permission of the European Respiratory Society © (17). Bottom left republished with
permission of Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. (32), and bottom right republished with permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (15); permission conveyed through
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.]

2. It should be mentioned that the “low VA/Q” seen in the been seen between spontaneous and mechanical ventilation in
giraffe as well as in anesthetized horses and humans may be anesthetized humans (11).
converted to absorption atelectasis and cause shunt if higher In summary, the anesthetized giraffe had a small dead space
concentrations of oxygen concentration are breathed (5). ventilation, comparable to that of the horse. The ventilation/
There are limitations in our study. First, our findings are perfusion matching was surprisingly efficient and shunt was
limited to one animal only, and it was not a full grown giraffe. small. These findings compared well with anesthetized horse
Second, the giraffe was in partial lateral recumbency with its and man and even with rat and rabbit. Thus the size of the
body in the lateral position and its neck and head in the upright studied mammals, from 0.7 to 3 kg to more than 400 kg did not
position, whereas the horse was in the fully lateral position. matter; the gas exchanging capacity of the lung was more or
However, the abdomen and chest were in a similar lateral less the same.
position in both species, so the gravitational influence on the
lung should have been similar. The rabbit had been studied in
a supine position. Finally, anesthesia in humans was induced The study was supported by the Swedish Research Council (5315) and the
Swedish Heart-Lung Fund.
during breathing 100% oxygen and continued with ventilation
with 40% oxygen. If ventilation had been with air, as in the DISCLOSURES
giraffe and horse, the shunt might have been smaller, but the
No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the author(s).
dispersion of ventilation because of more of “low” VA/Q
regions would have been even larger, as mentioned above. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
Also, ventilation was not spontaneous in anesthetized humans G.N., B.R., and G.H. conceived and designed research; G.N. and E.-M.H.
or the rabbit but provided by a mechanical ventilator. However, performed experiments; G.N., E.-M.H., and G.H. interpreted results of exper-
no significant differences in shunt and VA/Q distribution have iments; G.N., B.R., and G.H. edited and revised manuscript; G.N., B.R.,

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E.-M.H., and G.H. approved final version of manuscript; E.-M.H. analyzed 19. Loe H, Steinshamn S, Wisløff U. Cardio-respiratory reference data in
data; E.-M.H. prepared figures; G.H. drafted manuscript. 4631 healthy men and women 20-90 years: the HUNT 3 fitness study.
PLoS One 9: e113884, 2014. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0113884.
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J Appl Physiol • doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00428.2016 •

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