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WATER AND SOLUTION 1 Diagram 9 shows two methods of water purification, P and Q.

Which of the following shows the differences between P and Q? P A B C D To separate insoluble solids To remove impurities To remove sediment To remove colour Q To kill microorganisms To remove colour To remove impurities To kill microorganisms

PMR 2008 2 What change takes place to water at its freezing point? A B C D Liquid to gas Gas to solid Solid to liquid Liquid to solid PMR 2008

Diagram 8 shows two methods, P and Q, of water purification.

Diagram 8
What is the reason for using methods P and Q?

PMR 2007

Diagram 9 shows a beaker of water left on a table in a laboratory for three days.

Diagram 9
After three days, the water level in the beaker decreases. Why does this happen? A B C D Water molecules lose heat and turn into solid. Water molecules absorb heat and turn into gas. Water molecules lose energy and turn into gas. Water molecules vibrate in a fixed position and turn into gas. PMR 2007 5 Diagram 3 shows a piece of towel hanging on a rail.

Diagram 3

Which of the following factors will cause the towel to dry faster? i ii iii Movement of air Higher temperature of the surroundings Higher humidity of the air


I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III PMR 2006

Diagram 10 shows a few ice cubes in a glass of orange juice.

Diagram 10 Which of the following is true about the water droplets? A B C D Have sour taste Turn blue litmus paper to red pH7 when tested with pH paper Decolourise acidic potassium permanganate solution PMR 2006

Diagram 12 shows the pH value of three substances P, Q and R.

Diagram 12 Which of the following is true about P, Q and R? A P Q R B P Q R C P Q R D P Q R Orange juice Fresh milk Toothpaste Acid Acid Alkali PMR 2006 Orange juice Distilled water Milk of magnesia Acid Neutral Alkali Milk of magnesia Distilled water Fresh milk Alkali Neutral Acid Toothpaste Milk of magnesia Vinegar Alkali Alkali Acid

The diagram shows the pH of substances P, Q, R and S. 1 7 14 pH

Which of the following represents substances P, Q, R and S? P Toothpaste Lemon juice Q Washing soda Vinegar R Distilled water Distilled water S Vinegar Toothpaste


Washing soda Vinegar

Distilled water Distilled water

Vinegar Toothpaste

Lemon juice Washing soda PMR 2005

Diagram A, B, C and D show the mass of 20 g of sugar in various shapes. Which shape of sugar will dissolve fastest?

PMR 2004

Diagram 1 shows three beakers, X, Y and Z, each containing 100 cm3 of distilled water. Different quantities of salt are put into each beaker. The solutions are then stirred using a glass rod. (PMR 2006)


Diagram 1 (a) Name the solvent used. ________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (b) State one difference between the salt solutions in beaker Y and beaker Z. ________________________________________________________________

(1 mark)

(c) State two ways to dissolve the undissolved salt in beaker Z. 1. ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ (2 marks) (d) An egg sinks when it is placed in the salt solution in beaker X. (i) Suggest one way in which the egg could be made to float. ______________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (ii) Give one explanation for your answer in 1(d)(i). ______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

Diagram 2 shows three identical handkerchiefs, P, Q and R. All the handkerchiefs are wet and are dried under the hot sun for 2 hours in the following manner: Handkerchief P is folded into 4, handkerchief Q is folded into 2 and handkerchief R is not folded. (PMR 2006)

Diagram 2 (a) (i) Which handkerchief will dry first? ______________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (ii) Give one reason for your answer in 2(a)(i). ______________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (b) Haris wears a wet shirt. He stands under a moving fan to dry the shirt. Explain how the situation can help Haris to dry his shirt. ______________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(c) Dried fish are normally processed by exposing them under the sunlight. Explain one method to make the fish dry faster. Method: ______________________________________________________________ Explanation: ______________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

Diagram 3.1 shows the apparatus set-up and the initial temperature reading of distilled water in an experiment. The distilled water is heated. (PMR 2007)

Diagram 3.1

(a) Record the initial temperature of the distilled water.

______________.0C (1 mark) (b) Table 3.1 shows the results of this experiment. Time / min Temperature / o C 2 50 4 70 Table 3.1 State the variables involved in this experiment. (i) Manipulated variable ____________________________________________ (ii) Responding variable ____________________________________________ (iii) Constant variable ____________________________________________ (3 marks) 6 90 8 100 10 100

(c) State a hypothesis based on the result in Table 3.1.

_______________________________________________________________. (1 mark)

(d) For this part of the question, use the graph paper provided. Based on Table 3.1, draw a graph of temperature against time. ( 3 marks) (e) Based on the graph drawn in 3(d), (i) predict the temperature of the distilled water at the 12th minute. _________________o C (1 mark) (ii) state the relationship between temperature and time. _____________________________________________________________ (1 mark).

Graph for Question 3(d)

Temperature / oC 120 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Time /min 2 4 6 8 10

(f) This experiment is repeated by replacing distilled water containing salt (impure water). This salt solution is heated. Table 3.2 shows the result of the experiment. Time / min Temperature /o C 0 30 2 50 4 82 6 95 8 102 10 105 12 106

Table 3.2 Based on Table 3.1 and Table 3.2. (i) What is your inference about the boiling point of salt solution? ________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (ii) What can you deduce about the meaning of impure water? _______________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 4 (a) Diagram 4 shows the process of water treatment in a treatment plant. (PMR 2008)

Diagram 4

Diagram 4

(i) Name the part labelled P. ______________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (ii) Why is the water from the river collected and stored in P? _____________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (iii) Why chlorine is added in the chlorination tank? _____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(b) State one method for treating muddy river water for daily usage.
Give the reason for the chosen method. Method : _______________________________________________________ (1 mark) Reason : _______________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(c) You are given a glass of tap water. How do you determine the purity of the
water? ________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

WATER AND SOLUTIONS ANSWER: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C D A B A C D B D

Water and solution PMR 2006 1(a) Distilled water (b) Any one answer - Salt solution in beaker Y is less concentrated than in beaker Z. - Salt solution in beaker Y is not saturated but salt solution in beaker Z is saturated. - More salt can dissolve in beaker Y but the salt in beaker Z cannot dissolve completely. (c) (d) 1. Add more solvent / distilled water 2. Heat the solution / increase the temperature (i) Add more salt into beaker X. (ii) Dissolving more salt in beaker X increases the density of the solution. When the density of the salt solution is higher than the density of the egg, the egg will float. (i) Handkerchief R (ii) R has the biggest exposed surface area / R is not folded. The moving air increases the rate of evaporation./ The moving air decreases air humidity. Any one pair of method and explanation Method : Slice open the fish / Spread the fish apart from one another Explanation : Increasing the surface area increases the rate of evaporation. Method Explanation Method Explanation Method : Place the fish in an open and windy area : Movement of air is faster and the rate of evaporation increases. : Expose to smoke : Increase the air temperature increases the rate of evaporation. : Place the fish in a less humid area

2(a) (b) (c)


: Less water vapour in the air increases the rate of evaporation.

PMR 2007 3(a) 28.50C (b) (c) (i) Time (ii) Temperature of distilled water (iii) Volume of water / Type of water / Rate of heating The longer the time taken to heat the distilled water, the higher the temperature.


Temperature / oC 120 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 2 4 6 8 Time /min 10 x x x x x x


(i) 1000C (ii) As time increases, temperature increases. After 8 minutes, the temperature becomes constant.


(i) The boiling point of salt solution is higher than the boiling point of distilled water. (ii) Impure water has a boiling point higher than 100oC./ Impure water is water that contains dissolved substances.

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