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Subject: PRF192- PFC

Workshop 01
Name: Lê Hồng Phước
Class: SE1752
MSSV: HE172380
Câu 1
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
{ double sothunhat, sothuhai;
  char op;
  double result; 
  printf ( "Enter an expression (+ - * /): ");
  scanf("%lf%c%lf",&sothunhat , &op, &sothuhai);
  switch (op)
{       case'+':result=sothunhat + sothuhai;
                 printf ("result:%lf\n",result);
        case'-':result=sothunhat - sothuhai;
                 printf ("result:%lf\n",result);
        case'*':result=sothunhat * sothuhai;
                 printf ("result:%lf\n",result);
                 printf ("Phép chia cho  0\n");
                 { result=sothunhat/sothuhai;
                 printf ("result:%lf\n",result);
                 default: printf("Op is not supported");

Câu 2 
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
{ float  pa = 9000000;
  float pd = 3600000;
  float income , tf , ti;
  int n;
  printf(" Your income of this year:");
  printf("Number of dependent:");
  tf = 12*(pa + n*pd);
  printf(" Tax-free income:%f\n",tf);
  ti= income - tf;
  { printf("Taxable income = 0\n");
    printf("Income tax = 0\n");}
   else if (ti>0 && ti<= 5000000)
   { printf("Taxable income = %f\n",ti);
    printf("Income tax = %f\n",ti*5/100);}
   else if (ti>5000000 && ti<=10000000)
   { printf("Taxable income = %f\n ",ti);
     printf("Income tax = %f\n",5000000*5/100 + (ti-5000000)*10/100);}
   else if (ti>10000000 && ti<=18000000){
     printf(" Taxable income = %f\n",ti);
     printf("Income tax = %f\n",5000000*5/100+8000000*10/100+(ti-
   else {
    printf("Taxable income = %f\n",ti);
    printf("Income tax = %f\n",5000000*5/100+5000000*10/100+8000000*15/100+(ti-
    return 0 ;
Câu 3 
int main()
{ int x , sum ;
  sum = 0;
  printf("Enter value list:");
  { scanf("%d",&x);
  if (x!=0)
  sum= sum + x ;
  } while (x!=0);
  return 0 ;
Câu 4

int main()
{ int x , y , t ;
 { printf(" Enter value x :");
   printf(" Enter value y :");
   int t = x ;
       x = y ;
       y = t ;
   printf("Swap value: x= %d , y= %d\n",x , y);
 } while(x!=0 && y!= 0);
 return 0;
Câu 5
int main()
{ char ch;
  int nvowels = 0 ;
  int consonats =0;
  int nothers =0;
  printf(" Nhap ch:");
do { 
 ch = getchar();
 ch = toupper(ch);
 if ((ch>'A') && (ch<'Z')){
   case'U': nvowels ++ ;
  default: consonats ++ ;
} else nothers = nothers ++;
    while ( ch != '\n');
    printf("Nguyen am :%d\n",nvowels);
    printf("Phu am :%d\n",consonats);
    printf("Con lai:%d\n",nothers);
 return 0;
Câu 6
int main()
{int code;
 for(code=0; code<256; code++)
    {    printf("%c : %3d, %3o, %3X\n", code, code, code, code);
            if (code !=0 && code %20==0)
getchar(); }
return 0;
Câu 7
int main()
{ char c1 , c2;
  int d;
  char t;
  char c;
  printf("Enter c1:");
  printf("Enter c2:");
  if (c1>c2)
  { t= c1 ; c1 =c2 ; c2 =t ;
  d= c2 - c1 ;
  printf(" d = %d\n",d);
  for (c=c2 ; c>=c1;c++)
  {    printf("%c : %6d%6o%6X\n", c, c, c, c);

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