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Evidence-Based Practice: Pearls of Midwifery: Immediate skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding

promote thermoregulation, nursing, and attachment
Reflective Analysis
The Pearl Midwifery emphasizes the proven benefits of normal, physiologic labor and childbirth for
mothers and their newborns. In order to improve treatment and lessen the use of interventions deemed
unnecessary, government programs advise the use of appropriate birthing care practices. The excitement
of adding a new member to your family makes pregnancy a beautiful period full of happiness and joy.
However, because to increasing hormones and the development of the baby, it is also a time when a
woman's body undergoes significant change. To have the best pregnancy possible, pregnant women
should take additional care of themselves during this precious time. That is why Pre-Pregnancy and
prenatal care can help prevent difficulties and educate women on critical actions they can take to protect
their unborn child and guarantee a successful pregnancy. Regular prenatal care helps women: Lower their
risk of difficulties throughout pregnancy.
According to the, - Immediate skin-to-skin contact supports neonatal weight gain,
breastfeeding, and maternal bonding and reduces the risk of neonatal infections and hypothermia. For
women, there is a reduction in the discomfort brought on by breast engorgement, as well as a sense of
relief, security, and reduced anxiety brought on by pregnancy. Additionally, STSC may lead to increased
rates of nursing for longer periods of time during the first four months following delivery, improved
maternal affection and attachment behavior, bonding, and feelings of joy, love, peace, and comfort for
both the mother and the NB. 
There is a lot of benefits of breastfeeding by the mother to their child. Early breastfeeding initiation helps
with neonatal temperature regulation, weight gain, and is protective against infections. Breast milk is the
food with the highest amount of nutrients and immunological agents that protect the NB of infections,
which are the main causes of neonatal mortality. That is why the health care provider must recommend
breast feeding to every mother, implement a program that will educate mother on how will they take care
of themselves and their baby and discuss to them what are the benefits of breast feeding so that they will
encourage to be healthy and have healthy lifestyle to produce plenty of milk so that they can help their
baby to become healthy upon growing.
This evidence-based practice breastfeeding will really help every mom in the world providing proper care
for their baby through breast feeding and skin to skin contact. I have learned that STSC and BF are
practices that should be encouraged in the first postpartum hour. During first postpartum hour, all routines
should be put on hold during this time due to the performance of STSC, which will benefit the mother-
infant binomial's physiological stability, increase attachment behavior, protect against the negative effects
of maternal and child separation, support the NB's optimal development, and stimulate the BF.

Pearls in Action
- Deliver healthy babies directly onto mom’s abdomen
- Perform routine newborn evaluation and care while maintaining skin-to-skin contact
- Encourage breastfeeding within the first hour of life

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