Writing Chpter 5 - Part 3&4

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Name: _______________________________ Sex: _____ Level: _________ Campus: _________



I. Directions: Draw Lines to Connect the Correct Match between Words or

Phrases to Explanations and Examples

Explanations Examples
It is used with only subject I am a student.
pronoun I
A statement can stand alone. It Before I started school, I was
Time words very happy.
does make sense on its own as a
Dependent A statement can’t stand alone. It I was very happy.
clauses cannot make sense on its own as
a sentence. I started school.
Independent They are used to describes a
clauses sequence of events. Some 2007 was born. 2022 graduated
common they are before, after, Ph.D. 2025 I ran a bank in
Chronological when, and as soon as. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
order You order events in which they
are from the earliest to the

II. Organizing Ideas Lifeline

A narrative paragraph of yours is about a part of life. Events Feelings
.....................................< 0............................
Draw images and symbols to illustrate your lifeline. ......................................................................
Write the First Draft ................................... < 5 ............................
................................... < 10 ..........................
Write your paragraph about an important time in ......................................................................
your life. Don’t forget to do the following: .....................................<15...........................
Combine some statements with conjunctions, time
words, and because.
Use the past tense when you write about completed
Include a title.

© 2022- All rights reserved by ESL Office Level: 8

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