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Chapter II



By the of self –diagnostic tool, the student teacher should be able to:
1. Determine his/her comfort with each of the eight intelligences
2. Draw implication of MI theory to the teaching –learning process
3. Distinguish among the eight (8) intelligences


With French psychologist Alfred Binet’s concept of Intelligences Quotient

(IQ), human intelligence had only two dimensions: linguistic and logical –

With the introduction of Dr. Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple

Intelligence (MI), human intelligence has eight (8) dimensions. Other than
linguistic and logical- mathematical intelligences are musical visual-spatial,
bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic intelligences.


Below is a self-diagnostic test. Score yourself honestly. The following

legend should guide you.

4- applies to me completely
3- applies to me strongly
2- applies to me somewhat
1- Hardly applies to me
0- Does not apply to me at all
1. I enjoy telling jokes 0 1 2 3 4
2. I compute arithmetic problem in my head quickly 0 1 2 3 4
3. I read maps more easily than text 0 1 2 3 4
4. I excel in sports 0 1 2 3 4
5. I can tell when music sounds off-key 0 1 2 3 4
6. I enjoy socializing with peers 0 1 2 3 4
7. I have a strong sense of independence 0 1 2 3 4
8. I love sunsets 0 1 2 3 4
9. I tend a garden of flowers 0 1 2 3 4
10.I spend much time reflecting 0 1 2 3 4
11.I give advice to people who have problems 0 1 2 3 4
12.I easily remember melodies of songs 0 1 2 3 4
13.I have a dramatic way of expressing myself 0 1 2 3 4

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HE 98.1 (Observation and Participation/Filed Study )
14.I enjoy art activities 0 1 2 3 4
15.I find computer games interesting 0 1 2 3 4
16.I have a good vocabulary 0 1 2 3 4
17.I enjoy word games 0 1 2 3 4
18.I enjoy brainteasers 0 1 2 3 4
19.I understand charts and graphs very easily 0 1 2 3 4
20.I can mimic other people’s gestures 0 1 2 3 4
21.I like to sing in a choir 0 1 2 3 4
22.I belong to organizations 0 1 2 3 4
23.I prefer working alone 0 1 2 3 4
24. I have two or more close friend 0 1 2 3 4
25.I enjoy working with clay 0 1 2 3 4
26.I appreciate tongue twister 0 1 2 3 4

Add your score in the following numbers:

A. 1,16,17 = _____ B. 2,15,18= _____ C- Visual /spatial

D. 4, 13, 20= _____ E – Musical F – Interpersonal
G- Intrapersonal H- Naturalist

(The items in the self –diagnostic test was lifted from Thomas Armstrong,
Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, 1994).


1. Answer the following question then share your answers with your group.

a. With which intelligence are you most comfortable? Least

b. Based in your scores, how many intelligences are dominant in
c. Do you agree with your scores? Why or why not?
2. Group sharing- Listen to other’s discovery of themselves regarding their


Based on what you have found out about yourselves and others regarding
multiple intelligences, what generalization can you state about the learner and
multiple intelligences.

 Draw a symbol for each of the multiple intelligences.
 Cite some educational implications of MI Theory.


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HE 98.1 (Observation and Participation/Filed Study )
Under which intelligence does of the following behaviours fall? Be guided
by the following legend. Check your answer by referring to the answer key at the
end of the chapter.

L- linguistic
M- mathematical-logical
Mu- musical
V-S- Visual-spatial
B-K – bodily –kinaesthetic
Inter- interpersonal
Intra- intrapersonal
N- Naturalist

_______1. Tell jokes, riddles, and stories

_______2. See connections and patterns within the plant and animal kingdom
_______3. Study photography
_______4. Interpret diagrams readily
_______5. Knows strength and weaknesses
_______6. Perform simple concrete cause-and-effect processes
_______7. Create and replicate tunes
_______8. Enrol in aerobics class
_______9. Lead, share and mediate
______ 10. Enjoy ballroom dancing
______ 11. Use maps for directions
______ 12. Score high in scrabble
______ 13. Prefer to be alone
______ 14. Use the outdoors as a classroom
______ 15. Love color and design
______ 16. Find sing-along relaxing


Department of Home Economics and Family Life

HE 98.1 (Observation and Participation/Filed Study )

Given the summary table of learning styles based on Dunn and Dunn
model, the student teacher should be able to:
1. Cite various learning styles
2. Identify his/her own learning styles
3. Cite an application of varied learning styles to the teaching –learning


Dr. Rita Dunn, Director of International Learning Styles Network asserts:

“Students are not failing because of the curriculum. Students can learn any subjects
matter when they are taught with methods and approaches responsive to their
learning styles.” Learners respond differently to stimuli. A stimuli that enhances
learning for one may obstruct learning for another. What are some various learning
styles? What are your learning styles? The activity you will go through will help
you find the answer to these questions.


Study the table and learning styles lifted from Dunn model. The guide
questions below the table can help you understand the learning styles presented in
the table.

1. Environmental Sound Light Temperature Design

-With -bright -cool -formal
-without - dim -warm -informal
2. Emotional Motivation Persistence Responsibility Structure
-practical -multiple -conformist -self
achiever starter -non process
-academic -one-at-a- conformist oriented
achiever time -direction

3. Sociological Preference Authority Pattern

-Alone/pair/peers -conformist -Routine
/team -non- -Variety
4. Physiological Perceptual Intake Time of Day Mobility
Preference -Strength -With food -evening -frequent
-Auditory intake -morning breaks
-Visual -no food -late morning -fewer
-Tactile intake -afternoon breaks

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HE 98.1 (Observation and Participation/Filed Study )
5. Psychological global analytic impulsive reflective

Environmental Stimuli
1. Do you need to be quite when learning or do you study with sound like
listening to the radio?
2. Do you prefer to work out dim light or bright light?
3. Are you more productive when it is cool or when it is warm?
4. Do you think better in a formal setting or in an informal setting?

Emotional Stimuli
1. Are you tuned in more to academic learning in a conventional classroom
or to enjoying learning and get sense of accomplishment from achieving?
2. Are that type that complete things began before you begin another or are
you one who works on several tasks simultaneously?
3. Do you prefer to do things most other people usually don’t do/ or do
things all other people do?
4. Do you find it difficult to have other people tell you what to do and how
to do it or do you feel best when you are told exactly how to proceed
before starting?
Sociological Preference

1. Do you prefer to work alone or with a partner?

2. Do you work more effectively with your peers or with the team?
3. Do you what teachers suggest or requests or do you do just the opposite?
4. Do you feel more comfortable doing new things often? Or do you prefer to
stick to daily routine?

Physiological Preference

1. Do you find it easy to learn by listening?

2. Do you remember a great deal of what you read?
3. Do you learn better when you manipulate the materials you are supposed
to learn?
4. Do you enjoy or not enjoy getting actively involved in class?
5. Can you study better when you eat while studying or when you do not
6. Do you find it impossible for you to sit still for long periods of time?
7. When do you learn most- evening, morning, late morning or late

Psychological Preference

1. Do you remember information best when it is presented in a step-by –step or

sequential manner?
2. Do you retain information best by being introduced to the concept or idea or
the whole picture of task first before you work on it?
3. Do you make decisions and solve problems in a snap?
4. Do you spend time thinking and analyzing things thoroughly?

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HE 98.1 (Observation and Participation/Filed Study )
Make sure you understand the various learning styles with the table and the
accompanying questions.

(The information given in the table and guide questions are adapted from Henry S.
Tenedero, Breaking the IQ Myth, 1998).


Answer the following questions then join your group for sharing of answers.

1. Looking at the five environmental stimuli, under which style do you classify


2. Is there such a thing as best learning style?


3. Can you classify yourself categorically under each learning style or can you
claim that your learning style varies from situation to situation?



Based on your group answers, what generalization can you arrive at learning
styles and learners?

1. “ As many folks, as many strokes.” With learning styles in mind, how
does this apply to the classroom?


2. Teachers play soft music while giving examination believing that this is
conducive for testing. Based on learning styles comment on teacher’s


Department of Home Economics and Family Life

HE 98.1 (Observation and Participation/Filed Study )

3. Teachers scold a student who start projects simultaneously and insists

that he should work at a project one at a time. Considering various
learning styles is teacher behavior pedagogically sound?


Present the various learning styles given by Dunn and Dunn in a way other
than the way it is presented here. You may want to draw symbols where it is
feasible and illustrate some with comic strips. You may want to work alone or with
partner or with your peer group. Do it according to your learning style. Post it on
the board or wall for everyone to see.

The Learner and His/her Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles

Teacher Observed: ____________________________ School: _______________

Class Observed: ______________________________ Subject: _______________

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HE 98.1 (Observation and Participation/Filed Study )
Date: __________________ Time: __________________ Room: _____________

Objectives: The student teacher must be able to observe and record:

1. Learner behaviour indicating any of the eight (8) intelligences.
2. Teacher’s various teaching techniques / activities that cater to the
learners’’ multiple intelligences and learning styles.

Direction: Do at least 3 class observations and focus your attention on teachers’

teaching techniques and learners’ behaviour. Then write down your answer to the

1. Write down student behaviour which display:

a. Linguistic intelligence
b. Logical- mathematical intelligence
c. Musical intelligence
d. Visual –spatial intelligence
e. Bodily – kinaesthetic intelligence

f. Interpersonal intelligence
g. Intrapersonal

h. Naturalist intelligence

Department of Home Economics and Family Life

HE 98.1 (Observation and Participation/Filed Study )

2. Did the teacher make use of varied techniques/ activities t give the learners with
multiple intelligences a chance to participate in the learning activities? If yes,
write down the activity (ies) appropriate for each of multiple intelligences and
learning styles. If not, state and describe the activity (ies) that you could have
done cater to the learners’ multiple intelligence and learning style.
3. Questions you want to be clarified?


To identify, at least five needs of the learner and cite ways in satisfying

Department of Home Economics and Family Life

HE 98.1 (Observation and Participation/Filed Study )
One of the factors that contributes to an effective school is highly
motivated learners. Learners become highly motivated when relationships with
teachers, classmates and other people in the school with whom they rub elbows are
sound and healthy. Learners relate warmly to people around them when their needs
are met. In this session identify some of the needs of learners and find out how you
can respond to them.
Below are the 21 MEMOS FROM YOUR CHILD. Read them then
answer the questions.
1. Don’t spoil me. I know quite well that I ought not to have all ask for.
I’m only testing you.
2. Don’t be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer it. It makes me feel more
3. Don’t let me from bad habits. I have to rely on you to detect them in
the early stages.
4. Don’t make me feel smaller than I am. It only makes me behave
stupidly big.
5. Don’t correct me in front of others if you can help it. I’ll take much
more notice if you talk quietly with me in private.
6. Don’t make me feel mistakes are sins. It upsets my sense of values.
7. Don’t protect me from consequences. I need to learn the painful way
8. Don’t be too upset when I say “ I hate you.” It isn’t you I hate, but you
power to thwart me.
9. Don’t take too much notice of my small ailments. Sometimes they get
me attention I need.
10.Don’t nag me. If you do, I shall have to protect myself by appearing
11.Don’t make rash promises. Remember that I feel badly let down when
promises are broken.
12.Don’t forget that I cannot explain myself as well as I should like to.
That’s why I am always very accurate.
13.Don’t tax my honesty too much. I am easily frightened into telling lies.
14.Don’t be inconsistent that incompletely confuses me and makes me
lose faith in you.
15.Don’t put me off when I ask questions. If you do, you will find that I
will stop asking and seek my information elsewhere.
16.Don’t tell me my fears are silly. They are terribly real and you can do
much to reassure me if you try to understand.
17.Don’t ever suggest that you are perfect or infallible. It gives me too
great a shock when I discover that you are neither.
18.Don’t ever think that it is beneath your dignity to apologize to me. An
honest apology makes me feel surprisingly warm toward you.
19.Don’t forget how quickly I am growing up. It must be very difficult
for you to keep pace with me, but try please.
20.Don’t forget that I love experimenting. I couldn’t get on without it, so
please put up with it.
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HE 98.1 (Observation and Participation/Filed Study )
21.Don’t forget that I can’t thrive without lots of love and understanding
from you, but this I don’t have to mention, do I?

1. The 21 MEMOS express the many needs of young learner. Mention at least
five (5).

2. As a teacher give concrete ways of meeting these needs.

3. Recall your life experience of classrooms and teachers for the past 13 to 14
years, what do you promise never to do in order not to frustrate the learner?

Answer Key- Chapter 2, Session 1

1. L 9. Inter
2. N 10.B-K
3. V-S 11.V-S
4. V-S 12.L
5. Intra 13.Intra
6. M-L 14.N
7. Mu 15.V-S
8. B-K 16.Mu

Department of Home Economics and Family Life

HE 98.1 (Observation and Participation/Filed Study )

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