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Cute ni AZEL

4. allow closeness to text that can alternate specific

CHAPTER 3-CONTENT AND CONTEXTUAL categories and relationship
ANALYSIS 5. interpret text for purposes like development of expert
Content Analysis- research method for studying documents 6. analyze interactions
and communication artifacts from various formats, picture, 7. provide insight to human thought and language use
audio, or video 8. Relatively exact research method
Dictionary-based Approach- list of categories from
frequency list of words and control the distribution of words DISADVANTAGE
and respective categories over text 1. time consuming
2. subject to increase error
Quantitative Approach- transform categories into 3. Attempts liberally to draw meaningful inferences
quantitative statistical data 4. reductive
5 types of text in content analysis : 5. too often to simply word counts
1.Written text such as books and papers 6. disregard the context that produce the text
2.Oral text such as speech and theatrical performance 7. difficult to automate or computerize
3. iconic text like drawing, painting, icon
4. audio-visual text- TV programs, movies, videos IMPORTANCE OF
5. hypertexts-found on internet CONTEXT IN ANALYSIS
TYPES OF CONTENT 1.Historical context- social, religious, economic and
ANALYSIS political condition existed during certain time and place
1. Conceptual Analysis- existence and 2.Details of time and place a situation occurs
frequency of context in a text 3.Gives better understanding and appreciation of narrative
2. Relational Analysis- examining the 4.Help understand what motives people to behave as they
relationship among concepts in a text did
5.Give meanings to details
CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS 6.Cause- action creates an outcome
1.Concept is chosen for examination and number of 7.Context- environment which action and outcome occurs
occurrences text recorded
2.Identifying research question and choosing sample Chapter 4- Identification of the Historical Importance of
3.After choosing, text must be coded to categories the Text
4.Process of coding is selective reduction-
5.The central idea of content analysis  Historical Significance-Used to evaluate what was
6.Breaking the contents of materials to meaningful and
significance about selected events, people, and
pertinent information
developments in the past
RELATIONAL ANALYSIS  Called the forgotten concept in history
1.First decide which concept will be explore for the analysis
2.Time consuming Criteria on Assessing Historical Significance of Sources
3.Maintain high degree of statistical rigor without losing 1. Relevance- is it important to people living at the
richness of detail time?
2. Resonance- who were affected by the event?
HOW TO USE CONTENT 3. Remarkable- was the event remarked by people
1. Prepare a coding schedule consist of a table where each 4.Remembered- Was the event important at some stage
row is a unit which data is being collected within the collective memory of groups?
2. Coding manual is produced to accompany coding 5. Revealing- Does it reveal some aspects of the past?
schedule, listing code for each category 6. Resulting in change- Does it have consequences for the
3. Elements of content are described future?
And organized using these categories; this process is called 7. Durability- For how long have people’s live been
coding affected?
4. Categories are used to describe information emerges from 8. Quantity- How many people were affected?
data; data is analyzed and findings reported 9. Profundity- Was the event superficial or deeply affecting?
5. Coded content is analyzed for trends, patterns,
relationship, similarities Historical significance is relative and varies from location to
location of the one doing the evaluation
Chapter 6.2-Historical Sources for Assessment and
Reliability- stability or consistency of date over a period Analysis
Reproducibility- tendency for a group of coders to classify
categories membership in the same way HISTORICAL SOURCES FOR
Accuracy- classification of text correspond to standards or ASSESSMENT AND ANALYSIS
norm statistically


2. Declaration of Principles
1. looks directly at communication via text or transcript 3. Memoirs
2. allow both quantitative and qualitative operations 4. Proclamation
3. provide valuable historical insights over time 5. Cartoons
6. Speech  Ilog Zapote- muling namula sa dugo ng mga kalaban
7. Paintings
8. Films
The Act of Declaration of Philippine Independence
Customs of the Tagalogs
 In the town of Cavite-Viejo, province of Cavite, June
Distinctions made among the priest of the devils: 12, 1898
1.Catolonan- either a man or woman, rule general in island  Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista- War Counsellor and
2.Mangagauay- witches who Deceived by pretending to heal Special Delegate. designated to proclaim And
the sick solemnize the Declaration of Independence Day by the
3. Manyisalat- same as mangagauay; has the power of Dictatorial Government of the Philippines by virtue of
applying remedies to lovers that they would abandon and decree issued by Don Emilioy Famy
despise them own wives; prevent them to have intercourse  Gen. Blanco-issue a decree of unjust deportation of
with the latter. If woman is abandoning It would bring illustrious Filipino
sickness to her  Gov. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi- first Gov. Gen. in the
4. Mancocolam- duty was to emit fire from himself at night Philippines
at himself once a month. Fire could not be extinguished nor  Ferdinand Magellan- landed on the shores of Cebu,
emitted except as priest wallowed in ordure and filth which occupied the islands by means of Pact of Friendship
falls from houses with Chief Tupas
5. Hocloban- witch greater Then mangagauay. Without  Chief Kalipulako- provoke the battle of Mactan,
medicine or by saluting or raising hand, they killed whom landed in Island of Bohol, enter Blood Compact with
they choose, destroy house of Indians hostile to them Chief Sikatuna
without instruments, Catanduanes area
 Don Emilio Aguinaldo- president of the Republic
6. Silagan-if they saw anyone clothed to white, tear their
establish in Biak-na-Bato
Liver causing his death; Catanduanes
 GOV. Gen Don Fernando Primo de Rivera- accept the
7. Magtatangal- show himself at night to many persons
Biak-na-Bato fact Cavite Mutiny- San Felipe in Cavite
without heads or entrails, in morning it return to her body
on January 21,1872
8. Osuang- equivalent to sorcerer, fly, murdered men and ate
their flesh, Visayan island  3 Principal Island of the Archipelago- Luzon, Visayas,
9. Mangagayoma- made charms for lovers out of herbs, Panay
stones and wood which infuse the heart with love, deceive  8 rays in the Philippine flag-
people, sometimes through intervention of devils, they 1.Manila
gained their ends 2.Cavite
10. Sonat- equivalent to preacher; to help one to die at 3. Bulacan
which time he predicted the salvation or condemnation of 4. Pampanga
the soul 5. Nueva Ecija
11. Pangatohojan- soothsayer and predicted the future 6. Bataan
12. Bayoguin- signified a cotquean, man whose natire 7. Laguna
inclined toward that of woman 8. Batangas
 Red, blue, white- commemorate the US flag
Paghirang sa Supremo bilang Hari,Dakilang Parangal sa
pagdating ng Supremo Speech before the joint session of the United States
 9 na kilometro- mula Noveleta hanggang San Francisco Congress (1986) by Corazon C. Aquino
 Balantok na kawayang may watawat- tanda ng maringal na  Archibald Macleish- democracy must be defended by
pagsalubong at maligayang pagbati sa dakilang panauhin arms when it is attacked by rams and with truth when it
 Banda ng musika- sumalubong kay Bonifacio is attacked by lies
 Kampana- nirupiki ng nasa pintuan na si Bonifacio
 Aranya at dambana- pawing may sindi ng ilaw PAINTINGS
 Padre Manuel Trias- naghihintay sa mga panauhin
 Spolarium (1884) by Juan Luna; oil on canvas 4.22 m x
 Te Deum- kinanta hanggang sa dambana
7.675m, National Museum of Fine Arts
 Bb. Estefania Potente- bahay na tinukuyan nina
 The Making of the Philippine Flag by Fernando
 Pamahalaang Magdiwang- gumanap sa malon ng
 Raiders of the Sulu Sea (2008) 46 Mins Documentary
inihandang pagpaparangal
 Focus on Zamboanga City depicting how Spaniards
 Andres Bonifacio- supremo, ang pinakamataas na tungkulin
defend the city
sa Haring Bayan
 Fort Pilar- Spain’s last stronghold in Philippine south
 Hen. Mariano Alvarez- Vi Rey ng pamunuan o pangalawang
hari, tiyuhin ng asawa ni Bonifacio na si Gregoria de Jesus  Slave raiding as retaliation On colonizers-
 12 bayan- nasasakupan na hindi naliligalig sa anumang  Lanong, Garay, Salisipan- 3 sophisticated ships
laban  Pirate Monsoon- well- organized forces betweenJuly-
 Magdiwang at Magdalo- 2 pamunuang magpipisan October
 Viva Tagalog- mga hiyawan  Panglima Taupan- Balangingi Leader, exiled in Cagayan
 8 bayan sa Pamahalaang Magdalo- nagigimbal sa paghanap  Dela Cruz Nuno- Mass Nuno, Ancestor of present Nuno
sa mga kalaban clan of Zamboanga
 Hen. Mariano Noriel at Hen. Pio del Pilar- mga namuno sa Ancestor of present Nunoclan of Zamboanga
Chapter 7- The First mass Site in the Philippines Few days- they saw Ibabao
The First Voyage Round the World by Antonio Pigafetta Island (Samar)
 Ladrone Island- 3 island Humunu- first island they touch, small uninhabited island
 Saturday, March 16, 1521- arrive in island named near Guiuan Point
Zamal Buenas Senas- they name the other islets
 Monday, March 18, 1521- San Lazaro- name of the whole archipelago, Saturday of
 Cochi- fruit with palm trees bear Saint Lazarus Sunday in Lent in 1521
 Palmito- tree which liquor comes out in drops down Easter Sunday- in territory of Butuan, the first mass is
the tree like white must Sweet, bitter offered and a cross planted then Magellan took formal
possession of the island
 Cocho- fruit of palmito- large as head, first husk is
Important thing in Colin’s account- he represents the first
mass and the solemn
 Humunu- land with two springs
 Watering Place of good sign- very fresh water, found Planting of the cross and the formal possession of the island
first sign of gold  Fr. Francisco Combes S.J- other Jesuit writer,
 Archipelago of St. Lazarus- stay and feast of St. wrote Historia de Mindanao y Jolo
Lazarus, 10 degrees north altitude and 161 degrees longitude  Fr. Combes Account Admiral Alonso de
from line of demarcation Magallanes- discover the archipelago
 March 22- schione- gold rings suspended in ears of Enter Strait of Siargao, Leyte, landing in Limasaua
these people 3 powerful nations among Pintados (Visayans)-Caraga,
 Caphre- people wear holes in ears so large that they Samar, Zebu
can pass their arms through them Zebu- near to them, they pass between Bool and Leyte and
 March 25- Monday of Passion week, pass in the Camotes Island and reach Mandawe on April 7, 1521
island of Cenalo, Huinanghar, Ibusson, Abarien  Colin and Combes compared
 March 28, Thursday- saw small boat called Boloto  Magellan visit both Limasaua and Butuan
 Traprobana- captain’s slave from Sumatra  From Limasaua Magellan’s expedition went to
 Ballanghai- two long boats Cebu
 Raia Calambu- painted king of Zuluan island
18th Century
 Raia Siani- painted king of Calagan island
 March 31- easter, the captain sent the chaplain to  Colin: Mindanao- largest island in size
say mass in a shore  Danao-means Lake
 Aba- their God  Maguindanao- place and dwellers of lake
 Caraga- 1st province that Faces the sea across New
Butuan or Limasawa? The Site of the First Mass in the Spain (Mexico)
Philippines: A Reexamination of the Evidence  Did not say Magellan sighted Cape of San Agustin
(where Caraga begin) but Magellan enter
 Pigafetta- first mass is celebrated on Easter
Philippine near Samar landing first at Homonhon
Sunday, March 31, 1521 in an island called Mazaua
 Fray Juan de la Concepcion- One historians who
 2 chieftains attend: rajah of Mazaua, rajah of Butuan
made error 14 volume of History of the Philippines
 Mazaua- little island south of Leyte called Limasawa and
is publish in Manila He account that Magellan left
Masao at mouth of Agusan River in northern Mindanao, island las Velas Latinas or the Archipelago of San
now called Butuan City
Butuan Tradition  Magellan also name Marianas Island, first saw cape
of San Agustin, sailed in Caraga, entered Siargao
 Monument erected in 1872 near the mouth of Agusan and landed in island of Limasawa
Butuan but today a separate municipality of Magallanes,  He think Las Velas, Marianas Island and
named after Ferdinand Magellen Archipelago of San Lazaro were the same

 Monument is a brick pillar with marble slab 19th Century

 To the Immortal Magellan: The People of Butuan with
their Parish Priest and the Spaniards therein,  Fr. Joaquin Martinez deZuniga- accept the Butuan
commemorate his arrival and First Mass celebration on tradition
this site on April 8, 1521 Erected in 1872 under District  Easter Sunday 1521- Magellan is in Butuan,
Governor Jose Ma. Carvallo ordered mass and plant a Cross on a hill rock near
 April 8, 1521- an error or clumsy attempt to translate the the beach
original date in terms of Gregorian calendar  John Foreman- March 16,1521, Magellan reached
the Ladrones Island and arrive at mouth of Butuan
17th Century River

 Father Francisco Colin S.J- one of Jesuit historian, Shift in Opinion

Labor Evangelica publish in Madrid in 1663  Due to rediscovery and attentive study of 2 primary
 Labor Evangelica- 3 volume edition annotated by sources namely: Pigafetts’s account and Albo’s log
Fr. Pablo Pastells S.J The Evidence for Limasawa
 Colin’s account on Magellan’s arrival: 15 degrees 1.Alba’s Log Book
North Latitude they come in 2 islands name: Las 2.Pigafetta’s Evidence
Velas (the Sails) A.Testimony regarding the route
12 degrees North- they come in Ladrones Island (Marianas B. Pigafetta’s map
C.2 native kings Importance of Butuan
D. 7 days at Mazaua
E. Argument from omission  First place in Mindanao where Christian mission
3. Summary of evidence of Albo and Pigafetta was establish
4. Confirmatory evidence from Legazpi expedition Butuan Monument

Evidence of Albo’s Log Book  1872- monument erected at Magallanes near

 Francisco Albo join Magellan expedition as pilot in Butuan
flagship” Trinidad”  1953- petition submitted at National Historical
 One of the 18 survivors of Sebastian Elcano Commission for rehabilitation and re-erected of
“Victoria” Butuan Monument
 Keep diary- a log book  Luis Montilla- chairman of National Historical
 March 16, 1521- sailed from Ladrones and saw Commission
landname Yunagan
 Went to other island named Suluan Chapter 8- The Cavite Mutiny of 1872
2 Faces of 1872 Cavite Mutiny
 They got wood and water in Gada ( Pigafetta’s
account it was Homonhon)  2 major events happen in 1872
 They sailed at Seilani, Pigafetta call it Ceylon-was 1. 1872 Cavite Mutiny
Island of Leyte 2. Martyrdom of 3 martyr priest name Mariano
 Turn to small island Mazava, they plant a cross on Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora (GOMBURZA)
mountain-top A. Spanish Version: Planned
 They see 3 island and they enter a channel between Conspiracy
2 island name Matan and Subu B. Filipino Version: A
 Subu- enter a peace-pact with local king Response to Injustice
Evidence from Pigafetta A. Spanish Version: Planned Conspiracy
 Most complete account of Magellan’s expedition  Jose Montero y Vidal- highlight as attempt of
 Eyewitness of principal events Indios to overthrow Spanish government
 First mass- Philippine Archipelago, Island of Saint  Gov Gen. Rafael Izquierdo- use it to implicate the
Lazarus native clergy who was Active in call for
Pigafetta’s Testimony secularization
Regarding the Route  Main reason of revolution-Scored that the abolition
of privileges enjoyed by Cavite arsenal workers
 March 16,1521- Saturday- Magellan sighted high like non-payments of tributes and labor force
land named Zamal exemption
 March 17,1521- landed to island Humunu  Gen. Izquierdo- report to King of Spain that the
(Homonhon); named the archipelago Island of rebels want to throw Spanish government and
Saint Lazarus, Sunday In Lenten season when install a new “hari” in the likes of Father Burgos
gospel assign was 11th chapter of St. John, raising and Zamora
of Lazarus from the dead  Native clergy enticed other participant by giving
 March 18, Monday- stay 4 days in that island, charismatic assurance that fight will not fail
Homonhon was name Watering Place of Good because God is them and promise reward of
Omen enjoyment, wealth and army rank
 March 22, Friday- 8 days in In Homonhon, March  Firing of rockets in Intramuros- signal of revolution
17-25  January 20,1872- feast of Virgin of Loreto in
 March 25, Monday- left Homonhon, feast of Sampaloc celebrated with fireworks
Incarnation, feast of Annunciation, Our Lady’s Day  Those in Cavite mistook that fireworks is the sign
 4 islands after Homonhon are: so 200 men lead by Lieutenant Lamadrid launch
1. Cenalo- Ceilon attack targeting Spanish authority in arsenal
2. Huinanghan- Hinunangan, mainland of Leyte  Iron-fisted Gen. Izqueirdo- order reinforcement to
3. Ibusson- east of Leyte quell the revolution
4. Albarien  Lieutenant Lamadrid- killed
 March 28,Thursday- Mazauaisland  Other were sentence to death, suspended from law
 April 4, Thursday- left Mazaua, bound for Cebu, 5 practice, life imprisonment in Marianas Island
past island are Ceylon, Bohol, Canighan, Baibai,
Gatighan Canighan- southwest of Leyte Camotes Filipino Version- A Response to Injustice
Group- Poro,Pasihan, Pozon  Dr. Trinidad Herminigildo Pardo de Tavera- wrote the
 Sunday, April 7- enter Zubu or Cebu Filipino version of this bloody tragedy in Cavite
Summary of Evidence of Alboand Pigafetta  Action of Filipino soldiers and workers who is
dissatisfied in abolition Of Of their privilege
 magellan enter in Samar and dropped at Homonhon  He blamed Gov. Izquierdo for his cold-blooded
 Mazaua- south of Leyte policies like abolition of privilege and native army
 Sails in Canigao Channel between Bohol and Leyte members and prohibition of founding of school of arts
 Magellan did not go to Butuan and trade for the Filipinos
 January 20, 1872- 200 men Lead by Lieutenant 1.December 30, 1896- 1st text publish in La Voz Española
Lamadrid rose in arms and assassinated the and Diaro de Manila on the very day of Rizal’s execution,
commanding officer and Spanish soldiers December 30,1896
 Gen. Izquierdo- order reinforcement, after 2 days the 2.December 31, 1896- 2nd Text appeared in El Imparcial
mutiny is declared subdued after Rizal’s execution; short formula of execution
 Used by Izquierdo and Spanish friars as conspiracy To 3. February 4, 1897- 3rd text appear in Barcelona, Spain on
overthrow the government February 14, 1897 in magazine La Juventud- anonymous
 During that time, Central Government in Madrid writer but after
announce its intention to deprive the friars all the 14 years revealed as Fr. Balaguer
powers in civil government and educational institution 4. May 18, 1935- alleged “original text”; discovered by Fr.
management Manuel Garcia C.M., in archdiocesan archives after it
 Friars do something drastic to maintain power in the disappear for 39 years from the afternoon of December 31,
Philippines 1896
 Central Government of Spain- welcome an educational Analysis Rizal’s Retraction
decree authored by SegismundoMoret promoted the
fusion of sectarian school run by friars into a school  Fr. Balaguer- said he receive an exact copy of
called Philippine Institute retraction written and signed by Rizal
 It propose the improvement Of Philippine education by  Received by Fr. Balaguer in the evening preceding
acquiring teaching position Rizal’s execution
 Native clergy zest for secularization  No one claimed to have seen it except the publisher of
 The friars fearing that their influence would be a thing La Voz Española
of the past present theincident in Spanish Government  May 18, 1935- lost original document found but differ
 Madrid Government- believe that the scheme was true from those found in Jesuits and Archbishops copies
without any investigation Significant Difference between copies
 Participants in the Mutiny were sentenced life
1.Instead of the words “ mi cualidad” (with u) which appear
imprisonment while native clergy headed by
in original and newspaper Jesuits copy have “mi calidad”
GOMBURZA were tried and executed by garrote
(without you)
 Awake the nationalism and outbreak of Philippine
2.Jesuits copy omit the Word “Catolica” after the first
Revolution of 1896
“Iglesias” which are found in original and newspaper texts
 Edmond Plauchut- compliment Tavera for confirming
3. Jesuits copy add before the third “Iglesias” the word
that the event happen due to discontentment of arsenal
“misma” not found in original newspaper
workers and soldiers in Cavite Fort
4. Fr. Balaguer text does not begin the second paragraph
Unvarying Truth Until the fifth sentences while the original copies start the
second paragraph immediately with second sentences
1.Dissatisfaction among workers in arsenal after privilege
5. Original text have 4 commas while Fr. Balaguer copy has
were drawn back by Gen. Izquierdo
11 commas
2.Strict and rigid policies of Gen. Izquierdo
6. Fr. Balaguer copy did not have the names of witness
3. Central Government failed to conduct investigation
From text of newspaper in Manila
4. Happy days of friars were numbered when Central
Government in Spain decide  20 years later- Fr. Balaguer name the witness Señor
to deprive them from government affairs and educational Fresno, Chief of the Picket and Señor Moure, Adjutant
management of the Plaza
5. Filipino clergy members Actively participate in  Fr. Balaguer- dictate to Rizal the short formula, he
secularization to allow Filipino priest to hold parishes Receive 2 original copies
6. Filipinos are active participants and they deemed it as
1.Changes which you was made
2.That of the Archbishop was the exact copy of the
7. GOMBURZA execution was a blunder on Spanish part
retraction signed by Rizal
 Not say it was signed by Rizal and himself
Chapter 9- The Retraction Controversy of Rizal

Text of Rizal’s Alleged Retraction  Rizal in order to marry Josephine Bracken require to
sign a profession of faith to be approved by Cebu
I declare myself a Catholic and in this religion in which I Archbishop Rizal’s Handwriting
was born and educated I wish to live and died I retract with  December 30,1896- 5am- teary eyed Josephine
all my heart whatever in my words, writings and Bracken and Jose Rizal came
publications  Agent of Cuerpo de Vigilancia- Rizal and Josephine
And conduct has been contrary to my character as a son of were married
the Catholic Church. I believe and I confess whatever she  Josephine- gifted by Rizal with classic Thomas a
teaches and I submit to whatever she demands. I abominate Kempis book Imitations of Christ in which he inscribe
Masonry, as the enemy which is of the Church and as a “ To my dear and unhappy wife, Josephine, December
society prohibited by the Church The Diocesan Prelate may, 30,1896, Jose Rizal”
as the Superior Ecclesiastical Authority, make public this  They embraced for the last time.
spontaneous manifestation of mine in order to repair the
scandal which my acts may have caused and so that God and Chapter 10- Pugadlawin, Balintawak or Bahay
people may pardon me
4 Different Sources
Balintawak: Cry for a
Nationwide Revolution  Pres. Macapagal- order the Cry of Balintawak be
called the Cry of Pugadlawin celebrated on August
 Cry of Rebellion- sweeping Spanish colonies 23 not August 26
 Cry of Dolores- Mexico (September 10, 1810)  Monument- installed in front of Vinzons Halls in
 Cry of Matanza- Cuba (February 24, 1895) Diliman Campus of UP on November 29, 1986
 August 1896- Philippines  Teodoro Agoncillo, 1962- place marker at
Raging Controversy Pugadlawin site because the house of Juan Ramos
stood here in 1896 while the house of Tandang
 Cry- shouting of nationalistic slogan Sora is in Pasong Tamo
 April 1895- Pamitinan Cave in Rodriguez, Rizal;
Katipunan members wrote on cave walls “ Viva la  Adelina S. Rodriguez- Quezon City mayor who
indepencia Filipina” create the Pugadlawin Historical Committee on
 Teodora Agoncillo- emphasize Bonifacio’s tearing June 30, 1983 to determine the location of Juan
of cedula before a crowd of Katipuneros and broke Ramos residence in 1896 at Pugadlawin
out in cheers
NHI findings
 Emilio Aguinaldo- commissioned a “Himno de
Balintawak” to herald fighting after failure of pact 1. August 1983- Pugadlawin in Barangay Toro was
of Biyak na Bato inhabited by squatter colonies
 September 3, 1911- monument to the Heroes of  NHI believe it was the house of Juan Ramos not
1896 was erected in intersection of EDSA and Tandang Sora
Andres Bonifacio Drive- North Diversion Road
 August 26,1896- Cry of Balintawak  There was an old dap-dap tree at the site when NHI
 Cry of Pugadlawin- August 23,1896 is not accurate. conduct survey on 1983. Dap-dap tree is not
Testimony of only one witness, Dr. Pio Valenzuela is mention by Teodoro Agoncillo, Gregorio Zaide and
not enough to authenticate and verify the issue Pio Valenzuela
2. Pio Valenzuela- main proponent of Pugadlawin version
Conflicting Accounts was dead at the time of NHI research
 Pio Valenzuela- had several version of the Cry 3. Teodoro Agoncillo tried to locate the marker installed in
 August 23-25- Katipunan took meeting at Balintawak August 1962 but no longer extant in 1983
(September 1896) NHI- place a marker on August 23, 1984 on Seminary Road
 Olive Court- investigate persons involve in rebellion in Barangay Bahay Toro behind Toro Hills High School in
 1911- Katipunan began the meeting on August 22 and Quezon City General Hospital and San Jose Seminary
the cry took place on August 23 at Apolonio Samson’s
Cartographic Changes
house in Balintawak
 1928-1940- Cry of Pugadlawin in Melchora Aquino’s  Pugadlawin is not identified as barrios
house on August 24- now Pasong Tamo road  Kalookan and Balintawak-mark by Spanish and
 With photograph of Bonifacio’s widow Gregoria de American maps
Jesus and Katipunan members Valenzuela, Briccio  1943- map of Manila mark Balintawak separate
Brigido Pantas, Alfonso and Cipriano Pacheco from Kalookan and Diliman
 1935- Valenzuela, Pantas, Pacheco- first cry of  1956, 1987, 1990 maps- confirms the existence of
revolution did not happen In Balintawak where the Barangay Bahay Toro but do not define their
monument is but in a place called Pugadlawin boundaries. Pugadlawin is not on these maps
 Philippine Historical Committee- forerunner of  Balintawak- no longer in Quezon City but replace
National Historical Institute of NHI by Several barangay
 Pugadlawin- part of Sitio Gulod, Banlat, Kalookan  Barrio Banlat- divided into barangays Tandang
City Sora and Pasong Tamo
 Pres. Diosdado Macapagal- ordered that the Cry be  Only Bahay Toro remains intact
celebrated on August 23 and Pugadlawin as its site  Sofronio Calderon- it would be a mistake to say
that there is such as Pugadlawin In Kalookan
The Pugadlawin Marker
 Prevalent account- Teodoro Agoncillo in Revolt of  Pugadlawin was never officially recognized as
the Philippines (1956) place name on Philippine map before World War II
 Pugadlawin- proceed upon leaving Samson’s place  Pugadlawin only appear inhistoriography from
in afternoon of August 22 and More than 1000 men 1928
of Katipunan met in the yard of Juan A. Ramos-son
 Revolution have occurred In the area of Baintawak,
of Melchora Aquino on August 23 morning
distinct from Kalookan and Diliman
 Bonifacio shouted: “ Brothers. It was agreed to
 Even Pugadlawin is more romantic it is more
continue with the plan of revolt. My brothers, do
accurate to stick to original Cry of Balintawak
Swear to repudiate the government that suppress us? The Turning Point
rebels replied: “Yes Sir”. That being the case, Bonifacio
added: bring out your cedulas and tear them to pieces to  The Cry- Filipino finally rejected Spanish colonial
symbolize our determination to take revolt”. They shout dominion over Philippine Island by formally
“Long live the Philippines, Long live the Katipinan” setting their own government

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