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Medicaps University

Oral Examination December - 2021

Paper Code: Paper Name: CGMM

From Each Unit: Minimum 120 questions and as many as possible, if it is 240 questions and more it will be well
Sl Question Answer
N Un Questio
o it n No

1 I 1 What is Computer Graphics? art of drawing pictures,lines,charts etc using

computers with the help of programming.

2 I 2 Write the essential application of education,user-interface


3 I 3 Write the difference between vector and Raster graphics is composed of pixels whereas
raster graphics? vector graphics are composed of paths. Scan
conversion is required in raster graphics. RG can
draw mathematical curves and polygons whereas
VG can draw continuous and smooth lines. RG
cost less and VG cost more. RG examples:
.BMP,.GIF,.JPG and VG examples : .SVG,.PDF.

4 I 4 Where is raster scan display used? computer monitors and tv

5 I 5 What is random and raster scan display? In Raster Scan electron beam, is swept across the
screen, one row at a time, from top to bottom.
Random Scan electron beam is directed only to
the parts of the screen where a picture is to be

6 I 6 How does raster scan work?


7 I 7 What graphics are used for?

8 I 8 What is CRT and its working?


9 I 9 What is graphic screen? A monitor capable of displaying graphics.

10 I 10 What is the need of refreshing in a raster

scan display?

11 I 11 What is CRT controller? Generates the horizontal and vertical timing

signals that control the path and duration of the
electron beam sweeping the inner surface of the

12 I 12 What is the relation between pixel and frame frame buffer holds the intensity values for all the
buffer? screen points (pixels)

13 I 13 What is the function of frame buffer in frame buffer holds the intensity values for all the
computer graphics? screen points

14 I 14 What is the Advantages of DVST? refreshing is not required,very complex pictures

can be displayed at high resolution without

15 I 15 What are the factors which determine the size and throughput
size of the frame buffer?

16 I 16 What is shadow mask method? Shadow Mask Method is commonly used in

Raster-Scan System because they produce a much
wider range of colors than the beam-penetration
method.It is used in the majority of color TV sets
and monitors.This type of CRT has 3 electron
guns, one for each color dot and a shadow mask
grid just behind the phosphor coated screen.

Shadow mask grid is pierced with small round

holes in a triangular pattern.

17 I 17 What is refresh buffer in graphics? Memory which holds the intensity values for all
the pixels

18 I 18 What is the pixel? each screen point

19 I 19 What is resolution? the total number of pixels along with the entire
height and width of the image.

20 I 20 What does 640x480 pixels mean? horizontally 640 dots and vertically 480

21 I 21 What is Aspect ratio? ratio of its width to its height.

22 I 22 What is random scan? In Random Scan Display a beam of the electron

is directed only to the screen areas where any
picture has to be displayed or drawn on the
screen. It is also termed as vector display, as it
displays or draws a picture in the form of one
line at a time. It can draw and refresh lines on the
screen of a picture in any sequence not
particularly specific.

23 I 23 What do you mean by rasterization? the task of taking an image described in a vector
graphics format (shapes) and converting it into a
raster image(series of pixels,dots).

24 I 24 Where is random scan used? pen plotter

25 I 25 Which is better random or raster scan? Random scan

26 I 26 What do you mean by DVST? direct view storage tubes, similar to crt,uses
random scan approach, two guns:primary (for
stroring picture pattern) and secondary(for
maintaining picture display)

27 I 27 What are benefits of DVST? refreshing is not required,very complex pictures

can be displayed at high resolution without

28 I 28 What is the function of writing gun in The writing gun scans across a wire grid,
DVST? charging the grid to create the negative image.

29 I 29 What are the Disadvantages of DVST ? do not display color, for erasing necessary to
remove charge on storage grid,cannot be used for
dynamic graphics,poor contrast

30 I 30 * How does a LCD work?

31 I 31 Is LCD better than LED? no

32 I 32 Does LCD have liquid? yes

33 I 33 What material is used in LCD? twisted nematic liquid crystal

34 I 34 * What is the difference between LED and


35 I 35 What is DDA algorithm? dda(digital differential analyzer algorithm) is a

scan conversion line drawing algorithm based on
calculating either del x or del y

36 I 36 How does DDA algorithm works?


37 I 37 What are disadvantages of DDA algorithm? There is an extra overhead of using the round off(
) function.

Using the round off( ) function increases time

complexity of the algorithm.

The Resulting lines are not smooth because of the

round off( ) function.

The points generated by this algorithm are not


38 I 38 What are line drawing algorithms? The Line drawing algorithm is a graphical
algorithm which is used to represent the line
segment on discrete graphical media, i.e., printer
and pixel-based media.

39 I 39 Why do we prefer incremental algorithm fast,more accurate

over DDA?
40 I 40 What are the advantage of DDA simple,easy to implement,avoids using the
Algorithm? multiplication operation

41 I 41 What is the main reason behind developing Because of its faster rate of generation of objects
algorithms for scan conversion? and efficient use of memory.

42 I 42 What are the side effects of scan aliasing,unequal intensity of diagonal lines

43 I 43 What is Aspect ratio? Ratio of width to height

44 I 44 What is a dot size? diameter of a single dot

45 I 45 What is DDA Stands for? Digital Differential analyzer algo

46 I 46 In Bresenham’s line algorithm, if the negative

distances d1 < d2 then decision parameter
Pk is______

47 I 47 How does Bresenham's line drawing

algorithm work? ne-drawing-algorithm/

48 I 48 Why Bresenham's line drawing algorithm is for scan conversion


49 I 49 Why Bresenham's line algorithm is fast,more accurate

preferred over DDA line algorithm?

50 I 50 Why we use Bresenham's line drawing fast,more accurate


51 I 51 How Bresenham's algorithm is better than fast,accurate and efficient

DDA? Bresenham algorithm use fixed points.

52 I 52 What is the advantage of using the easy to implement,fast and

Bresenham algorithm? incremental,executes fast,accurate

53 I 53 What is the formula for calculating the slope m = dy/dx

'm' of a line?

54 I 54 What do you mean by scan conversion? process of representing continuous picture

or graphics object as a collection of discrete

55 I 55 What is decision parameter in Bresenham's 2ΔY – ΔX

line drawing algorithm?

56 I 56 Which of the following options is It gives exact line points

not correct according to the
definition of Bresenham's line
drawing algorithm?
It gives a close approximation of points of
line by determining n-dimensional raster
that should be selected.
It is an incremental error algorithm.
It gives exact line points.
None of the above

57 I 57 Why the circle drawing algorithm is called

Midpoint Circle Algorithm?

58 I 58 What is the basis of scan conversion of a the circle is divided into eight equal parts,
circle? one part is called as octant

59 I 59 What is circle equation? ( x - h )^2 + ( y - k )^2 = r^2

60 I 60 What are the steps of midpoint circle

algorithm explain? cle-drawing-algorithm/

61 I 61 How midpoint is used in mid point circle


62 I 62 What is the value of initial decision 1-R

parameter in midpoint circle algorithm?

63 I 63 Why do we need a decision parameter in to decide whether to pick Yk + 1 or Yk as

Bresenham line drawing algorithm? next point. The idea is to keep track of slope
error from previous increment to y

64 I 64 Which are advantages and disadvantages of Advantages :

midpoint circle drawing algorithm?
● It is a powerful and efficient
● The entire algorithm is based on
the simple equation of circle X2 +
Y2 = R2.
● It is easy to implement.
● This algorithm is used to generate
curves on raster displays.

Disadvantages :

● Accuracy of the generating points

is an issue in this algorithm.
● The circle generated by this
algorithm is not smooth.
● This algorithm is time consuming.

65 I 65 What is Bitmap? A bitmap is an array of bits that specify the

color of each pixel in a rectangular array of

66 I 66 The smallest addressable screen element. Is pixel

voltage levelno
Colour information

67 I 67 Brasenham’s algorithm seeks to select the Straight line

optimum raster locations that represent a :
(A) Straight line
(B) Curve line
(C) Polygon
(D) None of these

68 I 68 What are the 4 types of symmetry? translation,rotational,reflection and glide

69 I 69 In Brasenham’s circle generation Y+1 or Y-1

algorithm if(x,y) is the current pixel
position then y-value of the next pixel
position is :
(A) Y or Y+1
(B) Y alone
(C) Y+1 or Y-1
(D) Y or Y-1

70 I 70 In Bresenham’s circle generation algorithms X+1

if (x,y) is the current pixel position then the
x-value of the next pixel position is :
(A) X
(B) X-1
(C) X+1
(D) X+2

71 I 71 Is the 8 way symmetry of the circle to Yes

generate it?

72 I 72 What is pixel mask? 2D image whose pixel values are used to

filter a dataset

73 I 73 The value of the decision parameter Inside, outside or on the

determines whether the mid-point lies
___ boundary and the then position of
the mid-point help in drawing the

74 I 74 The basic principle of Bresenham’s line To select optimum raster locations to

algorithm is _____ represent a straight line
(A) To select optimum raster location
(B) To select either ^x or ^y whichever is
(C) We find on which sides of the line the
midpoint lies
(D) Both (a) and (b)
75 I 75 The memory area which holds a set Frame buffer
intensity values for all the screen
points is : (A) Frame buffer
(B) Refresh RAM
(C) Video cache

76 I 76 Which of the following is emmisive display LED


77 I 77 Write the properties of video display color,refresh rate,jitter,resolution,raster

devices? structure

78 I 78 Which component of computer graphics Display controller

is to pass the contents of frame buffer to
monitor ?
(A) Memory buffer
(B) Display controller
(C) Monitor
(D) None of these

79 I 79 Shadow mask method is used in ______ Raster Scan

(A) Raster scan
(B) Random scan
(C) Clipping
(D) Windowing

80 I 80 Compare Bresenham's and mid Point circle In mid point,decision parameter depends on
drawing algorithm. previous decision parameter and
corresponding pixels whereas in bresenham
decision parameter only depends on
previous decision parameter

81 I 81 What is decision parameter in midpoint 1–R

circle drawing algorithm?

82 I 82 Aliasing means Staircase effect

(A) Rendering effect
(B) Shading effect
(C) Staircase effect
(D) Cueing effect

83 I 83 Why Bresenham's circle drawing uses only integer arithmetic

algorithm is better than midpoint circle
drawing algorithm?

84 I 84 Write the essential application of


85 I 85 How do you calculate decision 2ΔY – ΔX

parameter initially in bresenham's Line
drawing Algorithm?

86 I 86 What will be the value of initial 5

decision parameter if we intend to
draw a line between A(3, 6) and B(4,
9) using Bresenham’s algorithm?
(A) 6
(B) 5
(C) 3
(D) None of these

87 I 87 what is polygon? A polygon is a two-dimensional geometric

figure that has a finite number of sides

88 I 88 what are the types of polygon? concave and convex

89 I 89 give the difference between convex and If all the interior angles of a polygon are
concave poygon? strictly less than 180° or if a line segment
between two points on the boundary does
not go outside the polygon

90 I 90 describe inside-outside test? counting number method. While filling an

object, we often need to identify whether
particular point is inside the object or
outside it

91 I 91 give types of inside outside test? odd even rule and winding number rule

92 I 92 what is even-odd test? The number of times the line segment

intersects the polygon boundary is then
counted. The point (P) is an internal point if
the number of polygon edges intersected by
this line is odd; otherwise, the point is an
external point.

93 I 93 what is winding number method?


94 I 94 what is intersection?

95 I 95 what is polygon filling? Filling a Polygon is the process of coloring

every pixel that comes inside the Polygon

96 I 96 give the name of techniques used in polygon Scan-line,floodfill and boundary fill
97 I 97 define boundary fill method? A point inside an object is picked and is
filled until the boundary is hit by the object.
This algorithm works only when the colour
of the boundary is different from the colour
that is used for filling.

98 I 98 what is the another name of boundary fill Seed fill method


99 I 99 what is seed point in boundary fill method? point or seed which is inside region is

10 I 100 why stack is used in polygon filling? To store neighbors (pixel information)

10 I 101 what is 4-connected method? The pixels are used by placing them on four
1 different sides of the current pixel till a
different colour boundary is identified in
4-connected polygon.

10 I 102 give cooordinate value of 4 neighboring (x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1)
2 pixel ?

10 I 103 what is 8-connected method? 8-connected pixels are used in this

3 technique by adding the pixels above,
below, right and left side of the current
pixels. In addition to this, the pixels are
fixed diagonally such that the complete area
of the current pixel is covered. The process
is continued till a boundary is found with
different colour.

10 I 104 give cooordinate value of 8 neighboring (x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1), (x+1,
4 pixel ? y+1), (x+1, y-1), (x-1, y+1), (x-1, y-1)

10 I 105 what is flood fill method of polygon filling?


10 I 106 give an example?


10 I 107 give basic difference between boundary fill

7 and flood fill algorithm?

10 I 108 what is 2-D plane? plane figure that can be drawn on a flat
8 surface. It has only two dimensions – length
and width, with no thickness or depth.

10 I 109 what are the coordinates? physical coordinates of the pixels on the
9 computer screen

11 I 110 what are two coordinates in 2-D plane? x and y


11 I 111 define transformation ? Transformation is a process of modifying

1 and re-positioning the existing graphics.

11 I 112 what is the importance of transformation? to reposition the graphics on the screen
2 and change their size or orientation.

11 I 113 what is 2-D Transformation? 2D Transformations take place in a two

3 dimensional plane.

11 I 114 how many types of techniques used in 5

4 transformation?

11 I 115 list the tranformation techniques? translation,rotation,scaling,shear,reflection


11 I 116 what is translation? process of moving an object from one

6 position to another in a two dimensional

11 I 117 what do you mean by intial coordinates of Coordinates before any type of
7 object? transformation

11 I 118 what are the notations for initial Xold, Y old

8 coordinates?

11 I 119 what do you mean by new coordinates of Coordinates after any type of transformation
9 object?

12 I 120 what are the notations for new coordinates? Xnew, Y new

12 II 1 what is translation vector? A translation vector is a type of

1 transformation that moves a figure in the
coordinate plane from one location to

12 II 2 what are the notations for translation vector? Translation vector or Shift vector = (Tx, Ty,
2 Tz)

12 II 3 define translation vetor Tx? Tx defines the distance the Xold coordinate
3 has to be moved.

12 II 4 define translation vetor Ty? Ty defines the distance the Yold coordinate
4 has to be moved.

12 II 5 how to determine vlaue of new coordinates This translation is achieved by adding the
5 towards the X axis? translation coordinates to the old coordinates
of the object as-Xnew = Xold + Tx (This
denotes translation towards X axis)

12 II 6 how to determine vlaue of new coordinates This translation is achieved by adding the
6 towards the Y axis? translation coordinates to the old coordinates
of the object as-Ynew = Yold + Ty (This
denotes translation towards Y axis)
12 II 7 what is translation matrix? In Matrix form, the above translation
7 equations may be represented as-

12 II 8 which new coordinate is added in 3*3 Z coordinate

8 matrix?

12 II 9 what is scaling? In computer graphics, scaling is a process of

9 modifying or altering the size of objects.

13 II 10 what is scaling factor? scaling factor is used to define whether the

0 size of an object is increased or decreased

13 II 11 when the size of object is increased? If scaling factor > 1, then the object size is
1 increased.

13 II 12 when the size of object is decreased? If scaling factor < 1, then the object size is
2 reduced.

13 II 13 what are the notations for scaling factor? • Scaling factor for X-axis = Sx • Scaling
3 factor for Y-axis = Sy

13 II 14 give scaling equation for Xnew? • Xnew = Xold x Sx


13 II 15 give scaling equation for Ynew? Ynew = Yold x Sy


13 II 16 what is rotation? In Computer graphics, 2D Rotation is a

6 process of rotating an object with respect to
an angle in a two dimensional plane.

13 II 17 what is intial angle? Initial angle of the object O with respect to

7 origin = Φ

13 II 18 what is the notation for initial angle? Φ


13 II 19 what is rotation angle? An angle of rotation is the measure of the

9 amount that a figure is rotated about a fixed
point called a point of rotation.

14 II 20 what is the notation for rotation angle? =θ


14 II 21 give rotation equation for Xnew? • Xnew = Xold x cosθ – Yold x sinθ

14 II 22 give rotation equation for Ynew? Ynew = Xold x sinθ + Yold x cosθ

14 II 23 what is shearing? Shearing deals with changing the shape and

3 size of the 2D object along x-axis and

14 II 24 give the name of two versions of shearing? 1. Shearing in X direction

4 2. Shearing in Y direction

14 II 25 what is shearing parameter? The parameters w.r.t x and y axis which

5 helps in shearing are called shearing

14 II 26 what are the notations for shearing ● Shearing parameter towards X

6 parameter? direction = Shx
● Shearing parameter towards Y
direction = Shy

14 II 27 give scaling equation for Xnew in X-axis? ● Xnew = Xold + Shx x Y old

14 II 28 give scaling equation for Ynew in X-axis? ● Ynew = Y old


14 II 29 give scaling equation for Xnew in Y-axis? ● Xnew = Xold


15 II 30 give scaling equation for Ynew in Y-axis? ● Ynew = Y old + Shy x Xold

15 II 31 what is reflection? Reflection is a kind of rotation where the

1 angle of rotation is 180 degree.

15 II 32 what is angle of roatation in reflection? 180 degree.


15 II 33 what will be the size of object in reflection? The size of reflected object is same as the
3 size of original object.

15 II 34 give reflection equation for Xnew in • Xnew = Xold

4 X-axis?

15 II 35 give reflection equation for Ynew in Ynew = -Yold

5 X-axis?

15 II 36 give reflection equation for Xnew in Y-axis? • Xnew = -Xold


15 II 37 givereflection equation for Ynew in Y-axis? • Ynew = Yold


15 II 38 what is homogeneous coordinates? To combine these three transformations into

8 a single transformation, homogeneous
coordinates are used.For our convenience
take it as one. Each two-dimensional
position is then represented with
homogeneous coordinates (x, y, 1).

15 II 39 what is the value of homogeneous homogeneous coordinates (x, y, 1).

9 coordinates?

16 II 40 What is the use of homogeneous coordinates To treat all 3 transformations in a

0 and matrix representation? consistent way, we use homogeneous
coordinates and matrix representation.

16 II 41 We can combine the multiplicative by expanding 2 by 2 matrix

1 and translational terms for 2D into a representation into 3 by 3.
single matrix representation by

16 II 42 Pixel is represented by a tuple Xw,Yw,w homogeneous coordinates system

2 in______.

16 II 43 If we multiply any matrix A with identity inverse matrix.

3 matrix then we get the________matrix.

16 II 44 Reflection about the line Y=X Reflection about x-axis

4 is equivalent to
________,followed by a
anticlockwise rotation 90 ̊.

16 II 45 The transformation that changes the Rotation

5 co-ordinate positions of an object
along a circular path is

16 II 46 which dimensions are used for Any 2D 1*2

6 point is represented in a matrix form

16 II 47 which dimensions are used for 1*3

7 homogeneous coordinates is represented in
a matrix form

16 II 48 how object is translated? Translation is a movement of objects

8 without deformation. Every position or point
is translated by the same amount. When
the straight line is translated, then it will be
drawn using endpoints. For translating
polygon, each vertex of the polygon is
converted to a new position.
16 II 49 what is uniform scaling Uniform scaling (or isotropic scaling) is a
9 linear transformation that enlarges
(increases) or shrinks (diminishes) objects
by a scale factor that is the same in all

17 II 50 how to repesent translation matrix


17 II 51 how to repesent rotation matrix


17 II 52 how to repesent scaling matrix

17 II 53 Reflection about X-axis followed by reflection about origin
3 reflection about Y-axis is equivalent

17 II 54 what are 3 basic transformation reflections, rotations, and translations.


17 II 55 when the size of the object doesn't change Reflection


17 II 56 Why Clipping is used in graphics? For deciding the visible and invisible
6 portion, a particular process called clipping
is used. Clipping determines each element
into the visible and invisible portion. Visible
portion is selected. An invisible portion is

17 II 57 What is primary use of clipping? The primary use of clipping in computer

7 graphics is to remove objects, lines, or line
segments that are outside the viewing

17 II 58 What are the types of clipping? 1. Point Clipping

2. Line Clipping

3. Area Clipping (Polygon)

4. Curve Clipping

5. Text Clipping

6. Exterior Clipping

17 II 59 Which type of clipping is used to clip the Text clipping

9 character string?

18 II 60 What are the clipping algorithm? Cohen–Sutherland and Liang–Barsky


18 II 61 How many edges of the clipping are/is 4 edges

1 present in 2D?

18 II 62 Why does clipping occurs in games? clipping is the intersection of two objects
2 such that one obscures the geometry of the
other, concealing it from view. In video
games, clipping is related to "collision
detection," the collection of algorithms that
react to the interaction of two adjacent or
overlapping geometries

18 II 63 What is viewing and clipping? When we have to display a large portion of

3 the picture, then not only scaling &
translation is necessary, the visible part of
picture is also identified.

18 II 64 Which algorithm is used for line clipping? Sutherland-Cohn algorithm


18 II 65 Which clipping algorithm is used for Sutherland–Hodgman algorithm

5 polygon clipping?

18 II 66 Which is not a line clipping algorithm? Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithm


18 II 67 What is scan line coherence? It is an image space algorithm. It processes

7 one line at a time rather than one pixel at a
time. It uses the concept area of coherence.
This algorithm records edge list, active edge

18 II 68 Why polygon clipping is difficult? Polygon clipping is particularly difficult

8 because it is necessary that closed
polygons remain closed.

18 II 69 What do you understand by Noclip term ? in video games, noclip mode (also known as
9 "noclipping") is a cheat that prevents the
first-person player character camera
from being obstructed by other objects
and permits the camera to move in any
direction, simply removing all physics so
the player is granted the ability to pass
through such things as walls, props,

19 II 70 Is clipping a glitch?

19 II 71 What is near clipping plane? The near clipping plane is nearest point of
1 the Camera's view frustum. The Camera
cannot see geometry that is closer this

19 II 72 How is clipping different from back

2 formation?

19 II 73 what is the difference between blending and

3 clipping?

19 II 74 What is clipping window? Clipping is the process of drawing pixels

4 only to a selected region or well-defined
window. In this, pixels that lie outside the
window or clip region get removed by using
various clipping algorithms. It is mainly
used for artistic purposes.

19 II 75 What is exterior clipping? It is opposite to previous clipping. Here

5 picture which is outside the window is
considered. The picture inside the rectangle
window is discarded. So part of the picture
outside the window is saved.

19 II 76 What is generalized clipping? In a generalized clipping operation, both the

6 objects being drawn and the clipping
region are represented as generalized
polygons with a non-zero winding number

19 II 77 What is the name of the region against A. clip window

7 which an object is clipped?

19 II 78 What are the conditions for a line to be

8 clipping candidate?

19 II 79 What is word clipping ? For deciding the visible and invisible

9 portion, a particular process called clipping
is used. Clipping determines each element
into the visible and invisible portion. Visible
portion is selected. An invisible portion is

32 II 80 The intersection point of visual rays with the piercing point

6 PPP is ____________

32 II 81 It is a point at which the eyes of the station point

7 observer are located. S and S’
indicated respectively the TV and
FV of S is _____________

32 II 82 Which information is required to draw the Angle of projection

8 perspective?

34 II 83 Plane appears as foreshortened The slant plane

2 surface in all the projection planes is
known as _________

34 II 84 To save space on the drawing or to save time Half auxiliary

3 only ___________ view may be drawn.

34 II 85 Planes which are inclined to both the Oblique plans

4 reference planes are called __________

49 II 86 The secondary colors are…. The secondary colors are green, orange and
6 purple. These colors are created by mixing
the primary colors.

49 II 87 Gray and brown are considered….


49 II 88 Colors made by mixing a primary with a Intermediate, or tertiary

8 secondary color

49 II 89 Blue, red, and green are... The three additive primary colours are red,
9 green, and blue; this means that, by
additively mixing the colours red, green, and
blue in varying amounts, almost all other
colours can be produced, and, when the
three primaries are added together in equal
amounts, white is produced.

50 II 90 The three properties of color are hue, value, intensity

0 and ….

96 II 91 What are the features of bitmap?

97 II 92 What are the 4 types of bitmap images? JPEG , GIF ,TIFF and PNG

98 II 93 What are the advantages of bitmap images? ● It map files may be easily created
from existing pixel data stored in an
array in memory.
● Retrieving pixel data stored in a
bitmap file may often be
accomplished by using a set of
coordinates that allows the data to be
conceptualized as a grid.

99 II 94 What is difference between bitmap and The difference between bitmap and vector is
vector graphics?
that bitmap images are made up of dots

called pixels. A pixel is the smallest square

that is combined to form a whole image.

Vector images are made up of lines and

curves that are combined to form a whole

graphic. They use objects like circles and

polygons to make a whole illustration.

If you zoom out bitmap images, you can see

the pixels and the image starts to blur out.

But if you zoom out vector images, the

image does not blur out but stays smooth.

10 II 95 What file types are examples of bitmap JPEG , GIF ,TIFF and PNG
0 images?

10 II 96 What are bitmap images used for? Bitmap images are widely used on digital
1 cameras, smartphones and online.
Common bitmap image file types include
JPEG , GIF and PNG .

10 II 97 What is CRT and its components? CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube. CRT is a
2 technology used in traditional computer
monitors and televisions. The image on CRT
display is created by firing electrons from
the back of the tube of phosphorus located
towards the front of the screen.

1. Electron Gun

2. Control Electrode

3. Focusing system

4. Deflection Yoke

5. Phosphorus-coated screen

10 II 98 What is a CRT used for? The function of the cathode-ray tube is to

3 convert an electrical signal into a visual
display. The tube contains an electron-gun
structure (to provide a narrow beam of
electrons) and a phosphor screen.

10 II 99 GUI stands for Graphical user inter face


10 II 100 What is a pixel mask? A pixel mask is a 2D image whose pixel

5 values are used to filter a dataset (both
images and tables).
10 II 101 The process of positioning an object along Translation
7 a straight line path from one coordinate
point to another is called

10 II 102 Which of the following equation is used in

8 2D translation to move a point(x,y) to the x’=x+dx and y’=y+dy
new point (x',y')?

10 II 103 The process of repositioning an object along Rotation

9 a circular path is called

11 II 104 Which of the algorithm is used to color a Boundary Fill Algorithm

0 pixel if it is not colored and leaves it if it is
already filled?

11 II 105 Smallest size object that can be displayed on Picture element

1 a monitor is called .....................

11 II 106 Each screen point is referred to as Persistence

2 .........................

11 II 107 On a color monitor, the refresh buffer is also Pixmap

3 called .....................

11 II 108 The distance from one pixel to the next pixel Resolution
4 is called ......

11 II 109 ...... used to regulate the flow of elections in Control grid

5 CRT ?

11 II 110 The refresh rate below which a picture 25

6 flicker is ................

11 II 111 Interlaced refresh procedure is allowed in Raster scan display

7 ..................

11 II 112 Vector display is well suited for .................

8 Line drawing applications

90 II 113 What are the three basic types of graphics? There are two types of computer graphics:
raster graphics, where each pixel is
separately defined (as in a digital
photograph), and vector graphics, where
mathematical formulas are used to draw
lines and shapes, which are then interpreted
at the viewer's end to produce the graphic

91 II 114 What are the characteristics of vector 1. Vector images are formed from a
graphics? combination of individual objects
consisting of points, lines and
2. Image size does not affect the
quality of the displayed image,
because it does not depend on
image resolution.
3. Has a relatively small size for the
image file
4. It is scalable so it won’t break
when the image is enlarged
5. The resulting image display is less
real and natural, so it cannot be
used to produce realistic photo
6. When displayed to the monitor
screen requires a longer process.

92 II 115 How are vectors used in computer graphics? Vectors are often used in computer graphics
to represent directions, such as the
direction from an object to a light source or
the direction in which a surface faces. In
those cases, we are more interested in the
direction of a vector than in its length.

93 II 116 What is vector graphics composed of? Vector graphics is composed of paths or we
can say that a line. i.e. fundamental drawing
primitive in vector graphics is a line or a

94 II 117 What is the difference between vector and The key difference between pixel and vector
pixel graphics? based graphics is how the image is
structured. Pixel based graphics are made up
from lots of tiny physical squares (or
‘pixels’) where as vector graphics are
mapped out using mathematical equations
which calculate where the edges of the
shapes sit in relation to one another.

95 II 118 What is bitmap with example? a bitmap is an array of binary data

representing the values of pixels in an
image or display.
A GIF is an example of a graphics image
file that has a bitmap. When the GIF is
displayed on a computer monitor, the
computer reads the bitmap to determine
which colours to use to “paint” the screen.

12 II 119 Which controller is used to read each Display controller

0 succesive byte of data from frame buffer?
32 120 In the ___________ method, the points on visual-ray method
9 III the perspective are obtained by projecting
the top view with either the front view or
the side view of the visual rays.

20 1 What are the 3D transformation ? 3-D Transformation is the process of

0 III manipulating the view of a three-D object
with respect to its original position by
modifying its physical attributes through
various methods

20 2 What are the types of 3D transformation ? Translation, Scaling, Rotation,

1 III Shear,Reflection

20 3 What are the steps involved in 3D ​ Modeling Transformation

2 III transformation ?
​ Projection Transformation
​ Viewing Transformation
​ Workstation Transformation

20 4 What happens when in 3D space uniform

3 III scaling with respect to origin is performed?

20 5 What is the dimensions of matrix in 3D 3 x 3 or 4 x 4 matrices

4 III transformation ?

20 6 How is translation and scaling done in 3D? It is the process of changing the relative
5 III location of a 3-D object with respect to the
original position by changing its

It is performed to resize the 3D-object that is

the dimension of the object can be
scaled(alter) in any of the x, y, z direction
through Sx, Sy, Sz scaling factors.

20 7 Why do we need 3D transformatin?


20 8 what is the difference between 2D & 3d

7 III transformations? between-2d-and-3d-transformation

20 9 How is 3D rotation performed ? 3D Rotation is a process of rotating an

8 III object with respect to an angle in a three
dimensional plane.

20 10 How many transformations are needed in one

9 III 3D if the object has to rotate about an axis
that is parallel to he principal axis?

21 11 How 3d rotation is different from 2D 3D rotation is complex as compared to the

0 III rotation? 2D rotation.For 2D we describe the angle of
rotation, but for a 3D angle of rotation and
axis of rotation are required. The axis can be
either x or y or z.

21 12 How many vectors are there in 3D ? three


21 13 Which type of coordinate system is used in X,y,z coordinate system

2 III 3D transformation?

21 14 What does the 3D translation tool do? It slides a movie clip along a specific axis to
3 III change its perceived distance and depth
relative to other objects on the stage.

21 15 How does 3D graphics works?


21 16 What is 3D rotation matrix? three-dimensional rotation matrix represents

5 III a counterclockwise rotation by an angle θ
about a fixed axis that lies along the unit
vector n.

21 17 What are the different ways to rotate an Anticlockwise

6 III image?


The positive value of the pivot point (rotation

angle) rotates an object in a
counter-clockwise (anti-clockwise) direction.

The negative value of the pivot point

(rotation angle) rotates an object in a
clockwise direction.

When the object is rotated, then every point

of the object is rotated by the same angle.

21 18 Why rotation matrix is orthogonal? when the product of a square matrix and its
7 III transpose gives an identity matrix, then the
square matrix is known as an orthogonal

21 19 What is called a shear in 3D transformation? A transformation that slants the shape of an

8 III object is called the shear transformation.
Like in 2D shear, we can shear an object
along the X-axis, Y-axis, or Z-axis in 3D.

21 20 How are 3D images created?


22 21 How does shear matrices works? If we want to do shearing about x axis then
0 III the coordinate of X remains unchanged
while the coordinate of Y and Z is changed.
And here the matrix:

And similarly with other axises

22 22 How do we calculat the shear factor? The distance a point moves due to shear
1 III divided by the perpendicular distance of a
point from the invariant line.

22 23 What is the factor of the shear T ? the factor of a shear gives the distance the
2 III point is moved as a multiple of its
perpendicular distance from the line of the

22 24 What is invariant Line? An invariant line is a line that maps to itself.

3 III To be precise, every point on the invariant
line maps to a point on the line itself.

22 25 Which points are invariant in rotation? a point on a graph that remains unchanged
4 III after a transformation is applied to it.

22 26 What is the mapping rule? Mapping is a collection of source and target

5 III objects which is tied up together through a
set of transformations

22 27 Why rotation is called Euclidean?


22 28 Is 3D rotation commutative? no

22 29 Why rotation is non- commutative?


22 30 Why rotation matrix is orthogonal?


23 31 Are transformations associative? yes


23 32 Which transformation produces the mirror Reflection

1 III effect?

23 33 What is the inverse of rotation matrix? rotation matrix's transpose


23 34 What is translation in 3D? 3D Translation is a process of moving an

3 III object from one position to another in a
three dimensional plane

23 35 What is 3D reflection? Reflection in 3D space is quite similar to the

4 III reflection in 2D space, but a single
difference is there in 3D, here we have to
deal with three axes (x, y, z). Reflection is
nothing but a mirror image of an object.

23 36 What is viewing transformation? Viewing Transformation is the mapping of

5 III coordinates of points and lines that form the
picture into appropriate coordinates on the
display device

23 37 How many types are there in 3D shearing? 3 types

6 III Shearing in X-direction.
Shearing in y-direction
Shearing in z-direction.

23 38 What is scaling in 3D? It is performed to resize the 3D-object that is

7 III the dimension of the object can be
scaled(alter) in any of the x, y, z direction
through Sx, Sy, Sz scaling factors
23 39 What is scaling matrix?

23 40 why scaling transformation are used? To change the size of an object,


24 41 What is differential scaling? If Sx, Sy and Sz are not equal then called as
0 III Differential Scaling.

24 42 What is reflection in 3D? Reflection in 3D space is quite similar to the

1 III reflection in 2D space, but a single
difference is there in 3D, here we have to
deal with three axes (x, y, z). Reflection is
nothing but a mirror image of an object.

24 43 What is reflection in origin? When you reflect a point in the origin, both
2 III the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate are
negated (their signs are changed). In a point
reflection in the origin, the image of the
point (x,y) is the point (-x,-y).

24 44 What is the rule of reflection? the resulting orientation of the two figures
3 III are opposite. Corresponding parts of the
figures are the same distance from the line
of reflection. Ordered pair rules reflect over
the x-axis: (x, -y), y-axis: (-x, y), line y=x:
(y, x).

24 45 What is the Y intercept reflection point? –1


24 46 What is Reflection Matrix? Reflection transformation matrix is the

5 III matrix which can be used to make reflection
transformation of a figure.

24 47 What is uniform scaling? If Sx, Sy and Sz are equal then called as

6 III Differential Scaling.

24 48 What is homogeneous coordinate system? A coordinate system that algebraically treats

7 III all points in the projective plane (both
Euclidean and ideal) equally.

24 49 What is difference between reflection and The reflection is just like the mirror image
8 III shearing in graphics? of the original image. The mirror image can
be either about the x-axis or the y-axis.
Shearing is the transformation of an object
which changes the shape of the object. The
shearing can be in one direction or two
24 50 What is homogeneous coordinate system and cartesian coordinate system:A system in
9 III cartesian coordinate system? which the location of a point is given by
coordinates that represent its distances from
perpendicular lines that intersect at a point
called the origin.

25 51 Why we use homogeneous coordinate because they allow common vector

0 III system in graphics? operations such as translation, rotation,
scaling and perspective projection to be
represented as a matrix by which the vector
is multiplied.

25 52 Define polar coordinate? When each point on a plane of a

1 III two-dimensional coordinate system is
decided by a distance from a reference point
and an angle is taken from a reference
direction, it is known as the polar coordinate

25 53 What are the advantages of homogenous They can display a point at infinity that does
2 III coordinate system? not exist. it is used to denote the location of
the object.

25 54 How do we write a transformation matrices? In transformation matrix we write the

3 III coefficient of x,y and z.

25 55 What are 3D transformation matrices? Transformation matrix is a basic tool for

4 III transformation. A matrix with n x m
dimensions is multiplied with the coordinate
of objects. Usually 3 x 3 or 4 x 4 matrices
are used for transformation.

25 56 How do transformation effect the graph? A non-rigid transformation. changes the size
5 III and/or shape of the graph. A vertical
translationA rigid transformation that shifts
a graph up or down.

25 57 What is the importance of sequence of The main reason order is significant is that
6 III transforms? transformations like rotation and scaling are
done with respect to the origin of the
coordinate system.

25 58 What is the standard matrix of

7 III transformation?

25 59 How do 3D graphics work?

8 III ics-3d-graphics

25 60 How do transformation works?

9 III aphics/2d_transformation.htm

26 61 What is geometric Transformation in The object itself is transformed relative to

0 III graphics? the coordinate system or background.

26 62 Does order of transformation matters in yes

1 III graphics?

26 63 The sweep representation of an object refers Sweep representations are used to construct
2 III to the 3D object from 2D shape that have some
kind of symmetry.

26 64 The types of projection are Parallel, prospective


26 65 The types of parallel projection are orthographic, axonometric, and oblique


26 66 _________are the three dimensional analogs Octrees

5 III of quad trees.

26 67 By which more complex objects can be Quadric surfaces

6 III constructed

26 68 _______refers to the common elements Quadric surfaces

7 III of graphics scenes ,often used in graphics
package as primitive components.

26 69 _________refer to the shapes created by Constructive solid geometry methods

8 III union, intersection and difference of given

26 70 The projection in which the projection Isometric Projection

9 III plane is allowed to intersect the x, y and
z axes at equal distances is

27 71 In which projection ,the plane normal to Isometric projection

0 III the projection has equal angles with these
three axes

27 72 In third angle projection method, the object the third quadrant.

1 III is supposed to be in

27 73 Projection line is Continuous thin line


27 74 The orthographic projection, projection lines are parallel

3 III are ____ to each other.

27 75 The centre of projection for parallel infinity

4 III projectors is at

27 76 The orthographic projection that show more axonometric orthographic projections.

5 III than one side of an object are called

27 77 The projection that can be viewed as the Perspective projection

6 III projection that has a centre of projection at
a finite distance from the plane of
projection are called

27 78 The perspective projection is more practical smaller

7 III because the distant objects appear

27 79 A line can be represented by ax + by + c = 0.


27 80 2 basic ways of projecting objects onto parallel projection and Perspective

9 III viewplane are --- and--- projection.

28 81 In oblique projection, projection lines are parallel

0 III ____ to each other.

28 82 Which of these is not a principal view? auxiliary


28 83 The volume which appears on the display is View volume

2 III known as :

28 84 Which projection gives a realistic view? perspective projection


28 85 In which projection all projection lies form Orthographic projection

4 III the right angle with the projection plane?

28 86 In which projection all projection lies are perspective projection

5 III meet at one point?

28 87 If all projection lines are meet at one point Projection reference point,centre of
6 III then that point is known as : projection and vanishing point

28 88 In perspective projection the projectors are not parallel ,inclined

7 III _________ to each other and ________ to
picture plane.

28 89 In perspective projection, all lines of sight single

8 III start at a ________point.

28 90 The line segment from the view plane to the view-distance

9 III view reference point is called?

29 91 Orthographic projection represents three in two dimensions

0 III dimensional objects in

29 92 In orthographic projection, the projection perpendicular

1 III lines are ______ to the projection plane.

29 93 In the term ortho-graphic, ‘orthos’ means Drawing. Straight. Projection.


29 94 The point, from which the observer is Center of projection.

3 III assumed to view the object, is called
29 95 In orthographic projection, the object is Parallel
4 III placed with one of its faces ______ to the
picture plane.

29 96 Orthographic projection is also known as Multi view projection


29 97 The two ways of drawing orthographic First angle, third angle

6 III projection are

29 98 In third angle projection method, the object Third quadrant

7 III is supposed to be in

29 99 Projection line is Continuous thin line


29 100 Visible outline or edge is Continuous thick line


30 101 Center line is chain thin line


30 102 The orthographic projection, projection lines parallel

1 III are ____ to each other.

30 103 The numbers of principal views are six


30 104 The following is not a principal view. auxiliary


30 105 An Axonometric Plane is inclined to ___ of three

4 III the Principal Planes.

30 106 In isometric projection, the square faces of rhombuses

5 III the cube are seen as

30 107 Isometric plane is parallel to one of the principal planes and

6 III perpendicular to other two principal planes

30 108 Three lines ___ apart with one of them 120°

7 III vertical, are known as Isometric Axes.

30 109 Line in space ___ to principal planes are isometric

8 III known as isometric lines.

30 110 In isometric projection, direction of perpendicular

9 III sight is ____ to the plane of projection.
i.e. Axonometric plane.

31 111 If Axonometric Plane is equally inclined isometric plane

0 III to all the three principal planes then that
plane is known as

31 112 If Axonometric plane is having different trimetric plane

1 III inclination with all the principal planes,
then that plane is known as

31 113 In preparing isometric scale, true or actual 45°

2 III scale is drawn at ___ to the horizontal.

31 114 Dimension of isometric projection is 81.5%

3 III reduced by ___ approximately to the
actual dimension.

31 115 Isometric projection is reduced volume wise 54.13%

4 III by ____ to the actual size.

31 116 While drawing isometric view/drawing, scale no size reduction is required

5 III is reduced by

31 117 Following is (are) the method(s) to construct conventional method, exact method
6 III isometric projection

31 118 Isometric view of square is a rhombus


31 119 Isomteric view of a rectangle is a parallelogram


31 120 16-4 centre method is used to draw isometric circle

9 III view of a

34 1 what is Spline curve B-splines are a more general type of curve

8 IV than Bezier curves. In a B-spline each
control point is associated with a basis

34 2 what are uses of spline

9 IV

35 3 what is Interpolation Interpolation is a method of constructing

0 IV new data points within range of discrete set
of known data points. The number of data
points obtained by sampling or
experimentation represents values of
function for limited number of values of
independent variable.
The main task of Interpolation is to find
suitable mathematical expression for known
curve. This technique is used when we have
to draw curve by determining intermediate
points between known sample points.

35 4 what is Approximation Interpolitan means passing through points

1 IV and approximation means getting ‘close’ to
given points.

35 5 what is Convex Hulls

2 IV

35 6 what is Bezier curve Bezier Curve is parametric curve defined by

3 IV a set of control points.

Two points are ends of the curve.

Other points determine the shape of the


35 7 explain any Properties of Bezier Curves

4 IV curve-implementation-in-c/

35 8 explain Parametric function for Bezier

5 IV

35 9 give Parametric equ. For 3 control point

6 IV

35 10 give Parametric equ. For 4 control point

7 IV

35 11 what is Bezier surface

8 IV

35 12 define B spline B-splines are a more general type of curve

9 IV than Bezier curves. In a B-spline each
control point is associated with a basis

36 13 Advantages of B-Spline Curves In Bezier curve we face a problem, when

0 IV we change any of the control point
respective location the whole curve shape
gets change. But here in B-spline curve, the
only a specific segment of the curve-shape
gets changes or affected by the changing of
the corresponding location of the control

36 14 what is Knots in B-spline Curve The point between two segments of a curve
1 IV that joins each other such points are known
as knots in B-spline curve.

36 15 What will e the degree of curve if there are 4 The degree of the polynomial defining the
2 IV control points curve segment is one less that the number of
defining polygon point.Ans=3

36 16 What are the Illumination Model Parameters

3 IV

36 17 what are light source parameters The wavelength of light is the origin that
4 IV produces light.


Electromagnetic Spectrum


36 18 what are surface parameters Position

5 IV
Reflectance properties

Position of nearby surfaces

36 19 what are eye (camera) parameters Position

6 IV
Sensor spectrum sensitivities

36 20 what is Illumination Models

7 IV

36 21 what is rendering method

8 IV

36 22 give name of Light Source Models

9 IV

37 23 explain Point Source All light rays originate at a point and

0 IV radially diverge. A reasonable
approximation for sources
whose dimensions are small compared to
the object size

37 24 explain Parallel source Light rays are all parallel. May be

1 IV modeled as a point source at infinite
distance (the sun)
37 25 explain Distributed source All light rays originate at a finite
2 IV area in space. It models a nearby source,
such as a fluorescent light

37 26 give name of llumination Models

3 IV Object oriented lighting

Phong illumination model

Blinn-Phong illumination model

Ambient , Diffuse, Specular reflection

37 27 explain Ambient Illumination

4 IV

37 28 explain Diffuse Reflection the reflection of light or other waves or

5 IV particles from a surface such that a ray
incident on the surface is scattered at many

37 29 explain Specular Reflection When reflection of light from surface such

6 IV that ray incident on surface with defined

37 30 Why are illumination models used? Illumination models are used to calculate
7 IV light intensities that we should see at a given
point on the surface of an object.

37 31 What is the importance of illumination in Same as above

8 IV computer graphics?

37 32 What is ambient lighting in graphics? Ambient light means the light that is already
9 IV present in a scene, before any additional
lighting is added. It usually refers to natural
light, either outdoors or coming through
etc. It can also mean artificial lights such as
normal room

38 33 What is diffuse lighting? Same as diffuse reflection

0 IV

38 34 Why do we need removal of hidden surface? a. for displaying realistic view

1 IV B. for determining the closest visible surface

38 35 What is the relation between ambient light

2 IV and diffuse light?
38 36 What is the difference between an
3 IV illumination model and shading model?

38 37 How many types of shading techniques are 3 - flat shading; Gouraud shading; Phong
4 IV present in computer graphics? shading.

38 38 What is the meaning of shading in Shading is referred to as the implementation

5 IV computer? of the illumination model at the pixel points
or polygon surfaces of the graphics objects.

38 39 What are the characteristics of ambient Ambient light sources illuminate objects
6 IV light? even when no other light source is present.[6]
The intensity of ambient light is independent
of direction, distance, and other objects,
meaning the effect is completely uniform
throughout the scene.[6] This source ensures
that objects are visible even in complete

38 40 What is lighting in rendering?

7 IV

38 41 What is the importance of reflection vector

8 IV in computer graphics?

38 42 What is refraction computer graphics? Refraction is the change in direction of a

9 IV wave due to a change in its velocity. This is
most commonly seen when a wave passes
from one medium to another.

39 43 What are surface rendering methods in

0 IV computer graphics?

39 44 What is an illuminated object? Illuminated objects are objects that are

1 IV capable of reflecting light to our eyes. The
sun is an example of a luminous object,
while the moon is an illuminated object.

39 45 Why is light important?

2 IV

39 46 What is emission in OpenGL?

3 IV

39 47 How is diffused light created? o diffuse light by bouncing it, aim your
4 IV light source at the semi-reflective white
surface of your choice. The light reflects,
or bounces, off that surface and creates a
secondary source of light, which will
illuminate your subject with diffused light.

39 48 How does diffusion work light?

5 IV

39 49 What is hidden surface problem in computer When we view a picture containing

6 IV graphics? non-transparent objects and surfaces, then
we cannot see those objects from view
which are behind from objects closer to eye.
We must remove these hidden surfaces to
get a realistic screen image. The
identification and removal of these
surfaces is called Hidden-surface problem.

39 50 What is the role of hidden surface removal Hidden-surface determination is necessary

7 IV method in computer graphics? to render a scene correctly, so that one
may not view features hidden behind the
model itself, allowing only the naturally
viewable portion of the graphic to be visible

39 51 What is specular and diffuse reflection? Done above

8 IV

39 52 Where is ambient lighting used? Ambient Illumination is the one where

9 IV source of light is indirect.

40 53 What is difference between lighting and Rendering is the act of converting the scene
0 IV rendering? information into a bitmap image by
evaluating all the geometry and Lighting
models are used to replicate lighting effects
in rendered environments where light is
approximated based on the physics of information in a given file.

40 54 What is the purpose of illumination? This lighting, or illumination model's

1 IV purpose is to compute the color of every
pixel or the amount of light reflected for
different surfaces in the scene.

40 55 What does shading mean in art? the use of marking made within outlines to
2 IV suggest three-dimensionality, shadow, or
degrees of light and dark in a picture or

40 56 What are shading algorithms?

3 IV

40 57 What is shaded drawing? Shading is the process of adding value to

4 IV create the illusion of form, space, and most
importantly - light in a drawing.

40 58 Which shading algorithm gives more Phong Shading

5 IV accurate results?
40 59 What is the meaning of shading in Shading is referred to as the implementation
6 IV computer? of the illumination model at the pixel points
or polygon surfaces of the graphics objects.
Shading model is used to compute the
intensities and colors to display the surface.

40 60 Why are triangles used in computer

7 IV graphics?

40 61 What are graphics triangles? Triangle is a three vertices planar fig that is
8 IV uses to represent any object using

40 62 What is Gouraud shading in computer Gouraud Shading renders a polygon surface

9 IV graphics? by linear interpolating intensity value across
the surface.

41 63 What is the purpose of shading? Shading model is used to compute the

0 IV intensities and colors to display the surface.

41 64 what is Flat Shading In this method, a single intensity is

1 IV calculated for each polygon. All points over
the surface of the polygon are then
displayed with the same intensity value.

41 65 what is Gouraud Shading Gouraud Shading, renders a polygon surface

2 IV by linear interpolating intensity value across
the surface.

41 66 what is Phong Shading A more accurate method for rendering a

3 IV polygon surface is to interpolate the normal
vector and then apply the illumination
model to each surface point. A.k.a normal
vector Interpolation Shading.

41 67 The depth sorting method reforms surfaces Decreasing

4 IV sorting in________ order of depth

41 68 Back face removal is an example of ? Hidden-surface problem

5 IV

41 69 Which display devices allows us to walk Three-dimensional devices

6 IV around an object and view it from different

41 70 Video devices with reduced volume, weight flat-panel displays

7 IV and power consumption are collectively
known as .........

41 71 What are the advantages of Bézier curves First, a B-spline curve can be a Bézier curve.
8 IV over cubic spline? Second, B-spline curves satisfy all important
properties that Bézier curves have. Third,
B-spline curves provide more control
flexibility than Bézier curves can do. For
example, the degree of a B-spline curve is
separated from the number of control points.

41 72 A surface rendering algorithm Flat shading

9 IV

42 73 The blinding functions of Bezier curves are Bernstein polynomials

0 IV

42 74 give any 1 name of hidden surface removal Painters algorithm/z-buffer

1 IV algorithm

42 75 The Bezier curve obtained from the four Cubic bezier curve
2 IV control points is called a

42 76 What is Bezier curve and B-spline curve? Computer Graphics Learning - Curves
3 IV (

42 77 What are Bezier curves what are its types? 1. Simple bezier curve: 2 control points
4 IV 2. Quadric bezier curve: 3 control
3. Cubic bezier curve: 4 control points

42 78 What are blending functions? Blending function = C(n,i)(t^i)((1-t)^(n-i))

5 IV where C(n,i) = n! / i!(n-i)! Also known as
Bernstein polynomial
Determine how much of a specific control
point we needed to take into a linear
combination at a specific time.

42 79 What are the advantages of Bezier curves? The benefit of Bezier curves is the ease of
6 IV computation, stability at the lower degrees
of control points (warning! they do become
unstable at higher degrees) and a Bezier
curve can be rotated and translated by
performing the operations on the points.

42 80 What are the disadvantages of Bezier curve? become unstable at higher degrees
7 IV

42 81 give name of Shading method Gouraud shading

8 IV

42 82 explain Gouraud Shading Algorithm Each polygon surface is rendered with

9 IV Gouraud Shading by performing the
following calculations:

1. Determining the average unit normal

vector at each polygon vertex.

2. Apply an illumination model to each

vertex to determine the vertex

3. Linear interpolate the vertex

intensities over the surface of the

At each polygon vertex, we obtain a normal

vector by averaging the surface normals of
all polygons staring that vertex

43 83 explain Phong Shading Algorithm • A polygon surface is rendered using

0 IV Phong shading by carrying out the
following steps:

• Determine the average unit

normal vector at each
polygon vertex.
• Linearly interpolate the vertex normals
over the surface of the polygon.
• Apply an illumination model along each
scan line to calculate projected pixel
intensities for the surface points.

43 84 What is the process of shading? Shading is referred to as the implementation

1 IV of the illumination model at the pixel points
or polygon surfaces of the graphics objects.

43 85 What is Gouraud and Phong shading? Gouraud shading: renders a polygon surface
2 IV by linear interpolating intensity value across
the surface.
Phong shading: method for rendering a
polygon surface is to interpolate the normal
vector and then apply the illumination model
to each surface point.

43 86 How do you shade a circle?

3 IV

43 87 What is explicit curve ? A mathematical function y = f(x)

4 IV
x can be plotted as a curve. Such a function
is the explicit representation of the curve.
The explicit representation is not general,
since it cannot represent vertical lines and is
also single-valued. For each value of x, only
a single value of y is normally computed by
the function.
43 88 What is Implicit curve? Implicit curve representations define the set
5 IV of points on a curve by employing a
procedure that can test to see if a point in on
the curve. Usually, an implicit curve is
defined by an implicit function of the form


It can represent multivalued curves

multiple values for an x value. A common

example is the circle

43 89 What is parametric curves? Curves having parametric form are called

6 IV parametric curves. The explicit and implicit
curve representations can be used only
when the function is known. In practice the
parametric curves are used. A
two-dimensional parametric curve has the
following form −
P(t) = f(t), g(t) or P(t) = x(t), y(t)

The functions f and g become the x,y

coordinates of any point on the curve

43 90 What is a bezier curve? A Bezier curve is a weighted sum of n+1

7 IV
control points, , where the
weights are the Bernstein polynomials:

43 91 What is B-Spline Curves? B-splines are a more general type of curve

8 IV than Bezier curves. In a B-spline each
control point is associated with a basis

43 92 What is Illumination model? Illumination model, also known as Shading

9 IV model or Lightning model, is used to
calculate the intensity of light that is
reflected at a given point on surface.

44 93 What is Light Source with types? Light Source :

0 IV Light source is the light emitting source.
There are three types of light sources:
1. Point Sources
2. Parallel Sources
3. Distributed Sources

44 94 What is Point Sources ? The source that emit rays in all directions (A
1 IV
bulb in a room).

44 95 What is Parallel Sources ? Can be considered as a point source which is

2 IV far from the surface (The sun).

44 96 What is Distributed Sources ? Rays originate from a finite area ( a

3 IV tubelight)

44 97 What is Ambient Illumination ? Model which has no external light

4 IV source-self-luminous objects. A surface that
is not exposed directly to light source still
will be visible if nearby objects are
Basic Illumination Models - GeeksforGeeks

44 98 What is Diffuse Reflection? Diffuse reflection occurs on the surfaces

5 IV which are rough or grainy. In this reflection
the brightness of a point depends upon the
angle made by the light source and the
Basic Illumination Models - GeeksforGeeks

44 99 what is Specular Reflection ? When light falls on any shiny or glossy

6 IV surface most of it is reflected back, such
reflection is known as Specular Reflection.
Basic Illumination Models - GeeksforGeeks

44 100 Explain Phong Model for reflection

7 IV ZV_C_94bYz0XMqKPG5UzdvFm8tcnyk0
Slide from 93-97

44 101 What is Gouraud shading? This is an Intensity-Interpolation scheme,

8 IV developed by Gouraud and usually referred
to as Gouraud Shading, renders a polygon
surface by linear interpolating intensity
value across the surface. Intensity values for
each polygon are coordinate with the value
of adjacent polygons along the common
edges, thus eliminating the intensity
discontinuities that can occur in flat shading.

44 102 What is Phong Shading? A more accurate method for rendering a

9 IV polygon surface is to interpolate the normal
vector and then apply the illumination
model to each surface point. This method
developed by Phong Bui Tuong is called
Phong Shading or normal vector
Interpolation Shading. It displays more
realistic highlights on a surface and greatly
reduces the Match-band effect.

A polygon surface is rendered using Phong

shading by carrying out the following steps:

Determine the average unit normal vector at

each polygon vertex.
Linearly & interpolate the vertex normals
over the surface of the polygon.
Apply an illumination model along each
scan line to calculate projected pixel
intensities for the surface points.
Interpolation of the surface normal along a
polynomial edge between two vertices

45 103 What is Ray tracing? One way to render a scene is by casting rays
0 IV from the viewer through each pixel we need
a color value for. For each ray, we can find,
which triangle it intersects first. On the hit
point, we can calculate the color via some
lighting model. If the surface is reflective,
then we can reflect another ray from the hit
point and take into account the color value it
receives by some reflectivity coefficient.
This is a recursive process and needs to
terminate after some number of bounces.

45 104 What is Color Model? A color model is an orderly system for

1 IV creating a whole range of colors from a
small set of primary colors.

45 105 Why Color Model is required in computer The main use of the color model is for
2 IV graphics? displaying images on electronic devices.
45 106 What is RGB Color Model? The RGB colour model is the most common
3 IV colour model used in Digital image
processing and openCV. The colour image
consists of 3 channels. One channel each for
one colour. Red, Green and Blue are the
main colour components of this model. All
other colours are produced by the
proportional ratio of these three colours
only. 0 represents the black and as the value
increases the colour intensity increases.

45 107 what is HSV color model? The image consists of three channels. Hue,
4 IV Saturation and Value are three channels.
This colour model does not use primary
colours directly. It uses colour in the way
humans perceive them. HSV colour when is
represented by a cone.

Hue is a colour component. Since the cone

represents the HSV model, the hue
represents different colours in different
angle ranges.

45 108 What is CMYK color model? CMYK Color Model CMYK (subtractive
5 IV color model) is the standard color model
used in offset printing for full-color
documents. Because such printing uses inks
of these four basic colors, it is often called
four-color printing. • Where two colors of
RGB overlaps, we see a new color formed
by mixing of the two additive primaries.
These new colors are: • A greenish blue
called cyan. • A blushed red called magenta.
• A bright yellow. • The key color , Black.

45 109 What is YIQ color model? YIQ is the most widely colour model used in
6 IV Television broadcasting. Y stands for
luminance part and IQ stands for
chrominance part. In the black and white
television, only the luminance part (Y) was
broadcast. The y value is similar to the
grayscale part. The colour information is
represented by the IQ part.

45 110 What is HLS color model? a color can be specified using hue,
7 IV saturation, and lightness (HSL) in the form:

hsl(hue, saturation, lightness)

Hue is a degree on the color wheel from 0 to

360. 0 is red, 120 is green, and 240 is blue.

Saturation is a percentage value, 0% means

a shade of gray, and 100% is the full color.

Lightness is also a percentage, 0% is black,

50% is neither light or dark, 100% is white

45 111 What is the difference between RGB and Differences between RGB and CMYK color
8 IV CMYK color models? schemes - GeeksforGeeks

45 112 What are three examples of diffuse Reflection from rough surfaces, such as
9 IV reflection? asphalt, paper and clothing are examples of
diffuse reflection.

46 113 What is the use of diffused reflection? Helps to calculate the light intensity
0 IV reflected by uneven object

46 114 What is use of bezier curve? Bezier curve are use to generate the curve of
1 IV the objects to be displayed.

46 115 What are the application of curves in To draw curved surfaces of the object to
2 IV computer graphics? make it more realistic.

46 116 What is z-buffer algorithm? For each polygon in the scene, find all pixels
3 IV (x, y) that lie within the boundaries of a
polygon when projected onto the screen. For
each of these pixels:

(a) Calculate the depth z of the polygon at (x,


(b) If z < depth [x, y], this polygon is closer

to the observer than others already recorded
for this pixel. In this case, set depth [x, y] to
z and intensity [x, y] to a value
corresponding to polygon's shading. If
instead z > depth [x, y], the polygon already
recorded at (x, y) lies closer to the observer
than does this new polygon, and no action is

3. After all, polygons have been processed;

the intensity array will contain the solution.

4. The depth buffer algorithm illustrates

several features common to all hidden
surface algorithms.

46 117 What is called vanishing point? A vanishing point is a point on the image
4 IV plane of a perspective drawing where the
two-dimensional perspective projections (or
drawings) of mutually parallel lines in
three-dimensional space appear to converge.

46 119 How many types of multiview projection? Orthographic projections that show only one
6 IV side of an object are called multi-view
projections. When the direction of projection
is parallel to any principle axis, this
produces a front, top, and side view of the

46 120 What is quadratic Bezier curve? It has 3 control points and generates
7 IV quadratic curve.

51 V 1 What is Multimedia. Multimedia is a form of communication that

4 combines different content forms such as
text, audio, images, animations, or video
into a single interactive presentation, in
contrast to traditional mass media which
featured little to no interaction from users,
such as printed material or audio recordings.

51 V 2 Why Multimedia is used The multimedia is a good way for

5 communication because that can easy to
communicate and understand what they say

51 V 3 define applications of multimedia Electronic messaging: sending audio and

6 video as attachments via email.
Downloading audio and video. Sending
simple text data through mails. It also
provides store and forward message facility.

• Image Enhancement: highlighting details

of image by increasing contrast. Making
picture darker and increasing grey scale
level of pixels. Rotating image in real time.
Adjusting RGB to get image with proper

• Document Imaging: storing, retrieving and

manipulating large volumes of data i.e.
documents. Complex documents can be
send in electronics form rather than on
paper. Document image systems uses
workflow method.

• Multimedia in Education field: Multimedia

is used to instruct as a master (guide)
because nowadays, multimedia CD are used
instead of text books. Knowledge can be
easily obtained by using multimedia CD in
computer because multimedia CD includes
text, pictures, sound and film which helps
the students to understand more easily and
clearly than the text books. For the use of
multimedia as an education help the PC
contains a high quality display. This all has
promoted the development of a wide range
of computer based training .

• Multimedia in Entertainment: Now a days

the live internet pay to play gaming with
multiple players has become popular.
Actually the first application of multimedia
system was in the field of entertainment and
that too in the video game industry. The
integrated audio and video effects make
various types of games more entertaining.
Generally most of the video games need
joystick play. Multimedia is mostly used in
games. Text, audio, images and animations
are mostly used in computer games. The use
of multimedia in games made possible to
make innovative and interactive games. It is
also used in movies for entertainment,
especially to develop special effects in
movies and animations. Multimedia
application that allows users to actively
participate is called Interactive multimedia.

• Multimedia in Advertising: Multimedia

technology is commonly used in
advertisement. To promote the business and
products multimedia is used for preparing

• Multimedia in Business: The business

application of multimedia includes, product
demos, instant messaging. Multimedia is
used in business for training employees
using projectors, presenting sales, educating
customers etc. It helps for the promotion of
business and new products. One the
excellent applications is voice and live
conferencing. A multimedia can make a
audience come live.

• Science and Technology: Multimedia had

a wide application in the field of science and
technology . The multimedia system is
capable of transferring audio, and clips in
addition to the regular text. It is even
capable of sending message and formatted
multimedia documents. At the same time the
multimedia also help in live which is a live
interaction through audio messages and it is
only possible with the multimedia. It
reduces the time and cost and can be
arranged at any moment even in
emergencies. It is enough for
communication and meetings. At the same
time the multimedia is enough useful
services based on images. Similarly it is
useful for surgeons as they can use images
created from imaging scans of human body
to practice complicated procedures such as
brain removal and reconstructive surgery.
The plans can be made in a better way to
reduce the costs and complication.

• Multimedia in software: Software

Engineers may use multimedia in computer
from entertainment to designing digital
games; it can be used as a learning process.
This multimedia software’s are created by
professionals and software engineers.

• Multimedia on the Web: offering various

online facilities like live TV, Pre-recorded
videos, photos, animations. Plug-in and
Media Players are software programmes that

51 V 4 explain characteristics of multimedia

7 systems-with-features-or-characteristics/

51 V 5 what are the use of multimedia


51 V 6 explain the various use of multimedia


52 V 7 Components of multimedia The various components of multimedia are

0 Text, Audio, Graphics, Video and
Animation. All these components work
together to represent information in an
effective and easy manner.

52 V 8 define text in multimedia Text is an important component used in

1 many multimedia applications. They are
characters that are used to create words,
sentences and paragraphs. ... insufficient
attention given to the presentation and flow
of text within multimedia application can
result in the failure to communicate the
presentation's central message.

52 V 9 what are the text file formate explain


52 V 10 describe various text file format use in

3 multimedia.

52 V 11 Define audio in multimedia

52 V 12 What are the components of a multimedia Multimedia has five major components like
5 system. text, images, sound, video and animation.

52 V 13 What do you mean by MIDI. What are the A file format that stores and exchanges the
6 advantages of using MIDI files. data is also defined. Advantages of MIDI
include small file size, ease of modification
and manipulation and a wide choice of
electronic instruments and synthesizer or
digitally-sampled sounds.
MIDI is an acronym that stands for Musical
Instrument Digital Interface. It's a way to
connect devices that make and control sound
— such as synthesizers, .

52 V 14 Explain different types of multimedia

7 authoring tools. multimedia_authoring.htm

52 V 15 Explain RTF file formats. Rich Text Format (RTF) is a file format that
8 lets you exchange text files between
different word processors in different
operating systems. For example, you can
create a file using Microsoft Word in
Windows 98, save it as an RTF file (it will
have a ".

52 V 16 Explain mp3 MP3, in full MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3, a data

9 compression format for encoding digital
audio, most commonly music. MP3 files
offered substantial fidelity to compact disc
(CD) sources at vastly reduced file sizes.

53 V 17 define MPEG The Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)

0 is the family of standards and file formats
which are used in digital video

MPEG is a popular file format for audio and


For broadcasting applications with limited

resources, MPEG is one of the best options
as it allows streaming high quality video on
platforms like the Internet. The file format is
supported by most electronic products and
can be played using software like Windows
Media Player, Cyberlink PowerDVD, Apple
Quick Time Player, etc.

MPEG Features:

Compared to most formats, are smaller in

Sophisticated compression techniques.
Compared to most formats, superior audio
and video quality.
Major standards are: MPEG1, MPEG2,
Many simple, cheap decoders.
Supported by all popular browsers.
Both a non-commercial and cross-bros
High image resolution and multi-channel
sound technique.
Uses asymmetric compression methodology.

53 V 18 Define compression technique

1 n

53 V 19 What is MPEG3 MPEG-3 is the designation for a group of

2 audio and video coding standards agreed
upon by the Moving Picture Experts Group
(MPEG) designed to handle HDTV signals
at 1080p in the range of 20 to 40 megabits
per second.

53 V 20 What is Sampling process.

3 of_sampling.htm
Sampling – process of getting a finite
number of values from a function, map,

53 V 21 explain AIFF sound format. An AIFF file is an audio file saved in the
4 Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF). It
contains high-quality audio saved in an
uncompressed, lossless format. AIFF files
may also be saved as .AIF files or .AIFC
files (if they are compressed).

53 V 22 Define RTF and TIFF RTF stands for Rich Text Format and is a
5 universal document file format and is easily
read by many of the word-processing
packages. It is particularly useful to those
using a different word-processing package
from those used on campus.
Image types such a TIFF are good for
printing while JPG or PNG, are best for

TIFF(.tif, .tiff)
Tagged Image File Format this format store
image data without losing any data. It do not
perform any compression on images have a
high-quality image is obtained but size of
image is also large, which is good for
printing, professional printing.

53 V 23 What do you mean by MIDI?

53 V 24 What Are Multimedia Software's? Multimedia software is defined as the
7 combination of text, audio, images,
animation, or video to produce interactive
content. Learn about media players, file
formats, and how to work with audio and
video software.

53 V 25 What Are Multimedia Hardware's?

8 multimedia_systems.htm

53 V 26 What Are The Multimedia Authoring Tools?

9 -authoring-tools-types-of-authoring-tools

54 V 27 What Are Wmv Files?

0 4-vs-wmv.html

54 V 28 Explain TIFF file formats.

1 s/imagetypes.htm

54 V 29 Explain MIDI file formats. Covered in above questions


54 V 30 Explain JPEG file formats.


54 V 31 what is WAV format


54 V 32 Explian MIDI file format in detail.


54 V 33 Explain about MPEG-2 MPEG-2, also known as MPEG2, is an

6 audio and video codec standard published by
the Moving Pictures Expert Group. It is the
codec used to compress digital broadcast
video and DVDs. Media files encoded with
the MPEG-2 codec usually have the file
extensions .

54 V 34 Lossy image simplification is based on ? In a lossy compression, it is essential to

7 ensure that the compression process does not
affect the quality of the image adversely.
The performance of a lossy compression
algorithm is evaluated based on two
conflicting parameters, namely, compression
ratio and image quality which is usually
measured by PSNR values.

54 V 35 Device that converts analog signals to A/D Converter: An A/D converter is a

8 digital format Conversion involves a series device that converts analog signals (usually
of steps in Sequence voltage) into digital format. This
conversion involves a series of steps,
including sampling, quantization, and

57 V 36 ____________is basically a form of Animation is basically a form of pictorial

4 pictorial presentation presentation. It has become the most
prominent feature of technology-based
learning environments.

57 V 37 Multiplane camera was introduced by Walt The statement is true. Walt Disney along
5 Disney. TRUE OR FALSE? with his colleagues had a problem with
creating realistic animation and how to
conserve time while creating it.

57 V 38 It refers to simulated motion pictures Animation is basically a form of pictorial

6 showing movement of drawn objects. presentation. ... Explanation: It refers to
simulated motion pictures showing
movement of drawn objects. Animation is a
form of pictorial presentation.

57 V 39 The ____________ is a piece of equipment Multiplane camera

7 designed to make cartoons more realistic
and enjoyable. It uses stacked panes of
glass each with different elements of the

57 V 40 Who made the first animated film in 1906. James Stuart Blackton

57 V 41 Name of the first animation film. COHL: FANTASMAGORIE (1908)

9 Between February and May 1908, Cohl
created Fantasmagorie, considered the first
fully animated film ever made

58 V 42 ___________ animation is used to animate Stop motion animation is used to animate

0 things that are smaller than life size things that are smaller than life size.

58 V 43 The father of animation? French cartoonist and animator Émile

1 Cohl

58 V 44 What is the name of popular software used Unity.

2 for creating 2D animation for use in web Powtoon.
pages? Vyond.
Renderforest Video Maker.
3ds Max Design.
Adobe Animate.

58 V 45 In animation, a __________ is a frame in In animation, a keyframe is a frame in

3 which the artwork differs from that of the which the artwork differs from that of the
previousframe previous fram
58 V 46 What method of animation creates the Inbetweening, also commonly known as
4 in-between frames when you create the tweening, is a process in animation that
start and involves generating intermediate frames,
end points of the animation? called inbetweens, between two
keyframes. The intended result is to
create the illusion of movement by
smoothly transitioning one image into

58 V 47 The method of attaching bones or biped to a RIGGING

5 modeled character On the Biped rollout, turn on (Figure Mode),
then position and fit the biped to your mesh
objects. Go through the mesh objects and
use (Select And Link) to link each object to
its corresponding part on the biped. All of
keyframe animation applied to the biped will
animate the model.

58 V 48 The curve that determine the poses of the Biped

6 character.

58 V 49 The type of graphics uses math formulas to vector graphics, where mathematical
7 draw animation shapes formulas are used to draw lines and shapes,
which are then interpreted at the viewer's
end to produce the graphic.

58 V 50 Once you make a shape, it's important to Generate Mapping Coords.

8 check which of the following options?

58 V 51 What are the 4 default viewports in 3D Left, Top, Front, Perspective

9 Max? Click the viewport you want to change, and
then press one of the keyboard shortcuts in
the following table.
Key View type
T Top view
B Bottom view
F Front view
L Left view
C Camera view. If your scene has only
one camera, or you select a camera before
using this keyboard shortcut, that camera
supplies the view. If your scene has more
than one camera, and none are selected, a
list of cameras appears.
P Perspective view. Retains viewing
angle of previous view.
U Orthographic User view. Retains
viewing angle of previous view. Allows use
of Zoom Region.
none Right view. Use the POV viewport
label menu.
none Shape view. Use the POV viewport
label menu. Automatically aligns view to the
extents of a selected shape and its local XY

59 V 52 The basic DNA structure consists of which Sphere,Helix , Cylinder

0 of the following shapes?

59 V 53 In which toolbar is the "Array" option The Array button is on a flyout on the Extras
1 found? toolbar, which is off by default. You can
toggle display of this toolbar by
right-clicking an empty spot on the main
toolbar and choosing Extras from the
Customize Display right-click menu

59 V 54 A 3D Studio Max file saves as a, MAX

2 ___________file

59 V 55 Before recording an animation what option Autokey

3 is important to select?

59 V 56 How many step processes for creating a 3D

4 animation? f-3d-animation/

59 V 57 MPEG stands for Moving Picture Experts Group

5 The Moving Picture Experts Group (often
abbreviated as MPEG) is a working group of
ISO/IEC in charge of development of
international standards for compression,
decompression, processing, and coded
representation of moving pictures, audio,
and their combination, in order to satisfy a
wide variety of applications

59 V 58 Name the Application Areas of Animation Education Sector. ...

6 2. Entertainment Industry. ...
Advertisement Industry. ...
Marketing. ...
Scientific Visualization. ...
Arts. ...
Gaming Industry. ...

59 V 59 What is animation? Animation is a method in which figures are

7 manipulated to appear as moving images. In
traditional animation, images are drawn or
painted by hand on transparent celluloid
sheets to be photographed and exhibited on
film. Today, most animations are made with
computer-generated imagery (CGI).

59 V 60 name one example of Advertising Advertising animation generally consists of

8 application of animation short videos that communicate clearly and
quickly and impart information in a creative
way to be memorable
59 V 61 name one example of education application Simulation, distance learning
9 of animation

60 V 62 name one example of information Games, movies, videos

0 application of animation

60 V 63 how many Types/Categories of Animation 5


60 V 64 name of Types/Categories of Animation ? Traditional Animation

2 2D Animation
3D Animation
Motion Graphics
Stop Motion

60 V 65 name some Common Animation Formats: MP4, mov, gif, css, swf, avi

60 V 66 explain GIF formate of aniamation An animated GIF is an image encoded in

4 graphics interchange format (GIF),which
contains a number of images or frames in a
single file and is described by its own
graphic control extension. The frames are
presented in a specific order in order to
convey animation. ... The GIF design allows
users to define new blocks

60 V 67 explain SWF formate of aniamation SWF file is an Adobe flash file format
5 which contains videos and vector based
animations. The full abbreviation of SWF is
Small Web Format but sometimes it is
referred as ShockWave Format. ... SWF files
are generally used for efficient delivery of
multimedia contents over the web

60 V 68 explain MOV formate of aniamation MOV is a file extension used by the

6 QuickTime-wrapped files. The format was
created by Apple Computer to work with
multimedia files. Though MOV files are
quite often found in the web, to play them
on Windows computer one has to install an
extra component or convert to other format.
MOV is a container format and can contain
video, animation, graphics, 3D and virtual
reality (VR) content or text (for subtitles, for

60 V 69 explain AVI formate of aniamation Audio Video Interleave, known by its

7 acronym AVI, is a multimedia container
format introduced by Microsoft in
November 1992 as part of its Video for
Windows technology. AVI files can contain
both audio and video data in a file container
that allows synchronous audio-with-video

60 V 70 Animation editing programs have features

8 for creating animations to include?

60 V 71 Explain Importing resources step while

9 creating animation

61 V 72 Explain drawing step while creating

0 animation

61 V 73 Explain scalling step while creating

1 animation

61 V 74 Explain layering step while creating

2 animation

61 V 75 what are the Keyframes of animation Keyframes are the important frames which
3 contain information of a start/end point of
an action. A keyframe tells you about two
things; first, it tells you what the action of
your frame is at a certain point of time;
second, it tells you what time that action

61 V 76 Explain Tween creation of animation Tweening in animation is a short for

4 inbetweening and it's the process of
generating images that go between
keyframes. ... That character would be
clearly defined in each keyframe, but
between those two frames, the figure could
look distorted or stretched to fit with the
motion and direction.

61 V 77 Explain Anchor point of animation


61 V 78 Explain Transition in animation Transitions are animations used to keep

6 users oriented during user interface (UI)
state changes and object manipulations, and
make those changes feel smooth instead of

61 V 79 Explain Rollover in animation Rollover is a JavaScript technique used by

7 Web developers to produce an effect in
which the appearance of a graphical image
changes when the user rolls the mouse
pointer over it. ... Rollover is triggered when
the mouse moves over the primary image,
causing the secondary image to appear.

61 V 80 Explain Morphing in animation Morphing is a special effect in motion

8 pictures and animations that changes (or
morphs) one image or shape into another
through a seamless transition. Traditionally
such a depiction would be achieved through
dissolving techniques on film.

61 V 81 Explain Virtual Reality in animation With the interactive space mimicking real
9 life, they can also factor in lighting and
staging for better impact. Virtual reality also
gives animators the flexibility to use various
methods of animation. Animators can create
cartoons, photoreal graphics, live action, or
a combination of different themes.

62 V 82 name the Types of equipment utilized in

0 animation

62 V 83 Expailn Wrapping Wrapping function is similar to morphing

1 function. It distorts only the initial images so
that it matches with final images and no fade
occurs in this function.

62 V 84 Expailn Panning Usually Panning refers to rotation of the

2 camera in horizontal Plane. In computer
graphics, Panning relates to the movement
of fixed size window across the window
object in a scene. In which direction the
fixed sized window moves, the object
appears to move

62 V 85 Expailn Zooming In zooming, the window is fixed an object

3 and change its size, the object also appear to
change in size.

62 V 86 Expailn Zooming in When the window is made smaller about a

4 fixed center, the object comes inside the
window appear more enlarged. This feature
is known as Zooming In.

62 V 87 Expailn Zooming out When we increase the size of the window

5 about the fixed center, the object comes
inside the window appear small. This feature
is known as Zooming Out.

62 V 88 What is fractal unction? Fractal Function is used to generate a

6 complex picture by using Iteration. Iteration
means the repetition of a single formula
again & again with slightly different value
based on the previous iteration result. These
results are displayed on the screen in the
form of the display picture.

62 V 89 what is the full form of API Application programming interface

62 V 90 FLV is acronym for Flash video

62 V 91 technique of physically manipulates an

9 object is

63 V 92 name any one 2D Animation Looney toones , Adobe after effects


63 V 93 name any one 3D Animation Like interactive 3D, this features purely
1 digital realm created in a 3D computer
software. However, VR is used and
experienced in a more immersive way. This
type requires a device, such as Google Glass
and Oculus, to allow its users to interact
with the physical space. Among the types of
3D animation, virtual reality 3D is the most
immersive and complex to create.

63 V 94 in animation parent child relationship is parenting animation. Through the process of

2 called parenting, any layer you parent to another
layer will follow the movement or animation
of that layer. ... The child is able to move
freely however it will always be connected
and thus move with the parent

63 V 95 The combination of text, graphics art, Multimedia, interactive media, also

3 sound, animation and video delivered called interactive multimedia,
by computer or other electronic
devices is called :

63 V 96 The people when weave multimedia into The people who weave multimedia into
4 meaningful tapestries are called : meaningful tapestries are called multimedia
developers. ... The software vehicle, the
messages, and the content presented on a
computer or television screen constitute a
multimedia project.

63 V 97 One of the disadvantages of multimedia is Production of multimedia is more expensive

5 than others because it is made up of more
than one medium. Production of multimedia
requires an electronic device, which may be
relatively expensive. Multimedia requires
electricity to run, which adds to the cost of
its use.

63 V 98 Which files creates a perfect reproduction of Gif

6 the original images ?

63 V 99 Images included in many software titles are Clipart

7 called

63 V 100 A smaller version of an image is called a A smaller version of an image is called a

8 thumbnail.
63 V 101 Which of the following is a technique to Morphing is the technique to blend two
9 blend two or more images to form a new or more images to form a new image.
image ?

64 V 102 A video consists of a sequence of Frames


64 V 103 How many attributes control the There are three characteristics of sound.
1 characteristics of sound ? These are intensity and loudness, frequency
and pitch, and quality or timbre. 2. Sound
travels faster in gases than in solids.

64 V 104 A typical CD-R disc can hold approximately A standard CD-R is a 1.2 mm (0.047 in)
2 : thick disc made of polycarbonate about 120
mm (5") in diameter. The 120 mm (5") disc
has a storage capacity of 74 minutes of
audio or 650 Megabytes of data.

64 V 105 A type of virtual reality environment in In immersive VR, subjects are visually
3 which subjects are visually isolated from isolated from the real environment.
the red environment is called :

64 V 106 If frames are displayed on screen fast A video consists of a sequence of frames
4 enough we get an impression of : If the frames are displayed on the screen
fast enough, we get an impression of
The reason is that our eyes cannot
distinguish the rapidly flashing frames as
individual ones.
Each frame is divided into small girds,
called picture elements or pixels.
For black and white TV, each 8-bit pixel
represents one of 256 different gray levels.
For a color TV, each pixel is 24 bits, with
8 bits for each primary color (red, green,
and blue)

64 V 107 Moving picture experts group(MPEG) is Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is a
5 used to compress : digital video standard for compression of
full-motion images. The compression ratios
achieved with MPEG encoding make it an
ideal standard for the delivery of digital
video data.

64 V 108 MMS stands for _______ Multimedia Messaging Services


64 V 109 Multimedia Messaging Services Multimedia Messaging Service is a standard

7 way to send messages that include
multimedia content to and from a mobile
phone over a cellular network. Users and
providers may refer to such a message as a
PXT, a picture message, or a multimedia
64 V 110 XML stands for _______ Extensible Markup Language

64 V 111 GUI stands for _______ Graphical user interface


65 V 112 MP3 is in which of the following MPEG The Moving Picture Experts Group
0 standards? (MPEG) designed MP3 as part of its
MPEG-1, and later MPEG-2, standards

65 V 113 Two parts of Morphing algorithms are There are two parts in the image morphing
1 implementation. The first part is warping
and the second part is cross-dissolving.

65 V 114 What is MPEG compression? MPEG uses lossy compression within each
2 frame similar to JPEG, which means pixels
from the original images are permanently
discarded. It also uses interframe coding,
which further compresses the data by
encoding only the differences between
periodic frames (see interframe coding).

65 V 115 Explain MPEG-1 Standard MPEG-1 is a lossy compression standard for

3 both video and audio.

- It compresses VHS quality raw digital

video down to 1.5Mega Bits per Second.

- The compression ration is 26:1

- MPEG-1 introduced MP3 audio format.

- The standard consists of –

1. Systems including synchronization of

video, audio and other data.

2. Compressed Video content.

3. Compressed Audio content.

4. Conformance testing.

5. Reference software.

65 V 116 Explain MPEG-2 Standard MPEG-2 is widely used as the format of

4 digital television signals that are broadcast
by terrestrial (over-the-air), cable, and direct
broadcast satellite TV systems. It also
specifies the format of movies and other
programs that are distributed on DVD and
similar discs.
MPEG-2 support much higher quality with a
data rate (also called bit rate) of from 1.2 to
15 Mbps.

65 V 117 Explain MPEG-3 Standard MPEG-3 is the designation for a group of

5 audio and video coding standards agreed
upon by the Moving Picture Experts Group
(MPEG) designed to handle HDTV signals
at 1080p in the range of 20 to 40 megabits
per second.

65 V 118 Explain MPEG-4 Standard MPEG-4 stands for “Moving Pictures

6 Expert Group 4,” a standard for audio and
video coding compression. The method
reduces the size of an audio or a video file
while retaining its fidelity or quality.
MPEG-4 is commonly shortened to “MP4.”
MP4 files can be read by computer
applications such as QuickTime and VLC.

65 V 119 Explain MPEG-21 Standard MPEG-21, which stands for “Motion Picture
7 Experts Group 21,” is a standard for the use
and delivery of multimedia. It was created to
have a common scheme for putting different
multimedia elements and resources together.
MPEG-21 is also known as “International
Organization for Standardization (ISO)
21000” or the “Multimedia Framework.”

Think of MPEG-21 as a guidebook for

developers and users of multimedia content.
It describes how multimedia files should be
created, distributed, and used. It also defines
the characteristics that multimedia files
should have

65 V 120 MPEG was established in which year? 1988


65 V 121 JVT stands for Joint Video Team,


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