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Interprofessional Collaboration in Health

Interprofessional Collaboration  2013 – the Journal of Patient Safety
Health Scenario: reported between 210,000 and 440,000
patients each year suffer from
\ PREVENTABLE HARM when receiving
hospital care
 Center for Disease Control (CDC) –
included preventable medical errors as a
disease category (3rd leading cause of
death in the US)

Framework for Collaborative Practice

- (Canadian Interprofessional Health

Collaborative, 2010)
- the process of developing working
relationships with learners, practitioners,
patients/clients/families, and communities
to enable optimal health outcomes”
Benefits of Interprofessional Collaborative
- elements include respect, trust, shared
decision-making, and partnerships”
Interprofessional Education
 students have real world experience and
When students from two or more professions learn
about, from and with each other to enable effective insights
collaboration and improve health outcomes”  students learn and appreciate the work of
according to (WHO,2010) other practitioners
 staff from a range of professions provide
Interprofessional Collaborative Practice input into programmed development
“When multiple health workers from different
professional backgrounds work together with Health Policy:
patients, families, careers [sic], and communities to
 improved workplace practices and
deliver the highest quality of care” according to
(WHO, 2010)
 improved patient outcomes
Interprofessional is not..  high or raised staff morale
 improved patient safety
 simply sharing electronic health records  better access to health care
 “Professional teams” (ex: neurosurgeons,
psychiatrists, radiologists, etc…) Actual (clinical) Practice- decrease:
 learners having a talk about another
profession  total patient complications
 “reporting” out at interdisciplinary team  length of hospital stays
meetings  tension and conflict among care givers
 co-location without intentional  staff turnover
collaboration  hospital admissions
 decision-making without client/patient input  clinical error rates
 mortality rates
Interprofessional Collaboration- Why now?
Community Mental Health Settings
 demographic changes – aging population
 chronic health conditions – need more  increase patient and care satisfaction
complex care  promote greater acceptance of treatment
 technological advances  reduce duration of treatment
 specialization in health care  reduce cost of care
 patient safety and quality agenda  reduce the incidence of suicide
 workforce pressures and gaps  increase treatment for psychiatric
 healthcare and payment reforms disorders
 1999 – the Institute of Medicine (IOM)  reduce outpatient visits
urged the practice of IP team-based care

Interprofessional Collaboration in Health

Terminally and Chronically ill Patients (at - Hierarchical administrative and
home): educational structures that encourage
interprofessional collaboration
 more satisfaction
 report fewer clinic visits Team Level
 present with fewer symptoms
- lack of a clearly stated, shared, and
 report over-all improved health measurable purpose
Reduced cost of: - lack of training in interprofessional
 redundant medical testing - role and leadership ambiguity
 setting up and implementing primary - team too large or too small
health care teams with chronic illnesses - team not composed of appropriate
 implementing multi-disciplinary strategies professionals
for the management of heart failure - lack of appropriate mechanism for timely
patients exchange of information
 implementing total parenteral nutrition - lack of commitment of team members
teams within the hospital - different goals of individual team members
- apathy of team members
Evidence on the outcomes of Interprofessional - inadequate decision making
Collaborative Practice - conflict regarding individual relationships
Critical Reflection to the patient/client.

 Denmark- primary health care facilities Individual Level

maintain records of each health workers’
services to facilitate reflection, discussion, - Split loyalties between team and own
and improvement discipline
- multiple responsibilities and job titles
 process enables them to share their best
- competition naïveté
practices and fosters a team spirit
- gender, race, or class-based prejudice
Health workforce satisfaction and well-being - persistence of a defensive attitude
- reluctance to accept suggestions from
 Australia and UK- primary care teams team members representing other
have reported high levels of well-being professions
 they share problems and support each - lack of trust in the collaborative process.
 resulting cooperation buffers individuals Overcoming Barriers
from negative workplace interactions
 • agree on a unifying philosophy centered
Evidence on the outcomes of Interprofessional around primary care of the patient/client
Teamwork and the community
 Better access and continuity of care  develop a commitment to the common
 Patient and professional satisfaction goal of collaboration
 Superior care for diabetes patients  learn about other professions
 Improved blood pressure control  respect others’ skills and knowledge
 Reduction in medication side-effects and  establish positive attitudes about own
improved adherence profession
 develop trust between members
Barriers to Effective Interprofessional  be willing to share responsibility for
Collaboration patient/client care
Organizational (lack of):  establish a mechanism for negotiation and
re-negotiation of goals and roles over time
- Knowledge and appreciation of the roles of
 establish method for resolving conflicts
other health professionals
between team members
- The need to make compelling arguments
for team building to senior decision-makers  be willing to work continuously on
- Lack of outcomes research on overcoming barriers
- Financial and regulatory constraints
- Legal issues of scope of practice and
- Reimbursement structures for different
professions, including which services
receive reimbursement

Interprofessional Collaboration in Health

5 Benefits of Interprofessional Collaboration in Start treatment faster.
Modern healthcare is a team sport, especially in - Much of healthcare is a waiting game.
hospitals. The typical inpatient experience features Patients wait for physicians, while
a cadre of health professionals working together to physicians wait for other physicians to
deliver quality care and stellar patient experience. provide consultations, or for radiology to
send back lab results.
The World Health Organization defines it as - Communication delays frustrate patients
“multiple health workers from different professional and waste valuable time, giving conditions
backgrounds working together with patients, time to worsen. That’s why the Joint
families, careers (caregivers), and communities to Commission continually lists “improve staff
deliver the highest quality of care.” communication” and “get important test
results to the right staff person on time” as
Benefits of Interprofessional Collaboration in a National Patient Safety Goal.
Healthcare - Interprofessional collaboration bridges the
gaps. So does clinical communication
Why is interprofessional collaboration essential?
technology. It keeps care team members
Because when you create a collaborative culture
connected (so they can reach out to that
(and put communication strategies and technology
physician who hasn’t entered notes into
in place to support that culture), you:
the EHR) and automates alerts (so they
Improve patient care and outcomes receive text messages when critical lab
results come in). Overall, a care team
- A patient walks into the emergency collaboration platform delivers the right
department (ED) complaining of chest information to the right people at the right
pains. An ED doctor checks him out, time via secure messaging, voice, or
followed by a cardiologist, who orders video.
some tests and waits on the results from
the radiologist, who confirms what both Reduce inefficiencies and healthcare costs.
doctors suspected: the patient is having a
- Interprofessional collaboration in
heart attack.
healthcare helps to prevent medication
- Many hospitals now encourage team-
errors, improve the patient experience
based, patient-centered rounds that
(and thus HCAHPS), and deliver better
include the primary doctor, bedside nurse,
patient outcomes — all of which can
specialized physicians, and any other
reduce healthcare costs. It also helps
relevant team members. This helps to
hospitals save money by shoring up
foster both patient-centered care and
workflow redundancies and operational
interprofessional collaboration in
- By improving the interprofessional
Reduce medical errors collaboration model between its nurses
and physicians, one hospital cut its fall rate
- In healthcare, communication gaps can in half, decreased average length-of-stay
have costly consequences — from missed by 0.6 days, increased annualized bed
symptoms to misdiagnoses to medication turn by 20 percent, and increased
errors. In fact, medical errors cause discharges before noon by 20 percent —
250,000 deaths each year. According to according to a Robert Wood Johnson
Johns Hopkins, it’s the third leading cause Foundation study of 20 hospitals. At
of death in the U.S. another hospital in the study,
- It’s easy to see how accidents can interprofessional collaboration significantly
happen, with multiple doctors prescribing improved surgical start times and
multiple medications, and numerous prevented delays that led to 700 wasted
nurses delivering those medications. EHR hours over the previous four years.
notes can help, but clinical communication
is vital. That means having a group Improve staff relationships and job satisfaction
conversation, looping in a pharmacist for
- Every health profession has its own
some interprofessional collaboration, and
subculture, knowledge base, and
ensuring nurses have all the information
philosophy. When you add power
they need to treat patients safely.
structures, some members’ voices get
-  interprofessional collaboration in
prioritized over others. That’s not good for
healthcare can help to reduce preventable
the patient or for staff morale.
adverse drug reactions, decrease mortality
- Interprofessional collaboration levels the
rates, and optimize medication dosages.
playing field and acknowledges that
everyone plays a vital role on the care

Interprofessional Collaboration in Health

team. That sense of community and
camaraderie can also boost staff retention
and recruitment.

Empower Interprofessional Collaboration in

Healthcare with Mobile Solutions

Workers in most industries are more connected

than ever. Whether they need a face-to-face
conversation with a colleague across the country
via video conferencing, or want to text an update to
a customer, all they need is a smartphone.

Many healthcare professionals have this experience

everywhere except work. Because their employers
haven’t invested in a HIPAA-compliant
communication platform, they’re still relying on
outdated technology like pagers, landlines, or fax

When hospital communications technology is hard

to use, your staff will use it as infrequently as
possible or waste valuable time trying to get in
touch with a member of the care team. If you want
your team to master interprofessional collaboration
in healthcare, give them the tools to do it.

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