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Lotus advertising will be a dull service advertising agency dedicated to being a “one stop” advertising
medium that connects manufacturers and customers, We offer a seamless integration of advertising
media and a better likelihood of consistency in brand messages over all platforms.
We offer a comprehensive range of services that address both the traditional and digital marketing
aspects of business. We offer ad campaigns TV ads, strategic planning,social media
management,content creation,radio commercial, printing innovative flyers and brochures etc Our
clients will boast of a company that does it all and offers the best deal with the best results.
Lotus advertising strategy to attract clients is supported by strong promotions effort that combine
advertising and public relations strategies. The promotional efforts will focus on building brand and
“buzz” around the lotus ad agency.
1) Advertising : creating awareness.
*Radio: to secure discounted of free radio ad space, lotus advertising will leverage its partnerships
with radio stations, the radio ad campaign will target major radio markets and focus on educating the
customers on the value of lotus advertising.
*Print: lotus advertising will also advertise in national periodicals,which target small business,
2) Grass-root:creating the buzz
* Trade shows :Lotus advertising will attend national and regional small business trade shows around
the country to demonstrate the company services and promote the lotus advertising name and
To know and focus on the demands of its customers,Lotus advertising agency divided its sustomers
into the followind target groups.The detailed marketing segementation of our target audience is as

Online comapnies Business owners Organizations

-The biggest category of our customers will be the owners of small and large businesses based in
lagos. They will avail of our services of designing billboards and printing brocheurs for them as well as
the services of our experts to handle their social media.
-Our second target group comprises various institutions and organizatios located in lagos including
public sector organizations, schools,political parties and non profit organizations,They will need our
services to promote their ideas and services.
-Our third target group will be the online companies not just restricted to lagos but to anywhere in
nigeria .They will avail juat our services of social media marketing and developing websites.

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