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Laporan Diagnosa Pasien Harian

Puskesmas :
Tanggal : : 05-03-2019 s/d 05-03-2019

No Tanggal No Reg No BPJS Nama Pasien L/P Alamat Usia No HP RUANGAN Kode DX Diagnosa Lokasi Nama Petugas
1 05-03-2019 0000945 0000103922381 USWATUN HASANAH P WINDU 003/002 46th 6bln Umum Z36.3 Antenatal screening for malformations using ultrasound and other physi PUSKESMAS SRI AMBARWATI, AMD.KEB
2 05-03-2019 0005126 0002267160783 JAIYAH P GOSO 001/003 59th 5bln 085707505899 Umum N20.1 Calculus of ureter PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
3 05-03-2019 0019278 0000757267435 ELLA SAFITRI P GOSO 002/003 22th 0bln Umum O90.0 Disruption of caesarean section wound PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
4 05-03-2019 0027551 0000758987752 JAMAN L MAYONG WETAN 002/004 68th 1bln Umum K51.8 Other ulcerative colitis PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
5 05-03-2019 0022269 0001704050109 RINA ANGGRAENI P WINDU 001/001 28th 9bln Umum Z30.1 Insertion of (intrauterine) contraceptive device PUSKESMAS SRI AMBARWATI, AMD.KEB
6 05-03-2019 0017927 SHUFIYATI P MAYONG WETAN 33th 10bln Umum Z36.3 Antenatal screening for malformations using ultrasound and other physi PUSKESMAS SRI AMBARWATI, AMD.KEB
7 05-03-2019 0009566 0002450209645 KEISHA NAJAH AQILAH P PUTATREJO 9th 5bln 082337045861 Umum J20.8 Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
8 05-03-2019 0001179 0000758672111 SULKAN L PUPUK 002/003 57th 5bln 081555759027 Umum E11.7 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple complications PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
9 05-03-2019 0023379 0000103717157 SITI HABIBAH P WARUK 48th 2bln 081357341756 Umum I52.8 Other heart disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
10 05-03-2019 0004239 0000759136094 SETIA KURNIAWAN L BANDUT 002/001 29th 0bln Umum B35.9 Dermatophytosis, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
11 05-03-2019 0016676 0000759974286 JIHAN NUR AQILLA P WINDU 002/002 9th 0bln Umum J06.9, A01.0 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified, Typhoid fever PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
12 05-03-2019 0003622 0002310989196 SUMI P KLAMPIS 002/006 55th 9bln 085649747050 Umum M79.1 Myalgia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
13 05-03-2019 0027993 0002310986068 NAPSUL L KLAMPIS 002/006 63th 6bln 085649747050 Umum R51 Headache PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
14 05-03-2019 0008740 0002237285632 FEBRI WIBOWO L SAMBO 30th 4bln 082234804842 Umum J06.0 Acute laryngopharyngitis PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
15 05-03-2019 0022153 0000758917833 KUNAWI L MAGOK 002/001 52th 3bln Umum E11.0, I10 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with coma, Essential (primary) PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
16 05-03-2019 0025177 0001704045093 HANUN FARANISA PUTRI KAILA P B KADU 002/12 5th 2bln Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
17 05-03-2019 0028236 0000764640448 NUR LAILA FAJRIYAH P BR.KADU 002/002 29th 0bln Umum I84.4 External haemorrhoids with other complications PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
18 05-03-2019 0011948 0000758478857 SITI AISYAH P KEPOH 004/002 54th 2bln Umum J06.9, K30 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified, Dyspepsia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
19 05-03-2019 0007267 0000758480477 ERWIN SALMAN HANDIKA L KEPOH 004/002 22th 5bln Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
20 05-03-2019 0008033 0001917418566 JUNIA RATNA CANTIKASARI P BONRINGIN 002/004 7th 3bln Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
21 05-03-2019 0007196 FAUZIYAH P KETAPANG 002/002 31th 11bln 085706401008 Umum K30 Dyspepsia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
22 05-03-2019 0003305 0000759148896 SINTA HARIFA AZ ZAHRO P MAYONG WETAN 003/004 15th 2bln Umum A01.0 Typhoid fever PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
23 05-03-2019 0027230 0000759017362 IAN CHARISH LUTHFI L KR ANOM WETAN 008/004 28th 10bln Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
24 05-03-2019 0004589 0000757155701 SISKA ANANTA PUTRI P BONSARI 9th 10bln Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
25 05-03-2019 0027743 0001704058852 WARNIS P WATANGAN 001/002 49th 1bln Umum I10, J06.9, M79.1 Essential (primary) hypertension, Acute upper respiratory infection, unspPUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
26 05-03-2019 0003616 0000758511718 SUTRISNO PRASETYA L WEDENG 41th 5bln Umum J01.9 Acute sinusitis, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
27 05-03-2019 0016571 0000759088978 ADITYA PRAMANA PUTRA L SINAN 12th 6bln 081216476513 Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
28 05-03-2019 0011550 0001704056848 INTAN ADELIA P SAMBO 002/003 10th 10bln Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
29 05-03-2019 0026638 0000758639237 KHAMIYATIN P MAYONG KULON 001/001 33th 0bln Umum E11.0, M10.0 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with coma, Idiopathic gout PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
30 05-03-2019 0012922 0000758754505 SUMINING P MENGAI 002/005 52th 9bln Umum K30, I10 Dyspepsia, Essential (primary) hypertension PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
31 05-03-2019 0009618 0001047277912 MUSAFI`I L WINDU 002/002 45th 7bln Umum A01.0 Typhoid fever PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
32 05-03-2019 0009622 0000758898639 ZULI NOFITASARI P WEDENG 002/002 21th 1bln 081233649641 Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
33 05-03-2019 0000271 0001047277912 MUSAFI`I L WINDU 002/002 45th 6bln Umum R05, L23.9 Cough, Allergic contact dermatitis, unspecified cause PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
34 05-03-2019 0000596 0000758766352 MARSINI P MENGAI 002/005 61th 5bln Umum E11.0 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with coma PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
35 05-03-2019 0023374 AMANAH P MENGAI 002/005 49th 2bln Umum K30 Dyspepsia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
36 05-03-2019 0026507 0002067629231 SULFIA FARDIANAH P GOSO 001/003 31th 5bln 085731208488 Umum N39.0 Urinary tract infection, site not specified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
37 05-03-2019 0010224 0001448919033 MOH ANDHIKA ABDULLAH SAPSUHA L LUNTAS 003/007 14th 2bln Umum K30 Dyspepsia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
38 05-03-2019 0019708 0001539286705 RANI CYNTIA PUTRI P GOSO 002/003 12th 3bln Umum A01.0 Typhoid fever PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
39 05-03-2019 0015830 0000759304405 SENO ASRIANTO L ALASMALANG 002/002 27th 1bln Umum R51 Headache PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
40 05-03-2019 0020399 0000759210221 MUKARROMAH P BLAWI SELATAN 003/002 50th 4bln Umum I10, K30 Essential (primary) hypertension, Dyspepsia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
41 05-03-2019 0028073 0002305989854 MUHAMMAD RIZKY NOUVAL SYAHPUTRA L PUTATREJO 001/003 1th 7bln Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
42 05-03-2019 0028237 0002278117539 RIZAL RAHANDIKA AL FARIQ L WINDU 003/001 2th 10bln Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
43 05-03-2019 0003988 0000757494472 FIRMAN HENDRI PRATAMA L BULAK 003/001 13th 3bln Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
44 05-03-2019 0021122 0000759716054 ASLIKAH P SOMOITO 002/004 61th 5bln 085648330615 Umum I15.9 Secondary hypertension, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
45 05-03-2019 0016676 0000759974286 JIHAN NUR AQILLA P WINDU 002/002 9th 0bln Umum J06.0 Acute laryngopharyngitis PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
46 05-03-2019 0028232 0002318137964 MOH. NUR SYAMSI L PELUK 001/003 29th 3bln 085733295484 Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
47 05-03-2019 0007629 AN. NAILI HIDAYATURROHMAH P KLAMPIS 14th 7bln - Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
48 05-03-2019 0025615 NUR HIDAYATUN NIKMAH P PUPUS 44th 5bln Umum Z71.9 Counselling, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS

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