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Davao-Bukidnon Highway, Calinan Poblacion, Davao City

S.Y. 2022-2023



I. Learning Outcomes

At the end of the period, the students will be able to:

A. define what is poverty in their own words (U);
B. discuss the causes and effects of poverty (U);
C. explain the current situation of poverty in the Philippines (U);and
D. create an essay about alleviating poverty in the country. (C)

II. Learning Content

 Contemporary Issues: Poverty

III. Learning Activities

A. Introduction
 Opening Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Reminders
 Short review of the previous lesson.
 The students will play 4 pics, 1 word. They will be asked to identify the hidden
word with the help of the 4 pictures projected on the screen.

___ O ___ ___ R ___ ___ Y

Guide Questions:
1. How do you define poverty?
2. Based on your own perspective, in what way you can consider that a place/
person is under the state of poverty?
3. Why do you think it is important to be aware of the current situation of poverty
in our country?

B. Interaction
 The students will watch a video entitled “Pagpag”.
 They will be asked some questions regarding the said video.
 In answering the question, the students will play “Pass,Stop”, passing a
ball to the other students while the music is playing, and the moment the
music will stop, the student who is holding the ball will answer the
 Short discussion of the current situation of poverty here in the Philippines.
 Afterwards, the students will do the think-pair-share.
 Each pair will be given a piece of paper.
 The pairs will be reading the text in the paper and afterwards, a sharing
will be done to the whole class.
 They will be given 3 minutes for analyzing and brainstorming about the
causes or effects of poverty assigned to them.
 Each pair will discuss the causes and effects of poverty assigned to them.
 After the given time, each group will only be given 3 minutes to discuss it
in front of the class.

Guide Question:
 What is the current situation of Philippines when it comes to poverty?
 How significant it is to know about the different causes and effects of poverty?

C. Integration
Guide Questions
 Who among you here experience poverty in you lives? Kindly share it
to the class.
 If you were in the situation of a great poverty, what will you do?

D. Evaluation

“Viva Pilipinas!!!”
Instructions: Analyze the situations below and answer the questions in 2-3
sentences only. Your answers will be rated according to the following
criteria: Content: 5; Analysis of the Situation-3;Organization of Idea- 2.
“Viva Pilipinas!!!” Congratulations! You have just been elected the President of the
Philippines. Given what you have learned regarding the powers granted to the
president, you must deal with the following situations in an appropriate manner, making
good use of your power and justifying your right to handle these situations.

1. There are cabinet secretaries in your administration who were accused of

corruption. What will you do? What power are you going to exercise in this

2. A bill has been sent to you by Congress that involves making flag burning
illegal. You disagree with this bill and absolutely do not want such a law to be
passed. What can you do to act on your displeasure, and what power enables
you to do it?

IV. Assignment
 Instructions: Create a 1000-word essay talking about alleviating
poverty in our country. Use the given format: Times New Roman, 12,
single space, short bond paper. Your output will be rated base on the
rubrics given below.


Joven, PH.D, A. (2017). Philippine Politics and Governance [Review of Philippine

Politics and Governance]. Manila, Philippines: C & E Publishing, Inc.

C & E Publishing, Inc.

Prepared by:

Debbie Jane P. Baldos


Checked by:

Catherine B. Cataluna

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