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Incentivizing Prosumer Coalitions With Energy

Management Using Cooperative Game Theory
Liyang Han , Student Member, IEEE, Thomas Morstyn , Member, IEEE,
and Malcolm McCulloch , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The advances in distributed renewable generation storage (ES) systems are widely seen as a solution to these
technologies in recent years have started to cause load balancing problems as they can quickly respond to the generation and
issues in power networks. Distributed energy storage (ES) systems, load imbalance in a power network and provide mitigation when
although seen as a tool to mitigate the stress on local networks,
tend to be operated only to minimize the energy cost of their direct needed [4].
owner. In this paper, cooperative game theory is used to construct Based on the architecture, ES control strategies can be largely
an energy grand coalition, in which ES system operations are op- divided into three categories: centralized, decentralized, and dis-
timized to minimize the coalitional energy cost. Case studies then tributed [5]. A centralized control strategy has scalability issues
show that forming energy coalitions is effective in reducing the but can serve as the benchmark for the best possible performance
variability of a local network load profile. The resulting coopera-
tive game is mathematically proven to be balanced, which means [6]. Various decentralized and distributed control strategies have
the energy cost savings from the cooperative ES operation can be been proposed in microgrid applications [7]–[10], but they are
allocated to the players within the energy grand coalition in a man- inevitably limited by the assumption that all of the participants
ner that disincentivizes them from exiting from the grand coalition align their interests with the microgrid or the grid [11]. We rec-
to form smaller coalitions. ognize, however, that prosumers tend to be profit-driven, and
Index Terms—Cooperative game theory, energy management, will not change their energy behavior altruistically for the bene-
energy storage, linear programming, nucleolus, prosumers. fit of the grid with no or negative financial gain for themselves.
Therefore, we identify game theory as a methodology to con-
I. INTRODUCTION nect the ES control strategies of different rational entities whose
HIS paper explores the use of cooperative game theory in decisions affect one another’s economic outcomes. In fact, both
T a distribution network of prosumers, proactive-consumers
with distributed energy resources that actively control their en-
noncooperative game theory and cooperative game theory are
adopted in a wide range of studies concerning energy manage-
ergy behaviors. Through collaborative energy management of ment [12].
each prosumer’s energy storage (ES) system, it is shown that Noncooperative game theory is often used to study prosumer
not only can prosumers profit from this cooperative scheme, but strategic behaviors. One key area of research concerning EV
the distribution network can benefit from the resulting reduced charging revolves around “valley filling” [13] by solving for the
peak power flows and smoothed load profiles. Nash equilibrium [14], where EV owners operate their EV bat-
The adoption of energy resources in the electricity distribu- teries to maximize their own welfare [15]–[17] under dynamic
tion network (e.g. distributed solar PV) is a by-product of the pricing. In recent literature, noncooperative game theory is of-
rapid renewable technological development and energy regula- ten used in energy sharing among prosumers [18]–[20], who are
tions favoring renewable energy since the late 20th century [1]. expected to strategically adjust their energy behavior according
The emergence of prosumers changed the traditionally unidi- to the dynamic dual prices set by either a for-profit retailer [18],
rectional power network to a bidirectional one. This resulted in or a non-profit aggregator such as a microgrid operator (MGO)
two issues: 1) power supply unreliability due to the variabil- [19], or a multi-energy system (MES) [20]. A Stackelberg game
ity of intermittent distributed generations [2], and 2) difficulties approach is used in [18] to analyze the trade-off between the
in voltage control due to high reverse power flows [3]. Energy retail profit and the consumer surplus, which is then extended
by [19] to a bilevel optimization problem for a microgrid. Nat-
ural gas and heat energy is further included in [20] in addition
Manuscript received December 4, 2017; revised May 14, 2018; accepted July to electricity.
8, 2018. Date of publication July 23, 2018; date of current version December 19,
2018. This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Two caveats can be identified with the usage of noncoopera-
Research Council under Grants EP/N03466X/1 and EP/S000887/1 and in part tive game theory in prosumer energy sharing. First, optimization
by the Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy. Paper no. dual price variables can be interpreted as competitive energy
TPWRS-01824-2017. (Corresponding author: Liyang Han.)
The authors are with the Department of Engineering Science, Univer- prices, and it heavily relies on the assumption that no prosumers
sity of Oxford, Oxford OX1 2JD, U.K. (e-mail:,; have market power [21]. Second, the allocation of the finan-; cial benefit to each prosumer is either unclear or suboptimal
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at on the individual level. In other words, it might be possible for
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2858540 a subgroup of participants to abandon the current scheme and

0885-8950 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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develop an alternative that are economically preferable. Virtual A. Prosumer Coalitional Energy Cost
power plants [22], price-based peer-to-peer energy trading [23],
Let a group of N prosumers form grand coalition N indexed
and the framework of alternating direction method of multi- by i ∈ N := {1, 2, ..., N }. For each prosumer i we assume no
pliers (ADMM) [24] are proposed as alternative energy sharing
more than one ES system. We then consider K timesteps (t =
schemes, but they have similar drawbacks as the noncooperative
1, 2, ..., K) with a time interval of Δt. We define the following
game theoretic approaches because they also rely on prosumers vectors for each timestep t:
being price takers within a pre-defined group.
Cooperative game theory, on the other hand, incentivizes qi ∈ RK ×1 : Prosumer i s net energy consumption (positive)
independent decision makers to act together, investigates the
and generation (negative) without ES, [kW h]
fairness of profit allocation from each individual player’s per-
spective and gives players the flexibility to decide with whom pb ∈ RK ×1 : Electricity buy price, [£/kW h]
to cooperate [25]. It has been used to study ways of reducing
distribution losses [26], and increasing the generation bidding ps ∈ RK ×1 : Electricity sell price (export tariff), [£/kW h]
price through aggregation [27]. In [28], a direct electricity trad- bi ∈ RK ×1 : Prosumer i s ES energy charge (positive) and
ing scheme is proposed to allow small-scale local trading, where
a higher joint revenue is shown using cooperative game theory, discharge (negative) variables, [kW h]
but it does not consider any load shifting mechanisms including
The remuneration for exporting distributed generation has
ES operation.
been consistently declining in recent years, and this paper as-
The novelty of this paper lies in its intersection of cooperative
sumes that pb > ps in every timestep, as is already the case in
game theory and energy management optimization. Proposed is
countries of relatively high penetrations of distributed genera-
a local energy coalition among prosumers, where ES systems
tion such as the UK [29], [30], and Germany [31]. It is also
operate collaboratively under a centralized control to minimize
assumed that the electricity price can vary by each timestep but
the joint coalitional energy cost. Cooperative game theory is
are required to be known inputs before each modeling cycle
used to develop a profit sharing scheme, which not only ensures
(e.g. day-ahead). Line losses are not accounted for considering
that all participants are financially rewarded, but also discour-
the small size of a local power network.
ages participants from deviating from the expected cooperation.
The load consumption and generation of all prosumers are
This collaborative approach is then shown through case studies
assumed to be known inputs, but they are not restricted to a
to provide services such as peak shaving and energy shifting to
certain type of profile (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial,
increase local utilization of renewable energy.
etc.). A prosumer with only an ES unit (e.g. a public energy
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II in-
storage unit invested by an independent entity) can be modeled
troduces the concept of coalitional energy management, along
with all load and generation inputs set to zero. In reality, the
with major assumptions and mathematical operators. Section III
model will be using predicted consumption and generation data,
introduces cooperative game theory as the methodology to
and the impact of uncertainties and prediction errors is analyzed
structure the economic payoffs for the coalition participants.
in the case studies.
Section IV explains in detail the model implementation, includ-
We then construct the net energy load and ES operation vari-
ing the optimization of coalitional ES operation and the compu-
able matrices for the grand coalition:
tation of the payoffs. Section V uses case studies to demonstrate
the economic payback to the participants and the benefit on the QN ∈ RK ×N := [q1 , q2 , ..., qN ]
power network under the proposed strategy. Section VI con-
cludes the paper. B ∈ RK ×N := [b1 , b2 , ..., bN ]
The energy cost for the grand coalition N is given by
For a prosumer who owns a distributed PV system and an ES
where 1X ∈ RX ×1 and 1X k = 1, ∀k, and for any matrix or vector
system, the common objective in scheduling the ES operation is +(−)
to minimize the energy cost. Because the retail supplier normally Y, [Y]m n = max(min){Ym n , 0}.
offers a lower export tariff (e.g. feed-in tariff) than it charges We then define the energy cost function for any net energy
for buying electricity, prosumers can save money by storing the load and ES operation variable matrices Q, B ∈ RK ×N :
excess PV generation in the ES system and using it when the F (B, Q) = pb [(B + Q)1N ]+ + ps [(B + Q)1N ]− (1)
generation is less than they need.
If we consider a group of prosumers who have different load Scaling Q and B by a factor of a ≥ 0, we have
profiles and distributed energy resources, when they each man-
F (aB, aQ) = aF (B, Q) (2)
age their own ES system to minimize their energy bill, the joint
operation of all the ES systems is unlikely to yield the minimum
B. Coalitions
total energy cost for the group. However, it is possible for all
the ES systems to cooperate to minimize the total group energy A coalition is any subset S ⊆ N , N being the grand coalition.
cost, the additional savings from which can then be allocated The set of all possible coalitions is defined as the power set 2N
among the prosumers. of N . In other words, S ∈ 2N , ∀S ⊆ N .
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For any matrix ZN ∈ RK ×N := [z1 , z2 , ..., zN ], where zi ∈ Before we start minimizing CS (B), we need to consider all
R K ×1
, ∀i ∈ [1, N ], we define the following operations that use the ES operational constraints that B is subject to, which are
coalition superscripts: where Sj ∈ 2N , and aj ≥ 0, indexed by discussed in II-C.
j = 1, 2, ..., 2N
1) coalition scaling C. ES Operational Constraints
Za j Sj = aj z1 11 j , aj z2 12 j , ..., aj zN 1Nj (3) To represent the ES operation realistically, we need to con-
 strain the ES operation variables B properly. Therefore we as-
1, if i ∈ S sign to each player’s ES system an energy capacity of ei ∈ R≥0 ,
where the indicator function1iS = . Thus
0, otherwise in [kWh], charge and discharge limits over the time span of
  Δt of bi , bi ∈ R≥0 , in [kWh], charge and discharge efficien-
Za j Sj = aj z1 11 j , z2 12 j , ..., zN 1Nj = aj ZSj (4) cies of ηiin , ηiou t ∈ (0, 1), state of charge upper and lower lim-
its of SoC i , SoC i ∈ [0, 1], and an initial state of charge of
For a special case where aj = 1, Sj = S, we have
SoCi0 ∈ [0, 1]. We construct
ZS = z1 11S , z2 12S , ..., zN 1NS (5)  
EN ∈ RK ×N := e1 1K , e2 1K , ..., eN 1K
2) coalition summation  
2N B ∈ RK ×N := b1 1K , b2 1K , ..., bN 1K
a j Sj
Z j=1
⎡ ⎤ BN ∈ RK ×N := b1 1K , b2 1K , ..., bN 1K

2N 2N


aj z1 11 j ,
aj z2 12 j , ...,
aj zN 1 j ⎦ η I ∈ RN ×N := diag η in in in
1 , η 2 , ..., η N
j =1 j =1 j =1
η O ∈ RN ×N := diag(1/η ou
1 , 1/η 2 , ..., 1/η N )
t ou t ou t

from which we can derive:

SoC ∈ RN ×N := diag(SoC 1 , SoC 2 , ..., SoC N )
2N 2N 

Z j=1 a j Sj
= aj z1 11 j , aj z2 12 j , ..., aj zN 1Nj SoC ∈ RN ×N := diag(SoC 1 , SoC 2 , ..., SoC N )
j =1
SoC0 ∈ RN ×N := diag(SoC10 , SoC20 , ..., SoCN0 )


(3) (4)
= Za j Sj = aj ZSj (6) S
Using (5), we construct ES , B and BS as the energy capac-
j =1 j =1
ity, charge limit and discharge limit matrices for S.

1, Sj = S or T An ES operation variable matrix B
S is defined as a feasible
For a special case where aj = , and ES operation matrix for S, thus subject to:
0, otherwise
S ∩ T = ∅, we have 1iS + 1iT = 1S∪T
i , so 1) Power constraint: the charge and discharge energy for each
timestep is constrained by the charge and discharge limit:
  BS ≤ B
S ≤ B
= z1 (11S + 11T ), z2 (12S + 12T ), ..., zN (1NS + 1NT ) (10)
= z1 11S∪T , z2 12S∪T , ..., zN 1NS∪T = ZS∪T (7) Matrix inequality in this paper is established only between ma-
trices of the same size such that the inequality specified is sat-
Using (5), we have QS = [q1 11S , q2 12S , ..., qN 1NS ]. Notice isfied by every pair of elements of the same index on the two
that any column i in QS corresponding to prosumer i that does sides of the inequality sign. For example, (10) is equivalent
not belong to S is set to zero. Written in the format of (1), the
to B Sti ≤ Bti ≤ B ti , ∀t, ∀i. Notice that Bti = 0, ∀i ∈/ S, ∀t,
energy cost for S is S
because B Sti = B ti = 0, ∀i ∈/ S based on (5).
F (B, QS ) = pb [(B + QS )1N ]+ + ps [(B + QS )1N ]− (8) 2) Energy constraint: each ES system’s state of charge is
Note that the net energy load matrix Q is superscripted and limited between its upper and lower limits for every timestep:
the ES operation variable matrix B is not. This is because we
assume in our model the net energy loads are known parameters, ES SoC ≤ ES SoC0 + AK ([B
S ]+ η I + [B
S ]− η O )
and all elements in QS can be directly calculated by applying
(5) directly to the input parameters, while B is a matrix con- ≤ ES SoC (11)
taining variables that can take on any values, which are yet to 
1, m ≥ n
be constrained. where AK = (am n ) ∈ RK ×K : am n =
One of the premises of this paper is that all ES systems are 0, m < n
fully controllable. As B is the only variable in (8), we construct 3) Cycle constraint: the state of charge at t = K is required
a coalitional energy cost function CS (B) given by to be restored to SoCi0 for every ES system:

CS (B) = F (B, QS ) (9) (1K ) ([B

S ]+ η I + [B
S ]− η O ) = 0 (12)
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Constraints 1–3 are denoted by G(B
S , ES , BS , B ) = 1, energy costs of each prosumer in S by optimizing their ES sys-
S tems individually, and the minimum coalitional energy cost of
where G(B, ES , BS , B ) with B as the variable is defined as
S by optimizing the ES systems cooperatively:

S S S 1, constraints 1–3 are all satisfied.

G(B, E , B , B ) = v(S) = C{i} (B

{i} ∗ ) − CS (B
S ∗ ) (16)
0, otherwise.

Lemma 1: G(aB , aE , aB , aB ) = 1, ∀a > 0. The pair (N , v) defines our prosumer cooperative game, and
Proof: See Appendix A. the value of the grand coalition v(N ) denotes the total amount
The ES model used in this paper can be used to represent of payoffs we can award to the prosumers.
a range of ES devices as well as flexible loads and demand
response, which generally require a certain amount of energy to B. Core of the Prosumer Cooperative Game
be provided during certain periods of time. Modeling a variety of
demand side flexible services with a linear model is a common Having calculated the total amount of payoff available, the
practice in smart grid applications [32]. next step is to determine how to allocate it to each prosumer.
Definition 1 (Imputation): We use vector x ∈ R1×N as the
D. Optimal ES Operation payoff allocation whose entry xi represents the payment to pro-
sumer i ∈ N . x is said to be an imputation if it meets both the
To compute the optimal ES operation we construct functional Efficiency and Individual Rationality criteria:
θ given by 1) (Efficiency) A payoff allocation x is said to be efficient

Y if i∈N xi = v(N ), meaning the whole amount of the
θ[Y] = min F (B, QY ) s.t. G(B, EY , BY , B ) = 1
B∈RK ×N grand coalition’s energy cost savings is allocated to the
= min F (B, QY ) (13)
B∈OY 2) (Individual Rationality) A payoff allocation x is said to
N be individually rational if xi ≥ v({i}), ∀i ∈ N . In our
where Y = { 2j =1 aj Sj | Sj ∈ 2N , aj ≥ 0}, and OY = game, because the value function represents the energy
Y cost savings, v({i}) = 0, ∀i ∈ N . Therefore, this crite-
{B ∈ RK ×N | G(B, EY , BY , B ) = 1}. Notice that for S ∈
2N , θ[S] represents its minimum coalitional energy cost. rion guarantees that no prosumer is losing money by join-
N  N S ing the grand coalition. This criterion is very important
Lemma 2: θ[ 2j =1 aj Sj ] = θ[ i∈N 2j =1 aj 1i j {i}],
N because it discourages strategic behaviors and protects
where Sj ∈ 2 , aj ≥ 0.
players from the possibility of being financially disad-
Proof: See Appendix B.
vantaged if other players who indeed try to exercise their
We denote B
Y ∗ as the optimal decision variable matrix to
market power.
(13), so we have
The set of all imputations for our game is defined as
Y ∗ ) = F (B
Y ∗ , QY ) = θ[Y] (14)  

I := x ∈ R1×N  xi = v(N ), xi ≥ v({i}), ∀i ∈ N
The minimization process provides that
Y ∗ ) ≤ CY (B
Y ), ∀B
Y ∈ OY (15) However, an imputation does not guarantee everyone being
Lemma 3: For S, T ∈ 2N and scalars a, b ≥ 0, the func- satisfied in the grand coalition, as some players may be able to
tional θ has the following properties: achieve higher payoffs by forming smaller energy coalitions.
1) (Positive Homogeneity) θ[aS] = aθ[S], from which we Definition 2 (Excess): We measure an energy coalition’s dis-
can also prove: θ[aS] + θ[bS] = θ[(a + b)S].  to the imputation x by its excess defined
satisfaction with respect
2) (Subadditivity) θ[aS] + θ[bT ] ≥ θ[aS + bT ] as ε(x, S) = v(S) − i∈S xi .
When ε(x, S) > 0, it indicates that S breaking off from the
Proof: See Appendix C.
grand coalition can offer higher payoffs to its members.
Definition 3 (Core): For our cooperative game (N , v), the
III. PROSUMER COOPERATIVE GAME FORMULATION core C is defined as the set of imputations such that no en-
A cooperative game analyzes situations where additional val- ergy coalition has a value greater than the sum of its members’
ues can be achieved when players operate collaboratively. Here, allocated payoffs: C := {x ∈ I | ε(x, S) ≤ 0, ∀S ∈ 2N }.
we apply the standard way of analyzing a cooperative game on A payoff allocation x is said to be stabilizing if x ∈ C. How-
the N -prosumer energy coalition we constructed. ever, some games have empty cores, meaning no matter how
payoffs are allocated, there will always be one or more coali-
A. Value of Energy Coalitions tions that are dissatisfied.
For each energy coalition S we specify a characteristic func-
C. Shapley Value vs. Nucleolus
tion or value function v(S) : 2N → R that represents the value
of S. We define this value as the energy cost savings by forming Two important classes of games with nonempty cores are
S, which is the difference between the sum of the minimum convex games and balanced games [27].
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Definition 4 (Convex Game): A game is said to be con- 2) Generate a list of all possible energy coalitions (2N ), and
vex if v(S) + v(T ) ≤ v(S ∪ T ) + v(S ∩ T ), ∀S, T ∈ 2N , optimize the coalitional ES operation to minimize each
which can be rewritten as v(S ∪ {i}) − v(S) ≤ v(T ∪ {i}) − coalitional energy cost, calculate the value of each en-
v(T ), ∀i ∈ N , ∀S ⊂ T ⊂ N \ {i}. ergy coalition using (16). This step is further explained in
This indicates an increasing marginal value for coalition Section IV-A.
members as the coalition grows in size. The core of a con- 3) Compute the desired imputation (e.g. Shapley value,
vex game is not empty, and one interesting imputation that is nucleolus) using the coalition values calculated in the pre-
guaranteed in a convex game’s core is the Shapley value [33]: vious step, and examine its excesses to determine whether
Definition 5 (Shapley Value): The Shapley value of a coop- the imputation is stabilizing. This step is further explained
erative game is given by in Section IV-B.
Proposed is a centralized ES control scheme, which would

(|S| − 1)!(N − |S|)!
φi (v) = [v(S) − v(S \ {i})] require participants to share high-level information about their
N! energy usage and ES system specifications with the central ag-
S∈2 N ,i∈S
(17) gregator. Data privacy is an important subject in implementing
The Shapley value also satisfies the following axioms: smart grid technologies, but is out of the scope of this paper.

1) (Efficiency) i∈N φi (v) = v(N ).
2) (Individual Rationality) φi (v) ≥ v({i}), ∀i ∈ N . A. Energy Management Optimization
3) (Symmetry) If v(S ∪ {i}) = v(S ∪ {j}), ∀S ∈ 2N , S ∩
In the optimal ES operation problem defined in (13), for
{i, j} = ∅, then φi (v) = φj (v).
energy coalition S, the variables are S’s ES charge/discharge
4) (Dummy Axiom) If v(S) = v(S ∪ {i}), ∀S ∈ 2N , S ∩
energies at each timestep denoted by B, subject to the power
{i} = ∅, then φi (v) = 0.
constraint, the energy constraint, and the cycle constraint, and
5) (Additivity) If v and u are characteristic functions, then
the objective is to minimize the coalitional energy cost CS (B).
φi (v + u) = φi (v) + φi (u), ∀i ∈ N .
To obtain a linear energy management optimization problem,
Despite all the desirable properties the Shapley value holds,
a piecewise linear ES model with constant charge and discharge
it is not in the core of our prosumer cooperative game, which
efficiencies is commonly used [36]. In this paper, we define the
is shown in a counterexample in Section V. Therefore, we con-
discharge and charge energies as B− and B+ respectively, to
tinue to look at balanced games, another type of game that is
avoid using the binary variable [37] while still maintaining the
guaranteed to have a nonempty core [34]:
model’s linearity.
Definition 6 (Balanced Game): A map α : 2N → [0, 1] is
Similarly, there is a piecewise function in the objective func-
called a balanced map if S∈2 N α(S)1iS = 1, ∀i ∈ N .
tion due to the different buy and sell prices for electricity, so
A cooperative game is said to be balanced if for any balanced
we rewrite the coalitional net load into a positive part L+ and a
map α,
non-positive part L− , adapting a method from [38].

The energy management optimization problem can be rewrit-
α(S)v(S) ≤ v(N ) (18) ten in a linear format:
S∈2 N
min pb (L+ 1N ) + ps (L− 1N ) (19)
Theorem 1: The cooperative game (N , v) for local prosumer B+ ,B− ,
L + ,L −
energy sharing is balanced.
Proof: See Appendix D. s.t. B+ , B− , L+ , L− ∈ RK ×N (20)
Definition 7 (Nucleolus): We denote (x) ∈ R2 −2 as the

0 ≤ L+ (21)
vector whose entries are the excesses in respect to imputation
x for all coalitions (excluding the grand coalition) arranged in B+ + B− + QS ≤ L+ (22)
a non-increasing order. The nucleolus ν is an imputation such
that j (ν) ≤ j (x), ∀x ∈ I, ∀j ∈ 2N − 2. B+ + B− + QS = L+ + L− (23)
This means that the nucleolus of a cooperative game is the S
lexicographically minimal imputation that minimizes the dissat- 0 ≤ B+ ≤ B (24)
isfaction of the players [27]. The nucleolus always exists, and for S
B ≤ B− ≤ 0 (25)
a game with a nonempty core (balanced), the nucleolus always
belongs to the core [35], hence is a stabilizing imputation. ES SoC ≤ ES SoC0 + AK (B+ η I + B− η O )
≤ ES SoC (26)
(1K ) (B+ η I + B− η O ) = 0 (27)
To implement this prosumer cooperative model, we
1) Collect model inputs, including the number of prosumers, Constraints (21), (22) and the minimization objective function
each prosumer’s load and generation profiles, ES infor- effectively set L+ = max{0, B+ + B− + QS }, which, along
mation specified in Section II-C, and the electricity buy with (23), sets L− = min{0, B+ + B− + QS }. The new power
and sell prices. constraint is denoted by (24) and (25), the new energy constraint
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(26), and the new cycle constraint (27). Due to the charge, dis-
charge efficiencies (< 1) and the cost minimization, the opti-
mization process will prevent B+ and B− from both taking on
non-zero values at the same time.

B. Computation of Shapley Value and Nucleolus

After a complete list of coalition values is generated using
(16), the Shapley value can be easily calculated using (17).
To solve for the nucleolus of our prosumer cooperative game,
we follow the iterative process below:
1) Solve the following linear optimization:

LP1 : ε1 = min ε (28) Fig. 1. 10-prosumer energy grand coalition 24-hour load profile 1) without

ES, 2) with noncooperative ES, and 3) with cooperative ES.
s.t. xi = v(N ) (29)

v(S) − xi ≤ ε, ∀S ∈
/ {∅, N } (30) the set of coalitions whose excesses are binding based
∀i∈S on (33) in LPl .
where Constraint (29) ensures the efficiency criterion of
the imputation, Constraint (30) sets ε as the largest excess V. CASE STUDIES
for all coalitions, and the objective function (28) mini-
In this section, we test our prosumer cooperative game using
mizes the largest excess by searching through possible
domestic load data measured in the Customer-Led Network
imputations. We obtain optimal solution ε1 , and S1 , a
Revolution trials, a UK smart grid demonstration project [39].
set of coalitions that are common to all optimal solutions
We select a time frame of 24 hours starting from the midnight
at ε = ε1 , or coalitions that correspond to constraints de-
of a sunny summer day in July. The PV generation data is
fined by (30) that are binding. ε1 is the largest excess of
simulated in PVWatts [40] using a 4kW, fixed 20 degree tilt
the nucleolus although the nucleolus has not been com-
residential system, and the London Gatwick solar data. The ES
pletely computed by this time. Therefore, if ε1 ≤ 0, the
model is a battery with an energy capacity of 7 kWh, a maximum
nucleolus is in the core.
charge power of 3.5 kW, a maximum discharge power of 3.2 kW,
2) Iteratively solve the following linear optimization until
both charge and discharge efficiencies of 95%, an initial state
a unique optimal solution x∗ is obtained. x∗ then is the
of charge of 50%, and a state of charge range of 20–95%.
nucleolus of our prosumer cooperative game.
The energy buy price follows a UK Economy 7 residential rate
LPj : εj = min ε structure: £0.072/kWh for midnight–7am, and £0.1681/kWh for
7am–midnight [29], and the energy sell price is the UK feed-in

s.t. xi = v(N ) (31) tariff [30] fixed at £0.0485/kWh.

∀i∈N We demonstrate that the prosumer coalition does help reduce

the variability of the load profile locally. We then compare the
xi = v(S) − εl , ∀S ∈ Sl , Shapley value and the nucleolus to show that both imputations
∀i∈S are able to reward all players, but only the nucleolus is a stabiliz-
∀l ∈ [1, j − 1] ing imputation. Lastly, we include the prediction errors into our
(32) model to show that the impact of uncertainty on the coalitional

energy cost savings is insignificant.
v(S) − xi ≤ ε, ∀S ∈
/ {∅, Sl , N },
A. Load Balancing and Financial Reward
∀l ∈ [1, j − 1]
(33) For the first case study, we select 10 prosumers, 5 PV sys-
tems and 5 ES systems, which are randomly assigned to the
where j ≥ 2, numbering each linear program solved prosumers. Fig. 1 compares three different coalitional load pro-
during the iteration process. Constraint (31) en- files: 1) without energy management, 2) with each ES system
sures the efficiency criterion of the imputation, Con- operating to minimize its direct owner’s energy cost, and 3)
straint (32) fixes the excesses of the coalitions that with all ES systems operating cooperatively to minimize the
are binding in all previous iterations, Constraint coalitional energy cost. It can be easily seen in the graph that
(33) sets ε as the largest excess for  all remaining noncooperative ES operation can reduce the reverse power flow
coalitions in LPj . Sl := {S | v(S) − ∀i∈S xi = εl , ∀ and load variability to an extent, but cooperative ES operation
optimal decision variable x in LPl }, which represents is significantly more effective.
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Fig. 2. 10-prosumer coalitional energy costs and cost savings over 24 hours Fig. 4. Largest excesses by number of players – nucleolus vs. Shapley.
by end user, where the baseline ‘Energy Cost w/o Coop’ represents the energy
costs if players were to optimize their ES operation individually as opposed to

Fig. 3. Nucleolus vs. Shapley value for a 10-prosumer grand coalition.

Fig. 5. Comparison of 24-hour nucleolus excesses and Shapley excesses for

Fig. 2 displays the monetary benefits using the nucleolus and all coalitions within a 14-prosumer grand coalition.
Shapley value for each individual player within the energy grand
coalition benchmarked against their overall energy costs. It can
be seen that every player profits from the game. Small differ-
ences can be observed between the nucleolus and the Shapley B. Nucleolus vs. Shapley Value
value for each player, but the nucleolus’s overall range of mag- For the second case study, we run the model with different
nitude is larger with the small allocations being smaller (Player numbers (N = 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14) of players. To test a range of
3, 4, 5, 6, 8) and large ones larger (Player 1, 2, 7, 9, 10) than load profiles with different PV and ES assignments, we run the
the Shapley value, which is a general trend in all the model re- model 30 times for each number of players, and in each run,
sults we obtained. Despite these small differences, their relative we assume 50% ownerships of PV and ES systems respectively,
values among all the players follow a similar pattern. This is all randomly assigned. We then graph the average largest ex-
because both of the imputations reward players on a merit basis cess against the number of players in Fig. 4, with the error bars
– whoever contributes more to reducing the coalitional energy showing the maximum and minimum values across all runs. It is
cost tends to receive more in return. shown that regardless of the number of prosumers in the grand
Fig. 3 shows the comparison of the nucleolus and Shapley coalition, the largest excess with respect to the Shapley value
value for each prosumer based on their resource mix. We also always exceeds zero, verifying the statement in Section III-C
notice that whether a player receives more under the nucleolus or that the Shapley value is not in the core of our prosumer coop-
the Shapley value is dependent on its resource mix. For example, erative game. On the other hand, the largest excess with respect
players without any PV or ES tend to be rewarded more by to the nucleolus is always non-positive, which validates that the
the nucleolus, while players with both PV and ES tend to be nucleolus is a stabilizing imputation.
rewarded more by the Shapley value. This is likely due to the Taking the 14-prosumer game as an example, Fig. 5 maps
high penetration of PV, where pure load contributes to higher the excesses of all the coalitions on a nucleolus vs. Shap-
levels of self-consumption. ley coordinate. The data points generally distribute along the
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diagonal line representing “Nucleolus Excess = Shapley Ex-

cess”, but some Shapley excesses exceed zero, while no nucle-
olus excesses do. It is worth noting that even for the coalitions
with positive Shapley excesses, their excess values split among
the players in those coalitions are relatively small compared to
their individual Shapley values. It is an interesting topic for fu-
ture research to analyze whether this small difference is enough
to drive players to leave the grand coalition to form smaller
Similar to other centralized control strategies, the scalability
of this method is limited. This is mainly because the number
of linear problems solved in both the ES optimization and the
nucleolus calculation is proportional to the total number of coali-
tions, which increases exponentially with the number of players.
Fig. 6. Uncertainty induced change in coalitional energy cost savings as a
For instance, running the model built in Python 3.6 on an Apple percentage of the predicted value by number of players.
iMac with a processor of 2.8 GHz Intel Core i5 and a memory
module of 16 GB 1867 MHz DDR3, it takes an average of 15,
80 and 500 minutes for games of 12, 13, and 14 players respec-
is taken to calculate the cost savings. Additionally, this small
tively. The main goal of using a centralized control in this paper,
reduction remains at a similar level as the number of players
however, is to benchmark the economic outcome with optimal
grows. This shows that even with uncertainty, the strategy still
ES operation [6] so as to theoretically prove the balancedness
allows the players to be made significantly better off than they
of the cooperative game structure as was done in Section III.
would be on their own.
Developing methods to improve the scalability of the model is
naturally an extension of this work.
Using a cooperative game theoretic approach, we propose a
C. The Impact of Uncertainty
prosumer energy grand coalition, which manages all the ES
For the third case study, we conduct a Monte Carlo analysis systems within the coalition in a collaborative manner. This
of the impact of prediction errors on the coalitional energy cost cooperative approach not only financially rewards all the partic-
savings. The model setup is similar to the previous case stud- ipating prosumers, but also benefits the electricity distribution
ies, except that all input load and PV profiles are treated as the network by reducing the reverse power flow and flattening the
prediction, and the actual load and PV profiles are generated local energy profile. Adapting existing ES control algorithms,
assuming the value at each step follows a normal distribution we formulated a linear problem to optimize the simultaneous
with a mean equal to predicted value and a specified standard operations of multiple ES systems. The values of all possible
deviation. Because our prediction horizon is only one day, we coalitions within the grand coalition are defined by the coali-
can reasonably assume low prediction errors [6], especially for tional energy cost savings, which can be quantified using the
the PV generation. In this case, we test two sets of standard devi- proposed ES optimization algorithm. We proved this prosumer
ations (σ): 1) σP V ,load = 5, 15%, and 2) σP V ,load = 10, 30%. cooperative game to be balanced, meaning the nucleolus, a way
In order to maintain the locational similarity among all the to allocate payoffs, is in the core, which guarantees that all play-
prosumers in each model run, only one actual PV profile is ers are not only financially rewarded, but also disincentivized
generated and used for all PV systems, whereas the actual load from leaving the grand coalition to form smaller coalitions.
profiles are generated separately for each individual prosumer. Our case study results verify that this coalitional structure
In each model run, the actual coalitional energy cost savings is helps mitigate the stress on the local power network, and that
calculated by applying the ES operations optimized using the the nucleolus offers payoffs at a level where no prosumers can
predicted profiles to the actual profiles. We then compare the benefit from leaving the grand coalition. A key limitation is
change in coalitional energy cost savings to the predicted value. the computational complexity which increases exponentially
For each set of uncertainty inputs, we run the model 200 with the number of prosumers. Importantly, it has been shown
times with different numbers (N = 6, 8, 10, 12) of players. We that stabilizing allocations exist for cooperative ES optimiza-
graph the average change in coalitional energy cost savings as tion among groups of prosumers, and the stabilizing allocations
a percentage of the predicted value in Fig. 6. It is shown that given by the nucleolus provide an important baseline to as-
prediction errors can lead to reduction in coalitional energy sess other allocation methods. The development of sampling
cost savings, but the reduction is relatively small, 2–3% for the algorithms for the nucleolus calculation to reduce the computa-
low uncertainty case, and 4–5% for the high uncertainty case. tional burden is a promising area for future work. Additionally,
The change is made less significant because both the individual due to the generation and consumption prediction inaccuracy, a
players’ energy costs and the coalitional energy cost are affected small reduction in the actual coalitional energy cost savings is
by the uncertainties in the same direction, which in turn cancel presented. Improving prediction accuracy and developing algo-
each other out to an extent when the difference between the two rithms to distribute this savings reduction to prosumers while
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maintaining the stabilizing feature of the nucleolus is also an APPENDIX C

interesting extension of the current scheme. PROOF OF LEMMA 3
A. Proof of Positivity Homogeneity
APPENDIX A When a = 0, we have
S θ[aS] = θ[0S]
When G(B
S , ES , BS , B ) = 1, based on definition, we
have (10), (11) and (12) satisfied. Noticing the linearity of these (13) 0S
= min F (B, Q0S ) s.t. G(B, E0S , B0S , B ) = 1
constraints, we can scale them by a factor of a > 0: B∈RK ×N
1) Power constraint: (4) S
= min F (B, 0QS ) s.t. G(B, 0ES , 0BS , 0B ) = 1
aBS ≤ aB
S ≤ aB
= F (0, 0) = 0 = 0θ[S] = aθ[S]
2) Energy constraint: When a > 0, we have

aES SoC CaS (B

aS ∗ ) ≤ CaS (B
aS ), ∀B
aS ∈ OaS
Because B
aS ∗ ∈ OaS , we have
≤ aES SoC0 + AK ([aB
S ]+ η I + [aB
S ]− η O )
aS ∗ , EaS , BaS , B ) = 1
≤ aES SoC

We define B
S = a1 B
aS ∗ . Using Lemma 1, we have
3) Cycle constraint:  1 1 1 aS
S , EaS , BaS , B =1
a a a
(1K ) ([aB
S ]+ η I + [aB
S ]− η O ) = 0
Using (4), we get
Therefore, G(aB
S , aES , aB , aB ) = 1 
S , ES , BS , B ) = 1

In other words, B
S ∈ OS . We then have
(14) (15) 
S ∗ ) ≤ CS (B
S )
For S ∩ T = ∅, we have    
(9) 1
aS ∗ S 1
aS ∗ 1 aS
= F B ,Q =F B , Q
S+T a a a
OS+T = {B ∈ RK ×N | G(B, ES+T , BS+T , B ) = 1}
(2) (9) 1 (14) 1
(7) S∪T = F (B
aS ∗ , QaS ) = CaS (B
aS ∗ ) = θ[aS]
= {B ∈ RK ×N | G(B, ES∪T , BS∪T , B ) = 1} a a a
After rearrangement, we have
= OS∪T (34)
θ[aS] ≥ aθ[S], ∀a > 0
S can be considered the union of all its players, and because
Since a can be any positive value, we construct
the intersection of any two different players is ∅, we have  
 (7)   θ[S] = θ (aS)
1iS {i}
QS = Q i ∈S {i} = Q i ∈S {i} =Q i ∈N a
(34) Since > 0, we have
OS = O i ∈S {i} = O i ∈S {i} = O i ∈N 1iS {i} (35) a
1 1
θ[S] = θ (aS) ≥ θ[aS]
where Z ∈ RK ×N . Therefore, a a
⎡ ⎤ Combining the equations above, We have

2N 2N
θ⎣ aj Sj ⎦ = min F (B, Q j=1 a j Sj
) θ[aS] ≥ aθ[S] ≥ a θ[aS] = θ[aS]
B∈O 2 N a
j =1 j=1 a j Sj

2N  S
Therefore, it can only be the case that
(6)(35) 1i j {i}
= min F (B, Q j=1 aj i ∈N ) θ[aS] = aθ[S]
B∈O 2 N  S
j=1 aj i ∈N 1i j {i}
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ B. Proof of Subadditivity

S 2N

= θ⎣ aj 1i j {i}⎦ = θ ⎣ aj 1i j {i}⎦ We rewrite (1) with variable L = B + Q, ∀B, Q ∈ RK ×N :
j =1 i∈N i∈N j =1
F (L) = pb [L1 N ]+ + ps [L1 N ]−
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For any L1 , L2 ∈ RK ×N , pb ≥ ps , and a ≥ 0, we have Combining (41) and (42), we can see that our cooperative
1) (Positive Homogeneity) F (aL1 ) = aF (L1 ) game is balanced as long as for any balanced map α,
2) (Convexity) F (L 1 )+F (L 2 )
≥ F ( L 1 +L 2

2 2 CN (B
N ∗ ) ≤ α(S)CS (B
S ∗ ) (43)
S∈2 N

We have F (L1 ) + F (L2 ) Rewriting (43) using (14), we only need to prove

L1 + L2 θ[N ] ≤ α(S)θ[S], ∀α : 2N → [0, 1] (44)

≥ 2F , by convexity of F
2 S∈2 N

= F (L1 + L1 ), by positive homogeneity of F (36) We then have

If we denote L
aS ∗ = B
aS ∗ + QaS , ∀S ∈ 2N , we have
S∈2 N

aS ∗
bT ∗

θ[aS] + θ[bT ] = F (L ) + F (L ) = θ[α(S)S], by positive homogeneity of θ

(36) S∈2 N
≥ F (L
aS ∗ + L
bT ∗ )  

= F (B
aS ∗ + B
bT ∗ , QaS + QbT ) ≥θ α(S)S , by subadditivity of θ
S∈2 N
= CaS+bT (B
aS ∗ + B
bT ∗ ) (37)

 =θ α(S)1iS {i} , by Lemma 2

aS ∗ , EaS , BaS , B ) = 1 i∈N S∈2 N
We know bT  
bT ∗ , EbT , BbT , B ) = 1

Because η I , η O ≤ 1, by combining the ES energy capacities, =θ {i} = θ[N ], by α(S) definition, Lemma 2
charge limits and discharge limits using (6) we can construct i∈N

aS+bT such that Hence (44) is proven, further proving the game is balanced.

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