IAS (DP) 05LaboratoryExercise1 Fanugao

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05 Laboratory Exercise 1

1. Name three characteristics that increased the calculated value of your data and explain why
you think those characteristics are of interest to marketers.

− The characteristics that increased the calculated value of my data are the following:
Demographics, Family & Health, and Consumer data. Market researchers utilize these
traits to create an individual's psychographic profile in their research. Marketers are
interested in these traits because they will help improve the firm's marketing and
promotional activities toward its target demographic, allowing researchers and the
organization to better understand their ideal consumer. The more detailed information
about an individual that is available, the more useful it is to marketers.

2. As an experiment, go through the calculator again as the future-you (whom you think you'll be
in ten years). Name three of the characteristics that made the biggest difference in the value of
your data.

− The three characteristics that made the biggest difference in the value of my data are the

• Demographics

• Family & Health’s data

• Consumer’s data

3. Why do you think a marketer would be interested in someone with those characteristics?

− A marketer would be interested in someone who has those characteristics because the
data from each characteristic can provide a lot of insight to companies about their target
consumers, assisting researchers and the company to better understand their ideal
customer. A marketer would be interested in someone who has those characteristics
because those data from each characteristic can provide a lot of insight to companies
about their target consumers.

4. What do you think is the risk of such data leakage?

− The exposure of sensitive information to the possibility of it being disclosed without

authorization or used dishonestly is one of the dangers posed by data leaking. It is a
significant issue for data security, and the damage that can be inflicted to any
organization, regardless of its size or field of activity, can be significant. A cybercriminal
might easily acquire unauthorized access to sensitive data if it has been leaked, which is
one of the risks associated with data leaking. Your firm can avoid financial loss, harm to
its reputation, loss of consumer confidence, and erosion of its brand by ensuring that data
is protected from corruption and illegal access by people both inside and outside of the

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