Modelización de La Decoloración Reactive Black 5 en Presencia de Metales Pesados Por La Cepa Denomines Aeruginosa Recién Aislada Gb30

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Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN 1364-5072


Modelling of Reactive Black 5 decolourization in the

presence of heavy metals by the newly isolated
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain Gb30
I. Louati1, B. Hadrich2 , M. Nasri1, L. Belbahri3, S. Woodward4 and T. Mechichi1,5
1 Laboratory of Enzyme Engineering and Microbiology, National School of Engineers of Sfax, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
2 Unit
e de Biotechnologie des Algues, Biological Engineering Department, National School of Engineers of Sfax, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
3 Laboratoire de biologie des sols, Universite de Neuch^atel, Neuch^
atel, Switzerland
4 School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
5 Laboratory of Biochemistry and Enzymatic Engineering of Lipases, National School of Engineers of Sfax, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia

Keywords Abstract
bacteria, decolourization, heavy metals,
modelling, textile effluent. Aim: The effect of heavy metals presence on the decolourization of Reactive
Black 5 by Pseudomonas aeruginosa was evaluated.
Correspondence Methods and Results: In the current study, a newly isolated strain identified
Tahar Mechichi, Laboratory of Enzyme Engi- as P. aeruginosa strain Gb 30 was selected for its ability to remove high
neering and Microbiology, National School of
concentration of Reactive Black 5 and resistance to several heavy metals
Engineers of Sfax, University of Sfax, BP
(Cu2+>Zn2+>Cd2+>Cr6+). Strain Gb30 was used to assess the effect of heavy
1173, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia.
E-mail: metals presence on RB5 decolourization. The strain growth exhibited different
responses at a fixed concentration of EC50 (10 h) for each heavy metal. The
2018/2195: received 29 August 2018, revised addition of Zn2+ and Cd2+ had no effect on decolourization yield after 24 h of
11 February 2019 and accepted 18 March incubation, whereas Cr6+ and Cu2+ ions reduced decolourization up to 17%.
2019 In order to understand the relationship between heavy metals contamination
and decolourization, experimental data relating the initial decolourization rate
of RB5 to the concentrations of single and associated heavy metals were fitted
to three different inhibition kinetic models.
Conclusions: In this study, we showed that P. aeruginosa strain Gb30 could be
used for dye removal even at high concentrations of heavy metals. The developed
models could provide basic information that may help for the best management
of the bacteria-mediated decolourization process at the industrial scale.
Significance and Impact of the Study: This study opens new directions for the
management of textile industry wastewaters containing dyes and heavy metals
using bioaugmentation by P. aeruginosa strain Gb30.

2012). In this context, several studies have recently been

carried out highlighting the efficacy of microbial communi-
For many decades, safe discharge of wastewaters initially ties in textile effluent detoxification (Phugare et al. 2011;
loaded with both organic and inorganic wastes are consid- Saratale et al. 2011; Abioye et al. 2014; Yu et al. 2015;
ered as a huge threat causing severe environmental damages Prabha et al. 2016; Uday et al. 2016). Considering that tex-
(Drumond Chequer et al. 2013; Khan and Malik 2014; tile effluents are a mixture of pollutants containing dye resi-
Akhtar et al. 2016). Therefore, the environmental manage- dues, salts, heavy metals and many other chemicals used
ment of dye effluents represents a major goal towards during dyeing, detoxification is a multilevel process involv-
ecosystem protection. In addition, ecofriendly and low cost ing too complex effluent–microbe–environment interac-
methods which could address limitations to classic physio- tions (Ali et al. 2009; Rawat et al. 2016). Among these
chemical treatments are under massive consideration pollutants, dyes and heavy metals represent the major threat
among the social–economic society (Sarayu and Sandhya of aquatic and soil ecosystems (Maqbool et al. 2016). A

Journal of Applied Microbiology 126, 1761--1771 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology 1761
Heavy metals and decolourization I. Louati et al.

number of studies suggested biotechnological approaches to remediation. The critical heavy metals concentrations
overcome this threat using pure culture or consortia for sin- obtained as per Han–Levenspiel inhibition model for Cr,
gle removal of dyes or heavy metals (Jadhav et al. 2011). Zn and Cu were 0895, 0302 and 0204 g l1 respectively.
Several bacterial strains such as Providencia sp., Pseu- In this concern, our study tried to isolate a multi-
domonas aeuroginosa, Acinetobacter junii, Enterobacter sp., heavy metal–resistant strain, P. aeruginosa Gb30, a model
Citrobacter sp., Brevibacillus laterosporus and Bacillus sp. specie for both heavy metal resistance and dye biodegra-
were investigated in terms of their ability to degrade dyes dation, to assess the effect of heavy metals on bacterial
(Wang et al. 2009a,b; Kurade et al. 2011; Phugare et al. growth and finally to provide mathematic models
2011; Anwar et al. 2014; Yu et al. 2015). Most of the studies describing the single and the associated inhibitory effects
on bacterial dye degradation are lab-scale investigations of heavy metals on decolourization process.
focusing on strains’ decolourization ability with least atten-
tion towards the complexity of the dye biodegradation pro-
Materials and methods
cess in natural conditions. Thus, contaminated systems
normally contain high concentrations of salts and heavy
Chemicals and reagents
metals affecting the dye degradation process by inhibiting
bacterial growth or blocking the enzyme activities (Sharma Technical grade Reactive Black 5 (RB5) dye was purchased
et al. 2008). Khan and Malik (2014) reported the presence from Sigma-Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany). A stock solu-
of several toxic heavy metals in textile effluents such as Ni, tion of a final concentration of 10 mol l1 was used during
Cu, Cr, Pb, Cd and Zn at concentrations of 0124, 0151, the study. The heavy metals stock solutions used in this
1533, 0199, 0088 and 2694 mg l1 respectively. Das et al. study were CdCl2 (05 mol l1), CuSO4 (025 mol l1),
(2011), Jaishree and Khan (2014) and Sarker et al. (2015) K2Cr2O7 (1 mol l1) and ZnSO4 (1 mol l1). Methanol
confirmed the presence of Cu, Cd, Cr and Zn at variable used for HPLC analysis was of analytical grade.
levels in textile effluents. Previous findings demonstrated
that heavy metals might destruct the active site conforma-
Bacterium isolation and culture conditions
tion of proteins, which directly leads to enzyme inhibition.
For example, Jadhav et al. (2013) reported that the presence The bacterial strain was isolated from desert soil collected at
of Zn and Hg ions could strongly slow down the decolour- the vicinity of Kebeli in the south-west of Tunisia (33°420 18″
ization process of Amaranth by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Nord, 8°570 54″Est). Soil sample was collected from 1 to
BCH. In the absence of ecosystem-based studies, scientists 10 cm in depth and stored in a sterile bottle before use. A
are invited to take into consideration all the environmental desert soil sample (05 g) was suspended in 20 ml of nonse-
conditions surrounding the decolourization process in lective nutrient broth (NB) medium (5 g l1 NaCl, 5 g l1
order to predict the consequences of dyes-heavy metals peptone, 25 g l1 yeast extract, 10 g l1 meat extract and
interactions in the environment. Some micro-organisms, 15 g l1 agar, pH was adjusted to 7) and incubated at 45°C
such as bacteria, fungi and yeast, are able to develop mecha- for 18 h at 150 rev min1. Serial dilutions of the obtained
nisms of dye degradation in the presence of high concentra- bacterial culture were plated separately onto nutrient agar
tions of heavy metals. Aspergillus versicolor can efficiently plates. After 24 h of incubation, individual colonies were
decolourize high amounts of Remazol Blue reactive dye in picked and streaked twice on new plates and incubated for
the presence of heavy metals (Cr, Cu and Ni) in molasses 2 days then stored at 4°C for a short time period.
growth medium (Tasßtan et al. 2010). Huang et al. (2015) Strain Gb30 was selected, among isolated bacterial col-
described the ability of Lactobacillus paracase CL1107 to co- lection, for its colour removal ability as well as its heavy
eliminate toxic chromium and Acid Black (ATT) azo dye. metal resistance capability. Study of the heavy metals
Anwar et al. (2014) reported that A. junii strain FA10 used effects on bacterial growth as well as on decolourization
for reactive red 120 decolourization exhibited good toler- ability of the bacterial strain was carried out in NB med-
ance to considerable levels of different heavy metals. Pseu- ium prepared by dissolving 5 g l1 NaCl, 10 g l1 pep-
domonas aeruginosa strain ZM130 was highly effective in tone and 5 g l1 yeast extract. pH was adjusted to 8
simultaneously removing Cr6+ and Reactive Red 120, Reac- using standard NaOH and HCl solutions.
tive Black 5, Reactive Yellow 2 and Reactive Orange 16 azo
dyes from a simulated wastewater even in the presence of
Strain identification
three other heavy metals, Zn, Pb and Cd (Maqbool et al.
2016). The assessment of the inhibitory effects of heavy For DNA extraction, the strain was grown overnight at
metal ions on the biodegradation of Congo Red by Pseu- 37°C in a 250-ml flask containing 25 ml of NB medium.
domonas sp. mutant by Gopinath et al. (2011), confirmed Biomass was harvested by centrifugation (11 000 g,
that heavy metals contamination interferes with dye 10 min). DNA extraction was monitored according to Su

1762 Journal of Applied Microbiology 126, 1761--1771 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology
I. Louati et al. Heavy metals and decolourization

et al. (2007) with some modifications. PCR amplification The plot relating heavy metal concentration to the bac-
was performed using the bacterial domain universal pri- terial inhibition rate was built using a linear regression
mer sets fD1 (50 - AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-30 ) and method and EC50 (10 h) of each heavy metal was deter-
rP2 (50 -ACGGCTACCTTGTTACGACTT-30 ) (Weisburg mined.
et al. 1991). the 16S rRNA gene was amplified in a 25 ll The studied heavy metals concentrations in order to
reaction volume containing: 25 ll of Taq buffer (10X) determine the EC50 (10 h) of each heavy metal are sum-
(Invitrogen, Waltham, MA), 1 ll MgCl2 (25 mmol l1), marized in Table 1.
1 ll dNTPs (20 mmol l1), 1 ll (10 lmol l1) fD1 and
rP2 primer set (Invitrogen), 1U Taq DNA polymerase
Dye removal experiments
(Invitrogen) and about 5 ng of genomic DNA. The ther-
mal cycling program was: initial denaturation at 95°C for Dye decolourization experiments were conducted in NB
5 min, followed by 35 cycles at 95°C for 15 s, 54°C for with the addition of 50 mg l1 of Reactive Black 5 at
15 s and 72°C for 90 s, with a final elongation at 72°C 37°C under static condition. Colour removal was checked
for 7 min. Appropriate positive as well as negative con- by measuring the absorbance of culture supernatant at
trols were run in parallel for each reaction to ascertain the dye kmax (597 nm). Decolourization percentage was
the absence of contamination or PCR failure. PCR prod- calculated as follows:
ucts were then purified and sequenced directly using a ODI  ODS
BigDye197 Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Declarationð%Þ ¼  100 ð2Þ
Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster city, CA) and analysed
with an ABI-3130xl 48-capillary DNA sequencer (Applied where: ODI: initial dye absorbance at 597 nm; ODS:
Biosystems). The obtained sequence was compared to the decolourized sample absorbance at 597 nm.
nearest neighbour sequences available in the NCBI using
BLASTN program ( Dye removal analysis in the presence of heavy metals
and strain identity was ascertained when unambiguous
high identity was scored. The evolutionary history was Cultures supplemented with EC50 (10 h) concentrations
inferred using the neighbour-joining method (Saitou and of Cd2+, Cu2+, Cr6+ and Zn2+ and mixture of the four
Nei 1987). The obtained 16S rRNA gene sequence was selected heavy metals at a concentration of EC50/8 were
deposited in GenBank database under accession number carried out at 37°C, pH 8 and 50 mmol l1 initial dye
KY655217.1. concentration under static condition to determine the
single and associated heavy metals effects on dye removal.
Batch experiments were conducted in 250-ml flasks con-
Heavy metals effects on bacterial growth taining 100 ml NB medium inoculated with 25% (v/v)
To investigate the heavy metals effects on bacterial inoculum (OD600 = 10). Aliquots were withdrawn at dif-
growth, median effective concentration (EC50) of each ferent time intervals and were centrifuged at 11 000 g for
heavy metal after 10 h of incubation was determined. 10 min then the supernatant was analysed at 597 nm.
Five hundred microlitres of a freshly prepared culture RB5 degradation in cultures added with EC50 (10 h) con-
(OD600 = 10) was added to 20 ml NB medium contain- centrations of Zn2+, Cd2+, Cu2+ and Cr6+ and mixture of
ing different concentrations of the appropriate heavy the four selected heavy metals at a concentration of EC50/
metal. A metal-free medium inoculated with the bacterial 8 were analysed using HPLC and UV-Visible spec-
strain and media supplemented with different heavy met- troscopy to determine the single and associated heavy
als concentrations without micro-organism inoculation metals effects on dye removal. RB5 biodegradation prod-
were used respectively as positive and negative controls. ucts were injected into a DIONEX UltiMate 3000
During the first 10 h of incubation, 2 ml of inoculated (Thermo Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA) C-18 column at
cultures were withdrawn at different time intervals and
OD600 was measured. Growth inhibition rates at different
concentrations of each heavy metal were calculated Table 1 Heavy metals concentrations used for EC50 (10 h) determi-
according to the following equation: nation

100 Metal Source Concentrations (mmol l1)

Ið%Þ ¼ ðlc  lm Þ  ð1Þ
Cadmium (Cd2+) CdCl2 01, 025, 05, 075, 1
where I (%): growth inhibition rate; lc: growth rate of Copper (Cu2+) CuSO4 05, 075, 1, 2, 3
Chromium (Cr6+) K2Cr2O7 01, 025, 05, 075, 1
the metal-free control; lm: growth rate of the metal
Zinc (Zn2+) ZnSO4 05, 075, 1, 2, 3, 5
containing culture.

Journal of Applied Microbiology 126, 1761--1771 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology 1763
Heavy metals and decolourization I. Louati et al.

room temperature. The mobile phase was water/methanol coefficient of determination (R2), the adjusted coefficient
(60/40%) with a flow rate of 1 ml min1. Compounds of determination (R2adj), the root mean square error
were detected using an UV/VIS detector at 597 nm. Cul- (RMSE) and the sum of squared error of prediction
tures samples were scanned using a JENWAY 7315 UV- (SSE), described in the following equations:
Visible spectrophotometer in the range of 200–800 nm. Pn
ðYi  Y^i Þ2
R2 ¼ 1  Pi¼1 ð6Þ
n  2
i¼1 ðYi  Yi Þ
Effect of heavy metals concentrations on decolourization
yield n1
R2adj ¼ 1  ð1  R2 Þ  ð7Þ
Decolourization kinetics of RB5 in the presence of differ-
ent concentrations of heavy metals was evaluated during ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
i¼1 ðYi  Yi Þ
^ 2
48 h of incubation. Heavy metals concentrations ranged RMSE ¼ ð8Þ
from 3 9 EC50 to EC50/2, 25 9 EC50 to EC50/4, np
15 9 EC50 to EC50/8 and 15 9 EC50 to EC50/8 for Xn
Zn2+, Cd2+, Cu2+ and Cr6+ respectively. SSE ¼ i¼1
ðYi  Y^i Þ2 ð9Þ

with Yi: experimental value; Y^i : calculated value; Yi : arith-

Heavy metals inhibition kinetics
metic mean of all experimental values; n: number of
To determine the inhibitory parameters of added heavy experimental values; p: number of model parameters. The
metals, different kinetic equations were applied (Liu et al. best model was chosen from the comparison between the
2008; Wang et al. 2008; Wang and Wan 2009). These four previously defined statistical criteria.
models were used to fit the obtained experimental data in
order to study the effect of single and associated heavy
metals concentrations on dye decolourization (Table 2).
Decolourization rate was calculated for the first 24 h by
Identification of the dye decolourizing heavy metal-
plotting the linear regression of RB5 decolourization yield
resistant bacteria
at different heavy metals concentrations. In order to
investigate the associated effect of studied heavy metals, Strain Gb30 was selected among several bacterial strains
initial decolourization rate of RB5 by the strain was eval- due to its ability to decolourize the RB5 and to grow in
uated in the presence of serial dilutions of the heavy the presence of different heavy metals. Phylogenetic anal-
metal mixture containing EC50 (10 h) concentration of ysis based on 16S rRNA gene showed that strain Gb30 is
each heavy metal where 1 Arbitrary Unit (AU) is equiva- closely related to members of P. aeruginosa with a
lent to 1525 + 0629 + 1605 + 0462 mmol l1 respec- sequence similarity value of 99% (Fig. 1).
tively of Zn2+, Cd2+, Cu2+ and Cr6+. The kinetic
parameter estimation of each model was carried out with
Heavy metals effects on bacterial growth
a nonlinear regression method using MATLAB, R2010a
(The MathWorks, Natick, MA) software. The quality of The evaluation of heavy metals effect on bacterial growth
each models’ fitting has been tested by calculating the of P. aeruginosa strain Gb30 was performed by the deter-
mination of the inhibition percentage of the bacterial
Table 2 Models used to evaluate the inhibitory effect of heavy growth rate induced by Zn2+, Cr6+, Cu2+ and Cd2+ addi-
metals on decolourization of RB5 by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Gb30 tion in the culture medium. The effect of heavy metals on
strain Gb30 was different among the four tested metals.
Model Equation References
Cr6+ and Cd2+ ions most affected the bacterial growth,
(1) (3) r ¼ rmax 1  ccrit c
Wang and Wan (2009) which confirms the toxic nature of these two heavy metals.
In contrast, the strain presented a great tolerance towards
(2) (4) r ¼ 1þðC=K

m Wang et al. (2008) Zn2+ and Cu2+ ions compared to Cr6+ and Cd2+ ions. The
EC50 (10 h) was measured for each metal and was as fol-
(5) r ¼ rKmax lows: 1525 mmol l1 for Zn2+, 0629 mmol l1 for Cd2+,
(3) C þC
Liu et al. (2008)
1605 mmol l1 for Cu2+ and 0462 mmol l1 for Cr6+.
Where r: initial decolourization rate (mmol l1 h); rmax: maximum
Bacterial growth was totally inhibited after 10 h of incuba-
decolourization rate (mmol l1 h); C: heavy metal ion concentration tion at concentrations of 305 mmol l1 for Zn2+,
(mmol l1); Ccrit: critical heavy metal ion concentration (mmol l1); 1258 mmol l1 for Cd2+, 321 mmol l1 for Cu2+ and
Kc: metal inhibition constant (mmol l1) and m: empirical constant. 0924 mmol l1 for Cr6+ (Fig. S1).

1764 Journal of Applied Microbiology 126, 1761--1771 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology
I. Louati et al. Heavy metals and decolourization

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Gb30 (KY655217·1)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa RP-431 (KX051381·1)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10·3 (JX286672·1)

Pseudomonas sp. Hex35 (JX436400·1)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 6A (KX889395·1)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain CCB4 (KY082676·1)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa SN16 (KU973627·1)

Pseudomonas putida strain KB9

Pseudomonas putida strain KB9

Pseudomonas monetilii strain DB19-3

Pseudomonas putida strain M-X2B

22 Pseudomonas sp. CF1

66 Pseudomonas putida strain G320

Pseudomonas sp. CF1


Figure 1 16S rRNA sequence-based phylogenetic tree showing the evolutionary relationships between newly isolated strain Gb30 and its closest

Dye removal analysis in the presence of heavy metals Effect of heavy metals concentrations on decolourization
The decolourization rate of RB5 by P. aeruginosa was
affected by the addition of single metals (Cu2+, Cr6+ and Kinetics of RB5 decolourization by strain Gb30 was car-
Cd2+) except for Zn2+ (Fig. 2). Zn2+ addition in the cul- ried out to investigate the effect of heavy metals concen-
ture media had a very little or no effect on colour trations on RB5 removal. The strain decolourization
removal. Decolourization yield was 79 and 76%, respec- performance was demonstrated as a dose-dependent
tively, in metal-free (control) and Zn2+-containing cul- response upon exposure to studied heavy metals except
tures after 20 h of incubation while only 67% dye in the case of Zn2+. RB5 decolourizing ability maintained
removal was reached in 20 h for Cd2+-containing cul- the same level with increasing Zn2+ concentration from
tures. Nevertheless, for both cultures, complete colour 07 to 45 mmol l1 (Fig. 4a). In all tested Cd2+ concen-
removal was obtained at 38 h. In contrast, a significant trations, the strain exhibited high RB5 removal ability
reduction in RB5 decolourization rate was recorded when and total decolourization was finally achieved (Fig. 4b).
similar ranges of concentrations (EC50 (10 h)) of Cr6+ or In the case of Cu2+ ions, decolourization percentage did
Cu2+ were added to the culture media. No dye decolour- not exceed 17% and total decolourization was never
ization was recorded in the first 20 h of incubation and reached for all concentrations (Fig. 4d). The increase in
decolourization rate did not exceed 17% for both heavy Cr6+ concentration in the culture media stopped
metals (Cr6+ and Cu2+) after 48 h. UV-Vis spectra of decolourization process during the first 20 h of incuba-
untreated dye, metal-free culture and cultures added with tion. After this lag time, decolourization processed pro-
heavy metals confirmed the previously obtained results gressively to reach total decolourization after 48 h of
(Fig. 3). These results are consolidated with the HPLC incubation only for the EC50/4 and EC50/8 concentrations
spectra at 597 nm. After 48 h of incubation, total (Fig. 4c).
decolourization of RB5 only in the presence of Zn2+ and
Cd2+ was reached (Fig. S2). However, important peaks
Heavy metals inhibition kinetics
were observed in the presence of Cr6+ and Cu2+ suggest-
ing the persistence of the initially added dye or the accu- The presence of high concentration of heavy metals in
mulation of its intermediates. the effluent could slow down the biodegradation of dyes

Journal of Applied Microbiology 126, 1761--1771 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology 1765
Heavy metals and decolourization I. Louati et al.

100 presented high tolerance to Zn2+ and the initial decolour-

ization rate slightly decreased by the addition of
80 6 mmol l1 of Zn2+ ions. This result confirms the
Decolorization (%)

hypothesis that this metal has a very weak effect on RB5

60 decolourization yield. The critical concentration which
totally inhibits the decolourization process in the pre-
40 sence of Cd2+ ions was estimated by the first model to be
2.491 mmol l1. This confers to the strain its perfor-
20 mance in dye removal even under high heavy metals con-
centrations. The RB5 decolourization trend was totally
0 different in the presence of Cu2+ and Cr6+, initial
0 10 20 30 40 50
decolourization rate sharply decreased in the presence of
Time (h)
1 mmol l1 of the metal in the culture media.
Figure 2 Decolourization kinetics of RB5 in the presence of EC50 To investigate the effect of associated heavy metals
(10 h) concentration of single and associated heavy metals; : con- (Zn2+, Cd2+, Cu2+ and Cr6+) on RB5 decolourization, the
trol; : Zn2+; : Cd2+; : Cu2+; : Cr6+; : heavy metals initial decolourization rate variation was investigated at
mixture (EC50/8). different concentrations of heavy metals mixture. The fit-
ting of experimental data to the three previously
described models revealed that the second model was the
best to describe the strain decolourization behaviour.
1·5 According to Fig. 6, the strain has lost more than 50% of
its initial decolourization ability at 0075 AU of mixture

1 concentration.

0·5 Discussion
In the present study, P. aeruginosa Gb30 was used as a
400 500 600 700 800 model strain for the assessment of heavy metals effect on
wave number (nm) RB5 decolourization. Indeed, the strain exhibited high
resistance to heavy metals as well as a great potential in
Figure 3 UV-Vis spectra of untreated dye, metal-free culture and dye decolourization. The performed experiments assess-
cultures added with Zn2+, Cd2+, Cu2+ and Cr6+ after 48 h of incuba- ing bacterial growth in the presence of heavy metals
tion at an initial metal concentration = EC50 (10 h); : untreated
showed that P. aeruginosa strain Gb30 was progressively
dye; : control; : Zn2+; : Cd2+; : Cu2+; : Cr6+.
affected by Cr6+, Cd2+, Zn2+ then Cu2+. In previous find-
ings, growth of P. aeruginosa strains ZM-130 and
than rather stop it. Modelling of heavy metals effect on ARSKS20 used in dye removal in the presence of heavy
dye removal is crucial to optimize the decolourization metals was progressively affected by chromium˃zinc˃cad-
process. In the present study, experimental data were fit- mium and chromium˃copper respectively (Soni et al.
ted by models (1), (2) and (3) mentioned in Table 2. 2014; Maqbool et al. 2016). In contrast, RB5 decolouriza-
The inhibition parameters, the coefficient of determina- tion experiments showed high tolerance to Zn2+ and
tion (R2), the adjusted coefficient of determination Cd2+ ions but not for Cr6+ and Cu2+. These results sug-
(R2adj), the RMSE and the SSE obtained for each model gest that heavy metals addition in culture media may
are summarized in Table 3. The model having the best maintain, enhance or affect enzymatic pathways involved
fitting is the one having the highest R2 and R2adj values in the decolourization process depending on the metal
and the lowest RMSE and SSE values. Data obtained for nature (Jadhav et al. 2011). In case of Zn2+, decolouriza-
each model showed that model (2) greatly correlates with tion of RB5 processed normally suggesting that Zn2+ ions
experimental findings for Zn2+ (a), Cr6+ (c) and Cu2+ (d) did not affect neither growth nor decolourization.
while Cd2+ (b) data were closely fitted to model (1). Decolourization rate slightly decreased with Cd2+ ion
According to the obtained models, heavy metals inhibi- addition but total decolourization was finally reached.
tion levels on RB5 degradation by P. aeruginosa Gb30 Cr6+ and Cu2+ ions sharply affected decolourization with
could be ranked as follows Cr6+>Cu2+>Cd2+>Zn2+. Non- a lag time reaching more than 20 h. The difference in
linear curves describing the different models are shown in response of the same strain to different metals’ stress can
Fig. 5. The obtained results showed that the strain be explained by the fact that several parameters interfere

1766 Journal of Applied Microbiology 126, 1761--1771 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology
I. Louati et al. Heavy metals and decolourization

100 100

80 80

Decolorization (%)
Decolorization (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (h) Time (h)

100 100

80 80

Decolorization (%)
Decolorization (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (h) Time (h)

Figure 4 RB5 decolourization kinetics in the presence of different concentrations of Zn2+ (a): : control; : 3*EC50; : 25*EC50; :
2*EC50; : EC50; : EC50/2, Cd2+ (b): : control; : 2*EC50; : EC50; : EC50/2; : EC50/4; Cu2+ (c): : control; : 15*EC50;
: EC50; : EC50/2; : EC50/4; : EC50/8, and Cr6+ (d) : control; : 15*EC50; : EC50; : EC50/2; : EC50/4; : EC50/8.

Table 3 Inhibition constants and statistic parameters derived from the fitting of the RB5 decolourization experimental data with models (1), (2)
and (3) for Zn2+, Cd2+, Cu2+ and Cr6+ ions and the mixture of all of them (P ≤ 005)

Metal Model rmax Ccrit or Kc m R² (%) R²adj (%) RMSE SSE

Zn2+ Model 1 2013 50 1193 8776 7960 0041 0005

Model 2 2033 50 0849 9146 8577 0034 0004
Model 3 2017 3737 – 8896 8620 0034 0005
Cd2+ Model 1 1991 2491 0882 9762 9524 0080 0013
Model 2 1996 1481 1298 9618 9237 0102 0021
Model 3 2050 1611 – 9516 9355 0094 0026
Cu2+ Model 1 2071 4879 2166 9785 9678 0135 0073
Model 2 2055 0189 2675 9887 9830 0098 0039
Model 3 2069 0107 – 9607 9529 0164 0134
Cr6+ Model 1 2051 1762 25 9849 9773 0111 0050
Model 2 2056 0048 1629 9931 9896 0075 0023
Model 3 2065 0033 – 9818 9781 0109 0060
Mixture Model 1 2496 01329 09667 09924 09873 1776 9464
Model 2 2078 006574 4112 09977 09962 9686 2814
Model 3 5252 001586 – 09077 08847 5359 115E+04

Journal of Applied Microbiology 126, 1761--1771 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology 1767
Heavy metals and decolourization I. Louati et al.

(a) 2.5 (b) 2.5

(a) (b)

2 2
r (mmol l–1 h)

r (mmol l–1 h)
1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
2+ -1 2+ -1
Zn concentration (mmol l ) Cd concentration (mmol l )
(c) (d)
2.5 2.5
(c) (d)

2 2

r (mmol l–1 h)
r (mmol l–1 h)

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Cu2+ concentration (mmol l-1) Cr 6+
concentration (mmol l ) -1

Figure 5 Heavy metals inhibition kinetics adjusted with models (1), (2) and (3); (a): Zn2+ ions; (b): Cd2+ ions; (c): Cr6+ ions; (d): Cu2+ ions; -:
Model (1); -.- : Model (2); -- : Model (3).

2.5 pollutants for intracellular binding and efficacy of the

dye-removing enzymatic system. Heavy metals accumula-
tion into the cell may disturb enzyme expression by
binding with groups in enzyme molecules and thus dis-
r (mmol l–1 h)

turbing their functions (Gopinath et al. 2011).

1.5 The previously obtained results are confirmed by
HPLC and UV-Vis spectra, representing the differences in
1 the strain response to each metal. HPLC and UV-Vis
spectra of RB5 biodegradation metabolites in the presence
0.5 of Zn2+ and Cd2+ confirmed the total degradation of the
initially used dye and the appearance of new peaks corre-
0 sponding to the newly formed products. Spectra corre-
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 sponding to cultures containing Cr6+ and Cu2+ proved
Heavy metals mixture concentration (AU) the persistence of most of the initially used dye (Fig. S2).
In order to investigate the effect of heavy metal con-
Figure 6 Heavy metals mixture inhibition kinetic adjusted with centration on decolourization efficiency of strain Gb30,
model (2). several heavy metals concentrations of Zn2+, Cd2+, Cu2+
and Cr6+ were tested. The lag time induced by the pres-
in dye-heavy metal coremoval such as metal bioaccumu- ence of Cr6+ in the media can be explained by the possi-
lation and/or biosorption capacity of the strain, eventual ble acclimatization strategy adopted by the strain to cope
interactions dye-heavy metal, competition between with the stressful conditions of the media, either by

1768 Journal of Applied Microbiology 126, 1761--1771 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology
I. Louati et al. Heavy metals and decolourization

decreasing the metal concentration by bioaccumulation bioremediation process, genomic and proteomic level stu-
and/or biosorption into the cell (Hansda et al. 2016) or dies are needed. Modelling of the single heavy metal as
by reducing Cr6+ into Cr3+ ions which are relatively well as the mixture effect on decolourization yield can
harmless by producing chromium reductase enzyme improve the textile wastewater treatment performance. In
(Gopinath et al. 2011). Similarly, the inhibitory effects on order to minimize the time required for dye removal,
RB5 decolourization by Pseudomonas putida K1 and Ser- genetic engineering investigation might be proposed to
ratia proteamaculans SL14 were observed when chromium enhance the metal tolerance and/or removal by the strain.
concentration exceeded 2 mg l1 suggesting that, in this Strain Gb30 seems to be a profitable matrix for such
condition, RB5 served as an electron donor for chromate investigations.
reduction (Mahmood et al. 2013). Although Cu2+ ions
were the most tolerated by the strain, they were the most Acknowledgements
harmful for RB5 decolourization process. Soni et al.
(2014) reported that Cu2+ ions affect the cell transcrip- This work was supported by the Ministry of Higher Edu-
tion mechanism. Many researchers considered copper as cation and Scientific Research of Tunisia.
one of the most toxic metals. Gopinath et al. (2011)
reported that the time required for decolourization of Conflict of Interest
Congo red by Pseudomonas sp. in the presence of
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
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Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
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Figure S1. Effect of heavy metals concentrations on the
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9277–9287. a: untreated dye; b: Zn2+; c: Cd2+; d: Cu2 +; e: Cr6+

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