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My Body My Rules

Mum Sister
Grandad Mr Smith
My Body My Choice Warning Feelings My Trusted Adults
You can decide how you greet people. Sometimes we feel frightened, unsafe, Trusted adults are people you trust and
You can give high fives, shake hands or sick in the tummy, sweaty or our hearts who you can tell anything to. Whenever
hug - it is YOUR choice. race. These are our warning feelings. you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, you
When we get these feelings around can talk to these people straight away.
If you don’t feel comfortable, you can
people we must tell a trusted adult Use your hand to remember 5 people you
say “No” to hugging or kissing someone.
straight away. have as a trusted adult.

Secrets My Private Parts

You shouldn’t ever keep a secret that Your private parts are the parts of your body that are
makes you feel uncomfortable or under your swimming clothes. No one can ask to see
worried. If someone asks you to keep a your private parts or to take photos of them. No one can
secret like this, you need to tell a trusted ask you to touch your private parts or to touch theirs.
adult straight away. If anyone asks you to do this, then you need to tell a
trusted adult straight away.
Disclaimer: This resource contains potentially sensitive and/or upsetting topics that may emotionally impact on students you use it with due to their experiences in their past. It is your responsibility to consider whether it is appropriate to
use this resource with your students. If you do use this resource, it is your responsibility to ensure that appropriate support is available for anyone affected.

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