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To Subject: - Dear sir, NO.F.6(5)/2022-EA-LGE-DEC(KSK)/ OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ELECTION COMMISSIONER KAMBER SHAHDADKOT D.C COMPLEX, LARKANA ROAD, KAMBER SHAHDADKOT Kamber the 14" October, 2022 The Provincial Election Commissioner, (Sindh), Karachi. PROGRESS REPORT REGARDING ELECTION APPEALS FILED RELATING TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS 2022 (15'-PHASE) BEFORE THE HON'BLE ELECTION TRIBUNAL KAMBER-SHAHDADKOT. | have the honour to refer to your good office letter No. F.5(5)/2022-Law- PEC(S) dated the 5" August, 2022 on the subject cited above and to submit that the progress report of the above-mentioned cases is fixed for hearing on 22-10-2022 and 25-10-2022 respectively, before the Hon'ble Session Court, Kamber Shahdadkot. (Proforma is enclosed herewith). Encl: (As above} Yours faithfully, (SAIF-UR-REHMAN) District Election missioner Kamber Shahdadkot. Copy forwarded for information to the Regional Election Commissioner, Larkana Division Larkana. (SAIF-UR-REHMAN) District Election Commissioner Kamber Shahdadkot. STATEMENT SHOWING THE DETAILS OF ELECTION APPEALS FILED RELATING TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS 2022 (Ist PHASE) BEFORE THE HON'BLE ELECTION TRIBUNAL KAMBER SHAHDADKOT SN Title of Case Name &No.of | Previous : Next date of | (Petitioner Vs Respondent) Constituency Date a Hearing [Muhammad Siddique S/O Ghulam Ali Caste siaceintitioonal EP.No. |Pechuho Union Council No. 36 - Snatecsete "| 52/2022 |veRsus: Lalu Raunk ete fo [Election Commission of Pakistan & Others . Ishahab-u-Din S/O Noor-u-Din caste Bhutto econ 2 | EPNo. [Zain-ubAbidin 8/0 Abdul Khalique Union couneNo.21 | 4 | atatacseion | 25100002 53/2022 |VERSUS: ara Judge Kamber Returning Officer & Others Muhammad Siddique $/O Muhammad Jurial Cast] aca vital 3 | EPNo. |Mughert Union Council No.21 | iy | ystrict & Session | 25-10-2022 54/2022 |VERSUS: (Chhajra Judge Kamber Returning Officer & Others Dated:- 14-10-2022 Kamber Shahdadkot

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