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Prof. Esther Valladolid || September 2022 NCM 107 - P
Transcribers: Ariate, CK. P.
Editors: Labalan

o one that is formed through marriage. These

distinctions are important when defining the
OUTLINE sociological constructs of a family.

I. Family VI. Family Tasks

II. Family Structure A. Physical maintenance II. Other Family Types
III.2 Basic types of Family H. Socialization of family ● Dyad Family
A. Family of orientation members o Consists of 2 people living together without children
B. Family of procreation I. Allocation of o Single-young adults who share apartment,
IV. Other Family Types resources dormitories or homes for companionship and
A. Dyad family J. Maintenance of order financial security.
B. Nuclear family K. Division of labor o Viewed as a temporary or a lifetime arrangement
C. Cohabitation family L. Reproduction, ● Nuclear Family (Traditional)
(Live-in) recruitment and o Consists of husband, wife and children (biological or
D. Extended family release of family
(Multigenerational) member
o Ability to support the family financially
E. Single-parent family M. Placement of
o Genuine affection for each other
F. Blended family members into the
(Remarriage or larger society o In times crisis, only a few family members to share
reconstituted) Maintenance of motivation the burden and offer support
G. Communal family and morale ● Cohabitation Family (Live-in)
H. Gay or lesbian family VII. Parenting Styles o Consists of heterosexual couple who live together
I. Foster family N. Authoritarian parent like a nuclear family but remain unmarried.
V. Family Functions and O. Authoritative or o Provides psychological comfort and financial
Roles Democratic parent security
A. Nurturer P. Permissive or ● Extended Family (Multigenerational)
B. Provider Laissez-faire parents o Includes not only the nuclear family but other family
C. Decision maker members such as grandmothers, grandfathers,
D. Financial maker aunts, uncles, cousins, grandchildren
E. Problem solver o Have more people to serve as resources during
F. Health manager crises.
G. Gatekeeper o Provides more role models for behaviors and
o Financial and psychological resources must be
Indications stretched to accommodate all members
Lecturer Book Significant Unfamiliar term Keyword ● Single-Parent Family
☞ ✎ B I U o No back-up person for support in times of crises
o Low or limited income.
o Difficulty with role-modeling or clearly identifying
their roles in the community
I. INTRODUCTION o Difficulty in fulfilling several central roles
o Difficulty with home management or child care
A. Family o Special parent-child relationship
● is defined as the structure or the relationship between o Opportunities for self-reliance and independence
individuals that provides the financial and emotional support ● Blended Family (Remarriage or reconstituted)
needed for social functioning. o A divorced or widowed person with children marries
● Two or more people who live in the same household, share a someone who also has children.
common emotional bond and perform certain interrelated o Increased security and resources for the new family.
social tasks o Children are exposed to different ways of life and
may become more adaptable to new situations.
B. Family Structure o Childrearing problems
● is the way that the family is organize and the way the family o Rivalry among children for love and attention
members interact with one another on a regular basis in o Children may not welcome step parent
socially sanctioned ways. o Limited financial resources
● Communal Family
C. 2 Basic types of Family o Consists of group of people who have chosen to live
● Family of Orientation together as an extended family
o the family one is born into; or oneself, parents, and o Usually motivated by social or religious values
siblings, if any o Some are described as cults or comprise a group of
● Family of Procreation people who follow a charismatic leader
o a family one establishes; or oneself, spouse, or o More oriented towards freedom and free choice
significant other, and children, if any

● Gay or Lesbian Family o Parents still have the ultimate authority and expects
o Individuals of same sex live together as partners for child to adhere to the rules but they allow children to
companionship, financial security and sexual be different and believe that each child is an
fulfillment individual.
o They include children from previous heterosexual o They consistently and firmly enforce the family’s rule
marriage or through artificial insemination, adoption but do not emphasize punishment
or surrogate motherhood. 3. Permissive or Laissez-faire Parents
● Foster Family o They have little control over the behavior of their
o When children are placed in temporary foster homes children
or substitute home by a child protection agency o Rules and standards may be inconsistent, unclear or
whose parents can no longer care for them. non-existent.
o Children may experience insecurity and emotional o Permissive parents allow their children to determine
difficulties their own standards and rules for behavior.
o Discipline can be lax, inconsistent or absent.
A. Family Functions and Roles
● Nurturer
o The primary care giver
● Provider
o The person who is responsible for generating the
family’s income.
● Decision Maker
o Person responsible for making choices
● Financial Manager
o The person who handles the money.
● Problem Solver
o Person to whom other members of the family go for
help in solving problems.
● Health Manager
o person responsible for ensuring the health of the
family members
● Gatekeeper
o Person who manages information inflow and

B. Family Tasks
● Physical Maintenance
o provide for shelter, food, clothing and health care for
its members
● Socialization of Family Members
o Involves preparing the children to live in the
community and to interact with people outside the
● Allocation of Resources
o Determining which family needs will be met and their
order of priority. There should always be justification,
consistency and fairness in the distribution.
● Maintenance of Order
o Includes opening an effective means of
communication among family members, establishing
family values and enforcing common regulations for
all family members.
● Division of Labor
o each member of the family should be able to
perform a specific task or role
● Reproduction, Recruitment and Release of Family
● Placement Of Members into The Larger Society
● Maintenance Of Motivation and Morale

C. Parenting Styles
1. Authoritarian Parent
o Expects obedience from the children
o Discourages the child from questioning the family’s
o rules are strictly enforced
o Parents are the ultimate authority and does not
allow participation by the child in decision making
o Behavior that does not adhere to the family’s rules
and standards are punished.
2. Authoritative or Democratic Parent
o Shows some respect for the child’s opinion

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