DRRR11 q3 Mod5 RLizada

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Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

NAME: LIZADA, RONELINE C. WEEK: _____5________

STRAND / SECTION: ___STEM 11-C______ _____MODULE.: __5___

What’s New:
Hazards Possible events Susceptible family Reason of vulnerability
member/s ( exposure)
There are loose and The soil might slide My mother and two There is a mini-vegetable garden
unsupported soil together with our siblings are prone to in that area, and my mother is
which supports the kitchen since that area the said hazard. always there, visiting her plants.
back of our house of the house is My sisters also stay there, at the
occupied by our back of the house, since it is not
kitchen. hot at that area.
There is water Since the flow is My sisters are prone to My sisters are fond of taking a
irrigation at the back uncontrolled and the the said hazard. bath and swimming at the said
of our house. irrigation is connected water irrigation, even when it is
from the river, there is raining. It might be possible of an
a possible flood if accident due to the sudden rise of
there will be extreme the water.
There is a deforested It might trigger and We are all prone to the During heavy rains, we usually
field above our house cause a mudslide and said hazard. stay inside the house and we might
due to extreme road landslide. It can affect get covered by a sudden landslide
widening projects. our house; get covered unknowingly. When we are inside
with soil. the house, we tend to loose
connection with the nature and
what is happening inside.
There are old trees During heavy rains, Me, my mother, and Since we tend to stay inside the
near our house and the tendency for the my two sisters are all house during rainy days, being
some already fell roots of the old trees prone to hazard. uninformed about the happenings
unexpectedly. to give up is high, so of the world is a great factor in
they tend to fall. They increasing the harm brought by the
usually fall on hazard.
electrical post and
lines and might cause
electric shock or
electric accidents.
There is a known river Sometimes, the Me, my mother, and Since we always stay inside, we
near our community visitors are drunk and my two sisters are all might get hit by the stone or be cut
and visitors are always walk passed the road prone to hazard. by the broken glass pieces. We
there to enjoy it. beside our house, they don’t care about their issues, so we
tend to do do not give a damn. But we will be
inappropriate things surprised for their stone gifts.
like throwing rocks on
our roof and glass

1) Vulnerability refers the position of being harmed or the possibility of being harmed. It has the ability to
damage me, my family, our properties, and our well-being. It can also cause a sudden disruption in our
life and put us in a worried place for our safety. Being vulnerable means being defenceless and weak
against something. Thus, we must get stronger to win and we can be stronger by being prepared.

2) Since all we lack of is preparedness, I aim to be prepared at all cost. I will always secure my family
members, prepare first aid and emergency kits, and find a way to resolve the problems so that it won’t
create and result to an even larger one. I will try my best to plant trees at the back of the house, so that
there will be enough roots of trees to hold and support the soil. I was also planning to start a tree
planting activity with my co-youths in the community to lessen the problem caused by deforestation. I
will also suggest to my uncles to cut those brittle old trees so that I won’t cause any further damage or
cause an accident in the near future. I will do my best to be responsible so that I can protect my family.
What’s More:
1) Between Nick and Garry, the former is more vulnerable compared to the latter. Since Garry brought
flashlight, whistle, and some water and food supplies, he is prepared and think critically of the worst
possible scenario. If it is dark, he has a flashlight to light his way and can even use it to make a signal
for help to the rescuers. And of course, he can also utilise his whistle to create an SOS sound or signal.
When he is hungry or thirsty, he has food to eat and water to drink. On the other hand, Nick only
brought his school and laboratory needs. He doesn’t have any emergency materials nor food and water
to survive. However, if they both help each other, and together, they will find a way to ask for help and
survive together, it will be better. But in terms of preparedness, Nick was more vulnerable than Garry.
2) Garry brought materials he might need for emergency purposes like flashlight, whistle, and food and
water supplies. In darkness, he has a flashlight to guide him and can even utilize it to make a signal for
help to the rescuers. He also has a whistle for creating an SOS sound or signal. He has food to eat and
water to drink thus he will be able to survive hunger and thirst. Bringing these materials made him less
vulnerable. However, Nick was not able to bring any of these and that reason made him more vulnerable
since he is not prepared for the worst possible scenario.
What I Have Learned:
1) Vulnerability is the position of being at risk. It is normal since mostly hazards are unexpected to happen
and no one really wants them to happen so sudden. However, our own irresponsibleness can greatly
increase our rate of being vulnerable to a certain hazard. Being unable to prepare for a certain hazard is
considered as vulnerability.
2) Since being unprepared increases vulnerability, if Gary won’t help Nick, the latter might experience the
worst situation; being lost in the dark, alone and unfound while hungrily and thirstily asking for help.
After reading the story, I realized that we should be always prepared. We should think for the worst case
scenario and find a better plan on how to survive it, or do everything to survive from it.
3) Yes, it is possible for both students to be exposed to the same hazard but have different level of
vulnerability. Preparedness decreases vulnerability and if one of the two students is unprepared,
therefore. He is more vulnerable than the other.
4) Based on the story, vulnerability is situation specific. Since it explained that even if Nick and Garry
experienced the same hazard, it does not mean that if one of them is vulnerable, the other will also be
vulnerable. Vulnerability of two persons differs in their way of preparing for the hazard and even for the
worst case scenario.
5) The vulnerability of a person is measured by his capability and strength in reducing the impact of a
hazard when exposed to it. Therefore, in order to be less vulnerable, we should always be prepared and
think critically for the possible action for the worst case scenarios. Having emergency kits and first-aid
kits are needed. It is also essential to always ready and stock ready-to-eat and instant foods for the said
situation. Being responsible and extending our capacity, making everything our strength, is a great
power to lessen the possible mitigating effects of the destructive hazards.
What I Can Do:
1) Based on my inspection, I can assume that our place is strictly unsafe, especially during rainy seasons.
There are many hazards that can greatly affect my family and the flow of our life. If worst, we might
lose our home that we treasured for a very long time and is a fruit of the hard labour of my grandmother
abroad as an OFW. These hazards can cause destruction of properties and even cause loss of lives in the
worst case scenario.
2) With all of these hazards, I think that I am the one to be mostly affected. Since that I knew everything
now, I might overthink. I always panic and I don’t function well when the safety of my family is
involved in the situation. I have already attended and passed a first-aid seminar, however, I wasn’t able
to heal from my trauma.
3) I don’t think that we all have the same level of vulnerability. Our mother always preaches us about that
issues but my younger sisters tend to not listen well. It was maybe because they were not old enough to
understand the real situation and think that it was all part of a game.
4) I consider the preparedness, the surrounding, availability of resources, financial stability to fund needs,
government action and plan for the hazard, availability of healthcare services, and the cooperation of the
people in our community as the factors that can affect the vulnerability of my family and out residence.

1. a 6. b 11. b
2. c 7. c 12. c
3. d 8. d 13. b
4. d 9. d 14. d
5. d 10. b 15. d

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