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What is happening during earthuake?

An earthquake is caused by a sudden

slip on a fault. The tectonic plates
are always slowly moving, but they
EARTHQUAKE get stuck at their edges due to
By : friction. When the stress on the edge
overcomes the friction, there is an
Jillian Panimdim
earthquake that releases energy in
Victoria Acebedo waves that travel through the earth's
crust and cause the shaking that we
Types of Waves and
when it arrived
P-waves S-waves The location of the
P waves are the fastest S waves are the second- epicenter is determined
seismic waves of all and fastest seismic waves and using P-wave andS-
are thus called Primary waves. A P-wave is
are thus called
ones. P waves grow or
Secondary. The speed at compression wave, it
travel at a speed of 5
which the S waves travel passes through all states
kilometers per sec
is almost half the speed of matter and it is
through the earth’s crust.
of Primary Waves. S thereforethe fastest and
P waves are the first ones
first to be recorded S-
to reach any particular waves are the ones to
location or point when an waves are referred to as
reach any location after
earthquake occurs. The shear waves are they are
the primary waves when
waves have a tendency to muchslower. A
an earthquake occurs.
flow through all three i.e., seismograph is a device
Unlike Primary Waves,
solids, liquids, and gases. that is used to detect and
The materials that they Secondary Waves make
record the vibrations of
flow through experience a the material go through earth groundduring the
force or energy that an up and down shaking earthquake. Lag time is
slightly pulls them apart movement from the sides the difference of arrival
and pushes them when it flows through time of the two seismic
together. The same them. Unlike P waves, S waves.
energy is experienced by a waves can travel through
building when an
rocks only.
earthquake occurs.
September 10, 2022

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