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Canadian Mincralogist

Vol. 15, W. 45948E (1977)


Dewrtment of Mineralogy and Geology, Reyal ontario Museum, Toronto, CanadaMsS 2C6
Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Oxford University, Oxford, England OXI 3PR


Textures of serpentines observed in thin section La textue des serpentines, telle qu'on I'observe
can be divided into thrce types: pseudomorphic tex- en lames minsps, est de trois types: (1) texture
tures formed after olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, pseudomorphe d'olivine, pyroxEne, amphibole, talc
talo and cblorite; non-pseudomorphic textures et chlorite; (2) texture non-pseudomorpbe formEe
formed eitler from the same primary minerals or i .frartir des mOmes min{1atD( primaires ou bien
from pseudomorphic serpentine textures; and tex- dlrne texture pseudomorphe d6ji en place; (3) tex-
fures formed in serpentine veins. Microbeam X-ray ture form€e dans un filon de serpentine' D'aprEs
carnera results indicate that the pseudomorphic tex- I'analyse i la chambre aux rayons X I micro-
tures (mesh texture after olivine, and bastites after faisceau, les textures pseudomorphes (texture reti-
pyroxene, amphibole etc,) are most commonly cul6e h6rit6€ de I'olivine; bastites provetrant de
composed of lizardite l? :t magnetite or lizardite 1T pyroxdne, d'amphibole, . . .) se composent.le plus
* brucito + magnetite. Antigorite or chrysotile iouvent do lizardite 1T i maendtite ou de lizardite
-+ magn6tite. Comme textures pseudo-
2M"L!. magnefite, or antigorite or chrysotile 2M.r 1T -F brucite
+ brucito + magnetite pseudomorphic textures oc- morphes peu fr6quentes, citons: antigorite ou chry-
cur infrequently. Non-pseudomorphic interpenetrat- sotile ZMotf map6tite; antigorite ou chrysotile
ing and interlocking textures are most commonly 2M.t+ brucito l magndtite. Les textures non-
composed of antigorite + magnetite, but antigorite pseudomorphes,avec interp€n6tration et enchev€tre-
-F brucite + magnetite and chrysotile 2M6 and,/or ment, consistetrt surtout en antigorite ! magn6ttte;
lizardite 1T:t brucite + maEnetite also occur. parfois en antigorite + brucite -+ magn6tite, ou en-
Hourglass textures of d-serpentine and mesh tex- core chrysotile 2Ma ou lizardite (ou les deux) =
tures with a-serpetrtine mesh rims aDd d, T or iso- brucito = mam6tite. Les textures en sablier de ser-
tropic serpetrtinemesh centers, and bastites of d- or pentine a et les textues r6ticul6es oU le centre est
"y-serpentineare mainly ltzardrte 1f or lizardite 1T iait de ser,peotine a, T ou isotrope et la p6riph6rie
* brucite. The brucite occurs as a fine intergrowth est faite de serpentine a, ainsi que les bastites de
with lizardite and is optically indistinguishable from serpentines d ou Y, se composetrt principalement de
it. Interpenetration and interlocking textures of ?- lilardtte lT avec ou sans brucite. La brucile se pr€-
serpentine are usually antigorite, but in some cases sento en intercroissance intime avec la lizardite,
it is not possible to distinguish chrysotile, lizardite dont on ne peut la distinguer optiquemetrt. Les tex-
and antigorite in non-pseudomorphic texfures with- tures ds serpentine v i interp6n6fation et enche-
out X-ray evidence. Brucite, however, occurs in dis- v0trement sont d'ordinaire de I'antigorite, mais dans
creto grains in non-pseudomorphic textures and is certains cas on ne peut distinguer entre chrysotile,
easily identified. Interlocking textures of a-serp€n- lizardite et antigorite dans les textures non'pseudo-
tine are usually hzardite, often a multilayer poly- morphes sans le secours des rayons X' La brucite,
type, but som€ are composed of intimate mixtures par contre, se pr6sente en grains bien s6par6s et
of lizardite lT and chrysotile 2M"1. Antigonte and facilemen identifiables dans ces texhrres. L€s tex-
chrysotile asbestos can be recognized in veins, but tures I enchev6trement de serpentine d sont d'ordi-
non-fibrous chrysotile and lizardite are optically in- naire de lalizardite, souvent polytype i couches mul-
distinguishable. tiples, mais certaines d'entre elles sont constitu€es
Serpentinization processes are divided into eight di lizarAite 1? et de chrysotile 2M"lintimement m6-
types depending on whether tle conditions involve, lang6s. On peut reconnaitre I'antigorite et le chryso-
or do not involve, rising temperatures, presence of tile dans les filons d'asbeste, mais Ie chrysotile fi-
substantial shear, and nucleation of antigorite. breux et la tizarditB ne se distinguent pas optique-
Three main regimes of temperature are recop.ized ment.
which correspond to the stability of di[ferent ser- ks processus de serpentinisation se divisent en
pentine mineral and brucite assemblages. These huit types, selon qu'ils impliquent ou non: (l) ac-
categories permit a systematization of the various croissement de temp€rature, (2) glissements notables,
textures and mineral assemblages, the redox condi- (3) nucl6ation d'antigorite. On distingue trois r€gimes
tions during serpentinization, and the conditions re- do temp€rature, qui correspondent i la stabilit6 des
quisite for the formation of chrysotile asbestos de- diff6rents assemblages des min6raux de serpentine
posits, et de brucite, Ces cat6gories permettent de syst6ma-

tiser les diversestextures et les assemblagpsde mi- erals, and vein textures which form bv crvstalliz-
n6raux, les conditions r€dox au cours de la serpen- ation in fractures. It is the purpose oi tnir pap.r
:nisationet les conditionsrequisespour la forma-
(1) to describe the serpentinetextures and iden-
tion de gites d'asbeste-chrysotile. tify the component minerals, (2) to establishcri-
(fraduit par Ia R6daction)
teria for the optical identification of the serpen-
INt-noouctloN tine minerals in thesetextures, and (3) to discuss
the conditions of formation of the serpentine
Some data are available on the mineralogy of minerals and textures.
the textures in serpentinized ultramafic rocks.
X-ray powder-diffraction studies of bulk sam- Exppruurnrer.
ples, serpentine concentrates, or material hand MErHous
picked from thin sections (tlochstetter 1965) The Norelco-type microbeam X-ray diffrac-
have indicated that mesh texture and bastite tion camera was used for in situ texfural studies
assemblagesare composed mainly of various following the procedure outlined in Wicks &
combinations of lizardite, chrysotile and bru- Zussman (1975). Supplementary data were ob-
cite (Green 1961; Hochstetter 1965: Coleman tained from 114.6 mm diameter powderdiffrac-
1966; Page 7967a, 1968; Aumento igZO; Soo- tion cemerasusing Ni-filtered Cu radiation. The
dier l97l; Coleman & Keirh l97L), and that material for these diffraction patterns was either
thorn or flame textures are composedmainly of picked from thin section(areasdown to 0.5X0.5
antigorite (Green 1961; Hochstetter 1965; Bou- mm) or removed from hand specimens,ground
dier 1971). X-ray powder-diffraction studies of in acetone, and mounted in 0.2 mm diameter
bastitespicked from hand specimensor thin sec- glass capillaries. Fibrous and splintery serpen-
tions (Whiteker & Zussman 1956; Hochstetter tine bundles were subjected to X-ray examina-
1965), or drilled from polished sections @age tion in 60 mm diameter Unicam oscillation-rota-
1967a) indicate that most bastitesare composed tion camerasusing Ni-filtered Cu radiation, and
of lizardite, and a few of chrvsotile. Theie re- both stationary and rotated specimens.
sults contradict the suggestion of Winchell & Thin sectionsof 130Oserpentinizedand part-
Winchell (1959) and Hess er al. (1952) that bas- ly serpentinized ultramafic rocks from various
tites consist of antigorite, although Hochstetter locations were examined.From these, 79 were
(1965) and Boudier (1971) have identified some selected as representative of the various tex-
possible antigorite bastites as well as lizardite tures and studied with the microbea.m X-ray
bastites. camera. The results are presented in Tables 1,
Most of these identification techniques are 2, and.3. Each Table is divide.dagsqlding to the
limited by the fact that the optical properties type of serpentinizationrepresented.Thesetypes,
of the mineral fragments cannot be related, with numbered 1 to 8, are defined later in this paper,
certainty, to the variety of optical properties but it is necessaryto refer to them in advanceof
observed within the different textural units. tleir definition in order to locate particular en-
Elochstetter (1965) partly overcame this prob- tries in the Table. The types are further sub-
lem by removing fragments with specific tex- divided into various geological environments,
tures from thin section under the polarizing although the serpentinizedultramafic rocks may
microscope and mounting each fragment in a or may not be at the same metamorphic grade as
Debye-Scherrer camera. However, this method the country rocks.
is limited by the relatively large size of the frag-
ment, about 0.5X0.3 mm, in respectto the size Pspupovonpnrc TpxrunBs
of the various textural units (for example, mesh
rims range from 0.01 to O.30 mm and averaqe Pseudomorphictextures form through the ser-
0.07 mm - Wicks et aI. 7977).The Norelco-tyfe pentinization of almost all minerals in ultramafic
microbeam X-ray diffraction camera, used'h rocks. The perfection of pseudomorphismvaries
the present sfudy, overcomes these difficulties. from excellent to indistinct, and the latter grade
The camera accommodatesa fragment of thin into non-pseudomorphictextures. Many massive
section up to 10X 10 mm, and textural units serpentinites are composed of pseudomorphic
within the fragment can be aligned with the 50 textures, but most of the associated foliated
mm diameter Pb-glasscollimator under a petro- serpentinites are composed of non-pseudomor-
graphic microscope (Wicks & Zussman 1975). phic textures as is discussedin the following sec-
The serpentine mineral textures can be di- tions.
vided into three groups: pseudomorphic textures
and non-pseudomorphictextures, both of which Olivine
form by the replacement of pre-existing rnin- Olivine alters along fractures and grain boun-

daries to form easily recognized pseudomorphs ence is made to these figures, and for brevity
composedof mesh and hourglasstextures. Either they are denoted as WWZ followed by the Fig-
may be composed of q- or 7-serpentine. A de- ure number. Forty-four a-serpentine mesh tex-
tailed discussion of the form of these textures, tures, four a-serpentine pure hourglass texfures'
with several figures, has been given in Wicks, five y-serpentine mesh textures, and five 7-ser-
Wbittaker and Zussman (1977). Frequent refer- pentiie pure hourglass textures were examined



Locatlon SampleNo. Texture Locatlon S a m p l eN o . Texture



st?atifon intreitu Bt"atifon i.ntwim
FoxRlver, Manitoba F!{-FR-l l,luskox,N.IC.T. 18482 a-meshJ
18483 d-mesh
TYPE3 SERPENTINIZATION ematriaal1.y atuC i'ntrci-rc
T u l a m e e nB
, .C, 18488 c-hgls
alpine-tgpe i.ntwi.M
st"atif,om intwim
Glen urquhart, Scot. 18508 d-mesh. Y-talc-bast
Sti l lwater, Hontana 1'y,77
'18478 a-mesh kponlgbach' Austrla 18525 d-mesh
o-mesh, plag
18479 a-meshry-o-cpx-bast Mayaguez,Puerto Rlco 18529 o-mesh, 1-opx-bast*'
18480 y-o-is-opx-bast
Jeffrey mlne, Quebec lg54l c-meshf
F l u s k o xN
, .ld.T. 18484 o-mesh l'lount Albert, Quebec 18549 a-neshr Y-d-opx-bast
Fox Rlver, Manitoba 18485 o_mesh 185s0 o-ttth'
Fw-FR-l d-mesh I-ll:lxro-ourt
differatiated atLle '18552 y-opx-bast**
Quill creek, Yukon 18487 a-mesh o-mesh' Y-d-opx-bast
TadamagoucheCreek, Yukon 1867-249 y-meSh 18562 d-mesh' o-Y-amp-bast
Telson Lake, Yukon 1867-265 y-mesh Pinchl Lake, B.C. 1 8 5 5 4 a - m e s h ,1 - o p x - b a s t "
aLpine-tApe i,ntrci,ore
Glenurquhart, Scotland 18509 c-mesh, c-y-is-anp-bast TYPE5 SERPEI.ITINIZATION
Lizardr England 18510 d-mesh, y-opx-bast'
. Y-chl-bast + BRIJCITE
-'-'' r MGNETITE
l 8 5 ll a - m e s hy, - o p x - b a s t
18512 o-mesh aLpine-We intrci.m
185t3 o-mesh
l85l4 a-mesh Jeffrey mlne, Quebec 18538 y-hg l sP
18516 a-mesh 18541 y-hgl s

Kaponlgbach.Austrla la524r a-mesh, r-a-opx?'-bast l? + CHRYS0TILE

Totalp, Davos, Switzerland 18527 o-meshry-opx-bast
q-mesh' y-opx-bast P?ecqnbriahigh-gtqdenet@o"phictenain
Ii{ayaguez,Puerto Rico lg5zgr
r 8530 a-mesh, y-o-opx?-bast Plpe Lake mine, lt'lan. 18500 a-hgls, d-y-cpx?-bast
Jeffrey mine, Quebec 18538 a-mesh, a-opx?-bast 18501 y-nesh
I 8540 o-hgis, y-opx?-bast
lilountAlbert, Quebec 1 8551
'18556 d-meSn
S h u l a pR a n g e ,B . C . o-mesh, y-opx-bast TYPE7 SERPENTINIZATION
Branganca,Portugal 18563 o-mesn
kec@nb?i@ high-grade ret@?phic tewain
q-mesh otruti-fom tntrciw
BowdenLake, lilanJtoba 18489
c-nesh! y-phl-bast Stl llwater' I'lontana 1848'l 'y-hgls
BuckoLake, Manltoba 18492 d-mesh
Preoanbria high-gmde netmorphi.c tewqtn
JoeyLake,Manltoba 18493 a-hgl s
Little ClarkeLake, Man. 18494 o-meSh O s w a g aLna k e , M a n . l & 1 9 8 y - h g l s , y - c h l - b a s t
18495 c-mesht P"ec@b?i@ La-grude ret@?Phi'c tenal:n
lr'loakLake, tlanitoba lA97 o-neSh
KneeLake. l,{an. 18558 y-hgls
PJpe Lake mlne, l,,lanitoba 18499 o-mesh, y-o-opx?-bast
Settlng Lake, Irlanitoba 18503
't8505 o-mesh, y-oPx?-bast
a-mesh, y-chl-bast
aLpine-type i.ntwi%
18506 o-meshr
Jeffrey mlne' Quebec 18544 Y-mesh
Ppeconbria L@-gad.e ret@orphic teruain
Island Lake, l,4an'itoba 1855i d-nesh

1 8 0 0 0s e r i e s = o x f o r d U n i v e r s l t y a c c e s s l o nn u m b e B i F Ws e r i e s = F . J . l l i c k s f i e l d n u m b e r s ;1 8 6 7= T . N . I r v i n e ' G e o l o g i c a l
Survey of Canadanunbers.
a = o - s e r p e n t i n e ;y = y - s e r p e n t i n e i i s = i s o t r o p i c i m e s h= m e s ht e x t u r e i h g l s = p u r e h o u r g l a s st e x t u r e i b a s t . b s t i t e i
o p x . o r t h o p y r o x e n ec; p x = c l i n o p y r o x e n e ia m p= a m p h l b o l e ;c h l = c h l o r i t e i p h l = p h l o g o p i t e i p l a g = p l a g i o c l a s e .
B . C . = B r i t i s h C o l u n b l a iM a n . = M a n i t o b a iN . H . T . = N o r t h w e s tT e r r i t o r l e s i S c o t . = S c o t l a n d .
*The ? indicates that the exact nature of the Dre-serDentinizatlon mlneral 'ls uncertain.
n T h e s e b a s t i t e s a r e c o m p o s eodf l i z a r d l t e l ? + b r u c l t e . A l l t h e o t h e r b a s t l t e s a r e c o n p o s e d of Ilzardite l" only.
+ l n d i c a t i o n o f 2 t p o l y t y p e s i n s o m em i c r o b e a nd i f f r a c t i o n p a t t e r n s .
en-type chrysoti I e

with a total of 37 | X-ray microbeam camera netite. There is often a correlation between the
exposures(Iable 1). distribution of the magnetite and both the de-
The most common accessory mineral pro- gree of serpentinization and the color of the ser-
duced by the serpentinization of olivine is mag- pentinite. In the early stages,magnetite forms

Frc. 1. (a) Lizardite 1? (a-serpentine) pure hourglass texture. Sample

18540, Jeffrey mine, Quebec. (b) Lizardite 1T + brucite mesh texture,
mesh rims of lizardite (a-serpentine) with minor brucite, and reddish
browu mesh centers of an intimate mixture of brucite and minor lizard-
ite. Plain polarized light. Sample 18529, Mayagaez, Puerto Rico. (c)
Lizardito 1? ("y-serpentine) mesh rims with relict olivine mesh centers.
Samplo IB67-249, Telson Lake, Yukon. (d) Chrysotile 2M.1 and 2Or.1
(1-serpentine) pure hourglass textue with anhedral brucite grains towards
center of one hourglass unit. S'ample 18538, Jeffrey mins, Qusfusg.All
except (b) under crossed nicols. Bar represetrts0.2 mm.

very fine discrete grains distributed throughout with the a-ray. Isotropic serpentine (serpophite)
the serpentine, and the rock is black or dark mesh centers (WWZ Fig. lb) usually yield a
grey. As serpentinization progressesthe magne- randomly oriented Iizardite diffraction pattern
tite forms coarser grains and concentrates in (Fie. 6j in Wicks & Zussman 1975) and only
mesh centers or in the central parting of mesh rarely a diffraction pattern with the z axis pa-
rims, aDd the rock is usually a pale gray or rallel to the X-ray beam ,(Fig. 6f in Wicks &
brown. At later stages the magnetite migrates Zussman 1975). The infrequent occurrence of
out of the mesh or hourglass textural units into the latter is explained in the discussionof ideal-
cross-cuttinglensesand veinlets, and the rock is ized textures by Wicks et aI. (1977),
usually green, often a pale green. Microbearn diffraction lines are commonly
broader for lizardite mesh centers than for the
a-serpentine mesh and hourglass textures. associatedlizardite mesh rims (compare Fig. 6j
The a-serpentine mesh texfures (Type 3, Ta- and 69 in Wicks & Zussman 1975). This suggests
ble 1 and WWZ Fig. 1) and hourglass textures that the lizardite in mesh centersis finer grained
(mainly Type 3, Table I and Fig. la) were found and/or more poorly crystallized than that in
to be composedmainly of lizardite l?, although mesh rims. It may be that minor chrysotile
approximately one microbeam diffraction pat- 2Mt occvrs intimately associatedwith the lwafi-
tern in 40 contained weak extra reflections sug- ite 1T in the mesh centers (Cressey& Zussman
gesting the presenceof some lizardite 2H. One 1976),but is not detected becauseof the dilfuse
of the pure hourglasstexture specimens(18500, nature of the 2OI and 131reflections on the mi-
Tlpe 5, Table 1) contained very minor amounts crobeam diffraction patterns.
of chrysotile 2Ma in intimate association with Brucite, both in mesh rims and centers, is
Iizardite 1T. The Ezardite in the mesh rims and variable with locality and even within individual
hourglass textural units often occurs as "appa- specimens,but there is rarely any visual indica-
rent fibers" lying at a high angle to the original tion of its presence.Brucite and magnetite co-
fracture in the olivine NWZ Figs. 2a, d). In exist in thin section and their amounts are
other casesthe lizardite does not appear to be commonly in an inverse relationship. A few bru-
fibrous so that mesh rims appear as two lizardite cite-bearing textural units @ig. lb) are charac-
plates lying on either side of the central frac- terized by a reddish brown color, often called
ture (WWZ Fig. 1a). In all cases the lizardite "iddingsite" or "bowlingite" (Francis 1956; Matt-
yields microbeam diffraction patterns with z son 1964), but not all reddish-brown areas con-
approximately parallel to cu and the "apparent tain brucite.
fiber" axis, and elementsof r and y'parallel to
7 GiSs. 69, h in Wicks & Zussman 1975). y-serpentine mesh and hourglass textures.
Eleven of the mesh textures and one of the Of the five specimens with Tserpentine mesh
pure hourglass textures also contain brucite in texture, two have mesh rims of antigorite (FW-
an intimate submicroscopic mixture with the FR-1, Type l and 18544,Type7, Table 1), two
lizardite (Fig. 6f in Wicks & Zussman1975).The of lizardite (1867-249, \867-265, Type 3, and
brucite in the mesh rims (WWZ Fig. lb) and Fie. lc) and one of chrysotileZMa (l85Ol,TWe
hourglass textures is aligned with the z axis 5). Three of these have mesh centers of olivine.
parallel to the z axis of lizardite. In general, the The fourth, with antigorite mesh rims, '(FW-FR-
microbeam diffraction patterns from mesh rims, 1, Type 1) has later-formed secondaryrims and
with or without b'rucite, show better orientation mesh centers of lizardite WWZ Fig. 2b). The
than those from hourglass textures. fifth specimen, with chrysotile 212'"' 6ss[ lims
Serpentinemesh centers generally were found (18501, Type 5), has ,meshcenters composed of
to be composedof lizardite lT -r brucite regard- a mixture of chrysotile ZM"t anld lizaxdite LT,
less of the optical character of the centers. Ex- (WWZ Fig. 2c). Of the five specimenswith y-
ceptions occur where lizardite mesh centers or serpentine hourglass textures, tlree are antigor-
relict olivine mesh centerswere replacedby chry- ite (18481, 18498, 1855,8,Type 7, and wwZ
sotile, antigorite, or 6-layer hzardite, during la- Fig. 3a), and two are chrysotile (2Ma and 2Or")
ter development of non-pseudomorphictextures. with brucite (18538, 18541, Type 5, and Fig.
These exceptionswill be describedin the section 1d).
on Intermediate Textures. The lizardite -+ bru- The antigorite occurs as blades, or less fre-
cite in the d- and 7-serpentinemesh centersoften quently as apparent fibers, and yields antigorite
has an average e-axis direction parallel to that microbeam diffraction patterns with y approx-
of the lizardite (a-serpentine) in the adjacent imately parallel to 7 and elements of x and z
mesh rims, but has less preferred orientation. approximately parallel to a (FiBs. 6o,p in Wicks
The average z-axis direction always coincides & Zussman L975). The lizardite also occurs as

blades or very fine apparent fibers (Fig. lc) but curs as fibers (Fig. ld) or apparent blades, and
yields lizardite 1T microbeam patterns with ele- yields chrysotile 2M"t rnicrobeam patterns that
ments of x and y approximately parallel to 7 and may (Fig. 6b in Wicks & Zussman 1975) or may
z approximately parallel to a. The chrysotile oc- not have associatedchrysotile 2Or"t ot, less fre-

ftc. 2. (a) Lizar&te 1T (y-serpentine apparent fibers) bastite after ortho-

pyroxene. Sample 18528, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. (b) Lizardite I? bas-
tite, after orthopyroxene, as a nearly featureless plate. Sample 18540,
Jeffrey mine, Quebec. (c) A complex lizardite 1? bastite after ortho-
pyroxene with a marginal zone of a-selpentine and an inner core of y-
serpentine. Sample 18538, Jeffrey mine, Quebec. (d) Lizardite 1Z bastite
after orthopyroxene as a type of "mesh texture" with y-serpentine appa-
rent fiber rims surrounding a-serpentine apparent fiber c€lters. Sample
18527, Davos, Switzerland. All under crossed nicols. Bar represents 0.2

quenfly, parachrysotile (FiC. 6a in Wicks & pyroxene bastites observed in the present study
Zussman 1975). T}l,e chrysotiles have x approx- (Fig. 3b) have been replaced by long thin zones
imately parallel to 7, and y and z approximate- of 7-serpentine'oapparent-fibers" along cleav-
ly parallel to a; parachrysotile has y approxi- ago planes or orthopyroxene exsolution lamellae,
mately parallel to 7, and x and z approximately and by either elongate c-serpentine lamellae or
parallel to o. Some diffraction patterns have ex- nearly isotropic serpentinein the zones between
tra reflections, outside that of the (130), which cleavage traces.
can be rationally indexed (Fig. 6b in Wicks & Pyroxene bastitesfrom twenty specimenswere
Zussman1975) and identified as those of Povlen- exemiasd with 82 X-ray microbeam exposures
type chrysotile (Kntanovii & Pavlovii, pe+; Clable 1). Twelve (and probably another six) of
Middleton & Whittaker 1976; Cressey& Zussman these were orthopyroxene bastites,and one (and
r976). probably a second) was a clinopyroxene bastite
(all mainly Type 3, Table 1). In every case but
one, lizardite was the only serpentine mineral
Serpentine pseudomorphsafter pyroxenes are present, regardlessof the optical characteristics
generally called bastites, a term of long stand- of the serpentine or the tnre of bastite. In the
ing in the literature (Haidinger 1845). The term exceptional case(18500, Type 5) the lizardite 1T
has also been applied to serpentine pseudo- of the bastite has minor amounts of chrysotile
morphs after amphiboles (Weigand 1875; Rost 2Ma intimately associated with it, and in pa-
1959; Klinkhammer 1962; Hochstetter 1965). rallel growth with chrysotrle 2Ma in adjacent
Hochstetter (1965) has pointed out thato once asbestosveins. In the lizardite described as a-
serpentinization is complete, it is often irnpos- serpentine, z is approximately parallel to a
sible to distinguish a pyroxene bastite from an (similal to Fig. 69 in Wicks & Zussman 1975),
amphibole bastite. We have found that selpen- in that described as Tserpentine r is approxi-
tinization of talc, chlorite and phlogopite also mately parallel to 7 (Fiss. 6i, m in Wicks & Zuss-
produces bastites indistinguishable from those man 1975), and in that which is isotropic the
after chain silicates. Therefore, it seemsprefer- lizardtte is randomly oriented (similal to trig. 6j
able to use the term for a serpentine pseudo- in Wicks & Zussman 1975). The lizardite in all
morph after chain or sheet silicates. The terms casesis the 1,T polytype; however, some ortho-
enstatite bastite, tremolite bastite, talc bastite, pyroxene bastites ,(18524, 18528, Type 3) also
etc. may be employed where distinction is contain minor amounts of a Z-layer polytype.
possible. O'Hara (1967) has expanded the term Patches of parallel antigorite (7+erpentine)
bastite to include talc pseudomorphsafter pyrox- Iamellae resembling bastites (Hochstetter 1965;
ene, but this adds an unfortunate cornplication Boudier 1971) occur associatedwith some of
to the terninology and is not recommended. the well-developed antigorite interpenetrating
Serpentinization of pyroxenes begins at grain textures examined in this study (Fig. 3c). Hoch-
boundaries and fractures, follows along cleav- stetter and Boudier identify these as antigorite
ages and partings, and yields 7- or cy-serpentine bastites.No positively identified antigorite pseu-
apparent fibers or laths lying parallel to the domorphs after pyroxene were found in our
original cleavages.Orthopyroxenes tend to alter study. All the pyroxenes,amphiboles or lizardite
to 7-serpentine bastites (Fig. 2a) which usually bastitespartly replaced by antigorite were found
appear to be fibrous, but may appear as nearly to contain random antigorite blades developing
featurelessplates (Fig. 2b). Variable arnounts of towards interpenetrating textures, and so are
a-serpentine may be present either randomly not strictly pseudomorphic (Fig. 3d).
distributed, or as a marginal rim (Fig. 2c) or Accessory minerals are not commonly asso-
as a central core. A few orthopyroxene bastites ciated with bastites. Brucite occurs in intimate
are composedonly of a-serpentine.In rare cases association with lizardite in bastites in only
bastites may occur as a type of rnesh texture three samples (18529, 1,8552,18554, Type 3,
(Fig. 2d and Rost 1959; Klinkhammer 1962; Table 1). In each case the presenceof brucite is
Peters 1963; Hochstetter 1965) or may be com- indicated by a yellowish to reddish brown color
posed mainly of isotropic serpentine (Fig. 3a). in plain light and an anomalousreddish birefrin-
Clinopyroxene exsolution lamellae, where ser- gence under crossednicols. These lizardite*bru-
pentinized within orthopyroxene bastite, are no cite bastitesare associatedwith lizardite*brucite
longer recopizable. mesh textures. Magnetite is generally not asso-
Clinopyroxene is serpentinized less easily ciated with pyroxene bastites.Only one specimen
than orthopyroxene, but can yield 7-serpentine (18556, Type 3) has significant amounts of mag-
bastites indistinguishable from orthopyroxene netite associatedwith the bastites. Seven others
bastites (Leech 1953). However, some clino- had traces of magnetite.

Amphiboles ((linkhammer 1962; Hochstetter 1965) beeins

at grain boundaries, fractures, and cleavages,
Serpentinization of orthorhombic amphiboles and can produce pseudomorphs resembling
(Winchell & Winchell 1959) or clinoamphiboles those after pyroxene. The serpentine formed

Frc. 3. (a) Lizardite 1T (mainly isotropic) bastite after orthopyroxene.

Sampl: 18519, Glen Urquhart, Scotland. (b) Lizardite 1T bastite after
clinopyroxene; ^7-serpentineapparent fibers lie along cleavages with iso-
tropic serpentine between them. Sample l85ll, Lizzrd. England. (c)
Possible antigorite bastite of uncertain origin. Sample 18524, Kaponig-
bach, Austria. (d) Randomly oriented antigorite blades which have re-
placed lizardite l? (z-serpentine apparent fibers) bastite after ortlo-
pyroxene. Sample 18556, Shulap Range, B.C. All under crossed nicols.
Bar represents 0.2 mm.

along cleavageshas no central parting although zones along the cleavages(Fig. 4a). Views along
the serpentine formed along fractures does. other directions may show a set of cleavages
Views down the e axis of the amphibole may filled with serpentine without a central parting
show characteristic development of serpentine and this set may be at right angles to a series

Frc. 4. (a) Lizardtte 1T (y-serpentine lamellae) which has replaced clinoam-

phibole along cleavage planes. Sample W68-6b, Brionde, France. O) Liz-
ardite lT bastite after amphibole. The bipartite a-serpentine veins along
the cross-cutting fraotures, combined with the y-selpentine along the cleav-
age, produce a nnesh texture that strongly resembles mesh texture after
olivine. Sample 18509, Glen Urquhart, Scotland. (c) Lizardire 1T and bru-
cito (y-serpentine apparent fibers) bastite after talc. Sample 18508, Glen
Urquhart, Scotland. (d) Talc reaction rim on unserpentinized enstatite.
Sample IB67-213, Bobtail Mountain, B.C. A1l under croased nicols.
Bar represents 0.2 mm.

of fractures filled with serpentinewith a central amphibole can be distinguished from mesh tex-
parting. These two serpentinezones combine to tures after olivine by the lack of a central part-
produce mesh textures similar to those after ing in one set of mesh rims. The difference be-
olivine (Fig. ab). However, mesh textures after tween such amphibole mesh textures and olivine


FIc. 5. (a) Antigorite (medium grey) which has partly replaced chlorite
(pale grey) to produce bastite after chlonte. Sample 18518, Glen Urqu-
hart, Scotland. (b) Lizardite 17, both banded and featureless areas, after
plagioclase. Sample 18478, Stillwatero Montana. (c) Antigorite inter-
penetrating texture. Sample 18523, TasiussarssuaqFjord, Greenland. (d)
Antigorite and brucite interlocking texture. Anhedral brucite gtains occur
associated with anhedral magnetite grains in the middle of the NW
quadrant and the east edge of the NE quadrant. Sample 18544, Jeffrey
mine, Quebec. All under crossed nicols. Bar represents 0.2 mm,

mesh textures may have been overlooked pre- ture, or may be feafureless,or may be marked by
viously (Fig. ab). Weigand (1875) used the term very fine concentric banding. cu-serpentine'7-
window serpentine and trellis serpentine to de- serpentineor isotropic serpentinemay be present
scribe these bastites, but Klinkhammer (1962) as a very crude pseudomorph,recop.izable main-
recommended that this use be discontinued. ly by the outline of the former plagioclasegrain,
Amphibole bastitesfrm three specimenswere which becomesmuch less distinct if pervasively
examined with nine X-ray microbeam exposures serpentinized. The one specimen X-rayed with
(18509, 18550, 18562,Type 3, Table 1). cu-ser- the microbeam camera was found to be lizardite
pentine, 7-serpentine and isotropic serpentine 1T (18478,Type 3, Table 1).
were examined. The serpentine in each was
lizardite 1?, with z always approximately pa- NoN-PsnuooMoRPHrc TExruREs
rallel to cu and the isotropic material always
having a random orientation. No brucite or mag- Non-pseudomorphic textures are xenoblastic
netite was found associatedwith the amphibole and form either through the recrystallization of
bastites studied, although brucite occurs in the pseudomorphic serpentine textures or, less fre-
mesh textures after olivine in samples 18550 quently, directly tlrough the serpentinization of
and 18552. primary olivine, pyroxene, amphibole etc. Non-
pseudomorphic textures can be divided into in-
Talc, phlogopite and chlorite
terpenetrating (Fig. 5c) and interlocking {Fig.
Talc, phlogopite and chlorite can be replaced 5d) types. The serpentine gtains in both are an-
by 7-serpentine apparent fibers which develop hedral and mutually interfere, but tend to be
along the original cleavages.Totally serpentin- elongate in interpenetrating textures and equant
aed. talc forms bastitessimilar to orthopyroxene in interlocking textures. The orientation of the
bastites (Fig. 4c). Frequently, the serpentinized elongate grains may vary from completely ran-
talc rims around orthopyroxene are unrecognizsd dom, in which case a massive rock is produced,
and considered to be serpentine after ortho- to strongly subparallel orientation, in which case
pyroxene (Fig. ad). This confusion further em- a fotiated rock is produced. These texfures have
phasizeswhy bastite should be used as a tex- been described extensively (Angel I93A, 1964;
tural rather than a mineralogical term. Chlorite du Rietz 1935; Selfridge 1936; Francis 1956;
and phlogopite seem to be slightly less suscept- Gees 1956; Rost 1959; Green 1961; Chidester
ible to selPentinization than talc, but they too 1962; Klinkhemmer 1962; Hochstetter 1965;
can be altered (Fig. 5a). The pseudomorphic re- Triiger 1969) although without X-ray identifi-
placement of chlorite by a blade of antigorite cation the precise mineralogy of some of these
(yserpentine) during the development of non- textures remains in doubt.
pseudomorphic textures has been described by In contrast to pseudomorphic textures, bru-
Rost (1961), Klinkhammer (1,962) and Klink- cite in non-pseudomorphic textures is easily
hammer & Rost (1967) (see sectionon Interme- recopized as discrete anhedral grains (Figs. 5d,
diate Textures). 8d) with creamy or anomalous brown or blue
Bastites of talc, phlogopite and, cblorite were birefringence. Magnetite also occurs in discrete
examined from four specimens(18510, 18490, grains or lenses distributed thougbout the tex-
18505, 18508, Type 3, Table 1) with 4 micro- tures. The color of the non-pseudomorphicser-
beam exposures.The phlogopite and chlorite bas- pentinite usually varies with the grain size and
tites consist of lizardite 1T and the talc bastite is
distribution of the magnetite, becoming darker
an intimate mixture of lizardite 1T and lesser as the grain size decreasesand as the grains are
brucite. All have the z axis approximately parallel more uniformly dispersed.
to a. One chlorite bastite (18498,Type 7) was
examined with three rnicrobeam exposuresand Interpenerating textures
was found to be compose.dof antigorite with the Interpenetrating textures are composed of
y axis approximately parallel to 7 (similar to elongate blades, flakes, or plates thaf form a
Fig. 6o in Wicks & Zussman 1975). tight interpenetrating fabric (Fig. 5c). Francis
(1956) used the term flame texture, and Green
Feldspar (1961) used the terrn thorn texture, to describe
Plagioclase is often replaced by chlorite prior those consisting of antigorite.
to serpentinization (O'Hara 1967), and may be Interpenetrating textures usually begin to de-
replaced by hydrogrossular (Smith 1958), thom- velop as isolated flakes or blades, or fan-shErcd
sonite @age 1976) or serpentine(Fig. 5b) dur- bundles of blades (Angel 1930; Klinkharnmer
ing serpentinization.Serpentine after plagioclase 1962) distributed throughout lizardite pseudo-
often has a very fine-grained interlocking tex- morphic textures (Fig. 3d) or primary silicates.

As recrystalhzation progresses,more a'lrd more The microbeam diffraction patterns of the chry-
blades form until they begin to interfere with sotile indicate that x is approximately parallel to
ono another, and develop an interpenetratingtex- 7 Fiss. 6a,b,c in Wicks & Zussrnan 1975). The
ture. Lizardite 1T mesh centers are a commoD, chrysotile may occur as recognizablefiber bun-
although not the only, place for this recrystal- dles, but its fibrous nature may not be visible
lization to begin. in thin section, in which case it may closely re-
Eight 7-serpentine interpenetrating textures semble antigorite blades.
wero examinedwith eleven microbeam X-ray ex-
posures supplemented by two powder photo- Interlocking textures
graphs (Iable 2). Five of the eight 7-serpentine Interlocking textures are composed of irreg-
interpenetrating textures are compoied of anti- ular, equant (Fig. 5d), sometimes spherulitic
gorite (fype T,Table 2) in characteristic "flame" grains (Fig. 6a) of serpentine that form a tight
or 'thorn" textures, with y approximately pa- interlocking fabric. They develop as small iso-
rallel to y FiCs. 6o,p in Wicks & Zussman 1975). lated patches which grow and join together as
The other three consist of chrysotile zMd with recrystallization proceeds.Both a-serpentineand
visible brucite (18488, 18541, 18548, Type 5). 7-serpentine have been identified where it has
been possible to determine an elongation. Some
TEXTURES of these textures have been described as rosette-
serpentine (Feters 1963) and as radial fiber
Locatlon Sample No. Texture
bundle serpentine (Lapham 1964).
Two 7-serpentine and six a-serpentine in-
terlocking textures were examined with nine
microbeam exposuresand three powder photo-
c oneent Fi @Z Ly bme d intu iars
graphs (fable 2). One of the two 7-serpentine
T u l a m e e n ,B . C . I 8488 Y-inpen, Y-ser vn inttuitu
textures is composed of antigorite with visible
Jeffrey rdne, Quebec r 8541 Y - i n p e n , 1 - s e r v n brucite (18544,Type 7, Table 2), with the y of
18548 y-inpen, v-ser vn antigorite approximately parallel to y. The sec-
CHRYS0TILE ond is composed of an intimate submicroscopic
clpi@-Wpe i.ntn@tds mixture of chrysotile 2Ma and lizardite tT
Jeffrey nlne, Quebec 18543 y - l n l o c k (18543,Type 5).7lies approximatelyparallel to
CHRYSoTILE r of the chrysotile and elements of r and y of
alptxe-type int?witu
the lizardite.
Casslar mine, B.C. 18555 d-inlock
P"ee@nb?i@ l@-gtuda netua"phic teprain
Three of the six a-serpentine interlocking tex-
P o r c u p l n em i n e , o n t a r l o 18559 o-lnlock
tures (18479, 18530, 18550, Type 5) are com-
L I Z A R D I T E ' I f1 M G N E T I T E
posed of a multi-layer polfipe of lizard,ite(Fjg.
Prea@nb?i@ high-g?ade net@orph1:c ie rtein 6n in Wicks & Zussman1975), one (18503,Type
Settlng Lake, l,{anltoba 18503 a-inlock 5) of lizardite lT and the remainingtwo (18555'
i MGNETITE 18559, Type 5) of an intimate submicroscopic
€ttuttfotu intwias mixture of lizardite 1T and chrysotile2MtwiIh
Stl l lwater, Itlontana \8479 a - i n l o c k visible brucite.
alpine-tApe i,ntwiw
[rlayaguez,Puerto R{co r8530 a-inlock spher
Mount Albert, Quebec 18550 d - i n l o c k SenpBNrrNeVerNs

T Y P E7 S E R P E N T I N I Z A T I O N Late veins of serpentinealong fractures, shears

NTIGORITE t MGNETITE and joint planes can be found to a greater or
Bttutif,otu i,ntreitu lesser degree in alrnost every serpentinite. The
Stl l lwater, l4ontana I B48l y-lnpen fractures may pinch, swell, and branch, and
a' iatwiw
those that have been sheared have often been
Kaponlgbachr Austrla 18524 y-l npen
Shulap Range,B.C. 1s556 1-r npen subjected to slippage in several successivedirec-
heo@b?i@ high-gpade net@cpphi,o teftatn tions and have highly polishedslickensides. This
osBagan Laker l4anitoba 18498 Y- I npen highly sheared serpentine is the "fish scale'oor
Taslussarssuaq FJord, creenland 18523 y-l npen 'ofishmeat" serpentineof Cooke (1937) and the
"schalenserpentin"of Rost (1949, 1959),Klink-
alpi,ne-tgpe intwiw
Jeffrey nlne, Quebec 18544 y-lnlock, y-ser vn
hammer (1962), and Hochstetter (1965). Slip-
veins are not as frequentiy observedin thin sec-
serle3 " oxford Universlty accession nunbers
s = e-serpentlne; y = y-serpentinei inpen = lnterpenetraling; tions as they are in hand specimensor in the
inlock = lnterlockJngi ser vn: serrate vein; spher = spherulltici
B.C. = Brltlsh Columbla.
field, becausethe slip-veins often occur in hi!h-
ian interpenetratlng texture with talc
ly sheared and broken rock unsuitable for thin

sectioning, or because they occur along joint hand spocimens,where they are less frequently
planes or shear surfaces tlat forrr the edges of preserved during sectioning. Vein serpentine is

Ftc. 6. (a) Multi-layer lizardite, fracture-filling vein of spherulitic and

interlocking, radial apparent fiber bundles of a-se4rentine. Similar tex-
tures have formed in the wall rock through recrystallization of the lizard-
it€ l7 mesh texture. Sample 18530, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. (b) Chryso-
tile asbestos cross-fiber vein following a mesh rim parting (upper half)
and then passing through a mesh center (lower half). Sample 18520, Glen
Urquhart, Scotland. (c) Chrysotile asbestoscross-fiber vein with complex
extinction patterns, cutting through a lizardite 1T bastite. Sample AG67-
3c, Jeffrey mine, Quebec. (d) Chrysotile asbestos slip-fiber vein with
associated parallelo thin, brucite fibers and magnetite pencils. Sample
AG67-7a, Jeffrey mine, Quebec. AII under crossed nicols. Bar represents
0.2 mm.

0pticai 0ptl cal
Location Sample No. Character Locati on Sanplel,lo. Charact€r


/Lptre-tqpe intrctm alpl:@-t\pe inttuins
!4aj€guez,Puerto Rlco 18529 1-f{ ber Jeffrey nlne, Quebec 18532 1-fiber
Prc canbria 18539 y-flber
high-grade netm"phi.c tenain y-flber
Setting Lake, ManJtoba 18503 y-fl ber I 8541 y-fJ ber
18545 .1-flber
FILLING 18546 y-fJber
ffi P"ecatb?i@ high-gtade rekqo"phi,c tendin
al.Vine-fupe l-Ltrci.m y-flber
P'lpeLake nlne, l"lanltoba 18499
Mayaguez,Puerto Rlco 18528 y-app_fiber 18500 r-fJber
LIZARDITE lr r BRUCITE r MAGNETITE ffi,w @Lpine-tApe i,nt?@i,tu
L J z a r d ,E n g l a n d 185il d-app fJber Jeffrey mlne, Quebec 18546
18513 near is
Plnchi Lake,B.C. 18554 y-app fJber CHRYSoTILE+ LIZARDITE I? I BRUCITEt I'4AGI{ETITE
PTec@nb?ia h.tgh-gladp ret@"phi-o tefrai.n alptne-type intwitu
BuckoLake, llanltoba 14492
't8504 crystal s Jeffrey mlne, Quebec 18547
Settlng Lake, l'4anitoba
st"atifom ituttuiM
Fox Rlver, Frlanitoba I 8486 eFnfSoTIlEtB--nUef
TEEffiGl,rflITE|pe intrcim aLpi,re-Wpe i.ntreitu
Llzard, England 18515 y - a p pf i b e r Jeffrey mlne, Quebec 18537 1-flber
T o t a l p , D a v o s ,S w l t z e r l a n d 18527 y-app fiber
l4ountAlbert, Quebec near ls EHRTSOTTIE t EFI.ITE=MGNETITE
7,rec@nb?i@h,i.gr1-g?diBnetqb"pbLo tenain alpire-type intwo:@
Setting Lake, Manltoba 18507 Jeffrey mlne, Quebec 18534 y-fibeP
18535 1-flber
aL?ire-We iatrulim Jeffrey mlne, Quebec 18533
LJzard, England t65r5 Y-app ilDer 18535 1-flberP
't8537 y-flberP
ffi alptne-tApe ?tntrci.m

Prec@bpid h' ret@orphic temi,n Jeffrey nlne, Quebec 18535 'y-fiberP

S e t t l n g L a k e ,l 4 a n l t o b a I 8503 d-l nl ock

otvatif,om intrcim NON-ASBESTIF

Stillwater, Montana 18479 c- + y-appflber
T I4AGNETITE FlountAdstock, Quebec !170-45 y-bl ades
Mayaguez,Puerto Rlco 18531 d - s p h e ri n l o c k TYPE8 SERPENTINIZATION
P i n c h lL a k e ,B . C . 18554
a - s p h e rJ n l o c k NON-ASBESTIFORI4
MTI.G-dR.ITI;-6RICTTTiMGIET , inbrcirc
Valtournanche, Italy 18526 y-appfJber
series = oxford University accesslonnunbers,U70 series = Lllcks field number.
o = o - s e r p e n t l n e iy : y - s e r p e n t l n e ;a p p - a p p a r e n t ;i s = l s o t r o p i c ; i n l o c k = i n t e r l o c k l n g t e x t u r e ; s p h e r = s p h e r u l i t i c t e x t u r e ;
B.C.. Brltlsh ColumbJa.
S a m p l ew s l t h n o o p t l c a l d e s c r i p t i o nw e r e s t u d J e db y 1 1 4 . 6m p o w d e rd J f f r a c t l o n c a m e r a a s n d w e r e n o t o b s e r v e do p t i c a l l y .
chrysotil e
*wlth minorbrucite
* r l l z a r d i t e l ? e l t h m J n on r ultilayer'llzdrdlte
F o r s i m p l l c l t y , b r u c i t e i s i n c l u d e da s a p o s s i b l e a c c e s s o r yJ n a l l h e a d i n g si n t h i s t a b l e . H h e ni t w a s r e c o r d e do n a d l f f r a c t i o n
p a t t e r n , t h e e n t r y i s s u i t a b l y m r k e d . H o w e v e rs, e v e r a l v e i n s a l s o c o n t a i n c l e a r l y d i s t i n g u i s h a b l eb r u c i t e , i n h a n ds p e c i m e n ,
w h l c h h a s n o t b e e nn o t e d i n t h e t a b l e .

often distinctly green because any associated Non-osbestiform veins

magnetite is usually segregatedinto coarse dis- These veins have different appearances in
crete grains. Good descriptive papers of vein hand specimens and may be pseudofibrous,
morphology are those by Cooke (1937), Riordon splintery, columnar, banded or massive. They
(1955), and Merenko (1958). are most fiequently green with resinous luster,
but may be dull or earthy and vary from white
Chrysotile asbestoscross-fiber veiw to black. The veins may occur in fractures that
In fractures that have not been subjected to have experienced no movement, or in those that
shear and in which chrysotile asbestos has de- have experienced considerable shearing.
veloped, the chrysotile always appears as y-ser- In thin section rmder crossed nicols, a great
pentine in thin section. The finer veins may variety of textures is observed. The serpentine
follow lines of weakness, such as the parting in may appear to be columnar or pseudofibrous
a lizardite LT mesh rim (Fig. 6b) or may cross- (Fig. 7a), banded parallel to the contacts (Fig.
cut texfural features (Fig. 6c). The fibers in small 7b), spherulitic (Fig. 7c), interlocking or inter-
veins tend to lie normal to the walls and extend penetrating grains or blades (Fig. 7d), or totally
from one wall to the other without a break (Fig. featureless.The extinction may be undulating or
6b); larger veins commonly have a more or less sweeping, or the serpentine may be isotropic.
central parting, often containing mapetite. Where grains, blades or pseudofibersare visible,
Chrysotile fibers are usually visible in thin sec- the fast- and slow-rays can be determined and
tion and have parallel extinction, but some com- the serpentine can be described as d- or y-ser-
plex extinction patterns develop in cross-fiber pentine. In featurelessserpentine the extinction
voins which have kinks (Riordon 1955) through positions are commonly approximately parallel
the combination of chansing fiber direction and and perpendicular to the vein walls so that fast-
the oblique cut of thg rhin section (Fig. 6c). and slow-ray directions can be determined with
Fibers with anomalouslyhigh birefringence have respect to the vein walls. A great variety of
been discussedby \Micks & Zussman (L975). combinations of textural features has been ob-
Eleven specimenswere studied, six by micro- served, with the serpentine in the wider (>0.15
beam cnmera, four by fiber camera, and one by mm) unsheared veins generally having a more
powder photography (Iype 3, Types 5 and 7, complex texfural development (Fig. 7c) and
Type 6, Table 3). In all veins chrysotile 2Ma'rs sometimes a central parting (Fig. 7a). Rarely,
the main component, but some samples (18529, well-formed crystals of lizardite sgsul in vsins
Type 3, 18541,Types 5 and7, L8537,Type 6) (Fig. 8a). The slip-serpentine which formed in
contain minor, and in one case (18546, Types fracfires which have undergone shearing is
5 and,7) major chrysotile 2Ora. Others (18532, usually less complex. It resemblesasbestosslip-
18539, 18541, Types 5 and 7) contain rninor fiber, in that it is often made up of 7-serpentine
parachrysotile. One sample (18541, Tlpes 5 and apparent fibers with the slow-ray subparallel to
7) contains minor amounts of both parachryso- the shearing movement and the fiber axis, but
tile and chrysotile ZOr"t. Brucite occurs as dis- is only pseudofibrous or splintery. In some cases
creto grains or fibers in some specimens. compositeveins have formed and severalgenera-
tions of serpentine, including asbestos,can be
distinguished. Veins that have formed during
Chrysotile a,tbestosslip-fiber veins
shearing may pass into veins that have not un-
Slip-fiber veins of asbestoscan be seen, in thin dergone shearing.Serpentinemay passfrom non-
section, to be composed of parallel to sub-pa- fibrous to fibrous fsrms wifhin a single vein.
rallel fibers of 7-serpentine lyng parallel to, or Twenty-four specimensrvere studied, fourteen
at a low angle tq the enclosing vein walls (Fig. by microbeam carnera, with 73 exposures,thtee
6d). The fibers are generally visible, and the ex- by fiber photographs, sad nins by powder pho-
tinction varies fiom simple parallel to complex tographs (fable 3). Lizardrte 1T and chrysotile
irregular patterns. ?-Iuld predsmirrate, occurring both singly anil
Two samples were X-rayed, one by fiber and together either as an intimate admixture or with
one by powder techniques (18534, 18536, Type segregation of one or other towards the vein
6, Table 3). Chrysotile 2Mor was identified as the walls. Five veins (18486, 18527, 18507,Type 3,
qrain phase in both. Parachrysotile is present in L8546,Types 5 and7,18537, Type 6, Table 3)
minor amounts in one specimen (18534, Type 6) contain variable amounts of chrysotile 2Oror,
and traces of lizardite 1T were detected in the and two other veins (18535, 18536, Type 6) con-
other (18536, Tlpe 6). Brucite may be present tain chrysotile wlrisft gives lines of the "Povlen-
as discrete fibers (Fig. 6d) or grains. typo" (Krstanovic & Pavlovic 1964; Middleton &

Frc. 7. (a) Vein composed of non-asbestiform chrysotile (y-serpentine ap-

parent fibers) in tle columnar central zone, and lizardite 1T with minor
multi-layer polytype (c-serpentine) in the bandedo nearly isotropic, mar-
ginal zones. Sample 18479, Stillwater, Montana. (b) Vein composed of
lizardite 1T (o-serpentine apparent fibers and isotropic serpentine) banded
parallel to contacts. Sample 18513, Lizard, Cornwall. (c) Complex vein
composed of lizardite lT (a-serpentine apparent fibers) in radial bundles
and some spherulites (SW corner), Iizardite l? :t chrysotile 2M., -+ bru-
cite in the marginal isotropic loops, and lizardite 1,T and/or chrysotjle
zMdin the fine-grained and isotropic central zone. Sample 18515, Lizard,
Cornwall. (d) Fracture-filling vein composed of antigorite interpenetrat-
ing blades which partly replace the host lizardite 1? CNW corner). Sam-
ple W70-45 Mount Adstock, Quebec. AII under crossed nicols. Bar rep-
resents 0.2 mm.

Whittaker 1976; Cressey& Zussman 7976). One textures (Iable 1) representan early stagein the
in eleven lizardite 1T diffraction patterns also development of interpenetrating or interlocking
contains some lizardite 2Il. Multi-layer lizardite textures of the same minerals (Iable 2). In par-
polytypes make up two veins (18531, 18554, ticular, relict olivine in lizardite mesh textures
Type 5) and occur in minor amounts in a third readily alters to crude antigorite or chrysotile
(18479, Type 5). Antigorite occurs in two veins pseudomorphs(Figs. 8b,c); however, their promi-
W7045, Type 7, 18526, Type 8). The lizardite nence decreasesas their ouflines become bluned
crystals (18492, Type 3) were identified as the by the extensive formation of interlocking and
1? polytype. Brucite may occur either as dis- interpenetrating textures. Similarly, although the
crete grains or in an intimate admixture with the antigorite pseudomorphs after chlorite are a
serpentine minerals (18515, 18549, Type 3' faithful replacement (Fig. 5a), once the chlo-
18554, Type 5). The only casesin which optical rite alteration is complete the pseudomorphs
identification of the serpentine seems to be become indistinguishable from the surrounding
possible is the rare occlurence of antigorite (7- antigorite in the enclosing interpenetrating tex-
serpentino) which can be recognized from its ture. Also, in some cases,chlorite is not replaced
characteristic bladed morphology (Fig. 7d), and by antigorite in an orderly manner, but is re-
the more abundant, fibrous, bladed, or spheru- placed by random interpenetrating blades of
litic a-serpentine which seems to be lizardite, antigorite. The antigorite bastites described by
usually a multi-layer polytype (Fig. 6a). The Hochstetter(1965) and Boudier (1971)also may
common 7-serpentineapparent fibers are usually fall into this group of textures.
chrysotile' and/or lizardite. The only specific Hairline fractures across pseudomorphic or
textural generalization is that the coarsenessof non-pseudomorphic textures, or between ser-
crystallinity of lizardite, as indicated by spots pentinized and relict olivine, are often the site
on the microbeam diffraction Patterns, increases of the beginning of recrystallization and lead to
toward the margins of veins, but exceptionswere the development of veinlike textures (Fig. 8d).
noted. These often have serrate boundaries rather than
The non-asbestiform veins discussed in this the smooth walls of typical veins, and Riordon
section have been called picrolite by Riordon (1955) called them "serrated veins". They are,
(1955), and this term is in current usagein the however, recrystallization features and not frac-
asbestospining industry. Ilowever, the name pi- ture-filling veins, although serrateveins of asbes-
crolite was originally applied to a fibrous vein tos are closely associatedwith the formation of
material by Hausmann (1808). This type ma- cross-fiber asbestosveins. In a rectilinear set of
terial was shown by Whittaker & Zussman closely spaced fractures, the serrate verns can
(1956) to be antigorite, and they recommended give rise to crude hourglass textures (Fig. 1d)'
that the name, if retained, should be restricted Four samples containing serrate veins were
to distinctly fibrous or splintery antigorite. X-rayed with four microbeam exposures.Tbree
Earlier workers on the asbestosdeposits of the (18488, 18541, 18548,Type 5, Table 2) were
EasterDTownships, Quebec (Cooke 1937) seem found to be composed of chrysotile 2Ma, tvto
to have applied the name to fibrous veins of non- (18541, 18548, Type 5) with minor chrysotile
chrysotile-like material, and this usagehas grad- ZOrt, and one (185M, Type 7) of antigorite.
ually been extendedto cover all non-asbestiform All are associatedwith discrete brucite grains
veins whether fibrous or not. The work described (Fie. 8d).
here shows that this extensionof meaning makes Some non-asbestiform fracture-filling veins
picrolite into a purely textural field term de- are associatedwith recrystallization of the wall-
void of mineralogical meaning. The term serpo- rock serpentine to non-pseudomorphic textures
phite has been used by Lodochnikov (1933) and simifal to the textures in the veins (Figs. 6u7d).
Merenkov (1958) to describe these vein se{pen- The parallel growth between chrysotile in asbes-
tines, but we prefer to confine this term to iso- tos veins and in adjacent bastites, described in
tropic serpentine in mesh centers. the pyroxene section above, is a similar pheno-

rNrenwsprAr' ', X:3;?:i"Til?,t#;"f"T'fi"*:XfltH13:
foliated non-pseudomorphictexture.sin the host
The above classification of textures into pseu- rock, so that the margln between vein and host
domorphic, non-pseudomorphic, and vein iypes rock is uncertain. Non-asbestiform veins also
is in s6me'resp"itr an ideailzation and the divi- grade and merge into c-hrysotileasbestosveins,
sions, ih somJcases, are gradational. and more or less isolated pockets of each may be
Some antigorite and chrysotile pseudomorphic present in the other.

IoeNrrrlcerroN Cnenr chart for petrographic sfudies. In some cases

predictions can be made from Table 4 with a
The results of the X-ray study are summarized high degree of certainty, but in otlers the cer-
in Table 4 which can be used as an identification tainty is not high. The data further emphasize

Fro. 8. (a) Lizardite 1T crystals in a fracture-lilling vein. Sample 18492,

Bucko Lake, Manitoba. (b) Antigorite which has replaced to
produce crude lens-shapedpseudomorphs. Sample 18481, Stillwater, Mon-
tana. 1"; Chrysotile 2M"1 and 2Or.1 mesh center, after olivine within
lizardite 1? mesh rims. Sample 1E53E,Jeffrey mine, euebec. (d) Chryso
tiTe 2M"1 41d minsl ?Aro1 serrate, asbestos veins replaced non-fibious
chrysotile. Brucite is visible as discrete anhsdml grains in the serrate veins
and the groundmass. Sample 18548, Jeffrey mine, euebec. All under
crossed nicols. Bar represetrts 0.2 mm.

that the terms a- and 7-serpentinehave no strict TABLi 4. SERPENTINE


mineralogical meaning (Wicks & Zussman 1975). Texture Character llJneralogv

Pseudomorphic textures usually consist of TEXTURES*

izardite lT, arrd are therefore a good detenni n e s hr i m lizardlte** l brucite
nant of this mineral. The only exceptionsare an-
1i7'.i{+o,h.rn^rr.a nr

tigorite or chrysotile pure hourglasStextures and meshcenter + is comonly lizardite I trucite, rarely
antigorite or chrysotile 1 bruclte
mesh centers, and antigorite bastites after chlo- houaglass r ljzardite - bruclte
rite. However, these textures only occur infre- I antiEJrite or chrysotile

quently through the serpentinization of relict te

orthopyroxene-bastl n
uJth brucite
Hith brucite
primary minerals, usually at the same time as
cl lnopy.oxene-bastite r liza.dite
laardite 17 :t brucite pseudomorphic textures ., I iardlte

are recrystallizd to antigorite or chrysotile non- anphibole-basti te r

lizardite, rarely Hith brucite
lizardite, rarely Hith bruclte
pseudomorphic textures. Therefore, they can
often be identified by this association.The pre-
nhl^.^ni fa 1 not found
.. llzardite, rarely with brucite

sence or absence of brucite in pseudomorphic ta I c-basti te r not fourd

textures can be determined only by X-ray dif- . lizarCite, rarely sith brucite

fraction. chl ori te-basti te n not found

intiqorite or I izardite
Non-pseudomorphic textures consisting of o- N O N - P S E U O O H O R P HTIE
serpentine can also confidently be expected to lnterl ocklng llzdrdite lT or multilayer polytype,
consist mainly of lizardite lT, or multi-layer p o s s j b l y u i t h S o m ec h r y s o t i l e
chrysotile and/or li?ardite or
polytypes (though minor chrysotrle,lusually2Ma, antl gorj te

may be present as well), but those consisting of interpenetratlng nct fourd

c o m o n l ya n t j g o r i t e , l e s s c o m o n l y
y-serpentine are variable. Antigorite is most chrysotile and/or lizardite

co--on, and generally forms easily recognized serrate veins not found
cmonly chrysotile,
rhterpenetrating textures composed of sharp less comonlyantigorite
distinct blades. Chrysotile, mainly ZM"u and/ot VEINSERPENTINET
luardite 17, often form interlocking textures asbestos cross-flber a not found

composed of le.ssdistinct grains, but exceptions i chrysotile

are cornmon. The refractive indices of antigorite a s b e s t o ss l i p - f i b e r 1

not found
generally are higher than those of chrysotile or non-asbestiform (fracture r llzardlte 1T or mvltilayer polytypes
Itzardite, but there is a considerable overlap fil linq) l chrysotile and/or lizardite or
antigorite t brucjte
among the rangesof the indices of all three min- ch.ysotjle and/or lizardite 1 brucjte

erals (Wicks & Zussman 1975). Extinction in n o n - a s b e s t i f o m( s l i p ) not found

chrysotile and/orI izardite or
antigorite bladesusually sweepsacrossthe blade, antigorite t brucjte
is chrysotjle and/or lizardlte : brucite
whereasin chrysotile fibers the extinction usually
sweepsalong the length of the fiben. However, ls = isotropic
*Brucite can very rarely be idenlifled wlth the microscope in pseudo_
not all chrysotile appeaxsto be fibrous and ofte'n rcrDhlc textures'and soire non-asbestifom velns, so the Possibility
It can'
of lts preserce is inclJdeo i'ttsese Parts of Lhe taole.
it is not possible to distinguish antigorite, chry- however, usually be'dentif ieo optically ir non-pseudotrorphictextJres
js omltted fro_ these sections.
sotile and,/or lizardite without relying on X-ray and fiber vejns, so mention of it
FLizd-dlte usui'ly occurs as the lT Dolytype, dnd occasionall/-there
The occurrence of other multlldyer
diffraction. Brucite is easily identified in non- are rlno'amounts
of a 2h polytype.
Js specifically noted in the table.

pseudomorphic textures becauseit is present as

discrete grains.
Chrysotile asbestos, both in fracture-filling
either as an untecognizableintimate mixture with
and slip veins, can be identified in thin section
chrysotile or lizardite, or as recognizablediscrete
with great confidence. The a-serpentine inter-
locking spherulitic textures in veins are usually,
but not always, multi-layer luardrte. Antigorite
veins usually can be recognizedby the character- Tnn PnocBss oF SERPENTTNTZA'TroN
istic appearance of the antigorite blades, but
many non-asbestiform veins are composed of
Review of phasestudies
chrysotile or lizardite, or both, in intimate as-
sociation. There is no optical criterion that can Any discussion of the implications of the
be used to differentiate these, and X-ray studies foregoing sections for the process of formation
are essentialfor identification. Povlen-type chry- of the serpentinitesmust be based on available
sotile is not uncommon. In lizardite, 1T is the knowledge of phase stabilities. The reaction
common polyfire, but the 2H polytype occurs forsterite * water + serpentine* brucite (1)
more frequently in veins than in pseudomorphic has been shown by Johannes (1968) to occur at
textures. Brucite may again occur in the veins 380'C at 2 kbars, and

forsterite * talc * water = serpentine (Z) Bucher & Pfeifer 1973; Trommsdorff & Evans
occurs at 46O' (Scarfe& Wyllie 1,967) or 440. 1912, 1974; Vance & Dungan 1977), and ther-
(Chernosky 1977) at the same pressure.The nr:c-remicalcalcuiations(King et al. 1967;Evans
eJfect of iron in the system is to slightly reducc et al. 1976). This evidence suggeststhat the
these maximum temperatures (Olsen 1.963; equilibrium temperaturesof reactions 1 to 5
Moody 1976). There are indications from the iuvolving antigorite are higher than those involv-
work of Yoder (1952) and Chernosky (1971, ing lizardite or chrysotile.*
1.975)that the upper stability limir of rerp"ntine The aboveresults can be unified schematically,
is raised by the presence of Al, aithougtr it is as in the first two sectionsof Figure 9, to provide
not clear that all the reactions quoted have been a basisfor the interpretation of the textures iden-
reversed.Possible reactions are: tified in this paper. The discussion of the rela-
f orsteritef spinel*water=Al-serpentin e tionship between the temperature scales of the
*brucite (3) two and the effect of pressure are beyond the
and scope of this paper, but are least
chlorite = Al-serpentine (4\ lor chrysotile and antigorite, by Evans et aI.
The serpentinizationof diopsideand tremoiite (1976). The evidence suggeststhat lizardite and
involves the consideration that either silicon chrysotilebehavesimilarly (Dungan 1977).Since
must be removed or an extraneous source of it seemsclear that metastablerelationshipsamong
magnesium must be available, the effect being the various serpentine minerals are widespread,
more marked in diopside.In either casecalcium one may deduce in the simplest case the exis-
must be removed from both minerals. The pro_ tence of not less than three temperafure ranges
cessthat is geologicallymost relevantis the addi- correspondingto different assemblagesas shown
tion of magnesium provided by forsterite as in in the third section of Figure 9. The evidence
the reaction presentedin Figure 4 in Evans et al. (1976) sug-
tremolite*f orsterite+wateeserpentinef gests that the reactions F*Ta*W+(L*C) and
F+W = A*B do not occur at the same tem-
byEvans& Trommsdor.,i;i8l:"*t!? peratures as suggestedin Figure 9, but for the
has an equilibrium temperature between those pwpose of our discussion this simplified form
of (1) and (2). will be used.
Chrysotite has been synthesized in the pure
MgO-SiOrHzO system(Yoder 1952; Rov & Rov General considerations of starting
1954; Gillery 1959; Johannes 1968) lrrO materiqls and t emperature
existing ghrysotile and lizardite lZ in the pre- Llltramafic rocks, whether dunite, harzburgite,
sence of small proportions of iron (Moodv lherzolite, wehrlite etc. and whether plagioclase-,
1?!O u"A alumina (Gillery 1959; Chernosky spinel- or garnet-bearing, can be subjected
7.977,1975).At higher al 'mina concentrations, significant alteration prior to, and unrelated to,
lizardite 1T and (increasingly)multi-layer jizard- serpentinization. With cooling from high tem-
ite polffiles are produced. However, a Glaver peratures in the presence of water, rocks of
lyardltg polytype also seemsto have been pio- these compositions can produce clino-amphi-
duced in the alumina-free system by Jasmund & boles, chlorite, anthophyllite and talc successive-
Sylla (1971, 1972). Antigorite has been synthe- ly (Fig. 1.4 in O'Hara 1967; Fig. 2 in Evans
sized (with coexisting chrysotile and lizardite) Trommsdorft l97O). The complete cooling
by Iishi & Saito (1973), but only when the ratio quence of reactions has been observed in
of MgO:SiO2 was lower than 5:2. Thev found GIen Urquhart ultramafic rocks (Francis
antigorite formation to be promoted bi limited included in the present study. Any or
all of
avlilability of water, and by higher temieratures these minerals along with olivine, orthopyroxene
and pressures.Other reported syntheseJof anti- and clinopyroxene may be present at the com-
gorite are those by Korytkova & Makarova mencement of serpentinization
and may them-
(19?1), Korytkova et al. (1972), Johanues(1975) selvesbe serpentinized.
and Evans et d. (1,976).General evidence that isrn of a serpentinite will produce 1fis sams min-
antigorite, although less readily synthesized, is
more stable than the other serpentine minerals
comes from DTA evidence (Faust & Fahev
1962), structural considerations (Wicks & Whii- *While our paper was in press our attention was
taker 1975), field studies of rnetamorphosed drawn to two papers, both by Hemley et al. (1977),
serpentinites (fless er al. 1952; Hahn-Wein- which have a bearing on the pcxsible equilibrium
relationships among antigorite, chrysotile, and bru-
heimer & Rost 1961; Chidester 1962; Wolfe cite, and other
equilibrium and non+quilibrium pro-
1967; Dietrich & Peters 197l; Keusen 1972 cessesinvolved in serpentinization.

a n t i g o r l t e+ b r u c i t e
c h r y s o ti l e

antigorite + brqcite
A c h r y a o t i l e+ b r u c i t e
i lizardite + brucite

FIc. 9. Schematic diagram of the temperature regimes of the observed as-

semblages.Abbreviations for minerals in the equilibria: A=antigorite, B
-brucite, C=chrysotile, D-diopside, F=forsterite, L=lizardite, Ta:,
talc, Tr=tremolite, W=water. The three tempsrature regimes are denoted
A, B, C on the extreme right of the diagram.

eral assemblages @vans & Trommsdorff l97O; has strongly suggestedthat nucleation of anti-
Trommsdorff & Evans 1974; Evans et al. 1976) gorite is an improbable processin many circum-
which in turn may be serpentinizedat some later itances. The absenceof shearing, and falling or
period. low constant temperature, may be expected to
It is important to note that the experimental promote the formation of pseudomorphic tex-
studies described above, and summarized sche- iures, which may be disrupted by shearing to
matically in Figure 9, indicate only maximum produce non-pseudomorphic textures and some
temperaturesof serpentinization,It is clear from veins. Under rising temperature conditions' re-
recent isotropic studies(Wenner & Taylor 1971, crystallization to form mainly non-pseudomor-
L973, 1.974;O'Neill & Barnes l97l; Magatitz & phic textures is promoted. The eight types are
Taylor 1974; Barnes& O'Neill L969; Barnes et discussedin sequencebeginning with high tem-
al. L972) that much serpentinization occurs at perature, ping down to low temperature and
temperatureswell below these upper limits, and ?hen back up to high temPerature.Within each
probably in regimes of substantially constant temperature regime the unsheared assemblageis
temperature. This is entirely consistent with disCussedfirst followed by the sheared assem!
Figure 9, requiring only that the rateJimiting blage.
factor in serpentinization be the availability of The eight types of process are therefore as
water rather than temPerature. follows:
A model of the serpentinizationprocess 1. a(i)*b(i)+c(i) Serpentinization begins at the
A possible model of the serpentinization pro- highest possible temperature and gives nse to
cess, which takes aecount of the available ex- anligoriti pseudomorphic textures in regime
perimental evidence summarized in Figure 9, A in nigure 9. Fracture-filling veins produced
provides a framework into which the observa- with this type will be composed of antigorite.
tions on the various textures may be fitted. The 2. a(i)*b(ii)*c(i) As type 1 but producesfoliated
model provides eight distinguishableregimes in non-pseudomorPhictextures.
terms of atl combinations of the following three 3. a(i)*b(i)*c(ii) Serpentinization is delayed,to
alternatives. lower temperatures and gives rise to pseudo-
a. (i) falling (or constant) temp€rature morphic textures of lizardite in regime B or
(ii) rising temperature lizarditelbrucite in regirne C. Chrysotile does
b. (i) absenceof substantialshearing not usually occur in abundancein the pseudo-
(ii) presenceof substantialshearing morphs, but may occur in veins along joint
c. (i) nucleation of antigorite planes with or without lizardite and brucite.
(ii) no nucleationof antigorite
a. a(i)*b(ii)*c(ii) As type 3 but producesfoliated
The physi'calor chemical conditions correspond- chrysotile:Lbrucite non-pseudomorphic tex-
ing to (c) cannot at present be identified fully, tures, with or without lizardite, and chryso-
but experimental work over the past 25 years tile:Llizardite:Lbrucite veins.

5. a(u)*b(i)*c(ii) Rising temperature produces processwhich, on a grain-for-grain basis, should

the recrystallization of lizardite-+brucite pseu- involvo but little volume increase.In some cases
domorphic textures of type 3, or the se{pen- radial cracks which occur in plagioclase @ett
tinization of relict primary minerals to form
1946; Smith 1958; Page 1976) and, diopside
non'pseudomorphic textures of chrysotile* (Clark & Greenwood 1972) adjacent to seqren-
lizardite-+brucite with associated veins of finizsd olivines, undoubtedly represent some ex-
similal mineralogy in regimes B and C. Relict pansion. Observations of thin sections can re-
otvine may bo serpentinizedto crudely pseu- veal only linear expansions and these are one-
domorphic textures of chrysotile:tbrucite. third of volume expansion.Volume increasesof
(See below for the associationof the chrvso- between 25 and 45Vo have been calculated for
tils textures with asbestosvein development). complete serpentinization.These would produce
Interlocking non-pseudomorphic texhries and linear expansions of 8 and l3Vo, respectively,
associatedveins of multi-layer lizardite with- and would causemuch greater disruption of the
out chrysotile are a minor variation of this enclosing minerals than is observed. The radial
type. cracks, therefore, represent a much smaller vol-
6. a(ii)*b(ii)*c(ii) As type 5 but produces either ume increase. There will be, of course, an over-
chrysotile-rlizardite:Lbrucite, or, less fre- all expansion in the body corresponding to the
quently multi-layer lizardite-+brucite, foliated volume occupied by the ever-presentserpentine
non-pseudomorphictextures and veins. veins, a-nd to the volume occupied by some of
7. a(ii)*b(i)*c(i) Continued rising temperature the serpentine in the shear zones usually found
produces recrystallization of type 3 serpen- adjacent to the contacts (processes2 and 4). On
tine textures, or the serpentinization of pre- the basis of the assumption of a topotactic pro-
viously unserpentinizedprimary minerals and cess with little volume increase, one may treat
gives rise to non-pseudornorphictextures, and the various serpentinization reactions on the
occasionally crude pseudomorphic textures of basis of the preservation of the number of ory-
antigorite*brucite in regimes B and C, and gen atoms in the (weighted mean) formula of
of antigorite in regime A. (See below for the the primary ,minerals.This means that the anion
associationof antigoritef brucite textures with framework of close-packedoxygens remains al-
asbestosvein development. most unchanged by serpentinization and leads
8. a(ii)*b(ii)*c(i) As type 7 bur produces foti- to the results given in Table 5.
ated non-pseudomorphictextures of antigorite trt is evident from Table 5 that only forsterite
:bbrucite. and enstatite can alter to serpentinewithout the
The problem of the relative volumes of the addition of magnesiu'mfrom an outside source.
primary minerals and of the serpentinizedprod- Anthophyllite, talc, tremolite, and diopside all
ucts has to be considered at this point (for dis- require an outside source of magnesium, and
cussionson serpentinization at constant volume forsterite is the only possiblemagnesium source.
versus constant composition see Elostetfer et al. Furthermore, only those reactionswhich produce
1.966;Thayer 1966, 1967; Page 1967b, 1976*; excessof both Mg and Si can contribute to the
Gresens 1967, 1969; Thompson 1968; Coleman formation elsewhereof vein-filling serpentinein
1971; Coleman & Keith t97l; Martin L97l; fractures or shear zones, The most appropriate
Clark & Greenwood 1972). This problem always reactions in this respect are:
affects processes 1 to 4 significantly and will f orsteritq> lizardite*brucite
affect similarly processes5 to 8 if they operate and
on unselpenfinizsl peridotite. If processes 5 f orsterite* (enstatiteor anthophyllite)+lizardite
to 8 operate on previously formed serpentine, because of the ratio of Mg:Si in their excess
they are predonrinanfly recrystallization pro- products.
cessesand little voltme or composition change 'When
one considers that some iron usually
will occur. We take the view that the pseudo- substitutesfor magnesium in these rninslal5, ig
morphic texfures produced by processes1 and becomesclear why the production of secondary
3 require that serpentinization be a topotactic magnetite is alrnost always confined to the ser-
pentinization of olivine, as it is1fre ouiy mineral
that liberates significant amounts of its cation
*Page (pe.rsonal communication). There are mis- content during serpen.:nizatisa.
calculations on page 136 of Page (1976). For a vol-
Interpretation ol the observedtextures
ume increase of. 37Vo the linear expansion should
rcad, llVo (not 3.3Vo), and for a volume increase of The observed textures may be classified in
l9Vo tlae linear expansion should reu;d 6Vo (not terms of the types of processesthat would be ex-
2.7%). pected to produce them according to our model.


Reactant needed to Excess to be carrled

cmplete conshnt away or to prcvlde
Productin s{tu volume aeaction reaction prcduct elsewhere

Prlmary mineral

forster{te I izardi te 32Hl t2ng2++ 2514+

forsterite lizardlte + brucite 42H' 9ttg2++ 65i4+

enstati te I lzardite 32H' 85{4+

anthophyllite 1lzardi te 3Nq- + 25H 85i4+

talc 1lzardi te 6Mg- + 20H 8Si4+

tr@l I te I I zardite gHq' + 26H 8si4r + 6Ca2+

diopside i zardi te l2Hq- + 32H 8Si4+ + tzcaz+

forsterite + enstatite I i zardi te 64H+ 12ilg2++ tos14+

forste.ite + anthophyllite 1 izardi te 58H+ 9Mg2++ tosi4+

forsterite + talc llzardite 52H+ 6r,tg2t+ lOSi4*
fcrsteriic + tremlite I izardite saH+ :rg2n * tosr4* . ocaz*
fcrlieiite + Ciopside I izardlte 64H+ t05l4i + t2ca2+

'h.sel on 72 oxyqons and a 3:1 ratlo of serpentine:brucite.

For hearling 'Reactant tre€ded . . .n read Reactant needed to complete to-

potactis reaction.

Type 1. Only one example of this has been ob- More often, the front stops at some Point either
served in the present work, namely the pseudo- becauseof cooling or lack of water, or possibly
morphic antigorite after olivine of the Fox River becausethe reaction ehangesfrom being inter-
SilI peridotites '(Iable 1). The veins associated face-controlled to being diffusion-controlled
with these textures are composed of antigorite. (Martin & Fyfe 1970). The remnant olivine frag-
The antigorite textures in a similar environment ments may subseguentlyserpentinizeto produce
described by Varlakov (1975) are non-pseudo- mesh centers of poorly crystalline, fine-grained,
morphic and therefore their relationship to this semi-randomly to randomly oriented grains of
type seems doubtful. bzardite 1T (Wicks & Zussman 1975) with pos-
The 7-serpentine mesh textures in the Telson sibly rninq chrysotile (Cressey& Zussman 1976).
Lake and Tadamagouche Creek sills (Iable 1) This mesh-center sertrentinization takes place
could easily !s misf4ftsa, under the microscope, simultaneously throughout the olivine remnant,
for further examples but the X-ray microbeqm in contrast to the advancing front of serpentin-
results demonstrate them to be lizardite in an z,ation. that produces the mesh rims and pure
unusual orientation. hourglass textures. The lizardite produced often
has some orientation in sympathy with the ad-
Type 2. No example of this type was found in jacett, earlier-formed mesh rim, although it
the present work, but possibly some of the seemsmore randomly oriented, a change that is
foliated antigorite in the lherzolite of the Lanzo difficult to explain. Where brucite is present,
Massif (Nicolas L967,1969) representsthis type. there is a strong tendency for it to occut, with
lizatdite, in the mesh centers surrounded by
Type 3. This type appea$ to be the most com- lizardite mesh rims. Ilowever, the reverse situa-
mon, as is indicated by the majority of our spe- tion with lizardite*brucite mesh rims and
cimens (Iable 1). The serpentinization of ofivine lizardite mesh centers has also been recorded
by this process leads to the for'mation of mesh (Glen Urquhart and Mount Albert, Table 1).
rims by a steadily advancing front of serpentin- Thess differences in brucite distribution could
ization that produces reasonably well-crystallized be associated with temperature regimes B and C
and crudely oriented lizardite (Wicks & Zussman of Figure 9, but they are more likely to be due
1975; Wicks et aI. 1977). In some casesthe front to varying kinetic effests on the amount of mag-
advancesrrniformly without a break until all the nesium removed in solution. Orthopyroxenes
olivine is replaced and lizardite lT*brucite pure also alter to lizardite pseudomorphs. These gen-
hourglass textures are formed. Pure horuglass erally are free of brucite and magnetite in ac-
textures occur most frequently in association cordance with the fact tlat no octahedral cations
with Type 5 textures, suggesting that the forma- need be lost (or Sained) io a topotactic serpen-
tion of both is promoted by higher temperatures. tinization of ortlopyroxenq but rarely some

lizardite bastites contain brucite near the center goes into the solution during the topotactic
of the pseudomorph (Mayaguez, Mount Albert, formation of the pseudomorphs.
Pinchi I-ake, Table 1). This requires a complete
loss of silicon and an addition of % again the Type 5. Examples of this are provided in Table
number of octahedral cations to maintain a con- 2. Interlocking non-pseudomorphic textures or
stant-anion frnmework. serrate veins of chrysotile form through the re-
Primary clinopyroxene has also been found crystallization of lizardite pseudomorphic tex-
in this study to be altered to lizardite 1T. Ac- tures. At the earliest stagesthe lizardite pseudo-
cording to the calculations and observations of morphs are still recognizable,but chrysotile can
Evans & Trommsdorft (1,970),diopside forms a be detected, with the microbeam camera, as a
stable assemblagewith serpentine(Fig. 9). How- component of the pseudomorphs (18500, Pipe
over, their calculations for ttris reaction were Lako mine, Table 1). As recrystallization ad-
based on thermochemical data for chrysotile, vances, the pseudomorphs after olivine are
but their observations were for antigorite of a rapidly obliterated, but bastitesare often slightly
Type 7 serpentinization. AIso, the diopside in more resistant. Relict primary minerals may be
equilibrium with the antigorite is of significant- altered to crude cbrysotile pseudomorphs,often
ly different composition from the primary diop- with brucite, which may then be partly obliter-
side @eters1968),so one could expectthe latter ated by the developing interlocking textures.
to becorneunstable during serpentinization.The Chrysotile asbestosveins associated with non-
lizardite * secondarydiopside pair has not been asbestiform veins of chrysotilg not infrequently
clearly established for Type 3 serpentinization of the Povlen-type, or lizardite+brucite com-
although diopside is present in rodingites as a monly form in association with these textures
product of this serpentinizationprocess. Clable 3).
The veins associatedwith these textures are Spherulitic interlocking textures of multi-layer
composed of lizardite and/or chrysotile (both lizardite may also form in serpentinization of
fibrous and non-fibrous) with or without brucite this type, through the recrystallnation of lizard-
(Table 3), but the presenceof significant amounts ite lT-+brucite mesh textures and lizardite lT
of chrysotile asbestosveins can be attributed to bastites,particularly in zones adjacent to multi-
process 5. , layer lizatdtte veins (Fig. 6a). The development
of these mqre complex polytypes is so closely
Type 4. Examples of this are 1'fish scale" or associated with bastites that their formation
"fishmeat" serpentine(Cooke 1937) or "Schalen- might be thought to be due to the releaseof alu-
serpentin (Rost 1959; Klinkhammer 1962; Hoch- minium from the pyroxenes during serpentiniza-
stetter 1965). This is highly sheared,slippery to tion. However, the aluminium content of ,many
the touch, slickenside material with a platy tex- multi-layer lizardites does not seem to be ex-
ture, which is nevertheless rnainly chrysotile ceptionallyhigh (Wicks 1969).
with or without lizardite. Some of the material
6. As stated above, this can only be
coating the slickensidesmay be produced by ser- Ty'pe
pentinization elsewhere in the serpentinite and distinguished from Type 4 on environmental
grounds. Several saamples are listed in Table 3.
depositedin the shearzones,and some of the ser-
pentine must havo formed in situ, but it is im- The Coalinga asbestos deposit (Mumpton &
possible to distinguish the two. The highly Thompson 1975) is the ultimate example of this
shearednafirre of the serpentine makes it diffi- ryPe.
cult to produce thin sections, so that this type Type 7, This is a cornmon process,particularly
does not appear in Table 2, but one example is in regime A of Figure 9, and examples are given
grven in Table 3. Examples described by Cole- in Table 2, Lizafiite pseudomorphic textures of
man (1966, 1971) occur at shearedcontact zones Type 3 recrystallize directly to antigorite non-
or in highly sheared,detached, tectonic serpen- pseudomorphic textures in passing from regime
tinite bodies. Tlpe 4 can only be distinguished B to A. Relict olivine and chlorite may remain
from Type 6 by the environment, and not from as crude pseudomorphs, but their outlines are
mineralogical or textural evidence. blurred or lost during the formation of the anti-
Whero type 4 shear zones are adjacent to gorite interpenetrating textures. Any veins
serpentinito gsffaining pseudomorphic textures formed at this stage will be composed of anti-
of Type 3, the latter is invariably fractured and gorite (Table 3).
contains fine veins of chrysotile within the pseu- The presenceof brucite may depend either on
domorphs (Fig. 6b). The material in these veins its presence in the recrystallizing lbardite texture
must representa volume increase,albeit a small or on whether regimg B or A is reached; how-
one, and must be derived from the material that ever, note also tlat the conversion of lizardite to

antigorite involves the loss of small amounts of in production of the rock-forming serpentine,
Mg(OH)s becauseof the geometry of the inver- and therefore to be out of equilibrium with the
sion lines in the antigorite structure (Zussman host serpentine. For example, chrysotile veins
7954; Kunze 1956, 7958, 1961; Whittaker & of regime B occur in antigorite interpenetrating
Wicks 1970). There also may be brucite produc- textures of regime A (Chidester 1962).
tion by the serpentinization of relict olivine at If CO, is present in more than rninor amounts,
this stage. the serpentine formed in all types, 1 to 8, of
The antigoritefbrucite non-pseudomorphic serpentinization will become unstable and will
textures (Iable 2) form mainly from olivine. This be replaced by talc and carbonates (Naldrett
may be the normal path of formation for this 1966; Greenwood 1967; Johannes1967).
particular assemblage.The antigorite grains ars
generally somewhat less distinct and form inter- Magnetite lormation and oxidation-reducrton
locking textures in regime B or C, in contrast to processes
the sharply defined blades and interpenetrating The preceding discussionhas been in idealized
textures of the antigorite in regime A. terms in the sensethat it has treated the primary
The antigorite*brucite textures of Type 7 phasesas magnesium(-+calcium) silicates,where-
are often associatedwith chrysotiletbrucite tex- as in fact they mostly contain substantialamounts
tures of Type 5 within the same ulframafic body, of iron replacing magnesium.Some of this iron
and this is usual in asbestosdeposits (Jeffrey may enter the serpentineminerals as they form,
mine, Tables 7, 2, 3). All form as interlocking and there may be concomitant changes of oxi-
or (less frequently) interpenetrating textures, dation state. Ifowever, becauseof the relatively
with or without chrysotile and/or antigorite ser- low preference for iron in the structures of the
rate veins Clable 2) and pseudomorphictextures serpentine minerals (,Whittaker & Wicks 1970)
(Iable 1), whether through the recrystallization much of the iron goes elsewhere,either into the
of lizardite-+brucite pseudomorphic texfuresoor brucite or to form map.etite, and again redox
through the alteration of primary olivine (or processesmay be involved. These processesalso
other silicates). Chrysotile asbestosveins com- may be involved when conversion of one ser-
monly for.m in associationwith this type, as also pentine mineral into another occurs through re-
do veins of non-fibrous chrysotile and/or lizard- crystallizationosince lizardrte, chrysotile and an-
ite:tbrucite in regime C and B in Figure 9 tigorite generally have different ferrous:ferric
Clable 3). ratios '(Whittaker & Wicks 1970; Shteynberg &
In the lower half of regime A, diopside is Chashchukhin1972; Wicks & Whittaker 1975).
stable with antigorite to form an antigorite The olivine in ultramafic rocks is commonly
fdiopside:tmagnetite assemblage (Evans & about Foeoand the lwardite produced from it in
Trommsdorft l97O). but this assemblageprob- the major serpentinizationprocess (fype 3) con-
ably only forms through the recrystallization of tains only about 5 mole Vo (in round figures) of
relict primary assemblagesthat include diopside Fe replacing Mg, mosfly as Fe"+. The iron con-
(Peters1968) or tremolite (Trommsdorff & Evans tent of brucite may be highly variable but, from
1974\, .and would not be formed from a lizard- the results of EvansgJlsmmsdorff (1972), an
ite-+brucite pseudomorphic assemblageunless iron component of about l5Vo would be reason-
calcium was introduced. If the temperafure rises able for pu4)osesof calculation. The amount of
above regime A, amphiboles, talc, and olivine brucite formed is likely to be betweenO and 20%
(Wolfe 1967; Trommsdorff & Evans 1972, 1974) by volume. If the iron that does not enter either
are produced at the expenseof antigorite. lizardite or brucite is assumedto form as magne-
tite, then we can formulate the reaction in terms
Type 8. The only example of this type in this of the conversion of 20O orygen atoms in oli-
work is an antigorite vein sample (fable 3), but vine to 200 oxygen atoms in lizarditefmagpe-
this type has been describedby Coleman (1966). tite-f brucite as follo\trs:
Type 8 is related to Type 7 in the same way that i) no brucite formed:
Type 6 is related to Type 5. forsterite(2@ Oz-,90 Mgr+, 10 Fer+) + lizardite
In many cases in all 8 types of serpentiniza- (191O,-, @.2Mgz+,3.1Fe8+)* maenetite(9 @-,
tion the veins and rock-forming serpentine are ii) 2.3Fe2+,4.6 Fe3+)* solution(29.8Mg'z+)
20Vo&ttcite formed:
composedof the same mineral, or minerals from forsterite(2@ Oz-,90 Mgz+,l0 Fe2+)- Lizardttc
the same regime, indicating that the serpentines (154Os-, 48.8Mgz+,2.5 Fe3+)* brucite (40OP-,
in the two sites are formed at approximately the 17 Mgz+ * 3 Fez+; f magnetite(6 Q:-, 1.5Fez+,
same time and approxi.matelyin equilibrirrm. It 3Fe8+)i solution(24.2Mg2+1
is also possible for veins to form later, by a type Thus these extremes respectively require the
of serpentinization different from that involved oxidation of 7.7 and 5.5 of every original 10

Fe'+ ions, and this oxidation will clearly be at of hydrogen. Since antigorite has lower ferric
tho expenseof water which will be reduced to iron than liz-atdtte, its formation in Types 1 and
gaseous hydrogen. This may escape from the 2 serpentinization,and in Types 7 and 8 serpen-
system, as has been reported by Thayer (1966). tiniza1i611of relict nrinel4ls, will also lead to
Ilowever, the hydrogen will in the process similady reduced hydrogen production. On the
provide a highly mobile reducing .medium ca- other hand, when lizardite recrystallizesto anti-
pable of producing the awaruite and native iron gorite in processesof Types 7 and 8, some re-
that are observedin minor amounts in serpenti- duction of ferric iron will usually occur, and
nites (Nickel 1959; Chamberlain et aI. 1965; this is probably also true to a lesser extent for
Ramdohr 1967; Eckstrand 1975). Therefore, the recrystallization to chrysotile in Types 5 and 6.
existenceof thesephasesdoes not imply reducing This process will raise the orygen fugacity of
conditions, as such, during serpentinization,but the aqueous phase and, in the presenceof car-
is a function of the lower oxidation potential of bon dioxide, may be responsiblefor the conver-
Fe"* in the lizardite and magnetite structures sion of brucite to frequenfly observed pyroau-
than in the olivine structure, which permits the rite, brugnatellite, and similar minerals. Whether
reaction these minerals are constituents of the serpenti-
2Fe2+,a HsO= 2Fe,* * G- *Ha nites, or whether they have been produced by
to move towards the right. That the iron is a subsequentoxidative carbonation, is uncertain.
highly mobile element between the various min-
eral phasesand the solution is indicated by the Crnvsorrce Assesros Dpposrrs
behavior of the magnetite that is formed. Mag-
netite initially forms as small discrete grains Chrysotile asbestosdeposits are characterized
within the textural units, but rnigrates during by a specific association of textures (Grubb
pervasiveserpentinizationto form coarser grains 1962). These textures have been studied in more
and stringers still within the textural units, and detail and can be further interpreted in terms of
finally to form even coarser cross-cuttinglenses the classification of serpentinization processes
and veins which cut through the textural units. that we have advanced.In the host rock of these
In a parallel development,the chemical compo- deposits, hzardite 17 mesh textures with lizard-
sition of all the minerals becomesfairly uniform ite or unaltered olivine centers are rare, whereas
among the various textural units (Wicks 1969; the corresponding pure hourglass textures are
Wicks & Plant 1972). Because the iron that is common and are frequently associatedwith, and
rejected by the lizardite probably has to go ei- recrystallized to, non-pseudomorphic interlock-
ther into brucite or into magnetite, any facton ing textures of antigorite*brucite, chrysotilet
that limit the oxidation of iron will increase the brucite, and chrysotile*lizardite*brucite. This
quantiry (and iron content) of brucite. This is suggeststhat asbestosdeposis are confined to
in line with the observed indication of an anti- serpentinitesformed under special conditions of
pathetic variation in amounts of brucite and metamorphism, in.addition to being confined to
magnetite. the structural conditions needed to open the
The formation of bastites (mainly from ortho- fractures and shearsin which the asbestosfibers
pyloxene) in Type 3 serpentinization differs from are able to grow, and to the appropriate mineral-
the formation of ,meshtexture from olivine in ogy needed to provide the material required for
that, although the pyroxene contains 'a similal the formation of the asbestosveins, as discussed
Fe:Mg ratio, very little magnetite is formed. in Table 5. Normal Tlpe 3 serpentinization is
This is presumably because there is no excess involved, but either it goesto completion (gning
of cations to be disposedof [the ratio (Mg*Fe): the pure houlglass textures) and is followed by
O = 1:3 in both enstatite and lizardite, Table 51, processesof, Type 5 or 7, to the upper limit of
and mapetite can only be formed if some com- regime B, or it is intemrpted by these processes
pensating mapesium is carried into the bastite so that there is no time at which lizardite mesh
from surrounding olivine. There is, in fact, evi- centers can arise. The formation of asbestosde-
dence for a higher iron content in the lizaldite of posits then further requires that the rising tem-
bastites than in mesh textures (Page 1967a, perature does not reach regime A of Figure 9,
1968; Wicks & Plant 1972) as would be expected where chrysotile asbestoswould be unable to
fs1 this reason. form, and that the appropriate fracturing of the
Because chrysotile has lower total iron than rock provides a site for asbestos growth at the
lizarfi1s, its direct fonnation in Type 4 serpen- sams time. The importance of shearing (flrye 6
tinization, and in Types 5 and 6 serpentinization serpentinization)was recognized by Rost (1949,
of relict minerals, leads to a greater rejection of 1959) and reachesits ultimate expressionin the
iron and to the production of a smaller 4mount Coalinga deposit described by Mumpton &

Thompson (1975). The recognition of this spe- ington; Dr. F. Machado, Lab. Est. Petrologicos
cific associationof textural characteristicscould o Paleontologicas do Ultramar, Lisbon; Dr. L.
be of importance in the exploration for asbestos J. Monkman, Turner and Newall AsbestosFibre
deposits, since it presents a further criterion for Iab., Manchester; Dr. E. R. Oxburgh, Odord;
evaluating possible formations, and could pro- Dr. B. Windlen Leicesterl Prof. J. Zussman,
vide a basis for exploration prograrns. Manchester.
The Manitoba Nickel Belt serpentinitesexam- We are grateful to Falconbridge Nickel Mines
ined in this study form an interesting slample of Ltd. and Canadian Johns-Manville Co. Ltd. for
trends which may be found in studies of this allowing one of us GfW) accessto their proper-
kindo and which may be relevant in exploration. ties. Our thanks are due to Miss Helen Driver
At the southwesternend of the belt, Little Clarke and Ms. Mary Nix, Royal Ontario Museum, who
Lake and Bucko Lake (18494, L8495, t8492, carofully typed the lengthy manuscript and to
Table I ) serpentinized ultramafic bodies are Joey Galt, Royal Ontario Museum, who
composed of lizardite mesh textures. However, patiently typed the tables.
towards the northeast, at Bowden and Setting
lakes, non-pseudomorphic lZaldite interlocking
textures occur which contain lizardite veins with RBrgRENces
the sametexture (18503,Table 2). Farther north-
east, lizardite hourglass textures occur at Joey ANcBr, F. (1930): Stubachit und Stubachitserpen-
Lake (18493, Table 1); slightly farther northeast tin vom Ganoz (Bei Kals in Osttril). Z. Krist.72,
at Pipe l;ake mine, lizardite mesh and hourglass t4t.
textures have been recrystallized to chrysotilel (1964): Petrographissle Studie an der Ul-
lizardite interlocking textures and chrysotilef tramafit-Masse von Kraubath (Steiermark). Joan-
luardite mesh textures (18499, 185.00, 1,8501, neum Mineral, Mitt.2, l-123.
Table 1). Here, chrysotile asbestos veins are Auunrro, F. (1970): Sepentine mineralogy and
abundant, although the Pipe Lake mine is a ultrabasic intrusions in Canada and on the Mid-
nickel s'line, not an asbestosmine. These lirn- Atlantic Ridge. Geol. Swv. Can. Pap. 69-53.
ited textural studies seem to indicate, in a very BenNeg I. & O'NBrr.,J. R. (1969): The relationship
general way, that conditions for the formation between fluids in some fresh alpine-type ultrama-
of asbestosbecome increasingly favorable from fics and possible modern serpentiniza.tion, west-
ern United States. GeoI. Soc. Amer. Ball. 80,
the southwesttowards the northeast.
_--, Rerp, J. B., O'NEr-, J. R., Snr,reeno, R. A.
AoKr\iowLEDGEMENTs & Guor, A. J. (1972): Metamorphic assemblages
and the direction of flow of metamorphic fluids
rn four instanoes of serpen-inization. Contr.
Thanks are especiallydue to Prof. J. Zussman, Mineral. Petrolog! 55, 263-276.
Manchester University, for initiating the present
Bouprsn, F. (1971): Min6raux serpentineux extraits
approach to the problem of serpentinetextures,
de p6ridotites serpentinisdes des Alpes Occiden-
and for much help and guidance in the earlier tales. Cont. Mineral. Petrology 33, 331-345.
stagesof the work, from which the present dis-
cussiongrew. Many of our ideas were developed Bucnen, K. & Ppnrrra,, H. R. (1973): Uber Meta-
morphose und Deformation der iistilichen Malen-
through discussionand debate with Dr. R. F. J. co-Llltramafitite und deren Rahmengesteine
Scoates,Manitoba Mines Branch and Dr. C. J. (Prov. Sondrio, N-Italien). Schweiz. Mineral.
A. Coats, Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd., to Petrog, Mitt, 53, 237-U2.
whom our appreciation is extended. Chevrnrnr-erN, J. A., McLeoD, C. R., Tnern, R. J.
Some of the samples were collected by one & LlcneNcg G. R. (1965): Native metals in the
of us (FJW) and others were supplied by those Muskox Intrusion. Can. I. Earth Sci.2, 188-215.
listed. Our thanks are extended to all those who ClrrnNosrY,
J. Y. (1971): Minerals of the serpen-
responded to our requests: Prof. F. Arrmento, tine group. Carnegie Inst. Wash, Year Book 70,
Halifax; Dr. B. B. Bannatyne, Manitoba Mines ts3-757.
Branch, Winnipeg; Prof. G. M. Brown, Durham; --, (1975): Aggregate refractive indices and
Dr. J. J. Brummer, Occidental Mineral Corp., unit cell parameters of sSrnthetic serpentine in the
Toronto; Mr. R. M. Buchanan, CANMEI, system MgO-AlrOB-SiO2-HrO. Amer. Mineral. 60,
Ottawa; Dr. C. J. A. Coats, Falconbridge Nickel 200-208.
Mines Ltd., Winnipeg; Prof. I. G. Gass, The CmEsrB,, A. H. (1962): Petrology and geochem-
Open University; the late Prof. H. H. Hess, istry of selected talc-bearing ultramafic rocks and
Princetoq Dr. R. Hutchison, British Muse'm; adjacent country rocks in north-central Vermont.
Dr. T. N. Irvine, Geophysical Laboratory, Wash- US. Geol. Sum. Prof. Pap.345, l-207.

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