3 Primaria Syllabus

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Key vocabulary Key structures

Welcome to the banana. board game, clock, guitar, jumper, shoe Whats your name? T'm (Ben). How
| old are
Tiger Street Club! days of the week | the alphabet l'm (nine). | Where do you live? I
live in you?
Street). Where's the (shoe)? if's (Tiger
behind/next to the (chdir).|HOwin/on/under
do you
(tiger) spel

1A Computer for do sports. go on exCursions, help people, listen to music. make things. paint 1 (paint pictures)
Idont (make things) |

the Club Dictures. play games, take photos, use a computer, watch films | keyboard (do sports)? Yes, I do /No, I don't. Do vo
mouse prninter, screen
Cross-curricular: ICT computers and the internet

2 Animal World beak, claws, feathers. fur, scales, shell. tail, feelh, whiskers, wings blood, It's got (a tail). t hasnt got (claws)
mammal, reptile, skin Has it got (a shell)? Yes, it has./No, it
Cross-curricular: Natural Science. mammals and reptiles

3 Sports Star dive. do judo, do karate, ice skate, play table tennis, ride a bike, ride a horse, can (do judo). He can
rollerblade, row, skateboard | roll, stretch, tap, fouch, turn around, walk (dive). | lcan't (row) S
cant (ice skate). Can you (rollerblade)? Yes. I
Cross-curricular: PE: keeping fit and doing exercise can./No, I can't.

4 Food We Like chicken, chocolate, crisps, fruit juice, ice cream, salad, I like (crisps). He likes (sandwiches) | IIove
strawberies, water, yoghurt | fruit salad, ice lolly. smoothie, vegefable stick (strawberries). Ido t like (chocolate) like
Cross-curricular: Natural Science: eating fruit and vegetables (water). but I don'f like (fruit juice).| Do you like (ce
Yes, I do./No, I don't.
5 Things We Do brush your feeth. get up. go home,
go to bed, go to school, have breakfast, (go to school) at (nine o'clock). He (goes home)
Every Day have dinner, have lunch, have a shower,
puf on your pyjamas at (half past four). |1dont (have lunch) at
Oclock, half past (seven), in the morning, in the afternoon, in fhe (EIgn) (haif
past twelve). | Do you (go fO bed) at (half past
every day nine)? Yes, I do./No, Idon't. |
Whaf do you do
Cross-curricular: Social Science: fime zones (every
day)? | What fime is it? ir's (half past ten)
6 At the Beach collecting shells, fishing. lying in the shade, makinga sandcastle, playing I'm (playing Frisbee). He's (snorkelling). Were (ying in
Frisbee. playing volleybal, playing with a bat and
Cream, snorkelling. Swimming in the sea
ball, putting on sun the shade).
They re (Swimming). | Are you (fishing)?
seahorse, sea urchin, seaweed, starfish
| crab. jellyfish, rock poo, Yes, I am./No, I'm not. | What are you doing?

Cross-curricular: Natural Science: sea animals

7 Tiger Street Club actor, audience, costume, lights, make-up, poster,

programme, Script Revision
Review sfage, fickef | play. rehearse, review, show
Cross-curricular: Citizenship: teamwork

Life in a Town money, price, choange | supermarket, How many (toys)? How much is it? it's (10) euros. | What...? Where..? Why ..? Do you..?
bufcher's, bakery. market | cinema, There is a (bus). There are (very big shops. | There are (lofs of parks). in the centre. on
houses, beach, park, shops the edge of the town, It's next
to/between/opposite (the shops).
Learning outcomes: Social Science: write about and understand a town
Tasks3 Mathematics: read about shopping and solve a Maths problem plan
Social Science: listen and understand where people shop and why Collaborative task: invent and draw a fown plan

Then and Now foy, feddy. game, book car, bicycle, She plays (with her sister). He likes
(playing computer games). There is/isn ta (compurer)
underground train, bus | village, city. Ihere arelarent (lofs of books). | This picture is of London
farm, apartment before/after cars. People are
(walking). People are (travelling by bus). ordinal numbers in dates, telling the time.
What...? Where...? When..?
Tanls Learning outcomes Social Science: write a letter about your life
Social Science: read and understand about children's foys
Collaborative task: imagine, draw and describe d
Social Science: listern to and understand a radio programme dbout transport familiar place 100 years ago
Festivals Halloween: black cat, skeleton. ghost, Christmas: cracker, crown.
gift World Book Day: adventure story. myth, egend.
joke fairy tale

Vocabulary Structures Final Outcome

Focus on supermarket, clothes shop. There is a.. There are some / many/ lofs of /a few. Vocabulary: Defne different places to go shopp
Andalusia technologY shop. market, shoe it's got.. You can / can't. If's / it isn'ton / next to /
Reading (Internet Guide): Identity difterent
snop. spos between/ near / in front of. characteristics of places to go shopping
department store. shopping
Topic 1
Shopping in centre
Where can I buy ? You can go to.. What time do Speaking: Complete a shopping list.
(the shops) open / close? They open/ close at
Andalusia tontastic. becutful, amazng.
How much il?
Reading and writing (Transport intormation and
's. maps): ecommend a form of transport and give
Im standing on How can I get to ?I turn left directions
Dig smalil narrow
turn nght go straight on, up down Project: Plan and present a shopping excuirsiO
doys of the week
Im (not) going to visit
Dus. car Die tram

Focus on poem. cdventure story. hke/ love He/ shelikes

Vocabulary: Dehne ditterent types or boONS.
Andalusia faniasy story taytale, legend He/she has / doesn t have
DIGgIaphy. short story Reading (Biog): ldentity why ch1ldren like poeis and
s / They re abou Wnos your favounte (poet)? poems
Topic 2: hustoncal fantostic. Deautiful My favourite (poet) is Why do you ike his / her
omazng musical creative
Speaking: Ask and answer about a poer
Literature in poems? Reading and writing (Story): Matching a story
maginative. happy sad. Tnhey are wondertul IDo you have a tavourite
Andalusia wondertul magicai nurmbers ddding sequencers. A story about an animal
poermi? Yes. I do No I don t
Project: Plan and create a leaftet about a book
quickty siowly quietiy caretultly the book tair
Fust.then. after, hnally

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