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the salt of the earth 

not my cup of tea 
a butterfingers 
a piece of cake 
full of beans 
nuts / bananas 
the cream of something 
the cream of the crop 
as cool as a cucumber 
a lemon 

sour grapes 
a couch potato 
food for thought 
a red herring 
brown as a berry 
red as a beetroot 
warm as toast 
flat as a pancake 
one's bread and butter 
keen as mustard 
to cut the mustard 
to feel like jelly, to turn to jelly 
to sell like hot cakes 
small beer / small potatoes 
chalk and cheese 
gravy train 
a good egg 
money for jam 
easy as pie 
in a stew 
to be in the soup 
to be in a pickle 
to be packed like sardines 
to beef up something 
to get a roasting 
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to make a hash of something 

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a very good and honest person.

something that you don't like much.
somebody who often drops things.
something very easy.
full of energy.
a very small amount of money.
the best things or people from a group.
the best of all.
relaxed, calm.
a silly person.

something important that somebody pretends that has no value.

showing dislike for something or somebody.
somebody who spends a lot of time sitting and watching TV.
something that makes you think carefully.
a misleading statement or action that attracts people's attention.
suntanned, having the skin turned brown by the sun.
very warm and comfortable.
very flat.
the work that provides most of the money needed in order to live.
very enthusiastic.
be good enough to do something.
lose physical strength because one gets frightened or nervous.
become popular, sell a lot.
not important.
completely different.
an activity from which people can make money without much effort.
a good trustworthy person.
tough, not showing any emotions.
money earned from a task that is very easy.
hair that is becoming grey.
very easy.
confused or worried about a difficult situation.
to be in trouble.
be in a difficult situation and not know what to do.
be crowded tightly together in a small space.
improve something, add force to something.
to be told off for something wrong.
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make a mess of something, do something very badly.

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